itgs internal assessment guide project

Overview of internal assessment Summary of the internal assessment task 30 hours of class time Individual collaboration with specified client Individual documentation 2,000 words (maximum) Marked by the teacher Externally moderated 30% of total marks for SL; 20% of total marks for HL Full details are provided in the “Internal assessment” section of the Information technology in a global society guide. Stages in the process Five stages are suggested here as essential procedures. Stage 1: Planning and preparation There are a number of steps in stage 1. Background reading Before starting the project, teachers must read the Information technology in a global society guide, referring specifically to the “Internal assessment” section. These pages give essential information on the nature of the internal assessment. In addition, the following documents provide detailed information that teachers are strongly advised to read. 3/IAF forms: Following each examination session, schools receive subject- specific feedback on their internal assessment from the moderator. For group 3 subjects including ITGS, these are called 3/IAF forms. An example of a blank feedback form is provided in the “Sample forms” section. Subject report: At the end of each examination session, schools receive a subject report. The internal assessment section of this report provides teachers with an overall review of projects undertaken in all schools entered for the examination session and recommendations are made for improvement. The online curriculum centre (OCC) at is a website that provides an ITGS discussion forum where ITGS teachers exchange ideas on developing the project. Checklists for teachers and students that are included within this publication.

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2012 Candidates SL/HL Project Guide


Page 1: Itgs internal assessment guide project

Overview of internal assessment

Summary of the internal assessment task

30 hours of class time

Individual collaboration with specified client

Individual documentation

2,000 words (maximum)

Marked by the teacher

Externally moderated

30% of total marks for SL; 20% of total marks for HL

Full details are provided in the “Internal assessment” section of the Information

technology in a global society guide.

Stages in the process

Five stages are suggested here as essential procedures.

Stage 1: Planning and preparation

There are a number of steps in stage 1.

Background reading

Before starting the project, teachers must read the Information technology in a global

society guide, referring specifically to the “Internal assessment” section. These pages

give essential information on the nature of the internal assessment.

In addition, the following documents provide detailed information that teachers are

strongly advised to read.

• 3/IAF forms: Following each examination session, schools receive subject-

specific feedback on their internal assessment from the moderator. For group 3

subjects including ITGS, these are called 3/IAF forms. An example of a blank

feedback form is provided in the “Sample forms” section.

• Subject report: At the end of each examination session, schools receive a subject

report. The internal assessment section of this report provides teachers with an

overall review of projects undertaken in all schools entered for the examination

session and recommendations are made for improvement.

• The online curriculum centre (OCC) at is a website that

provides an ITGS discussion forum where ITGS teachers exchange ideas on

developing the project.

• Checklists for teachers and students that are included within this publication.

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Integrating the project into the course for SL and HL students

The project is common to both SL and HL students.

It is recommended that 30 hours of teaching time is devoted to the project for both SL

and HL students. This will enable adequate supervision and reduce the pressure on

students in out-of-school hours.

Other demands of the Diploma Programme

Teachers should consider all the demands of the Diploma Programme. These become

particularly acute during year 2, when the majority of students complete coursework in

other subjects and the extended essay.

It is recommended that students submit the first draft of the project to teachers by the end

of year 1. Alternatively, teachers could liaise with their IB coordinator and design a

workable time frame that would ensure that their students have staggered deadlines for all

internal assessment submissions.

Integrating the project into the course

Internal assessment work should be incorporated into normal classroom activities and be

related clearly to the study of one of the parts of the course. It is recommended that 10 of

the 30 hours allocated to the project are spent on introducing the product development

life cycle.

The development of practical IT skills should be regarded as an integral part of teaching

the course. In fact, practical IT skills often provide a good reinforcement of theoretical

work in class and will enable students to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of

different software packages and their ability to use them effectively.

The topics on multimedia/digital media, databases and spreadsheets within the ITGS

syllabus lend themselves to the development of practical IT skills and it may be helpful

for students to be given the opportunity to practise these IT skills before embarking upon

the project that will be used for final submission and assessment.

Suggested classroom activities

Some suggested activities that could be done during this time include:

• identifying possible scenarios where an IT solution may be required and

providing opportunities for the class to discuss them

• exposing students to exemplar material (see “Assessed student work” within this


• exposing students to different IT tools and software

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• presenting and discussing the nature of the internal assessment and the assessment


• discussing the different types of software available and their relative strengths and


• discussing the way in which the initial research into an issue related to ITGS can

be carried out

• providing opportunities for students to expand their ideas and to develop the

scope of their work

• providing opportunities for students to develop one draft of their work through

regular consultation with the teacher.

