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Reign of Christ Sunday with Quilts

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Page 1: · Web viewthe rule for this nation and for this planet. Equip your church as the means by which the rule of Christ may be known: a rule of justice, a

Reign of Christ Sunday with Quilts

November 24, 2019

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Glebe-St. James United ChurchReaching – Into Faith, Out to Others

Reign of Christ Sunday November 24, 2019Portions of the service printed in bold type are to be said by everyone. Please stand in body or spirit for the portions of the service marked *. For hymns: VU = “Voices United,” MV = “More Voices.” All shared prayers and hymns will be displayed on the screens.


Gelobt sei Gott (Paul Manz)Fanfare (C.S. Lang)


*HYMN MV 138 My Love Colours Outside the Lines


Grace, Mercy and peace from God,and the love of Jesus Christ, be with youAnd also with you.Come to this sacred place where neighbours and friends gather.We come to worship God in community.Come to this sacred place where those who are stigmatized, bullied, minimized, ignored, or simply forgotten are now called friends.We come to worship God in community.A ruler who will be a true shepherd of the people…We come to worship God in community.


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What does it mean to say that Jesus is our sovereign? How are we to live as his subjects?

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Dear God, you have given us lifefor reasons we cannot fathom.

Jesus is the hint you have given us of the lessons we are here to learn.

Let us learn them.We live in times we cannot comprehend much less condone.Jesus is the guide you have given us to help love conquer chaos.Let us follow him.We are confused and afraid.Jesus transformed vulnerability into power,power beyond the limits of earthly time.He is the guidepost you have given us as we seek a path higher than the one that we can see.We can learn from Jesus’ anger at injusticeand work to right systemic wrongs.We can feel from Jesus’ love to cherish and include.We can follow Jesus’ path by manifesting love in action, not just thought.We can use our hands and feet and voices.We can hold each other up and we can cry together.We can reflect in a real worldthe real power and love that is you.As Jesus did. Let it be so. Amen.


HYMN MV 222 May the Peace of God Be Your Peace

CHILDREN’S HYMN MV 104 Know That God is Good

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Listening for the WordGOSPEL Luke 23:33-43

When they came to the place that is called The Skull, they crucified Jesus there with the criminals, one on his right and one on his left.

[Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”]

And they cast lots to divide his clothing. And the people stood by, watching; but the leaders scoffed at him, saying,“He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Messiah of God, his chosen one!”

The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine, and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!”

There was also an inscription over him, “This is the King of the Jews.”

One of the criminals who were hanged there kept deriding him and saying, “Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”

But the other rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation?

And we indeed have been condemned justly, for we are getting what we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong.”

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He replied, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Reader: In scripture, the Spirit of God is alive and active.Response: God’s Spirit is alive and among us. Thanks be to God.

GIFT OF MUSIC Lord of life and King of glory (Michel Angelo Grancini, Ed. Richard Proulx)

REFLECTION ON SCRIPTURE The words of Jesus in verse 34 of this week’s gospel lesson haunt me.

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Page 5: · Web viewthe rule for this nation and for this planet. Equip your church as the means by which the rule of Christ may be known: a rule of justice, a

While Luke recounts these words in a particular place (Golgatha) and at a particular hour (Jesus’ crucifixion), they echo across time and space, consistently drawing me – all of us – back to the foot of that same cross and at the same feet of the crucified and risen Christ the King.

Now falling at the feet of a king is not an unusual posture for loyal subjects.Historically, that is exactly the sort of behavior people exhibit

in the presence of royalty. Maybe such bowing and scraping is motivated by fear;

perhaps it stems from a sense of respect and some element of awe. It might even be the by-product mostly of tradition and expectation.

The king, however, is found seated above his subjects, resplendent on a golden throne, bedecked in fine fabrics and dripping with fine metals and precious jewels.

The king of legend and history is a monarch of imposing presence, a majestic ruler surrounded by courtiers, servants, and soldiers.

Falling at the feet of Christ the King is a considerably different encounter. Our king’s feet are dirty and bloody, his body broken and beaten, his head bowed beneath the sting of a crown of woody thorns.

No jewels, no robes of finest linen, no signet ring or sword. Brutally executed in a manner befitting only the worst criminals and political insurrectionists, the King of Kings commands that we confront the darkest corners of the human condition.

