j r txif rm noq jrv ar- ii if andr nought wo fire- arm...

j rM nOq i Jrv r tXIf > 1 i Ij d j H ar- Ii s1yr < THE MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE I f l BARBOURVILLE I D W CLARK KENTUCKY EDITOR i O SUBSCRIPTION I One Year in advanco1OJ a 31r13 399 r 98EEEtEEE- A PERSONALS 11 m I 1ft a EEEJt a l1otHhyr Mother Powers wont to Brush Creek this Week on a visit Miss Joan Easley leas gone to ir to Now York to enter a college I i of iuusl ct Mrs 0 H Baker left Wednes day afternoon on a visit tor rela- tives ¬ in Tennessee- Mr Jasper Willis of Cannon was in town Wednesday and paid < the Advocate office a very pleas ¬ f 1 antcall J lI Mays left TuescillYtl1rn ¬ j ing for Oklahoma onIG business IL trip and will be alsent probably r two weeks r i Judge Geo W Stone closed a six weeks term of court here J Wednesdy and left for his home t in Litchfieldr r P 0 Kennedy of Monticello 7 visited the family of his father 11 ti inlaw Col W R Hughes the firstOf the week S Mrs R W Cole and daughter Miss Roberta and Mother Cole are visiting relatives at Red House this week f Mrs J R Howes and daugh ¬ ters Misses Grace and Lucille left Wednesday morning for f their new home in Oddville Ii Mrs A ary Oumstock of Cor 1 Ibin is the guett of her sister Mrs P D Brittain and brother Atterney Brallord in this city a We are glad to announce that 1 Mr Joseph Berry is able to be muchI 1Mrs P C Kennedy at Monte l cello and will remain for per- t ¬ > haps two weeks Mrs TB Stratton and daugh ¬ j > ters Misses Gladys and Thelma JSnlr1veel the latter part of of the c week They will occupy the res ¬ idence vacated by Dr Howes on Pine street i 00 Smith m popular Coon ¬ ty Court Clerk left Wednesday t for Louisville to have one of his 1 eyes treated which has beon giv- en ¬ him a great deal of pain for 1 the past week w Walter T Berry formerly of thiscity is now enlisted in the regular United States army and is a member of Troop E Eighth Cavalry and stationed at Ft Yellowstone Wyoming where he orders the Advocate to be r sentto him f6I DJDJJJJDJtJ1JJJJJ KuJtJlJLJLJuOVlJJJJJJJJJJJ I 1 y Good old sorghum molasses are 1now ripe The work of restuccoing the I courthouse has begun t A nice assortment of Ladies J umbrellas at Herndon Tins leys i i Dr JB Westerfield has the foundation fqr his new hqusfe i completed t atHerndon line just received call see them v Z1 yMV r L M Cole has begun the erect ¬ io i J ion of his new residence on Pit zer street REPUBLICAN RAISING Hon W R Lay and others will address the Taft Club at Wilton KyilorldayniglitOcWber12th on thejfssues of the present camI paignV The public is invited and the ladies tire especially invited i i e Mr Boyd Announcer Wo arc authorized to announce NOUGHT itot f rt TJSK t rrty- as a cnndla oflwcli Ttornoy subject to tfiPtlotfSf thcvlretytrlklcan 1ri andr yjOir Iff Red Mens Memorial service Oct 25 Watch JnxtkisBiie for particulars HeriiJiir Tinsley hive t just returned from the market with the largest assortment of dry goods ever brought to this city There are an abundance of chestnuts this season and they are coming into market Leave your Laundry work with the Parker Grocery Co agents for the Normal City Steam Lan- dry of Richmond Ky The very latest thing in veil ¬ ing belts belt buckles combs barretes collars and collar sup ¬ porters at Herndon Tinsleys Dr Tip Jones has moved from the public square into the Joseph Sampson house on Manchester street Unclo Toney Doodney has mov- ed from Manchester street to the home he recently purchased on North Main street Parker Grocery Co have just received a car load of flour which they are selling at Jocts per eack Crescent Flournone bet ¬ ter Try it J This week will finish the stone- work on the new hotel ready to receive the roof When com ¬ pleted this will be the haudsom ¬ est in our city Mr Joseph Miller is putting down a concrete walk in frontof his resilience on Main street which will be a great improve = ment when completed Crit Mitchell has built a new concrete walk in front of his premises on Knox street to take the place of an old board walk which is quite an improvement Judge Sampson is moving the residence recfctitly occupied by Dr Tip Tones to another lot fronting on Pitzer street and will build on the corer lot in the near future There will be a nice aesprtniQnt of Ladies suits of tliirtythree different styles ranging in price from ten to forty dollars oh exhi ¬ bition at Jlenulon <fc Tinsleys commencing Qot 0 ant continu- ing ¬ ten v w Copt Jarvis VIsitingJin Ken lucky Capt L M Jarvis of Snecd ville Than has been the guefet for the past few days of his nephews John D Jarvis