izak of eulastin

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  • 8/14/2019 Izak of Eulastin


    Izak of Eulastin

    Chapter 1

    The antiques shop at the end of Izaks street was very mysterious. Whenever

    he passed it, Izak felt a strange tingling all over his body, as if something were stirring

    in his chest and sending a tingling through his nervous system.One day, Izak was going for a walk and, not knowing what compelled him to,

    went up to the antiques shop. He found on the dilapidated front step, a parcel


    To Izak of No. 22, Terry St, Kyle BayWith a tingling in his fingers, Izak heaved the parcel from its resting place and turned

    for home.

    When he got home, Izak shut himself in his room, and opened the package.

    Inside was a beautifully decorated box, with pictures of strange creatures all dancing

    around the edges of the box. But the one thing that caught Izaks eye was the crystal,

    painted in the exact middle of each side of the box, suggesting that the animals were

    dancing around this crystal.Not knowing why, Izak opened the lid of the box, and instantly, some

    unknown force jerked him forward. Then there came the sound of sweet, sweet music

    that seemed to be coming from all around him. Suddenly, out of nowhere, came a

    crash that Izak felt hit his head, and he knew no more.

    Izak didnt remember everything that had happened when he first awoke.

    Then it all came flooding back The box The surge The music

    A gruff voice growled Took you long enough. Instantly, Izak was brought

    back to the present. For the first time, Izak took in his surroundings. He was lying on

    a small bed, covered in coarse blankets. The room had wooden walls, with a scrubbed

    wooden table in the middle and three chairs around it, each occupied by a person.

    Then Izak looked at the person who had spoken. He was a short man with a long

    beard and stocky legs. His face was rough but kindly. One surprising thing was that

    this man had an axe at his waist, which at first intimidated Izak a little bit.

    Finally, Izak inspected this mans companions. The first companion, Izak

    realised, was not a man. When he took a closer look, Izak was horrified to find he had

    a dogs head, and an apes body. The second companion looked like a normal man,

    dressed as a peasant from Medieval Times. Over all, they were a strange group, who

    seemed not unkindly.

    W-Who are you? queried a very startled Izak.The dog-headed ape replied, We are the last outpost of freedom fighters in

    the land of Eulaestin. I am Aelae, and my companions are Yathephos and Roneku.

    Izak gaped at the dog-ape. It seemed incredible that it could talk, what with it

    being a cross between two animals.

    Now, enough about us, what is your name?

    Startled, Izak replied, I-Im Izak

    And what are you doing here? For we have not seen one of your race for a

    very long time, save for Roneku

    I dont know, replied Izak, What happened to me? Where am I?

    Aelae replied, You are in Eulastin. We were separated off from the human world

    many millennia ago. Now, the only connection we have, is the Celestial Casket, lostto us when Riyasurriadru took over.

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    Could this be it? Izak pulled out the mysterious box and handed it to Aelae.

    He took it and carefully felt it, as if it was some long lost treasure he had been

    searching for over many years.

    Aye, it is.

    Chapter 2

    A great hush fell over the room, everyone looking at Aelae and the box. B-But that must that you are the chosen one! exclaimed Yathephos.

    Chosen one? Izak was confused. He didnt even know what outside this

    room was and already he was supposed to be this chosen one?

    U-Uh thought Izak, Theyve got me mixed up with someone else. Maybe

    they think that Im that old shopkeeper, and he couldnt handle it and so he just

    shifted it off to me. Yeah, thats gotta be it.

    You have to be mistaken. I dont eve know if Im dreaming or not, and

    already, Im supposed to be some kind of chosen one? You must have the wrong


    Did you receive this from an old and possibly eccentric shopkeeper who kept

    an antiques shop at the end of Terry St in an area called Kyle Bay? If so then youwere chosen by him to be the next Keeper of the Celestial Casket, which once

    contained the Celestial Crystal.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute. Im supposed to be some kind of

    Chosen One when I dont even know exactly where I am. How am I supposed to

    help you when I dont know half the things youre saying?

    I should have known that this would be difficult. Okay. You were chosen by

    the previous keeper to look after the casket. It doesnt matter by which means the

    casket gets to you, all that matters is that you receive it from him. Then, whenever

    you open the lid, you get transported here, no matter where you are in the world. But,

    if someone or something is touching you, that will come through too. Also, the

    Keeper, gains special abilities, such as to shape shift at will, and while in that shape,

    gain its abilities. Another useful thing is that the Keeper will have the power to move

    certain objects at will.

    Are you sure you arent mistaken? Izak just wanted to be sure that he

    wouldnt be usurping anyone if he took the job.

    I am very certain that you are the chosen one, yes

    Then Ill take it, but I will need someone to help me. Concluded Izak.

    Thats great! But first, we should set about developing your skills. We dont

    want to disappoint the others.

    What others?

    The other free creatures of Eulastin.

    Chapter 3

    The next few weeks went by in a blur for Izak. He was taught how to shape

    shift by Roneku, a master himself, the art of Inanimate Transportation as Aelae

    called it, and the history, customs, origins and rules of Eulastin by Yathephos.

    Roneku was patient, but had a strict regime on the training of Izak in the secret

    of shape shifting. The masters guarded this secret jealously, as it was only known by a

    handful of citizens in Eulastin.

    Aelae was very gentle with teaching Izak about IT, and carried things out with

    many examples. He often let Izak practice by himself, giving him pointers here and

    there.Yathephos, however, was very different from his companions. He was very

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    old, and wise, giving Izak many books to read and study.

