j the pointer - university of wisconsin–stevens point · stevens point j the pointer ... ft11...

., .. ,, ,, ,, 11 1, ,, ,, ., ,, 'I Wisconsin State University Stevens Point J THE POINTER - SE RIES VIII, VOL. 13 DR. OURDl:.."'Tl'E EAGON, right, usocl ate vice president of Stevens Point State Unin ' nii ty, spoke with the chief of party and two women lnt.erpret.el"8 from South Vietnam who arrived this week for a study-observaUon tour of WSU. From left are Misa Thuy Lan, Dr. Nguyen Chung Tu of the Univer11ity of sa'l- ,on, an.d Miss Nguyen Ngan. Senate Considers Support Of WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1969 8 PAGES - NO. POINTER Wins· All ·Ameritan Paint Blank Call l41 -12J1 ht. us

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Wisconsin State University


DR. OURDl:.."'Tl'E EAGON, right, usocl ate vice president of Stevens Point State Unin' nii ty, spoke with the chief of party and two women lnt.erpret.el"8 from South Vietnam who arrived this week for a study-observaUon tour of WSU. From left are Misa Thuy Lan, Dr. Nguyen Chung Tu of the Univer11ity of sa'l­, on, an.d Miss Nguyen Ngan.

Senate Considers Support Of


POINTER Wins· All · Ameritan

Paint Blank

~ Call l41 -12J1

ht. us

Page 2 TH E POINTER October 2, 1961

"By Space the UniYerse Encompasses and Swallows Me As An Atom; Bailiff On Dreyfus Marion Defends Photo Stand

By Thought I Encompass It." - Pascal

THE P·ODIUM Dcnr EdllOr,

Hidden In the pomJ)OUI me,. lorlc of P re•. L.S. OreylU1' re­ply 10 11udent dem1ndJI con. umlnc 1he re l11lonshlps be-1wttn t~ unh·enlty, the: mlli­llry and 1h11' •,ur (Pointer, Sepe . 18, 19691, Is 1n lllue worthy of o.1 r reJlecrkJ,n . The rrply 11 11 whole ontl !he det11ll1 ol Dreyfus' allj:ument are 1hem· 1elve1 unworthy of extended contlderaUon; 1u.ch rebuua l 11 !hey merl l hu bet-n well-pro­vlde<I by - studenu 11nd others. (My 1ue11 ls thnl Pl'ff. Drey­ft11 h111 foq:ot ten what studcnu ex~rlence. Slnc11 1tudenU are txpoaed dally In cla11room1 to lulladoua allj:umenl, p1eudo­ac.holon.hlp and lnfiated uter· lion, they develop a noae for

m1kln& 1uch objections In hi, nply.

But hit objectlorll 1re ml .. le11dln&. u a, In fac t Dreyfu,' ~•r Mr. Schutte, ldenlltlcatkin of the matter In You have lln11.Jly U ken the quntlon wltti him.self and hi• wron, •kie on an Juue. I had poalllon and lnternu Unit on- hoPf(I It wu lmpoa1lble. It nd­dermbws the po11lblll1y ol di.. dent. me to dlsqree with a clU.llon. When II LI a q1.111stlon man who hu so ott~ bet'n of 1iertonall1y a ll dl1cunlon LI rl&hl In the pall. II abo &rleves unreusonable. But l>re)'fWI not me that )'OU uked 1.everal peo­o,, ly lntrudn his own ~rlOn· pie about the (acul1y rullns on allty and feellna• In pl1ce of plcturrs durln& votn but did the quntJon of Intellectual re- not .. k the penon who• made aporu:lbllity and moral lnle&ril)' the rullnr,

Senate Should Study United Council Status

Last' weekend J o hn Zweifel, president o f the

S tuden~ Government Asaoclatio n a t W hitewater,

and his delegation packed up their baga and quit

United Council. The dramatic move took place at

Dreyfus Outlines Vietnam Plans

By UIU. M t: I SSS E K.

WSU-Steven1 Point mil)' ha\'e 11n "admlnl,trath·e exchanae·• proirt11m 10o·llh lhe Hel)\lbllc ol Soulh Vietnam which \lo'OU\d l't'•

trusl ." He expl1ln.ed that the live Vietnamese rectors w h o ha\'e vl11ted our c11m11w " lla\'e come lo know WI on • \"ery personal bails."

put to hlm b)' the stude:nl1, Durlnr a meetln1 lul year, lie e1lb !heir cha.l'llcter Into ,while I wu chairman of the que1tlon u well. Such movea faculty 1 made the rullni In

t he Presiden t 'a Council meeting a l Superior, and· •ui;anbe 1helr entire 1y11em ol