Choice of client

The choice of a suitable client is a major contributing factor to the final success of the

project. It is recommended that the client is either a teacher, with the exception of the

ITGS teacher, within the school, a friend or member of the student’s family. Further

information is available in the “Choice of topic” section of the guide.

Selecting a topic for the project

It is important that students, with the teacher’s guidance, choose an issue that:

• engages their interest

• meets the criteria for assessment

• involves a client who is accessible and can provide feedback within the required

time frame

• is realistic in terms of resources, their technical ability and the time frame for


Stage 2: Gathering information for the project

Meeting with the client

The student should ensure that the first, and any subsequent, meetings with the client are

in an environment that is conducive to gathering the relevant information. The meetings

should be scheduled at mutually convenient times.

Method(s) of information collection

Students may use a range of methods to gather information from the client. It must be

remembered that evidence of the consultation must be included in the final submission of

the project.

Additional information may need to be collected in the development of the project. For

example, this may relate to hardware, software or techniques required to develop the


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Stage 3: Preparing to develop the product

Follow-up work in class should be used to ensure that students have an opportunity to:

• check they have sufficient data from their client to develop the product

• check they have the hardware, software and practical skills to develop the product

• check that the timeline proposed is realistic

• use the checklists in this publication to provide a framework for the development

of the project.

Stage 4: Creating the project

There are a number of steps in stage 4.

The information within this section should be read in conjunction with the following.

• “Guidance for the development of the project” in this publication

• “Additional guidance for developing the product” in this publication

• The section on “Development of the project” in the guide

Using the criteria

It is the teacher’s role to inform the student fully of the internal assessment requirements,

the assessment criteria, and the student’s responsibility to fulfill these requirements.

Teachers should give all students a copy of the assessment criteria. This helps when

students are developing the product and associated documentation because the criteria are

a guide to the way in which marks are allocated and provide recommendations for further

development of the product.

Teachers should advise students to follow closely all seven assessment criteria (A–G).

Individual work and authenticity

The project must be entirely the work of the individual student. Students should be given

a strict timetable and internal deadline for the submission of the rough draft of the project.

Supervision by the teacher should be on an individual basis and the rough draft checked

once only. Repeated submission, redrafting and remarking of the project is not permitted.

Where there is evidence of collaboration and where there are strong similarities in the

appearance of projects, the work should not be accepted in rough draft. The final draft

should only be accepted if the teacher is convinced of its authenticity.

If teachers suspect that the student’s work is not individual or authentic and they have

reasonable evidence, they should make the student redo his or her project. If time does

not permit this, teachers must not sign Form 3/CS (described in stage 5) and must submit

the reasons for their suspicion under the heading “Relevant information”.

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Word limit

Students and teachers must ensure that the word limit is not exceeded. If a student does

exceed the word limit of 2,000 words, the moderators are instructed not to read beyond

this point. This means that students could potentially lose marks from the last sections of

the project, such as in criteria E and F (potentially worth 12 marks). Regulations

regarding the use of annotations and tables should be closely followed.

During the writing of the report, students should bear in mind the suggested word length

for each section provided in this publication. Students should include the total number of

words on the coversheet.

See the table in the section “Word count and format”.


Students must acknowledge all of the secondary sources they have used in the project in

criterion E. These can include websites and any other published material. Students who

fail to cite any of the sources they have used will lose some of the marks available in

criterion E.

If students do not reference their work, they could be accused of malpractice.

Sources should be referred to in the text and a standard referencing format (title, author

and date) should be used for bibliographies and footnotes. Students should ensure that

their method of referencing is consistent throughout, that all relevant information is

provided, and that their system enables the reader to locate their original sources.

Guidance on how to reference is provided in the section “Information sources for the


Use of appendices

Appendices are not required.

Stage 5: Completion and submission

There are a number of steps in stage 5.

Marking and comments

Teachers should mark the written report for each student using criteria A–G as specified

in the Information technology in a global society guide. The teacher-generated marks are

then externally moderated. This external moderation may change the teacher-generated


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Teachers are advised to annotate the project with brief comments showing where the

student’s work demonstrates a particular skill that is worthy of credit or has a serious

omission or error. These comments are also extremely helpful to the moderator in

understanding the rationale behind the teacher’s marking.

Annotations should be presented using a method that clearly indicates that they are by the

teacher, such as comment boxes, highlighted text (with some explanation of the exact

method used) or an additional linked document.

