i:«titt^^ i wanted

10 LICENSES TO WED. The fallowing ll'-enmi to wed vers lauad yantaa- llf by Count* Atlditor Bwovn' Frar.k J Srlmull 111 and Alll'-a O Vofel (2<|, both c/ HaatU* I SIXTH*. cui» I'. Seattle, March i: iw, at .tr t»rr uttiet. to Mr. int Mrs. A- M- frabt. a daughter. DEATHS tXD FO'KRAI.S. DENNmON in thiT dtr, Hvh 11. If*, at tha fanllT raridaaca, IC7 Twaaty-ailth arcao* ?ou'Ji. Laaa Dannl*on. Mt'i ad yaait. of parairii* Punfral wrvl'-aa Wcdniaday at 1 p. m. trvm Eut- lasverth A Hons* chapel BAOMO In ud. city. March 11, If. at »W tlr.th ava&ne, Doatllana Racclo. * raara, of pneu- ismls PI' RUSH ERA NOTICE Trains afenU ara J. A McClallaa. O B. tsxmlt. F Blan hard Cltj MUctm ara R. T, Da«l«>. J"hn D fchechan, F H. Oollke, C. H, Uteffen end Robert Akin IVj.t- nuitm ancrywbarw ara our aaonu. Far mnnej oolr to thaw and to mir r<»l4*nl afcr.l" la tha vartsua eitlaa awl tow a* of tha NorthwaU- 5 WANT ADS. | \u25a0 ? ? Advertisements under any ? ? kendlnsr In elnsslfled folimai, a t 1c a word each Insertion! rnln- ? ? lasnm ehnr«e, SBe. ( Insslfled ? ? alTertlieisenta rsnnlif one * ? \u25a0snlk without ehnnare of ropy. ? ? 91 .SO per line lMtf» words J 0 reint to llnel. On tkree ? ? month*' Order, *1.511 per linn ? J par monlkt on sis months' or- ( ? der, #I SO per lino per montki ? ? on yenrly order, 91 per line * ? per monlk. « ? ? RBAL RtTATB THA*WF.n». The fnll'»wlng 4e*da ttara M«4 for nrtrt with the county auditor yettorday £ a Ullt.Lh.l to C K Rtaaaß. a U tot « taefcaa tf lot I. Work O. Ballard ? Flrat add to Rltathtor; inn L*all* flu* te C. C. Reber. lot 1. Nwl J, St*a*n- aaa'a Pint add to Knunclaw: 130, ill at R. OataftirfMd to A. J fltrarta. loU 1. t «jJ, ». W, Nock It Wood** tt H IMt Or**n lakai Out Claaa to Rt«r«tt Tlator * Int*atswrt Oo , \u25a0?lt m f. tp a tl. f I I; 12 100 John D Amlth to Prod J Oett, lot. It and 9. feloek If, M i> RalUrd'i t?ippl*ni»nul plat of Laka D*> add, ft* WRmj Mr Parlaad to Barry fUnhua. lot 7 to L H Retort' aldao iron Mag part of at* of nwi ?oo IS, tp 25 h, tie; 1310 i«iwu Oibrt*tae* to Alfred P*t*raoaj, lota II and l». Moo* W, Wackttiart anprknwnul plat of bloekaf, ». n aad IS, Woodland add: «\u25a0> Hl'haid PI, karing to Ola R Rolllnl, lot 8, block 1». Illau Park add: ll» Joha W. Th'MipMn Klliaheth Kaaran. lot 4, Work 10. mil tract add, KM BUaaheth Kwnn to Kuphornla llcßatul*. lot a. Week M. I»1 tract add 0.100 RuptiasiU M<-Kanit* u Archibald Patrick, let 4, Mot 10, Hill traet add. *> 040 . , pjiar Vtßltn to Pho»h* J Hunt, *1 lot ? and all *f lot M, Mock I. Row add. MOO Mary J. Rom to Mallin fter*riaoa, lota I ». blMfc IS, Oil-nan a add. «T» K|) L*arU to Marti* S*»*Haon, lota 14. IT and It. Moo* l». (Illaian'a add, B7V Alfrad Lybatt to H * rpper, lot 1 and nwi a*t, Y rT *?' r»IT-IIITKLLI»ICII(:KR WART AO. AOBRCIBB. T|« Pn*t-lntelUi»»»' ha* **tabllah*d branch at*n- ttm »k*t* elaaaldad adrartlaaswntt will b* rweltrd uall f* \u25a0. **ck day Tho rat** <*harc*d at th* hi talk if in *r* th* tana aa at tha Puat lnt*ni- t*ne*r bwliuM offloa, Caah ada only will ba takan al breach tgandaa. Fallowing I* th* ll«t of atenrt**: Verkt »arrlt«t«»'a <rt( stare, ?eratd itaaaa tad Pike. \u25a0Htlwir Pkarwaay, P. B. Ptder, \u25a0roadway ltd Jaatt. Beatoa Bill Pliaraatey, Madliet Walla Walla Pharmacy, Tweaty- ? rat aad Rail Jafara**. Frtebara'a Pharaaey, Nlatk ata- aaa atalk tal Jaekaaa. \u25a0klrlleß'a Drat More, Tweatr- Ihlrd ataaaa aaatk aad Jaekaaa. ?ekatlla' Drag Slore. loilil Howell, rtraar Hnrea. Nortk Seattle Pkaraaacy. Battery aad Flrel aveaaa. A. B. Hay'a Pharmacy, Deaay way ?ad Fifth ataaae aartk. P. B. Caallcaa'a Pkaraary, Qaaaa Aaae aveaae aad Nay alreet. BALLARD. Preetea'e Pharmacy, Ballard at. aaaa. FRF.MOIT. Crr Msst Drug (nmpaiy. Lskt street «sd ? .*?!«« Rfrnar. The following letters await advertiser* at this ftfflce: A <4 I* 9 \l U. R 7J. a 1 u ia M « H 4a A r. a ? N 4a * 14. H » it t4 ? r u. tt II 4.1 6* v « « «& t ? n r w iti l> ? k !#. «. H 4U K 11 I. T IMP / 43. rullu. r m z » 804 II I > \OTl( KJ DANCING classes for new beginners; private lessons dally at Wlllson * Danc- ing Acad* rn>. teaching all the very lat- ent !w*l'r> oiji a ltd theatr -a. dance# terms lowest In « It) Oltlc* and academy, ltanke hali. like street arid Fifth ave- nue Telephone, Green HJkV tonuc Mint i i. Jk. O V W Attention' l>n Friday even- ing. March It, Columbia l«Mg* No i. will give a l«a*ket sociable for the benefit of a brother In need, «me and bring your wife end a twsket >f * >od things to rat and h*lp Oils deserving brother. At Elks hall, Colman building s JO p m A \. HII.THRI N,:H M W .IIM. I | | I KWIMOl %t».\T \\l MI O - Fl VI M i:. OOOD clean c k wants position n tlvat* family either or Ta- mi must pe> fsrr Address Mary Dah- -111-. N >rth Hi Pau. Minn N * Ywe.rth avwciu* ' 1 t\ ? > youna ladies wtsht.ng to m*>et party going to ( ape Nome that oan give ; u emplevmetit f any kltnl Address S 14. care Pwet Inteldgen CAI l' N ? M ' IS \ won?an o»o < w , < « d -.?» fr-. «v. o*. Add>'««e N U- \u25a0 tre I *; lri!«» »ge, r- ItEl I* w VMIIW-ll mil WANTFD Wen-,. » b ;i 1 d.-e- . at horn* stsa-- tistan< > -u> dtf» advautas- ? h w * Kora S:iMd» .4 i K ? , K .-*9p how |K*r4ers. K.w;-* s ed* »p on « %? without s> » > > r, - s-.t. « of wv»rk Kv » sh-,, a i \ Hi Street. New York WANTED 'a ? k % for ;t. fctrl* sin- ;e* » fot . eral houeewoiW $ ? » ,t $. -uis ?»-r ond work M XM v \u25a0 v street. WANTED Lldv ' .? \u2666.« V'. perm at*"t p«.»fio * I k ' ersiice required v M » h CO* gsnersl dellv- % s. u'.e WOMEN go to Ig4 »» . ,sf free sample Of sw a h troubls, femsle -mj a'r. and bi d di*ea^e W ANTKI V OHrl to do K - ; , v. k * family without cMIC » I Apply corner Minor s » . .* j s ting street _ W VNTKD Young ladv . rn ! 'h and Brassage work, big mon» , a >. JWH Senec.l ANTED A girl for n a k. German preferred. Appl) ai liSM fourth avenue. HKLP WASTED?FE.MAI^E?Cont'd. A girl to attend three children; no work, no washing. 1426>» First avenue. WANTED?air! for general housework; small family, ilu4 Union street- WANTED?Apprentices, learn dressmak- ing. Worth s, 15Z7 Flrirt. . WANTED?Woman for general housework. Apply «2J3e«>nd avenue. PROFITABLE employment. 51»Wi Pike, near Sixth. Douglas. WANTED?Dressmaker by the day at 724 Spring street. WANTED?Dlnlrig room girl. 1300 Marlon street. EMPLOYMENT WASTED?MALE. PRINTER -All-round printer, linotype ma hlnlst operator, wants position In Alaska, would accompany office to Cape Nome, references character, ability. Ad- dress M 12, care Post-lntelllgencer. COMPETENT accountant wants book- keeping or any work evenings and Sun- days; fifteen years' experience; could run a business evenings. V 61, care post-lntelllgencer. ENGINEER, eleven years' experience rail- road location and construction; desires position with railroad, mine or contractor; will go to foreign countries. K 11, 'are Post-lntelllgencer. ANY kind of work by a Japanese boy. saloon, chamber work, office cleaning, housework, schoolboy, etc., speaks good English. Address B 62. care Post-lntelll- gencer _____________ FIRST-CLASS landscape gardener and florist wants work; steady or lob. P 54, i'iirf Post-lntelllgencer. ___ I'fiSITION wanted by exiwrlenced cutten references at hand. Address P 15. cars Post-lntelllgencer. WANTED?Position by experienced bar- tender from the East. Address S 61, care Post-lntelllgencer. WANTED?By Japanese hoy. place to do housework. Address O 61, care Post-In- telligencer. SI,OOO to loan on Improved city property at low rate. W. W. Dearborn, 34 Union block. HKLP WAMTRU-MALU. MEN* wanted to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required; special Induce- ments this season; Illustrated catalogue, map of city and souvenir mailed free. Mofer'a Barber College. San Franclaco, California WANTED Today. two millwrights, plan- ing mill foreman, two band sawyers, knot aawyers, kneebolters, packers, itraders, tallymen, cooks. Ballard Em- ployment Office. Telephone, Lake 623. mTLIWRIGHT, t*o montl. and ' found" steady blacksmith, $2.7S day; cook, s*"; pantryman, $.10; ten saw mill hands, $2; knot sawyer, 9c. Rae & Arnold, Occi- dental avenue, LOGGERS" WATERPROOF BHOEB. Asbestos tanned calf, high laced; hnnd- made right here; warranted. Pactflo Brokerage £omp»ny, avenue. SALESMEN to sell perfumes, toilet toapa. etc., to dealera; SIOO monthly and expenses; experience unnecessary. Plumer Perfumery Co.._Bt._Loula. Mo. SALESMEN to aell office specialtlea; flnt side lines; used by all merchants; cata- logue free. Model Manufacturing Com- pany. btia H. South H'ii.l. Ind. KXI'ERIENCED bookkeeper wanted; muat be a good penman and accurate. Address, stating age and references, M HI. care Post-Intelligencer. WAMTBD?A young man to work In rea- taurant. Call at the Noma restaurant. Railroad avenue, between Teeler wuy and Columbia street. MEN, free sample of Eleotroaone at 1614 First avenue; curea stomach and kidney ailments, rheumatism and blood diseas- es. Elect roxone. WANTED An active man to establish g line of trade with business and profes- sional men Room 37 Safe Deposit building WANTED?For retail grocery, a strong boy about IS years of age Address, in own handwriting, W 61, care Post-lntel- llgencer. WANTED- 12 men to work placer mine on lay. AtUn, B C. For particulars see W. J. Anderson, Hotel Richelieu. W ANTE I \u25ba?Engineer and ma-hlnlst for saw mill work, must furnish good ref- erences fall 61> Bailey building. WANTED Man for general work around building, one who Ts handy with tools. Call at 1624't Sixth avenue. W A NTKD?Gentlemen desiring comfort- able furnished room* at lowest rates. The Florence. 415 Mndlson. WANTKD Immediately, coat and pants maker, steady Job. D. Shanahari, Na- naimo. It. C. WANTED A fireman, reference* requir- ed inquire at the Rainier, Fifth ave- nue. WANTKD Hoy at American District Tel- egntph Company's office. 701 First ave. W A NTKI> Patternmakers, at Willamette iron *n<l Steel Works, Portland, Or. WANTKD \ brig) b foi ofllce and Urai keeper Apply 63 Epler block WANTED \ good barber at .130 I*lke street. single man preferred. OABV-UIF rh'thitig bought. Dave Tay- lor, 10 Starr-Hoy d W ANTED An egperlenoed washer. Queen City laundry STRONG boy wanted Seattle Paper Bk»* Factory WANTKD t oatmak« r 1014 Second ave- nue IIKI.I* W %\I L.LI?