isolomzi express 16 01 2013

WHERE SMART PEOPLE SHOP WE WILL BEAT ANY WRITTEN QUOTE 7 Sprigg street Mthatha Tell 047 532 4599 / 081 474 4406 Terms & condition apply Come to hyper Build for further information Special prices for contractors Special loyalty cards & points for contractors Prizes to be won by contractors BEE Compliant MRWKNK-160114-TE-ebmcel-build BABALWA NDLANYA S CORES of community members and police officials gathered in the Elli- otdale Magistrate’s Court last week to support the family members of late Station Commander Lieuten- ant-Colonel Nomalizo Dukumbane (53) who was shot and killed on December 17. Warrant Officer Pumzile Ngqayimbana (41), Constable Noxolo Matya (37) both sta- tioned at Elliotdale Police Station, as well as Sipho Makhabeni (46), Siyamcela Ntshitshi (33) and Mbuyiseli Ngqayimbana (37), are fac- ing charges of murdering and conspiring to murder Dukumbane. They appeared before Magistrate Simthem- bile Ndlela to apply for bail but their case was postponed until January 28. Magistrate Ndlela recused himself from the case as he knew one of the accused and the victim. “Your case is postponed because we are waiting for the magistrate who will preside over this case. You will be kept in the police cells until your date of next appearance,” said the Magistrate. Dukumbana was shot by two gunmen out- side her house. She died on the scene. She was a policewoman for 30 years and was promoted to station commander in 2009. Members from different women’s network organisations gathered outside the Magis- trate’s Court toy-toying and carry placards in support of the family and conveying their op- position to the granting of bail to the suspects. On some of the placards were written “No Bail, Police thugs must rot in jail Amen.” Dukumbana’s death is the second fatal shooting of a police officer of the Elliotdale station in December last year. Warrant Offic- er Rodges Sithelo (46) was shot and killed in the line of duty during an armed robbery at Boxer Superstores in Elliotdale. The secretary of the United Democratic Party (UDM) in Elliotdale, Mfokayise Msind- wana, said it was unbelievable that within a few weeks two police officials of the Elliotdale Police station were killed. “Police Officials are not supposed to be killed this way; this is ridiculous. Our government must do some- thing to ensure that top officials are secure all the time. Public Order Policing will surely also bring about huge change.”. Police members implicated in murder of commander One of the protestors carrying a placard outside Elliotdale Magistrate Court. PHOTO: BABALWA NDLANYA Some of the Police Officials and Community members who came in numbers to give support to Dukumbane family. PHOTO:BABALWA NDLANYA press ISOLOMZI 20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | Tsomo Nqamakwe | Willowvale | Confimvaba | Elliot THURSDAY January 16, 2014 |0 047 502 8600 | | | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Isolomzi Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE

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Isolomzi express 16 01 2013




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SCORESof communitymembers andpolice officials gathered in the Elli-otdale Magistrate’s Court last weekto support the family members oflate Station Commander Lieuten-

ant-Colonel Nomalizo Dukumbane (53) whowas shot and killed on December 17.

Warrant Officer Pumzile Ngqayimbana(41), Constable Noxolo Matya (37) both sta-tioned at Elliotdale Police Station, as well asSipho Makhabeni (46), Siyamcela Ntshitshi(33) andMbuyiseli Ngqayimbana (37), are fac-ing charges of murdering and conspiring tomurder Dukumbane.They appeared beforeMagistrate Simthem-

bile Ndlela to apply for bail but their case waspostponed until January 28.Magistrate Ndlela recused himself from the

case as he knew one of the accused and thevictim.“Your case is postponed because we are

waiting for the magistrate who will presideover this case. You will be kept in the policecells until your date of next appearance,” saidthe Magistrate.Dukumbana was shot by two gunmen out-

side her house. She died on the scene. Shewasa policewoman for 30 years andwas promotedto station commander in 2009.Members from different women’s network

organisations gathered outside the Magis-trate’s Court toy-toying and carry placards insupport of the family and conveying their op-position to the granting of bail to the suspects.On some of the placards were written “NoBail, Police thugs must rot in jail Amen.”Dukumbana’s death is the second fatal

shooting of a police officer of the Elliotdalestation in December last year. Warrant Offic-er Rodges Sithelo (46) was shot and killed inthe line of duty during an armed robbery atBoxer Superstores in Elliotdale.The secretary of the United Democratic

Party (UDM) in Elliotdale, Mfokayise Msind-wana, said it was unbelievable that within afewweeks twopolice officials of theElliotdale

Police station were killed. “Police Officialsare not supposed to be killed this way; this is

ridiculous. Our government must do some-thing to ensure that top officials are secure

all the time. Public Order Policing will surelyalso bring about huge change.”.