    What intrigued Izak the most, however, was the fact that Yathephos would

    often disappear around noon. Though that remained a mystery to Izak, until he finally

    plucked up the courage to ask the friendly dog-ape.

    Aelae, where does Yathephos disappear to around noon? He is often nowhere

    to be seen in the early afternoon, and then he reappears in the middle of theafternoon.

    Curious are we? Well I suppose I had better tell you. Yathephos goes out into

    the forbidden woods to meditate and puzzle out problems. This is why he is very

    wise. Most people wouldnt have the patience to deal with all that meditation, but

    Yathephos is a very remarkable man.

    But what does he meditate about? I mean, there cant be that many things to

    meditate about, inquired Izak.

    There are many things to meditate about, such as commonly asked questions

    and answers that man nor beast has found. Anyway, it is time that you saw the other

    free creatures.

    Chapter 4

    Aelae led Izak to a clearing where many strange animals were gathered. The

    eerie silence contrasted greatly with the beautiful grace of the forest. It struck Izak

    just how evil this Riyasurriadru must be to hate such beauty.

    Aelaes voice broke into Izaks thoughts. This is the last gathering place of

    the free creatures of Eulaestin. The members of the court are Surwal the Black Bear,

    Prowz the Mandothall, Illiphyos the Senpai and Tiriyen the last of the noble


    Izak looked around in wonder at the assortment of strange and familiar

    animals. There were bears and tigers and leopards, and there were also strange

    animals that looked like crosses between different animals, or humans and animals.

    But there was a small group that looked like they were magical.

    Aelae walked up to the middle speaking-place. We have gathered here today

    to organise a party to help Izak, the new chosen one to regain the great crystal and

    defeat Riyasurriadru.

    At this, all the creatures cheered with joy and excitement, at the prospect of

    coming out of exile and reclaiming their homes, for Riyasurriadru had weeded out all

    the freedom fighters and taken over their homes.

    I will accompany Izak, as will my companions, volunteered Aelae. Then,

    one by one, all the creatures volunteered their skills to help Izak in his tremendoustask.

    A wave of gratitude tumbled over him, though at the same time, the sheer

    weight of what he was about to do engulfed him. Izak began to think that it might not

    turn out all right in the end, and that they might as well give up.

    Just then, just as if he had read Izaks mind, Aelae whispered to him, It is

    good that everyone trusts you, as it will make you more popular when you begin your

    reign over Eulastin. This encouraged Izak, and washed away all his fears and doubts.

    He felt as if defeating Riyasurriadru would be easy, if he put his mind to it.

    Now, let us all embark on our journey to defeat Riyasurriadru!

    Chapter 5

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    As they journeyed across the land, Izak wondered at the beauty and simplicity

    of the country-side. Another thing he noticed was that there were people joining the

    group, leaving behind all their tools and coming to join the charge of Riyasurriadrus


    When they finally got to the castle, Izak made the biggest decision that he had

    made in his life. I will go on alone, he told Aelae.What? But you will need our help to get through and defeat Riyasurriadru.

    Dont you think that it would be easier for one shapeshifter to get through

    than for a whole troop of people and creatures? I will change into a rat and sneak into

    the castle, and then find Riyasurriadrus room and duel him.

    And so Izak sneaked into the castle as a rat and searched for Riyasurriadrus

    room. When he found it, Izak transformed into his normal self, turned the doorknob,

    and entered the room, and find himself walking into a completely different room than

    he had imagined

    Chapter 6

    The inside was bigger than the outside certainly. It was a large, flat field, as if

    the evil sorcerer had been expecting him.

    Suddenly, a voice came from all around, crying, Welcome, Izak, keeper of

    the celestial crystal. If you have come to fight and win, I am afraid you will be sadly

    disappointed. If you will not leave, then let the duel begin!

    Then there appeared before Izak, a tall, thin man, wearing long robes that

    covered his feet. His ghostly features were scary, as if he had just walked out of a

    horror movie.

    Before Izak knew what was happening, Riyasurriadru had struck, flinging an

    arrow, aimed straight for Izaks heart. But Izaks training had already hammered in

    the ability to evade even the swiftest strokes.

    Regaining his balance, Izak summoned a sword, and struck ay the sorcerer.

    But Riyasurriadru was too quick, blocking the stroke with another summoned sword.

    Izak went on the offensive and started wielding his sword, as if it were an extension

    of his own limbs.

    Eventually, Izak grew tired, though the enemy showed no sign of any such

    weakness. Searching desperately for some source of energy, Izak thought of the

    magic of his time training bonding with his teachers and growing in confidence.

    Using this newfound strength, Izak cried out, and the room was suddenly

    filled with a light, shining brighter than the sun and all the stars put together.

    Screaming in pain, the sorcerer dropped to his knees, clutching his heart. After whatseemed like ages, Riyasurriadru finally gave up and reduced to a puddle of a black,

    oily substance staining the floor.

    Then, with a great heaving and groaning, the castle collapsed, though leaving

    Izak safely on the floor, of his own bedroom


    When Izak woke up, he found a parcel addressed to him lying on the floor next to

    him. He opened it up and found a little charm inside, with a note attached. The note


    Dear Izak,We have returned you to your home, having taken the casket to be watched over

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    carefully, that you would not be harmed in your country. We have left you, however,with a pendant that, when spun three times in your palm, will transport you here.

    From your loving friends,Aelae, Roneku and Yathephos.