islamic knowledge contest grade 5...

Islamic Knowledge Contest | Grade 5 | 2017 1 | Page Al-Huda Schools are proud to present the 12th annual … Islamic Knowledge Contest Grade 5 2016-2017 Date: Sunday March 26, 2017 Location: Elm Drive Location – at Elm Drive School OGS and Milton Locations – at OGS Time: From 10:00am to 12:00pm Contest Questions: A study guide will be provided to the students according to their level to prepare for the contest . All the Contest Questions (with and without solutions) are posted on the following web-site: Registration: Online registration BEFORE March 23, 2017 on the website. Registration Fees: - Al-Huda Students, BEFORE DEADLINE: $15 - Al-Huda Students, on contest day: $20 - Students from outside Al-Huda: $25 Contest Procedure: - Contestants are encouraged to carefully study the questions prior to the day of the contest. - On the day of the contest, students will receive a copy of the contest paper and will complete it in a written format. - Contestants in Grade 1 will be assisted with the reading of the questions. Prizes for the winners as well as all participants!

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Islamic Knowledge Contest | Grade 5 | 2017 1 | P a g e

Al-Huda Schools are proud to present the 12th annual …

Islamic Knowledge Contest Grade 5

2016-2017 Date: Sunday March 26, 2017 Location: Elm Drive Location – at Elm Drive School

OGS and Milton Locations – at OGS Time: From 10:00am to 12:00pm Contest Questions: A study guide will be provided to the students according to their level to prepare for the contest . All the Contest Questions (with and without solutions) are posted on the following web-site:

Registration: Online registration BEFORE March 23, 2017 on the website.

Registration Fees: - Al-Huda Students, BEFORE DEADLINE: $15

- Al-Huda Students, on contest day: $20 - Students from outside Al-Huda: $25

Contest Procedure: - Contestants are encouraged to carefully study the questions prior to the day of

the contest. - On the day of the contest, students will receive a copy of the contest paper and

will complete it in a written format. - Contestants in Grade 1 will be assisted with the reading of the questions.

Prizes for the winners as well as all participants!

Islamic Knowledge Contest | Grade 5 | 2017 2 | P a g e

Islamic Knowledge Contest - 2017

Grade 5

Full Name: __________________________________________________

School (choose one):

Elm Drive School Olive Grove School Milton Downtown Toronto

North York Ajax Vaughn

Total: ________/111 = ________/%

Islamic Knowledge Contest | Grade 5 | 2017 3 | P a g e


[_____/12] Answer the following questions in the space provided. 1. How many surahs begin with the muqatta’at letters ألم (alif-lam-meem)? ___/1 2. In how many years was the entire Qur’an revealed? ___/1 3. Mahmoud Khalil al-Husary, Abdel Basit Abdel Samad, and Sa’d Al-Ghamidi are famous for what

work on the Qur’an? ___/1 4. Which surah in the Qur’an has the word ‘Allah’ mentioned at least once in every single ayah

(verse), and in one ayah this word is found 5 times! ___/1 5. Mention two major themes found in the majority of the Makkan surahs. ___/2 6. Which surah will protect one from the Dajjal? ___/1 7. What surah is known as ‘The heart of the Qur’an’? ___/1 8. Mention four different names for the Qur’an. ___/4

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FIQH & WORSHIP [_____/22]

Answer the following questions in the space provided. 1. Mention three benefits of siwak. ___/3

2. Mention three things that make your prayer invalid. ___/3

3. List three sunnahs of Eid. ___/3

4. List three things that make the wudhu invalid. ___/3

Islamic Knowledge Contest | Grade 5 | 2017 5 | P a g e

5. Indicate whether each statement is True (T) or False (F). ___/10

a) It is permissible for a Muslim to hang or carry a charm for good luck.

b) You can perform tayammum when there is no water, if there is fear of getting sick, or if the water is extremely cold.

c) Muslims should be respectful to their non-Muslim parents even if they are arguing with them to renounce Islam.

d) Any seafood that is caught dead is haram (forbidden) to eat.

e) It is not permissible to wear perfume during the state of ihram for hajj or umrah.

f) Witr prayer must be performed only immediately after ‘Isha prayer

g) It is haram for a Muslim to break ties with another Muslim, after an argument, for more than three days.

h) If one’s life is miserable, suicide is an option to relieve oneself.

i) To help a friend, it is okay to let him cheat by copying your test answers.

j) It is haram for men to imitate women, and for women to imitate men.

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[_____/12] Answer the following questions in the space provided. 1. Mention three of our duties towards our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? ___/3 2. During the battle of Al-Khandaq, the Prophet (pbuh) adopted a unique battle strategy. What

was the strategy? ___/1 3. What was the name of the Christian King of Abyssinia who lived during the life of Prophet

Muhammad (pbuh)? ___/1 4. Who was the first person to host the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a guest in his house when

he immigrated to Madinah? ___/1 5. What was the first major battle fought by the Muslims? How many Muslims died? ___/2 6. What was the first qiblah (direction of prayer) in Islam? ___/1 7. Who was the first person who led the prayer even though the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) was

present in the congregation? ___/1 8. After Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) death, the Muslim community began to be ruled by a

caliph? What is the meaning of a caliph? And who was the first caliph after Prophet Muhammad? ___/2

Islamic Knowledge Contest | Grade 5 | 2017 7 | P a g e


[_____/16] Answer the following questions in the space provided.