of Jar vis Store and L H Jarvis of thisr Capt Jarvis is a Mexican sol ¬ dier also a Civil war veteran He is 79 years old hale and hearty ty us a man of 50 While in this dity be paid this ofiice a pleasant call He will visit relatives in Indiana this fall and winter pterestjug of the nrtuniiyof talking with Idiom txmcerning liilf experi- ence ¬ in the war and many other topics of the early days in this section i Notice v The Republican Taft Club of Barbourville will meet at the courthouse Tuesday October 18v at 7 pm Everybody come and bring your friendW Green Ohm e The Meeting The revival mooting at the Ohristian Church continues with a full attendance at every ser ¬ vice Rev Meyers has been preach ¬ ing sriine very interesting ser ¬ mons and there have been sever ¬ al additions to the church On Tuesday teruoqn three candidates were baptized in the river tend there will possibly be more by Sunday > 1 4 i J J FIRE- Completely t Destroys the Handsome Residence- of Judge Dishman Tuesday Night Loss Perhaps 5000 Insu ¬ Fonda 5000 Tuesday night a few minutes before 7 oclock the cry of fire was heard and in a very short time almost every citizen of our town was on the scene of the con llagration When first discovered the ire had broken out in the attic over the bathroom iIi the rear of the house but before sullicientwaler could be secured the lames had spreadand gained such headway that the building was doomed The young men of Union Col ¬ leg were among the first to ar- rive and worked heroicly to save the house hut when it was seen that this could not b done wil ¬ ling hands sonn cleared the en ¬ tire building of oil the furniture and almost every article was sav ¬ edThe building was a large subs stantial two story brick with slate roof and on account of thb poof the lames had spread throughout the entire top of thd building before the fire eat its way through the heavy roof The only theory that can be advanced as to the origin of the lire is that it was started by mice orrats as there had been no fire in the house since Sunday The cooking all being done with gas there was no possible way for it to have started the fire and besides where fta8 ovrrthe ney or flue near that part of the houte so that there con 11 have been no way for it to have started excepte as stated For three hours the flames roar ¬ ed before the building was all consumed aa the fire fed down from the top slowly Judge Dishman stated to the Advocate man while the fire was burning that he had 3000 insu ¬ rance on the house and 1000 on time furniture Later in the eve ¬ ningMr Tinsley one of the In stir nee agents stated that his policy had lapsed so he thought he hadno insurance whatever except as he tjipught the 1000 on the furniture Wednesday morning however he found to his glad surprise that during his absence last July his wife had taken out a policy for 2000 on his house and 500 on the furniture and also with this good news he discovered that the 8000 policy with Mr Tinsleys company had not claps ¬ eelso he had 5000 insurance on the house and 500 on the furniture Time furniture was almost all saved but some of it was dam ¬ aged in the removal from the burning building The loss is estimatedto be about 8000on the house so that while the inurance will not fully cover it yet it will go a- long way toward erecting anoth ¬ er home While everyone sym ¬ pathizes with this excellent fam ¬ ily in their loss we allrejoice that they were so well protected by insurance at the time when it was so badly needed Judge Dishman has uotj fully decided as yet just what he will do but it goes without saying that he will erect a modern brick residence at once upon the site to take the place of the one de ¬ stroyed r Sunday School Convention The annual convention of the Sunday Schools oL Knox county will be held At Emanuel on Sat- urday October 24 1008 All Sunday schools workers of Knox county aVe requested to be pres- ent ¬ on this occasion Program will bo issue later J CHURCH NOTICE The Cumberland River baptist Church corner Main and Pine St Barbourville Ky RBV L H AKVIN Jnstor Regular services each Sunday rat 11a m and 7 p in Sunday School 930 a m Prayer meeting Wednesday 7 p m Young Pfojile1 Union meets an 230 p m each Sunday The public arc cordially invited I f CHURCH NOTICE First M E Church John D Hitchcock IJaator Public service each Sunday at Jl a m and 7p m Sunday School 945 a m Epworth League Grlo p m Junior League 230 p m Choir Practice Thursday 330 pm Boys Chorus Choir Tuesday 400 p m Prayer fleeting Thurs 700 pm YES J908 Taxes is due and been due four months What are YOU waiting on I DAN H WILLIAMS Sheriff