j the salt lake herald l -...

THE SALT LAKE HERALD SATURDAY APRIL 1 1903 r Lc c i J f I 1 J J l < = UTTLE CHILD SHALL LEADS Lonnii Uwrmca flttuis Is Try- ing U Sift llwla EARNEST PKACKER ABED 8- KOTXD lYAJKUOJKr M XV CSffT WILL mm MJ AXMDXT- Lonnle Lawrence pennls the remark- able earold eoloref evangelist who bombarding BaUtn at the age of years held his first service in Salt La last uvenmg In to AMcaw M B church on Franklin street Beginning Sunday night he will bold revival netmgs very evening tn the old armory until the b of the month- It win to a crowded church that the boy preacher exhorted last evening AU who heard him thought him a remark- able chili and an extraordinary expound- er of the gospel His methods art direct eompart ons and allegories are striking his applkition or biblical tables to 1 II L audlfiuf I4 turn from the path of iniquity to thr strilKht ml narro v rlwhteiiisntj Iriilini tn sditi Vi and I J to wide lrd inc t his a Ulty began < every- day hit hat p1n as an ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < + < > > Xonnie Lawrence Dennis to hold hi is wonderful hi fornmand of the English language when it in remembered that he is yant of use and never attended school in his life is a that he is above the average In mental capabilities A Xarvalava Secret Power What is the secret of his marvelous power is the question which nine out of- ten people themselves or others when they bear Dennis It is the sum was asked in New York when he appeared there and brought hundreds into the church when h was but 6 years of aye repeated In cities those In middle tides rural west and those who i ai l evening in the local of worship Ii is power of God and nothing tnor ia the answer which Dennis gives to those who have the courage to ask him the question Scientists say it is his ability to absorb what he hears wonder- ful In Us way but as numerous pMychologlsts have testified who have ex- amined the preacher- I n there a Ute of Christ and that of He was the son of a carpenter and at 2 4 years of age he was M he to go out into tbe world warning the gospel and at the age of 3 rhrist however he has been well reived wherever be went and not pera- etutd ii was burs at Atlanta Ga where his wee a contractor on carpenter work At the of 9 months he wnik and talk While a member of the r n r church at Atlanta Den nl his mission is to all people re siHiu of religious He liner Attended School Young DennU has never attended school yet he speaks the i iai and attends to all his correspond with dexterity the lecture platform but he has re if i it them alt have no Interest IK has meetings In twentyfive iitH and In Can aU WhO asked U he intended tt to Europe be would Uk to ht there were other places where the BlUle night be more benefit Tii young evangelist 1s a little below th height for of his age lr ol r he fc Quite light greatly rr noising a mulatto Ma voice is deep but u to a higher key when h to make a his Oft or prom the rostrum his vhih are frequent and well add t i he earnestness and profoundness of tired In white black curie down hto fcaok while two tied small big of ribbon bang suspended- in front of oaph evening h a short revival tin was Instrumental in Inducing more tin half u doxen pie 11 take seats olo to the altar Utah Conuaereiai and flaviafg Sank General bankta interest paid ou sarla deposits W F Ann strong president J cashier Dr A Scott Chapman dentist now located room Walker Bank building PARK CITY AID RETURN 150 Sunday April 19 ia K O W Ry Tram leaves 13 a in Everybody invited tu visit Uiah- crtMtMt mining camp e Will Rees Plumbing company to OS 8o th State street CITIZENS COIL CO Kcmmerer Rock Spring C Gate WobtonkolBM this Oa Tel 4M Diamond coal 51 W Second South Homat mambas I M Hlsrlejr ft Co iM Jut PInt South Phone 758 Electric wiring Expert Dentistry Xaderata Prteaa Dr Klrkweod IWo Mate etreeC At moderate prices George G Doyle Co State street Phone lit Dr E M Keyaora method of teeth to painless M2 Malr street Auer bach building TaJefjhone 1129 K REDUCED RATES 2 aid particular To St Ixmla Hhurt Line for the dedua f the Liitftaianu Pur itlon Tlfkfta 00 sale April return limit May 10 Full tinna hut t l J ioU II t heorn a t pars and 11 he did so re e Sedl n using a ntut been made him to to hIm 1111 held nt 0 he but- t a loa a boy IItrhI audltft The a pr t and natural His hi r imuru 1111111 aD lB at i h the ou l of sermon last held MpQlLflDt pet I r I t I I t JIoka taabbac 11 filling I 11 n try Cf u em u tte e ngr place sim- ilarity betwee- n he nit nnia rays aronth- t father gays have go- on point ei itilY Impress your rnut favurableim eion sin bring Se1ivred rise pulpit atwa n lBs In a ear- tt his hip lnea 3 re- vved A r t or nits hae ¬ ¬ < > ¬ > < > = + Yesterdays Bawrf at the Loca Oflea of the Weather Bureau Maximum temptidture K degrees mini mum temperature 38 degrees mean letn degrees which is 3 be- low accumulated of temperature since the first of tae month 49 degrees accaainteted deflrteney of Jan 1 total precipitation from p m to f neb iu ai iiitBt d denclrnoy of don the first i f the month SO inch accumulated deficiency of precipitation since the first of January Everybody drinks the water that Colorada UTAH LJQOUR CO BENBONAt Butte Mont 1pm Axel Benaon aged M years of paeu- monia Funeral at t oclock Sunday afternoon from S D Dcamr funeral priors m State street Interment at city ceme- tery KNIQHTIn thai city EDen Staples wife of Oswald Knight a na England from Sixth ward meeting hone Sunday at 13 m Remains viewed at the residence BM West Youth South atreet Sunday from tt to 1- 1BBER W HALL sueoessor to A S Watson 11 W M South Tel Utt DOMESTIC MQP MM SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS WIll be Aoeepte in iaaaa oolaauu Free of Charge DRESS JCAKEWG Mrs Nordqutot at SUNBURST Skirts and Silk Petticoats made to order accordion and side Mrs Jennies 47 East First KEEN SANITARY COMPAXT Ottte 67 W lit South Tel MU X SALT LAKE SCAVENGER CO Office 59 South Main Tel MC WILL gentleman who boy theatre tickets to sell night call at 132 E lilt So for money MADAME LYNNS wonderful palariet FREE consultation OCttee- SM D F Walker building KEYS FITTED IM So West Temple MRS SJOBERG Swedish CARPENTER and pattern maker K F Williams IIS E let Se N4 Y FURS MADE TO ORDER AND RE- paired Complete tuck made High- est raw furs and wild animals R Slensel Fur Co S70 Main WARJmrG AND VENTILATING HIGSON RO88ITER steam and hot water heating No m E let So thorn 478 P J MORANSteam and Rot Water Beating and Ventilating Apparatus No ta West Second South GOLD LOCKET In Dry canyon Sun day Reward if returned to Ht Main St Gray Bra Co ANTIQUE gold and silver sleeve lint Reward at Leyaons IM Math St LADIES band purse containing a of diamond earrings and diamond O and change reward Parker rear 44 No Kb West BUNCH of keys with knife attached Reward at Herald office DARK LEATHER WALLET contain- ing 4 gold piec t Reward h return- ing to SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPY black full white collar and tips answers to name of Ticket Return for reward Frank Groesbeck R G W City Ticket Office NEW er secondhand cash trade or SoreneeaStoott Cfe M M B- eXOXET TO LOAN WE LIKE to lend money to railroad men to acquire experience with such has born a lot and we will lend the money t build a douse advancing the money aa the house proceeds You may your own plans and your own contractor ala the money and It can be paid back same as rent A Co 22 W Second South- I LOAN ONLY own money no no third East First South IF YOU NEED money we will your salary Star Ca E Id So MONty to loan on real estate G Putnam 12 Commercial ON IMPROVED FARMS In Utah and CITY AND FARM PROPERTY