Teacher marking and moderation

The purpose of moderation is to confirm the marks awarded by the teacher with respect

to a sample of students’ work. However, in some cases the marks given by the teacher are

increased or reduced by the external moderator. The final mark given by the moderator to

each of the students represented in the sample will affect the marks received by the rest of


Atypical projects may have been completed at a different time, may be unfinished, may

be highly unusual, may be different from those produced by the rest of the class, may

have had significant extra assistance given by the teacher, or the teacher may have

experienced particular difficulty in assessing the work. Full details of atypical work are

given in the section on “Internal assessment” in the Handbook of procedures for the

Diploma Programme, which is available to the Diploma Programme coordinator in each

school and on the OCC for teachers. Teachers must assess atypical work using the ITGS

internal assessment criteria and the same standards as applied to the rest of the class,

indicate that it is atypical, and state the nature of the problem.

Correct submission procedures

The Diploma Programme coordinator in each school is responsible for following the

correct procedures in submitting the sample reports to moderators and predicted marks to

the IB. Further information is found in the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma


Teachers should note that each report must be accompanied by the following form:

• Form 3/CS: a coversheet for the project for each student.

Each report should include this coversheet with details of the student’s name and number

along with the marks awarded. The teacher and the student must sign this form.

The reports selected for moderation must also include:

• Form 3/IA: a summary sheet of the sample sent for moderation.

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The sample of projects selected to be sent for moderation must be accompanied by this

summary sheet. This provides the total marks for each project in the sample together with

additional details about the work undertaken. The teacher must sign this form.

The entry of marks on these forms must be in line with the procedures in the Handbook

of procedures for the Diploma Programme.

The number of projects selected as a sample to be sent to the moderator will depend on

the size of the group. Samples are automatically selected for each school. The samples

should arrive with the moderators by 20 April for May examinations and by 20 October

for November examinations. Predicted marks should be sent to the IB by 10 April for

May examinations or 10 October for November examinations. In schools where more

than one teacher assesses the work, internal moderation should take place before marks

are submitted.

If the automatic selection process results in an atypical project being chosen, supplement

the moderation sample with another more typical project, at or as close as possible to the

same mark as the atypical project. The atypical work should still be included in the

sample to the moderator with a note of explanation on the form provided.

Teachers are advised that either they or the student should make a copy of the project

before it is sent for moderation as a contingency measure and for future reference. After

the process of moderation, the coursework is kept for several months by the moderator

and then disposed of or deleted.

Information sources for the project

Using the library

The school library should be used actively to enable students to acquire the skills of

individual research through a variety of media such as books, periodicals and electronic

databases. The ability to locate and use appropriate sources effectively is essential for

worthwhile research in ITGS.

The professional librarian is a trained information specialist, whose knowledge of, and

insight into, information will complement that of the subject specialist teacher. The

librarian can help students and teachers with information gathering and research skills.

The teacher may wish to build on the work of the librarian with study skills sessions to

ensure that students make the best use of their time. Noting down resources in a standard

format, prescribed by the teacher, can be a useful starting point. In addition, teachers can

give general guidance on information gathering, note-taking and the construction of a

well organized file of preparatory material.

How to reference sources

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References must be included to show where statements, ideas and evidence come from. It

is very important to cite all sources used. If students do not reference their work,

issues about the authenticity of the work may be raised.

Sources should be referred to in the text, and a standard referencing format should be

used for the bibliography and footnotes. Students should ensure that their method of

referencing is consistent throughout, and that all the relevant information is provided. The

referencing system must enable the reader to locate the original sources easily.

The following guidance is based on the Harvard author–date system. It is offered only as

an example: the IB permits any accepted convention for citing and acknowledging


Body text

Use brackets or parentheses to set off a reference in the text. Give the author’s last name,

if it is not part of the text, the page number(s) and the date of publication.

(Johnson, p98, 2006)

A full reference should appear in the bibliography at the end of the piece of work.


Footnotes provide related information that does not belong in the text. There should be as

few of these as possible and they should be identified with a superscript number (1) and

placed at the bottom of the same page.


The bibliography, or list of references used, should appear at the end of the piece of work.

In this case the bibliography can be accessed via a link on the cover page.

List sources alphabetically by the last names of authors or editors. If there is no author or

editor, list sources by titles and put them in order by date.

Books: Author’s last name and first name, or initial if name is unknown. Date. Title (in

italics). Place of publication. Publisher’s name.

