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A Bible Study of Revelation 17 and the number 666 from Revelation 13 Is Pope Francis the LAST POPE ?

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A Bible Study of Revelation 17 and the number 666 from Revelation 13

Is Pope Francis the


1 Section 1: Review the Prophecies of Daniel and their relevancy

to the Modern-era.

2 Section 2: You will learn what God and the Bible thinks of the

Roman Catholic Church and its leader the Pope

3 Section 3: You will learn God’s advice for many Christians, who

follow traditions of men rather than Commandments of God.

Agenda For This Presentation:

Revelation 17:9-11

The key verses of this Bible Study are Revelation 17:9-11.

“ And here is the mind, which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, is of

the seven, and goes into perdition”

{ }1 The Book of Daniel

Prophecies that are Still Relevant


•To fully understand the Bible study of Revelation 17, then you should turn to the Book of Daniel and become familiar with the prophecies and events in the Book of Daniel. •Two-key Principles for Bible prophecy •1. Matthew 18:16 - Two Witnesses shall establish every law. •2. All Prophecies in the Bible proceed forward from the time period in which they were written.

Review of The Book of Daniel

Daniel Ch.2

-Nebuchadnezzar has a very significant dream that left a deep impression

After astrologers, sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, admit they are not able to know the King’s dream then he orders

their deaths. Daniel pleads the King to stop and wait for God to give him Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.

Daniel Ch.2

•Daniel dreamed of a large statue with a head of gold, arms and chest of silver, thighs of bronze,

and legs of iron, and feet of iron and clay. Daniel 2:38 identifies Babylon as the head of

gold. Subsequent kingdoms will be inferior to Babylon, and the 3rd and 4th kingdoms will have control

of much of the world. - (Dan. 2:39-40)The Kingdom of Iron legs will become a Kingdom

of Iron and clay, and this kingdom still exists today. Its end shall come during the 2nd Coming

of Christ. - (Dan. 2:42-45)

Daniel Ch. 3

Nebuchadnezzar hears this dream from God, and is now filled with pride and it affects his ego. He makes a statue of pure gold, instead of the

statue in Daniel’s dream. The king of Babylon, under the false impression

of his kingdom lasting forever, causes everyone to bow down, against their free will. Also, uses

music to inhibit rational senses (verse 5). In doing so, this causes people to break the law of God or 2nd Commandment concerning idolatry.

Daniel Ch. 3

The three Hebrew youths decided to not bow before the statue of gold.

Nebuchadnezzar receives word that the three Hebrew youths did not obey, and then the three Hebrews youth

stand before the king and gave testimony of their faith in God.

The King had the three Hebrew youths thrown in the fire of a furnace. The intense heat of the furnace was strong

enough to kill those who threw the Hebrew youths in it. (Daniel 3:21,22)

Three Hebrew youths survived without a scratch because the Lord Jesus Christ intervened in their favor as the Son of

God, (Daniel 3:23-25).

Daniel Ch. 4After the events in Daniel Ch. 3, God gives

Nebuchadnezzar another dream. This time because he sought to become like a god, and have people worship him

by forcing others to bow down to his statue of gold, now God will turn him into a beast for 7 years or ‘seven times”

- (Daniel 4:23-25)God gives Nebuchadnezzar the mind of a beast and he slowly transforms into the beast and starts eating grass and even grows eagle feathers, and his nails became

claws. - (Daniel 4:33)God returned Nebuchadnezzar to his human senses after 7 years. Afterward he repented of his sins and praised God

by declaring a proclamation that praised and honored God all throughout the Kingdom of Babylon. - (Daniel 4:34-36)

Daniel Ch. 4•Nebuchadnezzar became a beast because he wanted

others to worship him as a god by forcing people against their will to worship his image

Nebuchadnezzar was at one point the King of Babylon, and then spent some time (7 years)“not” being the King of

Babylon. Then he returned as King of Babylon with greater majesty, (Dan.4:36).

