iving) - cgda

OFF'ICEOF' THE CGOA WEST BLOCK-V RK PlJRAJ\;1 NE"" DELHI (PRINCIPAL IFA.\iVING) ~o. PIFA/04/Capltal Expdr Datcd~ 22./1/2009 To All PCsDAfCsDAfIFA<; Suhject:- Classilkalion of eXlx~ndilurc Refcrcncc:- This office lettcr of even no. dated 711212('1.YI. In continuation 10 Ihis office kAler dll',(.1ul)(k~rrcfcrl~J)\x~,a (~opyor GOL MoD (Fin} IeHer hearing no. PC: I I(l1fBud.II2007 dated 21110/200Ron the ahovc subject is forwarded herewith for information and guidance of an concenll'.,d. Copy to: I. JL CODA (ATI) 2. JLCGDA (AT~II) 3. Jt.CGDA(ATIlI) 4. Jt.CODA (A&B) 5. JLCGDA (Trg-I) 6. JtCGDA (Trg-II) 7. Jt CGDA(IT-I) 8. Jt.CGDA(IT-II) 9. CDA (Internal Audit) 10. Jt.CGDA (Admin.) 11. Sf. Dv.CODA (EDPSt 12. SPS to CODA 13. PS toAdel1.CaDA (IL) 14. PS to AddL CGDA (0) AT.. Coord, AT/IV, AT/VII-A, Al/Vll-B, ATIVU-C, AT/IX-A, AT/IX-B, ATIX with.the request to place the circular on the website. ImoU.TrashlKP/2009.sxw page I~ (8. ~an) Dy.IFA

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~o. PIFA/04/Capltal Expdr Datcd~ 22./1/2009


Suhject:- Classilkalion of eXlx~ndilurc

Refcrcncc:- This office lettcr of even no. dated 711212('1.YI.

In continuation 10 Ihis office kAler dll',(.1ul)(k~rrcfcrl~J)\x~,a (~opyor GOL MoD (Fin} IeHer hearing

no. PC: I I(l1fBud.II2007 dated 21110/200Ron the ahovc subject is forwarded herewith for information

and guidance of an concenll'.,d.

Copy to:I. JL CODA (ATI)2. JLCGDA (AT~II)3. Jt.CGDA(ATIlI)4. Jt.CODA (A&B)

5. JLCGDA (Trg-I)

6. JtCGDA (Trg-II)7. Jt CGDA(IT-I)8. Jt.CGDA(IT-II)9. CDA (Internal Audit)

10. Jt.CGDA (Admin.)

11. Sf. Dv.CODA (EDPSt12. SPS to CODA

13. PS to Adel1.CaDA (IL)

14. PS to AddL CGDA (0)AT.. Coord, AT/IV, AT/VII-A, Al/Vll-B, ATIVU-C, AT/IX-A, AT/IX-B, ATIX

with.the request to place the circular on the website.

ImoU.TrashlKP/2009.sxw page I~

(8. ~an)Dy.IFA

Page 2: iVING) - CGDA

rli No. PC 11(1)jBud.Ij2007

Government of IndiaMinistry of DefenceFinance DivisionNew Delhi - U0011.

~vDated: 21st October, 2008.

'To(he Chiefof the ArmyStaffTheChiefof the NavalStaffThe Chiefof the Air StaffCISC

~~" 1'I~T~?l- .~,(!" nee G 3(~ .