Baase, S. 2009. A Gift of Fire (3rd edition). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Pearson


Articles in journals: Author. Date. Title of the article (in quotation marks). Name of the

journal (in italics). Volume number, first and last pages.

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Lawes, Sheila. July 2008. “Moving towards a new IT paradigm”. Journal of Information

Technology. Volume 47 Number 3, pages 13–28.

Information from the internet: Author’s name if possible. Title (in italics). Date site

was visited. URL (address for the home page). Heading as listed on the web page (if there

is one).

Lindsay, Julie. Welcome to Flat Classroom Project 2007. Visited 17 July 2006.

Unpublished interviews with a client and personal research such as questionnaires: Name (last name, first name). Type of source, pertinent identifying information. Date.

Student’s name. Initial consultation with Mr Roberts, a garage owner. 12 September 2008.

Guidance for the development of the project

Students should note the iterative nature of the development of the product and ensure

that they continually refer back to the specific performance criteria during this process.

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Word count and format

The word count figures in the table below are guidelines.

The overall word limit for the project is 2,000; however, it is possible to complete the

project in 1,500 words without a significant loss of quality.

If students write extended prose in the sections where the word count does not apply,

these words will be counted in the overall word count.

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It is strongly recommended that the documentation is submitted in a commonly used

format such as PDF, DOC or HTM/HTML.

There are no appendices.

Prescribed format(s) of presentation are indicated in bold.

Criterion Recommended

word count Comments: Format of presentation

A: Initial investigation


investigation of


200–250 Extended writing.

Initial consultation

with client n/a

A written record of an interview either as a

summary or transcript, a sound file, a video or an

exchange of emails that may be supported by a

questionnaire, providing evidence of the initial

consultation with client.

B: Analysis


specification n/a

Justification of

proposed solution 250–350

Requirements specification form with

justification of proposed solution appended as

extended writing.

C: Project schedule

Project schedule n/a Project schedule form. May be presented in the

form of a table.

D: Product design

Product design n/a

Product design form. Includes scanned sketches,

lists or concise statements, table for assets and

techniques and for test plan.

E: Product development


development 750–1,000

Extended writing. Justification of techniques used

including annotated screenshots and sources where


F: Product evaluation and future product development

Feedback from

client n/a

A written record of an interview either as a

summary or transcript, a sound file, a video or an

exchange of emails that may be supported by a

questionnaire, providing evidence of the gathering

of feedback from the client after the development

of the product.

Product evaluation

and future product 300–400 Extended writing.

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G: Formal requirements

Sufficient content

to evaluate product n/a

Sufficient data within product for

tests/queries/links to be meaningful.

Use of cover page n/a

Cover page form developed in HTM/HTML

format including relative hyperlinks to product and


Folder and file

management n/a Appropriate file naming and folder structure(s).

TOTAL 2,000

Framework of the project

A ZIP file ( is available that provides the basic

structure of the project for students. This should be downloaded from the OCC and

placed in an area of shared access. Students can copy the ZIP file into their workspace

and extract the contents.

It is most strongly recommended that the contents of this ZIP file are used as the

framework for the project.

The initial file format of the documentation files is RTF in order to ensure maximum

compatibility with a range of different software types. However, particularly with the

insertion of screenshots, the file size may increase to become unmanageable, so it is

strongly recommended that the file type is saved as PDF, DOC or HTM/HTML.

Guidance in modifying the links in the original cover page form is included later in this


The ZIP file unpacks as follows.

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The documentation folder should contain the following files.

The links in the cover page (cover_page.htm) will not open the documentation files, as

the links are based on these documents being saved as PDF files.

Using the forms

Students are required to use the following forms in the development of their project.

The forms are as follows.

Item Criterion Format

Cover page G TXT/HTM

Analysis B RTF

Project schedule C RTF

Product design D RTF

Blank RTF files for extended writing are also included in the ZIP file and may be used.

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The files are for the following criteria.

Item Criterion

Initial investigation A

Consultation with client A

Product development E

Feedback from client F

Product evaluation and future product development F

Links on the cover page

During the development of the project the student may have converted the RTF files in

the forms into other formats such as PDF, DOC or HTM/HTML. This will mean that the

original links on the cover page will no longer function as intended.

Reasons for the conversion of the file type may include the following.

• The insertion of images into the RTF file has caused the file size to become too

large to manage and transfer easily.

• The student may wish to link all the documentation files as web pages so as to

facilitate easy navigation and viewing.