%I.I;VI *. SOLICIT- OR*, ETC. |».?o a n nth and egper. . « free. U (Ml IV-110 % Hill 14*. CAN t.« omm-Hlate * lew m »* hoarders: *<n and r.r-i M per week Western ' : U Wil l) TO MIM-»l»llOV W \NTH> A fully f ntshed hcus«- on flr*t or Kenton hill rent* ring four or fi>e t»ed room*, five preferred bcti serv- ants' "room, poseragloii May I. Address, elating term* <wHoto, etc, P U. care IVst Intelligence, WASTED ;r ntshed house, seven oi eight wins, in giK»d to amy. April L Aid res* t |t, c are P At-intelligencer V VXir.D To rent ftve six-room house or v oit.vge ti» North Seattle. Address T l \ are I % Inter,:# Ft *RN ISM ED hv usv «lx or e.ght rooms for three or *3* month* fr, - \ April I PO, U VN I Kl) 141 HI VI -ROOM*. W anted TV. i >.?. .. Xt furnished room* two bedr\ m slttn* r> m p**.f, -rt .! Ad ess W . ca:v I\\*t In- tel llgeac-er. WANTED Tw > ft.rr * \u25a0 *nt housekeeping w* ild like imsll vard AJ- dre»«. at once O VS. -are Po«tdniel!l« gender \\ \NTBIV-Room with * d. tral location, with telephone preferr 1 Address O M. oarv V *t-Interiger, / r C FOR REM? RtUlM* WITH BOARD. ONE very lar*e room with h*>ar .l f r two or three p«-r« 'u, ' t fr M v. ,J»IJ «,«. .ENTER Inquire m MAI., A Jjrl RE 1 and h on Third aver. » ar Itne. us<* of pUno; term* US p«*r m nth; reduction for two; next door to university station. NICEI.N room ' rst-r,. ss fam- ily; board lor two. 1U Fourth Ave. FOR RENT 9-rootn house, S2O, F. M. Jordan. 2 and 8 Colonial block. FOR RENT House* William N. Rcd- fleld. 3f>? New York block HOUSE for rent; furniture for sale cheap. 604 Eleventh avenue. HOI'SE repairing. Sephtoa, 222 Cherry. Main tit FOR REM-HOt *EKKKPI*4i ROOMS. FOR RENT Nlcoiy furnished housekeep- ing r<" m*; gas range and hath. 91$ Jackson. FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep- ing rooms; no children. 51J Madsson street FVRNISHED housekeeping rooms. Troy House. 301S First avenue. Kl'liN'lSHED housekeeping room*. 415 Madison FOR RE XT?FLAT*. COMPUETEEY furnlahed four-room p r. #U!n bath. <«», hoi and rold water, * l»«r. ' adult* only, rii Warran a^rnue. IX)H KENT M<n!»rn a«*#n-room flat pari fur«l(ure for *ai» Apply FVnimni'i Jt.arn. , y, Slntb art.} Jn. i(. 11 i u UK> r ?«» I iii >:«. FX">R RK.NT fvffk-a *nj Je»k room m <*ry t>«! i K-atlon In city, ground Rivir; >anlt< r Mrrfra. Jirhi ar.4 h#a: fn-r, sior- »«» room aI»o L»!anJ Spencor « Co., KOM HKftT-HMIIit. n»TRI HKITI. PIAN\>« Vv.R REST * <. < \u25a0 M 4 and avenue. W VM K i>? MI at KLUNF.OU \\ ANTED Pra*fl«al new»pap«r man want* to a.*e reentry pajer m::n privl- ><-** ' * $ an furnish gilt edge r*f. «rer.. a \ddress Fi \ Falrchiids. Ev- *f ett, Wa»h., care Everett Dr«g Com- pany. T V''. V nt / J -. Prop*ll*r. l#n*:h ? t, SI ee. draft. } feet with fuel and water. ', u PSJticulars. age and »ndit!->n c. hud and !>oiiers. C. Schappe. IS con *tr'er. San Fran, isco H MHK.S *- .*'« ,a: \ f,.r .. .?. \ furniture, stoves. carpe:s. «u- Fhe lied " ' ' * \u25a0 tfc.re > rr.ga: ? **«:.«e s. j:h. Telephone, Red J : VI! st ; nre paid for all kinds ? -ond- : ? ? .«*ho«d ar.d # t\x,.. .r* carpels, s:ev#4 etc. Thompson Furni- ture Company, 1904 First avenue. ANTED- To pure base a whole or half inter*?: in a rtrst-v.las* or l»usinesi. Address Z ft4. are I o«*t Intelligent er. HIGHEST price paid for new goois of all C. i-os a\a&ua. FOR 9ALK?9AHNILL. SAWMILL for sale; one of the best mills on Pugei Sound; almost new. coat al- most i&.cAlo. has salt wat«r and rail transportation: price 111, 000. terms to suit purt baser. Address A. Johnston. 121 Sf . n.l avenue «nuth. S*nttl»_ Wash. run HiM in. ONE new 7xll Scotch marine boiler. Ad* s LOST. Saturday evening, - n Jam#«j» «treet, small brown purse, containing about s;<>. trunk -h k, etc.. liberal reward, Leave at offlca Fehren- Marvin Co., 331 Pioneer building. j LOST?A severe case of artomach trouble, 1 > tak-: ts V > / ne go and cet a KOI *D. LONDON LOAN OFFICE Money loaned on valuables watches, diamonds, jewel- ry. 106 Second a*, eniie south. FOUND? K.ectroior.e cured ray stomach tro -»le free *am; 'e I>l4 First avenue LACK CFRTAIN* LAUNDRY?Masher. Phone. Lake 41* j MONET loaned cn valuablee. 139 Orel* I foetal avenue. | MONK! lo&nM on valifabiea. M Second ' . . .. . ~ *rKi I 11. E». TO CONTRACTORS AND Pril.DEßS- the f t ? f II: a 1 N' rth Caet- j t:- . i : win .peratlon Mill office, tele- L/h<i.<ne. t'nion ? d. wntown office, ro>m «' !t*i'e> building. rer Western f nion COMPOSITION- We sre now prepared to do ornpoeitlon for the trade <any meax- I urn. In Nonpareil. Minion. Brevier and I L Primer S-. '* tt - ±u\u25a0.:ar.teed. Call or address post-Intelligencer, 3e. j SPECIAL INFORMATION FURNISHED ir.an :.. . - ? . -1: ?** ,:h< " * and juris men i-v the Press Clipping Bureau ? A \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0m 42 McKay building, Pori- _ land. Or. ! NOTICE? Mr. A. Potter !s no longer con- mved with la any way. Tatuin A 1 Bo a en. PwrUand. Or. m *IMM 'HAM i H I. *?» J'tne gr ery, s«> business, invtn- t«ry $: *-A. 4j r -eery, t*# b at inventory. |l.*o 3t-r fr» a -:.rg house, ;-oard J6 f > 17 ;er w tljS-lt BM 'n, taase %2 25 reoma, flace 1 «rjtalri *4 m ?-\u25a0A.-i.-g h "n *rai. .-very. IT ? a: 1 c -r.fe« 'o.-ftery Business pp*.rtunltle* all nve# ?l AI-J#. e»4 New *k k. }>'. a. .sh r * vA t: '-<0 for a 100-r.>o«n hotel, elevator and ail modem conveniences; big money- maker. r 'A-wom lodjrlnf houA*. paying on thly, tMi m tl N 'or tt-room bfkfc Urging house, \pry \u25a0 .\u25a0 ply ?urni«h**l, gr.d worth rwto# t .* ?r, :.*v »*ni' **vinc Ar>4 rr.ua* «.«!! UU.AND ?PKN'» 'FR * CO , Hanfmtnt l' 1 >»Mntt!!iifr^ PT Building ANOTHER barra for 11.000. » >n irood Urrr.i hol«; *l*t#en "> rn* w*nty tods; nt X" twrf.tjr »*uUr bear >? with i--".J *ransl*Rt W* Uvt many other bargain* :n lodging Yi< .uses tn'l business opportunities. HEAVKKf* & CO. 112 ar.l 113 Washing!on BuiMln* Ft >R PALK?Grocery 111 thriving town. In- voices IT .o»». annual sales l&000. a backer Uroa. & Co.. &a*tu*. WAITRIt-REAL KBTATti. , . ml!h '\u25a0 "r 1 r.m* »r>4 _EL_. <i* Itahcr * Ct >: F"tr»t avenue. FARMS and Boatil* pro; *rty r, c ,*hl f:o-n <>wiiers. Great Northern Land Co.. ill firm avta**. WANTED?REAL I:«TiTt^^ I " Wanted': ? < "-^3l Cape Nome business and minings \\ e buy and sell same E V. GAI.LAHER & (n « First avenue Stock Exchani." * FOR ITV E. t>. 1. LOTS 1, S, J, block 8, Yesler*. *w Hon. comer Spruce and Twentu^ I '* nue. modern bouse, is **,606. '* rooa «. rt* ~T~ Five acres, five Mocks north of «... street power house, on NtaatUS** nue. price, *5,000. u '-»«a4 -k 5. ~ Tundra claim on Center oreek Anvil c-eek and Nome City; Dti« i.*!? title guaran;ecd. poc *'*H 4. Lot 8, block 10. S A. Bell's Fifth avenue. «oxl* « residences, present rental fer, M t J2? walking distance from butlneu prlce, *3,00U ** I Lunch counter In very center of eltr chance for the right party; Brt.i t? 1 * snap. ' w I 6. We buy and sell real estate tnfl ?- property. Call and see us. c . 4? P GALLAHKR Aca Sto-k lltilldlng, ioj| first FOR SALE *MO; «oxt# "on RwiTi l.th avenue, street grade anj ?»J,2 this Is way below the market vah* *f«*v-*>x l». only one block from th« »s. of Broadway and Oolumhls walking distance and very chess. ' *3,hW~rorner Broadway and Maim .. llar\-ard avenue, this Is a largt t£»< ground and on very easy terms balance long time at 6 per cent *l.ooo?lJOxlrt'. corner on Tester stfS ISnd avenue; both street gnulsg~S ? above grade and commands i L 'J: of the lake and mountalna ISOO t.-.xlJri on the North Seattle above grade and cheap *3,500--l!Oxl2*. corner on ISth *"tmit. ta_ East Union street, Just the !or*u«i build houses for rent. " II .36ft-*-room house, comer lot an Mint nue on very easy terms. JTOO-TOxIOO, on I>rexe| (Tblrty-flft» nue; this Is a very sightly cermr m worth more money hut otmst nm cash, and for quick sale offwt »« above. " ACRE TRACTS, lias to *175 per acre, good land aka line. W. D. FIEI.tr fw?*' G A. VIRTt'E, | 31 and 32 lialler ftulldtnf. 'Phon* FOR BAt,E-By F. W. West, t t Union block. H>-A» exceptionally fins corner « avenue (Drexel avenue); 70il«, wi south front; fine view f7Bo Full sine lot un Hth avenu* blocks south of Madison B,#o?Double ci>rner l.iui*) on tm within <m# block of Ma lison strsei is one of the moat desirable bom offered on the market 11.750?Double corner !3>xlJ<> on TfcW nut north and Valley; two amall b 1300 Suburban acre tracts on Italala nue car line at Brighton Beaek * a number of theaa tract* frail « car line and none are mora HIM blocks away; good fruit and garden surveyed and staked by enmpttw veyor; streets dedicated to puMtr stract showing perfect title wnhMd tract; easy rerms F. W. WKBT, 2ft blodt FOR BAL.R-T.iat Mxin. northeast 1 Mcf'lalr and eaat Kir. one black car line; water, sewer. graM I > >ear* time; Jf.7S Lot so*iyi. northwest cornar TmU Kast Union; sewer, on* black Madlaon or Broadway car Unas; ?100 down, balance in 4 yeara lrfit WI*I»), northeast cornar Mlia Thomaa; graded streata ana 1 swell house; one block fre» Ca school and Third street car lias; 1300 down, balance 4 yeara. lsit *oxl2*, northeaat corner Twaat ond and Kast Rpruce; S7O", I >«an' ITouae and lot ranting for Mr caclualva of taxes, insurance aad rent; car Una, 11. *60. 1 yeara; 8,1 caah. as an Investment. IIFNRT W I.UNO. 4i» Rurka Building. NICE four-room plastered cotta**, *?\u25a0» line, North Seattle; full h«r tt water, *round rent, 11, only W Corner. l'C*l2r>, Fourteenth and Flf. X Xff Yesl.