j w s let a sunday want - library of congress...for sale—hardware store. only one in tovn; $20,000...

P?§»®11' . 5Si Se<;ond : J yew S "Sect^^ l1 " W * t * BBBE Sunday, ftoveMbV/s, i9&5, •pp 25 Let a Sunday Want BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED—A MAN WITH $100 OR MOKE CASH as partner in introducing a hardware'specialty. I own the patent right and all necvstary ma- chinery for the manufacture of same, prefer a man with some mechanical ingenuity who could look after the mechanical part or else a man who is good at correspondence; this Is 110 experiment, as article has already prov- en a good seller, and whatever mouej you put into it you will handle yourself. 7960, Jour- nal. •:. H BIG SNAP—GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HARD- iv are, shoes, clothing, furniture, undertaking, all kinds new goods, established cash trace, with building 7bxl0o feet, has the best trade of any store; will stand investigation, cost about $3l»,U00; will sell at discount or ex- change for twin city property or secured notes; might exchange part of goods for residence, Minneapolis, must retire January next. Owner Big Department Store, Downing, W's. X HAVE FOR BALE A BLOCK OF STOCK IN one of the best mining piopositlon extant let me prove this to you; do not let thia opportunity pass, If you have money to In- vest and will write, naming place of meet- ing, and time and give me one-half hour, I will give you $5 tor the thirty minutes' time if, after investigation, you are not thor- oughly satisfied with my proposition. 8029, Journal. (600 TO $1,000 ALL THAT IS NECESSARY TO put you In the best proposition possible, enjoj delightful California climate, be jour own boss, live under jour own "vine and hg tree, « life of contentment and prosperity, party leaving .NOT. 7 ami 14. 1 ree faro to bona nde bargain home buyers. Apply at once Uhresher, 915 New York Life. ^^BUSINES^HANCES^^^ Continued. STACKS AND BONDS UNDERWRITTEN AND guaranteed; companies desiring to Boat their titock call at office for Information, wbicb costs nothing, but will start you ofl right W. P. Mason, 419 Andrus bldg. THIS BEATS NEW JERSEY—CHARTERS cheap for mining, milling, manufacturing, rail- roads or any other industrial pursuit. Laws, blanks free. Philip Lawience, former assistant secretary state, Huron, S. D. WANTED—PARTNER WITH FEW HUNDRED dollars, to join me in permanent pajing busi- ness, this is a rare chance for any sober, in- dustrious man. Call or write William 0. Salmon, C07 Booton Block. F. L. TOR SALE—A 1,000,000 BUSHEL FIRST-CLASS grain elevator, located at Hastings, Mlnu., a town of 4,000 people; onl> one elevator in city now bujing giain, bince farmers ele- vator burned thiee weeks ago; over 1,000,000 hushrels of grain marketed in tha city annual- ly, will sell cheap; this is a chance not picked up often; look it up Inquire of F. H. Scri- ber, 3W& Jackson st,_gt. Paul, Minn FOR SALE—ONE-HALF OR WHOLE INTER- est in first-class restaurant, bakery and pool and billiard hall; cash sales from $1,500 to 82,800 per month; stock in restaurant in- cluding fixtures, etc., $2,200; bakery, $»X>; pool and billiard hall, $1,000, none but up- to-date and enterprising business men need reply. For particulars write 7836, Journal. FOR SALE—HARDWARE STORE. ONLY ONE in tovn; $20,000 business in 1005; building 24x132 f*et, 80 feet finished in hard pine, cash, no trade, $8,000 handles this bargain. ROM E. Parka. Lily. S. P. DO YOU WAJXX TO TURN OV.bR YOUR B'JSI- ne&s quick.' Lis>t with us. No listing fee charged We do an honest business, call or write the leliable brokers. Hamre, Norstroni & Co., 115 New Yotk Life. WANTED—PARTNER WITH CASH CAPITAL of $15,000 or $20,000, ten years old; es- tablished piospeious wholesale business, paying elegant profits on investment; must know im- mediately. 7733, Journal. PARTNER "WANTED GOOD PRACTICAL man with some cash can buy half interest with carpentei and general contiactor, down town location, one of the best equipped shops in town 7270, Journal. __BUSJ[NES^CHANjOTS___ Continued. IF YOU WANT TO BELL YOUR ENTIRE stock of merchandise for cash, address, the United Purchase Co.. 76 Euclid av, Cleveland Ohio. $1,000 ONLY; SPLENDID ROOMING HOUSE; high class transient patronage, will take part cash, or small house, or good lot. 7878, Jour- nal. A PERSON WHO CAN GIVE EXCELLENT In- formation on wheat and stock market wants to meet some heavy speculator. 8228,. t Journal. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BUSINESS OPENING or investments? Call on us. Wa can suit you. Hanne, Norstrom & Co., 215 New York Life. FOR SALE—RESTAURANT IN A GOODCOUN- ty-seat town, oven and fixtures the verv beat kind, good reason for eelllng. 7884, Journal. WANTED— $100 to $1,000 FOR INVESTMENT in manufacturing enterprise; very profitable and safe; best references. 7800, Journal. FINANCIAL i^j. >r-« -,'H CHATTEL LOANS. Minnebota Mortgage Loan Co., established 25 Years. Loans ' "• On furniture, pianos, horses, etc., without the slightest publicity. Small or large payments, weekly or monthly, with privilege ot payment on or before, thus slopping all cost. Having been engaged in the money-lending business for the past 25 years, a>,d with the large cli- entele we have, we are enabled to make' the lowest rates and give the quickest possible service. Our record and reputation for the past 25 years insures honorable and confiden- tial dealing to all. ' Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., *• * 805-308 Bank of Commerce Bldg., 1 ** 1st av S and 4th st. »* ?<* COUNTRY BANKER. YOUNG MAN 24. Busi- ness ability excellent, lefeiences, and country banking experience, desires at once, connection with North Dakota bank, $1,000 to $1,300 to invest. 7S24, Journal. I HAVE TWO GOOD PAYING ROOMING hcuaes foi sale trat will not only give you free rent for jour home, but will give you a profit; whj pay rent. William C. Salmon, 507 Boston Block. $8t0 BUYS LAW OFFICE WITH LIBRARY, loan and insurance business In best .North Dakota town; earning yearly $2,200; terms half cash, snap. Hamre, Noistrom & Co., 2i0 New York Lite. WANTED—A STORE WITH LIVING ROOMS, suitable for confectionery and light grocer- ies, in a good location. 1500 7th st S. FOR SALE—HALF INTEREST IN ESTAB- llshed business; profits from $15,000 to $20,000 per annum, no agents. 7837, Journal. EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN HAS $3,500 TO Invest with services in country banking busi- ness. Full particulars. 8082, Journal. AN EXCEPTIONAL LOCATION FOR A BUR* geun 01 phjskiau, German Catholic preferred. Apply to L. B , No. 116 Webster, S. D. DO YOU WANT A HOKE ON EASY TERMS; four matured United States Installment Realty Co. conti acts foi sale. 8007, Journal. • r CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GROCERY stores fiom $110 up. Everyone a snap. Hamre, Norstrom & Co., 215 New York Life. FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS GROCERY, STOCK and fixtures, established eight years; good cash trade, low rent. 8258, Journal. ARE YOU LOOKING ' • ' For a triend To Loan You Money? We loan on furniture. pianos, salaries, horses, wagons, etc. Low rates, easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p.m. Call, write or telephone—N. W. Main 1770, Twin City 1/378. Minneapolis Loan Co., 601-602 Globe Bldg., 22 4th st S. * HORSES AND CARRIAGES For Sale. , FOR~SALE^X'~TEAlSr^ matchel, full-blood legistered Cljde mares; also new heavy Mitchel lumber wagon and double box, mares will weigh 3,000 lbs, guaranteed to be sound; not afraid of any- thing and excellent good pulleis, lovers of a good team should not miss seeing' them: will stand at Wllber house barn (next union depot), Tuesdaj, Nov. 0. LOGGERS TAKE NOTICE. 400 to 600 head of big, heavy, young, first- clasp logging horses constantly on hand; each horsei guaranteed as represented; come and see US before buying, we can save jou money and give you rejection from the largest coi? lection in the northwest. Barrett'& Zlmmet- ^TTORNEYSL E. B. CRANE, 725 Temple Court, Minneapolis. Prompt attention given to all legal business and collections. Your correspondence solicited. THE SWEETSTER-RO0HE8TER CO., 810-811 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Best equipped collection department in northwest. FLORISTS \ ARTISTIOFUireiGi^DE^^ flowers, baskets,, bouquets, etc/ Telephones: Ma^n 7JS. X C. 2800. Pattae* > Xhomp- bon, iflorlsta, 11 7tjh at $ man, Paul. Midwny Hoise Market, Midway, St. AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES. A $10,000 investment is invited for an amusement enterprise for the next summer season, which will pay big profits, ample real estate security will be given to pro- tect the investor. 7501, Journal. ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUSINESS CHANCES—HOTEL, EUROPEAN plan, income $600 per month, finest in the city , terms. _„ „. „ ianilly hotel, 60 rooms, Income $2,000 per month, never been on the market, terms. If you want a good rooming or boarding house call at the People's Agency, 912 1st av S. X. C. 0073. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c STORM SASH IN STOCK In all sizes and large quantities. Our prices ure right. Both phones 96. City Sash and Door Co., 4th St, Opposite Courthouse. HAVE SEVERAL BARGAINS IN CORNER CON- fectionery and giocerj stores, good loca- tions, and will be sold at sacrifice if taken .quick. Hamre, Noistiom & Co., 215 New York Life Bldg. HAVE YOU A FRIEND WHO STAMMERS t IF so send him to us, do him a kindness; we can cure him permanently in six weeks. Northwestern School for Stammerers, 1222 Hennepin av. FOR »ALx—J: URN-SHED ROOMING HOUSE, lb rooms, all rented; best location in the city; leased to present occupant past 11 years; reason for sale, poor health; cash $1,200. 8250, Journal. FOR SALE—STORE BUILDING AND STOCK consisting of groceries, shoes, dry goods and patent medicines; guaranteed fresh stock; cheap for cash only. Gust Thompson, Vang, N. D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Cold storage plant located at Hudson, wis., having a capacity of 10,000 cases eggs, 200,000 pounds butter and 20,000 pounds cheese, plant is equipped with Cooper Brine refrigeiator, positive ventilation and mechanical air circu- lation sjbtems. Inquire at once of Peter J. Johnson, Ellsworth, Wis. WANTED—STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE MANr AS state manager, large corporation, established 22 jeais, doing business every state in union, salary $2,100 for 10V& m o n t h s per year and commissions. Minimum investment $1,500 in stock company and exceptional lefereuces re- quired. Supt. Agencies, Wilbur fetock Foou Oo., Milwaukee, Wis. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSINESS, A rare opportunity, long established, the lead lng business, located in best store building in fine Minnesota town, 150 miles from cities, no bonus for good will, average sales $0,500 monthly; clean, up-to date stock. Knudtson Land Co., I08 1st av N. FOR SALE—ROOMING HOUSE, 20 ROOMS; strictlj modern; newly furnished, centrally located; price and terms to suit purchaser. Charles M. Moiton Company, 300-3O2 Nicol- let av. FOR SALE—BEST AND LARGEST RETAIL shoe business in the city of Albert Lea; own- er has other matters demanding immediate at- tention. Wrife H. E. Skinner, Albert Lea, Minn. CONTROLLING INTEREST IN PRODUCE commission business, $500; rent low; owner has other interests. 8089, Journal. FOR SALE OR _ TRADE FOR GOOD FARM near twin cities, one of the best laundries In Minneapolis. Address 777 6, Journal. A $2,500 MEDICAL PRACTICE TO DOCTOR buying my fine home for $2,000; $750 cash, balance easy terms. 7656. Journal. FOR SALE—FIRST MORTGAGE ON MINNE- apoiis real estate in following amounts: $200, beariug 7 per cent interest, $600, 6 per cent; $5,000, 6 per cent, $15,000, 5 per cent; titles all insured and good investments. Call or wiite for particulars. G. H. Rrownell, Boston _Block. TWO OF THE ORIGINAL 9,668 SHARES OF the labasco Plantation company's stock for sale at a bargain, present holder has been on the company's property in Mexico and -knows the plantation to be all that it is represented. Best of reasons for selling. 7845, Journal. WANT LOAN OF $3,000 OR IN SMALLER amounts at 10 per cent, based on 40 per cent value of security; security offered. 8 per cent preferred stock under guarantee; would bell part of stock at reasonable discount. 701b, Journal. DRUG STORE—I WANT TO BUY A FIRST- class drug store; will pay cash for desirable business; no agents. 7865, Journal. FOR SALE—A 12-R00M BOARDING-HOUSE; rooms all full; also a number of table board- ers, no agents. 8095, Journal. I HAVE SOME LAND I WISH TO TRADE. FOB a stock of goods, or rather property; fdr par- ticular! address 7815, Journal. _^___ FOR SALE—A SMALL HARDWARE STOCK doing good business. Inquire of owner, M. Dzlew auowski, Rutland, Iowa. FOR SALE—STOCK OF NOTIONS, JJTW'ELRY", chluaware, glassware,, small dry goods, fix- tures, $320. 517 Cedar av. FOR SALE—GOOD PAYING CITY DRAY LINE. Look this up. Bargain. Hamre. Norstrom & Co.. 215 New York Life. FOR SALE—RESTAURANT WITH CONFEC- tionery, fruits, cigars, etc. P. O. Box 210, Winnebago City, Minn. WANTED—PARTY WITH $100 CASH TO HAN- dle ray patent on royalty; another patent for $250 cash. "90\ Journal. BUILDING LOANS MY SPECIALTY. MY plan is simple and satisfactory alike to own- ers and contractors. Funds advanced as need- ed in building. No delay or disappointment. _E. D. Brown. 738 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE—ON- TOP SfANa.Oi'E, ONE MAS- cot, one runabout, good delivery and driviug horse, single and uoublp harness, line robe, buffalo co.it, cheap, leaving city. Central Market Livery, 120 7th st N. PRIVATE PARTY WILL MAKE LOANS OF. $50 or less to men permanently employed. I posi- tively guarantee lowest rates; no assignment or security of any kind required; strictly con- . fideiitial. 