issue 4, february ezine

Scouting Ireland E-Zine Issue 4, February 2009

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Issue 4 of Scouting Irelands EZine from February 2009


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Scouting Ireland E-Zine Issue 4, February 2009

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Notice Board

Gala Dinner and Dance

On Saturday evening there will be a Gala dinner and dance at a cost of £40/€42.50 with a drinks reception at 7.45pm, followed by dinner at 8.00pm. Guest speaker will be one of Ireland’s leading businessmen and TV presenter Sir Gerry Robinson and music will be provided by Eurovision and RTE star Mickey Harte and his Band. Gala Dinner tickets must be booked through National Office.

Cheques for tickets should be made payable to ‘Scouting Ireland’. Please post your cheques & booking forms (with main course choice) to Scouting Ireland, National Council Gala Dinner 2009, Tibradden, Dublin 16. Book early to avoid disappointment as places are limited.

Latest Management Bulletin online now

The latest Managment Bulletin

from February 2009 is now avail-


For all the latest information on

the decisions made on the run up

to National Council just follow the link above.

Practical Support

A new section on the Adult Resourcearea has been developed by John Brennan (Chief Commissioner Adult Resources). The first articles that have been put up are from:

John Brennan (CCAR):-Succession Planning in Group and CountyAnd Jamie Gorman (Member of NMC):-Young Leaders Survey

Constititional Review

Check Back Soom for an


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4New Scout Programme

Ear to the Ground: What the Pilots are doing…

In this issue of E-Zine we catch up with Discovery Scouts from Douglas, Cork and hear what they’ve been doing to win Oscars and climb mountains as they test out our new Scout Programme.

The programme that these Scouts use will be rolled out to Scout Groups across the country from September 2009. Age ranges and section names will be decided by National Council in March.

Read on to see just how easy it is to incorporate aspects of the new Scout programme into your activities and camps!

Mount Mellary (Plan, do review)

Recently we were in Mount Mellary where we went on a hiking adventure. Everyone had a great time! The next day we drew out the route in chalk and stuck in pictures of the landmarks and memorable events. It was really enjoyable and very funny to look back on the day and it was a great new approach to reviewing our activities.

Plan-do-review on the hike

Plan: The Discovery Scouts met in their patrols to plan the route and get their equipment together prior to the weekend. Do: Go on the hike Review: Drew out the route and remembered the fun!

The simple steps make sure that the Scouts get the most from taking part in programme and should be used throughout everything we do.

Movie Magic! (Personal Challenges)

The Discovery Scouts made a film about healthy living. The first meeting was spent brainstorming ideas and casting roles. The production crew was also put together. fter finalising the script, the Discovery Scouts prepared for filming by sourcing props and finding locations.

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Personal Challenges Achieved

Learn ways in which I can improve my Communications skills (Social)Learned about the medium of filmSuccessful communication to undertake the project

Demonstrate that I play an on-going and active role in maintaining my own dietary health. (Physical)Learned about dietary health to do the project and will use the move to educate othersAgreed to change our eating habits based on what we learned.

Demonstrate a commitment to working with others within a team. Understand the role, skills and responsibilities of team membership and leadership. (Intellectual)Each had own role in making the movie and worked as a team to complete the project.

The third meeting was spent filming the movie in the Scout hall and around the area. It was great fun. It was so good the Rover Scouts got wind and decided to make their own, but we know we’ll win more Oscars! Soon we’re having an overnight screening of both films with the two groups.

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The Scout LawThe Scout Law is a code of conduct, and it sets out the principles that guide us in language that can be readily understood by the young people in each Section. The Scout Law gives Scouts and Scouters alike, the values which must become the cornerstones of our lives if we are to be Scouts. The Promise is a voluntary and personal commitment to do our best at all times to live in accordance with the Scout Law.

“The Scout Law is the foundation on which the whole of scout training rests.” “It invites the young person to make a commitment concerning his/her own personal development.”… Robert Baden Powell

The Symbolic FrameworkThe Symbolic Framework sets the scene for life in the Patrol and in the Troop. It creates an atmosphere of adventure and discovery. It is emphasised by use of terminology, tradition, ceremonies, stories, games, etc. Even in the name they give themselves and their Patrol, (which is immediately obvious with a Patrol/Watch) they have already developed a bond. In the names, titles, themes and identities that make up their activities and their life in the Patrol they create an atmosphere where everyone has a place. In the stories and themes they create to make the activities better, they build a world where everyone plays a character or a part, and can learn from the role they play as much as from the task completed. It is of vital importance to create a framework that is appropriate to the age of the young people involved. The Symbolic Framework created in the section is perhaps the most powerful tool for effective programme delivery. It brings life and excitement to everything Scouts do.

