j «» ^.tsfe^^^kirt?^^ !& ««w j ift- - 5s-^^k» rs2t^ · it ls a_ icsignificant tov-n ou a...

COFFEE RECIPROCITY. CENTEAL AMKKK'AN TRADE. jEARISG OP THF. ALDRICH (VMEKDMBKT- COFFEB TUE UASIS OF KEGOTI .TIONS. raou a srxrr co__sspo_i'_ st or the tkiooke. Coripto, Majcb 31 .--This is Um ohicf port of Kicaragua and the MNHI _.«¦___$ of Uie roil- vray aod iulaud wator system of trn__portath»m It ls a_ icsignificant tov-n ou a h-w niarshy isl&ml- The harbor is tbe tirst t__-_t*t_0_ of tbe coost south of tbe spaoiotie liuTT of i'onfcecu. where the borders of tbree St_ie_--S..lv;.dor, tfondnrft- an<i Nicaiagua-meet. The pnrcipal street foces tne water, __1 the railway tRtAtma is a bloek W- Of tho two promiuent huiMtngs «*» ttom ¦"__ ers M auchor. one is t_ Oi_t->m Ilouee and UU- BrnBRBi 9mA the other is a hotel, each bavi-ig t*d atories Wtth covered veranduA- d«mp _. bf co- ooanut treea and hWd *.*«* a P.ctur«_.. aetting for _ie_an.l dunea nnd nunWihg hne of ahojo and tmUBB in whieh busincS- bMMed aad the Indian ***** »¦ ^.ltered BBtBB ateamers aaohor in deep t. __?t cl**" to tbe favoruble impre0_ion is pr.^^d bv tiieI*** .hit: but tbe t-ravcller o. landmg flnd. Mn le ^ii* lt and makvs h*_tc to return to tbe ahi,. after a dJaoi-Crlj- n___l in a noity and _irt_ hotej. Further out thero _ o lighthouse on A BXttE %Bmm± »nd neat it ou tbe e<1«e of a e.itl there are two *_ffM_$d I** **tnf«d in.a T'l way for tbe defonce of the port. The "£¦*»" Iie. at anchoj at tbe entranoe of llie bnrhi. ttivn protmcted aervi'-e in liuawniulan waters und in tbe Ouji of Fo__OA > , Nicaru-gua, wl.._c tba larrje-t- of tbe Centrel Averican Stau-s t.-_i-it,,r.al ext-nt, ia, with the ex-4-ption of CMta Klca. tbe MM pop.lo.w. It has no fon igu debt. and whlld ttd resource- are undevclo,*.., it is in ttO-i-Wl tin_n_._. condl¬ tion. lt« dhkf exportl are eeffee, r-bbet, indigo. dyewoods, Bttboganj and 1_iiaoa_. Eadt of tM lakf- Uiwo is a fine gradillg country, s.ippurtlng larga droves of cattie. C*oao is su,_*_.__.* »* tivated on tbe w-.-teru platrau, atid sugar can be producyd OB a ]->-".' ¦-' ^-- ¦** ABmmktt facl11* tlea for gnnd..:;< an.l l.i.iliug tbe COUM are pro- vided 1 bave met- aa ugent of an bngimh boaaa who bas obtained <ontn.ct« for aupplving tlie plant ior several uew mgar rnills. The _ore__ 9B89X- dy valuahla, behtf rlch in iMhhfMy, cedar, roaewood, ebony a.,d rubber tree-. The east coast la aU-Lrably odapted lor rtie cultivation ol btrnma. Then Mt »r_o signe of mineral wealth ia tne interior. Tbe CoreigB tr.-.ie ol Nicaiagua j9 cbieflv Wlth t-i-eat lintuin, lienuuny and ti.e United Str.to. t.ernian.y bas tlie laCgetl aliare ot the imports, but tbe recent, developnient of tbe bamAM Mdt is btteftol tbe United States into Uie iiist plaoe as a u.nv.ct for tbe export*. Tbe export* to tbe United Statea ba._ laofeaeed lrou »l,0d7,»0_ iu It8d to $l,d55,d»fl in 180», the lollowtng being tlie lafgect oniric_ ladt J99R! Coflee, 9949,49', rubhar, $. 0-V271! bat.rmas, ¦3&1.068; hidea und skins, $1_-1,-17; wood, 9B9r 000. The importi received fiom tbe Auieinan markets bave laoeaaed during tbe same permd ttom S471,n71 to |l^70.0«. In lbUO tl*.- lw- uort« included lionr aad proviS-ons, $tlf.«-l; irou uud steel inuuufacfires |t»t,7M; wood and utanufactur-s, _J105,7sJ: do«OB__ *9vfiU : and cbeuiieals, |6tv500. OBB l_g_dOB for tbe miprov-- mmxm oi Amehcon trade is t.,e in-reu^d transporta- tioa faelll-fcd between tlie Conliiieau ports and N-ew-.)rleaus and New-York. The canal work at liwytowa is another eaage. Tlie best _nereba__te in Niearagna are Geruians, und tbey aa- driTlog Engl_U cottous and cutlery out 0f Ibe m.ir.tet. Btaamen from Ut-bUi uncbor legtuaflj od Coriuto, as weU M at other Oentral Anifrica-n port. on the west 0__t, nnd cnrrV aoff-O to Europe at reduced freighl rateA l-» >"^hod o direct eounu'.-.ni-_tlnii 1ms p___n_o_ed ti.e -rov.th of tiermuu trade. An aftnl oi demAl sbOd mnnu- factoxios in Lynn waa astoiiislud duttnc a rocent viait to distover that Ainericau le.itUer tv__ im¬ ported from Humlmrg and sold as GermaJi leather. This is an illustration ol Oertmiu enterprisc and Auierican Lcaction. lJo9tt.n ncglects its op- portunities lor developlng furei.n trade becau.-e it raahlv _d-Mt that it Will Iie umlenold by Eaiapa. Hamborg takee ihe \Bt*ba from Boaton, an.l, -ending it through the Straite to Nicara- gua, wd- it At towet flgnWd than Ei_lL-b leutbor. Tbere \B nothing Uke Ameriean leather, and there ll aoth-H bha commcroial euterpti-.. As tbe proiltiet. of tbe flve Ontral Am.rieaTi Staies ur- ataatt-f, t'.uo'cn.ala, Sulvador aud (Josla MM having tbe lurgest ttrpltM of collee for ex¬ port, and Hoaduni nnd Nhiimgua bd&f tbe ekief imit lefloaa, Ibe qtitstion of recjjnocity can be diKcnstx-d to the 1 tf-.t Advaatoflb alter tbe uggregute fOfCSgn trade ot tbi* porfion of Spim- ish-Ainerica baa becu addntelM_ In tbe follov,-- itiB exlabit tlie ligures given ate for 1Mb. and present a eomiiarison of tho trade of tbe live rc- publics with tbe Unl-d States and (ire.it Dritaiu: VKADE OF CE.VTK-VL AMi:tlft_i. BXPORTa FROM THE I1VE BXA-M. Xo t'ulU-d To Orest t-tst-c Iirltsm. ,..ff_, .... tt.'.SD.OM M^«..18. BSe.::::::. gjjj _____ _msi.%Kz-tt w-B:i-87b CI-uVsl..- dveiw^l.. etc. l#-0 dg-W| ow_i urtnies.:.::.....'..^..---- __&*!* *.** TuU1 . $8 414.010 «..7a0.b.7 XMTOBia IXTO TIIE FIVE BTATES. Fiom Frora Vnit.-l _V__t.s. orsst IJrltalu- Rr<a(Hurts .'..'. *wut l'.-ovl-i-ns . SJl'SS »tixu;2 lron ,>..vl.la./.,...v.. imtAtam -.-S-LOO. Cotton i.,aiirit».-t.ire». i_?.. A,VM,oxi4 C_tnil.dl». dr.itfs. .tA.'<.,., . Wo__. ni.iiul-vturos. ^i,'V-_ . l^aUi.-r, nianiif_<liir.'-i. 01.0. mtmari -v.oiieii*. . iwfm ouii'rVrticiv;.¦.¦::.¦.¦.:.v.._v:.'.::: j^wi \Mtm Total . atilSMU $4.«4b,lH Tbe first totak given under tbe bead of Wpotti rcpret_*iit tl,e ari.ielc.. IpeClflad in the Aldrich Aneadmeni lo tha McKinley Ibiifl Act. Coiee, amayAW and bides, wbich are now received without paf-B-Bt of duty iu the Ameriean market. oom- prise neurly tliree-founV.. of tbe Centrai Ameri¬ ean imports; ¦ubbcr, truit and dyew-_>.s makins up Uie balaaoe. Saftt io ioconaidorahle a fractiou tliat it dropa at onee out of aceount, HidCf umoiuitin? 10 N...590 furniab t. slender baa* for reeiprocity uegotiatfdns with five tiov- erniaeut-*- The atuendii.eut, so iar aa CW..I America. is eonocrned, is ^rounded upon an $qai- table tTffhanft for tbe unreelrieted importation ol ?o,75W,<»14 of ooffef. The continuan-e of the bea market for coffee left dependent upon tbe uetfotiation of a recipm-iry -.reement, If cqeltahk ctohtlUfl be refus_*d, PreM-leut Uarrlaon will ba lldet ubligntions V> close tbe fre*- market for oafce on .laauan' I. !..». ThAt duty wiU be au Vf-ttl "i«fi i^ tbe Stat- UepartmMit follows np it** neeeoa in negotiating a treaty with Brajcil by C4,ntracting aimilar cngageinents with Venc- zntjfit. lt tlie five ftpubl-ca tvere unitel in a Ceutfal Ameriean Co_.e<lera1iori. tbere w-mld be a popu- lation of nearly 3,000,000, inhabitlng a territofy of 178,878 aquure mile.. _nd Laviajsi an ai?re- gate trade of $19JB88,89B with tlie United Jst;ite_. Reeiprocity negoMatier_s in tbat en«' woull '.e praetieahle and migbt he arrnntre<1 on eaaiet term_ than tbe Brazilian liasis Wben jt is rio.es.-ar,- to deal with live govcrmnenta in pbi* of one, and to effect a diplomati. eettlement witb eacb iu t_l_ over varying fractions of a whole tbat is les* than one-flftb of tbe agjfregate trade between Cuha and tbe T'nite,] StAtft. tbe game bardly 8«'iu» tft wortb tbe tallow The Amerifian Miinsti-r to tbe fl\_ States fiert.-ilntr cannot laaatad in negotiatin.. flve BkmmmkXkml iftVMMti in tbe courfi. of nine montba. Indeed it donbt- ful if be can make a sefctlemei-t witb a 6in_.de Government, for Centrai Ameriean eolfee ls liiubly est<»emi*d in (Jermnny, France aml Kngland, aml oousiderabI,v lees tlian one-half of the erop i*. taken by tlie Tnited St.T.t- I be 1'resident, moreover, haa treen direeted by ('ongrms t.< impose duhes on coffee, nides aud sugar whencver after January 1, Ihsi.'. he slu.ll consider tbe eonditions of trade i_e_uituble. The conditions of equitable e-chnng. are Ml deimed by Cotigrraa Lu the Keciprocity Arnenriavi.t « will be n-crvc.1 for tbe Pwal-ODt to mVA**** wbtbe- the exohange ls fair or whtU.er lt ie nn- reviploonl. sTsth Central _______. as a wl.ole tl.e <-on.Iit.ions of American trade are more eiJBitaMe than with Braril. Cuba of VVn'ernela, may M readily domonstratel from tbe followlng cnipara. tive cshibit: ¦__._¦_. \M____U-AN COMMERCE WITH THE SOlTil. Ejportsto Iip-irtsinm t__t- B»ii . i.i.r;-, .. » bi__o lb-90. \.uoiuui. ......... lO'OjO.ft.9 i7,i72.35tl _.-.¦-. Uwosa Weat ladies. ft-a*«Jgj V V'J V*t fei *_*___:::::: ^ffiSg J___«» Tou, .aT_l,8i.'.4-"i a.-.7._13l While Urazil and Cubn have been recoivin^ from tbe United Stau* iniport* amounung in rouu.l nuniber. to .>_ and 2.*. per _ent af their own __* ports t£t tbe Amerioau market, Mexloo aml Central America bave lieen taking lsrger pfop6rtioti-l sliare-about 0 per ocot. Ab compared with Iimatl, Vonezuelu ar.d Cu»m, tbe Central American Kepubli-a bavb a Urge tuarglu ln tbelr favdr wlfb- out tbe ncgcrtiaUOn of (-pecial reciprocity treafios. Atoeric-h breadet ul_"~ are not- U-xefl so beavily tbere na in ofner Southern countrics, anfl manu- _(jturos -I iron. iwl. c.ort..u katl.er .u.d wood are er.teri ug tbe UepubllC- underrnndinonk that _re fiivornb.e lot tbe fut-iil- «-*_*__ ?'£** The best-inf..rnied American whofn I hAv.t_.ct in Ni_arutfuu--nad 1 mr.si witbhold his ftaim. from ieur of em barralslug bim ln bu diplomouc work- has expre-Kd the nope iu rne c-nrae ot tW converbatmn Wltli me tbnt, tbe preSeni Adniinlstru- tioii wiil enfnroe the lieclproeity Arocn .ment L.in.t tbe I entrul American .tatc_ by ta.tn. tneir colfcv. Hls argutnent i_ tl.frt all -heir sni- Llus prwluce ll n_w ott tb. AWrican tree Jisr, whe-ru- they t:.\ evrrytlung tbat enteiS their Btatea in reiurn. lle oohaid.-re tbe ex'lu-t.i-' i¦( nroduete fio ii.eqiJitoi.li- ano tb* dif--.lv_iiiti.gc6 or tne fr'-e market, so £_ht tnat a duty on coin-e IB rc'iuired in order to osubLsh an eqmlibri uro. Hc arauea, inoreover, tbal tbe United Btatea ear. prop¬ er iv tax Ceutrul Amcn-an c"ilee, .-n,oe Lnglan.i, France an.l l_.rmaaj all Impoae revenue uutie, upnn it as a luM'.ry. Hls oplnion l_ entltled io ore_t vcight, __a_e be ha* been ln every J^nmu Mi.cri__.il State. aud lv.s made ft profound -tu< > ol thelr conitnerci-l relation... ibe ooitee snpply nceiv-d in Auieruan poris from ihe live repuo- lics amotlnt*. ta nearly 3l.mni.odO pounds auuu- ally as abown ln tbe fnllowiug table: COYEYE IMV'iHTS OF DKlTEO 8TATBB. Ton fiscal _n>ri amuio Ut JCI.Y, lkao. i»ilvador . o.ujo.o.- ___!_ Total Cofita-l AUAEBU. _0.TT_.7_i ._f!**i? Mixioc, . S'S8S:??f S'oO-'-.i Veuetulla . ?,'',4iV'--, 1819 UI V^r .-.: 3»:__1 «5SJ:m J'itt" . 614011 nl.i-o- htAtttr wmtmim:::::::::::: *W:w w.** A^tt^cr,lw,t-:-- UBM !__| A*lu-, 111»- '- w_. .., Total imports..'..',v ««»g sTb.20.li, Total prud'i-t (l--") .'' world. 1,.'C... __.<- 0 ..... MeMcan and Centr:il Arnon.r.m ooffee. wbUb tt of the hutbesi quality. la ..usunied bu ..-ly by the I'L-ilte Stutea und LooialOoa, San Fre«C__-0 an.l Ncw-i .kt.ns brlog th. ports of entry Veowiela coffr. aow to New-Vork along wlth the eno__i g exportetiona from lir_.il. Ont ol uni OBRI unoortution of 500,000,000 po'.inds, the I Hlt* 1 StotM reoelvea 144,000,000 from \he American enntinont and 51.000,00- of tbll nrodoct tt from Mexjeo and Central America. lf reciprocity ar- raiiitements are ooocluded wltb Vemaauela anU Havti aa well us Braall. and n dutv lsjinpose-l upon colfee trom the West Indles. Mexloo nnd Untm America, it la not probiiile tbnt tbe lupply wlll U- mntoriully dimiuisbed nor tbe price muijt.-liv lnerea«-.d. Jttati-t and f.ir j>!av to tne Stotea wbtch enter Into recipror-itv aw_ai_-tnonta fer pro- rnoting commerce mi-y re.,nire the felmpoMtion Of tbe dutv in oartatn'inatenee*. At tbe mme tlme addltlonal leveruge would be seeured In nenotln* ttoni with Mexloo ft* reciprocity treaty 11 it were understood tbat the reelproclty amendment would }>c rtgoroualy enforoed. Mexlco'a product cotnpetes in tbe United Statfel aa fell ws ln Eu¬ rope prlnclpally wltli tl.e eoffee of aolrador. Coita Ihctt and Onatemala. A treaty whlch would fa¬ vor its cofTee. whlle the reelproclty amendment were onforec-d agalnst tlie rivr.l cotfee Statei ol the i*»n_- aooe. wonld lnev.t-.-y promote it? proa- perity. . I. V. E. J COXFEDEEATE MVNUMEaVT. T1IF. FIRST MONCMl-N'TAf, EfOWOR- TO J_-____.- iOU DaVlr. OlVIK 1* FLOTUtl... ftaaacola, Ha., Juno lt..tkk ____a_eiato mot- iiujctit m ti-c niio<Uo of it. __* L ... Baaaka, In thls elty, VM d-iwi'e- to-day before a lariro asseniblap.' Tho moiiuniejit is of (rrauito, aanaaaote- hy a ftff-M rtk1 reaeottnl a Cufvderaio soMl^r ».t I86S. tka Wholt 9tr.ici.i-_ ls over Hfy foot hlch. Kvery milltary orjta'nl;ation in the ttoir, UttA tWO, paftWpatad in th. pnj-icle. Tho liiscrlptlons upon tlie rnonuniuut uie a. MtoaN: SOUtll YACtl A D, IM1. ^ A. T), lMl Thn iiti'iown-0. ht-rofR of the Kouthun Confi irh(i*c lol lt *m to sttAet sai dl- !<o a rauao tlw. llevi. ta be j-i-t. Thdr uncballeoaed devettoo ana niafen- i.»i. berotam huii coutui'i..- te be ti.-* wmmIi r uflthc aa< EA-.T F4CB. _^ Xe_ersen v<t\i'. Pre»14eut ¦.*: the o.nfc-..atc Btatea <f Ain.:.,. auldler, »U»t**inan, ipotriet, ChrlsUan. Tho only niHu m n'rr xatton without u cuaatry, r't twent) n toourn his death. WF.ST PACE. Fdwunl Avle.w.rth !'