ivf and assisted hatching

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  • 7/27/2019 IVF and Assisted Hatching


    Assisted Hatching in Assisted Reproductive Technology-Procedure of Assisted Hatching in

    IVF-IVF Success Rates and Assisted Hatching-In vitro success and assisted hatching-IVF

    success rate -Increased by Assisted Hatching of embryos-Assisted Hatching in Assisted

    Reproduction-IVF and Assisted Hatching

    The assisted hatching technique was developed in 1990 by a team led by Dr. Jacques Cohen at

    Cornell University in New York. Since then many IVF centres have adopted this. Although there is

    some variability in results and technique, most studies on Assisted Hatching have demonstrated that

    it improves implantation rates in certain patients undergoing IVF and/or IVF/ICSI.

    What Is Assisted Hatching?

    Assisted hatching is a laboratory technique designed to enhance implantation of embryos generated

    through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Most people are familiar with the failure of a cycle which is an

    unfortunate reality of assisted reproduction. Even when presumably high quality, fertile eggs are

    used, such as in egg donation with surrogates, nearly 40% to half of couples are still left

    disappointed each cycle. Since most couples are able to get eggs and have fertilization, then the

    question is where does the failure occur? The answer may be in the implantation phase.

    After a fertilized egg is returned to the uterus, several things must happen:

    It must continue to divide and grow (it is now called an embryo).

    The embryo must break out of the zona pellucida (usually called the zona) which is a hard protein

    shell that surrounds it.

    The embryo must then burrow into the lining of the uterus (called the endometrium) and continue

    to grow there.

    Assisted hatching is a laboratory procedure whereby the zona of the early embryo is mechanically or

    chemically weakened in a way that assists the embryo to "hatch" from the zona more easily allowing

    implantation into the lining of the uterus.It has been suggested that making a hole in or thinning this

    outer layer may help embryos to hatch, increasing the chances of the woman becoming pregnant in

    some cases.

  • 7/27/2019 IVF and Assisted Hatching


    For whom is the Assisted Hatching with IVF suitable?

    Assisted hatching is thought to be helpful for couples with a poor prognosis whose embryos are

    thought to lack sufficient energy to complete the hatching process.

    According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, assisted hatching may be indicated

    for women with advanced maternal age (older than 38), two or more failed IVF cycles and poor

    embryo quality. Apart from this Egg quantity and quality factor and Zona factor - cases with embryos

    that have a thick outer shell also gives indication for the use of Assisted Hatching Technique.

    Because assisted hatching is a difficult technique, the success is dependent on the embryologist's

    experience and technique, it is important to talk with your fertility clinic about how successful they

    are with the procedure.

    Is Assisted Hatching with IVF Safe?

    There can be complications from assisted hatching. It is possible to damage embryos with hatching

    and lower the pregnancy rates. Therefore, it is essential that if assisted hatching is done, it must be

    expertly performed by properly trained embryologists. In addition, assisted hatching has been

    associated with an increased risk of monozygotic (identical) twins.

    Views remain mixed as to whether the technique actually improves the chances of pregnancy, but

    most agree that it may be helpful in selected groups of patients.

    Assisted hatching is done while the embryo is in the laboratory. Before being transferred back to the

    womb a hole is made in the outer layer of the embryo or it is thinned, using acid, laser or mechanical

    methods. Assisted Hatching using laser technology is probably the best technique. Laser assisted

    hatching is a gentle and safe way to weaken a part of zona pellucida. Several studies have shown

    that using a laser is superior to chemical and manual hatching. Minimal handling of the embryo and

    delivering fast and exact control over the drilling of the hole are the advantages of laser assisted


    Laser assisted hatching is performed prior to the embryos being transferred back to the uterus.

    The actual pregnancy and live birth rates seen in an individual IVF center or infertility clinic will vary

    according to the hatching technique used, the overall quality of the laboratory, the skill of theindividual performing the hatching, the embryo transfer skills of the physician, and other factors.

  • 7/27/2019 IVF and Assisted Hatching


    Assisted hatching of IVF embryos, is an in vitro fertilization lab procedure that can increase IVF

    success rates, Ask infertility expert at Rotunda Fertility Center for complete medical advice for

    infertile couples.

    At Rotunda - The Center for Human Reproduction, Laser technique is used to

    perform the assisted hatching procedure. The team of doctors and

    embryologist are well adverse with the latest technology in the field of

    ART(Assisted Reproductive Technology). You can contact the doctors at

    Rotunda clinic at http://www.iwannagetpregnant.com or

    http://www.rotunda.co.inor simply give a call on +91 22 2655 2000 / 2640

    5000 and they will be ready to help you.


    In vitro fertilization (IVF) failure is a frustrating experience for individuals and couples, and it is often

    caused by an embryo's failure to implant in the uterus. For women who have failed IVF or have a

    poor prognosis for IVF, the fertility doctor may recommend a technique known as assisted

    hatching.Assisted hatching is a laboratory technique designed to enhance implantation of embryos

    generated through in vitro fertilization (IVF).


    Assisted Hatching, assisted hatching success rates, assisted hatching ivf, assisted hatching, in vitro fertilization, hatching, ivf, shell, zona

    pellucida, implantation, pregnancy rates, zona, ivf clinics, infertility clinics, fertility clinics,IVF Success Rates,assisted hatching procedure,

    assisted hatching success rate, assisted hatching risks, assisted hatching ivf, assisted hatching success, icsi, ivf, zona pellucida, laser assisted

    hatching, endometrium, Assisted Reproductive Technology, assisted hatching at Rotunda, embryos, failed ivf cycle, female age factor,

    increased age in female, Fertility, Infertility, Male Fertility, Female Fertility, Male Infertility, Female Infertility, Pregnancy, PCOS Infertility,

    Premature Ovarian Failure, Diagnosis, in vitro fertilization, IVF, natural cycle, embryo, zona pellucida thinning, hatching, hatch, IVF

    techinque, Assisted Hatching, assisted hatching success rates, assisted hatching ivf, assisted hatching, in vitro fertilization, hatching, ivf,

    shell, zona pellucida, implantation, pregnancy rates, zona, ivf clinics, infertility clinics, fertility clinics, infertility expert, LASER, Zona drilling,

    Tyrodes solution