Knox County G l Haiia11eGrocery uThe Store That Always Leads We will sell untill further notice great bargains as follows Little Duke Flour 70c sackor 5 GO per barrel Golden Grain per sack70cts 85 GO per barrel- Campspring Special 70cts sack or 560 per barrel 100 lbs sack salt 60c 125lbs sack salt 70 cts 1501bs sack salt 80cts Anything in groceries cheaper than elsewbere We have a complete line of Queens ware at the lowest prices Hard ¬ ware of all kinds We will be pleas- ed ¬ to figure with all who contem ¬ plate building on their line of hard ¬ ware We can make it to your in ¬ terestWe also carry the LEHIGH PORT ¬ LAND CEMENT This is undoubt- edly ¬ the best on the market and has been awarded more work by the U S Government than anyother manufacturers in the States + We also wish to call your atten ¬ tion to our TEN CENT COUNTER It will pay anyone to visit our store and inspect this counter You will findmany articles on it worth 25c Yours for business COLE HARDWARE GROCERY CO The Store that Always Leads THE CAMPAIGN IS ON WHO WILL BE PRESIDENT To form your opinions anti keep In touch with tho progress of tho campaign you will need llrsl class reliable newspapers Wo have node n special arrangement whereby you can got tho Daily CourierJournal 125 Daily Louisville Times 125 FIjOM NOW UNTIL DEC J 1908 This gives you a live metropolitan paper through tho campaign and tho election Order today as subscription will start with Issue of tiny order Is received No back numbers can bo sent Or you can haveThe Mountain Advocate fur twelve months and either of the above Dallies Until December 1st for only L G1rOOr This special campalKn offer Is In effect only during Juno July and August and no subscriptions will be received at the re- duced rate titter August Ulst under any circumstnncoliJ your this papoi NOT to tho OourlorTournaI or Times but to THE MOUNTAIN ADVOOATE Barbourvlllo Ky Making or Keeping Promli The difference between Mr TaftB promise of tariff revision and Mr Bry ans pledges In the same direction Is that Mr Taft It elected will be in posl Bltlon to redeem his pledge while Mr Bryan if elected would bo powerless to accomplish anything with a Republic an senate arrayed agrfUmt tots free trade plans Omaha Bee JI I t MANY ARM ERS I wIT y INPT y oU 1 t I eI I Would like to keep account of their receipts and expenditures some one else would keep for them r keg Open a bank account with The First National Bank and you will find the account keeps itself with no- t expense X Your died s are always evidence of date a amountt r of nil disbursements and your deposit bookshows dates and amounts of your receipts I v Many of your friends andneighbors have accounts withus WHY NOT YOU Dont wait for a big startany amount offered either large small f cheerfully accepted Its a handy convenience the J farmer well the business mau THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK t d BARBOURVILLB KENTUCKY rr Tf 1 Capital Stock sii0eefJO- V + r Surplus and Profits 4i 00000 J 1 ° ls Jrlem 3D Sampson ipresibent TRobert I IjII I Books and Stationery I j I Also be beeps- Collstantl2 on fbano all Kino In all the for In fact that in a can be any time Next Door To 5e j I I all an if it d or is to ns as dm Cole Gasbier n I 1Reaa llixea faint 1 colors suitable house Painting 8n I is usually kept firstclass Drug Store thlngI stoej Physicans Prescriptions Carefully FIRST NATIONAL BANK compounJded IC 10 GEORGE w rYE LIV ERYq F ee dj s The Only FirstClass Livery in Town i East Side Public Square Barbourville Kentucky i j DRY GOODS j 5 AT > BOTTOM PRICESIt Ii Prints going at 5c per yard Brown Cotton 5c to 7c per yard Ready Made Clothing Going at Unheardof Prices It Mens Suits from 3 up Childrens Suits from 1 up SHOES At Exceedinsrly Low Prices Doors and Windows very cheap from 65c 75c up Limo Cement Tiling fcc as cheap as the cheapest y A FULL LINE OF F u tr r T 1T E consisting of anything from collar to attic Stoves Carpets Chairs c very cheap No matter what yon want call and see mo and r can save you money j T F FAULKNER BARBOURVILLE KY LET THERE BE LIGHT I F you want the light of day to shine in your home throughout thefl the night you must have an Electric Light installedsee M P MILLER and have him make you a price on installing an electric f light wire in your residence or business house The most satisfactory light ever used is electric lightno heat or odor usually experienced as by users of the lamp always ready noS chimneys to clean no danger of fire cheaper than kerosene Try it and i be convinced v 1 taiM t IA Iv L rw t G t < I Barbpurville Electric Light Phant < ti > i < t

