isotonic drinks


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Page 1: Isotonic Drinks

Isotonic drinksCourse: Applied ChemistryLecturer: DR NudjiyonoRina IndrawatiS830208017 / IPA / PsainsA. IntroductionBody fluids play an important role in metabolism, including transport and absorb the nutrients in the blood, helps digestion and keep the body temperature. Various existing data concluded that the man or woman at the age of 20-40 years need at least 50-60 percent of the fluid in the body (Eldest Prasetyo. Http: //www.sinarharapan).Given its function, do not be surprised if the human body needs fluids every day to replace the fluid that comes out through breathing (insensible water loss), sweat (sensible water loss), and urine. At normal temperatures we will lose up to 2,300 milliliters of fluid / day, whereas during strenuous exercise, figure to be higher reaches 6,600 ml / day. (Eldest Prasetyo. Http: //www.sinarharapan)If the discharge is not immediately replaced, over time the body can become dehydrated. Lost body fluids replaced with a similar liquid electrolyte body is able to restore the liquid alkaline properties too strenuous physical activity can also cause the body to lose a lot of fluid which is characterized by symptoms of nausea, fatigue, headache, vomiting, and muscle spasms. Other symptoms of dehydration which is the body weak, dizzy eyes until the concentration decreases. Lack of fluids can reduce blood flow throughout the body. Because the fluid volume of blood in the body part "drained" out so that blood pressure also decreased. Due to the drop in blood pressure, the blood supply to vital organs such as the brain, kidneys, heart, and lungs is reduced. As a result, an organ deprived of oxygen, nutrients, and electrolytes. If allowed, over time these organs are not functioning well until he could cause death (http: //www.litbang. Definition IsotonicSimply put, isotonic drinks is a solution that has a mineral salt content equal to body cells and blood. Thus, the solution has the same pressure to the blood vessel wall. So isotonic fluid is a liquid that has the same osmotic pressure with fluid that is within human cells.Isotonic called for a balance that makes the same concentration of solution with a concentration of body fluids. Why should we be? Because when more dilute, blood cells instead will swell. Conversely, if the concentration of a solution that goes higher, the blood cells will shrink.The problem, the scientific case has become "blurred" in the layman. Many consider, by consuming isotonic drinks, as if absorption can take place more quickly than the water consumed. The reason, water will be stored first in the stomach, while isotonic drinks directly spread throughout the body. When in fact all the fluid can not enter through the mouth directly into the blood cells, but first enter the stomach.In conclusion, the impregnation speed isotonic drinks and water is the same. So isotonic fluids more quickly relieve thirst for minerals influence not because the body is better able to absorb fluid than distilled water. There is no real influence among maintain health / vitality in general by drinking isotonic fluids.C. The process of OsmosisIn 1784, the French physicist discovered a phenomenon, when the alcohol container made from a pig's bladder filled in alcohol and then put into the water, then it will be bulging pouches ( From his observations was known that the water will break in

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through a semi-permeable wall (semipermeable membrane) of a bag made from the pig's bladder. Semi-permeable membrane is a membrane that has pores that can be bypassed by solvent particles, but can not be bypassed by solute particles.Osmosis process is the process of moving molecules from the solvent hipotonikhipertonik solution (solution with low solute concentration) to the solution (a solution which has a high solute concentration), through a membrane that is selectively permeable ( If there are two solutions that are not the same concentration, the water molecules pass through the membrane to the second balanced solution.

Figure 1: Process OsmosisIn the process of osmosis, the hypertonic solution, most of the water molecules bound (attracted) to the solute molecules, so that only a few molecules of free water and can pass through the membrane. Whereas in a hypotonic solution, having more free water molecules (not bound by soluble molecules), so that more water molecules pass through the membrane.D. Osmotic PressureOsmotic pressure (π) is the pressure exerted on a solution that can stop the movement of solvent molecules into the solution through a semi-permeable membrane (osmosis). Water bursts in through a semipermeable membrane so that the surface of the funnel tistel will rise caused by the osmotic pressure. Large osmotic pressure measured by osmometer, with the burden on the increase in liquid level so that it becomes parallel to the surface of the previousIn the process of osmosis, the solvent moving from two opposite directions at different speeds. Solvent from a low concentration (aqueous solution) moves to a high concentration (concentrated solution) with a speed greater than the speed of movement of solvent from the opposite direction. The solvent of the aqueous solution will be more concentrated solution to move. Displacement solvent from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution is called osmosis process.Due to the displacement of the solvent, the surface of the concentrated solution gradually becomes higher. Solvent flow will reach equilibrium, if the flow of solvent from a dilute solution to the concentrated solution, and conversely, has had the same speed. At equilibrium there is a difference in height of a dilute solution and concentrated solution. The height difference of the two solutions causes the pressure difference between the two solutions. Pressure on the side of the concentrated solution is higher than the pressure at the osmotic pressure of the aqueous solution. The pressure needed to keep the solvent does not move to a concentrated solution called osmotic pressure (π).

