j,. c ) p f t - nasaesro me teo sat delta 03-05-74 mr. shapley japan gmetsat (gms) delta 07-18-75...

:, 11 8) {) I J,. C_) I OLD!Jl _ (j]) p ft .. F X D L C' :l{ ' o:. D t.f" C NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION o c; . · . .:· l' -:-- :- .,; .t .' 1. 2. PROJECT APPROVAL DOCUMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTJ UN 24 8 23 '81 HARDWARE DE VELOPMENT /FLIGHT P li :.': 1 r .. T I .. I ,1• •.', ·. : : ·: ' :, r. : .. -: . . .. Code Number: 89-940 Jun e 10, 19sr : Pro gram: Expendable Launch Vehicles 3. Project Titles: 490 491 - 492 Scout Cent aur Delta Atlas-F l ngll th , ''""""'· c.c. Foster, L. (sc ou T) Horrl l , J,[, (AlS O) L toMrd , (ACEE) H "'"b lc, J. L. ( ACEE) All&,..by , · ( STS ) J ... u, (LSST} 49 8 4. Objectives: The objective of the Expendable Launch Vehicles Program is to provide launch vehicles and services for automated space missions. The program includes the procurement of vehicle hardware, launch services, engineering and maintenance support, i n ad d i t i o n to p r o v'i d i ng f o r the product improvement of v e hi c 1 e and ancillary ground support equipment. Launch vehicles current ly being procured are: Scout, Delta, Atlas Cent aur, and the Atlas-F. 5. Technical Plan: Specific technical plans for e ac h of the launch vehicle systems are contained in the attached project level sub-PADs. The generalized plan for accomplishing the objectives of the Expendable Launch Vehiclei Program provides for the operation of a continuing, economic and efficient launch vehicle family, which is adaptable to a wide of mission requirements. For . a typical mission, hardware, i.e., boosters, upper stages, shrouds, adapters and related equipment, is procured under a vehicle hardw are category-all of which is readily id entifiable with specific mission needs. Under supporting activities, this hardware is prepared for launch including the guidance, launch services and engineering analyses for pre-and post-flight activities. Product improvement to the vehicle and ancillary equipment is conducted to update and maintain vehicle reliability and producibility. Launches under this program are conducted from the Eastern Space and Missile Center, Western Space and Missile Center, Wallops Island, and San Marco launch sites. t. -1 \.. ' !- :·-:: -::· :>f, T C S'il ? ;) "TL: .t....!=· C, 1981-89-Exp e nd a bl e Ve h icles Page 1 of 4 . :. ·· .:. l l;. (' ;

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Page 1: J,. C ) p f t - NASAESRO ME TEO SAT Delta 03-05-74 Mr. Shapley Japan GMETSAT (GMS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan GTELECOMSAT (CS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan DIRECT BROADCAST

• :, 11 8) {) I J,. C_) ''-:.E.-- ·~ I OLD!Jl _ (j]) p f t .. ~~),./ CQM~----------~--

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NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION o c;. · ~ \~ . .:· l ' -:-- :- .,; .t .' ~,





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.. Code Number: 89-940 Jun e 10, 19sr :·

~-·. :

Pro gram: Expendable Launch Vehicles

3. Project Titles: 490 491 -492

Scout Cent aur Delta Atlas-F

l ngll th , ~ . D.~ ''""""'· c.c. ( f~eE) Foster, L. ~ . (scou T) Horrl l , J,[, ( AlS O) LtoMrd , ~.II. (ACEE) H"'"b lc , J. L. (ACEE) All&,..by , · ~ .0 , ( STS ) J ... u, ~.~. (LSST}

49 8

4. Objectives:

The objective of the Expendable Launch Vehicles Program is to provide launch vehicles and services for automated space missions. The program includes the procurement of vehicle hardware, launch services, engineering and maintenance support, i n ad d i t i o n to p r o v ' i d i ng f o r the product improvement of v e hi c 1 e and ancillary ground support equipment. Launch vehicles current ly being procured are: Scout, Delta, Atlas Cent aur, and the Atlas-F.

5. Technical Plan:

Specific technical plans for e ac h of the launch vehicle systems are contained in the attached project level sub-PADs.

The generalized plan for accomplishing the objectives of the Expendable Launch Vehiclei Program provides for the operation of a continuing, economic and efficient launch vehicle family, which is adaptable to a wide va~iety of mission requirements.