It is important to realize here that the King Nebuchadnezzar went through three phases as a king: a phase when he “was” king, a phase when he “was not” a

king, and a phase when he “returned as a king.”

Daniel Ch. 5

Occurs during the Night of the Fall of BabylonBelshazzar, is a young king, who unlike

Nebuchadnezzar was not reverent toward the things that were sacred and holy to God. Belshazzar commanded to use the sacred

vessels from the Temple of Solomon to be used for a great feast to drink wine for him and his

princes, wives, and his concubines, and to drink from the vessels and all the while praising

foreign gods or images Daniel 5:2-4

Daniel Ch. 5

Daniel is called to the feast after Belshazzar sees a mysterious hand appear and write on the wall the words

“MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN” - Daniel interprets these words as that you have been

weighed and have been found wanting, and therefore the Kingdom of Babylon was given to the Medes and Persians

In that same night Belshazzar died when Darius the Median took Babylon being about threescore and two years old. The Prophecy of Daniel 2, 7, and 8 were

fulfilled that very night.

Daniel Ch.7

Daniel saw a vision of four beasts that came out of a great sea.

These four beasts were: • Lion with Angel’s wings = Babylon• Bear with Three Ribs in His Mouth • Four headed Leopard with four wings • Terribly strong beast with Ten horns and teeth of iron• From this 4th beast came the Little Horn that uprooted

three horns• The Everlasting Kingdom of God, - the throne of fire of God

the Father and the throne of clouds of Jesus Christ (Daniel 7:9-14)

Daniel Ch.7•From the Fourth terrible beast with 10 horns came forth a

Little Horn •This Little Horn was described as having eyes and mouth

speaking great things and more stout than previous kingdoms- Daniel 7:20

•The Little Horn would make war with the saints and prevailed against them - Daniel 7:21

•This Little Horn would also subdue three kings or horns, and shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to

change times and laws and shall be given into his hands for a time, times, and a dividing times. (1 year = 1 time, 2 years=times, 1/2 year dividing = 3 1/2 years and a half).

Daniel Ch.8

•Occurs in the Third year of the Reign of Belshazzar - •Daniel sees a vision of a ram with two horns that is killed

by a goat with a prominent horn runs into the ram and kills it.

•Afterwards, the prominent horn or the goat became broken and in its place grew four horns that grew in the

cardinal directions •From these four horns, grew the Little Horn.

•Little Horn magnified himself even to the Prince of the host(Jesus), and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away,

and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. - Daniel 8:12

Daniel Ch. 8•Jesus Christ, (someone with the appearance of a man) orders the Archangel Gabriel to make Daniel understand this vision. Daniel

8:15-16•Daniel 8:20- “The Ram which thou sawest having two horns are

the kings Media and Persia.” •Daniel 8:21,22- “And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and

the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall

stand up out of the nation, but not in his power.” •Bible accurately predicts how after the death of its first King of

Alexander the Great, the Ancient Greek Kingdom would split into four regional kingdoms.

•The Regional kingdoms were led by four generals Cassander, Lysimachus, Ptolemy, and Seleucus. Daniel foretold a four-way

split of the Kingdom of Greece approximately 220 years before it occurred.

•These two quotes are very significant because they help you understand the Bible prophecies in Daniel and Revelation.

Prophecies of Daniel Ch. 2,7, 8Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8

Babylon Gold head Winged Lion


Silver Chest and Arms

Bear with three ribs

The Ram with two horns

Ancient Greece

Bronze Thighs Leopard with 4 heads/wings

The goat with the one horn

Ancient Rome

Iron legs Terrible beast with 10 horns

4 horns that replace one horn

Roman Papacy

Feet of clay and Iron

Little Horn Little Horn

1260 Years of Papal Dominion

•Now that you have learned about the major points about the Book of Daniel

now you have to understand the connections between Daniel and the Book

of Revelation. •A common prophetic time period in the

Book of Daniel and Revelation is the 1260 prophetic days described in several

different places. Remember that in the Bible two witnesses establish a principle.

