islam 2ºa


Upload: francisco-gonzalez

Post on 25-Jun-2015




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In English


Page 1: Islam    2ºA


Page 2: Islam    2ºA
Page 3: Islam    2ºA

Muhammad was a merchant from Mecca. He heard the call of God and preached a new religion.

He was in danger and had to move to Medina in 622, this mark the start of the Muslim calendar.

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The Hegira ( 622)

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The Koran is the sacred book of the Muslims. All muslims have five obligations, they are called the five pillars of their faith.

To give alms

To go on pilgrimage to Mecca

To pray five times a day

To fast during Ramadan

To faith

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Between the 7th and the 13th centuries Islam spread throughout Arabia, the north of Africa, Middle East and Spain.

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The highest authority of the empire was the caliph.

Abu Bakr, the first Caliph

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Umayyad period map

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Abbasid period(750-1250)

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The Turk Empire

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The Islamic economy was based on agriculture, craftsmanship and trade.

The souk or market was the center of the muslim’s cities.

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The muslims introduced very important inventions such as: gunpowder, the compass, the use of zero, Arabic numerals, Algebra and important contributions to medicine.

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Look at the pictures and label the parts of the mosque: Ablutions fountaineMimbarMinaretQuiblaPrayer HallMihrab

Page 14: Islam    2ºA

1) Where and when did Islam appear?

2) What are the five pillars of Islam?

3) What is the Koran and what does it contain?

Page 15: Islam    2ºA

ISLAM Who governed?

Was it a rural or an urban civilization?

What was their religion?

What were their most important economic activities?

Was it polytheistic or monotheistic?

Name the expansion of Islam( periods)

Page 16: Islam    2ºA

Muslim citites

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Page 21: Islam    2ºA

1) Look for information on the internet about the black stone that is worshiped in The Kaaba.

What was the Kaaba before Muhammad arrival?

2 ) Do you think that the islamic and Christian religions are similar or are they totally different?