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.. p.l26; 12897 · .... _, ''·'. Herl1tort Beacar. , !:r.a niD!onai<-rial . . ., S. Hfl!ative Tb,_;;!, :rho nareated Logic or Protea.t p.:i2J,",.Reaaon is the . . t.t.bllahes, &s thsoroticlll & "".'"+ .. '"'''1 things ,-that "the really are, Th& a ttmmt pracUoe 1B not o"! .discipline ·tb ... r..,.la.N . . . · totalitarian universe t tl>bb, l.i.teat of tha idea or Reason." . . . :- ' . \- -. ;-, ·. . · :"l'hls conflict dates hack to the origins · ·,•:.· t.he contrast bot · ·. :·. · ' 1ogio of the Aristot .. lia.n ·arganon. 11 origins. tea in dialectic; __ of _!m_.sntagonistic .reality. "- ·· · ), I .'• Relates Greek to cartesian idea intuition. 11 It (intuition)is not a >ivlst ... i,ous:i'\'1111 faculty of the mind, not a strange immediate experience, nor is it d:I:!9I_ced t'rom the conceptual anaJ¥sis, Intul.Uon ie rather the§p,.ollminaey)tet'rril>ll of such an anl,ysis-tho result or methodic mediation, AS SUCH, IT ll3 THE MEDIATION OF CONCRETE EXPERIENCE." i "It so phU,wao born with these values, Scientific ·thotllht ·had to bree!; ,._, this or wlue judgment &e.nalysis \lt increasing:!¥ olHl•. that. the · dtd not guide the ore,of soclety bUt' the transfornation c.f '!'"ney;c """" inet:f«.tive, =eal, Already the cothncopt,tpn ll!oeek_ ·.1 elament-the essence of ""n is Clittersn.. "" a 1\W.If"' : .. i *B!Lrbarian." ' ,

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Herl1tort ·l!arcus~'l964 Beacar. P:-st~s) ,

!:r.a niD!onai<-rial Tko]lgtit,J>-~i2J=2Zo . . .,

S. Hfl!ative Tb,_;;!, :rho nareated Logic or Protea.t

p.:i2J,",.Reaaon is the ~!!;>~w.r. . . t.t.bllahes, &s thsoroticlll & "".'"+ .. '"'''1 things ,-that "the

really are, Th& a ttmmt pracUoe 1B not o"!

.discipline ·tb ... r..,.la.N . .

. · totalitarian universe t tl>bb, l.i.teat .tran~~~~:lltt<tion of tha idea or Reason." . . .

:- ' . \- -. ;-, ·. . · :"l'hls conflict dates hack to the origins

· ·,•:.· a~iidng··expre,ss1on,in t.he contrast bot · ·. :·. · ' 1ogio of the Aristot .. lia.n ·arganon. 11

origins. tea in dialectic; __ of _!m_.sntagonistic .reality. "- · · ·


I .'•

Relates Greek to cartesian idea o£ intuition. 11It (intuition)is not a >ivlst ... i,ous:i'\'1111 faculty of the mind, not a strange immediate experience, nor is it d:I:!9I_ced t'rom the conceptual anaJ¥sis, Intul.Uon ie rather the§p,.ollminaey)tet'rril>ll of such an anl,ysis-tho result or methodic intellectt~al mediation, AS SUCH, IT ll3 THE MEDIATION OF CONCRETE EXPERIENCE." i

"It so happ~o~~s phU,wao born with these values, Scientific ·thotllht ·had to bree!; ,._, this un~n or wlue judgment &e.nalysis ~ \lt b.~ increasing:!¥ olHl•. that. the · ;:'·:~ phll.~ dtd not guide the ore,of soclety bUt' the transfornation c.f nat~~i '!'"ney;c """" inet:f«.tive, =eal, Already the Or~e~ cothncopt,tpn ~ttfi': J~: ~~~0 ll!oeek_ ·.1 elament-the essence of ""n is Clittersn .. "" a 1\W.If"' • : .. • i *B!Lrbarian." ' , ~ ~3

' aon,.rerge. n

p.l'32: "Judged in the light ·or their essence &idea,men A things liD Oltiot AS - · -_· -othar than th..Y arer consequantly thought contradicts that whioh. (::ivcm); ___ _ opposes its truth to that or the given realit;y, The truth envisaged by' thought,: is tho Idea, As such it is, in termll ot the given reality,'mero'!de&,'mer~'- .. essenne--potentislity, 11

"T!!!S CO!!'!'RAcr6"fill. 2-D:li-!EtS IONAL STYLE OF THOOOHT lS THE l:NNER FORM NCYr om':r DIAL, LOGIC Btrl' 'oFllLL PHIL.WH!CB COOS TO ORIP HITH REA!.ITY,"(the prediiiaiiiva· 'is'mplies an'oughtl) _

~Phil,shareu this abstractness w oth all genuine thought for nobody reall;-. ~ thinks who does not IB;lTRACT trom th~t which is given, who does ·not · ...

