iso annex a - features - iso/tc 211 to purpose and justification the dgiwg has worked with iso/tc...

ISO/TC 211 N 834 1999-12-06 Number of pages: 336 ISO/TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics Title: New work item proposal: Geographic information - Profile - FACC Data Dictionary Source: DGIWG Target date: 2000-03-06 Status: New work item proposal Required action: P-members are requested to complete and return the ballot form to the ISO/TC 211 secretariat no later than 2000-03-06 File names: 211n834_1.PDF, 211n834_2.PDF, 211n834_3.PDF, - 211n834b.doc - 211n834b.PDF Distribution: P, O and L members Chairman WG Convenors Mr. Keith Brannon, ISO CS ISO/TC 211 Secretariat Telephone: + 47 22 59 01 16 Telefax: + 47 22 59 01 29 Norwegian Technology Standards Institution Oscars gate 20 P.O. Box 7072 Majorstua N-0306 Oslo, Norway E-mail: [email protected] URL:

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Page 1: ISO Annex A - Features - ISO/TC 211 to Purpose and justification The DGIWG has worked with ISO/TC 211 since the establishment of the ISO Technical Committee, with respect to the development

ISO/TC 211 N 834


Number of pages: 336

ISO/TC 211Geographic information/Geomatics

Title: New work item proposal: Geographic information - Profile - FACC DataDictionary

Source: DGIWG

Target date: 2000-03-06

Status: New work item proposal

Required action: P-members are requested to complete and return the ballot form to the ISO/TC211 secretariat no later than 2000-03-06

File names: 211n834_1.PDF, 211n834_2.PDF, 211n834_3.PDF, - 211n834b.doc -211n834b.PDF

Distribution: P, O and L membersChairmanWG ConvenorsMr. Keith Brannon, ISO CS

ISO/TC 211 Secretariat Telephone: + 47 22 59 01 16Telefax: + 47 22 59 01 29

Norwegian Technology Standards InstitutionOscars gate 20P.O. Box 7072 MajorstuaN-0306 Oslo, Norway

E-mail: [email protected]


Page 2: ISO Annex A - Features - ISO/TC 211 to Purpose and justification The DGIWG has worked with ISO/TC 211 since the establishment of the ISO Technical Committee, with respect to the development

A proposal for a new work item (includingproposals for amendment or revision of an existing standard) within the scope of an existing technical committee orsubcommittee shall be submitted to the secretariat of that technical committee or subcommittee with a copy to the CentralSecretariat and, in the case of a sub-committee, a copy to the secretariat of the parent technical committee. The proposal willbe circulated to the P-members of the technical committee or subcommittee for voting, and to the O-members for information.The proposer may be a member body of ISO, the secretariat itself, another technical committee or subcommittee, anorganization in liaison, the Technical Management Board or one of the advisory groups, or the Secretary-General. Guidelinesfor proposing and justifying a new work item are given in the ISO/IEC Directives (part 1, annex Q) (see extract overleaf).

The proposal (to be completed by the proposer)

Title of proposal (in the case of an amendment or revision, or a new part, of an existing standard, show the standardnumber)

Geographic information - Profile - FACC Data Dictionary

Scope (as defined in 6.2.1 of part 3 of the ISO/IEC Directives)

This International Standard is a profile. It is based on rules and methodsdefined in ISO CD 19110 (15046-10) Geographic information – Feature cataloguingmethodology, in the context of DGIWG. It defines a Data Dictionary and includesthe definition of Features and Attributes only, which may be of use to the widerinternational community.

Purpose and justification (attach a separate page as annex, if necessary)

See annex

Target date (indicate the date by which the availability of the 30 April 2001International Standard is considered to be necessary)

Relevant documents to be considered

ISO 19110 (15046-10) Geographical information - Feature catalogue methodology,

NATO STANAG 7074 DIGEST 2.0, Part 4 FACC, 1997

Relationship of project to activities of other international bodies

The DGIWG has maintained the FACC Data Dictionary as part of the DIGEST standardfor many years. FACC is used as part of a Feature Catalogue within the context ofProduct Specifications for many DIGEST compatible products. The DGIWG and IHOhave also worked to harmonize the FACC Data Dictionary with the Data Dictionarydefined in the IHO S-57 "Object Catalogue".

Liaison organizations


Need for coordination within ISO and IEC



Date of presentation1999-12-06

Reference number(to be given by secretariat)


ISO/TC 211 /SC N 834


Page 3: ISO Annex A - Features - ISO/TC 211 to Purpose and justification The DGIWG has worked with ISO/TC 211 since the establishment of the ISO Technical Committee, with respect to the development

Preparatory work

A draft is attached

An outline is attached and it will be possible to supply a draft by (date)

Proposed project leader (name and address):

Debra LaMarque, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 OAL, UK

Concerns known patented items(see part 2 of the ISO/IEC Directives)

yes no

If YES, provide full information as annex

Signature of the proposer

Herman Dohmann, Chairman,DGIWG Technical Committee

Date of circulation


Closing date for voting


Signature of the TC or SC secretary

Bjørnhild Sæterøy (signature onfile)

FORM 4 ISO)Version/V97.1 See overleaf

Page 4: ISO Annex A - Features - ISO/TC 211 to Purpose and justification The DGIWG has worked with ISO/TC 211 since the establishment of the ISO Technical Committee, with respect to the development

Comments and recommendations of the TC or SC secretariat

Comments with respect to the proposal in general, and recommendation thereon(Indicate any issues to be brought to the notice of committee members. For instance, refer to any associated vote onform 5 regarding adoption of any attached draft for direct progression to CD or DIS.)

Elements to be clarified when proposing a new work item (new standard)


Indicate the subject matter of the proposed new standard.


Give a clear indication of the coverage of the proposed new work item and, if necessary for clarity, exclusions.

Purpose and justification

Give details based on a critical study of the following elements wherever practicable.

a) The specific aims and reason for the standardization activity, with particular emphasis on the aspects of standardizationto be covered, the problems it is expected to solve or the difficulties it is intended to overcome.

b) The main interests that might benefit from or be affected by the activity, such as industry, consumers, trade,governments, distributors.

c) Feasibility of the activity: Are there factors that could hinder the successful establishment or general application of thestandard?

d) Timeliness of the standard to be produced: Is the technology reasonably stabilized? If not, how much time is likely to beavailable before advances in technology may render the proposed standard outdated? Is the proposed standard required asa basis for the future development of the technology in question?

e) Urgency of the activity, considering the needs of other fields or organizations. Indicate target date and, when a series ofstandards is proposed, suggest priorities.

f) The benefits to be gained by the implementation of the proposed standard; alternatively, the loss or disadvantage(s) if nostandard is established within a reasonable time. Data such as product volume or value of trade should be included andquantified.

g) If the standardization activity is, or is likely to be, the subject of regulations or to require the harmonization of existingregulations, this should be indicated.

If a series of new work items is proposed, the purpose and the justification of which is common, a common proposal may bedrafted including all elements to be clarified and enumerating the titles and scopes of each individual item.

Relevant documents

List any known relevant documents (such as standards and regulations), regardless of their source. When the proposerconsiders that an existing well-established document may be acceptable as a standard (with or without amendments) indicatethis with appropriate justification and attach a copy to the proposal.

Cooperation and liaison

List relevant organizations or bodies with which cooperation and liaison should exist.

Preparatory work

Indicate whether the proposer or the proposer's organization is prepared to undertake the preparatory work required for thenew work item.

FORM 4 (ISO) page 2Version/V97.1

Page 5: ISO Annex A - Features - ISO/TC 211 to Purpose and justification The DGIWG has worked with ISO/TC 211 since the establishment of the ISO Technical Committee, with respect to the development

Annex to Purpose and justification

The DGIWG has worked with ISO/TC 211 since the establishment of the ISO TechnicalCommittee, with respect to the development of the ISO/TC 211 suite of standards. Since thebeginning, the intent of DGIWG has been to develop profiles of the ISO GeographicInformation standards that correspond to the components of the DIGEST standard. DGIWGhas been active in the development of the TC 211 standards to ensure that these standardsare capable of being used to develop profiles corresponding to the DIGEST standard. Thestructure of DIGEST and the FACC Data Dictionary are described in the ISO TR 19120Geographic information - Functional standards.

The FACC Data Dictionary is the first of the parts of DIGEST to be proposed as an ISO/TC211 profile. The intent is that FACC will also retain its DIGEST status as part of STANAG7074 and that the profile will be maintained by DGIWG.

DGIWG has worked closely with the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), also aClass A Liaison with TC 211, with respect to the relationship of the FACC to the IHO S-57Object Catalogue. A direct conversion has been defined at the feature and attribute level. Inaddition, a conversion has been developed between the DNC product specification and theIHO ENC product specification for Nautical Charts.

The DIGEST FACC has been completely reformatted and updated to align with the rulesdescribed in the TC 211 Committee Draft standard CD 19110 Geographic information –Feature cataloguing methodology, with respect to that part addressing a data dictionary.

Page 6: ISO Annex A - Features - ISO/TC 211 to Purpose and justification The DGIWG has worked with ISO/TC 211 since the establishment of the ISO Technical Committee, with respect to the development

Annex A - Feature Codes


Code Name

DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999

A - CultureAA - Culture-Extraction

AA010 MineAA011 Quarry/Mine Shear WallAA012 QuarryAA013 PitAA040 Rig/Superstructure AA050 Well AA051 WellheadAA052 Oil/Gas FieldAA060 Gradation Works

AB - Culture-DisposalAB000 US-Disposal Site/Waste Pile UK-Refuse Tip/Slag HeapAB010 Wrecking Yard/Scrap YardAB020 US-Burner UK-Flare StackAB021 DiffuserAB030 Waste Processing Facility

AC - Culture-Processing IndustryAC000 Processing Plant/Treatment PlantAC010 Blast Furnace AC020 Catalytic Cracker AC030 Settling Basin/Sludge PondAC040 Oil/Gas FacilitiesAC050 Works

AD - Culture-Power GenerationAD010 US-Power Plant UK-Power StationAD020 Solar Panels AD030 Substation/Transformer YardAD040 Nuclear ReactorAD050 Heating Plant

AE - Fabrication IndustryAE010 Assembly Plant

AF - Culture-Associated Industrial StructuresAF010 Chimney/SmokestackAF020 ConveyorAF030 Cooling Tower AF040 Crane AF041 Sheerlegs (Shear Legs)AF050 US-Dredge/Powershovel/Dragline UK-Dredger/Powershovel/DraglineAF060 Engine Test Cell

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

AF070 Flare Pipe AF080 Hopper

AG - Culture-CommercialAH - Culture-Institutional/Government

AH010 Bastion/Rampart/FortificationAH020 Trench AH050 Fortification AH060 Underground Bunker AH070 Checkpoint

AI - Culture-ResidentialAI020 US-Mobile Home/Mobile Home Park UK-Caravan/Caravan

Park/Mobile Home/Mobile Home ParkAI030 Camp

AJ - Culture-AgricultureAJ010 Circular Irrigation SystemAJ020 SiphonAJ030 Feed Lot/Stockyard/Holding PenAJ050 Windmill AJ051 Windmotor

AK - Culture-RecreationalAK020 Amusement Park Attraction AK030 Amusement Park AK040 US-Athletic Field UK-Athletic Field/Sports Field/Playing FieldAK050 Tennis Court(s)AK060 Campground/CampsiteAK061 Picnic SiteAK070 US-Drive In Theater UK-Drive-in TheatreAK080 US-Drive In Theater Screen UK-Drive-in Theatre ScreenAK090 US-Fairgrounds UK-FairgroundAK091 Exhibition GroundsAK100 Golf Course AK101 Golf Driving Range AK110 Grandstand AK120 Park AK121 LookoutAK130 US-Race Track UK-Race Track/Race CourseAK150 Ski Jump AK155 Ski TrackAK160 US-Stadium/Amphitheater UK-Stadium/AmpitheatreAK170 Swimming Pool AK180 Zoo/Safari ParkAK190 Fishing Pier/Promenade Pier

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

AL - Culture-Miscellaneous FeaturesAL005 Animal Sanctuary AL012 Archeological Site AL015 BuildingAL018 Building Superstructure Addition AL019 ShedAL020 Built-Up Area AL025 Cairn AL030 US-Cemetery UK-Cemetery/GraveyardAL040 Cliff DwellingAL045 Complex Outline AL050 US-Display Sign UK-Display Sign/Notice BoardAL060 Dragon Teeth AL070 Fence AL073 Flagstaff/FlagpoleAL075 Gallery AL080 Gantry AL090 US-Grave Marker UK-Grave Marker/TombstoneAL100 Hut AL101 CabinAL105 Settlement AL110 US-Light Standard/Light Support UK-Light Standard/Light

Support/Lamp PostAL116 Calvary CrossAL120 Missile SiteAL130 US-Monument UK-Monument/FollyAL135 Native Settlement AL140 Particle AcceleratorAL141 TelescopeAL155 Overhead Obstruction Location AL170 Plaza/City Square AL195 Ramp AL200 Ruins AL201 Historic Site/Point of InterestAL210 Snow Shed/Rock ShedAL220 US-Steeple UK-Steeple/SpireAL240 Tower (Non-Communication)AL241 Tower (General)AL250 Underground Dwelling AL260 Wall

AM - Culture-StorageAM010 Depot (Storage)

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

AM020 Grain Bin/SiloAM030 Grain Elevator AM031 Timber Yard AM040 US-Mineral Pile UK-Mineral Pile/Mineral TipAM060 Storage Bunker/Storage MoundAM070 Tank AM080 Water Tower

AN - Culture-Transportation-RailroadAN010 US-Railroad UK-RailwayAN050 US-Railroad Siding/Railroad Spur UK-Railway Siding/Railway SpurAN060 Railroad Yard/Marshalling YardAN065 RailheadAN075 US-Railroad Turntable UK-Railway TurntableAN080 US-Railroad Switch UK-Railroad Points

AP - Culture-Transportation-RoadAP010 Cart Track AP020 US-Interchange UK-Interchange/Complex JunctionAP030 Road AP040 GateAP041 Barrier AP050 US-Trail UK-Trail/FootpathAP060 Drove

AQ - Culture-Associated TransportationAQ010 US-Aerial Cableway Lines/Ski Lift Lines UK-Aerial Cableway

Lines/Ski Lift CablesAQ020 Aerial Cableway Pylon/Ski PylonAQ021 MastAQ030 US-Boardwalk UK-Wooden CausewayAQ040 Bridge/Overpass/ViaductAQ045 Bridge Span AQ050 Bridge Superstructure AQ055 Bridge Tower/Bridge PylonAQ056 Bridge PierAQ058 Constriction/ExpansionAQ060 Control TowerAQ062 US-Crossing UK - Crossing/Level CrossingAQ064 CausewayAQ065 Culvert AQ068 Drop Gate/Rolling BlockAQ070 Ferry Crossing AQ080 US-Ferry Site UK-Ferry StationAQ090 Entrance/Exit

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

AQ100 US-Landmark Post/Distance Post UK-Landmark Post/Distance Post/Milestone

AQ110 Mooring Mast AQ111 Prepared Raft or Float Bridge SiteAQ113 Pipeline/PipeAQ116 Pumping Station AQ118 US-Sharp Curve(s) UK-Sharp Bend(s)AQ119 Route MarkerAQ120 Steep Grade AQ125 Station (Miscellaneous) AQ130 Tunnel AQ135 US-Vehicle Stopping Area/Rest Area UK-Vehicle Stopping Area/Rest

Area/Lay ByAQ140 US-Vehicle Storage/Parking Area UK-Vehicle Storage/Parking

Area/Car Park/Boat ParkAQ150 Flight of Steps

AR - Culture-Air Traffic ServicesAT - Culture-Communications/Transmission

AT005 Cable AT006 Overhead CableAT010 US-Disk/Dish UK-Disk Aerial/Dish AerialAT020 Early Warning Radar Site AT030 Power Transmission Line AT040 US-Power Transmission Pylon UK-Power Transmission Pylon/PoleAT041 TelephericAT045 Radar TransmitterAT050 Communication BuildingAT060 Telephone Line/Telegraph LineAT070 Telephone-Telegraph Pylon/PoleAT080 Communication Tower

AU - Culture-AirportB - HydrographyBA - Hydrography-Coastal Hydrography

BA010 Coastline/ShorelineBA020 ForeshoreBA021 Nearshore (Precise IHO)BA022 Backshore (Precise IHO)BA023 Foreshore (Precise IHO)BA030 IslandBA040 Water (Except Inland)BA050 BeachBA051 Dyke Crown

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

BB - Hydrography-Ports and HarborsBB005 US-Harbor UK-HarbourBB006 US-Harbor Complex UK-Harbour ComplexBB007 Channel EdgeBB010 AnchorageBB011 Anchorage (Complex Feature)BB012 Anchor BerthBB019 AnchorBB020 Berth BB021 Mooring TrotBB022 BasinBB030 BollardBB040 Breakwater/GroyneBB041 BreakwaterBB042 MoleBB043 GroinBB050 Calling-In Point BB079 Mooring/Warping FacilityBB080 Dolphin BB081 Shoreline ConstructionBB090 US-Drydock UK-Dry DockBB100 US-Fish Stakes UK-Fishing StakesBB105 US-Fishing Harbor UK-Fishing HarbourBB110 Fish Traps/Fish WeirsBB111 Tunny (Tuna) Nets AreaBB115 US-Gridiron UK-Gridiron/Careening GridBB140 US-Jetty UK-Training WallBB150 Landing Place BB151 Landing Stairs BB155 Maritime Station/Maritime Signal StationBB160 Mooring RingBB170 US-Offshore Loading Facility UK-Single Point MooringBB180 Oyster Bed/Mussel BedBB190 US-Pier/Wharf/Quay UK-Pier/Wharf/Quay/JettyBB198 FenderBB199 Floating DockBB200 Pump Out FacilityBB201 Small Craft FacilityBB202 Ice BoomBB220 Ramp (Maritime) BB225 Rip RapBB226 Revetment (Shore Protection)

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

BB230 Seawall BB240 Slipway/Patent SlipBB250 Watering Place

BC - Hydrography-NAVAIDsBC010 Beacon BC020 Buoy BC030 Leading Light(s)BC031 Navigation LineBC032 Radar LineBC033 Radar RangeBC035 Lights in LineBC040 Light BC050 LighthouseBC055 MarkerBC060 Light Sector BC070 Light Vessel/LightshipBC080 Perches/StakesBC098 Navigational Mark, AfloatBC099 Navigational Mark, FixedBC100 Leading Line BC101 Fog SignalBC102 Direction of Lateral Buoyage

BD - Hydrography-Dangers/HazardsBD000 US-Underwater Danger/Hazard UK-Underwater DangerBD001 Mine-NavalBD005 Miscellaneous Underwater Feature BD010 Breakers BD020 Crib BD030 US-Discolored Water UK-Discoloured WaterBD040 Eddies BD050 US-Foul Ground UK-FoulBD060 Kelp/SeaweedBD070 Obstruction (Nautical)BD071 Log Boom/Booming GroundBD072 PontoonBD073 Oil BarrierBD074 Chain/WireBD079 Fishing FacilityBD080 Overfalls/Tide RipsBD100 Pile/Piling/PostBD110 Platform BD111 Offshore Platform Site (cleared)

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

BD112 Production InstallationBD119 LedgeBD120 Reef BD121 PingoBD130 Rock BD140 US-Snags/Stumps UK-Snags/Submerged StumpsBD180 Wreck BD181 Hulk

BE - Hydrography-Depth InformationBE010 Depth Curve BE015 Depth ContourBE019 Depth AreaBE020 Sounding BE021 Drying Line, Low Water Line-LWLBE022 Sand LineBE023 Mud LineBE029 Bottom ReturnBE030 Track SwathBE040 Track LineBE050 Beach Profile

BF - Hydrography-Bottom FeaturesBF010 US-Bottom Characteristics UK-Quality of the BottomBF011 Bottom Feature

BG - Hydrography-Tide and Current InformationBG010 US-Current Flow UK-Current Flow/Tidal Stream DirectionBG011 TidewayBG012 Water TurbulenceBG020 Tide GaugeBG030 US-Tide Data Point UK-Tidal Stream Observation StationBG040 US-Current Diagram UK-Tidal Stream Diagram

BH - Hydrography-Inland WaterBH000 Inland WaterBH010 Aqueduct BH015 BogBH020 Canal BH030 DitchBH040 Filtration Beds/Aeration BedsBH050 Fish Hatchery/Fish Farm/Marine FarmBH060 FlumeBH070 Ford BH075 Fountain BH077 Hummock

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

BH080 Lake/PondBH090 Land Subject to Inundation BH091 Flooded AreaBH095 Marsh/SwampBH100 MoatBH110 PenstockBH115 Underground Water/Phreatic WaterBH120 Rapids BH130 Reservoir BH135 Rice FieldBH140 River/Stream BH141 River BankBH145 River/Stream Vanishing PointBH150 Salt Pan BH155 Salt Evaporator BH160 SebkhaBH165 SpillwayBH170 Spring/Water HoleBH175 TroughBH180 Waterfall BH190 Lagoon/Reef PoolBH200 Miscellaneous Surface Drainage Feature BH210 Inland ShorelineBH501 River Navigation Route

BI - Hydrography-Miscellaneous Inland WaterBI005 Boat LiftBI010 CisternBI020 Dam/WeirBI030 Lock BI039 SluiceBI040 Sluice Gate BI041 Gate (Nautical) BI042 US-Caisson UK-Dry Dock GateBI043 Flood BarrageBI050 Water Intake TowerBI060 Fish LadderBI070 Gauging StationBI080 Boat Turning Basin

BJ - Hydrography-Snow/IceBJ020 Moraine BJ030 GlacierBJ040 Ice Cliff

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

BJ060 Ice Peak/NunatakBJ065 Ice Shelf BJ070 Pack IceBJ080 Polar IceBJ100 Snow Field/Ice FieldBJ110 Tundra

BK - Hydrography-Oceanographic or GeophysicalBK010 Acoustic StationBK020 Magnetic StationBK030 Oceanographic Collection Device

C - HypsographyCA - Hypsography-Relief Portrayal

CA010 Contour Line (Land) CA020 Ridge LineCA025 Valley Bottom LineCA026 BreaklineCA030 Spot Elevation CA035 Inland Water ElevationCA040 Contour Polygon (Land)

D - PhysiographyDA - Physiography-Exposed Surface Materials

DA005 Asphalt LakeDA006 Alkali FlatsDA010 Ground Surface ElementDA020 Barren GroundDA030 Land AreaDA031 Land Region

DB - Physiography-LandformsDB010 Bluff/Cliff/EscarpmentDB030 CaveDB031 HillDB060 Crevice/CrevasseDB070 CutDB080 DepressionDB090 Embankment/FillDB100 EskerDB110 FaultDB115 Geothermal FeatureDB145 Miscellaneous ObstacleDB150 Mountain PassDB160 Rock Strata/Rock FormationDB170 Sand Dune/Sand Hills

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

DB176 Slope CategoryDB180 VolcanoDB190 Volcanic DikeDB200 US-Gully/Gorge UK-GulliesDB210 US-Potential Landslide Area UK-Landslide/ScreeDB211 LandslideDB220 Undermined LandDB230 FanDB500 Bottomline of CliffDB501 Topline of cliff

E - VegetationEA - Vegetation-Cropland

EA010 CroplandEA020 HedgerowEA030 NurseryEA031 Botanical GardenEA040 Orchard/PlantationEA050 VineyardsEA055 Hops

EB - Vegetation-RangelandEB010 GrasslandEB015 Grass/Scrub/BrushEB020 Scrub/Brush/BushEB030 Land Use/Land Cover (Vegetation)

EC - Vegetation-WoodlandEC010 Bamboo/CaneEC015 ForestEC020 OasisEC030 TreesEC040 US-Cleared Way/Cut Line/Firebreak UK-Cleared Way/Firebreak

ED - Vegetation-WetlandEE - Vegetation-Miscellaneous Features

EE000 Miscellaneous VegetationEE010 Logging AreaEE020 Land devoid of vegetation

F - DemarcationFA - Demarcation-Boundaries/Limits/Zones (Topographic)

FA000 Administrative BoundaryFA001 Administrative Area FA005 Access ZoneFA015 Firing Range/Gunnery RangeFA020 Armistice Line

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

FA030 Cease-Fire Line FA040 Claim Line FA041 Contact ZoneFA050 Mandate Line/Convention LineFA060 Defacto BoundaryFA070 Demilitarized Zone FA080 National ParkFA081 Nature ReserveFA082 Protected Water, Gathering GroundFA090 Geophysical Prospecting Grid FA100 Test AreaFA110 International Date Line FA165 Training AreaFA170 Zone of Occupation

FB - Demarcation-Boundaries/Limits/Zones (Aeronautical)FC - Demarcation-Boundaries/Limits/Zones (Hydrographic)

FC021 Maritime Limit BoundaryFC031 Maritime Area FC035 Pond PartitionFC036 Restricted Area FC040 Traffic Separation Scheme SystemFC041 Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) FC100 Measured Distance Line FC101 Theodolite LineFC102 Range CenterlineFC130 Radar Reference Line FC165 Route (Maritime) FC166 Deep Water RouteFC167 Defined WaterFC168 Canal RouteFC170 Safety Fairway FC177 Swept Area

G - Aeronautical InformationGA - Aeronautical Information-Air Routes

GA005 Airspace GA010 ATS Route Segment/Leg GA015 Special Use AirspaceGA020 Airspace Boundary Segment GA025 Special Use Airspace SegmentGA030 Off Route Radial/Bearing GA031 Lead RadialGA035 NAVAIDS (Aeronautical)

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

GA045 Route (Air) GA047 Complex Terminal RouteGA055 Waypoint/Reporting-Calling In PointGA065 Air Warning Light

GB - Aeronautical Information-AerodromeGB005 US-Airport/Airfield UK-Airport/Airfield/AirstripGB006 US-Airfield UK-AirstripGB007 Airport AreaGB010 Airport Lighting GB015 US-Apron/Hardstand UK-Apron/HardstandingGB020 Arresting Gear GB025 Blast BarrierGB030 Helicopter Landing Pad GB035 Heliport GB040 Launch PadGB045 Overrun/StopwayGB050 Revetment (Airfield/Equipment/Facilities )GB055 Runway GB057 ShoulderGB060 Runway Radar Reflector GB065 Seaplane Base GB070 Seaplane Landing/Seaplane Take-Off AreaGB075 Taxiway GB080 US-Wind Indicator UK-Wind Indicator/Wind SockGB160 Decontamination PadGB170 INS Alignment Pad GB220 Air ObstructionGB221 Miscellaneous Air Obstruction

I - CadastralIA - Cadastral-Areas

IA010 Map BoundaryIA040 ParcelIA050 Cadastral Constructions

ID - Cadastral-Reference PointsID010 Cadastral Control PointsID020 Fiducial Points

IE - Cadastral-Special CharacteristicsIE010 Map Sheet Frame IE020 MiscellaneousIE040 Map-Info

S - Special Use (Dataset Specific)SA - Terrain Analysis Dataset

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A - Feature CodesTABLE OF CONTENTS

Code Name

SA010 Common Open WaterSA020 Disturbed SoilSA030 Exposed BedrockSA040 Permanent SnowfieldSA050 Slope Polygon SA060 Covered Drainage

SB - Background Display DatasetSC - Transportation and Logistics DatasetSD - Aeronautical Information DatasetSE - Toponymic DatasetSF - Simulation DatasetSU - Dataset Development

SU001 Military BaseSU002 US-Subway UK-Underground Railway/MetroSU003 Port Facility

Z - GeneralZA - General-AnnotationZB - General-Control Points

ZB020 BenchmarkZB030 US-Boundary Monument UK-Boundary Monument/Boundary MarkZB035 Control Point/Control StationZB036 Distance MarkZB040 Diagnostic PointZB060 Geodetic Point

ZC - General-Magnetic VariationZC040 US-Magnetic Disturbance Area UK-Local Magnetic AnomalyZC050 Isogonic LinesZC051 Magnetic Pole

ZD - General-MiscellaneousZD001 NetworkZD003 Artifact LocationZD012 Geographic Information PointZD015 Point of ChangeZD020 Void Collection Area ZD040 Named Location ZD045 Text Description

ZE - General-Background Features

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Annex B - Attribute and Value Codes


DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999

Code Name

AAH Absolute Horizontal AccuracyAAV Absolute Vertical AccuracyACC Accuracy CategoryAFA Available FacilitiesAGC Arresting Gear CategoryAHA Absolute Horizontal Accuracy in MetersAHC Associated Hydrographic CategoryAHO Accuracy of Obstruction Height Above Ground LevelAIA Airspace Identification AttributeALC Aircraft Load ClassALN Air route segments LengthAOO Angle of OrientationAPT Airfield TypeARA Area Coverage AttributeARE Area with greater than 1 meter squared resolutionARH Area Coverage Attribute HectaresARR Angle of Radar ReflectorATC Aqueduct Type CategoryATL ATS Route LevelATN Aids to NavigationAUA ATS Use AttributeAUB Airspace Use BoundaryAUL Airspace Use LimitationsAUR Airspace Use RoutesAUS Airspace/Facility Operating TimesAV1 Lowest Airspace HeightAV2 Highest Airspace HeightAVA Absolute Vertical Accuracy in MetersAWD Air Route Segments WidthAZ1 Lowest Airspace Z-valueAZ2 Highest Airspace Z-valueAZ3 Minimum Safe Altitude SectorBAC Built-Up Area ClassificationBCC Bypass Condition CategoryBCR Bottom Return Rock ClassificationBCT Bottom Configuration TypeBDC Bridge Design CategoryBEN Basic Encyclopedia NumberBER Berth IdentifierBET Beacon Type CategoryBFC Building Function CategoryBGL Bank Gradient Left

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Code Name

BGR Bank Gradient RightBHL Bank Height LeftBHR Bank Height RightBIT Beach Indicator TypeBLC Barge Load ClassBMC Bottom Materials CompositionBOC Bog CategoryBOT Bridge Opening TypeBR2 Broadcast Frequency (2)BRA Bottom Return Attributes ClassificationBRC Bottom Return ClassificationBRF Broadcast FrequencyBRG Bearing of ObjectBRI Bottom Return Identity ClassificationBRN Bridge Reference NumberBRO Bottom Return Obstacles ClassificationBRR Bearing and Reciprocal CategoryBRS Bearing From SeawardBRT Bottom Return Track NumberBRW Bottom Return Wreck ClassificationBSC Bridge/Bridge Superstructure CategoryBSM Bridge Span MobilityBSN Bridge Serial NumberBSP Bridge Span CategoryBSR Bottom Return Seabed Inst.BST Boundary Status TypeBTC Beacon/Buoy Type CategoryBUD Brush/Undergrowth Density CodeBUT Buoy Type CategoryBVL Bank Vegetation LeftBVR Bank Vegetation RightBWL Below Water Bank Slope (Left)BWR Below Water Bank Slope (Right)C60 Rate of Current (IHO)C61 Rate of Current (1) (IHO)C62 Rate of Current (2) (IHO)C63 Rate of Current (3) (IHO)C64 Rate of Current (4) (IHO)C65 Rate of Current (5) (IHO)C66 Rate of Current (6) (IHO)C67 Rate of Current (7) (IHO)C68 Rate of Current (8) (IHO)C69 Rate of Current (9) (IHO)C70 Rate of Current (10) (IHO)

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Code Name

C71 Rate of Current (11) (IHO)C80 Rate of CurrentC81 Rate of Current (1)C82 Rate of Current (2)C83 Rate of Current (3)C84 Rate of Current (4)C85 Rate of Current (5)C86 Rate of Current (6)C87 Rate of Current (7)C88 Rate of Current (8)C89 Rate of Current (9)C90 Rate of Current (10)C91 Rate of Current (11)CAB Cable ClassificationCAC Collection Attribute CategoryCAP CapacityCCA Constriction/Expansion CategoryCCC Color Code CategoryCCR Color Code RemarksCDA Covered Drain AttributeCDL Covered Drain LengthCDP Calendar Date TypeCDV Calendar Date ValueCET Cut/Embankment Type CategoryCFD Cultural Feature DensityCHA Light Characteristic CategoryCHL Channel NumberCIC Color Intensity CategoryCLI Communication Lines IsolationCOC Conspicuous CategoryCOD Certainty of DelineationCOE Certainty of ExistenceCOL Character of LightCOT Contour Type CategoryCPA Control Point AttributeCRA Crane Type CategoryCRC Crossing CategoryCRM Crane Mobility TypeCRN Current Rate MinimumCRS Current Rate (Speed)CRV Depth Curve or Contour ValueCRX Current Rate MaximumCSC Crossing Control CategoryCSM Secondary Material Characteristics

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Code Name

CTC Culvert Type CategoryCTL Cumulative Track LengthCUR Current Type CategoryCVH Depth Curve or Contour Value HighCVL Depth Curve or Contour Value LowD60 Direction of Current (IHO)D61 Direction of Current (1) (IHO)D62 Direction of Current (2) (IHO)D63 Direction of Current (3) (IHO)D64 Direction of Current (4) (IHO)D65 Direction of Current (5) (IHO)D66 Direction of Current (6) (IHO)D67 Direction of Current (7) (IHO)D68 Direction of Current (8) (IHO)D69 Direction of Current (9) (IHO)D70 Direction of Current (10) (IHO)D71 Direction of Current (11) (IHO)D80 Direction of CurrentD81 Direction of Current (1)D82 Direction of Current (2)D83 Direction of Current (3)D84 Direction of Current (4)D85 Direction of Current (5)D86 Direction of Current (6)D87 Direction of Current (7)D88 Direction of Current (8)D89 Direction of Current (9)D90 Direction of Current (10)D91 Direction of Current (11)DAN Description of Aids to NavigationDEP Depth Below Surface LevelDF1 Direction of Traffic - 1DF2 Direction of Traffic - 2DF3 Direction of Traffic - 3DF4 Direction of Traffic - 4DFT Dam Face TypeDGC Drop Gate CategoryDIR DirectivityDMB Density Measure (Brush/Undergrowth)DMF Density Measure (Feature Count)DMK Density Measure (% of Kelp Cover)DMR Density Measure (% of Roof Cover)DMS Density Measure (Structure Count)DMT Density Measure (% of Tree/Canopy Cover)

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Code Name

DOF Direction of FlowDP1 Highest level of groundwaterDP2 Lowest level of groundwaterDR1 Depth Range Value 1DR2 Depth Range Value 2DR3 Depth Range With greater than 1 meter resolution - Value 1DR4 Depth Range With greater than 1 meter resolution - Value 2DRP Description of Reference PointDRW Density of Woody Vegetation RangeDTE Date EndDTS Date StartDW1 Depth of Water (1)DW2 Depth of Water (2)EBT Educational Building TypeEDP Electronic DepthELA Elevation AccuracyEOL Elevation of LightEPW Electrical Power CapacityETN Electric TensionEXS Existence CategoryFCL Ferry Crossing LengthFCO Feature ConfigurationFCT Ferry Crossing TimesFDT Fog DetectorFEO Feature Element OrientationFER Ferry TypeFFA Fuel Facilities AvailableFFC Fishing Facility ClassificationFHC Harbor Facility ClassificationFL1 Flight Level 1FL2 Flight Level 2FLT Floodlit IlluminationFRQ Frequency of SignalFRT Firing Range TypeFTC Farming Type CategoryFTI Fence Type IndicatorFTP Fabrication TypeFTR Feature RateFVO Feature Vertical OrientationGAW Gauge WidthGEH Geomorphic HeightGEN Generation of Fog Signal CategoryGEO Geographic Location CategoryGLI Greater Than or Equal To/Less Than Contour Interval

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Code Name

GNC Gate (Nautical) ClassificationGPD Geomorphic DepthGRP Group of Signals DefinitionGSC Ground Slope CategoryGTC Gate Type CategoryGUG Guyed or Unguyed CategoryGW1 Gap Width Range (1)GW2 Gap Width Range (2)GW3 Gap Width Range (3)HCA Horizontal Clearance AttributeHCC Horizontal Clearance CodeHDH Hydrographic Drying HeightHDI Hydrographic Depth/Height InformationHDP Hydrographic DepthHFC Hydrological Form CategoryHGT Height Above Surface LevelHGU Height 2/Depth 2HID Harbor Identification CodeHL1 Bank Height Left (1)HL2 Bank Height Left (2)HL3 Bank Height Left (3)HLK Hulk TypeHLT Hydrographic Light TypeHOC Hydrographic Origin CategoryHOD Horizontal Datum ClassificationHQC Hypsography Portrayal CategoryHR1 Bank Height Right (1)HR2 Bank Height Right (2)HR3 Bank Height Right (3)HS1 Current Information (1)HS2 Current Information (2)HSB Height Above Sea BottomHSC Hospital CapacityHTR Height RangeHWT House of Worship TypeHYC Hydrological CategoryHZD Horizontal DatumIAC IALA Aid CategoryIAS IMO Adoption StatusIBC Installation Buoy ClassificationICC Ice ClassificationICE Ice FactorICL ICAO Airspace ClassificationIDN Identification Number

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Code Name

IKO ICAO DesignatorIWO Inland Water ObstructionJCR Junction Connectivity RoadKVA Kilovolt Capacity AttributeLAB Label of FeatureLAF Line Associated FeaturesLC1 Load Class Type 1LC2 Load Class Type 2LC3 Load Class Type 3LC4 Load Class Type 4LCN Light Characteristic NumberLEC Length of CabLEN Length/DiameterLFA Light Function AeronauticalLFC Light Function ClassificationLNC Line CharacteristicLOC Location CategoryLOG Length of GradientLOR Length of RangeLRP Length of Range With greater than 1 NM resolutionLSA Light Sector AngleLSI Light Sector Angle InitialLST Light Sector Angle TerminalLTN Track/Lane NumberLVG Light Range, GeographicalLVL Light Range, LuminousLVN Light Range, NominalMAA Maximum Authorized AltitudeMAC Maritime Area CategoryMAG Magnetic VariationMAR Color of Navigation Mark ClassificationMAS Maintenance StatusMAT Mine Attributes ClassificationMBI Military Bridge InformationMBL Maritime Boundary LimitMCA Morse Code AttributeMCC Material Composition CategoryMCS Material Composition SecondaryMCT Mooring Connection TypeMCU Material Composition UnderlyingMEA Minimum Enroute AltitudeMED Median CategoryMFA Maintenance Facilities AvailableMHF Material Handling Facilities

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Code Name

MIA Mine Actuation Independent Influence Acoustic ClassificationMIC Mine Actuation Independent Contact ClassificationMID Mine Identity ClassificationMII Mine Actuation Independent Influence ClassificationMIM Mine Actuation Independent Influence Magnetic ClassificationMIN Mining CategoryMIO Mine Actuation Independent Other ClassificationMLR Multiple Light RangesMMT Mine Special Information Special Mine Types ClassificationMNA Mine Actuation ClassificationMNC Mine Actuation Controlled ClassificationMNI Mine Actuation Independent ClassificationMNL Mine Actuation Controlled Cableless ClassificationMOC Minimum Obstruction ClearanceMOL Multiplicity of LightsMPC Mine Position ClassificationMPG Mine Position Ground ClassificationMPM Mine Position Moored ClassificationMPO Mine Position Other ClassificationMSC Mine Status ClassificationMSD Mine Special Information Special Devices ClassificationMSH Mine Special Information Special Devices Anti-Hunting ClassificationMSI Mine Special Information ClassificationMSR Mine Special Information Special Devices Anti-Recovery ClassificationMST Missile Site TypeMSU Mine Special Information Usefulness ClassificationMSW Mine Special Information Special Devices Anti-Sweep Wire ClassificationMTC Mast Type CategoryMTN Mine Track NumberMTT Maritime Track TypeMVC Maximum Vertical ClearanceMWF Mooring / Warping Facility ClassificationMWG Median Width with greater than 1 meter resolutionNA2 Second NameNA3 Classification NameNA4 Country Code (FIPS Pub 10-4)NAM NameNAS Native Settlement TypeNLC Navigation Line ClassificationNM3 Name 3NM4 Name 4NMS Navigation Mark SystemNOP Number of PlatformsNOS Number of Spans

