j-evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/46643/1/... · 2015-05-30 · of brown velvet...

Mm M v .i V ( ':' IE J" & & Vol. XV. Ko. 81. JIOJsOlXLU, 1J. I., MONDAY KVfclNlXG, Al'KIJ. 0, 1801. eo OFMT8 tjUubOHIPTlOh MONTH Kmrtimiwiiwc: Wife's r'tsassliip Go.'s SPECIAL SELECTED FASHIONS FOUTIIEFAIU. Jersey Stock! IVn. 0. Irwin Company, (MMITKD.) OFFKS FOR SAI.K Lime Ac CJement, PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, REED'S PATENT Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes. THE ADELIHE BUOK STOCKINGS ! NOW FOR .SALIC AT N.. S. SACHS', 104 Foit St., : : : : Honolulu. Are guaranteed to be fast black, will not stain or crock, nor discolor the water when washing, they arc soft and pliant. For Ladies, Misses end Children. AJwo. in dentlcnien's Hcck8. CALL FOR THE "ADELINE BLACK STOCKING" FOR SALE ONLY AT THE "DO TT F At) 1ITT T l()t Tort .Slrtef, Jltuitilulu. 1 S)l rcU'phones, No. 175.- - a ii i! v iu 1 OFFER AT BED (. 'ALIFORNTA HAY, OATS, BRAN, OIL CAKE MEAL, LINSEED MEAL, BARLEY, ROLLED BARLEY, MIDDLING GROUND BARLEY WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. FtiOUtt fir Alia, KoliU'ii Onto & Salinas w FLOUR P. O. Box IJ"). Telephone No. 92. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Grocorie?, Pro visions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. o New Goods received by every packet from Ear-tor- Stales and Europe, Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All oiders faithfully attended to ami (ioods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. T01 OLIVE HARPER GIVES THE RESULT OF HER LATEST INVESTIGATIONS. NotpIIIi h ill tile llnstifiiliie r r.inviin Tluit Will H Intnrmtlnic to All M'omrn Tim Must Advanced Styles In Tea Goitmii Critically Cumidcred. New Yobs, Feb. 12. Th.nv is no nse trying to deny the fact any longer, for ueaa'ly all the new drones (tra c on thu ground at the hack and just clear it in front, with the sole exception of tailor made gowns, which would sadly f;iil of their elf 'ct if made to do so. And each succeeding week they appear to udd an inch to the length, so that b.'fore long the newspapers will have a chance to get tip a new variety of jokes at tho ex- pense of the wearers. Aud the skirts are as scant as they can well be made, as far as front and si les are concerned. Probably this is to observe a just and proper balance of economy in material. J- - m tell ROSEWOOD VICUNA AND WIDOW'S OOWN. As a sort of compromiso tlieer is an elaborate and complicated arrangement of strings and loops, which are placed on the inside seain3 with the de ign of gracefully lifting tho dvess but so far 1 have faiUl to see ona that properly at- tended to lis duty and lii'le.l every seam at once. It is not possible v do this, i o let us hope the weather will always be good aud the streets id ways bo clean. A really pretty new walking gown that came under my notice yesterday was made of bois do rose, or rosewood vicuna, and tiie waist v.'.-t- i cut all in one with the front and sides, and very ef- fectively looped on the sides by means of brown velvet straps simulating pocket lids. The velvet was bordered with silver braid. Around tho bottom was another band edged as the other, and beneath that a wide band of the new novelty brocade, which was also used to make tho upper part of the waist and sleeves. In tho back" tho fullness was gathered very full. A bonnet of the velvet and brocade was worn with it. There always will be grief and mourn- ing, and if ono ever neod.i habiliments therefor it is well to know what is worn, for thero tire fashions in mourning as well as bridal robes. The design with this is of pure Priestly silk warp Henri- etta, which is the only kiud worth using or indeed suitable on account of its sub- dued luster. Tho front has a doublo facing of English crape, the yoke and sleeves also are of crape. At the sides are three deep plaits, aud tho back hangs in a deuii-trai- n from heavy box plaits. The waist is belted in and shirred on to the yoke. Bonnets are made of the dress mate- rial and trimmed with flat Alsatian bows of crape, with a thin veil failing to the chin, bordered with a narrowband of crape. The real veil falls clear to the bottom of thedrss, nil 1 is heiirir.-- l half a yard (leap for widows, and graduating to h for brother.! or sisters. Widows wear the little white frill as heretofore. The cntpo veil is fastened to the back of tho bonnet, and not over tho top as heretofore. Handkerchiefs do not have deep borders, only the scalloped edges are done in black thread, but jus as often they ure entirely white. 7 Mviij'-'ri'- 'ij "i ir : :im:l ei! I Vr fi. THK I I'l- 'T I'l T" iM'.VNri. Tea "WII lire ,. ,l,e ni i V. r, but IIUW the III) i, t i'l' Ii. il :,. Iliad.' I . lit tiie li..;ure I.:m a ! " e nr pri in. dlesH, HI. I '.e I'l ,1,1 . I, 'I e y i; i FERTILIZERS : WOOL DUST, BONE MEAL, FISH GUANO, ALSO BUCK & OIILANDT B High Grade Chemical Cane Mairnra. GRASS SEEDS : COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS And CLOVERS. Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'s Cornet) Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN BARRELS. Bra Lccioira The undersigned having been appointed sole agents for the Hawaiian Islands Far the Celebrated From the works of Durham, Parry, Williams & Co., Philadelphia, I'eun., Are now prepared to give estimates and receive orders for these engines, ol size and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Wokks are now manufacturing a style of Loco- motive particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have recently been received at these Islands, aud we will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents an 1 managers with particulars of same. The superiority of those Locomotives overall other makes is not only known here but is acknowledged throughout the United States. Win. O. IUW1N & Co., L'd, Sole Ageuts for Hawaiian Islands. Mil f I G. Mil & CO, Win. ti. Irwiu. . ..1'resident & Manager Clans Spreekels nt Walter M. Giffard SecrtUiry & Treasurer Tueo. C. l'orter .' Auditor SUGAK FACTORS Commission Agents. AGENTS OK THK Of Man Frniii'lKco. t'al. fP MetropoiitaniSJ Meat Company 81. KING STREET, G.. J. WALLER, - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butcher Mi ill THE it -- 18 I'ULII.ISIIICU- - Evry Afternoon Except Sundays At tlu Office, Queen street, Honolulu a. i. ARTHUR JOHNSTONE Ediloi DANIEL LOGAN Managoi FOK THE DAILY BULLETIN PUBLISHING COMPANY, ("Limited.) Kl lis HIITIOX: Daily Bui.i.ktin, 1 year ffi 00 " 0 mouths 3 00 " " per mouth (de- li verctl) 50 Wbkkly Bulletin Sumsiaky, 1 year i 00 foreign 6 00 e- - lloth Telephone! No. 5. lSAddres all business communica- tions ''Manamhu Daily Bulletin." tiTAiMivss nil matter for publica- tion "KUITOK 1AILY BL'LI.KYIN." I. . .x H9. Ilnnnlulu. II. I. BRODIB & FURBY, DR8. Physicians. (Mllce: 81 Bre-aui- a street, Honolulu, H. I !1 IM. MONSARRAT, Attorney at Law and Notary l'utilie. Merchant street, IJoiinliilu. i ALFRED MA GOON, ' . Attipnie.v at Law and Notary Public. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono- lulu. n" avid Dayton (Kewiki) Will lie in his private nlHee from 12:30 to 1::I0 r. m. Olllce: 91 King street, (up stairs) nw. Schmidt & Sons, Importers & Commission Mer- chants. Kurt street, tionululu. HHACKFELD & CO , miiiission Agents. Corner Fort anil (jueen streets, Hono- lulu, 11. I. GW Macfarlane & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. GONSALVE3 & CO., Grocers and Wine Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu. II. I. T. WATERBOUSE. JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise. Queen street. Honolulu, II. I. & COOKE, CASTLE and Commission Mer- chants, importers and Dealers in Gen- eral Merchandise. No 80 King street, Honolulu. WILDER & CO., Vi Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt aud Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. EWERS & COOKE, 1 J Importers and Dealers in Lum- ber and all kinds ot Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. C. BREWER & CO., (LI.UtTKM), General Mercantile AND Commission Agents LIST of officers: P. O. Jones, Jr. ... President & Manager J. O. Carter Treasurer & Secretary D1UECTOHS : Hon. O. It. Bishop. S. 0. Allen, II. Waterhouse. l-- ai CASTLE & COOKE, I.Ht'OKTKK, Hirclvyare, Skipping AND Commission Merchants DEALKKS IN General Merchandise ! Plantation Amours. Life, Fue & Marine InsUiame Age.irg. 1J IluXOI.UI.U, II. I. t91 HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, I I II. I. Heiini KiilIiii s, Sugar Mill- -, llo'li rs, Cuoirrs; In n, I'l as and Lend ( Mai'liinerv of every ill M i ipt ou initde to orl' r Pal lii'iilnr iilli iiilou paid to Ml pi lliark-uilllilii- ,ul Wink k -- nllird at 1' lloilre, .!l T, U. W.VI.KI.W, ( 'tun i'i iM hi t il MitiliU r, III I, k, Mi 'iir iul VN i" ill n Hi. i .lii u i ili fiii ... i n.,i ii ) to k itinl .Inli-l- i i y ri li i ii I", mi buifi i'l, 'in i I ,ui .i I M i lo'i.i In,. II III TI JIi; TA If lF. : STillR. 'KINAU,' CLARKE, Commander, Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock P.M. touching at Lahaiua, Mnalacu Bay and Makena the same day; Maliu-kon- Kawaihaeanil Laupalioehoe the following day, arriving ut Hilo at midnight. I.KAVKS UONOl.LI.f. Friday.. .April IJ rd Tuesday . . " Mtli Fiiday . . . " 24t,h Tuesday . May 5th Friday. . . . " loth Tuesday . . " 2lith Friday . . .June oth Tuesday . . . " llilh Fiiday. . . . " 2(ith Tuesday. ..July 7th Returning leaves Hilo, touching at Laupalioehoe same day; Kawailiae, A m. ; Mahiikona, 12 noon; Makena, G p. M. ; Maalaea Bay, 8 r. M. ; Laha- iua, 1(1 p. M. the following day; arriv- ing at Honolulu l A, M. Wednesdays and Satttrdavs. AKK1VK8 AT HONOLULU. Saturday . . . . April 11th Tuesday it 2lsl Satuiday . . . '.May 2nd Wednesday . (( Pith Saturday . . . it 2.1 rd Tuesday . Jmu1 2nd Saturday. . . ( Pith Wednesday Saturday. . . July it.h Tuesd y Ilth Arrives on Tuesday in order to connect with out-goin- g mails for San Francisco. g0 No Freight will be received after 12 noon of day of sailing. STfslR. CLAUDINE ' DAVIES, Cummander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 5 o'clock p. m., toudiing at Kaliu-lui- , Huelo, liana, Hamoa and Kipa-l- i ulit. Returning will arrive at Hono- lulu every Sunday morning. . 10" No Freight will be received after 4 p. M. on day of sailing. Consignees must be at the landings to receive their freight, us we will not hold ourselves responsible after such freight has been landed. While the Company will use duo diligence in handling live stock, we decline to as- sume any responsibility in case of the loss of same, and w ill not lie responsible for money or jewelry unless placed in the care of Pursers. W. C. WILDER, President. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt. D M. CROWLEY, 110 King street m ar Alakea street, oppn. California Fruit Market. Designer and Manufacturer of ART FURNITURE. Furniture elegant cover- - First-cla- ss Bedding Made, and Old Bedding Ke-iua- French Polishing By a first-cla- ss man, C tEPETS MADE and LAID. Window Poles, Cornices and DRAPERIES,. Iiesigned and inad( in the highest style of alt. (Maniple may be seeii in the Legislative Mull). '" Ileal wllh (he workinau, mid save middleman's pi'.. lit 17 tf ( Al l IOS ! 'pilF iin.li I'slgin d heii tiy warns nil 1 pe. mis against es.;i-i..- g on tlieb pn IliUes at l:lel:ikeil, ulkikl-wiu'li- a, belweeii ihe lioui of ii:"ll p. M. j llllil Ii A M. A' l.ilie I. .101.1 too tle-.l- l- sill'' ill lie ... eell, ,. .'.in' -I Un; MM; ,v I'll, ' ' l I I o kieov .1 II I lv lo.ku II u.i li. Kan, t: e. ...I. " I'll nil I,. Ii. I..I..J. It i' - I ii li.n . Ii . I. .in. THE FINE THOROUCHBRTD 1ZRSEY BULL 3Ml "UNA'S KING," (Registered in Jersey Herd Book in 18!0. See Registry Certilicate). Recently imported direct from the Island of Jersey in the ship "Fiiesliire," Will Stand for a Limited Season At the stables of Hon. W. G. Irwin, at Kapiolani Park. The Pedigree of this thoroughbred animal is of the tinest Herd Book" prize stock, as follows: SIKt "Nestor tith," No. 1028. He by Nestor 3rd. No. 793 (Hre) ; Gainbage. No 5X40 (Daml. DAM "Una's Pet," No. 2501. She by Nestor 2nd, No. 589 (sire) ; Una 2nd, No. 1557 (Dam). pa- - 'j'ntj UUove registration numbers refer to those given each animal by the "Jerm-- Herd Buok," to which reference can be had on application to the under- signed. For terms and further particulars, apply to W. M. O IFF A III). 48 3m REMEMBER ! WHKN YOU WANT Piclsras Frsmsfl Beialrcl. Curtain Poles, Cornices or Window Fittings, Artists' Materials of any kind, PSlieet JPiel iires, -- SUCH AS Etchings, Engravings, Watoicol rs or Pastels, Photo or Autograph Albums, Wall Brackets, Leather Purses, Bags, Mirrors or E.iscls, Etc., CSO TO KING BEOS., Jiolel (Street-- . Who devote their wholo atten- tion to lliu Pictura Framicg S kv Gotdi Busincsh With 12 years' experience. If you want .something nice to send away, get one of their "Souvenir of Hawaii," A collection of 50 Choice Hawaiian Views done in photogravures. Price, 11.00. 71 lin IE OS S3 -- 33 pa en en era o .rClltT.nMrnieiNLlS.t- Nl Cj- -i Ft It WALK II V BENSON, SMITH & CO, FOXr STREET. 7tf REUTBR'S SYRUP IsTo. 2. Tlio lierod'tftry Wood poison of scrofula develops i tku delicate tiasucs of the brain, menial wc kneses and infirmities, idiocy 'in I iiisi.iiiiy. Itm Urges the eluin:aoi lliu fli out, iinpnii the bense of sen II i:mi tas'O or bleak ' into cihi' i.iuii; ii'i:c o i liuinrk. 1. drstroys tin' lm.es, i r )iln litem with lulu reuli .us re io'is I tits aw .y 'llU rouliiig oi lliu vtoieHih, tillage.' Hio lher, "thus lliu klli.iys, tru les enimtipalion niii ii.il eei pile , No liiiniiiii iii in y ran so ppuniily, pi r niiuieiitly iiii l ei'oiioinii'iilly i:liiiii.i lm blood Hi' bi inf 1"H " l on, ( li ar I In . uinph ilini anil ' in ,''l an I i I n a4 iii iii i t' fcjitH J. " s'r. ul liloml pui iu i Renter's IIsalii!iiS03p Telephones, No. 11'.)- .- Unas, siustaoe, iim street. TTtfPDV TJATTP -- Cor. Ediiibiirg & Queen Sts. D C RUCK PRICES T. O. Box 372. -- P. 0. Box 297. It:i0- - v cookk, ri :it, Uileaititits, -- -t iTIII -- , I i i ' i I U. Mil t. iOO)S J 14 ZZMLr..l; I Having leased the stores in the brick building known as the "Lincoln Block," nearly opposite the old stand, and having disposed of that portion oi my stock d, imaged by the late tire, and being in receipt of New (ioods per last steamer, and mure on the way, I am prepared to til! all rdcrs as before. Thanking, the public for the liberal patronage bestowed on me for the past seven years, I hope by prompt attention !o all ordt rs to merit a coiiliiiu.UH'e of the same. At the new stand shall Lo" pleased to see all my old cus- tomers, and as many new ones ns may lind it to their advantage to fall. Island orders solicited and faithfully executed. OHAS. HUSTACE. Telephone 210. LEWIS & CO.. Ill Fort Street, HONOLI'LU, II. 1., Importers, Wholesales Mali Dealers in Groceries & Provisions, toy o By each steamer of the O. S. 8. Co. from California fresh California Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables, etc., etc. A compli ie line nt' Crosse &. BiackweH's t J. T. Morton's Canned A Botthd tbi.iils always on band. Also, just received a fresh line of German i'ales and Potted Merits and Buttled Preserved Fruits, Lewis A C'o.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat Flakt, Sicily Lemons and California Hiverside Oranges, Oiegmi Biiilniuk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. CA.nTLK i . it u Shipping & GoniiTiission Merchants, i iiSi' i -- 1 mi; MiiiNl's, i NAVY CONTRACTORS. Mil TAI WO CHAN, Manufacturer of l.udiiV A tii iiileiiii u' fit; .cli K d, Uaf & Kangaroo MvIN MHO a tl t. III lllll.l II, '! I'l "I kt'Mt'il. Ilcu, a4 '. .ii N..ti..iiii M , i J', tl. II. i Ju, I "I H, .Ml I I I Ii A Co., 11 A 'ii Al. tiii:i A 0. M41IHH, ! i J .. . lie: , l.i. k,'1 iiiiu.'li) Liu tui.'ioi E..i.i(il.w, ii, nt.iittutui in ti.--i i. ,.1! with t '!.iu I el' .1 . i.e. I I I .'.ene, , ,. . ..re In.. i lie , ') it i ,n l.i ", v. 1..' e' I 1 . .1.1.. I " I. I. y .... ! .. I. I I ..!... I I.. tl I .. I , I i II.. Ii T .... .1 . I ' ' ..M. I' I . N I t.lli i ' ', ti- i. '. , Mil'SK I'M it M .1 I l, ie oli .. .oi ,t ,1.1, I I, . I I '! I.I. ill, mi b Oil hi , I. a .. l , ,i oi, II.' . .... Il .1 I , . I ,..i .a, I ii . i "L !' I .1 I II l.l m . r 1 n l Mi ) I i 't i'i I hi I i tl . ,. :, ... " III M ii " ' ' ' M . J ( V i',,iini ..ii,f 1. SU Ij. .1 I. , I. . .till I'l'l .1 I l"i till I II ' '. I IHii .1 VI . . ,, ... I , ,:) i ' ' hDllliiHii a i;o i I I I A ... I. II i i I i, I ... I . . I. 1 i . n i, i ii., I 'I 1 I H i I i 1 1