Where file extensions have changed, the HTML on the cover page must be edited to

enable the links to function. For example, if the student has saved the initial investigation

as a DOC file, the original link on the cover page does not function.

It is strongly recommended that students use a simple text editor such as Notepad or

TextEdit to edit the cover page. This will ensure that the links are maintained as relative

rather than absolute, which may occur if more complex word processing software is used.

The easiest method of doing this is to open the cover_page.htm page using the “Open

With” option, as shown below.

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This will allow the HTML code for the cover page to be edited easily. In this case, it is

the link to the initial investigation that needs to be edited (see screenshot below).

It will be necessary to change the text in the screenshot highlighted in the screenshot

above from rtf to doc. There is no need to change the name of the file in the code, only

the file extension (see screenshot below).

On completion the file should be saved (see screenshot below) and cover_page.htm

opened using a web browser to check all the links.

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It is strongly recommended that students test the links from the cover page to the

documentation files on different computers before the project is submitted. This will

ensure that the links are relative and the project functions as intended.

Where the product cannot be opened directly from a link, this link on the cover page

should be disabled.

Additional guidance for developing the product

Criterion D: Product design

Design tools

The student should use the following top-level design tools.

Product Recommended top-level design tool

Multimedia: Website Hierarchical navigation model/Site map

Multimedia: Presentation Outline layout

Multimedia: Video Storyboard

Multimedia: Sound Storyboard

Desktop publishing Page layout

Database Entity relationship diagram (ERD)

Spreadsheet Workbook layout

Criterion D: Product design

In order to ensure that equal levels of complexity are found between different product

types, teachers should make students aware of this information when designing and

developing their product. Examples of inappropriate products include:

• the development of a product solely using a web-based template

• a product consisting of a data mashup consisting only of secondary data

• the use of unmodified exemplar products provided with software; for example, the

Northwind database in Microsoft Access®.

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Although there is no lower limit on the number of pages in a website or the duration of a

video, sound clip or other digital product, it is important that there is sufficient scope

within it for the student to use at least three advanced techniques. For example, if a

student can use three advanced techniques in a four-page website without compromising

its quality or functionality, this is acceptable. However, if a student submits a product of a

limited extent, they will need to justify why this appropriate.

The key determinant of whether the product—for example, a website—is simple or

complex is the number of advanced techniques used within it, not the number of web

pages. Duplication of techniques used will not increase the complexity of the product.

The list of appropriate techniques and their complexity is located on the OCC and is

updated annually.

Criterion E: Product development

The following are guidelines for the justification of the choice of techniques used in the

development of the product.

• The sizing, positioning and legibility of a screenshot are the key determinants of

its effectiveness.

• Relevant screenshots should be kept in an appropriate folder during the

development of the product.

• Diagrams, screenshots and other visual evidence must be referred to in the

accompanying text.

• Explanations can be enhanced by the use of arrows, circles clearly identifying the

key feature of the screenshot and/or highlighting.

• Screenshots should be cropped to ensure that only the relevant parts remain.

• All explanations or justifications should use the correct ITGS terminology.

Assessment criteria

Internal assessment criteria—SL and HL

Criterion A: Initial investigation

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.

1 A client and a problem with the present situation are identified.


A client is identified.

The inadequacies of the present situation are explained with cited reference to the

consultation with the client.

Criterion B: Analysis

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Requirements specification

The specific performance criteria within the requirements specification will be used in

criterion F to evaluate the effectiveness of the product.

Justification of proposed solution

This is completed in extended writing.

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.


The analysis form is used, refers to the scenario described in criterion A and

includes either a requirements specification that can be used to partially evaluate

the effectiveness of the IT solution or a limited explanation of why the IT

solution was chosen.


The analysis form is used, refers to the scenario described in criterion A and

includes a requirements specification that can be used to partially evaluate the

effectiveness of the IT solution and an adequate explanation of why the IT

solution was chosen.


The analysis form is used, refers to the scenario described in criterion A and

includes a requirements specification that can be used to effectively evaluate the

success of the IT solution and a detailed justification of why the IT solution was


Criterion C: Project schedule

The project schedule must include the following.

• Dates

• Actions

• Details

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.


The project schedule uses the project schedule form and refers to the proposed IT

solution identified in criterion B, providing an outline schedule of the tasks

involved in planning, designing, developing, testing and implementing the IT



The project schedule uses the project schedule form and refers to the proposed IT

solution identified in criterion B, providing a detailed schedule of the tasks

involved in planning, designing, developing, testing and implementing the IT


The project schedule can be used as a basis for the development of the IT

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Criterion D: Product design

There are four significant components to the product design.