lowest ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS ON PIANOS household faratture W Mala street Room No IMPROVED cIt I per cent E BL Wicks So State St MONEY LOANED PRIVATELY Oc furniture ete salaried people without security oa easy payment confidential Cherry F Walker UP LOANED salaried peopl or women easy payments everything private George MeCenaufhy Room PER CENT own money partial payments any Urn without notice end Idaho farm a uperUlty Thp Home Co SiO West First South St 1 1tU0JPr DIKD IL eD be DIUOT I BCBOOL of y PXUOXAL 3d tk to your ho 41 Pearl GUy nnr A LOST A T ho k I We JMU1Jo- COIft no J Russet I1 SMALL cndlc c room 11 Ss Maly r ON ANY NOpeIt You D tr1Jipr Co W M South M JIaaJ eo Xe block J L Per ape Miller 6 VIele JMCcIndck etI so removal 110 k S e c lo UTDOZCLOGICAL firm t S m01 Miner MauI nwat r math has v AU A Funeral the a m BUXLLL dressmaking seined pleat- ing SCAVENGES and atroleglei W- PA maassage- Win go are CAZp3NT71Z MA VFACTURKRS r SAIelS warms se- lect Lama aaoert I LOANSBmpioyes a posses sloe Noce- ibtakk N7 rates epIcs I South 3 to am is noes ere investment Sav- ings ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > JO SALB KEAL BSTATB CEO W MXX NAUOHY ROOM a EAGLE BLOCK BUY LOTS NOW M PER LOT BETTER THAN A SAVINGS BAH DOITT PAY RENT m PER LOT SECOKD WEST NEAR TENTH SOUTH IM CAJH AND IS PER MONTH ant to a nnagmlre which sucks year Jlttte earntami ana smotfcers fer evertne sensitive pleat of No- on too poor to own their own home aa we all Iota on can put pay rest to IS Iota en above street en the easiest terms erer offered klein ia the city IM caaa and 5 per month until pay for Stop throwing away your money to- rrent to up a home which wilt not burden you to nay for Consult I win offer roe to asntot you in a refute far yoar old ace Near school car- line IMTXTCBMSNTS- UNPARALLJBLKD OFFER COME QUICK BEFORE ALL ARE GONE GEORGE MCONCGHY ROOM EAGLE BLOCK FURNISHED or unfomtaHed liter frame house good aa new sad in S rooms beside basement pantry and fc large eloseta electric lights and telephone rods fenced frame barn cheap for cash or halt cash Inquire at IM Ea t Third South or Room M4 Commercial THE following must be solid at once Owners want to leave city Nearly new 5room brick cottage water inside on West M South Jl70- 0Al frame cottage large rooms lots of shade a splendid place on West Sd South S1MQ Good spot MxWK feet to alley on Good 4room frame adobe lined with city water near Mh West and M South SUM A Richter 19 West tat South St Tel Ht AT Highland Boy mining camp Blng one 23room house house furnished Plenty good water Will give perfect title and deed to ground reasonable Apply te H R Bliven Bingham Canyon OUR real estate reliable In- formation on realty values Free at office Harrington Courtney Phone M J A BROWN Real Estate Loan Rents No U East Flint Phone 277 List if you want to sell f In real go to Titled South SIXBOOM new 8th Clark TeL UX A real bargain FORTYACRE farm southeast of Salt Lake has 47 sbacea fenced and subfenced into three en closures orchard fiveroom frame house barn and other outbuildings in good condition Price trade In bouse and lot Water right and improvements are worth entire property This is a rare chance to get a seed at a bargain We will lend MP e it at per cent if desired McGurnn 4 22 Sd South Salt Lake City A ixMred see lot Sth E Sth So Inouir HT MT B Kh HOUSTON THE HOU8ERS Have bargains in houses 251 South Male CORNER Brigham and Ninth East corner Third South and Ninth Bait cor- ner Fourth South and Ninth East cor- ner Eighth South and Ninth Fast cor ner South and Seventh cor- ner Eighth South and Third West and M corner First and 0 corner Fifth and I corner First West and Fourth North corner First West and Pear Eighth West and Sixth For corners homes farms or building lots go to Cromer K East Third WE SKLL real estatethats all Tuttle Bros Ml Main street Rid ball signs AN ESTATE owning patented mining clams In Park Mc Gurrln A Co 22 W Second South HUBBARD Invt Co always have stains In real estate Keep your eye on Oakley Hubbard 7S W 2d So EXECUTORS SALE MxM rods corner of Fifth South and Ninth Eat with Improvements Apply for terms to the undersigned at Eighth East before May 1 A SPEIRS- IF YOU want a nice new S or Mroom thoroughly modern home on easy pay ments we have them on Fist South be- tween Tenth and Eleventh Eat also 5room cottages inquire at Anderson Real Estate Investment Co- IF YOU want something nice and elegantly tapered call at M a m and S p m and see our new 8room house easy payments per cent Interest Flint street next corner O Anderson Real Estate Investment Co MIDWIVES MRS LIZZIE GEISLER Mt W ft North attends cases before during after confinement Will her home If desired given TICJCBT BROKERS OROSHELLS TICKET OFFICE es- tabllahed less Railroad tickets sold and exchanged No ZO Main St F H Groshell manager V OTTINGERS Cut Rate Ticket Office a West Second South street STEAM DYE WORKS cleaning and dyeing E Tel 74 PHYSICIANS- DR IRA LYON ve ear nose throat HM Mereaadle Mk DR B W WHITNEY office SM SeotU- Auerbach building i to B p m Tel lit TXTJlfXa AXD TRAVELING BAGC Factory and salesroom No M E 3D SO onefourth Mk W Kinitsford eases ft per tent 11 X Keys fitted to and begs ZLXYATORS EATON A PRINCE ELEVATORS For passenger and freight service are sure dividend prices see K E Arnold 413 I WILL save ymi money en any kind of an elevator William watreat agent 57 East Third South CABPENTZXS AND JOBBERS K N KAfK l KMs ta Bere- o i JutobtBg TeL 1CIK l tM L repair bathroom room with beds etc also one rOOM FOR bargains Cromer 31 CI M in the Co- W Hit i bar au References bought a Trunks teL T x monthly payments Peru a small hiss and tlktaselvos me usto terms a iiOL gent 11 lock building es furnished estate L- and 1 city and cor- ner < s- at Utah Dye Works ty 35 and bagas suit elsewhere trunk- s payers L 5 S > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = I nOtALE HELP WANTED I A to aeiHst at gen- eral References required 7i First girl for general housework plain cooking no washing Apply morning 12- 5a sth So- A OOOD GIRL for general housework tot pap 270 South West Temple MIDDLKAiKl woman to do chamber work IMi RAM First South GIRL for general housework 771 East South COMJPCTVNT to wash kU Brigham AX EXPERIENCED nurse girl at one 544 State street GutL wanted for general housework 73 Eleventh East o In WOMAN wants day work Call or ad UW B 3d A GOOD girl for housework MM la family no laundry work 62- 4CHAMBSRMAIIM waitresses m and out of the city hoes girls girls coots family and boarding hotoe at Btroeks Employment Agencj West Second stoet 4M rtnmx GIRL COOK t in family Aj tK E 4th South cor Nib East honest girt for light housework afes CK So State St Call at GIRL to with Apply at once Ko asking as B 7th COOK and second girt n West Sth for general housework small ao Apply mornlags Ctt- W BV A GIRL for general bowework also a woman to by the day SM So W uWOMAX to do aoraaMng Wtadeec YOUNG nurse girt by the day Apply No IA Plea street GIRL for general housework First street FIRST CLASS machine custom costs State experience and sal ary expected A GOOD GIRL for general housework must be a good Apply Third East between 1 and 4 p m GIRL for general housework small family S Id East LADIES to learn barber trade Motors Barber College Salt Lake City GIRL tar general houaewerk MT W MR GOOD GIRL for R eral housework one who understands cooking good wages 1M W Id So GOOD nurse for children and girt fee general housework A street GIRL wanted M So Id JUt GOOD for waiter on ihs table of small restaurant P Q Box M YALE HBLP WANTED the barber trade completes positions guaranteed earned while learning