-r avi>nu«, M7l. corner. Thirteenth and Columbia, ll.lto. NBUSON MACPIIKR9ON * CO, CHEAP Sensible buyer*: Why PW to 1200 to a*ents for same let* I ? wlltn* at 126, W Formerly "Ml 8% aristocratic neighbor*; ? oi»» «» ** youraeif need money. l-Ullnsaft. Kenwood avenue, oreen l.ak« car. _ A live real rwtate firm. F. r> Mallaher & O*.. Stock K»rhan«e Buildln*, comer I'lrsl nvenue and flprlM PIMM) ii«i».t with them finds ready dlipoaal. FOR BALE JM lota no Queaa AM* M graded and «!d*waU»d §tr*at; thi >JJ : jtvallabia and r*#t buy In iHt 9m I:c>4> Im a «hort ttm#; »'»rt* >i»c M £»>»hon TW Saw Tor* b&mt FOR SAl.lt-At Oreen lake. beet chance for cheap home* mi flno view, near rar una, nhi»rtfc«fc*? and graded school, fine *'*.g** .1 N' Wallir,«f >rd. U FOR KAI..E A lot, *>al*. in th« >\u25a0** ' enter, with -li dweiilnaa of etfW WJ" ea-h, a food pay in* Invest »««t. CT llemnan A Herrmaa, » York block IKVEN-ROOM houee. lawn »«* frutta nod flcmera, WAnhlncton, ntAr two CM Haiti half <w*h. M N«« York _ FOR SALE -tIJKr. *-rocw» heuaa. m ** furniture on "*r Sine, #out» wttn'-. a**tite Addre»a N ll <ar* l«n(nr OHOI.J. DAMIS A OgVkR B*Ml*3 in*, cail on ua for our B* « »*rz city and farm pf <>[ *rty. 1* rtreet. I-IST your properly, real property for aaie or rent lrt® ** O'Neill * Co. 'll Kirat a»arwe __ - ? f»>m houae For fui; partlctriat* «\u25a0" J fi Noii, rxtidenlal jJ" ft-H SAI.K-I! ? ? >"? no a««j»t». Adlreae M V'. '»« r ** ii>;llK«" er * XOR HA i,H?'"o«y "a**. >\u25a0* a at otx ' Apply owner. «' FIIR ItU'?AC»»: T»*< T *- FOK RENT?An Improred JWf, #JT acre» n»ax eaatern ahore of '\u25a0*" Cg incon. thre" I »:» \u25a0*? ittr..-, reaa »> » '»r»a. 1 WalWr. r>22 rouriwnth **etw» l4a*ron Hill car, l,r * BPRINO HIM. VIIJJ TRACI* VC##t ?*** John r Jar > f TqfK WASTKIK 11 M l«i;n l WANTED Foreat r e-r»a *'?*^ r#>{pta John P. i \u25a0 ? k ' ?? *. BKHRENS A I KTrrT jBl bought and for »a-e 3 " J4 ,w TIMBER ianda bo J*ht ao<! "tydT Let: S. -U FOR ROT-ROOMS WITH BOARD? Continued. WA\TEI)-M!SCELL.«EOIS- Contlnurd. PERSOJIAL. THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1900. WELL-FURNISHED rooms, with rood table board, 1115 Fifth avenue. ROOMS and board; nice location; tele- phone, bath. 711 Madison. FIRST -GLASS boarding and rooms. 606 Fourth avenue. PLEASANT boarding The Blackwell, 1300 Marlon street. FOR REST? FVRSISHED ROOMS. NICELY furnished front room In private family, suitable for one or two gentle- men. with bath, gas and Are; close In. Address N li. care Post-Intelligencer. ELECTROZONE. a free sample given at 1514 First avenue; cures stomach, kid- ney, rheumatism and blood diseases; Electroaone Is for you. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, European; first- class, central location; steam heated; transient rooms, per day 75c upward. THE FERGUSON, First avenue, postof- flce block, furnished rooms; steam heat; free baths; reasonable rates. LARGE, well-furnished room, suitable for one or two gentiemen, use of bath. Apply 423 Spring streot. FURNISHED alcove room In private fam- ily for two gentlemen or man and wife. 1416Vj Third avenue. CARROLLTON Hotel, Occidental avenue. Main street; rooms. J6 , 60. 75 cents per day; weekly rates. HOTEL SAVOY. 625 First avenue, fur- nished rooms. 50c and up; convenient to trains and boats. VICTORIA Hotel? Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite; overlooking the bay; low rates. OLENWOOD House, 110 Fifth avenue, near Yesler; nicely furnished rooms, fl week and up. JUANITA Hotel; newly furnished; cen- trally located; $1.60 to $3.00 per week; 321H pike. SNOQUALMIE Hotel, Plh« and Third; rates. 26c, 60c. 76c; free bu». John A. Hllyer. HOTEL. TORK, First avenue and Pike; first-class rooms and board at $6.50 per week. FT;rnished room. 12: electric light, bath, ?phone. Inquire room 10. Co'.tr.i.n ?k. HOTEL VF.NDOME. 1315 First avenue; __flrst-class rooms by the day or week. RCPS House, 1,42(1 First avenua; rooma 35c and 60c per day; weekly $1.26 up. St'NNT front room, suitable for two gen- tlemen. 813 Fourth avenue. BLACKMON Hotel; rates reasonable. 1212H First avenue. FOR RENT?Elegant rooms. Weed hotel, 1406 First avenue. DELIGHTFUL rooms; stationary wash- stand. SOS James FRONT room; bay window; first floor. Spring street. HOTEL LYON, 2JBH Columbia; furnished front rooms FOR RENT?Furnished room. 801 Madi- son street. CONTINENTAL. IMIH First; rooms $1 week up FIRST-CLASS furnished rooms. Hotel Frasey. A furnished room to rent. 219 Marlon street. FOR m:\T-IM t HMtHl'.ll ROOM*. ONE large unfurnished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; outside entrance. Apply corner Fourth and Olive. THREE ? unfnrnlsh*l rooma for light housekeeping, for sli. Address Z 61. care Post-Intelligencer. FOR RENT?Three large, pleamnt rooms, unfurnished; no children. 2123 Sixth avenue FOUR modern unfurnished rooms; adults; Cedar street car. 707 Fifth avenue north. FOR REHT-HOI'IBS. FOR HE NT? March 16, modern 8-room house, southwest corner Republican and First avenue west; 136 per month. Henry V 5 Lung, 40s Burke building* FREE?WiII give large, choice lot to party who will build house and give mc four month* rent of same. Hi 11 man. Ken- wood avenue, Green Lake car. FOR RENT?Furnished houae. * rooms. 1016 Columbia, between Terry and Boren. Charles E. Patterson. HOI'SES, stores and flats. Pioneer Rent and Collection Company. 9 Roxwell block. FOR RENT?Six-room house; furniture for sale. Call evenings, 1819 Terry ave- nue. MODERN S-room furnished house, close in. Address R <l. care Post-Intelligencer. SEVER Ah houses with furniture for sale, cheap D. McKlnley. X Hoaion hi >ck WANTED -Second-hand lumber wagon. 1300 Western avenue. FOR SALE?MISCELLAXEOI'S. HORSES FOR SALE?SS head horses; weighing from 1,000 to 1.650 pounds each Any purchaser will do well to call and see our horses and get prices before buying elsewhere. Bruhn & Henry, Inc., Snohomish, Wash. FOR SALE-Steamer "Hoosier Boy;" gross tonnage, thirty-one; length, flfty- eighs feet; pressure allowed. 150 pounds; Seattle Inspection. June, 1598. Apply to box 132. Juneau, Alaska. ONE 6-inch Nome pump, engines and boilers, al! sizes; one 3-slde planer, one water motor, one duplex steam pump, wire rope, etc. Loggers' Supply Co., 123 Yesler way. FOR SALE?Hydraulic r>iP«. feet. 22- inch No. 14 steel, double riveted slip Joint, a bargain. Inquire Armstrong « Morrison, Vancouver, B. C. FOR SAJ.E?Barnes foot iathe, screw cut- ting. nine-Inch swing. forty-Inch bed, with two chucks and tools. Address T SI. care Post-In:el!lgencer. BOILER and engine, nearly new; also pumps for Nome. Barton Bros., 1020 First avenue, or 1316 Western avenue. Phone. Main 681. HERE'S your chance* to buy four colts dirt cheap; also two small drivers. Apply Montana livery barn. J. J. Cart right. FOR SALE?Farmers; one nice percheron mare with foal by tine Percheron stud; cheap. Montana livery barn. ONE three-ton Ice machine, in good con- dition; will s#*l! cheap. Address M 15. care Post-Intelligencer. FOR new 7xll-foot water- back Scotch marine boiler. Apply Vul- can Iron Works Co. MAGIC lanterns; new. second-hand; mov- ing pictures. Dullard & Breck, 131 Post __Ban Francisco. HOISTING engines and machine pumps for sale or rent. Puget Sound Dredging Company. BEAUTIFUL mahogany upright piano; partiei wtd money. l?M4 First avenue. TWO little bay horses; Just the thing for expressman. Montana livery barn FOR SALE?Ten R-I-P-A-N-8 for 5 cents. . at druggists. One gives relief. COLUMBIA bicycles. Hartford bicycles. Christopher. 1112 Second. FOR SALE?Fine fresh Jersey cow. W. B. King. Latona FINE poultry for sale at 115 Fourth ave- nue north. SHOWCASES Cheap. IMS First. FO It LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE?Just arrived car heavy draft horses Montana iivery bam. FOR SALE-LODGING HOUSES. AT a bargain- well furnished lodging- house; central. Address W 62, care Post- Intelligencer FOB SALK-KI'RMTI'KE. FOR 8AL,K~ Furniture of a four-roora flat, with piano, owner going abroad. 1615 Fourth avenue, one block from Pike. FFRNITTRE of a nicely fumlahed five- room flat for sale cheep; rent reasonable. SI2 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE?STKAMBOATB. STEAMBOAT FOR BALE-Blde are In- vited for the purchase, subject to tne approval of the oourt. of the stern-wheel steamer Pilgrim, now In winter quarters near St. Michael, Alaska; Pilgrim waa built at Seattle In lftfl; dimensions are, length 176 feet, beam 35 feet; net ton- nage 409. For particulars Inquire of Marston Tebbetts. receiver, f«6 llaller building, Seattle. OAfIOUNR launch; cabin; length 42 feet, beam 10 feet; speed 10 miles. Gasoline launch: <aWn. length 30 feet, beam 8 feet; speed S miles. Ga.*«ollne launch; canopy, length 19 feet, beam o f.»et 2 In. sp»-i 7 miles. Gasoline launch, length IS feet, beam 4 feet s|w»*Hi 5 mile#. FREEMAN & PEIRSON. 7S Sullivan bdg. TWO schooners, newly refitted, perfect repair: one carries 160 tons, 3ft passenger*, the other W0 tons and ftO pas«engerv the proper nlng for Alaska, cheap. McOraw & Klt' ngcr. room B. Bailey building. Telephone. Main FOR EXCHANGE Oil 9ALK. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?Farm wag- on for light wagon Comer Olive and Tw«»nty-aevenU> avenue TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: For ben- efit of those suffering from skin diseases and facial blemishes, superfluous hair, moles, warts, birth marks, scars, red veins, etc.. removed by electric needles; no marks: absolutely painless; also wrinkles, pimples, moths, ringworms, blackheads, pock marks, ecxenia and over 30 other skin diseases treated by electricity; regular graduate and regis- tered lady doctor; post-graduate of Dr. Leclanche's Institute dermatologiriue. Paris, and Dr. John H. Woodbury's der- matologies! institute. New York Larg- est electrical apparatus on Coast. Per- manent cure guaranteed. The Paris and New York Medical Electrolysis Insti- tute, rooms 100 and 310 Washington block, First avenue and Cherry street. Seattle. Consultation free. Hours Mto 12 a. m., 2to 5 p. m. Evenings by ap- polntment. SWEET PEAS. SWEET PKAS. SWEET PEAS. SWEET PEAS. MALMO'B Special Sweet Peas? the best ever grown; best quality; greatest Quantity. Malmo's Seed Annual Catalogue free. MALMO. 