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Page 1: J-evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/46643/1/... · 2015-05-30 · of brown velvet straps simulating pocket lids. The velvet was bordered with silver braid. Around tho


M v .iV ( ':'


J" & &

Vol. XV. Ko. 81. JIOJsOlXLU, 1J. I., MONDAY KVfclNlXG, Al'KIJ. 0, 1801. eo OFMT8tjUubOHIPTlOh




Jersey Stock!

IVn. 0. Irwin Company,






Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.



N.. S. SACHS',104 Foit St., : : : : Honolulu.

Are guaranteed to be fast black, will not stain or crock, nor discolor thewater when washing, they arc soft and pliant.

For Ladies, Misses end Children.AJwo. in dentlcnien's Hcck8.




l()t Tort .Slrtef, Jltuitilulu.1 S)l

rcU'phones, No. 175.- -

a ii i! v iu 1






FtiOUtt fir Alia, KoliU'ii Onto & Salinas w FLOUR

P. O. Box IJ"). Telephone No. 92.


Grocorie?, Pro visions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

oNew Goods received by every packet from Ear-tor- Stales and Europe,

Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All oiders faithfully attendedto ami (ioods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orderssolicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. T01



NotpIIIi h ill tile llnstifiiliie r r.inviin TluitWill H Intnrmtlnic to All M'omrn Tim

Must Advanced Styles In Tea Goitmii

Critically Cumidcred.

New Yobs, Feb. 12. Th.nv is no nsetrying to deny the fact any longer, forueaa'ly all the new drones (tra c on thuground at the hack and just clear it infront, with the sole exception of tailormade gowns, which would sadly f;iil oftheir elf 'ct if made to do so. And eachsucceeding week they appear to udd aninch to the length, so that b.'fore longthe newspapers will have a chance toget tip a new variety of jokes at tho ex-

pense of the wearers. Aud the skirtsare as scant as they can well be made,as far as front and si les are concerned.Probably this is to observe a just andproper balance of economy in material.

J-- m



As a sort of compromiso tlieer is anelaborate and complicated arrangementof strings and loops, which are placedon the inside seain3 with the de ign ofgracefully lifting tho dvess but so far 1

have faiUl to see ona that properly at-

tended to lis duty and lii'le.l every seamat once. It is not possible v do this, i olet us hope the weather will always begood aud the streets id ways bo clean.

A really pretty new walking gownthat came under my notice yesterdaywas made of bois do rose, or rosewoodvicuna, and tiie waist v.'.-t- i cut all in onewith the front and sides, and very ef-

fectively looped on the sides by meansof brown velvet straps simulating pocketlids. The velvet was bordered withsilver braid. Around tho bottom wasanother band edged as the other, andbeneath that a wide band of the newnovelty brocade, which was also used tomake tho upper part of the waist andsleeves. In tho back" tho fullness wasgathered very full. A bonnet of thevelvet and brocade was worn with it.

There always will be grief and mourn-ing, and if ono ever neod.i habilimentstherefor it is well to know what is worn,for thero tire fashions in mourning aswell as bridal robes. The design withthis is of pure Priestly silk warp Henri-etta, which is the only kiud worth usingor indeed suitable on account of its sub-dued luster. Tho front has a doublofacing of English crape, the yoke andsleeves also are of crape. At the sidesare three deep plaits, aud tho back hangsin a deuii-trai- n from heavy box plaits.The waist is belted in and shirred on tothe yoke.

Bonnets are made of the dress mate-rial and trimmed with flat Alsatianbows of crape, with a thin veil failing tothe chin, bordered with a narrowbandof crape. The real veil falls clear to thebottom of thedrss, nil 1 is heiirir.--l halfa yard (leap for widows, and graduatingto h for brother.! or sisters.Widows wear the little white frill asheretofore. The cntpo veil is fastened tothe back of tho bonnet, and not over thotop as heretofore. Handkerchiefs do nothave deep borders, only the scallopededges are done in black thread, but jusas often they ure entirely white.


'ij "i ir

::im:lei! I Vr fi.

THK I I'l- 'T I'l T" iM'.VNri.

Tea "WII lire ,. ,l,e n i i V. r, butIIUW the III) i, t i'l' Ii. il :,. Iliad.' I . littiie li..;ure I.:m a ! " e nr priin.

dlesH, HI. I '.e I'l ,1,1 . I, 'I e y i; i






High Grade Chemical Cane Mairnra.




Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Cornet)

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


Bra LccioiraThe undersigned having been appointed

sole agents for the HawaiianIslands

Far the Celebrated

From the works of

Durham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, I'eun.,Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, olsize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Wokksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, aud we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents an 1 managers with particularsof same.

The superiority of those Locomotivesoverall other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Win. O. IUW1N & Co., L'd,Sole Ageuts for Hawaiian Islands.


fI G. Mil & CO,

Win. ti. Irwiu. . ..1'resident & ManagerClans Spreekels nt

Walter M. GiffardSecrtUiry & Treasurer

Tueo. C. l'orter .' Auditor


Commission Agents.AGENTS OK THK

Of Man Frniii'lKco. t'al.

fP MetropoiitaniSJ

Meat Company81. KING STREET,

G.. J. WALLER, - Manager.

Wholesale & Retail Butcher

Mi illTHE it-- 18 I'ULII.ISIIICU- -

Evry Afternoon Except Sundays

At tlu Office, Queen street, Honolulua. i.





Kl lis HIITIOX:Daily Bui.i.ktin, 1 year ffi 00

" 0 mouths 3 00" " per mouth (de-

li verctl) 50

Wbkkly Bulletin Sumsiaky, 1

year i 00

foreign 6 00

e- - lloth Telephone! No. 5.

lSAddres all business communica-tions ''Manamhu Daily Bulletin."

tiTAiMivss nil matter for publica-tion "KUITOK 1AILY BL'LI.KYIN."