For. a typical mission, hardware, i.e., boosters, upper stages, shrouds, adapters and related equipment, is procured under a vehicle hardware category-all of which is readily id entifiable with specific mission needs. Under supporting activities, this hardware is prepared for launch including the guidance, launch services and engineering analyses for pre-and post-flight activities. Product improvement to the vehicle and ancillary equipment is conducted to update and maintain vehicle reliability and producibility.

Launches under this program are conducted from the Eastern Space and Missile Center, Western Space and Missile Center, Wallops Island, and San Marco launch sites.

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1981-89-Expe nd abl e Lau n~h Ve h icles Page 1 of 4

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The program, as established, supports all NASA unmanned launches as well as other government, international and commercial activities and organizations. Attachment B provides a listing of current agreements between NASA and those organizations to which reimbursable vehicles and services are furnished. The policy on reimbursement for launch vehicles and other services is set forth in NPD 8610.5.

6. Facility Plan:

No new facilities are planned. Existing will be utilized.

7. Procurement Strategy:

The procurement strategy for each project is included in the applicable sub-PAD.

8. Program Management Plan:

The Director, Expendable Launch Vehicles, is. responsible to the Associate Administrator for Space .Transportation Operations for overall program management. Detailed management responsibilities are given in each sub-PAD.

9. Controlled Items:

The following items are controlled by the Deputy Administrator:

a. Major reliability or quality improvement programs for the Scout, Delta, Centaur with estimated total costs in excess of one million dollars. This cost limitation of one million dollars does not apply to mission peculiar modifications in support of approved missions.

b. All performance improvement programs.

c. Program objectives, project objectives, technical plans, and significant changes thereto.

d. The policy for reimbursement for vehicles required by non-NASA users.

e. Agreements between other government and non-government agencies which provide for launch services and support.

f. Major changes in management responsibilities, including project management assignments to the field centers.

g. Total Expendable Launch Vehicles Program funding for each fiscal year in the Program and Financial Plan (PFP)

1981-89-Expendable Launch Vehicles Page 2 of 4

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and in the annual operating plan, and changes thereto. he will also approve any change in a current or prior year resource aliocation which would require an increase in any future year resources allocation for any project.

h. Contractor Source selections to be made by the Administrator, as well as related procurement documents to be reviewed at the Headquarters level, will be determined in accordance with Master Buy Plan Procedures.

The following item is controlled by the Associate Administrator for Management Operations:

Significant deviations to the level of in-house manpower devoted to this program, or the addition of responsibility for work in-house previously planned for out-of-house performance.

1981-89-Expandable Launch Vehicles Page 3 of 4

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Submitted by' A ;_~ ssoc1ate Adrn1n1strator for

Space Transportation Operations

Date: ~~/ 7

Concurred by'~ :ii ~~4 ~ '-- J ssoc1ate rn1n1strat r or Management Operations


1981-89-Expendable Launch Vehicles Page 4 of 4

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Page 6: J,. C ) p f t - NASAESRO ME TEO SAT Delta 03-05-74 Mr. Shapley Japan GMETSAT (GMS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan GTELECOMSAT (CS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan DIRECT BROADCAST




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Page 7: J,. C ) p f t - NASAESRO ME TEO SAT Delta 03-05-74 Mr. Shapley Japan GMETSAT (GMS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan GTELECOMSAT (CS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan DIRECT BROADCAST


DOD/NASA (NMI 1052.31)







NASA/USAF (NMI 1052.95D)

Western Union



Management of the Atlantic Missile Range and Merritt Island launch area.

All DOD miss.ions

San Marco Range


Scout Agreement



Host Tenant Support Agreement



All Vehicles applicable


Atlas Centaur




All Vehicles applicable






10-22-69 and 05-08-73







Mr. Webb

Dr. Naugle

Dr. Paine

Mr. Shapley

Dr. Naugle

Dr. Naugle

Dr. Naugle

Mr. Van Goey

Mr. Shapley

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NASA/McDonnell Cooperation Delta 08-08-73 Mr. Gray agreement defining relationships 1n devF~opment of Delta Model 3914