N RELlTE the tacts tl,) ~ factors which have made thnn, lfm0 :Jo,.s :ttot~ ·~· A-y in his mini-UNDO the facts, AB>~ACTNI!SS lS THE VERY LIYF; OF Tl!lUGKr, TH1>

TOKEN OF ITS AUTHENTICITY, '\. ~ "But thoro are false &true abstractioM, Abstraction is a event

in a HlS, CONTINUU!!, It proceeds on the his grounds &it remtins relat • the very basis trom which it nioves away:the establiol~ societal universe, 11

12898 "At the clasoical origins or phU,ll\li;ught,the tMnsoend1ng concspts

remained cpmmitted to the pre'lllUing sepo.ratian bet,):ntelleotual&manual lab,r­to the est 'd,society of enslavement, 11 Pl.sto_.W:V",.gj11e,

pl4Z on TRAISFO~IATION of ontological :!nto his.dialectio.


-~ '-

~ ..

' .:

... ,,

1. I.


The Tr.1""'Ph ot Positive 'l'hinldng1 One-ll:!Jo81!8:l.Or.a1 PliU •. . . . . an on l:lngQistU,• .

. , -,;-

(-: .


', ~·

· .. 'I·

·- I<'

the powfllrs that -~-e.~ ----Sturlie.s in the Idf:OO lo!r!r of .~dvan~~n Inr'i' . .l.!9tl·ie.l 3ocd~ty l:Jy H~rbe:rt :iRrcuSt.\ (n.!!acon~ •6.1)

Ir.trod.: The Parr~lysiG of Critici£:ml Socie.ty Wit"hout 6PI••

ix."Uotoa not the th.TP-at of an atomic ce.te . .>troph~ ·.·t'ni~h oonld. wipe out tLe human ra·~n also Bl'!lrVo tc/ prnt~Jc·:; the Vt!!'Y forcN: wbj(!h perpet11ate thi::. r.!an~er?"


P"t:hk soci(:ty di_s'tfinL,'Uio~ez Hsel:i by coqo.uerin.:; the certt.l"ifuf:.,a.l/forc-ea Yllth "chnolt:'lg~: rat!le:r t1lfi.n ~error, on the O.w:l basis of em ovcrwhelr!lint; efficienoy &an inc:':'ease in th~ Dtn:11l.•r:l of living-."

xit 11It (eriti~al theory) in <Jpponed to all metaphysics by virtue of the -_·.· --~ ri~rouely hietorioal oh:u-aote1· of the transcendence."(l)

·. { l(ftn~l:.s .-terms •transcend 1 &' tranacende_nce' a.!'e llS"Jc1. thrt1out in :._+.he oritioEl Ol!r.~e: they desit,rnate ttt!mlenoies in thAory &rtractice . ..

· given aociety. 1 over_shoot' the' est 1 r1. un:i.vC!rs~ of diAcourae t.ea.cticn · . · ~ · . it:J hia, ttlt-i:rnatives· (t'r-ll.l nof.!sibilitioo) ,u . · · ·.- ,·· ->·.;­. (fr ,-pp-;tt:t&ti"1'-t1i~-iili~S.:U."itfe-that·~11t-he- cap; -cl.ev ,-4h4-n...alterad...the..~otJ:'\!~tk-C · ·: V. ·&f'unctio:t 11 o~· tbd. 2 basic _claoses: prol,t .. .cup."An over!'iding intcTe~·f,in"'"."t"htt·: · .rpr~~erye.tion }d.mprovement of th~ in-stitutional st:1tuo quo unit\'la the--frn"'ner .,_'· · : 'anta,. .cis~ be liiost odwi.nocd a:reas l)f conten,_porary .:mcie"ty" •• , 11 In t~e ab_aenc.~:.~. f'lf i!inonctrablei agent a .::: ugencie,s of ~ial chal~[,·e~ the ori tiq_ue is thuf.l thr,o~ ... ,.. baO a 1 level o~ab3tro.ction. J!.het'e is llo ·eround on which the"?rJ -~· . thOtl[!ht -!'-: action meet. 11 · · · ,. . -frr.p.xvi ·nM uses worrl.chofo~ of alt~rnativtul ,in a Sntri:":.n rn?.nner & ·rur:tb~r: -~cl;:nowlerlgeos (lobt to ~atr'e"'Tn ftn: 11The t~ral. 1 :nrojnct' ~~h-; sizes 'tht< olcmml·t freedo::t &responsibility in his .d"!t.,rr!dna ti('·rl: it linkM autonomy &Oon;~;~~~~i~:~ ':-his sene~ the tl?!rm is us~d in tho·~ wor~: of .1F2 •. 11 ))xvii: 11r}hAre r.~-re lo,;;i,ca:U analys~a of. feota-sUch ~s Bc.rle ?.!tPu.n. Tht~ :.fod.Cor .&Fvt.Pro • TNEC AFI.*CIO publicati:me Lm t'tutomati-·n -~.:Major Corr •. in Detroit . 11