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Code Name

NPL Number of Parallel LinesNS2 Navigation System Types (2)NST Navigation System TypesOBC Oil Barrier ClassificationOCC Overhead Clearance Category CodeODF Opposite Direction of FlowOHB Overall Height of BridgeOHC Overhead Clearance CategoryOHD Derived Obstacle Height/Depth CategoryOLQ Obstruction Light QualityOOC Overhead Obstruction CategoryOPC Offshore Platform ClassificationOPS Operational StatusOPT Operations TimesOR2 Operating Range Category (2)ORC Operating Range CategoryORD Ordinal CategoryORS Operating RestrictionsOWO Over Water ObstructionPAT Color Pattern CategoryPBP Pilot Boarding Place ClassificationPBV Pilot Boarding VehiclePCC Percentage ContentPCI Point of Change IdentifierPCU Pedestrian CapacityPDE Periodic Date EndPDR Pedestrian RatePDS Periodic Date StartPER Period of LightPEV Position EvaluationPFD Predominant Feature DepthPFE Predominant Feature Depth With greater than 1 meter resolutionPFG Predominant Feature Height With greater than 1 meter resolutionPFH Predominant Feature HeightPH4 Predominant Height (10 m Range)PHT Predominant HeightPIC Pictorial RepresentationPIL Pilot DistrictPLC Pile ClassificationPLT Pipeline TypePOI Point of InterestPOP Pond Partition CategoryPPC Power Plant CategoryPPL Populated Place Category

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Code Name

PPT Populated Place TypePR1 Periodic Restriction BeginningPR2 Periodic Restriction EndingPRC Periodic Restriction CategoryPRM PermanencyPRO Product CategoryPSC Physical Surface CharacteristicsPST Physical State CategoryPWC Pier/Wharf /Quay ClassificationQID Quality/Source Record IdentifiersQLE ReleasabilityQUA Quality of PositionQUL Percentage Reliability of a Qualitative AttributeQUT Standard Deviation of a Qualitative AttributeRAD Radius of Sharp CurveRAN Range of EffectivenessRAS Radar Station ClassificationRBC Reliability of BridgeRCD Recording DateRDT Road TypeREF Radar Reflector AttributeREL Religious DenominationRET Reflection Type CategoryRFQ Radar Transponder Beacon FrequencyRGC Railroad Gauge CategoryRGS Range SignificanceRIT Road Interchange TypeRKF Rock Strata FormationRMA Railroad Maximum Axle LoadRMT Railroad Maximum LoadRN2 Secondary Route NumberRNK Ranking of FeatureROS Radio Station ClassificationRPA Required Port AccessRRA Railroad Power SourceRRC Railroad CategoriesRSA Rail Siding/Spur AttributeRSC Rescue Station ClassificationRST Road/Runway Surface TypeRTA Railroad Track ArrangementRTB Radar Transponder Beacon ClassificationRTC Road Type CategoryRTN Route NumberRTP Reservoir Type

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Code Name

RTT Route Intended UseSAW Signal Station, Warning ClassificationSBC Shelter Belt ConditionSCC Spring/Well Characteristic CategorySD1 Stem Diameter Size Range (1)SD2 Stem Diameter Size Range (2)SDC Soil Depth CategorySDE Soil Depth With Greater PrecisionSDO Sand Dune OrientationSDR Stem Diameter Size With greater than 1 meter resolutionSDS Stem Diameter SizeSEA Sea Area ClassificationSEC Security ClassificationSEQ Sequence of a SignalSFA Storage FacilitiesSFC Sea Floor Feature CategorySGC Gradient/SlopeSGO Slope Gradient OrientationSHC Safe Horizontal ClearanceSHO Shoreline CategorySHP Shape of BeaconSIC Snow/Ice CategorySIT Signal Station, Traffic ClassificationSL1 Slope Gradient Left (1)SL2 Slope Gradient Left (2)SLC Shipping Load ClassSLT Shoreline Type CategorySM1 Surficial Material Depth CategorySMC Surface Material CategorySND Sounding CategorySOH Severity of HazardSOU Exposition of SoundingSPD Speed Limit (MPH)SPE Spot Elevation CategorySPL Span Length LongestSPM Speed Limit (KPH)SPR Slope Polygon RangeSR1 Slope Gradient Right (1)SR2 Slope Gradient Right (2)SRD Surface Roughness DescriptionSRQ Surface Roughness QualifierSSC Structure Shape CategorySSR Structure Shape of RoofSST Sound Signal Type

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Code Name

STA Station Type Category (Maritime)STC Source Type CodeSTG Soil Trafficability Group (Derived from STP)STL Seasonal Tent LocationSTP Soil TypesSTQ Summer Tree Cover Density CodeSTR Summer Tree Cover DensitySUA Special Use Airspace Altitude LimitsSUE Survey Date - EndSUP Supervision of LightSUR Survey CategorySUS Survey Date - StartSVC Sounding VelocitySWC Soil Wetness ConditionSWL Single Wheel Bearing LoadSWT Well/Spring Feature TypeTCL Tree Canopy LevelsTEC Technique of Sounding MeasurementTEL Telescope CategoryTID Tidal/Non-Tidal CategoryTIM Time AttributeTLN Total LengthTMC Top Mark CharacteristicTNG TonnageTOP Shape of Top MarkTRA TraversabilityTRE Tree Type CategoryTRF Traffic FlowTRK Recommended Track ClassificationTS1 Tree Spacing Range (1)TS2 Tree Spacing Range (2)TS3 Tree Spacing Range (3)TSC Tree Spacing CategoryTSD Tree Spacing With greater than 1 meter resolutionTSP Traffic Scheme PartTSR Tailored Surface Roughness DescriptionTSS Traffic Separation Scheme ClassificationTST Transmission Line SuspensionTTC Tower Type CategoryTUC Transportation Use CategoryTXT Text AttributeUBC Underbridge Clearance CategoryUBD Underbridge Clearance With Greater PrecisionUID Feature Identification Number

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Code Name

UMC Underlying Material CharacteristicsUNI UnitsUSE UsageUSP Urban Street PatternUT1 UTM Grid NorthingUT2 UTM Grid EastingUTS UTM Square IdentificationUZ1 UTM Grid Zone (1)UZ2 UTM Grid Zone (2)VA1 Variation anomaly value with greater than 1 degree resolutionVAL ValueVAV Variation Anomaly ValueVC1 Vertical Clearance, Closed With greater than 1 meter resolutionVC2 Vertical Clearance, Opened With greater than 1 meter resolutionVC3 Vertical Clearance, Safe With greater than 1 meter resolutionVCA Void Collection AttributeVCC Vertical Clearance, ClosedVCO Vertical Clearance, OpenedVCS Vertical Clearance, SafeVCT Void Collection TypeVDC Vertical (Sounding) Datum CategoryVEC Vehicle Capacity (Number of Vehicles)VEG Vegetation CharacteristicsVEM Quality of Vertical MeasurementVGT Volcanic Geologic TypeVH1 Predominant Vegetation Height Range (1)VH2 Predominant Vegetation Height Range (2)VH3 Predominant Vegetation Height Range (3)VIS Visibility of LightVOI Vertical Obstruction IdentifierVRC Vegetation Roughness CategoryVRR Vertical Reference CategoryWD1 Minimum Traveled Way WidthWD2 Total Usable WidthWD3 Military Gap WidthWD4 Wet Gap WidthWD5 Width TopWD6 Width BottomWDA Water Depth AverageWDT Date of reportWFT Well Feature TypeWGP Width With greater than 1 meter resolutionWID WidthWKT Wreck Type

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Code Name

WLE Water Level EffectWOC Width of CrestWPC Work in Progress CategoryWPI Port IndexWPT Waypoint Description CodeWRK Wreck ClassificationWRN Wreck NumberWSC Waste/Scrap Type CategoryWSR Source of reportWT2 Width of Second Traveled WayWTC Weather Type CategoryWTI Wall Type IdentifierWTR Winter Tree Cover Density CodeWV1 Water Velocity Average 1WVA Water Velocity AverageXPD Primary Display ModeXSA Spatial AlignmentYDH Water Depth Mean (Seasonal High Water)YDL Water Depth Mean (Seasonal Low Water)YLN Length of Greater PrecisionYSU Service BranchYVH Water Velocity Mean (Seasonal High Water)YVL Water Velocity Mean (Seasonal Low Water)YWQ Water Quality AttributeYWT Depth to Water TableZV1 Lowest Z-valueZV2 Highest Z-ValueZV3 Airfield/Aerodrome elevationZV6 Lowest Z-value With greater than 1 meter resolutionZV7 Highest Z-Value with greater than 1 meter resolutionZVF Highest Z-Value in Feet

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A - CultureAA - Culture-Extraction

An excavation made in the earth for the purpose of extracting natural deposits. (See also AQ090.)




The wall facing of the excavation within a quarry/mine.AA011



Quarry/Mine Shear Wall

An excavation created by removal of stone by blasting or cutting.AA012




An excavation where gravel, sand, or clay are removed for use elsewhere.AA013




A vertical structure fitted for drilling or lifting operations.AA040




A hole drilled into the earth or sea bed for the extraction of liquids or gases. (See also BH170.)




The top of a well, as in oil, gas, or water well, that caps the well structure and which may be located on land or partially submerged offshore which nautical vessels can use for lashings.




An area where oil and/or gas is pumped or otherwise removed from the ground.AA052



Oil/Gas Field

Trestle covered with twigs over which brine trickles that is concentrated through increased evaporation.



Gradation Works

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AB - Culture-Disposal

An area for the collecting/depositing of refuse or discarded material. (See also AB010, AM010, and AM040.)



US-Disposal Site/Waste Pile UK-Refuse Tip/Slag Heap

An area or site engaged in the wrecking, dismantling, storage, or resale of discarded products. (See also AB000.)



Wrecking Yard/Scrap Yard

A permanent structure used for the disposal of waste products by burning.AB020



US-Burner UK-Flare Stack

An artificial installation at or below water level, where liquids (e.g. cooling water, spillage) are spread out.




Operational site with buildings and other facilities, where waste is processed through chemical, physical, biological or thermal procedures or a combination of those procedures (see also AB000 and AB020).



Waste Processing Facility

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AC - Culture-Processing Industry

A site used for changing or refining a particular material.AC000



Processing Plant/Treatment Plant

A heat chamber used for smelting iron ore.AC010



Blast Furnace

A unit in which petroleum separation is carried out in the presence of a catalyst.AC020



Catalytic Cracker

A site where solid matter is precipitated from a liquid by evaporating or settling.AC030



Settling Basin/Sludge Pond

An area involved in the production or distribution of oil or natural gas.AC040



Oil/Gas Facilities

The structures, grounds, machinery etc. of a manufacturing establishment or structures in engineering such as docks, bridges.




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AD - Culture-Power Generation

The building(s) and equipment necessary for the generation of electric power. (See also AD020.)



US-Power Plant UK-Power Station

Units of solar cells for converting sunlight into electrical energy or heat. (See also AD010.)



Solar Panels

A facility, along a power line route, in which electric current is transformed and/or distributed.



Substation/Transformer Yard

An apparatus in which a nuclear chain reaction is initiated, sustained, and controlled. (See also AD010.) This code is used to define a nuclear reactor which may be contained within a power plant.



Nuclear Reactor

Operational site with buildings and other facilities for the generation of thermal energy for heating purposes.



Heating Plant

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AE - Fabrication Industry

A building or group of buildings used for the purpose of combining manufactured parts to make a completed product.



Assembly Plant

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AF - Culture-Associated Industrial Structures

A vertical structure containing a passage or flue for discharging smoke and gases of combustion.




An apparatus for moving materials from place to place on a moving belt or series of rollers.




A tower used to cool liquids.AF030



Cooling Tower

A machine for lifting, shifting, and lowering objects or materials by means of a swinging boom or with the lifting apparatus supported on an overhead track.




Comprises two or three spars standing on end and lashed together, aloft. They serve as a derrick or tripod to lift heavy weights, step or lower masts , stacks, etc.



Sheerlegs (Shear Legs)

An excavating machine for removing earth or materials.AF050



US-Dredge/Powershovel/Dragline UK-Dredger/Powershovel/Dragline

A structure wherein engines are tested.AF060



Engine Test Cell

An open-ended pipe at which waste gases are burned.AF070



Flare Pipe

A top-loaded funnel-shaped structure for temporary holding of loose material which will be dispensed from its bottom.




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AH - Culture-Institutional/Government

A defensive wall built to defend a fort or other defensive work and sometimes equipped with guns.




A linear excavation dug for defensive purposes.AH020




A facility constructed for the military defense of a site. (See also AM060.)AH050




An underground facility used by the military either for location of command/control centers or for troop encampment. (See also AL250.)



Underground Bunker

An official place to register, declare or check goods and people.AH070




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AI - Culture-Residential

A site for the permanent parking of trailer(s) used as dwellings and designed without a permanent foundation. (See also AK060 and AQ140.)




US-Mobile Home/Mobile Home Park UK-Caravan/Caravan Park/Mobile Home/Mobile Home Park

A place where tents or buildings serve as temporary residence for members of an organization.




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AJ - Culture-Agriculture

An elevated irrigation system revolving around a central pivot point.AJ010



Circular Irrigation System

Bent or curved tube so arranged that liquid flows up or down through it under the force of gravity.




An enclosed area in which livestock are temporarily kept.AJ030



Feed Lot/Stockyard/Holding Pen

A wind-driven system of vanes attached to a tower like structure (excluding wind-generated power plants).




A modern structure used for wind power.AJ051




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AK - Culture-Recreational

A large structure located in an Amusement Park.AK020



Amusement Park Attraction

A predominantly man-made facility equipped with recreational devices. (See also AK090 and AK120.)



Amusement Park

An open area where sporting events, exercises, or games occur.AK040



US-Athletic Field UK-Athletic Field/Sports Field/Playing Field

An area or site used for the sport of tennis.AK050



Tennis Court(s)

A location for camping. (See also AI020 and AQ140.)AK060




A parcel of land that has picnic tables for public use.AK061



Picnic Site

A place where motion pictures are shown while viewers remain in their vehicles.AK070



US-Drive In Theater UK-Drive-in Theatre

A large outdoor screen for showing motion pictures.AK080



US-Drive In Theater Screen UK-Drive-in Theatre Screen

An area where permanent facilities exist to hold outdoor fairs, circuses or exhibitions. (See also AK030 and AK120.)



US-Fairgrounds UK-Fairground

An area where permanent facilities exist to hold outdoor exhibitions. (See also AK030, AK090, and AK120.)



Exhibition Grounds

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An area of land laid out for the game of golf.AK100



Golf Course

A parcel or tract of land used for practicing golf shots.AK101



Golf Driving Range

A usually roofed structure for special viewing of events and having tiers of seats or standing room for spectators.




An area used for recreational or ornamental purposes. (See also AK030, AK090 and AL170.)




An area, generally an elevated place, with facilities for observing the scenery.AK121




A course for racing.AK130



US-Race Track UK-Race Track/Race Course

A ramp used for ski jumping.AK150



Ski Jump

A course prepared for skiing.AK155



Ski Track

An arena for holding and viewing events.AK160



US-Stadium/Amphitheater UK-Stadium/Ampitheatre

A constructed basin used for swimming outdoors.AK170



Swimming Pool

An area with a collection of live animals usually for public display.AK180



Zoo/Safari Park

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A structure extending into the water used as a platform for recreational purposes, not intended as a berthing place for vessels.



Fishing Pier/Promenade Pier

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AL - Culture-Miscellaneous Features

A natural area set aside for the preservation and protection of wildlife.AL005



Animal Sanctuary

A site or location where remains of ancient civilizations or human activity have been discovered. (See also AL200.)



Archeological Site

A relatively permanent structure, roofed and usually walled and designed for some particular use. (See also AL100.)




A supplemental portion of a building which rises from the roof but is not considered to be part of the general roof line.



Building Superstructure Addition

A storage facility usually characterized by one or more open sides, support pillars and a roof.




An area containing a concentration of buildings and other structures.AL020



Built-Up Area

A heap of stones piled up as a memorial or a landmark. (See also AL090, and AL130.)AL025




An area of land for burying the dead.AL030



US-Cemetery UK-Cemetery/Graveyard

A dwelling built in the recesses of cliffs. (See also AL250.)AL040



Cliff Dwelling

An outline delimiting an area in which two or more like features have the same function.AL045



Complex Outline

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An upright panel used to convey visual information. (See also AL080.)AL050



US-Display Sign UK-Display Sign/Notice Board

Regularly spaced concrete or metal barriers laid in single or multiple rows to prevent vehicle movement.



Dragon Teeth

A man-made barrier of relatively light structure used as an enclosure or boundary. (See also AL260.)




A staff or pole on which a flag is raised.AL073




A sunken or cut passageway along a transportation route in mountainous regions constructed to protect vehicles from the elements. A series of openings on one side may be present for light or ventilation.




A frame structure raised on side supports so as to span over or around something. (See also AL050.)




A marker indicating an individual grave site. (See also AL025 and AL130.)AL090



US-Grave Marker UK-Grave Marker/Tombstone

A small simple or crude house or shelter. (See also AL015.)AL100




A building in a remote or wilderness area.AL101




A concentration of small dwellings.AL105




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A structure serving as a support for lighting.AL110



US-Light Standard/Light Support UK-Light Standard/Light Support/Lamp Post

A structure, mounted on a pedestal, composed of an upright member with a shorter horizontal member centered at approximately two thirds of the height of the upright member.



Calvary Cross

An area with related facilities for storing and launching missiles.AL120



Missile Site

A structure erected or maintained as a memorial to a person or event. (See also AL025 and AL090.)



US-Monument UK-Monument/Folly

A concentration of native dwellings, generally of the hut type, which are not usually of substantial construction.



Native Settlement

An apparatus for imparting high velocities to charged particles.AL140



Particle Accelerator

An apparatus used for observing distant objects or phenomena.AL141




An undelineated obstruction location such as underpasses, overhead pipelines, building overhangs, and other covered traveled ways.



Overhead Obstruction Location

An open area which serves as a public square in a city or town. (See also AK120.)AL170



Plaza/City Square

An inclined plane usually man-made for moving between two levels. (See also BB240.)AL195




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The deteriorated remains of an unspecified structure. (See also AL012.)AL200




Site or area declared to be of national or provincial historical significance or interest, maintained for the public.



Historic Site/Point of Interest

A shelter build to protect a section of road or railroad from snow/rock slides.AL210



Snow Shed/Rock Shed

A structure usually ending in a sharp point and which may be erected on a roof of a building.



US-Steeple UK-Steeple/Spire

A relatively tall structure which may be used for observation, support, or storage, etc. (See also AF030, AM080, AQ060, and BI050.)



Tower (Non-Communication)

A relatively tall structure of undefined purpose.AL241



Tower (General)

Underground living quarters. (See also AL040.)AL250



Underground Dwelling

A solid man-made barrier of heavy material used as an enclosure or boundary or for protection. (See also AL070.)




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AM - Culture-Storage

An area used for the storage of products or supplies. (See also AB000.)AM010



Depot (Storage)

An enclosed container, used for storing grain or fodder.AM020



Grain Bin/Silo

A tall structure, equipped for loading, unloading, processing and storing grain.AM030



Grain Elevator

An open area for the storage of wooden lumber and timbers.AM031



Timber Yard

A man-made heap of mining or quarrying products excluding waste materials. (See also AB000.)



US-Mineral Pile UK-Mineral Pile/Mineral Tip

A structure which may be covered or surrounded with earth which is resistant to ordnance where materials or products are stored. (See also AH050.)



Storage Bunker/Storage Mound

A container used for the storage of liquids or gases.AM070




An elevated container and its supporting structure used to hold water.AM080



Water Tower

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AN - Culture-Transportation-Railroad

A rail or set of parallel rails on which a train or tram runs.AN010



US-Railroad UK-Railway

A stretch of railroad tracks connected to the main track by switch(es) - used for temporary storage and loading/unloading.



US-Railroad Siding/Railroad Spur UK-Railway Siding/Railway Spur

A system of tracks within defined limits, and associated features, provided for loading/unloading and assembling trains.



Railroad Yard/Marshalling Yard

A location where materials can be loaded or unloaded from railroad wagons.AN065




A rotating platform with railroad tracks used for turning locomotives or cars/carriages.AN075



US-Railroad Turntable UK-Railway Turntable

A location on a railroad at which rails may be switched to permit access to another line.AN080



US-Railroad Switch UK-Railroad Points

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AP - Culture-Transportation-Road

An unimproved roadway.AP010



Cart Track

A connection designed to provide traffic access from one road to another.AP020



US-Interchange UK-Interchange/Complex Junction

An open way maintained for vehicular use.AP030




A barrier which controls passage to a road, railroad, tunnel, or bridge.AP040




A permanent obstruction placed across a route to prevent vehicular traffic.AP041




A path worn by the passage of people or animals.AP050



US-Trail UK-Trail/Footpath

Wide track on the land's surface due to the regular movement of animal herds (e.g. sheep, cattle).




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AQ - Culture-Associated Transportation

Cables which are strung between elevated supports as part of a conveyor system on which cars, buckets, or other carrier units are suspended. (See also AF020.)



US-Aerial Cableway Lines/Ski Lift Lines UK-Aerial Cableway Lines/Ski Lift Cables

A tower supporting steel cables which convey cars, buckets, or other suspended carrier units.



Aerial Cableway Pylon/Ski Pylon

A straight piece of timber or a hollow cylinder of wood or metal set up vertically, or nearly so.




A walkway made of wooden planks. (See also BB140.)AQ030



US-Boardwalk UK-Wooden Causeway

A man-made structure spanning and providing passage over a body of water, depression, or other obstacles.




A section of the bridge deck between successive supports such as pillars, piers, or abutments.



Bridge Span

Those elements of the bridge structure which are above the lowest deck. (See also AQ055)AQ050



Bridge Superstructure

A tower or pylon from which a bridge's deck is suspended.AQ055



Bridge Tower/Bridge Pylon

The support(s) in the form of pillar(s) or abutment(s) for the spans of a bridge.AQ056



Bridge Pier

A point where a passage way narrows or expands beyond its normal width.AQ058




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A tower-like structure that houses the persons and equipment used to control the flow of air, rail, or marine traffic. (See also AL240.)



Control Tower

A point where two or more line features intersect or cross at the same level about which information is required. (See also BH070.)



US-Crossing UK - Crossing/Level Crossing

A raised roadway of solid structure built primarily to provide a route across wet ground or intertidal area.




A sewer or drain crossing under a road, track, or embankment, without affecting the construction of the crossed feature.




A massive assemblage of material, usually in the form of concrete logs or blocks, positioned alongside or above a transportation route, ready to be activated as a potential barrier to an advancing enemy ground force, when needed.



Drop Gate/Rolling Block

A route in a body of water where a ferry crosses from one shoreline to another.AQ070



Ferry Crossing

A point where a ferry takes on or discharges its load.AQ080



US-Ferry Site UK-Ferry Station

A point of entrance or exit. (See also AA010 and AQ130.)AQ090




A marker which designates the distance from a given point, or a location.AQ100



US-Landmark Post/Distance Post UK-Landmark Post/Distance Post/Milestone

A tower-like structure used to secure an airship.AQ110



Mooring Mast

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Site on a river or canal which has a ramp, piling, and/or pier structures constructed on one or both shores to allow for suitable future crossing operations using float bridge or rafting equipment.



Prepared Raft or Float Bridge Site

A tube for the conveyance of solids, liquids or gases.AQ113




A facility to move solids, liquids or gases by means of pressure or suction.AQ116



Pumping Station

A curve which may cause transportation restrictions.AQ118



US-Sharp Curve(s) UK-Sharp Bend(s)

An emblem used to designate a road's name or identifying number.AQ119



Route Marker

Location along any given traveled way where the percent (%) slope (ratio of change in elevation (vertical distance) to horizontal ground distance multiplied by 100) is high enough to slow, hinder, or even stop movement.



Steep Grade

A stopping place for the transfer of passengers and/or freight.AQ125



Station (Miscellaneous)

An underground or underwater passage, open at both ends, and usually containing a road or railroad. (See also AQ090.)




A roadside place usually having facilities for people and/or vehicles.AQ135



US-Vehicle Stopping Area/Rest Area UK-Vehicle Stopping Area/Rest Area/Lay By

An open land area used for storing or parking vehicles or vessels (including recreational vehicles). (See also AI020 and AK060.)



US-Vehicle Storage/Parking Area UK-Vehicle Storage/Parking Area/Car Park/Boat Park

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A series of steps or stairs reaching from one level to another.AQ150



Flight of Steps

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AT - Culture-Communications/Transmission

An insulated wire, or group of wires formed into one continuous strand, located underground or underwater. (See also AT030.)




An insulated wire, or group of wires formed into one continuous strand and located above ground or above water surface. (See also AT030 and AT005.)



Overhead Cable

A concave object used for transmitting or receiving electronic signals.AT010



US-Disk/Dish UK-Disk Aerial/Dish Aerial

An installation utilizing long range radar to detect approaching aircraft or missiles.AT020



Early Warning Radar Site

A system of above ground wires including their supports, which transmits electricity over distance. (See also AT005.)



Power Transmission Line

A pylon or pole used to support a power transmission line.AT040



US-Power Transmission Pylon UK-Power Transmission Pylon/Pole

A construction of cables strung between elevated supports on which carrier units are suspended.




A device for transmitting and receiving radar emissions.AT045



Radar Transmitter

A building in which communication signals are processed or controlled.AT050



Communication Building

A system of above ground wires, including their supports which transmit electrical signals over distance.



Telephone Line/Telegraph Line

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A pylon or pole used to support a telephone or telegraph line.AT070



Telephone-Telegraph Pylon/Pole

A relatively tall structure used for transmitting and/or receiving electronic communication signals. (See also AQ060.)



Communication Tower

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B - HydrographyBA - Hydrography-Coastal Hydrography

The line where a land mass is in contact with a body of water.BA010




That part of the shore or beach which lies between the low water mark and the coastline/shoreline. The same condition may exist in non-contiguous off-shore areas. (See also BA021, BA022, and BA023).




Area between the 10 meter depth curve and the low water line defined by either Mean Low Water Springs (MLWS) or Mean Low Low Water (MLLW) as defined by the National Authority. (See also BA020, BA022, and BA023).



Nearshore (Precise IHO)

Area between the normal limit of wave action above either Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) or Mean High High Water (MHHW) as defined by the National Authority and the maximum limit of wave action. (See also BA020, BA021, and BA023).



Backshore (Precise IHO)

Area between the low water line defined by Mean Low Water Springs (MLWS) or Mean Low Low Water (MLLW) as appropriate and the normal limit of wave action above Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) or Mean High High Water (MHHW) as appropriate. (See also BA020, BA021, and BA022).



Foreshore (Precise IHO)

A land mass smaller than a continent and surrounded by water.BA030




An area of water which normally has tidal fluctuations.BA040



Water (Except Inland)

The shore of the sea or lake, sandy or pebbly, brought up by the waves (including the foreshore area). (See also BA020, BA021, BA022 and BA023.)




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A dyke (or dike) is an artificial embankment to contain or hold back water. The dyke crown is the topline of the dyke. (See also DB090.)



Dyke Crown

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BB - Hydrography-Ports and Harbors

A natural or artificial improved body of water providing protection for vessels and anchorage and docking facilities.



US-Harbor UK-Harbour

Complex Feature with possible components: many simple features, and complex features BB011, BC099, BC098.



US-Harbor Complex UK-Harbour Complex

Complex Feature with possible components: BC099, BC098.BB007



Channel Edge

An area of water where vessels anchor or may anchor.BB010




Complex Feature with possible components: BB010, BC099, BC098.BB011



Anchorage (Complex Feature)

A designated area of water where a single vessel, sea plane, oil rig, etc. is anchored or may anchor.



Anchor Berth

Device normally placed on the sea bottom and attached to a cable or rope used to position a vessel, boat, or any other floating structure. Replaces old definition of "An anchor is a heavy forging usually comprising a shank with a large shackle or ring at one end and two arms, with palms at the other. Shaped as to grip the sea bottom, and by means of a cable or rope, it holds a vessel, boat, or any other floating structure in place."




The place where a ship lies when secured to a pier, wharf, dolphin(s) or dock. It may be a designated place away from the coast line.




Complex feature with possible components: BB019, BC098.BB021



Mooring Trot

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An enclosure containing water for a dock for ships.BB022




A post on a wharf used for fastening mooring lines.BB030




A structure which protects a harbor or beach from forces of the sea. (See also BB140.)BB040




A structure which protects a shore area, harbor, anchorage, or basin from sea waves or swells by preventing them from reaching the protected area or reducing their magnitude. (See also BB140 and BB042.)




A loading and discharge place for vessels. It is usually a substantial masonry structure, and often serves as a breakwater on its outer side while offering facilities for ships in its inner side.




A structure which normally projects outward from a shoreline and which protects a beach from erosion by disrupting the longshore movement of sand and other sediments, not by preventing waves from reaching the shoreline. (See also BB140 and BB041.)




A specified point some distance from the harbor at which a vessel's navigator notifies the harbor authority of his ship's position. (Note that this is not the same as GA055 Waypoint/Reporting-Calling In Point which is for aircraft only.)



Calling-In Point

A structure used for mooring/warping a ship or as protection for harbor constructions.BB079



Mooring/Warping Facility

A post or group of posts used for mooring, warping a ship or as an aid to navigation.BB080




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A fixed (not afloat) artificial structure attached to the land. Shoreline constructions are normally used for berthing and protection.



Shoreline Construction

A structure, providing support for a vessel, which has a means of removing water so that the bottom of the vessel can be exposed.



US-Drydock UK-Dry Dock

Poles or stakes placed in shallow water to catch fish.BB100



US-Fish Stakes UK-Fishing Stakes

A harbor which is primarily used by fishing vessels.BB105



US-Fishing Harbor UK-Fishing Harbour

A fence or enclosure set in water to catch fish.BB110



Fish Traps/Fish Weirs

An area where nets used for catching tunny (tuna) may be found.BB111



Tunny (Tuna) Nets Area

A flat frame, usually of parallel timber baulks, erected on the foreshore so that a vessel may dry out on it for painting or repair at low water.



US-Gridiron UK-Gridiron/Careening Grid

A man-made barrier built out into, or in the water, primarily to restrain or direct currents and waves. (See also AQ030 and BB040.)



US-Jetty UK-Training Wall

A place on shore where landing from the sea is possible.BB150



Landing Place

Steps at the shoreline as the connection between land and water on different levels.BB151



Landing Stairs

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A facility occupied by a governmental (maritime related) or harbor authority, providing specific services to vessels. A signal station is a structure (building, tower, mast, etc.), which conveys information visually from station to ship.



Maritime Station/Maritime Signal Station

A metal ring attached to a structure and used to secure a vessel.BB160



Mooring Ring

A facility located offshore for loading and unloading cargo.BB170



US-Offshore Loading Facility UK-Single Point Mooring

A place in shallow water where oysters and mussels breed and may be cultivated.BB180



Oyster Bed/Mussel Bed

A structure primarily used as berthing places for vessels.BB190



US-Pier/Wharf/Quay UK-Pier/Wharf/Quay/Jetty

A protective structure designed to cushion the impact of a vessel and prevent damage.BB198




A dock which normally consists of a bottom pontoon, on which a ship can be lifted out of the water, and two side walls to give stability to the bottom pontoon.



Floating Dock

A place on land to where ships can pump waste liquids.BB200



Pump Out Facility

An installation with a certain function or service generally of interest for small craft or pleasure boats.



Small Craft Facility

Floating barriers, anchored to the bottom, used to deflect the path of floating ice in order to prevent the obstruction of locks, intakes, etc., and to prevent damage to bridge piers and other structures.



Ice Boom

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A partially submerged hard surfaced area on a shoreline for launching and retrieving vessels or vehicles.



Ramp (Maritime)

A loose assemblage of broken stones or similar material erected in water or on soft ground as a foundation or to protect the underlying surface from erosion.



Rip Rap

Facing of stone or other material placed along the edge of a stream, river or canal to stabilize the bank and to protect it from the erosive action of the stream.



Revetment (Shore Protection)

A structure built to protect the shore from erosion.BB230




A prepared slope for launching and recovering vessels.BB240



Slipway/Patent Slip

A place where vessels can replenish their water supply.BB250



Watering Place

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BC - Hydrography-NAVAIDs

A fixed visual or electronic aid to navigation.BC010




A floating object, other than a lightship, moored or anchored to the bottom and serving as an aid to navigation.




Two or more lights forming a leading line of a course to be followed.BC030



Leading Light(s)

A line generated by the straight line connection between two navigational aids, and which extends towards the area of navigational interest.



Navigation Line

Mid-channel lines corresponding to the lines in harbor radar displays.BC032



Radar Line

Indicates the coverage of a sea area by a radar surveillance station. Inside this area a vessel may request shore based radar assistance, particularly in poor visibility.



Radar Range

Lights marking area limits, cable alignment, alignments for anchoring, etc., not marking direction or course.



Lights in Line

A specially constructed device which displays a luminous or lighted aid to navigation. (See also BC050.)




A distinctive structure exhibiting light(s) designed to serve as an aid to navigation. (See also BC040.)




A colored (usually white) mark on a cliff, rock, wall, etc. which is a conspicuous landmark for marine navigation.




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A sector defined by bearings from seaward within which a light shows a specified character or color, or is obscured.



Light Sector

A distinctively marked manned vessel anchored or moored at a defined point to serve as an aid to navigation.



Light Vessel/Lightship

A small marker used to identify channels or to mark dangers such as rocks, shoals, etc. (See also BD100 and BD140.)




Complex Feature with possible components made of many simple features only.BC098



Navigational Mark, Afloat

Complex feature with possible components made of many simple features only.BC099



Navigational Mark, Fixed

A track which passes through one or more (usually two) clearly defined objects, along which a vessel can safely travel.



Leading Line

A warning signal transmitted by a vessel, or aid to navigation, during periods of low visibility. Also, the device producing such a signal.



Fog Signal

A point (symbol) placed in a dataset to indicate the direction defining a lateral buoyage system, such as the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Lateral System where the orientation is not otherwise discernable from the configuration of the shoreline and waterways due to limited geographic extent or other constraints.



Direction of Lateral Buoyage

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BD - Hydrography-Dangers/Hazards

A known underwater object or area, known to be dangerous to surface navigation.BD000



US-Underwater Danger/Hazard UK-Underwater Danger

An explosive device used in naval warfare located on or below the sea.BD001




An object or area on the sea floor or underwater that is not identified by any other code in this specification. (Also see BD000.)



Miscellaneous Underwater Feature

Waves which break over off-lying shoals or near the shore. (See also BD080.)BD010




A framework structure submerged or above water used to support pipelines, sewer lines, or outfalls.




An area of sea water having a color distinctly different from the surrounding water.BD030



US-Discolored Water UK-Discoloured Water

Circular movements of water running contrary to the main current.BD040




A region of comparatively shallow water strewn with rocks, boulders, coral, wreckage, or other obstructions, making it unsuitable for anchoring, grounding, or ground fishing.



US-Foul Ground UK-Foul

A large seaweed.BD060




A danger to navigation, the exact nature of which is not specified, or has not been determined.



Obstruction (Nautical)

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A line of connected, floating timbers as across a river or enclosing a water area to keep logs ready for the sawmill from floating away; also, the enclosed area.



Log Boom/Booming Ground

A broad, flat-bottomed floating structure without sheer, rectangular in shape, resembling a barge.




A construction to dam oil flow on water.BD073



Oil Barrier

A physical connection between two independent objects, e.g., between: anchor and mooring buoy; anchor and offshore platform; hulk and bollard on land.




A tool in shallow water for fishing purposes which can be an obstruction to ships in general.



Fishing Facility

Short, breaking waves occurring when a current passes over a shoal or other submarine obstruction or meets a contrary current or wind. Tide rips occur when one or more of the currents are tidal. (See also BD010.)



Overfalls/Tide Rips

A long, heavy timber or section of steel, concrete, etc., forced into the earth to serve as a support, as for a pier. (See also BC080 and BD140.)




A flat surface raised above the sea, as a working stage for conducting offshore operations.BD110




A structure placed in the sea and used for production loading and discharge or observation/research facilities.



Offshore Platform Site (cleared)

An installation for the exploitation of natural resources.BD112



Production Installation

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A narrow, flat surface or shelf, especially one that projects, as from a wall of rock.BD119




A rocky or coral elevation at or near enough to the surface of the sea to be a danger to surface navigation.




A cone or dome shaped mound or hill of peat or soil, usually with a core of ice. It is found in tundra regions and is produced by the pressure of water or ice accumulating underground and pushing upward.




An isolated rocky formation or a single large stone above or below the water surface.BD130




A stem or a trunk of a tree below the surface of water. (See also BC080 and BD100.)BD140



US-Snags/Stumps UK-Snags/Submerged Stumps

The ruined remains of a vessel.BD180




A permanently moored ship. Replaces "An unrigged hull condemned as unfit for the risks of the sea and used as a floating depot in a harbor or roadstead."




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BE - Hydrography-Depth Information

A navigational safety line indicating that no sounding of a lesser depth exists seaward of the line, but greater depths may occur on the shallow side of the line.



Depth Curve

A line connecting points of equal depth at and below the hydrographic datum.BE015



Depth Contour

Water area containing soundings within a defined range of values permanently at or below sounding datum.



Depth Area

A measured water depth or spot depth which has been reduced to chart datum.BE020




Delineates an area that covers and uncovers depending on the elevation of the surface above chart datum.



Drying Line, Low Water Line-LWL

Delineates an area of sand that covers and uncovers depending on the elevation of the surface above chart datum.



Sand Line

Delineates an area of mud that covers and uncovers depending on the elevation of the surface above chart datum.



Mud Line

An object identified from the bottom background by side-scan sonar.BE029



Bottom Return

Area of horizontal depth coverage recorded by SONAR array systems.BE030



Track Swath

The path of travel with respect to the earth as drawn on the chart and including the sounding information collected along the line.



Track Line

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A representation of the three dimensional relief of the bottom along a line or series of connected lines and based on depth contours, soundings, and other measurements of the depth at or below the hydrographic datum.



Beach Profile

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BF - Hydrography-Bottom Features

Designations used on surveys and charts to indicate the consistency, color, and classification of the sea floor, as determined by sampling methods.



US-Bottom Characteristics UK-Quality of the Bottom

A significant configuration of underwater bottom topography.BF011



Bottom Feature

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BG - Hydrography-Tide and Current Information

The flow direction of a current.BG010



US-Current Flow UK-Current Flow/Tidal Stream Direction

A natural watercourse in intertidal areas where water flows during the ebb and flow.BG011




The disturbance of water caused by the interaction of any combination of waves, currents, eddies, tidal streams, wind, shoal patches and obstructions.



Water Turbulence

An instrument for measuring the height of the tide.BG020



Tide Gauge

Place for which tabulated tidal stream data are given.BG030



US-Tide Data Point UK-Tidal Stream Observation Station

A graph or chartlet showing the average speed of the flood and ebb currents at different periods of the current cycle.