1260 Years Papal Dominion in Revelation 12 and 13

•Revelation 12 explains how the Dragon, Satan, has persecuted the Woman in white who

represents the Church/ people of God through the Ages from the time of Christ.

•Rev. 12:6 and 14 refer to a period of one thousand two hundred threescore prophetic days and a “time, times, and a half of time.” which is a reference to the same time period of the Little

Horn in Daniel 7:25

1260 Years Papal Dominion in Revelation 12 and 13•As we said earlier: Prophetic time (Daniel 7:2, Daniel 12:7,

Revelation 12:14 - Time, times, and half of time)•Time = 1 year =12 months = 360 days •Times = 2 years = 24 months = 720 days •A half of time =1/2 year = 6 months = 180 days

•Prophetic time equivalent for 1260 prophetic days - (1 prophetic day = 1 Actual year - see Ezekiel 4:6)

•Therefore, 1260 prophetic days (Revelation 12:6)= 3 1/2 prophetic years = 42 prophetic months(Revelation 13:5) =

1260 actual years

• After the fourth dreadfully terrible beast of Ancient Rome, there came up the Little Horn.

• The Little Horn is a symbol of the Roman Catholic Papacy, that is in control of the Vatican, the smallest state or kingdom in Rome, and in the World. From the small state of the Vatican, the Roman Catholic Papacy has come to possess the world, and thus this is why the Bible in Daniel refers to this Kingdom as a “Little Horn.”

• This Little Horn Power will be destroyed by the 2nd Coming of Christ, who will come with great power and glory.

Why is the Book of Daniel Still Relevant today?

Revelation 13 - The First Beast•Rev. 13:1,2 - “And I stood upon the sand of the sea,

and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard,

and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” 1st beast of Revelation 13 describes the Roman

Catholic Papacy during 1260 prophetic days or 42 prophetic months, (Rev. 13:5 KJV)

Rev.13 - First Beast = Little HornThe first beast shares similar characteristics of the Little Horn

from Daniel 7 and 8. Revelation 13:5-7 “And there was given unto him a mouth

speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto Him to continue forty and two months. And he opened His mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them:

and power was given him over all kindreds, tongues, and nations.”

Like the Little Horn, the 1st beast of Revelation13 also has a mouth speaking “great things” or blasphemy for 42 prophetic months - 1260 actual years. The 1st beast also will make war with the saints and overcome them like the description of the

Little Horn.Thus, 1st beast of Revelation and the Little Horn are the Roman

Catholic Papacy.

Beginning of 1260- Year Prophecy•The 1260-year prophecy began when the Little Horn or Roman Catholic

Papacy “uprooted three horns.” •Daniel 7:8, “I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among

them another Little Horn, before whom there were three horns plucked by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and

a mouth speaking great things. •Keep in mind, the Little Horn grows from the head of the terrible 4th

beast of Daniel 7, which is a symbol of Ancient Rome. After the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D., Europe was fragmented into different

Germanic and Aryan tribes. •The European Germanic tribes were The Heruli, The Vandals, The Ostrogoths, the Suevi, the Visigoths, the Franks, the Alemanni, The

Lombards, The Burgundians, and The Anglo-Saxons.•Out of these ten Germanic Kingdoms, the three uprooted kingdoms were

the Heruli, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths. •When Pope Vigilius came to power under the protection of Justinian’s

General Berthier, then started the era of Papal Temporal or political power in 538 A.D.

End of 1260-Year Prophecy

538 A.D. +1260 years = 1798 A.D. Was there an event that removed the political

and temporal power from the papacy during this year?

