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16 Why ‘MONICA THE MEDIUM’ went west

20-21 Featuring: Theatrical Review, Our top DVD pick, and Coming Soon on DVD.

22-23 Featuring: Our top suggested programs to watch this week!

18-19 OSU’s JOEY BOSA among NFL Draft’s top picks

4 Having played doctor before helps DAVE ANNABLE with ‘Heartbeat’

5 JULIAN MCMAHON plays both human and alien in “Hunters”

6 ‘Vinyl’s’ JUNO TEMPLE loves her vinyl

7 ‘MILLION DOLLAR CRITIC’ renders his review

9 Getting to know Food Network’s NANCY FULLER

8 JOHN CENA showcases ‘American Grit’in Fox competition





‘TURN: WASHINGTON’S SPIES’AMC’s Revolutionary War saga gets its third “TURN”

‘GAME OF THRONES’ Siblings have a tense reunion



‘2016 ROCK AND



Getting into Rock Hall ‘awesome’ for Deep Purple’s Hughes


focuses on Ireland’s fight for independence 17



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Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) is heading for one of the worst family reunions ever as HBO’s Emmy-winning “Game of Thrones” returns for Season 6 on Sunday, April 24.

In the Season 5 finale, we last saw Jaime on one of the worst days of his life, having just set sail from Dorne, accompanied by Mircella, one of the three children he and his sister, Cersei (Lena Headey), had conceived through their secret incest. After a rare tender moment between father and daughter, Mircella died in Jaime’s arms, poisoned by a Lannister foe.

“That was such a great scene,” Coster-Waldau says by phone from his home near Copenhagen, Denmark, “and it’s such a great set-up for this coming season, because now he has to face his sister, who is a little – how shall I put this? – emotionally unstable. You can only imagine how well that meeting is going to go down.”

Oh, but wait, there’s more. Unbeknownst to Jaime, while he was in Dorne last season, the capital city of King’s Landing was seized in a coup by a fundamentalist religious group called the Faith Militant, who imprisoned Cersei and confronted her with charges of incest. Desperate for her freedom, Cersei admitted to the charge without implicating her brother-lover and was released, but only after being forced to make a mortifying walk of atonement, stark naked, through the scornful throngs of the city.

“Oh, yeah, she’s in a really good place now, isn’t she?” Coster-Waldau says drily. “She’ll be able to deal with this (Mircella tragedy) in a really good, adult way.”

How this story line unfolds is being kept tightly under wraps, after some material was leaked online last season. That shocking breach of press etiquette prompted executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss to film Season 6 under almost comically tight security constraints.

“The whole thing about who got to see the script was cut down to a bare minimum,” Coster-Waldau reports, “and early on they tried to have call sheets with no names, just

code names or numbers for actors, but then you’d have a prop guy who doesn’t know who’s ‘Number 23,’ so they quickly changed it to go back to a normal call sheet. It was very complicated just getting the scripts. We had to install special safety features on our computers to download them.”

Security always had been tight while filming on the hit show’s many locations, as ardent fans tried to get close to their favorite stars, but that was stepped up even more to protect the most burning question in Season 6.

“This year we had all these paparazzi who were trying to get pictures, especially anything with Kit Harington, because of all the ‘Is Jon Snow really dead’ thing,” Coster-Waldau says. “I think it’s absurd, because at the end of the day, no one really wants to know anything. They still want to be surprised. And it really was all because of one (jerk) who ruined it for everyone (by leaking that material online).”

Adding to the keen fan anticipation, Season 6 is the first in which the TV series has caught up with and moved past its source material – George R.R. Martin’s best-selling fantasy novels – as far as most story lines, so the potential for jaw-dropping shockers has never been higher.

Just don’t expect Jaime and Cersei’s attempt to overthrow the High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce), their pious nemesis, to be an easy task, Coster-Waldau suggests.

“Jaime and Cersei are used to dealing with people that they understand from their world, and this whole Faith Militant thing is a completely different way of looking at power,” the Danish actor explains. “The Lannisters are used to a world where, if all else fails, well, we can always pay our way out of this. Now they’re dealing with a guy who clearly is not to be bought.”

Editor's choice

LANNISTERS REUNITE to take back King’s Landing as ‘Game of Thrones’ returns to HBO BY JOHN CROOK

Pictured: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Lena Headey


DAVEANNABLEDid you feel well-prepared to play your surgeon character in “Heartbeat”?I’m very fortunate that I did my homework, per se, in playing a doctor in the last series I did (“Red Band Society”). I was able to bring the knowledge I had and any appreciation I had, and I was very, very fortunate – kind of like Melissa (George, the female lead in “Heartbeat”) – to actually go to Cedars (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles) and stand in on an actual liver transplant. I was fortunate to go on rounds during the day, and I met this patient. It’s crazy how (doctors) do this every day, but this is something I’ll never forget.She was a 32-year-old suffering from nonalcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. She was holding her husband’s hand, and she was crying, and she had weeks to live. And it was so heavy because it was so real, the stakes, and I left the hospital and I got a call about two hours later: “We found a liver. Do you want to come back and watch the surgery?” It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my life.