US-Current Diagram UK-Tidal Stream Diagram

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BH - Hydrography-Inland Water

Any known inland waterway body, such as: lake/pond, reservoir, river/stream, etc. requiring separation into individual features due to status/type grouping that is currently indeterminable.



Inland Water

A pipe or artificial channel designed to transport water from a remote source, usually by gravity. (See also BH110.)




A poorly drained or periodically flooded area, excluding tidal waters, with soil rich in plant residue.




A man-made or improved natural waterway used for transportation.BH020




A channel constructed for the purpose of irrigation or drainage.BH030




An area containing layers of material used to filter or aerate water.BH040



Filtration Beds/Aeration Beds

An enclosure of water used for the breeding and/or rearing of fish.BH050



Fish Hatchery/Fish Farm/Marine Farm

An open, inclined channel which carries water for use in such operations as mining or logging.




A shallow place in a body of water used as a crossing. (See also AQ062.)BH070




An artificial spring with water.BH075




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An area of higher elevation within a swamp, bog, or marsh.BH077




A body of water surrounded by land. (See also BH130.)BH080




An area periodically covered by flood water, excluding tidal waters. (See also BH095.)BH090



Land Subject to Inundation

Land subject to controlled inundation (i.e. flooded by the regulation of the level of water impounded by a dam or beaver dam), and is normally associated with permanently flooded areas in which trees are still standing. Also known as inundated land.



Flooded Area

A saturated area, at times covered with water, supporting vegetation which may include trees. (See also BH090.)




A trench usually filled with water, that surrounds a body of land.BH100




A pipeline or channel generally used by hydroelectric plants or water mills to transport water by gravity and under pressure. (See also BH010.)




Water situated underground but reachable by wells.BH115



Underground Water/Phreatic Water

A place in a stream or river where the current is swift and the surface is usually broken by boulders and rocks.




A man-made enclosure or area formed for the storage of water. (See also BH080.)BH130




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An area periodically covered with water used for growing rice.BH135



Rice Field

A natural flowing watercourse.BH140




The limit line between the water area of a river and the area of land.BH141



River Bank

Point at which a river or stream passes into the ground.BH145



River/Stream Vanishing Point

A flat area of natural surface salt deposits.BH150



Salt Pan

Shallow pools, normally man-made, used for the natural evaporation of water for the collection of salt.



Salt Evaporator

A natural depression in arid or semi-arid regions whose bed is covered with salt encrusted clayey soil.




A passage for surplus water to run over or around a dam.BH165




A natural outflow of water from below the ground surface. (See also AA050 and BH075.)BH170



Spring/Water Hole

A man-made open water container for animal drinking.BH175




A vertical or nearly vertical descent of water.BH180




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Open body of water separated from the sea by a sand bank or coral reef.BH190



Lagoon/Reef Pool

Surface drainage feature which is of a minor nature and which is not included in other feature codings in this specification.



Miscellaneous Surface Drainage Feature

The land-water boundary for all inland hydrographic features having shorelines, Lake /Pond (BH080), or Island (BA030).



Inland Shoreline

The route in a river suitable for the largest allowed vessels. (See also FC168.)BH501



River Navigation Route

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BI - Hydrography-Miscellaneous Inland Water

A mechanical device for lifting vessels between two levels other than a lock. (See also BI030.)



Boat Lift

A man-made container used for collection or storage of rain water.BI010




A permanent barrier across a watercourse used to impound water or to control its flow. (See also BI040.)




An enclosure with a pair or series of gates used for raising or lowering vessels as they pass from one water level to another. (See also BI005.)




An open, inclined conduit fitted with a gate (reference BI040 Sluice Gate) for regulating water flow and may be employed in mine ore washing operations.




A gate used to regulate the flow of water. (See also BI020.)BI040



Sluice Gate

A structure that may be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or passageway.BI041



Gate (Nautical)

The gate at the end of a drydock which excludes the water after pumping out the dock. The pumping engines are often located in the caisson.



US-Caisson UK-Dry Dock Gate

An artificial obstruction placed in a water course to increase the depth or to divert it.BI043



Flood Barrage

A tower-like structure associated with a dam or water source and used for the intake of water.



Water Intake Tower

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A series of ascending pools constructed to enable fish to swim upstream around or over a dam.



Fish Ladder

A device which monitors stream flow.BI070



Gauging Station

A section of canal or navigable waterway in which a barge or other vessel can be turned.BI080



Boat Turning Basin

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BJ - Hydrography-Snow/Ice

An accumulation of soil and stone debris deposited by a glacier.BJ020




A large mass of snow and ice moving slowly down a slope or valley from above the snowline.




The vertical face of a glacier or ice shelf.BJ040



Ice Cliff

A rocky peak projecting above a surrounding ice field that may be perpetually covered with ice.



Ice Peak/Nunatak

A sheet of thick ice, with level or undulating surface, attached to the land but mostly afloat which is bounded on the seaward side by an Ice Cliff (BJ040).



Ice Shelf

An area of ice formed by the drifting and crushing together of floating pieces of ice.BJ070



Pack Ice

The heaviest, thickest form of ice over land or water. (See also BJ100.)BJ080



Polar Ice

A large area permanently covered by snow or ice over land or water. (See also BJ080.)BJ100



Snow Field/Ice Field

A prairie-like region in the Arctic and Subarctic zones which sustains a growth of low vegetation.




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BK - Hydrography-Oceanographic or Geophysical

A device equipped for the collection of acoustic data.BK010



Acoustic Station

A device equipped for the collection of magnetic data.BK020



Magnetic Station

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C - HypsographyCA - Hypsography-Relief Portrayal

A line connecting points having the same vertical datum value.CA010



Contour Line (Land)

A line representation of a ridge top.CA020



Ridge Line

A line representation of the lowest part of a valley.CA025



Valley Bottom Line

Line representing the demarcation of a sudden and significant change in the gradient of the terrain relief.




A designated location with an elevation value relative to a vertical datum.CA030



Spot Elevation

A location with a generalized elevation value relative to a vertical datum associated with an inland, usually confined, water body.



Inland Water Elevation

An arbitrary area outline created to establish elevation as polygons.CA040



Contour Polygon (Land)

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D - PhysiographyDA - Physiography-Exposed Surface Materials

A natural pool of liquid asphalt.DA005



Asphalt Lake

A sterile plain containing an excess of alkali usually occurring in the bottom of an under drained basin in an arid or semi-arid region. The ground may be soft and have low shearing and bearing strength, and a high organic content.



Alkali Flats

The surface soil characteristics of the earth.DA010



Ground Surface Element

Ground so disturbed as to have no identifiable coverage.DA020



Barren Ground

An area not permanently or temporarily covered by water.DA030



Land Area

An area of natural scenery on land. It is defined by its geographical characteristics and known by its proper name.



Land Region

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DB - Physiography-Landforms

A steep, vertical, or overhanging face of rock or earth. (See also DB110.)DB010




A natural subterranean chamber or series of chambers open to the Earth's surface.DB030




A small, isolated elevation, smaller than a mountain.DB031




A narrow fissure, crack, or rift in the Earth's surface, snow or ice.DB060




An excavation of the Earth's surface to provide passage for a road, railroad, canal, etc.DB070




A low area surrounded by higher ground.DB080




A raised long mound of earth or other material. (See also BA051.)DB090




A long, narrow ridge of sand and gravel deposited by a glacial stream.DB100




A fracture in the Earth's crust with displacement on one side of the fracture relative to the other. (See also DB010.)




A terrain surface feature controlled by or derived from the heat of the Earth's interior.DB115



Geothermal Feature

Obstacle feature which is of a minor nature and which is not covered by another feature coding in this specification.



Miscellaneous Obstacle

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A natural route through a low place in a mountain range.DB150



Mountain Pass

A visual topographic outcrop, layers or beds of rock.DB160



Rock Strata/Rock Formation

Ridges or hills of sand.DB170



Sand Dune/Sand Hills

An area enclosing a group of slope values falling within a set range.DB176



Slope Category

A mountain or hill, often conical, formed around a vent in the earth's crust through which molten rock, ash, or gases are or have been expelled.




A steep ridge of igneous rock.DB190



Volcanic Dike

A long, narrow, deep erosion with steep banks.DB200



US-Gully/Gorge UK-Gullies

A mass of land, with a high potential of slipping down from a mountain, hill, etc.DB210



US-Potential Landslide Area UK-Landslide/Scree

The mass of earth or rock which has slipped down from a mountain or cliff.DB211




Area undermined through mining activities that has already partly subsided or that is in the process of subsiding.



Undermined Land

A gently sloping fan shaped feature usually found near the lower termination of a canyon.DB230




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Bottomline of a steep slope.DB500



Bottomline of Cliff

Topline of a steep slope.DB501



Topline of cliff

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E - VegetationEA - Vegetation-Cropland

An area that has been tilled for the planting of crops. (See also EA040, EA050, and EA055.)




A continuous growth of shrubbery planted as a fence, a boundary, or a wind break.EA020




A place where shrubs, flowers, plants and trees are grown for transplanting, seed or grafting.




A cultural area where plants and/or trees are displayed.EA031



Botanical Garden

An area covered by systematic plantings of trees which yield fruits, nuts or other products. (See also EA010, EA050 and EA055.)




An area covered by the systematic planting of grape vines. (See also EA010, EA040 and EA055.)




An area covered by the systematic planting of hop vines. (See also EA010, EA040 and EA050.)




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EB - Vegetation-Rangeland

An area composed of uncultured plants which have little or no woody tissue.EB010




Area composed of uncultured plants which may have some woody tissue.EB015




Low-growing woody plants. (See also EC030.)EB020




Thematic classification of the predominant vegetation and land use characteristics of the land surface covers.



Land Use/Land Cover (Vegetation)

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EC - Vegetation-Woodland

Woody, treelike grass.EC010




An area set aside as a woodland or recreational preserve.EC015




A small, isolated, fertile or green area in a desert region usually having a spring or well.EC020




Woody-perennial plants, having a self-supporting main stem or trunk. (See also EA040, EB020 and EC015.)




A man-made clearing in a cultural area or through a stand of trees, designed to provide access for a road, railroad, pipeline, or power transmission line, or for boundary demarcation, survey line-of-sight, or to impede the progress of forest fires.



US-Cleared Way/Cut Line/Firebreak UK-Cleared Way/Firebreak

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EE - Vegetation-Miscellaneous Features

A mixture of woody and non-woody vegetation types.EE000



Miscellaneous Vegetation

An area of forest or vegetation being exploited for lumber resources.EE010



Logging Area

Ground or land with little (less than 5 percent) or no vegetation.EE020



Land devoid of vegetation

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F - DemarcationFA - Demarcation-Boundaries/Limits/Zones (Topographic)

A line of demarcation between controlled areas.FA000



Administrative Boundary

An area controlled by administrative authority.FA001



Administrative Area

A zone between a contact zone and the first possible clearing line (road, towing path, passable road bank crest). (See also FA041.)



Access Zone

An open area designated for the purpose of discharging or detonating firearms.FA015



Firing Range/Gunnery Range

A line established by opposing political groups as a result of cessation of hostilities.FA020



Armistice Line

A line along which active hostilities are suspended.FA030



Cease-Fire Line

A limit of an area which is unilaterally claimed by one political group without consent or negotiation with another.



Claim Line

Terrain area 3 meters wide limited on the water side by the contact between land and water (under average level of water condition). (See also FA005.)



Contact Zone

A line established to regulate matters between nations or groups over a specific area or territory.



Mandate Line/Convention Line

An existing line of separation not officially recognized by various governments.FA060



Defacto Boundary

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An area where military activity is prohibited.FA070



Demilitarized Zone

Extensive area of a particular nature, that has been defined by law and that is to be protected as a whole. It meets the prerequisites of a nature reserve for the largest part and has been influenced by man at most only to a small extent .



National Park

An area that has been legally defined and whose nature and landscape requires special protection, be it in part or as a whole, in order to preserve symbioses or biotypes of specific wildlife animals or plants, for scientific reasons or reasons of natural or geographic history, or because of their rareness, uniqueness or outstanding beauty.



Nature Reserve

Protected area of water collection facilities with restricted use in order to protect the water above and under ground from being polluted.



Protected Water, Gathering Ground

A grid established for the collection of geophysical data within an area.FA090



Geophysical Prospecting Grid

Area for the testing of technical products.FA100



Test Area

A line generally coinciding with the 180th meridian, modified to avoid land, and designated as the place where each calendar day begins.



International Date Line

An area reserved for training.FA165



Training Area

An area temporarily held and controlled by a foreign military force.FA170



Zone of Occupation

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FC - Demarcation-Boundaries/Limits/Zones (Hydrographic)

A line where on either side certain activities or factors of significance to navigation and/or operation apply.



Maritime Limit Boundary

An area in which certain activities or factors of significance to navigation and/or operation apply.



Maritime Area

A structure separating the basins of a fish pond, a reservoir or a liquid waste pond.FC035



Pond Partition

An area in which certain aspects of navigation are restricted.FC036



Restricted Area

Complex feature with possible components made of many simple features and complex features BC099, BC098 and FC166.



Traffic Separation Scheme System

A routing measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic by appropriate means and by the establishment of traffic lanes.



Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS)

A course whose length has been accurately measured and is used in conjunction with ranges ashore. It is used by vessels to calibrate logs, engine revolution counters, etc., and determine speed.



Measured Distance Line

Lines of known bearing from fixed geographic locations. Used to determine accurate positions of a vessel on certain test ranges.



Theodolite Line

A surveyed reference track marking the center of a test range. Vessels undergoing testing must maintain position along this track.



Range Centerline

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A line shown on a chart in proximity to a shipping route, along which ships are guided by a traffic control center located in a radar station. (See also BC032.)



Radar Reference Line

A track or lane established for the safe passage of ships.FC165



Route (Maritime)

Complex Feature with possible components: FC165 & RTT098, FC165 & RTT099, BC099, BC098.



Deep Water Route

Complex Feature with possible components: FC165 & RTT008, FC165 & RTT012, AT060 & STA032, AT050 & STA033, GA055, BB011, BC099, BC098, and BB007.



Defined Water

A navigable channel in lakes or other waterways.FC168



Canal Route

A route established for the safe passage of vessels through offshore oil and gas fields and minefields.



Safety Fairway

An area that has been determined to be clear of navigational dangers to a specified depth. Replaces old definition of "An area of water cleared by a wire drag to ensure an area is free of navigational dangers."



Swept Area

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G - Aeronautical InformationGA - Aeronautical Information-Air Routes

Designated airspace within which some or all aircraft may be subjected to air traffic control.




A portion of an Air Traffic Service (ATS) Route identified by two electronic NAVAIDS at the extremities and/or reporting points.



ATS Route Segment/Leg

Airspace of defined dimension identified by area on Earth's surface where activities must be confined because of their nature and/or where limitations may be imposed on aircraft operations not associated with those activities.



Special Use Airspace

Single segment of an airspace (GA005).GA020



Airspace Boundary Segment

Single segment of a Special Use Airspace (GA015).GA025



Special Use Airspace Segment

Captures the Off Route Radials/Bearings (directions and distance from a NAVAID to a Waypoint).



Off Route Radial/Bearing

A radial or bearing which provides at least 2 miles of lead to assist in turning onto the intermediate portion of an instrument approach when the angle of intercept is greater than 90 degrees.



Lead Radial

Any visual or electronic device which provides point-to-point guidance information or position data.



NAVAIDS (Aeronautical)

A specific route designated for channeling the flow or traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services.



Route (Air)

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Definition of route segments, action points, and various approach minimum altitudes and distances from the end of landing runway as functions of aircraft type and instrument approach procedures.



Complex Terminal Route

A predetermined geographical position, used for route instrument approach definition or progress reporting purposes or to change frequency etc.



Waypoint/Reporting-Calling In Point

A light or lights marking an obstacle which constitutes a danger to air navigation.GA065



Air Warning Light

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GB - Aeronautical Information-Aerodrome

A defined area of land or water used for landing, take-off, and movement of aircraft including associated buildings and facilities.



US-Airport/Airfield UK-Airport/Airfield/Airstrip

A land aerodrome with limited facilities.GB006



US-Airfield UK-Airstrip

A tract of land used for landing, take-off, and movement of aircraft not including associated buildings, runways and other facilities.



Airport Area

Lights used to: define and outline perimeters, runways, taxiways, etc.; guide aircraft while on the ground, and to provide guidance to aircraft on approach for landing.



Airport Lighting

A defined paved or hard-packed area at an airport or heliport intended for aircraft parking.GB015



US-Apron/Hardstand UK-Apron/Hardstanding

Devices such as cables or barriers that can be used to stop an aircraft immediately upon landing.



Arresting Gear

A barrier used to divert or dissipate jet or propeller blast.GB025



Blast Barrier

An improved area used for take-off, and landing, by helicopters and other vertical take-off and landing aircraft.



Helicopter Landing Pad

A place designated for the landing and take-off of helicopters, including its buildings and facilities.




A designated area or structure from which a rocket or missile is launched.GB040



Launch Pad

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An area beyond the take-off runway designated as able to support an airplane during an aborted take-off.




A barricade which protects an aircraft, equipment, or facilities from hostile action.GB050



Revetment (Airfield/Equipment/Facilities )

A defined area, usually rectangular, used for the conventional landing and take-off of aircraft. (Excludes GB045.)




Adjacent area along either side of a road or runway not normally used by vehicles or aircraft, but provided as an allowable margin in case of emergency situations.




A device, normally placed near the threshold of a runway, used for reflecting radar signals.GB060



Runway Radar Reflector

An installation supporting aircraft capable of taking off and landing on water.GB065



Seaplane Base

A designated portion of water outlined by visual surface markings, used by seaplanes to land and take off.



Seaplane Landing/Seaplane Take-Off Area

A prepared surface providing access to/from runways and the aircraft parking area, terminal area, or service area, etc.




A visual device used to provide wind information.GB080



US-Wind Indicator UK-Wind Indicator/Wind Sock

A designated area where a Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical (NBC) contaminated aircraft, checked at landing, is sent to be decontaminated by special teams.



Decontamination Pad

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A designated area where the automated navigation instruments of aircraft are reset before taking off.



INS Alignment Pad

An existing object of natural growth, or terrain at a fixed location within prescribed area with a reference to which vertical clearance is or must be provided during flight operations.



Air Obstruction

A generic man-made air obstruction.GB221



Miscellaneous Air Obstruction

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I - CadastralIA - Cadastral-Areas

A line which encloses all water, streets, parcels and buildings.IA010



Map Boundary

Land use and/or land property.IA040




Constructions with unique characteristics.IA050



Cadastral Constructions

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ID - Cadastral-Reference Points

A reference point used for a cadastral map orientation.ID010



Cadastral Control Points

Used for topographic survey.ID020



Fiducial Points

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DIGEST Part 4ISO 15046-10 Profile

March 1999Annex A-Feature Definition

IE - Cadastral-Special Characteristics

Contains drawing frames and map parameters.IE010



Map Sheet Frame

Contains topographical details and other information.IE020




Contains auxiliary information about each map.IE040




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March 1999Annex A-Feature Definition

S - Special Use (Dataset Specific)SA - Terrain Analysis Dataset

An area containing any surface water that is flowing or free standing such as lakes, rivers, oceans, reservoirs, etc.



Common Open Water

An area that has been so disturbed by human activity that no single soil type can be accurately identified. These areas may include built-up areas, strip mines, landfills, railroad yards, etc.



Disturbed Soil

Areas that contain no or little soil (less than 10%) containing bare rock or other extrusive material such as lava.



Exposed Bedrock

An area permanently covered by snow or ice that covers a land mass, such as glaciers and snowfields.



Permanent Snowfield

An area enclosing a group of slope values falling within a set range.SA050



Slope Polygon

A natural watercourse or man-made waterway that is covered preventing its observation or further classification.



Covered Drainage

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March 1999Annex A-Feature Definition

SU - Dataset Development

A center of operations for a military organization.SU001



Military Base

An underground, metropolitan electric railway or the tunnel through which it travels.SU002



US-Subway UK-Underground Railway/Metro

A building or section of building that is established to serve a particular purpose for water vehicles.



Port Facility

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March 1999Annex A-Feature Definition

Z - GeneralZB - General-Control Points

A reference mark on a permanent object indicating elevation relative to an established datum.




A marker identifying the location of a surveyed boundary line.ZB030



US-Boundary Monument UK-Boundary Monument/Boundary Mark

An object or mark on the ground of known position, elevation, or both.ZB035



Control Point/Control Station

A mark which indicates the value of distance measured from an origin and consists of either a solid visible structure or a distinct location without special installation.



Distance Mark

A point used to check system accuracy.ZB040



Diagnostic Point

A physical point on the Earth's surface having a surveyed position (e.g. Trig Points).ZB060



Geodetic Point

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March 1999Annex A-Feature Definition

ZC - General-Magnetic Variation

A localized anomaly in the Earth's magnetic field.ZC040



US-Magnetic Disturbance Area UK-Local Magnetic Anomaly

Lines connecting points of equal magnetic variation.ZC050



Isogonic Lines

Either of the two places on the Earth's surface where the magnetic dip is 90 degrees.ZC051



Magnetic Pole

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March 1999Annex A-Feature Definition

ZD - General-Miscellaneous

A system of inter-connected real world objects of the same type or directly related types.ZD001




An indicator which identifies incomplete or illogical data at a specific location (node), used for data processing only.



Artifact Location

A location where geographic information or statistics may apply.ZD012



Geographic Information Point

The location/position on a linear feature where the characteristics of the feature change significantly.



Point of Change

An area lacking suitable source coverage, or where data is not required.ZD020



Void Collection Area

A geographic place on the earth, not normally appearing as a feature on a map, but having a name that is required to be placed on a map.



Named Location

An area in which a characteristic or an activity pertaining to the area can be described and possibly labeled on a product if deemed important at the time the product is being produced.



Text Description

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Absolute horizontal accuracy integer value used in the ISO 8211 encapsulation. Units shall be described by reading the UNIaah field.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Absolute Horizontal Accuracy

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 UnitNumericFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Absolute vertical accuracy integer value used in the ISO 8211 encapsulation. Units shall be described by reading the UNIaav field.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Absolute Vertical Accuracy

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 UnitNumericFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Accuracy of geographic position.ACCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Accuracy Category

ACC Unknown0ACC Accurate1ACC Approximate2ACC Doubtful3ACC Disputed5ACC Undisputed6ACC Precise7ACC Abrogated8ACC Unpopulated997ACC Not Applicable998ACC Other999

Facilities available at or in the near vicinity.AFACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Available Facilities

AFA Unknown0AFA Visitors Berth1AFA Visitors Mooring2AFA Sailmaker3

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


AFA Chandler4AFA Provisions5AFA Physician/Doctor6AFA Pharmacy/Chemist7AFA Drinking Water8AFA Fuel Station9AFA Electricity10AFA Bottle Gas/LPG11AFA Showers12AFA Launderette13AFA Toilets14AFA Post Box15AFA Public Telephone16AFA Refuse Bin17AFA Water Police18AFA Helipad19AFA Ticket Sales20AFA No Ticket Sales21AFA Yacht Club22AFA Boat Hoist23AFA Boat Yard24AFA Hotel Accommodation25AFA Restaurant26AFA Desalination facilities27AFA Parking Lot28AFA Parking for boats and trailers29AFA Recreational Vehicle Park30AFA Campground31AFA Sewerage pump-out station32AFA Emergency telephone33AFA Landing and launching place for boats34AFA Scrubbing Berth35AFA Picnic Area36AFA None995AFA Unpopulated997AFA Not Applicable998AFA Other999

Device used to stop an uncontrolled aircraft at the end of a runway.AGCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Arresting Gear Category

AGC Unknown0AGC Net1AGC Cable2

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


AGC Jet Barrier6AGC Unpopulated997AGC Not Applicable998AGC Other999

The difference between the recorded horizontal coordinates of features and their true positions expressed as a circular error at 90% probability.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Absolute Horizontal Accuracy in Meters

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The annual water content of the associated hydrographic feature as defined by the Inland Shoreline.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Associated Hydrographic Category

AHC Unknown0AHC Perennial1AHC Intermittent2AHC Ephemeral3AHC Unpopulated997AHC Not Applicable998AHC Other999

Indicates the difference between the recorded heights above ground level of features and their true heights at 90% probability.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Accuracy of Obstruction Height Above Ground Level

Floating Point 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


A set of characters which enables an individual airspace to be uniquely identified.AIACode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Airspace Identification Attribute

Lexical 15 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


A description of any load restrictions which apply to aircraft using a facility.ALCCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Aircraft Load Class

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Length, in nautical miles, of individual air route segments.ALNCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Air route segments Length

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 NMNautical MilesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The angular distance measured from true north (0 deg) clockwise to the major axis of the feature. If the feature is square, the axis 0 through 89 deg shall be recorded. If the feature is circular, 360 deg shall be recorded.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Angle of Orientation

Short Integer 0 to 360 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Unique airfield type.APTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Airfield Type

APT Unknown0APT Major Airfield1APT Minor Airfield2APT Light/General Aviation Aircraft Operating Only3APT Seaplane Base4APT Glider Site5APT Microlight/Ultralight Site6APT Hang Glider Site7APT Winch Launched Hang Glider Site8APT Heliport9APT Helicopter Site10APT Heliport at Hospitals11APT Emergency12

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


APT Parascending/Parasailing Site13APT Airport/Airfield14APT Undefined Landing Area15APT Unpopulated997APT Not Applicable998APT Other999

The absolute area within the delineation of the feature.ARACode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Area Coverage Attribute

Short Integer 0 to 32767 1 M2Sq. MetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The absolute area within the delineation of the feature measured with greater precision and range. (See also ARA).


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Area with greater precision.

Floating Point 0.01 M2Sq. MetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The absolute area within the delineation of the feature in hectares.ARHCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Area Coverage Attribute Hectares

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 HAHectaresFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


If DIR = 3 then ARR is the angular distance measured from true north (0 deg) clockwise to the reflective side of the feature.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Angle of Radar Reflector

Short Integer 0 to 360 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


Type of aqueduct.ATCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Aqueduct Type Category

ATC Unknown0ATC Qanat/Kanat/Karez Shaft1ATC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)2ATC Underground Aqueduct3ATC Unpopulated997ATC Not Applicable998ATC Other999

Defines the ATS Route Structure of which this route is effective.ATLCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: ATS Route Level

ATL Unknown0ATL Both1ATL High Level (FL195)2ATL Low Level (FL195)3ATL Night Low Flying4ATL Unpopulated997ATL Not Applicable998ATL Other999

Indicates whether a feature is marked or unmarked by an aid to navigation.ATNCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Aids to Navigation

ATN Unknown0ATN Marked1ATN Unmarked2ATN Lit3ATN Unlit4ATN Unpopulated997ATN Not Applicable998ATN Other999

The particular use of the designated airspace.AUACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: ATS Use Attribute

AUA Unknown0B - 6

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


AUA Advisory Area (ADA)1AUA Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)2AUA Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)3AUA Alert Area4AUA Area Control Center (ACC)5AUA Buffer Zone (BZ)6AUA Canadian Air Defense Identification Zone (CADIZ)7AUA Control Area (CTA)8AUA Control Zone (CTLZ)9AUA Danger Area10AUA Dew East Military Identification Zone (DEMIZ)11AUA Distant Early Warning Identification Zone (DEWIZ)12AUA Flight Information Region (FIR)13AUA French Peripheral Identification Zone (LIP)14AUA Military Aerodrome Traffic Zone (MAIZ)15AUA Military Common Area Control (MCAC)16AUA Military Climb Corridor (MCC)17AUA Military Flying Area (Canada, MFA)18AUA Mid-Canada Identification Zone (MIDIZ)19AUA Military Operations Area (MOA)20AUA Military Terminal Control Area (MTCA)21AUA Military Upper Control Area (MUCA)22AUA Oceanic Control Area (non-FAA) (OCA)23AUA Operating Area (OPAREA)24AUA Prohibited Area25AUA Positive Control Area (PCA)26AUA Positive Control Zone (PCZ)27AUA Radar Area28AUA Restricted Area29AUA Security Identification Zone (SIZ)30AUA Special Air Traffic Rules Area31AUA Special Rules Zone32AUA Transition Area (For Chart Use Only - TA)33AUA Terminal Control Area (TCA)34AUA Continental Control Area (CCA)35AUA Special Operations Area (Air)36AUA Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA)37AUA Upper Advisory Area (UDA)38AUA Upper Control Area (UTA)39AUA Upper Flight Information Region (UIR)40AUA Warning Area41AUA Zone of Interior (ZI)42AUA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK43AUA Korea Limited Identification Zone (KLIZ)44AUA Uncontrolled Airspace45

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


AUA Controlled Airspace46AUA Airport Traffic Area (ATA)47AUA Airport Radar Service Area (ARSA)48AUA Controlled Firing Area49AUA Parachute Jump Area50AUA Airport Advisory Area51AUA Designated Mountainous Area52AUA Non-Free Flying Area54AUA Control Zone - No Fixed Wing Special VFR Permitted55AUA Altimeter Change Boundary56AUA Defense Area57AUA Aerodrome Control Zone58AUA Class C Control Zone59AUA Sparsely Settled Area60AUA ICAO62AUA Upper Airspace Centers Operational Air Traffic63AUA Controlled Visual Flight Rules (CVFR)64AUA Bird Hazard Areas65AUA Temporary Reserved Airspace (TRA)66AUA Air Route Traffic Control Center Sector or Discrete67AUA Sub-Flight Information Region (SUB FIR)68AUA Radar Area Sector Boundary69AUA Oceanic Control Area (FAA) (OCA)70AUA Refueling/Track Area74AUA Berlin Control Zone75AUA Helicopter Protection Area76AUA Traffic Information Zone77AUA Low Flying Area78AUA Special Use Airspace Exclusions79AUA Unpopulated997AUA Not Applicable998AUA Other999

Designated airspace within which some or all aircraft may be subject to air traffic control.AUBCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Airspace Use Boundary

AUB Unknown0AUB Flight Information Region (FIR)1AUB Sub-FIR2AUB Control Zone (CTZ/CTR)3AUB Military CTZ/CTR4AUB VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK5AUB Special Rules Zone (SRZ)6AUB Advisory Area (ADA)7

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


AUB Terminal Control Area (TCA)/Military TCA (MTMA)8AUB VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK9AUB Military Climb Corridor10AUB Altimetric Setting Region (ASR)11AUB Designated Mountainous Area12AUB Area Control Center (ACC)13AUB Radar Area14AUB Radar Area Sector Boundary15AUB Radar Service Area16AUB Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA)17AUB Transition Area (TA)18AUB Upper Information Region (UIR)19AUB Upper Control Area20AUB Military Upper21AUB Upper Advisory Area (UDA)22AUB Control Area (CTA)23AUB Special Rules Area24AUB Mandatory Radar Service Area25AUB Training Airspace26AUB Air-to-Air Refueling Area/Track/Route27AUB Continental Control Area (CCA)28AUB Oceanic Control Area (non-FAA) (OCA)29AUB Oceanic Control Area (FAA) (OCA)30AUB Upper Airspace Centers Operational Air Traffic31AUB Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)32AUB Buffer Zone33AUB Distant Early Warning Military Identification Zone (DEWMIZ)34AUB DEW Identification Zone (DEWIZ)35AUB French Peripheral Identification Zone (LIP)36AUB Canadian Air Defense Identification Zone (CADIZ)37AUB Mid-Canada Identification Zone (MIDIZ)38AUB Security Identification Zone (SIZ)39AUB Zone of Interior40AUB Korea Limited Identification Zone41AUB VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK42AUB Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ)43AUB Aerodrome Control Zone44AUB Military ATZ45AUB Airport Radar Service Area (ARSA)46AUB Airport Advisory Area47AUB Uncontrolled Airspace48AUB Controlled Airspace49AUB Controlled Visual Flight Rules (CVFR)50AUB Positive Control Area (PCA)51AUB Positive Control Zone (PCZ)52

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


AUB Mandatory Radio Area53AUB Special Access Lane Entry54AUB Special Access Lane Exit55AUB Flight Information Center (FIC)/Flight Service Station (FSS)56AUB Military Sector Control Center (SCC-AM)57AUB Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)58AUB ARTCC Sector Discrete59AUB VFR Sector Boundary60AUB Military Common Area Control (MCAC)61AUB Traffic Information Zone62AUB Low Flying Area (LFA)63AUB LFA Sub-Boundary64AUB Low Flying Tactical Training Area (TTA)65AUB Low Flying Tactical Route Boundary66AUB Low Flying Flow Arrow67AUB Low Flying Dividing Line68AUB Low Flying Flow Corridor Boundary69AUB Low Flying Dedicated User Area70AUB Low Flying Weather Corridor71AUB Maximum Elevation Figure72AUB Unpopulated997AUB Not Applicable998AUB Other999

Airspace wherein activities must be confined because of their nature and/or wherein limitations may be imposed upon aircraft operations.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Airspace Use Limitations

AUL Unknown0AUL Danger Area1AUL Prohibited Area2AUL Restricted Area3AUL Prohibited VFR4AUL Alert Area5AUL Warning Area6AUL Defense Area7AUL Controlled Firing Area8AUL Temporary Reserved Airspace (TRA)9AUL Parachute Drop Zone10AUL Hazard to Aircraft11AUL Gas Venting Station12AUL Town to be Avoided13AUL Nature Reserves, Parks, Conservation Areas14AUL Helicopter Protection15

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


AUL Air Exercise Area16AUL Area of Intense Air Activity17AUL Bird Sanctuary18AUL Bird Hazard Area19AUL Industrial Hazards/Object needing protection20AUL Health Resorts/Medical Establishments21AUL Low Flying Avoidance Area22AUL Mink Farm23AUL Low Flying Tactical Training Avoidances24AUL Low Flying Dedicated User Area25AUL Area of Intensive Microlight/Ultralight Flying26AUL Provost Marshal27AUL Military Operating Area (MOA)28AUL High Intensity Radio Transmission Area (HIRTA)29AUL Military Flying Area (MFA)30AUL Operating Area (OPAREA)31AUL Non-free Flying Area32AUL Sparsely Settled Area33AUL Caution Area34AUL Unpopulated997AUL Not Applicable998AUL Other999

A specified route designed for channeling the flow of traffic as necessary for the provision of air traffic services.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Airspace Use Routes

AUR Unknown0AUR Airway1AUR Air Route2AUR Purple Airway3AUR Royal Low Level Corridor4AUR Corridor5AUR Atlantic6AUR Bahamas7AUR Advisory8AUR Direct9AUR Military10AUR Oceanic11AUR Area Navigation (RNAV)12AUR SUBS13AUR TACAN14AUR Helicopter Route15AUR Helicopter Routes not available to single engine16

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


AUR Low Flying Route17AUR Royal Helicopter Route18AUR Jet19AUR North America20AUR Canadian Control Area Tracks21AUR Unpopulated997AUR Not Applicable998AUR Other999

Status of Air Space and any restrictions that are applicable.AUSCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Airspace/Facility Operating Times

Lexical 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Height (AGL - above ground level) above surface level to the lowest portion of the feature (used only for Air Information).


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Lowest Airspace Height

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 FTFeetFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Height (AGL - above ground level) above surface level to the highest portion of the feature (used only for Air Information).


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Highest Airspace Height

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 FTFeetFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The difference between the recorded elevations of features and their true elevations at a specific point referenced to the same vertical datum at 90% probability.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Absolute Vertical Accuracy in Meters

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


Width of individual air route segments.AWDCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Air route segments Width

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 NMNautical MilesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Measurement to specify lowest vertical limits.AZ1Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Lowest Airspace Z-value

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 FTFeetFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Measurement to specify highest vertical limits.AZ2Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Highest Airspace Z-value

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 FTFeetFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The minimum safe altitude, in feet, above MSL which provides a 1000 foot obstacle clearance within the airspace.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Minimum Safe Altitude Sector

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 FTFeetFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The indication of the relative density of the Built-Up AreaBACCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Built-Up Area Classification

BAC Unknown0BAC Sparse to Moderate1BAC Dense2BAC Unpopulated997BAC Not Applicable998BAC Other999

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The ease or ability to circumvent a destroyed section of bridge, tunnel or pass within a 2 kilometer distance on each side of the feature. Bypass condition will not consider other bridges in bypass determination.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bypass Condition Category

BCC Unknown0BCC Easy (Obstacle can be crossed within 2 KM of feature, no work)1BCC Difficult (Obstacle can be crossed within 2 KM of feature, work required).2BCC Impossible (Obstacle cannot be bypassed within 2 KM of feature)3BCC Unpopulated997BCC Not Applicable998BCC Other999

Tabulates bottom return rock.BCRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bottom Return Rock Classification

BCR Unknown0BCR Classified1BCR Detected2BCR Identified3BCR Unpopulated997BCR Not Applicable998BCR Other999

The type of configuration of underwater bottom topography.BCTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bottom Configuration Type

BCT Unknown0BCT Double Break in Slope1BCT Break in Slope2BCT Depression, Flat Bottom3BCT Depression, Steep Sided4BCT Depression, V-Shaped5BCT Depression, Sediment Filled6BCT Elevation, Flat Topped7BCT Elevation, Peaked8BCT Elevation, Rounded9BCT Slumped Blocks10BCT Scarp, Probably Faulted11BCT Slump Debris12

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BCT Step13BCT Terrace14BCT Unpopulated997BCT Not Applicable998BCT Other999

Structural design characteristics of the bridge or bridge segment.BDCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bridge Design Category

BDC Unknown0BDC Arch1BDC Cantilever2BDC Deck3BDC Slab4BDC Floating Bridge5BDC Girder6BDC Stringer (Beam)7BDC Truss8BDC Suspension9BDC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)11BDC Transporter (Ferry Bridge)12BDC Unpopulated997BDC Not Applicable998BDC Other999

Unique number associated with a feature which is used to identify the feature in other national or intelligence data bases.


