issue 3 september 2017 issue 3 june 2016 faith, family, future · lowing maris stella's...

The Anchor From the Principal’s Desk Dear Parents and Girls Time passes quickly and it is hard to believe that another term has drawn to a close. Once again, this has been a busy term at Maris Stella characterised by an intensive sport programme, drama productions, awards ceremonies, sports days, cultural celebrations and so much more. I am always amazed at how busy our school is and how many girls and of course their teachers, are still here late into the evening, involved in our many after school pro- grammes. I am so grateful to each staff member, (teaching, administrative and support) for their commitment to all that we do for our girls here at Maris Stella. By now the parents who have daughters in Grade 7 to 11 will have received their Continuous Assessment Reports. I urge you to have a discussion with your daughter regard- ing her results in order for her to plan her revision and consolidation of work done thus far, so that she can be well prepared for the examinations which take place next term. I wish you a happy and relaxing holiday. With warm regards Joan Schmidt Issue 3 September 2017 Faith, Family, Future Heritage Day Celebrations! Our Heritage Day celebrations were not only a literal feast, but also a visual and cultural one as well! Our girls and staff embraced this day with such love, dressed in outϐits which represented our heritage, and shared traditional meals at a picnic in the MPC, where we were entertained by the incredibly talented Qadasi and Maqhinga. Our fes- tivities included a highly entertaining and culturally di- verse concert, in which all phases of our school, staff in- cluded, did us proud! "Sounds the call to come together, and united we shall stand "

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Page 1: Issue 3 September 2017 Issue 3 June 2016 Faith, Family, Future · lowing Maris Stella's servant leadership style, the Grade 11s pledged to uphold the values of integrity, justice,

June 2016 Issue 3

The Anchor



Timepassesquicklyand it ishardtobelieve thatanothertermhasdrawntoaclose.Onceagain,thishasbeenabusyterm at Maris Stella characterised by an intensive sportprogramme, drama productions, awards ceremonies,sportsdays,culturalcelebrationsandsomuchmore.

I am always amazed at how busy our school is and howmanygirls andof course their teachers, are still here lateinto the evening, involved in our many after school pro-grammes.Iamsogratefultoeachstaffmember,(teaching,administrative and support) for their commitment to allthatwedoforourgirlshereatMarisStella.

Bynowtheparentswhohavedaughters inGrade7 to11willhavereceivedtheirContinuousAssessmentReports. Iurgeyou tohaveadiscussionwithyourdaughterregard-ing her results in order for her to plan her revision andconsolidationofworkdonethusfar,sothatshecanbewellprepared for the examinationswhich take place nextterm.




Issue 3 September 2017 Faith, Family, Future


OurHeritageDaycelebrationswerenotonlyaliteralfeast,but also a visual and cultural one aswell! Our girls andstaffembracedthisdaywithsuch love,dressed inout itswhich represented our heritage, and shared traditionalmealsatapicnic intheMPC,wherewewereentertainedby the incredibly talentedQadasiandMaqhinga.Our fes-tivities included a highly entertaining and culturally di-verse concert, inwhich all phases of our school, staff in-cluded, did us proud! "Sounds the call to come together,andunitedweshallstand"

Page 2: Issue 3 September 2017 Issue 3 June 2016 Faith, Family, Future · lowing Maris Stella's servant leadership style, the Grade 11s pledged to uphold the values of integrity, justice,

Page 2 The Anchor - Issue 3

Grade6ExcursiontoSpiritofAdventureOurGrade6senjoyedanactionpackedtwodaysatSpir-itofAdventure, in theShongweniGameReserve.Theyfacedanexhilarating“SurvivorCourse”,aimingtoequipthemwithanunderstandingoftheroleoftheleaderinateam, the skills involved and the con idence to applythem. Even though someactivitiesappearedchalleng-ing at irst, theywere always fun and achievable,withthe “Snake Pit” and the abseiling emerging as de initehighlights!


OurGrade1girlswerebeyondexcit-ed to board the bus to go on theirirstoutingoftheyear.Afterasong-illeddrive,theyweregreetedbyallthe loving farm animals. Our girlsran around the farm; feeding thegoatsandhorseswhilesomeotherschased the chickens and the bun-nies. A few girls were fortunateenough toevengeta cuddle fromabunny! The girls enjoyed the talksaboutreptilesandwolvesandwereable to milk some cows. After the

exciting morning, they had a much quieter ride back toschoolwith44exhaustedlittlegirls.