1114, Journal. _ _ LOAN WANTED—I DESIRE TO BORROW $10,- Wf) for live years at low rate of iuterest, se- cured by first mortgage on Minneapolis, real estate conservatively valued a t )>26,0O0. Ad- dress 7831, Journal. FOR SALE—HORSE, 7 YEARS OLD, PERFECT- Iy sound, absolutely reliable for any lady; fine roadster, about 1,100, together with rub- ber-tired Concord, harness, robe, blanket and Whip, all for $190; few norses his equal in Minneapolis. Owner has, serious attack of Automobllophobln.'' Call at 17001 James av 8. NEW' YORK FLORISTS. 7 -WASH. AV 8: feather and cut flowers and plants: floral de- signs for all occasions, T. C. phone 1728. WATERS FLORAL CO., WEST HOTEL, 6th ST side; choice flowers for all' occasions. Phones. RAILWAY TIME TABLES HOTEL ARRIVALS ^ s BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS; .; BUILDING PERMITS •' »if BLANKETS AND ROBES, BLANKETS AND robes, horse blankets, plush and fur robes, slightly damaged by fire and water, at less than 50c on the dollar; leather top sweat pads, ' 50c pair; deer tilled pads, 50c pair, leguiar pads 25c pair, two cheap hoises, nothing but bargains, 414 3d st S. SIX HACKS, FOUR BROUGHAM8, THREE "hearses', Cwo <rockaways. one Victoria, < one. coupe all tennlsbed, most all have rubber tiros, prices from $150 up; one Kimball broug- ham, full size, good as new, a bargain. H. G. GooSman, 6 E Grant st. MULES. MULES. MULES. 100 head of good, big mules of all kinds for sale, draft, farm and deliveiy mules; best lot ever seen in the market. Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, Midway, St. Paul. WANTED—WILL SOME ONE LEND AN HON- est miarried man, regularly employed, $150 for six months on household furniture worth over $1,900? Address 8032, Journal. MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, RE- tKil merchants, teamsters, boarding houses, without secur ty; offices in 53 principal cities. Xolman. 020 New York Life- building. $12,000 BUYS TWO-THIRD INTEREST IN manufacturing plant, earning $10,000 to $20,000 yearly; this chance will not be onen long. Hamre. Norstrom &^Co.. 215 New York Life. QRiAlbWrcIiAttOi. 10R PARTY WITH $6,000 cash or that amount secured, to step Into long established big manufacturing enterprise; if the right nun will be made manager, and guarrnteed $2,500 income first year, a rare opportunity, call on Hamre, Norstrom & Co., 21o New York Life. FOR SALE—THE BEST-PAYING RESTAU- laut business in state; good local and tran- sient trade, near two depots; Yankton college - two blocks distant, a good chance for a hus- tler, good reason for selling. Address George V. Hariington, Depot Restaurant, Xankton, S. D. ONE OF THE BEST LOCATED GROCERY stores in this city; low rent; net income, $3,000 for the past eight years; old ago leason tor selling out; this is a great chance; don't miss investigation, price $2,000. George B. Dartt, 807 Phoenix Bldg. FOR SALE—A SHOE AND MEN'S FURNISH- ing store in Northern Minnesota, doing good business, owner desires to change to warmei climate, last year's business over $11,000 oti $4,000 stock, low rent, long lease, modern building, a snap 8272, Journal. PARTY - WITH $500 ~T0 $1,000 TO INVEST in new uinnufaetuiing concern with three men of good standing, tne enterprise is a great inonej maker and nothing but a man of good standing will be considered, chance of lifetime for hustler. 8061, Journal. ROOMING HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, MODERN; rent $27.50; swell location, gives jou mag- nificent home, besides $67 income, $300 han- dlea It. Taylor & Taylor, 401 Kasota Bldg. FOR SALE—BARBERSHOP AND BILLIARD hall in town of 500, only one in town; doing big business and best location; must be sold; good reason for selling. 8074, Journal. FOR SALE—BARBERSHOP, TWO CHAIRS, three bath rooms, hot and cold water, doing good business, price $125, call evenings from 6 to 8. Must sell Banse, 1900 Riverside av. GROCERY, 8th WARD. DAILY SALES, $100. Grocery and meat market for sale. Partner wanted in manufacturing business. N. Shepard, Bank of Commerce Building. _ FOR SALE—DEP0T~H0TEL ""AND LUNOH- room, Egan S. D , junction point; splendll business, a moneymaker; rare opportunity; good reputation. Ad Iress 8267, Journal OFFICE BUSINESS; CLEARED $20,000 LAST five years; futuie prospects will double in- come, price $1,000, owner leaving county. Woodiuff, 310 Noithwestem Building. _^ A STRICTLY HONEST PERSON, WITH EXi cellent Judgment on wheat and stock marKet would like to handle deals on commission for out of-town people. 8639, Journal. HARNESS SHOP, WELL ESTABLISHED AND doiug good business. Inquire 1123 3d av S, Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED—TO LOAN $2,500, INTEREST 6 per cent, no commission, ample security. 7875, Journal. "* I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS; BEND DE- scription. Shepard, Bank Commerce building.' FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS TOOLROOM? GOOD location. 3122 Washington av N. WANTED—AN ESTABLISHED PAYING BUS- ineBs of magnitude. 8011, Journal SMALL JOB OFFICE FOR SALE CHEAP. 8145, Journal. > | , MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY PROP erty at lowest current rates; payment privi- leges given; no delay in closing. Minneapolis Trust Co , Hennepin av and 4th st. FOR SALE—FIRST W0RTGAQE~0F $400 ON improved Minneapolis property worth $1,500: 6 per cent interest and due February, 1908, E. C. HoUlday. 340'Temple Court WANTED—WE BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS of N\agons, buggies, harness; always ready to buy large or small quantities; bankrupt Stocks a specialty. Wldmayer & Prendergast, 414 3d st S. PATENT ATTORNEYS, WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT, PATENT LAW- jfcrs and solicitors; main office S25-033 Guar- anty building, Minneapolis, Minn.; 52 McGill building. .Washington, D. C. __j^^SSjrcOPERlX TO LET—NEW BRICK FACTORY BUILDING; central locaiiQu: near to depots; 6,750 feet floor space; light, warm and well arranged. 403 Bank Commerce. , . STORAGE. $350 TEAM 4 YEARS OLD, WEIGHT 8,550; for $275; No. 1 work mare; 8 years old, $1^0; 1,100-pound horse, $60; 7-year-old dilv- ing mare $35; will sell separate. 3820 Port- land av. FOR BALE—EXPRESS WAGON IN FINE shape, $25; one lignt meat or grocery wagon, new, $bo, one top wagon, newly painted, good as new, $65. 128 Western av. J. M. Nortner. WAGON AND CARRIAGE REPAIRING AND painting; buggies painted from $6 up; cutters from $3.50 up; rubber tires put on all-kind* of vehicles. 130 Western av. J. M. Nortner. BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS. About 1,000 pah horse blankets, all kinds, choap; also 1 ew and second hand harness. Central Market Harness Co., 128 7th st N. THE BOYD TRANSFER te STORAGE CO. HAS unequaled facilities for moving, storing, pack- ing and shipping household goods, and quotes REDUCED FREIGHT RATES thereon to Chi- cago Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasionally 1A making np a car. bet we alone are able to ship with sufficient frequency and regularity to insure prompt and reliable serv- ice. For the best of service at the lowest rates, write or call at 46 3d st S. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND $ ST. PAUL RAILWAY. City ticket office, 828 Nlcollat Arenoe. Phono til Passenger Station, Washington *nd SdAve*. South. (Sun. only. 'Daily. iEx. San. t£x. Sat H Ex. Mon. Leave. MARCH 28,1335, Arrive. * ISO am La Crosse, Milwaukee, Ohloago. '10,31 p n tf-Hft&SS^&'iS^. \w>™ * 8.90 am Northfield. Faribault, $ K. O * 8.21 p 71 £10.15 am Ortonville, Mil bank, Aberdeen.. 16 01 p a 8L55am Mankato, Wells, Jackson.. ^flloj pa * 2£) pm Winona, La Crosse, Milwaukee- * 3.21 p n •8.50pm Faribault, Dubuque, Chicago .... *i0.3J»a -^i jej&pm Mankato, Wells tltUap* •• * The Fast Mail. * 6.45 pm La Orosse, Milwaukee, Ohioago.. *6.Hipm Ortonville, Fargo, Aberdeen... 1 1 JT pm Northfleld, Fairhaalt, Austin... The Pioneer Limited. % l? "8.03 pm La Oroeso, Milwaukee, Chicago.. '8.naV 10,25 pm La Crosse, Milwaukee, Chicago.. 12.11 p a * tipin pm Madison, Wis., Janesv„Roekrord \ ^g^g £ 9 ' IHi a B. 6c Q. Ry. KnPMPH Phons N - w - Maln 860- T - c - 8U iMtmmMl Ticket office, eor. 3rd and Nicollet. 8 ^ w ——^M Union Depot—Nicollet and Huth rt. •7.25 am tlUD»» MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co. has best facilities for handling and stor- ing household goods, expert furniture packers; satisfaction assured; cut rates to Pacific coast and other points our specialty. 122 0th st S. Both phones. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE— Best facilities for moving and storing house' hold goods; expert packers*. Office. 200 Nicol- let. Both phones 1208. Ees. phone^ T. C. 18324. BENZ BROS.. TRANSFER. AND "STORAGE; finest .vans and warerpoms; goods movedr by experienced men. 112 5th at N.-Both tols., FIREPROOF STORAGE, CLEAN SEPARATE rooms; packing and shipping. 106 1st av N. WE OFFER OUR OWN MXINEY TO LOAN ON improved city property at lowest current rates; no delay. The Minnesota Loan & Trust Co., * 313 NFcottet^av. ~ *> .-^ • - <• • •<•- . 1 ' ^ANTErjZ.TO 3 ' BORROW FROM PRIVATE party $1,000 on flrst-class real estate mort- gage; will pay T per cent; no commission, P. 0. Box 50. ; WANTED—TO BORROW FROM PRIVATE party $900 on flrst-class real estate mort- gage; will pay 7 per cent; no commission. 7956, Journal. $50 WILL BUY A FINE DRIVER. 7 YEARS old, weight between 850 and 900; safe for a lady; al*i for sale one new rubber-tired run- about. 1314 Washington av N. SEAL BROWN HORSE, FIRST-CLASS, 8 YEARS old, 1,300 pounds, very stylish, high action; the best for any purpose, broke single or > double,-at 514 7th st S. " ONE OF ^C»;E, FLNEST CLOSED PRIVATE CAR- ciages x in the city, depot wagon style, cost $875] price $300, just like new (quick). Fitz- 'gerald, 3018 Aldrich S COPPER—IF YOU WANT AN HONEST IN- vestment in a big copper mine, that I have been developing tor six years, and ready to erect smelter, write 7777, Journal. mSTRUCTION^ DANCING. Lillian Baker Dancing Academy. * Richmond Halls. 5th st and 3d av S. '^ (Note the new location.) A thorough school for dancing, all branches taught. Classes Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Informal following. Private lessons dally and evenings by" a p - appointment Stirurday afternoon classes now forming at half price. '" " • ' Residence, 1010 Nicollet av. flat 4. T. C. 9855 Richmond halls phone T. C. 8016. Guarantee course one term. WHY SUFFER WORKING OUTSIDE IN THE wiuter when you cau make a nice living on a small Investment inside? Call on us and j we will show you how a little money will make jou independent. Hamre, Norstrom U ( o , 215 New York Life. REAL ESTATE OFFICE WITH MANY GOOD deals pending can be purchased at a bar- gain, as other business demands owner's time, extensive listings, maps, typewriter, desks, filing cases and other furniture. Ad- dress 6108, Journal. START PROFITABLE MAIL-ORDER Busi- ness. Sell goods by mail, cash comes with or- der, conducted by anjone, an;where. Our plan for starting beginners is very successful. Complete plan free. Central Supply Co., Kan- sas City. Mo. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY—$800.00 BUYS telephone exchange with forty five phones; 14 miles of rural line in a village of 350 inhab- itants, present owner has other business that demands Ms attention. State Bank of Bar- uum, Minn FOR SALE—REPUBLICAN WEEKLY NEWS- paper in the Ked river valley of North Da- kota. Will be sold cheap, but not given away. Investigate this if you have the money to Invest. Address John Lindelien, Portland, N D DRUG BUSINESS, WELL ESTABLISHED, clean stock, will invoice $6,000, splendidly located in live North Dakota city; fine store building, rent $40 per month, $3,000 cash will handle it. Knudtson Land Co., 103 1st av N. BAKERY AND RESTAURANT FOR SALE—A good place for the right part}, sell on ac- count of sickness and death in the family. Address Box 712. Blackduck, Minn. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY—QWTNG to sickness lady will sell onp^half interest; rent, $9; sales average $25 daily; nice for lady. Taj lor, 401 Kusota Bldg., ' , t WANTED—YOUNG MAN WITH $500 BOND; can step into established specialty manufactur- ing managing office, $20 weekly. Address Room 50, Pioneer Press, St. Paul. J A BARGAIN—60 COWS AND MILK ROUTE, 5 horses, harness and wagons, to sell, price $1,500. J. H. Law ton, 314 Bradley building, near Wabasha^on 5th, St. Paul. FOR SALE-r-A GOOD CENTRALLY LOCATED laundry, going a splendid business; will be sold cheap if taken at once, owner leaving city. Address 7775, Journal. FOR SALE—HALF INTEREST IN A GOOD real estate office, making good money; no better in the city for the price; experience not necessary 7915 Journal. START IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF; learn the plumbing trade, particulars from Practical School - of Plumbing and Heating, 3689 Nicollet av, Minneapolis CIGAR, CONFECTIONERY; LARGE TRADE year round; reasonable person could easily save $2,000 yearly, leaving country. Cull Sunday. 1221 6th av N. BUbUNtSS CHANCE—FOR SALE, LUNCH oouut" 1 ! ouly two in town; population 2,500; rent $22, which includes lunch room, kitchen und building in rear with three rooms. Write for particulars. W. D. Sampson, Detroit, Minn. ONLY BILLIARD, POOL HALL AND BOWLING alley in live town of 1,000; receipts $5 to $15 dally, average over $8, expenses inside $3, $500 cash and easy monthly payments takes it, have two, can't manage both. 7832, Jour- nal. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR GROCERY STOCK? Here you are; fine stock, good business, good location; for cash only. See Story, with Win- ston, Harper, Fisher Co. $1,000 "TO $6,OOOT I N T E R E S T IN WELL Es- tablished manufacturing business in Minneapo- lis, for sale to a hustler, large profits. Apply to 133 Iglehart, St. Paul. _ FOR RENT—A' J DOUBLE FRONT ,"STORE building; best location In town, now occupied by Schilling & Scheman. Apply to W. R. Nelson, Winthrop, Minn._ __ _ WANTED—TO BUY OLD FUR COATS; WILL pay highest cash price for men's coonskin. buffaloes, astrakhans, minks and fur-lined. Address 7626, Journal. SPECULATORS, Write for our pamphlet, "A Successful Method for Trading in Gram and Stocks." 1041 Lumber Exchange. WEDNESDAY EVENING DANCING - CLASSES* beginners' class now open; half rates to young ladles going In class this month, special rates to clubs, rupils can attend oar rior-lttl dance free; x>rivate lessons by appointment' at all times, Saturday evening class. Third floor hall 8th and Nicollet. Phone 9584. ' "BLANCHE BOOTH'S STAGE' EXPERIENCE and culture fit her for the role of dramatic teacher. I heartily recommend her to all seeking such help."—Richard Burton, Ph.D., of, University of Minnesota. Studio II 7th st N, off Hennepin av. 4 PER CENT, 5 PER CENT, 6 PER CENT money tp loan on Improved city property; 110 delay. J. A. Walters, 514 New York Life bldg. FOR BEST OFFER OVER $75. FINE DRIVING mare, sound and safe, weight 1,050. Newly shod, Monday. Call T. C. 4969. 2417 W 21st st. STEAMSHIPS^ TO AND FROM EUROPE. NEW STEAMERS, best service, low rates, cheaper than to stay at home. H. B. Lldman, agent Canadian Pacific Steamship lines. 15 3d st S, Minneapolis. Leave I All Trains Daily. I Arrive 1:30 a.m. 'i :80 a.m. ?£Cp.m. r < :50p.m. r i:8Cs.m. 5:SCe.m. SitCp.m- ' 7:50 p . m . Chicago Scenic Express Winona, La Crosse, Du< buque.Chiearo.8t. Louis "The Chlcaro Limited" Winona, La Crosse, Du- buque,Cbicago, ^tLouis Rock Island, Davenport, Clinton. Moline, Peoria St. Louis Scenic Express Rock. Island, Davenport, Clinton. Moline. Peoria , " T h e S t . U n t o Mltea" 1:05 p.m. 1:06 p.na. 8:00 a.m. S:00a.m. 1:06 p . i * 8:00 a . m v 8:00 a.n». jJTOVEJEtEPAIRS^ REPAIRS FOR ALL STOVES—GREAT WEST- em Stove Repair Co.. 312 Hennepin av. STOVEPIPE, 9o,A LENGTH. MINNEAPOLIS Sheet Met£l Works, 6>f, Sih^t N. -. MACHINERY IRON WORKING AND WOOD WORKING Ma- chinery; large stock of second-hand and new. Northern Machinery Co., 217 3d st S, Mpls. THE EDMUND G. WALTON AGENCY, 300 Hennepin av, are making first mortgage loans. Call on them_lf you_want_to borrow or invest. £AVE MONEY TO LOAN ON GOODTCOLLAJ ' teral, including life policies having a surrender -value. J. D. Cleghorn, 1034 Guaranty Bldg f MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM PROP- erty; small loans made on short time. The Dl- _rlmple-Ferrell Agency; 421 Kasota bldg. R, D. COKE & CO., 517 Guaranty bldg., have on hand to loan on Improved property $1,000, $1,500, ¥a,0\IO>. $3.^80^ Kfrast Bat&ft • PA#fY HAS ,$£<?00' <flfc7»l,'to»\,tfifc LOAN Oil real estate security, city or country. 2610 Colfax^av S Tel. 4525._j ..^ , LOUIS A. HOWARD, 60S ONEIDA BUILDING, has money on hand to Joan on improved) city property. Current Tates. , \ i WANTED—BEST OFFER FOR 100 SHARES Twin City Telephone stock preferred. A. X. Ankeny, 502 Globe Bldg. GOOD TWO-SEAT SURREY AND ONE-HORSE stake wagon; no use for them. 3125 Chi- cago av. M2NTAL CULTURE, PSYOHlC. HEALiNG, suggestive therapeutics, personal magnetism, concentration, memory cultuie; classes open in Richmond hall for practical instruction Nov. 7, 8 p.m. Dr. Raymond. New location 5th st and 3d av S. FIRST-CLASS INSTRUCTION BY THOROUGH- ly experienced teachers on piano, violin, vio- loncello, maLdolin. guitar and banjo; satisfac- tion gu>.ranteed; lessens 50c. M. M. Voak, 92 7th st S EXPERIENCED TEACHER WISHES PRIVATE students in English, grammar, rhetoric, expres- sion, literature; will lead study clubs; refer- ences. Addiess 7760. Journal. LOANS ON LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES; NO delay. Insurance Loan Co.. 303 Bank Commerce PROMPT LOANS from $500 to $8,000 on improved Mpls. property. C. S. Woodruff. 605 Guaranty. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES: NO delay. Thayer & Gale, 213 N. Y. Life bldg. rOR SALE—ONE SOUND 8-YEAR-OLD BAY horse, weighing 1,400 lbs, $125; one new heavy brasa-trimmed dray h-mess, $20. 2432 15th BTT-S. HORSES WANTED TO WINTER; BEST OF pare and feed, also large yard for exercise; 2413 Oakland av S. Phone N. W. S 835 L2. BLOOM & MAJERUB, Dealers in all classes of horses: part time when desired. Stables, i'18 and 250 2d av N. ONE NEW STAT 1 ? TRUCK PRICE $70; ONE horse, one covered wagon and all kinds three-spring uemeiy \\- 0 OIIH <U9 3d s t S. FOR SAfiE—NEW OPEN AND T0P r DELlV^ ery wagons, all sizes. Wallis Coach, and Carriage Works, 12 and 14 E Grant, s t ' WANTED—A LOAN OF $3,500 AT ,b% PER cent: no commission, on home property worth i $8,5(). ^dress 8005. Journal. FROST & CO. Car horses received this morning . , t 18 2d st N. FOR SALE—A GOOP TOP BUGGY. CHEAP, call 1523 7th st SEJ. Sunday forenoon or after 0 p.m. week dajs. FOR SALE—ONE NEARLY NEW 6-TON wagon scale. Bruce Bros. Lumber Co., 2840 Lyndale av S. B ORTH^WESTERH IINEI _IC-ST. P. M.fit O.RY,l!=5_J Office MO Nicollet Ave. Phone J40. tEx. Sun. Others dally For CHICAGO Lv 7.60 am, 6:00,8:00, lOJW pin Prom CHICAGO..A*7:68,10:15*m, 6:20,10:20pm FOND DU LAO Lv 6 00 pm. Arl0:15am DULUTH. Lv 17:85 am, 400pm, Ar 19:0ft,9.86pm For SIOUX CITY f7:10,S:10am, ISO, 8:80 pm. From SIOUX CITY 84)5 am, T4:45,8:10 pm For OMAHA Lv 17:10,9.10 am, 7:80,8.80 pm From OMAHA Ar 8 06 am, 8:10 pnr For KANSAS CITT Lv 9:10 am, 7.30,8.80 pm From KANSAS CITY Ar 84)5 am, 8:10 pm CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN Rt CITT o m c x : Fifth and NicoUet, DKFOT : Waahiagtoa and Tenth Ave. South. — Psora- Main Mi. «a.x. Sunday. Others Daily, Chicago and East, Dubuque Chicago, Kansae City, Omaha ...... Chicago, Des Moines, Kansas City .. Kansas Clty^St! Joseph. Oe» Moines Omaha, Ft. Dodge, Austin Rochester, Red Wing, - r \ Mankato. Faribault. Northueld.) Dodge Center. Bayfield Lv. Mpls 740am 800 pm 10 45 pm 10 20 am 740 am •7toam 4Mpm 4S8pm Ar.Mpla 10 SO pa 800 ana lUpn 110 pm 810 pm •laopm 10 66 am U.eoam EOR FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS ON REAL estate see Wm. H. White, 411 Bank of Com- merce bldg. A SPECIALTY OF $100 TO $500 LOANS ON city property. Polley, 501 Andrus building, VIOLIN, MANDOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, »>anjo violoncello lessons, 50c; best instruc- tion, instruments furnished free. F. L. Tap- pan, 92 7th st S : _ Ar~COMPETENT~LADY TEACHER OF VOCAL culture and of the piano would like a few more pupils; terms resonable. Address 8083, Journal. PIANO FORTE—INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN ON piano to few pupils at low rates. Miss Marion E Sedgwick, 2447 Portland av. T. C. phone 1033 TO LET—NEW BRICK FACTORY BUILDING; central location; near* to depots, 6,750 feet floor space; light, warm and well arranged. 403 Bank Commerce. BY INVESTING $300 AND A FEW WEEKS' time you can get into a business that will S ay you not less than $30 per week. Ad- ress 8162, Journal THE NICOLLET ART AND PHOTO STUDIO wishes to take a few pupils to learn art of photography. 925 Nicollet av. Riefcard An- derson. ^^ FOR"SALE—CHEAP; TWO SCHOLARSHIPS IN Eclectic Business college. Campbells, 211 Hen- nepin. "* l ANNOUNCEMENTS o o o o o o o o i STORM SASH IN STOCK in all sizes and large quantities Our piicee ar-- right. Both phones 96. City Sssh an4 Door Co.j 4th St, Opposite Courthouse 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 _Jj0^^j^NDjDB^TTELS_ WE LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSE8. wagons, warehouse receipts, etc. Lowest and best rites. Minneapolis Financial Co., 408 New York Life Bldg. WILLIAMS, 484 GUARANTY BUILDING; loans on furniture, piauos or any security large loans a specialty; terms to suit borrow ers; lowest prices. MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, at 3 per cent; why pay moie? Diamonds bought and sold. Collateral Bank, 300 Nicol- let, room 432. MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, at 3 per cent, why pay more? Diamonds bought and sold. Collateral Bank, 300 Nicollet, room ,432. RICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property; charges reasonable. S06 Globs r,lrtg. ^JflggjNGJNyE^TMgNTJ^ TO MAKE MONEY BUY BULLFROG EXTEN- slons. Sassy Sal or Blizzard, the famous Ne- vada stocks. Ask R. B. Hlgbee, the mining broker. 410-411 Germania Life building, St. Paul. Minn. NOTICE—DEAD HORSES REMOVED. N. W. Scavenger Co^ 102 lst_st N, phone l&.i Main. GOOD, SOUND, HEAVY, YOUNG HORSE FOR sale cheap Call Sunday, 2614 Grand av S. FOR' SALE—A CHEAP - HORSE7~3347~FRE- ' inont av N. - HORSES AND CARRIAGES Wanted. WANTED—MAN WITH TEAM OR TEAM without driver for furniture deliveries; can use cur wagon AppH at Shipping Depart- ment_New EnglandFurmture and Carpet Co. WANTED TO BUY—A GOOD SADDLE HORSE, safe for a lady to lidq, must be cheap for cash. Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, Midway, St. Paul. WANTED—HORSES TO WINTER; BEST OF care;, first-class in every respect. Elmhurst Farm, 08th st, between Lyndale and Penn av S. N. w. phone South 126. BEAGLE HOUNDS, THOROUGHLY TRAINED ' dogs, nnd yci'ligsters read} to train; .also blick Cocker spaniels, born July 2; all are ot the highest breeding. Fashion Kennel, 2720 21st av N.- 625 ^8,'800 400 325 3,150 165 1,000 1200 100 750 850 250 0 0 0 0 •"MINNEAPOLIS MANUFACTURING CONCERN, strictly reliable, wantB party with $8,000 to step in as active member, a great money mak- ing enterprise. For information call or write Hamre, Norstrom & Co., 215 New York Life. SOARS, CONFECTIONERY AND FAMILY groceries; best little store on the street, aver- age daily sales over $25; rent only $13, if you want a businets this is your opportunity; $900 will buy It. H H. Austin. 317 Andrus bldg. GROCERY STORE; ESTABLISHED EIGHT years, fine down town location; extremely low rent; will sell for invoice, about $2,000; daily sales over $60; can be increased by younger man. H. H. Austin, 317 Andrus bldg. FOR SALE—THE ONLY RESTAURANT IN A town of 1,200: confectionery and bakery in connection; best town and country in Red river valley: reason for selling, 1 must move on my claim. Fritz Fisher, Argyle, Minn. HOTEL" FOR BALE-^FULLY FURNISHED: f irice $12,000; immense bar trade; big rush of andseekeers; livery In connection, $8,000 profit last year. Apply to J. A. Gregory & Co., real estate brokers, Battleford. Sask. MEAT~ MARKET "DOING PAYING BUSINESS, and i.early new residence, 6 rooms, first floor finished in birch, barn, two good lots, small fruits, 12th ward; sickness, reason for selling; ^$2,000. 1. A. Dunsmoor, 616 Phoenlx_Bldg. _ BAKERY FOR SALE^SOUTHERN MINNE- tota town, 1,500, only one, doing fine paying cash business, invoice # abOut $550? will sacri- fice for same, sickness; Quick for snap; come and investigate. Address 7768, Journal. NOTICE—I HAVE A BUYER FOR A SMALL paying business, also one for a small farm; about $1,000 Call or write William C. Salmon, 507 Boston Block. DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR EXCHANGE farm, city property or merchandise stocks'' Call or write. Hamre, Norstrom* & Co., 215 New York Life, t AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. WE WRITE A "floater" policy, insuring your machine, wheth- er in building or on road, against fire loss from any cause, anywhere in the pnited States or Canada. Chadbourn & Braden, 17 4th st .«. MAKE YOUR BIDS AND OFFERS ON BON- unza Queen, Parrv Sound, Arizona Coppor Mountain or any other stock. Crandall, Pierce & Co., 416 Guaianty Coau. "Both phones. I HAVE 3,335 SHARES NORTH""AMERTCAN mining stock. In one certificate, for sale, zprlce right if taken at once. Address Z. P. Johnbon, 100m 43, Nicollet Hotel WRITE CONCERNING MINING STOCKS; XN- formation free, 31 years' experience, stocks _ exchanged.JW. P. McDonald. 802 Andrtis.Mpls. WILL SELL 1,000 "SHARES JOHNSON NICK- el stock, price right. 7700, Journal. SPECULATORS, Write for our pamohlet, "A Successful Method for Trading in Grain and Stocks." 1041 Lum- ber Exchange. RELIABLE ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, PAY- ing 15 per cent; can pay 25 per cent with im- provements; splendid investment; client wants partners or will Incorporate. Communicate with Frank Mason, Lean & Trust bldg. HAVE GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR INVEST- ments from $500 to $25,000; propositions which we have looked Into, and know are all rj^ht. Hamre, Norstrom & Co., 215 New York Life. $100 PER MONTH NET PROFIT, BEST PAY- ing rooming house in Minneapolis; thiity rooms. Hanford Rental Agency, 310 'Bank of Commerce. A ONE CHAIR BARBERBHOP FOR SALE— cheap rent: nice clean trade; reasons for sell- ing, other business, will sell cheap for cash. 7978, Journal. ^ i~AM THE ONLY 3IAN IN THE FUHNITURE business that really does sell cheap^ You can get new high-grade goods here ^iti 'what others > charge tor Inferior and , second-hand ' goods. Buy here and we both make monej. Paulson, 701 Nicollet, third floor Iverr's. REDUCED~FREIGHT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD goods to Chicago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast pOlnth, frequent shipments and lowest possible rates. Write or call on the Boyd Xiansfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S. ROOMS WITH USE OF TELEPHONE AND piano, with or without board. Call at 1907 4th av S. FOR SALE—A COMPLETE LAUNDRY PLANT, with established business, at a great bargain. Inquire of Elijah Barton, 305 Oneida Block, Minneapolis. FOR RENT—MEAT MARKET WITH ICE box, tools barn, etc., newly remodeled; good location; rent very reasonable, 409 Broad- way NE. FOR SALE—THREE BRUNSWICK-BALKE bowling allejs; a ,snap for someone this week; come quick. F. C. Jones, 3116 21st av S. _ _ _ WANTED—A SITUATION FOR A 30-HORSE- power engine In Minnesota or Wisconsin to saw lumber. George H. Ottey, Breckenridge, Minn. WE HAVE SOME EXTRAORDINARY BAR- gains in boarding and rooming houses; also hotels. Hamre, Norstrom & Co., 215 New York Life. FOR SALE—COUNTRY PAPER AND PLANT, cheap; $100 will handle it. Address 7553, Journal. AUTOMOBILES & BICYCLES FOR SALE—1806 SURREY TYPE RAMBLER, almost new. with top and extra tires and other equipment, $950. Model K Rambler, good, condition, top, lamps, etc., $650. Model A Cadillac, new double-tube tires, perfect order, $450. 