issue 37, october 2015

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Thank you Holy Spirit for your awesome works at LGI during the third quarter of 2015! We share our joy, gratitude and spiritual blessings to every person who has helped us advance the Jesus-Agenda. Happy Reading everyone!


  • 7/17/2019 ISSUE 37, OCTOBER 2015


    Advance the Jesus-Agenda so the world may believe that Jesus Christ is Lord!

    In the Last Days , I Will Pour Out My Spirit

    LGI Launches the First WindWatch Prophetic ConferenceIt was truly an amazing Holy Spirit-filled

    event! The first-ever convergence of all

    WindWatch ministries in the Philippines was

    indeed momentous. The day-long conference

    ushered LGIs anointing to raise a prophetic

    people in these last days. This prophetic

    season is a time of mighty redemptive

    visitations from the Holy Spirit.

    As wickedness increases, God is also raising up

    a faithful and steadfast people who will move

    in the supernatural ways of God. These are

    men and women of faith who are able to see,

    hear and know Gods will in these very exciting

    time of harvest.

    We are blessed beyond words that close to 200

    WindWatch members from Quezon City, Makati,

    Pampanga, Davao and Midsayap came to the


    The conference ended with a mighty call from the

    Holy Spirit to advance the Jesus Agenda so that

    everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will

    be saved! - bam


    LGI Opens the

    Early Childhood Center

    The LGI Early Childhood Center

    opened school year 2015-2016 with its

    kick-off Blessing and Dedication of

    the LGI ECC last August 07, 2015. A

    Parents Orientation Meeting followed

    to discussed guidelines. On August 10,

    seven charming and enthusiastic kids

    were welcomed to the ECC - their

    new, happy place.

    Children learn to anticipate cues,demonstrate familiarity to class

    routines, recognize classmates, learn

    socialization, respond to teacher and

    follow instructions. A visit to the LGI

    office last September 04 was the first

    field trip of the school. Mondays are

    our Wind Watch Kids Chapel Time.

    We thank the ECC parents: Rina

    Navarro, Atty. Charles & Cookie

    Puno, Aaron & Joyce Dait; Pastor

    Jonathan & Arch. Marie Patadlas,

    Jonathan & Blossom Nolasco; Wayne

    John & Veronica Lim and the LGI

    grandparents: Pastor Mina Palomo,Pastor Sonny Navarro, Pastor Art &

    Dr. Miriam Calaguas; Arch. Tin &

    Becky Amistoso; and Mercy Lim. We

    praise God for entrusting the lives of

    your children to LGI-EEC. We commit

    to raise them in academic excellence

    and in the knowledge and experience

    of Jesus Christ. -rmc

    BIOS NEWSLETTERT h e Q u a r t e r l y P u b l i c a t i o n o f L i f e - G r ow t h I n c .

    LGI Empowers Through theChange Management Program

    T h e L G I C h a n g e

    Management Program

    aims to create critical

    a w a r e n e s s o n t h e

    importance of pursuing

    a transformation agenda

    in churches, school and

    w o r k p l a c e s tha t i s

    anchored on Christian values. LGI believes

    that through these seminars, our participantswill be able to appreciate the importance of

    personal transformation and its eventual

    impact on corporate social development.

    Launched in 2013, this program has served

    close to 800 individuals in families, workplaces,

    school and churches in the Philippines. We

    have also brought these seminars to San

    Francisco, Maryland, Chicago and Los

    Angeles. Our Change Management Seminars

    i n c l u d e iL I V E , iT R A N S F O R M ,


    iLEAD and iHOPE. - bam

    WindWatch Celebrates the

    Feast of Jubilee

    It was truly a joy and honour for WindWatch

    members to celebrate the Jewish Feast of Jubilee

    last September.

    The Jubilee a year of deliverance being observed

    by the Israelites every 50th year. In the face of

    unimaginable threats, we too are secure. We are

    never to press the panic button but instead, we

    press the PRAISE button. - bam


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  • 7/17/2019 ISSUE 37, OCTOBER 2015


    Advance the Jesus-Agenda so the world may believe that Jesus Christ is Lord!


    NOVEMBER 2015Family Prophetic Healing ConferenceNov. 14, Sat., 8AM-4PMWord of Grace QC,

    LGI Fund Raising Movie EventThe Good DinosaurNov. 29, Sun., 3PM, RobinsonsMagnolia

    LGI Kiamba, MindanaoNov. 29, Sun., UCCP-Kiamba

    LGI United KingdomLast Week of Nov. to Dec.