Policemembers implicatedinmurderof commander

One of the protestors carrying a placard outside ElliotdaleMagistrate Court. PHOTO: BABALWA NDLANYA

Some of the Police Officials and Community members who came in numbers to give support to Dukumbane family. PHOTO:BABALWA NDLANYA


20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | TsomoNqamakwe | Willowvale | Confimvaba | Elliot

THURSDAY January 16, 2014 |0 047 502 8600 | | | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Isolomzi Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE

2 NewsJanuary 16, 2014Isolomzi Express


THE new year marks a brand new beginningfor the area’s leading free local newspaper.

Following Isolomzi Fever’s incorporation in-to the highly successful Express brand of OPKoerante’s (Media24) stable of local newspa-pers, today marks the historical first publica-tion of the Isolomzi Express.“While the publication now boasts a new

name to assert itself as a member of the Ex-press group, it will still stay true to its rootsand character of being a local newspaper forthe people, about the people.We continue to fo-cus on news that adds value to the lives of the

people in the communities that the newspaperserves,” said the group’s editor, Bettie Gili-omee.Atotalof 20000copiesof the IsolomziExpress

is distributed in the region weekly, making ita market leader, as well as an excellent adver-tising medium.MthathaExpress (then stillMthathaFever),

launched its website in December, just aheadof Madiba’s funeral in Qunu, to keep readersinformed on the late icon’s funeral proceed-ings.“Isolomzi Express and Uvo Lwethu Express

will follow suit this week by each launcingtheir very own website. The nature of the me-dia landscape has changed to the extent that

a printed publication could ill afford not hav-ing a strong web presence,” said Giliomee.Apart fromwebsites, thepublicationswill al-

so each get their own facebook page, wherereaders will be kept informed.The Express brand is well established in the

province and, with the inclusion of MthathaFever, Isolomzi Fever, Uvo Lwethu Fever, Sun-shine Coast Fever and East London Fever, nowcovers the entire Eastern Cape seaboard andbeyond, reaching readers as far north as as theKwaZulu-Natal border to Mossel Bay in thesouth.Some of these titles are as old as 40 years and

include Port Elizabeth Express, Port ElizabethExpress Indaba, UDNews (Uitenhage and Des-

patch), Kouga Express (Jeffreys Bay and Hu-mansdorp) andEdenExpress (George andMos-sel Bay).The combined weekly circulation of the Ex-

pressnewspapers in theEasternCape is378 500copies per week.

.MthathaExpress–60000copiesdistributedin Mthatha, Libode, Ngquleni, Tsolo, MountFrere and Qumbu weekly.

. IsolomziExpress – 20 000 copies distributedin Elliot, Cofimvaba, Willowvale, Cala, Du-tywa, Butterworth, Centani, Elliotdale, Ng-cobo, Tsomo and Nqumakwe weekly.

. Uvolwethu Express – 20 000 copies distrib-uted in Port St Johns, Mbizana, Flagstaff,Lusikisiki and Mount Frere weekly.

Express fever soars in EasternCape


Off duty Police officials who had attended atraditional ceremony arrested a 21-year-oldman who was suspected of murdering a 29-year-oldman, last week at Sidutyini localityin Butterworth.

It is alleged that the suspect stabbed thedeceased and left the murder scene; the rea-son for this incident is not known. The de-ceased was stabbed on his upper body anddied instantly.According to the information, the SAPS

memberswho had attended the ceremony intheir community capacities were tipped off

that the suspect had boarded a taxi to Johan-nesburg and they chased the taxi with theirprivate cars.Police Spokesperson, Captain Jackson

Manatha said the suspect was arrested in ataxi while on his way to Johannesburg out-side Butterworth. “He was arrested and de-tained at Msobomvu Police Station near

Butterworth. He was charged with murderand is expected to appear before the Butter-worth magistrate court soon.”Manatha said the identity of the deceased

is being with held until his next of kin areinformed of his death.

[email protected]

Off duty PoliceOfficials apprehendmurder suspect


THE Butterworth Police are looking for therelatives and family members of a man whowas killed by a Quantam Kombi, recently.

This man suffered upper body injuries anddied instantly, when he was hit by the kombiwhich was driven from the Dutywa direction

towards Butterworth along the N2 road nearYako Informal Settlement, Butterworth.The police spokesperson for the Butter-

worth Cluster Police, Captain Jackson Man-atha, said the vehicle remained at the sceneuntil the police officials arrived.“The cause of the accident is not known but

we are investigating a case of culpable homi-cide. The deceased was wearing blue jeans, awhite and black check shirt, a black jerseyand black shoes,” Manatha said.Police are appealing to anyonewho had lost

a relative who was wearing the describedclothing to please contact Butterworth PoliceStation at 047 401 1100 for identification of thebody.

[email protected]

ButterworthPoliceare lookingfor relativesofdeceased


UKUZINIKELA kwamapolisa ecluster yaseG-cuwa ekuzameni ukulwa nesihlava sokulwakwamakhwenkwe emigidini kubangwa imi-ngcele, kuzeneziphumoezihlekulenyanga si-yisingelayo.