916 Second Avenue. DO YOU TRAVEL" ARE YOU GOING TO THE PARIS EXPOSITION, EUR- OPE, NEW YORK? The Anglo-American Exchange, of North- umberland avenue, London, and Broad- way, New York, offers permanent ad- dresses for mall and telegrams at all hours, has une<jualed facilities for trans- fer of money by cable, acts as guide to the tourist and affords special feat- ures in the traveling department to clients visiting foreign countries. Pacific Coast Representative, 313 Washington building, Seattle. FORMULAS?We can furnish anything you want, chemical, medical or other- wise; leucorrhoea and other female troubles cured; perfectly reliable and confidential; satisfaction guaranteed; tell us your troubles. The Medical Lat>- oratofy, 2sZl First avenue. ARE you aware that the latest Parisian styles In hairdres«ing. scientific mani- curing and a rtne line i>f hair goods, Hhell combs, and fine toilet creams are pro- curable at the only Modern Toilet Par- lors. 29-30-31 Downs block, 709 Second ave- nue. A Racine bath cabinet combines Turkish, Russian and medicated baths; cures colds, rheumatism, etc.; best cabinet made Call or write for catalogue; sold only by Modern Toilet Specialty Com- ptriy, 29 Downs block, 709 Second ave- nue. LADIES' Chichester's English Penny- royal Pills are the best; safe; reliable; take no other; send 4c stamp for par- ticulars. Relief for Ladies, in letter by return mall. At druggists. Chiches- ter Chtnlcal Co., Philadelphia, Pa. IF you are gray. loslng*your haJr. retting bald or have daniruff. Itching scalp. the Star Hair Remedy is the cure. Sold only at Modern Toilet Par- lors, 3* Downs block, 70® Second avenue. JOHANNA OFTEDAL, medical electric- ian; treats with electricity all disease, nervousness, rheumatism, la grippe; electric baths, magnetic massage. 22 Union block; 'phone. Blue 113. LADIES, take advantage best bargains in hair goods ever offered; look after your gray hair; keep young by keeping it restored to natural color. 1313 Second avenue. YUKON save money by buying your sec- ond-hand cook stoves at the Red Front Furniture Company; largest stock in the city; all prices. 110 and 112 Second av. so. SEATTLE Woolen House. First ave- nue. opposite Hotel Stevens Outfit- ters and manufacturers of Alaska cloth- ing fOr men or women. Phone. Black 721. I recommend Electrosone for stomach trouble and rheumatism; it cured me; free sample IRI4 First avenue. Mrs. Taylor. 1733 First avenue SEND your old gold Jewelry; we remodel, exchange or pay cash for It. llenry Henael. manufacturing Jeweler, room 28 Hinckley bleck ELI3CTROZOKR cured me of blood die- eaae -S. W. Clark. 001 Main street. Free ?ample 1514 First avenue. Klectroione ha a no equal. INFORMATION furnished regarding em- ploye* and others, capable operatives. Seattle Detective Agency, 311 Pioneer block. FREE, one 50-cent box Palm of Figs, to any lady wRo personally applies to Mn. Caroline Rose. 424 Belmont ave. north. NATHAN PHILLIP®. Occidental ave- nue; bargaina. new and unredeemed watches. Jewelry. Mail orders nollclted. WANTED?To exchange vocal lessons by experienced teacher for dreasmnking. Address A 57, care Post-Intelligencer. LIBERAL advances on Jewelry, clothing or anything valuable. Hell lx>an Office, 302 Second avenue south. MRS WALLACE. 330 Pike street, writes: "Elect roaone cured my rheumatism." Sample 1514 First avenue LAI>IE&~Free Harmless Monthly Regu- lator; cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. Milwaukee. Wis. NEW and second-hand sewing machines *5 and up; rent SI week. Dußots. 114 Co- lumbia street. MRS DR. SWAN, magnetic h»aler: elec- tric baths. 157 Yealer, room 52*. Phone. Black 1 PIANOS for rent, rente applied on pur- chase. most reliable makes Ma/tius, 806 Second. WILL Far rue Tebou cramunlcaie with husband? Address car* steamer flyer. LA DIMS use Electroaona for female com- plilnts. Free sample at 1514 First ave- nue ROBINSON Bath < ahi net n In stock C. B. Hills, roneral .i|ent. Burke building PIANO for rent, and rent allowed on pur* 'chase Western Music Co ?.'?? f^ke OSTRICH feathers and K aa cleaned er dyed and .rIM !3lf Third avenue. PALM OF FIIS, a positive cure for all forma of female dl»e»#*« WATCH** cleaned, mainspring Mc. ?or Cherry atreet DorUTFUL DEBTS collected anywhere, til Plo%ear ble k ' V:k;.. KMED pledges. Chicago Ix>en 117 Teller LADIES' special treatment 157 Tesler way. room f -3* STOVE repairs. 410 Tea:er way 'Phone. P*ark 1 BISISKSS CHANCES.?Continued. K<VO PER TEAR. tf.MO PER TEAR. 10 PER CENT. ON *60.000. *SOO PER MONTH. SSOO PER MONTH. That Is what a corner saloon In the down-town district, the property of one of our Cape Nome patrons, pays. He will sell it at a fair price He Is g-vig to Nome. We are settling up his affairs that he may go early. Steady and In- creasing trade. Qooa stock, fixtures, lease, etc.; license paid. As a money- maker It is bard to beat. CALL FOR PARTICI7I*ARS. MONROE & MORGAN. 613 New Tork Bloc*. LODGING house In center of city, 26 rooms; all full, a snan Partner with S.VH to take half Interest In a good paying business. *!*» - Buys a <rocery store In a good loca- tion, with living rooms In the rear; rent *2l. *1.500--Buy» a well established grocery business In good location; sales run trom *s# to IS daily. s366?Buys a good restaurant on tecond avenue; must he »old quick at this price. ISdO-Buys n grocery store in good location; l*rty going to Nome; this Is a snap. Lot 70*13" feet. In residence part of city; perfectly level; streets graded and side- walks down; price s2.*io. First-class ctg*c and fruit stand In good location; price J<WO. Call 62 Sullivan block. TWENTY per cent, gross on .in Investment in reHl estate. any on# hiving few thou- sand to Invest Inside choice property and build block of flats, can learn particulars by addressing ihe advertiser who Is an architect and builder, but lias no more capital at present to take this opportunity. E> 67, care Pcat-lntelllgenoer. HOTRI/, first-class location, 75 room*, rent 170; three years' leaao; doing a thousand-dollar business monthly; this proposition cannot be duplicated in the state; $5,000 buys It; call and let us irlva you terms and full particulars. Beav- ers & Co., 112 and 113 Waahlnnrton build- in*. ITCrt will build 5 room cottage after my plans lEdstlake style) or fMO 3 rooms, sec- ond story, lost of plans t'.O; plana made for tlat buildings that pay 3) per cent, on Investment (no office expense); plans made at home; half regular price. Ad- dress X r«, care Poat-lntelllgencer. IStO down buys A flne house and lot on central Madison street; |0(I0 buys a 12- ror.m lodging house that rents" at SIS, centrally located; Rood S-room house, furniture 11*0. ihnt cost WOO. rent >2O. 41K Vesler way. FOR SAl.E?Elegantly furnished eight- room private residence, modern In every particular and on# of th# best snap# to- day on th# market; two days only. Mor- gan's Ex Chang*. HQ Third avenu*. A rare busln«-«« opportunity for sal#, a first class and well established sho# busi- ness in on# of th# best locations in Spo- kane. Wash.; for further pgrtlcul&rs ad- dress liox 1522, Spokane, Wash 01. D established grocery business; will take about UK,000; located heart of my, only those Intending business need apply. McUraw A Klttlnger, r»om H. Bailey building. Telephone, Main®*. PARTNER wanted in office brokerage bus- iness, well established. n#ed good man- only small cash payment, mor# business than pr«sent proprietor <*an do. Apply to Dowd, SKI New York block OOOD business ll.son stock millinery, racket store; will sell racket store sepa- rate good location; population. S.MO; monthly pay roll. 140,00 ft !x>ck bo* 1», Hoqulam, Wnah, PKOPI.E having stomach trouble rh#u- matism. kidney ailments or blood dis- ease# should take El#ctro*one, free sam- ple at 1514 First avenue Kl#ctroaone, Elect roxone FOR BALE 314 lot* on Queen Ann# hill: *ood location; one block from street car; MAO. Two l>>d(ln* hou***, Firm n venue. >l.lOO and taoo sfl| Third avenue. FOR BAI.K Urocery; *ood location; do- ine cash huelneea; Kood reanon for Bell- In*, investigate at we. If intereated. !. If., are foat-Inteiiiitencer tIOARJDINO houee. 12 rooma nice furni- ture; well located: a t.»r«a!n. cheap Heav«r» * < v., 112 and lis Wa»hln«ton htilldlnt Telephone. Bla<-k 221. K»R fAI.E- Oreat tflr»ain: double block ehlncle mill; heal location In etitte; rail and water oommunicatlone, plenty tim- ber *2» Ne« York block WANTEIV lleaponalhle party to take a«ency for nrat-claaa line of farm ma- chinery vehl. Ie end saw mlila Inquire at Occidental hotel FHiBT-i I.AHH ehincie and «awmiil for sale. *ood town and unilmlte.l timber aveilat'le. Addreaa E. VV, Way tialiev _ bulidln*. Seattle ' W PARR* SMITH I loom 1 C.lmen build- in* Tel.. Red t«l, notary Public, real casate. mine* and timber landa Loan* negotiated. IF voti wl»h to buy real ea ate. hotel 'i*\ K . In* houae or a » »Mtn»«a of ntiy kind ««e u* Irat John O'Neill A Co., Kll rirjt avenue. F')R prompt attention and quit k mrm Mat >o»ir po>j»rty with Iterrman A Herrman. *<« New York bloi k FOR SAI.E?H«<-ic team and harneae; price. Ml. For Informal lon «l«p m ,. n .< avenue Fmerajn i*ar r ore F*» l< HALK?Good paytnc bualneae Ad- M -T <''>tnmerc« > uildinjt. Tar in*. \% aah RAI/K>N. t.ank nnd nffjfvimi- i :re t«- tv.or Company. Railroad »%«?»\u25a0 ;t> and Pir.<!» ? , v* AN Inveatment In caa lamp* would be i"> section Paclnc Oaa Jjtmp C. o . Iwi2 Flr*t avanu# f'KNTAL office and outfit : rich minlrt* : ,m > *<S.Lr"»» Doctor, ISl* »harpe A*».. ??piikene Waah RKMT- Itaaement, ail convenleneea. 11l ' o-umbla »treet. »A\ I'IC»?TAJI l PARTNER eaiiiel with amai: capital for a r.-et-cla-s «oM *a»hi..« machine. ?? ir rn . f!f#rj <o cubic yar<la 1-r \u25a0'*> and we !r. or eddrea* C ... ' tnirwrt ;al l.otel, V ancouver. It C. WAMKI> I'art er in l,< tel hi,sine**, mast have caeh; hotel man pre- 'T, r ; f°°4? no '-id furniture to *' '*' J ' ONel li A <o . til First ave- WANTKI> Mai, who I* a j wllj *? ? ''l : ???? ?" » ,-.**\u25a0> ?«»<\u25a0 K 'I--J I .»> h«.f ln*»:w.. A3- <lr«.» , It IS, « «r» T*o«l-Iniri.«*r. >r WANTF.U?Partner In eetaMUhed buaU ?.e*,V t- : m r'< 4 ul:ed. Adlrea* * ..re I et. -Intel -i er WANTEIt~Pan»*t, office hu*lne*«, *en- '\u25a0eman or iady. John O'Neill A Co, til \u25a0 't ave?2u» SEATTLE MESSENGER CO., 614 Second wants to deliver your package; prompt service guaranteed; ring O. K. oox or 'phone Maine ISO. WANTED?PupiIs in Mexican carved leather work and wood carving, at 116 Eastlake avenue. Call mornings WANTED?A complete set of takers' out- fit and luncn counter outfit. Write F. A. Benjamin, Marshalltown. la. WAKTED-To rent, or will buy if cheap, a yarding engine, complete. 208 Bailey building. WANTED?Second-hand oxydonor. Ad- dressH 14, care Post-Inteiligencer.