I. . .x H9. Ilnnnlulu. II. I.

BRODIB & FURBY,DR8. Physicians. (Mllce: 81 Bre-aui- a

street, Honolulu, H. I !1

IM. MONSARRAT,Attorney at Law and Notary

l'utilie. Merchant street, IJoiinliilu.

i ALFRED MA GOON,' . Attipnie.v at Law and Notary

Public. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono-lulu.

n" avid Dayton (Kewiki)Will lie in his private nlHee from

12:30 to 1::I0 r. m. Olllce: 91 Kingstreet, (up stairs)

nw. Schmidt & Sons,Importers & Commission Mer-

chants. Kurt street, tionululu.


miiiission Agents.Corner Fort anil (jueen streets, Hono-lulu, 11. I.

GW Macfarlane & CO.,Importers and Commission

Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu,H. I.

GONSALVE3 & CO.,Grocers and Wine

Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu.II. I.

T. WATERBOUSE.JOHNImporter and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise. Queen street. Honolulu,II. I.

& COOKE,CASTLE and Commission Mer-

chants, importers and Dealers in Gen-

eral Merchandise. No 80 King street,Honolulu.

WILDER & CO.,Vi Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt aud Building Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu.

EWERS & COOKE,1J Importers and Dealers in Lum-ber and all kinds ot Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu.


General MercantileAND

Commission AgentsLIST of officers:

P. O. Jones, Jr. . . . President & ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. O. It. Bishop. S. 0. Allen,II. Waterhouse.

l-- ai


Hirclvyare, SkippingAND

Commission MerchantsDEALKKS IN

General Merchandise !

Plantation Amours.Life, Fue & Marine

InsUiame Age.irg.

1J IluXOI.UI.U, II. I. t91


Heiini KiilIiii s, Sugar Mill- -, llo'li rs,Cuoirrs; In n, I'l as and Lend (

Mai'liinerv of every ill M i ipt ou initde toorl' r Pal lii'iilnr iilli iiilou paid toMl pi lliark-uilllilii- ,ul Wink k --

nllird at 1' lloilre, .!l

T, U. W.VI.KI.W,

( 'tun i'i iM hi t il MitiliU r,III I, k, Mi 'iir iul VN i" ill n Hi. i .lii u i

ili fiii ... i n.,i ii ) to k itinl .Inli-l- ii y ri li i ii I", mi buifi i'l, 'in i

I ,ui .i I M i lo'i.i In,. II III

TI JIi; TA If lF. :

STillR. 'KINAU,'CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock P.M.touching at Lahaiua, Mnalacu Bayand Makena the same day; Maliu-kon-

Kawaihaeanil Laupalioehoe thefollowing day, arriving ut Hilo atmidnight.


Friday.. .April IJ rdTuesday . . " MtliFiiday . . . " 24t,hTuesday . May 5thFriday. . . . " lothTuesday . . " 2lithFriday . . .June othTuesday . . . " llilhFiiday. . . . " 2(ithTuesday. ..July 7th

Returning leaves Hilo, touching atLaupalioehoe same day; Kawailiae,A m. ; Mahiikona, 12 noon; Makena,G p. M. ; Maalaea Bay, 8 r. M. ; Laha-iua, 1(1 p. M. the following day; arriv-ing at Honolulu l A, M. Wednesdaysand Satttrdavs.


Saturday . . . . April 11thTuesday it 2lslSatuiday . . . '.May 2ndWednesday .

(( PithSaturday . . . it 2.1 rdTuesday . Jmu1 2ndSaturday. . .

( PithWednesdaySaturday. . . July it.hTuesd y Ilth

Arrives on Tuesday in order toconnect with out-goin- g mails for SanFrancisco.

g0 No Freight will be receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.


DAVIES, Cummander,

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock p. m., toudiing at Kaliu-lui- ,

Huelo, liana, Hamoa and Kipa-l- iulit. Returning will arrive at Hono-

lulu every Sunday morning.

. 10" No Freight will be receivedafter 4 p. M. on day of sailing.

Consignees must be at the landingsto receive their freight, us we will nothold ourselves responsible after suchfreight has been landed. While theCompany will use duo diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to as-

sume any responsibility in case of theloss of same, and w ill not lie responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inthe care of Pursers.

W. C. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt.


110 King street m ar Alakea street, oppn.California Fruit Market.

Designer and Manufacturer of

ART FURNITURE.Furniture elegant cover- -

First-cla- ss Bedding Made, and OldBedding Ke-iua-

French PolishingBy a first-cla- ss man,


Window Poles, Cornices and

DRAPERIES,.Iiesigned and inad( in the highest styleof alt. (Maniple may be seeii in theLegislative Mull).

'" Ileal wllh (he workinau, mid savemiddleman's pi'.. lit 17 tf

( Al l IOS !

'pilF iin.li I'slgin d heii tiy warns nil1 pe. mis against es.;i-i..- g on

tlieb pn IliUes at l:lel:ikeil, ulkikl-wiu'li- a,

belweeii ihe lioui of ii:"ll p. M.j llllil Ii A M. A' l.ilie I. .101.1 too tle-.l- l-

sill'' ill lie ... eell, ,..'.in' -I Un; MM; ,v I'll,

' ' l I I o kieov .1 II

I lv lo.ku II u.i li. Kan,t: e. ...I. " I'll nil I,. Ii. I..I..J.It i' - I ii li.n . Ii . I. .in.



(Registered in Jersey Herd Book in 18!0.See Registry Certilicate).

Recently imported direct from the Islandof Jersey in the ship "Fiiesliire,"

Will Stand for a Limited Season

At the stables of Hon. W. G. Irwin, atKapiolani Park.

The Pedigree of this thoroughbredanimal is of the tinest HerdBook" prize stock, as follows:

SIKt "Nestor tith," No. 1028. Heby Nestor 3rd. No. 793 (Hre) ; Gainbage.No 5X40 (Daml.

DAM "Una's Pet," No. 2501. Sheby Nestor 2nd, No. 589 (sire) ; Una 2nd,No. 1557 (Dam).

pa- - 'j'ntj UUove registration numbersrefer to those given each animal by the"Jerm-- Herd Buok," to which referencecan be had on application to the under-signed.

For terms and further particulars,apply to

W. M. O IFF A III).48 3m



Piclsras Frsmsfl Beialrcl.Curtain Poles,Cornices or Window Fittings,Artists' Materials of any kind,

PSlieet JPiel iires,-- SUCH AS

Etchings, Engravings,Watoicol rs or Pastels,Photo or Autograph Albums,Wall Brackets, Leather Purses,Bags, Mirrors or E.iscls, Etc.,


KING BEOS.,Jiolel (Street-- .

Who devote their wholo atten-tion to lliu

Pictura Framicg S kv Gotdi Busincsh

With 12 years' experience.

If you want .something nice to sendaway, get one of their

"Souvenir of Hawaii,"A collection of 50 Choice HawaiianViews done in photogravures. Price,11.00. 71 lin


OS S3--33pa



o .rClltT.nMrnieiNLlS.t- NlCj- -i





IsTo. 2.Tlio lierod'tftry Wood poison of

scrofula develops i tku delicate tiasucsof the brain, menial wc kneses andinfirmities, idiocy 'in I iiisi.iiiiy. ItmUrges the eluin:aoi lliu fli out, iinpniithe bense of sen II i:mi tas'O or bleak '

into cihi' i.iuii; ii'i:c o i liuinrk. 1.

drstroys tin' lm.es, i r )iln litem withlulu reuli .us re io'is I tits aw .y'llU rouliiig oi lliu vtoieHih, tillage.'Hio lher, "thus lliu klli.iys, tru lesenimtipalion niii ii.il eei pile , Noliiiniiiii iii in y ran so ppuniily, pi rniiuieiitly iiii l ei'oiioinii'iilly i:liiiii.i lmblood Hi' bi inf 1"H " l on, ( li ar I In. uinph ilini anil ' in ,''l an I i I n

a4 iii iii i t' fcjitH J. "s'r. ul liloml pui iu i

Renter's IIsalii!iiS03p

Telephones, No. 11'.)- .-

Unas, siustaoe, iim street.


-- Cor. Ediiibiirg & Queen Sts.


T. O. Box 372.

-- P. 0. Box 297.

It:i0- -

v cookk,ri :it,

Uileaititits,---t iTIII -- ,

I i i ' i I U.

Mil t. iOO)S J

14 ZZMLr..l; I

Having leased the stores in the brick building known as the"Lincoln Block," nearly opposite the old stand, and having disposedof that portion oi my stock d, imaged by the late tire, and beingin receipt of New (ioods per last steamer, and mure on the way, Iam prepared to til! all rdcrs as before. Thanking, the public forthe liberal patronage bestowed on me for the past seven years, Ihope by prompt attention !o all ordt rs to merit a coiiliiiu.UH'e of thesame. At the new stand shall Lo" pleased to see all my old cus-

tomers, and as many new ones ns may lind it to their advantage tofall. Island orders solicited and faithfully executed.


Telephone 210.

LEWIS & CO.. Ill Fort Street,HONOLI'LU, II. 1.,

Importers, Wholesales Mali Dealers in Groceries & Provisions,

toy oBy each steamer of the O. S. 8. Co. from California fresh California RollButter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables,etc., etc. A compli ie line nt' Crosse &. BiackweH's t J. T. Morton's CannedA Botthd tbi.iils always on band. Also, just received a fresh line of Germani'ales and Potted Merits and Buttled Preserved Fruits, Lewis A C'o.'s MalteseBrand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream OatFlakes and Cream Wheat Flakt, Sicily Lemons and California HiversideOranges, Oiegmi Biiilniuk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.

CA.nTLKi . it u

Shipping & GoniiTiission Merchants,i iiSi' i -- 1 mi; MiiiNl's,




Manufacturer of l.udiiV A tii iiileiiii u'

fit; .cli K d, Uaf & KangarooMvIN MHO a tl t. III lllll.l II,

'! I'l "I kt'Mt'il. Ilcu, a4 '..ii N..ti..iiii M , i J', tl. II. i Ju,

I "I

H, .Ml I I I Ii A Co.,11 A 'ii Al. tiii:i A 0. M41IHH,

! i J .. . lie: , l.i. k,'1

iiiiu.'li) Liu tui.'ioi E..i.i(il.w, ii, nt.iittutuiin ti.--i i. ,.1! with t '!.iu I el' .1 . i.e.I I I .'.ene, , ,. . ..reIn.. i lie , ') it i ,n l.i ", v.

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I 'I1 I H i I i 1 1

Page 2: J-evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/46643/1/... · 2015-05-30 · of brown velvet straps simulating pocket lids. The velvet was bordered with silver braid. Around tho


f1 a i I u f i u I Uf in I' rt ii;cin.UMJIIAtOt A. JScC'l KIV,

In the new case of The Queen vs.Chas. Bolabola; housebreaking. Thedefendant is arraigned upon ail in-

dictment, to which he pleads guilty ;

defendant is seuteneed to two years'imprisonment at hard labor, to beginat the expiration of his present sent-

ence.In the case of the Queen vs. E. F.

Issues Every Dscirabla Form of Policy !

It hau paid its members since its organization THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR MILLIONS OF DOL'ARS.

Its New Distribution Policy is the most liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company.

t& For full particulars apply to u. i6 fi;.


The "ml (lie I'lint hciiu 'im--

j'li.ted iuto n fife It umi LiveryJij'iK Wloek oni;iuiiy.

The Fashion Stables, hitherto con-

ducted by Messrs. Sullivan andBuckley, and the Pantheon Stables,controlled by the Messrs. Macfarlane,have beet? consolidated under thename an. I style of The FashionStables Company (Limited). Thecapital slock will be 840,000. Messrs.Sullivan & Buckley will assume themanagement, running both the sta-

bles with the hack stands connectedtherewith. Mr. Buckley will pro-

bably soon go to the Coast to getnew hor-e- s and rigs of all descrip

General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.




