it conference 2011 programme

IT CONFERENCE MARKETING FORUM SUPPLY CHAIN CONFERENCE The Consumerism of IT Delighting the Consumer Acting as One Turning Consumer & Shopper Insights into Growth OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE 2011 11 TH - 13 TH OCTOBER Barcelona, Spain

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The Consumer Goods Forum IT Conference will take place this 11 - 13 October in Barcelona. Join us!


Page 1: IT Conference 2011 Programme

it ConFerenCeMarketing ForuM Supply Chain ConFerenCe

The Consumerism of

Delighting the ConsumerActing as One

Turning Consumer & Shopper Insights into Growth

OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE 201111th - 13th oCtoBerBarcelona, spain

Page 2: IT Conference 2011 Programme

whAt’s new ABoUt yoUr ConferenCe?

›› for the first time the Marketing, it and supply Chain conferences will take place at the same time under one roof.

›› it’s new.›› it’s global.

›› if there’s one event not-to-be-missed, this is it.

Join Us to… ›› exchange knowledge.

›› network with peers. ›› open your mind.

›› Pick up new ideas and learn from practical experiences of fellow members of the forum.

the shoPPer & ConsUMer At the heArt…›› the “shopper & Consumer” is what this year’s event is all about.

›› And how we can work together to meet the needs of today’s empowered consumer.

OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE 201111th - 13th oCtoBer

Barcelona, spain

Page 3: IT Conference 2011 Programme

why shoUld yoU Be there? the Consumer goods forum is your association. By the members, for the members. get involved. help us lead the industry.

hear from the experts.

“The Marketing Forum exercises and expands your mind like no other marketing event in the world. It is the marketing event of the year for me. We stimulate your left and right brain with an intentional mix of successful case study presentations and relevant experiences, outside of the box, inspirational speakers to stretch your mind.” stephen smith, Chief Marketing officer for all formats & senior Vice President of sam’s Club, new formats, walmart China

“The store and DC tours also provide great insights on how individuals can improve their own operations and leverage new technologies.”John s. Phillips, senior Vice President, Customer supply Chain & logistics, PepsiCo, UsA

“The CGF Marketing Forum is an excellent blend of manufacturers, retailers, and select suppliers coming together to discuss new ways of working together to deliver improved shopping experiences. The speakers are dynamic and the forum is candid in terms of interaction and discussion – a great mix!”Kristen nostrand, Marketing director, Procter & gamble, UsA

“CGF has proven to me to be a fantastic platform to gain valuable insights into how leading industry players address trends that shape our mid to long term future. Networking with peer executives from manufacturers, retail partners and strategic vendors opens many doors for collaboration.”Clyde Pereira, Cio, Coca-Cola hellenic, Austria

“For me the IT conference provides an opportunity to see a diverse set of solutions for common problems within our industry. The insights I can gain at this forum can give me that leg up on my local competition.” scott harrison, Chief information officer - delhaize America, delhaize group, UsA

“Excellent event to get new inputs, to meet inspiring colleagues, to exchange information and to benchmark own ideas!”Andreas Münch, Member of the executive Board, head of department logistics & it, Migros, switzerland

Plan to join us. Barcelona. Be there.

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ConferenCe At A glAnCe

Tuesday 11th October

12.00 Welcome to the Store tour programme and introduction to the Spanish retail Scene




evening welcome Cocktail for all Conference delegates

Wednesday12th October



opening plenary Session for all conference delegates

the new empowered Consumer and implications for the retail and Consumer goods industry

lunch networking lunch for all conference delegates



And shoPPer insights into growth


of it


delighting the ConsUMer ACting As one

Marketing forum sessions

it Conference sessions

supply Chain Conference sessions

evening Marketing networking dinner

it networking dinner

supply Chain networking dinner

Thursday 13th October

Breakfast Breakfast Sessions

Morning Marketing forum sessions continued it Breakout sessions supply Chain Conference

sessions continued

lunch networking lunch for all conference delegates



Closing plenary Session for all conference delegates

how operational excellence in it, supply Chain and Marketing is a key to the growth of your business

16.00 Closing of Conference

have a look at the conference website to see the full programme, speaker biographies and much more:

Page 5: IT Conference 2011 Programme

Bringing together the Best of Both worldswhy “3 in 1” is a winning formula

this year’s unique format offers the best of both worlds. we’ll bring together three groups - Marketing, it and supply Chain - for shared sessions on topics of concern to all, and then break out into three separate conferences so that each group can focus on specific topics of relevance and concern uniquely to them.

have a look at the conference programme to find out what’s on.