You and your actress wife, Odette Annable, welcomed your first child last year ... and the production delay on “Heartbeat,” due to Melissa’s pregnancy, gave you more time at home then. How do you look back on that?Everything happens for a reason. That’s some of the most important time that I could ever ask for, three months (of) being there to support my wife and having a newborn, and – like Melissa said – giving the creative team time to see what we’d done and take their time and write these wonderful scripts that we’ve now seen on the back end.I think that’s not a luxury every television show gets. You have an infinite time to write a pilot, and then all of a sudden, you’re in production (and) you’re boom-boom-boom. You see the quality sometimes sort of leak off, and I feel like these scripts that have come in since have been strong.



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of ‘Heartbeat’ Wednesday on NBC

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JULIANMCMAHONAt least outwardly, your character McCarthy is a principal villain of “Hunters.” How do you perceive him?I play this character that, on the surface, appears to be quite a brutal character ... but really, at the core of who he is is this guy who really wants to be respected, to be understood, to be accepted. And so even though I do play the aggressive character in the piece, he’s not without his own kind of conscience and his own needs and his own desires. He eventually becomes almost a sympathetic character to a certain extent, if you can believe that from what you see on the screen.

What, to you, makes “Hunters” stand out among the many sagas of humans vs. aliens?The thing that creates a little bit of a difference in regards to this piece is (that) the aliens actually come in human form, so they’re not coming as a little green Martian or some kind of oval-faced thing with large eyes, or whatever else is that we’ve seen as aliens are depicted. They actually are very specifically in human form.That’s really interesting, because it’s really about almost looking in the mirror when you start talking about character and that kind of development and what it is as a culture. Where we head in the direction in this show has a lot to do with humans facing each other, looking in the mirror. I think that’s kind of an interesting thing that separates it a little bit from others in this genre as well.

How easy – or not – is it for you to buy into the show’s concept?I have some friends who honestly believe that aliens exist on the planet. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine just before Christmas and she so adamantly believes it that, by the end of the conversation, I started believing that she was more right than I was.



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of ‘Hunters’ Monday on Syfy

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What are your favorite bands?I’m a huge Iggy Pop fan. I love Iggy Pop so much. I love the Rolling Stones. I love the Modern Lovers. I love Lou Reed. I love Big Star. I love David Bowie. I love Tom Petty. My brother actually started just getting me into this kind of weird ... like late-’60s psychedelic music, like Can, and I’ve been super down with that. And then I like stuff from a little earlier, too. Like I love Howlin’ Wolf and I think it’s so great because you can so hear how he would have inspired the Rolling Stones to make so much of their music. So that’s what I love about music, is that you can really listen to what inspired people of the next generation. You know?

Yes, you can hear the influence of earlier artists in what came later.Yeah, totally. Television – oh, “Marquee Moon” is such a great album. Blondie – yeah, I love the ’70s, man. Because nothing has been better than it, personally. I mean, grunge, I was a big fan of ’90s grunge, too. I’m a big fan of ’90s grunge and some pretty great bands came out in the ’90s and like shoegaze music and stuff like that. I was a big fan of that.

JUNO TEMPLE of ‘Vinyl ’ Sunday on HBO Signature

Your father Julien Temple once did a film about the Sex Pistols. Did he give you any insight into the punk rock era as you prepared for your role on “Vinyl”?He’s done a few. He did them about the Clash and Dr. Feelgood, and he was such a huge ’70s punk rocker back in the day, so I asked him a hell of a lot of questions. But also like truly, I’m not joking, I spend my life kind of living in a sort of ’70s universe. ... All my vinyl collection is pretty much 1970s records.

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When was the last vacation you took, where and why?“It was about a month ago and I went to Dubai with my daughter, Kitty, who’s 5 years-old.”

What book are you currently reading?“It’s by Peter Frankopan. It’s called ‘The Silk Roads.’ It’s a history book just out this year. ... The history of the world has always been about the West and this is repositioning it along the silk road and saying it’s all in Persia. It’s a very good thing for an English public school boy to read history written from a different perspective.”

What did you have for dinner last night?“Honestly, truthfully, I had one of my own sheep. I have a place outside London in the Gloucestershire countryside ... and I have a small number of sheep and we have them for food. ...”

What is your next project?“It’s (an unscripted TV series) called ‘Back in Time for Brixton,’ and Brixton is a very black suburb of South London. ... It’s through food, telling the story of black immigration in the 20th century in Britain.”