/o~;E'f'j)I';O:::~!':;rrr· I ']QCI~Y - . r ""' Por:r.s of ~ont:ro:;pp.l-18 ;~ The ~l?sir.C of th~ ?ol.Universe,pp.l$'7 55

Tho orquent of th~ Unha.ppy (:or.ncinu~n~sc:TI6prcs iv.., De~nbl5r..E.tir.n~pp.56-$3 (~.lrhl'l Clo9ir.,; o.:o tC.~ TJrli·r~ro!'! of '!'liacours~.I1P•8•t-l::O

' J- ;0./. ....,._ ~~\.r. .J'~tl"~~ ~o:7'o::t~lh1? ~·~? .t.!-- ~-·:~oro.nb!n. d~:nocrntic(t;~fre~do.:: pr"v<,ilc in Hdvancod

jJ$'j{t-~~ ·-~'" rif:I•.J'~-.t fh·IJ..t.L: tti.ivu ''· toi-.r·n o!' tJ:"r:imic·:~-:rn·ot,"::"ess.''

\ 'J[.- I'•3: 11 'P~~ virtll" o!' th:> '.'If~!· it.\·~·,~ 0!'_:· 1 ~.i';.~ ._,-!'C~:.1-;· :-o · r::r.nt.1::!i:..;:!.' .. ~·~· .i.;~l.:;.:.::id·,:. · '.: ~--~ndo t-J 't·.:- t. ·~ t · : : ~ .. . ::: 1· ::, !·'or 1 total it a1•ifl.:-:t 1 in not onl,:.· t• t e::-•.r(;.riP.t ic

.~- po:.c.:w:-:1 ~-l.:J_:" ::<Jcio:o:.~·J but also a. non-terroristic eco-tech.coordination &;;U-••• I!'.lt tb·C;2olitic~1)t:-e.-:1<§)b.- reverat3d ~!'wentially the rJowez- o£th" mrtc!:i~ i~ ·:m!y th~ ~tcrw~ .. up !:tro,j~cter! l~o;'.'·~1· ::w.n. ?o tht· ext~nt to which ·t::v; ·.·.-ork world i:-1 -::onc:·iv.~•l :1~: ·_ :;:_;':-:in·:- ~:.~rch:..:--:.1.···" r!Cccrll.incl~·,it beco~r.~8 th~ tJO't~ntiHl '; Of a :l•'!'.'." :..,'!'C·:>rlO--; !:.,1 .. :-" ' 11



-...._,_ I

··.\-\ p .. !2:'11f4~ t:>e:1d met~· b'.! re~.nt,..rl to r.. d('lv.· in oot~ntifi~ :!l"''tborJ: operationalian t ) in the physical. !:le~vioris.u 1n the soQial acicnccr;. Tlle CO!:J;non £eatlli'o

//~ is P. total ompir:i.OiB.Jl in tho t.i'oatmellt Of coneptsatb.el"':' Meaaing iiJ rc~tr.lctcd to

t-r ·~ w r''~~~·. r'j''1·~o)... -· rJ.I. I r

,) tbe rt!pr~ae~ltat:~.on o!: partlcu.l:sr or-!'r_atirms e:,_:r. 11 ,

1 • ( ,r ( 1 • •· I . ~ . ) \ ·\l ' p.l4a

1113ut such Modes of protes·t Zan~ exicVenti lisp&b-:at wa:.,•s ")f lif,_,, etc.

\ ... &trll.nDcP.ndence n:-e no longo:r:- contradictory to il.ic ntatus '1UO &no longf!l' ;''-. ne'sative. They ere :-;o_athe'.' oer~oni~l po.rt of pl•:~.ctical-behavioriom, its ba~leas_ . _

· ·: :-n_eca_tion &arc quick~y die-ooted by the atRtus quo ~s part of its bt.:Rlthy d!et • .- •• a· tot~lita.rian logic of acnompli3b.ed facts has its Eastern -oounterpart. Tbe:Ce _ ,,'.· >

, -.. odPiJl::.ia the .. wo:y cf, lifo inz~.;ituteod by a com11uniot r_ectm~, .XS.ll ether tro.~G-.c ,.e~.j ~n:;;_:.· · s of freedom are either cc.pitaliotic, or i, or lcf~ist sectarianism.":~~


technique~ of indu•tl·~aliz<.tic-n aro ®t.;lhniquesJ as st;~h, ~~ey ~] ::'··· th~J posaibiliti.~o of Reaaon &F'rocdo~ · · · ~ :l,.:

-~ ,.v ' ~ ~.,,cir'iG! ·'· ~~~~- · v·r v l . r ? , p,19r 11 Tb.e~ societ-y of 't-ot&l mobiliz-ation, whiol:. <