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Basic Encyclopedia Number

ASCII Text 16 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

The designated number or letter used to identify this feature.BERCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Berth Identifier

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

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Type of beacon.BETCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Beacon Type Category

BET Unknown0BET Articulated Lights35BET Floating Beacon36BET Radar Transponder Beacon40BET Pile Beacon41BET Cairn42BET Buoyant Beacon43BET Firing Danger Area Mark44BET Target mark45BET Marker Ship Mark46BET Degaussing Range Mark47BET Barge Mark48BET Cable Mark49BET Outfall Mark50BET Recording Mark51BET Recreation Zone Mark52BET Leading Mark53BET Measured Distance Mark54BET TSS Mark (Traffic Separation Scheme)55BET Anchoring Prohibited Mark56BET Berthing Prohibited Mark57BET Overtaking Prohibited Mark58BET Two-way Traffic Prohibited Mark59BET Reduced Wake Mark60BET Speed Limit Mark61BET Stop Mark62BET Sound Ship's Siren Mark63BET Restricted Vertical Clearance Mark64BET Maximum Vessel's Draught Mark65BET Restricted Horizontal Clearance Mark66BET Strong Current Warning Mark67BET Berthing Permitted Mark68BET Overhead Power Cable Mark69BET Channel Edge Gradient Mark70BET Telephone Mark71BET Ferry Crossing Mark72BET Pipeline Mark73BET Clearing Mark74BET Refuge Beacon75BET Foul Ground Mark76

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BET Yachting Mark77BET Heliport Mark78BET GPS Mark79BET Seaplane Landing Mark80BET Diving81BET Information82BET Caution85BET Private86BET Swim87BET Control88BET Keep-Out89BET Daybeacon90BET Lateral preferred channel to port mark91BET Lateral preferred channel to starboard mark92BET Lateral starboard-hand mark93BET Lateral port-hand mark94BET Cardinal West Mark95BET Cardinal South Mark96BET Cardinal East Mark97BET Cardinal North Mark98BET Installation99BET Entry Prohibited Mark102BET Work In Progress Mark103BET Daymark Board/Articulated104BET Daymark Board-Triangle105BET Daymark Board-Rectangle106BET Stake/Pole107BET Withy108BET Beacon Tower109BET Lattice Beacon110BET Unpopulated997BET Not Applicable998BET Other999

Type or purpose of the building.BFCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Building Function Category

BFC Unknown0BFC Fabrication Structures1BFC Government Building2BFC Capitol Building3BFC Castle4BFC Government Administration Building5BFC Hospital6

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


BFC House of Worship7BFC Military Administration/Operations Building8BFC Museum9BFC Observatory10BFC Palace11BFC Police Station12BFC Prison13BFC Ranger Station14BFC School15BFC House16BFC Multi Unit Dwelling17BFC Cemetery Building18BFC Farm Building19BFC Greenhouse20BFC Garage21BFC Watermill/Gristmill22BFC Wind Tunnel23BFC Warehouse24BFC Roundhouse25BFC Railroad Storage/Repair Facility26BFC Depot Terminal27BFC Administration Building28BFC Aircraft Maintenance Shop29BFC Hangar30BFC Customs House31BFC Health Office33BFC Firing Range34BFC Post Office35BFC Barracks/Dormitory36BFC Fire Station37BFC Jail38BFC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Guardhouse)39BFC Telephone Switching Station40BFC Church50BFC Market51BFC Town Hall52BFC Bank53BFC Service/Refueling Station54BFC Yacht Club/Sailing Club55BFC Public Inn56BFC Restaurant57BFC Observation58BFC Research and Development Lab/Research Facility59BFC University/College60BFC Courthouse61

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BFC Legation62BFC Mission63BFC Chancery64BFC Ambassadorial Residence65BFC Embassy66BFC Consulate67BFC Guard House68BFC Guard Shack/Guard Room69BFC Kennel70BFC Oil Mill (Vegetable)71BFC Aerator72BFC Carpentry73BFC Sawmill74BFC Kiln/Oven75BFC Signal Box/Railway Signalman's House76BFC Harbor Master's Office77BFC Marine Police78BFC Rescue79BFC Port Control80BFC Maritime Station81BFC Lighthouse82BFC Power Generation83BFC Filtration Plant84BFC Newspaper Plant85BFC Telephone Exchange (Main)86BFC Auditorium87BFC Opera House88BFC Processing/Treatment89BFC Pumphouse90BFC Mobile Home91BFC Weather Station92BFC Dependents Housing/Bivouac Area93BFC Railroad Station94BFC Hotel95BFC Diplomatic Building96BFC Trading Post97BFC Shed98BFC Battery99BFC Medical Center100BFC Municipal Hall101BFC Oil/Gas Facilities Building102BFC Outbuilding103BFC Paper/Pulp Mill104BFC Reformatory105BFC Sanitarium106

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BFC Satellite Tracking Station107BFC Seminary108BFC Senior Citizen's Home109BFC Shipyard110BFC Sportsplex111BFC Steel Mill112BFC Weigh Scale (Highway)113BFC Non-Christian Place of Worship114BFC Hostel115BFC Factory116BFC Motel117BFC Community Center118BFC City Hall119BFC Automobile Plant120BFC Armory121BFC Shopping Center122BFC Correctional Institute123BFC Repair Facility124BFC Barn/Machinery Shed125BFC Astronomical Station126BFC Theater127BFC Library128BFC Airport Terminal129BFC Bus Station130BFC Pilot Office131BFC Pilot Look-out132BFC Commercial building133BFC Fort134BFC Blockhouse135BFC Martello Tower136BFC Guard Tower137BFC Combined Fire and Police Station723BFC Unpopulated997BFC Not Applicable998BFC Other999

Slope of the left bank (facing downstream) above water level.BGLCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Bank Gradient Left

Short Integer -90 to 90 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Slope of the right bank (facing downstream) above water level.BGRCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Bank Gradient Right

Short Integer -90 to 90 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Height of the left bank above the water level (facing downstream) to the average water level.BHLCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Bank Height Left

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 DMDecimetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Height of the right bank above the water level (facing downstream) to the average water level.BHRCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Bank Height Right

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 DMDecimetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Indicates the relative portion of a beach.BITCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Beach Indicator Type

BIT Unknown0BIT Nearshore1BIT Foreshore2BIT Backshore3BIT Unpopulated997BIT Not Applicable998BIT Other999

A description of any load restrictions which apply to barges using a section of waterway or facility.BLCCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Barge Load Class

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


Predominant material composition of the bottom of a body of water.BMCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bottom Materials Composition

BMC Unknown0BMC Clay and Silt1BMC Silty Sands2BMC Sand and Gravel3BMC Gravel and Cobble4BMC Rocks and Boulders5BMC Bedrock6BMC Paved7BMC Peat8BMC Sand over mud9BMC Mixed qualities10BMC Coral11BMC Slash12BMC Seamount13BMC Sand14BMC Unpopulated997BMC Not Applicable998BMC Other999

Tabulates the components or structure of a bog.BOCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bog Category

BOC Unknown0BOC Palsa1BOC String2BOC Unpopulated997BOC Not Applicable998BOC Other999

The type of structure or mechanism by which a portion of a bridge is moved to allow passage of a vessel.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bridge Opening Type

BOT Unknown0BOT Draw/Bascule4BOT Swing10BOT Lift11

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BOT Retractable12BOT Not Applicable13BOT Unpopulated997BOT Other999

The frequency on which a station broadcasts (second occurrence).BR2Code:

Definition:Domain: Long Integer

Name: Broadcast Frequency (2)

Long Integer 1 HZHertzFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Tabulates bottom return attributes.BRACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bottom Return Attributes Classification

BRA Unknown0BRA Classified1BRA Detected2BRA Identified3BRA Unpopulated997BRA Not Applicable998BRA Other999

Tabulates bottom return types.BRCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bottom Return Classification

BRC Unknown0BRC Classification of Bottom Return Identity1BRC Bottom Return Track Number2BRC Classification of Bottom Return Seabed Inst.3BRC Classification of Bottom Return Rock4BRC Classification of Bottom Return Obstacles5BRC Classification of Bottom Return Wreck6BRC Unpopulated997BRC Not Applicable998BRC Other999

Broadcast frequency of a communications device.BRFCode:

Definition:Domain: Long Integer

Name: Broadcast Frequency

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Long Integer 1 HZHertzFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The bearing of an object from an observer (on any point along the line) towards the object or feature, expressed in degrees and tenths (e.g. 3.0 DEG).


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Bearing of Object

Floating Point 0 to 359.9 0.1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Tabulates bottom return identity.BRICode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bottom Return Identity Classification

BRI Unknown0BRI Neutral2BRI Unpopulated997BRI Not Applicable998BRI Other999

A unique number relating information to bridge and bridge spans.BRNCode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Bridge Reference Number

ASCII Text 24 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Tabulates bottom return obstacles.BROCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bottom Return Obstacles Classification

BRO Unknown0BRO Classified1BRO Detected2BRO Identified3BRO Unpopulated997BRO Not Applicable998BRO Other999

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True course of a vessel in 0.1 degree increments, when proceeding along a track or route, followed by its reciprocal bearing (i.e. 053.1-233.1).


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Bearing and Reciprocal Category

ASCII Text 11 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

True course of a vessel when proceeding from seaward along a track or course.BRSCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Bearing From Seaward

Floating Point 0 to 360 0.1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Identifies track number.BRTCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Bottom Return Track Number

Short Integer 1 UnitNumericFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Tabulates bottom return wreck.BRWCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bottom Return Wreck Classification

BRW Unknown0BRW Classified1BRW Detected2BRW Identified3BRW Unpopulated997BRW Not Applicable998BRW Other999

Structural design characteristics.BSCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bridge/Bridge Superstructure Category

BSC Unknown0BSC Arch (assume open spandrel)1

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BSC Cantilever2BSC Deck3BSC Drawbridge4BSC Floating Bridge/Pontoon5BSC Girder6BSC Tower Suspension7BSC Truss8BSC Suspension9BSC Swing10BSC Lift11BSC Transporter12BSC Bascule13BSC Unspecified Fixed14BSC Slab15BSC Stringer (beam)16BSC Arch Suspension17BSC Retractable18BSC Suspension, bow string19BSC Suspension, cable stayed20BSC Moveable Surface21BSC Covered22BSC Opening23BSC Footbridge24BSC Fixed25BSC Arch (closed spandrel)26BSC Cable Stayed27BSC Unpopulated997BSC Not Applicable998BSC Other999

Identifies bridge spans that move in some manner allowing passage underneath the span.BSMCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bridge Span Mobility

BSM Unknown0BSM Moveable Span1BSM Fixed Span2BSM Unpopulated997BSM Not Applicable998BSM Other999

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Unique number associated with a bridge which is used to identify the bridge in other national or intelligence databases.


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Bridge Serial Number

ASCII Text 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Identifies type of moveable span.BSPCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bridge Span Category

BSP Unknown0BSP Truss1BSP Truss, moveable or swing2BSP Plate girder3BSP Plate girder moveable as vertical lift4BSP Plate girder moveable as draw bridge5BSP Plate girder moveable as bascule6BSP Stringer, beam7BSP Stringer, moveable as vertical lift8BSP Stringer, moveable as draw bridge9BSP Slab10BSP Arc, closed span11BSP Arc, open span12BSP Floating bridge, pontoon bridge13BSP Culvert14BSP Frame structure15BSP Vault structure16BSP Unspecified fixed17BSP Retractable18BSP Unpopulated997BSP Not Applicable998BSP Other999

True course of a vessel when proceeding from seaward along a track or course.BSRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bottom Return Seabed Inst.

BSR Unknown0BSR Classified1BSR Detected2

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BSR Identified3BSR Unpopulated997BSR Not Applicable998BSR Other999

Identifies the status of a boundary.BSTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Boundary Status Type

BST Unknown0BST Definite1BST Indefinite2BST In Dispute3BST No Defined Boundary4BST Unpopulated997BST Not Applicable998BST Other999

Type buoy or beacon.BTCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Beacon/Buoy Type Category

BTC Unknown0BTC Cardinal1BTC Float2BTC Isolated Danger3BTC Large Navigational Buoy (LANBY)4BTC Lateral5BTC Light Float6BTC Mooring7BTC Mooring with Telegraph8BTC Mooring with Telephone9BTC Ocean Data Acquisition System (ODAS)10BTC Outer, Landfall11BTC Port (From Seaward or According to Dir. of Buoyage)12BTC Preferred Channel to Port13BTC Preferred Channel to Starboard14BTC Special Purpose15BTC Starboard (From Seaward per Dir. of Buoyage)16BTC Tanker17BTC Safe Water18BTC Anchorage19BTC Fairway20BTC Mid-Channel21

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BTC Bifurcation22BTC Junction23BTC Wreck24BTC Obstruction25BTC Telegraph Cable26BTC Warping27BTC Quarantine28BTC Practice Area29BTC Explosive Anchorage30BTC Aeronautical Anchorage31BTC Compass Adjustment32BTC Fish Trap33BTC Spoil Ground34BTC Articulated Lights35BTC Floating Beacon36BTC Dan37BTC Floodlit/Illuminated38BTC Trot39BTC Diving81BTC Information82BTC DND Buoy (Canadian Department of National Defence)83BTC Caution85BTC Private86BTC Swim87BTC Control88BTC Keep-Out89BTC Daybeacon90BTC Lateral preferred channel to port mark91BTC Lateral preferred channel to starboard mark92BTC Lateral starboard-hand mark93BTC Lateral port-hand mark94BTC Cardinal West Mark95BTC Cardinal South Mark96BTC Cardinal East Mark97BTC Cardinal North Mark98BTC Installation99BTC Unpopulated997BTC Not Applicable998BTC Other999

Density of brush or undergrowth.BUDCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Brush/Undergrowth Density Code

BUD Unknown0

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BUD Open (<=5%)1BUD Sparse (>5%<=15%)2BUD Medium (>15%<=50%)3BUD Dense (>50%)4BUD Not Applicable5BUD Unpopulated997BUD Not Applicable998BUD Other999

Type of buoy.BUTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Buoy Type Category

BUT Unknown0BUT Cardinal1BUT Float2BUT Isolated Danger3BUT Large Navigational Buoy (LANBY)4BUT Lateral5BUT Light Float6BUT Mooring7BUT Mooring with Telegraph8BUT Mooring with Telephone9BUT Ocean Data Acquisition System (ODAS)10BUT Outer, Landfall11BUT Port (From Seaward or According to Dir. of Buoyage)12BUT Preferred Channel to Port13BUT Preferred Channel to Starboard14BUT Special Purpose15BUT Starboard (From Seaward per Dir. of Buoyage)16BUT Tanker17BUT Safe Water18BUT Anchorage19BUT Fairway20BUT Mid-Channel21BUT Bifurcation22BUT Junction23BUT Wreck24BUT Obstruction25BUT Telegraph Cable26BUT Warping27BUT Quarantine28BUT Practice Area29BUT Explosive Anchorage30BUT Aeronautical Anchorage31

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BUT Compass Adjustment32BUT Fish Trap33BUT Spoil Ground34BUT Articulated Lights35BUT Floating Beacon36BUT Dan37BUT Floodlit/Illuminated38BUT Trot39BUT Diving81BUT Information82BUT DND Buoy (Canadian Department of National Defence)83BUT APEX (ARC) Buoy84BUT Caution85BUT Private86BUT Swim87BUT Control88BUT Keep-Out89BUT Daybeacon90BUT Lateral preferred channel to port mark91BUT Lateral preferred channel to starboard mark92BUT Lateral starboard-hand mark93BUT Lateral port-hand mark94BUT Cardinal West Mark95BUT Cardinal South Mark96BUT Cardinal East Mark97BUT Cardinal North Mark98BUT Installation99BUT Waverider100BUT Wave Meter101BUT Navigation, communication and control buoy (NCCB)102BUT Ice Buoy103BUT Unpopulated997BUT Not Applicable998BUT Other999

Density of vegetation found on the downstream left bank.BVLCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bank Vegetation Left

BVL Unknown0BVL Open (<=5%)1BVL Sparse (>5%<=15%)2BVL Medium (>15%<=50%)3BVL Dense (>50%)4BVL Unpopulated997

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BVL Not Applicable998BVL Other999

Density of vegetation found on the downstream right bank.BVRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bank Vegetation Right

BVR Unknown0BVR Open (<=5%)1BVR Sparse (>5%<=15%)2BVR Medium (>15%<=50%)3BVR Dense (>50%)4BVR Unpopulated997BVR Not Applicable998BVR Other999

Slope (in percent) of the left bank under the water facing downstream.BWLCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Below Water Bank Slope (Left)

Short Integer -90 to 90 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Slope (in percent) of the right bank under the water facing downstream.BWRCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Below Water Bank Slope (Right)

Short Integer -90 to 90 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow at tide reference level.C60Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (IHO)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 1 hour after tide reference level.C61Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (1) (IHO)

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Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 2 hours after tide reference level.C62Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (2) (IHO)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 3 hours after tide reference level.C63Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (3) (IHO)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 4 hours after tide reference level.C64Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (4) (IHO)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 5 hours after tide reference level.C65Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (5) (IHO)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 6 hours after tide reference level.C66Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (6) (IHO)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Rate of current flow 5 hours before tide reference level.C67Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (7) (IHO)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 4 hours before tide reference level.C68Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (8) (IHO)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 3 hours before tide reference level.C69Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (9) (IHO)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 2 hours before tide reference level.C70Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (10) (IHO)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 1 hour before tide reference level.C71Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (11) (IHO)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Rate of current flow at high water.C80Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 1 hour after high water.C81Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (1)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 2 hours after high water.C82Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (2)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 3 hours after high water.C83Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (3)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 4 hours after high water.C84Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (4)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Rate of current flow 5 hours after high water.C85Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (5)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 6 hours after high water.C86Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (6)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 7 hours after high water.C87Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (7)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 8 hours after high water.C88Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (8)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 9 hours after high water.C89Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (9)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Rate of current flow 10 hours after high water.C90Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (10)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Rate of current flow 11 hours after high water.C91Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Rate of Current (11)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Tabulates the kind of transmission.CABCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Cable Classification

CAB Unknown0CAB Undefined1CAB Power Line2CAB Telephone3CAB Telegraph4CAB Unpopulated997CAB Not Applicable998CAB Other999

Classifies the collection criteria.CACCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Collection Attribute Category

CAC Unknown0CAC Data Not Requested By User1CAC Area Too Rough to Collect2CAC No Available Imagery3CAC Different Height Threshold Within Data Block4CAC Low Data Collection Criteria5CAC No Available Map Source6CAC No Suitable Imagery7CAC Data Not Required8CAC Collected9

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CAC Derived10CAC Unpopulated997CAC Not Applicable998CAC Other999

The capacity of a feature. Units will be qualified using a structured text approach, e.g. 100 (cars)[per hour] where the unit is in parentheses ( ) and a qualifier is in brackets[ ].


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Capacity

ASCII Text 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Structured Text N/A N/A

The type of a constriction or expansion.CCACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Constriction/Expansion Category

CCA Unknown0CCA Gateway1CCA A narrow pass between rocks2CCA Road siding on narrow roads3CCA A passage through a building4CCA Unpopulated997CCA Not Applicable998CCA Other999

Color of the sea floor, light, buoy, structure, or other feature.CCCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Color Code Category


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CCC Violet14CCC White15CCC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK16CCC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK17CCC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK18CCC Yellow19CCC Red & White (RW)20CCC Red & Green (RG)21CCC Red & Black (RB)22CCC Red-Green-Red (RGR)23CCC Green & White (GW)24CCC Green & Red (GR)25CCC Green & Black (GB)26CCC Green-Red-Green (GRG)27CCC Green-Yellow-Black (GYB)28CCC Yellow & Black (YB)29CCC Yellow-Black-Yellow (YBY)30CCC Yellow & Red (YR)31CCC Yellow & Green (YG)32CCC Yellow-Red-White (YRW)33CCC Black & Yellow (BY)34CCC Black-Yellow-Black (BYB)35CCC Black-Red-Black (BRB)36CCC Black & White (BW)37CCC Black & Red (BR)38CCC Black & Green (BG)39CCC White & Red (WR)40CCC White & Orange (WOr)41CCC White & Green (WG)42CCC White & Black (WB)43CCC White & Yellow (WY)44CCC White-Red-Green (WRG)45CCC White-Green-White (WGW)46CCC Magenta47CCC Amber48CCC Buff49CCC Nautical Purple50CCC Pink51CCC Unpopulated997CCC Not Applicable998CCC Other999

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Textual description of unique aspects of buoy or beacon coloring.CCRCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Color Code Remarks

Lexical 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Condition where an artificial or improved natural drainage way is completely covered over and connects open drainage ways at each end.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Covered Drain Attribute

CDA Unknown0CDA Uncovered1CDA Covered2CDA Not Applicable3CDA Unpopulated997CDA Not Applicable998CDA Other999

Length of covered drainage way.CDLCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Covered Drain Length

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The type of report or activity.CDPCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Calendar Date Type

CDP Unknown0CDP Aerial Photography1CDP Air Information2CDP Approximate3CDP Field Classification4CDP Compilation5CDP Copyright6CDP Creation7CDP Digitizing8CDP Distribution/Dispatching9

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CDP Downgrading10CDP Drafting/Scribing/Drawing11CDP Edition12CDP Field Examination13CDP Intelligence14CDP Date Interpretable15CDP Processing16CDP Print/Publication17CDP Receipt18CDP Source19CDP Earliest Date of Source20CDP Latest Date of Source21CDP Specifications22CDP Survey23CDP Up-to-dateness/revision24CDP Map Edit25CDP Information as of ---26CDP Perishable Information Date27CDP Cycle Date28CDP Significant Date29CDP Date of Magnetic Information30CDP Notice to Mariners31CDP Unpopulated997CDP Not Applicable998CDP Other999

The calendar date as specified by ISO 8601.CDVCode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Calendar Date Value

ASCII Text 8 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Identifies the number of sides that are used as a cut or an embankment.CETCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Cut/Embankment Type Category

CET Unknown0CET One Side1CET Both Sides2CET Unpopulated997CET Not Applicable998CET Other999

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The measure of the concentration of buildings and other cultural features within the delineation of this feature.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Cultural Feature Density

Short Integer 0 to 100 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The sequence, grouping, and distinctive character of a light.CHACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Light Characteristic Category

CHA Unknown0CHA Alternating1CHA Composite Group Flashing2CHA Composite Group Occulting3CHA Ultra Quick4CHA Fixed5CHA Fixed and Flashing6CHA Fixed and Group Flashing7CHA Flashing8CHA Group Flashing9CHA Group Occulting10CHA Interrupted Quick Flashing11CHA Interrupted Ultra Quick12CHA Interrupted Very Quick13CHA Isophase14CHA Long-Flashing15CHA Morse Code16CHA Occulting17CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK19CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK20CHA Lighted21CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK22CHA Unlighted23CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK24CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK25CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK26CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK27CHA Group Quick Flashing28CHA Group Very Quick29CHA Very Quick30CHA Quick31

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CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK32CHA Intensified33CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK34CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK35CHA Directional36CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK37CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK38CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK39CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK40CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK41CHA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK42CHA Directional Moiré43CHA Quick flashing44CHA Very quick flashing45CHA Flash / long flash46CHA Occulting / flash47CHA Fixed / long flash48CHA Occulting alternating49CHA Long flash alternating50CHA Flash alternating51CHA Group alternating52CHA 2 fixed (vertical)53CHA 2 fixed (horizontal)54CHA 3 fixed (vertical)55CHA 3 fixed (horizontal)56CHA Quick-Flash Plus Long-Flash57CHA Very Quick-Flash Plus Long-Flash58CHA Ultra Quick-Flash Plus Long-Flash59CHA Fixed And Alternating Flashing60CHA Unpopulated997CHA Not Applicable998CHA Other999

The channel representing the frequency assigned by the controlling authority.CHLCode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Channel Number

ASCII Text 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Identifies the intensity of color.CICCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Color Intensity Category

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CIC Unknown0CIC Dark1CIC Light2CIC Unpopulated997CIC Not Applicable998CIC Other999

Distinguishes between communication lines that are in the open by themselves (isolated) and those that are in the midst of other features (not isolated).


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Communication Lines Isolation

CLI Unknown0CLI Isolated1CLI Not isolated2CLI Unpopulated997CLI Not Applicable998CLI Other999

A conspicuous object is easily identifiable and plainly visible under varying conditions of light from harbors, approach channels, or offshore because of its size, shape, or height.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Conspicuous Category

COC Unknown0COC Conspicuous from sea1COC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK2COC Radar Conspicuous from sea3COC Conspicuous from land4COC Conspicuous from air5COC Inconspicuous6COC Generally Conspicuous7COC Not visual conspicuous8COC Visual conspicuous9COC Not radar conspicuous10COC Unpopulated997COC Not Applicable998COC Other999

Indicates knowledge of the feature's limits or information.CODCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Certainty of Delineation

COD Unknown0

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COD Limits and Information Known1COD Limits and Information Unknown2COD Unpopulated997COD Not Applicable998COD Other999

Indicates knowledge of the feature's existence.COECode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Certainty of Existence

COE Unknown0COE Definite1COE Doubtful2COE Reported3COE Unpopulated997COE Not Applicable998COE Other999

Any identifier composed of the class, number and color(s) of flashes or occultations, of a light or lights at one geographic position [e.g. Q(6)+L F1, VQ G, L F1 (3+2)WR].


Domain: Lexical

Name: Character of Light

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Classifies the type of contour.COTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Contour Type Category

COT Unknown0COT Depression1COT Unpopulated997COT Not Applicable998COT Other999

Type of control point.CPACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Control Point Attribute

CPA Unknown0CPA Bench Mark1CPA Horizontal2

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CPA Horizontal With Bench Mark3CPA Astronomic position4CPA Vertical5CPA Main station6CPA Secondary station7CPA Unpopulated997CPA Not Applicable998CPA Other999

Type of crane.CRACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Crane Type Category

CRA Unknown0CRA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK1CRA Bridge/Gantry2CRA Rotating3CRA Floating4CRA Fixed5CRA Traveling6CRA Container99CRA Unpopulated997CRA Not Applicable998CRA Other999

Shape attributed to the crossing of two or more lines of communication.CRCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Crossing Category

CRC Unknown0CRC Junction1CRC Intersection2CRC Star shaped branching (more than 4 roads)3CRC Unpopulated997CRC Not Applicable998CRC Other999

Indicates the mobility of a crane type. (See CRA.)CRMCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

CRM Unknown0CRM Fixed1CRM Traveling2

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CRM Floating3CRM Unpopulated997CRM Not Applicable998CRM Other999

Minimum speed of current.CRNCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Current Rate Minimum

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Current speed in knots.CRSCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Current Rate (Speed)

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


A specified value assigned to a particular depth curve or contour.CRVCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Depth Curve or Contour Value

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Maximum speed of current.CRXCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Current Rate Maximum

Floating Point 0.1 KNOTKnotsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Defines the method of traffic control for a road crossing.CSCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Crossing Category

CSC Unknown0CSC Signal Devices2

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CSC Stop Sign(s)3CSC No control or warning signs.4CSC Unpopulated997CSC Not Applicable998CSC Other999

Characteristics of secondary material composition of feature.CSMCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Secondary Material Characteristics

CSM Unknown0CSM Broken1CSM Coarse2CSM Decayed3CSM Fine, Minute Particles4CSM Gritty5CSM Hard6CSM Rotten7CSM Soft8CSM Sticky9CSM Stiff10CSM Streaky11CSM Tenacious12CSM Uneven13CSM Calcareous17CSM Flinty18CSM Glacial19CSM Ground20CSM Large21CSM Rocky22CSM Small23CSM Speckled24CSM Varied25CSM Volcanic26CSM Medium27CSM Unpopulated997CSM Not Applicable998CSM Other999

Divides culverts into various categories, of which the two main ones are regular culverts and box culverts, either of which can be earth back-filled.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Culvert Type Category

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CTC Unknown0CTC Regular, Earth Back-Filled1CTC Box, Earth Back-Filled2CTC Box, Load Bearing3CTC Unpopulated997CTC Not Applicable998CTC Other999

Total cumulative length of track contained within confines of the feature, exclusive of the branch or main trunk lines running into and/or out of the feature.


Domain: Long Integer

Name: Cumulative Track Length

Long Integer 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The horizontal movement of a body of water.CURCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Current Type Category

CUR Unknown0CUR Ebb1CUR Flood2CUR General Flow3CUR River Flow4CUR Ocean Flow5CUR Rip6CUR Longshore7CUR Unpopulated997CUR Not Applicable998CUR Other999

The maximum value of a depth curve polygon.CVHCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Depth Curve or Contour Value High

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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The minimum value of a depth curve polygon.CVLCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Depth Curve or Contour Value Low

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow at tide reference level.D60Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 1 hour after tide reference level.D61Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (1) (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 2 hours after tide reference level.D62Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (2) (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 3 hours after tide reference level.D63Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (3) (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Direction of current flow 4 hours after tide reference level.D64Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (4) (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 5 hours after tide reference level.D65Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (5) (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 6 hours after tide reference level.D66Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (6) (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 5 hours before tide reference level.D67Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (7) (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 4 hours before tide reference level.D68Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (8) (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Direction of current flow 3 hours before tide reference level.D69Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (9) (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 2 hours before tide reference level.D70Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (10) (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 1 hour before tide reference level.D71Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (11) (IHO)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow at high water.D80Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 1 hour after high water.D81Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (1)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Direction of current flow 2 hours after high water.D82Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (2)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 3 hours after high water.D83Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (3)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 4 hours after high water.D84Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (4)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 5 hours after high water.D85Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (5)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 6 hours after high water.D86Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (6)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Direction of current flow 7 hours after high water.D87Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (7)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 8 hours after high water.D88Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (8)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 9 hours after high water.D89Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (9)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 10 hours after high water.D90Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (10)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of current flow 11 hours after high water.D91Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Current (11)

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Textual description of aids to navigation marking a feature, e.g.. "Marked by buoys".DANCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Description of Aids to Navigation

Lexical 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Distance measured from the highest point at surface level to the lowest point of the feature below the surface. Recorded values are positive numbers.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Depth Below Surface Level

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of traffic, first occurrence.DF1Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Traffic - 1

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of traffic, second occurrence.DF2Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Traffic - 2

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Direction of traffic, third occurrence.DF3Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Traffic - 3

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Direction of traffic, fourth occurrence.DF4Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Traffic - 4

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Type of face of a dam.DFTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Dam Face Type

DFT Unknown0DFT Vertical1DFT Slope2DFT Unpopulated997DFT Not Applicable998DFT Other999

Distinguishes between two drop gate types.DGCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Drop Gate Category

DGC Unknown0DGC Overhead Drop1DGC Side Drop2DGC Unpopulated997DGC Not Applicable998DGC Other999

The side or sides of a feature which produces the greatest reflectivity potential.DIRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Directivity

DIR Unknown0DIR Uni1DIR Bi2DIR Omni3DIR Unpopulated997DIR Not Applicable998DIR Other999

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Actual percent (%) of ground covered by undergrowth.DMBCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Density Measure (Brush/Undergrowth)

Short Integer 0 to 100 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Indicates the number of features of this type within an area.DMFCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Density Measure (Feature Count)

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 FEATUREFeaturesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Concentration of kelp weed in the sea, measured in percent coverage within area of feature.DMKCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Density Measure (% of Kelp Cover)

Short Integer 0 to 100 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Roof cover measured by percent within area of feature.DMRCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Density Measure (% of Roof Cover)

Short Integer 0 to 100 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Density of structures within a square kilometer (1000m x 1000m).DMSCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Density Measure (Structure Count)

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 STRUCTUREStructuresFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Canopy cover measured by percent within area of feature during the summer season.DMTCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Density Measure (% of Tree/Canopy Cover)

Short Integer 0 to 100 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Bearing of movement or direction of the flow.DOFCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Direction of Flow

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Highest annual average level of ground water.DP1Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Highest level of ground water

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Lowest annual average level of ground water.DP2Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Lowest level of ground water

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Minimum value of a depth range.DR1Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Depth Range Value 1

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Maximum value of a depth range.DR2Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Depth Range Value 2

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Minimum value of a depth range.DR3Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Depth Range With Greater Precision Value 1

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Maximum value of a depth range.DR4Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Depth Range With Greater Precision Value 2

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Description of the feature(s) which form a Leading Line or Clearing Line.DRPCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Description of Reference Point

Lexical 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Range indicating percentage of total ground surface covered by Trees (EC030) and Scrub Brush (EB015) within delineated area of feature.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Density of Woody Vegetation Range

DRW Unknown0DRW >0 % and <= 5 %1DRW >5 % and <=15 %2DRW >15 %3DRW Not Applicable4DRW Unpopulated997

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DRW Other999

Latest date on which an object (e.g. a buoy) will be present. Coded YYYYMMDD.DTECode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

ASCII Text 8 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Structured Text N/A N/A

Earliest date on which an object (e.g. a buoy) will be present. Coded YYYYMMDD.DTSCode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

ASCII Text 8 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Structured Text N/A N/A

Predominant water depth within delineation of feature, determined in meters at the greatest depth along a cross section of the feature (First Range).


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Depth of Water (1)

DW1 Unknown0DW1 <= 0.81DW1 > 0.8 and <= 1.62DW1 > 1.6 and <= 2.43DW1 > 2.44DW1 Not Applicable5DW1 Unpopulated997DW1 Other999

Predominant water depth within delineation of feature, determined in meters at the greatest depth along a cross section of the feature (Second Range).


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Depth of Water (2)

DW2 Unknown0DW2 <= 1.61DW2 > 1.6 and <= 2.42DW2 > 2.43DW2 Not Applicable4DW2 Unpopulated997DW2 Other999

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Identifies the type of educational building.EBTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Educational Building Type

EBT Unknown0EBT Academy1EBT College2EBT Educational Center3EBT Lyceum4EBT University5EBT Seminary6EBT Not Applicable8EBT Unpopulated997EBT Other999

Depth of water obtained by electronic depth measuring instruments.EDPCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Electronic Depth

Short Integer 0 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Indicates whether the ZVL value is accurately known.ELACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Elevation Accuracy

ELA Unknown0ELA Accurate1ELA Approximate2ELA Unpopulated997ELA Not Applicable998ELA Other999

The elevation of a light.EOLCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Elevation of Light

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Electrical Power capacity of a feature expressed in megawatts.EPWCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Electrical Power Capacity

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MWMegawattsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The nominal voltage of supplied power to a transport system.ETNCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Electric Tension

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 VOLTVoltsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The state or condition of the feature.EXSCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Existence Category

EXS Unknown0EXS Definite1EXS Doubtful2EXS Reported3EXS VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK4EXS Under Construction5EXS Abandoned/Disused6EXS Destroyed7EXS Dismantled8EXS Proposed10EXS Temporary11EXS Alternate12EXS VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK13EXS VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK16EXS VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK17EXS Permanent18EXS VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK19EXS Corresponds to Recommended Track20EXS Does Not Correspond to Recommended Track21EXS One-Way22EXS Two-Way23EXS Not Maintained25EXS Maintained26

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EXS Closed/Locked27EXS Operational28EXS VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK29EXS Not Isolated30EXS Isolated31EXS Navigable32EXS Ruined33EXS VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK34EXS VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)35EXS Commissioned and Operational36EXS Commissioned and on Test37EXS Commissioned and out of service38EXS Not commissioned and operational39EXS Not commissioned and on test40EXS Not commissioned and out of service41EXS Continuous Operation42EXS Intermittent operation43EXS Approximate/About44EXS Natural45EXS Man-Made46EXS Swept47EXS Controlled48EXS Non-Controlled49EXS Non-Tidal50EXS Tidal/Tidal Fluctuation51EXS Dissipating52EXS Incomplete53EXS Antique/Ancient54EXS Unexamined/Unsurveyed55EXS Unattended/Unwatched56EXS Sonar Confirmed57EXS Sonar Not Confirmed58EXS Not Usable59EXS Indefinite (Shoreline)60EXS Definite Shoreline61EXS Partially Destroyed62EXS Inactive65EXS Damaged66EXS Occasional70EXS Recommended71EXS Illuminated72EXS Historic73EXS Synchronized74EXS Watched75EXS Navigable and abandoned723

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


EXS Navigable and operational724EXS Unpopulated997EXS Not Applicable998EXS Other999

Length of crossing between shore points.FCLCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Ferry Crossing Length

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Configuration of feature.FCOCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Feature Configuration

FCO Unknown0FCO Dispersed1FCO Multiple2FCO Single3FCO Inclined4FCO Divided same widths5FCO Divided different widths6FCO Non-divided7FCO Poorly defined8FCO Well-defined9FCO Double11FCO Juxtaposition12FCO Unpopulated997FCO Not Applicable998FCO Other999

The usual time taken for a ferry crossing, including typical loading and unloading times.FCTCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Ferry Crossing Times

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MinuteMinutesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Indicates whether or not a fog detector light is attached to, or connected with the feature.FDTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Fog Detector

FDT Unknown0FDT Fog Detector Light Present1FDT Fog Detector Light Absent2FDT Unpopulated997FDT Not Applicable998FDT Other999

The angular distance measured from true north (0 deg) clockwise to the predominant linear pattern of the elements within the feature.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Feature Element Orientation

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Indicates the maneuverability of a ferry vessel.FERCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Ferry Type

FER Unknown0FER With cables/chains1FER Without cables/chains2FER Ice Ferry3FER Unpopulated997FER Not Applicable998FER Other999

Fuel facilities available at or in the near vicinity.FFACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Fuel Facilities Available

FFA Unknown0FFA Gasoline1FFA Aviation Fuel2FFA Kerosene3FFA Water4FFA Diesel5FFA Coal6

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


FFA Oil7FFA Lubricants8FFA Methane9FFA Special10FFA Liquid Propane Gas (LPG)11FFA Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)12FFA Butane13FFA Ethanol14FFA None995FFA Unpopulated997FFA Not Applicable998FFA Other999

Encodes the various types of fishing facilities.FFCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Fishing Facility Classification

FFC Undefined0FFC Fishing stake1FFC Fish trap2FFC Fish weir3FFC Tunny/Tuna net4FFC Unpopulated997FFC Not Applicable998FFC Other999

Tabulates the kind of operation/service.FHCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Harbor Facility Classification

FHC Undefined0FHC Ro-Ro terminal (Roll on, Roll off)1FHC Timber yard2FHC Ferry Terminal3FHC Fishing Harbor4FHC Yacht harbor/marina5FHC Naval base6FHC Tanker terminal7FHC Passenger terminal8FHC Shipyard9FHC Container terminal10FHC Bulk Terminal11FHC Unpopulated997FHC Not Applicable998

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


FHC Other999

A minimum surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum, (1,013.2 hectopascal (hPa) or 29.92 inches) and is separated from the consecutive flight levels by a pressure interval corresponding to 500 feet (152.4 m.).


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Flight Level 1

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 FTFeetFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


A maximum surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is related to a specific pressure datum, (1,013.2 hectopascal (hPa) or 29.92 inches) and is separated from the consecutive flight levels by a pressure interval corresponding to 500 feet (152.4 m.).


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Flight Level 2

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 FTFeetFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Indication of the presence of floodlighting to illuminate the structure of a light.FLTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Floodlit Illumination

FLT Unknown0FLT Floodlit1FLT Not Floodlit2FLT Unpopulated997FLT Not Applicable998FLT Other999

Audio frequency of acoustical signal.FRQCode:

Definition:Domain: Long Integer

Name: Frequency of Signal

Long Integer 1 HZHertzFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Type of firing range.FRTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Firing Range Type

FRT Unknown0FRT Rifle/Small Arms1FRT Tank2FRT Artillery3FRT Grenade4FRT Demolition Area5FRT Impact Area6FRT Unpopulated997FRT Not Applicable998FRT Other999

Type of field pattern or use.FTCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Farming Type Category

FTC Unknown0FTC Slash & Burn-Shifting cultivation1FTC Permanent field2FTC Terraced3FTC Ditch Irrigation4FTC Grazing5FTC Regular (planting pattern)6FTC Linear (planting pattern)7FTC Crop Rotation8FTC Not Applicable9FTC Type of field Pattern98FTC Unpopulated997FTC Other999

Type of fence.FTICode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Fence Type Indicator

FTI Unknown0FTI Metal1FTI Wood2FTI Stone3FTI Rock4FTI Barbed Wire5

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


FTI Chain Link6FTI Unpopulated997FTI Not Applicable998FTI Other999

Denotes the type of fabrication industry as light or heavy. Light fabrication industries are characterized by light steel or woodframe buildings and lack heavy equipment. Heavy fabrication industries are characterized by large heavy steel frame buildings and may utilize large cranes for heavy lifting.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Fabrication Type

FTP Unknown0FTP Light Fabrication (Light fabrication industries are characterized by light steel or

woodframe buildings and lack heavy equipment.)1

FTP Heavy Fabrication (Heavy fabrication industries are characterized by large heavy steel frame buildings and may utilize large cranes for heavy lifting.)


FTP Unpopulated997FTP Not Applicable998FTP Other999

A quantified rate associated with a feature (e.g. Cars crossing a Bridge-AQ040). Units will be quantified using a structured text approach (e.g. 100(cars)[crossing bridge per hour] where the type of unit is in parentheses ( ) and a unit qualifier is in brackets [ ].