The answer is yes! Napoleon’s General Berthier arrested and put the pope away into captivity in

February 1798 A.D. Now that we know the beginning and ending of Papal power and other pieces to the puzzle, we

can now enter into Rev. 17 and begin to understand its symbols

Periodical from 1798 proves that the Pope was removed from power by General Berthier.

{ }2The Great Whore & The BeastWho is God referring to when this is Stated

in Revelation 17?

Revelation 17 - The Great Whore

Let’s start with verses 3 and 4, “So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads

and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls,

having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.”

Unlike Revelation 12, where the Woman is clean and a virgin, the woman of Revelation 17 is represented as a whore that is filthy filled with fornication. So therefore, the woman of Revelation 17 claims to be God’s church and yet she commits fornication with

other pagan religious traditions from Babylon, Egypt, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome as told in Rev. 13:2.

How can we be sure John is really referring to the Roman Catholic Church represented as being the Great Whore of Revelation 17,

dressed in purple and scarlet?

Revelation 17 - Purple and Scarlet In verse 4, the woman is dressed in purple and scarlet. These

colors are traditionally identified with the Roman Catholic Offices of Cardinals, and Bishops and Archbishops.

In verse 3, the woman sits upon the heads of a scarlet colored beasts that has 7 heads and 10 horns which represent the many cardinals that have become pope and have become

head of the Roman Catholic Church. In verse 4, the woman is carrying a golden cup in her hand full abominations and filthiness of her fornication, referring to the golden chalice that is held up in the daily mass by a Roman

Catholic Priest. The reason why it is an abomination is because in Roman Catholic theology the Communion wafer, becomes

the literal body of Christ, which is then broken and ingested by those who partake of the communion ceremony. Keep in

mind, when Jesus died none of his bones were broken. (See John 19:26).

The Great Whore Dressed in Purple and Scarlet

The Great Whore Dressed in Purple and Scarlet

The Great Whore With A Golden Cup In Her Hand

Christ is The Only High-Priest •As a side note, Christ’s one death on the cross, would forever cover the sins of humanity. Jesus Christ is now in the Most Holy Place in Temple of

God in heaven. It is here where he intercedes before humanity, before the Good Father God.

•“But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercessions for

them. For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens.

Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people’s: for this he did once, when he

offered up himself.”- Hebrews 7:24-27•Here Paul brings up several good that are underlined. The first is that his

priesthood in unchangeable, meaning that He and He alone can save because He alone died without sin and resurrected. No priesthood on

earth can replace the reality of the priestly ministry of Jesus in heaven. •Paul also mentions that Jesus Christ is Holy, and without sin or blemish and thus, unlike human priests, does not need to offer daily sacrifices

because his death and resurrection counted as one for all of humanity and their sins.

Revelation 17:9 - Seven Heads

Now that you are aware of all the important symbols and their meaning let’s

go to heart of the matter in Revelation 17:9-11

Revelation 17:9 states, “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven

heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.”

Revelation 17:9 - In The Wilderness Therefore, the Seven heads this woman sits upon are the

different popes that have led the Roman Catholic Church, and its many affiliated churches.

If you noticed that the difference between the 1st beast of Revelation 13 and the scarlet beast of Revelation 17, is that the 1st beast of Revelation 13 is seated upon the waters, and the

scarlet beast of Revelation 17 is in the “wilderness.” (Revelation 17:3)

Revelation 17:15 defines the symbols of waters, when it says, “The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are

peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” Thus, the wilderness is a symbol of the desert as shown in Deuteronomy 1:1, where the nation of Israel spent forty years in the desert.

Thus, the wilderness is symbolic of a period of restraint for the Roman Catholic Church. After 1260 years over many waters, she will lose her political and temporal influence. Therefore, this is

describing the Roman Catholic Church being led by its Popes from 1798 and onward.

Revelation 17:10 - Seven Kings Verse 10 states “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet

come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.”