Check out our conference websites to find out what’s new, who’ll be there, and how the operational excellence Pillar can provide value to you and your company.

Marketing ForuM 2011turning Consumer & Shopper insights into

it ConFerenCe 2011the Consumerism of

Supply Chain ConFerenCe 2011Delighting the Consumer - acting as

Page 6: IT Conference 2011 Programme

Marketing ForuM

What’s the Consumer goods Forum? the Consumer goods forum is a global, parity-based industry network, driven by its members. it brings together the Ceos and senior management of over 650 retailers, manufacturers, service providers and other stakeholders across 70 countries and reflects the diversity of the industry in geography, size, product category and format. forum member companies have combined sales of eUr 2.1 trillion.

for more information about your association please visit

Who are our partners? the Consumer goods forum would like to thank the following companies for their generous contribution to operational excellence 2011:

Questions?How can you register?for on-line registration, hotel accommodation, programme updates and practical information visit our conference website:

Where is the conference taking place?Catalunya Congress CentreAvenida diagonal 661-67108028 Barcelona, spain

Where can you find additional help?the forum team is here to help you.

if you have questions concerning registration and accommodation please contact: ormès/operational excellence secretariat, 12, rue de florence, 75008 Paris, france

tel +33 1 43 18 61 81/82 – fax +33 1 43 18 60 58, email: [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected]

if you have any other questions about the conference programme please contact, sophie Appell at: the Consumer goods forum, 22/24 rue du gouverneur général eboué, 92130 issy-les-Moulineaux, france,

tel: +33 1 82 00 95 56, fax: +33 1 82 00 95 96, email: [email protected]

the forum team looks forward to welcoming you in Barcelona.

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IT ConferenCe 2011The Consumerism of IT11th - 13th October, Barcelona, Spain

This conference programme has been developed by the members of The IT Committee – Connecting Businesses for Consumers, for the members of The Consumer Goods forum. To see who is working behind the scenes throughout the year to develop this programme for you, visit

Tuesday, 11th October

Store Tour and Distribution Center Tour with an IT Focus This Tour Programme is unique in that participants walk the shop floor with the IT managers

of the host company. Participants will have first-hand discovery of how leading retailers are tackling their systems challenges. The tour is optional, offered at an additional fee, available on a first-come, first-served basis and delegates are requested to register for the tour.

12.00 The Spanish Retail Scene – An Overview Antonio De Santos, Retail Services Manager, The Nielsen Company, Spain Buffet lunch will be served during the presentation

13.00 Discovering the Spanish Retail Scene - Store Tour Programme with an IT Focus This tour includes visits to the following retailers:

El Corte Ingles – El Corte Ingles is considered an icon in the Spanish retail scene. A visit to this retailer will include a tour of their department store and food hall.

Eroski – Our tour includes a visit to Eroski’s supermarket format. The company recently acquired the Caprabo banner with a large number of stores in the Catalonian region.

Carrefour – This visit offers the opportunity to discover Carrefour’s newest hypermarket format “Carrefour Planet”. This concept aims at generating higher sales and offers an entertaining and convenient shopping trip for consumers.

19.00 Welcome cocktail for all conference participants

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Wednesday, 12th October 9.00 – 17.30

Operational Excellence 2011 Shared Plenary Morning Session

Welcome by Clyde Pereira, CIO, Coca-Cola Hellenic, Austria & Co-Chairman of the IT Committee – Connecting Businesses for Consumers

Opening Keynote - Think Big, Dream Big - the Risks and Rewards of Working Together To create value through collaboration you have to take risks, be innovative and think of new ways of working

together. Unlearn the rules, break the boundaries and open your mind to think big and to unlock opportunities. erik Wahl, International Keynote Speaker & Artist, USA

The New Empowered Consumer - The World is Changing. Are You Ready? Today’s consumer is more empowered than ever before. The world as we once knew it no longer exists.

Consumer behaviour is evolving. People are more connected than ever before. What impact will intelligent networks have on business, the economy and on society as a whole? How is this trend shaping the way consumers behave?