“Self-education, that is, what a boy learns for himself, is what is going to stick by himand guide him later on in life.”… Robert Baden-Powell

What is the Scout Method?Taken individually, many of the educational tools which make up the Scout Method are used in other forms of education – working in teams on projects, for example.

In Scouting, we combine a number of different tools (outlined below) and refer to them as the Scout Method.. The fact that all of these elements form a whole and are used as a system is part of what makes Scouting unique. The Scout Method is what it is because the elements that make it up are coordinated and balanced. If some instruments are missing from an orchestra or out of tune or too loud, the orchestra will never sound tuneful and harmonious. The same applies to the Scout Method, we must use all of its elements in harmony.

To provide the best Scouting experience, Scouters must be able to understand the interactions between the various elements of the Scout Method, adapting them to every situation and to each individual.

The Scout Method – it’s the way we do things in Scouting...

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The Patrol SystemThe Patrol System (small team system). Within each Patrol, the Scouts organise their life as a group and decide on, organise and carry out their activities. This is done with appropriate adult guidance according to the age range of each Section. Each Scout has a specific responsibility, which he or she carries out for an agreed length of time. In this way each Scout can contribute to the life and welfare of the Patrol and the success of their activities. Involvement in this way is important to the development of each Scout. One person will have the role of the Patrol Leader, and must be acknowledged by the others to be the leader of the Patrol. In some circumstances Patrol Leaders may be appointed by the Scouter, but it is usually better if they are chosen by their peers. They will assume a general coordinating role and ensure that everyone is playing their part. They will ensure that each Scout has the opportunity to take part in the decisions and to be fully involved in the life of the Patrol.

“The object of the Patrol system is mainly to give real responsibilities to as many of the boys as possible, with a view to develop their character”…. Robert Baden Powell.

Service to OthersService to others is fostered by the habit of individual good turns and simply helping each other out. This encourages teamwork within the Patrol, as together the team can achieve so much more. It also encourages the Patrol to work together to help others. Service to others in Scouting can be the first real interaction that Scouts have with people in their wider community, outside of their homes and schools. It consists of activities and projects which bring the Scouts closer to those most in need. It generates a permanent willingness to help others. It encourages community awareness and involvement, leading to understanding of others and active citizenship.

Life in NatureLife in nature is a special and vital part of the Scout Method for the Troop. Nature is a special environment in which we carry out the many activities of Scouting. The whole of the Scout Programme must be structured around the outdoors. If this is not happening we are losing an essential part of Scouting. Interaction with nature enables young people to find and define themselves, their place in the world and their relationships with others. Nature is where an appreciation for the immensity of the world can truly be felt. It is a real experience, even when controlled. It has risks and consequences and is a tangible experience. As we interact with nature over an extended period we learn to understand its power, and also how fragile it is. These things help us understand the forces of nature, the world, and all that is in it, and how we must nurture and protect it. Interaction with nature also offers us many opportunities to explore our own spirituality and to appreciate the group life we have, it strengthens our bond with life.

“God has given us a world to live in that is full of beauties and wonders and He has given us not only eyes to see them, but minds to understand them, if we only have the sense to look at them in that light.”…. Robert Baden-Powell

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8 in which the young person can experiment and discover. The adult supports the young person to help them achieve what they undertake, develop their confidence in themselves, discover their limits, and face moving on to another stage in life. The adult should ensure that incidents and events are evaluated and put into perspective, so that knowledge is derived and skills are absorbed. The role of the adult in the organisation and presentation of the programme is an ever decreasing one as the young person develops through the sections. Equally the role of the adult as a ‘coach’ and ‘mentor’ rather than a ‘leader’ comes more and more to the fore as we move through the Sections.

Personal ProgressionPersonal progression, and the stages our Scouts reach along their Personal Journey should be celebrated in the group as a whole. There is no better motivation for a young person than acknowledgement by their peers for what they have achieved. The progression of all Scouts along their Personal Journey brings variety and challenge to the Patrol programme and activities. The Patrol can play an important part in helping each other decide on the best way forward for them and in the review process.

OverallAll the elements of the Scout Method feature, in an age-appropriate form, in the Method for each Section. Each element been adjusted according to the characteristics of each age range. Consequently, the role of the Scouters in the Section will also vary according to the age range in question.

