j lgtin - university of hawaiʻi

wtofmt3 J 1 to tldvertising Medium. The Oldest S 'Page If you Don't Read the Bulletin LGTIN Evening Paper Published you DotCt Gel ALL the News, on the Hawaiian Islands. It Reaches ALL the "People. Subscription 75c. a month. MMMMMIHIMHHOMMMI00i t40womMotoof 1 Vol. III. No. 589. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1897. Price 5 Cents. THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day except Sundny nt 210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. SUUSCIUVTION HATES. Per Month, onywhero In the Hn- - wallon Islands 5 "!' Per Year. 8 00 H Per Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign Countrios 13 00 Payable Invariably In Advance Telephono 250. P. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. Weakened Vitality IMPOVERISHED Head what Aycra Sarsaparilla did for the Rov. Z. P. "Wilds, a well-kno- city missionary In ITew York and brother of the into eminent Judgo Wilds: "I was for many yeara a sufferer from boils and other eruptions of a like nature, caused by tho impover- ished Btate of my blood. My appo-tit-o was poor and my system a good deal run. down. Knowing tho value of Ayer'a S.trsaparllla, by observa- tion or the Rood it had done to others, I began taking it. My Appetite Improved almst from lha first decs ; then ny gptn'rnl health improved, pud now it is c rllcMit. I f' a hum! d per cen'. stron.jir, and I attnbuto this result to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which I recommend with all confidence) as tho beat blood medicine- over devised." For all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and general debility, take AYER'S Sarsaparilla Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents for the Repnblio of Hawaii. Grand Credit Auction Sale! 'On WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY April 21 and 22, 1897, -- OK- . TALORING GOODS, Such as Tweeds, Suitings, BuckakluH, Kanigiirus.Doesktns, Trousering, Bergen, Flannels, Linen and f'otton Duk, Cntlnnaile, Shirtings, LiuingM, Den- ims, Cotton, Etc. Also, New Dress and Fancy Goods In Large Quantity. And Cloth- ing, Shirts,' Stockings, Sheeting, Blankets, Quilts, Towels, Cutlery, Boots and Shoes, WHiTE Machines - Sewing - On a Liberal Credit to 'the Trade, gTAT THE STORK OFy Von Holt Block, King Street. H. GK BXAJEIT, 401 Fort Street. Jeweler arid Watcrimaei? ' Havlntr bought out the entire stock of J. E. Gomes I am prepared 10 lurniau mrst-cins- s jeweiry at rea- sonable prices. Watcbmaklne and Repairing a specialty. fgy Native Work of all kinds. Also "Wire Ornaments. FRANCIS DUNN, Architect and Superintendent y K&, Office: 305 Fort street, Sprockels' Block, Room 5. FOREIGN MAIL CULLINGS imii:i sr.ri:s will si:nd loitn TO INDIA. I'rrHltlcllt IriicKr' l.ltllo .11111 llrilnrcirlly l'roMiicl lietwi'i-i- i America ami I'raiicr. The House o Representatives at Washington, ou the 3rd inet., adopted the Senate resolution pro viding for tho chartor of a vessel to carry fod to the fnmino Buffor-or- a of India. Ireland was towed into tho discussion by MoMillin, Democrat, of Tennessee, and tho incident closed with a short speech by Simpson, Populist, of Kuusas, who doolared that English land- lordism had beon tho ruin of Ire land, and that if the United States, which was traveling in tho samo direction, did not call a halt it would not be many years before this country would bo appealing to tho charity of other nations. Tho Amorioan Chamber of Com merce in Paris is working for a moasuro of reciprocity botwoen the United States and Franco. America sends France 180,000,000 trancs' worth of goods duty troo as against 80,000,000 francs' worth sent by Franco duty free to Am- erica. Tho details of Prosidont Kruegor's claim against Great Britain for indemnity as a result of tho Transvaal raid aro now de- finitely known. In Addition to tho .l'G77,933 moro than throe and n quartor million dollars which is said to be tho expenso the railway and tolegraph companies, bur-ghor- etc., suffered, tho Tran3 vaal demands 35,000,000 for "moral nnd intellectual damage" This appears as a separate and additional item. Mrs. Theodore Tilton of Brook- lyn is helpless from paralysis. She signed a dood of conveyance lately with her mark. Her hus- band's signaturo was attested by tho American consul in Paris, whoro Theodoro Tilton has lived since tho closo of his suit against Henry Ward Beochor. Tho farowoll banquet to Mr. JJayard will take placo on May 7 at the Hotel Cecil, London, upon which occasion hd will bo pre- sented with n gold loving cup worth over $2500 by members of the American colony of London and elsewhere in tho United King- dom. Mr. Bayard was at Rome early this month. Dr. Stoinitz, the wollknown choss player, threatens to bring action for dninugea B(,u2iial the United StatPH Coiipnl at Moscow find others concerned in his de- tention in an asylum thero. It is roportod thnt tho jubilee peorage will inpludo the grand- son of Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone. Tho staloment thnt President Fauro will visit England is de- nied. At the Inst ball of tho Reform Club in London every candidato bearing a Gorman namo was black balled as a demonstration against Emperor William. It is stated at Constantinople ns on undoubted authority that tho efficient mannor in which tho Turkish forcos wero mobilized on tho Greok frontier is duo to Ger- man officers, aud it is added that all tho plans of campaign intrust- ed to them to carry out have boon prepared by able strategists in Berlin. In Constantinople official circles it is declared that a direct agree- ment between Turkey aud Greece would bo hailed with groat satis- faction by tho British Govern- ment. According to a telegram receiv- ed by tho Turkish Govorninout, thoArmoniau revolutionists abroad intended to cause tho resumption of rioting in Anatolia about the middle of April, when tho snows wero meltod. This is an intima- tion that further massacres wero to bo looked for about tho samo time. WKUIIM I, ANT Mfillr. Plnn-lHg- of liny. V. II. Kltcnt mul , 7II Lily naiilnrd. St. Andrew's cathedral was filled to overflowing ' yester- day ovouiug by Uiobo who had gathered to witness the nup- tials of Miss Lily Danford, the eldest daughter of Lady Horrou, nnd Rev. V. H. Kitcat. The chan-c- ol of tho cathedral had been pret- tily decorated for tho ceromony. Among special compositions was nn arcli of whito llowora, 10 feet high, erected by tho girls of the St. Andrew's Priory. Promptly nt 8 o'clock tho groom took his placo in front of tho chan- cel stops, attended by CI ivo Davies and Edward Stiles. Shortly after- ward the bride entered, leaning ou tho arm of her stop-fath- er, Sir Robert Ilerrou, wno gavn he' away. Sho was attonded by her Bisters, Misses Alys nnd Anna Danford, as bridesmaids. The coremouy wns performed by tho vice-dea- n, Rov. John Usbomo,nB-sist- ed by Rev.Alex.Mackintosh, the servico boing ontirely choral and sung by a surplicod choir directed by the oiganist, Vray Taylor. At tho conclusion of the cere- mony, the wedding party repaired to the vestry aud Bigned the re- gister whilo the organist played tho wedding march from "Lohen- grin." Iho bride wbb charmingly dressed in whito satin, trimmed with white cord, ornngo blossoms and Houiton lace. She woro a wreath of orango blossoms aud oldl Brussels laco veil, also pearl orn- aments, aud carried a whito bouquet. Her lovely appearance caused a thrill of admiration. Alys Danford, the chief brides- maid, was appareled iu yel- low nun's voiling trim- med with whito satin, adorned with feathers aud veil, and carried n bouquet to match. Anna Dauford woro whito con- fection, trimmed with yellow riu-bo- ns and lace, with feathers and laco, and bouquet t match. Lndy Ilerron was arrayed in peacock blno brocade trimmod with cut steel, toqno to correspond. Mrs. W. L. Stanley, tho bride's sister, had a whito satin dress trimmed with poarls, toque to match. Tho bride's traveling dross was of fine worked grass cloth ovor yellow silk slip, hat to correspond, and capo of fawn velvet trimmed with sable tails. Henry Smith, Piorro Jones and John D. Holt woro tho ushers. As the wedding party retired from tho odifico, twolvo little girls of the Priory school, standing six on either hide, shew oil fioweibiiu thu aisle beforo tho happy couple. Tho newly-unit- ed couple left nt ouoe for tho Hoi bur t piace at ivn-li- hi, v.-- h u II. ., .vi'.l p-:- .i a few days. Tlioy will reside per- manently at Iolani College. Tho young couple rocoivod scores of handsomo and valuable presents from tho officers of tho cathedral, tho pupils of St. An- drew's Priory, tho Hawaiian con- gregation and their many friends. J'lio groom's piesuuts io the bruluo-mnid- a woro gold ouamoled ruby and pearl brooches. iiitnox ami noi:it. Allt-xet- l I'ri'iiarnlloiia ofllie llrlllili fur War. According to a Loudon dis- patch, tho preparations ngainst eventualities in the Transvaal are boing steadily pushed forward. A presB representative 1ms learn- ed from War Office sourcos that n General to command thu British forcos has beon selected and hus boon asked to proparo a plan for tho campaign against the Boers. This Gonoral, who is fnmilinr wtth African fighting, has roplipd that 10,000 British regulars will be sufficient, as ho counts on tho 40,000 troops, whito nnd black, which aro already thero, whilo he does not consider tho Boers, even if able to do so, will put 40,000 armed mon in the field, and one-ha- lf of those ho believes will be required to guaul the towns aud foits. RADIN'S SECOND TRIAL MVi:i. I'OI.Nl" KWKKD IIV ATTOIt-N1-.1- S rou tut: DKI'KNNl-- . fine n I'oiivtrf litii for Ofiltuii III l'o ' roliill Oliver hllll f'ollllll Ml ) IMnri'cnt l'litrr mill Time ? In the police court this morn- ing John R ml in was on trial on the Becoud charge of having opium in possession. His attorneys, Moesrs. Robortsou aud Ballou, raised tho point that his conviction on tho first trial acted as a plea in bar to the second. Mr. Ballou showed from the evidence given iti thu wthr cjcu Radin hud gono . to tho stables with two sacks, ono containing 00 aud tho othor 30 tins of opium. Tho smaller one had boon placed under tho Ohina-mau- 'B bed nnd tho larger takon to the Bteamor J. A. Cummins and delivered to tho mato. Tho de- fendant had been tried and found guilty of the possession of the opium uudor tho bod. Now it was sought by the prose- cution to find him guilty of the possession of tho second lot d at tho r.tcnmnr aa n separ ate nnd distinct oitenso. This, Mr. Ballou ir.iuutainod, could m. be done. The dofuuduut had bt "U found guilty of having opium in possession ou a certain date. This finding of tho Court included all tho opium in his possession on that dato and it could not be se- gregated to suit tho viows of tho prosecution. If tho defendant had boen charged with tho pos- session of a certain specified ioi of opium at a specified time and placo nnd tho opium had boon brought into Court and specifical- ly identified tho caso might be different. But tho defendant had boen merely charged in a conoral way with opium iu possession and on tho trial tho prosecution had only introduced one tin to provo that it was npinra. Ho maintained that tho prosecution could not now go on nnd charge him with the possession of an- other lot of the same parcel, hav- ing already proved him gnilty of the genornl offense. For tho prosecution Charles Croightou argued that, although it hnd been shown that Radin originally took the two packages to tho stablo together, he could be hold ou two charges. Tho possession of opium in his hack at the wharf was ono oIIoubo. Tho finding of tho othor lot under the Chinaman's bed was auothor, especially as it was found hours ,fir , 1 JT 1 11 I at defendant wan just as liablo to bo tried on two charges as a man would be who having committed an assault aud being bailed out went back and ropoatod the olfonse. Conviction ou tho first assault would certainly not be held as a ploa in bar to tho sou-on- tho defonue, arguing that tho case boforo the Court was similar to that for liquor soiling. In such cases a man boing convicted of selling liriuor jii a cortaiu district within thirty daya last past and tho prosocution having only in- troduced 'evidence as to a cortaiu day withiu tho period, they wore barred from bringing nubsequont charges on othor days during the period montionod. Judge do In Vorgno said tho point raised wus a novel uno. If ho was forced to decide it offhand he shoiiU deuj th. ,ie . Ho hoped tho attorneys would not in- sist on an immodiato ruling, as tho point was an important one and if dfoidpd in favor of tho dofendant would ond tho caso thero and then, besides affording a precodont for futuro cases. Ho proforrcd to look tho matter up during recess and would decido whether tho trial should proceed or not at 1:30 p. m. At tho afternoon session Judgo de la Vorgno stated that hehad looked into tho question raised, Tho common law' rulo seemed to bo whether tho evidonco in the second chnrgu was such as could bo used in tho trial of tho first. Ho quotod tho section in tho Constitution bearing on tho case which stated that no person could be hold nnswerablo for a second offense whoro tho ovidonco was identical iu law and in fact with the first. Ho could' not undor ' that sectiou decido tho plea with-- 1 out hoariug somo statement from tho prosecution of the ovidenne ' sought to bo introduced iu tho ' present case. j By consent of counsel Attoruoy Creighton thon made a statement of tho testimony to be introduced j against Katun, after hearing which Attorney Ballou put the question to tho court: "it mis evidence had been intro- duced and proven in tho firBt caBe, would not the dofendant have lwnn convicted on it ?" "Most certainly," roplied tho court. "That ia our contention," said Mr. Ballou, "wo claim the evi- dence is identical both iu law and in fact." But tho court could not sou its way to allow the plea aud finally overruled it, and at 2 o'clock the taking of testimony commenced, with Port Surveyor Stratoinoyer on tho witness stand. tiii: miii.okai riirrp lliindri il llnll-ir- . HrtiHnl iril I ii l'l iiptiiu.. Deputy Marshal Hitchcock did not return on tho Muiiua Loa this afternoon as was expected, uud the ninnbror Ron is still at large. Marshal Brown waB ongaged in tho Radin trial when tho Mauua Loa's mail camo in nnd had not had time to read it whon scon by a Bdllktin reporter at 2 o'clock. Whilo sitting in court he had re- ceived a hurried no'o from tho by somo ono ou tho steamer. In t; few words tho deputy-marsh- al stated that Noa had not yot boon captured, although ovory effort was being mado for tho purpose Thrco hun- dred dollars had boon raised on Molokai as a reward for Noa's cap-tur- o, aud this amount will probab- ly be incroaBed by tho Exocutivo. Marshal Brown thought thero might be other letters iu his mail from Sheriff Trimblo but could not leave tho courtroom to exam- ine- them. JIM1KI.Y Ol.ltll .IIIXI'I.Mi Modioli of onicor mid Ann mil : Sleet-- I lit Lust Mslif. Thoro was a good attendance of members at tho annual mooting of tho Hawaiian Jockoy Club, held . (i, i,j. rnui. lronv?ning. E'ghtpon now members wero elected and mattors portaiuing to tho coming two days' mooting on J.uno 11 and 12 woro discussed. Tho opinion seemed to bo gonoral that the meeting would bo the most successful of any yot held. Tho following officorB wero olected: ' - riottklont -- 11. A. Widemann. Vico President W. M. Giffard. Troasuror J. G. Spencer. Secretary S. G. Wilder. Exocutivo Committoo W. C. Wildor, Jr., J. S. Walkor and Seely 1. Shaw. Original Hoc Tho Wurrimoo that is pxpected hero April 1G from Victoria will bring a largo consignment of Original Bock Bcor for tho An- chor Saloon. Whilo thoro lins beuu iiuck Boor on tho Honolulu markot, it does not begin to com- pare with tho consignment that tho Annhor will have on tap after tho arrival of tho Warrimoo. Tho reason for this is that tho Bock that has already arrived is too fresh. Tho Book Beor in tho States is made at tho first of tho year and kopt till May 1. Tho con- signment to arrive ia some of tho original boor and is guaranteed to bo bettor than any Bock ever im- ported. Wait for it. It will bo on tap at tho Anchor after tho arrival of tho Warrimoo. ijMk&u,' i .m.&$&k ft BRITISH NAVY INCREASE ivi:k oxi: iii:.miiii:ii vi ssiu.s 'Ml in: iiiii i. r. Cireil llrlliiln f Inr Any J.liirr;iicj llri" I'lrrl to Hi' IJri'UII tirriiKlliriird. Washington, April 3. The Office of Clival Intelligence has received from the Amoricnn naval attache at Loudon full details of tho now ship-buildi- ng plan of the British navy recontly agreed to by the Admiralty Office. Tho amount of money involved in the pro- gramme is upward of 82,000,000 gieator than ostimatos in any pro-- ' viotiB year, and shows tho purpose on tho part of Great Britain to continue the work of increasing her navy and propariug for auy emergency. Tho plan indicates that there is littla disposition to hold ships in reserve, and that as faBt as they can be mado ready for sorvico thoy will bo commissioned and assigned to squadrons. It is further btated that in view of the recent action of tho powers in greatly strengthening their fieots iu foreign i.tt5rc tho Admiralty will nugmeut it pqnadrons in the Mi i'ii "randan, ou tho Chinese stttim nnd in channel waters. Thu importance of tho Chinese station has become strikingly ap- parent aud has called for a higher ranking of officers ou ships, nnd n Roar Admiral is most always in charge Four first-clu- es battle-shi- ps are shortly to join tho fieots near Greeco aud three others aro to be assigned to tho channel licet. Two powerful ships nre to bo sent out to Asia, and half a dozen more will roplaco smaller vessels on the North American and West Indian stations. The nmount of raonojr England will spend this year in increasing and supporting hor naval estab- lishment is slightly moro than $115,000,000. The present pro- gramme of Great Britain for the building of wnr vessels is one of tho largest ever undortnkon and comprises more classes of ships than ovor before. During tho year and tho oarly months of next yoar sho will have completed or havo in course of construction fourtoen first-cla- ss battle-ship- s, oight first-clas- s cruisers, nine second-clas- s cruisers, ton third-clas- s cruisors, two sloops of war, four twiu scrow gunboats, fifty-tw- o torpedo-bo- at destroyers, oight light-draf- t steamers for special service and ono royal yacht. Thus the total numbr of vessels of all cln8B08 uudor construction during tho year will reach tho enormous aggregato of 10S. iih.iiissi:i Foit oiuie. V. A. Nirckrl Will Fill Vucanclt'k WUhlUen rrmii thu Const. With regard to tho reports of wholesalo dischargo of whito em- ployes of tho Spreckolavillo plan- tation, published by an afternoon contompornry aud rohashed by the local correspondent of the Examiner, J. H. Sandford, Secre- tary of tho Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company, has written to that paper denying tho reports from Hawaii that O. A. Sprockets has discharged nil of tho white men omployod on tho plantation of tho company. These reports, tho Soorotary declares, aro erro- neous and unjust, as whatover discharges woro mado wero order- ed for cause and not because of the nationality or color of the men. In proof of this assertion Mr. Sandford adds that ho has re- ceived from Mr. Spreokols re- quests to employ wliito men to fill tho vacaucioB caused by those dismissod. A Russian noblomau hns fol- lowed the advico of Count Tolstoi, and dividod his ostatos among the peasants, reserving but seven acres for his own cultivation, ; ! Mi S (if:

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Page 1: J LGTIN - University of Hawaiʻi

wtofmt3 J

1 to tldvertising Medium. The Oldest S 'Page

Ifyou Don't Read the Bulletin LGTIN Evening Paper Publishedyou DotCt Gel ALL the News, on the Hawaiian Islands.It Reaches ALL the "People. Subscription 75c. a month.MMMMMIHIMHHOMMMI00i t40womMotoof 1

Vol. III. No. 589. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1897. Price 5 Cents.


Published every day except Sundny nt210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.

SUUSCIUVTION HATES.Per Month, onywhero In the Hn- -

wallon Islands 5 "!'Per Year. 8 00

H Per Year, postpaid to America,Canada, or Mexico 1000

Per Year, postpaid, other ForeignCountrios 13 00

Payable Invariably In AdvanceTelephono 250. P. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

Weakened VitalityIMPOVERISHED

Head what Aycra Sarsaparilla didfor the Rov. Z. P. "Wilds, a well-kno-

city missionary In ITew Yorkand brother of the into eminentJudgo Wilds:

"I was for many yeara a suffererfrom boils and other eruptions of alike nature, caused by tho impover-ished Btate of my blood. My appo-tit-o

was poor and my system a gooddeal run. down. Knowing tho valueof Ayer'a S.trsaparllla, by observa-tion or the Rood it had done to others,I began taking it. My

Appetite Improvedalmst from lha first decs ; then nygptn'rnl health improved, pud now itis c rllcMit. I f' a hum! d percen'. stron.jir, and I attnbuto thisresult to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, whichI recommend with all confidence) astho beat blood medicine- overdevised."

For all disorders resulting frompoor or corrupted blood and generaldebility, take


Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents for the Repnblio of Hawaii.

Grand CreditAuction Sale!


April 21 and 22, 1897,-- OK-

. TALORING GOODS,Such as Tweeds, Suitings, BuckakluH,

Kanigiirus.Doesktns, Trousering,Bergen, Flannels, Linen and

f'otton Duk, Cntlnnaile,Shirtings, LiuingM, Den-

ims, Cotton, Etc.

Also, New Dress and FancyGoods In Large Quantity.

And Cloth-ing, Shirts,' Stockings,

Sheeting, Blankets, Quilts,Towels, Cutlery, Boots and Shoes,

WHiTE Machines- Sewing -

On a Liberal Credit to 'the Trade,


Von Holt Block, King Street.

H. GK BXAJEIT,401 Fort Street.

Jeweler arid Watcrimaei?

' Havlntr bought out the entirestock of J. E. Gomes I am prepared10 lurniau mrst-cins- s jeweiry at rea-sonable prices.

Watcbmaklne and Repairing a specialty.

fgy Native Work of all kinds. Also"Wire Ornaments.


Architect and Superintendent

y K&, Office: 305 Fort street,Sprockels' Block, Room 5.


imii:i sr.ri:s will si:nd loitnTO INDIA.

I'rrHltlcllt IriicKr' l.ltllo .11111

llrilnrcirlly l'roMiicl lietwi'i-i- i

America ami I'raiicr.

The House o Representativesat Washington, ou the 3rd inet.,adopted the Senate resolution providing for tho chartor of a vesselto carry fod to the fnmino Buffor-or- a

of India. Ireland was towedinto tho discussion by MoMillin,Democrat, of Tennessee, and thoincident closed with a short speechby Simpson, Populist, of Kuusas,who doolared that English land-

lordism had beon tho ruin of Ireland, and that if the United States,which was traveling in tho samodirection, did not call a halt itwould not be many years beforethis country would bo appealingto tho charity of other nations.

Tho Amorioan Chamber of Commerce in Paris is working for amoasuro of reciprocity botwoenthe United States and Franco.America sends France 180,000,000trancs' worth of goods duty troo asagainst 80,000,000 francs' worthsent by Franco duty free to Am-erica.

Tho details of ProsidontKruegor's claim against GreatBritain for indemnity as a resultof tho Transvaal raid aro now de-finitely known. In Addition to tho.l'G77,933 moro than throe and nquartor million dollars which issaid to be tho expenso the railwayand tolegraph companies, bur-ghor-

etc., suffered, tho Tran3vaal demands 35,000,000 for"moral nnd intellectual damage"This appears as a separate andadditional item.

Mrs. Theodore Tilton of Brook-lyn is helpless from paralysis.She signed a dood of conveyancelately with her mark. Her hus-band's signaturo was attested bytho American consul in Paris,whoro Theodoro Tilton has livedsince tho closo of his suit againstHenry Ward Beochor.

Tho farowoll banquet to Mr.JJayard will take placo on May 7at the Hotel Cecil, London, uponwhich occasion hd will bo pre-sented with n gold loving cupworth over $2500 by members ofthe American colony of Londonand elsewhere in tho United King-dom. Mr. Bayard was at Romeearly this month.

Dr. Stoinitz, the wollknownchoss player, threatens to bringaction for dninugea B(,u2iial theUnited StatPH Coiipnl at Moscowfind others concerned in his de-tention in an asylum thero.

It is roportod thnt tho jubileepeorage will inpludo the grand-son of Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone.Tho staloment thnt PresidentFauro will visit England is de-nied.

At the Inst ball of tho ReformClub in London every candidatobearing a Gorman namo wasblack balled as a demonstrationagainst Emperor William.

It is stated at Constantinople nson undoubted authority that thoefficient mannor in which thoTurkish forcos wero mobilized ontho Greok frontier is duo to Ger-man officers, aud it is added thatall tho plans of campaign intrust-ed to them to carry out have boonprepared by able strategists inBerlin.

In Constantinople official circlesit is declared that a direct agree-ment between Turkey aud Greecewould bo hailed with groat satis-faction by tho British Govern-ment.

According to a telegram receiv-ed by tho Turkish Govorninout,thoArmoniau revolutionists abroadintended to cause tho resumptionof rioting in Anatolia about themiddle of April, when tho snowswero meltod. This is an intima-tion that further massacres weroto bo looked for about tho samotime.


Plnn-lHg- of liny. V. II. Kltcnt mul ,

7II Lily naiilnrd.St. Andrew's cathedral was

filled to overflowing ' yester-day ovouiug by Uiobo who hadgathered to witness the nup-tials of Miss Lily Danford, theeldest daughter of Lady Horrou,nnd Rev. V. H. Kitcat. The chan-c- ol

of tho cathedral had been pret-tily decorated for tho ceromony.Among special compositions wasnn arcli of whito llowora, 10 feethigh, erected by tho girls of theSt. Andrew's Priory.

Promptly nt 8 o'clock tho groomtook his placo in front of tho chan-cel stops, attended by CI ivo Daviesand Edward Stiles. Shortly after-ward the bride entered, leaning outho arm of her stop-fath- er, SirRobert Ilerrou, wno gavn he'away. Sho was attonded by herBisters, Misses Alys nnd AnnaDanford, as bridesmaids. Thecoremouy wns performed by thovice-dea- n, Rov. John Usbomo,nB-sist- ed

by Rev.Alex.Mackintosh, theservico boing ontirely choral andsung by a surplicod choir directedby the oiganist, Vray Taylor.

At tho conclusion of the cere-mony, the wedding party repairedto the vestry aud Bigned the re-gister whilo the organist playedtho wedding march from "Lohen-grin."

Iho bride wbb charminglydressed in whito satin, trimmedwith white cord, ornngo blossomsand Houiton lace. She woro awreath of orango blossoms aud oldlBrussels laco veil, also pearl orn-aments, aud carried a whitobouquet. Her lovely appearancecaused a thrill of admiration.

Alys Danford, the chief brides-maid, was appareled iu yel-low nun's voiling trim-med with whito satin, adornedwith feathers aud veil, and carriedn bouquet to match.

Anna Dauford woro whito con-fection, trimmed with yellow riu-bo- ns

and lace, with feathers andlaco, and bouquet t match.

Lndy Ilerron was arrayed inpeacock blno brocade trimmodwith cut steel, toqno to correspond.

Mrs. W. L. Stanley, tho bride'ssister, had a whito satin dresstrimmed with poarls, toque tomatch.

Tho bride's traveling dross wasof fine worked grass cloth ovoryellow silk slip, hat to correspond,and capo of fawn velvet trimmedwith sable tails.

Henry Smith, Piorro Jones andJohn D. Holt woro tho ushers. Asthe wedding party retired fromtho odifico, twolvo little girls ofthe Priory school, standing six oneither hide, shew oil fioweibiiu thuaisle beforo tho happy couple.

Tho newly-unit- ed couple left ntouoe for tho Hoi bur t piace at ivn-li- hi,

v.-- h u II. ., .vi'.l p-:- .i a fewdays. Tlioy will reside per-manently at Iolani College.

Tho young couple rocoivodscores of handsomo and valuablepresents from tho officers of thocathedral, tho pupils of St. An-drew's Priory, tho Hawaiian con-gregation and their many friends.J'lio groom's piesuuts io the bruluo-mnid- a

woro gold ouamoled rubyand pearl brooches.

iiitnox ami noi:it.

Allt-xet- l I'ri'iiarnlloiia ofllie llrlllili furWar.

According to a Loudon dis-

patch, tho preparations ngainsteventualities in the Transvaal areboing steadily pushed forward.A presB representative 1ms learn-ed from War Office sourcos that nGeneral to command thu Britishforcos has beon selected and husboon asked to proparo a plan fortho campaign against the Boers.This Gonoral, who is fnmilinrwtth African fighting, has roplipdthat 10,000 British regulars willbe sufficient, as ho counts on tho40,000 troops, whito nnd black,which aro already thero, whilo hedoes not consider tho Boers, evenif able to do so, will put 40,000armed mon in the field, and one-ha- lf

of those ho believes will berequired to guaul the towns audfoits.



rou tut: DKI'KNNl--.

fine n I'oiivtrf litii for Ofiltuii III l'o '

roliill Oliver hllll f'ollllll Ml )

IMnri'cnt l'litrr mill Time ?

In the police court this morn-

ing John R ml in was on trial onthe Becoud charge of having opiumin possession. His attorneys,Moesrs. Robortsou aud Ballou,raised tho point that his convictionon tho first trial acted as a plea inbar to the second. Mr. Balloushowed from the evidence giveniti thu wthr cjcu Radin hud gono .

to tho stables with two sacks, onocontaining 00 aud tho othor 30tins of opium. Tho smaller onehad boon placed under tho Ohina-mau- 'B

bed nnd tho larger takon tothe Bteamor J. A. Cummins anddelivered to tho mato. Tho de-

fendant had been tried and foundguilty of the possession of theopium uudor tho bod. Nowit was sought by the prose-cution to find him guilty of thepossession of tho second lot d

at tho r.tcnmnr aa n separate nnd distinct oitenso. This,Mr. Ballou ir.iuutainod, could m.be done. The dofuuduut had bt "Ufound guilty of having opium inpossession ou a certain date. Thisfinding of tho Court included alltho opium in his possession onthat dato and it could not be se-

gregated to suit tho viows of thoprosecution. If tho defendanthad boen charged with tho pos-session of a certain specified ioiof opium at a specified time andplaco nnd tho opium had boonbrought into Court and specifical-ly identified tho caso might bedifferent. But tho defendant hadboen merely charged in a conoralway with opium iu possessionand on tho trial tho prosecutionhad only introduced one tin toprovo that it was npinra. Homaintained that tho prosecutioncould not now go on nnd chargehim with the possession of an-

other lot of the same parcel, hav-ing already proved him gnilty ofthe genornl offense.

For tho prosecution CharlesCroightou argued that, although ithnd been shown that Radinoriginally took the two packagesto tho stablo together, hecould be hold ou two charges.Tho possession of opium in hishack at the wharf was ono oIIoubo.Tho finding of tho othor lot underthe Chinaman's bed was auothor,especially as it was found hours,fir , 1 JT 1 11 I at

defendant wan just as liablo to botried on two charges as a manwould be who having committedan assault aud being bailed outwent back and ropoatod theolfonse. Conviction ou tho firstassault would certainly not beheld as a ploa in bar to tho sou-on-

tho defonue, arguing that tho caseboforo the Court was similar tothat for liquor soiling. In suchcases a man boing convicted ofselling liriuor jii a cortaiu districtwithin thirty daya last past andtho prosocution having only in-

troduced 'evidence as to a cortaiuday withiu tho period, they worebarred from bringing nubsequontcharges on othor days during theperiod montionod.

Judge do In Vorgno said thopoint raised wus a novel uno. Ifho was forced to decide it offhandhe shoiiU deuj th. ,ie . Hohoped tho attorneys would not in-

sist on an immodiato ruling, as thopoint was an important one and ifdfoidpd in favor of tho dofendantwould ond tho caso thero andthen, besides affording a precodontfor futuro cases. Ho proforrcd tolook tho matter up during recessand would decido whether thotrial should proceed or not at 1:30p. m.

At tho afternoon session Judgode la Vorgno stated that hehadlooked into tho question raised,Tho common law' rulo seemed to

bo whether tho evidonco in thesecond chnrgu was such as couldbo used in tho trial of tho first. Hoquotod tho section in thoConstitution bearing on tho casewhich stated that no person couldbe hold nnswerablo for a secondoffense whoro tho ovidonco wasidentical iu law and in fact withthe first. Ho could' not undor '

that sectiou decido tho plea with-- 1

out hoariug somo statement fromtho prosecution of the ovidenne '

sought to bo introduced iu tho '

present case. j

By consent of counsel AttoruoyCreighton thon made a statementof tho testimony to be introduced j

against Katun, after hearingwhich Attorney Ballou put thequestion to tho court:

"it mis evidence had been intro-duced and proven in tho firBt caBe,would not the dofendant havelwnn convicted on it ?"

"Most certainly," roplied thocourt.

"That ia our contention," saidMr. Ballou, "wo claim the evi-

dence is identical both iu law andin fact."

But tho court could not sou itsway to allow the plea aud finallyoverruled it, and at 2 o'clock thetaking of testimony commenced,with Port Surveyor Stratoinoyeron tho witness stand.

tiii: miii.okai

riirrp lliindri il llnll-ir- . HrtiHnl

iril I ii l'l iiptiiu..

Deputy Marshal Hitchcock didnot return on tho Muiiua Loa thisafternoon as was expected, uud theninnbror Ron is still at large.