OurGrade2senjoyedafun- illedandeducationaldayat the AfricanBird of Prey Sanctuary. The girlsweregiven the opportunity to work in groups and walkaroundthesanctuary,discoveringnewandinterestingfacts about the different birds that are in the park.Theywatchedashowwhichdemonstratedhowafewof the different birds ly and catch their prey. Theseincludedowls,aYellowBillKiteandaneagle.Thegirlshad a wonderful time and were fascinated to watchthevulturesfeed!


Our Grade 5s brought their History syllabus to life withtheir visit toGreensleeves lastweek. Dressed up in theirmedieval inery (executioner included!), the girls lovedexploring the castle, sampling their sumptuous feast andgenerallyimmersingthemselvesinallthingsmedieval.

Page 3: Issue 3 September 2017 Issue 3 June 2016 Faith, Family, Future · lowing Maris Stella's servant leadership style, the Grade 11s pledged to uphold the values of integrity, justice,

Grade11and12SoireeOurGrade11sand12sweretreatedtoarelaxedevening,combiningfunwitheleganceandencouragement,whereeachGrade11waspairedwithaMatric"sister",tohelpansweranyquestionsonschool,leadershiporlifeingen-eral. Thank you toourHeadandDeputyHeadGirls forputtingtogetherthisspecialevening!   

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Our2018PortfolioHeadsandViceHeads,alongwiththeirPortfolios,havemadeanexceptionalstart to theirdutiesthis term. During a special Leadership Assembly, HeadGirlQondisaSibekoencouragedalltheGrade11stomakethe most of every opportunity, and inspire others todreammore, learnmore,believemore,anddomore.Fol-lowingMaris Stella's servant leadership style, the Grade11spledgedtoupholdthevaluesofintegrity,justice,com-

passion andrespect thatunderpin ourschool,andtoleadbyexam-ple, neverexpecting ofothers whatthey are notprepared todo them-selves.


ThehallwasalivewiththevibrantcoloursandsoundsofourbeautifulMzanziwhentheGrade8girlsentertainedtheir parents with a cultural experience of food, danceandmusicinaSouthAfricantheme.Dressedinsaris,tra-ditionaldancingbeadsandskirts,Bok jerseysandsafarikit, our parents and girls embraced the spirit ofMzanziandUbuntuintheireveningtogether.


Our recent evening dedicated to the celebration of ourmusical talent was a wonderful way of bringing ourschoolfamilytogether.InthewordsofPlato,‘Musicgivesasoultotheuniverse,wingstothemind, lighttotheim-


Page 4: Issue 3 September 2017 Issue 3 June 2016 Faith, Family, Future · lowing Maris Stella's servant leadership style, the Grade 11s pledged to uphold the values of integrity, justice,

Pre‐schoolGrandparents’DayOur Pre-school hosted a very special Grandparents' Dayconcert, a testament to the love and devotion our littlestgirlshavefortheirgranny'sandgrandpa's.Withacelebra-tion of songs embracing our heritage, we were all feelingthelove!

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Page 4 The Anchor - Issue 3


“Ifyouaregoingtogetanywhereinlifeyouhavetoreadalotofbooks.”–RoaldDahlWednesday,13SeptemberwasRoaldDahl’sbirthdayandonce again this year the Grade 4s celebrated all thingsRoaldDahlinstyle!Matilda,Sophie,WillyWonka,andMrsTwit, tonamea few,couldbeseenstrollingaroundMarisStella.Thegirlsmodelledtheirout its,enjoyedtestingtheirknowledgeoftheRoaldDahlbooks,watchedTheBFGandicedMarieBiscuits.


OurGrade 7MarketDaywas the culmination ofweeks ofwork by our savvy Grade 7 entrepreneurs!With valuablelessons learned about market research, effective advertis-ing,competition,andexpensesvspro ittonameafew,ourgirls are to be congratulatedon their excellent efforts andinnovativeideas!

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A big thank you to ourMaris Stella Family and friends who supported our I Heart Maris Stella Market!Wewereblessedwiththemostgloriouswinter'sday,andhadsomuchfunenjoyingtherides,browsingaroundthecraftmar-ket,andrelaxinginthebeautiful(anddelicious!)teagarden.Thankyoutoourdedicatedteamofmomsanddadsfromour Parents' Association for all their efforts in putting together this special familyfundraiser,andmanythanksalsotoourstaffandgirlsforallyourhelpwiththestalls.

Sun lowerFundDay:MzanziMagic!