1905 Olds runabout, run less than 200 miles, equipped with searchlight, $450. 1904 Olds, good running order, $270. .., . The Motor Car Co., 209 5th st S. f . , MOVING , rI THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. HAS unequaled facilities for moving, storing, pack- ing and shipping household goods, aud quotes REDUCED FREIGHT RATES thereon to Chi- cago, Denver. Spokana and Pacific coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasionally in making up a cdr, but we alone are able to ship with sufficient frequency and regularity to insure prompt and reliable serv- ice. For the best of service at the lowest rates, wiite or call at 46 3d st S. SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPIES, NOTHING BET- ter, makes flue Christmas gift, exchange one for 12-hainmer shotgun They are beauties; _ready to ship. A. G. Rehse. Stewart, Minn. FOR SALE—TWO PENS OF FULL BLOODED Orpington chickens from prize birds, are ex- tra fine, also some fine blooded Oi ping ton cockerels. 2100 Hawthorn av. Bryn Mawr. FOR SALE—SliT~THOROUGHBRED SCOTCH Collie pups, 6 weeks Old, the mother is from imported stock aud the father has a pedigree. 4700 Blaisdell av S._T\ C. phone 432l\ FOR SALE—LARGE CROSS-BRED NEW- foundland watchdog, cross-bred cocker spaniel puppies and pedigreed collie puppies. H. E. Pose>>^ Stewart, Minn. FOR SALT]—SINGLE AND ROSE COMB black minorcas; .bred from prize winners, were at Minneapolis shows. 367 Harrison av, St. Paul, Minn. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co. has best facilities for handling and stor- ing household goods, expert furniture packers; satisfaction assuied; car rates to Pacific coast and other points; can save you money, c"o not be deceived by other advelUsers, we can, and will do what we agree legurding car rates. Write or call. Safes and heavy machin- ery moved by experts. 122 5th st S. Both phones. WANTED—A FOUR-PASSENGER AUTOMO- bile, for which I will exchange a good, farm, 160 acres, in northeast Nebraska; farm Is A No. 1; auto must be same. For particu- lars address Charles R. Allen, Hawarden, Iowa. \ ,. NEW AUTOMOBILE, 12-HORSE POWER, tonneau, received in trade; will sell at a great sacrifice. 7841, Journal. FOR SALE—1905 RAMBLER, $800; 1904 KNOX, 20 h. .p., $800. N. T. Thornhlll. 817 3d Bt S. WINTER STORAGE AT REASONABLE RATES, best of wire. 6 E Grant st. CAMERpN'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE; Ex- pert packers for storage or shipment; large and commodious vans for moving. Office 200 Nicol- let; both phones 120S. Residence X. C. 13324. FLOUR CITY TRANSFER AND STORAGE— Moving and packing a specialty. Office 217 5th st S. Both phones 64S. FOR SALE OR 'EXCHANGE—COWS AND ealves, -one thoroughbred Jersey, a beauty; will take a good family horse. 2934 Lyndale av S. FOR SALE—GOOD, ~Y0UNG COW; GIVES four quaits milk a day; will be fresh in Febiuary, cheap at $25. 1115 Logan av N. FOR SALE—THREE HANDSOME AND HIGH- ly bie'd greyhounds at low prices. Apply to John Charlton & Son, room 3, 9% 5ih st S._ FINE WATCH BOG; CAN'T BE BEAT; MUST sell; he is 1 jear old: half Collie and Ches- apeake Bay. 114 W 38th st. Quick. i*0R SALE—ONE JERSEY BULL, 8'YEARS old; Que fresh Jeisej cow, 5 head of young stock; will sell iheap. 7886, Journal. ^EM^STAjf^m^NSFJER^ A. C. Reed and husband to C. Marbol. part of lots IS and 17, J. E. Merritt's subdivision '. $325 C. H. Prior to J. Trevor, lot 11. block 4, Hennepin Avenue addition 1,000 H. C. Peck to C. E. Purdy, lot 14, Elliot & Abbott's subdivision 3,0000 F. E. Woodward to W. H. Peterson, lots 6, 7 and 8, block 3, Prospect Park, sec- ond division C. E Veder and wife to A. M. Forester, lot: 4 and part lot 3. block 2. Nicollet "Avenue adoitlon ,...\..^ « VJ T r u e s d # r > J . 'W.' Girriun. "foTljB; Vim. ' i, Auditor's subdivision No. 24 ' 550 B. M. Topliff to B E. Frost, lots 24 and 25, block 1, Elwell's second addition... Thorpe Brothers to W. C.' Crane, lots 4 and 5, block 21, rearrangement fifth di- vision of Remington Park' '.. 0> E, Spong and wifo to M. Fenstad. lot 7, block 3, Baker's addition 2,100 F. S. Lane and wife to F. G. James, lots 1. 2. 3, etc., block 27, Forest Heights addition ,., Joseph Sinegal and wife to George Kar- inarick part ot lot 9, block 10, Len- non & Newell's addition M. M* McGrory to F. N. Finney, lots 1 and 2, block 2, Twenty-fifth Street sup- y clement ., j ff. Mahoney and wife to Massagoit Land - company, in section 18, township 28, range 24 H. Mafhias and wife to C. A. Anderson, lot 4, Mock 2, lot 5. block 4. Minne- tonka Bluffs C. S. Mason et al. to M. L. Trixlefc. lot 19. block* 1, Avfry'S Chicago Aventte addition .'... 5 W. H. Kevelin and wife to F. Nelson and wife, lot 16, block 4, Harrison Street supplement H. W. Jones to L< B. Elwood. lot 14. block 27, Forest Heights addition H. Hurley and wife to O. W. Brown, part of lot 3, block 1, Foster's addition 2,600 Homestead Investment company to H. 0. Woodruff, in section 24. township 29, range 24 4.300 N. K. Henderson and wife to A. L. Broughton, lot 7, block 1, Remington's second addition 8,200 L. B. Elwood and wife to F. G. James, lot 14, block 27. Forest Heights addi- tion James T. Elwell and wife to A. Poeock. lot 18. block 2, Ramsey, Lockwood and others' addition C. W. Griggs and wife to H. Yost, lot 9, block 9, Oak Lake addition , M. D. Flint to A. E. Juergens.' lota 22 and 23, Auditor's subdivision No. 60... B. C. Frost to E . M. Erickspn, lot 24, _ block! JL Elwell's second addition -,,>,. 0, 'J. Aijtterson and wife to 1 M". E . N i l e s . lot" 10. Diock 28, Ramsey. Lockwood and others 1.000 H. J. Barber and husband to F. E. Wood- ward, lots 6, 7. 8. block 8. Prospect Park, second division revised 1.350 E. S. Coffin to M. M. McGrory. lots 1 and 2, block 2, Xwenty-flfth Street ad- dition 1.000 1. F. Cushman and husband to J. Omen, part of lot 7, block 9. Wright's addi- tion 1,800 Angus McLeod company to E. P. Godley. part of lot 5. block 75, Xown of Minne- apolis , 8.200 George D. Dayton and wife to S. H. Davis, part ot lot 5, block 2, Dayton's subdivision 1.000 C. S. Dever and wife to M. C. McGrory. lots 1 and 2, block 2. Twenty-fifth Street addition 1.000 J. Anderson and husband to H- O. Kroon. part of lot 7. Auditor's subdivision No. 19 150 H. X Daniels et al. to R. B, Daniel, part of lot 7. block 4, Lake of the Isles ad- dition- ...'. - - 5i500 E. F. tparker to J. W. Ertl, trustee, lot 3, tblock 1, Parker Side - . . . - - . , 200 T. Basting et al., trustees, to P. Wbalen. .lot 18, blocfc 2, rearrangement blocks E. Vl. . F, etc . Tails City 180 L. Osmer and wife to C. Gove et al.. lot 8. A.idltor's subdivision No. 12 1,600 285 200 MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS R. ft *™ Station, Washington and 4th ats N. "* Office. 424 Nicollet. • Except Sun.: others dally. Leave for CHICAGO "9:85 am 7:45 via Leave for ST. LOUIS *9.35 am 7:45 pm Leave for DES MOINES *u.35 am 8.35 nm Leave for OMAHA. California.*9.35 am 8:35 urn For Watertown and Storm Lake *9:02 am For Madison and Eethervllle. .*9:02 am 6:15 cm WISCONSIN OENTEAL R'Y. TICKET OFFICE. 880 NICOLLET AV. Pheaae—T. 0.. *M: M. W.. Mala Hi. Leave. Chipeewa Falls, Marsh-1 held, Ashland,Iron Towns,] I end du Lac, Oshkoah 1 8:00 a. m. Milwaukee, Chicago..'.;, f 1:05 p. m. Arrive. i£Q a-m. l;10 p.m. HOTEL ARRIVALS ,1,000 4.350 -•r n,< [ 1 HOTEL HYSER—M. E. ^ftSselln Dubuque: George R. Kapler, Wadena; J. McQueen, Win- nipeg, Miss It. Ward. Mrs. H. A. Schaeger, Alexandria. W. F. Pdrcell. Chicago: J. W. Hood, Fargo; L. L. Brockett and wife. New York, J. H Newinari, Detroit, G. H. Enien. Northwood, Iowa; W. L. Johnson. Renville: J. J. White, Cogswell, N. D., H. S. Gowan, Fergus Palls, D. J. McAllister. Winona, h. Porter, Chicago; W. L. Bluten. Hauglin, Wis.: G. A. Elder, Duluth; J» JT. Clark, Chaska; M. G. Myers, Wortbingtoiw W. K. Rudd. Ml- laca, Minn., John C. Hollenbeck. Chicago; W. G. McKinley, Chicago, C. E. Wheeler. Fargo;. George c. Gilbert, Cass Lake, Minu.; E. S. Hoeiell, Chicago; Harry Lear, Wash- ington, Mr. j,and MM. George.- S. Hoge, Ma- delta, Minn.; W. J. Lee, Chicago, C. Val- entine, Breckenridge, Mlnn.4 Ev G. Stojte and wife, Reedsburg; M. Weeks, Chicago; J. H. Babcock, Rockford, Ill.t B. P. Kelly, Cot- tonwood; C. B. Miller, Duluth; Claude Luse, Duluth; D. W. Ellis, Chicago: J. C. White, Mabel, Minn.; Al Kendall, Vancouver, B. C; J. W. McCulloch and daughter. Moose Jaw: F. B. Sullivan, Chicago; A. F. Bate, son and wife, Duluth; R. R. Briggs, Duluth; MU* Edith Briggs, Duluth; F. W. Drexburg, Cal- lsdane, Minn.; Leland Drexburg, La Crosse, Wis ; Fitz Hundt, La Crosse, Wis.; J. A. O'Keefe, Hay ward, W. L. Perkins. Chiccago; O. L. Langworthy, Courtenay; A. S. Asher. New York; Sam H. Clark, Thief River Falls; J. M. Reed, Duluth; W. J. Hrown, Warren; Mr. and Mrs. X W. Ingersoll, Aberdeen: Mrs. Lucas Kells, Aberdeen; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tobias*. Fargo; W. J. Xippery, Fargo; C. B. Focamon, Eureka, S. D„; T. E. Danlelson and brother, Willmar; Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Whittlesby, Fargo; Dr. J. Fahl, Andmoon, N. D.jiFred Hey man. New York; E. J. Smith, Independence, Iowa; Mrs. L. S. Harris, Oakes. N. D.; H. Somsen, New Ulm; Mrs. Gunderson, - Aiexandrla; J. N. Eiseman, Chicago; A. F. MeCSrllon, Princeton; B. L. Hanerek, Mil- 1 waukee; Dr. King, Fergus Falls: Miss Etta Chase, F-ergua lalls;' A. C. Bader, De- troit; J. G. Harris, Chicago; J. L. ROM, Chicago, J. W. Alexander, Northfleld; A F. Landers, Decorah; W. W. Strayer. Chi- cago; A. McCulloch, Albert Lea; Mr. and Mra. t& P X. Leser. Richards; Mr. and Mra. C. W. J Babb, Buffalo, N. Y.; Paul Kltzstimer, Cltve- Ha, land, N. Griswold, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J. % B. Carey, Spring Valley; J. Emil Nelson, Will- ^ mar; Viola Kenyon, Owatonna; Mae Kenevan. v* Owatonna; J. D. Crooker, Farge; Mra. L. M. t f Hardin, Walker; L. A. • Xyasvold, Willmar; * A O Wilkinson, Duluth; Dr. N. S. Leraeman. | Duluth,; G. A. Burnt. J. A. Bradley, Fred .1 Hall, J. G. Xagarty, Duluth; J. J. Britt, M. P C. Cree, San Francisco: Charles J. Du Dude, %* Chicago; J. J. Fleckenham, Charles Wagner, <4 Mankato; G. T. Fenton, Jamestown. N. Y.; A G. Randall, Kensel, N. D.; E. X. Burns, j Stanley; Miss Jennie Faucett. Owatonna. > » 'A Total $61,405 FOR SALE—HANDSOME WELCH SHEPHERD dogs; one tiick French poodle; males. Won- derland kennels, 2817 Lake st. FQR BALE—16 REGISTERED HOMING * pigeons; good for 'squab breeders; $10 takes the lot. 2632 2d av S. NOTICE mf IF THINKING OF STORE FIXTURES T« "Grand Rapids" Factory to you without tribute to jobber or middleman; show and display cases, counters, etc.; window display fixtures. Northwestern branch, Grand Rapids #Flxtures Co., Minneapolis. Illustrated catalogue mailed free upon reuuest. OIL'MEAL, $l.BCr; OYSTER SHELLS, 7"6c; mica grit, 75c per 100-lb sack, J. H. Smith, ,214?2U6 Hennepin ay.. ,____ FOR SALE—ONE POINTER DOG 1 YEAR OLD. color liver and white, good chicken and quail dog. 7053, Journal. |W WILL BUY A LARGE, FINE GREAT Daue; also St. Bernard pups. Lock Box 4. FOR SALE—CARLOAD FRESH MILCH COWS, or trade for beef. 3008 27th av S. FOR SALE—ANGORA. OATS, PEDIGREED; $8.50. 1033 W 7th «t. St. Paul. FOR SALE—FINE BULLPUPS. CALL AT 4608 Nicollet av. BUI^n^PERWJTS^ Louis Rauk, 3532 Bryant avenue, 1%-story frame dwelling . $2,000 Ida M. Matland, 3524 Stevens avenue, one-story frame dw elllng 2,200 E. J. Berkeseth, 4538 Plllsbury avenue. 1%-story frame dwelling J.20Q Minneapolis Brewing company, 71 Thir- teenth avenue NB, stone foundation for bottling works j. "... tf,600 Albert Angel, 401 Ontario street SE, two- story frame dwelling /. 2,500 Tnrte6 minor p e r m i t s ..... . -..>/...'. ^.'. ,,.'.^i, , 48O Total, eight permits/. 1 .'.'.!. .f«.. ?. ..'$14,980 1 v O .-* .- <sA-03.Tjr 1*K '0. .1 HOTELS HOTEL VENDOME; EUROPEAN; PORCELAIN plumbing, parquet floors, room telephones, -j, steam heat, 75c-$1.25; withjBath_$1.50-$2. ^ HOTEL ALLEN, 3d ST AND 2d A V S j ONLX 'Jh- hotel in the city having all outside rooms. „ ^ 1 ttes^JSc. $1, $1-50 single. J ^ MELBOURNE HOTEL, 827 HENNEPIN AT. "J Elegantly furnished rooms: strictly flrst-claag. -j(| SEVENTH ST HOTEL; NEW AND MODERN; from 15t day upwards. 80 7th st S. ^^UNERAL^JRE^TORS^ JOHN M. GLEASON. FUNERAL DIRECTOR and emtalmer 82 7th st S. Both phones. HUME & DAVIES FUNERAL DIRECTORS, MA- sonic Temple, 0th and Hennepin. Both phones". HUME & ROBERTS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 710 Hennepin a>. T. C. 9707. N. W. 3282. J. AMOR & CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EM- balmers. 505 2d av S. Both phones, 755. RAINV2LLE BROS., UNDERTAKERS AND furniture, 17 Central av. Both phones. CRADLE, ALTAR, _GRAVE BIRTHS. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Swahson, 827 Twenty-niht& avenue U, a boy % Mr and Mrs. A. J. Lundoerg, 426 Penn ave- nue X, a boy. Mf. atid Mrs. 'B. Kolsatt, 2810 Xhird street N. a boy.''' -in, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Stern, 1100 Kenwood park- *|| •way, a girl. '«, MARRIAGE LICENSES, .*--..*$-• Peter^Ltotrblbbni and Ojrisfrne- Hagen. £%£ John E. Sala and Fanny Rostedt. »"IM1 Kale W. Rostedt and Emilja Mlkkola. ^££53 Ceven Meaehan and Pearl M. Tanner. fWVi Henry Allen and Jennie Koklne. V;"-? Charles Llna and Erlka Alamaar. *£& George H. Johnson and Anna G. Loberg. Andrew Blcs and Mary Toiszak. Jacob Price and Nettie Strlmling. 5 " _. DEATHS. ^"% Paul Brown, 224 Eighth street 'SE. Carl G. Anderson, 2950 Dupont avenue N. Patrina Iverson, 653 Adams street NB. '