Marshal Brown waB ongaged intho Radin trial when tho MauuaLoa's mail camo in nnd had nothad time to read it whon scon bya Bdllktin reporter at 2 o'clock.Whilo sitting in court he had re-ceived a hurried no'o from tho

by somoono ou tho steamer. In t; few wordstho deputy-marsh- al stated thatNoa had not yot boon captured,although ovory effort was beingmado for tho purpose Thrco hun-dred dollars had boon raised onMolokai as a reward for Noa's cap-tur- o,

aud this amount will probab-ly be incroaBed by tho Exocutivo.

Marshal Brown thought theromight be other letters iu his mailfrom Sheriff Trimblo but couldnot leave tho courtroom to exam-ine- them.

JIM1KI.Y Ol.ltll .IIIXI'I.Mi

Modioli of onicor mid Ann mil :Sleet-- I

lit Lust Mslif.Thoro was a good attendance of

members at tho annual mooting oftho Hawaiian Jockoy Club, held

. (i, i,j. rnui. lronv?ning.E'ghtpon now members wero

elected and mattors portaiuing totho coming two days' mooting onJ.uno 11 and 12 woro discussed.Tho opinion seemed to bo gonoralthat the meeting would bo themost successful of any yot held.

Tho following officorB weroolected:

' -riottklont -- 11. A. Widemann.Vico President W. M. Giffard.Troasuror J. G. Spencer.Secretary S. G. Wilder.Exocutivo Committoo W. C.

Wildor, Jr., J. S. Walkor andSeely 1. Shaw.

Original Hoc

Tho Wurrimoo that is pxpectedhero April 1G from Victoria willbring a largo consignment ofOriginal Bock Bcor for tho An-

chor Saloon. Whilo thoro linsbeuu iiuck Boor on tho Honolulumarkot, it does not begin to com-pare with tho consignment thattho Annhor will have on tap aftertho arrival of tho Warrimoo. Thoreason for this is that tho Bockthat has already arrived is toofresh. Tho Book Beor in thoStates is made at tho first of thoyear and kopt till May 1. Tho con-signment to arrive ia some of thooriginal boor and is guaranteed tobo bettor than any Bock ever im-

ported. Wait for it. It will boon tap at tho Anchor after thoarrival of tho Warrimoo.

ijMk&u,' i .m.&$&kft


ivi:k oxi: iii:.miiii:ii vi ssiu.s'Ml in: iiiii i. r.

Cireil llrlliiln f Inr AnyJ.liirr;iicj llri" I'lrrl to Hi'

IJri'UII tirriiKlliriird.

Washington, April 3. TheOffice of Clival Intelligence hasreceived from the Amoricnn navalattache at Loudon full details oftho now ship-buildi- ng plan of theBritish navy recontly agreed to bythe Admiralty Office. Tho amountof money involved in the pro-

gramme is upward of 82,000,000gieator than ostimatos in any pro-- 'viotiB year, and shows tho purposeon tho part of Great Britain tocontinue the work of increasingher navy and propariug for auyemergency. Tho plan indicatesthat there is littla disposition tohold ships in reserve, and that asfaBt as they can be mado ready forsorvico thoy will bo commissionedand assigned to squadrons. It isfurther btated that in view of therecent action of tho powers ingreatly strengthening their fieotsiu foreign i.tt5rc tho Admiraltywill nugmeut it pqnadrons in theMi i'ii "randan, ou tho Chinesestttim nnd in channel waters.

Thu importance of tho Chinesestation has become strikingly ap-parent aud has called for a higherranking of officers ou ships, nnd nRoar Admiral is most always incharge

Four first-clu- es battle-shi- ps areshortly to join tho fieots nearGreeco aud three others aro to beassigned to tho channel licet. Twopowerful ships nre to bo sent outto Asia, and half a dozen morewill roplaco smaller vessels on theNorth American and West Indianstations.

The nmount of raonojr Englandwill spend this year in increasingand supporting hor naval estab-lishment is slightly moro than$115,000,000. The present pro-gramme of Great Britain for thebuilding of wnr vessels is one oftho largest ever undortnkon andcomprises more classes of shipsthan ovor before. During thoyear and tho oarly months of nextyoar sho will have completed orhavo in course of constructionfourtoen first-cla- ss battle-ship- s,

oight first-clas- s cruisers, ninesecond-clas- s cruisers, ton third-clas- s

cruisors, two sloops of war,four twiu scrow gunboats, fifty-tw- o

torpedo-bo- at destroyers, oightlight-draf- t steamers for specialservice and ono royal yacht. Thusthe total numbr of vessels of allcln8B08 uudor construction duringtho year will reach tho enormousaggregato of 10S.

iih.iiissi:i Foit oiuie.V. A. Nirckrl Will Fill Vucanclt'k

WUhlUen rrmii thu Const.

With regard to tho reports ofwholesalo dischargo of whito em-

ployes of tho Spreckolavillo plan-

tation, published by an afternooncontompornry aud rohashed bythe local correspondent of theExaminer, J. H. Sandford, Secre-tary of tho Hawaiian Commercialand Sugar Company, has writtento that paper denying tho reportsfrom Hawaii that O. A. Sprocketshas discharged nil of tho whitemen omployod on tho plantationof tho company. These reports,tho Soorotary declares, aro erro-neous and unjust, as whatoverdischarges woro mado wero order-ed for cause and not because ofthe nationality or color of themen. In proof of this assertionMr. Sandford adds that ho has re-ceived from Mr. Spreokols re-

quests to employ wliito men tofill tho vacaucioB caused by thosedismissod.

A Russian noblomau hns fol-lowed the advico of Count Tolstoi,and dividod his ostatos among thepeasants, reserving but sevenacres for his own cultivation,




Page 2: J LGTIN - University of Hawaiʻi






VW?lWv V 3? W "r--' ',jtfff



HOLLISTER & CO.From Factories of

Ia Intimidad,

La .AJricana,Henry Olav & .Bock Co.

Corner Fort &

MUSICFor Everybody:

The only complete Hue of

MUSIC GOODSIn tho Irlui.iK A few ofour specialties ....

Kingsbury Pianos !

The perfeotiou of artl'luno making'


struction".KKUIXA MUSIC HOXIJS, the King

of all, plays over one thousandtunes.

AUTOHAIU'S, everybody's instru-wen- t,

can it.GUIl'AH.S, we tlio celebrated

Henry K. Mason, Hnrwood andother makes, SI up.

3AXJ03, Stewart, Fulrbanks &Colo and other wellkuowumakes,

ACCORDEON'S. tho celebrated "lm-perlal- "

uud other good line's.

tiif Ami thouo'ind and one otheremull'T liiftrumentB too numerous tomention.

Our celebrated WhII, Nichols Co."Staii" Jtntml of


Are the best made. Use no other.

Sheet Music,fflusic OOKS,

INSTRUCTION BOOKSFor ull Instruments.

Our stock the most varied In befound this side of 'Krlsuo, ari'l theprices the same as you pay in theStates.

All Instruments sold on easy month-ly payments.

WALL, NICHOLS CO.,The money for you.

Wf H, Writ

t &oo.--s--

I.'" J S &ssj N i

t: j Witt? p?

Mpn - -,""' ' -




. , . ,



a child playcarry






. ,




Merchant Sts.

lewis & C,If a man's dinner is right,

and ho rises from the tableconscious that his wife hasused tho same judgment as toprice that she did in fclin snW- -tion of tho articles disposed ofmere can oe no indigestion tofollow. Our goods are of thokind which bring health,happiness and a fat purse.

Tablo delicacies are a fadwith us they aro bought be-cause we known the averageHonoluluite is fond of goodthings for the stomaoh. Ourprices are below the avoragoand special inducements arcoffered to cash purchasers. Our1j. : a! i i ..iniuou luipurtuuons include thebest goods obtainable v

in theEnglish markets.

Copoland's English Peas;Cod's Roe, Mackerel in Mus-tard Sauce and CambridgeSausages in tins are so wellput up that it would ho. dim.cult to detect the differencebetween thorn nnd the samearticles direct from tho market.

"Toyssonueau" is a longname to put before Pate butuie combination makes the besttid bit ever placed bofore agourmet. The&o are goodsthat anyotio may eat withoutfear of indigestion following.They are put up in the bestfactories in Europe and cometo us in elegant condition.

Lewis & Co.,GHOCERS.,

Kort Strwst. Honolulu,

Scotch Tweeds.... ASD ,,,,

Blue SergesIu Suiting's CovSuiximer "Wuai?.

A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.



T452 Kort Street..irTHLi-:i'noN- mnju



A. V. G-EA-

Telephone 258, : : : ; No. 210 King Bt.


Mmirlmu, t.IM allnit and JKromiralrnlOariui'nM Jlmle of Miiiijr Falirlrn.

It U tho l.'ntflish ami French womenwho hxik upon u ten jjimn as a menus ofeconomy, while tlio average Amrrlcnnwoman usually considers it a luxurywhich fIio can dlpenio with botter thanalmost any others. Tho idea that itsaves licr Btreet gowns from unnccorviarywear rarely enters into her contempla-tion of thin nrticloof drew, and tho factthat rest and comfort are to bo found in(mo of those loose, fnsclnntinff gownshas escaped her observation, slnco shehas ro little timo to bo rcsthotio in thomost luxurious manner. A writer in thoNow York 8uu, in connection withtheo remarks, has tho following to sajun mius mm materials:

Silk tcasowns are tho prettiest of nil,and silks which aro a llttlo out of stylefor other purposes nro rpiito np to datelu a tea gown, so tho bargain sales fur-nish an excellent opportunity for apretty dress at a sinnll price. Moirebroendnn find llfmrtv uifftia n..Ln in..Ai"J ' .' .I1I.A13 1U1V1gowns, but less expensive fancy r,trijodmina answer every purpow). i'oplargreen liberty satin makes a charmingtea gown, with a front of whlfo chiffontrimmed with yellow lneo, nud a belt ofwhile satin confining tho wattcau plaitin tho back and passing under tho sldwin front. A lmlcro jacket of satin, edgedaround with a frill of green crape, adds


u pretty etTeot, and tho hlceves nro c.lplaited white chillon with puffs of thesatin nbovo tho olbow.

Crcpou and sof t cashmcro in light col.ors mnko more serviceable drosses, andtho fronts nro of thin white silk orcream lace not over white. Boleros olvelvet iu a deeper shadoof tho sumo col-or nre ii novel addition, which is nowthis season. The princess stylo of gownis very jKipulur for bouso drcsxes, butsoft, inexpensive materials rammt lemployed with such success in this va-riety of costume. The most satisfactoryprincecs jlro.-- is tho ouo which is madeof (.omo rich, heavy fabric, but whatevertho material may bo, it is tho ruotirouuicbomo ot un gowns to lit and hangwell. Two useful morning gowns fotnegligo wear aro made of soft, red cash-mcr- o

and trlnnnul with black velvet,and ouo has a yoke embroidered withconventional designs in black silk.

Delajml tit Rlilp.

ik MXmS-- Bmt

-- !rV4 )- - it if

Captain Cross (to Ko'.v,wo here, pirl No moro of your practicaljokes, or I'll havo von nut in irons Vmiyolled "ilnn ovrrboardl" nnd wo stop- -pen ino snip aim naiicd for ten minutos,only to pull out a dude. Chicagouecurii.

PIIESIDEXT niA'A DECORATED.BEULIN Tho Itelchwir - W- -. offl- -

i .. . .

ot .Mexico, has been decora. . u Em-peror William with the grann .ross ot"Itnlnier." President Diaz Issued anedict to the effect that no beer, excepttho Rpnilillnfr "ltalnier" be served inpublic places, or on state occasions.

On Uip or in bottles at the Criterion.

Kinc Bros, linvn- - inal filln1 nnordor for 200 fnloioil HnwminnpuotoH lor a party m Ainenon.

Mmhruiics' Ilnmn. nnnidv TTMIand Niinnuu atreetH, lodging by &

ua, ivwk or inontn, TormB: iloUUd CO CQIlttl uoi-nicrh- SI nn,l

25 nor weak.Printed ducks aro just mh good,not butter than nnvlhiug olso

for boys' shirt waists. "Tlioy washand wear voll, two vfry importantconsidorationH. Knrr fins tlmm in

largo variety of patterns at eightyards for oue dollar.

Hingors lead tho world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. High-e- st

awards at tho World's Columbian. Imposition for excellence ofeanutrnctioii, regularity of motion,ease of motion, firnnt annn.1 nljustability, durability, ease oflearning and convouinnco of ar-rangement. 15. Bergorsou, agent,1GJ Bothol streets.


The "Australia" takes awayorders for delicacies which wohave introduced to the Hono-lulu public and which findplaces on the tables of theepicures of Honolulu.

Tinned Goods, many of thorn,but they aro prepared so capi-

tally that, they surpass eventho fresh goods. Tho domandfor these special lines is grow-ing mainly because of tho carotaken in the factories wherethey are put up. Tho materialis carefully selected and onlytho best is sent to Honolulu.

Wo have now on our shelvesand ready for delivery thoEpicurean Brand Vienna Sausage, Shrimps with Tomatoes,Baked Beans with Tomatoes,Lobster and Lunch Oysters;for the tablo no better goodshave over been brought to thoislands.

Wo havo also a superiorquality of Ground Chocolateand Schilling's Best Teas andSpices; Crackers and Fane'Biscuits.

Telephone orders for thesegoods will have immediate attention. Our wagon is alwayson the go for the accommodation of our customers.


, Queen Street.

Grass LinensAVo have just received a linoof GRASS LINENS ofEX-TREMEL-

FINE QUALITY and aro safe in sayingthey nro the finest ever im-ported here.

A NICEQtfciss Linen

is much superior to silk in

comparison whatever iu tho I

wear. ve nave tnom in

White and Colors


. All persons who have pur-

chased Lots from A. V. GearCo. in the suburban tract

known as the "Kapiolani ParkAddition" aro notified that theiragreements aro now ready torsignaturo and payment of -- 1st


xA. V. GEAR & CO.,

210 King Street.

SE All purchasers who donot pay 1st Instalment by Tuesday will forfeit all claim.

J585-4- t

Subscribe for the Eyknino Bul-letin 75 cents per mouth.

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line

8tentners of tho nbovo Lino running iu connection with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC KAIL WAYBetween Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, N. S. W nnd calling at Viotorin, B. 0.

Honolulu nnd Suva (Fiji),

-IRIE ID'CTjE AT HOZSrOXiTTXjTTOn or about tho

"rom Bydimjr and Suva, for Victoria nndVancouver. 11. G.t

dtmr "MIOWEIU" April 24Stmr "WAIUIIMOO" May 24Stmr "MIOWEHA" Juno 24Stmr "WAIUIIMOO" July 24

Tlirouph TieketH iH.sucd

umicu ftiaicH una liurope.Fitnioiti axd rAssKxonn aoxntb:

D. MoNicoll, Montrcnl, OnundH.IloiiKirr Kitim, Wiuuipcg, Canada.

M. M. Steiin, San Frnucisco, Cal.O. MoIi. ttnowN, Vnucouvcr, B. C.

Oceanic tajsli Co.

Australian Ml Service.

For San Francisco:Tho New nnd Fino Al Steel Steamship

"Alameda"Of the Oi'tai ic .Steutusliin Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sjdney amiAuckland on or alv,nt

Ji.pvil -- 9, 1897.And will le:o for tho nbovo port withMails and Pnr&PDgera on or nbout thntdato.

For Syilnsy anil Auckland:

The Ke,r and Fine Al Stee Stearanhip

" Moaila " j

,., . ,.ji mo oieunisuip iJOmpany Willbu dno fit Honolulu from Rnn Vtm.:.on or niKjut

May G, 1897.And will hhvo prompt despatch withMails and Passonpere for the nbovo ports.

The undorsigned are now preparedtoisauo

TJirongh Tickets to All TolntsIn tlio United States.

tSltor further particulnra regardingFreight or PnasmKo npply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,General AfjeutB.

Oceanic Ptntrmrtlijj .011


zmstik371x30.0 "OPciTolo


Arrive Honolulu Lenv) Ilonohilufrom H. V. for B. F.

April 27, 1807 liny 5, 1397May 25, 1807 Juno 2, 1S97

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco..dm're Honoluhu Leave ITonvlulu.

Moana, May 6, '97 I Alameda, Ap 29, '97Alameda, Juno 3, '97 Mariposa.My 27,''97

7TI -

YE8!! Always Get

My Clothes


Madoiros&Decker'sThe Hotel Street Tailors.

A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.

dates below stated, viz.:

From Victoria and Vnncoiivrr, II. C laHuta and

Stmr "MIOWEHA" Mnv ISStmr "WAIUUMOO" June 16Stmr "MIOWEHA" July IIStuir" WAIUUMOO" August II

from Honolulu to Canada,

tS' For Freight nnd Pnssngo nnd nilGonernl Information, apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAcants for tho Hawaiian Islands.

Idcr's Steamship Cos

TIME TABLE.0. L. WIGHT, Pre,. S. B. HOSE, So..

Cnpt. J. A. KING, Port8u.pt.