Oku kutshiwo ngosisithethi samapolisakwicluster yamapolisa eGcuwa, uCaptainJackson Manatha, esithi intlanganiso abathebazi bamba neeNkosi kunye nezibonda zeela-li kube negalelo elihle nalapho bebecela uku-ba imigidi iphume ngentsimbi yesihlanu.“Enye into ephinde yanceda kukuba

amapolisa acele kuthunyelwe uluhlu lwemizieza kuthi ibe nemigidi ukuze yaziwe, kwayekube khona amapolisa ajongileyo,” kubekayena.

Wolekengelithi enye into ethe yenzakwabanomohluko kukohluthwa kwenqwaba yezix-hobo ezohlukeneyo kwindawo ezifana nakuGatyane kunye nakuCentane neku zezonandawo ezithwaxwa kakhulu yile nto yokulwakwamakhwenkwe.Phakathi kwezi xhobo ezithe zafunyanwa

ngamapolisa kule nyanga iphelileyo kubalwaiincula, iintonga kunye nezagila.Lo kaManatha woleke ngelithi injongo

yabo yokuba babambe ezintlanganiso bafunaukuwu ncothula neengcambu lo mkhwa, ku-ba ngamanye amaxesha kuye kufumanisekeukuba kubangwa nje into eyayibangwa ngoy-isemkhulu. “Siza kuthi gqolo ukuyi bethelelale mithetho kuba asifuni kuphalale igazikungekho mfuneko.”

[email protected]

Lehlile inani lokulwa kwamakhenkwe emigidini


THE Eastern Cape Development Corpo-ration (ECDC) had announced that it hadbeen allocated R300 million by the East-ern Cape government during the currentfinancial year to enhance the roll out ofthe provincial social infrastructure pro-gramme. This amount is expected to riseto R2 billion over the next five years.

Finance MEC, Phumulo Masualle, an-nounced that the province had identifiedECDC as its integrated infrastructuredelivery arm.The focus of ECDC would therefore be

on the maintenance and renewal of theexisting social infrastructure, as well asbeing tasked with improving infrastruc-ture functionality in the social sector.The programme will focus on the pro-

vision of running water, electricity, san-itation, ablution facilities, including re-placement of mud-schools, as well as theimprovement of access to social infra-structure facilities within the districtmunicipal areas. It also includes the re-furbishment of hospitals among others.“The R300 million is allocated for the

current financial year for social infra-structure projects in the OR Tambo, JoeGqabi and Alfred Nzo district municipal-ities and the eastern parts of the Amath-ole district in particular. These areashave the most acute infrastructure back-

logs in the province.An additional amount has been set

aside to build capacity within ECDC incritical areas such as civil engineering,project management, quantity survey-ing, project finance, monitoring andevaluation, supply chain management,as well as procurement.

The set-up funds will also go towardfurther strengthening internal process-es, financial controls and systems. ECDCwill also leverage on available internalexpertise as it rolls out this critical so-cial infrastructure programme.“ECDC is equally excited because this

project indicates that government recog-nises that ECDC has over the years builtits reputation and public image as an ef-fective steward of public funds and stateassets.This has been demonstrated by consec-

utive unqualified audits during the lastfive years.“ In carrying out this task, ECDC will

continue to exercise due diligence to en-sure that these funds are used for thepurpose for which they are intended,”said ECDC Chief Executive SitembeleMase.He said ECDC intends to work with

contractors which are registered withthe Construction Industry DevelopmentBoard, as well as with those who havea good track record of producing qualitywork on behalf of government.

ECDCannounces R300millionallocation for social infrastructure

Opinions and views expressed in advertisements, news reports and columns are not necessarily those of the Isolomzi Express, its pub-lishers and staff. Please note that all advertisements are exempt from errors and omission.

3NewsJanuary 16, 2014Isolomzi Express


CLOSE to 400 000 study opportunities areavailable to 2013matrics at tertiary educationinstitutions, Higher Education and TrainingMinister Blade Nzimande said on Thursday.

Nzimande congratu-lated the class of 2013for the highest matricpass rate since 1994.“As the department,

we are aware that thisis a very importantmilestone in the livesof young people andthereforewould like totake this opportunitytomake them aware ofapproximately 396 449opportunities availa-ble to them withinthe... 25 universities,50 further educationand training (FET)colleges, and 21 sectoreducation and train-ing authorities [Se-tas],” Nzimande said.Further study op-

portunities availableat the country’s highereducation institutionsincluded:-- 197 946 new entrant opportunities at uni-

versities;-- 23 000 engineering and business studies

opportunities at FET colleges;-- 44 000 national certificate vocational pro-

gramme opportunities at FET colleges;-- 10 000 artisan opportunities at FET colleg-

es; and-- 93 000 occupationally-directed (appren-

ticeship or learnership) opportunities in col-laboration with FET colleges, Setas, and em-ployers.The country’s two new universities would

also start operating this year.The intake for theUniversity ofMpumalan-

gawas 240 students, while the Sol Plaatje Uni-versity in the Northern Cape would register

124 students.The universities would increase their in-

take as new infrastructure was built.“The number of students at the two new

universities is expected to increase dramati-cally over the 10-year development planwith