¦ I r,t Ilie Pcn I BlPttt, oi.jii.'i ot th.. Second I-"..iri(ia Real.t, -. ral Iba r'oi!di Brlaadu lu the Amiy nf autUtera Virsclnl-. Au.oiie the rr-.i I'. volunteer li. t'-t defeeel ..f hla adopted bt*t.-, falthlul ln every ;wi'vl(.n to whl.-li hls m.-rit »<t- \ aacai htm, his life and d--i- eonatltate his b.st nfooument. No}tTn pace, (>. -.lieri R. M.-iitorv. 8\nUrv of tho N'avy of tho Con- fod'-'nU- !*uii._ oi Ameriea. '"TU not lu/->._.!.« to ecTtmnnd S_'-«^s: Bat *i'ii oo BKira, b<'ti.pronius, we'u fraeri. It." Tlie Oionninent tV-kMI tbo fli-st moutiincuui reeof- ultlon ol Jefferson Davi- A ClliliGE ABA1EB1 A CLERGYVAX DEOPPVlt. Poug_i_<_-p.lc, lt. Y., Juuo 1? (Sjieclal).-Th. ta'e ot tho at_aaaaa ol fho l:apt;-.t Chnrch of Mu-lalhi caBio l-cfore Ju-tic/i Ckaarplln al Maa___ to-_ay. Tlio tru.»teos put in an appeivraiice by (.h__.es MkTCkMMar, a l'i-yer; ahrt the Kov. Uj. Itoyce wqs p_ir.it wlfh bh conosel, V.nii:am B. WobA. Mr. Murrljju«er, on bekak ot the tniftKarh, a.Mre<£ed tiie c^mrt, aayl-l that he and tlio tniKtoes holleved that t .o sctiole matter dtoal- bc dropp._d, and Ikat t-_ other .-Irtb accopt^l Om r\evr. Thu codrt mld it t_i_ OOt been tnl-r--a- tlat tb^rs had Lc^n s aatttaaaeot, an.l tlitit tlie Jurv miis pi-. sent an. reaJy CO proc.t-. Mr. Wood, tor the clerpynian, sald he dj- uot tviuit it to o out Ui;.t tbefC tuwl heen ao a«r«.M<_it by whlch tlio Ucv. M|. lioyce had mado aiiy eoa_eeaalo__. He o_n|t_<a__| H aa-lfollled and lturtfjl t*> bolh sides to continue the mcitter in court. Mr. B.i.r(_) Urtertapted the ^aoaaailMa hy lay- ln_ to Mr. Marchuuvr: It might 'oe luferr<xl from your tnlk that I hti%t. tnx-le a couccasiin so thr.t this pro-eediug might not go on. I don't want it to appc.ir so." Tlius tlie charg- aplnst Mr. Boyec, of dl'turhlng a rellffious tucUutr, ii dioppt.. but ho wiU sue tho chun-li for hls year'ii silwy. LEAVIXQ TUE XATIOXAL PABMBEB' ALUAXTE. ItnUund, Vt., June 17 (Special).--The X't-rtnoTit citizens- Mlirime, whi-_ But ortaolaad here a few «.-eeks oird a_ a btiindi o| the Nnflnnal Citlsens' Aliianc., hn<= charc^l Na baaa of op.'T-itKin., east otf from the HaiteM] bedy and ^u MaMaat r.s an Ui- dep^ndent Mat..' orjfunirnti-ig, lh- reistei ?.ivi;n lor tiii- mt i- tiiat tka fu.-'ucis a_ra tuy ot ih- n(V or- (KiDitttion a- they had u<> kfBmABt wlth n.any of tho icketaoa advocate. by Ika Attaocc _aaa ia tha Haaa. Ti.ej- did not tn'te i;i-,.iiy tu tka aab-Waatary acbeaae for ont thlva, snd they l.cld aloof frofn IU Alli4...e mowinent here at the ^lltrt. so Ur- phrti*, wero rayls-d, and no\e tt ls ann. ,ir;pe.l that U>- W-rmont Uttxena* AUiaooe is au tndepeudeul orfanltation ^l.'.i(t». l to wort foi n-tor.ii aod ecoooaiv ln th ad- lninistntir. ot titat aiid laeal Ufalia. u'h u pmctitui'l". lt -ill bo the oi.d._ t»i- to awalt tlil- r-foi-m throuirh on. or tiie other r,f iu, exl'tlng p.-1-Ue*. dn thi. brifes |(, lj e.xperu. I that h, gotAl luimy Ui*uer> wlll come lu. jo:x:'xG rVri. G. a. b, Conrord, N. II., >iiie IT..The antjual BwaHa| of th- Kaar-Hiun^aMi. -aeteey, tHM mtABm tavaaatlou, *±* held in Ika senate f-OWIkaa tr.-duy. It ^K- rotti t'. change the na tne el tlie aaaodalKa to th% Ncw-Uamp- rktre loctely al rons of the. AMerlcaa Bavolatlon, and to 3<_n the Hattonal orpinlzatlou of that aaaM. 1'. oihi-.-i-s \t-re eP'i'tm: h.-.-jii-nt, l-eorte J GUla Manebaater; nee p-**.-ieiit, .Toun mn, conconl; aeo- rvtary ano tmaauie., Ika i'ci O. l_. luppnii, Ooocord, and a board of inuiiii(r.'i'-en' nnd h Soanee noaiBilttee. DtrriZC; or iiALTlxtRE, PLBLABB Gdirrr. ¦aMaaaaa, stnte it^it____a_k k onvait, the ra__f* man wbo had i-onie notortetv paaaaQy hy nauiltie » IttlMaaa hn*«-i of twutg nuvaii* aftur f-riau teoaioia nnd n.-prvK-iit^tlvi-. lu CO-W*. "' whlch }u- ». lt pajii. to lnfi.ni th'ni. and f.i«-_»V.y f^rciirlnT many .hri_»enipp und OMatMia peaaanla, pic-do_ .utity in Bm l rbataal CoaH la three aaaaa <.f Maa ftmb an.l «u eeiiWii.ed t«. tlu-x- \<sr tn UM peruN-uiary ln «-u_r-ii ttat'. DavallN aakenw ln tn.»o tAt*,cs *-** call at certain r_»ide_ic_- and repir-jnt tbat lu.- hud boen sent br tlie head of tiie family fur a pair of »W;«. ¦HEFALLELKCTIONS. DBtOGBATIO BUOC-M WOULD MEAN DA-tGEB TU TIIi: CONSTITUTION. A PLAS TO DEI-VEI. TIIE GOVERNMENT OV TIIE STATE PERMANENTLT INTO THE HANDS Or CORRUPT CITY RINCr-S' truoM the gaooian uaut-swnwr. or .¦¦ _s_is_w. Albany, Jmio IT^na -tatr electlon odj.».»-][*; IS HOI U one tf --cxcptional impormm.. ln m.. ~i.n thon a-e dd flret __f_t _u.i_.ryit, ¦$.» tt »OBU mi... who a_ a elaai n-tiiniliy ha»$ "_JJV* the prob.iblo 0_fee_ ,_f ar. el-c-tlon. To tlie pollt.clans n, iell as u> UM cituen wlio read, ttd M»W« and Usterts to political upMrhfto. lt appears thnt tli BW sre at siAko ln Uj* rtertl on tM great ofllce of Governor o( New-York. M-P-alO. BBBB «_*»_* bruarh*« of the Utf*ttfb Doth tho polit.ci J M the eoier also M_$_t«. that the btate beoetora who atxir ln im Z ta*c th,- «.$$ of *..* "JT^Z^ term fltpire. Ui Mnnh ataat Veor. ann thnt Owmforr the olectloh will 1u_ve un .unportint b-arln*u_»fn the Zat-O- m to whleh one of thi, two fr** £«*_»£* U<* *_C_I Mive a majorlty In ttd .£. hoii.e of ton- L, And doul-tl^^ _*- both -**?¦ nhd polltielan*- JJT Ihe |Wat Influeace thnt the reshlt of tl.c tfddttOa lr, thls Male thi/1 fall trlll Jiat. upon the cleCtion of rmliltnl Of thb ..Dltad Matc- the conilng year. mt it 1_ tt bc mXkBbiA \t many jio_itici_n_ or matiy Mtert tttdl Be ttt fh't thnt if th.- i_-.iiorrtil.-**arty ihould cl.vt a Democratlc Ohx'eroor. and m_JorltIes ln bf.th bruli.l.fc of Um LegWatme tlK.-re-_-_._d M- l.w -nch a r.niode.ll_-. -f the .-onstitnrl on of tho blato t2.nl _ttJttilWa and dMtatjtt power iii thli Matt ^*^da be transfcmvl _rom (tt NMU vohjr t6 tho pOpafcttow of tta ejtfad; and mmmBmmml U* eh$e- IA* of ui. tagldtatKm <rJ -if the poMdji of po«__- ment oxpretscd ttrtagfc ttd Governor md _.-,. I. tnro wonl.l b$ ehMfed lu tho leadlm: Htito ,-.I tte l'nlon. tUB prof .u:.<l aatait -»f t?:c clunge h. the character of tho govorument of the _t,-t/> od* ll is ttMdtaoed tmbtt tho ifiatter worthy of the atlen- tta of evary eiti.eri. it trtii bo reoneaibered thit in |M_ t_o voiers of thO Rate c___t ttbb hall-ts ln tlie aflnadUed Bptt iho (HicRtion of holdlnfj * _0_et__-(__a1 00_w$Btl tortoe the eooetttdtoa od Ba* Bmm. The meeeedlng w_ir t_ho Le?i«latnre p.s.«ed an _<¦< tor tta hoMlTJ ol thls conventlou. pi*ovi,liu« int ih,- electlMi of lakgatea to it, and th.it R tt*U_ Badtd «rft__ a -drtOfc ttae. Qove'rnor Hill vetned UiLs Act. nnd the ground. of hial vf to ihoOM bo eon^ider.-d eai____r UiU f:dl whe* totert come to ihe peU-, ttode poanda -«re ia> brM IhAl flu- dejegtied lo ttd d-flfUtatton-l -onte_-1 Boq tto-M ....I be dldeted m prtposod, Ont from e_ t al ihfc 18d A-aemblT dWrteta ar.d tWrtj two M dlsidfld C'lfiUly bCtxx-orn t)i'- fr-^' prent political parUea.atatt, ls tho Ooeerport opin'oii. the bl MpreadBt-llon rr<P'"'c;^t ff>r <h0 ooaventieii n". «cr.,--iv partl.o e-d -Ajaab* The dorertwr funh'-r declared UmI "tte Adtdmbhr di.tH.is _n the peal Of I-:.-,-- Md New-Vork show an av«Ti_o of Ihooi B0J006 pofWlatt-t Tt-'.ve t>_aa tlie ..*-rr__r Of an equal nmnber of _etriete ln the intorior of tlie .late." Ths 99Un -ri.f of Qm Ooeamot- inev_Mnt, m f^ct, in l.is ._*to nie=-_rc --* thirt, to tho ctti" ttoald be ae- oordod a MpraaentaUan in the eoeaitt-tk-al eooven- ¦j-,], whleh wonld rive t.em a prepnadartiMO of fcd- flaence la tho framtag of the oooetftattob. ri need no* be idd that ihe Okisaino-. trguaenl In edb MM IhAl tO ttd cttlc. bh_nld.be piven tiio con- i.i-1 ,,f l.-.-l-latloTi it tte StAte of Now York for the rutnre. M an) eonstitottooal eonvant-oo (oabODed by eity mem.rt erottM of eoorat --> arrtaiM Iho Uons of the eohotltat-on phirldlng ft* the electlon of members of Ihe LdfUtetaN V> to givo tho dlle- a mti3_riuv in bott braaebei of thal body. What exe-iUve potvA* m tbe hand- of a reftdaenfa. iiv.. .,f tte elttot ntnni, tba people of tbe t_to ean .- i ¦!: baeh at the r_eor_ df Daeld I). lllll, of Elmlra, =inc<v he w*tii_'__ ofil-C ln -haaory, 1885. ir..- im*- staadfly eatoed $11 fefonaadorj aeti m Wgb HMTwe bfltt end WU* li -reato » ^ulnoAustrallahballot-reformdy-tem. tax i damafOgue lh tftatlW- 'if l:>-_t._n and of ; dlseipliae. Ile bat been the defende* of tbe comipi :.v .- 5 s- m Vorb aad Br ¦. Ujri. Dtlt bnd fi'. bm l-'v,n Mr. Hill'* b-tadtaeb, evi-r: one In UbAhy reeogbbJ-t \bn H lha LegbUWuro bad ,.,i:f. i. both bran bet thal deojoraili .v -nd Ibaertng pohHral _b___ebd_i of bla .V....U hare l.^n Btt-BM *^r<A. Be *9* he_ ir, ehech by thb bepabBeali Legblature whleb wero eohti-dbi by thb RepabBdCb -tpresetrtatlvea of (he riii.il eOuntlea of Ihb Slntt. Bod u Unne of tho .h-'iv-ii iir.d ;-,'i;;.iors «oto trom the -OnOtty DdghborbOOdt, $nd lll-lnformed &(, foOM df then, u $ <Aie- lh-y «_. far nperldt In AOral ehl .ind in leglelattre oMUty to ihe B-tmben tronl tlie rill^. If the «.__? ht*1* If-tr Uxdb tt^bf, if II hdi well-fr:,yi.Td 94*08, ll it hU', U P>od Jmli-l:il lyitOtt, U is due i Ibe t* I ih.-it tht Bepnb-oab ferud-i bt tbeli representdlltet bbva ____t__i__l lha Kew VoU lature for m$0> v-.*- fi bbe bt o tho man edm ,- ln t-je eountry Boartd ol SapOrefeot-, ednratbd ttdro inomicai and pfderieM loeernment, Who, eldd ,,r, am "i i BdnAlor, bbl ;-- :'- id II whleh haeo been in.thc Intereal oi tbe peopb. of the -na_\ Ard n.H tiont UrK Hc bat ilcf.s d.-d ti.a CtUe$ fr,,m fhdSldblTba. II has beea the Cuhloh of DeAocrata ind df Magwaaipe of int" fd_b to oitleise the Leguiatm. a? a body eonttaaily intcrfcring |n- inr!f,n-iv wtth Ihe dtatn of rlttest; bnt opdft the eontraiy, ttd Legbktare huz wreiy dObh _o, and when i> bad tt h almodl lhfnilably bcon mlslcd bj I ItpiaaeataHTai ol tte dttat Blfeotea- Kew-York. eaaitei hai not beft. eeHobaly m_4ifl,..l sU1-'*-* 1-W6, And ihe moro baportaal $__od_i-h_ to M ^ir.'*c 0*1 v.-.i have l^tli iftililhffl by O.e bdc_ pnblfc sbntii:.- I that clty. w__n Um Pollce Dt-panme.it of M*>fOf- ihowed ii., ntt-i- itt-oinpetend> to dire_rt tbe ttoae ti Um str-'t deaarai Depagfanen. of thot elty, vtho wa. it that :--_<-iiiiiied th,' leadfeg dtUaaa ot th;,t clty in tl^lr demund tim* a bebtel ..-. na should be attabUabed dlM the 6»'iara of Poii.'o deprtved df Ch csn-o of itM$l elean_fl U vfoa the "Bepablean hajr- eo_d nelnberd* of Ihe Legblabcia. lt wai they _-_o, airiilnst thb p-Ote$1 of t n_uj.-r.tv of Uie jllego.1 i\_>- r<.,-eni.'t-Jve_ of New-York iu Uie L.g;_lamro, (MAted tbe pie$OUl e*Lreet (Te»inlng DapartaMBt, _'h!ch. falliire a> It is la ma:iy feepeeta, ls a ebal lniprov«ment over tt.-, pNtbedbdtt. it wti* the "hayseeds" the 1.0151a latriro who al^o dein<\_l the County fi<>rlc, the K'.i -l ir aad 'he .herlif af New YoiU oi thelr Un teao, And all ,,f.lli.'r>e reforms, lt nedJ -cancly bc said, Wttt $1 oonrpttahed tte lue of tlie bftter ..i»iK)r.iuon of Um pretanddd repfe_enl$ti»_ of the ttty. Fmd_-f II' ridrlfks, th- <_i_t__Irniu_. of the Stmato IV_n mlttee 00 QU($$, nt iv sa:U: "l sotaebmai aim-rst feel ljto lcttiuiz ro nv (g-ip upon the naKltade of bill- ti.Ht iotno bo u=; fiom Hdar-Yetb nnnbera lo expend Uio nioney of that elty, and 1 feel lihe pernttttng the reten of that city te ,ii<i.rt-ci^u.. lor anee pbal weatHa bappefl lo them OOder peJiulao homo rulo, Wlth BO i_-.ii members <.r ihe Legtrtatere t<< protei t tbea fron ralds upon their pafidb." The last Axatmbty, vith tta DeatoeraUc n. ij.-.riu-, Lf 0 futr prnphe.y Of a 1 !:if:ne fOeemed b| rttj edaetttaaaelas, vouid t;rrify tvtff yumghtfal citltcn Wheo iMiiltir:* ',1 tli" fut.u>- nnd tlu po-slbtUty Ihal i.c_;i.-!:.tiirt! arttb ¦ najority ,.f clty memben ihoald be tilalilUbad II «ai an Atdembrji th- knresl lu pelnl of education and al.ility tin.t h;>- bc^n hef_ v., tBA&y yW_r*<. Nevi-r ba*t) A<^-inbIy ooin:. H n more in itportlai biJ!.- tdakla. dtosl radkal ehbh__ in lni_*_-t__1 laws. weeer wai tbere ab \ tenfaty _*b-e it.Tio_v,nt of t_e preelrab htitofy ,,f ihe l-trl-l-'i;;.-.) <tl :!".¦ '.V't- or pMte ' i- !'.-* in iil_-1 thot hiM-'-ry wben tnud'- a\mrc of lt. The (,n\y nid ba iiu.'i" f-r the ineotBpetetaeji ttowh bj ¦Met af tt$ manben of tbe ia:.),_i*i;-. m legl^lutui? wni th'it tbe tn-n.'.'-rs ..f th'it m.i jonty wci'i- _ora #tthoal ameh sciuo ao. never had been tralned f-.r %tpxtkitotu lt waa ba H mi-l ol |h( ':.»v mecibcr*; bad batt *- b. '--.l y ! I f-nui a crofd of loafbre npoh tOtat ibeM MM t .,:.,1 t-'.'.d to pD lb Al;_n\ $Ad l'tri-:_tc- rt.-^ttnlirig thi- ibol oawMretal and folltii il biteeotta bf Bbw»Yatt Watt The pr_spt-ct of ttafldfai lTi:,'*,,n luptiUai Ihj- tnllliorrs of capiml Inedaaed lb t1:" nr:i«:,v eatpoeafkms, bMafaado daaqabltb. ti-ust compfmier. ixmtt-s nnt to »pe;rti ,,f legl '.' -'. eMtoertllH the p<-a'._ **_ato bclio,,l .. ,:,- -t,l I t<_ such lpr.nr.int ftnd lert-^ly $1-load __da trOM the <n, ippalllai i" BBU/f tto__hf-U Pta.her af tte U_gtStat-_f- VI'1-inlK Mr. Illll's armnwiit -au-- Ihal tb ' i'i-l,itiip- sh',uld be atml: to tte le*_ Of tbe Boardj of AJdcs_.i af Haw-Teib, Braohlja $ad otttt eHh and ttdl rn:) Bi] b$ ji.-*L' ¦' i_id_ad _e aUltada, rt.it tM ?*..»«. nt^ cr in i»- Matoty had baa ' H I>-_1 1 bith-' lapraotAtattoa crr.n n.mii^^ of \',.t.. pt haa slwirvs pro\-1dc<i r"vr*'-<-i'tn*lo lu l^-tb lha Sen- lata aad tl. MM* b_ Indejiendenilv of tlj.-. HMsllun i-ib-Mon. Beeflea b ot Artlci,. m ,,r lb ruii..n provid.-s ttat: K.v. ry aaanty beratufoie $$tab» Rohed r. i--_i-.t-.-IV ort:.inir<-l, etcept tlio C-ontv oi HaalHoa, ttatl alwaya ba etttttled <.. t..- \--.-,.:iv" BsetotlBg thu Cimiitv ,-» HamUtoii, tlicr,: sre liftj nln- rountlea Whleb tlu.- t- at least one .Vs coiblynian oaeb. Ti,..n- ai iu tbe Aioeinbly -.