.. takes al" i·n the most udvanc . ~.·erie of'- irirhJstr~~-l .. c_!vi_lization ,--·c:::~m. b~ecs i~ the'• p~o.du~tive union t!w fcatur~s o:" th~ Welfare State !.:the Warfare St~~-!~_11 j -- ·

'~'For collue.ion of labor ,~ct.~deolocy -Ill! quot-.s~~~~--:o~~~=I~::, J. oomrcrsatidn, -~Pu~'_d. b:t Center for t 1-n St~Jdy of Dc:n.Inot!.·tutior.o, 1?63)

p.20~.B for tlu! ~trOile" c;a in P1.•.!.:I·taly, they ber.t• \vitne~s to ti·:c t;et;,e~~l tre:1d <:f ""\ oircllt!Wtances by a.d.ffrinc- tc a minimu"1 ,proc::;rn.m which sh~lvez tl!~ rov.3eizu:r~ of

pa·N.,r !.:cfomplies with Ute ruleS of the p~.rlie:.'ler.tar~· L.'<•mt". 11 (p,21) 11Th~se nat.CPs· play the hio. role of le.:.,..S.l opposition parties ' t_o bo non-radical.They t~e-ti!"y to th~~ depth ~scope o.~ cnp.inteQ•ation,!'.:t•J the COl"'ditions -:tb1ch m::.l;e- the qual.d.iffe:··:ncc b£ cun£lictina· inter.-~sj;o eppenr uo quant_its.tive ~1ifl'~::_·.:nces within the cst 1 rl.society. 11 . --~ 1~,<·, ·. i::- .•. ,---~..,

'C 'CI.. · ,\t'; . .r.' , ,4;,-1 I ·v~•/'1'/ 0 '11\\•\1.1·,\~ .. • ·1-'1·,· / , . .r. \, . ..s:.t'l .--··:·


IS THr ST,~BILn::~TF~!! 1 ?~!Ft'JR/,!~Y' IH T!l~ s:~~S~; T!U~T IT :::n:s HO'l' AI'7ECT T!-IE. rooto of the conflicts which Mx fo.Wld in the c~_g.mode of prcd..(contradiotion

bet.p"Vt:""W'n~rship of the ra. j) •. ~socinl rJrod.ucti vi t;r) ,~ i3 it a t:r."'.nsform~ti(•ll of the iflta.:_.'"tlOi:Jtic otructure it :el'E,'l1l!i~~h !'f'?~;ol•fcJ~t~ contrudictlcm·. hy ms.ktp~ "th~!!! tclm.·a.hlc. 1Ut?i I::;: ~!-lh 2nd Al}i1EiUlJ.TIV'.C: IS TrUE,~dces .i:t o:')bange t~ rel. bet:~ ~ oap.l'.:ooo,whir.h made the utter .r th". bia. neef.j;ion of·th~ .fon.:-~,-,r7 11 ,.~·' -. t1 (f'.-7"rL

./ tnT!iEJ co:~i?"~n~::.!:ozt_ \!·~--~0!'!!:,1 _::;:r·r:r::r-;:)j -~ ;v--- .. : -t·" r ·• I - .· i'fp. :?S is t h1

.:o on~- ·':'tb.r:or"' .. oJ~ 'r-~ ~·rn;._ is rc-fer!''.'Ci to '"Mr 1h!"Itlfstrn t!-nl,t 11 stup~~r:.·in!:, ::.!lh~•:u<-.:'1 olr1Va.!'y --even ;,or~· 1!-Y.h·msth.:; hN.:<!~m.-.• of incr~-;asw:l rn·eod-up C.:Jntrol

of the :;mchine oper<! (ret!-:~:!" tl~l'll of th.r.:o ;,-Toduct) ,11nrl isolr~tior. of ti:.e ·::krs.fro::1 euch othcr11 ;•.•:1ich i:: i·:'!·-~~dh~tely follo•.v('(l , by lX..t;in~.tion this tim':! "t Cl'nrlea ?.,'.'Julkt~r "?o·::arr1. th"":! !.utrxr.u tic ?uctor~·ll reu1i.!.'tlb..; ··rv:r. r.lUfJCUllil~ ratiu"Ue ~:5",, .. _-:(.? • ~echnolo..;.:r l:n.n s•Jbatitutert t<~noio~l .~.:/or r:Hmt~-.1 eJ.'f'ort.••To h~ fo1lo~ver1 {r..27)

•'' ~./··'". by clltim 11:-!or"!''JVer,in th·! ;no5t ~lto•:!ec~-~·ul ar:~.:<s •:C r:u"ton:·ti~·n~so.,r~ :JoJ·t of' tech-'

·--~·-'--- _._.. n:.'Jl·Jt:icnJ co~:rnunit•, c•~e:v.~ to illtrecr;;;.te t:•~ hu.r!!:tt~ t•_tc.'r:J0 ~!t owrl~11 , rnrt.\!e:::- quoting :::ia.r~et ~Be .naolil'he process l1 the theohuoloc;ioul univeratl breaks the :lnnermoat