Sol Plaatje Universi-ty growing to accom-modate 7 500 contactstudents in a varietyof programmes on itsKimberley Campus,”Nzimande said.“The University of

Mpumalanga will ac-commodate 15 000contact students onits Nelspruit cam-pus.”The department

would again operateits central applica-tion clearing house(CACH) system thisyear, whichwent livethis week.“TheCACHservice

is for learners whoqualify for higher ed-ucation studies buthave not been accept-ed at an institution oftheir choice at the

time the matric results were released,” Nzi-mande said.The systemwas also meant for pupils who

did not apply at institutions before the clos-ing dates last year.They could register on the system via a

call centre on 0860-356-635 or by sending anSMS with their names and ID number to49200.“The CACH service will verify the learn-

er’s information and forward it to institu-tions that still have unfilled places,” Nzi-mande said.“Where places exist and applicants meet

the requirements, institutions will contactstudents to offer them available places.”



Blade Nzimande. PHOTO: BEELD


EDUCATIONMECMandla Makupula saidat the announcement of the provincial re-sults of the matric exams last week thateven though the provincemayhave been atthebottomnationally, itboastsofproducingquality results.

Despite increasing its pass rate from61.6% in 2012 to 64.9% in 2013, the EasternCape still has the lowest pass rate in thecountry.“We’redelivering to thecountrykids that

are eligible for a bachelor’s degree in uni-versities. The Eastern Cape ranks fifth interms of the bachelor’s pass rate, fourth interms of diploma pass rate and third interms of higher certificate pass rate in allprovinces,” said Makupula.Makupula said the Department has re-

ceived the best quality of results since 2008.* The department received 11 038 distinc-

tions in2013comparedwith9264 in2012and7 398 in 2008.* Bachelor pass rate 13 686 in 2013 com-

pared with 11 246 in 2012 and 8 622 in 2008.* Highest number of diploma pass rate 19

179 in 2013 comparedwith 16 148 in 2012 and11 155 in 2008.* Highest number of higher certificate

pass rate is 13 950 in 2013 compared with 11998 in 2012 and 10 707 in 2008.“This is not bymiracle or luck thatwe’ve

produced these results, but by workinghard,” said Makupula.The East London district ranked third in

MECproud of quality of resultsthe top three performing districts in theEasternProvince for 2013with 73.1%andanincrease of 4.4% compared to last year.Port Elizabeth district took the number

one spotwith a pass rate of 74% (an increaseof 2.9%) and Cradock came second with73.5% – a slight increase of 1.2%.Of the75092 full timecandidates thatwere

registered for the 2013 Grade 12 NationalSenior Certificate examinations only 72 738full time registered candidates wrote the ex-aminations.“Someofthechildrendroppedoutforvari-

ous reasons. We are proud of all the regis-tered candidates that wrote the examina-tions. There were no leaks of question pa-pers. Our exams were legitimate,” saidMakupula.However, 13 pupils were found to have

cheatedduringtheexaminations. In10casespupils were found in possession of cribnotes, in another case apupilwas foundcop-ying using a cellphone, another pupil’sscript was found to be written in differenthandwritings and another candidate wasfound with two scripts.Makupula said the pupils’ results were

withheld pending finalization of the investi-gation and irregularities hearings.Makupula encouraged those who did not

pass in 2013 to repeat their Grade 12.“To those who could not make it in 2013,

wesaytheymustnotdespair.Tomakeamis-take is not a sin. The sin is to repeat themis-take. By repeating Grade 12 you will have abetter opportunity to deal with your mis-take.

Top honours for Thembekani

Khulani Commercial High School pupil Thembekani Gwegwana (centre) became the overalltop learner in the historically disadvantaged institutions category after registering straight A’sin all eight subjects. She is seen here congratulated by the Eastern Cape Premier NoxoloKiviet and provincial Education MEC Mandla Makupula. PHOTO:MANDLENKOSI MXENGI

4 NewsJanuary 16, 2014Isolomzi Express


THE SouthAfrican Communist Party (SACP)in the Eastern Cape welcomed the outcomesof the grade 12 (matric) exams of the class of2013.

Thematric results for 2013were announcedby the Minister of Basic Education, AngieMotshekga last Tuesday and Eastern Capehas moved from 61.4 % in 2012 to 64.9 % passrate in 2013.“In our view, this represents a continued

improvement building from that of 2012 tothis of 2013 and it is in this context that wewelcome the outcomes of this academic yearas they build on the positive improvement of2012 which was the first time for the EasternCapeProvince to be above sixty percent (60%)since the dawn of democracy,” said SiyandaMdodiwho is theProvincial Spokesperson forthe SACP.Mdodi said this was the second year in a

rowwherein the provincewas registering im-provement.“It is in this context that we would like to

congratulate the Department of Educationand all relevant stakeholders in the Educa-tion fraternity who took greater responsibili-ty in ensuring the improvement we are nowseeing,” said Mdodi.SACP also commended the role played by

both teachers andparents throughout theaca-demic year, adding that the commitmentshown by the teachers through this and theprevious academic year was a plausible oneas they continued to combat the conditionssome serve under to mould leaders of tomor-row; for putting the interests of the working

class child to the front.“We would like to join scores of South Afri-

cans in congratulating all the learners whosat for the examsof theyear 2013 and inpartic-ular those who have passed. You have madeus proud. May you have a brighter future, bepatriots and use your educational achieve-ments to the development of your country andin particular the communities you are com-ing from,” said Mdodi.To all those who due to many factors had

stumbled, SACP encouraged them not to de-spair but to stand up and claim their future.