Sebastien Marotte, Vice President, Google Enterprise, EMEA

Future Value Chain 2020 Is your consumer value chain ready to be competitive in 2020?  Discover what you need to do to be ready to collaborate and be effective in the rapidly changing consumer

value chain of the future. This session will feature thought provoking findings of the Consumer Goods Forum Future Value Chain 2020 Initiative. Learn about the global mega trends that are likely to have significant impacts across the future consumer goods value chain.

John S. Phillips, Senior Vice President, Customer Supply Chain and Logistics, PepsiCo, USA

IT Conference 2011 – The Consumerism of IT Information Technology Afternoon Session

Welcome by Clyde Pereira, CIO, Coca-Cola Hellenic, Austria & Co-Chairman of the IT Committee – Connecting Businesses for Consumers

Social Networks and the New Connected Consumer We recognize the potential power of social media to disrupt established institutions and the associated

brand equity as well as the opportunities to connect directly with our shoppers and consumers from a research and marketing perspective. As an industry we need to identify the potential risks and opportunities and establish guidelines to ensure that initiatives we drive do not compromise the industry reputation as a whole “the one bad apple syndrome”. Areas to be addressed include research into product development, recruitment, knowledge sharing, marketing, product recalls, brand equity protection, CSR, etc. Learn what are the implications for you, your business and your IT strategy going forward.

Sebastien Marotte, Vice President, Google Enterprise, EMEA

Delicious On-The-Go Snacking Meets Digital Innovation with Kraft Foods Kraft Foods is betting big on a new marketing channel targeting on-the-go consumers in the snacking space.

How? By revolutionizing traditional vending with innovative digital out of home platforms to realize a new growth market. Get the scoop on Kraft Foods’ mission to engage the hearts, minds and taste buds of mobile snackers with their brands using exciting new technologies, including:

a) Facebook activated vending machines that provide delicious samples for letting your Facebook friends know you’re indulging,

b) In-store meal solution kiosks that engage shoppers, increase their basket size and boost return visits, and c) Touch-screen enabled snack machines networked to deliver millions of branded impressions and

consumption occasions on a daily basis. Matthias Herzog, Director Information Systems, Kraft Foods Europe, Switzerland

Consumer Devices and Associated Apps

IT ConferenCe 2011IT ConferenCe 2011

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Consumer devices and associated applications are growing trends that are outpacing established industry tools and solutions. This trend means we need to identify the impact on shopper buying decisions and where possible extend our processes to integrate these capabilities into our operating models. This recent phenomena requires us to have a position on the opportunity and threats for our industry in order to be more proactive and safeguard our joint interests. Discover what this means for you and your business.

Speaker to be announced

From Assisted Service to Customer Self Service: Mobile Technology as an Enabler to Higher Productivity and Improved Customer Experience at Sonae

Today’s retailing environment requires companies to achieve high levels of store productivity while delivering great consumer experience. The reality today is that many retailers are dependent on the functionality, tools and information which are mainly available in systems accessible in the store back office area. Given the existing complexities and legacy systems, how do you provide your staff with this anywhere, anytime access without changing current systems? Sonae found the answer by developing its Mobile Portal, a platform for deploying business applications to mobile devices in the enterprise. The new challenges reside in delivering a smooth self service customer experience using the information usually only available to store associates.

João Amaral, Director, Sonae, Portugal

19.00 IT networking Dinner at Can Cortada – the historic 11th century castle and manor house

Thursday, 13th October 8.30 – 15.45

Operational Excellence Breakfast Sessions All conference participants are invited to attend these Breakfast Sessions. The three sessions

will take place in parallel. A buffet breakfast will be served.

Breakfast Session: Packaging Innovation Beyond Customer Expectations French retailer Monoprix will share how it increased the reputation and customer loyalty of its private label

brands through innovative and audacious pop art‐inspired new packaging. Speakers will share with attendees how innovative product packaging can bring value to brands and create a more satisfying product experience. The Monoprix team will also share how new design can reinforce private label brands based on their own experience. You’ll discover the operational challenges that Monoprix faced and why operational excellence was key to success.