~;,11;. privn •· f freed··" &joins aoxuality!:_lnbor tnto on. •mconscio"" rhytbml.o ij11 :t'&1Jtor~ t.i~:·,,,,"

"' '·uiillliiilifssil;Bi.':iow ·· . . . . . -3-

;,t .~ ••. ;~( -ft' ,ID.t_i\trtb.t~:r. quote·o Danit'l :P ... ~ll·,a,tthor of . .'tutor•!r .. tiun ~ajo.t' Tt"!olmolo.~ioal •'{}i..\C·~--- · · COO. nq~ who o._laimo __ •,•with nutorrm.tlon, you tJ~:u~•t mer..cttrG outxrut- of. a dinu;l.e ·'r::;,-·__,.. manJ you novt_Jmvco; to _mc(~q.ure sirnply e~Uif19e!~t utiliz'ltio!111 1 .& iffiO DBF.'IIJ!IJILY / ·flf , REm!ITES HIS. OF IN;JUSTRIJ,L SYSTEM JJI E:<AGT OPPOSITE FO~.ll TO ICY when·

.. /~1Jl/"' ·- ~s' write. a 11inC.uab:.t"t'.iliz!!.tion di,t_ ·not F..riae wi~h·the int"'•od·.tc~-'lOn cf fa.d.oz·i<>k.

· V _J.t 'eroso rJut of the mca9urt:~m~nt of •,v.,l'k. 1 ••• 11 IT WILL c~;;rr_;\l}TLY ES -~~~ms > '1 ~ IVJTS. r;tl l!Et\R !!!-~ C"! A~ !"'_':1 I? I3 r:'RUT!-! WAJJTP. 1 :1 T.'-.1? Oi-1 11 B~r.:~r-.HE$j" OF W!:FS

.,_ ~-} "to sbar" in th, solut1cn of prod.:probleo.mo11 , a •desire to· ,join e.otively in ,app:;_,"!ilg ··.,-y'f1 their o\rn "ur~ine t0 i:Achnical ~~ !Jl'!:'·~ .• pnbl•Jms wh~'.cb cl1.'a!"l~ f!tted in witlt tl!e

p teohnolo[;.'";)'•" J!'i~""' \"""'· · (<;n, ....... ~!· .1i,.., .... :!,t',t'/,'


BY i11troduces l-:bl 1s Grttndt-icse~p.592f(~'!"~ nlao ?·5:J6)by m~i11;;. 11Alrp.,st a centlU'J l:e­!"ore A-..ttonl!ttion b!.!.cume e. r~111it:1. ~Jx -~n\•i:::at;!'!rl i4~~ cxplot:~ive p1·oa ... .,~cta 11 but 'I 1m sure it is the tyr- of tt Jlk~ .Tr.nn ~obir:3or. hnd from "ol_.III whero- .C~I!13C comrooitinn

qces-a of hio cl~v. In an;r cas~ h!!rc ic ~-h:- 1 s OrUndrisso~

nAB lar~-aca!e inductcy atlva;:;c~5;-t.h0··cr:ea:tie,n of :r·e,,l wee.lth eeo!:enda leRo r_,~ .the labor· tim~· & tL.e quantit.y of lab=.~r expended tlli:.n on tho power of the instr_wa~nt'i_li­ties (l:.centit·r.) set in motion rlaril'lf: th.;, l3Lor ti•r1e. 'I'heoe ln:1t!'tlr.1~1ltal~t.i+Js, & the~'t' power !bffeoti i.Tenens, tn no proportion io the iL"mcdiatC! labor tii!le :JJ!l~Ch :: their. prod,requi:03Sj thf'lir effecti vcrtess rathrr d'Jpcni!e ou the a.ttain~d le;,,el 'o.i•

. ::science & technological prog-rce~; in .ot;\~r worda 1 on the :1.ppi'icR(i.On Of this · science to -proc\uction.- ••

·: . ·' 11HumW1 :labor then no lon£re!.' nrpaars ~0 (".6.oloced i~ the:'; .. !

proces>?. of production-umn rath~r relntoe himself tv the prt~cess of ._produot.ion ·: as. BupOl_.visor ~ ree.ula~or (Wa'chier u:·.cl neculu tor) •••• ne standQ ot~tB.ido of 'tht -:_ :·.,. · .. > Prooes'a of 'Prod. instcF.ld of be.ine the principal agent: :ln ·!il:-:.'1 iFooe'Bs .o-£ 'prOduCtion. In thia trans!'onria.tian~ the ~'eat pl!ler of produ,tion m.d. -~,;e~lth· lo:ncer " the immediate la'0or !)el•for:ui"!CI by r.arm. himself, ':'lot' ~io labc.'r. ti,'!Je, .h~lt,

