&j0b - nys historic...

j$sw 3' Ml ^3^^*°$** w **%tf'$*M lpt»!e^e, Jpo^ * > . , * -No. 19 Old Series, •51 «4'l'U7iit ^'W$ BJKcV »««#r how Tatw n ^'*f*imii. »f niediciite le h ?-fjffiffi*t'-pf '"jlouieth* '«• in lliii city "IhereiUnied «ilh. n^difce s.hjind««r i% t - %te*i|a»<ftj * re from strict 'te <>ff>i(d, j ^ -prirlor iroalj. ty*ndi<»te— ill) erert, cure ««i. * But, iht re Liihoniritic I of hot'•-«?» sment be pef. MtPKisitPcet. •n<it«MMm ofag«i: \ '* «r«l,,Btif«' imniiHtwul eure. Silat rt« and jwtfftt r flWJWHt. p«Mii|Uii!«. bpftrff«|«!lff. ;»f of rcuie, fcc, •rift the »b»Ti irular* Hill bf jcltre»(r«f« ©.rail undt«i jimridd «k«' -ih»t all «1rf F «(Wl.t»*eirfl1 G. C V.utU ! uno"n the earit b'.'UilhAAiHptMf mite. - PiH ip | bottle, lalTF] jj I)r. G. C, •f., Bilfliito,' V ni m«rt CM»< mil rHmll »f Counlind*., (be fcl!o«rip( •Oi^RliKfc-;- Brown, fl4M|i- . J. E* )y.amrf.. JI, Boon»/iH«! I'I Lift'Fflli ^•tihler-medr *, k««ir» it •r'» L i b R l l t y now *(l».ilt»C x arte of III. 1 fgnn'lj m<Sdt* M in. (i*e.<- am l l w i t |>iil« c their sine •\" ^ : fe^.Series;ToL ir-^p,,$fc :J "TEHS 1 « M MT l g EL Published at Romcj Oncifla tynirty, N. t. .TE'R'M,i/ •' . - __ TjoJWail tadOi^io Subscribers^l,50,if paid within three months from the date-ofeubscrip-t lion; «r $2,00 at. the. expiration of the year.-E-.' Village Subscribers $2,00 per annum. i ~ No piper discqnkin,,PlP!U un J es ?'ft die o'ptiori of the prop^rietors)tilM))-ji;|f^ragM-are paid. . All letters and com[pyili1|a)|fon8Tpr'tho editor! must be free of jjosl|i|'c, •. f f ' | ' ' ! ' I1TEI D"T '.A! D V E R T I B I.M O . 1 square 1 week $ *«• 3 weeks 1 I month 3, 6 " 9 " 50 0(1 1 25 3 25 6 00 7 OO Yearly AdvbrLisomonts One square . . $b 5Q One eighth Rol. ifl 0|| Quarter column 12 UO .Half • " 18 OO One •'.' 3lftO0 UTLEY.& MORTON'S. , Wholesale ai)it retail daalers in DRY GOODS, GRocElryxsc CROCKERY, rlARDWArlE, 1 IROU, STEEL, HAILS., i _.4jc_ii-y.^4rJcX'^—k-tii~ _ —•' &M(A tithtoftite. .Gdnal.JamcsjSl., Rami. '• '<Mn;«mY4nmi SJS^gifee?."^:^^ ¥*? &J0B P 1 W T I I S OBTFKEB Aimttrong** Block, Strut It Side of Eric Canal, ROME, Where the; tro prepared at all limes to erectile with neatness and despatch, and on reason, able terms, cverg_doficrijitieiih .of LlfFM PBBSS P1WW. t y Work duno night or day aa tbepccenity .of the case demand*. . •> 'TTsJEfcL &•"LEONARD.'^ i*mstrong's Block, Rome. 'All orders from adistance punctually attended to ^Jliraim Shepard, ' CL.OCK and WATCH REPAIRER Has removed his establishment three door east of Stanwix' Halt, where , Cloelt,8 and W a l c f i e s ^vill be repHired to order, Rome", January 99th, 1845'. . 441 f •vrpr'TCE.—niY ACCOUNTS FOR -L^ llie VVafehouse at /tome." .are fr» the, .luindsbf Mr. GEO. E. Ydu«ii, who'.will at- erd to their Collection und Settltnient. E. COMiJIOCK. IHtL'SIIKS, BKIJStI.ES. H ALB^NAJL, TOOTJH, FLESH f>mnb, Henrth, Hat, Carneii Hair, P al fit. VaKnibh, Hfrsf, Scrub iintl S h o e Crushes. H EODi.ElT&PECK'S 1rV'fiolenle tnd Retail Dealer* in Ili'iigi', Med ci'r»c», PaiiilH, Clio, Dye Slufist'W^idovv.GlkBK P*tc»il Medicine*, Perfumery, UrtTshvi,* Tar 1'itcU.Oakuiii. &c, AI»oChuKU j |'aioily Gm -rr.cn c*rPt»re; II. J.Cl|XA»U. ( tkuu. &c, AlwCliu„er.,o.iyOr«.. -|UgB«BCEXT F l R E FAV-IVC DR. 4D»rni„ic*-StreV», Rome,, -». Y. . • »* ' « d ''f ^cnlm^Lhc^i^^^ -BCTOR & HARMOta^ Office in iho Arcade. "Where they wilt punctually ati(?r,dfo all calls in tho hriobf Uieir prufcsjiVon. '* 21 jr I J~~ w M. j a H N SON, A N D - ' . pJnatO.VJMLK UJIK-iiKESSjElt, In the Basement of Rtanw 1 Hall, Attnrncr mid OfMrn^r-Hnr-tTt—fit SOLICITJs & COl'SSELLOli IS CfflXCERTi- ' AND , trruEJir. coirux' conwissiasEn. air OfRceirt Arm*liotis , 9i Illncfe,. 2»• - r -^ -.-•-- - -,-, -^=r . W I G 11 T ' S CJap, aiul Fur Hat, (Jap, aiul Fur Store, l# rcnwwd lit the s t o « p i r m c r l y <M>r'u|iied \>r A. S|ieiicer,.no\t donr to-M 'dgc & D«»ly'» "a" 1 - wrcrtl amrc, on llio street leading to the Canal and ttad Ituad. ' Home. Oct. 2d. lMo,. ; 28-f ATTORNEYS, Solicitors and €ouseilorg. 3ALVERT COMsruCK.{ R S»" E - ' -OEee in Annslrongs brick block, dver the Cant! Collector's office. - , ; VAN DKESAR &-ELW0dj), ATTORNEYS '&. COUNSEliLoRS AT LAW, \ '^-o*+t^^ T H E YOXJJVG From Tho Tribunor fllAGDALEiV. p«- a,.W. FATTEN, V. S, AltMV - , on FaWner's Ahoy ! Plaster rPisistcr 1! f J B O U N J l . . P L A C E R ronsunlly ^* hiindattlievSloilrriMilLs.Onejdfl Csstle. N. B. The subscribers will exchange Gr«*iind P l a s t e r f..r r*ine Lumber or Produce ." BUS; WF.LL.$-D0D6.C Oneida PIKUIP, Marrl, r >. |"^>—<lQm6 JIHSSSO'TOOJLI.'S Kiilinory Storo Homovod. -has-rc-iii(>*«d Irf tbei^rirprtn'coVJhntgf 1 ; "Do-" iy StCoVSlore. corner, of Dominick iind iHmeJ sfaegr wht-re sTielvillifispflie. fl£liet eiTGieslock of 5ITllineVt*^ood3 " Consialios in piirt of I he following arti- clct. viz: Velvets,"Sniurn, Silks, Luces, Bibbonn, Flowers, Plumr-n, f)rrtvge. Gimp, Cord^iGcivals. Gloees, Mills, ^«iiaft jihd Lc»horn fl«l», &c. A. U'-FOOLE. Uoroe, January 12, 18-16. _42tf •FASflWN^-fOfi Am. It. WAI/KBB would nidst respecirully inform the Gentlemen of Romp an* Ttirnmr, that he "lWST recelveif froip New York the Inlcst nnd'-most ap» {Irsveil fif-lnoiis for apriiiR and summer. Ur-'lin^iJ- ^)rCfelt^cdii cltoTce lr»roT riiil'ir«tririimin»«"selecl- - J w ill greiit c«ie which lie would be glnd I uxolnn^efor Cash. iireal care (alien in cutlins for those w ho >v^E>toln«"e their work done by womta or at horii c and sumrble trimmings put u p o' very lew price*. S h o p ir» Mirrill's Drick Block, opposile Ihc Northern Hotel, ,., .. i":-«iic, 18JG. -<'• fa<ldt lh«'llirB*iii«r •ilfr »rt t«^* sir c«*e*et* f ' fthii *itTMr- 'irtcraHRariw d iht«e booki ..iw t.bait. ^l,»lor«:lir«Pf ;^s«ill'*er'' nWinlh^lk Solicitor* im Chancery «.OME,X»tr. 3l§ce on Janies Street," iearly opposite the JJftriTicrrt Hotel. S."V»N TJRES»« J. Ikl. ELWO-ID. .._ S C l i O O t , B O O K DEPOT. U T J- HANCOCK, CORNER OF .T T . Jamcnind IJnminick St«„ has ill cttnn- uvo- *l»i!k—«>f -Sdiotil- Bnotor^-fArrr iiftTeT^ffif IVrappinj Pj-pcr.'and lilack Ink. Alfoalargc issortment of School Stalionerv, IFhirh lie «l' If to llie trade w/iolcsale d»d ritail at Now York pri.:r*. IV. J. HJtfCOCK. M. B. Rags «anted in c\cbango . lor books. Paper etc. Millinery Sto(e Removed. . RS. BAKER «AS..1iY CONSE nnence of the recent fire, nenmvedio Thou bast passed from my heart like the dew •"'••- -;«re»^flq.s{«say s .. : ,, •_ pke tho bloom "from the bud^-like -thfjjight- r from llio day. Oh Na'd i8.t,lie gloom which thy memories'loavs, As tho cload-lhat- -Jiariga--dark-an-tho—brow o/' •- • -tjie e v e | '"' " . . Tho gleam h a s g^iao out from the depth of those eyas, Like a-slar that hath set never more to arise ; And the ray of hn4 hope which" so gliateri'd in mine— It is quei)cb'd,oh ! Alcida.'departed with thine. Aleida, Aleida, a stray lamb of the foJaU^, Thare'salttjo ef the fleece which should no'er- have been, tpld :' ... ' a . . i „ There's »liearl-lhrilling story of passion 'and thtt, , ; . Which Echo, deep blushing, h^th murmurod to - ^ i '"••.