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Feature Rate

ASCII Text 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Structured Text N/A N/A

Describes the orientation of the usual axis of a feature relative to the vertical.FVOCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Feature Vertical Orientation

FVO Unknown0FVO Upright1FVO On side2FVO Leaning3FVO Inverted4FVO Horizontal5FVO Unpopulated997FVO Not Applicable998FVO Other999

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


The width of a single pair of rails, measured along the shortest distance from inside rail to inside rail.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Gauge Width

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 CMCentimetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Height of the feature above average surface level as determined by a corresponding digital elevation matrix.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Geomorphic Height

Floating Point 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Type of mechanism of fog signal generating.GENCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Generation of Fog Signal Category

GEN Undefined0GEN Automatically1GEN By wave action2GEN By hand3GEN By wind4GEN Unpopulated997GEN Not Applicable998GEN Other999

Describes the general geographic location of the feature.GEOCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Geographic Location Category

GEO Unknown0GEO Arctic1GEO Unpopulated997GEO Not Applicable998GEO Other999

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Indicates whether the predominant feature height or depth is greater than (or equal to), or less than the contour interval.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Greater Than / Less Than Contour Interval

GLI Unknown0GLI Greater than or equal to contour interval1GLI Less than contour interval2GLI Unpopulated997GLI Not Applicable998GLI Other999

Tabulation of various types of nautical gates.GNCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Gate (Nautical) Classification

GNC Undefined0GNC Gate in general1GNC Tidal Gate (Flood Barrage)2GNC Caisson3GNC Lock Gate4GNC Dyke Gate5GNC Unpopulated997GNC Not Applicable998GNC Other999

Depth of the feature below average surface level as determined by a corresponding digital elevation matrix. If not obtainable, the average depth will be used.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Geomorphic Depth

Floating Point 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Encodes the number of signals, the combination of signals or the Morse character(s) within one full period of sequence.


Domain: Lexical

Name: Group of Signals Definition

Lexical 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


Range indicating the slope of ground within delineated area of feature usually manually derived, reported in percent.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Ground Slope Category

GSC Unknown0GSC (0 to > 45) Culturally or Naturally Dissected Land1GSC <= 32GSC > 3 and <= 103GSC > 10 and <= 204GSC > 20 and <= 305GSC > 30 and <= 456GSC > 457GSC > 10 and <= 158GSC > 15 and <= 209GSC > 45 and <= 6010GSC > 6011GSC > 60 and <= 8512GSC > 8513GSC Unpopulated997GSC Not Applicable998GSC Other999

The classification of the type of barrier or gate.GTCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Gate Type Category

GTC Unknown0GTC Tollgate1GTC Crossing2GTC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)99GTC Unpopulated997GTC Not Applicable998GTC Other999

Presence of support wires.GUGCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Guyed or Unguyed Category

GUG Unknown0GUG Guyed1GUG Unguyed2GUG Unpopulated997

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


GUG Not Applicable998GUG Other999

Predominant horizontal gap width range (1) in meters, measured between the top of the first accessible break in slope above mean water level on each bank.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Gap Width Range (1)

GW1 Unknown0GW1 <= 31GW1 > 3 and <= 182GW1 > 18 and <= 253GW1 > 25 and <= 504GW1 > 50 and <= 755GW1 > 75 and <= 1006GW1 > 100 and <= 1427GW1 > 1428GW1 Not Applicable9GW1 Unpopulated997GW1 Other999

Predominant horizontal gap width range (2) in meters, measured between the top of the first accessible break in slope above mean water level on each bank.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Gap Width Range (2)

GW2 Unknown0GW2 > 18 and <= 1421GW2 > 142 and <= 10002GW2 > 10003GW2 NA4GW2 Unpopulated997GW2 Other999

The predominant horizontal gap width range with greater precision, measured between the top of the first accessible break in slope above mean water level on each bank.


Domain: Enumerated

GW3 Unknown0GW3 <=1.51GW3 >1.5 and <=3.02GW3 >3.0 and <=18.03GW3 >18.0 and <=25.04

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GW3 >25.0 and <=30.05GW3 >30.0 and <=35.06GW3 >35.0 and <=40.07GW3 >40.0 and <=45.08GW3 >45.0 and <=50.09GW3 >50.0 and <=75.010GW3 >75.0 and <=100.011GW3 >100.0 and <=142.012GW3 >142.0013GW3 Unpopulated997GW3 Not Applicable998GW3 Other999

The distance available to pass a load that extends laterally beyond the wheels of a vehicle.HCACode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Horizontal Clearance Attribute

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 DMDecimetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The distance available to pass a load that extends laterally beyond the wheels of a vehicle.HCCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Horizontal Clearance Code

HCC Unknown0HCC Restricted1HCC Unlimited2HCC Unpopulated997HCC Not Applicable998HCC Other999

The height of the feature, which tidal waters cover and uncover, referenced to a specified vertical datum.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Hydrographic Drying Height

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


Information about the accuracy or availability of depth or uncovering height of a feature.HDICode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Hydrographic Depth/Height Information

HDI Unknown0HDI Depth Known by Other Than Wire Drag9HDI Depth Known by Wire Drag10HDI Depth Unknown But Safe to Depth Shown11HDI Depth Unknown12HDI Uncovering Height Known13HDI Uncovering Height Unknown14HDI Not Applicable15HDI Unpopulated997HDI Other999

The depth of the feature below water, measured from the top or surface of the feature, referenced to a specified vertical datum. Recorded values are positive numbers.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Hydrographic Depth

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Form or configuration of the hydrological feature.HFCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Hydrological Form Category

HFC Unknown0HFC Channelized Stream1HFC Disappearing2HFC Non-Tidal7HFC Normal Channel8HFC Tidal/Tidal Fluctuating10HFC Braided14HFC Dissipating16HFC Gorge19HFC Wadi/Wash21HFC Disappearing in sinkhole30HFC Disappearing in other than sinkhole31HFC Oxbow32HFC Split stream33HFC Unpopulated997

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


HFC Not Applicable998HFC Other999

Distance measured from the lowest point of the base at ground or water level (downhill side/downstream side) to the tallest point of the feature.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Height Above Surface Level

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Height above water level on upstream side.HGUCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Height 2/Depth 2

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Identification code linking harbor to external database or reference.HIDCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Harbour Identification Code

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Predominant height range (1) of the left bank (facing downstream) in meters, measured from mean water level to the first break in slope above the mean water level.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bank Height Left (1)

HL1 Unknown0HL1 <= .51HL1 > .5 and <= 1.02HL1 > 1.0 and <= 5.03HL1 > 5.04HL1 Not Applicable5HL1 Unpopulated997HL1 Other999

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


Predominant height range (2) of the left bank (facing downstream) in meters, measured from mean water level to the first break in slope above the mean water level.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bank Height Left (2)

HL2 Unknown0HL2 <= 11HL2 > 1 and <= 52HL2 > 53HL2 Not Applicable4HL2 Unpopulated997HL2 Other999

The predominant height range of the left bank (facing downstream) with greater precision, measured from mean water level to the top of the first accessible break in slope above the mean water level.


Domain: Enumerated

HL3 Unknown0HL3 <=0.21HL3 >0.2 and <=0.52HL3 >0.5 and <=1.03HL3 >1.0 and <=1.54HL3 >1.5 and <=2.05HL3 >2.0 and <=5.06HL3 >5.07HL3 Unpopulated997HL3 Not Applicable998HL3 Other999

Classification of types of hulks or permanently moored ships.HLKCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Hulk Type

HLK Unknown0HLK Floating Restaurant1HLK Historic Ship2HLK Museum3HLK Accommodation4HLK Floating Breakwater5HLK Unpopulated997HLK Not Applicable998

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


HLK Other999

The type of light used for marine navigation.HLTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Hydrographic Light Type

HLT Unknown0HLT Sectored Light1HLT VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)2HLT Moiré Effect Light3HLT Strip Light4HLT Occasional5HLT Lighted Beacon6HLT Directional Light7HLT Unpopulated997HLT Not Applicable998HLT Other999

Origin of the feature.HOCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Hydrographic Origin Category

HOC Unknown0HOC Controlled1HOC Man-Made4HOC Natural5HOC Unpopulated997HOC Not Applicable998HOC Other999

Horizontal datum. (This attribute should only be used for a feature whose datum is different from that of the geo data set (see Part 3-6.2).) DO NOT USE - Replaced by HZD Horizontal Geodetic Datum in order to align the list of available datums with that in Part 3 of DIGEST.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Horizontal Datum Classification

HOD Undefined0HOD Adindan1HOD Afgooye2HOD Ain el Abd 19703HOD Anna 1 Astro 19654HOD Antigua Island Astro 19435HOD Arc 19506HOD Arc 19607

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HOD Ascension Island 19588HOD Astro beacon "E" 19459HOD Astro DOS 71/410HOD Astro Tern Island (FRIG) 196111HOD Astronomical Station 195212HOD Australian Geodetic 196613HOD Australian Geodetic 198414HOD Ayabelle Lighthouse15HOD Bellevue (IGN)16HOD Bermuda 195717HOD Bissau18HOD Bogota Observatory19HOD Bukit Rimpah20HOD Camp Area Astro21HOD Campo Inchauspe22HOD Canton Astro 196623HOD Cape24HOD Cape Canaveral25HOD Carthage26HOD Chatham Island Astro 197127HOD Chua Astro28HOD Corrego Alegre29HOD Dabola30HOD Djakarta (Batavia)31HOD DOS 196832HOD Easter Island 196733HOD European 1950 (European Datum)34HOD European 197935HOD Fort Thomas 195536HOD Gan 197037HOD Geodetic Datum 194938HOD Graciosa Base SW 194839HOD Guam 196340HOD Gunong Segara41HOD GUX 1 Astro42HOD Herat North43HOD Hjörsey 195544HOD Hong Kong 196345HOD Hu-Tzu-Shan46HOD Indian47HOD Indian 195448HOD Indian 197549HOD Ireland 196550HOD ISTS 061 Astro 196851HOD ISTS 073 Astro 196952

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HOD Johnston Island 196153HOD Kandawala54HOD Kerguelen Island 194955HOD Kertau 1948 (or Revised Kertau)56HOD Kusaie Astro 195157HOD L. C. 5 Astro 196158HOD Leigon59HOD Liberia 196460HOD Luzon61HOD Mahe 197162HOD Massawa63HOD Merchich64HOD Midway Astro 196165HOD Minna66HOD Montserrat Island Astro 195867HOD M'Poraloko68HOD Nahrwan69HOD Naparima, BWI70HOD North American 192771HOD North American 198372HOD Observatorio Meteorologico 193973HOD Old Egyptian 190774HOD Old Hawaiian75HOD Oman76HOD Ordnance Survey of Great Britain 193677HOD Pico de las Nieves78HOD Pitcairn Astro 196779HOD Point 58 Mean Solution80HOD Pointe Noire 194881HOD Porto Santo 193682HOD Provisional South American 195683HOD Provisional South Chilean 1963 (also known as Hito XVIII 1963)84HOD Puerto Rico85HOD Qatar National86HOD Qornoq87HOD Reunion88HOD Rome 1940 (or Monte Mario 1940)89HOD Santo (DOS) 196590HOD Sao Braz91HOD Sapper Hill 194392HOD Schwarzeck93HOD Selvagem Grande 193894HOD South American 196995HOD South Asia96HOD Tananarive Observatory 192597

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HOD Timbalai 194898HOD Tokyo99HOD Tristan Astro 1968100HOD Viti Levu 1916101HOD Wake-Eniwetok 1960102HOD Wake Island Astro 1952103HOD WGS-72104HOD WGS-84105HOD Yacare106HOD Zanderij107HOD Potsdam Datum108HOD American Samoa 1962109HOD Deception Island110HOD Indian 1960111HOD Indonesian 1974112HOD North Sahara 1959113HOD Pulkovo 1942114HOD S-42 (Pulkovo 1942)115HOD S-JTSK116HOD Voirol 1960117HOD Unpopulated997HOD Not Applicable998HOD Other999

Type of line shown.HQCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Hypsography Portrayal Category

HQC Unknown0HQC Index1HQC Intermediate2HQC Supplementary (1/2)3HQC Form Lines4HQC Depression Index5HQC Depression Intermediate6HQC Approximate Index7HQC Mound Index8HQC Mound Intermediate9HQC Intermediate Approximate12HQC Supplementary Approximate13HQC Supplementary (1/4)14HQC Depression Approximate15HQC Auxiliary16HQC Intermediate Depression Approximate18HQC Carrying Contour (coincident contours)19

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HQC Supplemental Carrying Contour20HQC Carrying Contour21HQC Supplemental Depression22HQC Supplemental Depression Approximate23HQC Transition or erroneous98HQC Connector99HQC Unpopulated997HQC Not Applicable998HQC Other999

Predominant height range (1) of the right bank (facing downstream) in meters, measured from mean water level to the first break in slope above the mean water level.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bank height Right (1)

HR1 Unknown0HR1 <= .51HR1 > .5 and <= 1.02HR1 > 1.0 and <= 5.03HR1 > 5.04HR1 Not Applicable5HR1 Unpopulated997HR1 Other999

Predominant height range (2) of the right bank (facing downstream) in meters, measured from mean water level to the first break in slope above the mean water level.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Bank Height Right (2)

HR2 Unknown0HR2 <= 11HR2 > 1 and <= 52HR2 > 53HR2 Not Applicable4HR2 Unpopulated997HR2 Other999

The predominant height range of the right bank (facing downstream) with greater precision, measured from mean water level to the top of the first accessible break in slope above the mean water level.


Domain: Enumerated

HR3 Unknown0HR3 <=0.21

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HR3 >0.2 and <=0.52HR3 >0.5 and <=1.03HR3 >1.0 and <=1.54HR3 >1.5 and <=2.05HR3 >2.0 and <=5.06HR3 >5.07HR3 Unpopulated997HR3 Not Applicable998HR3 Other999

Month of appearance of the current.HS1Code:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Current Information (1)

HS1 Unknown/Not Applicable0HS1 Jan1HS1 Feb2HS1 Mar3HS1 Apr4HS1 May5HS1 Jun6HS1 Jul7HS1 Aug8HS1 Sep9HS1 Oct10HS1 Nov11HS1 Dec12HS1 Unpopulated997HS1 Not Applicable998HS1 Other999

Month of disappearance of the current, if different from HS1.HS2Code:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Current Information (2)

HS2 Unknown/Not Applicable0HS2 Jan1HS2 Feb2HS2 Mar3HS2 Apr4HS2 May5HS2 Jun6HS2 Jul7HS2 Aug8

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HS2 Sep9HS2 Oct10HS2 Nov11HS2 Dec12HS2 Unpopulated997HS2 Not Applicable998HS2 Other999

Vertical distance from sea bottom to lowest portion of feature.HSBCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Height Above Sea Bottom

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Number of beds within a hospital.HSCCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Hospital Capacity

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 BEDBedsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Height range with greater precision (in meters).HTRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

HTR Unknown0HTR <=0.51HTR >0.5 and <=1.02HTR >1.0 and <=1.53HTR >1.5 and <=2.04HTR >2.0 and <=5.05HTR >5.0 and <=10.06HTR >10.0 and <=20.07HTR >20.0 and <=35.08HTR >35.09HTR Unpopulated997HTR Not Applicable998HTR Other999

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


Type of house of worship used.HWTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: House of Worship Type

HWT Unknown0HWT Cathedral2HWT Chapel3HWT Church4HWT Marabout5HWT Minaret6HWT Monastery, Convent7HWT Mosque9HWT Pagoda11HWT Shrine14HWT Tabernacle15HWT Temple16HWT Synagogue20HWT Stupa21HWT Not Applicable22HWT Any23HWT Unpopulated997HWT Not Applicable998HWT Other999

Identifies the annual water content of the feature.HYCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Hydrological Category

HYC Unknown0HYC Not Applicable2HYC Dry3HYC Non-Perennial/Intermittent/Fluctuating6HYC Perennial/Permanent8HYC Unpopulated997HYC Other999

Horizontal geodetic datum. (This attribute should only be used for a feature whose datum is different from that of the geo data set (see Part 3-6.2).)


Domain: Enumerated

HZD Unknown0HZD Adindan1

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HZD Adindan (Ethiopia)2HZD Adindan (Sudan)3HZD Adindan (Mali)4HZD Adindan (Senegal)5HZD Adindan (Burkina Faso)6HZD Adindan (Cameroon)7HZD Adindan (Mean value: Ethiopia and Sudan)8HZD Afgooye (Somalia)9HZD Antigua Island Astro 194310HZD Ain el Abd 197011HZD Ain el Abd 1970 (Bahrain Island)12HZD Ain el Abd 1970 (Saudi Arabia)13HZD American Samoa Datum 196214HZD Amersfoort 1885/1903 (Netherlands)15HZD Anna 1 Astro 1965 (Cocos Islands)16HZD Approximate Luzon Datum (Philippines)17HZD Arc 195018HZD Arc 1950 (Botswana)19HZD Arc 1950 (Lesotho)20HZD Arc 1950 (Malawi)21HZD Arc 1950 (Swaziland)22HZD Arc 1950 (Zaire)23HZD Arc 1950 (Zambia)24HZD Arc 1950 (Zimbabwe)25HZD Arc 1950 (Burundi)26HZD Arc 1950 (Mean value: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Zaire, Zambia, and


HZD Arc 196028HZD Arc 1960 (Kenya)29HZD Arc 1960 (Tanzania)30HZD Arc 1960 (Mean value: Kenya, Tanzania)31HZD Arc 1935 (Africa)32HZD Ascension Island 1958 (Ascension Island)33HZD Montserrat Island Astro 195834HZD Astro Station 1952 (Marcus Island)35HZD Astro Beacon "E" (Iwo Jima Island)36HZD Average Terrestrial System 1977, New Brunswick37HZD Australian Geod. 1966 (Australia and Tasmania Is.)38HZD Australian Geod. 1984 (Australia and Tasmania Is.)39HZD Djakarta (Batavia) (Sumatra Island, Indonesia)40HZD Djakarta (Batavia) (Sumatra Island, Indonesia) with Zero Meridian Djakarta41HZD Bekaa Base South End (Lebanon)42HZD Belgium 1950 System (Lommel Signal, Belgium) See code ODU for Belgium 1972.43HZD Bermuda 1957 (Bermuda Islands)44HZD Bissau (Guinea-Bissau)45

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HZD Modified BJZ54 (China)46HZD BJZ54 (A954 Beijing Coordinates) (China)47HZD Bogota Observatory (Colombia)48HZD Bogota Observatory (Colombia) with Zero Meridian Bogota49HZD Bern 1898 (Switzerland)50HZD Bern 1898 (Switzerland) with Zero Meridian Bern51HZD Bukit Rimpah (Bangka & Belitung Islands, Indonesia)52HZD Cape Canaveral (Mean value: Florida and Bahama Islands)53HZD Campo Inchauspe (Argentina)54HZD Camacupa Base SW End (Campo De Aviacao, Angola)55HZD Canton Astro 1966 (Phoenix Islands)56HZD Cape (South Africa)57HZD Camp Area Astro (Camp McMurdo Area, Antarctica)58HZD S-JTSK, Czechoslavakia (prior to 1 Jan 1993)59HZD Carthage (Tunisia)60HZD Compensation Géodétique du Québec 197761HZD Chatham 1971 (Chatham Island, New Zealand)62HZD Chua Astro (Paraguay)63HZD Corrego Alegre (Brazil)64HZD Conakry Pyramid of the Service Geographique (Guinea)65HZD Guyana CSG6766HZD Dabola (Guinea)67HZD DCS-3 Lighthouse, Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles68HZD Deception Island, Antarctica69HZD GUX 1 Astro (Guadacanal Island)70HZD Dominica Astro M-12, Dominica, Lesser Antilles71HZD Easter Island 1967 (Easter Island)72HZD Wake-Eniwetok 1960 (Marshall Islands)73HZD European 195074HZD European 1950 (Western Europe: Austria, Denmark, France, Federal Republic of

Germany, Netherlands, and Switzerland)75

HZD European 1950 (Greece)76HZD European 1950 (Norway and Finland)77HZD European 1950 (Portugal and Spain)78HZD European 1950 (Cyprus)79HZD European 1950 (Egypt)80HZD European 1950 (England, Channel Islands, Scotland, and Shetland Islands)81HZD European 1950 (Iran)82HZD European 1950 (Sardinia)83HZD European 1950 (Sicily)84HZD European 1950 (England, Channel Islands, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland,

Shetland Islands, and Wales)85

HZD European 1950 (Malta)86HZD European 1950 (Mean value: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Federal

Republic of Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, & Switzerland)


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HZD European 1950 (Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria)88HZD European 1950 (Tunisia)89HZD European 1979 (Mean value: Austria, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden,

and Switzerland)90

HZD European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89)91HZD Oman (Oman)92HZD Observatorio Meteorologico 1939 (Corvo and Flores Islands, Azores)93HZD Fort Thomas 1955 (Nevis, St Kitts, Leeward Islands)94HZD Gan 1970 (Addu Atoll, Republic of Maldives)95HZD Gandajika Base (Zaire)96HZD Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA)97HZD GDZ80 (China)98HZD Geodetic Datum 1949 (New Zealand)99HZD DOS 1968 (Gizo Island, New Georgia Islands)100HZD Graciosa Base SW (Faial, Graciosa, Pico, Sao Jorge, and Terceira Island, Azores)101HZD Greek Datum, Greece102HZD Greek Geodetic Reference System 1987 (GGRS 87)103HZD Gunong Segara (Kalimantan Island, Indonesia)104HZD Gunong Serindung105HZD Guam 1963106HZD Herat North (Afganistan)107HZD Hermannskogel108HZD Provisional South Chilean 1963 (or Hito XVIII 1963) (S. Chile, 53°S)109HZD Hjörsey 1955 (Iceland)110HZD Hong Kong 1963 (Hong Kong)111HZD Hong Kong 1929112HZD Hu-Tzu-Shan113HZD Hungarian 1972114HZD Bellevue (IGN) (Efate and Erromango Islands)115HZD Indonesian 1974116HZD Indian117HZD Indian (Thailand and Vietnam)118HZD Indian (Bangladesh)119HZD Indian (India and Nepal)120HZD Indian (Pakistan)121HZD Indian (1954)122HZD Indian 1954 (Thailand)123HZD Indian 1960124HZD Indian 1960 (Vietnam: near 16°N)125HZD Indian 1960 (Con Son Island (Vietnam))126HZD Indian 1975127HZD Indian 1975 (Thailand)128HZD Ireland 1965 (Ireland and Northern Ireland)129HZD ISTS 061 Astro 1968 (South Georgia Islands)130HZD ISTS 073 Astro 1969 (Diego Garcia)131

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HZD Johnston Island 1961 (Johnston Island)132HZD Kalianpur (India)133HZD Kandawala (Sri Lanka)134HZD Kertau 1948 (or Revised Kertau) (West Malaysia and Singapore)135HZD KCS 2, Sierra Leone136HZD Kerguelen Island 1949 (Kerguelen Island)137HZD Korean Geodetic System 1995 (South Korea)138HZD KKJ (or Kartastokoordinaattijarjestelma), Finland139HZD Kusaie Astro 1951140HZD Kuwait Oil Company (K28)141HZD L.C. 5 Astro 1961 (Cayman Brac Island)142HZD Leigon (Ghana)143HZD Liberia 1964 (Liberia)144HZD Lisbon (Castelo di São Jorge), Portugal145HZD Local Astro.146HZD Loma Quintana (Venezuela)147HZD Luzon148HZD Luzon (Philipines except Mindanao Island)149HZD Luzon (Mindanao Island)150HZD Marco Astro (Salvage Islands)151HZD Martinique Fort-Desaix152HZD Massawa (Eritrea, Ethiopia)153HZD Manokwari (West Irian)154HZD Mayotte Combani155HZD Mount Dillon, Tobago156HZD Merchich (Morocco)157HZD Midway Astro 1961 (Midway Island)158HZD Mahe 1971 (Mahe Island)159HZD Minna160HZD Minna (Cameroon)161HZD Minna (Nigeria)162HZD Rome 1940 (or Monte Mario 1940), Italy163HZD Rome 1940 (or Monte Mario 1940), Italy, with Zero Meridian Rome164HZD Montjong Lowe165HZD M'Poraloko (Gabon)166HZD Viti Levu 1916 (Viti Levu Island, Fiji Islands)167HZD Nahrwan168HZD Nahrwan (Masirah Island, Oman)169HZD Nahrwan (United Arab Emirates)170HZD Nahrwan (Saudi Arabia)171HZD Naparima (BWI, Trinidad and Tobago)172HZD North American 1983173HZD North American 1983 (Alaska, excluding Aleutian Islands)174HZD North American 1983 (Canada)175HZD North American 1983 (CONUS)176

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HZD North American 1983 (Mexico and Central America))177HZD North American 1983 (Aleutian Islands)178HZD North American 1983 (Hawaii)179HZD North American 1927180HZD North American 1927 (Eastern US)181HZD North American 1927 (Western US)182HZD North American 1927 (Mean value: CONUS)183HZD North American 1927 (Alaska)184HZD North American 1927 (Mean value: Canada)185HZD North American 1927 (Alberta and British Columbia)186HZD North American 1927 (Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec)187HZD North American 1927 (Manitoba and Ontario)188HZD North American 1927 (Northwest Territories and Saskatchewan)189HZD North American 1927 (Yukon)190HZD North American 1927 (Mexico)191HZD North American 1927 (Central America - Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,

Honduras, and Nicaragua)192

HZD North American 1927 (Canal Zone)193HZD North American 1927 (Caribbean, Barbados, Caicos Islands, Cuba, Dominican

Republic, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Leeward Islands, and Turks Islands)194

HZD North American 1927 (Bahamas, except San Salvador Island)195HZD North American 1927 (San Salvador Island)196HZD North American 1927 (Cuba)197HZD North American 1927 (Hayes Peninsula, Greenland)198HZD North American 1927 (Aleutian Islands East of 180°W)199HZD North American 1927 (Aleutian Islands West of 180°W)200HZD Revised Nahrwan201HZD New French or Nouvelle Triangulation Française (NTF) with Zero Meridian Paris202HZD Alt: FDA203HZD North Sahara 1959204HZD Ocotopeque, Guatemala205HZD Belgium 1972 (Observatoire d'Uccle)206HZD Old Egyptian (Egypt)207HZD Ordnance Survey of Great Britain 1936208HZD Ordnance Survey G.B. 1936 (England)209HZD Ordnance Survey G.B. 1936 (England, Isle of Man, and Wales)210HZD Ordnance Survey G.B. 1936 (Scotland and Shetland Islands)211HZD Ordnance Survey G.B. 1936 (Wales)212HZD Ordnance Survey G.B. 1936 (Mean value: England, Isle of Man, Scotland, Shetland,

and Wales)213

HZD Old Hawaiian214HZD Old Hawaiian (Hawaii)215HZD Old Hawaiian (Kauai)216HZD Old Hawaiian (Maui)217HZD Old Hawaiian (Oahu)218HZD Old Hawaiian (Mean value)219

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


HZD Oslo Observatory (Old), Norway220HZD Padang Base West End (Sumatra, Indonesia)221HZD Padang Base West End (Sumatra, Indonesia) with Zero Meridian Djakarta222HZD Palestine 1928 (Israel, Jordan)223HZD Potsdam or Helmertturm (Germany)224HZD Ayabelle Lighthouse (Djibouti)225HZD Pitcairn Astro 1967 (Pitcairn Island)226HZD Pico de las Nieves (Canary Islands)227HZD SE Base (Porto Santo) (Porto Santo & Madeira Islands)228HZD Provisional South American 1956229HZD Prov. S. American 1956 (Bolivia)230HZD Prov. S. American 1956 (Northern Chile near 19°S)231HZD Prov. S. American 1956 (Southern Chile near 43°S)232HZD Prov. S. American 1956 (Columbia)233HZD Prov. S. American 1956 (Ecuador)234HZD Prov. S. American 1956 (Guyana)235HZD Prov. S. American 1956 (Peru)236HZD Prov. S. American 1956 (Venezuela)237HZD Prov. S. American 1956 (Mean value: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana,

Peru, & Venezuela)238

HZD Point 58 Mean Solution (Burkina Faso and Niger)239HZD Pointe Noire 1948240HZD Pulkovo 1942 (Russia)241HZD Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands)242HZD Qatar National (Qatar)243HZD Qornoq (South Greenland)244HZD Rauenberg (Berlin, Germany)245HZD Reconnaissance Triangulation, Morocco246HZD Reunion 1947247HZD RT90, Stockholm, Sweden248HZD Santo (DOS) 1965 (Espirito Santo Island)249HZD South African (South Africa)250HZD Sainte Anne I 1984 (Guadeloupe)251HZD South American 1969252HZD South American 1969 (Argentina)253HZD South American 1969 (Bolivia)254HZD South American 1969 (Brazil)255HZD South American 1969 (Chile)256HZD South American 1969 (Columbia)257HZD South American 1969 (Ecuador)258HZD South American 1969 (Guyana)259HZD South American 1969 (Paraguay)260HZD South American 1969 (Peru)261HZD South American 1969 (Baltra, Galapagos Islands)262HZD South American 1969 (Trinidad and Tobago)263

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HZD South American 1969 (Venezuela)264HZD South American 1969 (Mean value: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia,

Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela)265

HZD Sao Braz (Sao Miguel, Santa Maria Islands, Azores)266HZD Sapper Hill 1943 (East Falkland Islands)267HZD Schwarzeck (Namibia)268HZD Soviet Geodetic System 1985269HZD Soviet Geodetic System 1990270HZD Selvagem Grande 1938 (Salvage Islands)271HZD Astro Dos 71/4 (St. Helena Island)272HZD Sierra Leone 1960273HZD South Asia (Southeast Asia, Singapore)274HZD S-42 (Pulkovo 1942)275HZD St. Pierre et Miquelon 1950276HZD Stockholm 1938 (Sweden)277HZD Sydney Observatory, New South Wales, Australia278HZD Tananarive Observatory 1925279HZD Tananarive Observatory 1925, with Zero Meridian Paris280HZD Tristan Astro 1968 (Tristan da Cunha)281HZD Timbalai 1948 (Brunei and East Malaysia - Sarawak and Sabah)282HZD Timbali 1968283HZD Tokyo284HZD Tokyo (Japan)285HZD Tokyo (Korea)286HZD Tokyo (Okinawa)287HZD Tokyo (Mean value: Japan, Korea, and Okinawa)288HZD Trinidad 1903289HZD Astro Tern Is. 1961 (Tern Island, Hawaii)290HZD Undetermined or Unknown291HZD Voirol 1875292HZD Voirol 1875 with Zero Meridian Paris293HZD Voirol 1960, Algeria294HZD Voirol 1960, Algeria, with Zero Meridian Paris295HZD Wake Island Astro 1952296HZD World Geodetic System 1960297HZD World Geodetic System 1966298HZD World Geodetic System 1972299HZD World Geodetic System 1984300HZD Yacare (Uruguay)301HZD Zanderij (Surinam)302HZD Other Known Datum303HZD Unpopulated997HZD Not Applicable998HZD Other999

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


Conformity of a navigational aid to the IALA system of navigational aids.IACCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: IALA Aid Category

IAC Unknown0IAC Non-IALA Aid1IAC IALA Aid2IAC IALA Aid - Region A3IAC IALA Aid - Region B4IAC Unpopulated997IAC Not Applicable998IAC Other999

Status of International Maritime Organization adoption. Replaced "Approved" with "Adopted"IASCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: IMO Adoption Status

IAS Unknown0IAS Adopted1IAS Not Adopted2IAS Unpopulated997IAS Not Applicable998IAS Other999

Tabulates the various types of installation buoys.IBCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Installation Buoy Classification

IBC Undefined0IBC Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM)1IBC Single Buoy Mooring (SBM)2IBC Unpopulated997IBC Not Applicable998IBC Other999

Tabulates the kind of ice.ICCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Ice Classification

ICC Undefined0ICC Fast ice1ICC Sea ice2ICC Growler area3

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ICC Pancake ice4ICC Glacier (see BJ030)5ICC Ice Peak (see BJ060)6ICC Pack ice (see BJ070)7ICC Polar ice (see BJ080)8ICC Debris-covered9ICC Unpopulated997ICC Not Applicable998ICC Other999

The value of the maximum variation in the vertical clearance of an overhead cable due to an accumulation of ice.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Ice Factor

Floating Point .1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


ICAO designated airspace classification.ICLCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: ICAO Airspace Classification

ICL Unknown0ICL Class A1ICL Class B2ICL Class C3ICL Class D4ICL Class E5ICL Class F6ICL Class G7ICL Unpopulated997ICL Not Applicable998ICL Other999

A unique number relating specific interior map/chart features to border information.IDNCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Identification Number

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 UnitNumericFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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International Civil Aviation Organization location identifier as designated in ICAO document 7910.


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: ICAO Designator

ASCII Text 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

An indicator that a feature in an inland water body is an obstruction to vessel movement.IWOCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Inland Water Obstruction

IWO Unknown0IWO Obstruction1IWO Not an obstruction2IWO Unpopulated997IWO Not Applicable998IWO Other999

Indicates whether or not all roads can be accessed from all other roads at a junction.JCRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Junction Connectivity Attribute

JCR Unknown (ICA 0 IN DIGEST 2.0)0JCR Full Connectivity (ICA 1 IN DIGEST 2.0)1JCR Restricted Access (ICA 2 IN DIGEST 2.0)2JCR Unpopulated997JCR Not Applicable998JCR Other999

Maximum voltage available on the line, as reported in kilovolts.KVACode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Kilovolt Capacity Attribute

Short Integer 1 KVKilovoltsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Label applied to the feature.LABCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Label of Feature

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Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

The type and/or number of features associated with a leading or clearing line.LAFCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Line Associated Features

LAF Unknown0LAF One Object (Other than a Directional Light)1LAF Directional Light2LAF Two or more lights3LAF Two or more beacons4LAF Two or More Objects (Other Than Two Lights or Beacons)5LAF Measured Distance Markers6LAF Directional Radiobeacon7LAF Moiré Effect Light8LAF Unpopulated997LAF Not Applicable998LAF Other999

Military Load Classification (weight bearing capacity) Type 1. (See STANAGs 2021 and 2253 for method of calculation)


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Load Class Type 1

Short Integer 0 to 999 1 LCMilitary Load ClassFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Military Load Classification (weight bearing capacity) Type 2. (See STANAGs 2021 and 2253 for method of calculation)


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Load Class Type 2

Short Integer 0 to 999 1 LCMilitary Load ClassFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Military Load Classification (weight bearing capacity) Type 3. (See STANAGs 2021 and 2253 for method of calculation)


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Load Class Type 3

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Short Integer 0 to 999 1 LCMilitary Load ClassFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Military Load Classification (weight bearing capacity) Type 4. (See STANAGs 2021 and 2253 for method of calculation)


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Load Class Type 4

Short Integer 0 to 999 1 LCMilitary Load ClassFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Number of flashes/occultations in a group flashing/occulting light character.LCNCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Light Characteristic Number

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 OCCULTOccultsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


A measurement of the longer of two linear axes in meters of the pedestal or cab. For a square feature, measure either axis. For a round feature, measure the diameter.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Length of Cab

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


A measurement of the longer of two linear axes in meters. For a square feature, measure either axis. For a round feature, measure the diameter. For a bridge, the length is the distance between the bridge abutments.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Length/Diameter

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Type of lighting provided or type of lighting system used.LFACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Light Function Aeronautical

LFA Unknown0

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LFA Airport Terminal Lights1LFA Apron Flood2LFA Boundary Lights3LFA Runway Centerline Lighting4LFA Runway End Identification Lighting (REIL)5LFA Runway Lights/Runway Edge Lights6LFA Sequenced Strobe7LFA Taxiway Lighting8LFA Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI)9LFA Rotating Beacon10LFA Obstruction Lighting11LFA Threshold Light(s)12LFA Touchdown Zone Lighting13LFA Other Airport Lighting14LFA ALSF-1 (Approach Lighting System with seq. flashing)15LFA ALSF-II16LFA (SSALF)17LFA (SSALR)18LFA (MALSF)19LFA (MALSR)20LFA Landing Direction Indicator (LDIN)21LFA RAIL (Runway Alignment Indicator Lights)22LFA ODALS (Omni Directional Approach Landing System)23LFA Other Approach Lighting24LFA Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)25LFA Strobe26LFA Runway Flood27LFA Variable Intensity Runway Lights28LFA Portable Runway Lights29LFA Flares30LFA Wind Indicator Lights31LFA Visual Approach Slope Indicator (3 bar)32LFA Optical Landing System33LFA Aeronautical51LFA Auxiliary52LFA Beacon53LFA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK54LFA Fishing55LFA Fog Detector56LFA Harbor57LFA Horizontal58LFA Obstruction59LFA Occasional60LFA Private61LFA Range62

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LFA Seasonal63LFA Tidal64LFA Vertical65LFA Articulated66LFA Primary67LFA Secondary68LFA Major69LFA Minor70LFA Visual Approach Slope Indicator (2 bar)71LFA Identification Beacon72LFA None available73LFA Overrun centerline100LFA Centerline and bar101LFA U.S. Configuration (B)102LFA Hong Kong Curve103LFA Left single row104LFA Center row105LFA Former NATO standard106LFA NATO standard107LFA Center and double row108LFA Portable approach109LFA Center row (Cat 2 high visibility)110LFA Center row (Cat 1 high intensity)111LFA Navy parallel row and crossbar112LFA Two parallel row113LFA Left row (High intensity)114LFA Air Force overrun115LFA Calvert (British)116LFA Single row centerline117LFA Narrow multi cross118LFA Centerline (High intensity approach lights)119LFA Alternate centerline and bar approach lights120LFA Cross121LFA Neon ladder122LFA Singapore centerline approach lights123LFA Centerline 2 crossbars approach lights124LFA T-VASI T-bar125LFA PVASI pulsating126LFA APAP alignment of elements systems127LFA VASI (with indicator for threshold crossing height)128LFA LCVASI low cost129LFA High intensity runway lights130LFA Medium intensity runway lights131LFA Low intensity runway lights132LFA Unpopulated997

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LFA Not Applicable998LFA Other999

Tabulates the various functions of a light.LFCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Light Function Classification

LFC Undefined0LFC Direction function1LFC Rear/upper light2LFC Front/lower light3LFC Leading light4LFC Aerolight5LFC Air obstruction light6LFC Fog detector light7LFC Flood light8LFC Strip light9LFC Subsidiary light10LFC Spotlight11LFC Emergency12LFC Bearing Light13LFC Unpopulated997LFC Not Applicable998LFC Other999

The characteristics of a line used during interpolation between two points.LNCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Line Characteristic

LNC Unknown0LNC Rhumb or Loxodrome Line1LNC Geodesic or Great Circle Line2LNC Unpopulated997LNC Not Applicable998LNC Other999

Status of feature relative to surrounding area or water.LOCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Location Category

LOC Unknown0LOC Above Surface/Does not Cover (Height Known)1LOC Awash at Chart Datum2LOC Dries/Covers (Height Unknown)3

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LOC Below Water Surface4LOC Covered < 20 Meters5LOC Covered >= 20 Meters but < 30 Meters6LOC Covered > = 30 Meters7LOC On Ground Surface8LOC Depth Known9LOC Depth Known (Cleared by Drag Wire)10LOC Depth Unknown But Safe to Depth Shown11LOC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK12LOC Hull Showing13LOC Masts Showing14LOC On Water Surface/Floating15LOC Partially Submerged16LOC Sunken/On sea bottom17LOC Above Surface/Does not Cover (Height Unknown)19LOC Funnel Showing20LOC Superstructure Showing21LOC Off Shore22LOC Below Sea Bottom23LOC Suspended or Elevated above sea bottom24LOC Suspended or Elevated Above Ground or Water Surface25LOC Masts and Funnel Showing28LOC Non-Floating30LOC Elevated31LOC Depressed32LOC Not submerged33LOC Inland34LOC Overhead35LOC Height Above Bottom36LOC Exact Position Known37LOC Exact Position Unknown38LOC Depth Unknown39LOC Underground40LOC Unpopulated997LOC Not Applicable998LOC Other999

The length of a segment having a gradient > =7 percent for a Road (AP030) or < =3 percent for a Railroad Track (AN010).


