is your life running you ragged? you take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home –...

Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed on occasion, but how do you know if your life is chronically out of balance? Prominent personal coach Laura Berman Fortgang says, "You know it's time to make a change when misery and stress outweigh joy on a daily basis for two weeks or more.“ Find out if you need a tune-up with our quiz. LESSON 1

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Page 1: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Is Your Life Running You Ragged?

You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed on occasion, but how do you know if your life is chronically out of balance? Prominent personal coach Laura Berman Fortgang says, "You know it's time to make a change when miseryand stress outweigh joy on a daily basis for two weeks or more.“

Find out if you need a tune-up with our quiz.


Page 2: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

True or false?

1. I have more than enough time to do what I want to do.2. I am on a health regimen that helps me feel energized.3. I look forward to every day.4. There are no people in my life (at home or at work) who drain me.5. I love my home (location, contents, the feel, the style).6. I have no clutter in my home and/or office.7. I live a life pursuing what I want instead of what I should do.8. My work is satisfying and rewarding.9. I take at least two weeklong vacations a year.10. I do not work on weekends.11. I get plenty of sleep.12. I have plenty of quality time with my children and/or the people who matter to me.13. I have at least one hobby or pastime outside of my work and family activities.14. I eat foods that make me feel energized instead of sluggish.15. I have the space to take at least 15 minutes of silence a day.

Give yourself one point for every time you said "true." If you answered "true" more often than "false“a score of at least 8), you are probably living a well-balanced life. If you scored 7 or less, your lifestylemay need some fine-tuning. So now what???

Page 3: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Tips for Better Work-Life Balance

Together, let’s answer these questions.

1. What really matters to you in your life? What are your priorities?

2. What are some of the unnecessary activities you do?

3. Protect Your Private Time: Do you have private time? Do you think you need private time? What do you do during your private time?

4. Plan Fun and Relaxation: What do you do for fun or to relax? Do you exercise? Do you go out? How do you relieve your stress?

Page 4: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Culture shock can be an excellent lesson in relative value and in understanding human differences. The reason culture shock occurs is that we are not prepared for these differences. Because of the waywe are taught our culture, we are all ethnocentric. The term comes from the Greek root ethonos, meaning agroup or people. Thus, it refers to the fact that our outlook or world view is centered on our own way of life.Ethnocentrism is the belief that one’s own patterns of behavior are the best: the most natural beautiful, rightor important. Therefore, other people, to the extent that they live differently, live by standards that areinhuman, irrational, unnatural, or wrong.


1. What is culture shock?2. When does culture shock occur?3. Is culture shock a good or bad experience for the person to go through?4. What kind of culture shock can there be between foreigners and Koreans?5. What has been your most difficult experience involving unusual food or other customs?6. What does ‘ethnocentric’ mean?7. Why are we ethnocentric?8. How are Koreans’ outlook centered on their own way of life?9. What are your personal beliefs?10. What kind of person would you say you are?11. What kind of behaviors seem inhuman/irrational to you? (not just cultural, anything)12. Are you sometimes irrational?13. What kind of behavior annoys you the most in other people?14. Are your behaviors the same as when you were a child?

Grammar PointsVerb ‘to behave’Noun ‘behavior’


Page 5: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Police in Zimbabwe have arrested more than 16,000 people as the government in Harare acts against illegal mining. During the 3-week campaign, officers focused on informal living areas around mining areas seizing gold and diamonds. During the raids, officers burnt temporary homes used by the panners and recovered more than five-hundred thousand kilogrammes of gold and gold ore, and nearly five thousand diamonds. Police say the suspects were all released after paying or promising to pay admission of guilt fines. Tens of thousands of Zimbabweans have turned to mining following the collapse of commercial agriculture in the country. People dig or pan for gold or diamonds, risking their lives in shallow mineswhich frequently collapse. The government accuses powerful politicians and businessmen of buying minerals from pannersand smuggling them outside the country. Among those arrested were dealers from neighbouringBotswana, South Africa and Mozambique.