> thal lt l* oheloas tbal ...it ..f tlio Asaenibiymeu r-prc^-rt emntias viiu ont r-«ar<i to t! .: pupaluUoii ..i thoea eouatlea, The llttle Oonnty of I'ubism, i_b whioh tiie: were i>oll«l laat 9 M OOU _.4U4 votes. ¦»fV,^n.,,u;,ty^N-'YoV_? Lcrfalat-re es flrnUy as th.« bl. countI »£ ..,--,.. in wkteh tn- re wec eaat n " , nyraHotar v..to«. ii u ao SHSS1,.T&Ut-nii of the tlon. whleh la .lnpU; '»"'' J" ' ,',,.,., -,,1, 300.. rnlie-Htat^wheii^^^^Yoa-VtheJ^ltod "Wgn,:,_r...b^.^^rT'S^i-^^t-n-n1-;; ,.,_. happU) P\t-", ' " ,)(Vn tll(, (a-,.. if to tho !,;>¦_.-n than »«»W " \°!£, «, t,,. majority of -,;,.;''o_,i v tEv-r?^oe7S-ato^piwr r...^a_£^ _! ._ ',_ tlie Ass.<mh.y by pOiirlmr Into It dl t bUtod, * ^.TSfe^^^kirt?^^ «Jaffl? _!& ««w ift-_-_5S-^^ K»_rS2t^ t;, W^l Murphy ]r. cf Troy fe rf the LtemOCreHc State CiuTnl bo, lt * N*.rtcd. tiirlv sald that Mr. Klower W0OM haY\.,, 'V _i,i ,. i.ritv lf Mr. Flower baa <JO.C-xi _f_»_4jrjli_Sji .el1 ....wi ]:env,cr,t|c poUtli lan hw to dny - vc shnll 25 elec?a Lte.noc.__- Leat-iatBre as *e%7 Jhj ? arl ma*. e it plain that tha man.-gcrs «*.»£"» Mii.palirn tliln k that by (te of >{'¦ |.J%T^ the "'¦."J'^-'1' ^''v ,[ % t\he bolflln. of a ^StatfOMl . .nv,.nll._ under Dtmotmilt manago- < cn»tinir oiwi v." , tle t'on'-tltntlon so ao W SSl \b_*_-S5S -Tth. LSuieto*. pcrmanetitl, Into Uie Liu; of tho Daaaocraa- Sty _-0illl-an__w -r a-.. Jf/55 -CCF GABDXER SFXTEXCET). TnB JTDGE DISLI-FD __»__*- HER TO JAII_ and so fiMd) ner.. Mlsd Lucy Gaetear. the yd-ftg woman of F.u_t Oiaaie W *., who waa eoovtHed ot eteaBng from .ten Bi-there, waa ftentonred In tho coort ln St-walk £* today to pay ,100 one Mai e-eta, .a_o_ntte« alto- vth.r b. aboot #1.0011. mai Ct-rtpev appeared in knaiad m I iprtal anft, w_» lcrn.'-n * ....rod tfovoa and l__k.et.w___ hal of the taleet -t.yi-. saa unflinchtogrj at Ike jud ne a* ba addrease- ber Tho jn.:. ba -M not thinic any good woaM con. fi*,m Imprteonfog -ka woman and eo-Bp-Olof nor to con .rt wtth rriniinri... aad ba bad tik.-r, into necoont 1,,'.., Bt__h aka had loal In tka icapael of O10 60m *rid ln -Jaoaoa and luorU-.ation by r_u_on of the cor. ...tiou. JtirtBo Daly. tke eonnaal Bm HhH Oartn* -_._. t thl. r,)Urt ft writ of ator to remove Hn SaStothe 8-pr.ine Court for rorie-- and ui-o pra- aented u liull bond for -iMO. XOTES OF THE STAGE. For tka flnal pcrforhiunco of "fkuat," oa Batnrday nb'ht al t_oOi_Bd Opaia Hoaae, Loo st.rti.ont a yoong '1 torltone, wtn alng tke parl ol Valentmo. Mr. StomOOi Wlll aMb tato the part of tlw bull-Ii.ht-r ln xOVOMIl* "li Mw.dav nicht. BOtBB OF ttie BTaBB. To-nrgbt baa W-en set ashlo as »_*»_« *V*rti Aeadeny rtlglW" ut tke Ckaloo, aud the bon- orod Ru«st« wtn bc tho gradaatea ol tlve AonapoUa el m of -01 Tbay wlll 1.0 accoTTipant".! by the CoiiiiniuiiKi.t j i ti.; BrooSyn Navy Vii-i and oAeera ot tho iktpa 1 now ln port The f.>i!ow!t'_ people wili appear am-n_ oMera at the entertalnment to be given M _at-B_ay ntgn, at tho Unlon -qaare Theatre by BoMrt A Danean, ad- vartlalng agent of the t'nlrMi B_W_. nnd Standai- tbeatraa and Use Itrwnaend, ^on-t Bobaon. repre* aentatlve: HaUon A Mart, Hol-n. Hu.^cll. Iiarney 1 ..-,i, Y.."tii'(i.;.oii. tlie uuaaell lir-tbera, Annle-owto, 1/ia .-1 Morria and Kellib McHenry. The funeral ot J. K. Emmet took placo ln Albuiiv Ui-dav. pcleitallon. trom the Actors' Fnul and .ie AcioVv order al Frlendihlp went trom here uTattand it. Tbe wtor. son, J. KMne Buiia nonneea that ho win till ..II I.:* fati. -r1- engngenienti for ii'-xt season aod *01 play the kadln- parta hlm- sell. -fnrn- Robaotl nnd Oeor_e W. Floyfl have eftgaged i-/'i,- Hodi ,'i ColUer and Engene Moort to play lmpor\ The Cadl." Blll Nye'1 hew c medy. li to b_ prodacad at the Cnlon Sqnaie Tb ,,n eoiitember U, * 1th rhomai Q. Seoliroofce a the itor. Tln pMdnction win open Uw next legnlai bm on al thls hon a. BftM BBotA frofh Condok tbat Maiahall P. Wllder, wko ba_ M'lherto been heard Ouat oBbj |n drawlng- rooma la now to ^»b the public a ehance lo appredata Ra v.m i-ive a mattnee BMr. -,.,:¦, Criterlon Theatr. J»i_T ». ;"" wlll be .-.i-t.-d by Mrs. Langtry, William Itorrl a, Artkar Kob- erta, Oeorge Glddeni and otkera. . ""I rn;: PEEttBEtRPi VACATTOB PZlft. \vbbing("ti, itau it..Ihb Preaident hal been work. anasnaUy imM Unce (di _et_f. tn_» the P md 1. tbero-gl-y Bred <wt HA fwt, theea ikort v.-.i -it'on and wlll ac- eompai t Mra Haniaoo and his gnuidchiidrm to thelr . k-ttM. at Cape May Botbt, lo-momrir. Mra, k. WlBlatna aod Mlsa Blla __t__M wiU bo of ilie party. They wiil leavo Waaklngton at o'clock Vomorrow montng, aod win im ich cape Hay ln tbe afternodh. Tho'Presldenl win retnrb u. Washlt next f-eadby, In llma Bm tbe feg-lat aaeetlng of Ika (-.,. ii ot There are 10 many laiporu_ot matten .-lnim- peteoon] aUentton ta now lhal II wiil be Impo _tbk for him to itmaln bwgy from P/aihlngton f.,r any con_lderable Ume intu Ikey baaa been dM- f. H's win. bowove., r_n down to Cape Mkt for a fc-. d_v ' real wbenewef tl a atate al pabllo busi- afeaa wlll penait ir, and Mdr in tba a_bson dxpeetl to lie aUe to rematn tbete o itlnaon iy for two or lhm)t wocka. Capo Muy. B. J , Jnne 17 f-pecial)..Tlio Presldent aad iiis family ure azpected al ''upc Muy BHaonow aficiiiooii. liurinir the w:iit r many nftw hoiises have been buiit new tka Proaldent- oottage, aad the latter __r been pnt In thono wrh order for tne aummer. The pecial car an which the Harrlson tumlly wlll arrlve ii re wili be taken, aiter a hort deJay at tiie t.'ape May statlon, by a special englne over the mad t>> within 100 tt, ,.« tiie coita... A few rape May __cqualnt_tncei will be preaent on tha famlly's orrlval ut tho boose, wbleb win be beauttfuBy decorated. tjnim^AX uovsox t/BwBBTm WUBBXp. laltlnifiio, .Tune 1^ f?pei.!nl)..Th.T. w._3 a li'-'-lv meetlnl of ihe Bepublkao Btata Oaolral Commltlee bara tj.jnv. Cbargai bad i«-cii mada thal Thomaa B. Hodaoto, of Botnemet Connty, chalrman oi mmlttea, hid beea di_.ioyai ii Ike preaoni AdmtntttratlMi, aml that he liad aoagkt to damage i'i politieal mtereata of repKaentatlvea of tbe Adain- tratton. ColopH iiodaoB, ln .1 ibeneh to Bm com- B-lttao, denied t-.o ehargs, nv,d <tiid that, ahhoogk he had been d_-ppok_ted In hls poUBea] amblBon, he had eaer iweiwed frnm the line of duty t.. ius party. I'e .. h.r.-i that PreaWent Harrlson aad Poat___aatO-* ii.-uc.rji Wanamaker knew that tke chargea agakut Mm wew untraa. .\ri.-r a warm dabato, iu whi.-!. Dr. Washlngi Tnck, of Anne irundel County, aald he ihe tlme h-i.t come for ih<- Republlcan party in M_ryland to stop pluvlna "babv p-Jlitlcs," a roao jiitliMi udoptcd to continue Colonel Hodaoo ln liie chiairmanshlp ui.iil hla lucceaaor l- .... ed at the ,1 coiiveutloo th" date foi whleh the committee 1 27. at Ocean city. miAZlt A7 TUE H*f*_t.r»'3 FAIR. WMhtagton, .rime lt'.-The Pnetdent -f BraiU haa appointed Bcnhor Aktonld de Barroa Barreta, ari^i 1 .i.i-i, i.m .'ii :inrnr(!''x .1. pOTdell- dn <;.-:i(.'i, \,(Ah d). ' iiiinis- atonera to take rharga ol tke preptM tlon of t:-re ex- hlblfa "f tfcal Repnfcllc .- the World. Cohunbtaa Ex- p Ll -'<h:int . wyei throagb Ike ptovtnoea of ;he Amaaoo, wiuio -.-.iii go wltb Captaln Bodgera on ht-. i.,':i ri-...,;. tko ontbert pi wino of tke republle. Captim Rodd ..- reporta th-it ti:;- Pfealdont of Braail * :.-.:: approprlation of tke inm oft323,ooo for tiie expenaci f the bni.iii.m exhlblt, and that it vii; aodoabtedly be -i h'1' PEEKBKTLt PIRE BBPABTMBXt JS9PEOTBD. PeikakUl .". __ne it (Special)..tke annaal h> ipectioe af tka iv--_-_jii rir« Departmant t<>o. plaea ..-nif-ht. Daslneai piaeea a__. eloaed. There were ii- .d« -".d iir".,m c^rp< fr'^m ad__tnlag R0_eea .-i-r--' .!.. mted and lUmnin-ted. Tka v.-.*."¦ KoM w-.i' UAt* of bui'tin? .i'i'! lanterua, and from ita Haydr md Common i'.*i:..ii. arHk Mih| as-Mayon >f Paelublll, revlewed ttu. parada, after wMeb ¦ aa gnd peetad and -,.- r-n c-^i-ij by cin- Oeth Citnak, aad PeeksklB ui<=. .:. i.ivi-i to be betl r p-t-eted h-mi n- Utaa any ot].-T pirn/- ot Ita aba la _><¦ llatk. The n«w nre itana ^.-i., alao laak-i Ha tka iral Un, AMeneao f.p-,:-r..v looekel the button In tlw *V .-Vn1 Ill-Trlrt and lu 1 llio dl'frli't ahirni Wa| ..,-ji<!. .1 frnin c ral m, and of cou -mit laeoaaly l- r.ii the "i ip mt ho ra* ua: TEtMM Hiuiid.-ipM.i, laa 17 Frank P. Priebard, of ¦alni up of Bha arrtdooea lo Ika kw] to lay, bafoea Juu"i_- Aetmaao, lu tbo l nlted £tates Clrcult Couit, ln tho lut-Ulmnila_r duty MU- agalli-t ttd Government ».*» Wfgfrff uio t^e ._ _o ii-fo lha laa_ _i ttd Jury to-morrow. LOW WAGES OR HIGH WAGES - WHICH t WHAT WORI_--ltS REALLY rJEED.' From The W.eltly Trlbune. June 10, 1801. A rcsidont of Lynh. Ma**.. #**¦ Jo Tho Tribune in cotnment upoh the McKinley hill of which he does not wholly approvei and _B.M a r_- mark which ttWHdd att. ntion. Tlie tone ot his Igtttf U courteous. and perhaps lt will l* as well to omlt. his name from thls reply to what he aaya: bat his remark should not he ailowed to pass ¦_¦ no.i__.-d. Bk innke* the following sug?estion as the fiolution of oilr preaent bueinef* uroubk.I " What the businese moA. farmers and lahoring ni-h BBBB is stendy flmpl_s_u_t. Now, stendy work At low wnnes ls much better tbhn blgh wntreS wlth un_teady mployment." TLls is a remark often made ¦*___¦_- bf a club of men whom I meet in various part- of tlie country I have no ac<iu_.int_nce with our corros- pondent. ond not the le__t tfav a* (o hls oCcupatloa or p__iti..u in the bUtadtt world. iii_ word. art. however. id.nti__l with those of men I ft* quentty meet, wl.n think that, con_t_.it toil at Jbw prices is the de.ired end to bo ftiuH- at in tl.c in¬ dustrial world. My obsorv_fion is. that such re- i_v_rks are made only by men who _rc willing to <_et gain from Ihe work Bt dther poople without regard to the comfort af thet. who do the work. I n- -t-r hear.t a pmetlcal furmer make such a remark (ot two rcn__ns. Farmers hav_ work enoiiRh all the time; they c_h always flnd ehoui.li to do. Sefcondly, beeAMd they know that low Waftt tnrau low ptiees for what they spow. Ar.y K&iible firmer will tell you that he prefers to pay jsood wn«**S fnr hts lielp Ond ffet tfood prlccn for l!j3 pr.-d-ice. I nev.-r hcnf*. a WorklnimiHh make _-ich a, lUbllMJlt because I 'never met one wlio did not think that good, f.ilr wu_-._ for hta work was an elcmeut which entered luwoly into hifl own happi- ness. I never vet found a workiniitnan wlio seemed to coraprehend tbe idea that he oould prolit by low wuges if they would only bt him work longer oach day and more day_ in each year: There may bc a $ort of deep _t.;nifl canee in $0Ch a fctotement as " stfady work at low wu*.." but it ls rio deep thut it invariably e_cape. the ohfterva- tion of thli averaae laborer. Somohow such A Itattmetlt eifries no real cduvtction to his mind. Again. I -6ver heard such a remark from ony manufacturer who takes a broad aiew df this o,uC6tion nnd who ha* the well-bclnsi and happinetf of liis worlc-pcople at heurt. No man $honid employ otlier men wlio will not, gaatd their well-U^lng as .aeredly ns Le will hl_ own. What would our correspondent think of a work- bgnAO who would _____ft that what the world aeexb is n ttt of Tminufaetur. rd, wbb will nm their millH Cou_t_ntly t_d pay trfgh wag»* whether there are any prollts or not, and that it is better for manufacturers to run constantly, even at a loss, than to run on bi.h prices onlv a few weeks nt a time. That position ia aii tenable us the one he takes. Let mc state what, it seems to me, bu_lne__» men. farmers an_ laborLusruien nced. All of them need full employraent at, fair waires. Oood, f_ir prices for th« produote of the farm make farmers prosperoiifl ftnd enable them to pay thelr help gOOd, fair \\-ige-. Good, fair prices for the produett of slioponrt factory enablo bnsincsfl mon to pay gOOd, fair wages to their worfcuivn and should Iwive them a fair return for their own time nnd capital invested, and they should always he satlBllcd with a fair prolit. Steody employ- .nent at good wages gives tlie luborin? m_n mcans with _vhi<- tO ptirchase the producte of tho farm, ihe ihop, and th. tkABttf, and so make ateady mployment pOtelble. In -bort, good wages fot people wh6 work and oonstant eniploymcnt at good t-f.L'os b thb key to tbe wbofc situation. lt maked little flit.erence bow coiwtontly a man laborb lf you koep Ui wagea et^h wege rt tba sturvation point, Just l-_rcly <mouy;li to keep body ond soul togathcr f«.r iiimt/'lf und hw tktnujr. Ile oeaaea to iie a general oondttmdf, indeed ho uota no surplus of waged with which to buy Srdinary ootuforta. Lack of .on_u__ptiob.it ?* important an eloment lu prodnelng a trlut in the markett, whioh leada to l»w prleea, ls ovcr- uro'luCtioh- - ,. Am eci.nomic t-v-tetfi basefl _n thft .lotement of onr oortebpondent will end. of neceaaity, iu the deamdation of labor and the mln of tlie work- irffl clo-ef. Any syetem thut produces choap men und cheip women mu_t lead to int«or\- nnd want lf we ,-in to mannge tlmt the ..o.oort ooo of w,.rkiii(z peojile in the I'liited ,St;ites shull 1k> constantly einplovcl at -toot} wAgea, then ull Ibe other coiidittoitf neoca-ory ror $ proaperoua i^i- p'e wiU follow a? a matter of com.o. Conetaot work for llttle pr|v may he tho beat we ean do for culprit* iii our pmifonti'.irips, but it should hordly be binted at $d the t.hin^ our entfre peo- ple need. _ K »¦ HOBR THE BEW-68&EASB BTflBERY OAtEB. [TowOrldnnd. J_ae IT^_d_n$-l f»r Hehrstal, c(*i. victcd rtf attenipttng brlbo M.Cabie, abb hnd b_eu gammoaed u a Ulee Juror in tlie lfeftB_$_-, ttm, made appneatteti t.