•'-. - ' _ . . ' By thesnosi? of that han_d which-1'vo trembled lo tough, i •" , _L^.' By the roi'ejpf that cheek which I'vo lauded so mildly _ . By the blue 'of thai eye, and thy lips happy . tone—^ • _ , Ateida ! Ateida! come back to. tWneown ! . ^ " ' ' ' "• Come back to Iho homo or' thy innocent mirth. Where thy mother .ails sad by tho desolate bcarlht. And thy lil-wer-hair'd father tho winter eve long 4.<npat'mplly ytiarna for tby dceen.'.aof sang, RoUrn, lliotieilCang'd one^oneejnore with tiy •mile, . - And thy insy.ohcek'ji brolher shall greotlhec —: tho'w'tiilo! ' '•-''" —T-h-ree or^(ow-iA4fS-eP-\v-ft-pp—^^vfflHfer jmion-jaclc at.the Tore, la,y.,in"pride of powef" on the .npj>le Hud§.gp ; and si ill further .off the folds of 5)t.<Geprge's 4 red- cross bannar'dropped at t|te flag.-siaiLof, Fort St. George, the head qui.iners oiibe British commiinderiin-clii&f, Sir Meary Cltntojh " , ^^I&t<^la4;^tof.„f4l^RtbiB.F 1 >t you jol4-yloB^-- legged Virg-infdti, will J a c k ' "ArcTifbaTJ trudge, till he's-drank success to thai fla« yonder. God bless it, niy hearty !''— And downi he sealed liiiTiiielf, at the.sarit** time-applying.to his lips a huge canteen, of at least u gallon size, such as in for- mer days farmers canied to the fields-till- ed wiih cider, H .. . J •" Mr.. J a c k \rohiba,lJ, 1 reckon...you" are thoderajely fu-H o' .wlTjjskey now.— Thai nose ofyotfjrs, if it sUyshing in the suj-, will blaze, assure as lerrapia' grow llfTald V i r g i n n y . " " -You be d— ! and.oJjj_yjrg.jnny. and terrapins 106. I had a. taste bi't'lm lalier lliingslast carmiaign, when we went souih ;"and hung inebu^rl. iljcruglit the ine,at and"1 he bones had the iWle and lo'ok of young niggers. The mast bge-f of old England lorever! Here goes— hie-^liic—hicum!" " But, Jack Archi-bale, this kind of enpering ain't going lo answer, I'm a deserter, recollect ; and if one or*olher jpf^bur partigsionrtracfiTsa M, I'm sure to-be hung up like'a Richmond herrin', for n i a k i n g a bolt to llie king's side,— Ani all to save you, you whelp!" " Whelp, you. call mo, do you?— Whelp—ha ! I*m one of John pull's full grown roasirli_. and can closn your &QJft-L liao't JtujliyLsUtcr—t isHBattaoHbrgct- SheToveiJieJr Aleida—she worships her yet, TVIdtlft t^lBtdilTnoalic^r-yeXneier a bride I. l-speak^nol-x«n;lrntei'fice —'t Wero idlolo chide: Do I weep? 't in nut ivi uknru—1 fain-w-oul4- Virgiuny peepeis wiih an upp&r-cni. d'ye-seerT-^Trlve-ilrat Lr a tvliitc-.washed rebel !" _ A-rchibnld hnd.mannged lo gp,tup.on Iris -) flg^nd--ptrt-lrifflse4f-Trnr^^^ utdeT Tt vvas but forn niinute, iu'We'ver. The liquor bad nearly 'dot»e m wp/;b ^OTrhiy li?agj~^r^ilaiig a bloTv ai7nl?i Ike cirmpinTfon, which the falner merely xe- tnriied.vviih a pu.sii. Itf; l^ll m lull relish full with (bo tear-dropi&f mingle thy namo with Ita refrai But the fountain ia . p»m I And _roy lute, as t tone, Dremhcj t «aund through my .chamber that's Mournful and lone ; Oh (Jpd ! how J've loved thee, "torrgue never may tell I . 1 Aleida ! Aleida!-farewell 1—fare thO'Wel'i !' n„r~i!ri, J«» |S» 1-^.tB ; !_;. . !&\tsf*ltarit o\i5^ —From thn N. Y.-Snnday-'FmTCK— «lx hundred riven, under -the c6mmatid of One,Qol. JolMisoBy-'had- feeeri-captu-reth— one ofihe .-olditTS of the garrison, John Archibald, made Iws escape next inor- ning tr> uWwomhrfbut not Imowiiig i-x- aql.y'hi^ route,' w.n rctakui by scoulijij" patiy of Lie's dragoons, men patrulliag lowur.di) U.ickpnsaulr. Major Lee h,d long m^italed an at- tack >n Pow !es Hook, ami iho "sticccis of N fiyne at Stony Point only made him The-Ming pf frwles Hook, if Maiat'lfinriy-tcf^inialv, 1779. Powlus Elqol(,_Paulu4 1 1 ^ ^ or jpr- sey Cixy ns it is .now callervlj:as ra'tlier a differem looking"place seventy -years a,go from tv hut it iiow presenis, A few straggling houses, aa old windmill used for grinding^.wheat .for the use of the British"Tre&pytR NW\v Yorlt,^8om"e" en- trenciimcius, a bioelc house and bar rucks for the garrison, consiiinted the entire raagjuficeP^of-Jers^it^^^ ent sta to Jersey City stands on a p'eninsuln, formed on ona side by the wide indenture muu"panl(5j and what not, of renowned Comm'Jiiipas.w, to say'nothing of Pavonia -and Ahar>iimus. Ia fbimea Ujnes^aiex- "i reme high sides, she waters formednear- •^-^-flHfc-rr- Infeiiijes i-lfi* D. ( sir Stephin Tan Jlraar, Examiner in Chancery BAltMIS 3c ,WOOD\VOItTif, Attomep awl ConiiscFIors ai Law SOLICITOUS AND COUNSELLORS iS CDiSrCEBT. Roirie, Oneida Cou nly, fjftce o»er Barnard's and Welnuirc's; Store" - JaoriCk^tTcet, ~~ ~ Wheeler Bdfnc*, Oicitr Fl ArWoSdWoflh. , HWfflMfcHirieifr EOMlt- m^htr i»- '«nd •fl iif tfpwi rfg- iUfcilri|B|/r0W isrrfl, yrffcW* isiblir,tett tovtiVwnf ttgai ifc^rife : *^0NB*T^ _Wlin are hf»«-jH^B^^rfj-a««rjnrriTrjTbTfe tli?" public in (h'e best possible planner and on reaspn;il|le_iemis. Tlijose who wrjaji lo take .passage in J lie Cars will And it for their conve&ience foslop j»t tilifc. House whrre Itieyc.an hit r.Mp.if In i^^a^^P^r^n^a^^r^s^^^cff.