Electrolier, Cbandeliors, Metal or Glass Lamps and Lump Fixtures,

DELAWARE 1L,Fire Test, l.'lO Degrees;



Cutlery, rocket Knives, Wade & Uu'eher's I?azors,Kubber Hose, either plain or w re bound ; Manila or Sinai Hope,Lawn Mowers, Lawn Sprinkler'., High Grass Cut tern,

Piiilalia IwM si4p;rici:taralli'sasits!

T ! ! V WDVUVrni) Admitled bv everyone to be Ihe1 11 IJ sMltlXM yJ I V'i, very best Wlinbnill in existence.


THE HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO, L'd..Fort sfnet, oppo. Spreckels' Ban'f, Honolulu.


'V II 10








lateral liiiofaWi iter

F Circulars, Directions, Etc., onapplication. ' 05 lni



Kniiioluiii I'ai-k- .


Ostrich Feathers, Obtrich Egg

SHELLS for ornaments,

EGGS for Setting Thoroughbred Fowls,


I3lyiiioiil li Holc.LIGHT BRAHMAS,

(II Of the same breeds. lm


idserve a limited number ofWILL ut Moanalua, three ndles

from llmiolulu.

TERMS, S15.Payable at time of service.

"ADVENTURE" was fouled March, 1S7.shed by old dam imported"Molly."

"ADVENTURE" is a dark bay w ith blackpoints, stands over l(i hand's high, withgood style and action.

Hig" For particulars apply to

Geo. J. CAMPBELL,61 1m Moanalua.

yghbred "'mtiq

in want of Kine ' uitr.v.PARTIES of iiny'kinil. or Kjrjts forbatching, will find it to their imeii'sl towrit or call when in San Francisco atthe "Alameda Poultry Yards," Ala-

meda, Cab, cor. Encinivl avenue andstreet, terminus narrow gauge


9 tf-- 2 tf Proprietors.



imrumih !

Gdtzy, defendant is arraigned uponan indictment and by request of A.P. Peterson w ho, appears as counsel,ilea is reserved.

In the case of E. le llerhlay vs. S.Norris, defendant's counsel move fora commission to issue for taking de-

position ef witnesses abroad; towhich coun.nd for plaintiff object;arguments deferred.

The case of the Trustees B. P.Bishop Esiate vs. Chong Chow willprobably be settled out of Court.

Mr. Hatch is substituted as coun-

sel for plaintiff in place of Davidsonin case of Wong lleeu vs. Che SutLai.

In the case of Kwong Hang Chan& Co. vs. Low Sow, Messis. Neu-

mann and Davidson are entered ascounsel for defendant; jury is agreedto be waived and defendants movefor a commission to issue for thetaking of evidence in China.

The case of E. II. F. Wolters vs.John McDonald w ill probably be set-

tled out of Court.In the case Elizabeth Jordau vs.

.1. F. Jordan, the defendant beingout of the Kingdom, the Courtorders the statutory publication ofsummons and the case is ordered tothe next term.


After the breathless hurry andrush of the last three months, Mauiplantation men are enjoying a briefbut well-earne- d season of rest.

The Wailuku plantation has justfinished taking off its crop, and hasdone some excellent work this sea-

son. Mr. Walbridge may be con-gratulated upon the success of thenew mill, of which he is justlyproud. Paia and llamakuapoko nullsare well on iu their work and haveshut down for a couple of weeks, asthere is no need of hurrying the su-

gar to the coast now that the 1st ofApril has come and passed. Spreck-elsvill- e

plantation is still grindingand turning out 100 to 120 tons of su-

gar a day ; good work indeed.The crop was estimated at 11,000tons, but will probably reBch 12,000tons.

The port of Kahului is almost de-

serted, the British barkOmeo being the only vessel in port.The sehr. Anna of the Spreckels' lineof clippers is expected to arrive in aweek or 10 days, having left SanFrancisco about 24 th March. TheAmerican Consul, the new Collector-Gener- al

for Kahului, the WailukuSchool Agent and the Chairman ofthe Commissioners of Agriculture,four high ollicials of Maui, were seenout driving in a stylish new carriagebehind a pair of fancy horses lastSunday. As they went up countryquite early in the morning, it is sur-

mised that they w ere on their way tochurch.

Preparations are being made for a

grand entertainment at Spreckels-ville- .Being under the auspices of

the "Makawao Ladies' Aid Soeieiy"and the immediate supervision ofMrs. Morrison it is pretty sure to bea "howling" success.


Editor. Bulletin :

In this morning's Advertiser I no-

tice one of the leaders of the Reformparly, Rev. Wm. B. Oleson, takesthat paper to task for pub-

lishing or rather republishingevil communications misrepresent-ing the country abroad. Is it possi-ble that the formerlyof the Reform parly are at last ac-

knowledging the effects of such pub-

lications?The editor of the Advertiser comes

brick at his reverend brother with theusual evasion, by asking that Mr.Oleson take upon his injured should-ers, as a Hawaiian citizen, the bur-

den of proving that the scandalousstuff published iu the Advertiser isnot true. In other words, does theAdvertiser propose to publish all the"sorehead" correspondence it cancollect, which has been sent abroad,as it has so repeatedly done, anilthen demand unoffending citizensto disprove such statements?Or is the Advertiser only carryingout the policy of its backers andlately acquired friends? Mr. Olesonhas not probably tumbled, as yet, tothe full intent and policy of hisparty friends. X.

Honolulu, April fi, 1891.

WA V! I t)

WOMAN' to do liirht liou-ew- k.V Inquire at the UrLl.KTiN Olliee.

til ;it

Jiorsi; r i i.t'T.

v N lieP't mi i si:- ct, new" ' and in feet order.

tiJiiaf Five nii'ins. hath m.d pa-- try.Let 4.) II. front h' l'M It l t RentJJtl it it on II. i'iv In

Mns i . W MM.si.KV.s I in 1 1" Kinj; sh eet.

DisXtlitU II .1

I1IK llllilelsllleil lining e.

tlie i.iiliei mill stlteiif 'lie

U vv Goods ! Just Received !

Cut, Blown and Etched Glassware !

Tuuibler.s, Goblet, Wines, Sherries, Decanters, Claret Bottles,Etc., Etc., Decorated & Plain Toilet Sets, a fine assort uienl ; aselection of "Clinton's" Earthenware, Scraper Mats. New lines of

3P Iit uro It 'Eon Id in !mPicture Framing; in all its branches, Wiusor & Newton's Colors, Oil Paint-ings, Photogravures, Arlotypes, Etc., Etc., Si.sal & Manila Rope, Bagging& Wrapping Twines, Market Baskets, Sauce Pans, Fry Pans, Tea Kettles,Galvanized Buckets & Tubs, Galvanized & Black Fence Wire & Staples,best quality; Vacuum Lubricating Oils,

I 111 1 1 .i HO 10 1 1 j.In lots to suit. The very highest test oil in the market.


6!f" Inquiry of parties who have used these for years will satisfy youthat they are iu EVERY RESPECT THE BEST. A large invoice of

Piatut, Jr.. Cuitlvatoi & Plows, PJantation Supplies, Etc.

But r$ta'ut'tt.,i tor the h nttit of all.


The Anglican Church Chronicle for

April has been laid upon our tabic.This is one of the very best churchjournal publuhed, iu Hawaii. Its

ditorial note and lowal news arealways tuliy up to the standard ex-

pected ia a religious family journaland, as is well known, the Chro-

nicle never degenerates into politicaldiscussions, which fact makes it only

the more acceptable to general read-

ers. The press work on the pr sent

issue, however, detracts somewhat

from the attractiveness of the journal.

We have received the second an-

nual report of the O. R & L. Co.,with statements of accounts, etc.,

for 18'Jl). The report in questionshows most favorably for the work

and progress of the company duringits shoit life. So many, iu fact, de-

clared the whole enterprise would be

ultimately a failure, that it is

for a public journal to be

able to note that if) the second year,of the development of this great

local industry, returns are madewide e of the strictest businesscharaci-i- leaving a most favorableimpression as to the past manage-


The "Annual Report of the Collec-

tor-General of Cus'ouis" has beenissued. The report is inclusive toDecember 31, 181)0. A full andclear statement- of the commc rce andnavigation of the Hawaiian Kingdom

for the year mentioned is given in

tables. The totalvalue of domestic exports foots up81 3,02:1,304. 1G, of which the threefollowing articles make up the bulk,viz. : Sugar, $12,159,585 ; rice S54o,23'J ; bananas $170,351. It will be

seen, by reference to the report, thatbiigar has exceeded the output of188H by 17,032,027 pounds. Thetotal value of all exports, domesticand foreign, is 813,282,729.48.

While this total shows a decreaseof all the exports, since last year,of 7SG,7G0.38, yet, owing to

the comparative values of dutieson imported article-- , the report shows

there has been a total increase in theCustoms revenue from all sources of

?1 45,910. The increase of revenuehas been chiefly from duties on

spirits, 78,040, and on goods, 58,-50- 4.

The imports from foreign coun-

tries have incieased over those of1889, $1.52:5,411; of this amountthe imports from the United Stateshave increased by over seventy five

percent.It is encouraging to note that

coffee to the amount of 88,593pounds was exported in 1890, which

is more than double the amount sentfrom our shores iu 1889.

THE Sur-tftM- COURT.

The Supreme Court in term openedthis morning, present on t. e benchHis Honor Mr, Justice liicl- - rtoii,His Ex W A Whiting, Attorney-Gener- al

of the Kingdom, CharlesCreight' n, Deputy Attorney-Genera- l.

G. K. W ilder, assistant Crown pro-

secutor, and lnembei, of the bar at-

tending. The new Marshal, Hon.('. B. Wilson, opened the Court inboth luniui.igt s; Capt. Fehlbehr, theattending b.tilil'f of the Court, andthree other police ollicers, were alsopresent iu their neat uniforms re-

cently adopted by the police depart-ment.

After the opening ceremonies, thefollowing cases were called and dis-

posed of:In the case of The King vs.

would be ready for trial at 1

p. in., Kaulukou for defendant.Kane was entered as counsel for

defendant for the case of 'Ihe Kingvs. Piihili, and The King vs. Kaai-laik- i.

Iu the case of the King vs. Nune(w ) etal., defendants will probablypay their fines and withdraw theirappeal.

Kaulukou is entered as counsel fordefendant in the case of The Queenvs. James Cornwi II and Opuu

and Kaahookano as coun-

sel for defendant in the case of TheQueen vs. Sain Hook.

Iu the ease of The Queen vs. M.ii-k-

for hoiisebieaking, His II- nordeclined to lind the indict nient andthe deleiidanl was induced dis-

charged.( 'oiiim-- l waive jnr in the ease ot

h'osinu K. .M inaku s. . ihole Mo-- a

i u el id.In the i lls' of iV Co. vs.

John Unknot, counsel m plaintifftile l ii i j Unit ill tei.il.ilil be ieenl'eiIII ih I. Mill lu l.illilie to UllsHt I HllliillI lie a id ni limn, whnh motionill j in I. unl miI-iih- Ii il.

In the i i e u II I I h iti lu.alili- I I I, III -- loll t I III , OIIIlM I

.ii j i mi ihe Ii a llli il III I' ll i I litis. i'. ,u Ii Hi Ii i, l.il.i i i 1. 1, in I, , l,i,l


We Are Overcrowded


New Goods for Summer !



A Great Plenty of Very Best !

Head but a few of the bargains weare offering :

18 yds of Ootid 1'oiiH for only Sfl

18 yds of Challiy for only $112 yds White 36 inch cotton. $110 yds White 3C inch cotton, $19 yds White, the very best, $1Mosquito Netting, 10 yds long and

2 yds wide, $28 yds Kino French Checks, fast

color, $1Best Quality Diamond Dyo llcse,

guaranteed fast black, 'lOo

Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs,5c eachEU:, Etc., Etc. Etc.

You people who know what a bargainis; come iu to see our

Ladies' & Misxes'

Trimmed & Uatrimied Hats !

And we will surprise you how cheapwe are Helling.

Bargains in Every Department

gjSF" Remember we sell foi CASHONLY.