Canada **TELESAT Delta 10-18-73 Mr. Shapley

CON SAT **MAR I SAT Delta 11-12-73 Mr. Shapley

USAF NATO III Delta 11-27-73 Dr. Naugle

COM SAT COMSTAR Atlas Centaur 04-17-74 Mr. Shapley

RCA "'*RCA Delta 05-09-74 Mr. Shapley

ESRO >'<*COS-B Delta 11-30-74 Mr. Shapley

French/German >'<>'<SYMPHONIE Delta 06-29-74 Mr. Shapley

ESRO GEOS Delta 03-05-74 Mr. Shapley

ESRO ME TEO SAT Delta 03-05-74 Mr. Shapley

Japan GMETSAT (GMS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners

Japan GTELECOMSAT (CS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners

Japan DIRECT BROADCAST Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners (BS)

Page 9: J,. C ) p f t - NASAESRO ME TEO SAT Delta 03-05-74 Mr. Shapley Japan GMETSAT (GMS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan GTELECOMSAT (CS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan DIRECT BROADCAST



Indonesia *~'(Communications

(Palapa) Delta 05-01-75 Mr. Shapley

ESRO ~··oTs Delta 05-24-76 Mr. Yardley

ESRO >'d(MAROTS Delta 05-24-76 Mr. Yardley

Italy ~·(SIRIO Delta 03-10-75 Mr. ShapLey

USAF '~(SCATHA Delta 07-09-75 Dr. Hinners

·uK ~·(*UK-6 Scout 03-16-76 Mr. Yardley

DOD TIROS-N/NOAA A-C Atlas-F 09-03-74 Dr. Fletcher

Japan Backup Mission Delta 03-31-77 Mr. Yardley

NASA/USAF TIROS-N/NOAA A-G, Atlas-E/F 03-05-76 Mr. Yardley (NMI 1052.196) SEASAT-A Amended 04-77

Canada TELESAT-D Delta 03-11-78 Mr. Yardley

COM SAT INTELSAT-IVA F/0 Atlas Centaur 09-21-78 Mr. Yardley

INTELSAT INTELSAT V Atlas Centaur 05-16-80 Mr. Allnutt

NASA/DOD Scout Management Scout 09-19-80 Dr. Lovelace

TELESAT 3920 Development Delta 03-6-80 Mr. Lunney

r-o>,.... lllrt\0

SBS SBS Delta/STS 06-17-80 Mr. Lunney QQrtOO

C1) Ill ,..... ~·(rn n I

w;:roo Final Bill Stage **Completed !3 \0

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Page 10: J,. C ) p f t - NASAESRO ME TEO SAT Delta 03-05-74 Mr. Shapley Japan GMETSAT (GMS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan GTELECOMSAT (CS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan DIRECT BROADCAST





Code Number: 89-940-490 June 10, 1981

2. Program: Expendable Launch Vehicles

3. Project: Scout

4. Objective:

a. To procure Scout launch vehicles, including launch services, for the accomplishment of NASA missions, and on a reimbursable basis for the DOD.

b. To provide engineering services for production vehicles, for corrective changes or improvements in systems and procedures as required to maintain the operational capabilities of the Scout launch vehicle system.

c. To provide for major product and performance improvements as· may be required and approved in support of Scout's role in the national launch vehicle family.

5. Technical Plan:

a. Vehicle Hardware: Vought Corporation is the Scout system contractor, providing systems engineering ~nd management, launch services, vehicle production and other support for this program.

The Scout vehicle has two standard configurations--a four stage and a five stage version available for use as required. The four stage Scout vehicle includes the following solid propellant rocket motors: (1) the Aerojet General Corporation Algol liB or the United Technology Corporation Algol III first stage motor, (2) the Thiokol Chemical Corporation Castor II, a second stage motor, (3) The Hercules Inc., Antares II third stage motor or the Thiokol Chemical Corporation Antares III, (4) the Thiokol Chemical Corporation Altair III. The five stage Scout vehicle utilizes the four stage Scout configuration with the addition of the Hercules Inc., BE 3 rocket motor. The Scout vehicle inter­stages, including guidance system, electrical systems, control systems, separation systems, heat shields, and other equipment required to support mission

Enclosure 1 to 1981-89 .. ELV Page 1 of 3

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requirements, are fabricated by Vought. ·The current Scout configuration is capable of placing a 235 kilogram payload into a 300 kilometer orbit.

