islamic scholar (assignment)

NO. NAME FIELD OF EXPERTISE CONTRIBUTION FAMOUS KNOWN AS 1 Abu Hamid Muhammad Bin Muhammad Al-Ghazali Islamic theologian, jurist, philosopher, cosmologist, psychologist and sufi mystic of persian origin Imam Ghazali has written more than 70 books on jurisprudence, theology, philosophy and sufism. One of imam ghazali's major contributions is the book ihya al-ulum al-din (therevival of religious sciences). It covers almost all fields of islamic sciences, namely, fiqh(islamic jurisprudence), kalam (theology) and sufism and contains four major sections (with 10 books in each section): •Rub' al-'ibadat (acts of worship) •Rub' al-'adatat (norms of daily life ) •Rub' al-'muhlikat (the ways to perdition) •Rub' al-'munjiyat (the ways to salvation) Imam Al- Ghazali 2 Abu Abdullah Al-Shafi’i Al-Hijazi Al-Makki Al-Azdi Al- Qurashi Al Hashimi Al- Muṭṭalibi Fiqh, madh’hab Al-risala — the best known book by al-shafi'i in which he examined usul al-fiqh (sources of jurisprudence): the qur'an, the sunnah, qiyas (analogy), and ijma' (scholarly consensus). There is a good modern translation. Kitab al-umm - his main surviving text on shafi'i fiqh Musnad ash-shafi'i (on hadith) - it is available with arrangement, arabic 'tartib', by ahmad ibn abd ar-rahman al-banna Imam Al- Shafi’e 3 Abu Abdullah Malik Ibn Hadith, madhhab, fiqh in sunni islam Al-Muwatta Al-Mudawwana Al-Kubra Imam Malik

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Muhammad Bin Muhammad Al-Ghazali

Islamic theologian, jurist, philosopher, cosmologist, psychologist and sufi mystic of persian origin

Imam Ghazali has written more than 70 books on jurisprudence, theology, philosophy and sufism. One of imam ghazali's major contributions is the book ihya al-ulum al-din (therevival of religious sciences). It covers almost all fields of islamic sciences, namely, fiqh(islamic jurisprudence), kalam (theology) and sufism and contains four major sections (with 10 books in each section):

•Rub' al-'ibadat (acts of worship)•Rub' al-'adatat (norms of daily life )•Rub' al-'muhlikat (the ways to perdition)•Rub' al-'munjiyat (the ways to salvation)

Imam Al-Ghazali

2 Abu Abdullah Al-Shafi’i Al-Hijazi Al-Makki Al-Azdi Al-Qurashi Al Hashimi Al-Muṭṭalibi

Fiqh, madh’hab Al-risala — the best known book by al-shafi'i in which he examined usul al-fiqh (sources of jurisprudence): the qur'an, the sunnah, qiyas (analogy), and ijma' (scholarly consensus). There is a good modern translation.

Kitab al-umm - his main surviving text on shafi'i fiqh Musnad ash-shafi'i (on hadith) - it is available with arrangement, arabic 'tartib', by ahmad ibn abd ar-rahman al-banna

Imam Al-Shafi’e

3 Abu Abdullah Malik Ibn Anas Ibn Malik Ibn Abi 'Amir Ibn 'Amr Ibnul-Harith Ibn Ghaimān Ibn Khuthail Ibn 'Amr Ibnul-Haarith

Hadith, madhhab, fiqh in sunni islam

Al-MuwattaAl-Mudawwana Al-Kubra

Imam Malik

4 Muhammad Ibn Hadith Works describing narrators of hadith Imam Al-Bukhari

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Ismail Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Al-Mughirah Ibn Bardizbah Al-Bukhari

Bukhari wrote three works discussing narrators of hadith with respect to their ability in conveying their material: the "brief compendium of hadith narrators," "the medium compendium" and the "large compendium" (Al-Tarikh Al-Kabīr, Al-Tarīkh Al-Ṣaghīr, And Al-Tarīkh Al-Awsaţ). The large compendium is published and well-identified. The medium compendium was thought to be the brief collection and was published as such. The brief compendium has yet to be found.[8] another work, al-kunā, is on patronymics: identifying people who are commonly known as "father of so-and-so". Then there is a brief work on weak narrators: Al-Ḍu'afā Al-Ṣaghīr.

