
HOLMEN SCHOOL DISTRICT 2012 Italy; the land of awesomeness A portrait of the country through food, sports, animals, and art. By; Mystique, Morgan, Taya, and Maddie C. A WESOME G RLZ INC .

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Page 1: Italy



Italy; the land of

awesomeness A portrait of the country through food, sports,

animals, and art.

By; Mystique, Morgan, Taya, and Maddie C.

A W E S O M E G R L Z I N C .

Page 2: Italy

Italy is a country where art has dwelled

for thousands of years. The Mona Lisa,

The Last Supper; this chapter is all about

Italian art.

In Italy, art is a main factor in Religion.

Most Italians enjoy art of Jesus and

Mary, so you


imagine what

the art is like in


Page 3: Italy

cathedral. Paintings, Sculptures, brass-

ware, and beautiful wood-work adorns

the halls of a common Italian cathedral.

Most Italians are Roman Catholic, so

art in Churches and Cathedrals is

usually of Jesus and/or Mary, Saints, and

numerous Priests. Did you know that

there are over 423 different cathedrals

in Italy? And those are just the major

ones! So, when you get down to it, Italy

is a very religious country.

An important factor of art in Italy is

sculpture. Famous painters like

Leonardo Da Vinci and Michael Angelo

also created some sculpture as well as


Page 4: Italy

Most Italian paintings are of people;

heroes, children, women, saints and

priests. However, you might find one or

two famous sculptures of animals. Some

very famous sculptures in Italy include:

“Il Marzocco” by Donatello, “David” by

Michael Angelo, “The Thinker” by Rodin,

and “Flora” by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Page 5: Italy

Sculptures can also be found on

famous Italian monuments such as

gargoyles and elaborate scenes, and

this leads us to our next topic on Italian

Art; Architecture.

Architecture has been Italy’s strong-suit

for thousands of years. However, most

methods they probably got from the

Greeks. Some examples of monumental

Italian architecture are “The Leaning

Tower of Pisa”, the “Colosseum”, and

the Milan cathedral. The Colosseum

Page 6: Italy

was made in 50 A. D. and it was used

for gladiator fights in which the

participants would fight with lions, tigers,

and sometimes other men. They were to

the death.

Art in Italy can also be influenced

through their festivals and celebrations.

Some festivals such as RADUNO, involve

puppet shows. This festival is celebrated

by Sicilians on the last three days of

May. It celebrates a great victory won

Page 7: Italy

by ninth-century emperor Charlemagne

over the Moors. Puppets with elaborate


And props dance

about the many

booths set up along the


Art in Italy has influenced numerous

other countries as well as our own. To

learn more about the history of Italian

art, go to:


Page 8: Italy

Italians play a wide variety of sports.

One of the most popular, and

successful sports is soccer. Behind

soccer, racing is another popular sport.

Italy also holds the Tour of Italy. And

those are just some of the main sports.

Page 9: Italy

Although soccer isn’t the most

popular sport in America, it’s the most

popular in Italy, and the world. Italy is

currently the second most successful

soccer team in the world. The team has

won four FIFA World Cups, one of them

being in 2006. In Italy, they call soccer

futbal. Italians of all ages play soccer.

Page 10: Italy

Racing is another successful and

popular sport. Scuderia Ferrari is the

oldest surviving team in Grand Prix

racing. They have made a record of 15

drivers’ championships, and 16

conductors’ championships. They are

also the most successful team in history.

The successes have made racing a big

sport in Italy.

Page 11: Italy

People from all across the world

come to see the Tour of Italy. The Tour

of Italy is a bike race. It is held every

May. Cyclists from all over the world

come to bike the entire length of Italy,

from Sicily to Milan, in three weeks. The

Tour of Italy is a popular event in Italy.

Page 12: Italy

There are many other sports that

they play, like volleyball, basketball,

fencing, rugby union, tennis, athletics,

winter sports, and water sports. In Rome,

Italy’s capital, crowds came to the

colosseum to watch gladiator fights.

The fights date back from A.D. 80 to the

400’s. The colosseum is still in modern

Italy today! Italy plays so many other

sports, and they are a big part of the

Italians lives. ar e a big part of Italians lives.


Page 13: Italy

Italy’s Animals

In Italy there are many fantastic

animals to be found. Here are a few

facts about the animals in Italy.

Paragraph one is “The animals found in

Italy’s National Parks”. The second

paragraph has facts on “Things that

Italians will do for their pets”. The

seconded to last paragraph will be on

“The animals you can find in the great

big Mediterranean Sea”.

Page 14: Italy

The Animals You Can Find in Italy’s

National Parks.

There are a lot of different species of

lizards and snakes that inhabits a few of

Italy’s national parks. Only 400-500

wolves live in a little of the national

parks in Italy. Some of the national parks

have chamois (gazelle), black bears,

foxes, ibex (goat), roe deer, and also

wolves live in the mountains of Italy’s

national parks. Italy’s national parks

have a lot of animals, but there are

more than I have told you.