-Src. Together wilka general and exlehs.lve ^oT%roiTt~()f £5 wceriesT J ^rockti : yj atii Hiicware; Kails-, Strr V^hich" we are ^te ! pared lo sell at thejpry loves! pricef •" Rome, Sept. 9, 1845. ZJ , Tatelhe Car?, on. iheir arriral at any linns tbtfing-t^c^j^ht^ir-dtrt^ ; ~ HCjiS ASD BTABt-HTG AiffACHRD- Rqme,Aj)riri5 ih 1845. - 4m6 BLEJSTi^B^ - "iMgl l *.jen»STed his Tailoring Eatailishnieat, ivhrtSii"r^ni^*P^ ,d wait u P oB a H ^i«Tfrilsne«v Uriclc Uliok. (up ilnirs) where *hci will coniiriue the Millinery business in the rno'l la*hi-in.tbh style. She takes '.bis occa«on to ntarr* her sin- r*&* thanks to i e r fiierids—and -patrons for Hie liberal- palruinngc she has received, and <olicif.4its continuance- Her loss atth'eje- cenj fire h^s been Considerable, considering tipr m e a n s j arid she would consider it a rwir- liculnr favor il ber patrons and friends would pay whMerer may be her due. -42i N E W F ALL' G O -D D § V-HOWIiANH BILL k CO. ' Ane JOMtjieceiwhg, their -Fall- -slock i>\- - -oud-S-aroong w^jcij may-be fooird~a: gre;sL i A. SRE&SGOODS consisting of Cashmpres^MaJiltn nplairn^ Iy a coMipleio channel-sovr^r ihe netk si land, .anliio" Powles Hook almost an isl- ands Acro*s,ihrs neck the British troops had dug a ditch ^nd thrown up an ea ; tretichnient, to keep off -any sudden ui-- tao'k thai rrrighl be made by the Ameri- cans, w hose tioopers and scou-la l a y be- twcpn the Pass.ifo and HaLkensack riv- ers—though in fact all that part of Jersey- was a kind ol" debufeable l<nd|" where both parlies met, " fought and plundered T more io the annoyance of the itihabilanls than io each other, This, it will remem- bered,- was in the days of the revolution. Gowiboys;slriTnTe-ryarlcl Jer"se.y torjes -aisornadeit aru+e \tf a|)rrear obcasioh- atty'on - the scene ; and', betwixt frien'd anfj'fde,lhe people within twenty mjles of Powies Hook were in a constant slate were carried off without hesltnii»m," lite Si GREAT- FIRE JN BOME^ 11 ff ._ ceriLlOllC^JLke^^ab^iirJbet^jjas^emoye'ii- his Sliiit, Leather and -Finding ^Uislablish- menl,"td"L S. Parker & Co's'jbldcfe, on the south side of Ihe.Krie Canal, irt tbevillagt "F Rome, opposite. -Arm^rtfng's Jdock, hrhe'relie will kexp on hand ^ts usu-sil Snoes Lw.iUw.nhd FindiwjrV-ftl^ftf •'tfhteli lie~rrrr p^h2inssb:t|tpietl%t=gnn^ jaria-fiayj in«s- gar- dens- r>h+nile*ed-o^ their growing., vegeta- bles, and all the domcsiij portion ol the* iiifin y».rd—such a"s sheep, hogsiind poul- try— di^ap4>«ared on llie. approach of a foraging party. P a y w a s o u t of the ques- liunu-"'-^"—^ {4-.1-.—'.'- .... '. . . -•-•—" sell at a very Srhall advance/from cost.* .Rome, Jan. 6, J948." AgrifcidtoiiJ ¥areliijuse RentBrodr v . „„|j rocrEit) under the; fii'm of Ec trnrrislocli &. Co., snd opened ii Stow at So. S*T>esw street, where they wilt be ready to iiirnisli SP'fi JEL%-UB-: .•4* 11 ktoftof ShlEDSaDdlAlPlifctVlEtV:^ used en theJarW, 61" the 'be^Njualilies and at reasonable prices. His "old friends and customers are respectfully requested to send "tlffir ^ j r ^ V - ^ - ^ - ^ ^ - ^ - r -#f8 Itfj E. COMSTOCK. e U RRA^TS^lTRONfl, RAISIN'S Mace and other spice*, at ? DUDLEY & PECK'S. enough to be Heard by lheoihers3?=!!JQejajl drunk!- He can't wake for -oiie hour, certain " '.? —He-load no-dooners^id^his,' tJi^,4ial-fcAa=±Be=s»dj a dozen hold looking-fellows, in ll|e blu^ coats afljdsdatlot f»c.ing^oil Lele?s_ira goons, c|me from the ihiokeron meVrocky fter^r1t| 'ajid^aT-irtea* Tiife[r"°^p1p1uTioii' \v|fn^a)ji|he endearihe'rita of jovial com- rades." ' •.-.-• " Why, Duke,- you are-getting on fa, rnoiisly,. -?We_tr^clie(l^o-u-.t4ie-'ea-r-l.y-pa-r-i- pf ihe dajr, but somehow we lo^t sight of you just bt;lotv Fort Lee and dared noi come loo close," said one, who.appeared to be the leader of. tlie party. " The bellow w.»u,!d; stop at ' t h e "Bid LHS Ferry lory block liDUse'and refill hisoan- teen, Sprgeatil ) but lor that we should lia-ve"bcen at Powies flook anlliOiir a AYhere is' tho major orfjj}_ihe ^cjrps- Does-«eve-r*iltitig look n f h l ?" . " The afl'air c u l d ' n u l o o k better Dutee All defieods upon you. '1 h i s j e l l o w ap pears to be'drunk enough, and the s ; un i* only three hours high. You rriu.st hg; iijto the garrison-li^.sundowri mylud.' ,c Well, Duke Oiove.will rnajiage that. V n w tell men liule-pf oursiiuapon. Jl I've got logo, I'd like lo die knowing si,R- cess. If they find me out, my I inn*, 1 reckon, would be short \ but I'd ljke_to know- how "tilingslie." - r - - '" Very Well," r said lheser»ehnt, "s|pp under this tree, dui of evesdrop|ii(ig,tU)ti )oti shall hear, Leev^iihllireehundruil ufihe'corpse, is on fhe march, through the private mountain road*. The suiu«' Sic transit gloria muiuli. nriiTinfr of men from Siirltng'iS dt^.i^l^>^hf a ^ ~~— "~——'--- Jliiekensack, 'counti-y, tyi me downthe ____ i , dpTTfieTe/HToTueiti^n foraging, paTfy.— Stirling himself, with a Imdy of iin-n at "tliT^nrv? '• br-idgp.-ove-r. -the Ha<,k"^nsnck, flnafdraTuT^teinKTm^Re^ enemy above. 1 f hoy oarYtes oiri-u,i> g-fr v a n o e d . w i t l f l j i s troo.p.-i, crtrsseql~t-ho-d"iioh, to-te: awd..v-ih.e--ab.attis,—and-efliered +IK; rfTain Works- »The resistance' was not strong, owin;;. w a s talcen,,. and t.wo redoTibis"ciipr.tir<'d with their cannon, besides nearly/two h u nd reldrjnen a rj(i^ev.e't^ !W j3i?ri»%sa, prisoners, -.. Major h.ulherlaiid, the com- ihander, wTobse quarters were^ near th<> river,'llirewjiinisell'mdih ii bo.4yjof l'l p 'n- sians into a,.red,d l ubt, and comoifnEed a l>r4d{-^ftre-u-peir 1 teer-prpv:pntinxr his firr.- iher.-advance. The ships of'war in ilu : river also beg.in to fire, and the alarm drumswere sotmdinjj in" Mew Yi.rk ; so the commahde'r of ihe American for^ces, being thfn within the British'- Jih'ei-; di- rected a retreat with ihej)iisoner.