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Page 1: J W S Let a Sunday Want - Library of Congress...FOR SALE—HARDWARE STORE. ONLY ONE in tovn; $20,000 business in 1005; building 24x132 f*et, 80 feet finished in hard pine, cash, no

P?§»®11' . 5Si Se<;ond:

JyewS"Sect^^ l1"W*t* B B B E Sunday, ftoveMbV/s, i9&5,




W A N T E D — A MAN W I T H $100 OR MOKE CASH as partner in introducing a hardware'specialty. I own the patent right and all necvstary ma­chinery for the manufacture of same, prefer a man with some mechanical ingenuity who could look after the mechanical part or else a man who is good at correspondence; this Is 110 experiment, as article has already prov­en a good seller, and whatever mouej you put into it you wi l l handle yourself. 7960, Jour­nal.

•:. H

BIG SNAP—GROCERIES, D R Y GOODS, HARD-iv are, shoes, clothing, furniture, undertaking, all kinds new goods, established cash trace, with building 7bxl0o f ee t , has the best trade of any store; wi l l stand invest igat ion, cost about $3l»,U00; wi l l sell at discount or ex­change for twin city property or secured notes; might exchange part of goods for residence, Minneapolis, must retire January next. Owner Big Department Store, Downing, W's .

X H A V E FOR BALE A BLOCK OF STOCK I N one of the best mining piopositlon extant let me prove this to you; do not let thia opportunity pass , If you have money to In­vest and wil l write, naming place of meet­ing, and time and give me one-half hour, I will g ive you $5 tor the thirty minutes' t ime if, after investigation, you are not thor­oughly satisfied with my proposition. 8029, Journal.

(600 TO $1,000 ALL THAT IS NECESSARY TO put you In the best proposition possible, enjoj delightful California c l imate , be jour own boss, l ive under jour own "vine and hg tree, « l i fe of contentment and prosperity, party leaving .NOT. 7 ami 14. 1 ree faro to bona nde bargain home buyers. Apply at once Uhresher, 915 New York Life.

^ ^ B U S I N E S ^ H A N C E S ^ ^ ^ Continued.

STACKS A N D BONDS UNDERWRITTEN AND guaranteed; companies desiring to Boat their titock call at office for Information, wbicb costs nothing, but will start you ofl r ight W. P. Mason, 419 Andrus bldg.

THIS BEATS N E W JERSEY—CHARTERS cheap for mining, milling, manufacturing, rail­roads or any other industrial pursuit. Laws, blanks free. Philip Lawience, former ass istant secretary state , Huron, S. D .

WANTED—PARTNER W I T H F E W H U N D R E D dollars, to join me in permanent paj ing busi­ness , this is a rare chance for any sober, in­dustrious man. Call or write Wil l iam 0 . Salmon, C07 Booton Block.

F . L.

TOR SALE—A 1,000,000 BUSHEL FIRST-CLASS grain elevator, located at Hast ings , Mlnu., a town of 4,000 people; onl> one elevator in c i ty now buj ing g ia in , bince farmers ele­vator burned thiee weeks ago; over 1,000,000 hushrels of grain marketed in tha city annual­l y , wi l l sell cheap; this i s a chance not picked up of ten; look i t up Inquire of F. H. Scri-ber, 3 W & Jackson s t , _ g t . Paul, Minn

FOR SALE—ONE-HALF OR WHOLE INTER-est in first-class restaurant, bakery and pool and billiard hal l ; cash sales from $1,500 to 82,800 per month; stock in restaurant in­cluding fixtures, etc . , $2,200; bakery, $»X>; pool and billiard hall, $1,000, none but up-to-date and enterprising business men need reply. For particulars write 7836, Journal.

FOR SALE—HARDWARE STORE. ONLY ONE in t o v n ; $20,000 business in 1005; building 24x132 f*et, 80 feet finished in hard pine, cash, no trade, $8,000 handles this bargain. R O M E. Parka. Lily. S. P .

DO YOU WAJXX TO TURN OV.bR YOUR B'JSI-ne&s quick.' Lis>t with us . No l ist ing fee charged We do an honest business, ca l l or write the le l iable brokers. Hamre, Norstroni & Co., 115 New Yotk Life.

WANTED—PARTNER W I T H CASH CAPITAL of $15,000 or $20,000, ten years old; es­tablished piospeious wholesale business, paying elegant profits on investment; must know im­mediately. 7733, Journal.

PARTNER " W A N T E D — GOOD PRACTICAL man with some cash can buy half interest with carpentei and general contiactor, down town location, one of the best equipped shops in town 7270, Journal.

__BUSJ[NES^CHANjOTS___ Continued.

IF YOU W A N T TO BELL YOUR E N T I R E stock of merchandise for cash, address, the United Purchase Co.. 76 Euclid av, Cleveland Ohio.

$1,000 ONLY; SPLENDID ROOMING HOUSE; high class transient patronage, wi l l take part cash, or small house, or good lot. 7878, Jour­nal.

A PERSON WHO CAN GIVE EXCELLENT I n ­formation on wheat and stock market wants to meet some heavy speculator. 8228,.tJournal.

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BUSINESS OPENING or investments? Call on us. Wa can suit you. Hanne , Norstrom & Co., 215 New York Life.

FOR SALE—RESTAURANT I N A GOODCOUN-ty-seat town, oven and fixtures the verv beat kind, good reason for ee l l lng . 7884, Journal.

W A N T E D — $100 to $1,000 FOR INVESTMENT in manufacturing enterprise; very profitable and safe; best references. 7800, Journal.


>r-« -,'H

CHATTEL LOANS. Minnebota Mortgage Loan Co.,

es tabl i shed 25 Years . Loans ' "•

On furniture, pianos, horses, e tc . , without the sl ightest publicity. Small or large payments, weekly or monthly, wi th privilege ot payment on or before, thus slopping all cost. Having been engaged in the money-lending business for the past 25 years, a>,d with the large cli­entele we have, we are enabled to make' the lowest rates and give the quickest possible service. Our record and reputation for the past 25 years insures honorable and confiden­tial dealing to al l . '

Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., *• * 805-308 Bank of Commerce Bldg.,1 **

1 s t av S and 4th st . »* ?<*

COUNTRY BANKER. YOUNG MAN 24. B u s i ­ness ability excellent, l e fe iences , and country banking experience, desires at once, connection wi th North Dakota bank, $1,000 to $1,300 to invest. 7S24, Journal.

I HAVE TWO GOOD PAYING ROOMING hcuaes foi sale t ra t wil l not only give you free rent for jour home, but wil l g ive you a profit; whj pay rent. Wil l iam C. Salmon, 507 Boston Block.

$8t0 BUYS LAW OFFICE W I T H L I B R A R Y , loan and insurance business In best .North Dakota town; earning yearly $2,200; terms half cash, snap. Hamre, Noistrom & Co., 2 i 0 New York Lite.

WANTED—A STORE W I T H LIVING ROOMS, suitable for confectionery and l ight grocer­ies, in a good location. 1500 7th st S.

FOR SALE—HALF INTEREST IN ESTAB-llshed business; profits from $15,000 to $20,000 per annum, no agents . 7837, Journal.

EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN H A S $3,500 TO Invest with services in country banking busi­ness. Full particulars. 8082, Journal.

AN EXCEPTIONAL LOCATION FOR A BUR* geun 01 p h j s k i a u , German Catholic preferred. Apply to L. B , No. 116 Webster, S. D.

DO YOU W A N T A HOKE ON EASY TERMS; four matured United States Instal lment Real ty Co. conti acts foi sale. 8007, Journal. • r

CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GROCERY stores f iom $110 up. Everyone a snap. Hamre, Norstrom & Co., 215 New York Life.

FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS GROCERY, STOCK and fixtures, established e i g h t years; good cash trade, low rent. 8258, Journal.

ARE YOU LOOKING ' • ' For a t r i e n d

To Loan You Money? We loan on furniture. pianos, salaries,

horses, wagons, etc. Low rates, easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday ti l l 9 p.m. Call, write or telephone—N. W. Main 1770,

Twin City 1/378. Minneapolis Loan Co.,

601-602 Globe Bldg., 22 4th s t S. *


FOR~SALE^X'~TEAlSr^ matchel, full-blood legistered Cljde mares; also new heavy Mitchel lumber wagon and double box, mares wil l weigh 3,000 lbs , guaranteed to be sound; not afraid of any­thing and excellent good pul le i s , lovers of a good team should not miss seeing' them: wi l l stand at Wllber house barn (next union depot) , Tuesdaj , Nov. 0.

LOGGERS TAKE NOTICE. 400 to 600 head of big, heavy, young, first-

clasp logging horses constantly on hand; each horsei guaranteed as represented; come and see US before buying, we can save j o u money and give you rejection from the largest coi? lection in the northwest. Barre t t '& Zlmmet-


725 Temple Court, Minneapolis. Prompt attention given to all legal business

and collections. Your correspondence solicited. THE SWEETSTER-RO0HE8TER CO.,

810-811 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Best equipped collection department in northwest.

FLORISTS \ A R T I S T I O F U i r e i G i ^ D E ^ ^

flowers, baskets,, bouquets, e t c / Telephones: Ma^n 7JS. X C. 2800. P a t t a e * > Xhomp-bon, iflorlsta, 11 7tjh at $

man, Paul.

Midwny Hoise Market, Midway, St.

AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES. A $10,000 investment is invited for an

amusement enterprise for the next summer season, which wil l pay big profits, ample real estate security wil l be given to pro­tect the investor. 7501, Journal. ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

BUSINESS CHANCES—HOTEL, EUROPEAN plan, income $600 per month, finest in the city , terms. _„ „. „

i a n i l l y hotel, 60 rooms, Income $2,000 per month, never been on the market , terms.

If you want a good rooming or boarding house call a t the People's Agency, 912 1st av S. X. C. 0073.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c STORM SASH IN STOCK

In all s izes and large quantit ies . Our prices ure right. Both phones 96.

City Sash and Door Co., 4th St, Opposite Courthouse.

HAVE SEVERAL BARGAINS I N CORNER CON-fectionery and giocerj stores, good loca­tions, and wi l l be sold at sacrifice if taken .quick. Hamre, Nois t iom & Co., 215 New York Life Bldg.

HAVE YOU A FRIEND WHO STAMMERS t IF so send him to us, do him a kindness; we can cure him permanently in six weeks . Northwestern School for Stammerers, 1222 Hennepin av.

FOR »ALx—J: U R N -SH E D ROOMING HOUSE, l b rooms, all rented; best location in the c i t y ; leased to present occupant past 11 years; reason for sale, poor health; cash $1,200. 8250, Journal.

FOR SALE—STORE BUILDING AND STOCK consisting of groceries, shoes, dry goods and patent medicines; guaranteed fresh stock; cheap for cash only. Gust Thompson, Vang, N. D.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Cold storage plant located at Hudson, w i s . ,

having a capacity of 10,000 cases eggs , 200,000 pounds butter and 20,000 pounds cheese , plant is equipped wi th Cooper Brine refrigeiator, positive ventilation and mechanical air circu­lation sjbtems. Inquire a t once of Peter J. Johnson, Ellsworth, Wis.

WANTED—STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE MANr AS state manager, large corporation, established 22 j e a i s , doing business every state in union, salary $2,100 for 10V& months per year and commissions. Minimum investment $1,500 in stock company and exceptional lefereuces re­quired. Supt. Agencies , Wilbur fetock Foou Oo., Milwaukee, Wis .

GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSINESS, A rare opportunity, long established, the lead lng business, located in best store building in fine Minnesota t o w n , 150 miles from c i t ies , no bonus for good wi l l , average sales $0,500 monthly; clean, up-to date stock. Knudtson Land Co., I08 1st av N.

FOR SALE—ROOMING HOUSE, 20 ROOMS; strictlj modern; newly furnished, centrally located; price and terms to suit purchaser. Charles M. Moiton Company, 300-3O2 Nicol­let av.

FOR SALE—BEST A N D LARGEST R E T A I L shoe business in the city of Albert Lea; own­er has other matters demanding immediate at­tention. Wrife H. E. Skinner, Albert Lea, Minn.

CONTROLLING INTEREST I N PRODUCE commission business, $500; rent low; owner has other interests. 8089, Journal.

FOR SALE O R _ T R A D E FOR GOOD FARM near twin cities, one of the best laundries In Minneapolis. Address 777 6, Journal.

A $2,500 MEDICAL PRACTICE TO DOCTOR buying my fine home for $2,000; $750 cash, balance easy terms. 7656. Journal.

FOR SALE—FIRST MORTGAGE ON MINNE-apoiis real estate in following amounts: $200, beariug 7 per cent interest , $600, 6 per cent; $5,000, 6 per cent , $15,000, 5 per cent; t i t les all insured and good investments. Call or w i i t e for particulars. G. H. Rrownell, Boston

_Block .

TWO OF T H E ORIGINAL 9,668 SHARES OF the l a b a s c o Plantation company's stock for sale at a bargain, present holder has been on the company's property in Mexico and -knows the plantation to be al l that i t is represented. Bes t of reasons for sell ing. 7845, Journal.

W A N T LOAN OF $3,000 OR I N SMALLER amounts a t 10 per cent, based on 40 per cent value of security; security offered. 8 per cent preferred stock under guarantee; would bell part of stock at reasonable discount. 701b, Journal.

DRUG STORE—I W A N T TO B U Y A FIRST-class drug store; wil l pay cash for desirable business; no agents . 7865, Journal.

FOR SALE—A 1 2 - R 0 0 M BOARDING-HOUSE; rooms all full; also a number of table board­ers, no agents . 8095, Journal.

I HAVE SOME LAND I W I S H TO TRADE. FOB a stock of goods, or rather property; fdr par­

t icular! address 7815, Journal. _ ^ _ _ _

FOR SALE—A SMALL H A R D W A R E STOCK doing good business. Inquire of owner, M. Dzlew auowski, Rutland, Iowa.

FOR SALE—STOCK OF NOTIONS, JJTW'ELRY", chluaware, glassware,, small dry goods, fix­tures, $320. 517 Cedar av.

FOR SALE—GOOD PAYING CITY DRAY LINE. Look this up. Bargain. Hamre. Norstrom & Co.. 215 New York Life.

FOR SALE—RESTAURANT W I T H CONFEC-tionery, fruits, cigars, etc. P . O. Box 210, Winnebago City, Minn.

W A N T E D — P A R T Y W I T H $100 CASH TO HAN-dle ray patent on royalty; another patent for $250 cash. " 9 0 \ Journal.

BUILDING LOANS MY SPECIALTY. MY plan is simple and satisfactory alike to own­ers and contractors. Funds advanced as need­ed in building. No delay or disappointment.

_ E . D. Brown. 738 Lumber Exchange. FOR S A L E — O N - TOP SfANa.Oi 'E , ONE MAS-

cot, one runabout, good delivery and driviug horse, single and uoublp harness, line robe, buffalo co.it, cheap, leaving city . Central Market Livery, 120 7th s t N .

PRIVATE PARTY WILL MAKE LOANS OF. $50 or less to men permanently employed. I posi­t ively guarantee lowest rates; no ass ignment or security of any kind required; strictly con-

. fideiitial. 1114, Journal. _ _ LOAN W A N T E D — I DESIRE TO BORROW $10,-

Wf) for live years at low rate of iuteres t , s e ­cured by first mortgage on Minneapolis, real estate conservatively valued a t )>26,0O0. Ad­dress 7831, Journal.

FOR SALE—HORSE, 7 YEARS OLD, PERFECT-Iy sound, absolutely reliable for any lady; fine roadster, about 1,100, together with rub­ber-tired Concord, harness, robe, blanket and Whip, all for $190; few norses his equal in Minneapolis. Owner has , serious attack of Automobllophobln.'' Call a t 17001 James av 8.

N E W ' YORK FLORISTS. 7 -WASH. AV 8 : feather and cut flowers and plants: floral de­signs for all occasions, T. C. phone 1728.

WATERS FLORAL CO., WEST HOTEL, 6th ST side; choice flowers for all' occasions. Phones.






BLANKETS AND ROBES, BLANKETS AND robes, horse blankets, plush and fur robes, s l ightly damaged by fire and water, at less than 50c on the dollar; leather top sweat pads,

' 50c pair; deer tilled pads, 50c pair, leguiar pads 25c pair, two cheap ho i ses , nothing but bargains, 414 3d s t S.

S I X HACKS, FOUR BROUGHAM8, THREE "hearses', Cwo <rockaways. one Victoria, < one. coupe all tennlsbed, most all have rubber t iros, prices from $150 up; one Kimball broug­ham, full size, good as new, a bargain. H. G. GooSman, 6 E Grant st.

MULES. MULES. MULES. 100 head of good, big mules of all kinds for

sa le , draft, farm and del iveiy mules; best lot ever seen in the market. Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, Midway, St. Paul.

WANTED—WILL SOME ONE LEND A N HON-est miarried man, regularly employed, $150 for six months on household furniture worth over $1,900? Address 8032, Journal.

MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, RE-tKil merchants, teamsters , boarding houses, without secur ty; offices in 53 principal cit ies . Xolman. 020 New York Life- building.

$12,000 BUYS TWO-THIRD INTEREST IN manufacturing plant, earning $10,000 to $20,000 year ly; this chance wil l not be onen long. Hamre. Norstrom &^Co.. 215 New York Life.

Q R i A l b W r c I i A t t O i . 1 0 R P A R T Y W I T H $6,000 cash or that amount secured, to step Into long established big manufacturing enterprise; if the right n u n wil l be made manager, and guarrnteed $2,500 income first year, a rare opportunity, call on Hamre, Norstrom & Co., 21o New York Life.

FOR SALE—THE BEST-PAYING RESTAU-l a u t business in s ta te ; good local and tran­sient trade, near two depots; Yankton college

- two blocks distant , a good chance for a hus­t ler , good reason for sell ing. Address George V. Hariington, Depot Restaurant, Xankton, S. D.

ONE OF THE BEST LOCATED GROCERY stores in this c i ty; low rent; net income, $3,000 for the past eight years; old ago leason tor sell ing out; this is a great chance; don't miss invest igat ion, price $2,000. George B. Dartt, 807 Phoenix Bldg.

FOR SALE—A SHOE A N D MEN'S FURNISH-ing store in Northern Minnesota, doing good business , owner desires to change to warmei c l imate , last year's business over $11,000 oti $4,000 stock, low rent, long lease, modern building, a snap 8272, Journal.

P A R T Y - W I T H $500 ~ T 0 $1,000 TO INVEST in new uinnufaetuiing concern with three men of good standing, tne enterprise is a great inonej maker and nothing but a man o f good standing will be considered, chance of l i fet ime for hustler. 8061, Journal.

ROOMING HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, MODERN; rent $27.50; swel l location, gives jou mag­nificent home, besides $67 income, $300 han-dlea It. Taylor & Taylor, 401 Kasota Bldg.

FOR SALE—BARBERSHOP AND BILLIARD hall in town of 500, only one in town; doing big business and best location; must be sold; good reason for sel l ing. 8074, Journal.

FOR SALE—BARBERSHOP, TWO CHAIRS, three bath rooms, hot and cold water , doing good business, price $125, call evenings from 6 to 8. Must sell Banse, 1900 Riverside av.

GROCERY, 8th W A R D . DAILY SALES, $100. Grocery and meat market for sale. Partner wanted in manufacturing business. N. Shepard, Bank of Commerce Building. _

FOR S A L E — D E P 0 T ~ H 0 T E L ""AND LUNOH-room, Egan S. D , junction point; splendl l business, a moneymaker; rare opportunity; good reputation. Ad Iress 8267, Journal

OFFICE BUSINESS; CLEARED $20,000 LAST five years; futuie prospects wil l double in­come, price $1,000, owner leaving county. Woodiuff, 310 N o i t h w e s t e m Building. _ ^

A STRICTLY HONEST PERSON, W I T H E X i cellent Judgment on wheat and stock marKet would like to handle deals on commission for out of-town people. 8639, Journal.

HARNESS SHOP, WELL ESTABLISHED A N D doiug good business. Inquire 1123 3d av S, Minneapolis. Minn.

WANTED—TO LOAN $2,500, INTEREST 6 per cent , no commission, ample security. 7875, Journal. "*

I CAN SELL YOUR B U S I N E S S ; BEND DE-scription. Shepard, Bank Commerce building.'

FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS TOOLROOM? GOOD location. 3122 Washington av N.

WANTED—AN ESTABLISHED P A Y I N G BUS-ineBs of magnitude. 8011, Journal


MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY PROP erty at lowest current rates; payment privi­leges g iven; no delay in closing. Minneapolis Trust Co , Hennepin av and 4th st .

FOR SALE—FIRST W 0 R T G A Q E ~ 0 F $400 ON improved Minneapolis property worth $1,500: 6 per cent interest and due February, 1908, E. C. HoUlday. 340 'Temple Court

WANTED—WE B U Y AND SELL ALL KINDS of N\agons, buggies, harness; a lways ready to buy large or small quantit ies; bankrupt Stocks a specialty. Wldmayer & Prendergast, 414 3d st S.


jfcrs and solicitors; main office S25-033 Guar­anty building, Minneapolis, Minn.; 52 McGill building. .Washington, D. C.


central locaiiQu: near to depots; 6,750 feet floor space; l ight, warm and wel l arranged. 403 Bank Commerce. , .


$350 TEAM 4 YEARS OLD, WEIGHT 8,550; for $275; No. 1 work mare; 8 years old, $1^0; 1,100-pound horse, $60; 7-year-old dilv-ing mare $35; wil l sell separate. 3820 Port­land av.

FOR BALE—EXPRESS WAGON I N F I N E shape, $25; one l ignt meat or grocery wagon, new, $bo, one top wagon, newly painted, good as new, $65. 128 Western av. J. M. Nortner.

WAGON AND CARRIAGE REPAIRING AND painting; buggies painted from $6 up; cutters from $3.50 up; rubber tires put on a l l -k ind* of vehicles. 130 Western av. J . M. Nortner.

BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS. About 1,000 pah horse blankets, all kinds,

choap; also 1 e w and second hand harness. Central Market Harness Co., 128 7th s t N.

T H E BOYD TRANSFER te STORAGE CO. H A S unequaled faci l i t ies for moving, storing, pack­ing and shipping household goods, and quotes REDUCED FREIGHT RATES thereon to Chi­cago Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasionally 1A making np a car. b e t w e alone are able to ship wi th sufficient frequency and regularity to insure prompt and reliable serv­ice. For the best of service at the lowest rates, write or call a t 46 3d s t S.


City ticket office, 828 Nlcollat Arenoe. Phono t i l Passenger Station, Washington *nd SdAve*. South. (Sun. only. 'Daily. iEx. San. t £ x . S a t H Ex. Mon.

Leave. MARCH 28,1335, Arrive. * ISO am La Crosse, Milwaukee, Ohloago. '10,31 p n

tf-Hft&SS^&'iS^. \w>™ * 8.90 am Northfield. Faribault, $ K. O * 8.21 p 71 £10.15 am Ortonville, Mil bank, Aberdeen.. 16 01 p a

8L55am Mankato, Wells, Jackson. . ^ f l l o j p a * 2£) pm Winona, La Crosse, Milwaukee- * 3.21 p n •8.50pm Faribault, Dubuque, Chicago. . . . *i0.3J»a -^i j e j & p m Mankato, Wells t l t U a p * •• *

The Fast Mail. * 6.45 pm La Orosse, Milwaukee, Ohioago.. *6.Hipm Ortonville, Fargo, Aberdeen.. . 11JT pm Northfleld, Fairhaalt, Aust in. . .

The Pioneer Limited. %l? "8.03 pm La Oroeso, Milwaukee, Chicago.. ' 8 . n a V 10,25 pm La Crosse, Milwaukee, Chicago.. 12.11 p a *

tipin pm Madison, Wis., Janesv„Roekrord \ ^g^g £ 9 '

I H i a B. 6c Q. Ry. KnPMPH P h o n s N - w - M a l n 860- T - c - 8 U

i M t m m M l Ticket office, eor. 3rd and Nicol let . 8 ^ w — — ^ M Union Depot—Nicol let and Huth rt.

•7.25 am t l U D » »

MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co. has best faci l i t ies for handling and stor­ing household goods, expert furniture packers; satisfaction assured; cut rates to Pacific coast and other points our specialty. 122 0th s t S. Both phones.

CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE— Best faci l i t ies for moving and storing house' hold goods; expert packers*. Office. 200 Nicol­le t . Both phones 1208. Ees . phone^ T. C. 18324.

BENZ BROS. . TRANSFER. AND "STORAGE; finest .vans and warerpoms; goods movedr by experienced men. 112 5th at N . - B o t h tols . ,

FIREPROOF STORAGE, CLEAN SEPARATE rooms; packing and shipping. 106 1st av N.

W E OFFER OUR OWN MXINEY TO LOAN ON improved city property at lowest current rates ; no delay. The Minnesota Loan & Trust Co.,

* 313 NFcottet^av. ~ *> . - ^ • - <• • •<•- . 1 '

^ANTErjZ.TO 3 ' BORROW FROM P R I V A T E party $1,000 on flrst-class real estate mort­gage; wi l l pay T per cent ; no commission, P. 0 . Box 50. ;

WANTED—TO BORROW FROM P R I V A T E party $900 on flrst-class real estate mort­gage ; wil l pay 7 per cent; no commission. 7956, Journal.

$50 WILL B U Y A F I N E DRIVER. 7 YEARS old, weight between 850 and 900; safe for a lady; al*i for sale one new rubber-tired run­about. 1314 Washington av N.

SEAL BROWN HORSE, FIRST-CLASS, 8 YEARS old, 1,300 pounds, very styl ish, high action; the best for any purpose, broke single or

> double , -at 514 7th st S. " ONE OF ^C»;E, FLNEST CLOSED P R I V A T E CAR-

c i a g e s x in the city, depot wagon style, cost $875] price $300, just like new (quick). Fitz-

'gerald, 3018 Aldrich S

COPPER—IF YOU W A N T AN HONEST IN-vestment in a big copper mine, that I have been developing tor six years, and ready to erect smelter, write 7777, Journal.


Lillian Baker Dancing Academy. *

Richmond Hal ls . 5th s t and 3d av S. '^ (Note the new location.)

A thorough school for dancing, all branches taught. Classes Wednesday and Saturday evenings.

Informal fol lowing. Private lessons dally and evenings by" ap-

appointment Stirurday afternoon classes now forming at half price. '" " • '

Residence, 1010 Nicollet av. flat 4 . T. C. 9855

Richmond halls phone T. C. 8016. Guarantee course one term.

W H Y SUFFER WORKING OUTSIDE I N THE wiuter when you cau make a nice l iving on a small Investment inside? Call on us and

j we will show you how a l i t t le money wi l l make j o u independent. Hamre, Norstrom U ( o , 215 New York Life.

REAL ESTATE OFFICE W I T H MANY GOOD deals pending can be purchased at a bar­gain, as other business demands owner's t ime , extensive l ist ings, maps, typewriter, desks, filing cases and other furniture. Ad­dress 6108, Journal.

START PROFITABLE MAIL-ORDER B u s i ­ness. Sell goods by mail , cash comes wi th or­der, conducted by anjone, an;where . Our plan for starting beginners is very successful. Complete plan free. Central Supply Co., Kan-sas City. Mo.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY—$800.00 BUYS telephone exchange wi th forty five phones; 14 miles of rural line in a vil lage of 350 inhab­i tants , present owner has other business that demands Ms attention. State Bank of Bar-uum, Minn

FOR SALE—REPUBLICAN WEEKLY NEWS-paper in the Ked river valley of North Da­kota. Will be sold cheap, but not given away. Invest igate this if you have the money to Invest. Address John Lindelien, Portland, N D

DRUG BUSINESS, WELL ESTABLISHED, clean stock, wil l invoice $6,000, splendidly located in l ive North Dakota c i ty ; fine store building, rent $40 per month, $3,000 cash will handle it . Knudtson Land Co., 103 1st av N.

BAKERY AND RESTAURANT FOR SALE—A good place for the right p a r t } , sell on ac­count of sickness and death in the family. Address Box 712. Blackduck, Minn.

GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY—QWTNG to sickness lady wi l l sell onp^half interest; rent, $9; sales average $25 daily; nice for lady. Taj lor, 401 Kusota Bldg., ' , t

WANTED—YOUNG MAN W I T H $500 BOND; can step into established specialty manufactur­ing managing office, $20 weekly. Address Room 50, Pioneer Press, St. Paul. J

A BARGAIN—60 COWS AND MILK ROUTE, 5 horses, harness and wagons, to se l l , price $1,500. J. H. Law ton, 314 Bradley building, near Wabasha^on 5th, St. Paul .

FOR SALE-r-A GOOD CENTRALLY LOCATED laundry, going a splendid business; wi l l be sold cheap if taken at once, owner leaving city . Address 7775, Journal.

FOR SALE—HALF INTEREST I N A GOOD real estate office, making good money; no better in the city for the price; experience not necessary 7915 Journal.

START I N BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF; learn the plumbing trade, particulars from Practical School - of Plumbing and Heat ing, 3689 Nicollet av, Minneapolis

CIGAR, CONFECTIONERY; LARGE TRADE year round; reasonable person could easily save $2,000 yearly, leaving country. Cull Sunday. 1221 6th av N.

BUbUNtSS CHANCE—FOR SALE, LUNCH oouut"1! ouly two in town; population 2,500; rent $22, which includes lunch room, kitchen und building in rear with three rooms. Write for particulars. W. D. Sampson, Detroit, Minn.

ONLY BILLIARD, POOL HALL AND BOWLING alley in live town of 1,000; receipts $5 to $15 dal ly , average over $8, expenses inside $3 , $500 cash and easy monthly payments takes i t , have two, can't manage both. 7832, Jour­nal.

A R E YOU LOOKING FOR GROCERY STOCK? Here you are; fine stock, good business, good location; for cash only. See Story, wi th Win­ston, Harper, Fisher Co.

$1,000 "TO $6,OOOT INTEREST I N WELL E s ­tablished manufacturing business in Minneapo­l is , for sale to a hustler, large profits. Apply to 133 Iglehart, St. Paul. _

FOR R E N T — A ' J DOUBLE FRONT ,"STORE building; best location In town, now occupied by Schill ing & Scheman. Apply to W. R. Nelson, Winthrop, M i n n . _ _ _ _

WANTED—TO B U Y OLD FUR COATS; WILL pay highest cash price for men's coonskin. buffaloes, astrakhans, minks and fur-lined. Address 7626, Journal.

SPECULATORS, Write for our pamphlet, "A Successful Method for Trading in Gram and Stocks ." 1041 Lumber Exchange.

WEDNESDAY EVENING DANCING - CLASSES* beginners' class now open; half rates to young ladles going In class this month, special rates to clubs, rupi ls can attend oar rior-lttl dance free; x>rivate lessons by appointment' at all t imes , Saturday evening class. Third floor hall 8th and Nicollet. Phone 9584. '

"BLANCHE BOOTH'S STAGE' EXPERIENCE and culture fit her for the role of dramatic teacher. I heartily recommend her to all seeking such help."—Richard Burton, Ph.D. , of, University of Minnesota. Studio I I 7th st N, off Hennepin av.

4 P E R CENT, 5 P E R CENT, 6 PER CENT money tp loan on Improved city property; 110 delay. J. A. Walters , 514 New York Life bldg.

FOR BEST OFFER OVER $75. F I N E DRIVING mare, sound and safe, weight 1,050. Newly shod, Monday. Call T . C. 4969. 2417 W 21st st .


best service, low rates, cheaper than to s tay at home. H. B . Lldman, agent Canadian Pacific Steamship l ines . 15 3d s t S, Minneapolis.

Leave I All Trains Daily. I Arrive 1:30 a.m. 'i :80 a.m.

?£Cp.m. r< :50p.m.


5:SCe.m. SitCp.m-

' 7:50 p.m.

Chicago S c e n i c E x p r e s s Winona, La Crosse, Du<

buque.Chiearo.8t . Louis " T h e Chlcaro L i m i t e d " Winona, La Crosse, Du-

buque,Cbicago, ^ t L o u i s Rock Island, Davenport ,

Clinton. Moline, Peoria S t . Louis S c e n i c E x p r e s s Rock. Island, Davenport ,

Clinton. Moline. Peoria , "The S t . U n t o M l t e a "

1:05 p.m.

1:06 p.na. 8:00 a.m.


1:06 p . i *

8:00 a . m v 8:00 a.n».


e m Stove Repair Co.. 312 Hennepin av. STOVEPIPE, 9 o , A LENGTH. MINNEAPOLIS

Sheet Met£l Works, 6>f, S i h ^ t N . - .


chinery; large stock of second-hand and new. Northern Machinery Co., 217 3d s t S, Mpls.