Questions1. What did the Zimbabwe police do? Why?2. What were they mining for?3. Why are people mining illegally in Zimbabwe?4. Who buys those illegal diamonds and gold?5. What kind of illegal things are people doing in your country?6. What are the most popular?7. Zimbabweans risk their lives to mine. What would you risk your life to do?8. Do you think the Zimbabwean miners wanted to mine or do you think they were forced?9. Have you ever made someone do something that they didn’t want to do?10. Have you ever been forced to study or eat?11. Do you think its better to use force or encouragement when teaching children?


Page 6: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

When I go about my everyday life I couldn’t care less if my clothes are from a particular brand or if I have the latest designer gizmo or gadget. I’ve lived my whole life in happy ignorance with handed down clothes and with jewelry from Accessorize. But after entering college, I’ve been acquainted with some people, who all have the newest expensive and trendy stuff and I can’t help but desire that for myself. I know it’s not so much about the stuff as it is about external validation. I get the delusion that somehow owning a real Louis Vuitton bag would make me worth more in the eyes of others. I feel as if I would be more socially accepted if I drink Starbucks rather than drinking the50cent coffee from our school’s vending machine. My brain knows it’s not true but I still believe it somehow.

Living In A Material WorldLiving In A Material World

Questions1. How does the writer normally feel about latest fashion clothes and accessories?2. Why did her view on trends change?3. Why does she want to own a high brand handbag?4. Do you agree with the writer?5. Why does she drink Starbucks?6. Are you picky about your coffee too?7. Does the writer really want to feel the way she feels about trend?8. How sensitive are Koreans towards latest fashion?9. How do you feel when you see very materialistic people?10. What are you like?


Page 7: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed


Fast Food Fast Food Restaurants: Today in Korea, most western-style fast food restaurants where we can buy hamburgers, fried chicken are driven out of business. The most popular fast food restaurants in Korea for past 10 years were foreign owned chain restaurants.The first foreign fast food chain restaurants to open in Korea were McDonalds and Burger King.However , most fast food chain restaurants are in the red because since 2005, Koreans have changed and are trying to live a ‘well-being’ life and they became aware of the dangers of trans fat. Fast food is also referred to as “junk food”. It’s called that because the food contains a lot of fat and calories but doesn’t have much nutritional value.Trans fat is known to increase blood levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol, while lowering levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL), known as "good" cholesterol. It can also cause major clogging of arteries, type 2 diabetes and other serious health problems, and was found to increase the risk of heart disease. Many food companies use trans fat instead of oil because it reduces cost, extends storage life of products and can improve flavor and texture. Recently foreign fast chain restaurants perceived the reality and decided to change their image through interesting advertisements.Unfortunately, they aren’t not working out.

Page 8: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed


Tutor’s TIP

How often do you eat fast food?Is it always bad?Why do most Koreans prefer a well-being life?What happened to fast food chain restaurants in Korea?How many years did they keep the balance into the black?What are fast foods often referred to as?Do they have much nutritional value?How much do you know about trans fat?Is it solid or fluid before its cooked? Ask students words [which colored in brown] of meaning and check their pronunciation.Make more conversation and have enough discussions with students.

Page 9: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

LESSON 5Grammar Points – absolutes

In order to construct an absolute, follow these steps: 1. Check to see if there is a "be" verb in the sentence you want to subordinate. 2. If there is a "be" verb, eliminate it and combine the sentences with a comma.3. If the subjects are the same, delete the subject of the absolute as well. 4. If there is no ?be? verb, change the main verb of the subordinating sentence into its -ing form. Then

eliminate similar subjects and combine sentences with a comma.5. If there is a "possessive" relationship between the two sentences, use possessive pronouns (its his,

their, etc.) to indicate the relationship between the subjects.

1. Helen was sitting at her desk. Her head was slightly lowered over a pile of chemistry notes.

→ Helen was sitting at her desk, her head slightly lowered over a pile of chemistry notes.

2. Julia accepted the award. Tears were streaming down her face. → .3. Julia accepted the award. Julie was overcome with emotion. → .→ .4. Michael ran after the bus. He waved his hands and whistled.→ .→ .5. The dog confronted the burglar. It barked loudly and bared its teeth. → .

Absolutes show a special "how" relationship between two sentences. The two sentences are combined in a way that subordinates one to the other.