Stmr. KINAU,ularke, Commander,

same day( Mahukona. Kawaihaeand La.,OU0Wln8 day, arriving atUilo the name



April "J I Friday April 23...May TuoRdnr liar 4Tn i iv

lrlt-ay- -JbiylS I Friday ....Mnyl4May23Tntbd 23

Iteturtiint will lAnMn Trtt. .... . . .P. M., touching at Liinpulioclioe, Mahn-kon- aand Knwalhao mh day, Makena

' ar ivig Tu'SSJlSSWill call at Poholk'l, Pnnn

...!'ir.!FreiB.ht E"1 received after" uuy oi Bailing,


Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will loave Honolulu Tuesday at 5 r itouching at Kahului, Uamoa ilifflu'SuSrnonS "ciSirun''raPfVNo Frololi .lll I.. i... .." " anetp. mTou day of saTling

This Company will reserves the rioht Umako chunBcs In tho timo of departure andamra of ,ls steaiaers wuhoutnotlce adit will not bo responsible for any oonse.qnences nrisinf; thorofrom.ConHigneoa must bo at the Landings toreceive heir Freight; this Company will

it hasibce,LenfdoT,OUSibl

Live Stock ouly at owner's risk.wP'J-wi-" not bo responsiblefor Money or Valuables of paisengers

unless placed in tho caro of Pursers.

- "" ib. inning todo so will bo subject to nn additional"""'ii' ul iwumynvo per oont.

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209)$ Merchant Street.


Uou8 and Lot, 75x153 ft., on No. 71loniig street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchendining-room- , etc.

Lot on Wilder avonne 100x300 ft., fenced.Lots ou Kmnu and Piikoi streets.TO LET.

Furnished llooms within five minuteswalk from the Tost Ofllce. Also otherliOUB.IIOOSO on ItArotnnln ofln. .. Ti!t. .

street; 4 rooms, dining-room- , kitchen, bath- -

j1u "".caool stnot; parlor, boveralberdouis, kitchen, pautry, onUioiiBe andBtiible fonuwly occupied by Hon. W. II.


Paper Hanger and DecoratorInland Orders attended to with dispell.All work cnrcfnlly and promptly erccutcd.

O".' Kmlt1' h,rtot wi'" HumuelKnliolooknliiui Pnu. ltosidenee: Pnlama.

551 Uu

Hawaiian Soda Worksnre prepared to furnish Trlvnto Fami.

hts with a icnlly Good, l'nro Sodain tho New Buttles.

Belfast Ginger Ale.&. Telephone 032, at bunny South.

5C3 lui

CUAS.1IUSTACE,Jk(Real Estate and Commission Agent.

Stock Uroker. Firo and Life In-surance.

Campbell Block, 200 Merchant Street.

Page 3: J LGTIN - University of Hawaiʻi




W - TFT?


New OoodsMUEATA Sd CO.


Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

Bff-i- Cheapest in the City. Sf

MTJRATA & CO., 301 Nuuanu & 2 Hotel Streets.

GUVS SrilECKKLS. Wm. 0. lllWIN.

dl&ugppi-eckeluo- .


San Francico Agenlnlnz Nevada Bank orBan Fiuncisco.


8am Fuahcisco Tho Nevada Bank of BanFrancisco.

London The Union Bank of London. Ltd.New York American Exchange National

Bank.CniOAOO Merchant National Bank.Pakis Comptolr National d'Escompt de

TarU.Bkklin Dresdncr BaukiUOSOKOKO AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong &

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Niw Zealand and AnarnALiA Bank of New

Zealand.Victoria add Vancouver. Bank of Mont-


Transact a General Backing and Eiclange Business

Depolsts Received. Loans made on Ap-proved Security. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of Exchango boughtand sold.Collections Vrojiitlt Accounted For.

Established 1868


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Ilalokauwila Sis.

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on bund.

Estimates given for house wir-

ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Manager

Building Lets!At WAIKIK1 on car line and on A

BOAT) near FertiliziuRi'lant.

Thoso Lota are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near tho city andvther Properties for sale.

BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

312 Fort Streot, near Kjne.TELKrnoNB 607. P. O. Box 821.

W. C, ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REALESTATEEST We will Buy or Soli Bool Estate in

all parts of the group.tST We will Sell Properties on Reason,

able Commissions s

OFFICE, 10 West King Street

Couoliiatei Soda Water Co., HDEwplanade,

Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.Now Lovo'n Building, Tort Stroot.

TELErilONE 431.

Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Look at Our Bargain Lisx

Fine Straw Hats, 25c. up.Crepe Pajamas, $1 a suit.Colored Bosom Shirts, G5c.

Ladies Kimonos, $1 up.Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.

Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.Ladies Leather Purses, 25c.Silk Embroidered Pillow

Covers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

TJje Yokohama Specie BanlLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Ton 12,000,000Paid Up Capital Yen 4.500,000ltou-rv- o rund leu 4,l.j0,uuu


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Exchange Business.

Agency Yokohama Spetio BankMRepnpllc Bulling, 111 ilns St, Honolnln.

S. KIMUKA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors and Provisions, Sakl a specialty.

108 Ketnanaoa Btroet. Telephone 703.

W. W. Ahana' Makes Clothing to ORDER of th

very best materials and in the verylatest style. , , ,

A. Perfect JFit


Gleaning and Repairing Specialtj


W:WJHANA.Just neceivedCrocliory anil Ivorywaro,Erabroidored Fans,Shawls, ricroons,Wicker and Stoumer Chairs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nnnanu Street, Honoluln,

SJEiUJSr LOY,623J Fort Btreot, Yee Sing Toi Building.

Ladlss TJrBss MakeisJ37" Fino work n specialty. Also, very

fine Underwear inadu to order. All workguaranteed. 417-6i- u

TOM CHUNG KEE,1213 Nuuanu Street.

Dealer in Ladies' nnd Gontle-men- 's

Shoes.Boots and Bbocs to order. I nse tho best

material, floods warranted towesr well. 143--


A-ttorne-v afcLnw

14 Kaahatnanu Streot.

Telephone No. 632. 49S-6-

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerchant Stroot, Honoluln, H. I,

Over Hawaiian Nows Company'sBook Store. my 13,

Just like Gold Coin.

For moro than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood tho testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong tho medicines that arc a

so essential to keep at hand intho homo.

It is not a now fanglo remedynor do the proprietors layclnim to any wonderful revolu-tion of tho ingredients that enter into tho manufacture ofthis ever popular remedy.

It is perfectly hurmloss, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its uso.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painful

0affections, a few doses will certainly civo relief. You cannotafford to be without a bpttlein tho house.

Your forefathers used it.

and found it beneficial.Why experiment with some

remedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

J8ST" The now 35c. size con-tains over double the quantityof tho 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Soln AynU for tho Islands.

New EwaPlantation Co.

Stock-K- s

In BIockb to suit pur-chasers. Will deliverafter January 2, 1897

KJ5 Inquire of

The Hawaiian Safo Deposit &Investment Company,

OK Fort Street Honolulu


Art -:- - Fotos

The Most Complete

and Artistic Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited.

The Latest Applicanops for FineWork portaining to Photography.

52UFortSt. Tel. 151

HAVING rSTABLlSnED A MODERNplant for hulling, polibbing anil assortingcoffeo, we are prepared to buy and cleanoouco in tno parcnuient.


OoJBfee !tW Apply io



IPainter,Paper Hanging & Decoration

Neatly done. All work promptly anil care.fully attended to. Telephone SIC. Itesi-deuc-

Knakinl street. C2S-Gi-

, i't.f.m.'''Mi SmMJL,.ii . &W&$$&! jtoii&$uf$!,


It Vn n Jtevpapi-- r Affair, nml llnll,ltet(tttl a CliHrcr.

Tho old oilltor ban the InMilo track nut!wns doing tho t.'ilU;i;.

"I nnvur had more than ouo duel," tiobegun.

"You spoak ns if ouo wero not enough,"interrupted n llsteuor.

"It was mi nmplo suftloloncy," con-tinued tho editor with n snillo. "I wns ntthn tlmo of Us oocurronco 93 years of brund tho editor of the Kinugvlllo Vlnill- -

tntor. I was nlso a hot linnilod youth withyoarn for Roro and glory. In tho oounty

adjoining was n 'loithcsonio contempo-rary' of mine, built on about tho sntnolines I wns, nnd It wasn't moro than n yearafter wo had been contemporaries until wewore in a flno row. Ho would wrlto south.Iiir editorials, nnd ho would I, and finallywo dropped our pons nnd took np pistolsthat Ik, wo agreed to fight n duol.

"Fortunately for us wo had friends whoTrro moro Fcnslhlo than wo wero, whotook rhnrgo of nil tho arrangements fortho bloody tifTrny. It was decided by thtiiithat tho duel should tol.u place mill tlmlwo should flio two shots nt each other, thnweapons being iloublu barrel Hhotguni nndtho illstniico ten puces. That suited Us ex-

actly, for wo wero txtremoly bloodthirstyand wanted each other's goro in largoquantities. Tho fight was to take plaoo nt

o'clock In tho morning In a sort tidedspot, nnd wo wero there promptly with ourseconds. Our instructions were to tiro thofirst shot uftcr counting three, nnd it onoor uotn suruuu nnotlier snot, miglit, bofired ns qulakly ns tho principal oould gothis gun ready.

"That, uiado It n regular Tough nndtumbio for half tho fight, and nlso ruado Itmoro Interesting. H isn't nccosrary forme to go Into details of what I thought'just before tho battle, mother,' sufllce itto any I thought writing editori-als was preferablo to shotguns nt G n. iu.IIowoor, wo kept our norvo nnd took ourplaces ready for business. And I think womoaut business, for wo took aim right ateach other. Then came tho counting, andfinally tho deciding 'throe,' and bang wentboth Runs nt onco. I felt ns if I hadcaught nu entire carload of shot from myfnco down, and I tumbled over on thogross. What hud bicoiim of my opponentdid not greatly concern inn nt that supremomoment, for I wus wondering why I wasnot dead.

"In nhilf minuto thodoctorwns feelingmo, nnd after n minuto or two moro huFnid I had been iiilrnoumisiy tuwil, nndpulled mo lo niyfiet Evidently my op-

ponent hail nho been miraculously sived,for.. ...a. ...imb j ..' ul ton fintnwyfrom mo With hit donor, nnd tho sUht he

muilo nio forget all nbnut thoduel nnd bruik Into roira of laughter. Inppcand to huvo tho snuiu effect on him,forhobignn lnughlug nt mo. Then woboth got mod, nnd in ilo minutes w hidliokod ttcondi, doctors mill everybody elsoon bund nnd run them oloau out of thowoods.

"Tills being accomplished, wo shookhands nnd took n look nt ourselves In aglnos, whlih hud ovldeutly bten broughtfor our benefit. Permit mt to omit anelnbornto of what wo lookedllko. Thoseconfoundodeooonds badloadodour gnus to tho muzzlo with printer's ink,ntd tho way It was splatterod over uswas enough to havo rondo us laugh nt firstnnd then to tick tho crowd that put thojob tip on us. Jlowovor, wo bad thowodwe had sand, nnd tho jokers kept In hid-ing until wo nnuouuoed in our rosnoctlvopapora that nil was forgiven, and thohatchet was dead nnd burled. That wnsmy only duol," conoluded tho editor, "andI nm oxtromely glnd thnt tho guns weroloadod with Ink iustcud of buckshot."Washington Star.

llow to CnoU lleefiftiuk ami Mnidirooiit.Wash and piek over tho mushrooms

carefully nml wipo thorn clean andwhite on n wet, soft cloth. Out off thostalks. Have u porcelain saucepan forcooking thorn. Put tlioiu on with waterenough to cover them and stow slowlyfor 1 "i minutes. Add (.alt to tasto anilpepper, anil u tublrtipoouful of bnttcrrolled in u littlo flour for overy quartof mushroom)). Let simmer throe orfour niinulei nml stir in two

of cream. Let simmer ti fewunnntits longer nml tlien pour over yourbeifstoak, which litis been previously'broikil.

I'llUen Attcndoil.Those aio days of considerable

anxiety ami porploxity to all whohave possesions or other lutorostsin tho Republic of llawaii, nnd itis time that our citizens came to amutual uudordtaudiug on sovoralimportant issues. Tno prospectsfor Anuoxation appear at prosontvnguo and indistinct, and ourdestiny cannot bo forotold withcertainty. Tliero nro thoso, ulso,who still fondly cling to tho hopeof a roturu to tho old ordor ofthings, and who cannot bo por-snad-

otherwise, yot this out-look appears far moro hazy than

kthat of Anuoxation ovon to thomost nopotul uiscipios ot tnoMonarchy. But, fortunately, intho midst of all this uncertaintytlioro is Bolaco in tho fact thatBuffalo Boor has camo to stay andthat patrons of all sorts andopinions may oqually share thobonoiits of its invigorating andfUstnining proportios. Wo oremoreover asBured'that this favoritobrow will continuo to bo dispens-ed as horetoforo at tho lloyal,Pacific and Cosmopolitan Sa-loons.

Portraits onlargod from smallphotos and handsomoly framedfor S10 at King Bros.

Revoro "Granite" Gardon Hosois exhibited in tho window of thoPacific Hardwaro Co. Thoy showa samplo of this hose, which hasboon iu constant uso for sixyears. ,






Powder as by us is prepared after the OriginalRccipo from tho Purest Ingredients.

I3r THY IT ONCE) -- a

BENSON, SMITH & 00.527 Fort Street, corner Hotel.

T!fiE Dies Qo


Commission . Agents I

Dry Goods,Hardware and

Groceries.- HQHSE - DOCTOR.




- rR Tne cenr.

Eorsss, Cattle, Sheep,

The Marvelous Hair Besaody which prevents


C. TTnT.

17 Neat pamphlet freo an application.

Mr. 0, W, Mactaiilane: It afiorils mais fallincout. tho nse of 1)11. 1'U'ITIE'Ma rate as led mo to Mievo that I wnulil soontuts ceasett entirely; nono wnatevcr is now tailing ont. I couslilr it tno beit and onlyworthy remedy for this troublo and also recommend it as a stimulant to new growth.

fi05-t- f Yours truly, J.B.DAN1ELB.



'ti.Suit, - Vi-L-




or wseaskh of

Dorrs, Swine, Poultry.

ixnsro- - ottt.iwA-ZLST-

Solo Agent, Honolulu.r. O. Box 292, Tclephono 20.

HoNOLDto. April 21. 1896.pleasure to recommend, to any on whoso hairIIA1K01L. My hair was coming ont at suchliecomo buhl, Aftt r using tho oil for fivo tvoeks

and Doalors in- -

-- P. O. BOX t

QEjtaan- - pacjiflTDirSE--AND-

Plantation Supplies.

H. HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Street.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Now Goods Eeoolvod by Every taokot from the Eastern Btatea and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY BTEAMEB,All Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

l'art ot the City EllEE,

Island Onoiss Bolioitio, BATtmcriox QoiiuirnKjEAST OOBNEB TOKT AND KINQ STBEET8.












Page 4: J LGTIN - University of Hawaiʻi







f: m Mgprr ""?prw qP' -- -y -- &' (tT'J' pwa-- -




Sealed TendersWill be received at tho OIUco of,

the Minister of the Interior till 12o'clook noon of WEDNESDAY,April 21, 1897, for tho construc-tion of tho road over NuunnuPali.

Pinna and Specifications nt thoOfhV of tho Superintendent ofPublic Woiks.

Tho tenders nro to bo based up-on tho condition Mint nt least 50per emit, of tho unskilled laborersemployed on this work nro to con-

sist of Hnwniinus, Americans orEuropenus.

The Minister of tho Intoriordoori uot bind himsolf to accepttho lowest or any bid.

J. A. KING,Aliuister of tho Interior.

Iutorior Office, April G, 1897.577- -lt

Irrigation Notice.Holdets ot water privileges, or thoso

puying water rutec, are lieieby notl-tk-- il

thai the hour.-- " (or Irrigation pur-

pose are from 0 to 8 o'clock A. M. anilfrom 4 to 6 o'clock p. m.

andiiew nnowx,Supt. Honolulu Water Worka.

Approved: J. A. Kino, Milliliter ofInterior.

Honolulu, H. I., April 0, 1SU7.

577-- tf

Sr) Everjir Bulletin,


TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1897.