Learning by doingLearning by doing is attractive to young people. It facilitates their integration into the group. It helps them to discover their abilities and it encourages an interest in exploring, adventure and discovery. Learning by doing means that Scouts learn as part of the activity, They learn with and from each other, as a result of first hand experiences. This part of the Scout Method allows each Scout to experience the knowledge, skill or activity for themselves, and to progress to more challenging activities as they learn. It is not only limited to ‘doing’ in the sense of learning practical or manual skills. It also applies to other areas of development, such as responsibility, leadership skills, interpersonal skills and planning. In this way ‘games’ play an important part in our programme, because in Scouting all of the games we play have a purpose and they usually promote some form of learning.

Adults and Young PeopleAdults and young people in Scouting operate in harmony with each other. The young people and the adults share the same ideal and commitment; they are united by the same Promise and observe the same Law. They are therefore partners, committed to the same goal. For this partnership to work there must be mutual listening and respect. The adult helps the young person to learn by listening to the young person, being prepared to talk with them, valuing their contributions, instilling confidence, reassuring them, and creating a safe environment

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Promise and Law YearOn my honour, I promise… Every scout remembers their own investiture. We remember what it was like to take those steps to join; attending meetings, learning about scouting and trying new skills. We also remember taking that promise on the night when we made the scout sign and placed our hand on the flag. But what did all that mean?

Taking that promise what a commitment that we made to live that promise every day. We prom-ised to do our best at the various tasks we undertook. We promised to do our Duty to God and to look out for the earth. We promised to help others and our community. We promised to live the Scout Law.

It is very easy to forget that promise and just get swept away with the small and trivial things in life. To help, it is good to set aside some time to do things to reaffirm it. Here are a few simple ideas of things you can do to explore what the Promise and Law means to each section. Remember to do all four areas.

Area 1 – Myself Area 2 – Myself and Others

Area 3 – Myself and the World Area 4 – Myself and God

Beavers – Try new a new skill like reading a map or playing a new games to show that you can try your best at it.

Cubs – For one week, keep a log of the times where you show a part of the Promise and Law. Try to get as many as you can

Scouts – Set yourself goals for a month on how you can do your best at different things like in scouts or at home

Ventures – Have a think about what part of the Promise is the biggest challenge to you and try to do something about it

Beavers – Make friends with a new mem-ber to the Colony

Cubs – Visit a relative and see how many good deeds you can do in the course of a day

Scouts – As a patrol, help out in the com-munity centre with elderly people or people with disabilities

Ventures – Link up with a group in another country and come up with ways in which you can help groups in both your commu-nity that are doing some good work

Beavers – Go cave painting and only use paints made from natural resources that can wash off after

Cubs – Try to cross a stretch of woods without Leaving No Trace of your track. Check out Leave No trace first

Scouts – Help out in a Community Clean up or the tidy towns

Ventures – Do a third world diet day where you and your venture group only eat food that is available to people in a particular third world country

Beavers – Plant a seed and check on its growth

Cubs – Make a Dream Catcher

Scouts – Make a Podcast about someone who is doing some good work in the world

Ventures – Run a Scouts own with a younger section on an element of the Prom-ise and Law

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10 Cubs Corner

ALL about Chinese New YearChinese New Year is a holiday that celebrates the beginning of a new year according to the lunar calendar. It is considered to be one of the most important holidays for Chinese families.The holiday is celebrated with big family gather-ings, gift giving, the eating of symbolic foods and display of festive decorations--all focused on bringing good luck for the new year and cel-ebrating the coming of Spring.

When Is Chinese New Year?The start of Chinese New Year changes every year since it is dictated by the lunar calendar. The Gregorian or solar calendar--which is based on the Earth’s movement around the sun and has a fixed number of 365 days a year (366 during a leap year)--is the most widely used calendar system in the world and has been the official calendar used in China since 1912.

But in China the lunar calendar is still used to determine traditional holidays like Chinese New Year. Since the lunar calendar is based on the phases of the moon-- which has a shorter cycle than the sun--Chinese New Year is never on the same day each year, but typically falls some-where between January 21st and February 20th. For 2008, Chinese New Year falls on February 7th. In 2009 it falls on January 26th.

How Long Do Chinese New Year Celebrations Last?Celebrations can actually last up to a month, especially in China. Originally the celebrations lasted for lengthy amounts of time because China was a very agriculture-based country so farmers took the whole month off to rest since crops couldn’t be planted during the winter. Nowadays most families celebrate the New Year for about two week’s time, says Ng, starting on the first day of the new year and end on the 15th.

