isi proposal sisanya 2003

Keterangan: 1. Termasuk kelompok polifarmasi bila mendapat terapi > 5 obat dalam sehari. Vitamin dan suplemen tidak termasuk dalam perhitungan obat. 2. Termasuk kelompok bukan polifarmasi bila mendapat terapi ≤ 5 obat dalam sehari 4.7 Rencana Pengolahan Data 1. Editing Memeriksa kelengkapan data yang diperoleh dari hasil kriteria START dan STOPP, kriteria Naranjo, indeks Barthel dan MMSE serta wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik dan penunjang lainnya. 2. Koding Memberi kode pada masing-masing jawaban untuk dilakukan pengolahan data. 3. Data entry Pemindahan data ke dalam komputer agar diperoleh data masukan yang siap diolah. 4.8 Analisis Data 1. Analisis Univariat 47

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1. Termasuk kelompok polifarmasi bila mendapat terapi > 5 obat dalam sehari. Vitamin dan suplemen tidak termasuk dalam perhitungan obat.

2. Termasuk kelompok bukan polifarmasi bila mendapat terapi 5 obat dalam sehari

4.7 Rencana Pengolahan Data

1. Editing

Memeriksa kelengkapan data yang diperoleh dari hasil kriteria START dan STOPP, kriteria Naranjo, indeks Barthel dan MMSE serta wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik dan penunjang lainnya.

2. Koding

Memberi kode pada masing-masing jawaban untuk dilakukan pengolahan data.

3. Data entry

Pemindahan data ke dalam komputer agar diperoleh data masukan yang siap diolah.

4.8 Analisis Data

1. Analisis Univariat

Analisis ini dilakukan pada masing-masing variabel. Hasil ini berupa distribusi dan persentase pada variabel-variabel yang diteliti.

2. Analisis Bivariat

Analisis yang dilakukan untuk melihat ada tidaknya hubungan antara variabel bebas dengan variabel tergantung.

4.9 Penyajian Data

Data yang telah terkumpul dan diolah akan disajikan dalam bentuk, yaitu :

1. Tekstular

Penyajian data hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan kalimat.

2. Tabular

Penyajian data hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan tabel.


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23. Gallagher P. Ryan C. Byrne S. Kennedy J. O'Mahony D. STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions) and START (Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment). Consensus validation. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2008; 46(2):72-83]. Available at: Accessed on: 27 January 2015.

24. STARTing and STOPPing Medications in the Elderly. In: PHARMACISTS LETTER / PRESCRIBERS Letter. Available at: file:///C:/Users/hi/Downloads/STARTandSTOPP%20in%20elderly.pdf. Updated: September 2011. Accessed on: 27 January 2015.

25. GillespieU, Alassaad A, Udenaes MA, Mrlin C, Henrohn D, Bertilsson M, Melhus H. Effects of Pharmacists' Interventions on Appropriateness of Prescribing and Evaluation of the Instruments' (MAI, STOPP and STARTs') Ability to Predict HospitalizationAnalyses from a Randomized Controlled Trial. In: PLOS. 2013. Available at: - g001. Accessed on: 27 January 2015.

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1. Pembimbing dari Kedokteran Universitas Trisakti

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Kuisioner dan skor dari jawaban Algoritme Naranjo


Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) / Reaksi Obat yang Merugikan (ROM)



Tidak tahu


Apakah terdapat laporan yang jelas tentang ADR tersebut pada waktu lampau?





ADR terjadi setelah diberi obat yang dicurigai?





ADR berkurang ketika obat yang dicurigai dihentikan atau diberi antagonisnya?





ADR muncul kembali ketika obat tersebut diberikan lagi?





Adakah alternatif lain penyebab ADR pada pasien tersebut?





Apakah ADR tersebut juga timbul ketika diberikan plasebo?





Apakah obat berada pada konsentrasi toksis dalam darah?





Apakah ADR meningkat ketika dosis ditingkatkan atau berkurang ketika dosis diturunkan ?





Apakah pasien pernah mengalami ADR yang sama di waktu lampau ketika obat yang sama atau turunannya diberikan ?





Apakah diagnosis ADR tersebut didukung oleh bukti yang obyektif ?