The Le idinir Millinery House, cor.Fort & Hotel sts. 79 2v

fl. HackMd& Co.HAVE

Just Received




White Bros, Portland Cement

(full weight);

Fire Bricks, Fire Clay,liock Salt,Steel ll.tils.Fish Plates, Bolts and


Sugar Coolers,Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc,Fence. Wire Staples, black and

galvanized ;

Stockholm Tar,Bays, Bagging and Twine,Wrapping Taper, I'linling Paper,


Slack & Browclow's filters,

Vienna Furniture and Iron Gar-den Furniture,

Pianos, etc.,

GROCERIES,Mineral Waters,Liquors. Beer, etc.Crockery and Glassware, Demi.

johns, etc., elc, etc. 75 tf


Steamship Comp'y


The Al Steam ship

"AUSTRALIA"Will leave Honolulu for the aboye

port on

Tuesday, April 7th,AT !.ti?" For freight or apply to

Wra. 0. IRWIN & CO., L'd,77 "it Ajjenl.


' I'll K iiiiiiiinl lie i linu of ihn

tions, to as to make the coiulnneUstables a complete livery and hackestablishment. The following olli-

cers have been elected by the newcompany :

J. J. Sullivan, President.11. R. Macfarlane,J. Buckley, Treasurer.D. II. Davis, Secretary.E C. Macfarlane, Auditor.From the line reputation Messrs.

Sullivan and Buckley have earned ingiving satisfaction to their patronseither in large and stylish turnouts orin well-kep- t hack carriages andhorses the huge establishment nowto be managed by them may be ex-

pected to be a credit to Honolulu.

.19 IL 11U.V

I'n HorHl'ord'rt Arid Phoilmte.Dr. K. G. Daviks, De Stnet, Dak.,

s:ys: "I have used it in slow con-

valescence and prevention from mala-

rial diseases, where the drinking wa-

ter was bad; I believe it to be bene-lici- al

in preventing summer com-

plaints; also one of the best, agentswe have to rectify the bad effects ofthe drinking water upon the kidneysand bowels."

Auction S:ili!S by Janios F. f irgaii.

Continuation of


The Clearance Snlu liy onler of Messrs.G. VV. Maefarlane & 'Co. will be con-

tinued at my Jsalesroom,

On WKD.VKSDAY, April 8,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

When invoices of

Harness, -:- - Saddlery,Baers, Wises & Liqiiirs and

I Ii.V llt ir l "!Will be closed.

J -- s. MOKG.AX,;d 4t Auctioneer.

'IMIE uuili rsigih il hereby warns all1 ieinns "against trespassing on

their premises at Kapaukea, Waikiki-vnen- a,

between the hours of C:"0 1'. M.

anil 0 A m. Anyone found so trespas-sing will lie pruseeu'e'l.12 aw ,sl. X KWOXG & CO.

I Oil SALE' f HE large estate known as

Ifi? Ivduikii Kancli. Kan,$ Hawaii. Willi all ils belong-'-j,- ii

ings. Tho Kancli eontains1 64,1100 awn- There is on

the Kancli a lame mid valuable forestef Koa anil Oliia For further parti-culars, apply to KAUUKU,1 tf ' Kan. Hawaii.

AS5(Xh!l',S .XOTIt.'K

7 li F.IIK AS, 'I'lini, iloinir businessVV mi it (tie firm name of Tan! &

( 'o , in Kolo:i, Island of Kauai, has thisd iy made an assignment of all his pro-p-i- ty

iu trust, to the undersigned, fortne hi iielit nf his creditors, 'iherefoietiie assiiinee nanied below hereby giv.--

nutieo to all persons, eredilors of theabove named parly, to present their billsin Mm, en ot b lore .June 1st. A D. 1S!)1.

And a!' per.-on- s owing th" above namedparly are reipiesied In make iininedialepayment to the undersigned.

II. WATEItitOrSE.Assignee lor Tani & 'o

lioiK.liilii, March itl. Ihtil. 70 2w

persons a-- hereby notified thattrespassing, t raping or s: oi ling ot

Mines of any Idnd upnn ihe lands ofW'ainhiiii and Ke ki'ii is foi bidden, andw ill be prosecuted to the fu 1 extent ofthe l.tw.

rillC fishing riiilits belonging to theI lands ol Wai'ihiiii, Keokea,

a id Wai ikoa, heini; my pro-

perty; all per. ons trespas-iii- g iqinii thesame wiilunit my permission will bepiosectiled.

Wsi. II. CORNWKLUWaikapu, Mani. .March 2(1. 181)1.

7 lw

persons are hereby nolilled Ih-i- t

trespassing or shooting of game ofkind ul'ler Ibis date upon the

Common is forbidden, and will heprosecuted to the firii extent of the law.

Wm II COKXVVhlX.Waikapu Maui, Mareh I'li, ISHl.

7H lw

: (tamer Fur S;ii Frdnct.'.c . Pui'tlmd,

pugi-- Sound Pons Vi'toiii and


. ' I MIK S, h. IVinplo."' t... ' II II nil ,H II lie f I Hill

a p s- - v 3 ? tyes J--


LUBIN'S PERFUMESDirect from the makers, ever shown in this Kingdom.

In Phun & Cut CSass Containers.ALL SIZES ! -- saona- ALL PRICES !


H0LUSTER St CO.,IO. m t xttvwt, : : . : : II:ikIiiIu. II. I









('nth ih & ( inn. Kiiivcp.Kiiowimi Oil "A MM!

!!um.A." ll'iiir


Groceries, Feed Sluffs, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery & Glassware,.1 A I A N I I C0lh4 f

FE MT H IZI hf: ihh inlinl' Id .lud ' t n v ii. n liii iiio, lil.li in..H' - 1,. I urn- M.nui,I ONUIJN rU'l 'Ll I l llieliul itH )ei i I '..ia.i, I . .ii,.i, i iii.'m iiii, He.hCHUH rXVt' M'NAl I'll; l' uo) il .iu . . ml, a m nd...UAf,-- ; Mitt..i, lil.e, 'ad,),i ol. 1WI' I, I M H t A f VAb, f'AVY 'AHUM,MUTl-- LulHb A PAQ1-- ; I ml i... u i Un .i'iioiiovi'n enu in in.utiHl mil li kiui,

(lilhiininl Will if riM, I hi MlUdli il 'fu, I i Id U, I IH' lMnwi M . Ih'

Cn-i.- il , i ,ii - have Ihia il.iy,,hi, . il nel ii li lllill'llil in-- ' til.

Mr. ,1. II II lie - nil Ii .lillllle.Iinil i lie, n ll.i In il O'

,l ii ilII hi lill

..i.liihi, ,ill ii l.il. "I ,'l

I . V M lil l,i ii 1 1 ' i i ii i' ml Hnilili r,

i i, i, - i. I ' b i ii,,,; i n,., ,, ,, i , .... .... .,(. ,,.

I i j n . I. i I (ii - ii i, II M"



1. lln' II im ill ill ,.m ki-- Club Willl.i- In I I oil MuSIl k , Apill til It. ill 7

h i :ui i'. M., ui ihe II. m oi.in II- n I,r. fi. id ifi.i ii,

f S I N'i'iri.iiy,

i nil nil vim cano i

'I'll nl In) I. ilil nil in 'iin hl.iiiriI - I l,l k Ii .urn, I ii. Ill I

ill. Ill I I.ll.ll ill III! I' 'I., UI Mill i I


II i I in I in ii In I i il lullII, I III' III 'I il i i III I Hit

Ii i

', .,t ... It I .llliHe p.illf Will

, II ,ll II ill l iln, ,01 I I ill e lu te in aI u n

' I in I In i, lil .nel p.u ue...p .

in I I i I A I I

, ,11 I itI , Ii.- I...4

Al u .1 Pi -- .i H ' "iil'i'l ,

j( I., . I f '

t I W hi. i. I

j , ,, i, I I fi... in) i j 1. i

ini loo i o ih t I4'I iI j Ilill I I II l

J I 1 -- I , I,., H J.., J..,le .,1 IU l tl W

Page 3: J-evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/46643/1/... · 2015-05-30 · of brown velvet straps simulating pocket lids. The velvet was bordered with silver braid. Around tho


Honolulu, II. I., April 3, In!) I. jHis Exct'lleiicy II. A. 11 i mans,

Minister of Finance.



To Take write I. Octolier MS, 1MM.


LIFE-:- - ASSURANCE -:- - SOCIETYFor tlie Year Ending December 31, 1890.


Wanieu in this cilice, a boy willi a

horse t.i carry pa pi rs.

Mli. JusTicii lioi.H presides atSupreme Court Clmiiiliers t!iis wck.

The Pioneer Building and Loan As-

sociation will meet at 7 M0 this even-i- n


Kino street bridge is again in needof attention Irom llie road bureau andcantoniers.

ASSETS:Bonds and MortgagesKeal Estate, including the Equitable Buildings and pur-

chases under foreclosure of mortgagesUnited Si a ten Slocks, jStato iluck, City Stock, uud

other llive.tineiitsLoans secured bv itonds and Stocks (Market Value, 4,- -

7S2,2:;o.0).'Heal Estate outside the State of Xew York, including

purchases under foreclosureCash in IJ.ink and in t ransit (since received and invested)Interests and lients due and accrued, Deferred Premiums

and other Securities




3,738,378 75



Total Asset. 1HUO

LIAB.LITIES:Tola I I.ialillilicM, ii:ch:diii the I.cmm-v- on all

existing Policies (4 por cert. Stinrd)

Total I'adivitU'il Sutplns, over 1 per cent.Reverie

We certify to the correctness of the above calculation of the reserve andsurplus. From this surplus the usual dividends will be made.

UhO. W. PHILLIPS, J. G. VAN ClSli, Actuaries.


PremiumsInteiest, Kents, etc

DISBURSEMENTS:Claims by Death and Matured ICndowmcuts $8,817,940.27l)ivid"iiils. Sin render Values, Annuities and Discounted

Endowments 4,4.'3S,731.44

Total Iil I'otic.y-SEolde- is

Commissions, Advertising, Postage and Exchange. .

General Expenes, State, County and City Taxes . .

New Ass, ,,,.,. itt n ii. IV.JO Jrv;: sM. 1 or.OOTott.l i?msmndiia ?o,oii',,, ira.oo

I hereby certify, that after a personal examination of the securities andaccftuuts described in this statement, I find the same to be true and correctas slaved. JOHN A. McCALL, Comptroller.



ViV." I have the honor to submitto Your Excellency the table of theprincipal domestic exports of theHawaiian Islands, for the quarterending March 31, 18!M.

Also, a comparative table of ex-

ports for the three months, ).S!)1,Compared with cnrrei. ponding period,181)0. 1 have the honor to he, Sir,

Your most obedient Servant,A. S. Cl.KUHOUN,

Collectoi'-G- i neral.

Quantities and V dues cf the Priaoi-- p

l Domestic Exports, :law.. ii ai Isl-

ands, for the tUartsr aiuli g M 1.

31, 1891. by Customs Districts.

5 3 1

ic e

c ii ii oc fi fi 3c r. .1 - . c :

c c r -- - r -

v.Or.' r r

w -I

. i j"r; r .

u ai c i -- w - r.

Drmettic rxport3. Hawiiian Iilantls,Three Month? 1891, C."mi)ireJ,withCorrespondiug Period, 189

s-- iili M li - ---- li -- I li li -- I -- p i j

lijiaSV !iI 3il X


llaViiii::ii Qtiiiih'l Ciiib, ,lr.

IS prepared to furnish mu-- forDauees. Pai ties, rieiiie.-- . Kxeur- -

siolis, llil'l lldav Parties. Ktc. Ijnoil1111 sic furnished and s;,!is(aei i,,ii uaran- -ie-'l- Terms moderate. Iinpiire "lleilTelephone No. ll.i."' Ml - '

: n v ; 1;u i:iiii.T j UK-li- t cuay,

No. (it M.umakea Street

s? Muttui! Tekph to X) 574s;l L'u



t;.mk.i:m to

Miss : Camille : MuoriON -

Monday EYsning, : UpriS 6th.

I'lllli; It.v '.1 :.I Overture Naliiieco enli

Royal Hawaii. in Orchestra, Prof. Ucr-- .fj'er, conductor.

2. Page iMfeue. MijjuouCuiuii'u Muori.

3. Violin SoloVr. John W. !loij:'s.

4. Wandenlied Sliumann.Mr. Paul 11. lsenberg.

5. SelectionQuintet ( luh

(J Mad Heeue. . Lu la Di LaminerinoorCamille Maori.