-<,jvhicr was effected-Ay' rapid .'moveinents, SOMI .a-fiei' daylight, up to the new bridge OA'PI ihfe'ilticskrn&ack, where'Siiiliiii^sbripa'dr lin-rj a deiachtnent under Col. Ball, y;ave him final pioleclton. * Among llie prisoners was Jasok Arch- ibald ; and in rfplv lo Grove, who.nsi<* d him what he "iho,ught abuut rebels de. seri.'ng ?" he answered-:^ , ' "-Give nslhe whiskey,, lad. -Here's' to you! Im-ight frave known 'uvuulcf turn out a d—-ji Yankee trick !" For this exploit,. Major Henry Lee re. eeived fioni Con^rers a gb'ld medal, ttnjd. ) l a riivariuke Grave re'iipived Tiout his commander a handsnino broadsword, and was'prnmoiid lo a corne'tcy. U huninong the residents of Jersey City ktvw nn\. thing of the rapture of Powies Hook 1— ain Jim winked "his eatp're'ssTv£w7n(jr/ andr nod at his' fcroTrJeTr « T 1[narTadF''sbft two blasted'big things splashing andBgclji; pling in the w a t e r aiori<>sjdhi ?" affltes83roa*n»«es^ ^^^fk^\t0m^im^§sWnf^l^SiW i l^rW^ l'ronrnho New Yurlt Spirit of the Times. .. Ait A rkiiiisas Original. - In a back woods seTlJ'emMi-ifl -Ark-an- ^nis-; ItvtifT- ^vn-ra^rrrnrr^-t«IujJti-aU4?-Jit«i4- dUtiugnPtti- as-'J+si—arvd-Nirth—•J-mi 'find- and i n a fow nioment^, afier va-cio«s at- temptd to raise, turned- ever ' -muttering " \\ help, ha ,'^cjosed bis peepers !"'~6*fl• J .sundry other drunken sentehcesj arid then look to sunning most soundly. It may be as well to state who the.«e two individuals were. On the night of ihe I6ih of July-,-ihree days before Gen- eral Wayne lindstomed and takon £lt>~ noy Puuit i n a m..stbrilliunt aliack, and die entire garrisoj^eori^Hrjg of abnnt tan tained the consen; of \Vn-hiu»mii lo tin deriake it. Towards night on the Jay of llto Iciiptiire -af.aVrc4i-il>*W r -.Vi-iFm*4uk^ Grove, one of his dragoons, and ihe pris- oner; were reported to Lee as missing.'' As ihe latter had been put u n d e r i.l_ie_ doubt but the t w o h,ad gQ'tlu.ofT in com pany. " I cannot orJer a pursuit now," said or bay, extending towards Huboken, and lL ee, while on the march ; " w e shaft aiHne ollinr sido Tio the classic waters.' calch the rascal -before Ihey r e a c h "lite lower bridge, of the Hackensack." - t The orderlysergeatil of the tr6rip could only mutjer._£Xery w^li," sir V a s he riOTJinoar a j e ^ U J b ^ . i a r ^ ^ a t e f : eu r^ 0 "' 1 <W ^ the world, V t j J a ^ lTnek^nsa7k,V« i=.lr» >!>» p T i<ni.iPr^juafyL- present »»• one "CI ^nmiliJjuLUJiJxuiui^ajul So far, not 'iho leas, idea of Hie plan h a - " eool | fi 8 h l ; " ml had "? , l na J'- v 8,, n h w So ! rrnfthVil ihri.niifmy;'] "- VVherr is lite- a T t«ck tobo nintle 2" "Tonight, or to-morrow m»r»i}nii most priibablysomo llire© ho.urs - licfort- diiyUttlit. Ad cl'-pend on you ( und. yoj»r sign.il." ';• Well, the signal [ underslaild, ser*- ^eant. : Inoneh:>ur my ^lpepi I pg c int- rude yonder will be roady u> prow-i'd.-— Toll ititwnoJQr I shnll do my jftvt. If we gel-al Powies Ho.»k bnlore tl»rk, irp will ruin tho major's plans ; so yotist-e 1. Tj|ratt~kr'fp _ iiH'"companion a Utile grnngv. Ilerneniber, I s h a l l "t'o thy piln for ili»« good qf Congress, I lie country, and old *Vfrjimny"ni liaTliciiTurT"' •. Ou»' of the parly now ibr.w nfthis hav- ersack, snrne cold mini and biscuit wrr«* produced—which, w iill_jijiltle n.d cidi-r br.iudy the sergeant had ptckrd up nt a farm house on h i s rpulri, was^. soon ,di*- patched-!r,and as the surt bni»n' In "il'io» ihe more ambiuou^, nnJ he .Tfjn.iljjfL'jk*^ liti -nhadaws a c r o s s ihe rock, hai.ils wen \haken, and the d.ragnoiiN unJ-tbeir 4-eader ili.-<nppenred ii.) ihe ihiekrii - If* ttrirrrrfmrres after, OroTF slifmk ills red-c-onied coni|iani6ifh?avilv,'v\ ho, rous- ed rro.ni Jits ifjumbers, looked about him Jai^ramiu^oLii^^ his'head a litile'stupified, bm<©llierw1se perfectly sober.. " Ob ! my.old companion, is it Thank you —thank yoti! v Ymsr ncnial whiskey is tl—TI stronjr. ? you ag.iin.loak: hid bUlion, but he urougattlie" tntiji-r had suddenly goi ipio very sslack discipline,^. M^rmaduke Grove had not deserted without^,reason,; as the sequel will show. WeTTixnsT irow bring the rea- der back to the l.wo soldiers- The-dragoon had seated hirpself upon a log which lay along the edge of ihe heights, anib drawing from one pocket a pipeand tinder box, and from another a few leaves of" Ole Virginny," he crush- ed them, and, filling his pipej struck a fight ami commenced smoking. Mean- iniie the British soldier-lay in deep sleep, b re"ut h i tig hea vi Lyr-pand. jLS-,aiie—sun—fell \- t QO-bls-s+aJ-wart Frame atid surTbrbwn- ed though stiil. sonrewhal lloria" feaTures jhe Virgiginiarj ihuttered— " A fine figure .of a man ! I w.onder iwv-4y-j^he^se-4i3ilTn -BTrHr^tr^So^iritrjclr talon-their limbs, while we modnrainT J^iii^xe^a- , Ue>H^^s^fl*s. - -Beiie^Tt^ Ha! ha!-—a' good-«,ne ! ile Uii.trks 3Mar- maduke Grove has d'.-seited. - A fine desertion 1 think tbe Britishers will find ti!" ' ,Why does the dragoon sucldenly start,, take'his pipe from liisnioulh-^and listen: sonli- VPIiv. hoftfiong have I bt-en asleep ? Thesui> is getting low, and I suppose we <">ugli« lo h«ve been at Po«les by this' time.-^- ifjdrse tfis drrnterng,' sayTf"" How^ever- iiieanilioat Hi* w a s lonkt'd upon, cnnsr qu.eiyJvi.in IILS iuimediaie ai-igliLoj-hxicd as- 3oii»uhjrahli) ol-a Uaveler^ N'^l «--«* priiicipalj^ reinitrltiiblc for his ifnenip ad mirntion for, u-'n+f—j-t»piieit-ftb<i-fttnn % ,rf—tr/ his learned brniher's opinions nod ndcicr. NHRvNediViid IisMittly si ihl at home" in- tending to lhir*j»s T *' -whiin Jim pfrfonn d the par!''I Ihe pro/li^ioiH a.>n u'Jrnml.— Hut one limo wiirn Jim wat about ^!a'i it!g, lio.detrliiiinudto «v.iil_ hiuw^lf ,.f h i - bruttier's ettigri'foca and litimvl<^M> trf the w'oilJ, lo seu a I ill If Ufa ,him-.t •'. Bf|t>hrand early oni% lino lull niiniThjj, clu'l in ihe hri'iili! nrfcu bhinkiM tM.it, an JI h/itud liiiniiiieiM»ai l ' l whirh lotni^ihe jpr%s'. cTpiiTfi'ii' u»s" hi" t h e "ooslTTini' nl' ili,> rtu- ifiUJisof thfir seeii'ic, and itmuufil t>n twra rutv boiii-d steeds, ihev* -inrt' d-flii tin Alis-ii-si|>pi, a ml reached n "mii-ll town <i|. its bunks on die nfternoo.i ol,ilu« foil iwit g day 1 .^ JIIM .n* w they arrived liie "(ieju JarkSon!' had hnulcd up to ilm miniitlu't- levee, and lay piuTuig amrpiil.iula^ r atio jurking retina tiu+es-afid negrors-nvprhfr bow, HIIII lo'ikmg for nil -the World liter nn iftfrrmrl btgfnrrrrp hmi^n^wtrh Ifr liilehm wallknorked mil. Now was tin lime for J i m io di<pl.iy his knuwled'/r-. «'o tltsmouniin>{ froiil. _hi3-hocso_unil—gi4»i^" \ed ihe reins lo bold and having cniiiu>n ed him in wail until ho hid assurrd fitni-' s e l f o f ' l h e uh-ip*nce of all ilniHri>i, he leis- urely sauniereinlown lowii'rds. Ihe 1ioa! It was q pleasant siirht to srr the ihe aii .pfknowinyiie.