Page 10: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed


A Celebration of Hope Hope Stout’s legacy began with a wish to spread hope to others. Since then, it has grown into an extraordinary display of generosity that has moved people throughout the world.When Make-A-Wish volunteers asked Hope about her one true wish, she asked how many other children were waiting to have their wishes granted by the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central & Western North Carolina, where she lived. She decided her fondest wish would be to raise enough money to grant each of their wishes. Through her local media, the world learned of her selfless wish and rallied behind her cause. In January 2004, Hope’s wish had raised more than $1 million to grant the wishes of the other children in her area and eventually Hope’s as well. Sadly, Hope lost her battle with a rare form of bone cancer, but not before expressing her heartfelt wish to help make dreams come true for other wish kids. Hope’s altruism has now grown into an annual campaign raising more than $2 million on behalf of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central & Western North Carolina. Hope’s wish has indeed launched an enduring legacy that perfectly captures theFoundation’s vision that people everywhere can help share the power of a wish.

Make a wish foundation

Page 11: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed


Tutor’s TIP

Have you ever heard about the Make a Wish foundation?How did it begin to spread to others?What do they do?How many true wishes did they make come true?When they raised more than 1 million to grant the wishes?Why did Hope lose her battle?How much did Hope raise money in behalf of the foundation?Ask students meaning of words [which colored in dark-blue] and check their pronunciation.Make more conversation and have enough discussions with students.

Page 12: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

LESSON 6Grammar Points – hope & wish

Rules [both are used in right now & anytime in the future]

WishUsed in hypothetical (or imagined) situations used in greeting and expressions of goodwill


used in expressions of goodwill, but the grammar is slightly differentused to specify a desired outcome. Sometimes in the future / Sometimes in the past / Future possibility / But you didn’t make it / But I didn’t / It is still possible / Although it might / It could happen / But you probably did

01. I wish that I had a cat.02. I (that) you have a Merry Christmas.03. I (that) you were here. 04. I to get an A on the exam. 05. They him "Happy Birthday.“06. She you wouldn't find her. 07. I you can come to the party on Saturday.08. I was that you would come to the party.09. I had to see you at the party on Saturday. 10. We you a "Merry Christmas.“11. I it doesn't rain tomorrow. 12. He to be elected President. 13. me good luck. 14. I to see the teacher. 15. I to see you again.

- Do not show -

• wish• Hope• Wish• Hope• Wished• Hoped• Hope• Hoping• Hoped• Wish• Hope• Hopes• Wish• Wish• hope

Page 13: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Mr. Funnyman

Raymond has always enjoyed making people laugh. Playing the role of comedian seems to come naturally for him. Whether it’s at a family get together, in the office, or on a night out with friends, he often ends up being the center of attention because of his likable sense of humor and constant joking. Impersonating celebrities and political figures seems to produce the most laughter from his “audiences”. During his college days, he liked to perform at a local comedy club on amateur nights. He intends to try that again, but he wants to make sure he’s fully prepared first. While not yet suffering from delusions of grandeur, he is talking about attempting a career in the entertainment field.


Page 14: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

What quality do people find particularly engaging about Raymond? Is he someone with whom you think you might like to spend time? Why or why not? Do you sometimes enjoy being the center of attention? We know that Raymond has a good sense of humor. What other personality traits do you think he possesses? Are there any celebrities or political figures in your culture that comedians tend to impersonate? What impending event is causing Raymond to hone his skills of impersonation? Do you have any special talents? Have you ever thought of being in the entertainment field? If so, in what capacity?


Tutor’s TIP

Page 15: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

A gerund is a type of noun that might easily be confused with a verb.

Look at the following examples from this lesson’s reading.

1) Raymond has always enjoyed making people laugh. In this example, you might think that the word “making” is functioning as a verb in its continuous form, but that is not the case. Look closely at the sentence and you can see that the verb is “enjoy” (has enjoyed). The word “making” is a gerund (a special type of noun) and, in this sentence, it functions as the object.

2) Playing the role of comedian seems to come naturally for him. In this example, you might think that the word “playing” is functioning as a verb in its continuous form, but that is not the case. Look closely at the sentence and you can see that the verb is “seems”. The word “playing” is a gerund (a special type of noun) and, in this sentence, it functions as the subject.