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Page 1: j r tXIf rM nOq Jrv ar- Ii If andr NOUGHT Wo FIRE- ARM ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7qz60bx040/data/0266.pdfj r tXIf rM nOq i Jrv > 1 i Ij d j H ar- Ii s1yr If < THE MOUNTAIN ADVOCATE

j rM nOq i Jrvr tXIf > 1 iIj d j H ar-






i O SUBSCRIPTIONI One Year in advanco1OJ

a31r13 399 r98EEEtEEE-

A PERSONALS 11m I1ft aEEEJtal1otHhyr

Mother Powers wont to BrushCreek this Week on a visit

Miss Joan Easley leas gone to

ir to Now York to enter a college

I iof iuuslctMrs 0 H Baker left Wednesday afternoon on a visit tor rela-tives


in Tennessee-

Mr Jasper Willis of Cannonwas in town Wednesday and paid

< the Advocate office a very pleas ¬

f 1 antcallJ lI Mays left TuescillYtl1rn ¬

j ing for Oklahoma onIG businessIL trip and will be alsent probablyr two weeksri Judge Geo W Stone closed a

six weeks term of court hereJ Wednesdy and left for his home

t in Litchfieldrr P 0 Kennedy of Monticello7 visited the family of his father

11ti inlaw Col W R Hughes the

firstOf the week

S Mrs R W Cole and daughterMiss Roberta and Mother Coleare visiting relatives at RedHouse this week