On Cooking Channel’s Tuesday series “Million Dollar Critic,” British food critic Giles Coren shows up unannounced at restaurants around the U.S. and Canada to get an unvarnished look at their overall dining experience. If he likes what he sees, tastes and experiences, he’ll render a review that can change an eatery’s fortunes literally overnight.

Regardless of whether they’re ready for it.

“When I give a great review to somewhere and they don’t know they’re going to get it,” says Coren, whose print reviews appear in the Times of London, “they’re not prepared for it. And then a lot of people come and then they’re run off their feet and they run out of ingredients and they don’t have the staff and people have a bad experience and it backfires on them. So it isn’t enough to just get the review. You’ve got to be able to cope with the increased (traffic). ... It’s possibly as difficult as coping with failure.”

“When I started out doing this and I’d written a great review,” he continues, “I used to sometimes phone a place. I’d call them the night before and say, ‘Listen, you’re going to get a great review tomorrow. You’ll probably get a lot of people through the door. You should prepare yourself for it.’ But then that suddenly sounds a bit arrogant, as if I’m assuming some sort of Godlike position, so I just leave it. But I know of places that had a very difficult time and they don’t know what to do.”

In the show’s first season, Coren has dropped in on restaurants in Philadelphia, Toronto, Charleston, Newfoundland and the site of this week’s episode, Providence, R.I. Coming with him are a camera crew, which can often unnerve wait and kitchen staffs and thus affect service, so Coren has his own way of putting employees at ease.

“Drink helps,” he says. “For example, there’s one in St. John’s, Newfoundland, where a lot of drinking generally goes on and I just arrive and start doing shots with the head waiter and we get pretty drunk pretty quickly – for real – and then everybody forgets that there’s a camera there and it can all be real.”

“The main thing (is) for them to pretend the cameras aren’t there and to help, in the space of a two-hour meal, turn them into broadcasters. ... I’ll unclip my mike and talk to them and I’ll say, ‘You don’t want to pay attention to the crew. They’re a bunch of losers.’ And I’m getting them on my side. And then say, ‘Look, I know I’m here to give you this million dollar review but really, we’re all on the television. And if you want people to come to your restaurant, you give a good show for 10 minutes on the TV, it doesn’t really matter what I think.’ And that seems to help them relax.”

‘MILL ION DOLLAR CRIT IC’ Coren helps restaurants cope with success

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John Cena knows more than a bit about displaying grit.

The WWE’s reigning star over the past decade, he had to sit out this month’s WrestleMania event because of recent shoulder surgery, but he’s staying in the public eye thanks to his entry into the reality-competition-series genre. Airing Thursdays on Fox, “American Grit” finds the wrestler and sometimes actor joined by a “cadre” of military veterans to put contestants through grueling mental and physical challenges in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest ... with up to $1 million in prize money available to those who literally stay the course.

“It’s certainly something I wanted to be involved with,” says Cena, also an executive producer of the program. “The show evolved from a quite different concept, which was a bit more philanthropic and a bit less challenging. In the initial stages of development, we got some awesome people to put their heads together and come up with this, where everyday civilians could reap the benefits of knowledge from the military’s elite and get a slice of knowing what it’s like to be the best of the best.”

Having played military members and law enforcers in some of his film work – though comedy has been more his movie calling card lately – Cena appreciates “American Grit” for emphasizing “the team-building it takes” for such servants, “pushing themselves beyond the limits to fight for the freedoms of this country. I really thought that was a cool slice of life we should be showing to America and the rest of the world.”

Dealing with “American Grit’s” military “cadre” of expert advisers including U.S. Army members, a Marine and a Navy SEAL has proven “very eye-opening” for Cena, “in that I get to meet interesting, heroic individuals and get an inside track on their lives as I spend more time with them.

“It’s also eye-opening from the competitive standpoint,” Cena adds. “There are some really good people in this world. With these competition shows, and life in general, you hear a lot about the negative ... the backstabbing that goes on. It was a great breath of fresh air to meet 16 driven individuals who

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NANCYFULLER- Born March 27, 1949 in Copake, New York.

- She is the daughter of a farmer with 13 generations of farmers’ wives before her.

- She has raised six children and is the grandmother of 13.

- She was the president and CEO of a premier catering company in Columbia County for 25 years. The first event she catered was a cattle sale auction cocktail party.

- She co-owns and operates Ginsberg Foods, a multi-million dollar business, with her husband, David Ginsberg.

- She has owned dairy farms, numerous rental properties, restored historic homes and dealt in antiques and design for many years.

- A few years ago, a producer filming a segment at a local market loved the casual way she was explaining local produce to a friend. And so she went from candidly explaining how to tell the freshness of a head of lettuce by weighing it in her hand, to having her own show.