aihould bring o the r cam puaea, h1cluding our own , hlKher Nluc111lon. l.nutht'r reuon 11 that the Vletnumesc want thil unl\<er• 1lty sy11em c: hangeo\·er within lhe lmmedlo1e foneuble lu­tul'e . Beca111e our campus II COl\l lruct"<I In a 1ln1le lactoe' b\1lldln1 1ltuatkln, that II, with each bulldlne serving one 1pe­clllc 11urpo1e, our . simpler or­Kani.tatlon 11 much easier to panem.

~~~e::red°\1~.n~e·m:~~ .::

di:;'!o:r7!: ~;~WI d~c::l:i ~~;.~ ~::~ti;~~

:!::if~thlen~n:.! ':"1!! ~ ru~ ~~ !acuity ac•

::::. 'f.ue::1~ ~,:;j~~1,dl~ I belle\'ed then, and I ttlll e~h. It haa become the typl· believe, thal the right to vote e1l rnponse of people In ut1b- Includes the right to a priv•le l11hed sx-ltklnl. But tha t doet ,·ote. Prlv1cy In votln1 b not m•ke It any the IHI per- protecled In Americ• n law Ind

Perha .. the luculiy "Ill waive their rlcht to llf'J\'aq 11 you •lncerely bellevt' 11 1• 111 lhe lnterftts ol the unk"nuy Why not Ilk lhem• llut 11t..~'4. don't read II rtlun 1 u II t•,n. 11>lrucy of secrecy. ChMri:tt (,I conspiracy 11nd secrecy II r ,.

:::rn'!:..n~~ofy rt'lll'r•••1 ~

CA.KOL .\IAKIO:,, Asal111nt Profu111r

olJl\s1ory into a ree\•aluatlon of Un ited Counci l.

A statement signed by t he seven man W hite­

w a te r delegation said, " I f ever an organization

existed which talked more and did lcae t h em

Uo.lted Counc il, we ha ve yet t o bwr o f ita exis­te nce." The statement fu r ther c harged, " W e

ha\•e participated In the organlz.allon far too long to be convinced by additional unfulflUOO

promlsca, haatily-prepared and poorly execu ted

programs, and pointleaa m ecting:s eh aractc rlz.ed

by rantic discussion and total inaction tha t this

o rg niz.a tion will e \·Cr amount to anything more

tha an ex penaive d ebating club."

Ve ha\'e nothing against the concept of a fra.

t e r al o rder o r atUdcnt legislat ors, but we won-

r i( the expense a hould be handled by the a tu­

d enl body. O ne thousand d olla rs from this school goes into the United Council coffers fo r

general operation,, and addi t ional funds a.re i.Beued to send, bed and board o u r repreacnta­


W e see little constructive come out of United

Council, and atill leas fo llow-through . T he organi­

ui.tlon has little power to eXerciae, and d oes lit· Uc- to s trengthe n ila 'power base.

W ho doea the United Council exial fo r , the­

~ of Regents or s t udent . g o ve rnment? W hat

_ programs have been accomptiahed that the Cou n•

c il can point to w ith pride ? W ha t tangible use is it to our Student Senate?

W e look to Wally Thiel and bia able Student Senate to anawer t hese and other q ueationa or follow the lead of W hitewater and remove Ste­vena Poin t from U nited Council .

Soott Schutte

Quertion Of The Week Is N ick going to ch eck!

The Pointer Wisconsin State University The POINTER 11 published weekly except holldays

and examination periods. 11 Ste,·ens Polnl, Wisconsin. by 1he studenll ol Wlsconsln Slate University, Sub­Kl'iptlon price - $5.00 ~r year. Clrc:ulatlon 9,:WO. Second·class pos1age paid at Ste,;ens Point.

The POl!'."TER oHIC't' Is locattd In the Unh•ersl ty Center. Telephone 341-1251. Ex1. 235.

EDITORIAL BOARD Editor- Paul J•nty, 601 Fourlh Ave .. 341·2339 · Asso.:late Editor-Scott S<-hune, 601 Four1H Ave.,

341·2339 News Edltor-~bble Freeman, 2'221 Sims Ave .. 341·2754 Sports Edl!or-Tim La.sch. 230 Baldwin Hall. Ext. 298 F'e:i. tu re Edllor- 8111 Melslner, 2132 Stanley St.. 341·2879 Copy Editor- Laurie Leot her bury, 1901 Collece A,·e ..

J,14-0141 Photo Editor-Mike Domlnow:;;kl, 134 Watson, Ext . 669 Ad,·ertlslng Managers-BUI Hummel. 3.U,2-193, and

Larry Shadlck, 341-09:W.

AD\ ' ISERS ~t r. Dan lloutlhan, Inforrnallon Services, Ext. 239 Mr. John Anderson, Information Servlc,es, Ext. 4S7

S TA.Ft'


~~~~:!~? Ji!;1tk~~,:k~~•wf:, ~~Je~s?'' ~~~

Polle<ello, Mary S tttkt'r , l..ai/: Wlllle1al. Terry Scheid, Kay Alvey. .

P resident LN! S. Dreyfus rt. \'Ull.'d the 11loru for II conlract ln\·oh·lnr Stewn, Point th a t would pn.wlde Sooth Vletn11m·1 unl\•et111\n with coruultath·e o,H00-111101 helv. Dntylut 1a)'II th11t he 1eu 1hl1 011porlwll ty, "As pouibly th~ m(ll!I •lilnlfi· c,mt thinr thit ln1tltutkin can do within 1hl11 decade."

\\'SU-SP should know by No­,· .. mber whether the contract \lo1th the A.I.D. IAsency for ln·

temallonal De\•elopmenll h a • bttn 1ppnwed. 11,e conlracl would call lor 2~ man-months of con,ul tatl\'e service In South Vli:!tnam, .. -hk h II 1/1.e e<!Ui\•a• lent ol two 'men helping for a IJ('riod of one year. Thi! pri· \'llt>ge uf vi1!1tna Vietnam for consuli.tlon will probably be aulglK'd to II least 18 p«,ple. The vi.It~ will be Umlted to "cenaln lt•nath or llrnt', dur­ln1 which our admlnlllraton will lt't up the mechanics of e;,i:ecutln& a particular admin· 1$lr•tl,oe duty. F'or example, someone may sl)t'nd 4 weeks showing the Vle tn11me-lt' deans how 10 1et up a 1ystem of "'I· lstra tlon. The u me m 11y be done for a book rental 1y•tem, a 1ransfern.ble credit system , a nd IIO on. All this man,pov.-.!r can' l come from Ste\'ffll PoU'II alone, 1ay1 Oreylua, so some of the other 11ate u·1 mny he\11 out with the contract .