Try to identify other gerunds in the story. Remember, gerunds always end with –ing.


Grammar Points – gerunds

Page 16: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed


Grammar Points – infinitives

Infinitives – these are verbs written in the same form as you would see them in the dictionary. Infinitives and gerunds can be used in similar ways, but the two are not always interchangeable.

Look at the following examples from this lesson’s reading:

1) During his college days, he liked to perform at a local comedy club on amateur nights. The infinitive “to perform” could be mistaken for the main verb in this sentence. The main verb in this case is “liked”. This sentence could also be made with a gerund instead of an infinitive without changing the meaning.

During his college days he liked performing at a local comedy club on amateur nights. In this case, “performing” is a gerund serving as the object of the sentence and “liked” serves as the verb.

2) “He intends to try that again…” The infinitive “to try” is not the main verb in this sentence. The main verb is “intends”. In this case, a gerund is not interchangeable with the infinitive. We cannot say “He intends trying that again…”.

Page 17: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Infinitives and gerunds are often interchangeable, but when used following some verbs only one or the other is appropriate.

Try to make sentences based on the following pictures and verbs using gerunds or infinitives as indicated:

1) like watch (gerund or infinitive)

Our dog likes watching TV. Our dog likes to watch TV.

2) try dust (gerund or infinitive)


Grammar Exercise 01

Page 18: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

3) think sunbath (gerund)

4) enjoy relax (gerund)


Grammar Exercise 02

Page 19: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

5) want climb (infinitive)

6) hates take a shower (gerund or infinitive)


Grammar Exercise 03

Page 20: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

7) catch (gerund or infinitive) _____________ a fish this size has always been their dream. _____________ a fish this size has always been their dream.


Grammar Exercise 04

Page 21: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

LESSON 8The dangers of smokingAlmost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So how come people are still lighting up ? The answer, is in the word addiction.

Once You Start, It's Hard to StopSmoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly becomes so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal.People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco users start before they're 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted. That's why people say it's so much easier not to start smoking at all. How Smoking Affects Your HealthThere are no physical reasons to start smoking. The body doesn't need tobacco the way it needs food, water, sleep, and exercise. In fact, many of the chemicals in cigarettes, like nicotine and cyanide, are actually poisons that can kill with doses high enough.

Page 22: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Tutor’s TIP

How much do smokers spend a year?How many years can smoking shorten your life?What kind of sickness is caused by smoking?When do people usually start smoking by statistics?Do you smoke?If you do, when did you start?For what reason?If you don’t smoke, how many people smoke in your family?Ask students the meaning of words colored in red and check their pronunciation.Make more conversation and have enough discussions with students.


Page 23: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Grammar Points – inversionsLESSON 8

When to Invert the Subject and Verb : When asking questions When changing into negatives

Make Questions

01. He is Julia's boyfriend.→ ?02. He runs very fast.→ ?03. He drunk a cup of orange juice. → ?04. She can swim.→ ?

Make negatives

05. He is Julia's boyfriend.→ .06. He runs very fast.→ .07. He drunk a cup of orange juice. → .08. She can swim.→ .

Page 24: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Grammar Points – inversionsLESSON 8

When to Invert the Subject and Verb : Prepositional Phrases of Place In some situations, the conditional if is omitted and an inversion is used in its place. (Only with verbs, were, should or had.) Comparisons with than may also be inverted, but the inversion is optional.

Prepositional Phrases of Place

01. On the table is a cat.→ ?

Make conditional (only with verbs, were, should or had)

02. If were I a lawyer, I would be rich. → .03. If I had taken the taxi, I would have arrived on time. → .

Make Comparisons with than

04. He has more cars than Ken does.→ He has more cars than does Ken. .→ He has more cars than Ken .05. She loves her dog more than Ken. → .→ .