opportunity to earn board Call or write Millets Barber College 62 So Salt Lake ALL BARBER WORK is free at Mo lers Barber College 82 E 1st So TEMPLE Employment bureau supplies all kinds of If you want help If yeji work come and see us Temple Salt Lake City Employment A ney i for lahsrars and m East Second South TeL M4 S CONTRACTORS take carpenter work on three houses F M 817 S Sth last HARNESS MAKERS wanted six or more wages Job Salt Lake Saddlery Co A GOOD MAN to on ranch wages m a month Edtagec Mar- ket Lake Ida TRUSTWORTHY In each coun- ty to manage business of old established house of financial standing Straight bona weekly salary of 438 paid by check each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarters Money advanced for expenses Manager 9tt Caxton Mdg Chicago BARBER St Elmo barber shop 2TS So Main street TWO good men that are wilting to work can get pay every evening can OS So State A BRIGHT energetic boy chores for board and room and can go to school If desires An orphan preferred Address K E S 11W4 Wash avenue ITtab WANTED LINOTYPE COMPOSITION THE HERALD HAS NEW FACES AND II PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF MACHINE JOB AND NEWS- PAPER WORK- A GENTLEMANLY 14yearold boy who ha steady work at small wages wants board and room In a private fam- ily would need to do chores In evening in part pay for accommodations Com- municate with M M Woods at Salvation Army shelter PAIR horses for prospecting and moun tain use to L1M pounds must be sound and reasonable in price Inquire at McCoys table Dr ters want Job and contract A Herald TO RENT a small furnished house or cottage W J Dtoteny 6 Commercial bask block BY MAY 1 I or 7room tarnished house family of adults stats lowest price and location can furnish th beet of references Address AO Herald- A TJ6KANT fit small house one that two boarders middleaged wo man Preferred Apply S4 East First TWO or good hustlers for a wood A SMALL grocery store state location A M Herald TO BUYft good gentle family horse good size satiable for surrey Address with terms A M Heralo A MARRIED tAM who understands and general care of would WEe to take charge of a Wg orchard aIM will accept position tor young trees F your diamonds watches Jewelry clothing Instruments tPMS etc figure the special raw of Interest with Sam loans at banking rates E lot So A MAILLARD m Mcthgtade perfumes and Importer Commercial St CARPET sewers Walkers store TO ENGAGE a reliable girl or lady preferred some one who has had experience with children during the month of May or longer in a private family Inquire at Sth- Bovth UTAH JUNK CO Highest prices paid for scrap Iron ran cop- per brad etc O E 8th So Tel A SPAN of mule to work underground Must X or Ibe Apply at Hon Muting company ill So Ttmplo WOMAN cook But First South raI a work II A II 1M MENLearn re p w t 10e l11fY W L S han lea rtDp i to r Add to do w 1 TWO three or Ewe ltlt r ON n Ana Unc JO Rood ll1I rrlne and housework d St- OOD Men- d e sendw N t lslett R Omen sere StrStit GIRL set N Sooh week E let brae 5 Sg work person tide ADD west Address i will W tbn at 171 pruning 2 weigh 1 West ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + RESPECTABLE mUUl aged lacy would i o Itlon as housekeeper or care ut rooming nuns Ktuerence exchanged vaarc o A YOUNG man wishes work attending horses preferred AaOress Mi Herald BY BOY of W as offlcc boy Can give good reference leiepaone luo2X EXPERIENCED horticulturist would take care large iawu or mill garden three or four hours tor days 1M h St YOINU WOMAK woutd like general housework in email goon cook or address W W M botith JAPANESE cook wants a situation in mining camp or boarding house country preferred Address P o Box KO Matt City YOUJfO Wrap of JO wishes posi- tion In or oat of city good baotu Address A MeraM A MIDDLEAG P man wianes a posi- tion as Janitor or at nousecleanlng had experience 212 corner of Brigham and Second Last BY YOUNG MAN with experience at carpenter work haw his own toots Call Oi address J W 73 T street GERMAN GIRL whets work by day to wash or housework M7 N 4th West YOUNG man wanta as travel agent at once A Herald YOUNG woman wants general house work in small family Good cook Coll or address 128 W 3o South St GIRL would like situation for housework Call 27 W South Temple YOUNG woman wants washing ironing or cleaning by the day Address ft No tot West south door BY male and bookkeeper one who is experienced In general office work Address tt St I Iii j tie I I tit WARTEDSITUATIONS lit rald I east sake ref- erences > ¬ GOOD seamstress wants sewing by lay Or piece Aodresa A 9 PLAIN washing sad ironing wanted Can at Mr Millard Ml K St city court A LADY wants to take Address Herald ANY KIND of employment by day by U city f YOUNG boy wants work at any ton or omce A 51 Herald AN energetic of steady haMts wants work willing to do any- thing Must nave work at user Adoreae1- X74 A N Temple city POSITION by stationary engineer anJ electrician oood references A U Herald A YOUNG situation driving a wagon Address UC ad Tel M U years wishes a or POSITION aa desk by a lady Good references A M jtferaid married mats of as col- lector or similar employment whore and ability are Small salary to begot and state references A 44 Herald- A STRONG man wishes work of any kind furnishes best ot ref Address lie W 2d booth Tel fl A GOOD steady young manwishes em ployment can good references Address N Manta 71 12th West Salt Lake City A WOMAN wants place with housework Address TAKE CARE of child 1 to 8 years from to a o cOCk fl W Tth So AN EXPERIENCED stenographer would like ode work attar will do work reasonably Address A 4 Her aid AS COLLECTOR married man A 4k Herald GOOD men wish any kind of la Cnaae IX J jJmweiyn Mi- Kast iaeventh Sleuth YOUNG woman of experience would like worK by the day invite Ha T be BOY wants Job at driving a wagon 4W W th North A GOOD boy IS years old would Ue to a job of some kind case coy especial- ly Apply sXi its west TYPEWRITER and first clan account- ant and asstrse position m diy or nearby six years experi- ence Herald MAN and wife want work of say kind together farm or ranch oreferrea wile cook and housekeeper man under- stands horses and cattle Thomas Bates Jtt Sleuth West Temple street YOUNG lady stenographer wishes posi- tion can do general work A tf Herald AS TYPEWRITER or office girl nave had some experienoad- lierald GOOD HOME for girl 8 years good family Inquire after 4 p Mrs M Jones rear 458 East Second South street YOUNG girl want housework by the day Address AJ Herald YOUNG widow wtta one child u position Apply 111 West First arwlck block Room H STRONG YOUNG MAN would like po- sition in blacksmith shop Address A 3t Herald WOMAN wants work by the day 212 South State oom tt WATCHES and Cleaning UfT- iMiinaprtng C B Re- moved to J Main at Bow Mannfacturing Jeweler Removed to fi Main DR R HARGADINE DENTIST KM 21 Galena block State st Extraction free fillings Me up set teeth MOt- VM BROADBENT D D a wpte date dentistry Western Dental Co X- Kagie Week 4 BOARD A1TD OO3fS MRS UCKERMAN US Ab East POT week THE FORD 8 W COX PROP Modern family and transient hotel new nuusagemenl overhauled West So NEW or secondhand cash trade or teems BorensenrStoatt Co 41 E 3d So rented from 00 month up by manufacturers 70 24 South v PLUMBING AJfB HEATING JAMES J FARRELL 3K South Main street Phone 1906 K W JAMES successor to James Harris plumbing steam and hot water contractors S 2d So St Phone S7 ANDERSON BURS plumbers m South State St Tel 149 K American WaB Paper Co 6 East Id rr bo- A good block Y very BY p i otft le A Salt Lake WATCHBS AXD J F I LIt hat I T a No- W 11M D A A WALL PAPER J Sow 1 X s lack y man Wen IelL in- telligence