Currently, Soulh Vietnam u5e1 the French Traditional S)'Stem, v.·h\ch la ba1\cally • rigid cluu concept In which the proreuor1 are veritable dls­tn1ora to the 11udenll . The-le pro!etsol'II ha \-c the authori ty to aay whether or not II s tu­dent pu,es OI" &radontet. In 1hls system, there are many lncon&fUlllt's. For example: there It no regis tration ol Siu· denll, then' are no transcripts which enable 1tudcn111 to trans• fer. and the 1y11em la not a matte r or credlU and er11dt'1.

Also, tht're wl\l not be a l1r&e amount ol ~y ln,·olvt'd In t he con1rac1, ,o coruequently the hlil ln11itutlons have n o t comlderedlt.

Our primary poyolr. 1ay1 DttyfWI, wllJ be in the PT't'&• llj;e we rain. We will'bc dolnK "Something of such national lm1>0n lhnl It PUii U1 In the malns1ream of na1lona.1 eduea­llon," 11y1 Oreyfua.

A fln1l reason for the Ste\•ens Point lnwlvemenl, 11 10 CIIITY

on the \lo'Ork of our lale Prttl· denl, J llmt'S Alber!IOl"I, who was killed ln a plane cr111h while takln& a 1un.'t'y of hl1hcr tdu­e11lon In Vietnam. Dreyfus tx· plains !hat ··Pre1klen1 Albert· l50n'1 deMh ho.a cr-.ated II lie v.1th thne tVletnameosel Pf'O­ple ."

Uurdette Ea;on, lhc As­elate Vice prftldt'nt for Aca• dt'mlc Affall'II , and William Vle­kel'll lllff ue both uslatln..: Pre•· ident DreylWI In 1h11 \'en ture. They have both visited. Vll'l­Mm, and Vlckerstofl 1ay1 the chnnct'I of receiving the con­tract are "\'C'r)' con~lvable."

PrHkSl'nl Dreyfu, plans a triv to Soo1h Vietnam for aome­tlmc alter J anuary 1. He aaya that the Vletnamtte have the ..:enerPI (11)8.ls for the re\·lt lon of their system. and th11 t he ~ pet 10 ha\'e the overall 1oala solldlfledafterh11 vltlt. Hewill b1ue hil conclusklns both on tht! Albertson report, 11 v.'1! 11 us hl1 ov.n finding s,

u>oklng ahead to 1he future, Dl'eyfu, see, some long range

In addltkln, many South Viet- ~~~:: !~ -::u::::a'!fth °' 1 ~a; name&e educators and faculty Soulh Vietnamese. !eel 1h01 mau education threa t· ens !heir a ristocratic c la ss Slructure . . But the rec lol'II ot the five Unl\'el'llltiea In S. Viet­nam a re a ll convl~ th a t mnu education v.·111 be an e11& lutionary proce11. and 1h.l t an " Amcrlcanll.td" unh•erslty •YI· tern IO"OUld be the tint lor the~ .

The~ are lt' \·eral l'e&IOnl why S1evens Point wu chosen by the Vtlltnamese for the ex­chanre progr1m. M Dreyfus puts II , "The key !actor \1 1he ll('raonal rel11Uon1hlp; In t h e 1\mplct t term1, 11·1 h u m • n

Draft Information E,·ery male lh1tk'nt should

kl'ICNI how the drart eltecla him. Tro. lned counsel01'11 are avail· able to inform 1tudenla of e,·ery legal al ternative 11v1llable. Thlt year the service \lo'ill function from the UOt olllce, 1125 Fre­mont Street, 344-0IXM and the CouMelln1 Center, 014 Nellon Hall , ext , 506. F1nal decisions, however, alw1ya rut with the 11udmlt.

Letter Policy THE POINTER ~ Wten to the editor on any

aub,Jeet. Ldt.en lhould be aubmlUed type.wrl tt.tn , double-al*lt'd and llpll&itd to t60 word.I ln lenph.

A.nonymom !elf.en wtlJ not be prinw,d, howe-.·l'r , nanw. will be W'Uhhtld fo, a rood and aul'tlclent ttUOn.

THE POISTER rette:n ·ea the rl,rh l to edit all ld t.tn for Jena-th and rood tMte, The briefer the ktt ter, the be&w Ila dlaDoel for ~

have filled h11 reply with ll , Out , the n. e\•en prac1lcln& pro­lellOn obvloully forae1 ... I

The hidden Issue concerru the nature ol dlscuuloo •nd the So Dreyfus' ~ply a, 1 fidlure,

:::~~lllty or db~rnln& 1 h e :~ ,-:.:' ~~~ ~u~= :,':

The cenlrol requirement for dl1cuulon, o.nd the mOII ballc re:uonable dlscU11\on II lhlt need o! the univers ity. Every• th~ m•tter In que.don be It'~ where In his text one m c:oun-11r111td from the chal'llcter and ters the hurt lone and the !Ht)' feellna1 ur !he partlclpanu. remark: " U you object to lhese There ii no doubt that 1h11 Is 1hinp, why, you're hurtlnl me ; ttMl m0&1 difficult requlrtment and I 'll 1et y.:,u back." What we must meet In order to par- tloes such an a ultucle bode lor tlclpale In !he quest for truth . the future! If 11 v.-ere conllned Th11t II Jwn why It la ITIOII to !hi.I ~pus we could • II Important. Ju lmpor1ance ls · relu. But It Isn't. We meet also bound up with lhe exls· 11 eve~·here nowadays, H~ tence of lhe unh·erslly , Unlver• dally tn places of promlne:nce. 11\let were en-aced by lhe fflOlt 1lll! present prnldcnl of the araumentatl\'e belnga In hl1- U.S. 1, a past muter of the IOI')': mt'dleval scholars an d J)('rson&( fallacy, Evidently the the-ologlans. Bui thew men luture holds the Ukellhood ol kntw their OV.'n weakneu. So, Jeq reasonable dlicuuMJfl . And u wu th;.>lr habit, 1hey made that me11111 that unlveniOn are a dl1tlnction. 11,ey dlatlngulsh· no1 llkely to reco\-e r aoon thei r ed between an araument dlrec· own bell tradition.