Hasil Penilaian Skor Tingkat Kejadian Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)

1 - 3 Possible (Kemungkinan terjadi ADR) 9 - 13 Definite (Pasti terjadi ADR)

2 - 8 Probable (Kemungkinan Besar ADR)


Kriteria START dan STOPP yang meliputi berbagai sistem organ

STOPP :Screening Tool of Older Peoples Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions

The following drug prescriptions are pottentially inappropriate in person age 65 years age

Central nervous System and Psychotropic Drugs

1. Tricyclic antidepressan ( TCAs ) with dementia

2. TCAs with galucoma

3. TCAs with cardiac conductive abnormalities

4. TCAs with contispation

5. TCAs with an opiate or calcium channel blocker

6. TCAs with protastism or pror history of urinary retention

7. Long- term (i.e > 1 month ), long- acting benzodiazepines and benzodiazepines long-acting metabolite

8. Long- term (i.e > 1 month ) neuroleptics as long-term hypnotics

9. Long- term (i.e > 1 month ) in those with parkinsonism

10. Phenothiazines in patients with Epilepsi

11. Anticholinergics to treat extra-pyramidal side-effect of neuroleptic medication

12. Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) with a history of clinnical significant hyponatraemia

13. Prolonged use (>1week) of frist generation antihistamines i.e diphenydramin, cholopheniramine, cyclizine, promethazine

STOPP :Screening Tool of Older Peoples Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions

The following drug prescriptions are pottentially inappropriate in person age 65 years age

Drugs that adversely affect fallers

1. Benzodiazepines

2. Neuroleptic drugs

3. First generation antihistamines

4. Vasodilator drugs with persistent postural hypotension i.e reccurent > 20 mmhg drugs in systolic pressure

5. Long term opiates in those with reccurent falls

Analgetic drugs

1. Use of long-term powerfull opiates e.g morphine or fentanyl as first line therapy form mild-moderate pain

2. Regular opiates for more than 2 weeks in those with chronic constipation without concurrent use of laxative

3. Long term opiates in those with dementia unless indicated for palliative care or management of moderate/severe chronic pain syndrome

Duplicated Drugs Classes

Any duplicated drugs prescriptions e.g two current opiates, NSAIDs, SSRIs, loop diuretics, ACE inhibitors

STOPP :Screening Tool of Older Peoples Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions

The following drug prescriptions are pottentially inappropriate in person age 65 years age

Cariovascular system

1. Digoxine at long-term dose 125g/day with impaired renal function

2. Loop diuretic for dependent ankle oedema only i.e no clinnical sign of heart failure

3. Loop diuretic as first-line monotherapy for hypertension

4. Thiazide diuretic with a history of gout

5. Non cardoiselective Beta-Blocker with chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease

6. Beta- Blocker in combinnation with verapil

7. Use of dilitiazem or veramil with NYHA class III or IV heart failure

8. Calcium cahnnel blockers with chronic constipation

9. Use of aspirin and warfarin in combination withouut histaine H2 reseptor antagonis

10. Diprydamole as monotherapy for cardiovaskulaar secondary prevention

11. Aspirin with a past history of peptic ulcer disease without histamnie H2 reseptor antagonist or Proton Pump Inhibitor

12. Aspirin to treat dizziness not clearly attributable to cerebrovascular disease

13. Warfarin with no history of coronary, cerebral or peripheral vascular symptom or occulsive event

14. Aspirin at dose .150mg day

15. Warfarin for first, uncomplicated deep venous therombosis for longer than 6 month duration

16. Warfarin for first, uncomplicated pulmonarry embolus for longer than 12 months duration

17. Aspirin, clopidogrel, dipyridamoe or warfarin with concurrent bledding disorder

STOPP :Screening Tool of Older Peoples Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions

The following drug prescriptions are pottentially inappropriate in person age 65 years age

Urogenital System

1. Bladder antimuscarinic drugs with dementia

2. Antimuscarinic drugs with chronic glaukoma

3. Antimuscarinic drugs with chronic constipation

4. Antimuscarinic drugs with chronic prostatism

5. Alpha blockers in males with frequent incontinence i.e one ormore episodes of incontinence daily

6. Alpha blocker with long term urinary catheter in situ i.e more than 2 months

Endocrine System

1. Glibenclamide or clhorporamide with type 2 diabetes melitus

2. Oesterogen with a history of breast cancer or venous thromboembolism

3. Beta- blockers in those with diabetes melitus an frequent hypoglicaemic episode i.e 1 epiosode per month

4. Oesterogen without progesteron in patient with intact uterus

START :Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right trea

These medication should be consideed for people 65 years of age with the following condition , where are contraindication to prescription exist

1. Warfarin in the presence of chronic atrial fibrilation

2. Aspiirin in the presence of chronic atrial fibrillation, where warfarinn is contraindicated, but not aspirin

3. Asiprin or clopidogrel with a documented history of atherosclerotic coronary, cerebral or periphera vascular disease in patient with sinus rhythm

4. Antihipertensi therapy whre systolic blood pressure consistently >160 mmhg

5. Statin therapybwith a documented history of coronary, cerebral or peripheral vascular when the patient s functional status remain indepeendent for activities of daily living and life expectancy greater than 5 years