·;·.of his own univer~al prodt.!C'~i v:i t~· 1 IT.,dl~ti "~~1·nft) ~ 1. e. 1.hj.11 kHo·,vl!: de~' .s:· of r.iat\u•e throlli:..-n Ge>oie'tt~.! e:do~ence--in en· ..... ·,';':.)J'fl: the d~w~lo~-;~:it Of so'cie·tal inrliv:l~.nal (den cr.~··el3ch~.!.'tlich~n In:livirh.J..TX..'1!:1). Jh~ th:>:!'"'t: o-r :g,r.otl:ei~ r.w.n•e.lll,bo1:· t"l.jc,,. on ·,..-l:ic~ tLt. (:;r,ci?.l)wdaltr. :-:ti~l :!;t· t:cn.n;pears as,!!,·, ·oisera.blc~s::.::: ccr~l!)ftred with ti_le ·new b. r:\_n ·.·:hicFc-,~aT't:;e:-::::c::-.1~ inr1u~tl'Y 1 t8el.f .has '' · .created. l!2 anon ~:::~ hlUJan labor, ~~ :lts it!~'BY~tl:- for.n, ha~ cea~~d t·::l· t~~ tb.e cr,eEI:t sc~ce s:ourc~ ~r \','t;.•e.l th, h·.bo:r ti:n~ ~·li 1J ceastJ, ~m·l m~t o.f n~.:::cct:i ty oea!HV !:o .· . . be the m~Jasu!'c of wefl-1 th, .q,ml tb:· P.XOb':n;,...; V<:h:c ::m;::~ of net!~Wni ty u~r.tco to· be the .'~ t):f' :..13~ valuP.. The ::;11rrlnn ld"~o..:.• Cif' t-.:.r.: mto.:Jf:J (o.!' th•.~ rorulntion) hHB thu~ ceo.aed to be tb.·,j condition ~0'!.' tbc de-v. of C'\~ \"Jer·.ltb. (des ullr;'!·~ei~en R:eichtw:1s) & the icUor..oF.!c of the :m·,· l:ns c~;-~.n~<i to lj~:· t !H~ co~dl.tion fo.,· thn devclop:JtJr.t of thE> univorsnl illtnl)l)·~tunl f;:;,culti~s o.C,i•l~tn. '::'he r!!:I'~P. o£· ~-rcn:'!.u~ti0h wldc~ ·!'eSI.i:J on the exchan _e VF..luc thu!:l col!arno•s •• ··"_.\ ·

p./;8 d·:-clinr~ of fr""'"'11t\" , .... ,Cil,. • c:. r:.."ohj, ~OC~f'".:Pl p;o,•c~>ts i;-~~ofr~r KC the prcd.& •li::t, of "11 .i.!!Cr""i,!:li.t:._. • •1r.tit~ oro .-;rls ~- sc-r•:J.-:•~1? 1.1:::%eo ?Ollr)lPt~on n

rationnl technolocical attitude. u


11.123 : antaconist ic st.ructurr:--or -r.eali t~·-_,\;l,)f __ t.'c.ov,;b.t .-t-~yino- -to .. un=.erstsncl-- :".';"~"'";i[if:[';.ti.~ ~--The totC'.lit~.ri.e.n universe of tecbnolo...;ice.l ratitJ.l-e.lity ir. the lr.', I

&-r~nemut?..tic:-t oi' the i~1~a of Feason ••••• the prot::ess b~r wbich lo;;ic beco~;t~fl the lo;,;ic of dominntion. 11

\ !'ntes conflict httr."k to o!'iL;in~f :p\dl.thoucht __ bet.'Plr·to'fl d:ial.lot:ic .~:formal , lot;ic of !tl.'iatoti?liHn Ort:a.non. \:\ ''V . -.-~;­

p.l25:f.oc1"atP.s e.,_.?.in.:rt. t ... Athe i!ln city''lnasmuch Er.: the ttrucclc for-i;.T•n+.h 1 sr~ves 1 :-.•mlit:r fro~-.. •Jr.l..ioh 1 truth no=·tLitf: ~~ent,.-at,;I!S bH.'l.Hl!'l

~):iotenc~. It in the essentit.ll hu.'11sn rojcci. :r~· m~ii h;:;.~ 1::·.:::-~~~ ~-:~ __ t=t ... ,._ .?kn~u ·:;hnt rm:!.'!ly in. b.~ will act .in acc.-::-;rmc"~ ·wH': truth Epibtt".r.tolo&'{ is in i·uself tthics,&etM.Cs io ei>istemoloG:f. 11 • •• 11'llo th~ E'\xyent to vl:.1.ich tb!' exporier.c~ of 6n un-ta.coni~"tic wo:.~lcl~ .• t..·uili<m t.l:.u dl'!v. o': th~· phi~'·"'"'·tct.,;ol'ti"S: uhil.mo1feB .in a univ:c ·s~l'lhlcr-i!:-'y'.:2!<.s~.i.t.l!!.C.!_f {'lechire.;:ent on<!lbr.oicnsP.l, pp:;n.r~ -~~real it;:, ,,.mtrut;1 l-:trutli nn•.1.o.FJ we Hh~ll sc~C""e'fro;n~rt~ednm)are on o ':"icc.! c~Jn ... itiol:lW'."). ••• !)lu.lof:or-·:L:- oriL,'"inn.LeR 1n its '.lr.i,,,..t'se of