~~ 1:rg~!~ng d\~~1~

11: ~~ Evidently only the 1tudenu,

11(.'l'iOO lnvol\'ed, TIiey though! on !he whole, 11111 thlnk that II wron& and extremely bad di.cUlllon la po11lble: 1 t 1 1 1 lorm to dlrttl one's •rirumt'n- think th.It a university It the 1a1ke attack a t ihe person In- oppropri1te pla~ lo qlJll&tlon ,'Oh'ed. and critic~; 1tlll belle\'t: that

\Oo'e may all take quntions lt'ri· They were righl, And ever oualy wtthout 11kina 1hem per·

since It hn been W1u11 I to call sonolly. Toot they do ,o la a for " rntiontl l dlacUlllon" and proml&e for the future. lt la 1o object lo tact1c1 which un- the only ont' - ha ve ... dennine IL \\'e find Ottylus John Banm

Once Upon A Bust By 0. BRU8K.E

By day Paul J , the harried tdltor ol the Studenl Newspa­per In Rapid City, C001clenllous· ly fll tera and lnterpttla develop­mrnta U'I the lJnlvenlty com­mun.ity, lie typlnes the enm­H I, lnvol\·ed, studt'nl. UttJe do thole ... ho see him In the Vnl· \-.!rllty Center, an everpre.sent v1nlll1 Ice cream cone In hill hand, rn llze thal in the nl(Cht he becomea "Head Leaff" pro­tector of minority cultUtell and 11 M.arwl Com.le hero!

~ ~sday moml~g. lt'veral member1 ol Paul'• 11aff are cleonln& up, the paper hll.l been put to bed lor another we-ell . Suddenli,: lhe door opens and thrt't' men v.:lth ctN'-CUla and fra1ernl1y jackela enter , one reaches Into his &l'ffrl and yel­low !rat-Jae and produces a blWokl., lt 't the FBI, " We hawi ln(ormation that &e\·eral hun­dred un-Amerlcant on thlscam­PUI are runnln; an Illegal traf. fie In cenain inlOxlclll'IU. We \lo'OUld like your coo~rallon."

As ,oon u the •cents les,·e Paul 1et1let back Into his chair dcrtly rolllng • Bueter w I t h one hand, he lnhalet deeply.

"Looks Uke a job for Head Leaff .•.. ,"

Rushlna to the men's room Paul takes olf his outer clothlnc a nd becomet "Head." "And now to foll lhOle J . E<tiars. Rush·

Ing past · a , mall l l'ffhman who uelalm, "Who wu that man!" A janitorsldle1 up, "Why that'• Lucy In lhe Sky wl lh Dia• monds," An Enclllh major ex.­cl11lm1 " He'1 200 Ll&ht Years from Home!" A tenlor history minor nods wilt'ly and 1ays " Jt ·s STP - the antl-n1rc com­pound."

Quickly Head racu 10 the Pudl torium and mounll t h e ata&t' where Jack Kerouac II lecturtn& on the: evils of New• Left U berallam ; he thlnkl It's nd.

Le.ptna 10 the atace He1d 1houla "lt'1 a bl..lmmer ." lm· mtdlate ly the hall ls In utle r confuaion - people ,re running, 11 wnbllf11. ln tv.'O mlnute1 the hall It emp1y except for Ke­rouac who m uu en u he walks OUI "Who'd e\·er think he'd be able to pull llofflnhll BVD's,"

The followln1 momlna I h e foCC11 or half 1he audience show notkable •liru of re lief.

Al Paul enters hit olfice hil telephone it rlnalnl. hit secre­tary 111N,-Crs It and whbpen " 11'1 the min from the lt'Wl.le pl11nt, he hu bet'n calllnc all momlna."

Tiie man on the other end ls ll'llle, "Some lools • t your University have Oushed a ton of parsley\ nakn and otteano Into the- main. Our mtire lt'W• 11111 ll)'ltem It spiced!"

Ravel, Presster Great By 800l'T sanrrn: Unt'a Maphisto waltz and. the

Patrons ol the Artl and U'C- •h.lchllght ot the t\'enln1. Ra· lurC$ Series "-.!re treated to ,·el'• flll'ltastic: Cupard de la furious keyboard omnutJcs u nult. Manahem Pres1le:r ~ned the chamber aeries In the okl main a uditorium.

Pre111ler is III excellent plan­lat who can handle ,·ery rou&h 1NIJ£nmt:nla U he ahoWed In bta aelcc:tJonl. My -only t'Oln· plajnt wllh lhe ('\,'enlfl&' is a

. penonal dilWu: of hll genttal Jll'OC1'&m, I cannot complain about his pllyl.na, but thOu£h nol!llent, wu not autflclent to . tlrina me !:' my leet.

G111111t"d lit' la null is divided Into th!"ff poems. Ondine, a mazlc:.al dbcrlption of water; Le Clbet. a death scene com­plete wtth tollln& bells; • n d Scarbo, an ,Ironic portrait ol a &rimacin( •wl.ll-o'-the-Wiap. I t It one ol the really crea1 com­posltklns tha t Rl~l creattd • Prealtt out.did hlmtelf, h I , •trenclh and tonal brillance was compelllf1I and he- ,old the V.'Ork completely .

~ numbers aometlmes lie, but the Op.a 2, No. 2, II very ~ BeelhoVen. It ls very Kaydenesque, urbane and Pol-­lahed but l'l'llinl 1till a limpid beauty that makN It an enjoy­able piece, It wu ~·ell pllyed.