~1J;o\'\ {)-1

;(..)0 ~\",,'C.Q; Ii: ?-t-C C\,,~\

0 R.,\ L~'Y~ <:0

~ ')~ ~~ I am directedto refer to Para7 of the letter of even numberdated25th:¥. Ch\J1:. . '\"~\;) ptember 2007 and to say that it has been decided to continue with the

~~~""p~~:'\'\ systemof classificationas laid down in the said letter. However,AnnexuresI.? /7.':"'. to IV of the said letter have been reviewed and the new list of items,

expenditure in respect of which wou'ld be met from capital heads, is enclosedas Appendix I to IV to this letter. .

Classification of expenditure.

~ I»

2. All other provision of the 25th September 2007 letter would remainunchanged.

. 3. The position wQUld be reviewed afte!-_three~ears orconsiderednecessary. -.-

(MUKESH KUMARSINHA)Director (Fin/Budget)

Copy to:


DG(Acq), SS(N), AS(DP), AS(M), AS & FA(Acq)All Joint Secretaries in the Ministry of DefenceAll Add!. FAs& JS in the Ministry of Defence (Finance)All Finance ManagersJS(Budget), Ministry of Finance.DGADS

\/CGDA - for circulation and issuanceof necessary amendment to ClassificationHandbook.

Chairman OFBSO to Defence Secretary,PSto FA(DS),PSto Secretary(Def Prod)PS to SA to RM

Page 3: iVING) - CGDA


ARMY (in<?ludinQTAG)

S.No Nomenclature of items and the Minor Head under which Minor Headpresently expenditure was being booked of Capital

Outlay underwhic.h to bebooked

1. Minor Head-11 0 C(C) - MTVehicles and connected Minor Head -Stores 102 Heavy &

Medium(i) Water Bowzers (2KL & SKU Vehicles(ii) 2.5 ton LPTA


(iij) Stallion 5n.5 Ton(iv) TTF Larqe(v) ATF Refueller !(vi) FAT 3/5 Ton(vii) Bus Lona Chassis

I (viii) Liqht Bullet Proof Veh(ix) 2.5 Ton Ambulance(x) Crane all types(xi) LRV(xii) Lorrv 10 Ton(xiii) Buses (All Types)(xiv) Trailer (All Types)

2. Minor Head-110(E) - Engine Stores

i) Exc Loader.'.

ij) Cr Tr Size II (Plant)iii) Cr Tr Size IV (Plant)

3. Minor Head - 11 O(F) Air Frames & EnQines MinorHead 101 -Aircraftand AeroEnQines

ALH (ROTABLES)1 Dumper Assy2 Main Rotor Blade3 Tail Rotor Assy4 IOS Assy5 AGB Assy6 Hydraulic Packaqe7 Tail Rotor Actuator8 Pitch Servo Assy I9 Roll Servo Assy10 Collective Servo Assy11 Rotor Brake System I-

Page 4: iVING) - CGDA

ri" /'" 12 A ft Float Assy

13 TM 333-282 Engine J

14 HP Pump15 LP Pump16 EAOEC17 Centralised Warning Panel18 AFCS Computer (4A Axis)19 Pilot Control Unit I20 Integrated Sensor Unit (lSU)21 ALHEFS (SLG)22 ACR 500 LH Tran Receiver23 Transponder24 Weather Radar T/R Unit25 Oigitallndicator .26 Control Display Unit27 SHIU28 HVOR29 MDAU30 Pilot Control Unit (AFCS)

ALH lCNARS)31 Air Oil Exchanger32 Control & Regulation Harness

CHEETAH/CHETAK lROTABLES) I01 Main Rotor Blade02 Main Rotor Head Assv (With HOD)03 Main Gear Box ' .04 Automatic Control Box 4,sSy05 Gyro Magnetic Compass Type 512-306 Shock Absorber Front (NLG)07 Indicator Collective Pitch (Cheetah)

TTGEIBSE08 Test Eqpt for AH (Elect)09 Test EQpt for Gyro Magnet of 6 items10 Test Bench for Tachometer Generator and Test Bench

for Tachometer Indicator11 Vibrex Test Set Model 8500C+(8alancer Analyser

8500C+) with complete accessories

LANCER (CHEETAH)12 Armourer Tool Kit for M3P Tool Kit for Armourer13 Bore Siqhting System Assy14 Electric Control Unit Pad Control Unit PC-1715 RRP for M3P Machine Gun ',16 Re-cocking System Assy17 Rocket Launcher Tester18 Handling Loadinq Trolley19 Machine Gun Tester --.J

Page 5: iVING) - CGDA


123I I RF Plate!I

20 HLRU Ii

I !I

UAV HERON ITEMS1 MCPA2 TNL-16GINS-GPS3 Antenna Assemblv4 Power Amplifire5 RPU Power Supplv (RPPS)6 Direct Antenna Assv7 ADR- Directional Antenna Assemblv8 RCCP9 ICP Unit10 HYD Pump11 Engine B/U 914F .12 Air Conditioner13 MSG-W System14 TEL.SWIT.ASSY15 Netra Computer16 I FOD Computer17 UBY Computer18 Module Assv19 LRDT Pedestal

120 GOD+DEMUX+IEP21 UTC22 JpT-Pedestal ---------_____l____--


I Fiber Optic TERI

24 '

i 25 GOD RXlE(+tEP)126

I UTCI r27 I Pedestal28 RADOM !

! 29 Radar Processor Unit (RPU)130 Transmeter I: 31 RF Front End(RFFE) II I32 Antenna Drive Unit (ADU) i


33 I Fran SAR Server i34 Data Link InterfaceProcessorServer i35 Mission PlanningServer !36 Exploitation Manager Server37 Exploitation Server38 Fine OF ANTENN I

139 Digitel Receiver Processor Unit (DRPU)40 Retro Reflector41 Platform42 Laser RadarlTV43 Solitter AGCS44 RF Plate45 TXI/MOD46 RF Unit .

Page 6: iVING) - CGDA


/47 IF Unit48 Video RX49 RCVR Final Assy50 Video 151 Video 252 DEMUX53 Power Amplifier54 RCVR Video TMRX55 DEMUX56 SPSP TX57 TMTV RF Head58 PWR ANP59 Maqazine Assy4. Minor Head - 800 (1)Telephone Charges. Minor

Head 103- Other