- In 2013, her cooking show “Farmhouse Rules” debuted on Food Network. The recipes, or “rules,” as they were called by cooks at the turn of the century, are delicious, simple meals from the heart.

- She calls her cooking method “chop, chop, in the pot.”

- Over a decade ago she fell in love with a late-17th-century Dutch stone house attached to a 1766 Georgian brick dwelling located in the Hudson Valley and decided to buy it. She made it her home and it is her own kitchen, with her own tools and kitchen items, where her cooking show is filmed.

- In 2015, her debut cookbook, also called “Farmhouse Rules” (Grand Central Life & Style), was published.

- In addition to her own show, she is also a judge on the seasonal shows “Holiday Baking Championship” and “Spring Baking Championship.”

- She and her husband reside in Claverack, New York and Delray Beach, Fla.

Nancy Fuller is a cook, business woman and TV personality who can currently

be seen as a judge on Food Network’s “Spring Baking Championship.”

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“Here is the best thing a (stand-up comedy) special gives you: You’ve got an hour of material out there that someone can watch on TV, and it’s your best stuff, and they make it look great, and it’s fantastic. Then you have the opportunity to go on the road, now that people have seen your special. If people had watched you or heard an album of (your) material, and then they go pay to see you and you give them a whole new hour, you have fans for life.” – Patton Oswalt of “Patton Oswalt: Talking for Clapping” on Netflix

“We didn’t have a lot of time to be like, ‘Well, let’s reinvent the way we’re doing this.’ This is a little bit more boringly technical, but we returned to a three-act structure which falls ‘beginning, middle and end,’ which is natural storytelling technique. And we did four acts (when the show was on Fox), so that was kind of nice, to go back to that.” – Mindy Kaling of “The Mindy Project” on Hulu

“People were coming to help clear the house out, and it was very much a small-town feel. They were showing up and saying things like, ‘Oh, yeah, my brother went to high school with you.’ There was a lot of the warmth of being back home.” – Tom Bergeron of “Dancing With the Stars” on ABC, about returning to his Massachusetts hometown to tend to his parents, both of whom he lost recently

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Sarah Greene of “Rebellion” on Sundance

Channel“At the moment,

I just finished ‘How to Get

Away With Murder,’ which

I love. ‘The Affair’ was a

show that I just adored. I really

loved that. I really love ‘Girls.’

I never got into ‘Downton

Abbey,’ which is one I need to

start watching, I think. I watch a show called

‘UnReal,’ which I really liked. But at the moment,

I’m not really watching much TV. There’s too much sunshine

to be had.”

Emma Ishta of “Stitchers” on

Freeform“I love ‘Peaky Blinders’ and

‘The Fall’ – Gillian Anderson is so fantastic in that show, so subtle

– and ‘Bloodline.’ And ‘Game of Thrones,’ obviously.”

Noah Cappe of “Carnival Eats” on Cooking Channel“I like some of the History channel stuff. I’m even into some of the silly stuff like ‘The Curse of Oak Island’ and all those fun treasure-hunting type shows. I record ‘Chopped,’ of course, being a foodie. And ‘The Bachelor.’ I always record ‘The Bachelor’ and ‘The Bachelorette.’ It’s a guilty pleasure but I can comfortably admit it.”


Monica Ten-Kate of “Monica the Medium” on FreeformI’m a huge ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ fan and also ‘Pretty Little Liars.’ ... I absolutely love ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ ... . My roommates make fun of me but I make sure it’s always recorded. And my roommates and I, we love making sure that ‘The Bachelor’ every Monday was like our roomie night, where we would make sure that was on our DVR. We’re watching ‘The Bachelor’ and we’ll definitely be watching ‘The Bachelorette’ ... . So yeah, another guilty pleasure where I’m a little embarrassed to admit it. But whatever, I’m 22 and I’m a girl so it’s all good (laughs).


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“FATHER” The Season 3 premiere of “TURN: Washington’s Spies” Monday on AMC.


Playing the father of our country is no minor duty, and these days, no one knows that better than Ian Kahn.

Also active in theater, the New York-based actor starts his third season as the pre-presidential George Washington when the AMC drama series “TURN: Washington’s Spies” returns Monday, April 25. A Revolutionary War general in the context of the show, the title character relies on the members of the Culper Ring – and Abe Woodhull (Jamie Bell) specifically – for covert information, building in this round toward the revelation of Benedict Arnold (“The Mentalist” alum Owain Yeoman) as an informant for the British Army. Seth Numrich, Heather Lind and Angus Macfadyen are among other continuing cast members.

“People are not as familiar with General Washington at this time of the war as during his presidency,” the friendly Kahn says. “Often, people will say to me, ‘Mr. President!’ I actually don’t have any reference for that, because my whole understanding of the man is from his early childhood through his 20s and 30s. It’s an immense responsibility that I do take very seriously, and I’m fortunate to have some help from historians who have become good friends of mine through the work. They hopefully keep me on the right path.”