-*-! and determinaiion not u> be taken in — with which he noild.^l i>- every oue > he mel, at the sa'rtie time wink mg -tvirh irtTngln eye, and - j^rltinjt f*'"' peated' his wink. " And was there a' s^mall boat '^olU^iha^beiiiad^ */>4 up,-.. " Yea* said Mr. T. x '~-"" ! ' ! '»" . / '- - : -' -' " Ned," sa't'd Jim, solerrrnly, and con.- cerftratihg-al-1 hisjowers. ioj.ahe^deter- mined wink— « I Jciiowed-jt wto \het, AM'JIL •_ flsltyoitme'^lT^.P' '. •*• '' GuGrsGiTTirs. " ' Ways at the World.s "Fle's only a mechanic, nomattorif hi has. broken-his leg." „ ' True—but a niecha'tiic has somefeel. in S- -. "' ",lie's a dirty.Irish boy—don't stop.thd - horses—d.rive_Q,ver him, if he df>.es'nt.-^et' o m . o f thejYa^ry''-..,, '$ - - G ; -"" - .- Hutilie Irish b^has.•parents, ft*»may bi.^ ' who love'him as te'riderly as y.Qudoyotir ' own children. "Push himasiJe-whatbasinesa has. a. aigger on-ihe walfef" ^ Stop—that'black man £art thinjt and „ feel.. His heait may bo a s tender as your's. «,, ( _ Turn her nut of doors—-sJie's a mis', .-•. erahleold hag. a -' '• «- Dp you know that? P e r h a p s shs-'sl ' honestly poor. " • "l!.»x bis ears—ho's only pa's finnren. tice." . . "• " v But -he's'no less entitled to, fund-*)!**; '.(»ive her jhe__ kilche'n jjirl. ad^=sh&-3- oitlv n Suit she l e a n Te-IMi y^bud . food as wall as vnti. ' The worJd—ihe selftsli artrj. im&eUo«»- ^wJir-wJie eanJmt-d^rTCFtr^— WVInry^, mi love for our f e l l o w , «-r«n '% trr !^ s r°- ^ i ^'A l ^y.-OH^fl^o^y)ii-trg^ lv>rliii)Bte--m) boivels of h'i : ,"r>tp T iift^innJfHAl.1 ,tl»e sail and dejected-. We crush thp poor —cheat tim" igrfnranl, a nil ridicule" tho-td • . ^rtrrrh ive not Doen iij^ifiiLiLs. dur<*el.vei» nmgliiu| lo see you. 1 ' ^frfTiTnTrrTiTmiTtfeTc^Tjllirird in |hp**l -ivirds iliaii in iill'tho >vi'Miiyj_.sp£e^r«Mnif J :i law sl)op, and y e u h e etpressinrr is<,ri • Ihf tip-end of a!nio«5i overy orte's r<»ngu.e>, r.j)lie_an instance; M-.dam has picklesi •>r. «iiii«irigPH t o m u k e , nntl ii 6j3 tn hercars i i pun ainj.kenlrs, whent.MrM, Sotrhd.milV r- wnr ^vrrti her .NJ^{i»l^--aniM»^a41-dfes«!d—~ o faineailv »s if thev had j tut lipen for ^x-TTrnrrrh.s ituprisrujeil Blow i luue goes ngain ; I must have a 'ns-Ht ot the dog's hair that hit me." lie "look n hearty drmk . frnm'Vhe canieen^ 'iad Ihe swo men immediately .pursued liteirj'iur- ney. ! It was afierninhlfiill when they reach- ed ihe neck &!_iiinrfi beforp niplliirwiPtl, whibh formed the - penvtisula orj which Powies Hook lies". • Thediich' Which had been dn» ncioss fry the soldiers was near. Iy full ol water from the riven, and tht- -. drawbridge wn-» Ivoistpd that Ted over it. A c a l l frnm the British soldier was soon answered, the drawbridge- lowered, and I'het wo..p_asseff over. A bou 11 hi rty_^mceji from this was a row of ahli'lit^, and' la front of all was a Dreek firdahle ordy in gntreurhmenl looked much more forini- in a hnndbuj.;— HIP: I HI extrcincly glud in'seo L'-"-'- =-J— u 'i'-'n.'-i!!ll--r-;-k* -atjlrpyiirigJiL^-l Ti -.^ Fn hrrfTi-ari HIIO wi-dins her and,all h -r brood n t-h.e- we !fl<e io have s t il il. H IWJJ we iu'iir a-person s-iy," do oj.ll again nnd-seo «IP,'-'it sounds so much Ir-'te J i h n show lh« gen>ijem in Ihe vvav o i'. VTIUTP i» no such 'tiling.as polita- n ••<•*, T o be whit the ra.-thi'uMahle w o r l d o .II-) polite, \Ve niiii«npcessiiiily be adtvp- o ;rilp, .Tfm frrjirrjfnlHFcIeTisTio at sincer^ iif is bliiniiip-«, aru'La^ncere man will it --vpr.-rravet-he rranr 4 tiiclr#*.' ! . " . ."" Ii t\our vanity that irtaltes |||p vaniljr o: others intolerable. raised fort-finger ol'liM right liaud.ni inu< h as to say,'•< It's all v«-ry wpfl, stragrr, but they can't take me in; 1 .kftfiw alt ahrttiR steatculwats I s&mM think!'' So Iw went on niiddTnn niid winking, until timillv, nif withoubgreal inward irepi.tation, he plat- ed his loot on the boiler drck. ,Hirdl\ had be don? so when splash, went tin the escape'"pipes sounded their trrmrn dons phlomi), and ho was enveloped irr a ol-ud of steam. Jim Cntild not siand'ifris. but plmrj»:ng into thp stream soon si.onr red and dripping by his lieivililerrd hroili. er. "Ned," says lie, •' slir's blowpd, aiul I'+n- i Ive onfy ^ne-def+a+ive- to- itrH- t+rc-ta-rr! jro lutine.- 1 '- - ' r " ^~ —^heTeWars-rrernerally a ^aTrfirriT- wf British troop* of about five hundred rw.en .stationed at-Powies Hook during the rev- olution. The communication with New- ark.^riinsvVickTB'nTrs Ferry» a'ndoiher .f»Uuic844i4h<!i't' part of Jeyjeyr^ndei^tHr his deep" basSj asa prppjiralofy rehearsal*] seo-you in -the mOt-itfng. • He oniy hoaj-d ior vhis nrghts-'performance ? Haiik last night of thai hang'dog Wayne's, at- agalVil .Th'echaitednarof-ag-rey.-sfjair - l »?k yponjSiQiiy Pin'riL. _ To-mbrrovv we rel seems to crfine~but ot tfte nleighbor- go across lo ,\eW Yo'rk ;" Cjiftre'd'beJjHi necessary dial ihe Brhisji co|ijm,ander iji Ne'w~York should preserve Powies Honk at all ha^ard-sr-This was the reason why a body of troops' T v a s - t r l w a y a slTOoTiefJ there. " ••" '" - ; •.••'''• ' ' d,t.was.in -Ihe m i d d l e of ihe afternoon \>f i"he,-l8lh o M u ! Vj j779,' that• ivvo- 'soL ^TeTTcifalsed llie Weehawke/ri Road into the-edg'e of the woods that- ^extend -along- side ridge of the rocky heights back ol Hobolceii,about three'mileslronl Pdwles H.6ok-r. Ar they .crossed' the road, one of the two liibked cautiously around him, they then struck at once inlo the Ihickesi po-xiiott pi!: tbve T woods^--ye|r-8ti4'I-k-eepingf ami atroThBr' along the oliaaifj of- heights. _ At length Tiiey-feaclledr a platfdrrrr oi rock clear of trees and bushes,.frorri which they had attenlivaFy't," Can, he* haten- bicaUse a sonorous buTTFng has just cuuiiiie nccj Jack Archibald was immerfralely c.ar- rind; trelbrg The comm aTt fter, M*jS| S u f h e r. Iniid-, and examined fully itwoaJfl ajipear Ibr-iTiore than nniionr elapsed hefornHif returned]o the blo'ck-house wheie Grovt* had been left. 