1. Of the six books of hadeeth, which two are considered most authentic? ___/2 2. What is meant by sahih hadeeth? ___/1

3. What is the ‘isnaad’ of a hadeeth? ___/1 4. What is the ‘matn’ of a hadeeth? ___/1 Complete the following Hadeeth. 5. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “Islam has been built upon five pillars - on testifying that

there is __________________________, and that Muhammad is His Messenger; __________________________

(salah); on giving the zakah; on performing Hajj to the House; and on fasting during Ramadan.”

[Al-Bukhari & Muslim] ___/2

6. When Angel Jibreel asked the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) about faith (imaan), he replied, “It

means to believe in ________________________, His ________________________, His ________________________,

His ________________________, the ________________________, and to believe in ________________________

(qadar) – both good and evil.” [Muslim] ___/6

Islamic Knowledge Contest | Grade 5 | 2017 8 | P a g e

Read the following Hadeeth, and then answer the questions. On the authority of Omar bin Al-Khattab, who said, I heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say, “Actions are but by intentions and every man shall have only that which he intended. Thus he whose migration (Hijrah to Madinah from Makkah) was for Allah and His Messenger, his migration was for Allah and His Messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

عت رسول هللا صلى هللا ع ؤمنني أيب حفص عمر بن اخلطاب رضي هللا عنه قال : س

ا األعمال ابعن أمري امل من ليه وسلم ي قول: " إن ما وء ي امرء ا نل وإن نلنييا

ت هجرته نلديا يصيبها أو امرأ هجرته إىل هللا ورسونله ومن كا ت هجرته إىل هللا ورسونله هجرته إىل مكا حها .جر إنليها هاة ي ن

7. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “Actions are but by intentions.” What does this mean? ___/1

8. Mention two conclusions/morals from this hadeeth. ___/2

Islamic Knowledge Contest | Grade 5 | 2017 9 | P a g e


Answer the following questions in the space provided. 1. Mention three characteristics of Prophets of Allah. ___/3

2. Mention the miracles given to each of the following prophets. ___/8

Prophet Saleh (pbuh)

Prophet ‘Isa (pbuh)

Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh)

Prophet Musa (pbuh)

Islamic Knowledge Contest | Grade 5 | 2017 10 | P a g e

Circle the correct answer to each of the following questions. ___/8

1. Which prophet received the Zaboor (Psalms)?

(A) Musa (Moses) (pbuh) (B) Isa (Jesus) (pbuh) (C) Dawud (David) (pbuh) (D) Sulaiman (pbuh)

2. Which prophet dreamt that the sun, moon and eleven stars were prostrating (doing sajdah) to him?

(A) Idris (pbuh) (B) Noah (pbuh) (C) Yaqoub (pbuh) (D) Yusuf (pbuh)

3. What tribe did Prophet Saleh (pbuh) belong to?

(A) Aad (B) Thamud (C) Hashim (D) Quraizah

4. Which prophet did Allah bless the day he was born, the day he died and the day he would be raised on the Day of Judgment?

(A) Prophet Isa (pbuh) (B) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (C) Prophet Yahya (pbuh) (D) Prophet Nuh (pbuh)

5. For how many years did Prophet Isa (pbuh) preach?

(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 3 (D) 12

6. Why did Prophet Zakariyah (pbuh) pray to Allah (swt) for a son?

(A) The son would inherit the teachings of Yaqoub (pbuh)

(B) The son would grow and rule over the Romans

(C) The son would show miracles (D) The son would become the Messiah

7. Which prophet is mentioned most frequently in the Qur’an?

(A) Musa (pbuh) (B) Yusuf (pbuh) (C) Muhammad (pbuh) (D) Ibrahim (pbuh)

8. Who was the King of Iraq at the time of Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh)?

(A) Namrud (B) Abrahah (C) Herodus (D) Heraclius

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[_____/8] Answer the following questions in the space provided. 1. There are certain situations/times when du’a is more likely to be accepted by Allah (swt).

Mention four of these situations. / ___/4 2. Write the du’a you say in each situation (In Arabic OR English). ___/4

a) When you are afraid of someone or something:

b) Acceptance of good work:

Islamic Knowledge Contest | Grade 5 | 2017 12 | P a g e

MUSLIM MANNERS Answer the following questions in the space provided. [_____/15] 1. Who are the most beloved and the nearest people to Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) on the Day of

Judgment? ___/1 2. List three manners (adaab) you should do when visiting someone in their home. ___/3 3. List three manners you should do when visiting the masjid. ___/3 4. Mention three duties that a Muslim should have towards another Muslim. ___/3 Indicate whether each statement is true or false. ___/5 A Muslim should be courteous and kind only to other Muslims. __________

When we speak to our parents, we should speak politely and in a soft voice. __________

If you are full at lunch, you can throw away the rest of your lunch. __________

It is okay to interrupt somebody when he/she is talking about something you've heard before.


It is our duty as Muslims to care for the environment and to protect the Earth. __________

Islamic Knowledge Contest | Grade 5 | 2017 13 | P a g e


[_____/6] Use the three clue words to write about the important incident in Muslim history. 1. thawr – spider - Quba’ 2. night – thousand months – Angles 3. ‘Uthman – Qur’an – Zayd