>-iay f'-r a tow tnai. Jadga Marr ..vcrnile.l Oic motlon nnd sent-ticed MeCry-bal to rear m tha paoltenHary, th** full term of hoprleo-' Maot pH,-vi.l,-l l.v law. Tho Jury ln the, c_.«e of KO- Otyatal and Coooby, for atteaipttnf le brir*e Gormeiv, rw oivod tho BAM at 0 :.'lO lsst nleht. At 11 :_<) t.xlnv they had falled <o atrroo, tho Jury r>portir,n that ono member hnd refueed ta leoder a verdjet Ol any klnd. eith.-r f.r <-r agalnst tha accweed, or eitu^r oi mem. They wers ugain 1,/cfted up. _ .- ¦tO trWtTEBl. PAUL AXD mxxEiPOLlS- Cliioajio, June lf..A dilrpat<-h from St. Panl layal The tlr.-t t-brncst aOi-Tiipt t<) unito >t. PhuI _ii«1 lUniieapoUa h__ tioeo begnb, the loiulers in ttb move- mcut ticintj Afehht-btf Irelapd, ea-Ooremoc Manhsl] und Seoator ^tevons. The pcposiilou Is to ca.ll ttt now munlclpalliy -'F_.l-.i-._l cuy." At a baaojael ¦.'¦ Mldway U_t ulght, Aj*.lib!shop Ireland _ald: "T!,is rln| ta the beglnubn ot a _re_t noveaiead whi<-n ttaQ DOt oeaae BOtQ our Foderal i.'lty t> born. Tbe aal on of tte two rittea oachl u> he ind ooon. Whal balpe one helps t'.ie other; what htoden or.e hindon tin. other. Lnion ls a necessltr.'' CH/I/.1.V TaIPOUT DUVIE& TO HE PAID IX CWX. WaohingtoB, -bino 17..The Ogagreoe of chiii h_ l*;,-*.od an iwt proviOUii. ih.it harealter ojl lmpoi-t daea aad ol mca ohamea muat 1m* paid la g-u or ollver, c..i.u_ut_d ou bdUa <it thbtgr-elcbt peace. Thu deero.) haa bsd tho a_f_cl of anbandng tba peieea at aU liryioixol uords, und lt Is stated thit tt$ Increase haa beea feoeially between l-."> Aad IM v»ir eool Th.. Qovenuuhat oi < mu haa aworded fiso,ooo priae monoy lo Ihe commandere of ii.o Almlnsnte Lyuch aad the Almlrante c.mdeil, tlio craloeM who bkw up the Blando, joxes i.vi> The xomixahox fou qxwbbsob. Btngfcamton, lf. Y., June 17..An Adeoetated agcut aakad Iilantnnart-fiHnrtwmit .louo thia raorotof: -wi.at about .our wttbdrawal fr,,m tiie eaniMaey toe tte DoaMnatlOQ for Oovaraort" if-. aaswwed, -i^y no act or word of mlaa, 01 within my taowl$d$-_ li_,_ mr paattttb, in relation thereto been uhaiifed.1 iu repiy to a further ojaeaHCii the Ueoteaaat-Oov- ttt ,r iak| BxOAM me, ih_t l_ aii I cujt. to say." THEY TliIXK A UEVUCTIOX DETltlAlEXTAL. Fall Illver. Matt., J'-mo 17..The ttUM_$F A'-904t»e tlou mkmtk tlie (Oikwblg laaOlattoa public today: obrei, That tMs .__-.". i..U> .ii I*. of the <-|)lr,lon t^A there 1 do neceaslty .t tbe pmeut for am re-uvtloo lu tlie *_«.es ut tte opemtlvee, aud p«-.t experl have proved tiiat i.du.iioii_ ar.; datrlmeO-tal to tiia manametursn tbamaetvi .. Seeretary Rovaid stat.-d ttd] iv thi.t ttt M'licspiu- i-r-,' AaaddttHt-i wlll re.lst any atteetpt to i-educc waaaa. JVSTML MEETlxa OF THE OATBOLTC CWB. ^.t .d siimul me-t'oa ot the 0a___.Ul Club t-.ie.da.- even- ln«, ut So. 30 Wr-t X_ciit-/.,.n,*i,tlv._t., thON WQS s lar.o att-odoaea. Ohartes v. Pstati ptasotea. iad laning ...- ptatODt wttt blehatd >i- ttttaoro, Joha d t-.im_.t_i. Charles t. weltsia, Jotsoe A. POaaaaa, Mon_iK. -,, joha D. Pasuwad, faaata j. xiaiQor, k. j. Keaasdy, Jtseph Karaa »ni Dr. a. v. i\._iii-. tiu-io oHleeta wttta eloetod Wr i - frear: chsrie*, v. reraea, pnsMeati drst itoa pieohtaat, John d (baaoMaaj -meotet vMO-prosidaat, wiiiunn lt. if.r_t: aaetetaey, t_. o__n_i Mnbant, Phinp u. Oaataagh pr»»IA>M iritdf _, ^ah-Tlif-nt, Whlcli siiiruxl that th-re a: iit.<»eiit 0-6 mmUmx in _he attb sna by Deeeeabat 1 H -. ,- ipaabad M >l tti.- inntt of 7-10 moaxbaat a \i be N leta 1 $ beasa _t tha tMb. ii Weat iiftv-niutt st, wtu i,c iaadj ty Heveaibei II vaa reaaWad uut thv laHtatlea tea beaecforl n, a_o f..r oaob aaadMata aree thirty yaara ind *.'ff r-.r aeah seadttse* oadar, wbak »ooo iu_u_i ot »--_¦ ls uow Dscesssnr lor lils tueinber-dilb. COAL IN FOUR STATES. AN ENOKMOUS XW INCREAHL. I.V PKODUC TION. (.AI..S IS OHIO. INDIAVA AM) ILLINOI S-^A TJZ* ORKASED OUTi'UT IX MICIIIO \_.--WmBBB PAII) AM) CAl'lT-L KMI'M-Y I.I). W.isliltiKton. June tO.-It neorl .nrprlso -OkO_P. BB yeara kaara, t.. fiad tkai me ontpui of aaal b. tiie Cnlted St.tcs in th. year 1000 __-_-*k>l th.it of dr.-t Uritilu by as mucn as the Iron aud BBmi product of the li.ltc- States In ifioo surpi.**'.! that ..f (,r.j.| Britain. The r.-tu-i.< of eoal prd.liictl"ti aln-ndy com- p'led f..r tho year l*Xi -how that there hv* been a grent It'cretisc in the past deeade. In 1*"!'. tor et- ample, the output M_a-Bk_M coal ln four stalaa b tween the ohlo aiid li.M-_.lpp t rlver*;.' "-le, Indl_na, llllnols aud Ml.-hlinn.ei_oiiii.«d to |g*jafT-.H short tons, whlch wns ab..ut p<-r rent of tho t/.tal MtaaateoM pao-k-d al _ba Dkttad Maaaa tn thnt >t*r. Aeeaa___g to the cen_us taken last year tha lotil oufjmt of the s_uw states ln l_ .0 wa_ _4/.H_l,_47 tons, belni? _n laeaeeaa ot 11.314,348 trms, or nearly _4 per cent, and mdi.-a'InK that th- laaal mmmYBWUM ou^.-.it "f the fn.ted ,-t.it«- iri t.'io _ra* yenr was ab<ut 70,000.000 ftUAi Th«ro aro re__on» for t*to l.-lt.f Ihat thls total wlll be found to bc ron<:l(lc__blv e.c«.<'!_fl when all the ro- tnrn6 shall have bM- conipl'cfl. A-HMg those n .a ls the fact that tka p"<*lu.-t ..f pf,- Imn in UM .how_! a mtirv_N.n Im _a-.» ln < >vcr.tl "f Ika !>outh«.ni htaU-s ln vhlch roil abouirds. In Vlrir'irU tho lncmasc -at l.r.Mt per cent; ln /i lai.um-., lt ixaaedad 1 .-__¦- per cent; ln VMMNBM lt wa_ more l.iin UB P*r aaa*: lt M..'l..-.d ahOOl '.I per eeoi fi'r'l ln BmB Vlrtfnta aearty 34 per cent. Ihero ll re.-isoii to b-_b_r. .1 tho laceeeeb lo tba antkraefta output of Ikapaylvaa-i bai kept paaa wlth tkat al Ika hBaaafnoaa :. if 10, ihe total Io\ 1 180 aUd not 1:9*6 falN-ri r-hort of 51,1...,000 ton.. (if tlie four .-Utcs tlrst _:_ ucd. three--0U.1, Ind Una and libnois.akow a hreBaooioM toenaaa, wklli M pa.il, awlng to the ikary eoaapetllloB ol the b.tuminoui nilncs of Ohlo ii_d l'eiui .Tv.nila UBsBtA a le I o_!,3_o t_u_, or aboal -i- pai .'i.t. aa eetapaeed w.th 1371). Ike tOUal output of Ike four .Uit-.s ir »!.orl tons and the valne thereof, ln 1.7. aud IM- re pcitlvoly, wero M followl: llllnols 011". 377 a-.77».8S- 1-104.272 9lLTi}2209 Ohlo <)<" -4 606 7.7VJfA7 0,0"i_7.7 .»...>.. 1"1 lodtaoa ...1,4-4,1-7 SUW.-W 2tC,...;.7 2.W7 VA\ IMoaigaa i-O.aoo __t.-..i 0...-1 11. .< ti it wili L*» abaaawai that the pn<-. per laat «¦»* «>n _l<_er.M_ lower ln 1880 than ln IBBB. In DBBOla '.t bud BaoBubB BAjb Il4_i to Bt eeoM; ht om Born ri tt ha 01 eaoaa; la baBaaa from 31 4- to $1 01 1 ia Hhifctgan f'^m #2 -2V, ft ?1 71 p..r t-.r. at the nilr.e*. It ls propor to saj- hore that tho product of tho UHi oil nilnes WM about IftOOfiOO haaa Maa ln __. .alendar yeai 1-80 than In tho y»tr ended .Tune 30, l_*_>, the f.iiiirix otf b.-tiii* mainly <iuo to a wltaapiaad aad l--- UkbUri strlko of tho mlners in the north_ni di.tricte ot tho state. whlch 1-Sted _»iout slx momhs. Ika coal are* In Ililnolr. ls reported at .7,000 IfMN mi!.a; ln Ohlo 10,000 9<juare uiUes, und Iu Ii.diuu. BBi Midi- lipin 7,000 sqnaro mli<^i e-»'h. Tlie coal mtnes of those .titos gavo cinployment ln 1860 to 48,711 foreinen, mocUanlcs, n.ir.ers, J:»l*'i.rs and other omployca, to whom wt*. pald Ui wrt__<> the sum of el.?,_ .1,560 for the year. Aaaa aaaa*yaa ar.d tlie amount pald ln wages wer.. disfiibntnd as f-.llows: llllnols, employea _.,3_3, wowa IMB-JIT; Ohio employcs iy,o!)l, w^ $fl,802,«04; Indluna, employea o,:>3_j, aatM BBABAAtAm', Michipin, a___kg_i *-:.»- wagee 9b'.l,o04. The other currcnt mlninti e _pcndlt-ires wero as fol¬ low.: llllnols, igl.iiTl.72-i; Ohio. «?l.330..70; Indl- ana. WOO-ti. Michigan. 820,11.0: tot:*l. «H.4l2.041. It slnuld be nodid that ¦ local" minei are not todadad ln t!w statement. of oxpendtture. IH w_ge* M-i I paipoana There wero VJ.721 u local" mltie* and 7.1 ¦'i-.-.-rilnr" miu'.-s. Thn output Of the ______ k Bad ftCpurat-'ly reixirted. but it appeara that :i.l_l,(; .0 um* wero sold to the kM__ tnuie at tho mlnes, the major proportlou ot Which wa* probably the BfO-B 1 -locii" inin.-s. Of tho 4-,7ii peraoaa employea. azelnaiva "i aBea loeee, waie aaiployad "akeoa ga and 44,03-2 wero eniployd ub.'lo_ ground"; tka former 153 and of the latter 1,07'.. aaaaa boll unaer ilxteen yearl old. The *veniiie dally wagea of emph.ves of tbe KWjnl olai'sea in the re.-ipecUvo Stat.v. w.-re a_ folbwa; IH|. ln- M1I1. Occupatlon. iims. OMo dia.i-. U Forwni'U iiUove croaud.*-' 2') __.--.» v2 M k2 11 Mi'*l.--f Bbove .ruilii'l. _! 01 l'._! 1 Sl J L_tior.r_ abeve _rr..'ina. 1 oa 1 ai 147 1 j* Ucyr. uiidir 10 ali-V- i<iounU.. »A .7 ,A __.]-> m'u b<-lnw aroana. iia 1-3 lai '-' 'ol Ulncas below arouua... ..... 201 1 uu 1 ^.1 1 Tt Laburvrs Urlow B_W_Bd.... 177 1 o. 1 7o I '" 1! .yi. under 10 heiuw ^loiind.. DO 71 70 bi Tfio averago number of boys in the year l M during wliich eaeh c!<ir.i of UUfmBBM was employed ln rospectlve Statoa was as follows: Illi- Indl Oocuptttlou. n ls. 0'ito. a. . For.:.. u a'ova grnun-.'.. _'". 144 IM M c..i..ic» abuvo around. 201 236 Md .1-1 j. 1, t.t ibova cr..und. Vol ItfS I'-' -«J ni,--- ini.hr 1 above around {M l .7 IM ,.. Por iusii i.-low around. Md 2ta 1,0 il* Iflaara b.-low around. 177 lbl 175 ls* Lui/urcrs Ih-Iow arouod. ll_) !-."< 1 Uoys und->r lo below fii.uud... 170 161 1S4 *AJ The total amonnt of eapltal inv*. ted l:i cool nnui-s. Inclndlng lhnds ownc*l aod kaaai, I»ti1!<1Iii-:_- ktmXt, niachiiiciv, elc. ln the reapoctt\_ .>Uite-. a_M a* fo. li-.v.: illiiioJs *i7,(i_'.»,3:.i fJklo, W4,-_8r_KW; lu- ill.ir.a, 8.1^30,703; Mlchi^uu, *10,000; lUNpla $.'15,142,010. BB Itl Oil I Mfli NV-fb. Tho optlriilst a-=«7r71«ns of (Jencr.il da Fobsera, tha Pre.h-.nt of Hiuzll, Ui hta .qicecli al tho openiiiK >>f tha I'arliauient, ..11 tho 17th lii-.tt.nt, are coiifii-uwd by lu- f'.rtniitlon meviou. Iy n-cclved from t_e new ______*W Kepubllc. Moit.over, thcV ;.rc ln keoplug wlth H l.ruilanti pulillsh.Hl iu Europo by .->'«ihoi- l-i-¦¦¦¦ -. Hl l form..r Flnnrico Mlnl. ter of tlie nra_1ll»n Einpir-i. aud coiisi-quently not snsi^cied of parit .llty towanl the r .w tioveriiment of hts country. In anawer lo ih-t-v Wka wero alurmod by tlw sudden spirit >>f sp". olit.m de> veioped ln hntiii, *-hore tM uu Mai 110 baahe, . only -lartoeh ln IBBB, BtUBtU nf-arahlo aayi that this stafo of tjilnsrs ls natural. and not at all to M tompared to tlio iII0glc.1l Ifitalafll- tend whlch causod tho croah ln tbo Ara.nttne Be| ..Th. tiiitti." he addi, :< ls that Uraill p.*.M-_*e*. ju .Boanoaa copltal, whi.h liad not been e;nploy<.l, ho- cuii-o eupltabWL. were alaimed at Ur.t by the afcO-ttea Of llMary aud bv the proi'lauiatl.-n nf tl.e lC'-pubhO. Bot tkOM two crisosi tavln^ beon pu».-e.l attkoat In¬ jury to the couutry. mswUmBtAB are now full .t denee In tiie future. aml haira be_:m t.. anplog li.rnxled in.uey, wlih b OOMM »o abundautly OB tha BMl-et tnat there aro ln Ui. hardiy a_MMfk buiMi-h** titted for the la.-uilluuon of tho new htuika aod ta- t io'lo..." lt haa bocn u.ready explalned heiv Mar _M iwcnr.e* from the dutie- had MariaaM -t_.i<Hly iu the cu.toia MMM Ol MO -'ar.eir.i. Mntoa, etc, snd how the Ma* /..'ni Oonanuaent hai tkaa baM W lo Meraa ibal duties could bo pai.i herv.ut.-r ia eeeieBry huMad .! gold. They were btcreaaed hy onlv '. par eent, the (iovernineiit would huvo bet-n |aatt_Ud kl _a_olrti ; nn tecrcin -rf _s per eenl da dntlea pabt ln paper, Olnee the mllrOs cun-.ioy v.-.,* ll i-V .¦' '-..;* par vai.i- bi ,-oid. Bai tho aaw Bepublte araa aa.oua r all o, islble faeUltles to totarnaUonal ti ...... aa ahe bad aathered Into bet Treasi.i clent amount ol _»id I.'¦¦. I her external d>M. Thls i- d. Fonsecals Justlfled ln hls tixpcetatlou thal he »ul w kble to «-tt-et nn o.uilibrium ln the bn.i.ot wltuout iu- pixdnc freah tasea." Th. - I-,,'.."., to l* the larfwsl ever _-ith.-r.-l i-i Braril estimsted at h.XK.OOO bafs, or 900,000.000 i ;- afld the marltet prleo for eoS-0 r-.iv.rUr.ing Mu!.. ¦$» v, it lataodlng the Ineraaae ln pcd-ictiou. -«¦.. rushisg BBBiBBBB. From 'fte nUaddtphfa toqatear. Tho sh-bb. elottea wora by a wii loiown br her dnrlofl aeaoons when tn.- niaik.-i ii Oepressed. ui--r,i rolnded rondntl of ¦¦¦ pi-mlnent lawyer,^ bjve i.t -iv fumlsbed food f r tte ..«« <.»" « hanfe* wens away Sown oneday when th- yeal uisrt DMtree cio<_jd. snd the broker, who had b-- uus and was. -' ueual on ineb -, uloo*. down ln tl - «ore ^ suit --( rlothes lhat bta couohtnan * hare aeorned. Hc sounwred srainld r-iKtiv-Iv. . lUi hand. ln tbe wn-ck ol hla irood * poeh b, me-lt-ilnd over hK ni !u-_ $od aroaderlnlr, after all, lf be Iwdni mtstakeu hls v ratton ln nm entorlug some cooserval^e ,,i'.- [.-ir-i.it where arealtt ls *lowiy _--'i">u- luted Bouo s faktr >nmt* al..n_ ___y errmf me iii.Tchainlls-. uhl.l. hapj.-i.-d,- -. l«. the oll pop-IO* dlme .«'iviiis's banh. i «M s-v. ..'1 ¦ ralny dav," hv leeolecd. uud boivi.t one -n tho >po_ T'i.-u h,« r-.to.-d otorti stin on th.« eaurbett. md $_.. iinued Us nn .1lt.itl._i* sturliig at U«e poeket I"-nk. Tlie Swyer ramo nisiu.ij along at ihis m .__-. t, elbowlne hls way t.ir--'if_ tne erowd rlsM acd Ind nn apjM.ltiti-.i-nt Imll mlle «»__v lu t -n tnl-._'.-**. Ha a»u 'he brofeer, or, rather. _s*_- the ba-k In tM outstn t-heid hand. "Jael whal i h..v.- intaadod .o i,,i\ f.r a v-..." h>' thought; anJ .nltliiK * :i ,t -hed 't-e r.i.-'.'-l piat. .i rantnvanoe fr-iu th.' '-r-xer'S band. wtthoal kiotnng ap. "'How much," he t.rn ..nn*i\. 'Whj ee i er gave w._ eeats, t. n*.i Uw loanger ln astoiilahaient "Here, Uhe i- and the lawyer thiusi a .iim and alck-l Into w* hand, and rushe. awaj befbre the broher renhaed «'hil lt all mesut. Ile lookod *ft<-r tlt,-. i*cti*eaOn_| a'i rn*f tor _ev,i-al BlhlUtos, ;uid i Uu.klod, .. Well. I luu-0 __-"* tblng ln that .pcnttlou.*