Figure 2: the occurrence of osmotic pressureE. The content of the isotonic drinksIsotonic drinks contain a variety of minerals that the body needs. Call it the sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, carbohydrates, vitamins and so on. With the addition of a slightly sweet taste will optimize the benefits to the body. Isotoniknya levels only 26 calories per can and is enriched with vitamin C. An isotonic drink was none other than the sodium salt solution (NaCl), equivalent to a 0.9% solution of common salt. Ion-called very beneficial for the body is also not just contained in the isotonic. Each salt is dissolved in water will surely turn into ions Na and Cl ions. Thus, ions contained in lodeh with ions in the isotonic same.

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The content of additives in isotonic drinks, among others :1. Glucose2. Citric Acid3. Sodium Citrate4. Sodium Chloride5. Vitamin C6. Potassium Chloride7. Calcium Lactate8. Magnesium9. carbonateF. Conditions Requiring Isotonic DrinksDischarge from the human body is strongly influenced by environmental conditions such as heat, humidity, rain, snow, etc. In Indonesia, the climate is tropical climate has the characteristics of a hot and humid. In the normal physiological state according to Vender (2003) says that the human loss of fluids from:1) Gastrointestinal tract (bowel movements) = 200 cc2) Urinary tract (urination) = 1,500 cc3) The skin, sweat = 600 cc4) Pulmonary Lung = 300 ccIf the hot conditions will certainly sweating more than the cold state. And the amount of this expenditure will multiply when the body activity increases, such as after exerciseAccording to the manufacturers one isotonic drink, isotonic fluid is needed when decreased levels of body fluids found at the time:a. We are in a tropical environment uncomfortable.b. Excessive sweating.c. Exhausting exercise.d. Poor stamina.e. Less passionate when working.Actually, isotonic drinks when consumed in moderate condition not perform heavy physical activity to expend a lot of sweat, ion content in these drinks do not have a positive effect. If for sportsmen or people with heavy work, these drinks may be useful. But for people with normal activity, its usefulness becomes less effective, "Because, under normal circumstances or in good shape, the body does not require electrolytes such substances. Finally, the mineral content of these drinks is not utilized. Therefore, isotonic drinks should be drunk when we sweat a lot, such as after strenuous physical activity or exercise.G. Uses Isotonic DrinksIsotonic drinks can replace lost body fluids for a variety of human physical activity .. Just for illustration, in the pharmaceutical field, isotonic fluids are generally used to make the infusion solution or injectable drugs. Isotonic solution can be prepared by adding salt until the solution reaches a concentration of about 0.9%. Also called saline. Well, this solution contains electrolytes that the body needs in lieu of lost electrolytes. Its use by injection into a vein, not drunk so fast solution absorbed by the body.Isotonic beverages believed not only able to replace body fluids. The drink is also said to cure dengue fever and typhus. Actually, this drink only help speed up the recovery of patients. If the patient is diligently taking isotonic drinks, the body fluid is lost will be replaced effectively. This drink is also

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consumed when dehydrated or diarrhea. Arguably function similar to ORS. Not only that. Isotonic drinks also considered efficacious in the healing process of canker sores.H. Negative EffectsBehind the impression of freshness, isotonic drinks can be harmful if taken carelessly. Meanwhile, mild side effects of excessive drinking isotonic drinks are flatulence, for a long time span, it can cause serious side effects. For example the body is weak,, palpitations, cardiacrate, or heartbeat stops ( time ago, the Public Committee on Anti Preservatives (Kombet) reveals the results of his research to the isotonic drinks. It turns out most of the types of drinks contain preservatives (http: //www.indonesiaontime .com / humanities / health /). Although the content of preservatives are generally not too large, but if taken continuously it will accumulate and cause effects on health.Because it contains salt, isotonic should not be taken lightly. If excessive, salt levels in the body will lead to high blood pressure or hypertension. When you are in contact with hypertension, just waiting for any part of the body will be broken first. Kidney patients should also be careful to consume isotonic drinks. You see, the consumption of isotonic drinks can force the kidneys to work harder to get rid of excess mineral that is not needed by the body. it can aggravate kidney disease.It is said that long-term use, isotonic drinks can cause disease Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus / SLE) (http: // www. However, there is no benchmark how long it was. Another impact of preservatives beverages in containers is cancer. In a literature mentioned that when consumed in excess, can be side effects such as edema (swelling) that may occur due to the retention or fluid retention in the body. Could also rise in blood pressure as a result of the increase in plasma volume due to the binding of water by sodium.Even so, if only eat them occasionally, so no need to worry too. Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) has also conducted a similar study and the results showed preservative used is still below the threshold of the provisions of the Department of Health (Http:// Based on the Acceptable Daily In-take (ADI), sodium benzoate as a preservative has a threshold of 600 milligrams per liter. The potassium sorbate threshold of 25 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. So, when a child's weight 20 kg, and he drank 500 mg of potassium sorbate through two bottles of isotonic drink, based on risk assessment carried the World Health Organization (WHO) it is not considered harmful.I. ClosingConsumption of isotonic fluids to replace lost body fluids for a variety of human physical activity. The content of electrolytes in isotonic fluids to replace lost electrolytes Na + and K + is wasted through sweat. Benefits consume isotonic drinks will be effective if used in body condition much sweat or fluid. Need to watch the content of additives (preservatives) for health. Also contains salts for kidney patientsJ. Sample Isotonic Beverage Products