6. Angiotensin converting enzim (ACE) inhibitor with chronic heart failure

7. Ace inhibiotor following acute myocardical infarction

8. Beta- blocker with chronic stable angina

Respiratory System

1. Regular inhaled 2 agonist or anticholinergic agent for mild modertae asthma

2. Regular inhaled corticosteroid for moderate-severe asthma or COPD, where predicated FEV < 50 %

3. Home continous oxygen with documanted chronic type 2 respiratory failure or type 2 respiratory failure

Central Nervous System

1. L- DOPA in idiopatic Parkinsons disease with definate functional impaiment and resultant diasability

2. Antidepressant drug in the presece of moderate-severe depressive symtopms lasting at least three

START :Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment

These medication should be consideed for people 65 years of age with the following condition , where are contraindication to prescription exist

Gastrointestinal system

1. Problem pump inhibitor with severe gastro-oesophageal acid refluks disease or peptic stricture requiri dilatation

2. Fibre supplemenetvfor chronic diverticular with constipation

Muskuloskeletal system

1. Diseases modifynng anti- rheumatic drug ( DMARD) with active moderate- severe rheumatoid disease lasting >12 weeks

2. Bisphosphonates in patient taking manitanennace corticosteroid theraapy

3. Calcium and vitamin D supplement in patient with known osteoporosis

Endocrine system

1. Metformin type 2 diabetes +/- metebolic syndrome

2. ACE inhibitor or angiotensij receptor blocker in diabetes with nephropaty

3. Antiplatelet therapy in diabetes melitus with co-existing major cardiovascular risk factor

4. Statin therapy in diabetes melitus if co-existing major cardiovascular risk factor

5. ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker in diabetes with nephropaty

6. Antiplatelet therapy in diabetes melitus with co-existing major cardiovascular risk factor

7. Statin therapy in diabetes melitus if co-existing major cardiovascular risk factor


Nama Pasien:..(Lk / Pr) Umur: th Pendidikan:..... Pekerjaan:.........

Riwayat Penyakit: Stroke ( ) DM ( ) Hipertensi ( ) Peny.Jantung ( ) Peny. Lain....





Sekarang (tahun), (bulan), (tanggal), hari apa?

Kita berada dimana? (negara),(provinsi),(kota),(rumah sakit),(lantai/kamar)?


Sebutkan 3 buah nama benda (jeruk, uang, mawar), tiap benda 1 detik. pasien disuruh mengulangi ketiga benda tadi. Nilai 1 untuk tiap nama benda yang benar. Ulangi sampai pasien dapat menyebutkan dengan benar dan catat jumlah pengulangan.


Kurangi 100 dengan 7. Nilai 1 untuk setiap jawaban yang benar. Hentikan setelah 5 jawaban. Atau disuruh mengeja terbalik kata WAHYU (nilai diberi pada huruf yang benar sebelum kesalahan, misal uyahw = 2)


Pasien disuruh menyebut kembali 3 benda diatas


Pasien diminta menyebutkan nama benda yang ditunjukkan (pensil, arloji)

Pasien diminta mengulang rangkaian kata tanpa, kalau, dan, atau, tetapi

Pasien diminta melakukan perintah: Ambil kertas ini dengan tangan kanan, lipatlah menjadi dua dan letakkan di lantai

Pasien diminta membaca & melakukan perintah angkat tangan kiri anda

Pasien diminta menulis sebuah kalimat (spontan)

Pasien diminta meniru gambar di bawah ini























Skor Total



LAMPIRAN 5 Indeks Barthel


Item yang dinilai





0 =Tidak mampu 1 =Butuh bantuan 2 =Mandiri



0 =Tergantung orang lain 1 =Mandiri


Perawatan diri

0 =Membutuhkan bantuanorang lain

1 =Mandiridalam perawatan muka, rambut, gigi, bercukur



0 =Tergantung 1 =Sebagian dibantu(Ex: mengancing baju)

2 =Mandiri


Buang air kecil

0 =Inkontinensiaatau pakai kateter dan tidak terkontrol

1 =Kadang Inkontinensia (maks, 1x24 jam)

2 =Kontinensia(teratur untuk lebih dari 7 hari)


Buang airbesar

0 =Inkontinensia(tidak teratur atau perlu enema)

1 =Kadang Inkontensia (sekali seminggu) 2 =Kontinensia(teratur)


Penggunaan toilet

0 =Tergantung bantuan orang lain

1 =Membutuhkan bantuan, tapi dapat melakukan beberapa hal sendiri

2 =Mandiri



0 =Tidak mampu 1 =Butuh bantuanuntuk duduk (2 orang)

2 =Bantuan kecil (1 orang) 3 =Mandiri



0 =Immobile(tidak mampu)

1 =Menggunakankursi roda

2 =Berjalan dengan bantuan satu orang

3 =Mandiri(meskipunmenggunakan alat bantuseperti,tongkat)


Naik turuntangga

0 =Tidak mampu 1 =Membutuhkan bantuan (alat bantu)

2 =Mandiri

Interpretasi hasil :

20 :Mandiri

12-19 :Ketergantungan Ringan

9-11 :Ketergantungan Sedang

5-8 :Ketergantungan Berat

0-4 :Ketergantungan Total