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Page 1: J «» ^.TSfe^^^kirt?^^ !& ««w J ift- - 5S-^^K» rS2t^ · It ls a_ icsignificant tov-n ou a h-w niarshy isl&ml-The harbor is tbe tirst t__-_t*t_0_ of tbe coost south of tbe spaoiotie




raou a srxrr co__sspo_i'_st or the tkiooke.

Coripto, Majcb 31 .--This is Um ohicf port of

Kicaragua and the MNHI _.«¦___$ of Uie roil-

vray aod iulaud wator system of trn__portath»mIt ls a_ icsignificant tov-n ou a h-w niarshy isl&ml-The harbor is tbe tirst t__-_t*t_0_ of tbe coost

south of tbe spaoiotie liuTT of i'onfcecu. where the

borders of tbree St_ie_--S..lv;.dor, tfondnrft- an<i

Nicaiagua-meet. The pnrcipal street foces tne

water, __1 the railway tRtAtma is a bloek W-Of tho two promiuent huiMtngs «*» ttom ¦"__ers M auchor. one is t_ Oi_t->m Ilouee and UU-

BrnBRBi 9mA the other is a hotel, each bavi-ig t*d

atories Wtth covered veranduA- d«mp _. bf co-

ooanut treea and hWd *.*«* a P.ctur«_..aetting for _ie_an.l dunea nnd nunWihg hne of

ahojo and tmUBB in whieh busincS- bMMedaad the Indian ***** »¦ ^.ltered BBtBBateamers aaohor in deep t. __?t cl**" to tbe J»

favoruble impre0_ion is pr.^^d bv tiieI***.hit: but tbe t-ravcller o. landmg flnd. Mn le

^ii* lt and makvs h*_tc to return to tbe ahi,.after a dJaoi-Crlj- n___l in a noity and _irt_ hotej.Further out thero _ o lighthouse on A BXttE

%Bmm± »nd neat it ou tbe e<1«e of a e.itl there

are two *_ffM_$d I** **tnf«d in.a T'lway for tbe defonce of the port. The "£¦*»"Iie. at anchoj at tbe entranoe of llie bnrhi.

ttivn protmcted aervi'-e in liuawniulan waters und

in tbe Ouji of Fo__OA > ,

Nicaru-gua, wl.._c tba larrje-t- of tbe Centrel

Averican Stau-s _¦ t.-_i-it,,r.al ext-nt, ia, with

the ex-4-ption of CMta Klca. tbe MM pop.lo.w.It has no fon igu debt. and whlld ttd resource-

are undevclo,*.., it is in ttO-i-Wl tin_n_._. condl¬

tion. lt« dhkf exportl are eeffee, r-bbet, indigo.dyewoods, Bttboganj and 1_iiaoa_. Eadt of tM

lakf- Uiwo is a fine gradillg country, s.ippurtlnglarga droves of cattie. C*oao is su,_*_.__.* »*

tivated on tbe w-.-teru platrau, atid sugar can

be producyd OB a ]->-".' ¦-' ^-- ¦** ABmmktt facl11*

tlea for gnnd..:;< an.l l.i.iliug tbe COUM are pro-vided 1 bave met- aa ugent of an bngimh boaaawho bas obtained <ontn.ct« for aupplving tlie plantior several uew mgar rnills. The _ore__ 9B89X-

dy valuahla, behtf rlch in iMhhfMy, cedar,roaewood, ebony a.,d rubber tree-. The east coast

la aU-Lrably odapted lor rtie cultivation olbtrnma. Then Mt »r_o signe of mineral wealth

ia tne interior. Tbe CoreigB tr.-.ie ol Nicaiaguaj9 cbieflv Wlth t-i-eat lintuin, lienuuny and ti.e

United Str.to. t.ernian.y bas tlie laCgetl aliare ot

the imports, but tbe recent, developnient of tbe

bamAM Mdt is btteftol tbe United States into

Uie iiist plaoe as a u.nv.ct for tbe export*.Tbe export* to tbe United Statea ba._ laofeaeed

lrou »l,0d7,»0_ iu It8d to $l,d55,d»fl in 180»,the lollowtng being tlie lafgect oniric_ ladt J99R!Coflee, 9949,49', rubhar, $. 0-V271! bat.rmas,

¦3&1.068; hidea und skins, $1_-1,-17; wood, 9B9r000. The importi received fiom tbe Auieinan

markets bave laoeaaed during tbe same permdttom S471,n71 to |l^70.0«. In lbUO tl*.- lw-

uort« included lionr aad proviS-ons, $tlf.«-l; irou

uud steel inuuufacfires |t»t,7M; wood and

utanufactur-s, _J105,7sJ: do«OB__ *9vfiU : and

cbeuiieals, |6tv500. OBB l_g_dOB for tbe miprov--mmxm oi Amehcon trade is t.,e in-reu^d transporta-tioa faelll-fcd between tlie Conliiieau ports and

N-ew-.)rleaus and New-York. The canal work at

liwytowa is another eaage. Tlie best _nereba__tein Niearagna are Geruians, und tbey aa- driTlogEngl_U cottous and cutlery out 0f Ibe m.ir.tet.

Btaamen from Ut-bUi uncbor legtuaflj od

Coriuto, as weU M at other Oentral Anifrica-n

port. on the west 0__t, nnd cnrrV aoff-O to

Europe at reduced freighl rateA l-» >"^hod o

direct eounu'.-.ni-_tlnii 1ms p___n_o_ed ti.e -rov.th of

tiermuu trade. An aftnl oi demAl sbOd mnnu-

factoxios in Lynn waa astoiiislud duttnc a rocent

viait to distover that Ainericau le.itUer tv__ im¬

ported from Humlmrg and sold as GermaJi leather.

This is an illustration ol Oertmiu enterprisc and

Auierican Lcaction. lJo9tt.n ncglects its op-

portunities lor developlng furei.n trade becau.-e

it raahlv _d-Mt that it Will Iie umlenold byEaiapa. Hamborg takee ihe \Bt*ba from Boaton,an.l, -ending it through the Straite to Nicara-

gua, wd- it At towet flgnWd than Ei_lL-b leutbor.Tbere \B nothing Uke Ameriean leather, and there

ll aoth-H bha commcroial euterpti-..As tbe proiltiet. of tbe flve Ontral Am.rieaTi

Staies ur- ataatt-f, t'.uo'cn.ala, Sulvador aud (Josla

MM having tbe lurgest ttrpltM of collee for ex¬

port, and Hoaduni nnd Nhiimgua bd&f tbeekief imit lefloaa, Ibe qtitstion of recjjnocitycan be diKcnstx-d to the 1 tf-.t Advaatoflb alter tbe

uggregute fOfCSgn trade ot tbi* porfion of Spim-ish-Ainerica baa becu addntelM_ In tbe follov,--itiB exlabit tlie ligures given ate for 1Mb. and

present a eomiiarison of tho trade of tbe live rc-

publics with tbe Unl-d States and (ire.it Dritaiu:VKADE OF CE.VTK-VL AMi:tlft_i.


t-tst-c Iirltsm.,..ff_, .... tt.'.SD.OM M^«..18.

BSe.::::::. gjjj _____

_msi.%Kz-tt w-B:i-87b

CI-uVsl..- dveiw^l.. etc. l#-0 dg-W|ow_i urtnies.:.::.....'..^..---- __&*!* *.**TuU1 . $8 414.010 «..7a0.b.7


Vnit.-l _V__t.s. orsst IJrltalu-Rr<a(Hurts .'..'. *wutl'.-ovl-i-ns . SJl'SS »tixu;2lron ,>..vl.la./.,...v.. imtAtam -.-S-LOO.Cotton i.,aiirit».-t.ire». i_?..A,VM,oxi4C_tnil.dl». dr.itfs. .tA.'<.,.,.Wo__. ni.iiul-vturos. ^i,'V-_.l^aUi.-r, nianiif_<liir.'-i. 01.0.mtmari-v.oiieii*. . iwfmouii'rVrticiv;.¦.¦::.¦.¦.:.v.._v:.'.::: j^wi\Mtm

Total . atilSMU $4.«4b,lH

Tbe first totak given under tbe bead of Wpottircpret_*iit tl,e ari.ielc.. IpeClflad in the AldrichAneadmeni lo tha McKinley Ibiifl Act. Coiee,amayAW and bides, wbich are now received without

paf-B-Bt of duty iu the Ameriean market. oom-

prise neurly tliree-founV.. of tbe Centrai Ameri¬ean imports; ¦ubbcr, truit and dyew-_>.s makinsup Uie balaaoe. Saftt io 8° ioconaidorahle a

fractiou tliat it dropa at onee out of aceount,

HidCf umoiuitin? 10 N...590 furniab t. slenderbaa* for reeiprocity uegotiatfdns with five tiov-

erniaeut-*- The atuendii.eut, so iar aa CW..IAmerica. is eonocrned, is ^rounded upon an $qai-table tTffhanft for tbe unreelrieted importation ol?o,75W,<»14 of ooffef. The continuan-e of thebea market for coffee b» left dependent upon tbe

uetfotiation of a recipm-iry -.reement, If

cqeltahk ctohtlUfl be refus_*d, PreM-leut Uarrlaonwill ba lldet ubligntions V> close tbe fre*- market

for oafce on .laauan' I. !..». ThAt duty wiUbe au Vf-ttl "i«fi i^ tbe Stat- UepartmMit followsnp it** neeeoa in negotiating a treaty with Brajcilby C4,ntracting aimilar cngageinents with Venc-

zntjfit.lt tlie five ftpubl-ca tvere unitel in a Ceutfal

Ameriean Co_.e<lera1iori. tbere w-mld be a popu-lation of nearly 3,000,000, inhabitlng a territofyof 178,878 aquure mile.. _nd Laviajsi an ai?re-gate trade of $19JB88,89B with tlie United Jst;ite_.Reeiprocity negoMatier_s in tbat en«' woull '.epraetieahle and migbt he arrnntre<1 on eaaiet term_than tbe Brazilian liasis Wben jt is rio.es.-ar,-

to deal with live govcrmnenta in pbi* of one, andto effect a diplomati. eettlement witb eacb iu t_l_over varying fractions of a whole tbat is les*than one-flftb of tbe agjfregate trade betweenCuha and tbe T'nite,] StAtft. tbe game bardly8«'iu» tft b« wortb tbe tallow The AmerifianMiinsti-r to tbe fl\_ States fiert.-ilntr cannotlaaatad in negotiatin.. flve BkmmmkXkml iftVMMtiin tbe courfi. of nine montba. Indeed it i« donbt-ful if be can make a sefctlemei-t witb a 6in_.deGovernment, for Centrai Ameriean eolfee ls liiublyest<»emi*d in (Jermnny, France aml Kngland, amloousiderabI,v lees tlian one-half of the erop i*. takenby tlie Tnited St.T.t-

I be 1'resident, moreover, haa treen direeted by('ongrms t.< impose duhes on coffee, nides audsugar whencver after January 1, Ihsi.'. he slu.llconsider tbe eonditions of trade i_e_uituble. The

conditions of equitable e-chnng. are Ml deimed

by Cotigrraa Lu the Keciprocity Arnenriavi.t «

will be n-crvc.1 for tbe Pwal-ODt to mVA****wbtbe- the exohange ls fair or whtU.er lt ie nn-

reviploonl. sTsth Central _______. as a wl.ole tl.e

<-on.Iit.ions of American trade are more eiJBitaMethan with Braril. Cuba of VVn'ernela, may M

readily domonstratel from tbe followlng cnipara.tive cshibit:¦__._¦_.

\M____U-AN COMMERCE WITH THE SOlTil.Ejportsto Iip-irtsinm

t__t- B»ii . i.i.r;-, .. » bi__olb-90. \.uoiuui. ......... lO'OjO.ft.9 i7,i72.35tl_.-.¦-. Uwosa Weat ladies. ft-a*«Jgj V V'J V*t&§ fei *_*___:::::: ^ffiSg J___«»

Tou, .aT_l,8i.'.4-"i a.-.7._13lWhile Urazil and Cubn have been recoivin^

from tbe United Stau* iniport* amounung in rouu.l

nuniber. to .>_ and 2.*. per _ent af their own __*

ports t£t tbe Amerioau market, Mexloo aml CentralAmerica bave lieen taking lsrger pfop6rtioti-lsliare-about 0 per ocot. Ab compared with

Iimatl, Vonezuelu ar.d Cu»m, tbe Central American

Kepubli-a bavb a Urge tuarglu ln tbelr favdr wlfb-out tbe ncgcrtiaUOn of (-pecial reciprocity treafios.

Atoeric-h breadet ul_"~ are not- U-xefl so beavilytbere na in ofner Southern countrics, anfl manu-

_(jturos -I iron. iwl. c.ort..u katl.er .u.d woodare er.teriug tbe UepubllC- underrnndinonk that_re fiivornb.e lot tbe fut-iil- «-*_*__ ?'£**

The best-inf..rnied American whofn I hAv.t_.ctin Ni_arutfuu--nad 1 mr.si witbhold his ftaim. fromieur of em barralslug bim ln bu diplomouc work-has expre-Kd the nope iu rne c-nrae ot tWconverbatmn Wltli me tbnt, tbe preSeni Adniinlstru-tioii wiil enfnroe the lieclproeity Arocn .mentL.in.t tbe I entrul American .tatc_ by ta.tn.tneir colfcv. Hls argutnent i_ tl.frt all -heir sni-

Llus prwluce ll n_w ott tb. AWrican tree Jisr,whe-ru- they t:.\ evrrytlung tbat enteiS theirBtatea in reiurn. lle oohaid.-re tbe ex'lu-t.i-' i¦(nroduete fio ii.eqiJitoi.li- ano tb* dif--.lv_iiiti.gc6 or

tne fr'-e market, so £_ht tnat a duty on coin-e IBrc'iuired in order to osubLsh an eqmlibri uro. Hc

arauea, inoreover, tbal tbe United Btatea ear. prop¬er iv tax Ceutrul Amcn-an c"ilee, .-n,oe Lnglan.i,France an.l l_.rmaaj all Impoae revenue uutie,

upnn it as a luM'.ry. Hls oplnion l_ entltled io

ore_t vcight, __a_e be ha* been ln every J^nmuMi.cri__.il State. aud lv.s made ft profound -tu< >ol thelr conitnerci-l relation... ibe ooitee snpplynceiv-d in Auieruan poris from ihe live repuo-lics amotlnt*. ta nearly 3l.mni.odO pounds auuu-

ally as abown ln tbe fnllowiug table:COYEYE IMV'iHTS OF DKlTEO 8TATBB.

Ton fiscal _n>ri amuio Ut JCI.Y, lkao.

i»ilvador . o.ujo.o.- ___!_Total Cofita-l AUAEBU. _0.TT_.7_i ._f!**i?

Mixioc, . S'S8S:??f S'oO-'-.iVeuetulla . ?,'',4iV'--, 1819 UIV^r .-.: 3»:__1 «5SJ:mJ'itt" . 614011 nl.i-o-

htAtttr wmtmim:::::::::::: *W:w w.**

A^tt^cr,lw,t-:-- UBM !__|A*lu-, >» 111»- '-w_. ..,

Total imports..'..',v ««»g sTb.20.li,Total prud'i-t (l--") .'' world. 1,.'C... __.<- 0 .....

MeMcan and Centr:il Arnon.r.m ooffee. wbUb ttof the hutbesi quality. la ..usunied bu ..-ly by theI'L-ilte Stutea und LooialOoa, San Fre«C__-0 an.lNcw-i .kt.ns brlog th. ports of entry Veowielacoffr. aow to New-Vork along wlth the eno__i gexportetiona from lir_.il. Ont ol uni OBRIunoortution of 500,000,000 po'.inds, the I Hlt* 1

StotM reoelvea 144,000,000 from \he Americanenntinont and 51.000,00- of tbll nrodoct tt fromMexjeo and Central America. lf reciprocity ar-

raiiitements are ooocluded wltb Vemaauela anUHavti aa well us Braall. and n dutv lsjinpose-l uponcolfee trom the West Indles. Mexloo nnd UntmAmerica, it la not probiiile tbnt tbe lupply wlllU- mntoriully dimiuisbed nor tbe price muijt.-livlnerea«-.d. Jttati-t and f.ir j>!av to tne Stoteawbtch enter Into recipror-itv aw_ai_-tnonta fer pro-rnoting commerce mi-y re.,nire the felmpoMtion Oftbe dutv in oartatn'inatenee*. At tbe mme tlmeaddltlonal leveruge would be seeured In nenotln*ttoni with Mexloo ft* *¦ reciprocity treaty 11 itwere understood tbat the reelproclty amendmentwould }>c rtgoroualy enforoed. Mexlco'a productcotnpetes in tbe United Statfel aa fell ws ln Eu¬rope prlnclpally wltli tl.e eoffee of aolrador. CoitaIhctt and Onatemala. A treaty whlch would fa¬vor its cofTee. whlle the reelproclty amendmentwere onforec-d agalnst tlie rivr.l cotfee Statei olthe i*»n_- aooe. wonld lnev.t-.-y promote it? proa-perity. .

I.V. E.


T1IF. FIRST MONCMl-N'TAf, EfOWOR- TO J_-____.-iOU DaVlr. OlVIK 1* FLOTUtl...

ftaaacola, Ha., Juno lt..tkk ____a_eiato mot-iiujctit m ti-c niio<Uo of it. __* L ... Baaaka, In thls elty,VM d-iwi'e- to-day before a lariro asseniblap.' Thomoiiuniejit is of (rrauito, aanaaaote- hy a ftff-M rtk1reaeottnl a Cufvderaio soMl^r ».t I86S. tka Wholt9tr.ici.i-_ ls over Hfy foot hlch. Kvery milltaryorjta'nl;ation in the ttoir, UttA tWO, paftWpatad in th.pnj-icle. Tho liiscrlptlons upon tlie rnonuniuut uie a.MtoaN:

SOUtll YACtlA D, IM1. ^

A. T), lMlThn iiti'iown-0. ht-rofR of the Kouthun Confi

irh(i*c lol lt *m to sttAet sai dl- !<o a rauao tlw.llevi. ta be j-i-t. Thdr uncballeoaed devettoo ana niafen-i.»i. berotam huii coutui'i..- te be ti.-* wmmIi r uflthc aa<

EA-.T F4CB. _^Xe_ersen v<t\i'. Pre»14eut ¦.*: the o.nfc-..atc Btatea <fAin.:.,. auldler, »U»t**inan, ipotriet, ChrlsUan. Tho onlyniHu m n'rr xatton without u cuaatry, r't twent) n

toourn his death.WF.ST PACE.

Fdwunl Avle.w.rth !'¦ I r,t Ilie Pcn IBlPttt, oi.jii.'i ot th.. Second I-"..iri(ia Real.t, -. ralIba r'oi!di Brlaadu lu the Amiy nf autUtera Virsclnl-.Au.oiie the rr-.i I'. volunteer li. t'-t defeeel ..f hla adoptedbt*t.-, falthlul ln every ;wi'vl(.n to whl.-li hls m.-rit »<t-\ aacai htm, his life and d--i- eonatltate his b.st nfooument.