to tl~-· fects o!' an !":•.>.r.:onirttic \'·•c.lity.11

( !'tn.onp.l37 q_ .. kb. •ira·~r -~~. "l ,/~,1or-nn 1 ~~~l:tlk ile1· A11fhb r\Hl(. (kmtcrrU-:.m, '117) ,:· p •. -5: 11 r~~0 .,;cllt-1'~'.1 C(1 :1''•)pt W\.i"0tl '1 iC':':'!r~i·/IJ }O~,iC ~"j,r1 riCVt-'lCp~(l 1li.'B itO f~Uit\Oia'Ol<>ll_i

in th•· rc:~lit;, ot r1>,;:i.rt ti<m.") 12904

' .....



--5-. ,·

. 6: (~eclu1olo):oal F.ationo lit< ,J:the r.o;;ic of JioJOi,.;. U on)

' p.l62: 11In cc.ntrast t~ Piug~t~ rather po~'cholo.:..i~~-1.~ biolo~ical nnulyoiup!lur.h1'1!I'l hs.a of':ered a t;"neti., epiatemology ";1~icl:. is .l'OCUC1ed on the Sr.lOiu-hiS~o .

. . . :;~truc:~ure of so.i·Jntific reA.son. I shall· refer '!.v iiu1EO::~!! 1-:;.~0!"~ Qnl~· in!'ornt> as it· empb.r:~.sizea ·tho ~.~ent to wb.i~h mod. s'cienc" is the m~thod.olOgy'· of 11 ~N-given lrl.a. reality within i'lhoac uni·Terr;e it moves." . ·, _.._/ .

\()\''; j n;~1·i·q. +.7':'l~l~,_, ... '.lt,~r1



.. pol~po~or·, aproaro to be ·the. c\•cioive fact6l' in t ~o <!nv oof l;io; •Hynn t1 v""•" ·· · · -lO..conolusion. ·t,~,~~"' H, ~· ~ ()..t/.t,•·J ru..(·

· Jtl'"n.c..-'<·w·\.y- 1"'111\,~-·~(· .p.2!}5a "'! .. ip"raticm o·l .. inherent poscibili i1t\'. no :!o.r..::~,.. ;tr'f';_•!r ~·:'.l~· ., pr·.~~rr.(:n tbt' . · hio~U:ltor'natiVe. 11

·P·:?~~.';'T:.c~tor.donoi••s oftho ·l-dim,.no;.cn,"l o.'cictj• rent.or tho tr,'.HiolltH t:a~·a ~ c: p"otost in,ffectJvc-;>orhc po ,,.,., dfn~-c,•o•oo b•c·, '"" <ho;r ~r,,oe~v• · tho illusion 'of" JlOJ>ular <lavere~cntj, . ~''-1= il?."v" 00'?.-.•!>w M'O- tl'olbo 1 to•J,~oople',

· ,preyiously the f1"n'jo;'l;J.t Of··accis.l d:lan,:::c 1 et~ V~ 1<!10Vo4~tO b~C,J'.I'.' (', i".•• !'(' ~;;:H;,t 01'

fJoc.inl ::ohcsion. He::.·c tb:,n ;.n the' r~din~t10:1 t:.!' '':'er>.lV. !:'!~lt.l!i :.:.tjoJn o:.'. clacs,ea · :la tlio 11011 stratiftcat!.on ohore.ctol'intic of u:!vOJ.•oo1 llnd«a!.riol I<<JGi.c:t;;,"

. . · , "'11

Howc'\~r, untl-:J.l'necth the oon~~""::"Vr .. tivt· po,tn!lr.l• i~ · -tbtt -.~bstr-d.tum cl.' the .. outcasts,~utsiduratth~ exploited •!ei>eret!cutcd or; {'•tbt~I' r£-.<:dZJ :,'~:either· colors, tile unemployod .:<the unemplo;Jabl•• ... their rftvol tio~.J~ U ... ;~~~~~~~~·~;~~! ir opp,bita the oyote~' fro~ ~itbou~ ".L ihe,•ofo~i¥'·

it i::;: ru1 e}cmer.tnry force \'t~1if:h •!~ :1..... .tia.~ · it af:l t.. rigzed t,ra~ •• ,'J'ht" f'at·t tb:.~t they start

be the fao~ which :aa.rks:the b~~innine of t1Je enrl. of_

?5L' ~;t>~~~ .".Th" facile iliu.ptlr~llel With ~he 'barb•;r:lP.niS·th;re••t'i>n~;:;

!II'••.1•ldl:~s the issue;t1:e' "2n~ !?•r,of barb~riam may. wotl be·;tb.,o· · . • ~t:aent· / /T~ critical theory of .society_ puoe_es~es·,_no. ~qnoGJ?tr;

:VXJevr M~ (1.1~-h 7


· :o~J,_ 1

, , • ' '·('' . ~


the present &it~ 6itu:rc · •• t'l~ Ore!:v.1; ne·i'uscl" ~~ · · · ·n ·• _ :.:· ·· ·r:.t·,: ·:·:}-

. ·}·

. ;;-· ...