SACPwelcomes2013Matric results


DESPITE the increase in the pass rate forSouth African matrics, the results hide adisturbing revelation when the subject datais analysed.

The class of 2013 improved on the passmark from the year before, but there are sig-nificant gaps, particularly in knowledge ofmathematics and science - key to expandingSouth Africa’s technical capacity and inno-vation.The improved passmark of 78.2%may ob-

fuscate the fact that analytical skills amongthe school leavers is lacking.According to the department of basic edu-

cation’s NSC 2013 Diagnostic Report, mathsskills in particular are poor despite the passrate, and this has acute implications forachievement.“Mathematical skills are a critical skills

gap in many subjects, with predictable im-plications for learner achievement. Manyreports in this publication attribute poorperformance in such subjects to the poormathematical skills of the candidates.“Despite the improved pass rate inMathe-

matics and in Mathematical Literacy, thelack of foundational competencies inMathe-matics remains a challenge across theboard,” the report says.Science projectsThe quality of thematric pass rate iswide-

ly held as a litmus test of the quality of SouthAfrica education, yet few of the class of 2013have scored a result that qualifies them forstudy at universities.The department’s NSC 2013 Technical Re-

port shows that “171 755 learners qualify forBachelor Studies at higher education insti-tutions (30.6%)”.In terms of subjects that are the drivers

of technology like maths and physics, the

pass rate increased from 61.3% in 2012 to67.4% in 2013 for physics and 54% to 59.1%for maths.The department of science and technology

said that the key for South Africa’s deliveryof giant science projects like the SKA(Square Kilometre Array) was a healthypool of maths and science school graduatesthat would continue the subjects at univer-sity level.“The number of matric graduates in

mathematics and physical science is impor-tant to the department and the science sys-tem in general, because it is from this poolthat future scientists and researchers willcome,” Science and Technology MinisterDerek Hanekom told News24.He added that the low number of gradu-

ates could impact on the country’s ability toproduce high-level skills in the sciencefields.“Informed by the understanding that a

SouthAfricamatric results hide ‘problems’PhD is a driver of innovation and globalcompetitiveness, the National DevelopmentPlan sets a production target of 100 doctoralgraduates per million of the population by2030, which translates to 5 000 PhDs per yearfrom a base of 1 420 in 2010. The view is thatmore of these PhDs should be acquired inthe fields of science, engineering and tech-nology.”ShortcomingsThe department of basic education’s own

Diagnostic Report highlighted some of thecritical shortcomings in maths educationthat impacts on the results in physics.“There was evidence of poor mathemati-

cal skills and poor use of calculators, con-tributing to the poor performance of somecandidates.”The report also says that while matric

may be regarded as the finalisation ofschooling, problems in maths were not onlyrelated to the Grade 12 curriculum.

5NewsJanuary 16, 2014Isolomzi Express

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EASTLondon resident John-son Sithole learnt beadingand wire art in the hopesthat he could earn an incomebut he never imagined thesuccess that would comefrom it.

Sithole, 39-years old, dis-covered a talent for wire artwhen he became seriously illand his parents advised himto look for an alternativeway to generate income ashis previous job as a metal-worker was too hazardous.

“After I got sick, I couldn’tlift heavy objects because Ihad stomach surgery, so myparents advised me to findother work that wouldn’tcomplicate my surgery,”said Sithole.

His parents brought him amagazine with wiring art de-signs after going on a trip toCape Town and encouragedhim to learn how tomake thedesigns.

“My parents then boughtme material, so that I couldpractise how to properlycraft the designs before sell-ing them to potential cus-tomers,” he added.

He said his first piece wasa spice rack he made usingwire and beads which tookhim a week to finish.

“It was hard at first be-cause I didn’t have a mentorto teach me how to craft wir-

ing designs but I was eagerto learn,” said Sithole.

After learning the basicsand producing exceptionaldesigns, Sithole went to Stir-ling to sell his work as ahawker but experienced dif-ficulties because he couldnot find a stable spot to at-tract customers.

“I kept selling my work onthe street until I was offereda permanent spot next toNina’s Pizzeria by the shopowner, Alastair Smith.That’s where most of my cus-tomers saw my work andplaced orders,” said Sithole.

A private sports car manu-facturer, Vockmar Dobatfrom Germany, said he wasattracted by Sithole’s craftsand immediately asked himto create a miniature of thesports car he had been work-ing on.