Here John is describing the heads or the Popes that will lead the Church after 1798. In order to

understand you must be aware that a mountain, represents a group of people. Such as Mount

Zion is a symbolic of all the people that will be saved. Thus, when verse 9, 10 says that the

seven mountains are seven heads and the seven kings, this means the Bible is counting the total group of Popes that share the seven different

papal family names.

Revelation 17:10 - Seven Papal groupsTherefore, if you look at the Popes that existed after Pope Pius VI lost power in 1798, you will notice that all the popes from then on fall under seven papal


Gregory Benedict


John Paul

Revelation 17:10A fallen head is a group of Popes that share the same name.

When the last member of this group dies with the papal same papal he received, then this group is considered fallen.

A fallen head means that no man will ever hold that name again before the 2nd Coming of Christ and the end of the world as we know it. Below are listed the first six heads:

The first five fallen heads are the followingGregory-1846 A.D.

Leo- 1903 A.D. Benedict -1922 A.D

Pius- 1958 A.D.John- 1963 A.D.

“The One is” refers to Paul VI who was the last man to die with this Papal name fell in 1978 A.D.

• “The Other that did not yet come and will continue in a short space” - (Rev. 17:10) was John Paul.

• The papal family name only lasted 27 years from 1978-2005.• When compared to other heads like Leo that began in 440 A.D. ended approximately 1400 years later, the Papal family really did last a very short span of time. • The prophecy was literally fulfilled when the man John Paul I lasted less than

30 days as Pope. • The prophecy was also fulfilled symbolically when the Papal family of John

Paul ended only after 27 years of existence.

The Seventh King of Revelation 17: 9-11

Revelation 17:11 - Who is The Eighth? •Verse 11 states, “ The beast, that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, is

of the seven and goeth into perdition.” Pope Benedict XVI went through the “was” phase from 2005-2013

And currently he is in the “is not” phase from 2013-PresentAnd the in the near future, the man who was Pope Benedict XVI will return

to the papal throne with new power and authority to kill Christians.He will go to “perdition” or die the same day in which Jesus Christ returns

with all of his glory. We know to be true and honest, because of 2 Thessalonians 2:3, “Let no man deceive you by any means. For that day shall not come unless there be a falling away first, and that man of sin be

revealed, the son of perdition:”The man of sin revealed will be Pope Benedict XVI, or Pope Emeritus, with

a new papal name. The “falling away,” is occurring now during the reign of Pope Francis, who

is just covering for Pope Emeritus during his “is not” phase.

2 Thessalonians 2:4-9“Who opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God, or that is worshipped,so that he as god sitteth on the temple of God, showing

that he is God. Remember ye not, when I yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye

know, what withholdeth that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth

already work; only who letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord,shall consume with

the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all

power and signs and lying wonders.”

2 Thessalonians 2:4-9

• When Paul states that “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work; only who letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way,” he here is referring to what is happening today with Francis, who will one day be removed or deposed from office.

• When Paul states that “And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord,shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming,” he here is referring the Last Pope, who will be the man known as Cardinal Ratzinger, with a new Papal name.

Is Pope Francis the Last Pope? The answer is that he is last elected Pope.

He will be removed or deposed from office and Pope Benedict XVI will return to his previous position with a new name and

authority to publicly persecute Christian believers who do not submit to the Papal doctrines, especially the Mark of the

Beast, which is an enforced National Sunday Law. Thus, we can say for sure that Jesus is coming very soon. We have to prepare ourselves to the best we can by reading and

studying the Bible. We are not justified or saved by our actions, but the salvation

of God is a free gift that we all have available to us. If you seek God in prayer and confess your sins and believe that Jesus is the Son of God, then you will be led on the road

to eternal life.