According to a brief dispatch,the Australian Federal Conventionlias ndoped a satisfactory basis ofunion. It evidently adhored towhat was diRtiuctly practicable,thus avoiding tho rocks on whichsome foreign commentors appre-hended n wreck of tho scheme.Resolutions were adopted provid-

ing that the powers, privileges andterritory of tho various coloniesarc to remain intact, that tho oc-

clusive power of imposing andcollecting customs and exciseduties and military and naval con-

trol bo vested in tho Federal Par-

liament; (hat Undo intercourse be-

tween the federated colonies boabsolutely free; that tho parlia-ment which will bo established isio cousiot of a Senate and a llousoof Representatives; that the chiofexecutivo is to consist of a Govern-

or - General, appointed by theQueen, aud that a Supremo Fed-or-

Court, which will also bo thoHigh Court of Appeal of tho Colo-

nies be established. Tho fact thatQueensland and Went Australiahold aloof, having sent no dele-

gates to tho oouvontiou, is not aserious block to the project,Queensland is uo worso than un-

decided on tho question, whiloWest Australia may bo said to beonly unready. When BritishNorth American federation waslaunched, with the iuauguiatiouof tho Dominion of Canada in18G7, there wore only four pro- -

Villi1 I I J.' II .)r

previously organized provinceswere admitted at nn earlydate, and Manitoba has sincobeen created, also tho Northwesttonitoties. Newfoundland alonoholds out but moro for terms thananything else. There is littleduu'ul Ulut ail uf tile AilotluliiiilColonies v. ill jh lo.iily to outertho Southern doss Dominion attho btait, and oiii N..w Zealandmay not bo long in seeing her ad-

vantage in joining the confedera-tion.


There is little doubt that Mr.Spalding has como to Honoluluon tho piesent occasion to seek arenewal of his exclusive cablof ranohifio. The Government should.summurily refuse to tie cablo pros-peet- d

up for uuother two years--with a purely speculative project.It should not given momout'a con-

sideration to any frauchiso with

jyiitMitik. . ,v !.A ,. , .L, " f ffa- -- '

exclusive) landing privileges formore than live years, or sufficienttime to give tho pioneer cablo afair start of all rivals. At tho endof that period, if tho single cablohas not become inadequate for thoamount of business offering, givoits owners a ronowal of tho fran-chis- o

for a similar period. Andovou should tho prossuro of busi-

ness call for an additional cable,allow the pioneer company thoprivilegoof laying such, providingthat no other company offers aguarantee of extraordinary advan-

tages in competition. However,boforo treating with Mr. Spaldingfor a rcnowal of his franchiso onany terms, tho Government shouldbe satisfiod, first, that he has acompany with capital subscribedready to begin operations forth-with, and, secondly, that suchcompany has any definite assnr-nnc- o

that it will roceivo tho re-

quired support from tho UnitedStates. An oxclusivo franchiso tobo used simply as a speculator'simplement oithor in Washingtonor olso where will simply moan thotying up of cablo prospectsto tho end of tho timo givonfor inaugurating tho cable.Thoro is a rational way for Ha-

waii to go about getting cablocommunication with tho outsidoworld, which apparently hasnovor been seen by tho HawaiianGovernments. The United Statesand tho Hawaiian Govern-ments ought to decide bo-tw-

them precisely the kind anddegreo of encouragement theywill givo to a cablo schotno, audthou advertise for lenders to con-

struct and operate cable communi-cations for a given periodunder tho agreod eonditions.This plan soeras to be absolutelythe only one outside of ono fortho two Governments to havo acablo laid and operated ns an in-

ternational work, with tho ex-

penses and profits or losses divid-ed between them in proper pro-portion. Tho event of annexationwould of courso cbango this alter-native to a purely American na-

tional enterprise. ltli rival promotors organized besieging thoUnited Stoles Congress, it wouldbo tho'hoight of folly for tho Ha-waiian Government to grant areuowul of Mr. Spalding's fran-chiso. Japan is not mentioned inthe foregoing suggestion of inter-national action, but that countrymay very well be included. Acable conference Liitwoon thoUnited States, Japan aud Hawaiiwould be exceedingly promioiugor early and most satisfactory ro-su- lts.

It would bo able to createa cablo scheme rivaling that nowfar ndvauced of au all British'cablo in the Pacific both in com-mercial and political importanco.

Since the publication of n para-graph in tho Bulletin about theroported loaso of Delagoa Bay toGroat Britain, au official denial oftho report givon in Lisbon has

ublo on different ocuabious, ono ofthorn lulely, to stand off formida-ble attacks of savagos in herAfrican territory. Once sho de-

clined tho proffered help of thoBritish forces. Portugal wouldbe harder up thuu thero iB rousouto believe, befoie it becamo neces-sary to ront her splendid maritimeposition in Eait Africa.

I'oilllilU I'.trllt.

The Vaidis Twin Sisters, com-ing in the Aiijtr.ilin,givo a trapezeperformance entirely new to Ho-nolulu. Thoy perform on arevolving trapeze close, to thoceiling, tho bars being one at eachcud of a frnmo that looks liko thowalking beam of a steamboat.Tho Vaidis played back East withtho Joidims, who lately mmlosuch a brilliant success at tho Ha-waiian Opera Houso, and thoJordaus whilo hero spoke voryhighly of them.

A notice to ico consumers ap-pears elsewhoro.




Photographers !

$2,853.00 to be GivenAway in 130 Prizes.

The Eastman Kodnk Com-

pany have decided to awardtho above prhvs to amateurphotographers for tho bestPictures nnd Lantern Slidesmndo from their TransparentFilm.

SomethingAll kodakers are entitled to

compete for tho prizes, Thepictures will be exhibited andtho competition will be decidedin London.

ForAll porsons di sirnus of en-

tering the competition must,

have specimens nt. Hochestor.N. Y., before LVptoinlcr 1,


Nothing.K5y For further information

call on us, nnd wo shall bepleased to serve you.

Hollister Drug Co.,SO LIS AGKVI'S FOR

Eastman Kodak Company


- -

Pen Pictures of Hie Kioto fromUmibsts Io Kuvi-I-iUou- . .

152 Beautiful Illustrations.Toimuraplilcal Mup of IViU-tln- e

from recent him i. survvHlllrtilo li Tllb Pa:o-till- e l'.., jiuutilillKuuil of London, divine ev r j.iiirnevmade by the Saviour from tlio lllulitinto Kgypt to Mm Axi'Mimon Tnebest iilil to Rililu n'dI trntleieiitile public. For sale ul iii


BAZAARjSr We are now prepared to do

all kinds ot

Copperplate EngravingWedding Iuvltatlons in the verylatest styles, am Calling Cards a

J. M. WEBB,No. 316 Fort Street.The Honolulu Sanitarium

1082 King Street.

A Quiet, Homelike Place, where TraiudNurjcs, Vmcc, "Swadhh Movement,"Batun, Eltctricitv mid" l'hynic.il Trainingmay lie obtained.

V 6. lvKLLOiVJ, M 1).,Tolepbono U.TJ. huporintendoct.

Mechanics and Teamsters.

Anyone uwdlni; the tervlcei ofFlrdt-ulu- ui Mechanic, Tettmaterii,liUllUd, cic., Cuu I 1) oliliril by Hplying to J, Alfred Maroon, or to thuIlawalliiu Huuey I' stllnte, Telephone700 F. WILMJRTON,

582-lr- n Malinger.

Removal Notice.

On .and after April ltd, DrB. Cooper& ItuymmiJ will occupy Hid ofll.; uiI)r on Hn'oi Mrent. Otlleehours from 8 .'ill to in a m , 1 ltd to ;'.

aud 7 to 8 p. m. lVlephouo No. 154,.57(1 liu

lii ititM-'- ' - irfili.i

JTnely Jopie

THE NATIONAL FEED BOXis a perfect device for slowfeeding in the stables or onthe road and is a boon bothto the horse and his owner.It is the best device yet in-

vented for feeding all kinds ofgrain, chopped food, branmash, water or medicine.

It is made of steel, practical-

ly indestructible. The follow-

er slides on a malleable ironrod, riveted to the box, ourlatest invention. Finely gal-

vanized. Easily Cleaned. Pureand Odorless. Light and Port-

able. The only box foi cam-

paigning. Used and approvedby owners and drivers of thefastest horses in the world.Especially adapted to the useof fire and police departments,stock farms, and public andprivate stables.

Owners and drivers of horsesentered for the 11th of Juneraces should sea that theiranimals are provided withthese feed boxes. They willbe sure winners if they do.Betting men should not investa dollar on a horse that hasnot been fed from the Nation-al Feed Box. They will besure losers if they do.

Horsemen generally andevery man, - woman or childwho owns a horse is invitedto call and see them at

TEEJEHawaiian Hardware Co.


Opposite Spreckoln' Bank


1 SifilS They1 Comar; I'lnch day nildn a nuiiibor ogj mouidurfl to our popular38

i utfctTpn mine&H Club ono nnd two drow lnRt

j Saturday. Club throo is rapid-- jly filling up. Tlio samo cn--

tbuBinsm as of old exists, allg ckoHOs nro anxious to join, bo-- j

cnuso it is a blear saving of

I I ! OGUdfm

I You Throw Away

1 Every Week.1Fj l$enides anoHior vital pointfi adds to thf popularity, anil tlmt$ is that wu do not inaku itH obligatory to tibs a watcli, butg nllow j ou to BPlect any ono ory moro nrticlrg in tbe Btorr, noJ niHtioi in what liuo. Cuuida auytbiug bo fuiror to you?r Wi iMi.t to liglit bore,g that wo will baok up any audB ovory artiolo buleotod iu ourjf club with tho name full audPj poiupl-jt- . uarnutuewbiuli gooa

with ovory pioco ot ootls aoliliu tbo Btore. You take no riskwhatever. "Y7o tako it all.



" .', i Ii Li'yVM.i

ndld Tributeinn san francisco


Royal Baking Powcfc

Tlio ifin:;nir:cont tribute (if tlic San rrat)elsci Hoard of i!iu!.:i i- -

tho tftcat purity anil wlinlesomonosBof lite Kuyal llsiclag T'nw.ior tjrea lydisturbs tlio manufaetmors of tho lower grailo TUir caviuuipublications, however, cannot lireal: thu force of thin UT.'ilicitod r.n I un-

biased hi;li moilical endorsement. Attached is. a eertiiiud copy of ti'cir(iriKlnnl report, with tlio signatures of tins 'tteribers of Iho IV n- - ' ii

"Vve, the memoers of The Board cf ofthe City and County of S.ia F;ri:clsc(jf cordia.ilyapprove and recommend tl.e Royal Raking Pow-der. It is absolutely pure and hcditliful, composedof the best ingredients of the highest strength.and character.

In our judgment it is impossible to make a pureror stronger Baking Powder than the " Royal."

VctejmKjy&zaxZjtp &'&


The Manufacturing Harness Co.fort and King Streets.

Telephone 228. p. o. Dox 322.




v "Rffl


Willi intra orc.wnr'- -t ' 'STEAMED. THE ROASriHiij,gives a fscuuAn J ;

MXC-- . ' fcC-- H. m .


JVIealj JVEarletS87--U

board iiiiALTti



--r y- j


f. ..



nn....--iL'- ' ATTi - Kn(2Y


Sltmit;il (Ui the niuukii slda of Pros-rp- nt

ftrcet, wnst of Haokfold itreet.tliorouglily griiiled un'l WHlled, ic

an area of 23,7I0.7! simarohijunre tnet rftfip-otlvcl-

Tik'sh LutH coniintiuil tli viewof tiio city, liarimr ocean of

on hill. Tenuis Apply toJ w U. JJOW.

yi-'KOIA.I- ISFine Handmade Etc,

BSb, AVe keep in stock and sell no exceptOUR MANUFACTURE.



,nTj;i!.-X- s



Fresh Salmon

S. S. "Warrimoo"







feetHiul 701MI

Hnestmill any

lots thu uny.688. M,


il llfiViH ' lllU II'li.tlllilAlitlAVllllf Vfl jWrtmUJstljMjL..


Page 5: J LGTIN - University of Hawaiʻi

ynirr"" rfpppprWJHBBwHXWffwKTvVS'V WWwl 5ft "M "UpW iPR,wIWiHF, . n 7 fmfZ



Attorney General Smith doniosthat his doputy has resigned.

' Tho troublo bctwoon tho twoChinese thentor companies hasfinally roachod tho Circuit Court.

Tho usual rohearsal of thoChoral Society takes place thisovonihg at the High Sohool build-ing.

A Chinaman for assault andbattery on ouo of his countrymenwas tho only person arrested to-

day.J. F. Morgan will conduct ',the

grand credit auction Bale at II.W. Schmidt & Sons' tomorrowmorning.

Court Camoes of Foresters willcelobrato its fourth anniversaryat Lusitann hull, Alapai street, onSaturday evening.

Tho wodding of W. II. Bairdand Mibh Fannie May takes placeat St. Andrew's Cathedral1 thisevening at 8 o'clock.

Pain Killer, tho remedy thathas stood the tost of time, is great-l-y

reduced . in price throughchanged sizo of bottles.

The maqquerndo ball at thoHoalani Yacht and Boat Club'aquarters ou Friday night will botho social function of the week.

The regular monthly mootingof tho Woman's Christian Tera-poran-

Union is in progress atY. M. C. A. hall this afternoon.

The meotinc of British re9idents to coubidor tho VictoriaJubilee celebration will bo held atthe Arlington hotol tomorrowevening.

In the police court this morn-ing Francisco da Pouto was foundguilty of dBHtiult a.ni buttery ouMane Sou.ii, but gut oil with areprimand.

M. M. Ilurd entertained thomorabors of the Social ScienceClub at his residence last evening.Dr. Audrows read a p.ippr outitied "A Polyglot Coinmuuity."

A nativo was arretted thismorning uud is held for investi-gation in connection with thorobbery of some monoy from ahouso occupii'd by uatiTOS neartho King street bridge.

In tho District Court this morn-ing Tom Walker was formallyarraigned on tho charge of anassault on John Emmeluth with aweapon ohvinunly dangoron" tohuman life, and hi examinationBet for Friday morning.

A largo paity of young peoplowout down to Ewu mill last even-ing and viewed tho operation ofsugar making with iuteiest. Itwas stated that last Thursday thebig miiractually turned out 123tons of btigar in 21 hours.

Tho Uegimouts defeated tho TJ.S. S. Petrel's baseball nine ypsterday ufteruoou Ly a score of 21 to3. It was demonstrated that thoBogiments aro in fine form, mak-ing it oasy to predict that thoStars have their w oik cut out forthorn.

Following is tho Honolulueleven to play tho Wild Swancricketers at 2 o'clock tomorrownftornoon: Dr. Murray, A. M.Hewott, A. It. Hatfield, J. Cattou,II. Vincent, Clivo Davies, T.Lish-mau- ,

Duvey, J. Jordan, V. Lish-ma- n,

H. Herbort."

Teuders for constructing thoPali road will be opened at noontomorrow. A condition of thopnnf'-nn- t i Hut ft Wst Jinlf Hionumber of lahorors employed aroto bo Hnwaiians, Americans orEuropeans. One pf tho objectsof this stipulation is to givo workto the many natives living on thoKoolau side.

Boboit L. Soott has dovised aneut form of program for tho Ha-waiian Opora Houso, tho por-luuuo-


embellishment of wuiohhas boou deliuoalod by ViggoJacobrien, tho pan niliot. It con-

tains a plan of tho houso, withevery seat's number and location.This will bo a groat convonionce.Spice for advertising is reserved.

Schillings Best vanillaextract is made from vanilla,not from tonka bean.

Schillings Bestlea hiking owHfTcoffee flavoring extract Imda and tpicts

are money-bac- k at your, grocers'.



II V INJi:ilKl lll)Mt,M

Controvert- - lletnrcu Kltnl ClilncaeThcnlrlcal Companion DMclinriie

of Alccc lit llankrtiplry.

E. C. Winston, plaintiff, by hisattorneys, Kinney fc Ballon, hasfiled a demurrer to tho answer ofHawaiian Pork and Packing Co.,dofendant. The demurrer alleges,among other grounds, that "it isimpossiblo to toll from said an-

swer whether tho defendant ad-

mits or deuios tho pluiutiff'aclaim, whereby uo issue of fact ispresent for tho doterminutiou of ajury."

Judge Carter has granted thedischarge of W. H. Baird, as-

signee in bankruptcy of WingYee Tai Company.

A bill in equity for injunctionis being heard by Judgo Cartor.Choug Moo Iliuy, for and ou ac-

count of Loi Kwnu Ying Co.,prays that Chun Choi, Kan WingChow and Foi Fun Wung Co. boenjoined from trespassing on theboards of tho old Ohinoso theater.Plaintiff alloges that, with fullauthority from tho company horepresents, ho is losseo of thotheater, and that fromFebruary, 1890, porformancoshavo been continuously givontherein, from which tho companyhas derived good financial profits.Loo Clmt S.im, the complainantpays, i- - a shuiiholdur in the com-

pany, and ho engaged tho defend-ants to play a season in tho theut-e- r.

Aoioidingly they occupied theplace during last week, givingtheir performances and retainingoil the roceipts for admission.This was in defiance of tho au-

thority and control of Chong MooHing, who is manager as well aslessee of tho theater. Complain-ant feared that there would bo abroach of tho peaco between thorival companies last night, there-fore procured a temporary injunc-tion to restrain tho defendantsfrom occupying the theater untiltho mattor bo determined by thesoproceedings. Castlo and Weavorrepresent tho complainant, andMagoou & Ediugs tho defendants.