b. Supporting Activities: Scout program supporting activites include the provision of system management, engineering support, launch operations, logistics, and spares support. These efforts include the engineering services needed for the maintenance of the system and the fulfillment of mission requirements, vehicle configuration, checkout, and launching. Three launch sites are used in launching Scout vehicles; Wallops Flight Center, Virginia, Western Space and Missile Cente~, California, and San Marco Range, off the West Coast of Kenya, Africa. Minor product improvements and special analyses, such as failure investigations, are also conducted under supporting activities.

c. Product Improvement: Product improvement of the Scout vehicle has been primarily aimed at increasing the overall vehicle reliabil1ty, and at improving vehicle performance by incorporating selective changes compatible with the basic Scout design.

6. Procurement Strategy:

The Scout Program currently utilizes four major and several minor contracts to fulfill program requirements.

a. Vehi~le Hardware: A production contract for ten (10) Scout inter-stages for the DOD was signed in April 1978 with the Vought Corporation •

. Contract NAS 14,200 for delivery of Algol III, Castor IIA, Antares IIA, and Altair III motors was initiated in July 1976 with deliveries continuing.

b. Supporting Activities: The current systems management contract NAS 1-15,000 with the Vought Corporation is a fixed price incentive contract initiated in November 1976. This contract provides for the Scout system management including program management, final vehicle checkout, launch services, and other required support activities.

c. Product Improvement: No major product improvements are currently being undertaken or considered.

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1. Project Management Plan:

a. NASA Headquarters, Office of Space Transportation Operations, Expendable Launch Vehicle Programs Directorate, will provide program management.

b. NASA Langley Research Center will provide project management.·

c. Vought Corporation, System Division (VC) provides, under NASA contracts for the system management, hardware production, launch services, and other appropriate program efforts required for the maintenance and execution of the Scout program.

d. Wallops Flight Center. provides range support for the Scout project activity for launches conducted from Wallops.

e. KSC provides general housekeeping support for Scout project activity at the Western Space and Missile Center (WSMC).

f. The Air Force, within the framework of the NASA Scout Program and through the NASA/DOD Scout Coordinating

. Committee, will define DOD Scout vehicle requirement.

g. The Italian CRA (Centro Ricerche Aerospaziali) operates and manages the San Marco •ange off the coast of East Africa. This organization provides launch operation for Scout vehicles under separate contract agreements.

8. Schedule:

See Attachment A to overall PAD.

9. Controlled Items:

See overall PAD.

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Code Number: 89-940-491 June 10, 1981

2. Program: Expendable Launch Vehicles

3. Project: Centaur

4. Objective:

a. To procure Centaur launch vehicles including boosters and associated engineering and launch services for approved projects established on a cooperative or on a reimbursable basis for other authorized users.

b. To provide engineering services for production vehicles for corrective changes or improvements in systems and procedures as required to maintain the operational capabilities of the Centaur vehicle system.

c. To provide for major product and performance improvements as may be required and approved in support of Centaur's role in the national launch vehicle family.

5. Technical Plan:

a. Vehicle Hardware: General Dynamics/Convair Aerospace (GDCA) is the prime contractor for the Centaur stage. Associate prime contractors for this stage are Honeywell, Inc., and Teledyne Systems Company for Centaur guidance systems; and Pratt and Whitney (P&W) for Centaur engines.

The Atlas booster stage is manufactured by the General Dynamics/Convair Aerospace.

The current configuration of the Atlas Centaur employs an Atlas SLV-3D booster with a Rocketdyne MA-5 propulsion system, and a Centaur second stage with P&W RL-10 engines and a Honeywell/Teledyne guidance system.

The Atlas/Centaur is capable of delivering a 5100 kilogram payload into an 185 kilometer orbit.

b. Supporting Activities: For the Centaur Program, supporting activities include the provision of system

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management, mission integration, vehicle integration, engineering support, launch operations, logistics, and


~pares support. These efforts include the engineering services needed for the maintenance of the system and the fulfillment of mission requirements, vehicle configuration, checkout and launching. Minor product improvements and special analyses, such as quality and wo~km~nship, redundancy, and failure investigations are also conducted under supporting activities.