Stéphane Maquaire, CEO, Monoprix, France Hubert Hemard, Deputy Chief Executive, Monoprix, France Jérôme Malavoy, CEO, Trace one, France

Breakfast Session: Mobile Consumer 2020+ - Communicating, Connecting, Socializing, and Shopping  A confluence of trends is transforming the shopper landscape at head-spinning pace: advanced mobile

devices and technologies; social, demographic and political changes; and an increasingly mobile consumer. With new technologies connecting and empowering consumers around the world as never before, what can retailers and manufacturers do – separately and together – to build long-lasting relationships with the consumer? This session will build on insights from Deloitte’s report “Consumer 2020 – reading the signs,” which takes a broad spectrum look at these trends and their impact on consumers.

Lawrence Hutter, Global Leader – Consumer Business, Deloitte, United Kingdom Mar Areosa, Director – Corporate Strategy, Deloitte Spain

Breakfast Session: Global Chief Marketing Officer Study: 1700+ Face-to-Face Interviews Given this rapidly changing digital landscape and business environment – it’s time to bring science to the

art of marketing.  Science – is about observation, fact based systematic approaches, analytical, outcomes based, leveraging advanced tools and methodologies, testing.  Marketing – is about storytelling, wish fulfillment capturing the imagination and loyalty of the customer through reaching them in a relevant, compelling and personal way – differentiating your brand.  In today’s market environment, you need both to analyze, predict, and develop systematic approaches to capture and capitalize on opportunity. The 2011 IBM Global Chief Marketing Officer Study explores emerging trends impacting CMOs and reveals how they are responding to the evolving scope and needs of marketing.

Patrick Medley, Consumer Products Industry Leader, IBM, Australia

IT ConferenCe 2011

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IT Conference 2011 – The Consumerism of IT Information Technology Morning Breakout Sessions

IT Breakout Session - Integrated IT Delivers Superior Brick and Mortar Store Customer Experience Brick and mortar retail companies face increasing competitive challenges from online retailers and must

strengthen the value they bring to customers in product delivery, convenience and reliability. Integrated IT plays a critical role in ensuring that corporate offices orchestrate the timely delivery of products to stores. Retail corporations that adopt integrated Store to Corporate systems help their business lines make the right decisions by tracking customer product preferences and managing product promotions so that intelligent marketing can increase customer loyalty. Learn how Delhaize benefits from integrated Store to Corporate systems with access to 100% on time and accurate data information, transmissions and tracking.

freiko Baeyens, Manager IT Operations, Delhaize Group, Belgium Paul french, Vice President, Product and Solutions Marketing, Axway, USA

IT Breakout Session - Providing Digital Information Consumers Can Trust Consumers are already using digital product information when they shop for and consume products. Studies

show that over 75% of product information available to consumers on their mobile phones is inaccurate. Brands are at risk: inaccurate information erodes consumer trust. But ... brands and retailers are starting to share authentic product information with internet application providers in a standardised way. Pilots are showing positive results: increased efficiency, closer relationships with consumers, increased sales and a proactive approach to regulation on consumer information.

richard Copperthwaite, IT Director,, United Kingdom Manufacturer co-speaker to be announced. Session facilitated by GS1.

IT Breakout Session - Data Integrity – the Key to Connecting Business for the Consumer Data integrity issues now reach far beyond the “four walls” of a business and their trading partners.

Consumers expect high quality product information not only on the pack, but also in store, on retailer websites and through mobile phone apps. Standards are key to managing and sharing good quality product data. A strategic approach to data integrity leads to clear “process” benefits such as increased efficiency... but also impacts the core of brand value: consumer trust. An industry solution providing a “trusted source” of product data is likely to provide benefits of scale to all users.

Milan Turk, Managing Director, Global Customer Business Development, Procter & Gamble, USA Retailer co-speaker to be announced. Session facilitated by GS1.

Operational Excellence 2011 Shared Plenary Afternoon Session

Keynote Address – A Catalyst for Change Operational excellence is key to growth. It’s all about breaking down the silos between Supply Chain, IT and

Marketing and working together to better serve the consumer. And it’s about retailers and manufacturers combining their minds to find ways to better meet the needs and expectations of the consumers of our products and shoppers in our stores.

David Cheesewright, President & CEO, Walmart Canada

Cherry on the Cake – The Art of Being You - Releasing Human Potential to its Fullest Caroline’s inspirational message on leadership and finding your voice brings a whole new meaning to ROI... a

Return on Individuality. IDOLOGY is the art of being yourself — at work — and in that you have no competition. Caroline McHugh, Chief Idologist, id-ology, United Kingdom

16:00 Departure for El Prat Airport