The enootn were a ClJopln Nocturne, a Scriabin Elude, and Brahms' 1..ullaby. M.nahem Pressler pnwkl«t an eXOt"llent evenln& ol mu.le prol1111kina.Uy played. It WU his HCOnd a~ pear,nce on c~ and he- d• = to be brou&ht ba~

Deadline 1be Polnttt hu a deadline

ol Sunday even1nc at 8 p.m. wlth eopy-beln&:turned ln 1t the pa.ptt'1 office on the ae-c­ond Boor ol the Vnlftralty C.en-

'"· 1be deldllnrt pttYklully Wall

Monday a t noon.

n..USJUNO '1:11 our of the AKli Woodlot:.! The "It 18 not a war game. It 18 our way of lending Brat Barn under .eigc ! No, ROTC on maneuvers reallam. to the clauroom aituation." (Mike Domloow-011 North Reeerve Street. Maj. Leister e:s:plalned.aki Photo)

The Oiopin Pre:ludes are IOffltthln&; me acain. 1 always pl til t somewhere In the shut'· De oflhest'llttle~, some­wbett around eleven, 1 also ftnd myself bually count(n& the preluda Instead ol 11.nenlnJ: to them. 1 enjoy the Eludet. Bal-1.ade:t and evaa the noc:wme1 .hen In •mall dose&, but the Preludet, det:plte the respect I have for them, make me most llm'Omlortabl:to when performed. They did provkle PrePlc!r to lhow hls talenla 1n tull view Uhe l\andledthetrlcltttyworlr. and fut mood chan&et with r re:. t aktll.

The aecond halt WU a 1how­cate for drama u Prffme.r pleued Ills 1udleace wl t b

When copy I, turned. it IIIUII by typed or prlnttd kr!bly or the artlcle will DOC be published. When typinc artlc:IH, type dou­ble space,

J l ' I

c1,11tom and In democratic IOV· e:rnments ew~'hae. A voter'• privacy Is considered 111.entlal to a voter'• frffdom.

Members of the faculty have not !rubied on private votn In lhe PHl becaUlt' of the: ... aumption that acholan would rC'lpe<:I the richt ol others to dbaaree, and would not Ute k"°""'leda:e or anolher 'a vote 10 a ttack hla belld1 or hll repu­taUOn. I k"°""' you have no In­tention of usln1 pho(O&:r1phl of \ '()(es to brin& prellUrt on par­tlcullr membttl ol lhe faculty, to hold them up to ridicule, o,, to inhibit !heir treedom of expre:111kin or •cOon In a n )' way.

But the danCt" r eidlla tha t othe-T* ml1ht make 1uch Ult' of pho4,0&niphs. Thrre la 11lao the dan,:er d delibt>rate or 1c­ddental mltlabellnr of a u c h p\cturn, showing u "yea" UlOlt' votlna "no," or reponlng u a vote on one ll.lue what wn really • \"Ole on anolher .......

U I "'""' ~rsuaded that the &ood purp»e 10 be aen1ed by such picture• outv.·elghed the Im­portance of the rl&ht 10 a pr\· vale \'ote .. I \lo'OUld ur1e lhe (1cul!y 10 re,·e111t' the ban. But faculty mee11n&• are open to anyone - q a mull ol UI· culty decision which an Al tor­ney Central'• ru ling later COlll· llrmed - and any lntertt ted ~rson may attend •od o~n.·e for himself lhe P01ltlon ot fa. cully memberl on Important Lt-

Decitions ol the faculty are always publlc (your lmpllcatlon of lt'erecy la demagoa:uery or the wor1t kind) ind few taculry membets ,re reticent • b o u t their opinion. I IIJ&&HI T h e Poln1er resort 10 old-fuhklned le-f work Ins tead ot photo1n· PhY If It wishes to know how lndlvldl.ll.lt , ·Ote. But I 1lao •uc· 1es1 that you re1pe<:1 their rl&ht1 If they do not wish to le ll you.

Mr. Warren II wronr to be­lle~-c that • 1ovemmen1 body cannot deny the pttu the right lo l't'COrd a vote on lilm, Al l

Psychologist Speaks On Man, The Manipulaton

Or. Evl!l'etl l... Shol:trum, a prominent C.llfomla psycholo­glst and author 1poke to an audience ln the Wltcomln Room 11111 Mond.ti;y nigh! about his bnt.4elllnl book, M-, UM ~ ...........

Ills 1udlence oonsltted of the houtlnc oltlce h.lgtierarchy from the director to the student 111-sl111n1a, about 170 •l.ron&. and a ft'Vo' ln1er-.11ed others. M one of the- le:adln1 studffit penon­nel aurus. Shottrum wu well reeeh·ed.

Shostrum dls~llhed be­tween a manlpul1tor, a person who "Ulllli, e;ii:pk)lu, and« con­b'OD h.lmself and othen u thlnp In aelr-defea tlna: wa)'I" • nd the actuallur, one v.'ho "a~lates hlmself and hb: leUow man aa perlON; or 1ub­jec1a wtlh WUQu,e pot.en,lial -111 expreuorofhla actual self."

Dr. Shoatrum has divided mankind Into elrht bask pu-

::f1:!i~~,!e~ ~.~ top dop are the judze, the cal­culator, the bully and the dic­tator. He lhl'n devdoped the l)ttlOnailty type1. Man~ pie, the dictator, bin to coa­trol other~. In bl:atant form he tries to ptlni&h people and in the subUe form pl:A)'S the "Upe<:tlna; pme"; I>!-. Sho­atrum ays that npec.tationl play 90 per Ct'nt of all prot> lema betwftn m,m and women. 'll1t: female Yenlonol, tbe dicta. tor II the "Mother Soperior.''

Senator Speaks By MAJt.K DAIil.