No}tTn pace,(>. -.lieri R. M.-iitorv. 8\nUrv of tho N'avy of tho Con-

fod'-'nU- !*uii._ oi Ameriea.'"TU not lu/->._.!.« to ecTtmnnd S_'-«^s:

Bat *i'ii oo BKira, b<'ti.pronius, we'u fraeri. It."Tlie Oionninent tV-kMI tbo fli-st moutiincuui reeof-

ultlon ol Jefferson Davi-

A ClliliGE ABA1EB1 A CLERGYVAX DEOPPVlt.Poug_i_<_-p.lc, lt. Y., Juuo 1? (Sjieclal).-Th. ta'e

ot tho at_aaaaa ol fho l:apt;-.t Chnrch of Mu-lalhi caBiol-cfore Ju-tic/i Ckaarplln al Maa___ to-_ay. Tliotru.»teos put in an appeivraiice by (.h__.es MkTCkMMar,a l'i-yer; ahrt the Kov. Uj. Itoyce wqs p_ir.it wlfhbh conosel, V.nii:am B. WobA. Mr. Murrljju«er, on

bekak ot the tniftKarh, a.Mre<£ed tiie c^mrt, aayl-l thathe and tlio tniKtoes holleved that t .o sctiole matterdtoal- bc dropp._d, and Ikat t-_ other .-Irtb accopt^lOm r\evr. Thu codrt mld it t_i_ OOt been tnl-r--a-tlat tb^rs had Lc^n s aatttaaaeot, an.l tlitit tlie Jurvmiis pi-. sent an. reaJy CO proc.t-. Mr. Wood, tor theclerpynian, sald he dj- uot tviuit it to o out Ui;.t tbefCtuwl heen ao a«r«.M<_it by whlch tlio Ucv. M|. lioycehad mado aiiy eoa_eeaalo__. He o_n|t_<a__| H aa-lfollledand lturtfjl t*> bolh sides to continue the mcitter incourt. Mr. B.i.r(_) Urtertapted the ^aoaaailMa hy lay-ln_ to Mr. Marchuuvr: It might 'oe luferr<xl fromyour tnlk that I hti%t. tnx-le a couccasiin so thr.t this

pro-eediug might not go on. I don't want it to appc.irso."

Tlius tlie charg- aplnst Mr. Boyec, of dl'turhlng a

rellffious tucUutr, ii dioppt.. but ho wiU sue tho chun-lifor hls year'ii silwy.

LEAVIXQ TUE XATIOXAL PABMBEB' ALUAXTE.ItnUund, Vt., June 17 (Special).--The X't-rtnoTit

citizens- Mlirime, whi-_ But ortaolaad here a few«.-eeks oird a_ a btiindi o| the Nnflnnal Citlsens'Aliianc., hn<= charc^l Na baaa of op.'T-itKin., east otffrom the HaiteM] bedy and ^u MaMaat r.s an Ui-dep^ndent Mat..' orjfunirnti-ig, lh- reistei ?.ivi;n lortiii- mt i- tiiat tka fu.-'ucis a_ra tuy ot ih- n(V or-(KiDitttion a- they had u<> kfBmABt wlth n.any of thoicketaoa advocate. by Ika Attaocc _aaa ia tha Haaa.Ti.ej- did not tn'te i;i-,.iiy tu tka aab-Waatary acbeaaefor ont thlva, snd they l.cld aloof frofn IU Alli4...emowinent here at the ^lltrt. so Ur- phrti*, werorayls-d, and no\e tt ls ann. ,ir;pe.l that U>- W-rmontUttxena* AUiaooe is au tndepeudeul orfanltation^l.'.i(t». l to wort foi n-tor.ii aod ecoooaiv ln th ad-lninistntir. ot titat aiid laeal Ufalia. u'h upmctitui'l". lt -ill bo the oi.d._ t»i- to awalt tlil-r-foi-m throuirh on. or tiie other r,f iu, exl'tlngp.-1-Ue*. dn thi. brifes |(, lj e.xperu. I that h, gotAl luimyUi*uer> wlll come lu.

jo:x:'xG rVri. G. a. b,Conrord, N. II., >iiie IT..The antjual BwaHa| of th-

Kaar-Hiun^aMi. -aeteey, tHM mtABm tavaaatlou, *±*held in Ika senate f-OWIkaa tr.-duy. It ^K- rotti t'.change the natne el tlie aaaodalKa to th% Ncw-Uamp-rktre loctely al rons of the. AMerlcaa Bavolatlon, andto 3<_n the Hattonal orpinlzatlou of that aaaM. 1'.oihi-.-i-s \t-re eP'i'tm: h.-.-jii-nt, l-eorte J GUla .¦

Manebaater; nee p-**.-ieiit, .Toun mn, conconl; aeo-rvtary ano tmaauie., Ika i'ci O. l_. luppnii, Ooocord,and a board of inuiiii(r.'i'-en' nnd h Soanee noaiBilttee.

DtrriZC; or iiALTlxtRE, PLBLABB Gdirrr.¦aMaaaaa, stnte it^it____a_k k onvait, the ra__f*

man wbo had i-onie notortetv paaaaQy hy nauiltie »

IttlMaaa hn*«-i of twutg nuvaii* aftur f-riau teoaioiannd n.-prvK-iit^tlvi-. lu CO-W*. "' whlch }u- ». ltpajii. to lnfi.ni th'ni. and f.i«-_»V.y f^rciirlnT many.hri_»enipp und OMatMia peaaanla, pic-do_ .utity inBm l rbataal CoaH la three aaaaa <.f Maa ftmban.l «u eeiiWii.ed t«. tlu-x- \<sr tn UM peruN-uiaryln «-u_r-ii ttat'. DavallN aakenw ln tn.»o tAt*,cs *-** u»call at certain r_»ide_ic_- and repir-jnt tbat lu.- hudboen sent br tlie head of tiie family fur a pair of »W;«.






truoM the gaooian uaut-swnwr. or .¦¦ _s_is_w.

Albany, Jmio IT^na -tatr electlon odj.».»-][*;IS HOI U one tf --cxcptional impormm.. ln m..

~i.n thon a-e dd flret __f_t _u.i_.ryit, ¦$.» tt »OBUmi... who a_ a elaai n-tiiniliy ha»$ "_JJV*the prob.iblo 0_fee_ ,_f ar. el-c-tlon. To tlie pollt.clansn, iell as u> UM cituen wlio read, ttd M»W«and Usterts to political upMrhfto. lt appears thnt tliBW

sre at siAko ln Uj* rtertl on tM great ofllce of Governor

o( New-York. M-P-alO. BBBB «_*»_* *£bruarh*« of the Utf*ttfb Doth tho polit.ciJ Mthe eoier also M_$_t«. that the btate beoetora who

atxir ln im Z ta*c th,- «.$$ of *..* "JT^Z^term fltpire. Ui Mnnh ataat Veor. ann thnt Owmforr

the olectloh will 1u_ve un .unportint b-arln*u_»fn the

Zat-O- m to whleh one of thi, twofr** £«*_»£*U<* *_C_I Mive a majorlty In ttd .£. hoii.e of ton-

L, And doul-tl^^ _*- both -**?¦ nhd polltielan*-JJT Ihe |Wat Influeace thnt the reshlt of tl.c tfddttOalr, thls Male thi/1 fall trlll Jiat. upon the cleCtion of

rmliltnl Of thb ..Dltad Matc- the conilng year.mt it 1_ tt bc mXkBbiA \t many jio_itici_n_ or matiy

Mtert tttdl Be ttt fh't thnt if th.- i_-.iiorrtil.-**artyihould cl.vt a Democratlc Ohx'eroor. and m_JorltIesln bf.th bruli.l.fc of Um LegWatme tlK.-re-_-_._d M-

l.w -nch a r.niode.ll_-. -f the .-onstitnrlon of tho

blato t2.nl _ttJttilWa and dMtatjtt power iii thli

Matt ^*^da be transfcmvl _rom (tt NMU vohjr t6 tho

pOpafcttow of tta ejtfad; and mmmBmmml U* eh$e-IA* of ui. tagldtatKm <rJ -if the poMdji of po«__-ment oxpretscd ttrtagfc ttd Governor md _.-,. I.

tnro wonl.l b$ ehMfed lu tho leadlm: Htito ,-.I ttel'nlon. tUB prof .u:.<l aatait -»f t?:c clunge h.

the character of tho govorument of the _t,-t/> od* ll

is ttMdtaoed tmbtt tho ifiatter worthy of the atlen-

tta of evary eiti.eri.it trtii bo reoneaibered thit in |M_ t_o voiers of

thO Rate c___t ttbb hall-ts ln tlie aflnadUed Bptt iho

(HicRtion of holdlnfj * _0_et__-(__a1 00_w$Btltortoe the eooetttdtoa od Ba* Bmm. The meeeedlngw_ir t_ho Le?i«latnre p.s.«ed an _<¦< tor tta hoMlTJ olthls conventlou. pi*ovi,liu« int ih,- electlMi of lakgateato it, and th.it R tt*U_ Badtd «rft__ a -drtOfc ttae.

Qove'rnor Hill vetned UiLs Act. nnd the ground. of hialvf to ihoOM bo eon^ider.-d eai____r UiU f:dl whe*totert come to ihe peU-, ttode poanda -«re ia>

brM IhAl flu- dejegtied lo ttd d-flfUtatton-l -onte_-1Boq tto-M ....I be dldeted m prtposod, Ont from e_ t

al ihfc 18d A-aemblT dWrteta ar.d tWrtj two Mdlsidfld C'lfiUly bCtxx-orn t)i'- fr-^' prent political

parUea.atatt, ls tho Ooeerport opin'oii. the blMpreadBt-llon rr<P'"'c;^t ff>r <h0 ooaventieii n".

«cr.,--iv partl.o e-d -Ajaab* The dorertwr funh'-rdeclared UmI "tte Adtdmbhr di.tH.is _n the peal

Of I-:.-,-- Md New-Vork show an av«Ti_o of

Ihooi B0J006 pofWlatt-t Tt-'.ve t>_aa tlie ..*-rr__r Of an

equal nmnber of _etriete ln the intorior of tlie .late."

Ths 99Un -ri.f of Qm Ooeamot- inev_Mnt, m f^ct, in

l.is ._*to nie=-_rc --* thirt, to tho ctti" ttoald be ae-

oordod a MpraaentaUan in the eoeaitt-tk-al eooven-

¦j-,], whleh wonld rive t.em a prepnadartiMO of fcd-flaence la tho framtag of the oooetftattob. ri needno* be idd that ihe Okisaino-. trguaenl In edb

MM IhAl tO ttd cttlc. bh_nld.be piven tiio con-

i.i-1 ,,f l.-.-l-latloTi it tte StAte of Now York for therutnre. M an) eonstitottooal eonvant-oo (oabODed byeity mem.rt erottM of eoorat --> arrtaiM IhoUons of the eohotltat-on phirldlng ft* the electlon of

members of Ihe LdfUtetaN V> to givo tho dlle- a

mti3_riuv in bott braaebei of thal body.What exe-iUve potvA* m tbe hand- of a reftdaenfa.

iiv.. .,f tte elttot ntnni, tba people of tbe t_to ean.- i ¦!: baeh at the r_eor_ df Daeld

I). lllll, of Elmlra, =inc<v he w*tii_'__ ofil-C ln -haaory,1885. ir..- im*- staadfly eatoed $11 fefonaadorj

aeti m Wgb HMTwe bfltt end WU* li -reato »

^ulnoAustrallahballot-reformdy-tem. taxi damafOgue lh tftatlW- 'if l:>-_t._n and of ;

dlseipliae. Ile bat been the defende* of tbe comipi:.v .- 5 s- m Vorb aad Br ¦. Ujri. Dtltbnd fi'. bm l-'v,n Mr. Hill'* b-tadtaeb, evi-r: one InUbAhy reeogbbJ-t \bn H lha LegbUWuro bad

,.,i:f. i. both bran bet thal deojoraili.v -nd Ibaertng pohHral _b___ebd_i of bla.V....U hare l.^n Btt-BM *^r<A. Be *9*he_ ir, ehech by thb bepabBeali Legblature whlebwero eohti-dbi by thb RepabBdCb -tpresetrtatlvea of

(he riii.il eOuntlea of Ihb Slntt. Bod u Unne of tho.h-'iv-ii iir.d ;-,'i;;.iors «oto trom the -OnOtty

DdghborbOOdt, $nd lll-lnformed &(, foOM df then,

u $ <Aie- lh-y «_. far nperldt In AOral ehl.ind in leglelattre oMUty to ihe B-tmben tronl tlierill^. If the «.__? ht*1* If-tr Uxdb tt^bf, if II hdiwell-fr:,yi.Td 94*08, ll it hU', U P>od Jmli-l:il lyitOtt, Uis due i Ibe t* I ih.-it tht Bepnb-oab ferud-i bt tbelirepresentdlltet bbva ____t__i__l lha Kew VoUlature for m$0> v-.*- fi bbe bt o tho man edm ,-

ln t-je eountry Boartd ol SapOrefeot-, ednratbd ttdroinomicai and pfderieM loeernment, Who, eldd

,,r, am "i i BdnAlor, bbl ;-- :'- id IIwhleh haeo been in.thc Intereal oi tbe peopb. of the-na_\ Ard n.H tiont UrK Hc bat ilcf.s d.-d ti.a

CtUe$ fr,,m fhdSldblTba. II has beea the Cuhloh ofDeAocrata ind df Magwaaipe of int" fd_b to oitleisethe Leguiatm. a? a body eonttaaily intcrfcring |n-inr!f,n-iv wtth Ihe dtatn of rlttest; bnt opdft theeontraiy, ttd Legbktare huz wreiy dObh _o, and wheni> bad tt h almodl lhfnilably bcon mlslcd bj IItpiaaeataHTai ol tte dttat Blfeotea- Kew-York.eaaitei hai not beft. eeHobaly m_4ifl,..l sU1-'*-* 1-W6, Andihe moro baportaal $__od_i-h_ to M ^ir.'*c 0*1 v.-.i

have l^tli iftililhffl by O.e bdc_ pnblfc sbntii:.- Ithat clty. w__n Um Pollce Dt-panme.it of M*>fOf-ihowed ii., ntt-i- itt-oinpetend> to dire_rt tbettoae ti Um str-'t deaarai Depagfanen. of thot elty,vtho wa. it that :--_<-iiiiiied th,' leadfeg dtUaaa ot th;,t

clty in tl^lr demund tim* a bebtel ..-. na should beattabUabed dlM the 6»'iara of Poii.'o deprtved df Chcsn-o of itM$l elean_fl U vfoa the "Bepablean hajr-eo_d nelnberd* of Ihe Legblabcia. lt wai they _-_o,airiilnst thb p-Ote$1 of t n_uj.-r.tv of Uie jllego.1 i\_>-r<.,-eni.'t-Jve_ of New-York iu Uie L.g;_lamro, (MAtedtbe pie$OUl e*Lreet (Te»inlng DapartaMBt, _'h!ch. falliirea> It is la ma:iy feepeeta, ls a ebal lniprov«ment overtt.-, pNtbedbdtt. it wti* the "hayseeds" _« the 1.0151alatriro who al^o dein<\_l the County fi<>rlc, the K'.i -l iraad 'he .herlif af New YoiU oi thelr Un teao, And all,,f.lli.'r>e reforms, lt nedJ -cancly bc said, Wttt $1oonrpttahed tte lue of tlie bftter ..i»iK)r.iuon of Umpretanddd repfe_enl$ti»_ of the ttty.

Fmd_-f II' ridrlfks, th- <_i_t__Irniu_. of the Stmato IV_nmlttee 00 QU($$, nt iv sa:U: "l sotaebmai aim-rst feelljto lcttiuiz ro nv (g-ip upon the naKltade of bill-ti.Ht iotno bo u=; fiom Hdar-Yetb nnnbera lo expendUio nioney of that elty, and 1 feel lihe pernttttng thereten of that city te ,ii<i.rt-ci^u.. lor anee pbal weatHabappefl lo them OOder peJiulao homo rulo, Wlth BO i_-.iimembers <.r ihe Legtrtatere t<< protei t tbea fronralds upon their pafidb."

The last Axatmbty, vith tta DeatoeraUc n. ij.-.riu-,Lf 0 futr prnphe.y Of a 1 !:if:ne fOeemed b| rttjedaetttaaaelas, vouid t;rrify tvtff yumghtfal citltcnWheo iMiiltir:* ',1 tli" fut.u>- nnd tlu po-slbtUty Ihali.c_;i.-!:.tiirt! arttb ¦ najority ,.f clty memben ihoald betilalilUbad II «ai an Atdembrji th- knresl lu pelnlof education and al.ility tin.t h;>- bc^n hef_ v., tBA&yyW_r*<. Nevi-r ba*t) A<^-inbIy ooin:. H n more

in itportlai biJ!.- tdakla. dtosl radkalehbh__ in lni_*_-t__1 laws. weeer wai tbere ab \tenfaty _*b-e it.Tio_v,nt of t_e preelrab htitofy ,,f ihel-trl-l-'i;;.-.) <tl :!".¦ '.V't- or pMte ' i- !'.-* in iil_-1thot hiM-'-ry wben tnud'- a\mrc of lt. The (,n\y

nid ba iiu.'i" f-r the ineotBpetetaeji ttowh bj¦Met af tt$ manben of tbe ia:.),_i*i;-. m

legl^lutui? wni th'it tbe tn-n.'.'-rs ..f th'it m.i

jonty wci'i- _ora #tthoal ameh sciuo ao.never had been tralned f-.r %tpxtkitotu lt waa ba Hmi-l ol |h( ':.»v mecibcr*; bad batt *- b. '--.l y ! If-nui a crofd of loafbre npoh tOtat ibeM MM t .,:.,1t-'.'.d to pD lb Al;_n\ $Ad l'tri-:_tc- rt.-^ttnlirig thi- iboloawMretal and folltii il biteeotta bf Bbw»Yatt WattThe pr_spt-ct of ttafldfai lTi:,'*,,n luptiUai Ihj-tnllliorrs of capiml Inedaaed lb t1:" nr:i«:,v eatpoeafkms,bMafaado daaqabltb. ti-ust compfmier. ixmtt-s nnt to»pe;rti ,,f legl '.' -'. eMtoertllH the p<-a'._ **_ato bclio,,l

.. ,:,- -t,l I t<_ such lpr.nr.intftnd lert-^ly $1-load __da trOM the <n,

ippalllai i" BBU/f tto__hf-U Pta.her af tteU_gtStat-_f- VI'1-inlK Mr. Illll's armnwiit -au-- Ihaltb ' i'i-l,itiip- sh',uld be atml: to tte le*_ Of tbe Boardjof AJdcs_.i af Haw-Teib, Braohlja $ad otttt eHhand ttdl rn:) Bi] b$ ji.-*L' ¦' i_id_ad _e aUltada,

rt.it tM ?*..»«. nt^ cr in i»- Matoty had baa ' H I>-_11 bith-' lapraotAtattoa crr.n n.mii^^ of \',.t..

pt haa slwirvs pro\-1dc<i r"vr*'-<-i'tn*lo lu l^-tb lha Sen-lata aad tl. MM* b_ Indejiendenilv of tlj.-. HMsllun

i-ib-Mon. Beeflea b ot Artlci,. m ,,r lbruii..n provid.-s ttat: K.v. ry aaanty beratufoie $$tab»Rohed r. i--_i-.t-.-IV ort:.inir<-l, etcept tlio C-ontv oiHaalHoa, ttatl alwaya ba etttttled <..t..- \--.-,.:iv" BsetotlBg thu Cimiitv ,-» HamUtoii,tlicr,: sre liftj nln- rountlea Whleb tlu.-t- at least one .Vs coiblynian oaeb. Ti,..n- ai

iu tbe Aioeinbly -.> thal lt l* oheloas tbal...it ..f tlio Asaenibiymeu r-prc^-rt emntias viiu

ont r-«ar<i to t! .: pupaluUoii ..i thoea eouatlea, Thellttle Oonnty of I'ubism, i_b whioh tiie: were i>oll«l laat9

M OOU _.4U4 votes. ¦»fV,^n.,,u;,ty^N-'YoV_?Lcrfalat-re es flrnUy as th.« bl. countI »£ ..,--,..in wkteh tn- re wec eaat n "

, nyraHotarv..to«. ii u ao SHSS1,.T&Ut-nii of thetlon. whleh la .lnpU; '»"'' J" ' ,',,.,., -,,1, 300..rnlie-Htat^wheii^^^^Yoa-VtheJ^ltod"Wgn,:,_r...b^.^^rT'S^i-^^t-n-n1-;;

,.,_. happU) P\t-", ' ",)(Vn tll(, (a-,.. if to tho

!,;>¦_.-n than »«»W " \°!£, «, t,,. majority of-,;,.;''o_,i v tEv-r?^oe7S-ato^piwr

r...^a_£^_! ._ ',_ tlie Ass.<mh.y by pOiirlmr Into It dl t bUtod,

*^.TSfe^^^kirt?^^«Jaffl? _!&««wift-_-_5S-^^K»_rS2t^t;, W^l Murphy ]r. cf Troyfe^«rf the LtemOCreHc State CiuTnl bo, lt * N*.rtcd.tiirlv sald that Mr. Klower W0OM haY\.,, 'V _i,i ,.

i.ritv lf Mr. Flower baa <JO.C-xi _f_»_4jrjli_Sji.el1 ....wi ]:env,cr,t|c poUtli lan hw to dny - vc shnll

25 elec?a Lte.noc.__- Leat-iatBre as *e%7 Jhj? arl ma*. e it plain that tha man.-gcrs «*.»£"»Mii.palirn tlilnk that by (te n« of >{'¦ |.J%T^

the "'¦."J'^-'1' ^''v ,[ % t\he bolflln. of a

^StatfOMl . .nv,.nll._ under Dtmotmilt manago-< cn»tinir oiwi v."