Even with that groundwork, Kahn appreciates being able to take some dramatic license: “I think so much of what we understand about General Washington is the portrait that’s on the $1 bill. It sort of sets the tone for him as this humorless man who just looks pained all the time, but he was tremendously charismatic through his whole career. He tended to keep to his own counsel, but he was beloved by his men during this war, and there was a reason for that. He was courageous and brave, and a wonderful leader as well.

“Something that took me by surprise, the more I got to know the character, was that this was a man with a great

AMC gives Ian Kahn another

‘TURN’ as General George


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passion who lived very strongly inside of himself,” adds Kahn. “He learned through the years to keep that passion down, so that he could best strategize his way through life, through the war and then through his later years.”

With Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe set to make an appearance as (of all things) the leader of Virginia’s military, Season 3 of “TURN” – executive-produced by Craig Silverstein (“Nikita”) and Barry Josephson (“Bones”) – doesn’t miss a beat, since Kahn reports that it “picks up right where Season 2 left off, literally that night. We really see the politician in Washington start to come out, and it’s some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing a role. We see Washington not always in charge of a situation and needing things from other people. He’s trying to figure out what the best way forward is for the country, for the army and for himself.”

That process comes to involve another major factor in the legend of George Washington, since Kahn reveals, “We get to meet Martha (played by Lilli Birdsell), so we get to see a little bit more inside him this year. We continue to see his challenges, but we also get to see him at his best in a lot of ways. Still, this season is very much about Benedict Arnold, and it’s Owain Yeoman’s chance to shine. And he does it. He’s such a fantastic actor, he really steps up to it.”

While his other television credits have encompassed most of the “Law and Order” series, Kahn deems making “TURN” to be “a great joy for me personally, because there’s a certain amount of freedom in fact. There’s been so much written about General Washington, it gives you a base from which to use your imagination as an actor and, hopefully, to be able to take the character to new heights. I’m very grateful ... and right scared, quite often. The responsibility is large.”


Deep Purple’s Glenn Hughes

always thought band would get into Rock Hall

Glenn Hughes is one of eight members of Deep Purple honored in the “2016 Rock and Roll Hall of

Fame Induction Ceremony,” airing Saturday on HBO.

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Deep Purple. Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin. Yes.

Consider what these 1970s rock giants had in common. Detractors might say “volume” – and that would be true – but those who lived through the time, went to the concerts and bought the records would point to something else: musicianship.

Each band had members who were virtuoso musicians, guys who mastered their instruments and could play circles around the average pop act of today. And three of the four (Yes being the glaring omission) are members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Deep Purple, along with Cheap Trick, Chicago, N.W.A. and Steve Miller, became the newest members of the hallowed halls of the Cleveland edifice when it held its 31st annual induction ceremony April 8 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., a special that airs on HBO on Saturday, April 30.

For Purple, makers of such hits as “Smoke on the Water,” “Woman From Tokyo,” “Highway Star” and “Burn,” this was a case of third time lucky. The band had been nominated in 2013 and 2014 but didn’t get in – and the fact that it took so long came as a surprise to Glenn Hughes, the band’s bass player and singer from 1973 to 1976.

“OK, let’s just take Deep Purple out of the equation,” the 64-year-old Brit says. “It’s a band, a rock band – I say in capital R-O-C-K – that sold over 150 million albums. Truly, that


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should generate some interest from the Hall of Fame members and fan votes. So how do I feel about being inducted? I am very, very grateful and honored. I think the fans have taken a beating over not getting (voted in) over the last two or three years. But speaking on my behalf, it really (is) awesome. Look, I just figured at some point we’d get in.”

At a time when the term “heavy metal” had yet to be coined, Purple was one of the top hard rock acts of the 1970s, routinely selling out arenas and stadiums and cranking out five albums that went gold, two platinum and one double platinum. That last album, 1972’s “Machine Head,” contained the rock anthem “Smoke on the Water,” a staple of classic rock stations today and the first song every aspiring guitar player learns to play.

Both Purple and Hughes separately continue to tour today.

“I saw that show ‘The Sixties on CNN,” Hughes says, “and they asked Mick Jagger when he was 23, ‘How long a career do you think you’ll have?’ And he said, ‘Well, I think we’re good for about another year.’ That was like in 1967. ... Jagger is my dipstick. He’s an old friend of mine as Bowie was an old friend. ... But I always said to myself, ‘As long as Bowie and Jagger are still going, I’m going to be OK.’ So rock ain’t dead, man. Rock is getting bigger. Rock ‘n’ roll is rock ‘n’ roll.”

