italian school system

settembre 2011 Gilda Enza Tobia 1 Prof. Gilda Enza Tobia This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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The italian school system after the last reform presented to all partners during the italian meeting in Alcamo about the project "STAFF SENSE" LEO04 2011


Page 1: Italian school system

settembre 2011 Gilda Enza Tobia 1

Prof. Gilda Enza Tobia

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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LyceoLyceo TechnicalTechnical SchoolsSchools VocationalVocational SchoolsSchools

High High schoolschool1414--18 18 yearsyears oldold

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In Italy school is compulsory between the age of 6 and 16 but if they want to attend university they have to take a state exam to get a “diploma” at the end of the fifth year of the Secondary school.

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The normal day starts at about 8.30 and finishes at 1 or 2 p.m.

Students do not wear a uniform or have lunch at school.

They have a sandwich during the break which lasts about 15 minutes.

Most students go to school on Saturdays.

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National exam

(diploma) at the 5th year

History, Maths, P.E., Geography, Italian, English, French, ICT

Biology, Latin or Greek, Chemistry.There are different types of colleges:

language school, classical studies, technical studies, scientific and artistic studies and vocational


Secondary second grade

514 – 18

National exam

At the 3rd


The same subjects and Art, MusicSecondary first grade

311 – 13

History, Maths, P.E., Geography, Italian, English, French, ICT

Primary56 – 10

Drawing, Painting, Counting, Writing, Reading ABC


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All the institutes of the secondary 2nd

grade schools are diveded in a first period of two years, a second period of twoyears and a last year

An exam at the end of the five years give a “Diploma”


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High school - Lyceum

Art Art schoolschool ClassicalClassical studiesstudies and and

humanitieshumanities. . LanguageLanguage high high schoolschool Musical and Musical and balletballet

high high schoolschool SecondarySecondary schoolschool

focusingfocusing on on sciencessciences Social Social sciencessciences

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ECONOMIC BRANCHECONOMIC BRANCH AdministrationAdministration, , FinanceFinance and Marketingand Marketing TurismTurism

TECHNOLOGICAL BRANCHTECHNOLOGICAL BRANCH1.1. MechanicsMechanics, , MechatronicsMechatronics and and EnergyEnergy2.2. TrasportsTrasports and and LogisticsLogistics3.3. ElectronicsElectronics and and ElectrotechnicsElectrotechnics4.4. InformaticsInformatics and and TelecomunicationsTelecomunications5.5. GraphicGraphic and and ComunicationComunication6.6. ChemistryChemistry, , MaterialsMaterials, , BiotechnologyBiotechnology7.7. Fashion System Fashion System 8.8. AgricultureAgriculture, Food processing , Food processing 9.9. CostructionCostruction, , EnvironmentEnvironment and and TerritoryTerritory

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SERVICES BRANCH Services for agricolture and

rural development Services for social-medical Services for wine and food

and hotel-management school

Services for commerce


Craft and industrialproduction

Maintenance and assistanceman

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In Italy school is compulsory between

the age of 6 and 16 but if they want to

attend university they have to take a state

exam to get a “diploma” at the end of the fifth year of the

Secondary school.

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Most schools also offer

extracurricular activities:

computers, music, drama,

school newspaper, etc).

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1°° cycle cycle -- undergraduate studies/students undergraduate studies/students

Scheme of the University System in Italy (DM 270/04)


credits earned


3180Laurea-L1st degree / Laurea degree

Corso di Laurea - CLLaurea degree course

2° cycle - graduate studies/students

1+60+Master Universitario di 1° livello MU11st (level) University Master degree

Corso di Master Universitario di 1°livello-CMU11st (level) University Master degreecourse

2-3120-180Diploma di Specializzazione di 1°livello -DS11st (level) Specialisation degree

Corso di Specializzazione di 1° livello-CS11st (level) Specialisation degree course

2120Laurea Magistrale - LM2nd degree (Magistrale Degree)

Corso di Laurea Magistrale - CLM2nd (Laurea) degree course

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Scheme of the University System in Italy (DM 270/04)




3° ciclo 3rd cycle - postgraduate studies/students

1+60+Master Universitario di 2° livello -MU22nd (level) University Master degree

Corso di Master Universitario di 2° livello-CMU22nd (level) University Master degreecourse

1-560-300Diploma di Specializzazione di 2°livello-DS22nd (level) Specialisation degree

Corso di Specializzazione di 2° livello-CS22nd (level) Specialisation degree course

3+Dottorato di Ricerca-DRResearch Doctorate degree

Corso di Dottorato di Ricerca-CDRResearch Doctorate programme

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High Education and Training Technique

It’s a training course foryoung graduate and adult education

The course will take 2 or 4 half-year, from1200 hours to 2400 hours.

It’s structured to meetthe student’s needs.

The 30% of the course isa stage