Oneofthemostanticipatedeventsinourcalendar,Sun lowerFundDay,wasawashwithfun,style, lairandmuch"MzanziMagic",ourthemeforthisyear'scelebrations.Frommusic,laughterandbubblesonarrivalatschool,tofacepaintingandteapartiesforourlittlestgirls,thedayculminatedinajawdroppingfashionshow,alivewithMzanziMagic,organisedbyourGrade11s.EachclassinourPrepandHighSchoolworkedtogethertocreateaunique, imaginativeout itmadefromtopes,andwewerefortunatetohaveFashionNanny,SabrinaMaingard,asourcelebrityjudge.Thisisthe10thyearthatMarisStellahashadthehonourofsupportingTheSun lowerFund,andwearesoproudofourMarisStellaFamily,forrais-ingR24250throughthepurchaseof970topes!

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Somebeautiful, inspiredartpieces, painstakinglycreatedbyourtalentedMa-trics,areondisplayuntilthe16October.Everyoneismostwelcometovisit!

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Congratulations to the talented cast and crewof ourPrepProduction,'There'sNoBusinessLikeShowBusiness!'Thisexciting, colourful and entertaining showcase of themanydifferentskillsofourPrepgirlswasadelighttowatch,andinstilledrenewedrespect forthemanygiftsourgirlshavebeengiven.AbigthankyoutoMrsJoubertforallhereffortsinproducingsuchawonderful show,and forbeingsuchaconstantinspirationtoourgirls.


OurPrepArtExhibitionwasavisualfeastincelebrationofthecreativityofourGrade4to7girls.Whetheritwascre-atedusingpaint,pastel,pencilor clay, eachpieceofworkondisplaywasatestamenttotheimaginationanddetermi-nationofourgirls,aswellas theskillofPrepArt teacher,Mrs Andrew and locum, Ms Jennings. A talented ceramicartist,MsJenningshassharedherloveofceramicswiththegirls this term, who have so enjoyed creating their ownbeautifulbowlsand lowers.

Page 7: Issue 3 September 2017 Issue 3 June 2016 Faith, Family, Future · lowing Maris Stella's servant leadership style, the Grade 11s pledged to uphold the values of integrity, justice,


Wearesoproudofoursoftballteam,whocame3rdintheSchools’ALeague,afterwinning theBLeague last season.Evenmore impressive is that 6 Maris Stella players havebeen selected to play for KZN Squads. Courtney Stuart,TraceyPowellandTeganSinclairhavebeenselectedfortheU18 KZN Softball Squad, and Caitlyn Gooding, SamishkaChetty and Jenna O’Brien have been selected for the U15KZNSoftballSquad.

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OurPre-schoolgirlshadsuchaballattheirSportsDay!Thegirls loved running, jumping and cheering together, espe-ciallywithalltheirmoms,dads,gransandgrandpasproud-lywatching!






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In our special ThirdTermAwardsAssembly,the followinggirlswerecongratulated for theirexcellentachievements:

Certi icates of Recog‐nition:

ZoraMerkofer (Grade2Piano Trinity College ofLondonExam),IreneAn(Distinction forGrade4Violin examinationGrade5Pianoexamina-tion), Xoliswa Gcaba(Durban Central Soc-cer), Savannah Pa-penfus, (DurbanCentralSoccer),AmyRandelhoff(Durban Central Soc-cer), Survivor Gwala(Durban Central Soc-cer), Khwezi Buthelezi(Durban Central Soc-cer), Madison Briant(Durban Central Soc-

cer),ZinhleSithole(DurbanCentralSoccer),LauraMcAlister(DurbanCentralSoccer),TannahSmith(UmlaziCrossCoun-tryandKZNDuathlonTeam),CaitlynGooding(UmlaziCrossCountry),MiaVlotman(UmlaziU12Netball), CarlySmith(Umlazi U12 Netball), BabalwaMkhize (KZN Gymnastics), Ashleigh Prinsloo (KZN Gymnastics), MzuzuMhlongo (KZNGymnastics), Jaimee Coxwell (KZN Gymnastics), Holly Chelin (KZNU14BHockey), Sarah Proctor (KZNU14BHockey),ChloePillay(KZNKarate),MiaBlythe(SouthAfricanSynchronisedSwimming),ShriyaaSooklal(KZNJuniorDebating).

Certi icatesofRecognitionwereawardedtothefollowinggirlsforachievingDistinctionsintheirBallet,ModernorTapDancingexams:

Jordyn Lombaard, Tatum Stewardson, Jannah Winter, Olivia Elliot, Megan Grout, Lauren Walsh, Hannah Brannigan,RaevenPhillips,RyleighRutherford,LufunoChili,EyethuShabangu,JadeYoung,JamieleRoux,DivanyaPillay,TejalSood-yall.

Certi icatesofRecognitionwereawardedtothefollowinggirlsforwiningtheirForumDiscussion:

TiaMunsamy, JodiNobin,AndiswaGumbi, JodyRibbink,LuyandaMhlongo,OluhleNdlovu,RomaineCabusas,BayandaGumede.