Hi,I hope that you enjoy doing some of the crafts, and the delicious moon cakes.Find out about the Chinese community in your area, why not invite a Chinese person to come to your Cub Scout Meeting?

Happy Chinese New Year

Easy Chinese Moon Cakes


• 1/4 cup sugar • 2 egg yolks • 1/2 cup salted butter • 1 cup all-purpose flour • 1 cup strawberry (or your favorite) jam (traditionally red bean paste is used so if you want a more authentic version, you can use a can of red bean paste instead of the jam).Cooking Instructions:

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. 2. Combine the butter, sugar and 1 egg yolk and stir. 3. Mix in the flour. 4. Form the dough into one large ball and wrap it in plastic wrap. 5. Refrigerate dough for half an hour. 6. Unwrap the chilled dough and form small balls in the palms of your hand. 7. Make a hole with your thumb in the center of each mooncake and fill with about half a teaspoon of jam. 8. Brush each cake with the other beaten egg yolk and place on a cookie sheet. (We didn’t have step) 9. Bake for about 20 minutes or just until the outside edges are slightly brown 10. Makes 24

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Ox or Bull Toilet Paper Roll Craft

Materials: a toilet paper roll, a printer, something to colour with, scissors, glue, and paper.

Instructions: Print out the template of choice. Colour (where appropriate) and cut out the template pieces. Glue the large rectangular piece on first to cover the tube. Toilet paper rolls come in different sizes, so if you find the rectangle is a bit too big, just trim it down. If you find it’s a bit too small, just cut out anoth-er small piece to fill in the gap. Glue on the head, tail and legs.

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This month Cub Scouts / Macaoimh you could take the opportunity to turn recycled items into treasure and learn about conservation at the same time. Using items that would normally go in the rubbish or recycling bin, build artistic masterpieces of your own design. It’s amazing what some recycled bottles and paper can do when combined with glue and a little imagination. Have a gallery opening at your pack meeting with all your art displayed. Or take part in a conservation project with your pack, there are lots of things that you can do to “reduce, reuse and recycle” waste. Discuss with your pack and leaders what you could do to put the 3 R’s into practice to help your community and how this would impact on the world environment. Find out what you need to do to achieve your World Conservation Award.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Ways YOU can eliminate waste and protect your environment!

Waste, and how we choose to handle it, affects our world’s environment -- that’s YOUR environment, everything that surrounds you including the air, water, land, plants, and man-made things. And since by now you probably know that you need a healthy environment for your own health and happiness, you can understand why effective waste management is so important to YOU and everyone else. The waste we create has to be carefully controlled to be sure that it does not harm your environment and your health.

What exactly is “waste”? Simply speaking, waste is anything discarded, rejected, surplused, abandoned, or otherwise released into the environment in a manner (or quantity) that could have an impact on that environment.

How can you help?You can help by learning about and PRACTICING the three R’s of waste management: Reduce, reuse, and recycle! Practicing all three of these activities every day is not only important for a healthy environment, but it can also be fun too. So let’s take a minute right now to learn more about waste and waste management, so you can become a key player in making our world a safe and healthy place.Just about anything in your den, home (or office or school, etc.) that cannot be reused CAN be recycled into something else. You’d be amazed what can be done with a recycled product ...a recycled soda bottle, for example, can be made into T-shirts, combs, or hundreds of other plastic goods that can be used for many years. Even your brand new computer case might be made from ordinary recycled plastics. And paper products can take on different forms as well -- an old phone book or coloring book might become one of your school books or a composition notebook. Your recycling mission is not impossible! In fact, it is very simple:

Don’t throw away anything that can be recycled! Here is a list of things you should always recycle (or reuse!) ...• Acid Batteries • Aluminum Cans • Building Materials • Cardboard • Chemicals • Electronic equipment • Glass (particularly bottles and jars) • Lead • Magazines • Metal • Newspaper• Oil • Paint • Paper • Plastic Bags • Plastic Bottles • Steel Cans • Tires • White Goods (Appliances)

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15• Wood • Writing/Copy Paper • Yard Waste

Some of the items listed above will require special handling procedures and special recycling places or events. Just ask your local recycling office (city, county, or state) for assistance and information.

There are lots of things that you can do to turn your “litter into glitter” here are some examples of what you can do at your pack meeting.

Paper MakingPaper making is a process that has been around for thousands of years. It is a fun project and the paper you make yourself will have an interesting texture and is great to use for art projects or stationery.

The basics of paper making are simple, and it’s also an eco-friendly way to recycle old paper products. Gather your collection of junk mail or old newspapers and get started!