7. Kelincd Musical .etProf. U. .1 Ordwav. The act w ill eon- -

cliule with a mandolin mi o in whichMr. (J. C. Allen will assist.

8. .Son";... For Von (Faust, up to Date)Mr, Ceo. U. Allen.

0. Violin Solo Selected: r. John W. Uorjes.

10. Molia OeCatuille Muori and ijuktet ( lull.

11. 'net -- Ah I have sighed to rest innTrovatore

Candlle V uori and P. li.12 Du and Int...: StraussKoal Hawaiian Orchestra. Prof. Ilerger,

coiuliif tor.

ItsT llox Plan opens at, Mr. J. .1. Wil-liams" Phoioiiniph tialiery ou Fridayinoriihijj;, at ! o'clock.

."f P' 75 and 50 els.; noexlia charge lor ivs-rv- cl seats 7!) ;)t

SPRIiaG00J)S.IidsI Vi-xiv- -l

Per S. S. "Australia."

IaILQhShG goodsIH all de: ci iplions suitable for the

mat ket and the season.

lillKil;ll-i- ,-i li 1 1 I n Jl".


Embr'd'r'd Marseilles Cress Yests

Of all the latest designs.

So lv "Way Filock." Kin"; street.


lllilbl . .p;Cnf At I In i alii'in vnawio vi iiupUTia;


rV- --:- - C4kIk


H. F. VICKMArJ.7 S lw

Oyster . ! Oysters !

, x- -s IKKSIl Frozen Oysters willtV I he received at the New.Model liesi-iuraii- t llethel

street, ley each Fteanicr, and served inany sty le in private rooms upstairs till12 o'clock midnight.

F. HOFFMAN,75 1 w Proprietor.

DON'Timagine because the Aermotor is anew thing on these Islands that it isnot a good machine. The antiipiewood allair was new once and people,looked upon it, as being a fairly goodmill but this is an age of improve-ments and new ideas are nearly al-

ways better than old ones. Peoplewho have tried the Aermotor considerit, superior to any other mill in themarket, you will

BEconvinced of this same fact after youhave bad an Aermotor a week. Ifymi happen to be oil' ibe line of theWater Wi ii ks and waul, water pumpedinto the kitchen or the bath room audenjoy the same conveniences as cityfolks the Aerniolor will do it quickerthan anything else than a ste.itnengine. It will run just as well in agen lie zephyr as it will in

Agale of wind, and you could not wreckit, any ipiickcr than you could n house.Il has no wooden clapboards on thetail, or w 'en wing" lobe blown oil'.With the old fasbi.in.'d ones the ac-tion of In.' lu r will rut tbe Woodand ru t away the bolls. Any onewrh half an i ye could see this andfinal llie i.ipid manner in which Weare selling (hem We believe a

' II

t ; ti a t

u- old realize it the minute it wouldget its eye on il. We arc tlicln j

eeiy ,u i k,a pi'.-ll- g....i thing to dohen oil con-id- . r that we have to

ci., I nl . r old ideas and pi j mi ices illf.noi of sntiii thing . be yi.tt waolaIn km W lew " 'j mill' ley nl e in the-- tl- a l. any .1 .mi lie lids lle.I, l .'.' , , . tl hi le d I., thelii- II itt .1. i

I ' ll ( 'nlo p.ill V,

i ,:. - I.. l.ii.k, ,ii 1. . oly

i il.ll

Populutfnn if ii.xioiiiai by atloaallty iit.it Hex.


Male Females Tot

Native... 44!4 4''S .S5.12ilalf-Cas- te 12..7 i::n! 2Hn:lllaw.B'rn F'r'gn's I2.-.-

012:111 2 Mi

American 7(17 l:il 1 UNBi itisli ."e.'li 2i;7 7'.)U

German 2iit 105 IltlilFrench 2:1 isPortuguese.. ..... 71i!) 17:12Norwegian ."5 21 7liChinese S'.loll 4.".7 4I"7

277 111 HNS

Polynesian 41) 2:1 72Other Foreigners. 22 l.a

'fetal.... 13 9tM 8: tOn 22 !i''7


Males .Females Total

Native .. . 4(19! 4310 ttnoi--

.i;ilf-- ( '11st :. W7i ii9:i IH.MI

aw. li 11 gn 457 :'!!'.) N.ill

Ameiican r.;t'.i! 025 lp:British 4:1:1' :i5s 7111

Gei man 257S 17U 4:1:1

French W) 4(i 1211

Portuguese- ill)!) 271 5sNorwegian 8l 22 innChinese. 472' M:t 5225Japanee Kit' 15 4

Polynesian 70 ;i:i 115Oilier Foreigners. 14li P.) l'.lil

Total 12 071 7s I (i

The eli uiges during the last six yearsmay be summarized as follows:

Males Fema es Total

tbilf-'"asf- gain.' 401) :!5:l 75:1

Natives, lose: 1!1 2)2 44'

Vet Haw. gain...! 2ol 111 III 2Haw. li. F., g ..in ..j 71:t K!7 lil:iuForeign B'u, gain :);!:! 11 5 47

Total.. 1:127 It) :i 21

The most str king features of tlieelrmge have been the ineiease of Poitu-g-

sii from 580 to 17:12 of Haw LoriiForeigners from s5(! to 248(1, of .lap uiesefrom 4S to 3Srt, and the deciease of M

in the number of Chinese. The iiierenseof llawaiians of mixed blood has alsoheen considerable, both absolutely andhi proportion to the entire number ofllawaiians.


The following passengers arebooked to leave by the S. S. Austra-lia for San Francisco tomorrow:Messrs Scott, Sanford, Deans andChamberlain of the X Y Opera Co,W II Ilallgarten, Miss Lesher, MissJ C Braden, Mrs C W Macfarlaneand child, Mrs A V lleydtinann andchild, C C Carpenter, E W McLean,Miss Mclntyre, Miss Walker, Mrs WM Giffard and two children, 11 1)

Wishard, Mr Stantini, Mr Turpi, JOmierkiik, Mr and Mrs- Luuglois, l)rAnderson, S W Freeman, Ur How-ard, Dr J F Hamilton and wile, E CMacfarlane, l)r Horace lioweti, MrsBowen, four children and maid, 11 AHurburt, C Bollmao, Mrs E 15 Penni-inan- ,

Ur Furry. Mr Furry, Miss SLewis, Miss Mary Dowsctt, MissesThomas (3), Mr Hamilton, C JLane,, Mrs, J Lydgate, Miss M A

Lydgate, T K l'aysou, J 1) McDon-ald, A S Ctowder, John Long, T JWilliamson, G C Downing, R EHaskell and wife, Mrs W W Diiiiond,Mi's B Carlwright , two children andmaid, Miss Cornwcil, Major V IICornwell, D Foster, Mis SamuelParker and family, J T Watei houseaud wife, ('apt J Bishop, U S X,Mrs A F Malschke and child, MrIlulton and wife, K A Lamb, Mis JC Sullivan and child, G Legris, MrsG B Kirkbride, C M Raymond, MissCarmen.


The baseball captains had a con-ference today. There will be a meet-ing of the League at noon tomorrow,when the first game as well as theseason's schedule w ill be coiifirni 'd.The Star lias been merged in the Ho-

nolulu Club, and the other meinlursof the League are' the K.unehaiiiehaand the Hawaii Clubs. The firstgame will be played next Saturdayafternoon, between the Hoi,oliilusand the Kamehamelias. I he cap-tains of the clubs remain unchanged,viz. : Harry Whitney of the Honolulu,Mirris"Kcuhok:iloIe of llie Hawaii,and Robert Pahau of the Kaiuelia-ineh- a.


Seven cars were required to trans-port the Second Congregation of Si.Andrew's Cathedral's Sunday Schooland guests to Reiiiond Grove onSaturday. The lilt) pi ople who at-

tended spent a very enjoyable day atthat pleasant resort.

Rev. Alex. Mackintosh and Mrs.Mackintosh, with the Icaeliets andparents aiding them, took their 1 1-

joymentout in effortsto procure the greatest amount ofpleasure for the children. The pic-

nic part proved to be a deli. ionsfeast of good things.


lt.V .IOIIN ( (MIK. IV.II.

from Al ikea street to 1771F.M0VF.D ll c. IllHI l.irbuilding nil kind- - of oo.leii hui 1' ng.and il ' all kind- - oi jobs, S-:i- l

just iiE;j,iv;,nPer S. S, 11.l alii''

; V I hi: ill 1. 11 Hi

A.M. A.M. P.M. P M.

leavs Honolulu... .0:15 8:4B 1 :45 4:30fArrive Hoiouliuli... 7 :2C :4! 2:4!) 6 :3otLeavo Honouliuli... 7:110 10:r 8:51 5:4"tArrive Honolulu.. ..8 :33 11:55 4:55 G:50t

Sundays excepted,t Saturdays only

Tlilc". Hlltl mid Ytooil.BT C. J. LTONS.

k k' r IDAY.

5 . Shi 3 ISs. r e. ? y ju.ui. p.m. i). in. a.m.

Mn. 0 1 iJ i ikj ; in 7 4oi 8 4u ID 4 22

Tu. 7 4 i0 It U0, W. 20, & 4.', 17 5 07Sets

We. 9 8 SU 9 00 9 00 6 47! (f 1

p.m. 'a. in. a. in. p.m.Tliurs. 4 :w ;i ;tu in ii in 2 5 44 0 1 7 IS4

J'ri. ft llll 4 'ill II) 40 II In 6 lii 1 3Skilt. 6 50; 5 1X1,11 10 li in 8 441 li 181 9 40

0 40. S 40 II 5U.

New Moon nn th will at lull. !idu. a. in.i'ho time signal liii- the )ot-- is jfiven tit 12h.

0m. usee, (inidniiiliti of Orcemvicli timep. in nl' Honolulu oliscruitory

lime. Jl is liht'ii by I in; Htctiiii whistle of thellniiiiliilu I'liuiin 'Mill, a tew tlnois itbovuthe Custom llou.se. 'i'ho same, whistle is..mnilctl turret I ly at Honolulu menu noon.Observatory liiciiiliiiii, of llih. ;ilni. iilisec. ofGreenwich time.

1- - It tii


A iRiVALS.April 5

Slmr Mikaliala from KauniAm bktno L'Jantor, Drew, from San

FranciscoAm bklne Mary Wlnkchnan, Nissen,

from Sun FranciscoApril U

Stnir t 'latidiue from Maui


GerS Independent. Schall, for JbxicoApril 0

Stmr .1 A ' timmhis for Koolau at 9 a inSchr Kawailani tor KnolatiStnir Wai ileale for Kauai at 5 p tnStmr Mokolii lor AloUikai tit 5 p in

VttiiitLS LfcAViNC ,

S S Australia, Floudletie, for San Fran-cisco at 12 in

Stmr .Mikaliala fur Kauai at 5 p mStmr t I :i u I i - lor Maul at 5 p tnSnir .las Makee for Kauai at 4 p in


Stmr Mikiilnila 3318 hairs sugarSchr iloi Wnliiiiu 21 10 bugs sugar


From K ii tin i per .stmr Mikaliala, April5 Hon II 1 IJaldwiu. Kev II IsenbergK Kopko, wife and familv. 11 W T Pur-vis. A Me ryde, I Peak, C V Spitz, H1) Wlshard, I'' Weber, K Linder, A IISmith. L M .lolnison, K Dicier, Mrs

iphmoku, M Koiling. Misses Kepa (2;and 41 deck.