5 Nu’maan Ibn Thabit Ibn Zuta Ibn Maah\ Ibn Marzubaan


Kitaab-ul-aathaar narrated by imaam muhammad al-shaybani – compiled from a total of 70,000 hadith

Kitabul aathaar narrated by imaam abu yusuf

Aalim wa'l-muta‘allimFiqh al-akbarMusnad imaam ul a'zamKitaabul rad alal qaadiriyah

Imam Abu HanifahImaam-E-Aazam

6 Imaam Ahmed Ibn Muhammad Ibn Hanbal Ibn Hilaal Ibn As’ad Ibn Idrees Ibn Abdullah Ibn Hayyaan Ibn Abdullah Ibn Anas

Fiqh, Hadith, Akidah, Madhhab

Al-Musnad (The Authenticated) Is The Most Prominent Book Among His Writings. It Is The Biggest Record Of The Prophet’s Sunnah As It Includes About 40 Thousand Hadiths Out Of 750 Thousand Hadiths That Imam Ahmad Had Knowledge About. Imam Ahmad Began Writing This Book After The Age Of 36.

Az-Zuhd (Arabic For Asceticism) Tackles The Hadiths And Narrations On The Subject Of Asceticism.

As-Sunnah (Arabic For Sunnah) Handles The Hadiths On Matters Of Belief.

Al-Wara` Wa Al-Iman (Arabic For Piety And Faith) Focuses On The Hadiths

Imam Ahmad B. HanbalImaam Abu Abdullah

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And Narrations Tackling Piety And Awareness Of Almighty Allah.

Al-Masa’il (Arabic For Problems) Is In Fact A Book Compiled By Some Students Of Imam Ahmad And Two Of His Sons. It Is In The Form Of Questions And Answers About Juristic Issues, Matters Of Belief, Chains Of Narrators, And Hadiths And Their Explanations.

Fada’il As-Sahabah (Arabic For Virtues Of The Companions) Contains Almost 2000 Narrations About The Virtues Of The Prophet’s Companions.

7 Abu ʿAli Al-Ḥusayn Ibn ʿAbd Allah Ibn Sina

Medicine, Philosophy, Logic, Islamic Theology (Kalam), Physics, Poetry,Science

The Book Of Healing, The Canon Of Medicine Ibnu SinaSharaf Al-Mulk, Hujjat Al-Haq, Sheikh Al-Rayees

8 Abu Zayd ‘Abdur-Raḥman Bin Muḥammad Bin Khaldun Al-Ḥaḍrami

History And SociologyEconomics



Lubābu L-Muhassal, A Commentary On The Islamic Theology Of Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi

Ibnu Khaldun

9 Abu Hurairah Hadith The most quoted narrator of hadith Abu Hurairah

`Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Sakhr Al-Azdi

10 Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Razi

Chemistry, Medicine, Biology, Physics, Philosophy

The first to produce acids such as sulfuric acid, writing up limited or extensive notes on diseases such as smallpox and chickenpox, a pioneer in ophthalmology, author of first book on pediatrics, making leading contributions in inorganic and organic chemistry, also the author of several philosophical works.


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Ar-razi was a pioneer in many areas of medicine and treatment and the health sciences. He was a pioneer in the fields of pediatrics, obstetrics, and ophthalmology. He had the greatest position of scientist in islam and the medieval ages and could only be compared with ibn sina. He greatly favored cure through correct and regulated foods. His writings on small pox and measles show originality and accuracy and his essay on infectious diseases was the first scientific treatise on the subject. He was the first person to use alcohol for medical purposes. He was a pioneer in health science, pedriatics, obstetrics, and opthamology. He wrote the description about the spinal cord. He was an expert surgeon. He was first to give an account of operations for the extractions of the cataract and first to discuss pupilary reactions.. He wrote a number of books including al-hawi (comprehensive book) which contains greek syrian, and early arabic medical knowledge. It was the largest medical encyclopedia. He wrote a chapter on anatomy in kitab al-mansuri. Al-judari-wa-al hasabah contains the first treatise on small pox and chicken pox. He was the first person to note the differences between chicken pox and small pox. He made more than 200 scientific contributions in which on half of them are about medicine, 21 are on chemistry and the rest are on physics, mathematics and astronomy.

11 Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Jarir Al-Tabari

Medicine, Mathematics, Law, History

Tarikh al-rusul wa al-muluk or tarikh al-tabari (history of the prophets and kings)

The first of the two large works, generally known as the annals (tarikh al-tabari). This is a universal history from the time of qur'anic creation to ad 915, and is renowned for its detail and accuracy concerning muslim and middle eastern history. Tabari's work is a major primary source for the zanj revolt.