, tle t'on'-tltntlon so ao W

SSl \b_*_-S5S -Tth. LSuieto*. pcrmanetitl, Into

Uie Liu; of tho Daaaocraa- Sty _-0illl-an__w-r a-..



and so fiMd) ner..

Mlsd Lucy Gaetear. the yd-ftg woman of F.u_t

Oiaaie W *., who waa eoovtHed ot eteaBng from .ten

Bi-there, waa ftentonred In tho coort ln St-walk £*today to pay ,100 one Mai e-eta, .a_o_ntte« alto-vth.r b. aboot #1.0011. mai Ct-rtpev appeared in

knaiad m I iprtal anft, w_» lcrn.'-n * ....rod

tfovoa and l__k.et.w___ hal of the taleet -t.yi-. saa

unflinchtogrj at Ike jud ne a* ba addrease- ber

Tho jn.:. .¦ ba -M not thinic any good woaM con.

fi*,m Imprteonfog -ka woman and eo-Bp-Olof nor to

con .rt wtth rriniinri... aad ba bad tik.-r, into necoont1,,'.., Bt__h aka had loal In tka icapael of O10 60m*rid ln -Jaoaoa and luorU-.ation by r_u_on of the cor.

...tiou. JtirtBo Daly. tke eonnaal Bm HhH Oartn*-_._. t thl. r,)Urt ft writ of ator to remove HnSaStothe 8-pr.ine Court for rorie-- and ui-o pra-aented u liull bond for -iMO.


For tka flnal pcrforhiunco of "fkuat," oa Batnrdaynb'ht al t_oOi_Bd Opaia Hoaae, Loo st.rti.ont a yoong

'1 torltone, wtn alng tke parl ol Valentmo. Mr.

StomOOi Wlll aMb tato the part of tlw bull-Ii.ht-r ln

xOVOMIl* "li Mw.dav nicht.

BOtBB OF ttie BTaBB.To-nrgbt baa W-en set ashlo as »_*»_«

*V*rti Aeadeny rtlglW" ut tke Ckaloo, aud the bon-orod Ru«st« wtn bc tho gradaatea ol tlve AonapoUa el m

of -01 Tbay wlll 1.0 accoTTipant".! by the CoiiiiniuiiKi.t

j i ti.; BrooSyn Navy Vii-i and oAeera ot tho iktpa1 now ln port

The f.>i!ow!t'_ people wili appear am-n_ oMera at

the entertalnment to be given M _at-B_ay ntgn, at

tho Unlon -qaare Theatre by BoMrt A Danean, ad-

vartlalng agent of the t'nlrMi B_W_. nnd Standai-

tbeatraa and Use Itrwnaend, ^on-t Bobaon. repre*aentatlve: HaUon A Mart, Hol-n. Hu.^cll. Iiarney1 ..-,i, Y.."tii'(i.;.oii. tlie uuaaell lir-tbera, Annle-owto,1/ia .-1 Morria and Kellib McHenry.

The funeral ot J. K. Emmet took placo lnAlbuiiv Ui-dav. pcleitallon. trom the Actors' Fnuland .ie AcioVv order al Frlendihlp went trom hereuTattand it. Tbe wtor. son, J. KMne Buiianonneea that ho win till ..II I.:* fati. -r1- engngenientifor ii'-xt season aod *01 play the kadln- parta hlm-sell.

-fnrn- Robaotl nnd Oeor_e W. Floyfl have eftgagedi-/'i,- Hodi ,'i ColUer and Engene Moort to play

lmpor\ The Cadl." Blll Nye'1 hew c medy.li to b_ prodacad at the Cnlon Sqnaie Tb

,,n eoiitember U, * 1th rhomai Q. Seoliroofce a the itor.Tln pMdnction win open Uw next legnlai bm on althls hon a.

BftM BBotA frofh Condok tbat Maiahall P. Wllder,wko ba_ M'lherto been heard Ouat oBbj |n drawlng-rooma la now to ^»b the public a ehance lo appredata

Ra v.m i-ive a mattnee BMr.-,.,:¦, Criterlon Theatr. J»i_T ». ;"" wlll be

.-.i-t.-d by Mrs. Langtry, William Itorrl a, Artkar Kob-erta, Oeorge Glddeni and otkera.

. ""I

rn;: PEEttBEtRPi VACATTOB PZlft.\vbbing("ti, itau it..Ihb Preaident hal been work.anasnaUy imM Unce (di _et_f. tn_» the Pmd 1. tbero-gl-y Bred <wt HA fwt, theea

ikort v.-.i -it'on and wlll ac-

eompai t Mra Haniaoo and his gnuidchiidrm to thelr. k-ttM. at Cape May Botbt, lo-momrir. Mra,k. WlBlatna aod Mlsa Blla __t__M wiU bo

of ilie party. They wiil leavo Waaklngton at o'clockVomorrow montng, aod win im ich cape Hay ln tbeafternodh. Tho'Presldenl win retnrb u. Washltnext f-eadby, In llma Bm tbe feg-lat aaeetlng of Ika(-.,. ii ot There are 10 many laiporu_ot matten .-lnim-

peteoon] aUentton ta now lhal II wiil beImpo _tbk for him to itmaln bwgy from P/aihlngtonf.,r any con_lderable Ume intu Ikey baaa been dM-

f. H's win. bowove., r_n down to Cape Mktfor a fc-. d_v ' real wbenewef tl a atate al pabllo busi-afeaa wlll penait ir, and Mdr in tba a_bson dxpeetlto lie aUe to rematn tbete o itlnaon iy for two or

lhm)t wocka.Capo Muy. B. J , Jnne 17 f-pecial)..Tlio Presldent

aad iiis family ure azpected al ''upc Muy BHaonowaficiiiooii. liurinir the w:iit r many nftw hoiises havebeen buiit new tka Proaldent- oottage, aad the latter__r been pnt In thonowrh order for tne aummer. Thepecial car an which the Harrlson tumlly wlll arrlve

ii re wili be taken, aiter a hort deJay at tiie t.'ape Maystatlon, by a special englne over the mad t>> within 100tt, ,.« tiie coita... A few rape May __cqualnt_tnceiwill be preaent on tha famlly's orrlval ut tho boose,wbleb win be beauttfuBy decorated.

tjnim^AX uovsox t/BwBBTm WUBBXp.laltlnifiio, .Tune 1^ f?pei.!nl)..Th.T. w._3 a li'-'-lv

meetlnl of ihe Bepublkao Btata Oaolral Commltleebara tj.jnv. Cbargai bad i«-cii mada thalThomaa B. Hodaoto, of Botnemet Connty, chalrman oi

mmlttea, hid beea di_.ioyai ii Ike preaoniAdmtntttratlMi, aml that he liad aoagkt to damagei'i politieal mtereata of repKaentatlvea of tbe Adain-tratton. ColopH iiodaoB, ln .1 ibeneh to Bm com-

B-lttao, denied t-.o ehargs, nv,d <tiid that, ahhoogk hehad been d_-ppok_ted In hls poUBea] amblBon, hehad eaer iweiwed frnm the line of duty t.. ius party.I'e .. h.r.-i that PreaWent Harrlson aad Poat___aatO-*ii.-uc.rji Wanamaker knew that tke chargea agakutMm wew untraa. .\ri.-r a warm dabato, iu whi.-!. Dr.Washlngi Tnck, of Anne irundel County, aald he

ihe tlme h-i.t come for ih<- Republlcan partyin M_ryland to stop pluvlna "babv p-Jlitlcs," a roaojiitliMi udoptcd to continue Colonel Hodaoo ln liiechiairmanshlp ui.iil hla lucceaaor l- .... ed at the

,1 coiiveutloo th" date foi whleh the committee1 27. at Ocean city.

miAZlt A7 TUE H*f*_t.r»'3 FAIR.

WMhtagton, .rime lt'.-The Pnetdent -f BraiU haaappointed Bcnhor Aktonld de Barroa Barreta, ari^i1 .i.i-i, i.m .'ii :inrnr(!''x .1. pOTdell- dn <;.-:i(.'i, \,(Ah d).

' iiiinis-atonera to take rharga ol tke preptM tlon of t:-re ex-

hlblfa "f tfcal Repnfcllc .- the World. Cohunbtaa Ex-p Ll -'<h:int

. wyei throagb Ike ptovtnoea of ;he Amaaoo, wiuio-.-.iii go wltb Captaln Bodgera on ht-.

i.,':i ri-...,;. tko ontbert pi wino of tke republle.Captim Rodd ..- reporta th-it ti:;- Pfealdont of Braail

* :.-.:: approprlation of tke inm oft323,ooofor tiie expenaci f the bni.iii.m exhlblt, and that itvii; aodoabtedly be -i h'1'

PEEKBKTLt PIRE BBPABTMBXt JS9PEOTBD.PeikakUl .". __ne it (Special)..tke annaal h>

ipectioe af tka iv--_-_jii rir« Departmant t<>o. plaea..-nif-ht. Daslneai piaeea a__. eloaed. There were

ii- .d« -".d iir".,m c^rp< fr'^m ad__tnlag R0_eea.-i-r--' .!.. mted and lUmnin-ted. Tka v.-.*."¦ KoMw-.i' UAt* of bui'tin? .i'i'! lanterua, and from ita

Haydr md Common i'.*i:..ii. arHk Mih|as-Mayon >f Paelublll, revlewed ttu. parada, afterwMeb¦ aa gnd peetad and-,.- r-n c-^i-ij by cin- Oeth Citnak, aad PeeksklBui<=. .:. i.ivi-i to be betl r p-t-eted h-mi n- Utaa anyot].-T pirn/- ot Ita aba la _><¦ llatk. The n«w nre itana

^.-i., alao laak-i Ha tka iral Un, AMeneaof.p-,:-r..v looekel the button In tlw *V .-Vn1 Ill-Trlrt and

lu 1 llio dl'frli't ahirni Wa| ..,-ji<!. .1 frninc ral m, and of cou -mit laeoaalyl- r.ii the "i ip mt ho

ra* ua: TEtMMHiuiid.-ipM.i, laa 17 Frank P. Priebard, of

¦alni up ofBha arrtdooea lo Ika kw] to lay, bafoea Juu"i_- Aetmaao,lu tbo l nlted £tates Clrcult Couit, ln tho lut-Ulmnila_r

duty MU- agalli-t ttd Government ».*» Wfgfrffuio t^e ._ _o ii-fo lha laa_ _i ttd Jury to-morrow.


WHAT WORI_--ltS REALLY rJEED.'From The W.eltly Trlbune. June 10, 1801.

A rcsidont of Lynh. Ma**.. #**¦ Jo Tho

Tribune in cotnment upoh the McKinley hill of

which he does not wholly approvei and _B.M a r_-

mark which ttWHdd att. ntion. Tlie tone ot his

Igtttf U courteous. and perhaps lt will l* as well

to omlt. his name from thls reply to what he aaya:

bat his remark should not he ailowed to pass ¦_¦

no.i__.-d. Bk innke* the following sug?estion as

the fiolution of oilr preaent bueinef* uroubk.I" What the businese moA. farmers and lahoring

ni-h BBBB is stendy flmpl_s_u_t. Now, stendywork At low wnnes ls much better tbhn blghwntreS wlth un_teady mployment."

TLls is a remark often made ¦*___¦_- bf a

club of men whom I meet in various part- of tlie

country I have no ac<iu_.int_nce with our corros-

pondent. ond not the le__t tfav a* (o hls oCcupatloaor p__iti..u in the bUtadtt world. iii_ word.

art. however. id.nti__l with those of men I ft*quentty meet, wl.n think that, con_t_.it toil at Jbwprices is the de.ired end to bo ftiuH- at in tl.c in¬

dustrial world. My obsorv_fion is. that such re-

i_v_rks are made only by men who _rc willingto <_et gain from Ihe work Bt dther poople without

regard to the comfort af thet. who do the work.I n- -t-r hear.t a pmetlcal furmer make such a

remark (ot two rcn__ns. Farmers hav_ workenoiiRh all the time; they c_h always flnd ehoui.lito do. Sefcondly, beeAMd they know that low

Waftt tnrau low ptiees for what they spow. Ar.yK&iible firmer will tell you that he prefers to pay

jsood wn«**S fnr hts lielp Ond ffet tfood prlccn for

l!j3 pr.-d-ice.I nev.-r hcnf*. a WorklnimiHh make _-ich a,

lUbllMJlt because I 'never met one wlio did not

think that good, f.ilr wu_-._ for hta work was an

elcmeut which entered luwoly into hifl own happi-ness. I never vet found a workiniitnan wlio

seemed to coraprehend tbe idea that he oouldprolit by low wuges if they would only bt himwork longer oach day and more day_ in each year:There may bc a $ort of deep _t.;niflcanee in $0Ch a

fctotement as " stfady work at low wu*.." but itls rio deep thut it invariably e_cape. the ohfterva-tion of thli averaae laborer. Somohow such A

Itattmetlt eifries no real cduvtction to his mind.

Again. I -6ver heard such a remark from

ony manufacturer who takes a broad aiew dfthis o,uC6tion nnd who ha* the well-bclnsi andhappinetf of liis worlc-pcople at heurt. No man

$honid employ otlier men wlio will not, gaatdtheir well-U^lng as .aeredly ns Le will hl_ own.

What would our correspondent think of a work-

bgnAO who would _____ft that what the world

aeexb is n ttt of Tminufaetur. rd, wbb will nm

their millH Cou_t_ntly t_d pay trfgh wag»* whether

there are any prollts or not, and that it is better

for manufacturers to run constantly, even at a

loss, than to run on bi.h prices onlv a few weeksnt a time. That position ia aii tenable us the one

he takes.Let mc state what, it seems to me, bu_lne__»

men. farmers an_ laborLusruien nced. All of themneed full employraent at, fair waires. Oood, f_ir

prices for th« produote of the farm make farmers

prosperoiifl ftnd enable them to pay thelr helpgOOd, fair \\-ige-. Good, fair prices for the

produett of slioponrt factory enablo bnsincsfl mon

to pay gOOd, fair wages to their worfcuivn and

should Iwive them a fair return for their own

time nnd capital invested, and they should alwayshe satlBllcd with a fair prolit. Steody employ-.nent at good wages gives tlie luborin? m_n mcans

with _vhi<- tO ptirchase the producte of tho farm,ihe ihop, and th. tkABttf, and so make ateadymployment pOtelble. In -bort, good wages fot

people wh6 work and oonstant eniploymcnt at

good t-f.L'os b thb key to tbe wbofc situation.lt maked little flit.erence bow coiwtontly a man

laborb lf you koep Ui wagea et^h wege rt tbasturvation point, Just l-_rcly <mouy;li to keep bodyond soul togathcr f«.r iiimt/'lf und hw tktnujr.Ile oeaaea to iie a general oondttmdf, indeed houota no surplus of waged with which to buySrdinary ootuforta. Lack of .on_u__ptiob.it ?*important an eloment lu prodnelng a trlut in themarkett, whioh leada to l»w prleea, ls ovcr-

uro'luCtioh- - ,.

Am eci.nomic t-v-tetfi basefl _n thft .lotementof onr oortebpondent will end. of neceaaity, iu

the deamdation of labor and the mln of tlie work-irffl clo-ef. Any syetem thut produces choapmen und cheip women mu_t lead to int«or\- nndwant lf we ,-in to mannge tlmt the ..o.oort oooof w,.rkiii(z peojile in the I'liited ,St;ites shull 1k>constantly einplovcl at -toot} wAgea, then ull Ibeother coiidittoitf neoca-ory ror $ proaperoua i^i-p'e wiU follow a? a matter of com.o. Conetaotwork for llttle pr|v may he tho beat we ean dofor culprit* iii our pmifonti'.irips, but it shouldhordly be binted at $d the t.hin^ our entfre peo-ple need._


THE BEW-68&EASB BTflBERY OAtEB.[TowOrldnnd. J_ae IT^_d_n$-l f»r Hehrstal, c(*i.

victcd rtf attenipttng brlbo M.Cabie, abb hnd b_eugammoaed u a Ulee Juror in tlie lfeftB_$_-, ttm,made appneatteti t.>-iay f'-r a tow tnai. Jadga Marr..vcrnile.l Oic motlon nnd sent-ticed MeCry-bal to

rear m tha paoltenHary, th** full term of hoprleo-'Maot pH,-vi.l,-l l.v law. Tho Jury ln the, c_.«e of KO-Otyatal and Coooby, for atteaipttnf le brir*e Gormeiv,rw oivod tho BAM at 0 :.'lO lsst nleht. At 11 :_<) t.xlnv

they had falled <o atrroo, tho Jury r>portir,n that ono

member hnd refueed ta leoder a verdjet Ol any klnd.eith.-r f.r <-r agalnst tha accweed, or eitu^r oi mem.They wers ugain 1,/cfted up.