B Hem t a e ui TWOS references give AddreuS A area m City would h JEWELRY TTPlWRIma Phew ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ PER DAY Is taken off the price of Every Chair or Rocker shown in our window until sold They ors all marked in plain figures at regular pifcw For further particulars SEE OUR SHOW WINU- OWDinvoodey Furniture Co 100 r H J = AUCTION SALBS I Thursday and Saturday evenings at Economy store 141 Main St glassware wall paper paints cutlery silverware etc Entire mast be sold K A ANDREWS Auctioneer TERMS on furniture carpets and 1 on 10 on IMft I X Carpet Installment horse 4S E 3d So St P A Sorensen prop BY E M ONION at store IK and 1 South West Temple street S p m on Saturday large of ranges also one buggy and on trap Regular sales hereafter will be held on Saturdays 2 p m E M ONION AUCTIONEER IS and W S W T St with Redman Van Storage Co Telephone M IMPORTANT TO HOUSKBKfKUI must close out our and secondhand furniture stoves steel ranges carpets and everything to furnish a house complete Dont buy get FOB RENT MODERN new brick S resins near Kautaford Inquire TeL lMa NEWLY abed roam L and J- US So Second W FINE lroom brtck and Main arranged for two families Luis Little So 4 W M Snot HOUSTON the Hoosers Tel 27 FIVE HOUSES all kinds prices and orations Tuttte Bros Ml Main st JUST WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS Splendid Sroom new modern residence corner First and K streets possession given May 1 option given to buy if will lease for a year at 169 monthly J Donnan Heaths 78 West Second South Phone A ROOM brick cottage bath and closets dose in M2 E SU South- A NEW fourroont cottage with a closet pantry and bathroom electric and water on HhWeet strt t car line M4 N 8th West DESIRABLE convenient Iou J Donnan Rank TB W M So Phone 171 A GOOD store room on 9d South suit- able for dears and tobacco er book store KW 2d South SIXROOM house all modern Dr Nell C Brown W Temple ton BMg A FURNISHED eightroom brick resi- dence with barn No IK West Sth South St See Anderson Insurance Agency THE beautiful store at 21 East First South St iOM feet of floor space and 43N feet in basement Apply J C Carne Utah Commercial A Savings bask A GOOD store room on 3d South for cigars and tobacco or book West South SEWING MACHINES 5r per HHMrth at White office W 1 S Phone TO X HOUSTON the TeL 27 FIVEROOM brick house water ia house W So ist West J HOUSES all kinds priootf and Tuttle Pros 1 Main street DESK room lB Ml Commercial Meek LANDLORDS save money by renting to good tenants the Rating tells we collect bad rents Merchants Preteettve- Asan US Commercial Btk F G Luke general manager RED BUTTE STONE Immediate delivery C W Brown K7 Office U E First Sootm TWO teams of horses Eclipse stables So State A MERCANTILE BUSINESS in Kim- berly Pluto county Utah For 91 HEAD of horses and minks weight from LM to 1SW well broke to wrk 8 M 1 East Center St Provu Utah PHOTO GLASS suitable for cheap if taken at once Newcomers HALF TNTERJS8T in coffee house snap If taken at once Address A Her ald CLEVELAND bay stallion at McCoys stable ASMALL marble soda fountain Address P O box SM Murray Utah LODGING house 50 rooms steam heel electric lights sptendM location good W Dark M Kaac Second South A SDRREY double harness atngto har and parlor stove m S 4th East WE are selling cook stoves and ranges this week at per cent discount Secondhand store 224tM So State St TYPEWRITER and office blank books Bre Pboam dots RBXNANT sale Uc- Oc per bolt worth double Economy Male St t STORE BUILDING and fixtures com- plete can be moved also steam H Box 9H City A NATIONAL cash register on easy payments P O Box city KASSAGB MASS akwaol bath expert lady operator Suite U State WILL sell 110 Fur- niture I sal houMboid Moves I OUR will expire shortly and we ot sew ting our prices Furniture store St oU t I Kor- ea loon Ire Boot FOR SALE IA w H Dual eo wan sore pump 16 H P Nt of water jacket UK ftlmace capacity Apply W i4e to F goods and lease t de- sirable Improve- ments suit- able N 2l Hers too hone particu- late hothouse 35 street r uess 20 4 Eats > send n0 tons > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > 90CIXTIBC Regular meetings held at tIM JfeaWlu the second Friday of each m Members of and soJotni but brethren cordially mint 8 A J LOWE Secretory MT MORIAH lodge No 2 F and A 1 meetings held at the second etch Members of stater CHRISTOPHER DIEHL FORESTERS OF AMERICA Coart Salt Lake No 1 will meet evening at HSJ E H GRAHAM C B urL SecreUrr I O O F ENTERPRISE LODGE 0F meets every Wednesday eveates at 1 O a F temple t Ing brotbers welcome- J P ALLEN N WM WATROUS icretary EAGLE GATE LODGE No M- Ml lain street W J BACKMAir M W S W DARKS R rdor SALT LAKE VALLEY LODGE Me U rivets every Thursday evening at the A O U W hall in street WM R W OPTICIAJWL COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO Wholesale and retail manuf JOHN CAMENCIN Utahs most sloes title shoemaker Solid comfort for Uss er oeformed feet Forty years exyertaMO Removed to W Id So BEST and cheapest shoe repalrlag la city at P Rasnrossens xS g STORAGE JLITD MOVnrff If are moving this spring you of course want heat service for the money We are the mv ers friends as we employ INc furniture men not handlers but men who have bad years of experience with furniture We have Xaorsa moving vans We can pack and your goods to any part of the United States and save you money If you want a Ctratctaas Job in our line we are the to do the work as we are the largest handlers of household goods In the west Can phone SK and let us talk to call personally at our office and Se W Temple sad we can show you REDMAN VAN A STORAGE CO- C F MITCHELL Van Storage Co UW J So Tel Uli Y ASSAY W A HODGES assayer and US W Second South St Salt Lake City J MVICKER Assayer M Richards St R H OFFICER CO m South West Temple street Salt Lana Oty- CRI8MON BROS assayers and taU 2 So West Temple Salt Lake CKjr W H TREMAYNE Assayer ever Ml Mala street Salt Mall samples receive prompt attention J W CURRIE No 7 West Third South street Salt Lake City Samples ay mall oc express receive prompt atteadaa UNION ASSAY OFFICE 18 West Temple street M 8 H manager work a specialty NICELY furnished rooms with baUl for housekeeping U9 So 5th East 4 TWO nicely furnished resins for bedroosas er light W M to t THREE ROOMS for rent either furnished or partly furnished ler bouse keeping 712 South tth East CLEAN cosy front room and a whole house 3 Canyon rein NICELY furnished front er in suit modern convemeaces M ROOK BRICK nicely furnished i kitchen and cellar use ot ataao reasonable SM 3d St LAXXMCA7Z ffAJUOirafG WALTER WILLIAMS landscape par jeuer contractor or new cemetery lots and planted lawiw attended to s work only Res TB- Mb West Phone 1318 Z- WHKNEVER necfssarj or by seaawtf we out lawns cum r lots beautified export work and guaranteed do budding or Joseph Cunningham Bf neral agent Bros Rochester N Y Brown Garden CCw nflfc State St room tt Phoae57Z- FLUIT BUG worn CARPET CLEANING Phone 13WX Rugs male from your old carpets Kt- Uaby Prop y W South Temple CASH REGISTER NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS Oscar Crosb l sales agent for Utah Expert cash register repahlng No m Main St NEW or secondhand cash trade or terms SorcnsenStoutt Co IS t M Sa- r LODGE So 1 r R uU I 1 In pod JavtWl o atlas HENRY W 0 eWl W haJJ L Q street Wedft at t o u ball I 11 X SRO A 1r1nIa OU 4 A 1 f r oS I II r or B- fd Sortb I i i cutting we J son WI IIal f B j i I i 1 I I t j i A WASATCH i lodge mtlatb e- be ethewa gates asy State cionk N m evening BOW DEN 2N Mat s la tit store- rooms i tit wwww ebon ut she Stteth aOz zIJfTPUljl bed- room rooms i < m t ten 4 < ¬ < < = °