What You’ll Need

Junk mail or newspaperBasinsBlender or wooden spoon8x8-inch piece of small-holed screeningTowelsSmooth board (to press the paper)Cotton cloth How to Make Paper

Step 1: Tear up junk-mail envelopes (without the windows), old letters, or newspaper into small pieces. Soak them overnight in a basin with warm water.

Step 2: The next day, add more warm water to the paper, and hand-beat the mixture (or use a blender to mix it) until the pulp is broken apart.

Step 3: Place the soaked paper in a blender, and fill it half full with water. Blend it in short bursts to break up the pulp.

Step 4: Spread some pulp evenly on the screen until the screen is covered with the paper pulp. Step 5: Place the screen on a towel. Press a board down hard on the paper to squeeze out any excess water. Remove the board.

Step 6: Place a piece of cotton cloth on a flat surface. Turn the screen over onto the cloth to remove the paper. Let the paper dry.

You now have your own personalised stationery to make cards etc.

Tie and Dye a T-shirt

Tie-dye is a technique in which certain areas of fabric are bound or tied so as to resist color when the material is immersed in a dyebath. This craft probably began in ancient Asia and spread to Africa. Since each design is always different and you predict the end result with certainty, the surprise is part of the fun. Tie-dyeing is a great way to give new life to an old or stained t-shirt.

You will need

An old t-shirt Water Liquid fabric dye Rubber bands and cords Measuring cup Plastic containers for dyeing Stick for stirring Rubber gloves Scissors Wax paper

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How to:Tie-dye patterns are determined by the kinds of ties used and the way in which they’re placed on the fabric. When creating with this technique, it’s important to wrap rubber bands and tie cords tightly around the material to prevent the dye from seeping. Some of the tie-dye patterns possible include the following:


• Fold the fabric back and forth as if you’re making a fan, and secure with tie cords or rubber bands at intervals all along the body of the shirt. Repeat for the sleeves.

Overall Patterns

• Tie the entire shirt in tight, overhand knots. Don’t forget the sleeves!• Gather the fabric at the neck and twist the tail until the shirt twists back onto itself. • Now tie the shirt firmly with cords.• Scrunch up the fabric and tie cords and rubber bands all over in a random pattern.

Circular Patterns

• Pinch up a spot on the center in the front and/or back of the shirt and wrap and tie the material below it all the way down to make a bullseye or sunburst pattern.• Tying in round objects will result in an interesting pattern. The design on the fuschia shirt, pictured above, was created by wrapping rubber bands tightly around marbles and bunching them close together.

There are many other design possibilities. Try combining patterns by overdyeing or tie-dyeing another pattern on top of an overall design. For variety, tie in objects such as stones, washers, nuts, and anything else that will resist dye and create a design. Some people even sew running stitches into the fabric, then bunch it up by pulling on the thread.

While you’re tying the shirt, have an adult mix the dye according to the manufacturer’s directions. After the shirt is tied, soak the fabric in lukewarm water for three to five minutes. Remove the shirt, and let the excess water drip from the garment. Have the adult place it in the simmering dyebath, and stir the material to ensure complete coverage. Leave the shirt in the bath fifteen to twenty minutes, then remove and rinse till the water runs clear. Cut the cords or remove the rubber bands, and lay the shirt on wax paper to dry. While the garment is slightly damp, iron it to set the color. To care for the shirt, wash it separately, until you’re sure the excess dye has been removed.For small items, reuse an old, ceramic electric crock pot as a dyeing vessel. However, don’t use for cooking again after dyeing material, and always have an adult supervise when using the appliance.

Remember, reusing helps save landfill space and natural resources, so donate your outgrown clothing to charities

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Can Art

You may find some interesting materials with which to work just by walking down the road or street near your house. Some people choose to litter our roads and waste resources by tossing cans out their car windows. An interesting thing happens to cans discarded this way, however. They are crushed and contorted by passing cars into a variety of unusual shapes.Aluminum is one of the easiest materials to recycle, and it can be made into many new products. The best thing to do with empty cans you collect is take them to a recycling center or drop-off site, but with a little imagination, you can use smashed cans for art materials.

You will need:Soda cans Hammer Metal file Scrap paper Pencil Acrylic paints Paint brushes Small pans

How to:After collecting smashed soft drink cans, choose one which you think has an interesting shape. Carefully rinse and dry it. Hammer down areas which are still sticking up, and use the file to take off any sharp edges.Lay the can on a piece of paper and trace its shape with a pencil. Look at the resulting outline from all directions. What does the shape suggest? Could it be a person, animal, car, or some other object? Use your imagination to make a cartoon by exaggerating the features and sketching the details on the paper. When you are pleased with your drawing, you are ready to begin painting. Squeeze white acrylic paint into a pan, and thin it slightly with water. Prime the can with one coat of paint, and let the base coat dry. Lightly sketch the details from your drawing onto the can. Paint the lightest colors first, and continue painting till the can is finished.