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Length of Gradient

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Length of range, in nautical miles, established by aids to navigation on the shore.LORCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Length of Range

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 NMNautical MilesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Length of range, in nautical miles, established by aids to navigation on the shore.LRPCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Floating Point -32767 to 32767 NMNautical MilesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Angular limits of light visibility. Limits of sectors and arcs of visibility are arranged clockwise and shall be given from seaward toward the light.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Light Sector Angle

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Initial angular limit of light visibility. Limits of sectors and arcs of visibility are arranged clockwise and shall be given from seaward toward the light.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Light Sector Angle Initial

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Terminal angular limit of light visibility. Limits of sectors and arcs of visibility are arranged clockwise and shall be given from seaward toward the light.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Light Sector Angle Terminal

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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The number of track(s) or lanes of the feature, including both directions.LTNCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Lane/Track Number

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 Track/LaneTracks/LanesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The maximum distance at which light can theoretically reach an observer, as only at the curvature of the earth and the refraction of the atmosphere, and by the elevation of the light and height of eye of the observer.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Light Range, Geographical

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 NMNautical MilesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The maximum distance at which a light can be seen by the intensity of the light and meteorological visibility.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Light Range, Luminous

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 NMNautical MilesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The luminous range when the meteorological range is 10 sea miles.LVNCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Light Range, Nominal

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 NMNautical MilesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The highest altitude in an airway or route at which adequate reception of navigation aid signals is assured.


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Maximum Authorized Altitude

ASCII Text 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

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Area in which certain activities or factors of significance to navigation or operations apply.MACCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Maritime Area Category

MAC Unknown0MAC Customs Area1MAC Dredged Channel/Dredged Area2MAC Harbor Area3MAC Mine Danger Area4MAC Prohibited Shipping Area/Entry Prohibited5MAC Reclamation Area6MAC Restricted Area7MAC Works in Progress Area9MAC Wire Drag Area/Swept Area10MAC Anchorage (general)11MAC Anchoring Berths12MAC Explosives anchorage13MAC Large Vessel/Deep Water/Deep Draft anchorage14MAC Anchoring Prohibited15MAC Quarantine Anchorage16MAC Reserved Anchorage17MAC Small Vessel Anchorage/Marina18MAC Tanker Anchorage19MAC Submarine Cable Area20MAC Pipeline Area21MAC Fishing Prohibited22MAC Cable and Pipeline Area23MAC Turning Area/Swinging Circle24MAC Spoil Area/Spoil Ground (see OPS for status)25MAC Unsurveyed Area26MAC Submarine Exercise Area27MAC Mine Laying Practice Area28MAC Firing Danger Area29MAC Dumping Ground for Hazardous Materials30MAC Incineration Area31MAC Oil Field32MAC Gas Field33MAC Historic Wreck34MAC Explosive Dumping Ground35MAC Former Mine Danger Area36MAC Safety Zone37MAC Chemical field38MAC Separation Zone39MAC Roundabout Zone (TSS)40

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MAC Inshore Traffic Zone (TSS)41MAC Precautionary Area42MAC Area to be avoided43MAC Degaussing Range44MAC Outfall Area45MAC Intake Area46MAC Fish Haven/Protected Area47MAC Pilot Boarding Area48MAC Cargo Transshipment Area49MAC Red Rocks50MAC Laterite51MAC Evaporites52MAC Seaplane53MAC Time Limited54MAC Fairway55MAC Fish Trap Area56MAC Marine Farm57MAC Dredging Area58MAC Sewer Area61MAC Free Port Area79MAC Fish Sanctuary80MAC Degaussing Range (Do not use this value, use MAC 44)81MAC Development Area82MAC Diving prohibited zone83MAC Danger of stranding area84MAC Navigational aid safety zone85MAC Historic wreck restricted area86MAC Seal sanctuary87MAC Game preserve88MAC Bird sanctuary89MAC Nature preserve90MAC Practice area in general91MAC Torpedo practice area92MAC Anchorage for up to 24 hours93MAC Small craft mooring area94MAC Seaplane Anchorage95MAC Unrestricted anchorage96MAC Crossing (TSS)97MAC Offshore Production Area98MAC Dock Area99MAC Caution Area100MAC Marine Sanctuary101MAC Waiting Area102MAC Mineswept Channel103MAC Major Navy Operating Area104

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MAC Minor Navy Operating Area105MAC ASW Operating Area106MAC Submarine Operating Area107MAC Submarine Transit Lane (Submerged)108MAC Submarine Transit Lane (Surface)109MAC Surface Free Lane110MAC Surface Operating Area (Major)111MAC Surface Operating Area (Minor)112MAC Anchoring and fishing prohibited113MAC Sea Test Range114MAC Submarine and Gunnery Exercise Area115MAC Named Operating Area116MAC Territorial Sea Area117MAC Continental Shelf Area118MAC Contiguous Zone119MAC Exclusive Economic Zone120MAC Fishery Zone121MAC Fishing Ground122MAC Caution Area123MAC Vessel dumping ground124MAC Military Practice Area125MAC Swimming Area126MAC Waiting Area127MAC Research Area128MAC Ecological Reserve129MAC No Wake Area130MAC Anchoring Restricted131MAC Fishing Restricted132MAC Trawling Prohibited133MAC Trawling Restricted134MAC Entry Restricted135MAC Dredging Prohibited136MAC Dredging Restricted137MAC Diving Restricted138MAC Construction Prohibited139MAC Exercise Area Limit140MAC Unexploded Ordinance141MAC Submarine Warning Area142MAC Naval Operations Area143MAC Inwater Tracking Range144MAC FORACS V Limits145MAC Missile Test Area146MAC Bombing and Strafing Targets Area147MAC Drill Minefield148MAC Abandoned Drill Minefield149

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MAC Acronym Area - Purple150MAC Acronym Area - Brown151MAC Acronym Area - Blue152MAC Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC)153MAC Area FOXTROT154MAC Submarine Danger Area155MAC Surface Ship Safety Lane156MAC Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range157MAC Naval Defense Sea Area158MAC UQC/WQC Test Area159MAC Unpopulated997MAC Not Applicable998MAC Other999

Horizontal angle between true north and magnetic north measured East (positive value) or West (negative value) according to whether magnetic north lies east or west of true north.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Magnetic Variation

Floating Point -180 to 180 0.1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Tabulates colors of navigation marks.MARCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Color of Navigation Mark Classification

MAR Undefined0MAR Green1MAR Black2MAR Red3MAR Yellow4MAR White5MAR Orange6MAR Black/yellow7MAR Black/yellow/black8MAR Yellow/black9MAR Yellow/black/yellow10MAR Red/white11MAR Green/red/green12MAR Red/green/red13MAR Black/red/black14MAR Yellow/red/yellow15MAR Green/red16MAR Red/green17

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MAR Unpopulated997MAR Not Applicable998MAR Other999

Indicates whether the feature is maintained.MASCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Maintenance Status

MAS Unknown0MAS Maintained1MAS Not Maintained2MAS Unpopulated997MAS Not Applicable998MAS Other999

Defines subsidiary mine attribute classifications and tabulates mine attributes.MATCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Attributes Classification

MAT Unknown0MAT Classification of mine identity (MID)1MAT Classification of mine status (MSC)2MAT Classification of mine position (MPC)3MAT Classification of mine special information (MSI)4MAT Unpopulated997MAT Not Applicable998MAT Other999

A free text field used to indicate if the bridge is subject to preplanned military interdiction.MBICode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Military Bridge Information

Lexical 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

A line where on either side certain activities or factors of significance to navigation or operations apply.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Maritime Boundary Limit

MBL Unknown0MBL COLREGS Demarcation Line1MBL Customs Boundary2

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MBL Fishing Zone Boundary3MBL Harbor Limit4MBL Separation Line (TSS)5MBL Territorial Waters-Limit of Sovereignty6MBL Territorial Waters Baseline7MBL Maritime Limit (General)8MBL International Boundary (at sea)9MBL Continental Shelf Boundary10MBL Limit of Exclusive Economic Zone11MBL Limit of Contiguous Zone12MBL Clearing Line13MBL Danger Line14MBL Armistice Boundary15MBL Gulf Stream Limits16MBL Three Nautical Mile Line17MBL Approximate Bathymetry18MBL Traffic Services Limit98MBL Unpopulated997MBL Not Applicable998MBL Other999

The ASCII (ISO 646) letter that is being emitted by either the Navigation Signal Type (NST), Sound Signal Type (SST), Light Characteristic (CHA), or Electronic Beacon Type (BET).


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Morse Code Attribute

ASCII Text 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Characteristics of primary material composition of feature.MCCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Material Composition Category

MCC Unknown0MCC Aircraft1MCC Aluminum2MCC Ammunition3MCC Ash4MCC Asphalt5MCC Basalt6MCC Bedrock7MCC Boulders8MCC Brick9MCC Calcareous10

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MCC Cement11MCC Chalk12MCC Chemical13MCC Cinders14MCC Cirripedia15MCC Clay16MCC Coal17MCC Cobble18MCC Coke19MCC Composition20MCC Concrete21MCC Conglomerate22MCC Copper23MCC Coral24MCC Coral Head25MCC Desalinated Water26MCC Diamonds27MCC Diatoms28MCC Dolomite29MCC Earthen30MCC Electric31MCC Eroded Lands32MCC Explosives33MCC Flysch34MCC Food35MCC Foraminifera36MCC Fucus37MCC Gas38MCC Gasoline39MCC Glass40MCC Globigerina41MCC Gold42MCC Granite43MCC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK44MCC Grass/Thatch45MCC Gravel46MCC Green Rocks47MCC Ground48MCC Ground (Shells)49MCC Heat50MCC Iron51MCC Lava52MCC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK53MCC Lead54MCC Loess55

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MCC Lumber56MCC Macadam57MCC Madrepores58MCC Manganese59MCC Marble60MCC Marl61MCC Masonry (Brick/Stone)62MCC Mattes63MCC Metal64MCC Mud65MCC Mussels66MCC Oil67MCC Oil Blister68MCC Ooze69MCC Oysters70MCC Paper71MCC Part Metal72MCC Pebbles73MCC Plastic74MCC Polyzoa75MCC Porphyry76MCC Prestressed Concrete77MCC Pteropods78MCC Pumice79MCC Quartz80MCC Radiolaria81MCC Radioactive Material82MCC Reinforced Concrete83MCC Rock/Rocky84MCC Rubber85MCC Rubble86MCC Salt87MCC Sand88MCC Sandstone89MCC Schist90MCC Spoils/Tailings91MCC Scoria92MCC Sea Tangle93MCC Seaweed94MCC Sewage95MCC Shells96MCC Shingle98MCC Silt99MCC Silver100MCC Slag101

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MCC Sludge102MCC Snow/Ice103MCC Soil104MCC Spicules105MCC Sponge106MCC Steel107MCC Stone108MCC Sugar109MCC Travertine110MCC Tufa111MCC Uranium112MCC Vegetation Products113MCC Volcanic114MCC Volcanic Ash115MCC Water116MCC Wood117MCC Zinc118MCC Evaporites119MCC Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP)120MCC Unpopulated997MCC Not Applicable998MCC Other999

Secondary material composition of feature.MCSCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Material Composition Secondary

MCS Unknown0MCS Ash4MCS Boulders8MCS Chalk12MCS Cinders14MCS Cirripedia15MCS Clay16MCS Cobble18MCS Coral24MCS Coral Head25MCS Diatoms28MCS Foraminifera36MCS Fucus37MCS Globigerina41MCS Grass /Thatch45MCS Gravel46MCS Ground48MCS Lava52

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MCS Loess55MCS Madrepores58MCS Manganese59MCS Marl61MCS Mattes63MCS Mud65MCS Mussels66MCS Ooze69MCS Oysters70MCS Pebbles73MCS Polyzoa75MCS Pteropods78MCS Pumice79MCS Quartz80MCS Radiolaria81MCS Rock/Rocky84MCS Sand88MCS Schist90MCS Scoria92MCS Sea Tangle93MCS Seaweed94MCS Shells96MCS Shingle98MCS Silt99MCS Soil104MCS Spicules105MCS Sponge106MCS Stone108MCS Tufa111MCS Uranium112MCS Vegetation Products113MCS Volcanic114MCS Volcanic Ash115MCS Water116MCS Wood117MCS Zinc118MCS Evaporites119MCS Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP)120MCS Unpopulated997MCS Not Applicable998MCS Other999

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Type of connection used in a mooring system.MCTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mooring Connection Type

MCT Unknown0MCT Mooring Cable/Chain1MCT Unpopulated997MCT Not Applicable998MCT Other999

Underlying material composition of feature.MCUCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Material Composition Underlying

MCU Unknown0MCU Ash4MCU Boulders8MCU Chalk12MCU Cinders14MCU Cirripedia15MCU Clay16MCU Cobble18MCU Coral24MCU Coral Head25MCU Diatoms28MCU Foraminifera36MCU Fucus37MCU Globigerina41MCU Grass/Thatch45MCU Gravel46MCU Ground48MCU Lava52MCU Madrepores58MCU Manganese59MCU Marl61MCU Mattes63MCU Mud65MCU Mussels66MCU Ooze69MCU Oysters70MCU Pebbles73MCU Polyzoa75MCU Pteropods78

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MCU Pumice79MCU Quartz80MCU Radiolaria81MCU Rock/Rocky84MCU Sand88MCU Schist90MCU Scoria92MCU Sea Tangle93MCU Seaweed94MCU Shells96MCU Shingle98MCU Silt99MCU Spicules105MCU Sponge106MCU Stone108MCU Tufa111MCU Uranium112MCU Vegetation Products113MCU Volcanic114MCU Volcanic Ash115MCU Water116MCU Wood117MCU Zinc118MCU Evaporites119MCU Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP)120MCU Unpopulated997MCU Not Applicable998MCU Other999

The lowest altitude published by the host country between radio fixes which assures acceptable navigational signal coverage and meets obstacle clearing clearance requirements.


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Minimum Enroute Altitude

ASCII Text 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Structured Text N/A N/A

Presence of a divider between multiple lanes/rails.MEDCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Median Category

MED Unknown0MED With Median1MED Without Median2

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MED Median Width <5 Meters6MED Median Width >=5 Meters and <20 Meters7MED Median Width >=20 Meters and <35 Meters8MED Median Width >=35 Meters and <80 Meters9MED Median Width >=8010MED Unpopulated997MED Not Applicable998MED Other999

Maintenance facilities available at or in the near vicinity.MFACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Maintenance Facilities Available

MFA Unknown0MFA Ship maintenance and repair facilities1MFA Ship construction2MFA Barge maintenance and repair facilities3MFA Barge construction4MFA Locomotive maintenance and repair facilities5MFA Locomotive construction6MFA Aircraft maintenance and repair facilities7MFA Aircraft construction8MFA Road vehicle maintenance and repair facilities9MFA Road vehicle construction10MFA Ship salvage11MFA Sailmaker12MFA Inspection Ramp13MFA Boat Hoist14MFA General Mechanical fabrication15MFA General Electrical fabrication16MFA General Construction fabrication17MFA None995MFA Unpopulated997MFA Not Applicable998MFA Other999

Material handling facilities available at or in the near vicinity.MHFCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Material Handling Facilities

MHF Unknown0MHF Bulk grain1MHF Bulk ore2MHF Container handling3

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MHF Container trailer handling4MHF Ro-Ro (Roll on Roll off)5MHF Cranes6MHF Bulk liquids7MHF Bulk fuels8MHF Rail transfer equipment9MHF Civilian labor10MHF Forklift trucks11MHF Dock levelling facilities/vehicle or rail ramps12MHF None995MHF Unpopulated997MHF Not Applicable998MHF Other999

Tabulates mine actuation independent influence acoustic types.MIACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Actuation Independent Influence Acoustic Classification

MIA Unknown0MIA Low freq.1MIA Audio freq.2MIA High freq.3MIA Multiple freq.4MIA Unpopulated997MIA Not Applicable998MIA Other999

Tabulates attributes of independent contact mine actuation.MICCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Actuation Independent Contact Classification

MIC Unknown0MIC Plain1MIC Snagline2MIC Antenna3MIC Unpopulated997MIC Not Applicable998MIC Other999

Tabulates mine identity attributes.MIDCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Identity Classification

MID Unknown0

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MID Friend2MID Hostile3MID Neutral4MID Unpopulated997MID Not Applicable998MID Other999

Defines subsidiary mine actuation independent influence classifications and tabulates mine actuation independent influence types.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Actuation Independent Influence Classification

MII Unknown0MII Pressure1MII Combined2MII Classif. of mine actuation independent influence magnetic (MIM)3MII Classif. of mine actuation independent influence acoustic (MIA)4MII Unpopulated997MII Not Applicable998MII Other999

Tabulates mine actuation independent influence magnetic types.MIMCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Actuation Independent Influence Magnetic Classification

MIM Unknown0MIM Sensitive1MIM Mid-sensitive2MIM Course3MIM Unpopulated997MIM Not Applicable998MIM Other999

Unique mining characteristic.MINCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mining Category

MIN Unknown0MIN Borrow1MIN Horizontal Shaft2MIN Open Pit3MIN Placer4MIN Prospect5MIN Strip6

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MIN Vertical Shaft7MIN Peat Cuttings8MIN Below Surface Mine9MIN Unpopulated997MIN Not Applicable998MIN Other999

Tabulates mine actuation, independent of other types.MIOCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Actuation Independent Other Classification

MIO Unknown0MIO Electric Fields1MIO Laser Sensors2MIO Seismic3MIO Cosmic ray4MIO Infra red5MIO Redistribution6MIO Velocity field7MIO VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)8MIO Unpopulated997MIO Not Applicable998MIO Other999

A set of two numbers for light ranges of visibility (at a light) expressed in nautical miles; the numbers are separated by a slash (/) if only two visibilities exist, or by a dash (-) separating the greatest and least visibilities if three or more exist.


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Multiple Light Ranges

ASCII Text 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Tabulates mine special information special mine types.MMTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Special Information Special Mine Types Classification

MMT Unknown0MMT Anti-sweeper1MMT Anti-hunter2MMT Anti-hovercraft3MMT Drill4MMT Explosive filled5

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MMT Exercise filled6MMT Exercise7MMT Practice8MMT Disposal Charge9MMT Unpopulated997MMT Not Applicable998MMT Other999

Defines subsidiary mine actuation classifications and tabulates the Mine Actuation types.MNACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Actuation Classification

MNA Unknown0MNA Classif. of mine actuation controlled (MNC)1MNA Classif. of mine actuation independent (MNI)2MNA Mine actuation no information3MNA Unpopulated997MNA Not Applicable998MNA Other999

Defines subsidiary mine actuation classification controlled methods and classification.MNCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Actuation Controlled Classification

MNC Unknown0MNC Mine actuation controlled cable1MNC Classif. of mine actuation controlled cableless (MNL)2MNC Unpopulated997MNC Not Applicable998MNC Other999

Defines subsidiary mine actuation independent classifications.MNICode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Actuation Independent Classification

MNI Unknown0MNI Classif. of mine actuation independent contact (MIC)1MNI Classif. of mine actuation independent influence (MII)2MNI Classif. of mine actuation independent other (MIO)3MNI Unpopulated997MNI Not Applicable998MNI Other999

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Tabulates the types of cableless controlled methods and classification.MNLCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Actuation Controlled Cableless Classification

MNL Unknown0MNL Frequency Communications Link1MNL Explicit Communications link2MNL Alternating Current Communications Link3MNL Unpopulated997MNL Not Applicable998MNL Other999

The lowest published altitude in effect between radio fixes on VOR airways, off fairway routes, or route segments which meets obstacle clearance requirements for the entire route segment and which assures acceptable navigation signal.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Minimum Obstruction Clearance

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The number of lights of identical character that exist as a co-located group.MOLCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Multiplicity of Lights

Short Integer 0 to 32767 1 LTSLightsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Defines subsidiary mine position classifications and tabulates mine position types.MPCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Position Classification

MPC Unknown0MPC Classif. of mine position ground (MPG)1MPC Classif. of mine position moored (MPM)2MPC Classif. of mine position other (MPO)3MPC Mine position no information4MPC Unpopulated997MPC Not Applicable998MPC Other999

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Tabulates ground mine charge size.MPGCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Position Ground Classification

MPG Unknown0MPG <= 500 kg/charge1MPG > 500 kg2MPG Unpopulated997MPG Not Applicable998MPG Other999

Tabulates mine moored position types.MPMCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine position Moored Classification

MPM Unknown0MPM Deep Moored1MPM Short tethered2MPM Unpopulated997MPM Not Applicable998MPM Other999

Tabulates other mine position types.MPOCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Position Other Classification

MPO Unknown0MPO Drifting1MPO Oscillating2MPO Creeping3MPO Mobile4MPO Homing5MPO Rising6MPO Bouquet7MPO Active8MPO Unpopulated997MPO Not Applicable998MPO Other999

Tabulates types of mine status.MSCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Status Classification

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Annex B-Attribute and Value Codes


MSC Unknown0MSC Afloat1MSC Sunk2MSC Disposed3MSC Fouled4MSC Exploded5MSC Countermined6MSC Neutralized7MSC Rendered safe8MSC Recovered9MSC Removed10MSC Unpopulated997MSC Not Applicable998MSC Other999

Tabulates mine special information special devices types and subsidiary mine special information special devices classifications.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Special Information Special Devices Classification

MSD Unknown0MSD Arming delay1MSD Ship count2MSD Intermittent arming3MSD Delayed rising4MSD Obstructers5MSD Sterilizers6MSD Flooders7MSD Anti-watching8MSD Classif. -mine special info special devices anti-sweep wire (MSW)9MSD Classif. -mine special info special devices anti-recovery (MSR)10MSD Classif. -mine special info special devices anti-hunting (MSH)11MSD Unpopulated997MSD Not Applicable998MSD Other999

Tabulates mine special information special devices anti-hunting types.MSHCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Special Information Special Devices Anti-Hunting Classification

MSH Unknown0MSH Anechoic coating1MSH Automatic mine burial2MSH Irregular shaping3

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MSH Acoustic impedance4MSH Acoustic transparency5MSH Non-metallic case6MSH Sonar decoys7MSH VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)8MSH Unpopulated997MSH Not Applicable998MSH Other999

Defines subsidiary mine special information classifications.MSICode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Special Information Classification

MSI Unknown0MSI Classif. of mine special info usefulness (MSU)1MSI Classif. of mine special info special mine types (MMT)2MSI Classif. of mine special info special devices (MSD)3MSI Unpopulated997MSI Not Applicable998MSI Other999

Tabulates mine special information special devices anti-recovery types.MSRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Special Information Special Devices Anti-Recovery Classification

MSR Unknown0MSR Switch1MSR Mooring level switch2MSR Stripping equipment3MSR VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)4MSR Unpopulated997MSR Not Applicable998MSR Other999

Class of missile at site.MSTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Missile Site Type


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MST SA36MST SA47MST SA58MST SA69MST SA710MST SA811MST SA912MST MRBM13MST SSM14MST SAM15MST Unpopulated997MST Not Applicable998MST Other999

Tabulates mine special information usefulness types.MSUCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Special Information Usefulness Classification

MSU Unknown0MSU General purpose ground1MSU Deep water2MSU Medium depth anti-submarine3MSU Continental shelf4MSU Maritime anti-invasion5MSU Anti-surface effect vehicle6MSU Unpopulated997MSU Not Applicable998MSU Other999

Tabulates mine special information special devices anti-sweep wire types.MSWCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mine Special Information Special Devices Anti-Sweep Wire Classification

MSW Unknown0MSW Chain moorings1MSW Sprocket2MSW Grapnel3MSW Cutters4MSW Sensitive Tubing5MSW VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)6MSW Unpopulated997MSW Not Applicable998MSW Other999

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Type of mast.MTCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mast Type Category

MTC Unknown0MTC Communication Mast1MTC Television Mast2MTC Radio Mast3MTC Light Support Mast4MTC Microwave Mast5MTC Unpopulated997MTC Not Applicable998MTC Other999

Mine track Number. Expressed by a track number of 4 digits.MTNCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Mine Track Number

Short Integer -9999 to 9999 1 TRACK No.Track NumberFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Defines restrictions, direction and other characteristics of maritime tracks.MTTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Maritime Track Type

MTT Unknown0MTT Based on Fixed Marks1MTT Not Based on Fixed Marks2MTT Maximum Authorized Draft3MTT Mandatory Direction4MTT Recommended Direction5MTT Unpopulated997MTT Not Applicable998MTT Other999

The greatest distance between the traveled way and any obstruction vertically above it.MVCCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Maximum Vertical Clearance

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Tabulates mooring/warping facility types.MWFCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Mooring / Warping Facility Classification

MWF Unknown0MWF Undefined1MWF Dolphin2MWF Deviation dolphin3MWF Bollard4MWF Tie-up Wall5MWF Post or Pile6MWF Unpopulated997MWF Not Applicable998MWF Other999

The measured distance at map scale between connecting, adjacent and two-way road centerlines having divided roadbeds.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Median Width with Greater Precision

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Fundamentally a touristic name for a feature which exists in addition to a geographic name.NA2Code:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Second Name

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Fundamentally a grammalogue, index number, order or classification number for a feature.NA3Code:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Classification Name

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

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A four character country identification code as designated in FIPS Pub 10-4, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and their Principal Administrative Divisions, identifying the country and the principal administrative division in which the feature is located. The last two characters will be blank filled if principal administrative division information is not required.


Domain: Lexical

Name: Country Code

Lexical 4 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Any Identifier or code.NAMCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Name

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

The distribution of native dwellings within the delineated area of the feature.NASCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Native Settlement Type

NAS Unknown0NAS Centralized Habitation1NAS Continuous Habitation2NAS Unpopulated997NAS Not Applicable998NAS Other999

Tabulates navigation line types.NLCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Navigation Line Classification

NLC Unknown0NLC Undefined1NLC Clearing line2NLC Transit line3NLC Unpopulated997NLC Not Applicable998NLC Other999

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Name of the political entity on one side (relative to NM4) of a boundary line.NM3Code:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Name 3

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Name of the political entity on the other side (relative to NM3) of a boundary line.NM4Code:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Name 4

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Indicates the specific navigation marks system.NMSCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Navigation Mark System

NMS Undefined0NMS IALA A1NMS IALA B2NMS Modified U.S.3NMS Old U.S.4NMS U.S. Intracoastal waterway5NMS U.S. uniform state6NMS U.S. Western rivers7NMS SIGNI8NMS No System9NMS Other System10NMS Unpopulated997NMS Not Applicable998NMS Other999

The number of platforms at a railway station or similar facility.NOPCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Number of Platforms

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 PLATFORMPlatformsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Number of spans in a bridge or aqueduct.NOSCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Number of Spans

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 SPANSpansFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Total number of parallel lines within the feature.NPLCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Number of Parallel Lines

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 LINELinesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Type of equipment or system used in electronic navigation (secondary system).NS2Code:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Navigation System Types (2)

NS2 Unknown0NS2 Circular Radio Beacon1NS2 CONSOL2NS2 DECCA3NS2 Radio Direction Finding4NS2 Directional Radio Beacon5NS2 Distance Finding6NS2 Long Range Air Navigation System (LORAN)7NS2 OMEGA8NS2 VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (OTHER)9NS2 Radar Responder Beacon (RACON)10NS2 Radar11NS2 Radio12NS2 Radio Telephone13NS2 VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK14NS2 TV15NS2 Microwave16NS2 Non-Directional Radio Beacon (NDB)17NS2 NDB/Distance Measuring Equipment (NDB/DME)18NS2 Radio Range (RNG)19NS2 VHF Omni Directional Radio Range (VOR)20NS2 VHF Omni Directional (VOR /DME)21NS2 VHF Omni Directional (VORTAC)22

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NS2 Tactical Air Navigation Equipment (TACAN)23NS2 Instrument Landing System (ILS)24NS2 Instrument Landing System/Distance Measuring Equipment (ILS/DME)25NS2 Localizer (LOC)26NS2 Localizer/Distance Measuring Equipment (LOC/DME)27NS2 Simplified Directional Facility (SDF)28NS2 Landing Distance Available (LDA)29NS2 Microwave Landing System (MLS)30NS2 Fan Marker31NS2 Bone Marker32NS2 Radio Telegraph33NS2 Ground Controlled Approach (GCA)34NS2 Radar Antenna35NS2 Precision Approach Radar (PAR)37NS2 Aeronautical Radio38NS2 VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK39NS2 Radio Beacon40NS2 Rotating Loop Radio Beacon41NS2 Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Test Signal Maker42NS2 VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK43NS2 Console Radio Beacon44NS2 Radar Station45NS2 Aeronautical Radio Range46NS2 Hifix47NS2 Hyperfix48NS2 Tricolor Panel49NS2 Radio station50NS2 Radiobeacon, Type Unknown51NS2 None52NS2 QTG Station (R)53NS2 Ramark (Ramark)54NS2 Radar reflector55NS2 LO (Locator)56NS2 LLZ (Localizer)57NS2 DME (Distance Measuring Equipment)58NS2 Unpopulated997NS2 Not Applicable998NS2 Other999

Type of equipment or system used in electronic navigation (primary system).NSTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Navigation System Types

NST Unknown0NST Circular Radio Beacon1

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NST CONSOL2NST DECCA3NST Radio Direction Finding4NST Directional Radio Beacon5NST Distance Finding6NST Long Range Air Navigation System (LORAN)7NST OMEGA8NST VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)9NST Radar Responder Beacon (RACON)10NST Radar11NST Radio12NST Radio Telephone13NST VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK14NST TV15NST Microwave16NST Non-Directional Radio Beacon (NDB)17NST NDB/Distance Measuring Equipment (NDB/DME)18NST Radio Range (RNG)19NST VHF Omni Directional Radio Range (VOR)20NST VHF Omni Directional (VOR/DME)21NST VHF Omni Directional (VORTAC)22NST Tactical Air Navigation Equipment (TACAN)23NST Instrument Landing System (ILS)24NST Instrument Landing System/Distance Measuring Equipment (ILS/DME)25NST Localizer (LOC)26NST Localizer/Distance Measuring Equipment (LOC/DME)27NST Simplified Directional Facility (SDF)28NST Landing Distance Available (LDA)29NST Microwave Landing System (MLS)30NST Fan Marker31NST Bone Marker32NST Radio Telegraph33NST Ground Controlled Approach (GCA)34NST Radar Antenna35NST Precision Approach Radar (PAR)37NST Aeronautical Radio38NST VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK39NST Radio Beacon40NST Rotating Loop Radio Beacon41NST Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Test Signal Maker42NST VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK43NST Consol Radio Beacon44NST Radar Station45NST Aeronautical Radio Range46NST Hifix47

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NST Hyperfix48NST Tricolor Panel49NST Radio station50NST Radiobeacon, Type Unknown51NST None52NST QTG Station (R)53NST Ramark (Ramark)54NST Radar reflector55NST LO (Locator)56NST LLZ (Localizer)57NST DME (Distance Measuring Equipment)58NST Differential GPS59NST Toran60NST Syledis61NST Chaika (Chayka)62NST Unpopulated997NST Not Applicable998NST Other999

Tabulates types of oil barriers.OBCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Oil Barrier Classification

OBC Undefined0OBC Oil retention (high pressure pipe)1OBC Floating oil barrier2OBC Unpopulated997OBC Not Applicable998OBC Other999

The coded distance between the traveled way and any obstruction vertically above it. (Ref. STANAG 2253).


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Overhead Clearance Category Code

OCC Unknown0OCC Restricted1OCC Unlimited2OCC Unpopulated997OCC Not Applicable998OCC Other999

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Opposite direction of flow value of air route segments.ODFCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Opposite Direction of Flow

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Vertical distance measured from the lowest point at ground or water level to the highest portion of bridge (including superstructure).


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Overall Height of Bridge

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The least distance between the traveled way and any obstruction vertically above it. (Ref. STANAG 2253)


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Overhead Clearance Category

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Categorized maximum height or depth of an obstacle feature, in meters, with delineated segment of area.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Derived Obstacle Height/Depth Category

OHD Unknown0OHD >1.5 and <=5.01OHD >5.0 and <=10.02OHD >10.0 and <=20.03OHD >20.0 and <=40.04OHD >40.05OHD Unpopulated997OHD Not Applicable998OHD Other999

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Indicates whether single or multiple obstruction lights are present.OLQCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Obstruction Light Quality

OLQ Unknown0OLQ One Light Present1OLQ Multiple Lights Present2OLQ Unpopulated997OLQ Not Applicable998OLQ Other999

Type of overhead obstruction.OOCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Overhead Obstruction Category

OOC Unknown0OOC Viaduct, frame construction1OOC Viaduct, arc construction2OOC Roof3OOC Powerline of railway4OOC High-Tension powerline5OOC Bridge Superstructure6OOC Unpopulated997OOC Not Applicable998OOC Other999

Tabulates types of offshore platforms.OPCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Offshore Platform Classification

OPC Undefined0OPC Oil derrick/rig1OPC Production Platform2OPC Observation/Research Platform3OPC Articulated Loading Platform (ALP)4OPC Single anchor leg mooring (SALM)5OPC Mooring Tower6OPC Artificial Island7OPC Floating production, storage and off-loading vessel (FPSO)8OPC Accommodation Platform9OPC Unpopulated997OPC Not Applicable998OPC Other999

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Indicates whether or not the feature is in operation.OPSCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Operational Status

OPS Unknown0OPS Operational1OPS Non-Operational2OPS Unpopulated997OPS Not Applicable998OPS Other999

The operating times for facilities, airspace, etc.OPTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Operations Times

OPT Unknown0OPT Daytime (Sunrise/Sunset)1OPT Nighttime2OPT Continuous3OPT Summertime (April-October)4OPT Wintertime (November-March)5OPT Unpopulated997OPT Not Applicable998OPT Other999

The secondary range of the NAVAID beyond which the capture of the signal is not completely assured.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Operating Range Category (2)

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 NMNautical MilesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The range of the NAVAID beyond which the capture of the signal is not completely assured.ORCCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Operating Range Category

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 NMNautical MilesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Indicator of relative importance of a featureORDCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Ordinal Category

ORD Unknown0ORD Primary/1st Order1ORD Secondary/2nd Order2ORD Tertiary/3rd Order3ORD Quaternary/4th Order4ORD Quintary/5th Order5ORD Unpopulated997ORD Not Applicable998ORD Other999

Times or conditions during which the use of a feature is restricted.ORSCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Operating Restrictions

ORS Unknown0ORS Daytime operations only (Sunrise/Sunset)1ORS Nighttime2ORS Continuous operations3ORS Susceptible to snow4ORS Susceptible to ice5ORS Susceptible to flooding6ORS Special restrictions apply, see TXT996ORS Unpopulated997ORS Not Applicable998ORS Other999

Indicates the presence of an obstruction over an area of navigable water.OWOCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Over Water Obstruction

OWO Unknown0OWO Feature crosses navigable water1OWO Feature does not cross navigable water2OWO Unpopulated997OWO Not Applicable998OWO Other999

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The color breakdown of pattern of buoy.PATCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Buoy Pattern Category

PAT Unknown0PAT Checkered1PAT Diagonal Bands2PAT Single Color3PAT Horizontal Bands4PAT VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK5PAT Vertical Stripes6PAT Stripes (Direction Unknown)7PAT Border Stripe8PAT Squared98PAT Horizontal bands from top to bottom99PAT Unpopulated997PAT Not Applicable998PAT Other999

Tabulates types of pilot boarding place.PBPCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Pilot Boarding Place Classification

PBP Undefined0PBP Boarding by pilot-cruising vessel1PBP Boarding by helicopter2PBP Pilot comes out from shore3PBP Unpopulated997PBP Not Applicable998PBP Other999

The method by which pilots are transferred to and from ships using pilot services.PBVCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Pilot Boarding Vehicle

PBV Unknown0PBV By Boat1PBV By Helicopter2PBV Unpopulated997PBV Not Applicable998PBV Other999

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Percentage of total composition.PCCCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Percentage Content

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Identifies category of feature associated with a point of change.PCICode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Point of Change Identifier

PCI Unknown0PCI Transportation / road or railroad1PCI Hydrography / drainage2PCI Boundaries3PCI Road width change4PCI Obstacles5PCI Unpopulated997PCI Not Applicable998PCI Other999

Number of pedestrians a feature can accommodate.PCUCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Pedestrian Capacity

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 PERSONPersonsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The end of the active period for a seasonal object (e.g. a buoy). Coded YYYYMMDD.PDECode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

ASCII Text 8 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Structured Text N/A N/A

Number of pedestrians per time unit (this attribute utilizes the structured text approach), e.g. 10(persons)[per hour].