“I gave him a picture of thecar and he produced an exactreplica. His work is just fan-tastic,” said Dobat.

Dobat added that when hegoes back to Germany he isgoing to make sure that hemarkets Sithole’s work toother business people there.

“I’ve taught quite anumber of unemployed peo-ple how to make beaded wireart and sell it to customers,but I would be happy if Icould be offered a spaciousplace and start-up materialto teach other young peo-ple,” said Sithole.-WNA

Wireart leads to surprise success

Sithole’s miniature version of private sports car manufacturer Vockmar Dobat’s vehicle takes pride of place.PHOTO: ZIZI HLUNGULU/WNA

6 NewsJanuary 16, 2014Isolomzi Express


A treat par excellence is in store for EasternCape music lovers as Centrestage presents TheBlues Rockers, featuring South African musicallegendRobinAuldasspecialguestartist in frontof a new-look Centrestage band lineup.

A festive atmosphere is expected at Heming-ways in East London for one night only on Janu-ary 28.

Robin Auld appears as never seen before,blending his African blues guitar stylings withslideguitarandharmonica,accompaniedbyhisrocking soulful vocals on a range of much lovedblues rock standards, as well as some of his ownmaterial.

He will be joined onstage by PE’s top musi-cians, who will also contribute some excitingsegments to the review.

Ace guitarist Donovan Hattingh makes his fi-nal EC showing before returning to Dubai. Hewill be joined onstage by blues maestro Rob

Thompson, Wesley Keet on keyboard, AndrewWarneke on bass and Kevin Mattheus ondrums.

Wayne Kallis brings his own searing vocalsto the mix with a salute to modern BluesmanJohn Mayer, performing songs such as “Gravi-ty”, “Good love is on the way”, “Stop this train”,“Something like Olivia” and “Waiting on theWorld to Change” for the very first time.

Songbird Lelane Fourie will tear things up asher reputation suggests as she takes on JaniceJoplin’s “Piece of My Heart” and “Ball andChain”.

“It is a huge coup to have Robin to agree tocollaboratewithusinthewayhehasdone,”saidCentrestage’s Gary Hemmings.

“Robin won’t just be performing an isolatedset – he will play an integrated role throughoutthe show, trading guitar licks, wailing on hisharmonica – and adding his distinctive vocalsfronting songs as diverse as Dire Straits’ “OnceUpon a Time in the West” and Eric Clapton’s“Crossroads”.

RobinAuldandTheBlues set to rockEL

At the back are Rob Thompson, Wesley Keets, Donovan Hattingh, Kevin Mattheus and Wayne Kallis. Lelane Fourie and Andrew Warneke flank Robin Auld in front.PHOTO:SUPPLIED

‘Express readers’ share theirNewYear’s resolutions

Viwe Mbasa: This year she will go to the gymeveryday so that she can lose weight toprepare for her brother’s upcoming wedding.PHOTOS: YANDISA POPPY DLEMBULA

Sive Mthethwa: Her resolution is to getstraight A’s this year and make her parentsproud since she would be writing Grade 12exams this year.

Lihle Mfundisi: Said his resolution this year is tobe the best worshipper he can be in church sothat other people can also feel God’s presenceevery time.

Yonelisa Ngqebane: Her resolution this year isto help children in her school to say no to peerpressure and concentrate on their studies.

THEyearhasbegunandpeoplemadepromisesofwhat theywant toachieve.UvoLwethuExpressrepor terYANDISAPOPPYDLEMBULA askedthepeopleofBizanawhatweretheir resolutions,andthis iswhat theyhadtosay:

“He will also do a Hendrix set in which youwill see Robin shredding “Johnny Be Good”,“Red House” and “All Along the Watchtower”,aswellasshowingoffhisslideguitarskillsre-in-terpreting Ry Cooder, Ray Charles, RobertJohnson and the Rolling Stones”

ZZ Top and Stevie Ray Vaughn segments willshow off Hattingh and Thompson’s own guitarprowess, whilst rocking classics such as “LittleRed Rooster”, “Hoochie Coochie Man” and“Roadhouse Blues” are also included in thestomping repertoire.

Auld has recently returned to South Africa af-ter a long stay in the UK.

Well known to SA audiences from hits suchas “All of Woman” and “Baby you been Goodto Me” which will also undoubtedly make themix, Robin’s music over the years has evolvedfrom the Pop Rock sound of his early recordingsto the contemporary mix of blues and roots thatmakes his sound today.

He has performed and recorded in New York,London, California, Glasgow and Nashville,

opening for and performing with acts such asLloyd Cole, Angelique Kidjo, Michelle Shocked,Jackson Brown, Mud Morgenfield and SeasickSteve.

His latest album, “Fingers in my Pocket” wasrecorded in London and features a collection ofroots and blues songs which Robin describes asbeing a “walkin, credit card, institutional fail-ure, mean women and a sore head” kind of al-bum. Now based in Cape Town again, Robin iscurrently working on a new album, his 21st, forrelease in mid May 2014.

