iste 2016 in photos: four days of powerful learning in denver

A young presenter shares his passion during a demonstration at the Creativity Playground.

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Post on 18-Jan-2017




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A young presenter shares his passion during a demonstration at the Creativity Playground.

Three students talk about how ed tech has given them control of their learning during the Lead & Transform Town Hall on Sunday.

Attendees discuss ideas at the Global Collaboration posters on Sunday.

Michio Kaku predicts how technology will shape the future at the opening keynote on Sunday.

The audience cheers during the unveiling of the 2016 ISTE Standards for Students before the Sunday keynote.

The expo hall is abuzz with activity on opening day Monday.

At the official unveiling of the new ISTE Standards for Students on Monday morning, participants soak in the changes.

At the playgrounds, attendees try out new tools.

At the EdTekTalks on Monday, Marley Dias and her mom, Dr. Janice Johnson Dias, talk about GrassROOTS Community Foundation, which they founded.

Conference-goers take a selfie in front of the ISTE 2016 sign.

At the Maker Playground, attendees take in a demonstration.

Hadi Partovi, founder, introduces R2-D2 — a droid who needs no introduction — to the crowd at the Tuesday keynote.

Two student presenters discuss their projects.

Actor and Reading Rainbow founder LeVar Burton talks with ISTE CEO Brian Lewis and ISTE Board Chair Kecia Ray.

At the Games and Virtual Environments Playground, attendees learn how to use Sphero in the classroom.

Princeton professor Ruha Benjamin got rousing applause for her message about hacking the system to make it work for everyone during the Tuesday keynote.

Student attendees check out the latest tools in the expo hall.

ISTE Board Chair-Elect Mila Thomas Fuller presents the winners of Pitch Fest: Books that Grow and Cogent Education.

ISTE CEO Brian Lewis and ISTE Board Chair Kecia Ray watch the highlights of ISTE 2016 prior to the closing keynote.

Michelle Cordy, a third grade teacher from Ontario, Canada, delighted the crowd during the closing keynote. “Show up to the place where you can make the greatest contribution, do your good work and everyone will catch your ideas,” she said.

Attendees dance during the closing keynote, which wrapped up four days of learning and connection.

ISTE CEO Brian Lewis addresses the crowd during the closing keynote.