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Post on 10-May-2018




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Lonnii Uwrmca flttuis Is Try-

ing U Sift llwla




Lonnle Lawrence pennls the remark-able earold eoloref evangelist who

bombarding BaUtn at the age ofyears held his first service in Salt Lalast uvenmg In to AMcaw M B churchon Franklin street Beginning Sundaynight he will bold revival netmgs veryevening tn the old armory until the bof the month-

It win to a crowded church that theboy preacher exhorted last evening AU

who heard him thought him a remark-able chili and an extraordinary expound-er of the gospel His methods art directeompart ons and allegories are strikinghis applkition or biblical tables to

1 II L

audlfiuf I4 turn from the path ofiniquity to thr strilKht ml narrov rlwhteiiisntj Iriilini tn sditi Vi and




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every-day hit

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< >>

Xonnie Lawrence Dennisto hold hi is wonderfulhi fornmand of the English languagewhen it in remembered that he isyant of use and never attended schoolin his life is a that he is above theaverage In mental capabilities

A Xarvalava Secret PowerWhat is the secret of his marvelous

power is the question which nine out of-ten people themselves orothers when they bear Dennis It is thesum was asked in NewYork when he appeared there andbrought hundreds into the church whenh was but 6 years of aye repeated In

cities those In middle tidesrural west and those who

i ai l evening in the localof worship

Ii is power of God and nothingtnor ia the answer which Dennis givesto those who have the courage to askhim the question Scientists say it is hisability to absorb what he hears wonder-ful In Us way but as numerouspMychologlsts have testified who have ex-

amined the preacher-I n there a

Ute of Christ and thatof He was the son of a carpenterand at 2 4 years of age he wasM he to go out into tbe worldwarning the gospel and at the age of 3

rhrist however he has been wellreived wherever be went and not pera-etutd

ii was burs at Atlanta Ga where hiswee a contractor on carpenter

work At the of 9 months hewnik and talk While a member of ther n r church at Atlanta Dennl his mission is to all people resiHiu of religious

He liner Attended SchoolYoung DennU has never attended

school yet he speaks thei iai and attends to all his correspond

with dexterity

the lecture platform but he has reif i it them alt have no Interest

IK has meetings In twentyfiveiitH and In Can

aU WhO asked U he intended tt toEurope be would Uk to

ht there were other places where theBlUle night be more benefit

Tii young evangelist 1s a little belowth height for of his agelr ol r he fc Quite light greatly rrnoising a mulatto Ma voice is deepbut u to a higher key when h

to make a his Oft or

prom the rostrum his

vhih are frequent and well addt i he earnestness and profoundness of

tired In white blackcurie down hto fcaok while two tied

small big of ribbon bang suspended-in front of oaph

evening h a short revivaltin was Instrumental in Inducing more

tin half u doxenpie 11 take seats olo to the altar

Utah Conuaereiai and flaviafg SankGeneral bankta interest

paid ou sarla deposits W F Annstrong president J cashier

Dr A Scott Chapman dentist nowlocated room Walker Bank building

PARK CITY AID RETURN 150Sunday April 19

ia K O W Ry Tram leaves 13

a in Everybody invited tu visit Uiah-crtMtMt mining camp

e Will Rees Plumbing companyto OS 8o th State street


Kcmmerer Rock Spring C Gate

WobtonkolBM this Oa Tel 4MDiamond coal 51 W Second South

Homat mambasI M Hlsrlejr ft Co iM Jut PInt

South Phone 758 Electric wiring

Expert Dentistry Xaderata PrteaaDr Klrkweod IWo Mate etreeC

At moderate prices George G DoyleCo State street Phone lit

Dr E M Keyaora method ofteeth to painless M2 Malr street Auerbach building TaJefjhone 1129 K


2 aidparticular

To St IxmlaHhurt Line for the dedua

f the Liitftaianu Puritlon Tlfkfta 00 sale Aprilreturn limit May 10 Full


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Yesterdays Bawrf at the Loca Ofleaof the Weather Bureau

Maximum temptidture K degrees minimum temperature 38 degrees mean letn

degrees which is 3 be-low accumulated oftemperature since the first of tae month49 degrees accaainteted deflrteney of

Jan 1 totalprecipitation from p m to fneb iu ai iiitBt d denclrnoy ofdon the first i f the month SO inchaccumulated deficiency of precipitationsince the first of January

Everybody drinks thewater that Colorada


BENBONAt Butte Mont 1pmAxel Benaon aged M years of paeu-moniaFuneral at t oclock Sunday afternoon

from S D Dcamr funeral priors mState street Interment at city ceme-teryKNIQHTIn thai city EDen

Staples wife of Oswald Knight a naEngland

from Sixth ward meetinghone Sunday at 13 m Remainsviewed at the residence BM West YouthSouth atreet Sunday from tt to 1-

1BBER W HALL sueoessor to A SWatson 11 W M South Tel Utt




WIll be Aoeeptein iaaaa oolaauu

Free of Charge


Mrs Nordqutot atSUNBURST Skirts and Silk Petticoats

made to order accordion and sideMrs Jennies 47 East First



WILL gentleman who boy theatretickets to sell night call at 132 Elilt So for money

MADAME LYNNS wonderful palariet

FREE consultation OCttee-SM D F Walker building



CARPENTER and pattern maker KF Williams IIS E let Se N4 Y

FURS MADE TO ORDER AND RE-paired Complete tuck made High-est raw furs and wildanimals R Slensel Fur Co S70 Main


HIGSON RO88ITER steam and hotwater heating No m E let So thorn478

P J MORANSteam and Rot WaterBeating and Ventilating Apparatus Nota West Second South