f Mrs J R Howes and daugh ¬

ters Misses Grace and Lucilleleft Wednesday morning for

f their new home in Oddville

Ii Mrs A ary Oumstock of Cor

1 Ibin is the guett of her sisterMrs P D Brittain and brotherAtterney Brallord in this city

a We are glad to announce that1 Mr Joseph Berry is able to be

muchI1Mrs P C Kennedy at Monte

l cello and will remain for per-



> haps two weeks

Mrs T B Stratton and daugh ¬

j> ters Misses Gladys and ThelmaJSnlr1veel the latter part of of the

c week They will occupy the res ¬

idence vacated by Dr Howes on

Pine streeti

00 Smith m popular Coon ¬

ty Court Clerk left Wednesdayt for Louisville to have one of his

1eyes treated which has beon giv-


him a great deal of pain for

1 the past weekw

Walter T Berry formerly ofthiscity is now enlisted in theregular United States army andis a member of Troop E EighthCavalry and stationed at FtYellowstone Wyoming wherehe orders the Advocate to be

r sentto him



1 y Good old sorghum molasses are

1now ripe

The work of restuccoing theI

courthouse has begun t

A nice assortment of LadiesJ

umbrellas at Herndon Tinsleys i

iDr JB Westerfield has the

foundation fqr his new hqusfe

i completed t

atHerndonline just received call see themvZ1 yMV r

L M Cole has begun the erect ¬


i J ion of his new residence on Pitzer street


Hon W R Lay and others willaddress the Taft Club at WiltonKyilorldayniglitOcWber12thon thejfssues of the present camIpaignV The public is invited andthe ladies tire especially invited

i i


Mr Boyd AnnouncerWo arc authorized to announce

NOUGHT itot f rt TJSK t rrty-

as a cnndla oflwcli Ttornoysubject to tfiPtlotfSf thcvlretytrlklcan 1riandryjOir Iff

Red Mens Memorial serviceOct 25 Watch JnxtkisBiie forparticulars

HeriiJiir Tinsley hivet

justreturned from the market withthe largest assortment of drygoods ever brought to this city

There are an abundance ofchestnuts this season and theyare coming into market

Leave your Laundry work withthe Parker Grocery Co agentsfor the Normal City Steam Lan-

dry of Richmond Ky

The very latest thing in veil ¬

ing belts belt buckles combsbarretes collars and collar sup ¬

porters at Herndon Tinsleys

Dr Tip Jones has moved fromthe public square into the JosephSampson house on Manchesterstreet

Unclo Toney Doodney has mov-ed from Manchester street to thehome he recently purchased onNorth Main street

Parker Grocery Co have justreceived a car load of flour whichthey are selling at Jocts pereack Crescent Flournone bet¬

ter Try it J

This week will finish the stone-work on the new hotel ready toreceive the roof When com ¬

pleted this will be the haudsom ¬

est in our city

Mr Joseph Miller is puttingdown a concrete walk in frontofhis resilience on Main streetwhich will be a great improve =

ment when completed

Crit Mitchell has built a newconcrete walk in front of hispremises on Knox street to takethe place of an old board walkwhich is quite an improvement

Judge Sampson is moving theresidence recfctitly occupied by

Dr Tip Tones to another lotfronting on Pitzer street andwill build on the corer lot in thenear future

There will be a nice aesprtniQntof Ladies suits of tliirtythreedifferent styles ranging in pricefrom ten to forty dollars oh exhi ¬

bition at Jlenulon <fc Tinsleyscommencing Qot 0 ant continu-ing


ten vw

Copt Jarvis VIsitingJin Kenlucky

Capt L M Jarvis of Snecdville Than has been the guefet

for the past few days of hisnephews John D Jarvis of Jarvis Store and L H Jarvis ofthisrCapt Jarvis is a Mexican sol ¬

dier also a Civil war veteran Heis 79 years old hale and heartyty us a man of 50 While in thisdity be paid this ofiice a pleasantcall He will visit relativesin Indiana this fall and winter

pterestjugof the nrtuniiyof talkingwith Idiom txmcerning liilf experi-ence


in the war and many othertopics of the early days in thissection

i Notice v

The Republican Taft Club ofBarbourville will meet at thecourthouse Tuesday October 18vat 7 pm Everybody come andbring your

friendWGreen Ohme

The Meeting

The revival mooting at theOhristian Church continues witha full attendance at every ser ¬

viceRev Meyers has been preach ¬

ing sriine very interesting ser ¬

mons and there have been sever ¬

al additions to the churchOn Tuesday teruoqn three

candidates were baptized in theriver tend there will possibly bemore by Sunday >

1 4i J





Destroys theHandsome Residence-

of Judge DishmanTuesday Night

Loss Perhaps 5000 Insu ¬

Fonda 5000

Tuesday night a few minutesbefore 7 oclock the cry of firewas heard and in a very shorttime almost every citizen of ourtown was on the scene of the conllagration

