isd upper school week without walls field trip to dragonfly hong kong (sai kung) may 27 th to may...

ISD Upper School Week Without Walls Field Trip to Dragonfly Hong Kong (Sai Kung) May 27 th to May 31th

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Page 1: ISD Upper School Week Without Walls Field Trip to Dragonfly Hong Kong (Sai Kung) May 27 th to May 31th

ISD Upper School Week Without Walls Field Trip

to Dragonfly Hong Kong (Sai Kung)

May 27th to May 31th

Page 2: ISD Upper School Week Without Walls Field Trip to Dragonfly Hong Kong (Sai Kung) May 27 th to May 31th


All 17 upper school students (grades 6 through 10).

2 ISD teachers will chaperone the trip. Ms. Yinmei and Mr. Jon. (Mr. Bill is the trip planner.)

Local trained Dragonfly staff will be onsite to manage students and daily activities.

Page 3: ISD Upper School Week Without Walls Field Trip to Dragonfly Hong Kong (Sai Kung) May 27 th to May 31th


Dragonfly offers unique and exciting courses for primary and secondary students with curriculum ties and a range of activities. We lead experiential education courses that combine purposeful engagement, direct experience, and focused reflection. Dragonfly has been regional leader in the outdoor education industry for years and continues to set the standard.

More on Dragonfly can be found at:

Page 4: ISD Upper School Week Without Walls Field Trip to Dragonfly Hong Kong (Sai Kung) May 27 th to May 31th

Major Activities of the Trip

Dorm-style accommodations (1 night)

Tent Camping (3 nights)

Canyoning (hiking and exploring a canyon)

Surfing, Kayaking, Swimming

Cooking, Wilderness Survival Skills

Volunteering at Crossroads

Connections to Science, Math, Social Studies, Reading, Art etc.

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Dragonfly Hong Kong (Sai Kung) is located just outside of Hong Kong, about a 2 hour drive from Dongguan.

Maggie Kwok is our Dragonfly point of contact for this.

Her phone number is: 00852 2111-8917

Her email is: [email protected]

Mr. Bill is the trip planner:

Phone number: 189 3823 7728

Email: [email protected]

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Hoi Ha, Kayaking

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Camping in Wan Tsai

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Camping in Ham Tin

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Evening Campfire Programs

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Cooking on an open fire

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Surfing Lessons

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Depart ISD at 8:00 on Monday, May 27th

Please be on time to school so we can depart on time.

Arrive Dragonfly Hong Kong (Sai Kung) at about 10:30am at Sai Kung Pak Tom Tung Gate Car Park.

Pick up location: Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Tai Holiday Camp. Back to ISD Dongguan on Friday, May 31st at 11:00am. Arrive to ISD Dongguan by 2:00. Return to regular classes. Return home in your usual after school method (school bus, parent, etc).

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What students and teachers need to bring on the trip…Materials List

Sturdy trainers or hiking shoes (Sandals, flip flops and Croc’s are not allowed)

60 Liter Backpack

A one litre water bottle (or larger)*

Sun cream (minimum SPF 30+)*

Insect repellent*

Rain jacket (Waterproof with hood)*

Sun hat or cap*

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Materials list continued…

Water shoes e.g. Pak fan yue or water sports shoes (Sandals, flip-flops and Croc’s are not allowed)

Swim suit (May be required for other activities apart from swimming)


Warm jumper

Pen or pencil and small notepad

I.D. Card (Passport and/or China Travel Card for all China or overseas programs, please double check required visas and all expiry dates)

Large Backpack (Suitcases are usually NOT suitable for Dragonfly programs)

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Materials list continued…

1 set of T-shirts, shorts/trousers and underwear for each day of the program

A spare set of clothes (t-shirt, shorts, underwear)

2 pairs hiking socks

Toiletry bag (tooth brush, tooth paste, soap, shampoo, sanitary pads etc)

Torch, flashlight or headlamp

Spare glasses and/or contact lenses

Sleeping Mat and Sleeping Bag

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Materials list continued…

Personal bowl, cup and eating utensils


Please double check the weather forecast before you come on program and please pack accordingly. Hong Kong from November to March can have cold weather. Please pack the following in addition to any other items required: Warm coat, jumpers and sweaters, long pants/trousers, thermal underwear, gloves, warm hat and scarf.


Camera, sunglasses and reading book. Please DO NOT bring MP3 players, electronic games, or large amounts of cash.

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Materials Check Date…

Students and teachers should bring all their materials to school on May 23rd for a gear check. Students will show all their materials and their completed materials sheet (with checkmarks and parent signature) to Mr. Jon and Mrs. Kim.

Any missing gear at that time will need to be obtained very quickly. Plan ahead…purchase what you need now. Get everything all together well in advance.

Example Scenario: A student does not have proper foot ware on May 23rd. Mr. Jon and Mrs. Kim will check for this item one more time at 7:45am on May 27. If student does not have the item, they will not be allowed to go on the field trip..unless parent and student purchase item and drive to Hong Kong.

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Education is the goal…but safety is always paramount!

Field trips are educational and fun, but safety always comes first.

Students are responsible for acting in a safe, healthy, and responsible way at all times…to and from…and during the 5 day field trip. ISD school rules and dragonfly rules apply.

Dragonfly staff are experts in what they do, and students and teachers should follow their directions.

Some common sense things to remember: Act in a safe and healthy way (walk, don’t run on trails, no pushing or shoving, walk slowly and carefully especially when terrain is steep or difficult. Always use a PFD when in water. Ask for permission before attempting anything on your own. Stay with the group.)

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Our Removal Clause

Any student who Mrs. Kim, Mr. Jon, or Dragonfly staff determine is disruptive to the group, the learning experience, their own safety, or the safety of others will be removed from the trip. Parents will need to pick up their child at their own expense from Hong Kong.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Simple reminder: Act in a safe and responsible way and have a great time. You will likely remember this trip for a long time. Let’s make it a positive and great experience for all.

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Camping, Cooking and Hiking Groupings…

Mr. Bill will be making some student groups that will help Dragonfly to facilitate a better experience for all.

Please don’t complain about your groupings. All 19 of you will be together for 5 days. Just because you are in one group, doesn’t not meet you will not be interacting with the other groups.

Why groups? For example, on a hiking trail, it’s poor trail etiquette to have 19 people hiking together. Typically 5 students and one adult chaperone leave at 5 minute intervals…and meet up at selected points during the hike. Reminder: Stay on the trail…Plants grow by the inch and die by the foot!

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Dragonfly representative Maggie Kwok will now answer any questions.

If any other questions or issues arise between now and the date of the field trip, please do not hesitate to contact me, Maggie, or Mr. Lees.

Start shopping for your materials. It’s already April, and the trip is next month!