GOLD LOCKET In Dry canyon Sunday Reward if returned to Ht Main StGray Bra Co

ANTIQUE gold and silver sleeve lintReward at Leyaons IM Math St

LADIES band purse containing aof diamond earrings and diamondO and change rewardParker rear 44 No Kb West

BUNCH of keys with knife attachedReward at Herald office

DARK LEATHER WALLET contain-ing 4 gold piec t Reward h return-ing to

SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPY black fullwhite collar and tips answers to name ofTicket Return for reward Frank

Groesbeck R G W City Ticket Office

NEW er secondhand cash trade orSoreneeaStoott Cfe M M B-


WE LIKE to lend money to railroadmen to acquire experiencewith such has born

a lot and we will lend the money tbuild a douse advancing the money aathe house proceeds You may yourown plans and your own contractorala the money and It can be paidback same as rent A Co 22W Second South-

I LOAN ONLY own money nono third

East First South

IF YOU NEED money we willyour salary Star Ca E Id So

MONty to loan on real estate GPutnam 12 Commercial




ON PIANOS household farattureW

Mala street Room No


Oc furniture ete salariedpeople without security oaeasy payment confidentialCherry F Walker

UP LOANED salaried peoplor women easy payments everythingprivate George MeCenaufhy Room

PER CENT own money partialpayments any Urn withoutnotice end Idaho farm auperUlty Thp Home

Co SiO West First South St

1 1tU0JPr



eD be




3d tk

to your ho 41 Pearl GUy









COIft no J Russet I1

SMALL cndlc croom 11 Ss Maly

rON ANY NOpeIt You Dtr1Jipr Co W M South

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J L Per

apeMiller 6 VIele JMCcIndck

etI so removal




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MauI nwat rmath has



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dressmaking seined



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maassage-Win go are







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investment Sav-ings









> >










ant to a nnagmlre which sucksyear Jlttte earntami ana smotfcers ferevertne sensitive pleat of No-on too poor to own their own home aawe all Iota on

can putpay rest to

IS Iota en above street en the easiestterms erer offered klein ia the city

IM caaa and 5 per month until payfor

Stop throwing away your money to-rrent to up a home whichwilt not burden you to nay for Consult

I win offerroe to asntot you in a refutefar yoar old ace Near school car-line





FURNISHED or unfomtaHed literframe house good aa new sad in

S rooms beside basementpantry and fc large eloseta

electric lights and telephone rodsfenced frame barn cheap for cash orhalt cash Inquire at IM Ea tThird South or Room M4 Commercial

THE following must be solid at onceOwners want to leave city

Nearly new 5room brick cottage waterinside on West M South Jl70-

0Al frame cottage large roomslots of shade a splendid place on WestSd South S1MQ

Good spot MxWK feet to alleyon

Good 4room frame adobe lined withcity water near Mh West and M

South SUMA Richter 19 West tat South St Tel HtAT Highland Boy mining camp Blng

one 23room house

house furnished Plenty good waterWill give perfect title and deedto ground reasonable Apply teH R Bliven Bingham Canyon

OUR real estate reliable In-formation on realty values Free atoffice Harrington Courtney Phone M

J A BROWN Real Estate LoanRents No U East Flint Phone277 List if you want to sell f

In real go toTitled South

SIXBOOM new 8thClark TeL UX A real bargain

FORTYACRE farm southeast of SaltLake has 47 sbaceafenced and subfenced into three enclosures orchard fiveroomframe house barn and other outbuildingsin good condition Price

trade In bouse and lot Waterright and improvements are worth

entire propertyThis is a rare chance to get a seedat a bargain We will lend MP e it at

per cent if desired McGurnn 4 22Sd South Salt Lake City

A ixMred see lot Sth E Sth SoInouir H T MT B Kh

HOUSTON THE HOU8ERSHave bargains in houses 251 South Male

CORNER Brigham and Ninth Eastcorner Third South and Ninth Bait cor-ner Fourth South and Ninth East cor-ner Eighth South and Ninth Fast corner South and Seventh cor-ner Eighth South and Third West

and M corner First and 0corner Fifth and I corner First Westand Fourth North corner First West andPear Eighth West and Sixth

For corners homes farms orbuilding lots go to Cromer K East Third

WE SKLL real estatethats all TuttleBros Ml Main street Rid ball signs

AN ESTATE owning patented miningclams In Park McGurrln A Co 22 W Second South

HUBBARD Invt Co always havestains In real estate Keep your eye onOakley Hubbard 7S W 2d So

EXECUTORS SALEMxM rods corner of Fifth South and

Ninth Eat with Improvements Applyfor terms to the undersigned atEighth East before May 1 A SPEIRS-

IF YOU want a nice new S or Mroomthoroughly modern home on easy payments we have them on Fist South be-tween Tenth and Eleventh Eat also5room cottages inquire atAnderson Real Estate Investment Co-

IF YOU want something nice andelegantly tapered call at M a m and Sp m and see our new 8room houseeasy payments per cent Interest Flintstreet next corner O Anderson RealEstate Investment Co


MRS LIZZIE GEISLER Mt W ftNorth attends cases before duringafter confinement Will

her home If desiredgiven


OROSHELLS TICKET OFFICE es-tabllahed less Railroad ticketssold and exchanged No ZO Main StF H Groshell manager V

OTTINGERS Cut Rate Ticket Officea West Second South street

STEAM DYE WORKScleaning and dyeing

E Tel 74


DR IRA LYON ve ear nosethroat HM Mereaadle Mk

DR B W WHITNEY office SM SeotU-Auerbach building i to B p m Tel lit


Factory and salesroom No M E 3DSO onefourth Mk W Kinitsford

eases ft per tent11 X Keys fitted to and begs


EATON A PRINCE ELEVATORSFor passenger and freight service aresure dividend prices see KE Arnold 413

I WILL save ymi money en any kindof an elevator William watreat agent57 East Third South


K N KAfK l KMs ta Bere-o i JutobtBg TeL 1CIK






with beds etc also one rOOM

FOR bargainsCromer 31











Trunks teL

T x

monthly paymentsPeru a small hiss and


me usto terms

a iiOL














Utah Dye Worksty 35


bagas suitelsewhere trunk-s

payers L

5 S













A to aeiHst at gen-eral References required

7i First

girl for general housework plaincooking no washing Apply morning 12-5a sth So-

A OOOD GIRL for general houseworktot pap 270 South West Temple

MIDDLKAiKl woman to do chamberwork IMi RAM First South

GIRL for general housework 771 EastSouth

COMJPCTVNT to washkU Brigham

AX EXPERIENCED nurse girl atone 544 State street

GutL wanted for general housework73 Eleventh East o In

WOMAN wants day work Call or adUW B 3d

A GOOD girl for houseworkMM la family no laundry work 62-

4CHAMBSRMAIIM waitresses m andout of the city hoes girls girls

coots family and boardinghotoe at Btroeks Employment Agencj

West Second stoet 4Mrtnmx

GIRL COOK t in familyAj tK E 4th South cor Nib East

honest girt for light houseworkafes CK So State St Call at

GIRL to with Applyat once Ko asking as B 7th

COOK and second girt n West Sth

for general housework smallao Apply mornlags Ctt-


A GIRL for general bowework also awoman to by the day SM So W

uWOMAX to do aoraaMng Wtadeec

YOUNG nurse girt by the day ApplyNo IA Plea street

GIRL for general housework Firststreet

FIRST CLASS machinecustom costs State experience and salary expected A

GOOD GIRL for general houseworkmust be a good Apply ThirdEast between 1 and 4 p m