Carlos Long by his attorney,A. Bu j, hti at. red a suitagainst tVin. II. Cornwall Jr. for610,000 damage1! for cuoiinal con-

versation. Tho alleged groundsof tho proceeding involve a courseof conduct ou tho part of tho nt

calculated to destroy thoconjugal and domestic peace ofthe compluinant. It is assortedby friends of the compluinantthat this course has been persist-ed iu, notwithstanding severe per-sonal checks from tho complain-ant and strong cautions from nearfriends of tho respondent.


Jllllllt'O ItPIK llt'l'lll'O ll) II London'nillulll.

E. T. Hooloy, tho noted Lon-

don promotor and ilontor of groatfinancial ontcrpriscs, has takonopportunity of tho approachingjubiloo of Quoqu Victoria to de-

vote 82,000,000 of his fortune tophilanthropy. Mr. Hooloy, byhis ability as a financier, hnsbuilt up a colossal fortune. Heia not unknown to Americanr. ' 11'of tno abiost operators ou theLondon Stock Exchange. Having mado hirasqlf iinmonsoly richMr. Hooley has now decided tospend much of his timo andmonoy in helping his sufferingfollow countryman. Tho sumabove numed will bo wisely in-

vested and tho interest moneyfiom it will bo anonl in ioliv"iwidows and orphans in I ho vicinity of Sir. Hooloy b big eatates iuDerbyshire.

TJut this is only ono of bin phi-lanthropic schemes. Ho has

thp attention of the pooial-is- ts

Mith his plan for peubiouiugevery old man in Grout liritnin,or, say, ovory man who is no long-er able to oarn his own livinu.Mr. Hooloy proposes to do this iua manner which will not tax thorich in excess of tho poor. Hispiirnoso is to lnvy a tariff of fi

shillinys n ijmirtur on all corn im-

ported into tho couutry. This tax,Iio argues, would fall with scarcelyany offect whatovor on tho well todo, uud would iu no wise incon-voninn- co

tho workingman, whowould, iu the ond, bo buuplited byit when ho would roach an ugo at


feAKlritiPOWDERAbsolutely Pure.

Cclcbrntcd for lis great leavening rtrcngthand lirntthftilncta. Assure tlie fooj ni;aiiistnlmn mul nil forms of adulteration commonto tho clienp brands. ItoVAi, Hakino Tow-lic- it

Co , New YotiK.

Tholittlefellow's schoolsuitWill itlast the seasonout?Some ninetyoddsuits,from 5 to 8 years,anxioustofind rongh 'wearers.AtSix Dollarsthey were fair bargains.At Throe Dollursthoy nio

"The Kash."9 Hotel Street : : WaTCfley BlOCt

WeJWake Shirts to Order.


Notice is lxtreby givon that thoundersigned hns boon oloctod As-sign-

of the Bankrupt Estnto oftho Otnfukn Co., Hanuvepu,Knuai. All liorsons linjiingclaims against tho said Ot.ifukuCo. vill prcont the sania to moat ouco. All accounts duo thosaid Otnfuku Co. nro pnyulilp toO. von lianiin, at tho ofitco of Ed.Hoflaohlucgor it Co.. Honolulu.

C. vox HAMM,Assignee Estate Otafuku Co.Honolulu, April 17, 1897.

rs7-:- it


I'rttrmi am rpiUtsle(lto oitlor thi-l- r iiiily of Ice licfure 5o'clock ). in., on wc-el- . iIum, uuI Lib-f-

VI o'nloi'k noun on rttnvbv nmlHdliilujH. In case of uewMilty, Jcunmy he oht!iliuil nftcr nliovo hours,Ht No. 897 Heri'lnnltt Street, or at theColli Ktoiiigo Kuiiiii nf th HiiwaiiunEleclilu Co', lictwocn tlit lioura of0 o'cloak p. in. null 11 o'clock p. in.forcnuh only.PEOPLE'S ICE& R'F'U CO., Iiu.

O. II. IIlIITilANN, JlnnaRer.Olllee, No. 001 fleretiinltt Street,

Tel. No. 153 P. O. Ilox 3G7. 660 3t

N. FEI.NAf.'tJtiC.


OrriCKt 203 Merchant strcot, CampbellJllock rear of J. O. Ciittoi'a office. 1'. O.Box 3:I

which lie was no longer nblo foearn a livelihood. Tho millionairepromoter avs that with IwpIvotootl meii to aid him iu the work

j he coukl carry his scheme throuutiin lobf) than six inuuths. Mr.Hooley has lntoly lurnfd his at- -I

lention to tho pufnuit of ogricul- -I

turo. Uo is ouo of the greatesthhi op btcrders in hiifrumd, vnA malso a cattle raiser. Iio is only 38years ohh

Now shirt waists, collaro, cuffsand tho very latest of funcy ties attho Tomplo of Fashion, all goingat a discount of 25 per cent on tho

! original cost.

Tho llov. Alox. Mackintoshwould like to see every mulemomber of tho Second Congrega-tion at tho annual vostry mootingto bo hold in thu schoolroom oftho Cuthedial at oight o'olock onThuisday evening.

San Francisco and Yoko-

hama TransportationCompany.

The Flr.t Simmer

Hakusan MaruOf the above lluo will bo due from

Kobe, Japan, on or about tho

30th. OF AJKRILAnd will havo dispatch for San


I3T For particulars, Inquire of

G. E. BOARDMAN,6S1-3- Agent.

Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.

H 837-18-97.

A Meeting of British Resident willbe held in tho Arlington Hotel Par-lors, on WEDNESDAY EVENING,tho 21st April, at 7:30 o'olock, to conaider what steps should be taken forthe proper celebration of Queen Vic-toria's Diamond Jubilee.


.Honolulu, April 14, 1897. 584--

Tlie CriterionBarber jSIiop


Best Tonsorial ArtistsIN TOWN.


Notice is hereby givon that all ac-counts due the undersigned of FOURMONTHS or longer standing will boplaced in the bands of our attorneysfor collection, unless Immediate


5S0 3W



5 ;ji "I

Housekeepers, Attention !



Extraordinary ValueIn Bed Spreads

A Full Sized Bed Spread, hemmed, readyfor use, at $1.25.

Extra Quality at $1.50 and $1.75.

JST1 These are new fresh goods, just opened and boughtdirect from headquarters.

N. S. SACHS,520 Fort; Sfcraot : :

Since We Must Eat to Live, Id's Have the 'Best.

Just Opened TJp anInvoice of . . .

SctylLUIlq's BeSj Tb3- -


Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Glvo them a trinl. Slonoy bol: if you iloa'l liko'lhuta. Also, Just recolvoJ,

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hatas, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Boet',Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.'

Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to the Arlington.

ESfc. These Ribbons havo from 9 to 3G yards in


E&, Tnese Ribbons havo from 9 to 1 8 yards in


. f Jm?u" J'"- $fMi. t.

WEEK500 Pieces of Ribbon at 25c, the Piece.

500 Pieces Assorted Ribbons

each piece. 53

each piece. jl 'v

Wider Ribbons in Proportion !


A.t Tjow l3ricos.


TT5- - rR7"m aTOI:tX-5L3Xr,J- S

10-E- OET STEEET ST0EE-ls- To. 10

iiJHk:,'i..-Mki,- '

45c. the Piece.


SILK andJIxcoedinp;ly



v , $a. . "R



Page 6: J LGTIN - University of Hawaiʻi

illlllHBHHHLHLflEi .. IIwiIsHMfflHP , .$P .my





B&- - tK?J" ,




!W W 'T '?&, ',S"fpraPlf& T.'IPMP'T TOfpwTTfr mWT'r'f? - p',,S "A '? ' " '' Tfy 'WJ'lJflgW ","'jCV









Scientific Remedy

Thoroughly Tested by


Vo Suffering During Treat-


(7o Injurious After Effects.

Uo Loss oj Time from 'Busi-


Improved physical condition,absolute freedom from anydesire for Alcoholic stimu-


Longth of time required fortreatment Three weeks.

Fees charged $100 for Alco-


$40 for Tobacco.


Institute located in Arling-ton Cottage, Hotel Street,Honolulu.

All communications or in-

terviews strictly confidential.

For further particulars, ad-


Secretary Hagoy Institute,Honolulu.

The Sunlight is

Glistening on

Those " Orange Rims,"

but uulortuuntoly for us it isnot glistening on them in thiscountry, ns our aliipiuout ofSTEAUNS whools wns put ontho "W. H. Dinioud," so is notduo Lore for a weok. OurCOLUMBIAS also aro stillout of wheeling range, as theygot to S. F. tho any boforotho steamer sailed, and nomoro freight would bo re-ceived, but they will comoalong soon, aud in tho moan,timo wo want you to knowthat wo recoivod 97 RAM-BLERS by yestearday'ssteamer, mid cau fit you outwith either n '90 or '97 wheel,aud wo know wo cau suit you.Tho 1890 RAMBLER is thobargain of tho year and thochouco to buy a well knownhigh grade wheel for $75 and$80 wdl not last long, as woaro informed by tho makers

. that this is tho last lot of '9Gwheols thoy can furnish, for,88 they write, "our sales havobeen phenomenal, aud youtook the last '90 wheels we badiu stock."

!& We bent bicyci.es by thohour, day, week or mouth, and worout high grade now whools, suchas RAM limits, STEARNS,and COLUMBIAS, bo if youwant a chort rido or a loug rido,want to ride singlo or waut to ridodouble, drop in and seo howuicolywo can fit you out. Yon will gotjuol nb goud u mount if you ttdophono uj, and wo will send yourwheel to vour door. Your chancoto buy a" "90 RAMBLER cheapwill only last a few days, don'tmiss it.

E. 0. HALL & SON,Corner Fort and King Sts.

Eagle -- :- HouseNUUANU AVENUE.

Mrs, Harry KlarnmB, - - Prop

New Management.Commodious llooms.


Palatable German Dishes.

Real Estate Transactions.Subscribers are furnlHhed with from live

to six lists ptr week, giving an accuraterecord of all dctifc, mortgages, loases, re-

leases, powcii of attorney, etc., etc., whichore nlnced on rtrorcl. Also a list of alldistrict com t judgments.

SuWtIiiUoii I'ihe, )() per Month,

A V GEAB,210 KiiiR St, Honolulu


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty

C. B. DWIGHTTftlfns pnntrnntafnr nil lrlmla nf HTHWy

WORK, monument work, cement nndstone bidewuiKii aud curbing. I navo onhand tho best Hawaiian Rtone, Chinesegranite, eta. Who stone for monumentalwork. Estimates pheu and lowest pricesassured. Telephone 833.



Cor. Fort and Queen Streots, Honolulu,


Wholesalo Importers and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Tort and Queen Stroots.


Dealers in Lumbor and Coalind Bifilding Materials of nilkinds.

Queen Rtreot, Honolulu,


flannjcnaent of the I .eft Iliul I'lajlnnIn Too In Iterard to Strings.

After a reasonably good bowing hasfcecn acquired, says a writer lu Tho La-flic- s'

Homo Journal, tbo study of tholeft hand should bo taken up. Tho neckof tho violin must bo hold between thothumb and tho first finger where it joinstho hand. Tho cntiro length of tho fin-ger must bo held nbovo tho edgo of tholinger board, and tho fingers must falldoublo jointed nnd liko tho hnmmors ofa piano on tho strings tho very cuds oftho Angers touching tho strings. Iu or-der to produce a clear tono tho fingersmust bo pressed very hard on tho strings."Strong with tho nngcrs, light with thobow" is tho constant refrain of ouo oftho most celebrated teachers.

Tho first difficulty encountered is thatof playing in tunc As tho violin is uotsupplied with frets, liko tho guitar ormnudolin tho cat is tho only gnid(Important ns tho prhctico of tho scales ison othor instruments, It is doubly im-

portant on tho violin, as it is by soalostudy principally that tho ability toplay in tuno is acquired. Tho playiugof familiar melodies is uleo of verygreat advantago to tho beginner, us hocan tell when ho is playing out of tuno,whero in tho cwo of un excrciso withwhich ho is nnncquuintcd ho cannot raeasily distinguish this fault In playingcalo passages tho student must con-

stantly alc himself whether tho nextnote ifl a wholo step or a half step dis-tant beforo ho plays it. If ho will gothrough tho cxerclso beforehand nndmark tho wholo fctcps and hnlf steps, howill execute it in much better tunoWhen ho comes to play it,

In regard to strings, tho best aro thacheapest, as they last longer and giro abetter tono. Tho O should bo of gutwrapped with puro silvor wire. Tho Aand D should bo of Italian gut, and thoE can bo of either gut or silk. Silk Estrings givo a poor, dull tone, very dif-ferent from tho singing brilliance ofgood Italian gut E'e. They niv rood forwarm weather playing or for personswhoso fingers perspire very freely. Thhair of tho bow should bo renewed ev-ery two mouths in tho caso of pluycruwho practico very much, as it wears'mo will net tabi lio'd rf thostring. Tho violin should always bokept strung np in pitch. Do not letdown tho strings of tho instrument withthe mistaken idea that you will savosome of them thereby. Novcrncglect nnopportunity to hear good violinists.Something can bo learned from cacli. Astudent learns ns much from hearingothers play nsfrom prlvnto lesions witha teacher. If you can only tnko a fewlesions, let it bo fiotu tho beat teachecyou can find.

Thx Fin le Steele Girl.

Mamma But you are altogether tooyoung to think hciiously of love, mychild.

AIalK-- Oh, no. If yrm had only be-gun tu thin!, about it us uily as I, youwould never Iiumi been t,o fooliMi ns tomarry. Uruolclyu Life.

A VOICK 1'JIOM Till: ULEACHEnS.Local interest in the criikct games

ns reflected from the "bleachers" is In-

creasing. During-- Saturday's gumesthe "bleachers" were particularly vo-

ciferous and Itept 'the flavors under arunning lire of good natured banter.One small boy lnought down thecrowd by advising tho batsman to "gobuy a case of Rainier Beer and getsome life in you." The crowd applaud-e- d

tho remark, knowing that BalnicrBeer is celebrated for it--i i.rvl) oratingand strength-givin- g propensities.

On tap or in 'jottles nt the Criterion.. m

Superior brouklnst BfuiHngo is aspecinlty nt tho Central Market.Rinp; up 101.

King Bros, havo just recoived apew lot of tissuo pnper, windowuolos, saali rods, artifats' nmtorials,picturo frnmes, etc

Now suitings and pants patternsare arriving by overy mail steam-er for L. B. Kerr. Ho sells a singloyard at wholesalo prices.

Sterling, tho painter, ib pro-par- ed

to quote pricoB on roofpainting. Ho uses a composition ofcoal tar and comont. Cheapestand best roof preparation in Ho-nolulu.

City Uurriago Co., J. S, And.rado, manager. If you want a

haok with good horso and caro-tid drivor rinp up Tolophono 118,ooriior of Fort and Merchantstreets. Hack at all hours.

Kroogor Fianos,sweotost in tono,Jas.V. Bergstrom, solo agent, cashor installments. Warorooms atG. "West's, Masonic Tomplo. Of-

fice at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing and repairing. JKkT" Tolo-phou-o


J. S. Walker,

lid-- - Mate - Broker


Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.llrtb for Sale and Lcate on

Liberal Terms.


1. Largo Lot, Mnkiki Btrcci, fenced, 223feet frontage,

2. Ijot on Klnan ttrect between Alaiaiand Kapiolani streets 140 feet frontage.

3. Lot onLunaHIobtrcotbct'veon Atopoland IiucktelJ bUclU.

4. 3 large Lots on Prospect street.5. Houso and Lot on Qreen street be-

tween Kapiolani and Victoria.6. ThoBuildingknownasThomos'Block,

2 stories and embracing 0 (rented) storeson leased ground.

7. Lot corner of Kinau andPiikoi street.8. ltico Land at Walkane, Koolau.9. Lot on corner of Hcula nnd Reeau-mok- ii

streetn, between of W. A,Rowen and lot of W. SI. KirTard, havingfrontage on Henlu strcot 2G0 feet,

10. Lots 6 and 7 with IIoupc, Kalia,Waikikl road.

11. Half Acre Lot in Hilo Town.

Lh.bL.1. 3 Cottages on Queen strcot near Punch-

bowl strcot.2 3 Cottages at Old Walklki.

4 3. Store and Dwolliug, cornor Wyllioauu Muuanu, ready lor occupancy.

4. Lot corner Morcbant and RichardsBtreets.

Properties Managed, Collec-tio- r.

of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onReal Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckela Block, Honolulu.P. O. Box. 339. Tel. 331.