Is Pope Francis the Last Pope? How can we be sure that Pope Francis is the Last Pope and Pope Emeritus will return to the Papal Throne under a new name and

authority to kill and persecute Christians?Revelation 17:9-11 matches up with Revelation 13:18, “Here is

wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred

threescore and six.” The Key phrase “here is wisdom” is only mentioned in Revelation in

Revelation 17:9-11 and Revelation 13:18.If you count or add the numbers of the popes within the Seven Papal

groups after 1798, then you should reach the sum that is 666.A side note, in Ancient Babylon, the Babylonian priests were aware of important mathematical arithmetic sums. Such as the sum of 8, was 1+2+3+4…+8 = 36 and if you repeat the process with the sum of 36, then you will see that 1+2+3+4+…+36=666. Thus, by adding

the numbers 1-8 you will eventually reach the number 666. The actual count can be views in the next slide.

Hence, this matches up with what the Bible calls this woman, “Mystery Babylon.” (Revelation 17:5, 14:9, 18:2-4).

Describe the data point


Revelation 17 and 666 • If you look at the previous slide, there are some things that need to be explained.

• Each number stands for the individual of the seven Papal family groups that lived and died with the same name.

• The latest Benedict was 16, and why is the fourth column only adds 14? The reason why is because there was never an official Benedict X(10). Therefore, the Bible counts the men who took on a Papal name and died with the same name. Benedict XVI does not count because of his resignation and changing his name to Pope Emeritus.

• The same occurs with the John column. There was never a John XVI or John XX.

• Pope Francis covers for Benedict XVI (Pope Emeritus) until he is ready to return to call a persecution against Bible-Believing Christians, who follow God’s Ten Commandments rather than man’s commandment of a Mark of the beast.

What is the Mark of the beast?

• The Mark of the beast is a nationally enforced Sunday law, where every man, woman, and child, will be forced against their will to go to church on Sunday, or else they will face civil consequences, which ultimately will be death via public execution.

• The Mark of the beast forces people to break the Law of God, concerning the 4th Commandment and the 7th-Day Sabbath Day.

• Remember the story of Daniel 3? Satan will carry out similar techniques in which Nebuchadnezzar used to force people to worship him as a god and break God’s law in the process.

• Thus, if you wish to live forever and go to heaven then it is best to not follow the Mark of the beast but follow the God’s Commandments found in Exodus 20.

{ }3Come Out Of Babylon

Follow God today to Eternal life

Salvation in Christ Leads To Eternal Life

• In the following slides you will see, important quotes from the Bible that deal with the Salvation in Christ that leads to Eternal life.

For God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

“ “

As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you, continue in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in His love.” -John 15:10

“ “

Therefore, as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: That as sin hath reigned unto death , even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ Our Lord. - Romans 5:18-21

“ “

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father, which is in heaven. - Matthew 10:32

“ “

And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. And hereby we do know that we know him,if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know Him,and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.1 John 2:2-4

“ “

• The previous five quotes help an individual realize the true path to salvation that eternal life begins and ends with Jesus Christ.

• There is only one middle man between humanity and God, and His name is Jesus Christ. He is alive, today and hearing our prayers of all those who pray to him in His name and seek forgiveness for their sins.

• The first step, which is most important, is to believe in Christ’s life and works on earth.

Salvation in Christ Leads to Eternal Life

• Then seeking God in prayer daily, by confessing your sins to Him and telling Him of your problems, most importantly your spiritual problems. You will have a better idea, what are your spiritual problems by studying the words of God in the Bible. They will help you better understand God and His principles.

• Stay active in doing things for God. Such as telling others about Christ, in which ever way you have available. (James 2:20,26)

• Lastly, strive to remember all of God’s Ten Commandments, which He gave to Moses in Mount Sinai (Exodus 20) and Jesus Christ and His Apostles Kept On Earth. Their important because they guide to the way in which we

should live our lives with God, and with others.

Salvation in Christ Leads to Eternal Life

THANK YOUPlease visit for a Free sample from my latest ebook, Good Father, Bad Father: How Following the Right Spiritual Father Can Lead You To Eternal Life.

I am a Christian writer, author, and researcher.

Contact: Eliseo Santos


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