Anolher ye1r ol S!udl:-nt ~),\·. emment h1&1 beRun. and lor an• other year !ht' 1tudent., Qf wsu. SP will be !old to "rel In­volved." TIM! Scl\lte v.lU da­cuu and voce On luues \lo hlch •re lmPort1nt to .ac:h 1tuck-nt. but wij l do ao wl!h Utile J I U· dent 1uppor1 ind lt'U 11udent Interest. AsWIUUl, lht"ltUdt"nl body w\11 be bl,mtd !or thl1 1!1uation, bu! one must \lo'Ol'lder If thl1 la the- correctlJIOl 10 J>l•ce this blame, or If lhe l)'S­

ll'm IL'lelf It \loTOl1&. f 1p1111k ol the prcsen1 1y1tem or Sen. Pie re:prt'IC!nt11Uon, a 1y1lt'm which I h .. -e l la lncorrec1.

Pr-eaenUy, lhe Senate 11 con,. JJO$,Cd of the four executive o(fl. cen, two Senatol"I from each clau, and m1.I aenaton from 11-'C, AWS, Panhell, lll'ld Rell• dence Ha ll Pre:1lden1'1 C.OUncll . For several years the Sena1e has recornl:wd lhllt thl1 system doe• not do an 1de,quate jGb of T't'presentlne the student pop­ulation, •nd has attempted, It\'•

era! !Imes, to rcorian~ . We have lound ' thil lm1JOS1lble. Finl, we are • S()\'ernln1 or-1anlzatlon Which m1.11t decide upon the many problems brought to our aitenllon euh week. Thlt llmlu the time v. e c:an 111end dixuulnr represen-1ational systems. SttOndly, lhe , ·ery tystem of l'eptttentatlon 11 It now e;ii:1111 hal, ln the pHI, made It lmpoulble lor U1 10 chanae the 1trocWrt'. 'The clus 1maton ha•·e not wanted 10 \'Ole themlt'Nes out of office, and the ora;anlzatlon repreaen­tatlvts ha\'& not desired to weaken the power of the Of"· i canlzatlans the)' repruent - a chanae In the reJ)f'etentatkJnal aystem may do this.

It Is apparent. then, that •n objective "'•luallon of the pc-et· mt system of reprt'lffllltlon mull be made. When the wlll of 8,000 lludenll 11 at stake, the St'note can wute no tlme In prorldtnc fos- the mos1 •de,. qu, te means of i-epruenuUon.


doc, the under doa: alfflOII In­variably wins. There ls no de­fenR 1.11Ullt n\ceneu. 1tupklity Ol"del)ffldence; ~ quallt.ies Shoat.nun belleves makes the W1der dog-~ po,,ffZiul.

Both lhe top doc and under doc typea can become actu.a­u.d people by l'ffpondina to OU-~ lhl'ouch U,dr own typa, 1'hus a dictator can be­ocrne a lec.der \lo11h chan&:e. Other aelf-•ctual1.led top dop II •rt the expra.,or, the. u sertor and the retpec.tor, The unckr doc · acw~ t)'PH ve the empathlzff, the appreciator, the CatT_r and. the (Wde..

Man mur;t try to be honnt with hlmaelf and wt1h othen by lbten!n.r and rnpondinr Wilh the heut, this 1'; the f'OUtf' 1o actualization.

l'..dhor'aNote : n.~ wlU~U.. \ext ot Dr.S.O. ~··~t..nweea -· 11ie Wilcoa,in State Unlver-The under doc types are the:

\lo'Hklln&;, the cJ..lnsini vine, the nice Coy and the PfO(ector .. An underdoc uample ll the Wffk. lln&". v.'hlch ls the cowrtttp&rt ol the dictator. The weakllna trin towlnby pl:ayinathe 1tu­pkl, teutul Ot' Withdrawn role. " With wnmen/ ' Dr. Shmtrum aaya, "'teus are the lecond best deviR for man.lPJlatlon.'' 1be

~ ;:_~ to rueu at

When a conDkt anan i. twMII a 'i doc Uld III l.mder

altles, tbrouch their student n. nancJaJ aldl otnca, P")vlde llnandal ·aula~ to needy •tudenta. Financial help ll pro. vlded fOI" in the form or (l) acho1ara1t1P1 Ind rran1a which need not be repaid; (2) lone· lf'rm loazw; and (3) employ. ment which enablft the sn,.. dent to earn money whlle at-

~ .:'1~ · .. 1!~= ~·~~~~ al .....

()ciober 2, 1969

Buddy Rich Show Rated As Great


HOT FISH SHOP Featuring Seafood and Steaks


Freshmen Elect

John J. Bohl To

· Just Arrived! ·c. P. O.'s

Tart an Jeans / Sweater Vests Winners DOIHIS KUST l10 IIC.Htu ..

of w.s.u. Gi~ fllAHK Wll:KOWSKI

U7 loWwio

from $10.00 . lined & t.lilled

Certificates SCOTT MITQtlNU

•11 ....,.


PAPA JOES Our Suffering Bastards-


w. Soll Sport Lie·-· . loit Wo luy I. Soll Guns

Page J

Financial Trouble Spurs Bus Route Through Campus ~ SceYtf\l Point Bus Com•

pany Is In deep trouble llnan­cl•IIY, H:cordlna to Dkk San­d• I. MJin1.1,r for the ~mbtr ot O:,mmffce. He .. Id the city ot s1,~n1 Point tu.1 vottd to 1ubl.ldlu tht b..11 company, OWDl'd by R• Y Plocrow1kl, tor • period ol lf'Yffl monthl . ttlle period bt11n June 1.1

Sandal u.ld the Oiamber or Oimmtru 1long wi th other rrouJll b workllll' ebftly with PlolrOwlltl ln 1n all,mpt to Hve the 1ervlc, from H r io.a llnanclal trouble.


Chuck Enders on the 111ok• toble,

moking the best Pino'• in town.

Mork Smolen. red hot FrH De· ic ,~ .. ·--··· l

yOUr door.