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18Water ActivitiesScout kayak team wins Colligan Gorge White Water Junior Race

The Colligan Gorge White Water Race was held on the River Colligan, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, Ireland, on Saturday 15th November. Over 150 individual paddlers and 30 teams competed in the various races. Two Scout Groups, 32nd Limerick and 1st Clare were the only Scout groups competing. River conditions were grade 3+ on the day.

Three Scouts entered in the Junior Team event and won it! This was a wonderful achievement as it was the first time these Scouts competed at this level.

Three Scout Leaders entered in the Sport Class, and the combined age of this Leaders’ team was 141 Years!! Tom Hanrahan (1st Clare) took 2nd place!

Limerick Venture Scouts in Canoeing Trials

Two Venture Scouts from 32nd Limerick, Eoin Keyes and Neil Slevin took part in trials for the Irish Free Style team recently.

The event was scheduled to take place on the “Currraghgower Wave” in Limerick City on Saturday 31st January and Sunday 1st February, but heavy flooding on Friday 30th caused the Shannon to flood, washing out the main wave (Big Gower). The organisers decided to cancel Saturday trials and moved to a new venue on Sunday; the sluice gates at Termonbarry County Leitrim.

Eoin and Neil got a few hours practice on Little Gower on Saturday and made arrangement to get to Leitrim the next day. This was the first time that they competed at a freestyle event. They got to paddle with the senior freestyle kayakers in the country who were very generous with encouragement, and shared their knowledge and skills with the juniors taking part in the event.They both enjoyed the experience and benefited greatly from it.

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19Dublin Boat Show 2009

The Dublin Boat Show was held at the RDS from 18 to 22 February. The tradition of a Sea Scout Stand at the Boat Show started in 1966, and has continued to the present day. The Show has been held at one or two yearly intervals, usually at the RDS. In recent years the stands of organisations concerned with training, whether commercial or voluntary, have been grouped together around the Irish Sailing Association stand.

Our exhibition included static picture displays as well as videos on a 50 inch plasma screen, kindly arranged for us by Pat Hollingsworth. A good cross section of Sea Scout activities was displayed - canoeing, rowing, dinghy and day-boat sailing, coastal and offshore cruising, as well as camping, hiking and mountain walking.

The stand was manned by a rota of Leaders and/or Senior Scouts from Donabate, Malahide, Howth, Dollymount, Dun Laoghaire and Arklow Groups. Parties of Sea Scouts from Arklow and Rosses Point also visited the Show at the weekend as a Troop “expedition”. A number of Sea Scout leaders, former leaders and parents visiting the Show also dropped in to see us and have a chat. There were quite a few enquiries about Scouting in general as well as Sea Scouting and we were able to refer some to local Groups, and others to Larch Hill.

Navigation Courses

The Navigation Course this Winter for Transition year students was held in the Den of 8ú Calafort, Dun Laoghaire Harbour. It consisted of two full school weeks of instruction, one in late November and the second in January. This was the biggest course ever. About 17 pupils were expected, but 31 turned up! This required an emergency call to the Irish Sailing Association for extra sets of papers, practice charts and almanacs, as well as borrowing extra tables from the Yacht Club nearby.

The course was the official Navigation Course of the Coastal Yachtmaster scheme of the Irish Sailing Association, and covered charts and chartwork, latitude and longitude, plotting position, theory of tides, currents, dead reckoning and estimated position, GPS, setting a course, weather, highs and lows, fronts, weather maps, forecasts, safety,

emergencies, Distress, “Collision Regulations”, navigation lights and shapes, Buoys and Beacons, etc.

The Scouts came from 4 Troops (2 Groups – Dollymount and Dun Laoghaire). There was a problem for the second week of the course because the North Side schools and the South Side schools had different timetables for the social work element in the Transition Year curriculum. So the course attendees were divided into two groups, and each had a separate week.

At the end of the course there was a written exam, with 2 papers – 1) Chartwork,2) Safety and Collision Rules. The pass mark for the second paper was 80%. All the candidates passed.In the meantime, the adult class continues on Monday evenings until late March.