'When, he did' return,, he came up to llie Jailer and said— 11 Cliecr up, conirj-Je \ ihe rnn'jeepJwTrT tnotetecr^tife ~rlTiTnYiniT Ti sp«; * , I QQJtJOL mome.nt al the* soldi or as if to observe that his/slumber is Undisturbed, -and theri "foryou; rou rebel' 'i'lit!H-"*w'a» und kiii^l _rnon that is,." *jt was£oinewbat in Uiis style that Jack.Art-hibald "muled oil Ins whisiles.a rnerrV noter-Jike-one-of-tht-f lal >- , : A i f nill f o^cTockJtTi'at"aVd^aclv- thrlrTjs oflfiat scaramouch o? r iTieTiirest,'o Virginia mocltitig bird, in early spring. Lo \ another Js^gd-camesJstcit,- I^4«4lie-|- ^plaltu.iiVe,ione_'-ofL;that-^ra*lAnc-hol;y^ i.he" VVhip-poor-will ;"'and"Whip-poor- iil-P-" W^hip^o&rvvrih^-echdes^Uuol the forest. ' ; "' , ""' - A few braTTches are parTeo*"byrfjieleafy" scifen that touches an, edge of the rock.. andlaface is seen peering al the dragoon and his companion.. Then it passes a-w^y ~%$$, The .Virginian were accorrnnodaikl wjlh asleeping place in a.rempt,e'pait of ihj?..ha_i;'rap.f»ri, nprtr. ihe ahnllis.' _, ... 1,9th J u l y , 11^9, Maj^r Lee, with" three hundred men, after marching: since dark, reftp-hed' \\\e creek unperceived, and hal- idlvis detachrtreTitr He tlien sent T an of- spaceof a few initiates, Pike i.fie-,shifting ;o\ yfewsin a diorama*- half ii dozen faces nnd e y e s rfieet the glance of.ih.e Yirg-itf fieer and » fe J w seleTjt-.nieiifdr.WB-i*d to ihe dili h to reconnoitre, and note 'jf aiigln •couli.beheaTd of the signa-l agreed upon. l^ ue ^^_i fr ^! n ^da-4i-ie^v--tTiomehta-af^ iixll.fro^,was-heard as if/bqriiihg jrcrni trie -diidln atttlin about I ; w6 Wadtesihe'sotiiid -wa's'repeaied frorn the aba"l%s;. Jilt .ions i>A . ™-nwi- ( i»ii, "l'l"ll UlCT HU" 'MIU fVOO 1IICBI IHC EIUHUO ui,. lll.w . •• fe ...i- _ . - - -..-•,. ^ . _ a full Vie* a/the iiay andtarborofNett an.~ •The-W.gn'iuoh was trio t u a l : . for [ r ^ The officer, sent back one of .his York, if... s *; •bie went tip to thf «ieeping- soldier, rer , " Nn—Jim bio wed.!'' IITIIC- Eyt- ofl'onscicricc. That the r\'p of ennscience may baaj"^ vf i\'s ( quick_nnii li^ely.lei constant use'bei sa re lo kerp il oonotatlt-l y open, and there- hv ready und prepared-ro admit and let in 'hose heavenly be ami which are always j[tri>nmlng fnrtb from God upon inindsin- v (el to receive them. --And to lh.ta. _njjjr>. pT^slpt a man Ry frtirti e-vefy thin^ whicfii m iv IptJVp riih^r a louiness or a bias up- di it; Je.t liim tj'/patj every gross act o f - sin.; l'>r'oTre-g,rpaT.stah rri iy- as ceriainly . a-vl speedily destroy life as forty l#ss>r \v funds.. Lei him carry a jealous eye o v r v v e r y grovvihsj habit o( *m; Set binn * k -jt-p aloof from all commerce and fell.o.il- sSip-wi'h any vicious and baseaffeclioitj^ <• esppcially frotn all sensuality t^Iet him It -ep hini*elf untriuelipd with Ihe hellish* ilrihalldwi'd hea-isorf lust and the ndisrsomii streams and e^khalaiions of in^eniperance; let him bear imtrael-f'aoo've that sordid and lovy thiag, that utler contrndtotion"to . a44-gre-*tne.s-T -of iiii-rijl==icrrvetr3miiersisT~lTiT^" The •peTf~oT~ says Ked,' "she" lnsn T| blow—lei's go h.i>iue! ' DII.I .-pncignin ui iHst-frigJiJeiied nitj; ~|re Th^apppa+ed-, *rrW : lowed by-hi^brmviip-rv^l-roin tlie-eyes^ of- ihe amused and astonished speei^Msar— 1 - . Some wi-cks u.fier lliejr return,'and af- ter their SPtilpmrnl ha'd-'somewhal «i t" over llie Wonderful story Jim h.id 'n'tral ed ihejUj wiih, a new hvru enured upoi. q"be s c e i i e : One M r.' TboiiQisnEwiiiLUAi. liim dis-euslav'e htjonselt from the •peTT ihtt .world, from tba-t-" a-fnnr salera-tlis ha^- bf ndi;''. lastly, lej: him learn,sd to look a n m the honors, ihP po'm-ip, aiid^irej f m > e^ i _ 'oC'Tlle^vvrrlli', aslo"*tni'dt ihrnujjh ihpm^^—s F.ioJs^iulee_d. are a^it lr^l^ r hlowq^unji^l wen chopping in -a-wonti Hl.-gaTdorj onins, uTT rgfTttf .VTT* Klssinpi lor sohie stj^mnnihs, und wTirTT adventures created a^-iod ili-al -of f.Vcjjt rnehl among bis womle-fing fel.lu-i'V c*iizpn- Every one orowilf'd clown to lintir. i+i^siu- n»n, mid Hiiiofitr Ttn^Ti?Mr -J^TFTW ar»r-li"¥ti | .brothers. Ned sat iviilTopeh ears » n.• eyes Wondeu'ng at all he heard, biil-Jrir listened with a cyiiicail smile oil -h-tsfae^. liTte'a nrnffil5iv¥o\vas'i):o^lo4je hffiibu^g^S —and occasionally chrm'ed in wii-ha vi'r\ true, Mri-Tliornpson—you nt'edn'i tell 'Ur |hat—'•we've «ef.n_a.U t'hajLJeJbrjej^and (hen he would iviiik^and ^liak his fingei atJN'ed.' Afleng'tn Mr.T., iuCideiitalU menTioii^TrTlre~"l)0.rsiitig of a~iiTeuiijUoa-t-TTT -H4tetU40A< Ji is-y-a rd^__T-Ws-iU*est "Stop Mr- Thompson," said.' he winking atNed f "Rad she'R' d^-^-^-d fi.ll thing like a bee-inartin - po,Ie stuckojp for -vardr' ' : _ ; -, ' ^ i r j i f ofieTi to Lee, arid the latter in'stantly. od- " Yes^'J rejoi'ne'd Mr. Thorrip«on: I Ji MI again wiiik.ed at Ned.. " Andl\nVl -.-die t w o ^ r e a i b l u c k t h i n g s , fikci^kasses ears-i'n her middl^T'• •'Yes," replied Mr..Tv,J. f.A ., e.- _ » " -V,r ' --r^' ""i^'pr^^T "3%' '-*•' 'vP'U' M ,.;.»-.;..,. ,-;x tefis;' Uj •|M> 3'- -' • iRTng Ventiiring thejr head otil'v to ia?t v: 7eattve-F in"ilieir capsi'v '"^ElfrRouthT NiAOAnA. FAr.t.s.r^Fniproyemehts at a n d nrourtd this Interesting spot are id" progres" for thp en.^iijrig 1 "season. On thjg^_ jfe^PtrCTtn" Trd'c.... y hue tllc_jiiecjj>iuajjr»:" ;>jjfi fi.ni, Ihfffirriihir rnnd i-i rnmnlplerl) nnd 'to -make the"clescent easy nd-tl s.nfe, it'*- virions wihdj.ri.g3,.E;.x.tehd-'\io. threp' i -ftwirih* of a mils. It will be"bothn car* nage and tl footpntlu To guard again*? accidents) on-the onesidejit is protected by a stone railing* 'Prie wfh.dle clist-bff"" the road will be $5,000- ... \--, .-[ population of t'ne'Stote of P?ew Yerkj W ^Iwvvir^rb^ire-IarteTceiM^M . citv of New York alone)cfjntairjsaboi** 16 T Q0Q blacks.- ' ' ..'''..' LJ ! """" Pelef tiionjier, 'nrh^rTSs Bepri oji iriAl at DeiiHam, Mass7,far m.rrderTng E J w i r # 7 W alsh in ftoxbury in June last, halt bfeeit acquitted. •',.-.•' "*• ,*• +*= T h e r e yVere one hqndrdi^rid thtl*ty*fivn^ destitute "persons of both Hexes acStim" i inodated vvitfi lod^.lngf' 8.t n 't-Jhe r a r i o u * . fous-es iCW." Y ^ i t ^ ^ « * - i n r t 1, « mgai-af"^ tbe late severo snowitorniA >'^f-": .j, ..... ,ir