’70S ROCK GIANTS DEEP PURPLE one of fives acts inducted into Rock Hall


Monica Ten-Kate of Freeform’s “Monica the Medium” recalls her strangest spirit encounter.

It was about a year and a half ago, and the 22-year-old undergrad student was out at a bar using the ladies room when, she recalls with a laugh, “spirit starts to come through.”

Some spirits just have no respect for personal privacy.“I just remember the girl was in the stall next to me and I said something,” Ten-Kate says. “I started the reading in the stall because it was really strong and she was like, ‘Oh my God, that’s my mom.’ Or her grandmother or somebody – I don’t remember. But we came out after, we were washing our hands and I’m finishing up and giving her the messages and she’s crying.”

The second season of “Monica the Medium” gets going Monday, April 25, and finds Ten-Kate departing Penn State and heading west with best friend Krista and puppy Luna to San Diego, where the two young women enroll in classes at MiraCosta College with the intention of finishing up their degrees.

Along the way, Ten-Kate has spirit encounters and does impromptu readings for people, including one at a gas station. And once she settled into her new home, found new roommates and enrolled in classes, the newly minted California resident did what Californians do.

“You see me go and take surfing lessons,” she says, “and I go paddleboarding with my family. I do my first event in San Diego with James van Pragh, who is a world-renowned medium, so that was amazing doing a duo event with another medium who a lot of people know of.”

Ten-Kate loves the vibe of San Diego and its people and she cites that as the reason she pulled up stakes and moved before completing her degree in communications. She was always able to support herself at Penn State doing readings, but now after having had a show on a major basic cable network for a season, she has found that demand for her services has increased dramatically to the point where she no longer keeps a waiting list. The messages and emails, which she says number in the thousands daily, keep coming.

“What has been really nice for me,” Ten-Kate says, “is that through more and more people learning about me or knowing what I do, it allows me to do larger events and do events with a couple hundred people even. So with events and things like that and just my everyday schedule, yeah I can definitely take care of myself and I’m at a place where yeah, it’s really awesome to be able to do what you love and what you’re passionate about as your job. And to do that full time is fantastic.”


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‘Monica the Medium’ heads

west as Season 2 of Freeform series opens

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On April 24, 1916, Irish republicans launched an armed insurrection aimed at ending British rule in Ireland. The six-day rebellion that became known as the Easter Rising would cost nearly 500 lives and fail, but it would serve as the precursor for the ultimately successful War of Independence a few years later. In the process, lives and families were torn apart.

Sunday, April 24 – the 100th anniversary of the uprising’s beginning – Sundance Channel debuts “Rebellion,” a three-night, five-part miniseries that looks at the historical events through the eyes of fictional characters in Belfast, Dublin and London who played pivotal and conflicting roles in the battle and whose lives would never be the same.

The drama centers on three women: Elizabeth (Charlie Murphy, “Philomena”), an Irish student doctor who abandons her life of privilege to devote herself to the revolution; May (Sarah Greene, “Penny Dreadful”), a civil servant whose affair with a British colonial administrator looks like betrayal to her Irish peers; and Frances (Ruth Bradley, “Love/Hate”), a seemingly mild-mannered teacher with a passion for the cause.

Others in the cast include Barry Ward (“Watchmen”) as Arthur, an Irishman who enlisted in the British Army to fight the Germans in World War I and who now finds himself fighting his own brother Jimmy (Brian Gleeson, “Snow White


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Sundance’s ‘Rebellion’ revisits a pivotal

point in Irish history

and the Huntsman”) on the streets of Dublin; and Tom Turner (“Hollyoaks”) as Charles, May’s lover who finds he has a sympathy for his adopted nation.

“Rebellion” was a major event when it aired earlier this year on Ireland’s RTE. For the cast of largely Irish actors, making this was a patriotic affair and all came away with a sense of pride in their country and in the production.

“I think we all felt that. We all felt like our grandparents would be proud,” Greene says with a laugh, “which was really nice, and our parents were all very proud that we were involved in something of that magnitude about our history. And as well, we were all such good friends beforehand. I mean, Charlie’s like a sister to me and I mean that. So to get to work with them was just incredible.”

Murphy, a native of Wexford, Ireland, says the opportunity to play a strong woman was too good for her to turn down.

“You know, it was a three-female lead,” she says, “because the story follows them, which is very unusual to be given an opportunity like that as an actress, especially in our age bracket as well. So yeah, that was the main thing. And obviously as an Irish actress as well, being given the opportunity to tell the story of your nation is a pretty special opportunity.”

