j &y's "war is over"( happy xmas) peace campaign: inspired by "hunger games-like: 1960's film...

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  • 8/10/2019 J &Y'S "WAR IS OVER"( Happy Xmas) PEACE Campaign: Inspired By "Hunger Games-Like: 1960's FILM Director's Le





    By Alan L. Chrisman

    A letter from British director, Peter Watkins, first known for his controversial

    anti-nuclear war 1965 docudrama, War Games,was the catalyst for John Lennon

    and Yoko Ono to start their Bed Peace and War is Over (If you want it)campaigns

    in 1969. John said a letter from the films director had first challenged them. Theletter said: People in your position have a responsibility touse the media for

    world peace. And we sat on the letter for about three weeks thinking, Well,

    were doing our best, all you need is love, man. That letter just sort of sparked it

    all off. It was like getting your induction papers for peace.

  • 8/10/2019 J &Y'S "WAR IS OVER"( Happy Xmas) PEACE Campaign: Inspired By "Hunger Games-Like: 1960's FILM Director's Le


    John and Yoko staged their Bed-ins for peace, originally in Amsterdam, and

    famously later in Montreal, Canada, for a week in May.69 and on June 1st

    recorded in their hotel room with several attendees, their peace anthem, Give

    Peace a Chance.

    On Dec. 1, 1971 they released their single, Happy Xmas (War is Over),and

    posted billboards in major cities of around the world. The song has now become a

    timeless holiday favorite. Yoko has announced that she has re-launched the

    War is Over Campaignand poster and is asking fans to re-send the poster as

    holiday cards. Also shed like people to join together in singing ,Imagine, for

    this coming New Years.

    But it was that letter by Watkins and his film, War Games, which had been

    banned by the BBC for its realistic depictions of nuclear war, during the Vietnam

    War, which had been the impetus for John and Yoko to come up with their

    concepts to draw the worlds attentions about war and violence.

    Watkins also made another thought proving film, PRIVILEGE in 1967. Its the

    story of a rock star who becomes so popular that he becomes controlled by the

    government and the Church to do their bidding. It stars a real pop star of the

    time, Paul Jones of British band, Manfred Mann, as the main character, Steven

    Shorter. The female lead was played by, Face of the 60s, supermodel, Jean

    Shrimpton. The film raises some very intriguing questions about pop music and

    culture and mass medias effect on society. It was very prophetic in its

    awareness. At that time, mass pop music was in its beginnings and didnt have

    the power that we have now come to take for granted, but the film foretold what

    was about to happen in 60s and which continues to this day. As I said, the

    powers that be, in the film, soon see the commercial (and political) potential and

    how they can manipulate the population and situation. Its a satire and cautionary

    statement at the same time, a mixture of Orwells 1984, and documentary of pop

    cultures and mediasgrowing domination. Its actually, partly influenced by a

    documentary on 50s pop idol and his screaming fans, Canadian-born, Paul Anka

  • 8/10/2019 J &Y'S "WAR IS OVER"( Happy Xmas) PEACE Campaign: Inspired By "Hunger Games-Like: 1960's FILM Director's Le


    (Diana, Puppy Loveand who wrote My Way for Frank Sinatra), Lonely Boy.

    Its also interesting because, while touring America in 1965, John Lennon himself,

    had stirred up controversy,when he was quoted as saying, Were more popular

    than Jesus Christ. DJs and some fans, mainly in the conservative U.S. South, had

    reacted by condemning him and holding Burn Beatles records rallies. Lennon,

    under pressure, had to somewhat apologize for his remarks, even though he was

    just expressing his own experience as part of a massively popular cultural

    phenomenon. Of course, what he said was a very perceptive comment on his

    own experience and observation. Theres a scene in the film, Privilege, where, the

    singer, Steve Shorter, has to perform in stadiums and almost like a fundamentalist

    faith-healer touch and cure audience members with disabilities and afflictions.

    Lennon said, at Beatles concerts, they would place the disabled in wheelchairs at

    the front and sometimes, on stage in those big stadiums, most all the Beatles

    themselves could see from the stage, were these unfortunate people and after

  • 8/10/2019 J &Y'S "WAR IS OVER"( Happy Xmas) PEACE Campaign: Inspired By "Hunger Games-Like: 1960's FILM Director's Le


    the concert, they would be brought backstage to meet the band. On those

    gruelling tours, they were the few fans they often got to see up close. Theres a

    scene in Privilege,where Paul Jones as rock star, sings the song,SET ME FREE,

    from behind jail bars erected on stage, as the audience screams hysterically. Patti

    Smith would later record the song for her album, Easter,in 1978,and that scene

    from the movie, Privilege, still says a lot about the way we, perhaps, today with

    our pervasive mass media, even more, worship pop celebrity. Privilege, the 1967

    film, was ahead of its time, long before current films like the Hunger Games and

    covered of these same themes, and its recommended you check it out.

    Lennon became quite aware of the strange circumstances pop idols often found

    themselves in, with all the adoration and mass hysteria. As he sang laterChrist,

    the way things are going theyre going to crucify me. And sadly, ironically, aswe all know, he was killed by a deranged fan on Dec. 8, 1980. George Harrison

    had also been stabbed over 40 times by an intruder in his home just a couple

    years, before, which didnt help his health certainly, andhe would pass away of

    cancer on Nov. 29, 2001. Some of the issues raised in Watkins films, Privilege,

    and War Games, were to have influence on future events and John and Yokos

    efforts for peace, which Yoko is still asking us to carry on, in Johns name and

    ideals. Privilege, the 1967 film, was ahead of its time, long before current films

    like The Hunger Gamescovered some of these same themes, and its

    recommended you check it out.

    See below trailer for 1967 film, Privilege:



    See below John Lennon talking common sense about peace and violence:



  • 8/10/2019 J &Y'S "WAR IS OVER"( Happy Xmas) PEACE Campaign: Inspired By "Hunger Games-Like: 1960's FILM Director's Le


    Link to YOKO ONOS WEBSITE, where you can download and send updated


    Dear Friends

    Go tohttp://imaginepeace.com/warisover/

    Download, print & display these multilingual 'WAR IS OVER!' posters in your window, school, workplace,

    car and elsewhere.

    Post them on your Social Media feeds and use the hashtag #WARISOVER.

    Send them as postcards to your friends.

    We say it in so many ways, but we are one.I love you! YOKO.

  • 8/10/2019 J &Y'S "WAR IS OVER"( Happy Xmas) PEACE Campaign: Inspired By "Hunger Games-Like: 1960's FILM Director's Le