Tickets cost R120 each, discounted to R100each for bookings of 8 or more and down to R90for 12 or more.

Patrons who cannot afford tickets at this timeof the year can make special provision to payfor tickets next month through Wendy if re-quired.

Individual full-priced tickets can be pur-chased through Computicket.

Call Wendy on 0 082 661 6921 for more infor-mation.

7EntertainmentJanuary 16, 2014Isolomzi Express


THE Community members from Ward 22 ofWillowvale and surrounding areas hostedthe Annual Beach, Sport Arts and CultureFestival inWard22atMbhasheLocalMunici-pality in Willowvale, recently.

Councillor Silulami Ndinisa of Ward 22said this festival was an annual event aimedat promoting social cohesion through sport,arts and cultural activities while showcasingTenzaBeachandsurroundingareasas anote-worthy tourism destination.“This is meant to assist in the future plan-

ning in developing tourism in the area by thecommunity, the municipality, relevant sec-tor departments and other interested part-ners,” Councillor Ndinisa said.He said among the objectives of this event

were to expose Tenza beach as a destinationof choice for tourists, promote Tenza beachinto attractive family entertainment areaand to create space for local artists topromotetheir talents.Cllr Ndinisa said one of the results that

would be appreciated from this event wasthat the beach was now used throughout theyear by people and families who would liketo entertain themselves.“The build-up to this year’s festival result-

ed in a practical demonstration by the com-munity thatwe can be able towork together.”On the other side the festival had been

much welcomed by local artists and groups.It opened space for them to perform and getnew audiences.He said Ward 22 was proud of artists like

Lusanda Mcinga, Bethusile Mcinga, Imvuse-lelo Gospel Group, Ntlahlane TraditionalDancers and Ajingqi Traditional Dancerswho participated in the event.

AnnualBeachFestival a success

Children busy enjoying themselves during the Annual Beach Festival. PHOTO: SUPPLIED Community members attended the Beach Festival. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Ntlahlane Traditional Dancers dazzled the audience. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


A FEATURE film which promises to bring amuch needed boost to the province’s position-ing as a film destination will be shot in EastLondon this month by one of the country’spopular soap stars.

Actor, Luthuli Dlamini, is shooting a fea-ture film, “360, A Sacrifice”, in East London,featuring topnational actors suchasDlamini,KatlegoDanke,WandileMolebatsi,MapasekaKoetle, Zintle Ncipa, and Amo Chidi, amongothers.Production manager for Faizah Media and

the script writer for the film, Pamela Mago,said the stars had been in and out of East Lon-don since the last week of December and

would remain in the city formost of January.“This is a first ofmany projects thatwewill

be doing in East London and the Province oftheEasternCape.Wearenot justhere to shootthe film and leave. We are here to work withthe youth for skills development and also findnew and raw talent. We are here to empower,mentor and coach anyone who is passionateabout the film industry and our supportersnot only support our vision but also thegrowth of the industry in Eastern Cape,” saidMago“360, A Sacrifice” is set to unearth some of

the Eastern Cape’s talent as local actors havealready been auditioned.Mago said in an effort to upskill Eastern

Cape youth, the technical team will be shad-owed by youth from East London in order to

Major boost to the Eastern Cape’s film industry

Generations actor, Luthuli Dlamini, is in EastLondon this month working on a new film.PHOTO: FACEBOOK

impart some skills on them. “A soundtrackfeaturing local artists is also on the cards,”added Mago.Buffalo City Metro Communications Man-

ager, Keith Ngesi, said “The municipality ishonoured to be the film destination of choicefor the production. We hope and believe thatthat this initiative will open doors for morefilms to be shot in the City. We embrace theidea and are in full support of it.”The production is done by byFaizahMedia,

a company owned by Zinlte Ncipa, LuthuliDlamini, Pamela Mago, and Freddie Tuende-la.

8 SportJanuary 16, 2014Isolomzi Express


ALINEUP of more than 3 000 athletes are ex-pected at theOrientBeach at theEast Londonbeachfront on Sunday, January 26, to partici-pate in Ironman 70.3 South Africa.

Ironman 70.3 Coordinator, Media and Pub-lic Relations Officer, Michael Flanagan, saidthe entries for athletes are now closed andsold out.“The field is at its maximum capacity

which is 3 000 individuals and 100 teams. In2011 we sold out on 2 400 individuals and in2012 we increased it to 3 000 individualswhich is the maximum capacity. In 2013 itwas the first time that both the individualand team categories sold out and this hap-pened again this year,” said Flanagan.International athletes from different coun-

tries will also join the race. In the men’s fieldthere will be the defending champion, BartAernouts from Belgium, Romain Guillaumefrom France and Swen Sundberg from Ger-many. In the ladies’ field three-time champi-on and former Ironman 70.3 World Champi-on, Great Britain’s Jodie Swallow, will beback to defend her title alongwith 2009 cham-pion, the Czech Republic’s Lucie Reed andmany more.Flanagan said the event is a half Iron-dis-

tance race which consists of a 1.9 kilometreswim, a 90.1 kilometre bike race and 21.1 kilo-metre run to be completed consecutively inunder 8.5 hours. The race starts at 6.45am.“Each leg of the race has a cut-off time that

athletes have to beat in order to be able tomove onto the next leg of the race. Athleteshave one hour and 10minutes to complete theswim, four hours and five minutes to com-plete the cycle and three hours and 15 min-utes to complete the run. The male winner isexpected to finish around 10.45amwith the fe-malewinner expected at around 11.15am.Therace officially ends at 4.30pm.Flanagan encouraged people from East