Importcni and Dealers in

SSSfifSC&ZZJ- - fi-3s- ssracOHkSellp imMfimft

rIL -- iv W" -- " 1


Sloe and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 .t 123 King Street.


WHAT?My $10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with bosl

quality, Mo. 10 zluo, 0 in. Pipo, Chain andring, with wood rim all complete. Otherdealers are duiufouuded, and resort to allui...iner of TrieLs u. 1 . n;. .

Be not deceived, these Bath Tubs haveboen sold for $14 until I reduced the prioe.

I am prepared to do all work in my linennd guarantee satisfaction! Ehtluiatos fur.nishod.

If you want a good Job cheap for Cash,ring up Tulephono 844, aud I am yourmam

JAB. NOTT Jn,Tinsmith V Plnmber


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 l'ort Street.

Carriage) Suildci'and iinrAinr.it.

BlachnithinginAll Its Branches.

W. V "WlllUlir, Troprietor.(Successor to O. West.)

AMBRIOANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Merchant and ltleliards Sts.


J3f- - CarrlaKts, Surreys ami Hat-k- s at allboura. TELKl'UONE 4W.

Patent - Shaft - Springs" "' ' " """ ' " -'."," 7 i nj

Inveuted and Patented by V. W. WIIIGHT.

It Obliterates AU Horse Motion.This dovice can bo attached to Any Brakewith Straight Shafts

CSi. For full particulars, call on or address

W. W. "VVRIG1-I-T,

rropriotor Honolulu Carriage Manufactory, Fort strcot, above HoUI.

CLUB STABLES,Zorb Street, - - - - Tel. -- 7V

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -;- - AND -- :. LIVERY..


--- :- AJNX -

A specialty.



Tho beBt of attention given to .,attendants, promptne.s llackn, SurrioH, BraferJ. ZlnJ!;- -


r--x AT THE:- -,

Cilv Furniture Store(Corner of Fort and




H.H.WDLLIAMS, (Manager)Undortaker nnd Embalms

Hfllu Ofllco Telephone No. 53. V. O. Box No. 222 Branch Office Telephone No. 833.

Oahu Lumber and Building Co., L'd.Lumber Jfochaats, Contractors & Builders.


Doors, Sashes, Points, Oils, Builders' Hnrdwnro, Wall PaporsMatting, Etc. Manufuoturo All Kinds of Moulding.

Main Office. Leleo, King street. Branch Office and Planing Mill, corner Kino andBothel streots. Lumbor Yards, Leleo and Lot near R. R. Depot. Private track connect-ing with O.H. &L. Co. U. R. runs through onr yards to It. R. wharf and uny part ofEwu and waiauao 483-- tf

Bulletin, 75c, per MonthA GOOD THING

4 T7--S-- -G

Oliia, Algtruba and Pino Firewood

Cut and Bpllt (ready for the Btovo),Also,



At Lowest Prires, delivered to any part olthe City.

HUSTAOE & CO.,.11 Queen Street.

pawaiian Fertilizing

COMPANY. Is prepared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1808.

In Quantities to Suit.JpflT" Orders solicited for a future de.

tivery.A. F. COOKE, Manner.



N. 15 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of IlealEstate and Furniture.

livening JJulletin, 75 centsper inonth.

Bcrctante streets.)

OF '






Contractor and Builder1.

Offices and Stores Httcd up andEstimates given on


ST OIJlco and 8hop: No, Mil Fort Etreet.adjoining W W. Vr!'litV Carriage Sliop.

W. H. RIOKARD,General Business AgentWill attend to Convoyancing in

nil its Branches, Collectingand all Business Matters

of trust.

All Business entrusted to himwill receive Prompt and CarefulAttention. Oflico:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's oxperi-enc- ein the Abstract Business, I

am prepared to make Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, accurateand complete manner, and onshort nohco.

F. W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Office, 818

Fort Street. 215-t- f 'T

Evenhuj Bulletin- - 75o per month.

Wim!m.!,')M)a.M,kVl'1,lf!.ilW.: R

Page 7: J LGTIN - University of Hawaiʻi

-- rv i"- -. Tfrf "8WP" p. T IBpP

f r


O. J. "Walleu - - Maxaoeii.



Navv Contractor &

Refrigerated PoultryAND

Fresh Salmon


Hefropolifon Bjeat (Jo.

Telephone 45.

RING UP 104!The Central Meat Market

214 Nuuanu Street.

Xoz Your ClioicoOrders

The ITinesfcor

ReMgenafed .--. fflea

Always on Hand. Orderpromptly anil carefully attend-ed to. i .


Sole Proprietor.

Fresh Grocerieslly Each Steamer.

Table .'. DelicaciesA specialty at

VOELLER & CO.'S,SG Dorotania Street, Waring Block.

W& Telephone G80 (M

H. flflVf $ CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 .fc 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Tolephoner 22 P.O. Box 470

Commissioner of Deeds

-- FOIt THE- -

State of California.

HaUug been appointed nnd commissioneda Commissioner of Deeds for tlio State of Cal-ifornia, I am prepared

To administer and curtlfj oath".To take and certify depositions and affida-

vits.To tnke and certify the acknowledgment or

proof ot powers of attorney, mortgagee,transfers, grants, deeds or other instrumentor rocord.

A. V. GEAR,Telephone 230. 210 King Street,

Pioneer Building and

Assets July, 1S0G, $106,645.16

Honey Loaned on Approved Security,A Savings Dunk for Monthly Deposits.Houses Built on tho Monthly Installment

l'Jan.Thirteenth Serios of Stook now open.

Tor further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Secretary. .Chamber of Oommerco Booms.Offlco hours, 12:30 --1iOr.M, :i73-t- f

J. S. WALKER,flEsnui. Aoent roK Hawaiian Islands.

lloynl Insnranco Company,Al.ii.uo AiHuiiinee Company,Alliiiiu'fl Marino and Qiueral Assuranco

Comjmuy.Sun Lifo Assuranco Company of Canada.Wilhclmu of Madgeburg Insurance Com-

pany.Seottlhh Ui.lon and National Insurance


Room 13 Spreckels Block, Honolulu, II. I.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,Ucneral Jlauagcr of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

OI the United States for tho Hawaiian, Islands,

Orrctts Merchant street, tlouolula.



Yaluablo Business Proporly on

Nuuanu streot, bringing a good


Sevoral Lots near Punchbowland at Makiki, tho Choicest II031-denc- o

Proporly in tho city. A

perfect riow from Diamond Hoadto Ewa, Honolulu and Harbor.

Four Houses and Lots on Punch-

bowl stroot, only fivo minuteswalk from tho Post Office.

We .also havo ComfortabloHousoa for salo on easy lorms si-

tuated on tho following streets ;

Lunalilo, Kinan, Kukui, Hns-sing- er,

Borotania, Young, Yic- -

toria, Green, Thurston Avouue,

Punahon, Liliha and Nuuanu.

Building Lots in all parts of thocity on the instalment plan.

ScToral woll established Lodg-

ing Houso3, .

Ooffoo Lands on Hawaii and a

Pineapplo Ranch with limoaiul

other fruit trees noir lionoluln.



210 King Street.

Business Agency

A. V. Gear & Co,

Olllcc: J10 King Street.


general Business Agents

Ijoans Negotiated and CollectionsMade.

Stooks Bonght and Sold.

Books Audited and Accounts Adjutod,

Bills Bnuaht and NotesUlscountad. ' ,

Fife and Life Ingutfance Ageqt j

T 'flJW T-- !f'W :w"""r7pprEVENING BULLETIN, APItIL 20, 1897.

Itrflertlona of a llnrliclur.Most moil can Htand u dinppointed

lovo lots better than tho grip.A girl nnvcr begins to bo nttrarliro

till bIio ri'Hon or trying to tin fiwiunring.

After Ilia l).l)y has once cried to c 01:11to him n man will Ih'Hono any yarn hiswifo tells abont what it lias douo.

When n man knqws that u girl willaccept hira tho firm timo ho proposos toher, it takes half tho pleasure out of it.

Thero probably uover was a spiritualpool ho didn't havo times when howanted 11 beefsteak smothered in onionsand a big piico of chceso.

A woman's first instinct when thohouso has been broken into by burglarsis to try to eonvineo her husband th.ittho robbers took 101110 of her fannedfruit. New York Pros.

A Llrlnc Kxamnle.A talo that Dr. Benson delighted in

was told him by n gentleman who,finding that tho stablcmon wci-- not intho habit of attending church, spoko toills coachman about it. "They ought Ingo," husaid.

"That's just what 1 nay myself, sir,"was tho rejoinder. "I says to them,'Look at mc, I go, nud what barm dorsIt do 1110?" Youth's Companion.

Onsht to Know."What's tho width of your lot?""Forty feet.""Why, it doesn't look to bo more

than 25.""Well, I guess I ought to know. Iemnasurvd it with tho enow shovel 10

times siueq tho lit of Jauuury." Chi-cago Tribune

Tlio Himn Old Mory,"Don't you think a week alimo-

ny is a littlo too much to demand,"ntked tiro reforeo in tho dlvorco ca'f,"when ho is only making fi()."

"No, I don't," naid the Judy "Th.-t'- s

what I usid to m ilo him giinino v. Inn1 was livin with him'" Ciui-iini.i- t 1


Lltrrnry l'ralitt."I wonder,'' said tlio young nun,

"whether them is much money to bomade by writing novels. "

"te'onip, replied the profe--hion-

aui jnipii(.iH, "lint not as muchas by typ. writing them. "Washington8t.ir

'o Jnilurrmcnt."Wero tlioso cough drops beneficial?""They worked liko charm. They

havo such n honiblo tnsto that tho chil-dren liavo nil stopped coughing." Chi-cago Kceoid.

i:imil tu Hi ii Dimiunil.He Your mouth loolts as if it wero

full of kisses. How many do you min-IKi-- o

thero aro in it?She Oh, euough to go around.


Ilanl Luck.

'&B9&rte&&"ws'J ;vS3 t'5iV534?

K Jul:

Pat To think that bo's thor wanman on tho hill that Oi don.t Luow.rruth.

lleomuiii Why.Thero aro two reasons why

people aro now paying car faroall tho way from Waikiki to thePalama Grocery and back. Reason1. It is tho only placo on thoJ.olfl' uh Yvflt.tri v.0 kSUlciluHtkAt 'vation Army ten is sold. Benson2. After paying enr faro bothways patrons find they aro monoyin pocket by dealing at this "livoand let livo" establishment. "Woalso delivor goods between Dia-mond Head and Sloanalua free.

Haiim Cannon,Palama Qrocory.

Opposite Bnilwuy dopot, Jviuystroot. Tol. 755.

Nicely furnished rooms nt thePopular House, 154 Fort Blitioi,from S1.00 per wook up.

That piciuo in King Bros',window whjnh has nttraotnd pomuch attontion is not tho portraitof anyono hero.

Torchoti nnd Valenciennes lacesaro still in great demand. L. B.Kerr has n choico lot, which ho isselling at lowest possible rntes.

With n large hA ol goudHjustreceived by tho Australia andAmy Tamer, tho Paoifio Hard-ware Co. have another invoice oftho favorite Universal Stoves andBnnges. Some sizes wero sold assoon as sot up, but auother snn--ply has boon ordoied.

New . .

Enterprise !

Our RctniljDepartmcnt buy-

ing met with such success, andwishing to accommodate -- ourpatrons in furnishing their kit-

chen with u complete outfit,wo concluclod to add to ouralready largo stock of Ilouac-furnishin- g


Ranges andCook


Looking carefully throughthe different works in thoEast, wo find

The Michigan Stove Co,


aro tho largest manufacturersof this class of goods in theworld. They make tho largestand best line that arc particularly adnpted to this country.We secured tho

aAgency for

these Islands, and now havoon tho way a large shipmentof these justly celebratedRanges and Cook Stoves.The' will be hero on tho ar-

rival of tho harkentino "Ar-

cher," which will probably be

about tho 20th of this month.

Anyone contemplating buyinga new range v ill do well to

wait a few days and havo thefinest assortment to select from

ever brought to this market,and at prices to suit the times.

rtf?" Due notico, will bo

given of their arrival,

LIlK unci 111115


New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston,

Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.


rr units in ....



Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Fort Htreet, .... Telephone 20,

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(mmitxd).

Wm. O. Irwin, - Prosidont nnd ManagerOlaus Bpreokpls,- - - . Vice-Presid-

W. M. OuTard, - Secretary and TreasureTheo. 0. Porter, - - . Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AQKNTS OV TIIH




Qacen streit, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORrv!'1" A,5Tlm"nri,J Company, Onoran Surir

Pl"lc' Line Sn traliclsco

.fc':,..(Vh":.?r.."Ac- - .V.ne.of Boston-- .. --,"fc. uuiiun noara 01 underwrite.Agenli PhlLdelphU Board of Underwriters.

lot or orriCERs :

P O JonCS. PrOsMnnt. Hanrna TT Tt..l.- -Manaceri E P liisbon. Trmnir,r ani ;'"'JI""' Alien, Auditor; OH Cooke.H Watcrhonso, A W Carter, Directors.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOTiTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeeat all rtour.s.


Cigars and TobaccoAt,WATS ON HAND.


1". ICroixso, ... Frojs.Per Day 8 nrjrjPer Week 12.00

The Best of Attendance, tho Beat Situn-tio- n

and the Finoet Menla in this City


SINGER'S -:- - BAKERYEstablished 1874.

King St. iiour Tliomns Square

h'ome-Mad- e BREAD,Cakes : anil : Pica

BS"fiorvo(l Fresh Every Day.

H. P. SINGEli,Telephone 872. Bolo I'rop'r.

Oyster Cocktails ,


The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

JH HO.KN15 mtXm JhZ JJ JtO ""ST" I

Hotel street, near Fort.

BREAD, PJES and CAKESOl all kinds,

ftf Tho Finest Imported and Home,made Gouttctiouery,

' Ji4i!&kA;j,$i !,448fc o Xvi'.uWl,

JReal Estate

lor Sale.1 Two Stores on Nuuanu street.2 Lot on Magazine Hill, 120x?j4 feet,

commanding an excellent view of the cityand liarbor.

8 Lot on Hackfcld street, 80x100.4 -- A Choice ltellence on Lunalilo etrcct,

harlne; nil modern Improvements.5 Kour Houses and Lots on l'nnchboirl

street, all rented at a monthly rental of 104,This property Is 240 feet on Punchbowl strws,ulthadcpthof 22J fiet running to the drillgrounds or armory, with a frontage on samefor 4 or 5 more cottages. The central loca-tion of tho property makes it most available,

C A Fine Residence centrally located,containing 15 rooms. Lot 1.20x200 ft. Twsmall cottages ou the lot bringing In goodrental.

7 A Commodious Residence on nasslngerstreet, fitted with all modern conveniences. Orfill trade tor suburban property.

8. A House and Lot on Youne street.U House nnd Lot comer Victoria and

Ucrctaiila streets, oniiosltc Ibomas snii.uc.house contains G rooms.

10 House and Lot on Young strict nearthe residence ot the Kev. Mr. 11 dc. Lot110x140. House contains eight rooms.

II Pearl City Property.iaDeslrablo Tract of CoIRe Land on Ha-

waii.13 A most Desirable Homo on Thurston

avenue. Large grounds nud beautiful flower garden; houso furnished throughout ishard wood with nil latest improvements.Excellent vlow of tho city nnd ocean, andone which cannot bo cut off.

14 A Largo Lot nnd Commodious Dwel-ling on Green Street, commanding an unobstructed lew of tho city and harbor. Nachoicer residence is to bo had in the tit;oven by the most fastidious.

15 A New House ot seven rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent WC, sen ants' quarters and stables. Ono blockfrom car line at Punahou.

1-0- Only 4 of those Lots left near Kameba-me-ha

school.17 Two Honses and Lots on Llllha street.18 A House and Lot on Ahlea street.10 A llcautlful Uulldlng Lot at Katlhl,

100x200, cleared, fenced nnd water laid on.20 A Gently Sloping Lot on Thursto

avenue, 240x125, having a frontage on (Iroe--

street of 105 feet, and commanding a bird's-ej- e

view of tho city and harbor.21 Elegant Beach I'ropcrly at Waikiki.22 House and Lot on Peterson Lane, Pa-

lama. Honso contains O roms. Lot 75x110.23 Duelling House of 0 rorns, fitted with

all modern conveniences Lot lS.'ultO,Situated at Palama.

Lot on Wnlklsl Road, lrOxllO.25 House aud Lot on Nuuanu struct.

Uonsc contains eight furnished rooms.Very conveniently located near the rjuslBtsflcenter of the city.

2tt Elegant Residence at l'unahon, Hanseof 7 rooms with all modern conveniences.Lot IooxSoo, nicely planted with fruit audornamental trees.