For Atlas Centaur, General Dynamics/Convair furnishes system management, vehicle and mission integration, engineering support, launch services, log!stics, and spares support. Honeywell, Teledyne and Pratt & Whitney also furnish launch support and other services, as required.

c. Product Improvement: Peformance improvements including an 80 inch stretch to the Atlas tank were approved and are underway on a reimbursable basis to support the INTELSAT V missions. When completed, the Atlas Centaur will be capable of delivering 5050 pounds to geosynchronous transfer orbit.

6. Procurement:

The Atlas Centaur hardware production continues through 1984 with an option for three more vehicles which could extend into 1985.

a. Vehicle Hardware: Centaur and Atlas hardware is procured under NASA contracts, generally on a fixed price incentive basis with General Dynamics. These boosters and the Centaur stages are procured through noncompetitive negotiated contracting.

b, Supporting Activities: Supporting activities are currently procured under NASA contracts normally on noncompetitive cost plus award for fixed price basis. Other contracts, both fixed price and cost type, are utilized as appropriate to procure special services and minor product improvement.

7 •• Project Management Plan:

a. NASA Headquarters, Office.of Space Transportation Operations, Expendable Launch Vehicle Programs Directorate will provide program management.

b. NASA Lewis Research Center will provide project management as assigned by the Office of Space

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Transportation Operations.

c. KSC will provide launch systems management, responsible to Le.RC.

d. General Dynamics, Honeywell, Pratt and Whitney, Teledyne, and Aerojet, under NASA contracts will provide production hardware and supporting activities.

8. Schedule:

See Attachment A to overall PAD

9. Controlled Items:

See overall PAD

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Code Number: 89-940-492 June 10, 1981

2. Program: Expendable Launch Vehicles

3. Project: Delta

4. Objective:

a. To procure Delta launch vehicles, including launch services, for NASA automated missions and for other approved projects established on a cooperative or reimbursable basis for other authorized users.

b. To provide engineering services for corrective changes or improvements in systems and procedures as required to ma i n·t a in the o p e r a t ion a 1 cap a b i 1 i t i e s of the De 1 t a vehicle.

c •. To provide for reliability and cost reduction improvements as may be required in support of Delta's role in the national launch v~hicle family.

5. Technical Plan:

a. Vehicle Hardware: The McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company is the Delta system prime contractor, providing systems engineering and management, launch services, vehicle production, and other requirements for this program. The booster is the McDonnell Douglas extended long tank Thor (DSV-3P-1A) configuration utilizing the Rocketdyne RS-27 propulsion system, with up to (9) Thiokol TX 354-5 Castor II or TX 526-2 Castor IV solid motors for thrust augmentation. The second stage is the McDonnell Douglas Delta DSV-3P-5A configuration utilizing the TRW TR201 engine system, and a digital inertial guidance system. The digital inertial guidance system consists of the MDAC redundant inertial measurement unit, and Delco guidance computer. An alternate second stage which will use the Aerojet A 510-118 engine is under development and expected to be operational by 1982. The third stage, if one is required, is the Thiokol TW-364-4 motor. Configuration of ·the fairing, spin tables, attach fittings and other

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mission dependent items will vary to support the requirements of each specific mission and are fabricated by the McDonnell Douglas Corporation.

The current Delta configuration is the 3910. The 3910 with a MDAC provided payload assist module (PAM) is capable of placing a 2400 pound spacecraft into a synchronous transfer orbit. The 3920 is the uprated second stage configuration. Utilizing the PAM, it will be capable of placing a 2800 pound spacecraft into a synchronous transfer orbit. The 3914 vehicle is a 3910 configuration with a TE-364-4 motor for a third stage instead of a PAM. The 3914 is capable of placing a 2000 pound spacecraft into a synchronous transfer orbit.

b. Supporting Activities: Delta Program supporting activities include the provision of system management, engineering support, launch operations and logistic support by McDonnell Douglas. These efforts include the engineering services needed for the maintenance of the system and fulfillment of mission requirements, vehicle configuration, checkout and launching. Two launch sites are used in launching Delta Launch Vehicles: Eastern Space and Missile Center, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, and the Western Space and Missile Center at Vandenberg AFB in California. Minor product improvements for reliability and special analyses, such as failure investigations, are also conducted under supporting activities.

c. Product'Improvement: Product improvement of the Delta vehicle currently involves development of a new second stage using larger diameter tanks (6 foot) and the AJ-10-118 engine with !TIP injector. This will provide increased Delta performance capability for the Landsat missions and other commercial, and foreign government users.