GIRL for general housework smallfamily S Id East

LADIES to learn barber trade MotorsBarber College Salt Lake City

GIRL tar general houaewerk MT W MR

GOOD GIRL for R eral houseworkone who understands cooking goodwages 1M W Id So

GOOD nurse for children and girt feegeneral housework A street

GIRL wanted M So Id JUtGOOD for waiter on ihs table of

small restaurant P Q Box M


the barber tradecompletes positions guaranteedearned while learning opportunity

to earn board Call or write MilletsBarber College 62 So Salt Lake

ALL BARBER WORK is free at Molers Barber College 82 E 1st So

TEMPLE Employment bureau suppliesall kinds of If you wanthelp If yeji work come and see us

Temple Salt Lake City

Employment A neyi for lahsrars and m

East Second South TeL M4 S

CONTRACTORS take carpenter workon three houses F M 817 S Sthlast

HARNESS MAKERS wanted six ormore wages Job Salt LakeSaddlery Co

A GOOD MAN to on ranch wagesm a month Edtagec Mar-ket Lake Ida

TRUSTWORTHY In each coun-ty to manage business of old establishedhouse of financial standingStraight bona weekly salary of 438paid by check each Wednesday with allexpenses direct from headquartersMoney advanced for expenses Manager9tt Caxton Mdg Chicago

BARBER St Elmo barber shop 2TS

So Main street

TWO good men that are wilting towork can get pay every evening canOS So State

A BRIGHT energetic boy choresfor board and room and can go to schoolIf desires An orphan preferred AddressK E S 11W4 Wash avenue ITtab



A GENTLEMANLY 14yearold boywho ha steady work at small wageswants board and room In a private fam-ily would need to do chores In eveningin part pay for accommodations Com-municate with M M Woods at SalvationArmy shelter

PAIR horses for prospecting and mountain use to L1Mpounds must be sound and reasonable inprice Inquire at McCoys table Dr

ters want Job and contractA Herald

TO RENT a small furnished house orcottage W J Dtoteny 6 Commercialbask block

BY MAY 1 I or 7room tarnished housefamily of adults stats lowest price

and location can furnish th beet ofreferences Address A O Herald-

A TJ6KANT fit small house one thattwo boarders middleaged wo

man Preferred Apply S4 East First

TWO or good hustlers for a wood

A SMALL grocery store state locationA M Herald

TO BUYft good gentle family horsegood size satiable for surrey Addresswith terms A M Heralo

A MARRIED tAM who understandsand general care of

would WEe to take charge ofa Wg orchard aIM will accept positiontor young trees F

your diamonds watchesJewelry clothing InstrumentstPMS etc figure the specialraw of Interest with Samloans at banking rates E lot So

A MAILLARD mMcthgtade perfumes

and ImporterCommercial St

CARPET sewers Walkers storeTO ENGAGE a reliable girl or

lady preferred some one whohas had experience with children duringthe month of May or longer ina private family Inquire at Sth-


UTAH JUNK CO Highest prices paidfor scrap Iron ran cop-per brad etc O E 8th So Tel

A SPAN of mule to work undergroundMust X or Ibe Apply at Hon

Muting company ill SoTtmplo

WOMAN cook

But First South









re pw t

10el11fY W L


leartDp i




to do

w 1



orEwe ltlt


ON nAna




andhousework d St-


Men-d e












E let

brae 5Sg





west Address i


W tbn at 171



weigh 1














RESPECTABLE mUUl aged lacywould i o Itlon as housekeeper or careut rooming nuns Ktuerence exchangedvaarc o A

YOUNG man wishes work attendinghorses preferred AaOress Mi Herald

BY BOY of W as offlcc boy Can givegood reference leiepaone luo2X

EXPERIENCED horticulturist wouldtake care large iawu or mill garden

three or four hours tor days 1M h StYOINU WOMAK woutd like general

housework in email goon cookor address W W M botith

JAPANESE cook wants a situation inmining camp or boarding house countrypreferred Address P o Box KO Matt


YOUJfO Wrap of JO wishes posi-tion In or oat of city good baotu

Address A MeraM

A MIDDLEAG P man wianes a posi-tion as Janitor or at nousecleanlnghad experience 212 corner of Brighamand Second Last

BY YOUNG MAN with experience atcarpenter work haw his own toots CallOi address J W 73 T street

GERMAN GIRL whets work by day towash or housework M7 N 4th West

YOUNG man wanta as travelagent at once A Herald

YOUNG woman wants general housework in small family Good cook Collor address 128 W 3o South St

GIRL would like situation forhousework Call 27 W South Temple

YOUNG woman wants washing ironingor cleaning by the day Address ft Notot West south door

BY male and bookkeeperone who is experienced In general officework Address tt St



j tie





lit rald







GOOD seamstress wants sewing by layOr piece Aodresa A 9

PLAIN washing sad ironing wantedCan at Mr Millard Ml K Stcity court

A LADY wants to takeAddress Herald

ANY KIND of employment by day byU

city fYOUNG boy wants work at any ton

or omce A 51 Herald

AN energetic of steadyhaMts wants work willing to do any-thing Must nave work at user Adoreae1-X74 A N Temple city

POSITION by stationary engineer anJelectrician oood referencesA U Herald

A YOUNGsituation driving a wagon

Address UC ad Tel

M U years wishes aor

POSITION aa desk by a ladyGood references A M jtferaid

married mats of as col-lector or similar employment whore

and abilityare Small salary to begot

and state references A 44Herald-

A STRONG man wishes work ofany kind furnishes best ot ref Addresslie W 2d booth Tel fl

A GOOD steady young manwishes employment can good referencesAddress N Manta 71 12th WestSalt Lake City

A WOMAN wants place withhousework Address

TAKE CARE of child 1 to 8 yearsfrom to a o cOCk fl W Tth So

AN EXPERIENCED stenographerwould like ode work attar willdo work reasonably Address A 4 Heraid

AS COLLECTOR married man A 4k


GOOD men wish any kind of laCnaae IX J jJmweiyn Mi-

Kast iaeventh Sleuth

YOUNG woman of experience would likeworK by the day invite Ha T be

BOY wants Job at driving a wagon 4W

W th North

A GOOD boy IS years old would Ue toa job of some kind case coy especial-

ly Apply sXi its westTYPEWRITER and first clan account-

ant and asstrse position mdiy or nearby six years experi-enceHerald

MAN and wife want work of say kindtogether farm or ranch oreferrea wile

cook and housekeeper man under-stands horses and cattle Thomas BatesJtt Sleuth West Temple street

YOUNG lady stenographer wishes posi-tion can do general work

A tf Herald

AS TYPEWRITER or office girl navehad some experienoad-lierald

GOOD HOME for girl 8 years goodfamily Inquire after 4 p Mrs MJones rear 458 East Second South street

YOUNG girl want housework by theday Address A J Herald

YOUNG widow wtta one childu position Apply 111 West Firstarwlck block Room H

STRONG YOUNG MAN would like po-sition in blacksmith shop Address A 3tHerald

WOMAN wants work by the day 212

South State oom tt

WATCHES and Cleaning UfT-iMiinaprtng C B Re-moved to J Main at

Bow Mannfacturing JewelerRemoved to fi Main

DR R HARGADINE DENTIST KM21 Galena block State st Extraction freefillings Me up set teeth MOt-

VM BROADBENT D D a wptedate dentistry Western Dental Co X-

Kagie Week 4


POT week

THE FORD 8 W COX PROPModern family and transient hotel new

nuusagemenl overhauled West So

NEW or secondhand cash trade orteems BorensenrStoatt Co 41 E 3d So

rented from00 month up by manufacturers 70

24 South v


JAMES J FARRELL 3K South Mainstreet Phone 1906 K

W JAMES successor to JamesHarris plumbing steam and hot watercontractors S 2d So St Phone S7