U S S Iroquois, Bishop, from SamoaAm bk Sonoma, Lee, from .Newcastle, X


Am bk llespcr, Emerson, from New-castle, N S W

Am bktne Klikilat, Cutler, from PortTownsend

Bk Indefatigable, Flack, from Newcastle,NSW

Am bk O 1) i'ryant, Jacobsen, from SanIf ranciseo

Am bktiie W II Dhnotid, Drew, fromSau Francisco

Am schr U W Wn'.son, Olsen, from New-castle, N S W

Bk adao from LiverpoolBr bk Velocity, Martin, from HongkongBk Albeit, Win .ing, from San FranciscoGer bk J C 1 linger. Krnse, from HrenieilShip W'l'om. Born, from t'ort I o nsendAm wli bk Horatio from New U. dlordAm bktne Ir gard from Ca laoNor bk Vivas. Thorsen, from New York

FOiiEUi Vba&fcLS EXPECIED. '. S S Monowai, Carey, from the Colonies

K M S S Alameda, Morse, from theColonics

H Al S S Mariposa, Hay ward, from SanFrancisco

Am bktne Amelia, Nowhall, from PortTownscnd

Am bk Annie Johnson, Miller, fromLiverpool

Am bktne Alary Winkelinan, Nissen,from S F

Am l)g Geo II Douglas from S F for Ka-- 1i

Am bk i olusa, Backus, from Newcastle,N S W

Am bk Ivy, Lowell, from Newcastle, N,s VV

Am schr Salvator, l elersen, from New-castle, X S VV

Am bk Georginn; Stanley, from New-castle, N's VV

Am bktne II K Hani. Gove, from New-castle, N S W

Bk:owluz, Mayhew, from Newcastle,N S W

Nor bk llorgliill llaugland. from New-castle, N S W

Sw bk fvca, Afzclaus, from Newcastle.N s W

Am bktne Flanler, Dow. from S KAm liklne S N Ca tle, Hubbard. Irom SFAm bk Ceylon, Ca liouu, from S FBk Isle of Kl in from Sydneyltk .lean Pierre from Sydneytier hk II llaekfeld from LiverpoolGer bk .1 (' (ilade from Liverpooltier hk Sabino from Berry

iHIPrlftii NOIES.

T lie III bklne Mary Wliikelmaii, ' uptain M sen, nn ivec In poi I yoierdav,from Mm Francisco In 111 days. liebk ne Planter also nnheil .la v InJ J day.

Hie sluir Mikaliala brought fiuiuKauai yi'sleiilav iUU liaet sugar.

tinr l lkelike ili sal) or I'aall-lia- il

and I aiipalnn lioi' i illli il,i loom-io-

al In a In

Tim laying of the rails on thepeninsular branch of the U.iliu Rail-

way ih liroetnliiig apace.

Co.MMANUi'.it Bishop, just relievedon the U. S. S. Iroiiiiois, will leaTu bythe Australia to report at Mare Island.

The Hawaiian Jockey Club willhold its annual meeting tonight nl7 :30 o'clock, at the Hawaiian Hotel.

The extension of Kinati street toPunchbowl street lias been d

and metaled, making it one ofllie most agreeable bits of a drive inthe city.

A LAHGE .iiiniliei of prominent s,

as well as many visilois, arcbooked to leave by tlio AustraliaAmong otliets llie members of theNew York Opera Company will d-epart, after giving Honolulu its bestoperatic tenson ever enjoyed.

One of tbe rose bushes in the rail-

way station garden lias begun tobloom, a beaiiiiful red rose amiseveral buds having made their ap-

pearance. The palms on t lie Kitifistreet side, as well as other youngtrees on the ground, are in a thriftycondition.

Ke.me.mbkk the Maori benefit thisevening. It will be u grand eveningof song. Besides the numbers alreadyannounced, Mr. Paul K. willSing a native song with the Hawaiian(Quintet Club. The only departurefrom the program will be that Mr.Ueo. Allen is not going to sing.

The frame of tbe Kwn PlantationCo.'s mill is tip the surrounding yardbeing enclosed with a high boardfence. There is a village of laborer'scottages near the mill. Seven hun-dred acres are in growing cane, which,wilh the exception of small patcheshere and there, is in excellent condi-tion.

Hon. H. P. Baldwin .returned yes-terday evening from Kauai, where behas been for several days in the inter-est of the Makaweli Plantation. Plow-ing has been commenced forcaneandtbe general outlook for the plantationis most promising. Hon. Mr. Baldwinwill return to Maui by steamer to-


New water pipes have arrived IromSan Francisco, for the renewal of theline to the quarantine station. Thepipe is 3 inches diameter inside and

in. thick. It will belaid under thewater from Slaughter-hous- Point tithe station. There was a scarcity ofwater for the recent lots of Japaneseimmigra n Is.

The sides of the south pavilion ofthe railway station have been boardedin, to make an ollice for the Construc-tion Company. Although intendedas a waiting place for passengers, itwas not usually availed of by thepublic and has therefore been other-wise utilized us stated. The northpavilion has been similarly enclosedsome time for a package and baggageroom.


M. 8. GiiiNiiAi'M & Co. have a lot offine Havana cigars for sale.

Mhs. C. W. Kinoslev oilers to let a

very pleasant house on Beretaniastreet.

Mit. John Cook, who has been 4fi

years in the business, inserts his cardas a carpenter and contractor in thispaper.

Messkh. Hake & Keiiii, proprietorsof the Crystal Soda Winks, have dis-

solved partnership, Mr. .1. H. Hareassuming liabilities and collections.

Adveiitisi.no gives character andstanding to airm. Go into any com-munity, pick up the daily papers pub-lish! 1 there. Look for their largestadvertisers and you lind the most re-

liable firms in tliatooiiiniunity. NewYork Journalist.


Tlie S. S. Zealamlia, will sail fromSan Francisco tomorrow for this port,to be followed a week later (14th)by the S. S. Iiio de Janeiro. Oneweek thence (21st) the Australia willsail, and nine days later (,'lOth) theMonowai should sail.

The fS. S. Mariposa will be duefrom San Francisco on Thursdaynext, and the S. S. Monowai fromthe Colonies for San Francisco thesame day, although the Monowaimay be some days behind time ow-

ing to the time lost on the downtrip. The S. S. Austi alia sails forSan Francisco tomorrow, the Mono-wai any lime from Thursday to Sun-day, and the Zealamlia on April 21st.


Nina Tullocb, the "Atistialinn.Magpie" burlesque nitres',, serio.comic danseiise, and "the only mag-pie specialist in the world" is ex-

pected to be on 'he steamer Monowiiifrom Au-t- r. lia. Mr. Levey willendeavor to sn iiie a pel foriiiunee byI.i I' while Hie steamer is in port,Tint .Mellniuiiie Age siiyn of Nniai"Mi Nina Tulloi-li- who ha-- i becomea gr.lit favorite in (his place ofUUillM'illl-ll- l , keeli tn liit tlie publicla-t- e with her licit iiig, I U won- -

iblful lli.ypln piil.ihl, which hehas In I'll Mho-li- plPlU I I , 1st

U lie III , m ' In I" e i lai

.i Mil"

Louis Fitzgerald,Henry A Hurlburt,Henry G Marqtiaud,Win A hot lock,Henry Day,M Hartley,II M Alexander,Chauncey M Depew,Charles G Landon,Cornelius N Illiss,E lloudinot Colt,Alanson Trask,John Sloane,8 liorrowe,B Williamson,Eugene Kelly,John A Stewart,Geo C Magoun,Win M lli'iss,Win 11 Kendall,G V Carleton,10 W Lambert,11 S Terbell,Thomas S Young,

ALEX. J.Gl lm (tnT.il

s EquitableSociety cf the

1I9 24:1.741.47

bi. 5:t s.r. 13



:t..o:t;.;t. t

1.J,!50 (.71.713,958,059.953,379,330.42


John ,F McCook,Daniel D Lord,H J l'aircbild,AVin Alexander,Horace Porter,Edward V Scott,C B Alexander,Geo DcF L Day,John D Jones,Levi P Morton,John A McCall,Charles S Smith,Joseph T Low,A Van Bergen,T DeWilt Cuyler,Oliver A mes,Eustace C Fitz,S II Phillips,Henry U Wolcott,Gustav G Pohl,J V DeNavarro,James II Dunham,Daniel H Noyes,Waldo Adams.

-- O-

CARTWRiGHT,5J',i!t fr Iliiwaiian Islands.

Life AssuranceUnited States.


New Assurance Written iu 1690 $ 203,826,107 00Income 35,036 683 24Surplus (from which dividend will be made) 23,740,447 34


An Investment Worth Knowing About !

Before assuring your life, or invesiiiifr your money, examine the Twenty-Yea- rTont ine Policies of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S.

Policies maturing in realize c ish returns to the owners, of amountsvarying from 120 to 17li per cent, of the uioney paid in, besides the advan-tage of the Assurance during tha whole period of twenty years.

The following is one of man' actual cases niatuiing this year:

Endowment Policy No. G4.925.Issued in 1871, at age 27. Amount, f5,000.

Premium, $239.90. Total Prems. Paid, 84,798.

at End of Tontine Period in 1891 :

Cash Surrender V-tlu- $8,449.45

(Equal to $1(0.10 for each 8100 paid in premium, which is equivalent toa return of all premiums paid, with interest at ' per cent, per annum.)

Or, iu lieu of cash,

A Paid-u- p Lifd Policy for $19,470(Equal to 8105.80 for each 100 paid iu premiums.)


A Life Aunuity of $633.55.

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,Oeiierul A '.eui for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance So-ei-

ot the U. S.

te FiiiS Oil MM !

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A s.sio iH'ir'rt .NiilWi- - to Cr'il-Itor- s,

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Page 4: J-evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/46643/1/... · 2015-05-30 · of brown velvet straps simulating pocket lids. The velvet was bordered with silver braid. Around tho

DAILY BULLETINJ. L. MKYEK,Ami Steuuiiij Co.'s W EMIPBAirncAL Steam Job Printing


This office having added a large varietyof the latest styles

House and Decorative Painter.

lfiufy !"tret Near Fort.



Our rS' w toro. Mi'Pft,(Brewer Block),


Dry k Fancy Mi, Cliiai, Ms, Gp, 'Mais, Etc.,


Paper Hanging

130 Port St.,deo-2- 4 (Opposite Club

"Weekly BulletinIssued Every Tuesday.


Elegant Type ! fTo Its Job Printing Room

Is better prepared than ever to executeall orders in that line, comprising:

Bocks, Pamphlets,Bill Heads,

Business Cards,Law Blanks.

Letter Heads,Circulars, Invitations.

Plantation Blanks,Banking Forms,

Wedding Cards.Calling Cards,

Posters, Handbills, Dodgers,r

Programmes, Etc., Etc.,


v -


a?" Address

"Daily Bulletin Offine,"


Jewelry, Silverware,MANUFACTURED BY


'Charlotte,' Tifeshire & 'J. C. Pflueer'ruo.u icuuopic,


J. N. S. WILLIAMS,11. MORE, : :

Engineers &Office & Works, :

I Spirits,Wines, Liqueurs

MANUFACl'UIt KI-i- OFSugar Mncliinpry, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engines,

Steam Boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers, Molasses Tanks, Sugar Cars,Cane Cars, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings,

Wrought & Cast Iron Work for House Builders,Water Wheels & Gea ring, Bar 1 run, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Diffusion Machinery in all its Branches.OF THE FI3TKST QUALITIES;


SsaT Parties lately inquiring for certain goods are hereby notified,that we have received what they wished to buy, and shall be happy to fill

orders, from the other Islands, as well as in Honolulu.



SI lm



New Goods S

Hole AsentH Hawaiian Ixlonrti. Jlor the


Repairs of all kinds of Machinery done at reasonable rates and



Arrive Houolulu. Leave Honolulu.Mar 31 Australia April 7Apr 14 Zealandia April 21

Apr 28 Australia May 5

May 12 Ze.dandia May 19May 20 Australia Juno 2

June 0. Zealandia .....June J6Ju tie 23 Australia June 30Julv 7 Zealandia July 14

July 21 Australia July 28Aug 4 ..Zealandia Aug 11

Aug IS Australia- Aug 25Sept 1 Zealandia Sept 8

Sept 15 Australia Sept 22Sept 29 Zealandia Oct 0

Oct 13 Australia Oct 20


Arrive from Sail Arrive from theFrancisco. Colours.

Mariposa April 9....... MonowaiMonowai May 7 AlamedaAlameda hiue 4 MariposaMariposa July 2 MonowaiMonowai July 30 AlamedaAlameda Aug 27 MariposaMariposa Scpl 24 MonowaiMonowai Oct 22 Alameda

. . .Nov 19 Mariposa

Australian Mail" Service !

run sis i KAsnw o,The New and Fine At Steel Steamship

' f(Monowai,Of Hie Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu trom Sydneyand Auckland on or about

April 9. 1891.Aud will leave for the above port with

mails and passengers on orabout that elate.