Page 15: Italy

Things Italins will do for their pets.

In 1998, Bau Beach opened its doors

for both man and K-9. Also in 2010 an

ice cream store was opened with ice

cream for dogs and humans because

humans were buying ice cream for

them and their dogs, so “Doghissima”

was formed from the traditonal Italian

ice cream. Animals in Italy speak Italian

from their owners like wolf means“lupo”

in Italian, snake means “serpente” and

cat means “gatto”. Animals in Italy

have a anamazing life style in their own


Page 16: Italy

Sea Animals in the Mediterranean Sea

around Italy.

White sharks and swordfish are hard to

find, but you can see them if your lucky.

The small little fish in the Mediterranean

Sea that the Italian’s like to eat are the

sardines and anchovies that scater. The

larger fish that the Italian’ like to see out

of the Mediterranean Sea are octopi

and tuna. Italy’s Mediterranean Sea

animals that they eat and like to see.

Page 17: Italy

You learned all about the fantastic

animals in Italy. Here is a breif summary.

Animals in Italy’s national parks. Pets in

Italy have a fantastic life with their

owners. Italy’s sea animals in the

Mediterranean Sea. Italy’s animals are

fantastic, but there are many more

than these ones that I told.

Page 18: Italy


Ever wonder how Italian food came

to be? You can find out now. Italian

food actually comes from a variety of

countries and regions. Why they call it

Italian I don’t know. Their meal plan is

very different from ours. Italy’s most

famous foods in my opinion are really

good. I don’t know about you but I

think they are delicious. In all, Italian

food comes in a variety of styles. l=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=827&q=italy+food+map&gbv=2&oq=it aly+food+&aq=5&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_l=img.1.5.0l10.4370l12699l0 l15567l13l1 3l1l0l0l0 l152l1031l7j4l11l0.frgbld.&surl=1&safe=active#hl=en&safe=act ive&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=1 &q=italian+food&oq=italian+food&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_l= img.3..0l10.11834l20683l2l21849 l21l21l3l1l1l0 l187l2288 l1j16l17l0.frgbld.&b av=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=15d3d669a58ec3fe&biw=1280&bih=827

Page 19: Italy

Where Italian food Originated

Like I said before Italian food comes

from different countries and regions. The

discovery of the “New World” brought

potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, and

maize (Which is just ground corn).

Italians also get black truffles, which are

the fruiting bodies of an underground

mushroom, from Norcia. Furthermore,

the cuisine has a heavy influence from

Etruscan, ancient Greece, ancient

Rome, Byzantine, and Jewish. Lots of

different countries brought lots of

different foods to the Italian cuisine. alian+food+map&hl=en&safe=active&b iw=792&b ih=425&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=z1RwjZh6fsFYYM:&imgref url= l= HDg&zoom=1 &iact =hc&vpx=74&vpy=64&dur=281&hovh=226&hovw=223&tx=131&ty=172&sig=104776567882531052330&page=1&tbnh=106&tbnw=95&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429 ,r:0 ,s:0&surl=1

Page 20: Italy

Eating Habits

The American culture of eating has a

very different way with their meals

compared to Italians. At breakfast they

usually only have a croissant and a

cappuccino. Their main meal is either

lunch or dinner. They start their main

meal with an appetizer, then soup, then

a plate of pasta, then a salad, and

finally fresh fruit. Desserts are usually only

eaten on Sundays and special

occasions. AS well as our American

culture of eating, Italy has a very

different way with their meals.

Page 21: Italy




Favorites in America

Their most famous food in America is

pizza. Another famous and favorite

food is pasta. It comes in hundreds of

different shapes. Lasagna is a famous

food but it has changed into many

different recipes through the years.

Another is gelato which is a thick ice

cream that comes from Italy. In fact,

there are lots of famous foods in

America that come from Italy.

Page 22: Italy





To sum everything up Italy has many

differences and similarities to America.

Italy’s cuisine comes from different

countries and regions. Our main meal is

usually dinner but their main meal is

usually lunch. Some of our most

commonly eaten foods come from

Italy. In conclusion, that is the history

and present day of Italian food.

Page 23: Italy




Works Cited

Also Try." Search Results for "" Web. 26 Mar. 2012.


“Dog Jaunt." : Traveling with a Small Dog. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. <>.

Hausam, Josephine Sander. Countries of the World; Italy. Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens Pub.,

1999. Print

Ferro, Jennifer. Italian Foods and Culture. Vero Beach, FL: Rourke, 1999. Print.

"Italian Cuisine." Web.

Tessa, Paul. " Sitemap." Web. 02 Apr. 2012.


The World Book Encyclopedia of People and Places. 2010 ed. Vol. 1-7. Chicago: World Book,

2010. Print.