Steve Berndt .tending 'bor,



) 1

'ho, .d\i


'"' ~; 1110 ,,



I •

Poge -' __ _



Moin St.

THI ,OIMTll Oc:1ober 2, 1969



Take A Chance .•.

Smorgasbord Snappers

~.\ ~ I Big Daddy's

StrCN191 Ave.

W"anaen of $10.00 Giff Certificates for WSU lliQht - Selfert's Sh~rl ostl

!S5 &a.ell J[aU T A.ndrask•

t n Tbomu Hall Juno Sterk · Suo Sc:ii 5!.S. Wblltac Hot.el

141 8dumiedde Ball

Ketlly ~•li;r~ Ball

FIRIS ·- ··-r

Drug Education · on Campus with: Diret1or of Housing, Mr. Leafgren

Vice-President of Student Affa irs, Mr. Stielstra

for the best in radio listening, WSUS 89.9 Im

RUDY'S .~-==r . ~WIS.



v : The Phill Harris Group · 50c Admission

~t-obf:r 2, 1969


The " Pantsters" are coming I

Cover Girl has pant shoes for •" rour pantsuit occ•sions ... morning,

noon or night. P• ntsui'ts • re -in - •nd

we Mve ttw: -p•ntst~rs - to go Mth

. /

Shipp_Y. .. §hoes

THI rolNTll


STEVENS Where Your fashion Dollar Goes further


Come In and Browse Around

1043 Mal• St. Ste.••• Point

UM ~Ou, Laye.,., or Flrtt Wi.cons.ln CM,..

Page 5

Tips On Fighting Colds



Remington Special DUCK & PHEASANT LOAD

52.95 Line of Compl~te

Hunting Accessories


We ore not re1pon1ible

for : cottonmouth, miued

cloua , lost lunches,

milploced bodiH ,

offe ftded friend,, Or

Toriou1 disco1es, wnleu

contracted by ourselTn.

Little Joe's DR.INKING


Ottobtr 2, 1969 THE POINTER

Wsus 89.9 FM On Your Radio Dial

I ) 1,

•.. , . " r .. .. .. .. .. ,.

' •.

: ~

Nick Schalr. a senior from Chilton, la Program Director. He achedulea au programs, apeciala, and advance program taping. Besides lhla, he also runs his own popular music show on week nighta and weekends. He, as Steve, ha.a been with the ala· lion from its birth and ha.a had a great deal of In­fluence upon Its growth.

Debbie Freeman I.a a sophomore from DePere. Last year she was Direc· tor of Traffic, but baa moved up ( ?) to news. Her titles are deceiving, for Debbie ia one of the many who worka in aU areas. She la affectionate­ly referred to · WSUS Bunnie.

Mr. Victor Fuda, tbe fac­ulty advisor of WSUS, ls pictured h e r e. Bealdes Besides having a full .time class schedule, he hae more than a full-time job aa advisor to WSUS. His wife sees him only once in a while. He advisea In policy matters, helps &e·

cure Unveralty pcraonncl fer various program,, and aids In the operation of wsus.

Lynn Davis, a sophomore speech major, is Director of Continuity. Last year, ahe waa Muelc Director and dld a very fine job to help WSUS grow. She is also the hOilllteaa for the dinner music ehows, and lend.a her very fe.rninin& voice to the productic:in of our on.the-air promo, tiona.

Clip And Save Clip And

Steve Lammers, Station Manager, la a junior from Shiocton majoring In speech He haa been with WSUS from Its start 111

October of la.at year. At that time, he helped with engineering problems and served on lhe news staff. As , Station Manager, he Is responsible for the effi. cient administrative op­eraton and organiz.ation of WSUS.

Save Clip

Muaic Director, Wacky Woody Woodka, from Cleveland, they couldn't take him there, ia re· 1:1ponalble for clauifying the numerou• records and tapee that come Into the station daJly. He la also a nighttime diec jockey. Hia personality and style •make him a unique llBBCL to the station. He ls very popular, just aak him.

Another member of the radio station ls Kerry Bartell. She la one of the many aecret:ariea helping to keep the radio station running 1moothly.

And Save Clip

Publicity Director, Too Swanek, Is a senior Bual, neBB Education major from Norridge, lllinola. He 111 the one responsible for the public exposure of tht station. He and hls staff distflbute in!onnaton about various programs, make announcement.a In the Pointer and newelet­ter, and designed this very page.

Tra.tflc Controller, Jan Evans, ls a senior from Neenah. She is new to the station thla year, but al· ready baa had her share of WOrk.. The Tra.t!'lc .Con­troUer forms the daily program lop under which WSUS operates. She or­ganizea the achechile, an­nouncements, and other additions ao tha t the WSUS programming runs smoothly on a day-to-day baaia.

And Save

()c.iobtr 2, 1969

Alumni Plans Many

Events For Reunion

During Homecoming


Ste\·ens Poln t S1•te Univrr-111y·, toeffr 1eam opcnNI. Ill RQOO 0\-·ef the wttkt'nd. by dropplng • pair ol conteslJi.

Lawttnee Unl,"tnlt,y of Ap­pk:ton whipped the Polnten at Bukolr P•rk Saturday 11. rte r­noon, 6-1, ~·hUe St . Norbert Collqe holtM WSU on Sunday and look • 4-2 ~Ion.

L:fwnnce 1col"td thrff eo-11 ln Heh haU while the Pointert lone t.lly WU t.Uied by for­ward, M.rty Wacher to the Ont ........

Al Wnt De ~re Sunday. the Gt'ffn Knl&hU scored two aoa}I 1n each hall while the Poultert .col"td twice 1n llw: o pen l n & ball. Point 1oalt were tallied by Lee Sartorioul Md Dewey Schwaknbwl:.

Tbe Polnten are 1ent.tlve:ly tchN!uled lo play at La Cl'OUe 'h1J S~at2p.m.