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Pedestrian Rate

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ASCII Text 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Structured Text N/A N/A

The start of the active period for a seasonal object (e.g. a buoy). Coded YYYYMMDD.PDSCode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

ASCII Text 8 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Structured Text N/A N/A

The time occupied by an entire cycle of intervals of light and eclipse.PERCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Period of Light

Floating Point 0.1 SecondSecondsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Evaluation of the position accuracy of a Non-submarine contact. Reference STANAG 3715.PEVCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Position Evaluation

PEV Unknown0PEV Accuracy <= 1 nautical mile1PEV Accuracy > 1 nautical mile and <= 3 nautical miles2PEV Accuracy > 3 nautical miles and <= 5 nautical miles3PEV Accuracy > 5 nautical miles and <= 10 nautical miles4PEV Accuracy uncertain5PEV Unpopulated997PEV Not Applicable998PEV Other999

Predominant Depth within delineation of feature.PFDCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Predominant Feature Depth

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Predominant depth within the delineation of feature.PFECode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Floating Point .01 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Predominant height within delineation of feature.PFGCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Floating Point .01 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Predominant height within delineation of feature.PFHCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Predominant Feature Height

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Predominant height range of a specified urban area (reported in 10 meter ranges).PH4Code:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Predominant Height (10 m Range)

PH4 Unknown0PH4 <= 101PH4 > 10 and <= 202PH4 > 20 and <= 303PH4 > 30 and <= 404PH4 > 40 and <= 505PH4 > 50 and <= 606PH4 > 60 and <= 707PH4 > 70 and <= 808PH4 > 80 and <= 909PH4 > 90 and <= 10010PH4 > 10011PH4 Not Applicable12PH4 Unpopulated997PH4 Other999

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Height of 51% or more of the feature. If not obtainable, then the average height of the feature will be used.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Predominant Height

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Specifies whether a pictorial representation of the object is available.PICCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Pictorial Representation

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Specifies the pilot district for which a pilot is responsible.PILCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Pilot District

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Tabulates types of piles.PLCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Pile Classification

PLC Undefined0PLC Stake1PLC Snag2PLC Post3PLC Tripodal4PLC Unpopulated997PLC Not Applicable998PLC Other999

Identifies function of pipeline.PLTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Pipeline Type

PLT Undefined0

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PLT Transport1PLT Outfall2PLT Intake3PLT Sewer4PLT Valve5PLT Pipeline in general6PLT Bubbler System7PLT Supply Pipe8PLT Unpopulated997PLT Not Applicable998PLT Other999

Place determined to be of interest or importance.POICode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Point of Interest

POI Unknown0POI Historic Battlefield1POI Unpopulated997POI Not Applicable998POI Other999

Classifies the kinds of ponds that the partitions separate.POPCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Pond Partition Category

POP Unknown0POP Fish Pond1POP Reservoir2POP Waste Pond3POP Unpopulated997POP Not Applicable998POP Other999

Energy source used to generate power.PPCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Power Plant Category

PPC Unknown0PPC Hydro-electric1PPC Nuclear2PPC Solar3PPC Thermal4PPC Wind5

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PPC Tidal6PPC Internal Combustion7PPC Unpopulated997PPC Not Applicable998PPC Other999

The number of people within a feature (e.g., administrative and built-up areas).PPLCode:

Definition:Domain: Long Integer

Name: Populated Place Category

Long Integer 1 PERSONPersonsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The type of populated place.PPTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Populated Place Type

PPT Unknown0PPT Native Settlement1PPT Shanty Town2PPT Tent Dwellings3PPT Inland Village99PPT Unpopulated997PPT Not Applicable998PPT Other999

Beginning month for restrictions due to climate or other limitations.PR1Code:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Periodic Restriction Beginning

PR1 Unknown0PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - Jan.1PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - Feb.2PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - Mar.3PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - Apr.4PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - May5PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - Jun.6PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - Jul.7PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - Aug.8PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - Sep.9PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - Oct.10PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - Nov.11PR1 Beginning seasonal limit - Dec.12

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PR1 Unpopulated997PR1 Not Applicable998PR1 Other999

Ending month for restrictions due to climate or other limitations.PR2Code:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Periodic Restriction Ending

PR2 Unknown0PR2 Ending seasonal limit - Jan.1PR2 Ending seasonal limit - Feb.2PR2 Ending seasonal limit - Mar.3PR2 Ending seasonal limit - Apr.4PR2 Ending seasonal limit - May5PR2 Ending seasonal limit - Jun.6PR2 Ending seasonal limit - Jul.7PR2 Ending seasonal limit - Aug.8PR2 Ending seasonal limit - Sep.9PR2 Ending seasonal limit - Oct.10PR2 Ending seasonal limit - Nov.11PR2 Ending seasonal limit - Dec.12PR2 Unpopulated997PR2 Not Applicable998PR2 Other999

Restriction due to climate or other limitations.PRCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Periodic Restriction Category

PRC Unknown0PRC Perennially Open, Not Subject to Ice1PRC Subject to Ice2PRC Permanent Ice3PRC Seasonal limit - Jan.4PRC Seasonal limit - Feb.5PRC Seasonal limit - Mar.6PRC Seasonal limit - Apr.7PRC Seasonal limit - May8PRC Seasonal limit - Jun.9PRC Seasonal limit - Jul.10PRC Seasonal limit - Aug.11PRC Seasonal limit - Sep.12PRC Seasonal limit - Oct.13PRC Seasonal limit - Nov.14

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PRC Seasonal limit - Dec.15PRC Closed16PRC Unpopulated997PRC Not Applicable998PRC Other999

Indicates whether an object is temporary or permanent. See EXS 11 and EXS 18.PRMCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

PRM Unknown0PRM Permanent1PRM Temporary2PRM Unpopulated997PRM Not Applicable998PRM Other999

Principal material involved or product resulting from activity at site.PROCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Product Category

PRO Unknown0PRO Aircraft1PRO Aluminum2PRO Ammunition3PRO Ash4PRO Asphalt5PRO Basalt6PRO Bedrock7PRO Boulders8PRO Brick9PRO Calcareous10PRO Cement11PRO Chalk12PRO Chemical13PRO Cinders14PRO Cirripedia15PRO Clay16PRO Coal17PRO Cobble18PRO Coke19PRO Composition20PRO Concrete21PRO Conglomerate22

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PRO Copper23PRO Coral24PRO Coral Head25PRO Desalinated Water26PRO Diamonds27PRO Diatoms28PRO Dolomite29PRO Earthen30PRO Electric31PRO Eroded Lands32PRO Explosives33PRO Flysch34PRO Food35PRO Foraminifera36PRO Fucus37PRO Gas38PRO Gasoline39PRO Glass40PRO Globigerina41PRO Gold42PRO Granite43PRO VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK44PRO Grass/Thatch45PRO Gravel46PRO Green Rocks47PRO Ground48PRO Ground (Shells)49PRO Heat50PRO Iron51PRO Lava52PRO VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK53PRO Lead54PRO Loess55PRO Lumber56PRO Macadam57PRO Madrepores58PRO Manganese59PRO Marble60PRO Marl61PRO Masonry (Brick/Stone)62PRO Mattes63PRO Metal64PRO Mud65PRO Mussels66PRO Oil67

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PRO Oil Blister68PRO Ooze69PRO Oysters70PRO Paper71PRO Part Metal72PRO Pebbles73PRO Plastic74PRO Polyzoa75PRO Porphyry76PRO Prestressed Concrete77PRO Pteropods78PRO Pumice79PRO Quartz80PRO Radiolaria81PRO Radioactive Material82PRO Reinforced Concrete83PRO Rock/Rocky84PRO Rubber85PRO Rubble86PRO Salt87PRO Sand88PRO Sandstone89PRO Schist90PRO VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK91PRO Scoria92PRO Sea Tangle93PRO Seaweed94PRO Sewage95PRO Shells96PRO VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK97PRO Shingle98PRO Silt99PRO Silver100PRO Slag101PRO Sludge102PRO Snow/Ice103PRO Soil104PRO Spicules105PRO Sponge106PRO Steel107PRO Stone108PRO Sugar109PRO Travertine110PRO Tufa111PRO Uranium112

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PRO Vegetation Products113PRO Volcanic114PRO Volcanic Ash115PRO Water116PRO Wood117PRO Zinc118PRO Bauxite119PRO Bananas120PRO Cotton121PRO Bamboo122PRO Coffee123PRO Common fruit and/or nuts124PRO Palms125PRO Palmetto126PRO Tailings127PRO Refuse128PRO Tobacco129PRO None130PRO Personnel131PRO VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK(Not Applicable)132PRO Telecommunications133PRO Fish134PRO Textile135PRO Automobiles and Trucks137PRO Crustaceans138PRO Cultivated Shellfish139PRO Ore140PRO Drinking Water141PRO Milk142PRO Sawdust and, or Wood Chips143PRO Scrap Metal144PRO Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)145PRO Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)146PRO Wine147PRO Grain148PRO Mineral Oil149PRO Waste150PRO Not Applicable997PRO Multiple998PRO Other999

Principal characteristic(s) of the surface.PSCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Physical Surface Characteristics

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PSC Unknown0PSC Broken1PSC Coarse2PSC Decayed3PSC Fine, minute particles4PSC Gritty5PSC Hard6PSC Rotten7PSC Soft8PSC Sticky9PSC Stiff10PSC Streaky11PSC Tenacious12PSC Uneven13PSC Bare/cleared14PSC Karst15PSC Membrane16PSC Calcareous17PSC Flinty18PSC Glacial19PSC Ground20PSC Large21PSC Rocky22PSC Small23PSC Speckled24PSC Varied25PSC Volcanic26PSC Medium27PSC Springs in Seabed28PSC Mobile Bottom29PSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Medium)99PSC Unsurfaced100PSC Unpopulated997PSC Not Applicable998PSC Other999

Describes the physical state of the feature.PSTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Physical State Category

PST Unknown0PST Solid1PST Liquid2PST Unpopulated997PST Not Applicable998

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PST Other999

Classification of decked berthing structure, based on configuration and structure.PWCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Pier/Wharf /Quay Classification

PWC Unknown0PWC Pier1PWC Wharf2PWC Quay3PWC Unpopulated997PWC Not Applicable998PWC Other999

The three character tag for the Source or Quality Record followed by the record number, (e.g. QAL4).


Domain: Lexical

Name: Quality/Source Record Identifiers

Lexical 4 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Releasability statement with regard to the feature.QLECode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Releasability

Lexical 4 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Stipulates the quality of the position.QUACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Quality of Position

QUA Undefined0QUA Surveyed1QUA Unsurveyed2QUA Inadequately surveyed3QUA Approximated4QUA Doubtful5QUA Unreliable6QUA Reported (not surveyed)7QUA Reported (not confirmed)8

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QUA Estimated9QUA Calculated10QUA Unpopulated997QUA Not Applicable998QUA Other999

Percentage reliability of a Qualitative Attribute.QULCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Percentage Reliability of a Qualitative Attribute

Short Integer 0 to 100 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Standard deviation of a Qualitative Attribute.QUTCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Standard Deviation of a Qualitative Attribute

Short Integer 0 to 4 1 UnitNumericFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Radius of curvature of sharp curves, expressed in meters.RADCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Radius of Sharp Curve

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Radius of effectiveness of a navigational aid.RANCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Range of Effectiveness

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 NMNautical MilesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Tabulates types of radar stations.RASCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Radar Station Classification

RAS Undefined0RAS Radar surveillance station1

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RAS Coast radar station2RAS Unpopulated997RAS Not Applicable998RAS Other999

Reliability of bridge characteristics and military load classification based upon data source.RBCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Reliability of Bridge

RBC Unknown0RBC Known1RBC Estimated2RBC Unpopulated997RBC Not Applicable998RBC Other999

The date when the specific object or cartographic primitive was captured, edited, or deleted. Coded YYYYMMDD.


Domain: ASCII Text

ASCII Text 8 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Structured Text N/A N/A

Classifies the various types of roads.RDTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Road Type

RDT Unknown0RDT Street1RDT Rapid transit2RDT Laneway3RDT Service Lane4RDT Unpopulated997RDT Not Applicable998RDT Other999

Indicates whether or not a radar reflector is attached to, or connected with, a feature.REFCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Radar Reflector Attribute

REF Unknown0REF Radar Reflector Present1

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REF Radar Reflector Absent2REF Unpopulated997REF Not Applicable998REF Other999

Name of religious order at site.RELCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Religious Denomination

REL Unknown0REL Buddhist1REL Moslem2REL Roman Catholic3REL Christian (undefined)4REL Judaism5REL Greek Orthodox6REL Protestant7REL Shinto8REL Unpopulated997REL Not Applicable998REL Other999

The type of sonar reflection detected.RETCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Reflection Type Category

RET Unknown0RET Hyperbolic, from Bottom1RET Hyperbolic, from Sub-Bottom2RET Unpopulated997RET Not Applicable998RET Other999

Specifies the specific frequency of a radar transponder beacon.RFQCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Radar Transponder Beacon Frequency

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 KHZKilohertzFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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The type of gauge used.RGCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Railroad Gauge Category

RGC Unknown0RGC Broad1RGC Narrow2RGC Normal (Country Specific)3RGC Any4RGC Standard (US) 4ft. 8.5 in.5RGC Unpopulated997RGC Not Applicable998RGC Other999

Indicates relative location of a beacon or light in a range.RGSCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Range Significance

RGS Unknown0RGS Front1RGS Middle2RGS Rear3RGS Shared4RGS Unpopulated997RGS Not Applicable998RGS Other999

The unique interchange design.RITCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Road Interchange Type

RIT Unknown0RIT Cloverleaf1RIT Diamond2RIT Fork3RIT Rotary/Traffic Circle/Roundabout4RIT Staggered Ramps5RIT Standard Ramps6RIT Symmetrical Ramps7RIT Trumpet8RIT Turban9RIT Wye10RIT Unpopulated997

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RIT Not Applicable998RIT Other999

The structure of a rock formation.RKFCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Rock Strata Formation


Maximum load allowable on any single railroad vehicle axle.RMACode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Railroad Maximum Axle Load

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 TONTonsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Maximum load allowable on a segment of a railroad or railroad feature.RMTCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Railroad Maximum Load

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 TONTonsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Alternative official route number (I-95,A-1,M-2 etc.) assigned to the feature.RN2Code:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Secondary Route Number

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

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Significance of feature, indicates likely range of facilities available at or in the close vicinity.RNKCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Ranking of Feature

RNK Unknown0RNK Primary Rank1RNK Secondary Rank2RNK Tertiary Rank3RNK Unpopulated997RNK Not Applicable998RNK Other999

Tabulates types of radio stations.ROSCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Radio Station Classification

ROS Undefined0ROS Circular (non-directional) marine or aeromarine radio beacon1ROS Directional radio beacon2ROS Rotating pattern radio beacon3ROS Consol beacon4ROS Radio direction finding station5ROS Coast radio station providing QTG service6ROS Aeronautical radio beacon7ROS Unpopulated997ROS Not Applicable998ROS Other999

An indicator that a water feature is used for access to a required port, or that the feature is in a water body used for access to a required port.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Required Port Access

RPA Unknown0RPA Access Required1RPA Access Not Required2RPA Unpopulated997RPA Not Applicable998RPA Other999

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Source of electrical power for railroad.RRACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Railroad Power Source

RRA Unknown0RRA Electrified Track1RRA Overhead Electrified3RRA Non-electrified4RRA Unpopulated997RRA Not Applicable998RRA Other999

The type of railroad system used to support various transportation uses.RRCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Railroad Categories

RRC Unknown0RRC Car-Line2RRC Monorail3RRC Subway6RRC Logging8RRC Miniature10RRC Rapid Transit Route - Rail11RRC Marine Railroad13RRC Tramway14RRC Inclined Railway15RRC Main Line16RRC Branch Line17RRC Railroad in Road21RRC Unpopulated997RRC Not Applicable998RRC Other999

Type of connecting track.RSACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Rail Siding/Spur Attribute

RSA Unknown0RSA Spur1RSA Siding2RSA Passing3RSA Unpopulated997RSA Not Applicable998

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RSA Other999

Tabulates types of rescue station.RSCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Rescue Station Classification

RSC Undefined0RSC Rescue station with life boat1RSC Rescue station with rocket2RSC Rescue station with life boat and rocket3RSC Refuge for shipwrecked mariners4RSC Refuge for intertidal area walkers5RSC Lifeboat lying at a mooring6RSC Unpopulated997RSC Not Applicable998RSC Other999

The physical surface composition of a road or runway.RSTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Road/Runway Surface Type

RST Unknown0RST Hard/Paved1RST Loose/Unpaved2RST Loose/Light3RST Corduroy4RST Grass/Sod (Soft)5RST Natural6RST Permanent7RST Temporary8RST Unpopulated997RST Not Applicable998RST Other999

The arrangement of trackage on a single railroad bed including both directions.RTACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Railroad Track Arrangement

RTA Unknown0RTA Single1RTA Double2RTA Multiple3RTA Juxtaposition4RTA Unpopulated997

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RTA Not Applicable998RTA Other999

Tabulates types of radar transponder beacon.RTBCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Radar Transponder Beacon Classification

RTB Undefined0RTB Ramark, radar beacon transmitting continuously1RTB Racon, radar transponder beacon with Morse identification2RTB Leading Racon and, or Radar Transponder Beacon3RTB Unpopulated997RTB Not Applicable998RTB Other999

NATO road type classification (see STANAG 3675).RTCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Road Type Category

RTC Unknown0RTC NATO Category X1RTC NATO Category Y2RTC NATO Category Z3RTC Unpopulated997RTC Not Applicable998RTC Other999

Official route number (I-95, M-2, A-1, etc.) assigned to the feature.RTNCode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Route Number

ASCII Text 24 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Indicates the method of containing the water in a reservoir.RTPCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Reservoir Type

RTP Unknown0RTP Constructed Basin1RTP Back-up Water Impounded by a Dam2RTP Unpopulated997RTP Not Applicable998

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RTP Other999

Intended use of the route.RTTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Route Intended Use

RTT Unknown0RTT Recommended Track1RTT Recommended Track for Other Than Deep Draft Vessels2RTT Recommended Track for Deep Draft Vessels3RTT Deep Water Route4RTT Transit Route5RTT Radar Guided Track6RTT Measured Distance Line7RTT Safety Fairway/Channel8RTT Traffic Lane (TSS)9RTT Roundabout Lane (TSS)10RTT Two-way Route11RTT Recommended Track (TSS)12RTT Recommended Direction of Traffic Flow13RTT Primary Route14RTT Secondary Route15RTT Limited Access Route (e.g. Motorway/Autobahn/Interstate)16RTT Q-Route17RTT Recommended Traffic Lane Part96RTT Centerline97RTT Deep Water Route - Centerline98RTT Deep Water Route - Part99RTT Unpopulated997RTT Not Applicable998RTT Other999

Tabulates types of signal station, warning.SAWCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Signal Station, Warning Classification

SAW Undefined0SAW Danger1SAW Maritime obstruction2SAW Cable3SAW Military practice4SAW Distress5SAW Weather6SAW Storm7

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SAW Ice8SAW Time9SAW Tide10SAW Tidal stream11SAW Tide gauge12SAW Tide scale13SAW Diving14SAW Unpopulated997SAW Not Applicable998SAW Other999

Indicates whether a linear stand of trees functions as a shelter belt, protecting roadways, railroads, cropland, construction, etc., from the effects of adverse weather.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Shelter Belt Condition

SBC Unknown0SBC Functions as a shelter belt1SBC Does not function as a shelter belt2SBC Unpopulated997SBC Not Applicable998SBC Other999

Type of available water.SCCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Spring/Well Characteristic Category


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Estimated range (1) of the average stem diameter within area of feature, determined in centimeters at a distance of 1.4 meters above the ground.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Stem Diameter Size Range (1)

SD1 Unknown0SD1 > 0 and <= 5.001SD1 > 5.00 and <= 10.002SD1 > 10.00 and <= 20.003SD1 > 20.00 and <= 30.004SD1 > 30.00 and <= 40.005SD1 > 40.00 and <= 60.006SD1 > 60.007SD1 Not Applicable8SD1 Unpopulated997SD1 Other999

Estimated range (2) of the average stem diameter within area of feature, determined in centimeters at a distance of 1.4 meters above the ground.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Stem Diameter Size Range (2)

SD2 Unknown0SD2 > 0 and <= 10.001SD2 > 10.00 and <= 30.002SD2 > 30.00 and <= 60.003SD2 > 60.00 and <= 100.004SD2 > 100.005SD2 Not Applicable6SD2 Unpopulated997SD2 Other999

General depth of soil or surface material.SDCCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Soil Depth Category

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Ranges of detailed depth (meters) of soil or unconsolidated material over bedrock.SDECode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

SDE Unknown0SDE <=0.251SDE >0.25 and <=0.52SDE >0.5 and <=1.53SDE >1.5 and <=2.54SDE >2.5 and <=5.05SDE >5.0 and <=10.06SDE >10.07SDE Unpopulated997SDE Not Applicable998SDE Other999

Characteristic alignment of the dune as caused by the prevailing winds.SDOCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Sand Dune Orientation

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The average diameter of trees in a stand, measured at a height of 1.4 m above the ground.SDRCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Floating Point 0.01 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The average diameter of trees in a stand, measured at a height of 1.4 m above the ground.SDSCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Stem Diameter Size

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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A property of large bodies of water characterized by tidal conditions, swells, or high heavy wave action. The condition can apply to both fresh and salt water.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Sea Area Classification

SEA Undefined0SEA Sea area in general1SEA Gat2SEA Bank3SEA Deep4SEA Bay5SEA Bench6SEA Basin7SEA Watt8SEA Trench9SEA Mud Flats10SEA Reef11SEA Ledge12SEA Canyon13SEA Narrows14SEA Shoal15SEA Knoll16SEA Ridge17SEA Seamount18SEA Pinnacle19SEA Abyssal Plain20SEA Plateau21SEA Spur22SEA Shelf23SEA Trough24SEA Saddle25SEA Abyssal Hills26SEA Apron27SEA Archipelagic Apron28SEA Borderland29SEA Continental Margin30SEA Continental Rise31SEA Escarpment32SEA Fan33SEA Fracture Zone34SEA Gap35SEA Guyot36SEA Hill37SEA Hole38

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SEA Levee39SEA Median Valley40SEA Moat41SEA Mountains42SEA Peak43SEA Province44SEA Rise45SEA Sea Channel46SEA Seamount Chain47SEA Shelf-edge48SEA Sill49SEA Slope50SEA Terrace51SEA Valley52SEA Canal53SEA Lake54SEA River55SEA Unpopulated997SEA Not Applicable998SEA Other999

Defines the highest level of security associated with a feature.SECCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Security Classification

SEC Unknown0SEC Top Secret1SEC Secret2SEC Confidential3SEC Restricted4SEC Unclassified5SEC Unpopulated997SEC Not Applicable998SEC Other999

Specifies the sequence of times occupied by intervals of light and eclipse.SEQCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Sequence of a Signal

Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

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Storage facilities available at or in the near vicinity.SFACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Storage Facilities

SFA Unknown0SFA Soft standing only1SFA Hard standing only2SFA Dutch Barn3SFA Warehouse4SFA Specialized warehouse5SFA Grain storage6SFA Ore storage7SFA Liquid storage8SFA Explosives9SFA Ammunition10SFA Gaseous storage11SFA Salt12SFA Gravel13SFA Sand14SFA Explosives15SFA Food16SFA Diesel Fuel17SFA Gasoline18SFA Oil19SFA Water20SFA None995SFA Unpopulated997SFA Not Applicable998SFA Other999

Type of object or area on the sea floor or below the water surface.SFCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Sea Floor Feature Category

SFC Unknown (Obstruction)0SFC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)2SFC Fish Haven3SFC Well4SFC Submerged Production Platform5SFC Wreckage6SFC Shoaling7SFC Less Water Reported8SFC Unexploded Ordnance9

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SFC Unspecified Non-submarine Contact10SFC Pinnacle11SFC Unpopulated997SFC Not Applicable998SFC Other999

Percentage of slope. (i.e. The change in height divided by the horizontal distance over which the change takes place, times one hundred ((h2-h1)/d)*100.)


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Gradient/Slope

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The angular distance measured from true north (0 degrees) clockwise to the direction of maximum uphill slope of a feature.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Slope Gradient Orientation

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Minimum safe horizontal distance between adjacent structures on either side of a navigable channel.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Safe Horizontal Clearance

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Tabulates the topography and material types likely to be found on a shoreline.SHOCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Shoreline Category

SHO Unknown0SHO Hillocks1SHO Flat2SHO Sandy3SHO Stony or shingly shore4SHO Artificial5SHO Steep6

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SHO Glacier7SHO Ice Coast8SHO Steep Coast9SHO Unpopulated997SHO Not Applicable998SHO Other999

Describes the characteristic geometric form of the beacon.SHPCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Shape of Beacon

SHP Undefined0SHP Stake/Pole1SHP Withy2SHP Beacon Tower3SHP Lattice Beacon4SHP Pile Beacon5SHP Cairn6SHP Buoyant Beacon7SHP Daymark Board - Square8SHP Daymark Board - Triangle9SHP Daymark Board - Rectangle10SHP Articulated Beacon11SHP Unpopulated997SHP Not Applicable998SHP Other999

Indicates the composition of the feature.SICCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Snow/Ice Category

SIC Unknown0SIC Snow1SIC Ice2SIC Unpopulated997SIC Not Applicable998SIC Other999

Tabulates types of signal station, traffic.SITCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Signal Station, Traffic Classification

SIT Undefined0SIT Port control1

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SIT Port entry and departure2SIT International port traffic3SIT Berthing4SIT Dock5SIT Lock6SIT Flood barrage7SIT Bridge passage8SIT Dredging9SIT Unpopulated997SIT Not Applicable998SIT Other999

Predominant slope range (1) on the left bank (facing downstream) in percent, measured from mean water level to the first accessible break in slope above the mean water level.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Slope Gradient Left (1)

SL1 Unknown0SL1 <= 301SL1 > 30 and <= 452SL1 > 45 and <= 603SL1 > 604SL1 Not Applicable5SL1 Unpopulated997SL1 Other999

Predominant slope range (2) of the left bank (facing downstream) in percent, measured from mean water level to the first accessible break in slope above the mean water level.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Slope Gradient Left (2)

SL2 Unknown0SL2 <= 601SL2 > 602SL2 Not Applicable3SL2 Unpopulated997SL2 Other999

A description of any load restrictions which apply to ships using a section of waterway or facility.SLCCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Shipping Load Class

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Lexical 80 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

The physical characteristic of the shoreline area.SLTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Shoreline Type Category

SLT Unknown0SLT Mangrove/Nipa6SLT Marsh, Swamp8SLT Rocky10SLT Rubble11SLT Sandy13SLT Stony, Shingly14SLT VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)15SLT Coral16SLT Ice17SLT Unpopulated997SLT Not Applicable998SLT Other999

Estimates general depth of soil or unconsolidated surface materials, expressed in 0.5 meter increments.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Surficial Material Depth Category

SM1 Unknown0SM1 < 0.5 (Meters)1SM1 >= 0.5 (Meters)2SM1 Unpopulated997SM1 Not Applicable998SM1 Other999

Surface material composition excluding internal structural material.SMCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Surface Material Category

SMC Unknown0SMC Aircraft1SMC Aluminum2SMC Ammunition3SMC Ash4SMC Asphalt5

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SMC Basalt6SMC Bedrock7SMC Boulders8SMC Brick9SMC Calcareous10SMC Cement11SMC Chalk12SMC Chemical13SMC Cinders14SMC Cirripedia15SMC Clay16SMC Coal17SMC Cobble18SMC Coke19SMC Composition20SMC Concrete21SMC Conglomerate22SMC Copper23SMC Coral24SMC Coral Head25SMC Desalinated Water26SMC Diamonds27SMC Diatoms28SMC Dolomite29SMC Earthen30SMC Electric31SMC Eroded Lands32SMC Explosives33SMC Flysch34SMC Food35SMC Foraminifera36SMC Fucus37SMC Gas38SMC Gasoline39SMC Glass40SMC Globigerina41SMC Gold42SMC Granite43SMC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK44SMC Grass/Thatch45SMC Gravel46SMC Green Rocks47SMC Ground48SMC Ground (Shells)49SMC Heat50

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SMC Iron51SMC Lava52SMC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK53SMC Lead54SMC Loess55SMC Lumber56SMC Macadam57SMC Madrepores58SMC Manganese59SMC Marble60SMC Marl61SMC Masonry (Brick/Stone)62SMC Mattes63SMC Metal64SMC Mud65SMC Mussels66SMC Oil67SMC Oil Blister68SMC Ooze69SMC Oysters70SMC Paper71SMC Part Metal72SMC Pebbles73SMC Plastic74SMC Polyzoa75SMC Porphyry76SMC Prestressed Concrete77SMC Pteropods78SMC Pumice79SMC Quartz80SMC Radiolaria81SMC Radioactive Material82SMC Reinforced Concrete83SMC Rock/Rocky84SMC Rubber85SMC Rubble86SMC Salt87SMC Sand88SMC Sandstone89SMC Schist90SMC Spoils/Tailings91SMC Scoria92SMC Sea Tangle93SMC Seaweed94SMC Sewage95

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SMC Shells96SMC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK97SMC Shingle98SMC Silt99SMC Silver100SMC Slag101SMC Sludge102SMC Snow/Ice103SMC Soil104SMC Spicules105SMC Sponge106SMC Steel107SMC Stone108SMC Sugar109SMC Travertine110SMC Tufa111SMC Uranium112SMC Vegetation Products113SMC Volcanic114SMC Volcanic Ash115SMC Water116SMC Wood117SMC Zinc118SMC Distorted Surface119SMC Sand and Gravel120SMC Rip-Rap121SMC Evaporites122SMC Sand and Boulders124SMC Sand and Mud126SMC Karst127SMC Kelp198SMC Sandwaves199SMC Herbaceous/Scrub Vegetation (Excluding trees)200SMC Trees201SMC Wetland Vegetation202SMC Herbaceous Vegetation203SMC Treed Vegetation204SMC Paint205SMC Composite - 50 % or more of the runway length is permanent250SMC PEM - part concrete, part asphalt or part bitumen bound macadam251SMC Permanent - hard surface type unknown252SMC Bituminous - tar or asphalt mixed in place, oiled253SMC Composite Soft - less than 50% of the runway length is permanent254SMC Graded or rolled earth, grass on graded earth255SMC Grass or earth not graded or rolled256

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SMC Ice257SMC Snow258SMC Macadam - crushed rock water bound259SMC Membrane - plastic or other coated fiber material260SMC Mix - mix in place using non-bituminous binder such as portland cement261SMC Laterite262SMC Sand - sand graded, rolled or oiled263SMC Unpopulated997SMC Not Applicable998SMC Other999

Condition of depth.SNDCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Sounding Category

SND Unknown0SND Drying Heights1SND No Bottom Found2SND VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK3SND VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK4SND VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK6SND VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK7SND Out of position8SND Slant9SND Ordinary10SND Not Regularly Maintained11SND Adequately sounded90SND No bottom found at depth shown91SND Depth unknown92SND Doubtful Sounding93SND Unreliable sounding94SND Least depth known95SND Least depth unknown, safe clearance at value shown96SND Value reported (not surveyed)97SND Value reported (not confirmed)98SND Maintained depth99SND Unpopulated997SND Not Applicable998SND Other999

Severity of hazard.SOHCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Severity of Hazard

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SOH Unknown0SOH Dangerous1SOH Non-Dangerous2SOH Obstruction3SOH Non-Dangerous to surface navigation but, avoid anchoring/trawling99SOH Unpopulated997SOH Not Applicable998SOH Other999

Indicated whether the value of a sounding is shallower than, deeper than, or within the range depth of the surrounding depth area.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Exposition of Sounding

SOU Undefined0SOU Within the range of depth of the surrounding depth area1SOU Shallower than the range of depth of the surrounding depth area2SOU Deeper than the range of depth of the surrounding depth area3SOU Unpopulated997SOU Not Applicable998SOU Other999

The maximum speed legally permitted on a given stretch of road.SPDCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Speed Limit (MPH)

Short Integer 0 to 32767 1 MPHMiles Per HourFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Qualifies the spot elevation.SPECode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Spot Elevation Category

SPE Unknown0SPE Top of trees1SPE Out of position2SPE Summit3SPE Unpopulated997SPE Not Applicable998SPE Other999

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Length of longest span of a bridge.SPLCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Span Length Longest

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Speed Limit in kilometers per hour.SPMCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Speed Limit (KPH)

Short Integer 0 to 32767 1 KPHKilometers Per HourFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Range indicating the slope of ground within delineated area of feature, reported in percent.SPRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Slope Polygon Range

SPR Unknown0SPR <= 31SPR > 3 and <= 102SPR > 10 and <= 153SPR > 15 and <= 204SPR > 20 and <= 305SPR > 30 and <= 456SPR > 45 and <= 607SPR > 60 and <= 858SPR > 859SPR Culturally or Naturally Dissected Land (0 to >85)10SPR Unpopulated997SPR Not Applicable998SPR Other999

Predominant slope range (1) of the right bank (facing downstream) in percent, measured from mean water level to the first break in slope above the mean water level.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Slope Gradient Right (1)

SR1 Unknown0SR1 <= 301SR1 > 30 and <= 452

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SR1 > 45 and <= 603SR1 > 604SR1 Not Applicable5SR1 Unpopulated997SR1 Other999

Predominant slope range (2) of the right bank (facing downstream) in percent, measured from mean water level to the first break in slope above the mean water level.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Slope Gradient Right (2)

SR2 Unknown0SR2 <= 601SR2 > 602SR2 Not Applicable3SR2 Unpopulated997SR2 Other999

Describes the condition of the surface materials that may be used for mobility prediction, construction material, and landing sites.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Surface Roughness Description

SRD Unknown0SRD No surface roughness effect1SRD Area of high landslide potential2SRD Uncohesive surface material/flat3SRD Rough4SRD Angular5SRD Rounded6SRD Surface of numerous cobbles and boulders11SRD Areas of stony terrain12SRD Stony soil with surface rock13SRD Stony soil with scattered boulders14SRD Stony soil with numerous boulders15SRD Numerous boulders16SRD Numerous rock outcrops17SRD Area of scattered boulders18SRD Talus slope19SRD Boulder Field20SRD Highly fractured rock surface31SRD Weathered lava flows32SRD Unweathered lava flows33SRD Stony soil with numerous rock outcrops34SRD Irregular surface with deep fractures of foliation35

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SRD Rugged terrain with numerous rock outcrops36SRD Rugged bedrock surface37SRD Sand dunes38SRD Sand dunes/low39SRD Sand dunes/high40SRD Active sand dunes41SRD Stabilized sand dunes42SRD Highly distorted area, sharp rocky ridges43SRD Stony soil cut by numerous gullies51SRD Moderately dissected terrain52SRD Moderately dissected terrain with scattered rock outcrops53SRD Dissected floodplain54SRD Highly dissected terrain55SRD Area with deep erosional gullies56SRD Steep, rugged, dissected terrain with narrow gullies57SRD Karst areas of numerous sinkholes and solution valleys58SRD Karst area of numerous sinkholes59SRD Karst/hummocky terrain covered with large conical hills60SRD Karst/hummocky terrain covered with low, broad-based mounds61SRD Arroyo/wadi/wash62SRD Playa/dry lake63SRD Area of numerous meander scars and/or oxbow lakes64SRD Solifluction lobes and frost scars65SRD Hummocky ground, areas of frost heaving66SRD Area of frost polygons67SRD Area containing sabkhas68SRD Area of numerous small lakes and ponds69SRD Area of numerous crevasses70SRD Area of numerous terraces81SRD Quarries82SRD Strip mines83SRD Quarry/gravel pit84SRD Quarry/sand pit85SRD Mine tailings/waste piles86SRD Salt evaporators87SRD Area of numerous dikes88SRD Area of numerous diked fields89SRD Area of numerous fences90SRD Area of numerous stone walls91SRD Area of numerous man-made canals/drains/ditches92SRD Area of numerous terraced fields93SRD Parallel earthen mounds (row crops)94SRD Area of numerous hedgerows95SRD Unpopulated997SRD Not Applicable998

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SRD Other999

A code which relates a surface material mapping unit to a Surface Roughness Description (SRD) value.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Surface Roughness Qualifier

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 QualifierQualifiersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Geometric form, appearance, or configuration of the feature.SSCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Structure Shape Category

SSC Unknown0SSC Barrel, Ton1SSC Blimp2SSC Boat Hull (Float)3SSC Bullet4SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK5SSC Conical/Peaked/NUN6SSC Cylindrical (Upright)/CAN7SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK9SSC Pillar/Spindle10SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK11SSC Pyramid12SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK13SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK14SSC Solid/filled15SSC Spar16SSC Spherical (Hemispherical)17SSC Truss18SSC With Radome19SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK20SSC Artificial Mountain21SSC Crescent22SSC Ferris Wheel23SSC Enclosed24SSC Roller Coaster25SSC Lateral26SSC Mounds27SSC Ripple28SSC Star29SSC Transverse30

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SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK31SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK33SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK34SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK35SSC Windmotor36SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK38SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK40SSC Open46SSC 'A' Frame52SSC 'H' Frame53SSC 'I' Frame54SSC 'Y' Frame56SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK57SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK58SSC Telescoping Gasholder (Gasometer)59SSC Mast60SSC Tripod61SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK62SSC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK63SSC Cylindrical with flat top65SSC Cylindrical with domed top66SSC Cylindrical/Peaked71SSC Superbuoy73SSC 'T' Frame74SSC Tetrahedron75SSC Funnel76SSC Arch77SSC Multi-Arch78SSC Round79SSC Rectangular80SSC Dragons Teeth81SSC I-Beam82SSC Square83SSC Irregular84SSC Diamond Shaped Buoy85SSC Oval86SSC Dome87SSC Spherical with Column Support88SSC Cylindrical or Peaked with tower support89SSC High-Rise Building90SSC Cylindrical91SSC Cubic92SSC Pole93SSC Board94SSC Column (Pillar)95

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SSC Plaque96SSC Statue97SSC Cross98SSC Tower107SSC Scanner108SSC Obelisk109SSC Radome, Tower Mounted110SSC Unpopulated997SSC Not Applicable998SSC Other999

Roof shape.SSRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Structure Shape of Roof


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Type of audible signal.SSTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Sound Signal Type

SST Unknown0SST Bell1SST Diaphone2SST Explosive Fog Signal3SST Gong4SST Gun5SST Horn6SST Nautophone7SST Radio Fog Signal8SST Siren9SST Submarine Fog Bell10SST Submarine Oscillator11SST Submarine Sound Signal (Connected to Shore)12SST Submarine Sound Signal (Not Connected to Shore)13SST Whistle14SST Reed15SST None16SST Tyfon98SST Unpopulated997SST Not Applicable998SST Other999

Equipment or activity at site.STACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Station Type Category (Maritime)


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STA Signal13STA Signal Mast14STA Storm Signal15STA Stream Signal16STA Tide Signal17STA Time Ball18STA Time Signal19STA Unmanned Oceanographic20STA Weather Signal21STA Fog Signal22STA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK23STA Semaphore25STA STA26STA Tidal Current Signal27STA Traffic Signal28STA Bridge Signal29STA Lock Signal30STA VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK31STA International Port Signals32STA Firing Practice Signal Station33STA Signal Station, Traffic34STA Warning35STA Radar Surveillance Station36STA Pilot Lookout Station37STA Theodolite Station38STA Camera Station39STA RADAR Target40STA SONAR Target41STA UQC/WQC Station42STA UEWS43STA BOMIS44STA Transit Hut45STA FORACS Transducer 77 (FT77)46STA NMH47STA Unpopulated997STA Not Applicable998STA Other999

The source from which features are captured or upgraded.STCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Source Type Code

STC Unknown0STC Survey Source1STC Stereo Imagery Exploitation2

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STC Mono Imagery Exploitation3STC Cartographic Source4STC Reported Information5STC Unpopulated997STC Not Applicable998STC Other999

Soils described by the Unified Soil Classification System categorized by their wet weather trafficability characteristics.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Soil Trafficability Group (Derived from STP)

STG Unknown0STG A [GW,GP,SW,SP]1STG B [CH]2STG C [GC,SC,CL]3STG D [GM,SM,ML,ML-CL,MH,OL,OH]4STG E [PT]5STG X [Not Evaluated]6STG Unpopulated997STG Not Applicable998STG Other999

The seasonal habitat location of nomadic people.STLCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Seasonal Tent Location

STL Unknown0STL Winter Location1STL Summer Location2STL Unpopulated997STL Not Applicable998STL Other999

Soils described by the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)STPCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Soil Types

STP Unknown0STP GW Well graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines1STP GP Poorly graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines2STP GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures3STP GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures4STP SW Well graded sand or gravelly sands, little or no fines5

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STP SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no fines6STP SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixture7STP SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures8STP ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock floor, silty or clayey fine sands or clayey

with slight plasticity9

STP CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays


STP OL Organic silts and organic silty clays11STP CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays12STP MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous13STP OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts14STP PT Peat and other highly organic soils15STP ML-CL Soil type having both ML and CL characteristics17STP Evaporites18STP Not Evaluated99STP CCM-1 (used for DA010)501STP CCM-2 (used for DA010)502STP CCM-3 (used for DA010)503STP CCM-4 (used for DA010)504STP CCM-5 (used for DA010)505STP CCM-6 (used for DA010)506STP Unpopulated997STP Not Applicable998STP Other999

Coded value indicating percent of summer canopy closure within delineated area of feature.STQCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

STQ Unknown0STQ <=251STQ >25 and <=502STQ >50 and <=753STQ >754STQ Not Applicable5STQ Unpopulated997STQ Not Applicable998STQ Other999

Value indicating percent of summer canopy closure within delineated area of feature. (See also STQ for coded attribute.)