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3' Ml^3^^*°$** w * * % tf' $*M lpt»!e^e, J p o ^ • * > . , *

-No. 19 Old Series,

•51 «4'l'U7iit ^'W$ BJKcV

»««#r how T a t w n ^ ' * f * i m i i . »f niediciite le

h?-fjffiffi*t'-pf ' " j l o u i e t h *

'«• in lliii city "IhereiUnied «ilh. n^difce

s.hjind««r i%t -

%te*i|a»<ftj * re from strict 'te <>ff>i(d, j ^

-prirlor iroalj.

ty*ndi<»te— ill) erert, cure ««i. * But, iht re Liihoniritic I of hot'•-«?» sment be pef. MtPKisitPcet.

•n<it«MMm o f a g « i : \

'* «r«l,,Btif«' imni iHtwul

eure. Silat

rt« and jwtfftt r flWJWHt.

p«Mii|Uii!«. bpftrff«|«!lff.

;»f of rcuie, fcc, •rift the »b»Ti irular* Hill bf jcltre»(r«f«

©.rail undt«i j imridd «k«' - i h » t all «1rf F «(Wl.t»*eirfl1

G. C V.utU ! uno"n the earit b'.'UilhAAiHptMf mite. - PiH ip | bottle, l a l T F ]

j j I ) r . G. C, •f., Bilfliito,' V ni m«rt CM»< mil rHmll »f C o u n l i n d * . , (be fcl!o«rip(

•Oi^RliKfc-;-Brown, fl4M|i-. J. E* )y.amrf.. JI, Boon»/iH«!

I 'I Lift'Fflli

^•tihler-medr *, k««ir» i t •r'» L i b R l l t y now *(l».ilt»C x arte of III. 1 fgnn'lj m<Sdt* M in. (i*e.<-

am l l w i t |>iil« c their s i n e

• \ "

^:fe^.Series;ToL ir-^p, ,$fc :J "TEHS 1 « M M T l g E L

Published at Romcj Oncifla tynirty, N. t.

• . T E ' R ' M , i / •' . - __ TjoJWail tadOi^io Subscribers^l,50,if paid

within three months from the date-ofeubscrip-t l i o n ; «r $2,00 at. the. expiration of the year.-E-.' Village Subscribers $2,00 per annum. i

~ No piper discqnkin,,PlP!UunJes?'ft die o'ptiori o f the prop^rietors)tilM))-ji;|f^ragM-are paid. .

All letters and com[pyili1|a)|fon8Tpr'tho editor!

must be free of jjosl|i|'c, •. f f ' | ' '!

' I 1 T E I D"T '.A! D V E R T I B I.M O .

1 square 1 week $ *«• 3 weeks 1

I month 3 , 6 " 9 "

50 0(1

1 25 3 25 6 00 7 OO

Yearly AdvbrLisomonts One square . . $ b 5 Q One e ighth Rol. ifl 0 | | Quarter c o l u m n 12 UO .Half • " 18 OO One •'.' 3lftO0


, Wholesa le ai)it retail daalers in

DRY GOODS, GRocElryxsc CROCKERY, r l A R D W A r l E , 1 I R O U , S T E E L , HAILS. ,

• i_.4jc_ii-y.^4rJcX'^—k-tii~ _ —•' &M(A tithtoftite. .Gdnal.JamcsjSl., Rami. '•

'<Mn;«mY4nmi SJS^gifee?."^:^^



Aimttrong** Block, Strut It Side of Eric Canal,

R O M E , Where t h e ; tro prepared at all l imes to erectile

with neatness and despatch, and on reason, able terms, cverg_doficrijitieiih .of

LlfFM PBBSS P1WW. t y Work duno night or day aa tbepccenity

.of the case demand*. . •>


i*mstrong's Block, Rome. 'All orders from adis tance punctual ly attended to

^Jliraim Shepard, ' CL.OCK and WATCH REPAIRER

H a s removed his establishment three door east of Stanwix' Halt, where , Cloelt,8 and Walcfies ^vill be repHired to order,

Rome", January 99th, 1845'. . 441 f

•vrpr'TCE.—niY ACCOUNTS FOR -L^ llie VVafehouse at /tome." .are fr» the,

.luindsbf Mr. G E O . E . Ydu«ii, who'.will at-erd to their Collection und Settltnient.


I H t L ' S I I K S , B K I J S t I . E S .

HA L B ^ N A J L , TOOTJH, F L E S H f>mnb, Henrth, Hat, Carneii Hair,

Palfit. VaKnibh, Hfrsf, Scrub iintl Shoe Crushes. H E O D i . E l T & P E C K ' S

1rV'fiolenle tnd Retail Dealer* in Ili'iigi', Med ci'r»c», PaiiilH, Clio, Dye Slufist'W^idovv.GlkBK P*tc»il Medicine*, Perfumery, UrtTshvi,* Tar 1'itcU.Oakuiii. &c, AI»oChuKUj|'aioily Gm

-rr.cn c*rPt»re;

II. J.Cl|XA»U. (

tkuu. &c, AlwCliu„er. ,o . iyOr«. . - | U g B « B C E X T F l R E F A V - I V C D R .