RUMMAGE SALE 9 . .... - 9 p.tn


916 Mlchife• A.ff. ....;_ ,_

V~O..ttt ............ aou.e. re.- OolWp M.ea

Womt11'• Qodlta.r, hnlltve for ~

Pao< 7

WSU Students View Diversity In European Life By Gt:OflG t::Tn; .n: ttl.lHOA On Aue. 11. 41 wsu rtudent•

lotft Mll~aukre lor the Sernet• ter Abro,,d Protrram lbey tour· ed the European con1lnent tJt. lore retumin&: to .. Peace HI\·· tn," En1land for 11udlH.

Whlle on lour they· vt.lted mUHum1 In Amsterdam, ,aw the CJlot:ne C11thedr11\ and look a trip on the Rhine. They alto ,pem an afternoon at Da· chau with 111 "depreHh\l 11nd lhockln1 memorlea."

TIM! art trH1ure1 of Venice. 1 F'lortnce and Rome Wplred ttw

1roup. Mo.t comment c a m e about the worlu of Mlchelan· a•lo. Tom Oerhy. an art ma­jor. remarkM about the aim unllmltfd opp>nunlllH br • penon In hi• field .

Mnny ttudenu had a cha.nae of pace In Venice ' where they watched the glen blowing and had en e,·enlnr beach party on UM! 1hore ot the Adriatic Sea Petrlcla Wordl"n wu 1urprlffd 1t the absence ot can In Ven· Ice. and the use of " bolll for taxi. , fire qlne1 end Police Vffllcln."

D11ne Upmln·1 eveluadon of the whole tour waa: .. II took aavlna like · crazy and worklnsc thrtt Jobi thU 1ummer to get me here, but It Is worth e,•ery 1ln111e minute ot It . I never be­lieved there wa, ,uch beeuty In the world,"

Or. l..ehman pral~ lhe ,tu· dena fo.- thei r u,t for lean,. Ina. Ellen Ahlers noted. ''There 1, a aood strong bond ot friend· ,hip among us au:· She added that Bill end ,Claude, the tJw; driver •nd auldc. are 1re11 and e ,-en ho:l11Cd plan II birthday p.'lrty for three of lhe ltlrU.

Saiurda.y, Sept, 20. !he 1111. team In numbers and in phy1I- 1nythlna hlPS1enlng lo Eckert. rlenll rtlUmed "home' ' to Lon­complclt'd nine ot 19 pauea for :r he had bttn hurt there was don In llme for clau Monday cul 1lt0. severu l freshmen no one c.>J" except Caruso. momlna-

!~1~e~nn':~~\ ~~n ::Jt~; Whnt ti~ Pointer, Jacked in I Approx~ all ltu· for this encounter. physical sb.e they ~ade up In dena at the Wl5COnSln Stntr

nus1Je and determlRll lion and UnlvenlllH art housed In Ulll· O.\•e Caruso, a Jreshmnn who rdU.t'd to yield to the W1r• \•enlty operated rNldencc hall•

ha..- Sttn acUon in t"''O of ,·ar- hawkl a ftt'T they had built whll l Dormllory rNkk!nts lnclode 1lty'1 lour gamH wu On the appeattd to be a comfortable most lre1hmen and many soph· !cnce 111 a ptteaut.lon aialnst lud. omol'ff not JM.n&: 11 h:lme •

• .

braziet South On

Highwoy 51

Weekend Ho!lrs, f:5-5, 11 a.m.-12 midnig_ht

Student Burger Buy One, Get One

FREE ,-.------- CLIP THIS COUPON __ ....... ____ __,

Buy One, Get One FRE.E

Thursday - Sunday, October 2. 5 GOOD FOR 4 DAYS

One coupon per student Good lot Octol,er 2-s. l969

Strings N' Things Friday & Saturday, · Oct; 4 & 5

ECHO BEER BAR 61 Miles Horthwnt of StflH1 Point

I.aft Off H5tllway 10

8()PBo110BE ll,Ul'BACK Steve Groucbel .(20) ls dropped for a lo. on thJa la by La ~ defeMive back Mlke Foy. Aft.er a 1trong fint half oJ!en·

p y the Pointers could d0 little api nat the Indian defeue in the 1eCOnd ball. ~!' Polnien viaible 1n this pay Include end Blaine Reichelt (86) and wing-bock Kar!Kolodslk ((()), . ._ ______ _. .. _____________________ _..


' )

: I ' . .



. . I

Page 8

LaCrosse Rallies, . Scores 20 Points In Third Period

Mr. D's The Home of BIG Entertoinment

Ju ... loltMr Gtoup From St. Louis

t i

< ;. < t

.. NOW

thru Sunday

Free Jam Session Sundoy Afternoon


j Golden Deep Fried Fish, DeliciO\ls French Fries. Creomy Cole Slaw, Homemade Rolls and Butter, Choice of le.-eroge

i{oeldau ~ .f Ste!ns Point For Dinner Reservations Phone

FIFTY-H INER • • • Two freshly "ground beef patties garnished generous! with crisp lettuce and Red Lantern burger sauce, topped with Wisconsi~ Cheese end served on o 3-D bun . . . . .• .••. .. . .. . . ... . . .. . . . ... S9c

SlVIHTY-M IHER . • delicious French Fries .

A great combination - o 59'er served with

· ..... . 19c

THE POUR HAUS Finesi in Live Enterta1nmenl

Thurs.: The Sound Street Adm. SOc

Fri. & Sat.: Captain Billy's

Tues.: Tap Night

Sun.: 30c Beers

SAT. & SUN. - OPEN 1:00 P.K


thru TUES.

_ ,

.wow:ClOI ".l&,-iTIJ~

Nlthtl>'-' ::UjlJ Ii 9:18 Pll-,ldl!S­

Added Shl)rt sa-Jt'*