His eyes see deeply into one’s very soul, exposing all the secrets, shame, and hurts.

Because he has plunged to the very depth of human despair and suffering, there is nothing he does not know or understand.

Christ is the King of Kings, the ruler who turns all of our human notions and illusions of power squarely on their heads.

In what by worldly definitions appears to be weakness and failure, Jesus shows that real power is rooted in love,

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bathed in grace and covered with mercy. He is the one who redeems that which seems unredeemable

and the one who loves those who appear unlovable. By his broken body, bruises, and lacerations,

we are healed and restored to wholeness. Now that’s real power!

Yes, the king imagery is quite a stretch in our modern-day Western culture. It just doesn’t resonate with our democratic, individualistic culture.

But Jesus’ words of absolution and his promise to that humbled and broken criminal beside him cut through all cultural filters and barriers.

They touch the very deep place of need within each human heart. In Christ we are forgiven for our failures to love AND we belong. This is what matters.

This is what’s real. Jesus Christ is truly a king like no other: Born into this life a homeless babe of a peasant mother, lived as an alien in a foreign land, challenged the status quo as a radical rabbi, and crucified as a common criminal.

From birth through death, and from resurrection to life eternal, Jesus is with us holding all things together.

Forgive us, Lord, for we still know not what we are doing. Thank you for your gracious promise of life.

Thank you for loving us in spite of ourselves. This is indeed good news for all people.

*HYMN VU 147 What Wondrous Love is ThisInspired by the Word



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Let us come to God with thanksgivingfor our lives and the life of creation.Let us come to Christ in dedicationfor the new life we have received.Let us come to the Spirit in anticipationof the possibility of God’s kingdom among us.Let us join together in our morning offering.

THE OFFERING Pastorale Pastoraal (Flor Peeters)

*WE OFFER OUR GIFTS TO GOD VU 541 Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow


Holy God, we offer these gifts to you in the hope that the rule of Christ may increasingly be the rule for this nation and for this planet.

Equip your church as the means by which the rule of Christ may be known: a rule of justice, a rule of compassion, a rule of acceptance, a rule of undying love.

And equip each one of us to have a hand in establishing that rule, so that “Your will bedone on earth as it is in heaven.” Amen.


PRAYER OF JESUS (Our Mother and Father…)

Sent by the Spirit* HYMN MV 120 My Soul Cries Out

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May we go out of here lighter than we came in,knowing, feeling God’s forgiveness.

We are blessed and challenged to be God’s presence,offering each other and all we meet:a listening word, a warm embrace, an outstretched hand –our caring and sharing.

And as we go…

MUSIC FOR THE JOURNEYVoluntary (Guy Michell)

Thank you for choosing Glebe-St. James United Church.Please join us for a time of fellowship and community

in Fraser Hall following this morning’s worship.

Thank YouA huge thank you to all those who participated in the Bazaar this past weekend. Whether you donated items, helped with set up and/or cleanup, or came and purchased items – you helped make the Bazaar a success. Didn’t make the bazaar, there are still some items available. Please see Dudleigh after the service.Celebrating Advent with CommunionSunday December 1st is the first Sunday of Advent and we will be celebrating with the sacrament of Communion. A minimum of four servers are required. You would arrive by 10:15 to help set the table; be an important part of our worship service by serving the bread and juice; and help to put the elements away after the service. Singles, couples and/or families are welcome. If you are interested, please contact Chris Burbridge ([email protected] / 613 232-6509).

United Church CalendarsWe have a limited number of UCC calendars available in the office.Cost is $ 6.00 per calendar.7 | P a g e

Page 9: · Web viewthe rule for this nation and for this planet. Equip your church as the means by which the rule of Christ may be known: a rule of justice, a

Advent Book StudyStarting Tuesday, November 19th for 5 weeksThe Birth of Jesus for Progressive Christians by Donald SchmidtJoin us Tuesday evenings at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Books are available through Teresa at a cost of $ 15.00 per book.

To some extent, each of us fashions our own version of the “Christmas story” and it can feel very uncomfortable and even disrespectful to disrupt or question that story. And yet these reactions can be instructive, for they beg larger questions about what’s really important: the biblical narratives; or the traditions that have gathered around them, layered them, and at times obscured them; or the meaning all of this may have for your lives today?