    DECEMBER 2015WW Levites and LGI SchoolChristmas FellowshipDec. 4, Fri., Venue to be announced

    WW Makati 2nd Anniversary,WW Makati Christmas &New Year ServiceDec. 17, Thurs., 11th Floor, KingsCourt, Makati

    WW QC Christmas ServiceDec. 21, Mon., 6:15PM, KBCF

    WW QC New Years ServiceDec. 28, Mon., 6:15PM, KBCF

    JANUARY 2016WW 9th Anniversary

    Jan. 18, Mon., 6:15PM, KBCF


    LGI participated in the metro-wide shake drill

    last July 30, 2015, a real-world training

    scenario in preparation for a possible

    earthquake in Metro Manila. As alarms

    sounded off signaling the start of the drill,

    participants performed the Drop, Cover and

    Hold exercise and carefully evacuated the


    For LGI, the value of the drill increased the

    level of awareness and chances of better

    recovery and implementation of contingencies

    in the event of earthquakes. The drill also

    allowed review and testing of the LGI Safety

    Plan. The LGI Emergency Management Plan

    was put together to promote safety awareness

    and show LGIs commitment to the safety of its

    staff and students. The Plan includes

    emergency procedures for fire, earthquake,

    flood and storm. -rmc





    BIOSRev. Dr. Mina N. Palomo !Editor-in-ChiefRev. Bernadette A. Morales !Managing Editor

    Rev. Criscelyn C. Navarro!Contributor

    Arlene Joy C. Puno !Contributor

    Rose Ann M. Carino !Contributor

    Laarni J. de Belen !Lay Out Artist

    Life-Growth Christian NetWork Inc.

    376.0299 | 0998.5611261 | 0917. 3268202

    LGI Creates Emergency Management Plan

    The fire of the Holy Spirit was unleashed

    during the 63rd Founding Anniversary of the

    UCCP Central City Church in General Santos

    City with LGI Founder, Rev. Dr. Mina Palomo,

    as guest speaker.

    LGI was blessed to conduct our back-to-back

    transformational seminars, Starting Over and

    Breaking Through, led by Rev. Criscelyn C.

    Navarro. People were empowered with life-skills

    to overcome hindrances and barriers to living

    victorious lives. They found the courage and

    hope to start over again.

    The wind of the Spirit blew powerfully at the

    General Santos Conference. The participants

    were empowered to rise in authority and


    Around 180 people were blessed by this event.

    LGI members Bong and Ester Lee Paragas,

    now living in Koronadal, also came with ten

    (10) others from their church. Pastor Nani

    Deita, Associate Pastor of UCCP-Gen San and

    member of the LGI network, served as the

    over-all coordinator of all these events. -ccn

    The Holy Spirit Blows Mightily in General Santos City

    In the last days, God said, I will pour out my

    Spirit men and women will prophesy

    Has the gift of prophecy ceased? Apparently,

    God continues to pour out the spirit of

    prophecy upon His people and is being

    rediscovered in many churches today. However,

    this prophetic ministry has brought about

    criticisms from most Christian circles. Indeed,

    there are many complexities and controversies

    surrounding the ministry of the prophetic.

    Prophetic Coaching Series (PCS) was

    birthed to address these issues. Straightforward

    discussions are held on questions like: Is there

    biblical basis for the cessation of the prophetic

    ministry or its continuance? How do you

    discern if the prophecy is from the human

    spirit, from the Holy Spirit or from demonic

    interferences? What does it mean when a

    prophetic word does not come to pass? What is

    our guarantee that our prophets are accurate

    and responsible? How does one make sure that

    their prophecies do not contradict God's Word?

    How can we safeguard ourselves from the idols

    in our hearts and many more?

    There is a lack of seasoned apostolic-prophetic

    leaders who can bring the supernatural power

    of God to bear in the lives of nations, cities,

    churches, and people. LGI is responding to the

    Holy Spirits call to bring gifted and anointed

    people to come to a whole new level ofmaturity, accuracy, and power.

    PCS participants are trained to hear Gods

    voice and are empowered to release prophetic

    revelations in truth, power and love. PCS is

    held every last Friday of each month from 6:30

    9:30 PM beginning last August. This series is

    led by Rev. Dr. people are Rebecca Mina N.

    Palomo. An average of 40 attending here and

    abroad. -ccn

    Prophetic Coaching Series Addresses Criticisms About

    the Prophetic Ministry