Sea Scout Ensigns

The new Sea Scout ensign has been approved by the Chief Herald, and permission has been given by the Department of Transport. The Ensign and the new Sea Scout masthead pennant will soon be available. Cost is not yet settled, but all Sea Scout Groups will be circulated as soon as we have definite information.

New Small Boat Sailing Scheme

The Irish Sailing Association National Conference takes place in the Burlington Hotel on 7/8 March. The new Sailing Scheme will be a major point of discussion. At the Instructors National Seminar in Schull last year, attended by 4 ISA Senior Instructors from Scouting Ireland, the new scheme

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was outlined. It has now been introduced. The first 3 “levels” have been re-vamped somewhat, and renamed – “Start Sailing”, “Basic Skills” and “Improving Skills”. After that, the young sailor has a choice of progressing to “Go Racing” 1 & 2, “Kites and Wires” 1 & 2, or “Adventure” 1 & 2. The Adventure modules are almost designed for Sea Scout Groups. The theme is to use your boat for adventure – coastal or inland journeys or cruise/camping. So any Scout who has reached the present Level 3 and who is not interested in racing, can still advance and get credit from ISA for Scouting Adventure activities under sail.

The Sea Scout and Water Activities Team is working on some guidelines to use and promote this new aspect of the Irish Sailing Association scheme, and would welcome ideas from Sea Scouters.


On the 19th November, CFT launched its new Youth Snorkelling programme in Great Outdoors in association with Local Councils, youth workers and Diving Clubs. This is a great initiative which Scouts can easily get involved in throughout the country. If you are interested you can contact Eoin Peacock c/o CFT. ( Info at: ) . Please let us know how you get on and if you need more info or contacts please email us at [email protected]

Boat Certification

All Groups are working hard on boat maintenance, getting their craft ready for the 2009 season. Boat inspection and certification are important before the beginning of the season. Please make sure to arrange inspection well in advance, and don’t expect someone to be able to turn up at very short notice.

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International : Malaysia 2008

SI International expedition to Malaysia Ventures and Scouters from the 177thDublin, led by Chris Kearns, recently went to Malaysia to develop sensory therapy rooms for a local charity running centers for people with disabilities. The team spent Christmas working with their Malaysian colleagues.

The team of nineteen spent one year in preparation and training for this event, including training in Dublin based sensory therapy clinics and personal health and safety considerations. Participants were aged between 16 and 23.The expedition was instigated and facilitated by the International Commissioner and Team. Funding for the sensory therapy equipment was sourced through the World Scout Foundation and the Scout Association of Malaysia. The team fundraised a significant amount in Ireland towards the costs involved in the trip.

One team leader had significant experience in the area of sensory therapy. The team were seen as representatives, not just of Scouting, but of all things Irish.

A full report is to follow shortly and will be available to all interested parties.If you are interested in organizing or learning about expeditions, contact your Provincial International co-ordinator or the International Team at [email protected].

International News

For a full comprehensive list of the International Calendar: Click Here

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22North Eastern ProvinceWelcome Back to North East Provincial News!

5th Meath Kells Scout Investiture

The province was delighted to see the investiture of a new Scout Troop in 5th Meath Kells on the 5th of December. On the night there were 13 scouts and 2 leaders invested by the group leader, Martina Meegan. The County Commissioner, Greg Boyd, was in attendance and thanked the leader team in the effort they are putting into the group. The province wishes to congratulate the group and section on a very successful investiture.

National Trainers Conference

The North Eastern Province was delight to host the national trainers conference in the Crown Plazza hotel in Dundalk on 24th / 25th January last

Two County Commissioners Elected

David Ashe from 179 Dublin Huntstown has been elected County Commissioner in Ath Cliath 15

David Smith has been elected County Commissioner in Fingal.

Group Leader Day

The Provincial Group Leader day was held on January 18th last Over forty Grpoup Leaders were in attendance and over fifty Groups were represented. The day also gave the province to honour Sean Farrell on his retirement as a professional scouter. On accepting the presentation Sean regaled the assembled Group Leaders with some amusing memories of his days in scouting and in typical Sean fashion, finished off with a song. Needles to say Sean received a heart felt standing ovation from the assembled audience.

Training in the Province

Provincial Programme Idea Workshops

The Province are in the process of running Programme Workshops throughout the Province. There has been 3 run so: Carrickmacross, Brackenstown and Navan and the overall feedback was very positive. Below are the date, times and location of the remaining Workshop, which still has a few places left. There may be a possibility of running more workshops in the province if the demand is there, so let your CPC know if you would like more to be run.