• Overall structure

• Internal structure

• List of resources

• List of techniques

The following information should also be included as part of the product design.

• Test plan

• Agreement of client

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.


The product designs for the IT solution identified in criterion B use the product

design form but have significant omissions. It is possible for the student to create

the product from them, but they lack sufficient detail for an IT-literate third party

to see how the product was created.


The product designs for the IT solution identified in criterion B use the product

design form and include sufficient detail for an IT-literate third party to see how

the product was created.

Criterion E: Product development

The student must demonstrate the techniques, with screenshots, that were used to develop

the IT solution identified in criterion B for the client identified in criterion A and justify

why they have been used.

A complex product is defined as one that includes at least three appropriate advanced

techniques. The list of techniques will be posted on the OCC annually.

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.


The IT solution identified in criterion B is created. The techniques used to

develop the complex product are identified or the techniques used to develop the

simple product are described.


The IT solution identified in criterion B is created. The structure of the complex

product and the techniques used to develop it are described (with screenshots) or

the structure of the simple product and the choice of techniques used to create it

are justified (with screenshots).

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The IT solution identified in criterion B is created. The structure of the complex

product and the choice of techniques used to develop it have been explained

(with screenshots), with minor omissions.

Sources have been acknowledged.


The IT solution identified in criterion B is created. The structure of the complex

product and the choice of techniques used to develop it have been fully justified

(with screenshots).

Sources are cited appropriately.

Criterion F: Product evaluation and future product development

The student must evaluate the effectiveness of the finished product, based on feedback

from the client. This must include direct references to the specific performance criteria

identified in the requirements specification as part of criterion B.

The student must recommend proposals for future improvements of the product.

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.


A limited evaluation of the product, based on feedback from the client is

completed, and superficial and impractical recommendations are made for its

further development.

There is limited reference to the specific performance criteria identified in the

requirements specification.


The product is evaluated, based on feedback from the client and the specific

performance criteria identified in the requirements specification, and appropriate

recommendation(s) are made for future development of the product.

Criterion G: Required elements

This criterion assesses the extent to which the three formal requirements are met.

• The content within the product is sufficient for an IT-literate third party to reliably

evaluate its effectiveness and the product functions as required.

• The prescribed cover page is used and functions as required.

• Appropriate file names and folder structures are used throughout the project.

Marks Level descriptor

0 None of the formal requirements are met.

1 Any one of the formal requirements is met.

2 Any two of the formal requirements are met.

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3 All three of the formal requirements are met.

Assessed student work


This section of the teacher support material includes a number of examples of actual

student work and exemplar materials developed for this document.

The documentation has been developed in consultation with various members of the

senior examining team to ensure its effectiveness as exemplar material and to provide

guidance in the depth of the documentation that is required.

Example 1 provides teachers with a completed project, including the product and all the

documentation required.

The subsequent examples provide a product and documentation for selected criteria only.

These enable teachers to focus on the criteria where more guidance might be required,

and in particular on criterion B, where the student must use the form provided in the ZIP

file and add extended writing to justify the choice of IT solution. For this criterion,

further examples are also provided to show where it is appropriate to consider only one

possible solution. For criterion E, the examples indicate different methods that a student

can use to justify the choice of techniques used in the development of the product. There

may be inconsistencies between the forms in the examples of student work and the forms

in the ZIP file.

The information provided in the teacher support material must be read in conjunction

with the guide.

Example Topic Title

Example 1 Web authoring Keith Findlater Photography

Example 2 Web 2.0 Digiteen Compass

Example 3 Desktop publishing Florence History Booklet

Example 4 Database (OpenOffice) Steve Roberts Garage

Example 5 Database (Access) French DVD Library

Example 6 Multimedia Spanish in Vienna

Each example includes the following information.

• Student work

• Blank assessment sheet

• Annotated student work

• Moderator’s comments

Page 22: Itgs internal assessment guide project

To view the various elements of this example, please use the icons at the side of the


You can use the blank assessment sheet if you would like to assess the work yourself

before viewing the examiner’s marks and comments.

Teachers may simply wish to see how a project was assessed by an examiner. Using the

icons it is possible to compare the unmarked student work with that where annotations

have been added.

Alternatively teachers may wish to mark the student work themselves. Using the icons on

the side of the screen, the unmarked student work and a blank assessment sheet can be

accessed. Teachers can then compare their own marking to that of the examiner and go

on to look at the annotated student work.