Al-musamma jami al-bayan fi ta'wil al-qur'an or tafsir al-tabari (the commentary on the qur'an)His second great work was the commentary on the qur'an, (arabic tafsir al-


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tabari), which was marked by the same fullness of detail as the annals. The size of the work and the independence of judgment in it seem to have prevented it from having a large circulation, but scholars such as baghawi and suyuti used it largely. It was used in compiling the tafsir ibn kathir.

Kitab zail al-muzayyal, in a juzuk which elaborate tarikh al-tabari detailly.

Al-khafif fi ahkam syara’l al-islam, which discuss about fiqh and it is the summary of kitab al-latif.

Tahzibul athar wa tafsil al-thabit “an rasulullah min al-akhbar”. It also named as al-qifti which is a book of hadith printed in four volumes.

12 Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Musa Al-Khwarizmi

Mathematics, Geography, Astronomy, And Cartography

Al-khwārizmī's contributions to mathematics, geography, astronomy, and cartography established the basis for innovation in algebra and trigonometry. His systematic approach to solving linear and quadratic equations led to algebra, a word derived from the title of his 830 book on the subject, "the compendious book on calculation by completion and balancing" (Al-Kitab Al-Mukhtasar Fi Hisab Al-Jabr Wa'l-Muqabala)

On the calculation with hindu numerals written about 825, was principally responsible for spreading the indian system of numeration throughout the middle east and europe. It was translated into latin as algoritmi de numero indorum. Al-khwārizmī, rendered as (latin) algoritmi, led to the term "algorithm".Some of his work was based on persian and babylonian astronomy, indian numbers, and greek mathematics.

He also wrote on mechanical devices like the astrolabe and sundial.

He assisted a project to determine the circumference of the earth and in making a world map for al-Ma'mun, the caliph, overseeing 70 geographers.


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13 Ala-Al-Din Abu Al-Hassan Ali Ibn Abi-Hazm Al-Qarshi Al-Dimashqi

Medicine, Anatomy The first to describe the pulmonary circulation of the blood Ibnu Nafis

14 Abu Al-Hasan Ali Ibn Al-Husayn Ibn Ali Al-Mas'udi

History And Geography Muruj Adh-Dhahab Wa Ma'adin Al-Jawhar (“The Meadows Of Gold And Mines Of Gems”)

At-Tanbih Wal-Ishraf ("Notification And Review")


15 Abu Musa Jabir Ibn Hayyan

Alchemy And Chemistry, Astronomy, Astrology, Medicine And Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physics, Philanthropist

Kitab al-kimya, kitab al-sab'een, book of the kingdom, book of the balances , book of eastern mercury, etc.

- discovered "caustic soda" or gatron- first to evoke water gold.- first to introduce the method of separation of (naoh)- introduced improvements to the evaporation methods of liquidation, distillation, fusion and crystallization .- been able to prepare a lot of chemicals like hydrated mercury and arsenious oxide.- he explained in detail how to prepare arsenic, antimony, and purification of metals and dyeing fabrics .- he manufactured incombustible paper.- he made some sort of paint that prevents iron rust .- the first to introduce the method of separating gold from silver solution by acids, which is the predominant mode to this day .Jaber also wrote so many books between two hundred and thirty-two and five hundred books (232-500), on which the world depended on for several centuries and until today.

Jabir Ibnu Hayyan(Al-Barigi / Al-Azdi / Al-Kufi / Al-Tusi / Al-Sufi)

16 Abu-Bakr Muhammad Ibn

Astronomer, Philosopher, Physician, Physicist, Poet,

Discovered a system in which no epicycles occur, but eccentric spheres are not excluded

Ibnu BajjahAvempace

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Yahya Ibn Al-Sayigh

ScientistAvempace's theory of motion

Recognition of the active intelligence, he wrote that active intelligence is the most important ability of human beings, and he wrote many other essays on sensations and imaginations. He concluded that "knowledge cannot be acquired by senses alone but by active intelligence, which is the governing intelligence of nature.