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Sarah Greene stars in “Rebellion,” premiering Sunday on Sundance



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BORN: July 11, 1995

BIRTHPLACE: Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 6 foot 5 inches, 278-pounds

COLLEGE: Ohio State University

POSITION: Defensive End

HONORS AND ACHIEVEMENTS: College Football National Champion, 2015; Big Ten Champion, 2014; Unanimous All-American, 2014





BOUNDStory on next page

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He’s considered by many to be the best overall prospect in the upcoming NFL Draft. Although he may not be the first pick by the Tennessee Titans, Ohio State’s Joey Bosa should hear his name called very early when the first round of the draft airs Thursday, April 28, on ESPN and the NFL Network. Coverage of subsequent rounds of the NFL Draft continue Friday, April 29 and Saturday, April 30, on both networks.

Bosa leaves the Buckeyes as a junior after putting together a solid college football career full of honors. Among the all-time team leaders in several defensive categories at OSU, and the son of a former number one draft pick John Bosa (Miami Dolphins, 1987), Bosa is expected to make an immediate contribution wherever he lands.

Several mock draft experts speculate Bosa to be a top-five pick but not the overall No. 1 pick. The Titans need help in the defensive backfield; the Cleveland Browns will likely take quarterback Carson Wentz and the San Diego Chargers (third pick) were eyeing Oregon defensive end DeForest Buckner.

That leaves the Dallas Cowboys, who really need D-line help, as a possible home for Bosa with the fourth pick. Still, the Cowboys also need help at the running back position and may not be able to pass up Bosa’s college roommate, Ezekiel Elliott.

Anything can happen on draft day, including teams trading up and down. Wherever Bosa does land you can expect him to be finding his way into the opposing team’s backfield come autumn.JOEYBOSA





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Once upon a time, Batman and Superman used to be fun ... in the way most of the Marvel characters have been in THEIR movies lately.

The DC comic universe definitely has been going for the darker side in its screen ventures. Nowhere is that more evident than in “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice,” which doesn’t exactly put the heroes in league with each other.

That’s much of the problem. Though there was a long and anticipation-packed wait for it, the current movie frequently seems like a really long tease for others to come, including “Justice League.” For now, we get Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne/Batman resenting Henry Cavill’s Superman for aftereffects of the climax of “Man of Steel,” also directed by this film’s Zack Snyder. That’s principally where the title’s “v.” comes into play.

Even politicians are on the case of Krypton’s favorite son, including the one played by Holly Hunter. They’re concerned with what the immense power of Superman could mean destructively, rather than positively, for the world – and along with the familiar scheming of Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg, ideal for the part), it’s enough to make a superhero reconsider saving humanity.

The same goes for Batman, though he’s working on a more localized level, his focus and abilities being more earthly. As the latest of many Caped Crusaders to inhabit the screen, Affleck has the brooding down perfectly, if indeed there must be this much brooding. And Cavill continues to fill his often-airborne suit admirably, both physically and in acting terms.

The freshest breath here is Wonder Woman, played by Gal Gadot, who will be getting her own movie (which, in fact, was in production at the time this one was released). Amy Adams is back from “Man of Steel” as Lois Lane, and Jeremy Irons makes a terrific butler Alfred.

Of course, the special effects are up to par, as they must be in a saga of this nature. Particularly interesting is the envisioning of Metropolis and Gotham, legendary locales we’ve never seen juxtaposed before. In the same way their respective icons have their differences, so do those cities, and making that point visually is very much to the credit of the picture’s artistic team.

However, for all it does have, “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” is sorely lacking one element: joy. And that’s a near-fatal flaw not even a superhero can withstand.


“THE 5TH WAVE” (May 3): Though aliens continue to unleash attacks on Earth, a young fugitive (Chloe Grace Moretz) is determined to save her brother (Zackary Arthur). (PG-13: AS, P, V)

“JOY” (May 3): Jennifer Lawrence plays Miracle Mop inventor and marketer Joy Mangano in director David O. Russell’s comedy-drama, also reuniting the actress with Robert De Niro and Bradley Cooper. (PG-13: AS, P)

“PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES” (May 31): The classic story gets a major revision involving – you guessed it – the undead; Lily James and Sam Riley star. (PG-13: AS, V)

“ANOMALISA” (June 7): The animated Oscar nominee focuses on an author (voice of David Thewlis) who gains a renewed appreciation of his life and family. (R: AS, N, P)

“ROOTS: THE COMPLETE ORIGINAL SERIES” (June 7): The milestone television drama about Alex Haley’s search for his ancestors makes its Blu-ray debut; stars include LeVar Burton and Louis Gossett Jr. (Not rated: AS, V)

“45 YEARS” (June 14): Recent Oscar nominee Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay play a couple upset by news on a milestone wedding anniversary. (R: AS, P)


Coming Soon on DVD...