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23Date Thursday 5th of March LocationMullingar, Westmeath

TimeEvening: 7:15 – 10:15 To book this workshop download the booking form from the provincial webpage and send it to James Fox. Maximum capacity for each workshop is 32 Leaders and the remaining workshops are filling up fast so book now so not to miss out. Check the provincial webpage for more information on the workshops.

Provincial Sectional Challenges/Events

Note: There has been a few changes made to the Provincial Challenges which are taking place in the next few months, please adjust your calendars accordingly. For more information on the challenges, check out the provincial webpage.

There should be a prequalifier for all sections run in your county and the top three teams will sent on to the provincial challenge, for information on the county qualifiers please contact your CPC.

Provincial Summer Camp 2009

This summer the province is running a camp for scouts from around the province from the 3rd to the 7th of July in Portlick Campsite, that’s situated outside Athlone, Co. Westmeath. This camp is geared towards scout sections that don’t traditionally have an annual camp. This camp is starting to book up so if your scouts/leaders are interested please contact your CPC or James Fox. The deadline to book this camp is the 31st of March. More information on this camp can be found on the provincial webpage.

New Groups/New Sections

The province is in the process of reopening a scout group in Virginia, Co. Cavan. The leaders have done their basic training and have registered youth members so it’s only a matter of time now, so watch this space! If there are any groups out there who feel that they are ready to open a new section and aren’t sure how to go about it, please contact your county or province.

Keep up to date with Provincial News and events by regularly checking the North Eastern Provincial Webpage on This has recently been updated and includes things such as: current training calendar, Booking form, provincial directory, up and coming events in each county and much more. If any group wants a report of an event that they took part in you can forward this along with a few pictures to James Fox on [email protected] for inclusion on the website.

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Réachra Scout County held its AGM

Réachra Scout County held its AGM in the newly re-built Crow’s Nest – the Scout Den of 5th Port Dollymount Sea Scouts last night. The gathering included various displays and presentations including a demonstration of the OSI Geolives software and its use for Scouts today.

County Commissioner, James O’Toole launched the County’s Annual Report, a copy of which can be downloaded by clicking here. In addition the County launched a pictorial poster from the last year.

The Chief Scout, Michael John Shinnick, and Provincial Commissioner for the North Eastern Province, Jimmy Cunningham, were on hand to do some presentations. A Bronze Honour Award was presented to Cub Scout Charlotte Lonergan (9) from 35th Dublin (Grange) who used her First Aid Skills to come to the aid of her friend when she found her bleeding and going in and out of consciousness following a bad fall.

The Chief Scout also bestowed the Order of Cu-Chulainn on long serving Malahide Sea Scout Leader, Kevin Rowan. Kevin has been involved in Sea Scouting for many years at local and National level. The final surprise on the night was the presentation of the Gold Merit Award to a somewhat shocked County Commissioner James O’Toole.

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New GSF Appointment

We would like to welcome Austin Dempsey the newly appointed group support

Facilitator to the South East Team

[email protected]

South Eastern Province

Contact Details

for PSO

Caroline Healy


[email protected]


Took place in Mount Mellary on the 16th to the 18th of January 2009. 73 Participants took part from all over the South East ProvinceSkills bases were Camp craft/ Pioneering skills, MPSE, Map & Compass, Arts & Crafts, Drama/Games, and Hiking.A very enjoyable weekend for trainers and participants.

New Group in Cill DaraGroup Opened on the 26th of November 2008 with 14 Adult Members, 23 Beavers and 25 cubs. A huge thanks to Cill Dara CC Martine Phelan and her County Team with the support given to this group. Best wishes to the New Group Leader Shirley Burns and all the Leaders in the 24th Kildare Carbury Scout

South East Province meeting with the NMC 17th January 2009

Members of the South East Provincial Management team meet with the officers of the National Management Committee in Mount Mellary. It gave an opportunity for the County Commissioners to put forward the concerns raised to them on behalf of their Group Leaders. Issues discussed were the concerns over the increase on fees, new programme,

training costs for transition training, role support for elected roles, Jamboree 08 report, database and communications from National Office, Uniform and the Scout shop. The South East Team would like to thank the NMC for meeting with them and look forward to updates on the concerns raised.

Census 2009The South East Province has complete 82 censuses on line out of 95 groups at the end of January 2009. Congratulations and well done to all Groups and Counties for their hard work over the year.

Provincial Administration & Training OfficeContact Caroline Marks, GSF at [email protected] or (086)0491002

Or c/o Roscrea Scout Hall, Abbey Street, Roscrea, Co.Tipperary