ANDERSON BURSplumbers m South State St Tel 149 K

American WaB Paper Co 6 East Idrr






p i




Salt Lake







Ta No-W 11M




Sow 1 X

slack y






e ui


references give AddreuS A









> ¬











Is taken off the price of Every Chairor Rocker shown in our windowuntil sold They ors all markedin plain figures at regular pifcw

For further particulars



Furniture Co







I Thursday and Saturdayevenings at Economy store 141 Main St

glassware wall paper paintscutlery silverware etc Entiremast be sold

K A ANDREWS Auctioneer

TERMS on furniture carpets and1 on 10 on IMft I XCarpet Installment horse 4S E

3d So St P A Sorensen prop

BY E M ONION at store IK and 1

South West Temple street S p m onSaturday large of

ranges also one buggy and on trapRegular sales hereafter will be held onSaturdays 2 p m

E M ONION AUCTIONEER IS andW S W T St with Redman Van


must close out ourand secondhand furniture stoves steelranges carpets and everything to furnisha house complete Dont buy get


MODERN new brick S resins nearKautaford Inquire TeL lMa

NEWLY abed roam L and J-US So Second W

FINE lroom brtck andMain arranged for two families Luis

Little So 4 W M Snot

HOUSTON the Hoosers Tel 27

FIVE HOUSES all kinds prices andorations Tuttte Bros Ml Main stJUST WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS

Splendid Sroom new modern residencecorner First and K streets possessiongiven May 1 option given to buy if

will lease for a year at 169monthly J Donnan Heaths 78 WestSecond South Phone

A ROOM brick cottage bath andclosets dose in M2 E SU South-

A NEW fourroont cottage witha closet pantry and bathroom electric

and water on HhWeet strt t carline M4 N 8th West

DESIRABLE convenient Iou JDonnan Rank TB W M So Phone 171

A GOOD store room on 9d South suit-able for dears and tobacco er book storeK W 2d South

SIXROOM house all modernDr Nell C Brown W Temple

ton BMg

A FURNISHED eightroom brick resi-dence with barn No IK West Sth SouthSt See Anderson Insurance Agency

THE beautiful store at 21 East FirstSouth St iOM feet of floor space and43N feet in basement Apply J C CarneUtah Commercial A Savings bask

A GOOD store room on 3d Southfor cigars and tobacco or book

West South

SEWING MACHINES 5r per HHMrthat White office W 1 S PhoneTO X

HOUSTON the TeL 27

FIVEROOM brick house water iahouse W So ist West

J HOUSES all kinds priootf andTuttle Pros 1 Main street

DESK room lB Ml CommercialMeek

LANDLORDS save money by renting togood tenants the Rating tells wecollect bad rents Merchants Preteettve-Asan US Commercial Btk F G Lukegeneral manager

RED BUTTE STONEImmediate delivery C W Brown

K7 Office U E First Sootm

TWO teams of horses Eclipse stablesSo State

A MERCANTILE BUSINESS in Kim-berly Pluto county Utah For

91 HEAD of horses and minks weightfrom LM to 1SW well broke to wrk 8M 1 East Center St ProvuUtah

PHOTO GLASS suitable forcheap if taken at once Newcomers

HALF TNTERJS8T in coffee housesnap If taken at once Address A Herald

CLEVELAND bay stallion at McCoysstable

ASMALL marble soda fountainAddress P O box SM Murray Utah

LODGING house 50 rooms steam heelelectric lights sptendM location good

W Dark M KaacSecond South

A SDRREY double harness atngto harand parlor stove m S 4th East

WE are selling cook stoves and rangesthis week at per cent discountSecondhand store 224tM So State St

TYPEWRITER and officeblank books BrePboam dotsRBXNANT sale Uc-

Oc per bolt worth double EconomyMale St t

STORE BUILDING and fixtures com-plete can be moved also steam

H Box 9H City

A NATIONAL cash register on easypayments P O Box city


MASS akwaol bath expert ladyoperator Suite U State

WILL sell

110 Fur-niture I

salhouMboid Moves

IOUR will expire shortly and we

ot sew

ting our prices Furniturestore St








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pump 16 H P Nt of water jacketUK ftlmace capacity Apply W




goods and
















4 Eats>

sendn0 tons









Regular meetings held at tIM JfeaWluthe second Friday of each m

Members of and soJotni butbrethren cordially mint8A J LOWE Secretory

MT MORIAH lodge No 2 F and A 1

meetings held atthe second etchMembers of stater


FORESTERS OF AMERICA CoartSalt Lake No 1 will meetevening at HSJ


ENTERPRISE LODGE0 F meets every Wednesday eveates at1 O a F temple tIng brotbers welcome-



Ml lain streetW J BACKMAir M WS W DARKS R rdor

SALT LAKE VALLEY LODGE Me Urivets every Thursday evening at theA O U W hall in street



COLUMBIAN OPTICAL COWholesale and retail manuf

JOHN CAMENCIN Utahs most sloestitle shoemaker Solid comfort for Usser oeformed feet Forty years exyertaMORemoved to W Id So

BEST and cheapest shoe repalrlag lacity at P Rasnrossens xS g


If are moving thisspring you of course want heatservice for the money We are the mvers friends as we employ INcfurniture men not handlers butmen who have bad years of experiencewith furniture We have Xaorsamoving vans

We can pack and your goods toany part of the United States and saveyou money If you want a CtratctaasJob in our line we are the to dothe work as we are the largesthandlers of household goods In the westCan phone SK and let us talk tocall personally at our office and

Se W Temple sad wecan show you


C F MITCHELL Van Storage CoU W J So Tel Uli Y


W A HODGES assayer andUS W Second South St Salt Lake City

J MVICKER Assayer M Richards StR H OFFICER CO m

South West Temple street Salt Lana Oty-

CRI8MON BROS assayers andtaU 2 So West Temple Salt Lake CKjr

W H TREMAYNE Assayer ever MlMala street Salt Mallsamples receive prompt attention

J W CURRIE No 7 West ThirdSouth street Salt Lake City Samples aymall oc express receive prompt atteadaa

UNION ASSAY OFFICE 18West Temple street M 8 Hmanager work a specialty

NICELY furnished rooms with baUlfor housekeeping U9 So 5th East 4

TWO nicely furnished resinsfor bedroosas er lightW M to t

THREE ROOMS for rent eitherfurnished or partly furnished ler bousekeeping 712 South tth East

CLEAN cosy front room and awhole house 3 Canyon rein

NICELY furnished fronter in suit modern convemeaces M

ROOK BRICK nicely furnished i

kitchen and cellar use ot ataaoreasonable SM 3d St


WALTER WILLIAMS landscape parjeuer contractor or newcemetery lots and planted lawiw

attended to swork only Res TB-

Mb West Phone 1318 Z-

WHKNEVER necfssarj or by seaawtfwe out lawns cum r lots beautifiedexport work and guaranteed

do budding orJoseph Cunningham Bf neral agentBros Rochester N Y Brown GardenCCw nflfc State St room tt Phoae57Z-


Rugs male from your old carpets Kt-Uaby Prop y W South Temple


NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS OscarCrosb l sales agent for Utah Expertcash register repahlng No m Main St

NEW or secondhand cash trade orterms SorcnsenStoutt Co IS t M Sa-


LODGE So 1 r


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1In podJavtWl o atlasHENRY W 0

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