Top PickDVD




Kevin Hart and Ice Cube reunite in this action-comedy sequel as their characters – an Atlanta police detective and his future brother-in-law – team with a Miami cop (Olivia Munn, “The Newsroom”) against a drug kingpin (Benjamin Bratt). Not surprisingly, the movie hews very closely to the style of its surprise-hit forerunner, particularly since director Tim Story also returns. Tika Sumpter is back as Hart’s bride-to-be, and the cast also includes Ken Jeong, Sherri Shepherd and (reprising his police-boss role) Bruce McGill. DVD extras: four “making-of” documentaries; audio commentary by Story; deleted scenes; outtakes. ››› (PG-13: AS, P, V) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand)

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Family Viewing Ratings

AS Adult situations P Profanity V Violence N Nudity GV Graphic Violence

Pictured: Chloe Grace Moretz and Zackary Arthur

Pictured: Ice Cube (left) and Kevin Hart


SUNDAY 9 p.m. on CBS The Good Wife

With the series nearing its end, the future of a couple of its characters seems predetermined in the new episode “Party,” as the upcoming nuptials of Jackie and Howard (Mary Beth Peil, Jerry Adler) are celebrated at an event staged by Alicia (Julianna Margulies). Jason (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is in a tough spot when he’s hired by Eli (Alan Cumming) to look into Peter’s (Chris Noth) affairs — of all kinds. Michael J. Fox returns as attorney Louis Canning. New

MONDAY 9 p.m. on CBS Scorpion

Also seen lately on “Heartbeat,” Joshua Leonard (“The Blair Witch Project”) guest stars as a former team colleague who becomes an enemy in the adventure’s second-season finale, “Toby or Not Toby.” The ex-Scorpion member kidnaps Toby (Eddie Kaye Thomas) and threatens him with death unless Walter (Elyes Gabel) and the others meet a carefully thought-out series of demands. Katharine McPhee, Robert Patrick, Jadyn Wong and Ari Stidham also star. Season Finale New

TUESDAY 8:30 p.m. on FOX Grandfathered

Jimmy (John Stamos) tries to turn back the calendar in the new episode “Jimmy’s 50th, Again,” as the arrival of his 51st birthday puts him in denial. He decides to have the party for his 50th a second time, but in the process of staging it over, he realizes how much has changed for him in a year — thanks to the family he didn’t know he had. Josh Peck, Paget Brewster, Christina Milian and Kelly Jenrette also star. Regina Hall continues her guest role. New

Elyes Gabel stars in “Scorpion”

Julianna Margulies stars in “The Good Wife”

Morris Chestnut stars in “Rosewood”

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John Stamos stars in “Grandfathered”

SWEDNESDAY 8 p.m. on FOX Rosewood

Miami Beach yields some things it usually doesn’t — two corpses and a considerable amount of cash along the shore — in the new episode “Thorax, Thrombosis and Threesomes.” Another pathologist is brought into the case, making Rosewood (Morris Chestnut) concerned about his arrangement with the local police department. Daisie (guest star Lisa Vidal) begins residing with Villa (Jaina Lee Ortiz), but problems arise almost immediately. New

THURSDAY 8 p.m. on ABC Grey’s Anatomy

“You’re Gonna Need Someone on Your Side” is the very descriptive title of this new episode, which finds Stephanie (Jerrika Hinton) debating just how much others should be allowed into her life, and Callie and Arizona (Sara Ramirez, Jessica Capshaw) needing shoulders to lean on. Ellen Pompeo, Justin Chambers, Chandra Wilson, Kevin McKidd, James Pickens Jr. and Sarah Drew also star. New

8 p.m. on NBCStrong

There’s more than a bit of suspicion about motives among the contestants in the new episode “Power Play,” making it tough when they have to work together in an upper-body-strength challenge. Here’s hoping they don’t use that strength in the wrong way, especially when the competition takes an unforeseen turn after two major rivals square off at the Elimination Tower. Gabrielle Reece is the host. New


FRIDAY 9 p.m. on FOX Hell’s Kitchen

Every challenge, recipe and ingredient during the season has led to this ... the “Winner Chosen” episode that wraps up the show’s season. Restaurant-industry professionals serve as the judges who gauge five very different dishes prepared by the top two finalists, with the eventual victor receiving $250,000 and the job of head chef at BLT Steak at Bally’s Las Vegas. Returning contestants also factor into the final round. Gordon Ramsay is the host. Season Finale New

SATURDAY 8 p.m. on ABC Jazz at the White House

The day after the event’s staging at the country’s most famous address, a gathering of music titans is condensed into this new special. Aretha Franklin, Sting, Herbie Hancock and Al Jarreau are on the roster to celebrate the fifth annual International Jazz Day, with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama as hosts of the occasion. The April 29 scheduling commemorates the birthdate of jazz icon (and Washington, D.C. native) Duke Ellington. New

Gordon Ramsay hosts “Hell’s Kitchen”

President Barack Obama hosts “Jazz at the White House”

Ellen Pompeo stars in “Grey’s Anatomy”

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