·. ~ /i}:~;?~~·r-r-~ ·::~I~»m.enaional Kan, ~Ua . ··• •TO<lq' a tl.sht apinat tb.ill b.iatorioa:l alterila~iva .· .

. . :!'illda a tirnl Jossa b""" ill ~~~~~ lllldl'l'}Tlng population· .1: tindd ita ldeolog in tbll l'lgid <>l'iantahon of tbollSht .1: b.ob.avior to tho given univerils or facta. Validated by' the QOOOJDp&li~hmtnts or eoi~lloe ~. tea!mology . ;Justif:l.ed .bY ih growing produotivit;r, .the a~atua g"o defios all trans~enc1eli9'.

Faced 'llith tb:> Ji<l&sil.illty or pacifiOlltion on th• ground~ of its teohllioal & intellectual aobieVI!J!lents, the mturo induetrial society cloaea it~elt "&"inat tb.ia alto1'118Uvo~ llpemtionaliam, in thoor-.{ &pr~totioe, boe»rne!l the thocr.y &pU.otioe ot containment."

R:.2.•"Toda;r'a novfOl t:~s. 111'1> is th~ flattening ciut at the Blltcgoni,.. bet.oulture . &aooilll realit;r t tbtt obliteration of the oppodtional,alien. &: transcendent ·!

eleen'hl in the higher ture '111 Yinlle ot wb.ioh it o<mstif.ut~d another climentiion •.. ot r""litf, This liquidation of the 2-dimonsional oul turo tueo place not tlii'ii the dellia &:rejection of the 1oultU1'!1l values', but ·the~ wholo""le ina. into ths elri 1d.ol'dar, tbru their repro~uoUon &:displa;r on a massive scale."


. under ~:.~-~l~~ingo~-~~e U!liV~raa of Disoon>:ll•·") ... _ -··· ------~---~~ *" .bill.• "Tho ob;J. o£ dial.logio is neither the &bstraot general tom of. ob;JsotivU;r, ~ .. l

110.":' the allat:Not, general torm of thought-nor the data of l .... adiate .,zpel'ieno<>,' ···. , I Dial. logic undoes the ablitraotion& of formal logic &»:!' tranaoendontu.l phU.,but it .. · 1

. .itliiO .domioa t!te co.norotenoa• ot illlmedia. to ezrerience. !to tb .• " .. zhnt to. •b .. i .. o .. li th. i,~.·:,, ,'.' ...... ·.'····! · .e:opel'ienoa 001188 to rest 'IIi th the tl;lings as tho,ri'1ar &happen to be,, it ~•.'• .. c.. ·. ', "limited , It ·attains its tl'l.lth it it hea !:reed. ihielf •:!rom .the· · ., · . · · co~ factors. eh111d the fao) iri;it: ' "1 :'j

. . aa a~univo~ in wb.ioh thfl eat'd;taots are t~( at the birtmoal practice of J11!!1D Tb.ia praotioo (intellectual -hl'lal). is ' 1 .·

the roalit7 1n~b.o-data o!'-ezp1iri~l it in tho reality which dial.loglo oomprobonda,~~ · '-·---··-------·-- ,. -· ·--·---·· ·---· ···- ~ ·-~~-·--·· ......... -· .. •-, .... -···... . . --. . , ...... _ .... ,., •.. ..- ·--~

, . I p.l7U•!bc power of the negative' is tho principle which. govern& the dev.ot conoo,pts; !

.· &oomratiction beooua the distlnsuiabing quallt;r Or Reason (H.cge.l~\l'his qualit:r ot i' tilouebt was not ooarined to a certain type of rationalillllll it aaa ~ a d•oici:;·


*l""'ont in the 81DP1rio18t tl'li.dition: lilnpt:tioillll la not neoeosar:l}T pooitivtij ita· · , attitu4• to the ~lli 1 d. roalit7 depends on tho partiouler !J.menaion or e>:porienoti -~ ahioh tunotioo 8 •• tb.e aouroe or knowledse &as the oaaio frame or reference." . f . - l

- p.2541 "Does tb.ia msan that tho critical theor.y of society ::.bdioahs & .. i leaves the field to an empirical sociology which, t.roed from all theoretical guidance : oxoopt & methodological om • euc....,bs to the fallao!:~r misplaced concreteness, : thus perto:ndng an ideological service while proola . tbs eliDiir.ation of valuo, 1 ;Judponta?" I