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Post on 25-Nov-2021




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The fallowing ll'-enmi to wed vers lauad yantaa-llf by Count* Atlditor Bwovn'

Frar.k J Srlmull 111 and Alll'-a O Vofel (2<|,both c/ HaatU*I


cui» I'. Seattle, March i: iw, at .tr n« t»rruttiet. to Mr. int Mrs. A- M- frabt. a daughter.


DENNmON in thiT dtr, Hvh 11. If*, at thafanllT raridaaca, IC7 Twaaty-ailth arcao* ?ou'Ji.Laaa Dannl*on. Mt'i ad yaait. of parairii*

Punfral wrvl'-aa Wcdniaday at 1 p. m. trvm Eut-lasverth A Hons* chapel

BAOMO In ud. city. March 11, If. at »W tlr.thava&ne, Doatllana Racclo. * raara, of pneu-ismls

PI' RUSH ERA NOTICE Trains afenU ara

J. A McClallaa. O B. tsxmlt. F Blan hard CltjMUctm ara R. T, Da«l«>. J"hn D fchechan, F H.Oollke, C. H, Uteffen end Robert Akin IVj.t-

nuitm ancrywbarw ara our aaonu. Far mnnej

oolr to thaw and to mir r<»l4*nl afcr.l" la thavartsua eitlaa awl tow a* of tha NorthwaU-

5 WANT ADS. |\u25a0 ?

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The fnll'»wlng 4e*da ttara M«4 for nrtrt with thecounty auditor yettorday£ a Ullt.Lh.l to C K Rtaaaß. a U tot «

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illat R. OataftirfMd to A. J fltrarta. loU 1. t

«jJ, ». W, Nock It Wood** tt H IMt Or**n lakai

Out Claaa to Rt«r«tt Tlator * Int*atswrt Oo ,\u25a0?lt m f. tp a tl. f I I;12 100

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WRmj MrParlaad to Barry fUnhua. lot 7 toL H Retort' aldao iron Mag part of at* of nwi?oo IS, tp 25 h, tie; 1310

i«iwu Oibrt*tae* to Alfred P*t*raoaj, lota II

and l». Moo* W, Wackttiart anprknwnul plat ofbloekaf, ». n aad IS, Woodland add: «\u25a0>

Hl'haid PI, karing to Ola R Rolllnl, lot 8, block1». Illau Park add: ll»

Joha W. Th'MipMn t» Klliaheth Kaaran. lot 4,Work 10. mil tract add, KM

BUaaheth Kwnn to Kuphornla llcßatul*. lot a.Week M. I»1 tract add 0.100

RuptiasiU M<-Kanit* u Archibald Patrick, let 4,Mot 10, Hill traet add. *> 040

. ,pjiar Vtßltn to Pho»h* J Hunt, *1 lot ? and all*f lot M, Mock I. Row add. MOO

Mary J. Rom to Mallin fter*riaoa, lota I ».

blMfc IS, Oil-nan a add. «T»K|) L*arU to Marti* S*»*Haon, lota 14. IT and

It. Moo* l». (Illaian'a add, B7VAlfrad Lybatt to H * rpper, lot 1 and nwi a*t,

Y rT *?'


T|« Pn*t-lntelUi»»»' ha* **tabllah*d branch at*n-ttm »k*t* elaaaldad adrartlaaswntt will b* rweltrduall f* \u25a0. **ck day Tho rat** <*harc*d at th*

hi talk if in *r* th* tana aa at tha Puat lnt*ni-t*ne*r bwliuM offloa, Caah ada only will ba takanal breach tgandaa. Fallowing I* th* ll«t of atenrt**:Verkt »arrlt«t«»'a <rt( stare,

?eratd itaaaa tad Pike.

\u25a0Htlwir Pkarwaay, P. B. Ptder,\u25a0roadway ltd Jaatt.

Beatoa Bill Pliaraatey, Madliet

Walla Walla Pharmacy, Tweaty-? rat aad Rail Jafara**.

Frtebara'a Pharaaey, Nlatk ata-

aaa atalk tal Jaekaaa.\u25a0klrlleß'a Drat More, Tweatr-

Ihlrd ataaaa aaatk aad Jaekaaa.?ekatlla' Drag Slore. loilil Howell,

rtraar Hnrea.

Nortk Seattle Pkaraaacy. Battery

aad Flrel aveaaa.A. B. Hay'a Pharmacy, Deaay way

?ad Fifth ataaae aartk.P. B. Caallcaa'a Pkaraary, Qaaaa

Aaae aveaae aad Nay alreet.BALLARD.

Preetea'e Pharmacy, Ballard at.


Crr Msst Drug (nmpaiy. Lsktstreet «sd ? .*?!«« Rfrnar.

The following letters await advertiser*at this ftfflce:A <4 I* 9 \l U. R 7J.a 1 u ia M « H 4aA r. a ? N 4a * 14.H » it t4 <» ? r u.tt II 4.1 <» 6* v «

« «& t ? n r w itil> ? k !#. I» «. H 4U

K 11 I. T IMP / 43.rullu. r m z »

804 II I > \OTl( KJ

DANCING classes for new beginners;private lessons dally at Wlllson * Danc-ing Acad*rn>. teaching all the very lat-ent !w*l'r> oiji a ltd theatr -a. dance# termslowest In « It) Oltlc* and academy,ltanke hali. like street arid Fifth ave-nue Telephone, Green HJkV

tonuc Minti i.

Jk. O V W Attention' l>n Friday even-ing. March It, Columbia l«Mg* No i.will give a l«a*ket sociable for the benefitof a brother In need, «me and bringyour wife end a twsket >f * >od things torat and h*lp Oils deserving brother. AtElks hall, Colman building s JO p m

A \. HII.THRI N,:H M W.IIM. I || I

KWIMOl %t».\T \\l MI O-Fl VI M i:.

OOOD clean c k wants position n tlvat*family either or Ta- mi mustpe> fsrr Address Mary Dah--111-. N >rth Hi Pau. Minn N * Ywe.rthavwciu*

' 1 t\ ? > youna ladies wtsht.ng to m*>et partygoing to ( ape Nome that oan give ; uemplevmetit f any kltnl Address S 14.care Pwet Inteldgen

CAI l' N ? M ' IS \won?an o»o < w , < « d -.?» fr-. «v. o*.

Add>'««e N U- \u25a0 tre I *; lri!«» »ge,

r-ItEl I* w VMIIW-ll mil

WANTFD Wen-,. » b ;i 1 d.-e- .at horn* stsa-- tistan< > -u> dtf»advautas- ? h w *

Kora S:iMd» .4 i K ? , K .-*9p how

|K*r4ers. K.w;-* s ed* »p on « %?

without s> » > > r, - s-.t. «

of wv»rk Kv » sh-,, a i \ Hi m«Street. New York

WANTED 'a ? k % for ;t.

fctrl* sin- ;e* » fot .eral houeewoiW $ ? » ,t $. -uis ?»-rond work M XM v \u25a0 vstreet.


.? \u2666.« V'.perm at*"t p«.»fio * I k '

ersiice required v M » h

CO* gsnersl dellv- % s. u'.e

WOMEN go to Ig4 »» . ,sffree sample Of sw

a h troubls, femsle -mj a'r. and bi ddi*ea^e

W ANTKIV OHrl to do K - ; , v.k *

family without cMIC » IApply corner Minor s » . .* j s tingstreet


W VNTKD Young ladv . rn ! 'h andBrassage work, big mon» , a >.

JWH Senec.l

ANTED A girl for n a k.German preferred. Appl) ai liSM fourthavenue.


A girl to attend three children; no work,

no washing. 1426>» First avenue.

WANTED?air! for general housework;small family, ilu4 Union street-

WANTED?Apprentices, learn dressmak-ing. Worth s, 15Z7 Flrirt. .

WANTED?Woman for general housework.Apply «2J3e«>nd avenue.

PROFITABLE employment. 51»Wi Pike,

near Sixth. Douglas.

WANTED?Dressmaker by the day at 724Spring street.

WANTED?Dlnlrig room girl. 1300 Marlonstreet.


PRINTER -All-round printer, linotypema hlnlst operator, wants position InAlaska, would accompany office to CapeNome, references character, ability. Ad-dress M 12, care Post-lntelllgencer.

COMPETENT accountant wants book-keeping or any work evenings and Sun-days; fifteen years' experience; couldrun a business evenings. V 61, carepost-lntelllgencer.

ENGINEER, eleven years' experience rail-road location and construction; desiresposition with railroad, mine or contractor;will go to foreign countries. K 11, 'arePost-lntelllgencer.

ANY kind of work by a Japanese boy.saloon, chamber work, office cleaning,housework, schoolboy, etc., speaks goodEnglish. Address B 62. care Post-lntelll-gencer


FIRST-CLASS landscape gardener andflorist wants work; steady or lob. P 54,i'iirfPost-lntelllgencer.


I'fiSITION wanted by exiwrlenced cuttenreferences at hand. Address P 15. carsPost-lntelllgencer.

WANTED?Position by experienced bar-tender from the East. Address S 61, carePost-lntelllgencer.

WANTED?By Japanese hoy. place to dohousework. Address O 61, care Post-In-telligencer.

SI,OOO to loan on Improved city propertyat low rate. W. W. Dearborn, 34 Unionblock.


MEN* wanted to learn barber trade; onlyeight weeks required; special Induce-ments this season; Illustrated catalogue,

map of city and souvenir mailed free.Mofer'a Barber College. San Franclaco,California

WANTED Today. two millwrights, plan-ing mill foreman, two band sawyers,knot aawyers, kneebolters, packers,itraders, tallymen, cooks. Ballard Em-ployment Office. Telephone, Lake 623.

mTLIWRIGHT, t*o montl. and ' found"steady blacksmith, $2.7S day; cook, s*";pantryman, $.10; ten saw mill hands, $2;

knot sawyer, 9c. Rae & Arnold, Occi-dental avenue,

LOGGERS" WATERPROOF BHOEB.Asbestos tanned calf, high laced; hnnd-

made right here; warranted. PactfloBrokerage £omp»ny, avenue.

SALESMEN to sell perfumes, toilettoapa. etc., to dealera; SIOO monthlyand expenses; experience unnecessary.Plumer Perfumery Co.._Bt._Loula. Mo.

SALESMEN to aell office specialtlea; flntside lines; used by all merchants; cata-logue free. Model Manufacturing Com-pany. btia H. South H'ii.l. Ind.

KXI'ERIENCED bookkeeper wanted;muat be a good penman and accurate.Address, stating age and references, MHI. care Post-Intelligencer.

WAMTBD?A young man to work In rea-taurant. Call at the Noma restaurant.Railroad avenue, between Teeler wuyand Columbia street.

MEN, free sample of Eleotroaone at 1614First avenue; curea stomach and kidneyailments, rheumatism and blood diseas-es. Elect roxone.

WANTED An active man to establish gline of trade with business and profes-sional men Room 37 Safe Depositbuilding

WANTED?For retail grocery, a strongboy about IS years of age Address, inown handwriting, W 61, care Post-lntel-llgencer.

WANTED- 12 men to work placer mine onlay. AtUn, B C. For particulars seeW. J. Anderson, Hotel Richelieu.

W ANTEI \u25ba?Engineer and ma-hlnlst forsaw mill work, must furnish good ref-erences fall 61> Bailey building.

WANTED Man for general work aroundbuilding, one who Ts handy with tools.Call at 1624't Sixth avenue.

W A NTKD?Gentlemen desiring comfort-able furnished room* at lowest rates.The Florence. 415 Mndlson.