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Summer Tree Cover Density Coded

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Short Integer 0 to 100 1 %PercentFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Description of the altitude limits of Special Use Airspaces.SUACode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Special Use Airspace Altitude Limits

ASCII Text 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

The end date of the survey. Coded YYYYMMDD.SUECode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

ASCII Text 8 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Structured Text N/A N/A

Stipulates whether the light is equipped with a standby or emergency equipment.SUPCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Supervision of Light

SUP Undefined0SUP Watched light1SUP Unwatched light2SUP Unpopulated997SUP Not Applicable998SUP Other999

Tabulates the various qualifiers of the survey carried out for a feature.SURCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Survey Category

SUR Unknown (see QUA)0SUR Surveyed1SUR Inadequately Surveyed2SUR Unpopulated997SUR Not Applicable998SUR Other999

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The start date of the survey. Coded YYYYMMDD.SUSCode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

ASCII Text 8 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Structured Text N/A N/A

Indicates type of correction that has been added to, or subtracted from instrument reading to obtain correct depth.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Sounding Velocity

SVC Unknown0SVC Echo Sounder Calibrated at 4800 ft/sec Uncorrected1SVC Echo Sounder Calibrated at 1500 m/sec Uncorrected2SVC Mathews Tables (NP 139) Corrected3SVC Sound Velocity Meter (SVM) Corrected4SVC Corrected by other means of calibration5SVC Unpopulated997SVC Not Applicable998SVC Other999

General moisture content or condition of a soil.SWCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Soil Wetness Condition

SWC Unknown0SWC Dry1SWC Moist2SWC Wet3SWC Frozen/Permafrost4SWC Unpopulated997SWC Not Applicable998SWC Other999

The estimated single wheel load (ESWL).SWLCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Single Wheel Bearing Load

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 KIPKipsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Identifies the type of spring or water-hole.SWTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Spring Feature Type

SWT Unknown0SWT Geyser1SWT Hot Spring2SWT Fumarole3SWT Artesian4SWT Water-hole5SWT Walled-In Spring6SWT Unpopulated997SWT Not Applicable998SWT Other999

The number of canopies (vegetation levels) in a woodland.TCLCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Tree Canopy Levels

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 LEVELLevelsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Encodes the various techniques and methods of sounding measurement.TECCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Technique of Sounding Measurement

TEC Undefined0TEC Found by echo sounder1TEC Found by side scan sonar2TEC Found by multi-beam3TEC Found by diver4TEC Found by lead-line5TEC Found by wire-drag6TEC Found by Laser7TEC Swept by Vertical Acoustic System8TEC Found by Electromagnetic Sensor9TEC Photogrammetry10TEC Satellite Imagery11TEC Found by Leveling12TEC Computer Generated13TEC Unpopulated997TEC Not Applicable998

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TEC Other999

Classifies the types of telescopes.TELCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Telescope Category

TEL Unknown0TEL Optical1TEL Parabolic Radio Antenna2TEL Radio Ground Array3TEL Unpopulated997TEL Not Applicable998TEL Other999

Identifies whether a feature is affected by tidal water.TIDCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Tidal/Non-Tidal Category

TID Unknown0TID Non-Tidal1TID Tidal/Tidal Fluctuating2TID Unpopulated997TID Not Applicable998TID Other999

The time, expressed in hours of duration, for which an activity is permitted.TIMCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Time Attribute

Short Integer 0 to 24 1 HHoursFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The total length of the traveled way between two locations.TLNCode:

Definition:Domain: Long Integer

Name: Total Length

Long Integer 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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The characteristic shape secured at the top of a buoy or beacon to aid identification.TMCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Top Mark Characteristic

TMC Unknown0TMC East Mark (2 cones - base together)1TMC Isolated Danger (2 balls)2TMC North Mark (2 cones - pointing up)3TMC Port Hand (can or cylinder)4TMC Safe Water (1 ball)5TMC Special (X)6TMC Starboard Hand (1 cone - pointing up)7TMC South Mark (2 cones - pointing down)8TMC West Mark (2 cones - points together)9TMC Nun10TMC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK11TMC Ball12TMC Can13TMC St. Andrew's Cross14TMC Ball Over Cone15TMC Cone Over Ball16TMC Broom Point Up17TMC Perch18TMC Diamond19TMC Broom Point Down20TMC Cone (Point Upwards)21TMC Cone (Point Downwards)22TMC Upright Cross23TMC Optical Reflector24TMC Can (Open)25TMC Can (Filled)26TMC Ball (Open)27TMC Ball (Filled)28TMC Can Over Ball (Open)29TMC Cross Over Ball (Filled)30TMC Diamond Over Ball (Filled)31TMC Double Cone, Points Apart (Open)32TMC None33TMC Square34TMC "T" Shape35TMC Cross Over Ball (Open)36TMC Double ball (Open)37TMC Flag38TMC Sphere over Rhombus39

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TMC Square40TMC Rectangle, Horizontal41TMC Rectangle, Vertical42TMC Trapezium, Up43TMC Trapezium, Down44TMC Triangle, Point Up45TMC Triangle, Point Down46TMC Circle47TMC Two Upright Crosses (One Over the Other)48TMC Triangle Pointing Up Over a Circle49TMC Upright Cross Over a Circle50TMC Rhombus Over a Circle51TMC Circle Over a Triangle Pointing Up52TMC Other Shape (see INFORM)53TMC Unpopulated997TMC Not Applicable998TMC Other999

Tonnage of a sunken or stranded wreck, a hulk, or other vessel. Reference STANAG 3715.TNGCode:

Definition:Domain: Long Integer

Name: Tonnage

Long Integer 1 TONTonsFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Tabulates the various shapes of top mark.TOPCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Shape of Top Mark

TOP Unknown0TOP Cone, point up1TOP Cone, point down2TOP Sphere3TOP 2 spheres4TOP Cylinder5TOP Board6TOP X-shaped7TOP Cross shaped8TOP Cube, point up9TOP 2 cones, point-to-point10TOP 2 cones, base-to-base11TOP Diamond12TOP 2 cones (points upward)13

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TOP 2 cones (points downward)14TOP Besom (point up)15TOP Besom (point down)16TOP Unpopulated997TOP Not Applicable998TOP Other999

Indicates whether the feature is traversable by foot.TRACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Traversability

TRA Unknown0TRA Traversable1TRA Non-Traversable2TRA Polygon4TRA Pond5TRA Unpopulated997TRA Not Applicable998TRA Other999

Type of tree coverage.TRECode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Tree Type Category

TRE Unknown0TRE Deciduous1TRE Evergreen2TRE Mixed3TRE Unpopulated997TRE Not Applicable998TRE Other999

Encodes the general destination of traffic.TRFCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Traffic Flow

TRF Undefined0TRF Inbound1TRF Outbound2TRF One-way3TRF Two-way4TRF Unpopulated997TRF Not Applicable998TRF Other999

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Tabulates types of recommended track.TRKCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Recommended Track Classification

TRK Undefined0TRK Based on a system of fixed marks1TRK Not based on a system of fixed marks2TRK Unpopulated997TRK Not Applicable998TRK Other999

Estimated range (1) of the average distance between trees in a stand, determined in decimeters from center to center of adjacent trees.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Tree Spacing Range (1)

TS1 Unknown0TS1 > 0 and <= 5.01TS1 > 5.0 and <= 10.02TS1 > 10.0 and <= 15.03TS1 > 15.0 and <= 20.04TS1 > 20.0 and <= 25.05TS1 > 25.0 and <= 30.06TS1 > 30.0 and <= 35.07TS1 > 35.0 and <= 40.08TS1 > 40.0 and <= 50.09TS1 > 50.0 and <= 60.010TS1 > 60.0 and <= 80.011TS1 > 80.0 and <= 100.012TS1 > 100.0 and <= 150.013TS1 > 150.014TS1 Not Applicable15TS1 Unpopulated997TS1 Other999

Estimated range (2) of the average distance between trees in a stand, determined in decimeters from center to center of adjacent trees.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Tree Spacing Range (2)

TS2 Unknown0TS2 > 0 and <= 30.01TS2 > 30.0 and <= 70.02

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TS2 > 70.0 and <= 100.03TS2 > 100.04TS2 Not Applicable5TS2 Unpopulated997TS2 Other999

Estimated range (3) of the average distance between trees in a stand, determined in decimeters from center to center of adjacent trees.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Tree Spacing Range (3)

TS3 Unknown0TS3 >0 and <=10.01TS3 >10.0 and <=20.02TS3 >20.0 and <=30.03TS3 >30.0 and <=50.04TS3 >50.0 and <=70.05TS3 >70.0 and <=100.06TS3 >100.0 and <=150.07TS3 >150.08TS3 Unpopulated997TS3 Not Applicable998TS3 Other999

Average distance between adjacent tree centerlines within area of feature.TSCCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Tree Spacing Category

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Average distance between adjacent tree centerlines within area of feature.TSDCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Floating Point 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Component of the traffic routing system.TSPCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Traffic Scheme Part

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TSP Unknown0TSP Arrow1TSP Outer Boundary2TSP Separation Zone Area3TSP Separation Zone Line4TSP Separation Zone Point5TSP Inbound Area6TSP Outbound Area7TSP Unpopulated997TSP Not Applicable998TSP Other999

Describes a unique condition of the surface materials or surface geomorphology that may be used for mobility prediction, construction material, and landing sites, and is not covered under the standard SRD values.


Domain: Lexical

Name: Tailored Surface Roughness Description

Lexical 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Tabulates types of traffic separation schemes.TSSCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Traffic Separation Scheme Classification

TSS Undefined0TSS IMO - adopted1TSS Not IMO - adopted2TSS Unpopulated997TSS Not Applicable998TSS Other999

Types of suspension of power transmission lines between pylons.TSTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Transmission Line Suspension

TST Unknown0TST Normal Suspension1TST Catenary (Over Mountains)2TST Catenary (Over Water)3TST Unpopulated997TST Not Applicable998TST Other999

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Appearance or configuration of the feature.TTCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Tower Type Category

TTC Unknown0TTC Bridge1TTC Observation/Lookout2TTC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)3TTC Undefined4TTC Light tower5TTC Water tower6TTC Radio tower7TTC Cooling tower8TTC Radar tower9TTC Lookout tower10TTC Television Tower11TTC Fire12TTC Mooring Tower, articulated loading platform , single anchor leg13TTC Powerline14TTC Loran15TTC Control16TTC Microwave17TTC Unpopulated997TTC Not Applicable998TTC Other999

Identifies the primary user, function, or authority of the transportation system.TUCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Transportation Use Category

TUC Unknown0TUC Both Road and Railroad1TUC Highway2TUC Railroad3TUC Road4TUC Street6TUC Through Route7TUC Air Traffic Control8TUC Marine12TUC Air13TUC Bus14TUC Pedestrian17TUC Pipeline18

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TUC Animal19TUC Aircraft20TUC Ship21TUC Automotive22TUC Boat23TUC Bulk Motor Boat/Barge24TUC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK25TUC Passenger26TUC Chair lift27TUC Ski tow28TUC Sleigh tow29TUC Cart tow30TUC Motor Cycle31TUC Bicycle32TUC Minerals33TUC Waterway34TUC No Transport Use35TUC Slip Road/Access Road36TUC Portage37TUC Canal38TUC Caravan Route39TUC Subway40TUC Aqueduct41TUC Both Road and Runway42TUC Unpopulated997TUC Not Applicable998TUC Other999

Narrative or other description.TXTCode:

Definition:Domain: Lexical

Name: Text Attribute

Lexical 256 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Clearance below bridge, measured from the lowest surface level to the base of the lower of either a cross beam or the lowest bridge deck.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Underbridge Clearance Category

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Clearance below bridge, measured from the lowest surface level to the base of the lower of either a cross beam or the lowest bridge deck.


Domain: Floating Point

Floating Point .01 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Unique numeric feature identifier.UIDCode:

Definition:Domain: Long Integer

Name: Unique Identifier

Long Integer 1 UnitNumericFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Characteristics of underlying material composition of feature.UMCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Underlying Material Characteristics

UMC Unknown0UMC Broken1UMC Coarse2UMC Decayed3UMC Fine, Minute Particles4UMC Gritty5UMC Hard6UMC Rotten7UMC Soft8UMC Sticky9UMC Stiff10UMC Streaky11UMC Tenacious12UMC Uneven13UMC Calcareous17UMC Flinty18UMC Glacial19UMC Ground20UMC Large21UMC Rocky22UMC Small23UMC Speckled24

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UMC Varied25UMC Volcanic26UMC Medium27UMC Unpopulated997UMC Not Applicable998UMC Other999

Identifies the units of measure. [Reference DIGEST Part 3 for Units associated with DIGEST header data.]"


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Units

UNI Unknown0UNI Meters1UNI Nautical Miles11UNI Feet22UNI Kilometers23UNI Yards24UNI Unpopulated997UNI Not Applicable998UNI Other999

Use (identifies the primary user, function, or controlling authority).USECode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Usage


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USE Scoreboard18USE Highway Sign19USE Closed20USE Restricted21USE Joint Military/Civilian22USE International23USE Unidentified Aircraft Landing Area24USE Federal25USE Primary/1st Order26USE Secondary/2nd Order30USE Tertiary/3rd Order31USE Insular32USE Provincial33USE Interstate37USE Industrial41USE Commercial42USE Institutional43USE Residential44USE Agricultural45USE Decoy48USE Civilian/Public49USE Limited50USE Telegraph51USE Telephone52USE Power53USE Marine57USE Avalanche60USE Refugee61USE Prisoner62USE Animal sanctuary68USE Levee/Dike69USE Reserve/Reservation70USE Terminus/Terminal73USE Low Altitude Enroute74USE High Altitude Enroute75USE Low and High Altitude Enroute76USE Short Take-off Landing Approach77USE Visual Approach78USE Non-Precision Instrument Approach79USE Precision Instrument Approach80USE Entry81USE Exit82USE Transaction83USE Feeder84USE Initial Approach Fix85

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USE Final Approach Fix86USE Visual Descent Point87USE Missed Approach Point88USE Radar89USE Mileage Break Down90USE NAVAID Changeover91USE Altimeter Change92USE Compulsory Reporting Points93USE Non-Compulsory Reporting Points94USE Alert Apron/Hardstand95USE Operational Apron/Hardstand96USE Hangar/Apron97USE Base Flight Apron98USE Engine Test Pad/Apron99USE Transient Apron100USE Depot Apron101USE Stub Apron102USE Dispersal Hardstand103USE Pad Hardstand104USE Refueling Hardstand105USE Parking Hardstand106USE Engine Run-up Hardstand107USE Firing-In Hardstand108USE Compass Rose Hardstand109USE Maintenance Hardstand110USE Quaternary/4th Order111USE Quintary/5th Order112USE Regional113USE Communal114USE Snow Shed115USE Rock Shed116USE Outfall117USE Intake118USE Berthing of vessels119USE Recreational120USE Aircraft Facility/airport reference point121USE Firebreak122USE Tourist123USE Irrigation124USE Retaining125USE As a Causeway127USE Mixed Urban or built-up Land128USE Military District129USE Transportation130USE Flood Barrage131

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USE Container132USE Single Point Mooring133USE Utilities and Communication134USE As a Fill136USE Fill139USE Medical140USE Forest Preserve141USE Flood Control and/or Rate Measurement142USE ARIP Initial Point143USE ARCP Control Point144USE Nav Check Point145USE Exit or End146USE Entry or Starting147USE Anchor Point148USE Alternate Entry150USE Alternate Exit151USE Alternate Entry or Exit152USE Turning153USE Compass Adjustment154USE Prohibited Area155USE Timeball156USE Clock157USE Reserved158USE Mandatory159USE Maritime Station160USE Butts900USE School901USE Military District986USE Not Applicable991USE Drag Strip992USE Filtration Pond993USE Dugout994USE Drinking Water995USE Triangulation996USE Cable Sign/Pipeline Indicator997USE Sea-Plane landing area998USE Other999

The predominant geometric configuration of streets found within the delineated area of the feature.USPCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Urban Street Pattern

USP Unknown0USP Rectangular/Grid-Regular2USP Rectangular/Grid-Irregular3

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USP Curvilinear (cluster)4USP Concentric/Radial-Regular6USP Concentric/Radial-Irregular7USP Mixed-Curvilinear (cluster) and Rectangular (grid)9USP Mixed-Concentric/Radial and Rectangular (grid)10USP Mixed-Curvilinear (cluster) and Concentric/Radial11USP VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)12USP Linear Strip13USP Unpopulated997USP Not Applicable998USP Other999

Full 7 digits of the UTM grid coordinate Northing value. (UTS, along with the last five digits of both UT1 and UT2 can designate a feature's coordinates on the earth's surface.)


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: UTM Grid Northing

ASCII Text 8 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Full 6 digits of the UTM grid coordinate Easting value. (UTS along with the last five digits of both UT1 and UT2 can designate a feature's coordinates on the earth's surface.)


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: UTM Grid Easting

ASCII Text 8 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Locates feature to within a specific 100,000 m square, by a 5-digit alphanumeric designation. 1st two numbers are the UTM grid zone, 3rd letter is a specific 6-degree x 8-degree block within the grid zone (the unique Grid Zone Designation), and the last two letters are the 100,000 m square.


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: UTM Square Identification

ASCII Text 5 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Two-character grid zone identifier.UZ1Code:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

Name: UTM Grid Zone (1)

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ASCII Text 2 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Two-character grid zone identifier.UZ2Code:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

Name: UTM Grid Zone (2)

ASCII Text 2 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

The difference between the magnetic variation of the disturbance area and the magnetic variation of the surrounding area.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Variation Anomaly Value With Greater Precision

Floating Point 0.1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Generic numeric (integer) value.VALCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Value

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 UnitNumericFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The difference between the magnetic variation of the disturbance area and the magnetic variation of the surrounding area.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Variation Anomaly Value

Short Integer 0 to 359 1 DEGDegreesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Encodes the vertical clearance of an object in closed condition, e.g. a closed lifting bridge, measured from the horizontal plane towards the object overhead.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Vertical Clearance, Closed With Greater Precision

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Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Encodes the vertical clearance of an object in opened condition, e.g. an open lifting bridge, measured from the horizontal plane towards the object overhead.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Vertical Clearance, Opened With Greater Precision

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Encodes the safe vertical clearance of an object measured from the horizontal plane toward the object.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Vertical Clearance, Safe With Greater Precision

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Reason data is not collected.VCACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Void Collection Attribute

VCA Unknown0VCA Data Not Requested By User1VCA Area Too Rough to Collect2VCA No Available Imagery3VCA Different Height Threshold Within Data Block4VCA Low Data Collection Criteria5VCA No Available Map Source6VCA No Suitable Imagery7VCA Data Not Required8VCA Unpopulated997VCA Not Applicable998VCA Other999

Encodes the vertical clearance of an object in closed condition, e.g. a closed lifting bridge, measured from the horizontal plane towards the object overhead.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Vertical Clearance, Closed

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Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Encodes the vertical clearance of an object in opened condition, e.g. an open lifting bridge, measured from the plane towards the object overhead.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Vertical Clearance, Opened

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Encodes the safe vertical clearance of an object measured from the plane toward the object overhead.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Vertical Clearance, Safe

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Identifies type of missing information.VCTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Void Collection Type

VCT Unknown0VCT Relief1VCT VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)2VCT Unpopulated997VCT Not Applicable998VCT Other999

The tidal datum to which soundings and drying heights are referenced. It is usually taken to correspond to a low water stage of the tide. (Also known as Chart Sounding Datum).


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Vertical (Sounding) Datum Category

VDC Unknown0VDC VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK1VDC High Water2VDC Higher High Water3VDC Indian Spring Low Water4VDC Low Water5VDC Lower Low Water6

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VDC Mean High Water7VDC Mean High Water Neaps8VDC Mean High Water Springs9VDC Mean Higher High Water10VDC Mean Low Water11VDC Mean Low Water Neaps12VDC Mean Low Water Springs13VDC Mean Lower Low Water14VDC Mean Sea Level15VDC Mean Tide Level16VDC Neap Tide17VDC Spring Tide18VDC Mean Lower Low Water Springs19VDC Lowest Astronomical Tide20VDC Chart Datum (Unspecified)21VDC Highest Astronomical Tide22VDC Mean Higher High Water Springs24VDC Highest Normal High Water26VDC Highest High Water28VDC Indian Spring High Water30VDC Lowest Low Water90VDC Lowest Low Water Springs91VDC Approximate Mean Llow Water Springs92VDC Low Water Springs93VDC Approximate Lowest Astronomical Tide94VDC Nearly Lowest Low Water95VDC Approximate Mean Low Water96VDC Approximate Mean Lower Low Water97VDC Approximate Mean Sea Level98VDC High Water Springs99VDC Equinoctial Spring Low Water100VDC Local Datum101VDC International Great Lakes Datum 1985102VDC Mean Water Level103VDC Lower Low Water Large Tide104VDC Higher High Water Large Tide105VDC Highest Astronomical Tide106VDC Unpopulated997VDC Not Applicable998VDC Other999

Number of vehicles that a feature can accommodate.VECCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Vehicle Capacity (Number of Vehicles)

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Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 VEHICLEVehiclesFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Type of plant or plantings.VEGCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Vegetation Characteristics

VEG Unknown0VEG Dry Crops1VEG VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK2VEG VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK3VEG Rice Paddies4VEG Agriculture with scattered forests or rows of trees5VEG Cranberry6VEG Peat7VEG Pasture, meadow, steppe8VEG Grassland with scattered trees9VEG Tropical Grass10VEG Casuarina11VEG Coniferous12VEG Nipa Palm16VEG Palm17VEG Filao18VEG Mangrove19VEG Grove20VEG Wheat22VEG Corn23VEG Deciduous24VEG Evergreen25VEG Cork-Oak26VEG Fir27VEG Beech28VEG Eucalyptus29VEG Oak30VEG Pine31VEG Walnut32VEG Maple33VEG Poplar34VEG Olive35VEG Chestnut36VEG Larch37VEG Cypress38VEG Peach39VEG Apple40

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VEG Carob41VEG Almond42VEG Citrus43VEG Elm44VEG Ilex45VEG Birch46VEG Ash47VEG Hazel48VEG Mixed Deciduous49VEG Mixed Trees50VEG Herb/Shrub51VEG Forest Clearing52VEG Brushland open to medium density53VEG Brushland medium to dense density54VEG With Trees55VEG Without Trees56VEG Agriculture with scattered trees or rows of trees57VEG Reed58VEG Moss59VEG Kelp60VEG Sea Weed61VEG Sea Grass62VEG Saragasso63VEG Wet64VEG Alpine65VEG Garden66VEG Heath/Heathland67VEG Unpopulated997VEG Not Applicable998VEG Other999

Qualifiers of the various values of vertical measurement.VEMCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Quality of Vertical Measurement

VEM Undefined0VEM Measured1VEM Estimated2VEM Unpopulated997VEM Not Applicable998VEM Other999

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The type of geologic formation created by volcanic activity.VGTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Volcanic Geologic Type

VGT Unknown0VGT Volcano1VGT Cinder Cone2VGT Shield3VGT Caldera4VGT Composite5VGT Unpopulated997VGT Not Applicable998VGT Other999

Range of predominant height (in meters) of vegetation within delineated area of feature (First Range).


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Predominant Vegetation Height Range (1)

VH1 Unknown0VH1 <= 21VH1 > 2 and <= 52VH1 > 5 and <= 103VH1 > 10 and <= 154VH1 > 15 and <= 205VH1 > 20 and <= 306VH1 > 30 and <= 407VH1 > 408VH1 > 20 and <= 259VH1 > 25 and <= 3010VH1 > 30 and <= 3511VH1 > 3512VH1 Not Applicable13VH1 Unpopulated997VH1 Other999

Range of predominant height (in meters) of vegetation within delineated area of feature (Second Range).


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Predominant Vegetation Height Range (2)

VH2 Unknown0VH2 <= 51

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VH2 > 5 and <= 202VH2 > 203VH2 Not Applicable4VH2 Unpopulated997VH2 Other999

A range of predominant height (in meters) of vegetation within delineated area of feature (Third Range).


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Predominant Vegetation Height Range (3)

VH3 Unknown0VH3 >0 and <=51VH3 >5 and <=102VH3 >10 and <=203VH3 >20 and <=404VH3 >405VH3 Unpopulated997VH3 Not Applicable998VH3 Other999

Encodes the specific visibility of light.VISCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Visibility of Light

VIS Undefined0VIS High intensity1VIS Low intensity2VIS Faint3VIS Intensified4VIS Unintensified5VIS Visibility deliberately restricted6VIS Obscured7VIS Partially obscured8VIS Unpopulated997VIS Not Applicable998VIS Other999

Identification code that uniquely identifies a feature that is a vertical obstruction to low-level flight. (1-2 First two characters of NA4 - Country Code; 3-6 World Aeronautical Chart (WAC) Identifier; 7-10 Unique Obstruction Identification Number; 11 Producer Code)


Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Vertical Obstruction Identifier

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ASCII Text 11 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

An indexed value indicating the roughness of vegetation.VRCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Vegetation Roughness Category

VRC Unknown0VRC 0.00 100% reduction1VRC 0.052VRC 0.103VRC 0.154VRC 0.205VRC 0.256VRC 0.307VRC 0.358VRC 0.409VRC 0.4510VRC 0.50 50% reduction11VRC 0.5512VRC 0.6013VRC 0.6514VRC 0.7015VRC 0.7516VRC 0.8017VRC 0.8518VRC 0.9019VRC 0.9520VRC 1.00 0% reduction21VRC Not evaluated area where development has precluded evaluation of soil22VRC Not Applicable23VRC Unpopulated997VRC Other999

Relative location referenced to sounding datum, unless otherwise indicated.VRRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Vertical Reference Category

VRR Unknown0VRR Above Surface/Does Not Cover (at High Water)1VRR Awash at Sounding Datum2VRR Below Surface/Submerged4VRR Covers and Uncovers8VRR Not Applicable9

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VRR Unpopulated997VRR Other999

Minimum width of the traveled way, excluding hard pavements and shoulders (in decimeters).WD1Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Minimum Traveled Way Width

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 DMDecimetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Total usable width including pavements and hard shoulders (in decimeters).WD2Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Total Usable Width

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 DMDecimetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The minimum horizontal bridging distance between banks (in decimeters).WD3Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Military Gap Width

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 DMDecimetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The wet gap width at low tide (in meters).WD4Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Wet Gap Width

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The width at the top of a feature (in meters).WD5Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Width Top

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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The width at the bottom of a feature (in meters).WD6Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Width Bottom

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The average water depth (in meters).WDACode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Water Depth Average

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The date a non-submarine contact was reported. Reference STANAG 3715.WDTCode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII text

Name: Date of report

ASCII text 8 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

Type of well.WFTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Well Feature Type

WFT Unknown0WFT Water hole1WFT Walled-in2WFT Artesian Well3WFT Fountain4WFT Dug or Drilled Well5WFT Unpopulated997WFT Not Applicable998WFT Other999

A measurement of the shorter of two perpendicular axes: for a round feature, WGP shall equal LGP or LEN (if present).


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Width With Greater Precision

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Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


A measurement of the shorter of two linear axes. For a square feature, measure either axis. For a round feature, width shall be equal to LEN. For a bridge, the width is the measurement perpendicular to the axis between the abutments.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Width

Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Type of wreck as listed in Non Submarine Contacts list. Reference STANAG 3715.WKTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

WKT Unknown0WKT Anomalies1WKT Aircraft2WKT Auxiliary3WKT Battleship4WKT Barge5WKT Buoy6WKT Caisson7WKT Aircraft Carrier8WKT Cargo9WKT Subchaser10WKT Coaster11WKT Cruiser12WKT Ship Debris (plates, misc. metal)13WKT Destroyer, Destroyer Escort, Corvette14WKT Dredge15WKT Drill Vessel or Drill Rig16WKT Explosives17WKT Fishing Vessel18WKT Fishing Reef19WKT Ferry20WKT Frigate21WKT Gunboat22WKT Hospital Ship23WKT Hydrographic Survey, Air Cushion, Hydrofoil24WKT Junk25WKT Lash Vessel26

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WKT Landing Craft, Infantry (LCI)27WKT Gas Carrier, Natural Petroleum28WKT Landing Ship, Infantry (LSI)29WKT Landing Ship, Tank (LST)30WKT Lightship31WKT Minesweeper, Minelayer32WKT Net Tender33WKT Bulk Carrier34WKT Obstruction35WKT Passenger Cargo36WKT Patrol Boat37WKT Pinnacle Rock38WKT Roll On - Roll Off39WKT Sailing Ship40WKT Sea Bee, Lash Barge41WKT Submarine Float42WKT Submarine43WKT Survey Vessel44WKT Tanker45WKT Tender, Submarine, Airplane, Oil Rig46WKT Target47WKT Torpedo Boat48WKT Transport49WKT Tug50WKT Trawler51WKT Very Large Container52WKT Well Head53WKT Yacht54WKT Unpopulated997WKT Not Applicable998WKT Other999

Encodes the possible effects of the surrounding water.WLECode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Water Level Effect

WLE Unknown0WLE Partly submerged at high water1WLE Always dry2WLE Always under water/submerged3WLE Covers and uncovers4WLE Awash5WLE Drying6WLE Subject to Inundation or Flooding7WLE Unpopulated997

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WLE Not Applicable998WLE Other999

Predominant distance across the crest of the dam, measured perpendicular to the centerline of its length along the crest.


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Width of Crest

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Type of work in progress.WPCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Work in Progress Category

WPC Unknown0WPC Land Reclamation1WPC Construction of Structures2WPC Unpopulated997WPC Not Applicable998WPC Other999

Unique maritime port identifier.WPICode:

Definition:Domain: ASCII Text

Name: Port Index

ASCII Text 24 CharactersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits

Text String N/A N/A

The name/type of a named waypointWPTCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Waypoint Description Code

WPT Unknown0WPT Airport waypoint1WPT Essential waypoint2WPT Off-airway waypoint3WPT Runway waypoint4WPT Non-essential waypoint5WPT Transition essential waypoint6WPT VOR, VORDME, VORTAC7WPT End of continuous airway procedure8

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WPT Uncharted airway intersection9WPT ATC compulsory waypoint10WPT Gateway fix11WPT First leg of missed approach12WPT Final approach fix13WPT Holding fix14WPT Final approach course fix15WPT Missed approach point16WPT Unpopulated997WPT Not Applicable998WPT Other999

Tabulates types of wrecks.WRKCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Wreck Classification

WRK Undefined0WRK Non-dangerous wreck1WRK Dangerous wreck2WRK Remains of wreck/foul area3WRK Wreck showing mast/masts4WRK Wreck showing any portion of hull or superstructure5WRK Unpopulated997WRK Not Applicable998WRK Other999

A unique number identifying a wreck or other non-submarine contact. Reference STANAG 3715.WRNCode:

Definition:Domain: Long Integer

Name: Wreck Number

Long Integer 1 UnitNumericFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Identifies type of waste/scrap within defined feature limits.WSCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Waste/Scrap Type Category

WSC Unknown0WSC Automobile1WSC Unpopulated997WSC Not Applicable998WSC Other999

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The source of a reported non-submarine contact. Reference STANAG 3715.WSRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Source of report

WSR Unknown0WSR Report SONAR verified8WSR Report MAD verified9WSR Japanese Naval and Merchant Losses during WW II By All Causes NAVEXOS P-46810WSR US Losses - Director, Fleet Operations11WSR H.O. Files12WSR COMNAVPAC13WSR COMNAVFE14WSR H.O. Chart Reports and Charts15WSR H.O. Notice to Mariners16WSR Lloyds and Marine Underwriter's Reports17WSR The Imperial Japanese Navy in WW II18WSR U.S. Navy at War 1941-194519WSR German, Japanese, and Italian Submarine Losses in WW II20WSR Swedish Merchant Losses 1914-192021WSR H.O. Wreck Information List and Supplement dated 10 MAR 1945 and 30 SEP 194622WSR American Ship Casualties of WW I23WSR U.S. Coast Guard and Geodetic Survey Records24WSR Tenth Fleet Records (OP-374)25WSR Naval Losses of All Nations 9/3/39 - 8/15/4526WSR Italian Naval and Merchant Losses, WW II27WSR List of Danish War Losses 1914 - 191828WSR British Merchant Vessels Captured or Destroyed by Enemy Action 1914 - 191829WSR Abstracts of Losses 1914 - 191830WSR British and Foreign Merchant Ships Lost During WW II31WSR A List of Neutral Ships Sunk by Germany32WSR Greek Losses WW II33WSR Italian Naval Losses - WW I34WSR Spanish Merchant Losses - WW I35WSR Netherlands Merchant Losses - WW I36WSR Italian Merchant Losses - WW I37WSR Maritime Declarations for Norwegian Ships for War Losses 1914 - 191838WSR Reports of Known Wrecks by U.S. Coast Guard Districts 195039WSR France - Naval and Merchant Losses during WW I40WSR Sonar Reports and MAD Reports, U.S. Navy41WSR Maritime Commission also ONI List WW I42WSR Smaling Soforklaringer - Danish Ship War Losses 1914 - 191843WSR Merchant Vessels of the U.S. Lost (Commerce Department)44WSR Naval Chronology WW II45WSR Ship Visit Reports46

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WSR Spanish Hydrographic Office47WSR British Admiralty Wreck Charts 192148WSR Swedish Board of Shipping and Navigation, Hydrographic Dept.49WSR British Admiralty Wreck Charts, 196150WSR Portugal Hydrographic Office51WSR Italian Navy Survey52WSR State of Shipping Casualties (Resulting in total loss in St. Lawrence River and Gulf, on

the Atlantic Coast from 1896 up to date)53

WSR Italian Naval Surveys Charts and Lists54WSR ONI55WSR Value Intentionally Left Blank56WSR R.C.N. Wreck List (RCN Pub. 272)57WSR Dutch Wreck List58WSR North Sea Fishing Charts59WSR Photographs of Pinnacles and Miscellaneous Metals60WSR Coast and Geodetic Survey (National Ocean Survey) Charts61WSR Radio Navigation Warning62WSR OMAN National Hydrographic Office63WSR Unpopulated997WSR Not Applicable998WSR Other999

Minimum width of a second traveled way implementing the shorter width distance, excluding hard pavements and shoulders (in decimeters).


Domain: Floating Point

Name: Width of Second Traveled Way

Floating Point -32767 to 32767 1 DMDecimetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Weather conditions under which a feature is usable.WTCCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Weather Type Category

WTC Unknown0WTC All Weather1WTC Fair/Dry Weather2WTC Winter Only3WTC All Weather (Limited Traffic Due to Weather)4WTC Unpopulated997WTC Not Applicable998WTC Other999

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Type of wall structure category.WTICode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Wall Type Identifier

WTI Unknown0WTI Standing1WTI Retaining2WTI VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)3WTI Unpopulated997WTI Not Applicable998WTI Other999

Coded value indicating percent of winter canopy closure within delineated area of feature.WTRCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Winter Tree Cover Density Code

WTR Unknown0WTR <= 251WTR > 25 and <= 502WTR > 50 and <= 753WTR > 754WTR Not Applicable5WTR Unpopulated997WTR Other999

Range of water velocity, estimated in meters/second within delineation of feature exclusive of high water due to runoff or low water due to drought.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Water Velocity Average 1

WV1 Unknown0WV1 <= 1.51WV1 > 1.52WV1 Not Applicable3WV1 Unpopulated997WV1 Other999

Average water velocity, estimated in meters/second within delineation of feature exclusive of high water due to runoff or low water due to drought.


Domain: Short Integer

Name: Water Velocity Average

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Short Integer -32767 to 32767 1 M/SMeters/Sec.Format Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The normal display status of the feature.XPDCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Primary Display Mode

XPD Unknown0XPD Normal Display (On)1XPD Display Partially Suppressed2XPD Display Fully Suppressed3XPD Unpopulated997XPD Not Applicable998XPD Other999

The existence status of the feature's spatial alignment.XSACode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Spatial Alignment

XSA Unknown0XSA Alignment Definite1XSA Reported Alignment2XSA Approximate Alignment3XSA Feature Connector4XSA Unpopulated997XSA Not Applicable998XSA Other999

The average seasonal high water depth range (in meters).YDHCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Water Depth Mean (Seasonal High Water)

YDH Unknown0YDH <=0.81YDH >0.8 and <=1.62YDH >1.6 and <=2.43YDH >2.44YDH Unpopulated997YDH Not Applicable998YDH Other999

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The average seasonal low water depth range (in meters).YDLCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Water Depth Mean (Seasonal Low Water)

YDL Unknown0YDL <=0.81YDL >0.8 and <=1.62YDL >1.6 and <=2.43YDL >2.44YDL Unpopulated997YDL Not Applicable998YDL Other999

A measurement of the longer of two axis capable of being expressed in decimal meter units.YLNCode:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Length of Greater Precision

Floating Point -32767 to 32767 1 DMDecimetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Identifies a specific military organization.YSUCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Service Branch

YSU Unknown0YSU Air Force1YSU Army2YSU Coast Guard3YSU Marines4YSU Navy5YSU VALUE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK (Other)6YSU Joint7YSU Unpopulated997YSU Not Applicable998YSU Other999

Average normal seasonal high water velocity range estimated in meters/second, within delineation of the feature, exclusive of high water due to runoff or low water due to drought.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Water Velocity Mean (Seasonal High Water)

YVH Unknown0

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YVH <=0.51YVH >0.5 and <=1.52YVH >1.5 and <=2.53YVH >2.54YVH Unpopulated997YVH Not Applicable998YVH Other999

Average normal seasonal low water velocity range estimated in meters/second, within delineation of the feature, exclusive of high water due to runoff or low water due to drought.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Water Velocity Mean (Seasonal Low Water)

YVL Unknown0YVL <=0.51YVL >0.5 and <=1.52YVL >1.5 and <=2.53YVL >2.54YVL Unpopulated997YVL Not Applicable998YVL Other999

Description of the drinking quality of water.YWQCode:

Definition:Domain: Enumerated

Name: Water Quality Attribute

YWQ Unknown0YWQ Potable1YWQ Treatable2YWQ Contaminated3YWQ Unpopulated997YWQ Not Applicable998YWQ Other999

Ranges of average depth (meters) of a zone of saturation except where bounded by an impermeable body, in which no water table exists.


Domain: Enumerated

Name: Depth to Water Table

YWT Unknown0YWT >0 and <=0.31YWT >0.3 and <=1.22YWT >1.23YWT At ground surface4

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YWT Unpopulated997YWT Not Applicable998YWT Other999

Elevation above a given datum to the lowest portion of the feature.ZV1Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Lowest Z-value

Short Integer -400 to 30000 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Elevation above a given datum to the highest portion of the feature.ZV2Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Highest Z-Value

Short Integer -400 to 30000 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


The highest point of an airport's usable runways measured in meters from mean sea level.ZV3Code:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Airfield/Aerodrome elevation

Short Integer -400 to 30000 1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Elevation above a given datum to the lowest portion of the feature.ZV6Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Lowest Z-value With Greater Precision

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


Elevation above a given datum to the highest portion of the feature.ZV7Code:

Definition:Domain: Floating Point

Name: Highest Z-Value With Greater Precision

Floating Point 0.1 MMetersFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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Height measured in feet above a given datum to the highest portion of the feature.ZVFCode:

Definition:Domain: Short Integer

Name: Highest Z-Value

Short Integer -1200 to 32767 1 FTFeetFormat Increment Maximum CharactersRangeUnits


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