I Eqpt.(i) Expenditure on procurement and installation of new

Telephone Exchanqes.ii) Radio Trunk Systems.iii) Cellular Switchinq Systems.iv) Bulk Encryption Units

(v) Satellite Systems (VSAT, Inmarsat Terminals,GMPCS,SatelliteHub etc) .

(vi) HFNHF/UHF/MW/Millimetric Radio includingAntennaIT owers/Masts

Page 7: iVING) - CGDA











Nomenclature of items and the Minor Head

under which presently expenditure beingbooked

Repair and Refits of Ships meant for enhancing thecapability (Minor Head 106 'A'

Repair and Refits of Submarines meant for Ienhancingthe capability (MinorHead106 'B') I

Repair and Refits of Aircrafts meant for enhancingthe capability (Minor Head 106 'C'PrOcurement/Replacement/Repair/Refit of NavalStores - Boatsand Yard Crafts, l1epairand Refit SfS.oatsand Yard Craft. for enhancing the capability,Minor Head 11O(a'Replacement of WT Equipment, Communicationand Electronic Warfare, Radars and AssociatedEquipments, Electrical Equipment, Hydrographicequipment, Diving Equipment, MetrologyEquipment, Aviation/Armament Equipment, ITInfrastructure and other ~achinery & Equipmentresulting in upgradation or enhancement ofcaoabilities(MinorHead 110

Procurement/Replacement of Mechanical TransportVehicles such as - Heavy and Medium'Vehicles,Specialist and Aviation Vehicles, Dockyard Vehicles(subject to cost &Hfe criteria being met in individuaJcases)(Minor Head 110 (i


Minor Head of

Capital Outlayunder which

to be booked







Page 8: iVING) - CGDA





S.No. Nomenclature of items in respect of which Proposed Minorexpenditure is presently being booked under Minor HeapsHead of Stores (110)

1 Vehicles including specialized Medical vehicles/Aircraft 102SDecialist Vehicles/Airfield SUDDortVehicles

2 Upgradation/Modernisation of facilities at BRDs 1033 Modification of Old. enqines to brinq to standard of new 101


enaines '

4 Solid State Fliaht Data Recorder (SSFDR) 103 i5 Ground Power Unit (GPU) 103 I

6 Servicing Air-conditioning Trolley 1037 Universal Hydrolic Servicing Trolley 1038 Procurement of Drive Generator and installtion kit for 103

IIAF Aircrafts9 Procurement of Flash Card reader 10310 Procurement of critical aggregates 101,10311 Replacement of UAV along payloads 101,103 -12 Test Equipment, GSE/GHE/Tools 101.103

I 13 Technicallife extensions/overnaul(ROH)/re-equipment 101I of Aircraftand systems

114I Procurement/Replacement'ofAero-engineon expiry of

101 Ii total technical life15 Digital Met Data Dissemination System (DMDD System) 10316 Additional Sites for IMMOLS ., 103

: 17 Network Station 103

118 Procurement of booster and Accessories of VUHRFT set 103I

up-322 for Air Defence Radar UnitsI

19 Procurement of V/UHF RT set for OSA-AK System 10320 Specialist Adventure equipment and accessories 101, 10321 Procurement/Upgrada tion/Refu rbishment/Replaceme nt/ 101, 103

Modification of existing aircraft, aero-engine, weaponsystems and related equipments

22 Procurement of rotables, Test equipments, machinery & 101,103equipment of all kinds including medical and securityrelated equipment, DG Sets & UPS.

23 Procurement of Microlight AC 101 -;>24 Procurement / Refurbishment I Upgradation I 103

Replacement of missiles/rockets and related-testequipments

25 ORE/Non-Recurring cost, Capital Expenditure, Project 103cost for Setting up or creation of Facilities orinfrastructure

26 Automation of Costing in IAF 103

,27 Telephone exchanges/Bulk Encryption Unit for




communication/interconnecting equipment for variouslocations of Air Force includinq wireless and UG cables


Page 9: iVING) - CGDA



S.No. Nomenclature of items and. the Minor Head Minor Head ofunder which presently expenditure was Capital Outtaybeing booked under which to

be booked1 Minor Head... 112 - Joint Staff

(i) Expenditure on creation of assets like Minor Head - 104Telephone Exchanges, Network (3) 'OtherSystems and Terminal Equipments equipments' -

(ii) Hardware of Wireless Communication Joint Staff

(iii) Tri-Services War Game Packaqe .(iv) Upgradation of Display System(v) Crypto

Systems/Devices/ Alogrithm/Package(vi) Access Control Security System

(vii) Data Fusion Centre

(viii) Archival and Retrieval System

(ix) Conference System/

(x) Auto Road Sweeping Machine

(xi) Earth Movers (JCB) & Tippers

(xii) Mini Bus

(xiii) Bus Long Chasis

(xiv) Water Bowser

(xv) Ambulance

(xvi) Cranes - all types)

(xyii) Procurement of Marine Stores (Boats,Yard Craft, Floating Jetty) \

(xviin Tractors, Dozers, OFT, etc. Minor Head - 104(xiv) 2.5 Ton, 6.5 ton vehicles (2) 'Heavy

Vehicles' - JointStaff