When first discovered the irehad broken out in the attic overthe bathroom iIi the rear of thehouse but before sullicientwalercould be secured the lames hadspreadand gained such headwaythat the building was doomed

The young men of Union Col ¬

leg were among the first to ar-

rive and worked heroicly to savethe house hut when it was seenthat this could not b done wil ¬

ling hands sonn cleared the en ¬

tire building of oil the furnitureand almost every article was sav ¬

edThe building was a large subsstantial two story brick withslate roof and on account of thbpoof the lames had spreadthroughout the entire top of thdbuilding before the fire eat itsway through the heavy roof

The only theory that can beadvanced as to the origin of thelire is that it was started by miceorrats as there had been no firein the house since Sunday

The cooking all being donewith gas there was no possibleway for it to have started thefire and besides where fta8

ovrrtheney or flue near that part of thehoute so that there con 11 havebeen no way for it to have startedexcepte as statedFor three hours the flames roar ¬

ed before the building was allconsumed aa the fire fed downfrom the top slowly

Judge Dishman stated to theAdvocate man while the fire wasburning that he had 3000 insu ¬

rance on the house and 1000 ontime furniture Later in the eve ¬

ningMr Tinsley one of the Instir nee agents stated that hispolicy had lapsed so he thoughthe hadno insurance whateverexcept as he tjipught the 1000on the furniture

Wednesday morning howeverhe found to his glad surprisethat during his absence last Julyhis wife had taken out a policyfor 2000 on his house and 500on the furniture and also withthis good news he discoveredthat the 8000 policy with MrTinsleys company had not claps ¬

eelso he had 5000 insuranceon the house and 500 on thefurniture

Time furniture was almost allsaved but some of it was dam ¬

aged in the removal from theburning building

The loss is estimatedto beabout 8000on the house so thatwhile the inurance will notfully cover it yet it will go a-

long way toward erecting anoth ¬

er home While everyone sym ¬

pathizes with this excellent fam ¬

ily in their loss we allrejoicethat they were so well protectedby insurance at the time whenit was so badly needed

Judge Dishman has uotj fullydecided as yet just what he willdo but it goes without sayingthat he will erect a modern brickresidence at once upon the siteto take the place of the one de ¬

stroyed rSunday School Convention

The annual convention of theSunday Schools oL Knox countywill be held At Emanuel on Sat-urday October 24 1008 AllSunday schools workers of Knoxcounty aVe requested to be pres-


on this occasion Programwill bo issue later



The Cumberland River baptistChurch corner Main and Pine StBarbourville Ky

RBV L H AKVIN JnstorRegular services each Sunday rat

11a m and 7 p inSunday School 930 a mPrayer meeting Wednesday 7 p mYoung Pfojile1 Union meets an

230 p m each SundayThe public arc cordially invited I



First M E ChurchJohn D Hitchcock IJaator

Public service each Sunday at Jla m and 7 p m

Sunday School 945 a mEpworth League Grlo p mJunior League 230 p mChoir Practice Thursday 330 pmBoys Chorus Choir Tuesday