06. My dog is smarter than Julia's.→ .→ .07. She has more dresses than Helen does. → .→ .

Page 25: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

LESSON 9Snow FallsSnow Falls

Winter storm pounds NortheastA storm system slid across the Northeast with snow, sleet and freezing rain on Sunday, glazing roads and tying up air travel after blacking out thousands of customers in the Midwest.At least 10 traffic deaths have been blamed on weather-related traffic accidents.Winter storm warnings were in effect into Monday in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine and into Tuesday in parts of New York state. On the other side of the weather system, warnings were issued for parts of Michigan, where freezing rain and sleet was predicted to turn to all snow late Sunday.The National Weather Service said a foot of snow was possible in the mountains of northern New England, with the potential for 20 inches in northern Maine. In higher elevations of upstate New York, 13 inches of snow was possible. Lake-effect snow and high winds were forecast for parts of Michigan and western New York.Three to 6 inches had fallen by Sunday afternoon in central New York state, and parts of New Jersey measured less than 3.With snowfall that light in New Jersey, and a changeover to rain expected later Sunday in places, the New Jersey Turnpike Authority salted its roads Sunday and didn't bother to plow.Hundreds of flights into the New York City area's three main airports - Kennedy, Newark Liberty and LaGuardia -- were delayed as long as two hours Sunday because of wind and ice.Airlines at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois, worked to move travelers stranded when hundreds of flights were canceled as the storm struck there on Saturday. Flights also were canceled Saturday at airports in Des Moines, Iowa, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as blowing snow reduced visibility.The storm created snow and ice from the Plains across the Upper Midwest on Saturday.

Article from CNN 3rd Dec 2007

Page 26: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Tutor’s TIP

When did the storm happen?How many black outs were there in the Midwest?How many people died in traffic accidents?Which area were warned of the winter storm?What happened on late Sunday?How much snow came in northern Maine?What about New York?What did New Jersey do on the roads on Sunday?What happened to the airport?Does it open snow in your country?Ask students the meaning of words colored in red and check their pronunciation.Make more conversation and have enough discussions with Students.


Page 27: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Grammar Points – appositivesLESSON 9

Appositives involve renaming or giving more information about the subject or object, within parentheses or commas. Appositives should come immediately after the nouns they rename.

example) My husband (Alex) is a lawyer. → My husband, Alex, is a lawyer.

01. Her sister (who lives in Pusan) drives a truck.


02. Her husband (Alex) is a nice guy.


03. Alex's friend (Helen) cheated on the test.


04. We (students) are happy with good grades.


05. She waited patiently for the famous author (Stephen King).


06. Neil Armstrong (the first man who walked on the moon) is a native of Ohio.


07. The Grand Canyon (one of our nation's most popular tourist attractions) is breathtaking

to behold.


Page 28: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

LESSON 10Nuclear weaponsNuclear weapons

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- The top U.S. envoy on North Korea departed for the communist country Monday to inspect work to disable its main nuclear reactor, the U.S. Embassy in Seoul said.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill would be the highest-level U.S. official to check on the work at the plant in Younbyon, north of Pyongyang.North Korea began disabling its plutonium-producing reactor and other related facilities last month under the guidance of U.S. experts, a key milestone in international diplomacy aimed at persuading Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear ambitions in return for economic help and other benefits.North Korea had promised to complete the measures by year's end, but lead South Korean nuclear envoy Chun Yung-woo said last week it would take longer to remove about 8,000 spent fuel rods from the reactor.A key issue during Hill's three-day trip was expected to be another North Korean pledge to declare all its nuclear programs by the end of this year.Hill said last week that the North is finalizing the declaration of its nuclear programs and that he will talk about the document with the North Koreans. The declaration will serve as a map of all North Korea's nuclear programs, which Washington hopes can be dismantled by the end of 2008.The U.S. envoy visited the North once before in June, becoming the first high-level U.S. official to visit the secretive country in more than four years.

Page 29: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed
Page 30: Is Your Life Running You Ragged? You take care of your kids, your parents, your job, your home – but what about yourself? Almost everyone feels overwhelmed

Tutor’s TIP

Do you know Christopher Hill?Do you know more about this news?What other countries have nuclear weapons? [America, India, China, England, Russia, France, Pakistan etc. Also its not easy to know all the countries with nuclear weapons since they keep it top secret.]When will North Korea complete their promise?How many days did Hill visit North Korea?When did North Korea finalize the declaration?What do you think about a nuclear power state?Is it fair that America is interfering with other countries’ nuclear weapon?Ask students the meaning of words colored in red and check their pronunciation.Make more conversation and have enough discussions with Students.