WANTKD Immediately, coat and pantsmaker, steady Job. D. Shanahari, Na-naimo. It. C.

WANTED A fireman, reference* requir-ed inquire at the Rainier, Fifth ave-nue.

WANTKD Hoy at American District Tel-egntph Company's office. 701 First ave.

W A NTKI> Patternmakers, at Willametteiron *n<l Steel Works, Portland, Or.

WANTKD \ brig) b foi ofllce andUrai keeper Apply 63 Epler block

WANTED \ good barber at .130 I*lkestreet. single man preferred.

OABV-UIF rh'thitig bought. Dave Tay-lor, 10 Starr-Hoy d

W ANTED An egperlenoed washer. QueenCity laundry

STRONG boy wanted Seattle Paper Bk»*Factory

WANTKD t oatmak« r 1014 Second ave-nue


|».?o a n nth and egper. . « free.

U (MlIV-110 % Hill 14*.

CAN t.« omm-Hlate * lew m »* hoarders:*<n and r.r-i M per week Western

' :

U Wil l) TO MIM-»l»llOV

W \NTH> A fully f ntshed hcus«- on flr*tor Kenton hill rent* ring four or fi>et»ed room*, five preferred bcti serv-ants' "room, poseragloii May I. Address,elating term* <wHoto, etc, P U. careIVst Intelligence,

WASTED ;r ntshed house, seven oieight wins, in giK»d to amy. April LAidres* t |t, c are P At-intelligencer

V VXir.D To rent ftve six-room houseor v oit.vge ti» North Seattle. AddressT l \ are I % Inter,:#

Ft *RN ISM ED hv usv «lx or e.ght rooms forthree or *3* month* fr, - \ April I PO,

U VN I Kl) 141 HI VI -ROOM*.

W anted TV. i >.?... Xt furnished

room* two bedr\ m slttn* r> mp**.f, -rt .! Ad ess W . ca:v I\\*t In-tel llgeac-er.

WANTED Tw > ft.rr * \u25a0 *nthousekeeping w* ild like imsll vard AJ-dre»«. at once O VS. -are Po«tdniel!l«gender

\\ \NTBIV-Room with * 3» d.tral location, with telephone preferr 1Address O M. oarv V *t-Interiger, / r


ONE very lar*e room with h*>ar .lf r two or three p«-r« 'u, ' tfr M v. ,J»IJ «,«. .ENTER Inquire m MAI., A

Jjrl RE 1

and h on Third aver. » arItne. us<* of pUno; term* US p«*r m nth;reduction for two; next door to universitystation.

NICEI.N room ' rst-r,. ss fam-ily; board lor two. 1U Fourth Ave.

FOR RENT 9-rootn house, S2O, F. M.Jordan. 2 and 8 Colonial block.

FOR RENT House* William N. Rcd-fleld. 3f>? New York block

HOUSE for rent; furniture for sale cheap.604 Eleventh avenue.

HOI'SE repairing. Sephtoa, 222 Cherry.Main tit


FOR RENT Nlcoiy furnished housekeep-ing r<" m*; gas range and hath. 91$Jackson.

FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep-ing rooms; no children. 51J Madssonstreet

FVRNISHED housekeeping rooms. TroyHouse. 301S First avenue.

Kl'liN'lSHED housekeeping room*. 415Madison


COMPUETEEY furnlahed four-roomp r. #U!n bath. <«», hoi and rold water,

* l»«r. ' adult* only, riiWarran a^rnue.

IX)H KENT M<n!»rn a«*#n-room flat parifur«l(ure for *ai» Apply FVnimni'iJt.arn. , y, Slntb art.} Jn. i(. 11

i u UK> r ?«» I iii >:«.

FX">R RK.NT fvffk-a *nj Je»k room m<*ry t>«! i K-atlon In city, ground Rivir;>anlt< r Mrrfra. Jirhi ar.4 h#a: fn-r, sior-»«» room aI»o L»!anJ Spencor « Co.,


PIAN\>« Vv.R REST *<. < \u25a0 M 4 and avenue.


\\ ANTED Pra*fl«al new»pap«r manwant* to a.*e reentry pajer m::n privl-><-**


* $ an furnish gilt edge r*f.«rer.. a \ddress Fi \ Falrchiids. Ev-*fett, Wa»h., care Everett Dr«g Com-pany.

TV''. Vnt/J-. Prop*ll*r. l#n*:h ? t, SIee. draft. } feet with fuel and water.

',u PSJticulars. age and »ndit!->nc. hud and !>oiiers. C. Schappe. IScon *tr'er. San Fran, isco

H MHK.S *- .*'« ,a: \ f,.r .. .?. \furniture, stoves. carpe:s. «u- Fhe lied"

' ' * \u25a0 tfc.re > rr.ga: ?**«:.«e s. j:h. Telephone, Red

J : VI! st ; nre paid for all kinds ? -ond-: ? ? .«*ho«d ar.d # t\x,.. .r*carpels, s:ev#4 etc. Thompson Furni-ture Company, 1904 First avenue.ANTED- To pure base a whole or half

inter*?: in a rtrst-v.las* orl»usinesi. Address Z ft4. areI o«*t Intelligent er.

HIGHEST price paid for new goois of allC. i-os a\a&ua.


SAWMILL for sale; one of the best millson Pugei Sound; almost new. coat al-most i&.cAlo. has salt wat«r and railtransportation: price 111,000. terms tosuit purt baser. Address A. Johnston.121 Sf . n.l avenue «nuth. S*nttl»_ Wash.

run HiMin.

ONE new 7xll Scotch marine boiler. Ad*s


Saturday evening, - n Jam#«j» «treet,small brown purse, containing about s;<>.trunk -h k, etc.. liberal reward, Leaveat offlca Fehren- Marvin Co., 331 Pioneerbuilding. j

LOST?A severe case of artomach trouble,1 > tak-: ts V > / ne go and cet a


LONDON LOAN OFFICE Money loanedon valuables watches, diamonds, jewel-ry. 106 Second a*, eniie south.

FOUND? K.ectroior.e cured ray stomachtro -»le free *am; 'e I>l4 First avenue

LACK CFRTAIN* LAUNDRY?Masher.Phone. Lake 41*

j MONET loaned cn valuablee. 139 Orel*I foetal avenue.

| MONK! lo&nM on valifabiea. M Second

' . . .. .~

*rKi I 11. E».


the f t ? f II: a 1 N' rth Caet-j t:- . i : win .peratlon Mill office, tele-

L/h<i.<ne. t'nion ? d. wntown office, ro>m«' !t*i'e> building. rer Western f nion

COMPOSITION- We sre now prepared todo ornpoeitlon for the trade <any meax-

I urn. In Nonpareil. Minion. Brevier andI L Primer S-. '* tt - ±u\u25a0.:ar.teed.

Call or address post-Intelligencer, 3e.

j SPECIAL INFORMATION FURNISHEDir.an :.. . - ? . -1: ?** ,:h< " * andjuris men i-v the Press Clipping Bureau

? A .» \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0m 42 McKay building, Pori-_

land. Or.

! NOTICE? Mr. A. Potter !s no longer con-mved with la any way. Tatuin A

1 Bo a en. PwrUand. Or.

m *IMM 'HAM i H

I. *?» J'tne gr ery, s«> business, invtn-t«ry

$: *-A. 4jr -eery, t*# b at inventory.|l.*o 3t-r fr» b» a -:.rg house, ;-oard J6

f > 17 ;er wtljS-lt BM 'n, taase%2 25 reoma, flace 1 «rjtalri

*4 m ?-\u25a0A.-i.-g h "n*rai..-very. IT ? a: 1 c -r.fe« 'o.-ftery

Business pp*.rtunltle* allnve# ?l AI-J#. e»4 New T« *k k.}>'.a. .sh r * vA

t: '-<0 for a 100-r.>o«n hotel, elevator andail modem conveniences; big money-maker.

r 'A-wom lodjrlnf houA*. payingon thly,tMi m

tl N 'or tt-room bfkfc Urging house,\pry \u25a0 .\u25a0 ply ?urni«h**l, gr.d worth rwto#t .* ?r, :.*v »*ni' **vinc Ar>4 rr.ua* «.«!!

UU.AND ?PKN'» 'FR * CO ,

Hanfmtnt l'1 >»Mntt!!iifr^PT Building

ANOTHER barra for 11.000. » >n iroodUrrr.i hol«; *l*t#en "> rn* w*nty tods;

nt X" twrf.tjr »*uUr bear >? withi--".J *ransl*Rt

W* Uvt many other bargain* :n lodgingYi<.uses tn'l business opportunities.

HEAVKKf* & CO.112 ar.l 113 Washing!on BuiMln*

Ft >R PALK?Grocery 111 thriving town. In-voices IT.o»». annual sales l&000.

abacker Uroa. & Co.. &a*tu*.



ml!h '\u25a0 "r 1 r.m* »r>4_EL_. <i*Itahcr * Ct>: F"tr»t avenue.

FARMS and Boatil* pro; *rty r,c ,*hl f:o-n<>wiiers. Great Northern Land Co.. illfirm avta**.



Wanted': ? < "-^3lCape Nome business and minings\\ e buy and sell sameE V. GAI.LAHER & (n «First avenue Stock Exchani." *


E. t>.


LOTS 1, S, J, block 8, Yesler*. *wHon. comer Spruce and Twentu^ I'*nue. modern bouse, is**,606.

'* rooa «. rt*

~T~Five acres, five Mocks north of «...

street power house, on NtaatUS**nue. price, *5,000. u '-»«a4 -k


Tundra claim on Center oreekAnvil c-eek and Nome City; Dti« i.*!?title guaran;ecd. poc *'*H


Lot 8, block 10. S A. Bell'sFifth avenue. «oxl* «

residences, present rental fer, Mt J2?walking distance from butlneuprlce, *3,00U**


Lunch counter In very center of eltrchance for the right party; Brt.i t? 1*snap. ' wI


We buy and sell real estate tnfl ?-

property. Call and see us.c . 4? P GALLAHKR AcaSto-k lltilldlng,ioj| firstFOR SALE *MO; «oxt# "on RwiTil.th avenue, street grade anj ?»J,2

this Is way below the market vah**f«*v-*>xl». only one block from th« »s.of Broadway and Oolumhlswalking distance and very chess.


*3,hW~rorner Broadway and Maim ..

llar\-ard avenue, this Is a largt t£»<ground and on very easy termsbalance long time at 6 per cent

*l.ooo?lJOxlrt'. corner on Tester stfSISnd avenue; both street gnulsg~S ?above grade and commands i L'J:of the lake and mountalna

ISOO t.-.xlJri on the North Seattleabove grade and cheap

*3,500--l!Oxl2*. corner on ISth *"tmit. ta_East Union street, Just the !or*u«ibuild houses for rent. "

II .36ft-*-room house, comer lot an Mintnue on very easy terms.JTOO-TOxIOO, on I>rexe| (Tblrty-flft»

nue; this Is a very sightly cermr mworth more money hut otmst nmcash, and for quick sale offwt »«above. "

ACRE TRACTS,lias to *175 per acre, good land aka


W. D. FIEI.tr fw?*'G A. VIRTt'E, |

31 and 32 lialler ftulldtnf. 'Phon*FOR BAt,E-By F. W. West, t t

Union block.H>-A» exceptionally fins corner «

avenue (Drexel avenue); 70il«, wisouth front; fine view

f7Bo Full sine lot un Hth avenu*blocks south of Madison

B,#o?Double ci>rner l.iui*)on tmwithin <m# block of Ma lison strseiis one of the moat desirable bomoffered on the market

11.750?Double corner !3>xlJ<> on TfcWnut north and Valley; two amall b

1300 Suburban acre tracts on Italalanue car line at Brighton Beaek *

a number of theaa tract* frail «car line and none are mora HIMblocks away; good fruit and gardensurveyed and staked by enmpttwveyor; streets dedicated to puMtrstract showing perfect title wnhMdtract; easy rerms

F. W. WKBT, 2ft blodt

FOR BAL.R-T.iat Mxin. northeast 1Mcf'lalr and eaat Kir. one blackcar line; water, sewer. graM I> >ear* time; Jf.7S

Lot so*iyi. northwest cornar TmUKast Union; sewer, on* blackMadlaon or Broadway car Unas;?100 down, balance in 4 yeara

lrfit WI*I»), northeast cornar MliaThomaa; graded streata ana 1swell house; one block fre» Caschool and Third street car lias;1300 down, balance 4 yeara.

lsit *oxl2*, northeaat corner Twaatond and Kast Rpruce; S7O", I>«an'

ITouae and lot ranting for Mrcaclualva of taxes, insurance aadrent; car Una, 11.*60. 1 yeara; 8,1caah. as an Investment.