17 Abu Al-Hasan 'Ali Ibn 'Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Ahmad Ibn Yunus Al-Sadafi Al-Misri

Astrology, Astronomy, Poetry

Kitab Bulugh Al-Umniyya ("On The Attainment Of Desire")

Al-Zij Al-Kabir Al-Hakimi (c. 1000), was a handbook of astronomical tables which contained very accurate observations, many of which may have been obtained with very large astronomical instruments


Ibnu Yunus

18 Abu ʿalī Al-Ḥasan Ibn Al-Ḥasan Ibn Al-Haytham

Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Ophthalmology, Philosophy, Visual Perception, And To The Scientific Method

Book Of Optics, Doubts Concerning Ptolemy, On The Configuration Of The World, The Model Of The Motions, Treatise On Light, Treatise On Place, Scientific Method, Experimental Science, Experimental Physics, Experimental Psychology, Visual Perception, Analytic Geometry, Non-Ptolemaic Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics

Ibnu HaithamAlhacen

19 Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Malik Ibn Muhammad Ibn Tufail Al-Qaisi Al-Andalusi

Early Islamic Philosophy, Literature, Kalam, Islamic Medicine

Wrote The First Philosophical Novel, Which Was Also The First Novel To Depict Desert Island, Feral Child And Coming Of Age Plots, And Introduced The Concepts Of Autodidacticism And Tabula Rasa

Hayy Ibn Yaqdhan(Philosophus Autodidactus)

Ibnu Tufail

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20 Ala Al-Din Abu'l-Hasan Ali Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Al-Shatir

Astronomer, Mathematician, Engineer And Inventor

Kitab Nihayat Al-Suʾal Fi Taṣḥiḥ Al-ʾuṣul (“The Final Quest Concerning The Rectification Of Principles”)

Polar-axis sundialIbn al-shatir constructed a magnificent sundial for the minaret of the umayyad mosque in damascus which gave both seasonal and equinoctial hours. The fragments of this sundial in a damascus museum make this the oldest polar-axis sundial still in existence.

Time keeping deviceHe devised a timekeeping device incorporating both a universal sundial and a magnetic compass.

The compendium, a multi-purpose astronomical instrument, was first constructed by ibn al-shatir. His compendium featured an alhidade and polar sundial among other things. These compendia later became popular in renaissance europe.

Ibnu Al-Syatir

21 Muhammad Ibn Abu Bakr

Sciences Of Hadith And Fiqh.Astronomer And Chemist, And A Critic Of Alchemy And Astrology

Ibn qayyim al-jawziyyah's contributions to the islamic library are extensive, and they particularly deal with the qur'anic commentaries, and understanding and analysis of the prophetic traditions (fiqh-us sunnah):

Zad Al-Ma'ad (provision of the hereafter)

Al-Waabil Sayyib Minal Kalim Tayyib – a commentary on hadith about prophet yahya ibn zakariyya.

I'laam Ul Muwaqqi'een 'An Rabb Il 'Aalameen (information for those who write on behalf of the lord of the worlds)

Tahthib Sunan Abi Da'ud

Madaarij saalikeen which is a rearrangement of the book by Shaikh Abu

Ibnu Qayyim

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Ismail Al-Ansari Al-Harawi Al-Sufi, Manazil-U Sa'ireen (stations of the seekers)

22 Hunayn Ibnu Ishaq

Translation, Ophthalmology, Philosophy, Religion, Arabic Grammar

Book of the ten treatises of the eye Hunayn Ibnu Ishaq

23 Al-Ṣabiʾ Thabit Ibn Qurra Al-Ḥarrani

Mathematician, Physician, Astronomer And Translator

Ibn qurra made important discoveries in algebra, geometry and astronomy. In astronomy, thabit is considered one of the first reformers of the ptolemaic system, and in mechanics he was a founder of statics.

Thabit Ibnu Qurah

24 Abu Yusuf Yaʻqub Ibn ʼisḥaq Aṣ-Ṣabbaḥ Al-Kindi

Islamic Theology (Kalam), Philosophy, Logic, Mathematics, Medicine, Astrology

Introducing indian numerals to the islamic and christian world

Al-kindi wrote at least two hundred and sixty books, contributing heavily to geometry (thirty-two books), medicine and philosophy (twenty-two books each), logic (nine books), and physics (twelve books)


25 Abu Al-Qasim Khalaf Ibn Al-Abbas Al-Zahrawi

Surgery, Medicine And Physician

Founder of modern surgical and medical instruments; father of surgery Abu Qassim Khal;Af Ibnu Abbas Al-Zahraawi