8ta?T For freight or passage, havingsir jerior accommodations, apply to

Wm a. IHWIN & CO., L'd,Agents.

For Sjdflfy and Auckland !

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

44 &ariposaOf the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from hauFrancisco on or about

April 9, 1391.And will have prompt dispatch with

mails and passengers forthe above ports.

For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Wm S. IKWIJJ & CO.. L'd,Agents.

23 Importers of

Ratten and Reed Furniture.

Pianos and FurnitureMoved With Care.

Mattiog and Carpets Laid,


fine Upliolste ing & Bedding

A Specialty.



Robertson Hitchcock.

DRAYMEN.All orders for cartage promptly attended

to. 1'nrtii'iilar attentionpaid to the

torn g-- & Hhippiuf

ifgooil Iii to the other Islands

-- so Ci i.k A White Sar(lIn ijioiiititirs lo uit nt lowest priei'c

; if (i tick : Next door to ,las V.Morgan's uiK lion room.

Mjiut 16 "XiJiiTflEPi'ONt'r. fa?" ell 414!l


Bout Euili! h & C ;rp liters.

lull'; M din 1. i :il l l'li-rl- l sln-fle-

t' All v i.i 1, i in nli uudj ih it I iu o a t ill i .liii


Be Swal1nwf.il the Kutlre Contents of uV ork Bket, nl Still Liven.

Leo, the 1 1 months-old baby of 0-c-

M. Spurrier, registrar of MountAiry (Md.) district, swallowed a numberof needles, pins, buttons, etc, Saturdaymorning, while Mrs. Spurrier was doingher usual cleaning up for Sunday. About10 o'clock she placed the little fellow inan adjoining room on the floor to playwhile she did her work. She gave hiina glance quite often to see that he didnot get near the stove. She saw that hewas quiet and contented beyond thetable, and considered him quite safefrom harm. She did not notice that hohad pulled off the table spread, with thesewing basket on it

The little fellow swallowed paper, but-tons, tacks, and even took pins from apaper and swallowed them without com-

plaining. The mother later oa discov-

ered what had been done. She examinedhis mouth and found nothing in it, andfelt sure that he had not swallowed any-thing until about 8 o'clock In the after-noon, when the child cried with painand emitted from its mouth a number ofbuttons and pins. Dr. Ben Todd wasimmediately sent for, but could not doanything tunch beyond giving an emeticand letting nature take its course. With-in thirty-si- x hours afterward the littlefellow emitted sixty-si- x various articles.They had to keep moving the little fel-

low constantly, and he bore the painheroically, scarcely crying. At 8 o'clocknext morning he was quietly sleeping.

Here is a list of the things he swal-lowed: eighteen pins, four needles, eighttacks (tinned), seven wads or particles ofpaper, two wads or particles of muslin,eight china buttons, one vest button,four pearl buttons, one shoo button, onepiece of bark, five pieces of cork, onepiece of feather, one piece of match, oneshank button, one brass trousers button,two pieces of chips, one piece of wrappedcotton. Baltimore American.

New Vork Sub PoxtolHcea.Ask almost any retail druggist what

commodity ho has the greatest demandfor, and the chances are lie will Bay,"Postage stamps." Women have nopatience with a drug shop that docs notkeep postage stamps on sale. This factis pretty widely appreciated by retaildruggists, and many drug shops in thiscity enjoy the not very lucrative distinc-tion of being sub postoffice stations. Thebusiest drug shop postoffice is in Forty-secon- d

street, opposite the Grand Centralstation. It was established about a yearago, chiefly through the instrumentalityof General Thomas L.James. The Lincoln bank, of whichGen. James is president, is only a fewrods away, and the close proximity ofthe railroad station and three or fourlargo hotels makes this a particularlylively district.

For furnishing room, rent and servingas deputy postmaster, Mr. F. W. Schoon-make- r

is allowed by the postoffice de-

partment the munificent sum of perannum. Postmaster Van Cott has rec-

ommended that this allowance be in-

creased. An official statement of thebusiness done at this sub-stati- (14) inthe year ended Jan. 1, shows that 941,682worth of postage stamps were sold,$17,207 of money orders were issued, and158,387 pieces of third and fourth classmailing matter were received. Duringthe holiday season the place was almostsnowed under by packages brought thereto be untiled. Two days before Christ-mas the drug business had to be practi-cally abandoned, and all hands in theshop turned in to work for Uncle Sam.

New York Times.

Tho New Dunces.Dancers are much interested in tho

programme laid out by the recent na-

tional convention of dance teachers.First on the lint is the Assembly Gavotte.It is danced to galop music, and is in-

tended to open a "small and early" inplace of the promenade or frrand march.Any number may participate, and thefigures include rapidly changing circles,spirals, horseshoes, squares and polygons.Among the round dances approved bythe masters are the Oxford, a sort ofschottische; L'Eclaire, done to galoptime; the Portland, combining polka andwaltz steps, the Mettlesome and theVienna. Of all the novel dances thatawait public approval the Bizarre andFascination, both waltzes, are most like-

ly to be indorsed. The latter is intricateand graceful, while the Bizarre is spir-ited. Only two square dances were ac-

cepted by the convention the EliteLancers and the Melange Quadrille.Detroit Free Press.

A Uicli ChiiiHuiiin.A lady writes from California: The

other day I saw a Chinaman go into aSan Francisco savings bank and presenthis bank book at the cashier's desk. Hismoney was brought to him in a woodentray or drawer, as is the custom in thisspecie paying state, and poured in asinning yellow stream of double eaglesinto his canvas bag.

He lifted it with difficult to hisshoulder, and carried away $11,000 withas unconcerned an air as one who is amere mortal, and not a celestial, mighttake eleven. 1 had the curiosity to askhis vocation, and learned that he is apawnbroker! In time our cousins fromfar C'athway may become the Roth-schilds of America. Boston Transcript.

A Peculiar Light.It appears that tho pholas are equally

luminous whether dead or ullve, wet ordry. One scientist who waa testing dif-

ferent substance in view of obtaininglight without heat, put one of tho shellsin a jar of milk and used it to read by.In clear distilled water the light shineswith nndiminitihed brightness tor years,Placed in lion y the color of ilm light isturned to a light greens even then, how-

ever, the shell com iniii t) givs a tfuudlight for year. Nt. Louis Keptihli'i,

ti iii;T; I l Y'lillitf Slivel H Hon

I" u "' 7 """,, '' lh'ii''t" ' 'U and li.illiioom, roinplriel)

i ii 10 hid lor iinii Kei plug Itiiiiaidnhll.l..lll-- . I i. n'll.,l.

i ill liit'ili l, ile to iii,..n p.iiir,




a Specialty.

1 Honolulu.Stables). 130

: Manaokii.StirElUNTKNOliM'.

Iron FoundersEfpLinade, Honolulu.

fvr-r-- .


G9G t(


Life Insurance

Assets, : : $105,053,600.96

"Pads are Stubborn Things. "

At every age, on ivery preniiuntable, and in every year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof the New York Life Insurance Co.

have been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

S.T" For particular U'!y to

Wen'l Afcrenl Hawaiian Inlands


id iimm CnptOF tllllll.


Auents for the Hawaiian Islands,

THE ARLINGTON,lloiil si., , Honolulu.

J. H. F1S1JKK, Pi op.

tkums:Board and Lodging, per week, (ac-

cording to location of rooms...$10 Ou to 12 00

Transient, per day 2 00Table Mould, per week 7 00

Meals 50

JtrjV Viitois will find this one of themost coin. ort;dile and convenient housesIn tin' ciiy, the r"in being large lightand nii v. Hot ui"i cold water Oailis,


. I i'Vli "20 '

r r--


ill K palioil i I he Uccimlc S, K Co,II ic lit'irhy iiolilli'd lli.il licicallci-n-

round nip or evcuimi iii hi t w.lm h lied I i' imi.V Id II. c Il0olji III. Ill

u.llllli. I ICC I I.I si W III, lloWIACI',Id I - II I i ll Ill ll I. II' III. Iim iiI

ii .in.' " li .ill, i " iiini .r i.ohi,i."I',.-- i uti ! lni Ii II ini.liil ikmid Ii i'i i.c H i Ilm. i.b In, ill

ii ii, i. w Id be i I iii,;, I ,ni i VIM i ilu i


Mew Goods !


Ladies' & Children's Sailor Hats,Blankets & Shawls,Cashmere & Marino,Ladies' Men's & Children's Shoes,Gent's Furnishing Goods,Men's & Boy's Clothing,Ladies' & Children's Parasol,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.


jilack Grenadine,Cuawbrics in all colors,Oriental Flouncing,Victoria Lawn,Swisses,Silk & Lace Caps,Flowers & Feathers,Boy's Waists in all colors,


Nan Krniifii'o. : : 4'ulf (oriiiu.

Christmas Novelties:Diamonds, Watches,

Silverware. Silver .fewelry,Sliver Mounted aues,

Hlvnr Mounted Umbrellas,Onyx Mantel ' locks.

Gold Pens & Pencils,

rine I.C'ullier ocl.,Reliable Gootfs at Reasonable

I'ltlClvH I

1" Catalogue sen! to any address fi eeou rciliest.

Bfrifr Al il orders promptly and care-fully execuied.

tSyUiamonds and Precious Stonesmounted in the latest styles,


tv turn ait

The Best Lunoh ir I c

Tea and Ooffee at li BoiThe Finest Brands o(

Always on lluml

E. B. THOMAS,Contractor gt4,S3? EuiJdr.

Estimates Given on rick, Iron. Stone& Wooden Buildings. Jobbing

Attended to.


Brick, Lime, Ctmei-t- , Plaster of Paris,Marble Dust, Wire Lath,

California North Beach & Santa

Cruz Sand.Quarry Tiles GxG - red, white and blue;Miuton, Plastic and Encaustic Tiles invarious patterns, ail kinds of DrainageWare.

Office Southeast corner Ala-ke- aand Queen streets.

Mutual g TELEPHONES Bel! 351mil

GEORGE UCAS,Contractor & Builder.

Honolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,linn kets, Window Frames, Minds,Sashes, Doors, aud all kinds of wood-work lluish Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. All kinds of Sawing andPlaning, Morticing aud Tenanting.t Orders promptly attended to and

work guaranteed. Orders from theother Islands solicited.

ElIDWAEIi A HO WillCou11'tiHii fc liullcia r.

Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings;estimates given, .lobbing promptly at-tended lo. 7tl King .street, l ell Tele-phone No. g. P. O. ox 42:1. y

1H0S. LlhDSAY,


Pot;rV liitl Gloves.

S. ihrlicm & CO.,Oomer Fort & flolel Streets.

r n n rr15. J!. MiLMto &

at short notice.


Lile, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents '


Hew England Mutual Life Ins, Co.


Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.UP) It IS

Insurance Company.Fire & l rl.




Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, $5,283,000.

Anglo-Neva- Assur. Corporation,

(Fire & Marine;,Capital, paid up, $2,000 000.

Thames & Mersey Murine ns. Co.,

(Limited;,Assets, $6, 24,057.

New York Life-- Insurance Co.,

Assets, $105,053,600.96.


General Airent for Hawaiian Islands.

1 8U I



Full Line of PfB. & C. P. Corsets!Large invoice of Black Hosiery for Ladies and Childrens,

Black Coeds cf ail Dc&c iption !

f Dressmaking under the management of Miss CLARK. jiLaigMJU WJWmlaMUlM Wi.1l iWIiIMiIiMIIIII HliM iMIMWWMlMtlMiWniMmrWMBriMMMMMOTrMI 1


m m i) nn

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MAM'r At TUJtlXOti-a-l'- i V W'liicliuiiiUir


Kluu Hln . Iloiioliilu. Il.lti,i" I'uili iiai iiMi inb ii pi Id to nil

Mud of ir.,ili pin in si)

WLNjNiai &. co.Ill Mill II "III ui !

i, i i i it i m t in in'.',ii. I 1.1 i i I, it- I ,i .1 i Id

. , ) ,i I i i i ,l I l M, l I ' I ,. ,

, A.

Granite, lion and Tin WareChandeliers. Lumps u-- Lanturns,

WATER PIPi: mi RUBfiftll HOSE,

lh liM inwTl. TJfl. (f'rVl'H AND



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