IIFNRT W I.UNO.4i» Rurka Building.

NICE four-room plastered cotta**, *?\u25a0»line, North Seattle; full h«r ttwater, *round rent, 11, only W

Corner. l'C*l2r>, Fourteenth and Flf. XXff Yesl.-r avi>nu«, M7l.corner. Thirteenth and Columbia,


CHEAP Sensible buyer*: Why PW I®to 1200 to a*ents for same let* I ?

wlltn* at 126, W Formerly "Ml 8%aristocratic neighbor*; ? oi»» «» **

youraeif need money. l-Ullnsaft.Kenwood avenue, oreen l.ak« car.


A live real rwtate firm.F. r> Mallaher & O*..Stock K»rhan«e Buildln*,comer I'lrsl nvenue and flprlMPIMM) ii«i».t with themfinds ready dlipoaal.

FOR BALE JM lota no Queaa AM* Mgraded and «!d*waU»d §tr*at; thi >JJ :

jtvallabia and r*#t buy In iHt 9mI:c>4> Im a «hort ttm#; »'»rt*>i»c M £»>»hon TW Saw Tor* b&mt

FOR SAl.lt-At Oreen lake. *»

beet chance for cheap home* miflno view, near rar una, nhi»rtfc«fc*?and graded school, fine *'*.g**.1 N' Wallir,«f >rd. U

FOR KAI..E A lot, *>al*. in th« >\u25a0**' enter, with -li dweiilnaa of etfW WJ"ea-h, a food pay in* Invest »««t. CT

llemnan A Herrmaa, »

York block

IKVEN-ROOM houee. lawn »«*

frutta nod flcmera,WAnhlncton, ntAr two CM Haitihalf <w*h. M N«« York _

FOR SALE -tIJKr. *-rocw» heuaa. m **

furniture on "*r Sine, #out» wttn'-.a**tite Addre»a N ll <ar*l«n(nr

OHOI.J. DAMIS A OgVkR B*Ml*3in*, cail on ua for our B* « »*rzcity and farm pf <>[ *rty. 1*rtreet.

I-IST your properly, realproperty for aaie or rent lrt® **

O'Neill * Co. 'll Kirat a»arwe __


f»>m houae For fui; partlctriat* «\u25a0"J fi Noii, rxtidenlal jJ"

ft-H SAI.K-I! ? ? >"?

no a««j»t». Adlreae M V'. '»« r **

ii>;llK«" er *

XOR HA i,H?'"o«y "a**.>\u25a0* a ;« at otx ' Apply owner. «'

FIIR ItU'?AC»»: T»*< T*-

FOK RENT?An Improred JWf, #JTacre» n»ax eaatern ahore of '\u25a0*" Cgincon. thre" I »:» \u25a0*?ittr..-, reaa »> » '»r»a. 1WalWr. r>22 rouriwnth **etw»

l4a*ron Hill car, l,r *


John r Jar > f TqfK

WASTKIK 11 M l«i;n l

WANTED Foreat re-r»a *'?*^r#>{pta John P.i \u25a0 ? k ' ?? *.

BKHRENS A I KTrrT jBlbought and for »a-e 3"J4 ,w

TIMBER ianda bo J*ht ao<! "tydTLet: S. -U






WELL-FURNISHED rooms, with roodtable board, 1115 Fifth avenue.

ROOMS and board; nice location; tele-phone, bath. 711 Madison.

FIRST -GLASS boarding and rooms. 606Fourth avenue.

PLEASANT boarding The Blackwell, 1300Marlon street.


NICELY furnished front room In privatefamily, suitable for one or two gentle-men. with bath, gas and Are; close In.Address N li. care Post-Intelligencer.

ELECTROZONE. a free sample given at1514 First avenue; cures stomach, kid-ney, rheumatism and blood diseases;Electroaone Is for you.

BRUNSWICK HOTEL, European; first-class, central location; steam heated;transient rooms, per day 75c upward.

THE FERGUSON, First avenue, postof-flce block, furnished rooms; steam heat;free baths; reasonable rates.

LARGE, well-furnished room, suitablefor one or two gentiemen, use of bath.Apply 423 Spring streot.

FURNISHED alcove room In private fam-ily for two gentlemen or man and wife.1416Vj Third avenue.

CARROLLTON Hotel, Occidental avenue.Main street; rooms. J6 , 60. 75 cents perday; weekly rates.

HOTEL SAVOY. 625 First avenue, fur-nished rooms. 50c and up; convenient totrains and boats.

VICTORIA Hotel? Nicely furnished rooms,single or en suite; overlooking the bay;low rates.

OLENWOOD House, 110 Fifth avenue,near Yesler; nicely furnished rooms, flweek and up.

JUANITA Hotel; newly furnished; cen-trally located; $1.60 to $3.00 per week;321H pike.

SNOQUALMIE Hotel, Plh« and Third;rates. 26c, 60c. 76c; free bu». John A.Hllyer.

HOTEL. TORK, First avenue and Pike;first-class rooms and board at $6.50 perweek.

FT;rnished room. 12: electric light, bath,?phone. Inquire room 10. Co'.tr.i.n ?k.

HOTEL VF.NDOME. 1315 First avenue;__flrst-class rooms by the day or week.

RCPS House, 1,42(1 First avenua; rooma35c and 60c per day; weekly $1.26 up.

St'NNT front room, suitable for two gen-tlemen. 813 Fourth avenue.

BLACKMON Hotel; rates reasonable.1212H First avenue.

FOR RENT?Elegant rooms. Weed hotel,1406 First avenue.

DELIGHTFUL rooms; stationary wash-stand. SOS James

FRONT room; bay window; first floor.Spring street.

HOTEL LYON, 2JBH Columbia; furnishedfront rooms

FOR RENT?Furnished room. 801 Madi-son street.

CONTINENTAL. IMIH First; rooms $1week up

FIRST-CLASS furnished rooms. HotelFrasey.

A furnished room to rent. 219 Marlonstreet.

FOR m:\T-IMt HMtHl'.llROOM*.

ONE large unfurnished room, suitable forone or two gentlemen; outside entrance.Apply corner Fourth and Olive.

THREE ? unfnrnlsh*l rooma for lighthousekeeping, for sli. Address Z 61.care Post-Intelligencer.

FOR RENT?Three large, pleamnt rooms,unfurnished; no children. 2123 Sixthavenue

FOUR modern unfurnished rooms; adults;Cedar street car. 707 Fifth avenuenorth.


FOR HE NT? March 16, modern 8-roomhouse, southwest corner Republican andFirst avenue west; 136 per month. HenryV 5 Lung, 40s Burke building*

FREE?WiII give large, choice lot to partywho will build house and give mc fourmonth* rent of same. Hi 11man. Ken-wood avenue, Green Lake car.

FOR RENT?Furnished houae. * rooms.1016 Columbia, between Terry and Boren.Charles E. Patterson.

HOI'SES, stores and flats. Pioneer Rentand Collection Company. 9 Roxwellblock.

FOR RENT?Six-room house; furniturefor sale. Call evenings, 1819 Terry ave-nue.

MODERN S-room furnished house, closein. Address R <l. care Post-Intelligencer.

SEVER Ah houses with furniture for sale,cheap D. McKlnley. X Hoaion hi >ck

WANTED -Second-hand lumber wagon.1300 Western avenue.


HORSES FOR SALE?SS head horses;weighing from 1,000 to 1.650 pounds eachAny purchaser will do well to call andsee our horses and get prices beforebuying elsewhere. Bruhn & Henry, Inc.,Snohomish, Wash.

FOR SALE-Steamer "Hoosier Boy;"gross tonnage, thirty-one; length, flfty-eighs feet; pressure allowed. 150 pounds;Seattle Inspection. June, 1598. Apply tobox 132. Juneau, Alaska.

ONE 6-inch Nome pump, engines andboilers, al! sizes; one 3-slde planer, onewater motor, one duplex steam pump,wire rope, etc. Loggers' Supply Co., 123Yesler way.

FOR SALE?Hydraulic r>iP«. feet. 22-inch No. 14 steel, double riveted slipJoint, a bargain. Inquire Armstrong «

Morrison, Vancouver, B. C.

FOR SAJ.E?Barnes foot iathe, screw cut-ting. nine-Inch swing. forty-Inch bed,with two chucks and tools. Address TSI. care Post-In:el!lgencer.

BOILER and engine, nearly new; alsopumps for Nome. Barton Bros., 1020First avenue, or 1316 Western avenue.Phone. Main 681.

HERE'S your chance* to buy four coltsdirt cheap; also two small drivers. ApplyMontana livery barn. J. J. Cart right.

FOR SALE?Farmers; one nice percheronmare with foal by tine Percheron stud;cheap. Montana livery barn.

ONE three-ton Ice machine, in good con-dition; will s#*l! cheap. Address M 15.care Post-Intelligencer.

FOR new 7xll-foot water-back Scotch marine boiler. Apply Vul-can Iron Works Co.

MAGIC lanterns; new. second-hand; mov-ing pictures. Dullard & Breck, 131 Post

__Ban Francisco.HOISTING engines and machine pumps

for sale or rent. Puget Sound DredgingCompany.

BEAUTIFUL mahogany upright piano;partiei wtd money. l?M4 First avenue.

TWO little bay horses; Just the thingfor expressman. Montana livery barn

FOR SALE?Ten R-I-P-A-N-8 for 5 cents.. at druggists. One gives relief.

COLUMBIA bicycles. Hartford bicycles.Christopher. 1112 Second.

FOR SALE?Fine fresh Jersey cow. W.B. King. Latona

FINE poultry for sale at 115 Fourth ave-nue north.



FOR SALE?Just arrived car heavy drafthorses Montana iivery bam.


AT a bargain- well furnished lodging-house; central. Address W 62, care Post-Intelligencer


FOR 8AL,K~Furniture of a four-rooraflat, with piano, owner going abroad.1615 Fourth avenue, one block fromPike.

FFRNITTRE of a nicely fumlahed five-room flat for sale cheep; rent reasonable.SI2 Fourth avenue.


STEAMBOAT FOR BALE-Blde are In-vited for the purchase, subject to tneapproval of the oourt. of the stern-wheelsteamer Pilgrim, now In winter quarters

near St. Michael, Alaska; Pilgrim waabuilt at Seattle In lftfl; dimensions are,length 176 feet, beam 35 feet; net ton-nage 409. For particulars Inquire ofMarston Tebbetts. receiver, f«6 llallerbuilding, Seattle.

OAfIOUNR launch; cabin; length 42 feet,beam 10 feet; speed 10 miles.

Gasoline launch: <aWn. length 30 feet,beam 8 feet; speed S miles.

Ga.*«ollne launch; canopy, length 19 feet,beam o f.»et 2 In. sp»-i 7 miles.

Gasoline launch, length IS feet, beam 4feet s|w»*Hi 5 mile#.

FREEMAN & PEIRSON. 7S Sullivan bdg.

TWO schooners, newly refitted, perfectrepair: one carries 160 tons, 3ft passenger*,the other W0 tons and ftO pas«engerv theproper nlng for Alaska, cheap. McOraw& Klt' ngcr. room B. Bailey building.Telephone. Main


FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?Farm wag-on for light wagon Comer Olive andTw«»nty-aevenU> avenue

TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: For ben-efit of those suffering from skin diseasesand facial blemishes, superfluous hair,moles, warts, birth marks, scars, redveins, etc.. removed by electric needles;no marks: absolutely painless; alsowrinkles, pimples, moths, ringworms,blackheads, pock marks, ecxenia andover 30 other skin diseases treated byelectricity; regular graduate and regis-

tered lady doctor; post-graduate of Dr.Leclanche's Institute dermatologiriue.Paris, and Dr. John H. Woodbury's der-matologies! institute. New York Larg-est electrical apparatus on Coast. Per-manent cure guaranteed. The Paris andNew York Medical Electrolysis Insti-tute, rooms 100 and 310 Washingtonblock, First avenue and Cherry street.Seattle. Consultation free. Hours Mto12 a. m., 2to 5 p. m. Evenings by ap-polntment.