London to support the event.“Members of the public should come to the

beachfront to support the athletes and join usfor a fun day out. They can also follow theirfavourite athletes by using the Vodacom

Track an Athlete SMS service. By smsing anathlete’s race number to 39408 they will re-

ceive SMS updates on the race day when theathletes pass various points on the course.

The service cost R15, and a portion of the pro-ceeds goes towards the Ironman 4 the Kidz .”

East Londonall set for Ironman70.3SA

IRONMAN 70.3 SA athletes from 2013 running at the East London beachfront. PHOTO:ZIYANDA SIDUMO

EASTERN Cape boxer Xolisani “Nomeva”Ndongeni is one step away from being crownedthe national Premier Boxing League’s firstchampion.Ndongeni said he is confident that hewillwin

hisoneremainingmatchagainstVusumziTyat-yeka early in 2014 to win the title.“Tyatyekahasgotanotherthingcomingwhen

we meet for that final match. I will knock him

downbefore the endof the sixth round,” said the23-year-old boxer, adding that itwill “take amir-acle” for anyboxer to removehim fromtopposi-tion.TheDuncanVillageboxernowtops the league

with 51 points, after knocking out East Londonboxer Vusumzi Bokolo in the first round at theOrientTheatre last year.He isnowhardatworkat at the Duncan Village Boxing Academy in

‘Nomeva’ says Tyatyekawill loseGompo, preparing for the fight under thewatch-ful eye of his trainer, Mzamo Njekanye.“I am training hard, preparing myself for the

match, because I don’t want anything to standin my way,” he said.Njekanye saidhis charge is ready for the final

match against Tyatyeka, who he doesn’t consid-er a threat to his boxer.“Ndongeni is training hard and showing lots

ofhungeranddedication towin thePBL.Noonewill take the number one position from himnow,” he said.He said while Tyatyeka is a good boxer and

hasa lotof respect forhim,“he isnocompetitionfor Ndongeni”.“The grand prize is going to Duncan Village

Boxing Academy, where it belongs,” he added.– Philasande Tukute - WNA


BOXING South Africa (BSA) Ratings Com-mittee approved in December boxers whohave challenged and qualified for the SouthAfrican titles, and the list provided some ofthe must-see shows.

In an attempt by the boxing governingbody to ensure there’s activity in the fisti-cuffs, champions who have had an opportu-nity to put their titles on the line againstmandatory challengers in the last threemonths have been instructed to either makea voluntary defence or engage in an interna-tional fight.

There were in the list of approvals, anumber of SA title fights that could providefireworks. These are any promoter’s dreamfights with a good marketing strategy.Uitenhage’s Eastern Cape (EC) Heavy-

weight champion, Unathi Jacobs, has beenapproved to challenge Gauteng’s nationalheayweight champion Anton Nel.At 46-years-of-age, Nel (33 fights, 18 wins,

12 losses and three draws), who defeated Si-busiso Sibiya by TKO 6 in defence of the titlein his last fight, could provide an exciting“experience versus youth” fight against theyounger police officer, Jacobs.Rated at number one in the country, the

younger Jacobs (8 fights, 7wins, all KOs and

one loss), who demolished Ivan Strydom inone round to claim the provincial talent lastOctober and successfully defended it byknocking out Sithembele August, also in thefirst round in December moreover, is under-stood to be preferring to challenge rather thenational Cruiserweight title currently heldby Daniel Bruwer, who also holds the WBFInternational Junior Heavyweight title.

Jacobs is also topping the cruiserweightcontenders’ list. “I am not a fully-fledgedheavyweight andwould rather challenge thecruiserweight title, a division in which I amstill comfortable,” said Jacobs recently. Itwould also be interesting to see how Jacobsfares among theother cruiserweight interna-

tional campaigners like Thabiso Mchunu(ABUChamp), and IlungaMakabu (WBCSil-ver Champion).This year SA Welterweight champion

Tsiko Mulovhedzi of Limpopo must defendagainst mandatory challenger MziwoxoloNdwayana from Grahamstown, while it willbe interesting to seeEastLondon’sSAJuniorWelterweight champion Mzolisi Yoyo facinghis homeboy and mandatory challenger AliFuneka for the title.Fans would like to see SA Featherweight

champion Lusanda Komanisi who stoppedAphiwe Mboyiya for the title in Decemberput it on the line against Oscar Chauke ot thenew kid on the block, Lwandisa Zinto.

SA title fights fanswould like to see