November 26 – Luke 1December 3 – Mark and JohnDecember 10 – Luke 2:1-39December 17 – Matthew 2

Back by popular demand: Glebe-St. James New Year’s Eve PartySave the date. Details will follow.

Grocery Gift CardsIf you have not already done so, the November cards are ready for pick up. Please have your December order into the office by Noon on Tuesday, November 26 th. The December order for the gift cards will be available for pickup on Sunday December 8

These gift cards make a great Christmas gift. Farm Boy cards can be used at any Farm Boy store in Ontario. Metro cards - Ontario and Quebec. Loblaws and Shoppers – anywhere you find a participating store.

Women’s Intergenerational GroupThe topic for the December 8th WIG gathering is “Reimagining Church in Canada: news, stories and ideas from the 2019 Reimagine Conference”. Jeni Aitken will lead the discussion. Join us in the Art Room following the morning service.

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2019 Glebe-St James Annual Report - contributions welcome!The deadline for contributions to the 2019 Glebe-St James Annual Report is Wednesday, December 18, 2019. The goal is to have the report available in time for the Congregational planning meeting at the end of January 2020. The annual report provides a record of what we have done in 2019; it is also a reference point for discussion within the congregation of major issues that we face.

Centretown Emergency Food Centre (CEFC)The following items are currently in demand: Peanut Butter, Canned Tuna, Salmon, Meat and Stews, Canned Vegetables, Canned Soups, Canned Beans, including baked beans, kidney beans, black beans, Cereals, Dry pasta and pasta sauce, Kraft dinner, Toothpaste and toothbrushes, Toilet paper.

Coming Soon….”Thrifty Meals”…..unique cookbookInspired by the 2018 Canada Food Guide, all recipes have been adapted tested and costed by Natasha Hollbach. Soon to be available at the “Welcoming Table” at coffee hour. Thank you Natasha.

Looking for some GSJames Welcoming energyNewcomers continue to come to Glebe St. James and they like what GSJ stands for and what is offered. We now need to set proper welcoming and be more deliberate. If you are interested and have some Welcoming energy please give me a call, Dudleigh Coyle 613-233-2500. I can just envision the GSJames Welcoming kit and a current Welcoming table and our growing list of newcomers.

Friendly VisitsFriendly visits: an empathetic person to listen to you – your celebrations, your sorrows, your concerns and your joys. If you would like a visit, or know someone who would, please contact the GSJ office at 613-236-0617 / [email protected] or Adele MacLeod [email protected]

"Christmas Hamper Project" Centretown United is once again filling some holiday wish lists. For more than 35 years hampers have been delivered to families and individuals, all referred by social 9 | P a g e

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agencies or emergencies food providers. You can get involved by adopting, delivering or preparing a hamper, or by financially donating to the project. For more information, please go to Together we can make some ones Christmas a little brighter.

Christmas Trees in support ofThe Ottawa Y Service Club.Once again the Ottawa Y Service Club will be selling Christmas plants (Dec 3 – 6th) and trees (starting Dec 7th) at the Taggart Family YMCA-YWCA on Argyle Ave. This year the Club will donate the profits to the Carlington Community Chaplaincy. When you make your purchase, please take along a copy of this announcement so they may track the participating churches.

Glebe-St. James United Church $ ________


November 24th December 1st

Presiding Rev. Teresa Burnett-Cole Rev. Teresa Burnett-ColeMusic James Caswell James CaswellGreeting & Ushering Jim McCulloch

Ken & Margaret TorranceJanice Vennos

Marion DunningBarbara HelmBetty & Bruce Taylor

AV Team Jim RichardsonJosh Thoppil

Jim RichardsonJosh Thoppil

Scripture Reader Orianna Yepes Natasha HollbachOffering Counters Marsha Hay Snyder

Ross SnyderKim LewisJim Louter

Making Coffee Martien de LeeuwBarb Munro

Michele McMillanJesse Stewart

Coffee Hour Thelma Beckstead Barbara Coyle10 | P a g e

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GreetersPrayer Circle Coordinator Karen Smith Adele MacLeod

Children’s Church Stephanie Langill Stephanie LangillNursery Tashi Farmilo-Marouf Tashi Farmilo-MaroufSexton Alex Totten-Thomas Saj Patni

Glebe-St. James United Church650 Lyon Street South, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 3Z7613-236-0617

e-mail: [email protected] .

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