THE EDMUND G. WALTON AGENCY, 300 Hennepin av, are making first mortgage loans. Call on them_lf you_want_to borrow or invest.

£ A V E MONEY TO LOAN ON G O O D T C O L L A J ' teral , including l i fe policies having a surrender

-value. J. D. Cleghorn, 1034 Guaranty Bldg f

MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM PROP-erty; small loans made on short t ime. The Dl-

_rlmple-Ferrel l Agency; 421 Kasota bldg. R, D. COKE & CO., 517 Guaranty bldg., have on

hand to loan on Improved property $1,000, $1,500, ¥a,0\IO>. $3.^80^ Kfrast Bat&ft •

P A # f Y HAS ,$£<?00' <flfc7»l,'to»\,tfifc LOAN Oil real e s t a t e security, c i ty or country. 2610 Colfax^av S Tel. 4525._j . .^ ,

LOUIS A. HOWARD, 60S ONEIDA BUILDING, has money on hand to Joan on improved) city property. Current Tates. , \ i

WANTED—BEST OFFER FOR 100 SHARES Twin City Telephone stock preferred. A. X. Ankeny, 502 Globe Bldg.

GOOD TWO-SEAT SURREY AND ONE-HORSE stake wagon; no use for them. 3125 Chi­cago av.

M2NTAL CULTURE, PSYOHlC. HEALiNG, suggestive therapeutics, personal magnetism, concentration, memory cultuie; classes open in Richmond hall for practical instruction Nov. 7, 8 p.m. Dr. Raymond. New location 5th st and 3d av S.

FIRST-CLASS INSTRUCTION B Y THOROUGH-l y experienced teachers on piano, violin, vio­loncello, maLdolin. guitar and banjo; sat is fac­tion gu>.ranteed; lessens 50c. M. M. Voak, 92 7th s t S

EXPERIENCED TEACHER W I S H E S P R I V A T E students in English, grammar, rhetoric, expres­sion, l i terature; wi l l lead study clubs; refer­ences. Addiess 7760. Journal.

LOANS ON LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES; NO delay. Insurance Loan Co.. 303 Bank Commerce

PROMPT LOANS from $500 to $8,000 on improved Mpls. property. C. S. Woodruff. 605 Guaranty.

MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST R A T E S : NO delay. Thayer & Gale, 213 N. Y. Life bldg.

r O R SALE—ONE SOUND 8-YEAR-OLD BAY horse, weighing 1,400 lbs, $125; one new heavy brasa-trimmed dray h - m e s s , $20. 2432 15th BTT-S.

HORSES W A N T E D TO W I N T E R ; BEST OF pare and feed, also large yard for exercise; 2413 Oakland av S. Phone N. W. S 835 L2.

BLOOM & MAJERUB, Dealers in all classes of horses: part time when desired. Stables, i'18 and 250 2d av N.

ONE N E W STAT1? TRUCK PRICE $70; ONE horse, one covered wagon and all kinds three-spring u e m e i y \ \ - 0 O I I H <U9 3d s t S.

FOR SAfiE—NEW OPEN AND T 0 P r D E L l V ^ ery wagons , all sizes. Wal l i s Coach, and Carriage Works, 12 and 14 E Grant, s t '

W A N T E D — A LOAN OF $3,500 A T ,b% PER cent: no commission, on home property worth

i $8,5(). ^ d r e s s 8005. Journal. FROST & CO.

Car horses received this morning . , t 18 2d st N.

FOR SALE—A GOOP TOP BUGGY. CHEAP, call 1523 7th st SEJ. Sunday forenoon or after 0 p.m. week d a j s .

FOR SALE—ONE NEARLY N E W 6-TON wagon scale . Bruce Bros. Lumber Co., 2840 Lyndale av S.

BORTH^WESTERH IINEI _ I C - S T . P. M.fit O . R Y , l ! = 5 _ J

Office MO Nicollet Ave. Phone J40. tEx. Sun. Others dally For CHICAGO Lv 7.60 am, 6:00,8:00, lOJW pin Prom CHICAGO..A*7:68,10:15*m, 6:20,10:20pm FOND DU LAO Lv 6 00 pm. A r l 0 : 1 5 a m DULUTH. Lv 17:85 am, 4 0 0 p m , Ar 19:0ft,9.86pm For SIOUX CITY f7:10,S:10am, ISO, 8:80 pm. From SIOUX CITY 84)5 am, T4:45,8:10 p m For OMAHA Lv 17:10,9.10 am, 7:80,8.80 p m From OMAHA Ar 8 06 am, 8:10 p n r For KANSAS CITT Lv 9:10 am, 7 .30,8 .80 p m From KANSAS CITY Ar 84)5 am, 8:10 p m

CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN R t CITT o m c x : Fifth and NicoUet, DKFOT : Waahiagtoa

and Tenth Ave. South. — P s o r a - Main Mi. «a.x. Sunday. Others Daily,

Chicago and East, Dubuque Chicago, Kansae City, Omaha . . . . . . Chicago, Des Moines, Kansas City .. Kansas Clty^St! Joseph. Oe» Moines Omaha, Ft. Dodge, Austin Rochester, Red Wing, - r \

Mankato. Faribault. Northueld.) Dodge Center. Bayfield

Lv. Mpls 740am 800 pm

10 45 pm 10 20 am 740 am

•7 to am 4Mpm 4S8pm

Ar.Mpla 10 SO p a 800 ana l U p n 110 pm 810 pm

• l a o p m 10 66 am U.eoam

EOR FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS ON REAL estate see Wm. H. White, 411 Bank of Com­merce bldg.

A SPECIALTY OF $100 TO $500 LOANS ON city property. Polley, 501 Andrus building,

VIOLIN, MANDOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, »>anjo violoncello lessons, 50c; best instruc­t ion, instruments furnished free. F. L. Tap-pan, 92 7th s t S : _

Ar~COMPETENT~LADY TEACHER OF VOCAL culture and of the piano would like a few more pupils; terms resonable. Address 8083, Journal.

PIANO FORTE—INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN ON piano to few pupils at low rates. Miss Marion E Sedgwick, 2447 Portland av. T. C. phone 1033

TO LET—NEW BRICK FACTORY BUILDING; central location; near* to depots, 6,750 feet floor space; l ight, warm and well arranged. 403 Bank Commerce.

B Y INVESTING $300 A N D A F E W WEEKS' t ime you can get into a business that wil l

Say you not less than $30 per week. Ad-ress 8162, Journal

THE NICOLLET ART A N D PHOTO STUDIO wishes to take a few pupils to learn art of photography. 925 Nicollet av. Riefcard An-derson. ^ ^

FOR"SALE—CHEAP; TWO SCHOLARSHIPS I N Eclectic Business college. Campbells, 211 Hen­nepin. "*l

ANNOUNCEMENTS o o o o o o o o i

STORM SASH IN STOCK in all sizes and large quantities Our piicee ar-- right. Both phones 96.

City Sssh an4 Door Co.j 4th St, Opposite Courthouse

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 0

_ J j 0 ^ ^ j ^ N D j D B ^ T T E L S _ WE LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSE8.

wagons, warehouse receipts, etc. Lowest and best r i t e s .

Minneapolis Financial Co., 408 New York Life Bldg.

WILLIAMS, 484 GUARANTY BUILDING; loans on furniture, piauos or any security large loans a specialty; terms to suit borrow ers; lowest prices.

MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, at 3 per cent; why pay moie? Diamonds bought and sold. Collateral Bank, 300 Nicol­let , room 432.

MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, at 3 per cent , why pay more? Diamonds bought and sold. Collateral Bank, 300 Nicollet, room


property; charges reasonable. S06 Globs r,lrtg.


slons. Sassy Sal or Blizzard, the famous Ne­vada stocks. Ask R. B. Hlgbee, the mining broker. 410-411 Germania Life building, St. Paul. Minn.

NOTICE—DEAD HORSES REMOVED. N. W. Scavenger Co^ 102 l s t _ s t N , phone l&.i Main.

GOOD, SOUND, HEAVY, YOUNG HORSE FOR sale cheap Call Sunday, 2614 Grand av S.

FOR' SALE—A C H E A P - H O R S E 7 ~ 3 3 4 7 ~ F R E -' inont a v N . -


WANTED—MAN W I T H TEAM OR TEAM without driver for furniture deliveries; can use cur wagon AppH at Shipping Depart-ment_New Eng landFurmture and Carpet Co.

WANTED TO B U Y — A GOOD SADDLE HORSE, safe for a lady to l idq, must be cheap for cash. Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, Midway, St. Paul.

WANTED—HORSES TO W I N T E R ; BEST OF care;, first-class in every respect. Elmhurst Farm, 08th st, between Lyndale and Penn av S. N. w . phone South 126.

BEAGLE HOUNDS, THOROUGHLY TRAINED ' dogs, nnd yci'ligsters read} to train; .also

b l ick Cocker spaniels, born July 2 ; all are ot the highest breeding. Fashion Kennel, 2720 21st av N.-








1 2 0 0





0 0 0 0

•"MINNEAPOLIS MANUFACTURING CONCERN, strictly reliable, wantB party with $8,000 to step in as active member, a great money mak­ing enterprise. For information call or write Hamre, Norstrom & Co., 215 New York Life.

SOARS, CONFECTIONERY AND FAMILY groceries; best l i t t le store on the street , aver­age daily sales over $25; rent only $13, if you want a businets this is your opportunity; $900 wil l buy It. H H. Austin. 317 Andrus bldg.

GROCERY STORE; ESTABLISHED EIGHT years, fine down town location; extremely low rent; wil l sel l for invoice, about $2,000; daily sales over $60; can be increased by younger man. H. H. Austin, 317 Andrus bldg.

FOR SALE—THE ONLY RESTAURANT I N A town of 1,200: confectionery and bakery in connection; best town and country in Red river val ley: reason for sell ing, 1 must move on my claim. Fritz Fisher, Argyle, Minn.


f irice $12,000; immense bar trade; big rush of andseekeers; livery In connection, $8,000

profit last year. Apply to J. A. Gregory & Co., real estate brokers, Battleford. Sask.

MEAT~ MARKET "DOING PAYING BUSINESS, and i.early new residence, 6 rooms, first floor finished in birch, barn, two good lots , small fruits, 12th ward; sickness, reason for se l l ing;

^$2 ,000 . 1. A. Dunsmoor, 616 Phoenlx_Bldg. _ B A K E R Y FOR S A L E ^ S O U T H E R N MINNE-

tota town, 1,500, only one, doing fine paying cash business, invoice#abOut $550? wi l l sacri­fice for same, s ickness; Quick for snap; come and investigate. Address 7768, Journal.

NOTICE—I H A V E A B U Y E R FOR A SMALL paying business, also one for a small farm; about $1,000 Call or write Wil l iam C. Salmon, 507 Boston Block.

DO YOU W A N T TO B U Y OR EXCHANGE farm, city property or merchandise stocks'' Call or write . Hamre, Norstrom* & Co., 215 New York Life, t

AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. W E W R I T E A "floater" policy, insuring your machine, wheth­er in building or on road, against fire loss from any cause, anywhere in the pn i t ed States or Canada. Chadbourn & Braden, 17 4th s t .«.

MAKE YOUR BIDS AND OFFERS ON BON-unza Queen, Parrv Sound, Arizona Coppor Mountain or any other stock. Crandall, Pierce & Co., 416 Guaianty Coau. "Both phones.

I H A V E 3,335 SHARES N O R T H " " A M E R T C A N mining stock. In one certificate, for sa le , zprlce right if taken at once. Address Z. P. Johnbon, 100m 43, Nicollet Hotel

W R I T E CONCERNING MINING STOCKS; XN-formation free, 31 years' experience, stocks

_ exchanged.JW. P. McDonald. 802 Andrtis.Mpls. WILL SELL 1,000 "SHARES JOHNSON NICK-

el stock, price right. 7700, Journal.

SPECULATORS, Write for our pamohlet, "A Successful Method for Trading in Grain and Stocks." 1041 Lum­ber Exchange.

RELIABLE ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, PAY-ing 15 per cent; can pay 25 per cent w i t h im­provements; splendid investment; client wants partners or wil l Incorporate. Communicate with Frank Mason, Lean & Trust bldg.

HAVE GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR INVEST-ments from $500 to $25,000; propositions which we have looked Into, and know are all rj^ht. Hamre, Norstrom & Co., 215 New York Life .

$100 PER MONTH N E T PROFIT, BEST PAY-ing rooming house in Minneapolis; th i i ty rooms. Hanford Rental Agency, 310 'Bank of Commerce.

A ONE CHAIR BARBERBHOP FOR SALE— cheap rent: nice clean trade; reasons for sell­ing, other business , wi l l sel l cheap for cash. 7978, Journal. ^

i~AM THE ONLY 3IAN I N THE FUHNITURE business that really does sel l cheap^ You can ge t new high-grade goods here ^iti 'what others > charge tor Inferior and , second-hand

' goods. Buy here and we both make m o n e j . Paulson, 701 Nicollet, third floor Iverr's.

REDUCED~FREIGHT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD goods to Chicago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast pOlnth, frequent shipments and lowest possible rates. Write or call on the Boyd Xiansfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S.

ROOMS W I T H USE OF TELEPHONE AND piano, wi th or without board. Call at 1907 4th av S.

FOR SALE—A COMPLETE LAUNDRY PLANT, wi th established business, at a great bargain. Inquire of Elijah Barton, 305 Oneida Block, Minneapolis.

FOR RENT—MEAT MARKET W I T H ICE box, tools barn, e tc . , newly remodeled; good location; rent very reasonable, 409 Broad­way NE.

FOR SALE—THREE BRUNSWICK-BALKE bowling a l l e j s ; a , snap for someone this week; come quick. F. C. Jones, 3116 21st av S. _ _ _

WANTED—A SITUATION FOR A 30-HORSE-power engine In Minnesota or Wisconsin to s a w lumber. George H. Ottey, Breckenridge, Minn.

W E H A V E SOME EXTRAORDINARY BAR-gains in boarding and rooming houses; also hotels. Hamre, Norstrom & Co., 215 New York Life.

FOR SALE—COUNTRY P A P E R A N D PLANT, cheap; $100 wil l handle i t . Address 7553, Journal.


almost new. with top and extra tires and other equipment, $950.

Model K Rambler, good, condition, top, lamps, etc . , $650.

Model A Cadillac, new double-tube tires, perfect order, $450.

1905 Olds runabout, run less than 200 miles, equipped with searchlight, $450.

1904 Olds, good running order, $270. .., . The Motor Car Co.,

209 5th st S.

„ f . , MOVING , rI

THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. H A S unequaled faci l i t ies for moving, storing, pack­ing and shipping household goods, aud quotes REDUCED FREIGHT RATES thereon to Chi­cago, Denver. Spokana and Pacific coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasionally in making up a cdr, but we alone are able to ship with sufficient frequency and regularity to insure prompt and reliable serv­ice. For the best of service a t the lowest rates, w i i t e or call at 46 3d st S.

SCOTCH COLLIE P U P P I E S , NOTHING BET-ter, makes flue Christmas g i f t , exchange one for 12-hainmer shotgun They are beauties;

_ r e a d y to ship. A. G. Rehse. Stewart, Minn. FOR SALE—TWO P E N S OF FULL BLOODED

Orpington chickens from prize birds, are ex­tra fine, also some fine blooded Oi ping ton cockerels. 2100 Hawthorn av. Bryn Mawr.

FOR SALE—SliT~THOROUGHBRED — SCOTCH Collie pups, 6 weeks Old, the mother is from imported stock aud the father has a pedigree. 4700 Blaisdell av S._T\ C. phone 432l\

FOR SALE—LARGE CROSS-BRED NEW-foundland watchdog, cross-bred cocker spaniel puppies and pedigreed collie puppies. H. E. Pose>>^ Stewart, Minn.

FOR SALT]—SINGLE AND ROSE COMB black • minorcas; .bred from prize winners, were a t Minneapol is shows. 367 Harrison av, St. Paul, Minn.

MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co. has best faci l i t ies for handling and stor­ing household goods, expert furniture packers; satisfaction assuied; car rates to Pacific coast and other points; can save you money, c"o not be deceived by other advelUsers , we can, and wil l do what we agree legurding car rates. Write or call . Safes and heavy machin­ery moved by experts . 122 5th s t S. Both phones.

W A N T E D — A FOUR-PASSENGER AUTOMO-bile, for which I wi l l exchange a good, farm, 160 acres, in northeast Nebraska; farm Is A No. 1; auto must be same. For particu­lars address Charles R. Allen, Hawarden, Iowa. \ , .

N E W AUTOMOBILE, 12-HORSE POWER, tonneau, received in trade; wil l sell a t a great sacrifice. 7841, Journal.

FOR SALE—1905 RAMBLER, $800; 1904 KNOX, 20 h. .p . , $800. N. T. Thornhlll. 817 3d Bt S.

W I N T E R STORAGE AT REASONABLE RATES, best of wire. 6 E Grant s t .

CAMERpN'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE; E x ­pert packers for storage or shipment; large and commodious vans for moving. Office 200 Nicol­let; both phones 120S. Residence X. C. 13324.

FLOUR CITY TRANSFER AND STORAGE— Moving and packing a specialty. Office 217 5th st S . Both phones 64S.

FOR SALE OR 'EXCHANGE—COWS AND ealves , -one thoroughbred Jersey , a beauty; w i l l take a good family horse. 2934 Lyndale av S.

FOR SALE—GOOD, ~Y0UNG COW; GIVES four quaits milk a day; wil l be fresh in Febiuary, cheap at $25. 1115 Logan av N.

FOR SALE—THREE HANDSOME AND HIGH-ly bie'd greyhounds at low prices. Apply to John Charlton & Son, room 3, 9% 5ih s t S . _

F I N E WATCH BOG; CAN'T BE BEAT; MUST sell; he is 1 j ear old: half Collie and Ches­apeake Bay. 114 W 38th st . Quick.

i*0R SALE—ONE JERSEY BULL, 8 ' Y E A R S old; Que fresh Je i se j cow, 5 head of young stock; wil l sell iheap. 7886, Journal.

^ E M ^ S T A j f ^ m ^ N S F J E R ^ A. C. Reed and husband to C. Marbol.

part of lots IS and 17, J. E . Merritt's subdivision '. $325

C. H. Prior to J. Trevor, lot 11 . block 4, Hennepin Avenue addition 1,000

H. C. Peck to C. E. Purdy, lot 14, Elliot & Abbott's subdivision 3,0000

F. E. Woodward to W. H. Peterson, lots 6, 7 and 8, block 3, Prospect Park, sec­ond division

C. E Veder and wi fe to A. M. Forester, lot: 4 and part lot 3 . block 2. Nicol let

"Avenue adoitlon , . . . \ . . ^ « VJ T r u e s d # r > J . 'W.' Girriun. "foTljB; Vim. '

i , Auditor's subdivision No. 24 ' 550 B. M. Topliff to B E. Frost, lots 24 and

25, block 1, Elwel l 's second a d d i t i o n . . . Thorpe Brothers to W. C.' Crane, lots 4

and 5, block 21, rearrangement fifth di­vis ion of Remington Park' '..

0> E, Spong and w i f o to M. Fenstad. lot 7, block 3, Baker's addition 2,100

F . S. Lane and wi fe to F. G. James, lots 1. 2. 3, etc . , block 27, Forest Heights addition , . ,

Joseph Sinegal and wi fe to George Kar-inarick part ot lot 9, block 10, Len-non & Newel l 's addition

M. M* McGrory t o F . N. Finney, lots 1 and 2, block 2, Twenty-fifth Street sup-

y c l e m e n t . , j ff. Mahoney and wi fe t o Massagoit Land - company, in section 18, township 28,

range 24 H. Mafhias and wi f e to C. A. Anderson,

lot 4, Mock 2, lot 5. block 4. Minne-tonka Bluffs

C. S. Mason et a l . t o M. L. Trixlefc. lot 19. block* 1, Avfry'S Chicago Aventte addition . ' . . . 5

W . H. Kevelin and wi fe t o F. Nelson and wife , lot 16, block 4, Harrison Street supplement

H. W. Jones to L< B. Elwood. lot 14. block 27, Forest Heights addition

H . Hurley and wi f e to O. W. Brown, part of lot 3, block 1, Foster's addition 2,600

Homestead Investment company to H. 0 . Woodruff, in section 24. township 29, range 24 4.300

N. K. Henderson and wi f e to A. L. Broughton, lot 7, block 1, Remington's second addition 8,200

L. B. Elwood and wife to F . G. James, lot 14, block 27. Forest Heights addi­tion

James T. Elwell and wi fe to A. Poeock. lot 18. block 2, Ramsey, Lockwood and others' addition

C. W. Griggs and wife to H. Yost, lot 9, block 9, Oak Lake addition ,

M. D. Flint to A. E. Juergens. ' lota 22 and 23, Auditor's subdivision No. 6 0 . . .

B . C. Frost to E . M. Erickspn, lot 24, _ block! JL Elwel l ' s second addition -,,>,.

0, 'J. Aijtterson and wife to 1 M". E. Ni les . lot" 10. Diock 28, Ramsey. Lockwood and others 1.000

H. J . Barber and husband to F. E. Wood­ward, lots 6, 7. 8. block 8. Prospect Park, second division revised 1.350

E. S. Coffin to M. M. McGrory. lots 1 and 2, block 2, Xwenty-flfth Street ad­dition 1.000

1. F. Cushman and husband to J. Omen, part of lot 7, block 9. Wright's addi­tion 1,800

Angus McLeod company to E . P. Godley. part of lot 5. block 75, Xown of Minne­apolis , 8.200

George D. Dayton and wife to S. H. Davis, part o t lo t 5, block 2, Dayton's subdivision 1.000

C. S. Dever and wi fe to M. C. McGrory. lots 1 and 2, block 2. Twenty-fifth Street addition 1.000

J . Anderson and husband to H- O. Kroon. part of lot 7. Auditor's subdivision No. 19 150

H. X Daniels e t al. t o R. B , Daniel, part of lot 7. block 4, Lake of the Isles ad­dition- . . . ' . - - 5i500

E. F . tparker to J. W. Ertl, trustee, lot 3, tblock 1, Parker Side - . . . - - . , 200

T. Bast ing e t al . , trustees, to P. Wbalen. . lo t 18, blocfc 2, rearrangement blocks E. Vl. . F, etc . Tails City 180

L. Osmer and wife to C. Gove e t al. . lot 8. A.idltor's subdivision No. 12 1,600



MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS R. ft * ™ Station, Washington and 4th a t s N. " *

Office. 424 Nicollet. • Except Sun.: others dally. Leave for CHICAGO "9:85 am 7:45 via Leave for ST. LOUIS *9.35 am 7:45 pm Leave for DES MOINES *u.35 am 8.35 nm Leave for OMAHA. California.*9.35 am 8:35 urn For Watertown and Storm Lake *9:02 am For Madison and Eethervll le. .*9:02 am 6:15 cm


Pheaae—T. 0 . . * M : M. W.. Mala H i . Leave. Chipeewa Falls, Marsh-1

held, Ashland,Iron Towns,] I end du Lac, Oshkoah 1 8:00 a. m. Milwaukee, Chicago . . ' . ; , f 1:05 p . m.


i£Q a-m. l;10 p.m.




-•r n,< [ 1

HOTEL HYSER—M. E. ^ftSsel ln Dubuque: George R. Kapler, Wadena; J. McQueen, Win­nipeg, Miss It. Ward. Mrs. H . A. Schaeger, Alexandria. W. F . Pdrcell. Chicago: J. W. Hood, Fargo; L. L. Brockett and wife . New York, J. H Newinari, Detroit, G. H. E n i e n . Northwood, Iowa; W. L. Johnson. Renvil le: J. J. White, Cogswell, N . D . , H. S. Gowan, Fergus Pal l s , D. J. McAllister. Winona, h. Porter, Chicago; W. L. Bluten. Hauglin, W i s . : G. A. Elder, Duluth; J» JT. Clark, Chaska; M. G. Myers, Wortbingtoiw W. K. Rudd. Ml-laca, Minn., John C. Hollenbeck. Chicago; W. G. McKinley, Chicago, C. E. Wheeler. Fargo;. George c . Gilbert, Cass Lake, Minu.; E. S. Hoeiel l , Chicago; Harry Lear, Wash­ington, Mr. j,and MM. George.- S. Hoge, Ma-delta, Minn.; W. J. Lee, Chicago, C. Val­entine, Breckenridge, Mlnn.4 Ev G. Stojte and wife , Reedsburg; M. Weeks , Chicago; J . H. Babcock, Rockford, I l l . t B . P. Kelly, Cot­tonwood; C. B. Miller, Duluth; Claude Luse, Duluth; D. W. Ell is , Chicago: J. C. White , Mabel, Minn.; Al Kendall, Vancouver, B. C ; J. W. McCulloch and daughter. Moose J a w : F. B . Sullivan, Chicago; A. F. Bate , son and wife , Duluth; R. R. Briggs , Duluth; MU* Edith Briggs, Duluth; F . W . Drexburg, Cal-lsdane, Minn.; Leland Drexburg, La Crosse, Wis ; Fitz Hundt, La Crosse, W i s . ; J. A. O'Keefe, Hay ward, W . L . Perkins. Chiccago; O. L. Langworthy, Courtenay; A. S. Asher. New York; Sam H. Clark, Thief River Fal l s ; J. M. Reed, Duluth; W. J. Hrown, Warren; Mr. and Mrs. X W. Ingersoll, Aberdeen: Mrs. Lucas Kells, Aberdeen; Mr. and Mrs. W. B . Tobias*. Fargo; W. J. Xippery, Fargo; C. B . Focamon, Eureka, S. D„; T. E. Danlelson and brother, Wil lmar; Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Whittlesby, Fargo; Dr. J. Fahl, Andmoon, N. D . j iFred Hey man. New York; E. J. Smith, Independence, Iowa; Mrs. L. S. Harris, Oakes. N. D . ; H . Somsen, New Ulm; Mrs. Gunderson,

- Aiexandrla; J. N. Eiseman, Chicago; A. F. MeCSrllon, Princeton; B . L. Hanerek, Mil-

1 waukee; Dr. King, Fergus Fal l s : Miss Et ta Chase, F-ergua l a l l s ; ' A. C. Bader, De­troit; J. G. Harris, Chicago; J. L. R O M , Chicago, J. W. Alexander, Northfleld; A F . Landers, Decorah; W. W . Strayer. Chi-cago; A. McCulloch, Albert Lea; Mr. and Mra. t& P X. Leser. Richards; Mr. and Mra. C. W . J Babb, Buffalo, N. Y.; Paul Kltzstimer, Cltve- Ha, land, N. Griswold, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J . % B . Carey, Spring Val ley; J. Emil Nelson, Wil l - ^ mar; Viola Kenyon, Owatonna; Mae Kenevan. v * Owatonna; J. D. Crooker, Farge; Mra. L. M. t f Hardin, Walker; L. A. • Xyasvold, Wil lmar; * A O Wilkinson, Duluth; Dr. N. S. Leraeman. | Duluth , ; G. A. Burnt. J . A. Bradley, Fred .1 Hall , J . G. Xagarty, Duluth; J. J. Britt , M. P C. Cree, San Francisco: Charles J. Du Dude, %* Chicago; J. J. Fleckenham, Charles Wagner, <4 Mankato; G. T. Fenton, Jamestown. N. Y . ; -« A G. Randall, Kensel, N. D . ; E. X. Burns, j Stanley; Miss Jennie Faucett . Owatonna. > »


Total $61,405

FOR SALE—HANDSOME WELCH SHEPHERD dogs; one t i ick French poodle; males. Won­derland kennels, 2817 Lake st .

FQR BALE—16 REGISTERED HOMING * pigeons; good for 'squab breeders; $10 takes

the lot . 2632 2d av S.


I F THINKING OF STORE FIXTURES T« "Grand Rapids" Factory to you without tribute t o jobber or middleman; show and display cases, counters, e t c . ; window display fixtures. Northwestern branch, Grand Rapids #Flxtures Co., Minneapolis. Il lustrated catalogue mailed free upon reuuest.

O I L ' M E A L , $l.BCr; OYSTER SHELLS, 7"6c; mica grit, 75c per 100-lb sack, J. H. Smith,

,214?2U6 Hennepin ay.. ,____ FOR SALE—ONE POINTER DOG 1 YEAR OLD.

color liver and white , good chicken and quail dog. 7053, Journal.

| W WILL B U Y A LARGE, F I N E GREAT Daue; a lso St. Bernard pups. Lock Box 4.

FOR SALE—CARLOAD F R E S H MILCH COWS, or trade for beef. 3008 27th av S.

FOR SALE—ANGORA. OATS, PEDIGREED; $8.50. 1033 W 7th «t. St. Paul.


BUI^n^PERWJTS^ Louis Rauk, 3532 Bryant avenue, 1%-story

frame dwelling . $2,000 Ida M. Matland, 3524 Stevens avenue,

one-story frame dw elllng 2,200 E. J. Berkeseth, 4538 Plllsbury avenue.

1%-story frame dwelling J.20Q Minneapolis Brewing company, 71 Thir­

teenth avenue NB, stone foundation for bottling works j. " . . . tf,600

Albert Angel, 401 Ontario street SE, two-story frame dwell ing / . 2,500

Tnrte6 minor p e r m i t s . . . . . . - . .>/ . . . ' . ^.'. , , . ' .^i , , 48O

Total, e ight permits/ .1 . ' . ' . ! . . f « . .? . . . ' $14 ,980 1 v O .-* .- <sA-03.Tjr 1*K — ' 0 . .1


plumbing, parquet floors, room telephones, -j, steam heat, 75c-$1.25; withjBath_$1.50-$2. ^

HOTEL ALLEN, 3d ST AND 2d A V S j ONLX 'Jh-hotel in the city having all outside rooms. „ ^ 1 t t e s ^ J S c . $1, $1-50 single. J ^

MELBOURNE HOTEL, 827 H E N N E P I N AT. "J Elegantly furnished rooms: strictly flrst-claag. -j( |

SEVENTH ST HOTEL; N E W AND MODERN; from 15t day upwards. 80 7th s t S.


and emtalmer 82 7th st S. Both phones. HUME & DA VIES FUNERAL DIRECTORS, MA-

sonic Temple, 0th and Hennepin. Both phones".

HUME & ROBERTS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 710 Hennepin a>. T. C. 9707. N. W. 3282.

J. AMOR & CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EM-balmers. 505 2d av S. Both phones, 755.

RAINV2LLE BROS., UNDERTAKERS AND furniture, 17 Central av. Both phones.


Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Swahson, 827 Twenty-niht& avenue U, a boy%

Mr and Mrs. A. J. Lundoerg, 426 Penn ave­nue X, a boy.

Mf. atid Mrs. ' B . Kolsatt, 2810 Xhird street N. a boy.''' -in,

Mr. and Mrs. Gust Stern, 1100 Kenwood park- * | | •way, a girl.

' « , MARRIAGE LICENSES, . * - - . . * $ - • Peter^Ltotrblbbni and Ojrisfrne- Hagen. £%£ John E. Sala and Fanny Rostedt. »"IM1 Kale W. Rostedt and Emilja Mlkkola. ^ £ £ 5 3 Ceven Meaehan and Pearl M. Tanner. fWVi Henry Allen and Jennie Koklne. V;"-? Charles Llna and Erlka Alamaar. *£& George H. Johnson and Anna G. Loberg. Andrew Blcs and Mary Toiszak. Jacob Price and Nett ie Strlmling.

5 " _. DEATHS. ^"% Paul Brown, 224 Eighth street 'SE. Carl G. Anderson, 2950 Dupont avenue N . Patrina Iverson, 653 Adams street N B . '