400 p mPrayer fleeting Thurs 700 pm

YES J908 Taxes is dueand been due four monthsWhat are YOU waiting on

I DAN H WILLIAMSSheriff Knox County

G lHaiia11eGrocery

uThe Store That Always Leads

We will sell untill further noticegreat bargains as follows

Little Duke Flour 70c sackor5 GO per barrel

Golden Grain per sack70cts85 GO per barrel-

Campspring Special 70cts sackor 560 per barrel

100 lbs sack salt 60c 125lbssack salt 70 cts 1501bs sack salt80cts

Anything in groceries cheaperthan elsewbere

We have a complete line of Queensware at the lowest prices Hard ¬

ware of all kinds We will be pleas-



to figure with all who contem ¬

plate building on their line of hard ¬

ware We can make it to your in ¬

terestWealso carry the LEHIGH PORT ¬

LAND CEMENT This is undoubt-edly


the best on the market andhas been awarded more work by theU S Government than anyothermanufacturers in the States

+ We also wish to call your atten ¬

tion to our TEN CENT COUNTERIt will pay anyone to visit our storeand inspect this counter You willfindmany articles on it worth 25c

Yours for business


The Store that Always Leads



To form your opinions anti keep In touchwith tho progress of tho campaign you willneed llrsl class reliable newspapers Wohave node n special arrangement wherebyyou can got tho

Daily CourierJournal 125Daily Louisville Times 125FIjOM NOW UNTIL DEC J 1908

This gives you a live metropolitan paperthrough tho campaign and tho electionOrder today as subscription will startwith Issue of tiny order Is received Noback numbers can bo sent Or you can

haveThe Mountain Advocate

fur twelve months and either of the aboveDallies Until December 1st for only

L G1rOOrThis special campalKn offer Is In effect

only during Juno July and August and nosubscriptions will be received at the re-duced rate titter August Ulst under any

circumstnncoliJyour thispapoi NOT to tho OourlorTournaI orTimes but to


Making or Keeping PromliThe difference between Mr TaftB

promise of tariff revision and Mr Bryans pledges In the same direction Is

that Mr Taft It elected will be in poslBltlon to redeem his pledge while MrBryan if elected would bo powerless toaccomplish anything with a Republican senate arrayed agrfUmt tots freetrade plans Omaha Bee JI







I eI I

Would like to keep account of their receipts andexpenditures some one else would keep for themr keg

Open a bank account with The First National Bankand you will find the account keeps itself with no-



Your died s are always evidence of date a amountt r

of nil disbursements and your deposit bookshowsdates and amounts of your receipts

I vMany of your friends andneighbors have accounts

withus WHY NOT YOU Dont wait for a bigstartany amount offered either large small fcheerfully accepted Its a handy convenience the J

farmer well the business mau



Capital Stock sii0eefJO-V

+ r

Surplus and Profits 4i 00000 J1


lsJrlem 3D Sampson


IIjIII Books and Stationery I j

I Also be beeps-

Collstantl2 onfbano all KinoIn all the for In factthat in a can be

any timeNext Door To






anif it


or isto

ns as

dm ColeGasbier n

I1Reaa llixea faint1

colors suitable house Painting 8nI is usually kept firstclass Drug Store thlngIstoej Physicans Prescriptions Carefully


IC 10



The Only FirstClass Livery in Town iEast Side Public Square Barbourville Kentucky



AT >

BOTTOM PRICESItIiPrints going at 5c per yard Brown Cotton 5c to 7c per yard

Ready Made Clothing Going at UnheardofPrices It

Mens Suits from 3 up Childrens Suits from 1 up

SHOES At Exceedinsrly Low Prices

Doors and Windows very cheap from 65c 75c up Limo Cement Tilingfcc as cheap as the cheapest y


F u tr r T 1T Econsisting of anything from collar to attic Stoves Carpets

Chairs c very cheapNo matter what yon want call and see mo and r can save you money



IF you want the light of day to shine in your home throughout theflthe night you must have an Electric Light installedsee M P

MILLER and have him make you a price on installing an electric flight wire in your residence or business house

The most satisfactory light ever used is electric lightno heat orodor usually experienced as by users of the lamp always ready noSchimneys to clean no danger of fire cheaper than kerosene Try it and ibe convinced v 1taiMt IAIv L rw t

G t< I

Barbpurville Electric Light Phant <ti


i< t