2712 Suits of Furniture complete nndthe rontal of tho most desirable and cen-trally located Lodging House in the city.

28 Pineapplo ltanch 2J.00O fruitingplants, GOO lime trees, SO Avocado peartrees, peach trees aud Alfalfa cron. TwoDwellings, barn, etc. An Al investment.

i-- A imaging iiouso on Fort street con-sisting of twenty furnished rooms, all occu-pied by lodgers. A bargain for the rightperson.

30 House and Lot, corner Wilder avenuennd Kcwalo street, beautiful grounds, welllaid out, an oxccllcnt view of the mountain.The lot Is 100 fei t front on Wilder avenue byn depth ofl50 feet on Kcwalo street. Housecontains eight rooms aud outbuilding.

Notice Can Negotiate Loans on aurolthe aboo property lor purelnncre dwlrlngsxmo at from 50 to ,5 per cent of the value.

Hawaiian Business Agency,210 King street.

To Hy Patrons:

It gives mo muoli plenHureto aunounce that MR. M. E.COUNTER, ono of the mostHicilled vvutohm.ikuro over inthose Islnmls, is now mapagingtny le'pftiring cU'pnrlraout. Nowatch is so complox in itsmechanism hut wo can givo por-fe-ct

butisfaotion in correctingtho evils to which watches areheir. Watches aro dulicatothings to handle. Wo guaranteethat thoy will receive uo injuryat our hands and will leaveour store in perfect ropair.


E. A. JACOBSON,r07 Fort Strati

MUMES """"WMiaier'"

For tho Equine Table in theway of all kinds First Glass

HAY, 0 FEEDAro on salo by tho


138 Fort St. Tol. 422.



Tho celebrated ExTEitpmsBBeku on Draught and inBottles. .







225 Queen streot, Honolulu, II, I, 'HI '

v ,.' it, t" - 'JaHLli.LAataMMfyH1. Ai'j"i?nMAiiiMMbMaWrlr iMnlM frit Smnw

Page 8: J LGTIN - University of Hawaiʻi

BPBBpHIP ff'iPfWf HHfiM1 Li1






nl:r -




People Know a"When Thev See



Temple of Fashion

Biggest Bargain




Sab Ever in Honolulu

25 Percent Discount

On the Actual Cost!

This Means 50 Percent Less Than You Pay Elsewhere-- !

1WHY ?

The Stock Must Be Closed Out Regard-

less of Our Loss !

25 rerceiii Discount on the



E3?" You can yet any piece of goods in the store at this discount.

52?" This discount don't apply only any certain line.

s3?" Advertising a singlo leador order to draw a crowd and then sell othercheap goods at a big profit don't go m this store.

g3T Every aiticlo my stock is a loader and you are allowed a reduction of 25per cent, on actual cost.

jssy Everything marked plain figures.

tfp-- Don't get mixed. The Teniiole Of Fashion is the onlyplace m Honolulu where you can got good quality for a little monoy. Yours forbusiness, only.


''V"g Btf WBW- - awpwyiiffpy vjpijjp- w-?g- f w'f - Hr"

EVENING BULLETIN, APRIL 20, 1897.miiMMniiiiHii'ni

Offered !








run sam i'it ixris rAiut:rAltltlVK.

A l'rttnler Vlll tlu Win. ltondcu.Tlanjr lulerestlnir llcnia ilnihcreil

ii Mil aud Whitrtea.

Tomorrow, hiyh tide lnrgo 7 :50p m; high tide small 7:25 am; lowtido large 11:55 a m; low tida small2:30 p in.

Tho Jnmos Makoo is on thoMarine Railway for slight ropnirs.This is tho first vessel on tho waysfor quito a whilo.

Tho stoamor Mikahala broughtin n big load of sugiir from Lauainn this moruiug. Pursor Grubosays thoro wan a glorious time attho big picnic at Lahaina.

Tho old bark Rosalie has gouoto tho houo yard at last. Sho isnow lyiug on tho mud Hat nearthe cuttlo pou, and tho Jnpauesohavo begun to break up her hull.

Portuguese Charge d'AffairosCanavnrro and British Commis-sioner Hawes visited tho U S flag-ship Philadelphia this morning,each receiving a saluto on return-ing ashore.

Two dosorters aro reported fromtho ship Iroquois today. OaptainHarry Evans captured the followbelonging to tho Iroquois whovisited tho steamer Kauai lato Sat-urday night. Nothing was donowith tho rascal, however.

Tho customs inspector and thoagents' freight clerk who aro dis-charging tho bark Albert atBrewer's wharf appreciato thokindness of Minister Kiuu, whohud a water cart sprinklo thowiim I yobieruay to lay tuo dual.

Tho big ship Iroquois begnn tohaul nut in tho stream to completehor sugar enrgo, but being id readydeeply Inden, sho grounded oppo- -Mio ueoHiuo wuart in tuo nuuuioof tho haibor. "With the noxthigh tido sho is oxpectcd to iloatclear without trouble.

The big ship Kenilworth, whicharrived yesterday, is tied at thoOceanic wharf whero thousandsof bags of sugar await her. Sho1ms a fow hundred tons of ballastto discharge. About 7G,000 bagsis tho amount of sugar Bbe is ex-

pected to tako away.The American barkontino Ar-

cher, Goo Calhoun master, arrivedthis morning. Fine woather wnshad throughout tho passage of 18days. Tho skipper says theweather was too fine, a successionof light windR and calms boing hadmost of tho trip. Tho Archor tiedup at Brower's wharf. Shobrought fivo pa9sengors. Thecargo was made up of 845 tonsgonoral merchandise, 10 mules, 4horses, .'I dogs and (J chickens.

After a run of 17 J days fromSun Francisco, tho American barkC D Biyiiut, Captain Colly,arrivedthis morning. The bark sightedtho Aiohor two or throo timesduring tho passage. Tho Bryant'scargo consists of 1300 tons generalmerchandise. Thoro aro two cubinpassengers and ono stowaway.Tub bcforo tho vpsh"1 nailed from'Frisco, Capt Jack Lee was reliov-e- d

of his command, ami was suc-ceeded by first male Colly.

Judgo Hauford at Seattle hasfiled a decision in tho salvagesuit of tho Puget Sound TugboatCo nguiubt tho Pacific CoastSteamship Co's stoamor City ofPuobla. Tho plaiutiil's' tug Wan-derer, under gioal danger, pulledtho steamer away from rocks towhich sho was boing driven, andtowed hor into tho Straits of JuandeFuca. Judgo llanford awards$13,500 to tho tugboat company,S1000 to the master of tho Wand-oro- r,

S000 each to mato and chiefougincor, 8100 to assistant

cubin boy $50 and to eachof tho other oight men of tho crow$100. Tho City of Puobla washeavily loaded with a valuablecargo when roscuod.

Another 1'rowlrr.

Tho sohoonor "Wm Bowdon is atPacific Mail wharf, whore she willdischargo coal. About two o'clocklast night, whilo Captain Fieromwas lying in his bunk, ho hoardsomeone walking lightly on dock.First ho supposed it was tho mate,but knowing that tho mato did notsteal about the dock as if foariugto tread on eggs, ho know it wasebmoono up to mischief. Moan-whi- lo

tho skipper kopt still. Inanother minute a man stole quiet-ly into tho cabin. Thoro was alight in the cabin. Tho stronger

I wont straight,, to the captain's

clollipn, which woro hanging neartuo uuuk, and started to appropri-ate a uold wnteh nnil nlinm. Thncaptain thon shouted, "Dropman xou'ii step on rotten eggs I"Thoro was immediately a stroakin tho air. "Whon tho muoh awakemarinor reached the dock, hisnocturnal visitor was out of sight,having mado a break for uptownas fast as his logs would carryhim. If tho "old do'il" himselfwbb aftor tho fellow, ha could nothave left tho ship in greater hur-ry. Captain Fjorom says nothingis missing from tho cabin.

I'lnria 1'ntrlck.Patrick wbb tho captain of a

schoonor that plied botwoen NewYork and Ilavcrstraw on thoHudson. One day his schoonerwas loaded with bricks, ready tostart for Now York, but Patrickgavo no sign of any inteutiou togot under way. Instead of that,ho sat on deck smoking a pipe.

Tho owner of tho biiel.yard,who was also tho owner of thoschooner, and who had roasonBfor wishing tho bricks landed inNew York at the oarliest possiblemoment, came hurrying on boardand demanded of the captain whyho did not set sail.

'Shuro, your honor,' said Pat-rick, 'there's no wind.'

'No wind! Why, shut's thomatter with you? Thoro'a Law-so- n's

schoonor under sail, goingdown tho rivor now.'

Tos, I'vo been watching hor,but it's no uso my gottiu' underway. She's got tho wind now,and, faith, thero isn't onough of itfor two.' Harper's Round Table.


From San Francisco, por bktnArcher, April 20 Wm Higby,wifo and child, E M Boiouda,

Vm Muitou.From San Francisco, per bk C

D Bryant, April 20 Mr Galla-gher, Koto Gallagher.

From Maui and Hawaii, porsltur Mauua Loa, April 20 QueenDowagor Kapiolaui, D Kawauana-kon- ,

G II Robortsou, Dr H ALindley, AV J Gallagher, E PDole, J Mousarrat, II S Town-sou- d,

Prof W D Alexander, RovO H Gulick, Paul Noumann andservant, Kiuau, Rov Waiamau and

if,2, Rov S L Desha, John Sher-man, D T Bailey, AS Humphries,Col G F Little, J H'Boyd, I HSherwood, L Chong, Dr S E Bis-ho- p.J

KKaulia,S M kanakanui,AKaleikau and wifo, J M Uluna-hol- e,

O Aonn ond wifo, J KJoFoph and wifo, Wm Manu andwifo Mrs R P Lowis, Mrs Clark,Mrs Sam Amain, Naukana, D LAkui, Li Oheong, Tan Shu, J STrogloan, J F Morgan, and G7


Ai llr Sees llcr.She's a pretty puss in boots,With n saucy name that suits

Every glunco.

j It is whispered, it is sungoun ii ruiues ou inu louguo

In tho dance.Oh, sho walks so pit-a-p- at,

And sho t.tlks of this aud thatSuch a way.

Just to watch hor witching blushEvon KM0i'iti.B voalvi Liali

Half a dny.She is not an uugol, no!They are out of pluco below;

Lot us griovo.Yet porchanco thoio i3 a wingHid beneath that puffy thing

Styled a Bleevo.Samuel Miuturn Pock.

Still IllHlllL--.

"Upward" wns the subjectOf his noblo chiBs oration,

Spoken in n muuuerThat did win him au ovation.

Ah, how ho did love her,His dear old alma mator;

"Upward" was hiB subjeotAnd ho runs an olevator!

"Hnlo, Central." "Well?" "Letmo havo Havana. I wish to speakto Captain - General Woylor.""There you are." "Is that Geuoi-- nl

Weyler ? " "Yes." "How aroyou gottiug along with tho puuifi-catio- u

of Cuba, Gonoral ? " "I amprogressing by slow dogroos.""Thank you, Qoneral. Good-by- ."

"Good -- by."A Gentle Hint "Nioo dog !

Havo you taught him any trickssiuco 1 was here last?" "Oh, yos;ho will fetch yonr hat if youwhistle," Baid sho sweetly.

Publisher I wi&h you wouldwrito us a good sea story. GroatAuthor But I havo uover beento soa. I know-i-t. 1 want asea story that people can under-stand.



Tuesday, April 20.

Am bk C D Bryant, Colly, from 8n Fran-cisco.

Am bktn Archer, Calhoun, from San Fran-cltc-

atmr Mlkaha'a, Thompson, from Lahaian,Maul,

Stmr Manna Loa, Blmerson, from lUwalland Maul.


MONIUT, April 19.

Am bktne Mary Wlnkdman, Ucnelkc, forKauulul.

Stmr J A Cummins, Static, for Oabuports.

Stmr Kllauca Hou, Wclr, for Maul.

Toesdat, April 0.

Btmr Clsuidlne, Cameron, for Muul.Stmr Iwntanl, Oreory, for Lahnlna,

and Kukulhaclu.Stmr Knaln, Muiher, for Kabuku and

PunatuuStmr W O Hall, HaKlnnd, for Nawlllwlll.

Ilaunmaulu, Kolon and Klcclo.


Stmr llclcne, Flt7);crald, for Mahukona,1'aauti.iu mul Ookala.

Stun Janus Mnkvc, Tullctt, for Knpaa.a8tmr! Kauai, Bruhu, for Makancll, Wulmo

and Ki'kiiba,

oargou" rnoii isr.A:;r raurs.F.x stmr Mnuua Loa CjJ bags sugar, IIS

bags ciifTco, 74 baps awa, 193 bdls hides, SOhead rattle, 1 horse.


RATAL.HUMS Wlldsnan, Napier, Kniial, April 1C.U8H Philadelphia, Cotton, San DIcro, April

U 8 S Petrel. Wood, S F, April IS.U 8 S Marlou, Greene, Han Dlcgo, March II.


(Coasters not Included In this list.)Am shin Iroiuiola, Taylor, San FranrUco,

April 7.Am sclir Allee Cooko, Venhallow, Port (Jam-b- io

Aprils.Am bktn Mury Wlnkelman, Benncchc. New-cat- lc,

April 12.Am bk 'emliiolo, Wecdon, Nowcastlc, Aprfl.Am bktn Nrwjloy MollMt'd Nbm patle,

Aiil Iu.Am chr Wm Uowdcn. FJercm, Newcastle,

April lfiNor bk Kortuni, Miklx Non,

April 10.Am bhlp Kenllnorth, Raker. SP, April l'J.Am bktn Archer, Calhouu, a l", Apili 'M.Am bk C D Uryant. Colly. S F, April au.


Vessels here ironi OneNIc bk Dominion, ... .Newcastle DueHer bk Paul Ucubcri;. ..Liverpool DuoSclir Louis Newcastle-Sciir Noclt) NeuuutloAm ship Reaper... NewcastleSchr Golden Shore. ..NewcastleSclir Echo NewcastleHan bklolanl New York .... May 31Bk Nuumiu, N'ew YorkAm Schr Oceania Vance,.. Newcastle, Apr SOSchr W II Talbot,.. Newcastle Apr 39.Uu ui .llJwU b.se b F88 Australia 8 V Apr 27SS Doric Yokohama Apr 238 8 Mlowcra Sjc'ney Apr 24a8 Alameda Swlncy Aprs '."JAm bktn Amelia, Vuijet Sound8 8 Amanipoora,.... Puget SoundAm schr Transit 8 F,Am bktn 8 N Castle,.,. 8FAm bk Ceylon l'uset SoundHaw bk UP Ilithct, ... 8 VAm bktn Irmijard, 8 FAm bk 1'rt.siio, I'ugct SoundAm tblpDalcaliiile Astoria Due


KITl AT DANFORD.-- At St. Andrew'sCathedral, Honolulu, on Monday even-III!.- ',

April IU, 1HU7, by tho Rev. JohnUhliorue, aslntid by the Rev AlexanderMackintosh, Ebriibeth Marj.eldest daugh-ter of the late Wllllum Danfiinl, Esa., ofDublin, aud Lad) llerrou, t the Kcv.Vincent II Klteat, third son of James K.Kitcat, Esq , of London.

Potmdmaster'a Notice.

lowing eatruy Iiuh liven impounded.. .. U.. . uiw. v Pullllil iu Mulxlki,Uoutilulp, viz. :

1 Slier branded on rilit lilml lilpam white uuil black Hpotn all over thebody.

Ami If such estray Is not claimedntnl nil iioutid dliari;eij Hatlsfied uu orbeforo SATURDAY, Jluy 1. 1S97, at12 o'clock uoou, tliu Ha tuo will be soldon thutdutB and liuur to tbt' highestiji.i.iMr K 'CKflKV"

l'oumlmurtter.Honolulu, H. I., April 19, lb97.


Queen's Hospital Notice.

Notice is hereby given that n, HtrlctwittcU will be kept her after fur auy-on- u

destroying ot injiiiiiir with umll-clo- ud

iuteut luiy plants, treeri or otherproperty of the Queen's Hospital, audwhon found kucIi trespasser will beprosecuted according to law.

J. K. KOKAIWT,Siiperliiteuuent. of the Queeu'n Ho-fiit-

Honolulu, April IU, 1S')7. 588-- 3t

Meeting louce.The A n nil ul Meeting of the Aloha

uoiioo uouinuny, ijinmeii, win taKepluuo at tho of 5Tr E. I'euk,ou Saturday, April 21, lhJ7, at 1o'clock p. in. S. S. l'KCK,

Kuisfitrn itrHonolulu, April 10, 1h'l7 fiSl-2-


FLUMBEE,Hotel St., near Fort. Tol. 8C2.

' 'i i4ftilJi,'lilll"-l- l JL. '"" ti-M t ,, .1 i.,r.fa fak.' . -- t ,, nVfc-f- f Maih-.- l. ., .. ...Jtttf. u U . .M .. ... .