6. Procurement Strategy:

Current strategy is to first procure vehicle hardware long lead material and then later fill production in minimum size lots that are consistent with agency commitments under the NASA STS transition program. At present, long lead material and production through vehicle #184 ar~ under (letter) contracts.

a. Vehicle Hardware: Hardware production contracts, generally fixed price incentive, provide for the production of the Delta first and second stages by McDonnell Douglas. Booster engines, third stages, and

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strap-on motors are procured separately on contracts with Rocketdyne and Thiokol.

b. Supporting Activities: A launch services contract covering two fiscal years, generally fixed price incentive, procures system management, final vehicle checkout, launch services, and other required support activities. Other contracts both fixed price and cost type are utilized as appropriate.

7. Project Management Plan:

a. NASA Headquarters, Office of Space Transportation Operations, Expendable Launch Vehicle Programs Division, will provide program management.

b. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center will provide project management as assigned by Office of Space Transportation Operations.

c. NASA Kennedy Space Center will provide launch operations systems ~anagement at the· Eastern Space and Missile Center and the Western Space and Missile Center as assigned by GSFC.

d. McDonnell Douglas Corporation provides, under NASA contracts, for the systems management, hardware production and appropriat~ program efforts required for the maintenance and execution of the Delta Program.

8. Schedule:

See Attachment A to overall PAD.

9. Controlled Items:

See overall PAD.

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Co de Number:



89-940-498 June 10, 1981

2. Program: Expendable Launch Vehicles

3. Project: Atlas-F

4. Objective :

a. To procure Atlas-F launch vehicles and services on a reimbursable basis for the NOAA A-I missions.

b. To provide engineering services for corrective changes or improvements in systems and procedures as required to maintain the operational capabilities of the Atlas-F launch vehicle system.

5. Technical Plan:

a. Vehicle Hardware: The Atlas-F vehicle is a surplus military missile refurbished and modified for space and reentry mission applications. At least ten (10) vehicles are available for NASA and NOAA space missions. Under the USAF Vandenberg Atlas Modification Program conducted by the General Dynamics Corporation, vehicles are modified and prepared for launch. The Atlas-F will be used to launch weather satellites for NOAA through 1987. The launch operations are the responsibility of the USAF 6595th Aerospace Test Wing located at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

The current Atlas-F configuration shall be defined as the standard space booster provided by the USAF to support NASA/NOAA TIROS-N and advanced TIROS-N missions, including mission modifications.

b. Atlas-F supporting activities include the provision for system management, engineering support, launch operations, logistics, and space support. These efforts, including the engineering services needed for the maintenance of the system and the fulfillment of mission requirements, vehicle configuration, checkout and launching from the WSMC, minor product improvements, and special analysis, such as failure investigations,

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Page 20: J,. C ) p f t - NASAESRO ME TEO SAT Delta 03-05-74 Mr. Shapley Japan GMETSAT (GMS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan GTELECOMSAT (CS) Delta 07-18-75 Dr. Hinners Japan DIRECT BROADCAST

will also be conducted under supporting activities.

c. Product Improvement: As major product improvements become necessary, they will be identified.

6. Procurement Strategy:

Atlas-F program requirements will be fulfilled as described below:

a. Vehicle Hardware: Vehicles will be procured from the USAF under the Vandenberg Atlas Modification Program.

b. Supporting Activities: Current USAF support activities and arrangements will be utilized.

c. Major Product Improvements: No major product improvements are currently being undertaken or considered.

7. Project Management Plan:

a. NASA Headquarters, Office of Space Transportation Operations, Expendable Launch Vehicles Program, will provide vehicle program coordination for NASA.

b. Atlas-F project management resides with the USAF. The Goddard Space Flight Center will provide overall mission management for NOAA missions.

c. The USAF will serve as the launch operations system manager for the Atlas-F operations, responsible to the mission manager for NOAA missions. KSC launch operations at WSMC will monitor this effort at the Vandenberg Atlas Modification Program activities for GSFC.

d. The Air Force will provide management for vehicle efforts of the prime and associated contractors procured under USAF contracts.

8. Schedule:

See Attachment A to overall PAD.

9. Controlled Items:

See overall PAD.

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