¦tO trWtTEBl. PAUL AXD mxxEiPOLlS-Cliioajio, June lf..A dilrpat<-h from St. Panl layal

The tlr.-t t-brncst aOi-Tiipt t<) unito >t. PhuI _ii«1lUniieapoUa h__ tioeo begnb, the loiulers in ttb move-mcut ticintj Afehht-btf Irelapd, ea-Ooremoc Manhsl]und Seoator ^tevons. The pcposiilou Is to ca.ll tttnow munlclpalliy -'F_.l-.i-._l cuy." At a baaojael ¦.'¦

Mldway U_t ulght, Aj*.lib!shop Ireland _ald: "T!,is

rln| ta the beglnubn ot a _re_t noveaiead whi<-nttaQ DOt oeaae BOtQ our Foderal i.'lty t> born. Tbeaal on of tte two rittea oachl u> he ind ooon. Whalbalpe one helps t'.ie other; what htoden or.e hindontin. other. Lnion ls a necessltr.''

CH/I/.1.V TaIPOUT DUVIE& TO HE PAID IX CWX.WaohingtoB, -bino 17..The Ogagreoe of chiii h_

l*;,-*.od an iwt proviOUii. ih.it harealter ojl lmpoi-tdaea aad ol mca ohamea muat 1m* paid la g-u or

ollver, c..i.u_ut_d ou bdUa <it thbtgr-elcbt peace. Thudeero.) haa bsd tho a_f_cl of anbandng tba peieea ataU liryioixol uords, und lt Is stated thit tt$ Increasehaa beea feoeially between l-."> Aad IM v»ir eool

Th.. Qovenuuhat oi < mu haa aworded fiso,ooopriae monoy lo Ihe commandere of ii.o AlmlnsnteLyuch aad the Almlrante c.mdeil, tlio craloeM whobkw up the Blando,

joxes i.vi> The xomixahox fou qxwbbsob.Btngfcamton, lf. Y., June 17..An Adeoetated

agcut aakad Iilantnnart-fiHnrtwmit .louo thia raorotof:-wi.at about .our wttbdrawal fr,,m tiie eaniMaey toette DoaMnatlOQ for Oovaraort" if-. aaswwed, -i^yno act or word of mlaa, 01 within my taowl$d$-_ li_,_mr paattttb, in relation thereto been uhaiifed.1

iu repiy to a further ojaeaHCii the Ueoteaaat-Oov-ttt ,r iak| BxOAM me, ih_t l_ aii I cujt. to say."

THEY TliIXK A UEVUCTIOX DETltlAlEXTAL.Fall Illver. Matt., J'-mo 17..The ttUM_$F A'-904t»e

tlou mkmtk tlie (Oikwblg laaOlattoa public today:obrei, That tMs .__-.". i..U> .ii I*. of the <-|)lr,lon t^A

there 1 do neceaslty .t tbe pmeut for am re-uvtloolu tlie *_«.es ut tte opemtlvee, aud p«-.t experlhave proved tiiat i.du.iioii_ ar.; datrlmeO-tal to tiiamanametursn tbamaetvi ..

Seeretary Rovaid stat.-d ttd] iv thi.t ttt M'licspiu-i-r-,' AaaddttHt-i wlll re.lst any atteetpt to i-educcwaaaa.

JVSTML MEETlxa OF THE OATBOLTC CWB.^.t .d siimul me-t'oa ot the 0a___.Ul Club t-.ie.da.- even-

ln«, ut So. 30 Wr-t X_ciit-/.,.n,*i,tlv._t., thON WQS slar.o att-odoaea. Ohartes v. Pstati ptasotea. iad laning

...- ptatODt wttt blehatd >i- ttttaoro, Joha d t-.im_.t_i.Charles t. weltsia, Jotsoe A. POaaaaa, Mon_iK.

-,, joha D. Pasuwad, faaata j. xiaiQor, k. j.Keaasdy, Jtseph Karaa »ni Dr. a. v. i\._iii-. tiu-iooHleeta wttta eloetod Wr i - frear: chsrie*, v.reraea, pnsMeati drst itoa pieohtaat, John d (baaoMaaj-meotet vMO-prosidaat, wiiiunn lt. if.r_t: aaetetaey,

t_. o__n_i Mnbant, Phinp u. Oaataaghpr»»IA>M iritdf _, ^ah-Tlif-nt, Whlcli siiiruxl that th-re a:

iit.<»eiit 0-6 mmUmx in _he attb sna by Deeeeabat 1 H-. ,- ipaabad M >l tti.- inntt of 7-10 moaxbaat a \i be N leta 1

$ beasa _t tha tMb. ii Weat iiftv-niutt st, wtui,c iaadj ty Heveaibei

II vaa reaaWad uut thv laHtatlea tea beaecforln, a_o f..r oaob aaadMata aree thirty yaara ind *.'ffr-.r aeah seadttse* oadar, wbak »ooo iu_u_i ot »--_¦ lsuow Dscesssnr lor lils tueinber-dilb.






W.isliltiKton. June tO.-It neorl .nrprlso -OkO_P. BByeara kaara, t.. fiad tkai me ontpui of aaal b. tiieCnlted St.tcs in th. year 1000 __-_-*k>l th.it ofdr.-t Uritilu by as mucn as the Iron aud BBmi productof the li.ltc- States In ifioo surpi.**'.! that ..f (,r.j.|Britain. The r.-tu-i.< of eoal prd.liictl"ti aln-ndy com-

p'led f..r tho year l*Xi -how that there hv* been a

grent It'cretisc in the past deeade. In 1*"!'. tor et-

ample, the output M_a-Bk_M coal ln four stalaab tween the ohlo aiid li.M-_.lpp t rlver*;.' "-le,Indl_na, llllnols aud Ml.-hlinn.ei_oiiii.«d to |g*jafT-.Hshort tons, whlch wns ab..ut p<-r rent of tho t/.talMtaaateoM pao-k-d al _ba Dkttad Maaaa tn thnt >t*r.

Aeeaa___g to the cen_us taken last year thalotil oufjmt of the s_uw states ln l_ .0 wa_ _4/.H_l,_47tons, belni? _n laeaeeaa ot 11.314,348 trms, or nearly_4 per cent, and mdi.-a'InK that th- laaal mmmYBWUMou^.-.it "f the fn.ted ,-t.it«- iri t.'io _ra* yenr was ab<ut70,000.000 ftUAi Th«ro aro re__on» for t*tol.-lt.f Ihat thls total wlll be found tobc ron<:l(lc__blv e.c«.<'!_fl when all the ro-tnrn6 shall have bM- conipl'cfl. A-HMg those n .a

ls the fact that tka p"<*lu.-t ..f pf,- Imn in UM .how_!a mtirv_N.n Im _a-.» ln < >vcr.tl "f Ika !>outh«.ni htaU-sln vhlch roil abouirds. In Vlrir'irU tho lncmasc -at

l.r.Mt per cent; ln /i lai.um-., lt ixaaedad 1 .-__¦- percent; ln VMMNBM lt wa_ more l.iin UB P*r aaa*: ltM..'l..-.d ahOOl '.I per eeoi fi'r'l ln BmB Vlrtfntaaearty 34 per cent. Ihero ll re.-isoii to b-_b_r. .1

tho laceeeeb lo tba antkraefta output of Ikapaylvaa-ibai kept paaa wlth tkat al Ika hBaaafnoaa :.if 10, ihe total Io\ 1 180 aUd not 1:9*6 falN-ri r-hort of51,1...,000 ton..

(if tlie four .-Utcs tlrst _:_ ucd. three--0U.1, Ind Unaand libnois.akow a hreBaooioM toenaaa, wklli M a»

pa.il, awlng to the ikary eoaapetllloB ol the b.tuminouinilncs of Ohlo ii_d l'eiui .Tv.nila UBsBtA a le Io_!,3_o t_u_, or aboal -i- pai .'i.t. aa eetapaeed w.th1371). Ike tOUal output of Ike four .Uit-.s ir »!.orltons and the valne thereof, ln 1.7. aud IM- re

pcitlvoly, wero M followl:

llllnols 011". 377 a-.77».8S- 1-104.272 9lLTi}2209Ohlo <)<" -4 606 7.7VJfA7 0,0"i_7.7 .»...>.. 1"1

lodtaoa ...1,4-4,1-7 SUW.-W 2tC,...;.7 2.W7 VA\IMoaigaa i-O.aoo __t.-..i 0...-1 11. .< ti

it wili L*» abaaawai that the pn<-. per laat «¦»* «>n

_l<_er.M_ lower ln 1880 than ln IBBB. In DBBOla '.t

bud BaoBubB BAjb Il4_i to Bt eeoM; ht om Bornri tt ha 01 eaoaa; la baBaaa from 31 4- to $1 01 1

ia Hhifctgan f'^m #2 -2V, ft ?1 71 p..r t-.r. at the nilr.e*.It ls propor to saj- hore that tho product of tho UHi oilnilnes WM about IftOOfiOO haaa Maa ln __. .alendar

yeai 1-80 than In tho y»tr ended .Tune 30, l_*_>, thef.iiiirix otf b.-tiii* mainly <iuo to a wltaapiaad aad l---

UkbUri strlko of tho mlners in the north_ni di.tricte

ot tho state. whlch 1-Sted _»iout slx momhs. Ikacoal are* In Ililnolr. ls reported at .7,000 IfMN mi!.a;ln Ohlo 10,000 9<juare uiUes, und Iu Ii.diuu. BBi Midi-lipin 7,000 sqnaro mli<^i e-»'h.

Tlie coal mtnes of those .titos gavo cinployment ln1860 to 48,711 foreinen, mocUanlcs, n.ir.ers, J:»l*'i.rsand other omployca, to whom wt*. pald Ui wrt__<> thesum of el.?,_ .1,560 for the year. Aaaa aaaa*yaa ar.d

tlie amount pald ln wages wer.. disfiibntnd as f-.llows:

llllnols, employea _.,3_3, wowa IMB-JIT; Ohio

employcs iy,o!)l, w^ $fl,802,«04; Indluna, employeao,:>3_j, aatM BBABAAtAm', Michipin, a___kg_i *-:.»-

wagee 9b'.l,o04.The other currcnt mlninti e _pcndlt-ires wero as fol¬

low.: llllnols, igl.iiTl.72-i; Ohio. «?l.330..70; Indl-

ana. WOO-ti. Michigan. 820,11.0: tot:*l. «H.4l2.041.It slnuld be nodid that ¦ local" minei are not todadadln t!w statement. of oxpendtture. IH w_ge* M-i I

paipoana There wero VJ.721 u local" mltie* and 7.1

¦'i-.-.-rilnr" miu'.-s. Thn output Of the ______ k BadftCpurat-'ly reixirted. but it appeara that :i.l_l,(; .0 um*

wero sold to the kM__ tnuie at tho mlnes, the majorproportlou ot Which wa* probably the BfO-B 1

-locii" inin.-s. Of tho 4-,7ii peraoaa employea.azelnaiva "i aBea loeee, waie aaiployad "akeoa gaand 44,03-2 wero eniployd ub.'lo_ ground"; tkaformer 153 and of the latter 1,07'.. aaaaa boll unaerilxteen yearl old.

The *veniiie dally wagea of emph.ves of tbe KWjnlolai'sea in the re.-ipecUvo Stat.v. w.-re a_ folbwa;

IH|. ln- M1I1.Occupatlon. iims. OMo dia.i-. U

Forwni'U iiUove croaud.*-' 2') __.--.» v2 M k2 11Mi'*l.--f Bbove .ruilii'l. _! 01 l'._! 1 Sl JL_tior.r_ abeve _rr..'ina. 1 oa 1 ai 147 1 j*Ucyr. uiidir 10 ali-V- i<iounU.. »A .7 ,A__.]-> m'u b<-lnw aroana. iia 1-3 lai '-' 'olUlncas below arouua... ..... 201 1 uu 1 ^.1 1 TtLaburvrs Urlow B_W_Bd.... 177 1 o. 1 7o I '"

1! .yi. under 10 heiuw ^loiind.. DO 71 70 bi

Tfio averago number of boys in the year l Mduring wliich eaeh c!<ir.i of UUfmBBM was employedln rospectlve Statoa was as follows:

Illi- IndlOocuptttlou. n ls. 0'ito. a. .

For.:.. u a'ova grnun-.'.. _'". 144 IMM c..i..ic» abuvo around. 201 236 Md .1-1j. 1, t.t ibova cr..und. Vol ItfS I'-' -«Jni,--- ini.hr 1 above around {M l .7 IM ,..Por iusii i.-low around. Md 2ta 1,0 il*Iflaara b.-low around. 177 lbl 175 ls*Lui/urcrs Ih-Iow arouod. ll_) !-."< 1Uoys und->r lo below fii.uud... 170 161 1S4 *AJ

The total amonnt of eapltal inv*. ted l:i cool nnui-s.

Inclndlng lhnds ownc*l aod kaaai, I»ti1!<1Iii-:_- ktmXt,niachiiiciv, elc. ln the reapoctt\_ .>Uite-. a_M a* fo.li-.v.: illiiioJs *i7,(i_'.»,3:.i fJklo, W4,-_8r_KW; lu-ill.ir.a, 8.1^30,703; Mlchi^uu, *10,000; lUNpla$.'15,142,010.

BB Itl OilI Mfli NV-fb.Tho optlriilst a-=«7r71«ns of (Jencr.il da Fobsera, tha

Pre.h-.nt of Hiuzll, Ui hta .qicecli al tho openiiiK >>f thaI'arliauient, ..11 tho 17th lii-.tt.nt, are coiifii-uwd by lu-f'.rtniitlon meviou. Iy n-cclved from t_e new ______*WKepubllc. Moit.over, thcV ;.rc ln keoplug wlth Hl.ruilanti pulillsh.Hl iu Europo by .->'«ihoi- l-i-¦¦¦¦ -. Hl lform..r Flnnrico Mlnl. ter of tlie nra_1ll»n Einpir-i. audcoiisi-quently not snsi^cied of parit .llty towanl the r .wtioveriiment of hts country. In anawer lo ih-t-v Wkawero alurmod by tlw sudden spirit >>f sp". olit.m de>veioped ln hntiii, *-hore tM uu Mai 110 baahe,

. only -lartoeh ln IBBB, BtUBtU nf-arahlo aayithat this stafo of tjilnsrs ls natural. and not at all to

M tompared to tlio iII0glc.1l Ifitalafll- tendwhlch causod tho croah ln tbo Ara.nttne Be|..Th. tiiitti." he addi, :< ls that Uraill p.*.M-_*e*. ju

.Boanoaa copltal, whi.h liad not been e;nploy<.l, ho-

cuii-o eupltabWL. were alaimed at Ur.t by the afcO-tteaOf llMary aud bv the proi'lauiatl.-n nf tl.e lC'-pubhO.Bot tkOM two crisosi tavln^ beon pu».-e.l attkoat In¬

jury to the couutry. mswUmBtAB are now full .t

denee In tiie future. aml haira be_:m t.. anplogli.rnxled in.uey, wlih b OOMM »o abundautly OB tha

BMl-et tnat there aro ln Ui. hardiy a_MMfk buiMi-h**titted for the la.-uilluuon of tho new htuika aod ta-

t io'lo..."lt haa bocn u.ready explalned heiv Mar _M iwcnr.e*

from the dutie- had MariaaM -t_.i<Hly iu the cu.toia

MMM Ol MO -'ar.eir.i. Mntoa, etc, snd how the Ma*/..'ni Oonanuaent hai tkaa baM W lo Meraa ibalduties could bo pai.i herv.ut.-r ia eeeieBry huMad .!

gold. They were btcreaaed hy onlv '. par eent,the (iovernineiit would huvo bet-n |aatt_Ud kl _a_olrti ;

nn tecrcin -rf _s per eenl da dntlea pabt ln paper,Olnee the mllrOs cun-.ioy v.-.,* ll i-V .¦' '-..;*

par vai.i- bi ,-oid. Bai tho aaw Bepublte araa aa.ouar all o, islble faeUltles to totarnaUonal ti

...... aa ahe bad aathered Into bet Treasi.iclent amount ol _»id I.'¦¦. Iher external d>M. Thls i- d.Fonsecals Justlfled ln hls tixpcetatlou thal he »ul wkble to «-tt-et nn o.uilibrium ln the bn.i.ot wltuout iu-

pixdnc freah tasea." Th. -

I-,,'.."., to l* the larfwsl ever _-ith.-r.-l i-i Brarilestimsted at h.XK.OOO bafs, or 900,000.000 i ;-afld the marltet prleo for eoS-0 r-.iv.rUr.ing Mu!.. ¦$»v, it lataodlng the Ineraaae ln pcd-ictiou.


rushisg BBBiBBBB.From 'fte nUaddtphfa toqatear.

Tho sh-bb. elottea wora by a wii loiown br herdnrlofl aeaoons when tn.- niaik.-i ii Oepressed.ui--r,i rolnded rondntl of ¦¦¦ pi-mlnent lawyer,^ bjvei.t -iv fumlsbed food f r tte ..«« <.»" « hanfe*wens away Sown oneday when th- yeal uisrtDMtree cio<_jd. snd the broker, who had b-- uus

and was. -' ueual on ineb -, uloo*. down ln tl -

«ore ^ suit --( rlothes lhat bta couohtnan *hare aeorned. Hc sounwred srainld r-iKtiv-Iv. . lUi

hand. ln tbe wn-ck ol hla irood * poeh b, me-lt-ilndover hK ni !u-_ $od aroaderlnlr, after all, lf be Iwdnimtstakeu hls v ratton ln nm entorlug some cooserval^e

,,i'.- [.-ir-i.it where arealtt ls *lowiy _--'i">u-

luted Bouo s faktr >nmt* al..n_ ___y errmf me

iii.Tchainlls-. uhl.l. hapj.-i.-d,- -. l«. the oll pop-IO*dlme .«'iviiis's banh. i «M s-v. ..'1 ¦

ralny dav," hv leeolecd. uud boivi.t one -n tho >po_T'i.-u h,« r-.to.-d otorti stin on th.« eaurbett. md $_..iinued Us nn .1lt.itl._i* sturliig at U«e poeket I"-nk.

Tlie Swyer ramo nisiu.ij along at ihis m .__-. t,elbowlne hls way t.ir--'if_ tne erowd rlsM acdInd nn apjM.ltiti-.i-nt Imll "» mlle «»__v lu t -n tnl-._'.-**.Ha a»u 'he brofeer, or, rather. _s*_- the ba-k In tMoutstn t-heid hand. "Jael whal i h..v.- intaadod .o

i,,i\ f.r a v-..." h>' thought; anJ .nltliiK *

:i ,t -hed 't-e r.i.-'.'-l piat. .i rantnvanoe fr-iu th.' '-r-xer'Sband. wtthoal kiotnng ap. "'How much," het.rn ..nn*i\. 'Whj ee i er gave w._ eeats,t. n*.i Uw loanger ln astoiilahaient "Here, Uhe i-and the lawyer thiusi a .iim and alck-l Into w*hand, and rushe. awaj befbre the broher renhaed «'hillt all mesut. Ile lookod *ft<-r tlt,-. i*cti*eaOn_| a'i rn*ftor _ev,i-al BlhlUtos, ;uid i Uu.klod, .. Well. I luu-0 __-"*tblng ln that .pcnttlou.*