Special Sweet Peas? the best ever grown;best quality; greatest Quantity.

Malmo's Seed Annual Catalogue free.MALMO.

916 Second Avenue.


The Anglo-American Exchange, of North-umberland avenue, London, and Broad-way, New York, offers permanent ad-dresses for mall and telegrams at allhours, has une<jualed facilities for trans-fer of money by cable, acts as guideto the tourist and affords special feat-ures in the traveling department toclients visiting foreign countries. PacificCoast Representative, 313 Washingtonbuilding, Seattle.

FORMULAS?We can furnish anythingyou want, chemical, medical or other-wise; leucorrhoea and other femaletroubles cured; perfectly reliable andconfidential; satisfaction guaranteed;tell us your troubles. The Medical Lat>-oratofy, 2sZl First avenue.

ARE you aware that the latest Parisianstyles In hairdres«ing. scientific mani-curing and a rtne line i>f hair goods, Hhellcombs, and fine toilet creams are pro-curable at the only Modern Toilet Par-lors. 29-30-31 Downs block, 709 Second ave-nue.

A Racine bath cabinet combines Turkish,Russian and medicated baths; curescolds, rheumatism, etc.; best cabinetmade Call or write for catalogue; soldonly by Modern Toilet Specialty Com-ptriy, 29 Downs block, 709 Second ave-nue.

LADIES' Chichester's English Penny-royal Pills are the best; safe; reliable;take no other; send 4c stamp for par-ticulars. Relief for Ladies, in letterby return mall. At druggists. Chiches-ter Chtnlcal Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

IF you are gray. loslng*your haJr. rettingbald or have daniruff. Itching scalp. theStar Hair Remedy is thecure. Sold only at Modern Toilet Par-lors, 3* Downs block, 70® Second avenue.

JOHANNA OFTEDAL, medical electric-ian; treats with electricity all disease,nervousness, rheumatism, la grippe;electric baths, magnetic massage. 22Union block; 'phone. Blue 113.

LADIES, take advantage best bargainsin hair goods ever offered; look afteryour gray hair; keep young by keepingit restored to natural color. 1313 Secondavenue.

YUKON save money by buying your sec-ond-hand cook stoves at the Red FrontFurniture Company; largest stock in thecity; all prices. 110 and 112 Second av. so.

SEATTLE Woolen House. First ave-nue. opposite Hotel Stevens Outfit-ters and manufacturers of Alaska cloth-ing fOr men or women. Phone. Black 721.

I recommend Electrosone for stomachtrouble and rheumatism; it cured me;free sample IRI4 First avenue. Mrs.Taylor. 1733 First avenue

SEND your old gold Jewelry; we remodel,exchange or pay cash for It. llenryHenael. manufacturing Jeweler, room 28Hinckley bleck

ELI3CTROZOKR cured me of blood die-eaae -S. W. Clark. 001 Main street. Free?ample 1514 First avenue. Klectroioneha a no equal.

INFORMATION furnished regarding em-ploye* and others, capable operatives.

Seattle Detective Agency, 311 Pioneerblock.

FREE, one 50-cent box Palm of Figs, toany lady wRo personally applies to Mn.Caroline Rose. 424 Belmont ave. north.

NATHAN PHILLIP®. 1« Occidental ave-nue; bargaina. new and unredeemedwatches. Jewelry. Mail orders nollclted.

WANTED?To exchange vocal lessons byexperienced teacher for dreasmnking.Address A 57, care Post-Intelligencer.

LIBERAL advances on Jewelry, clothingor anything valuable. Hell lx>an Office,302 Second avenue south.

MRS WALLACE. 330 Pike street, writes:"Elect roaone cured my rheumatism."Sample 1514 First avenue

LAI>IE&~Free Harmless Monthly Regu-lator; cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan.Milwaukee. Wis.

NEW and second-hand sewing machines*5 and up; rent SI week. Dußots. 114 Co-lumbia street.

MRS DR. SWAN, magnetic h»aler: elec-tric baths. 157 Yealer, room 52*. Phone.Black 1 *«

PIANOS for rent, rente applied on pur-chase. most reliable makes Ma/tius, 806Second.

WILL Far rue Tebou cramunlcaie withhusband? Address car* steamer


LA DIMS use Electroaona for female com-plilnts. Free sample at 1514 First ave-nue

ROBINSON Bath < ahi net n In stock C. B.Hills, roneral .i|ent. Burke building

PIANO for rent, and rent allowed on pur*'chase Western Music Co ?.'?? f^ke

OSTRICH feathers and K aa cleaned erdyed and .rIM !3lf Third avenue.

PALM OF FIIS, a positive cure for allforma of female dl»e»#*«

WATCH** cleaned, mainspring Mc.?or Cherry atreet

DorUTFUL DEBTS collected anywhere,til Plo%ear ble k


V:k;.. KMED pledges. Chicago Ix>en117 Teller

LADIES' special treatment 157 Teslerway. room f-3*

STOVE repairs. 410 Tea:er way 'Phone.P*ark 1



10 PER CENT. ON *60.000.


That Is what a corner saloon In thedown-town district, the property of oneof our Cape Nome patrons, pays. Hewill sell it at a fair price He Is g-vigto Nome. We are settling up his affairsthat he may go early. Steady and In-creasing trade. Qooa stock, fixtures,lease, etc.; license paid. As a money-maker It is bard to beat.



613 New Tork Bloc*.

LODGING house In center of city, 26rooms; all full, a snan

Partner with S.VH to take half Interest In agood paying business.

*!*»- Buys a <rocery store In a good loca-tion, with living rooms In the rear; rent*2l.

*1.500--Buy» a well established grocerybusiness In good location; sales run trom*s# to IS daily.

s366?Buys a good restaurant on tecondavenue; must he »old quick at this price.

ISdO-Buys n grocery store in good location;l*rty going to Nome; this Is a snap.

Lot 70*13" feet. In residence part of city;perfectly level; streets graded and side-walks down; price s2.*io.

First-class ctg*c and fruit stand In goodlocation; price J<WO.Call 62 Sullivan block.

TWENTY per cent, gross on .in Investmentin reHl estate. any on# hiving few thou-sand to Invest Inside choice property andbuild block of flats, can learn particularsby addressing ihe advertiser who Is anarchitect and builder, but lias no morecapital at present to take this opportunity.E> 67, care Pcat-lntelllgenoer.

HOTRI/, first-class location, 75 room*,rent 170; three years' leaao; doing athousand-dollar business monthly; thisproposition cannot be duplicated in thestate; $5,000 buys It; call and let us irlvayou terms and full particulars. Beav-ers & Co., 112 and 113 Waahlnnrton build-in*.

ITCrt will build 5 room cottage after myplans lEdstlake style) or fMO 3 rooms, sec-ond story, lost of plans t'.O; plana madefor tlat buildings that pay 3) per cent,on Investment (no office expense); plansmade at home; half regular price. Ad-dress X r«, care Poat-lntelllgencer.

IStO down buys A flne house and lot oncentral Madison street; |0(I0 buys a 12-ror.m lodging house that rents" at SIS,centrally located; Rood S-room house,furniture 11*0. ihnt cost WOO. rent >2O.41K Vesler way.

FOR SAl.E?Elegantly furnished eight-room private residence, modern In everyparticular and on# of th# best snap# to-day on th# market; two days only. Mor-gan's Ex Chang*. HQ Third avenu*.

A rare busln«-«« opportunity for sal#, afirst class and well established sho# busi-ness in on# of th# best locations in Spo-kane. Wash.; for further pgrtlcul&rs ad-dress liox 1522, Spokane, Wash

01. D established grocery business; willtake about UK,000; located heart of my,only those Intending business need apply.McUraw A Klttlnger, r»om H. Baileybuilding. Telephone, Main®*.

PARTNER wanted in office brokerage bus-iness, well established. n#ed good man-only small cash payment, mor# businessthan pr«sent proprietor <*an do. Apply toDowd, SKI New York block

OOOD business ll.son stock millinery,racket store; will sell racket store sepa-rate good location; population. S.MO;monthly pay roll. 140,00 ft !x>ck bo* 1»,Hoqulam, Wnah,

PKOPI.E having stomach trouble rh#u-matism. kidney ailments or blood dis-ease# should take El#ctro*one, free sam-ple at 1514 First avenue Kl#ctroaone,Elect roxone

FOR BALE 314 lot* on Queen Ann# hill:*ood location; one block from streetcar; MAO. Two l>>d(ln* hou***, Firmn venue. >l.lOO and taoo sfl| Third avenue.

FOR BAI.K Urocery; *ood location; do-ine cash huelneea; Kood reanon for Bell-In*, investigate at we. If intereated.

!. If., are foat-InteiiiitencertIOARJDINO houee. 12 rooma nice furni-

ture; well located: a t.»r«a!n. cheapHeav«r» * < v., 112 and lis Wa»hln«tonhtilldlnt Telephone. Bla<-k 221.

K»R fAI.E- Oreat tflr»ain: double blockehlncle mill; heal location In etitte; railand water oommunicatlone, plenty tim-ber *2» Ne« York block

WANTEIV lleaponalhle party to takea«ency for nrat-claaa line of farm ma-chinery vehl. Ie end saw mlila Inquireat Occidental hotel

FHiBT-i I.AHH ehincie and «awmiil forsale. *ood town and unilmlte.l timberaveilat'le. Addreaa E. VV, Way tialiev

_bulidln*. Seattle


W PARR* SMITH Iloom 1 C.lmen build-in* Tel.. Red t«l, notary Public, realcasate. mine* and timber landa Loan*negotiated.

IF voti wl»h to buy real ea ate. hotel 'i*\K .

In* houae or a » »Mtn»«a of ntiy kind ««eu* Irat John O'Neill A Co., Kll rirjtavenue.

F')R prompt attention and quit k mrmMat >o»ir po>j»rty with Iterrman AHerrman. *<« New York bloi k

FOR SAI.E?H«<-ic team and harneae;price. Ml. For Informal lon «l«p m ,. n .<

avenue Fmerajn i*ar r ore

F*» l< HALK?Good paytnc bualneae Ad-M -T <''>tnmerc«

> uildinjt. Tar in*. \% aah

RAI/K>N. t.ank nnd nffjfvimi-i :re r« t«- tv.or Company. Railroad»%«?»\u25a0 ;t> and Pir.<!» ? , r«v*

AN Inveatment In caa lamp* would bei"> section Paclnc Oaa JjtmpC. o . Iwi2 Flr*t avanu#

f'KNTAL office and outfit : rich minlrt*:,m> *<S.Lr"»» Doctor, ISl* »harpe A*»..??piikene Waah

RKMT- Itaaement, ail convenleneea.11l ' o-umbla »treet.

»A\ I'IC»?TAJI l

PARTNER eaiiiel with amai: capital fora r.-et-cla-s «oM *a»hi..« machine.?? ir rn . f!f#rj <o cubic yar<la

1-r \u25a0'*> and we !r. or eddrea* C... ' tnirwrt;al l.otel, V ancouver. It C.

WAMKI> I'art er in l,< tel hi,sine**,mast have caeh; hotel man pre-'T,r ; f°°4? no '-id furniture to*' '*' J' ONel li A <o . til First ave-

WANTKI> Mai, who I* a j wllj*? ? ''l : ???? ?" » ,-.**\u25a0> ?«»<\u25a0

K 'I--J I .»> h«.f ln*»:w.. A3-<lr«.» , It IS, « «r» T*o«l-Iniri.«*r. >r

WANTF.U?Partner In eetaMUhed buaU?.e*,V t- : m r'< 4 ul:ed. Adlrea** ..re I et. -Intel -i er

WANTEIt~Pan»*t, office hu*lne*«, *en-'\u25a0eman or iady. John O'Neill A Co, til\u25a0 't ave?2u»

SEATTLE MESSENGER CO., 614 Secondwants to deliver your package; promptservice guaranteed; ring O. K. oox or'phone Maine ISO.

WANTED?PupiIs in Mexican carvedleather work and wood carving, at 116Eastlake avenue. Call mornings

WANTED?A complete set of takers' out-fit and luncn counter outfit. Write F. A.Benjamin, Marshalltown. la.

WAKTED-To rent, or will buy if cheap,a yarding engine, complete. 208 Baileybuilding.

WANTED?Second-hand oxydonor. Ad-dressH 14, care Post-Inteiligencer.