4D»rni„ic*-StreV», Rome,,-». Y. . • »* ' « d ''f ^ c n l m ^ L h c ^ i ^ ^ ^


Office in iho A r c a d e . "Where they wilt punctually ati(?r,dfo all calls

in tho hriobf Uieir prufcsjiVon. '* 21 jr I

J~~ w M. j a H N S O N ,

A N D - ' . pJnatO.VJMLK UJIK-iiKESSjElt,

In t h e Basement of Rtanw 1 Hal l ,

A t t n r n c r mid OfMrn^r-Hnr-tTt—fit


trruEJir . coirux' conwissiasEn. air

OfRceirt Arm*liotis ,9i Illncfe,. 2»• - r — - ^ -.-•-- - -,-, - ^ = r

. W I G 11 T ' S

CJap, aiul Fur Hat, (Jap, aiul Fur Store, l # r c n w w d lit the s t o « pirmcrly <M>r'u|iied \>r A. • S | ie i icer , .no\t donr to-M 'dgc & D«»ly'» " a " 1 -

wrcrtl amrc, on l l io street l eading to the Canal and ttad Ituad. ' H o m e . Oct . 2 d . lMo, . ; 28-f


Solicitors and €ouseilorg.

3ALVERT C O M s r u C K . { R S » " E -' -OEee in Annslrongs brick block, dver the Cant! Collector's office. - ,


A T T O R N E Y S ' & . C O U N S E l i L o R S




From Tho Tribunor


p«- a , . W . FATTEN, V. S, AltMV-,


FaWner's Ahoy ! Plaster rPisistcr 1!

f J B O U N J l . . P L A C E R ronsunl ly ^ * hiindattlievSloilrriMilLs.Onejdfl Csstle.

N . B. The subscribers will exchange Gr«*iind Plaster f..r r*ine Lumber or Produce

." • B U S ; W F . L L . $ - D 0 D 6 . C Oneida PIKUIP, Marrl, r>. |"^>—<lQm6

JIHSSSO'TOOJLI . 'S K i i l i n o r y S t o r o H o m o v o d .

-has-rc-iii(>*«d Irf tbei^rirprtn'coVJhntgf1; "Do-" iy S t C o V S l o r e . corner, of Dominick iind iHmeJ sfaegr wht-re sTielvillifispflie. fl£liet

eiTGieslock of 5ITllineVt*^ood3

" Consialios in piirt of I h e following arti-c lc t . v i z : Velvets,"Sniurn, S i lk s , Luces , Bibbonn, Flowers, Plumr-n, f)rrtvge. Gimp, Cord^iGcivals . Gloees, Mills, ^«iiaft jihd Lc»horn fl«l», &c. A . U'-FOOLE.

Uoroe, January 12, 18-16. _42tf

•FASflWN^-fOfi Am. I t . W A I / K B B would nidst respecirully inform the Gentlemen of Romp a n * Ttirnmr, that he "llWST recelveif froip N e w York the Inlcst nnd'-most ap» {Irsveil fif-lnoiis for apriiiR and summer. Ur-'lin^iJ-^)rCfelt^cdii cltoTce lr»roT riiil'ir«tririimin»«"selecl-

- J w ill greiit c« ie which lie would be glnd I u x o l n n ^ e f o r Cash.

i i r ea l care (alien in cutl ins for those w ho >v^E>toln«"e their work done by w o m t a or at horii c and sumrble trimmings put u p o' very lew price*.

Shop ir» Mirrill's Drick Block, opposile Ihc Northern Hotel, ,., ..

i":-«iic, 18JG. - < ' • fa<ldt

lh«'llirB*iii«r •ilfr »rt t«^* sir c«*e*et* f ' fthii *itTMr-'irtcraHRariw

d iht«e booki ..iw t .ba i t .

^l,»lor«:lir«Pf ; ^ s « i l l ' * e r ' '

n W i n l h ^ l k

Solicitor* im Chance ry « . O M E , X » t r .

3 l§ce on Janies Street," iearly opposite the JJftriTicrrt Hotel. S."V»N TJRES»« J. Ikl. ELWO-ID.

. ._ S C l i O O t , B O O K D E P O T .

U T J- H A N C O C K , C O R N E R O F .T T . J a m c n i n d IJnminick St«„ h a s ill c t tnn-uvo- *l»i!k—«>f -Sdiotil- Bnotor^-fArrr iiftTeT^ffif IVrappinj Pj-pcr.'and lilack Ink. A l f o a l a r g c issortment o f Schoo l Stal ionerv, IFhirh lie «l' If r» t o llie trade w/iolcsale d»d ri ta i l at Now York pri.:r*. IV. J . H J t f C O C K .

M. B. R a g s « a n t e d in c \cbango . lor books. P a p e r etc.

Millinery Sto(e Removed. . RS. B A K E R « A S . . 1 i Y C O N S E nnence o f the recent fire, nenmvedio

Thou bast passed from my heart like the dew •"'••- -;«re»^flq.s{«says.. : ,, •_ p k e tho bloom "from the bud^-like -thfjjight-• r from llio day. Oh Na'd i8.t,lie gloom which thy memories'loavs, As tho cload-lhat- -Jiariga--dark-an-tho—brow o/'

•- • -tjie e v e | '"' " . . Tho gleam has g^iao out from the depth of those


Like a-slar that hath set never more to arise ; And the ray of hn4 hope which" so gliateri'd in


It is quei)cb'd,oh ! Alcida.'departed with thine.

Aleida, Aleida, a stray lamb of the foJaU , Thare'salttjo ef the fleece which should no'er-

have been, tpld :' ... ' a • . . i „ There's »l iearl- lhri l l ing story of passion ' a n d

thtt, , ; . Which Echo , deep blushing, h^th murmurod t o

- ^ • • i ' " • • . • ' - . - ' _ . . '

By thesnosi? of t h a t han_d which-1'vo trembled l o tough, i •" , _L^.'

By the roi'ejpf that cheek which I'vo lauded s o mildly _ .

By t h e blue 'of t h a i eye , and thy lips happy . t one—^ • _ ,

Ateida ! Ateida! c o m e back to. tWneown ! . ^ • " ' ' ' "•

Come back t o Iho homo or' thy innocent mirth. Where thy mother .ails sad by tho desolate


And thy lil-wer-hair'd father tho winter eve long 4.<npat'mplly ytiarna for tby dceen.'.aof sang, RoUrn, lliotieilCang'd one^oneejnore with t i y

•mile, . -And thy insy.ohcek'ji brolher shall greotlhec — : tho'w'tiilo! ' ' • - ' ' "

—T-h-ree or^(ow-iA4fS-eP-\v-ft-pp—^^vfflHfer jmion-jaclc at.the Tore, la ,y. , in"pride o f powef" on the .npj>le Hud§.gp ; and si i l l further .off the folds of 5)t.<Geprge's4 red-cross bannar'dropped at t|te flag.-siaiLof, Fort St. George , the head qui.iners o i i b e British commiinderiin-clii&f, Sir Meary Cltntojh "

,^ I&t< la4; tof.„f4l RtbiB.F1>t y o u jol4-yloB^--legged Virg-infdti, will Jack ' "ArcTifbaTJ trudge, till he's-drank succes s to thai fla« yonder. God bless it, niy hearty ! ' '— And downi he sealed liiiTiiielf, at the.sarit** t ime-applying.to his lips a huge canteen , of at least u gallon size, such as in for­mer days farmers c a n i e d to the fields-till­ed wiih cider, H .. . J

•" Mr.. J a c k \rohiba,lJ, 1 reckon...you" are thoderajely fu-H o' .wlTjjskey n o w . — Tha i nose ofyotfjrs, if it sUysh ing in t h e suj-, will blaze, a s s u r e as lerrapia' grow llfTald V i r g i n n y . "

" -You be d— ! and.oJjj_yjrg.jnny. and terrapins 106. I had a. taste bi't'lm lal ier l l i ingslast carmiaign, when we went souih ;"and hung inebu^rl . iljcruglit t h e ine,at and"1 he bones had the iWle and lo'ok of y o u n g niggers . The mast bge-f of o ld England lorever! Here g o e s — hie -^ l i i c—hicum!"

" But, J a c k Archi-bale, this kind o f enpering ain't going lo answer, I'm a deserter, recollect ; and if one or*olher jpf^bur partigsionrtracfiTsa M , I'm sure to-be hung up like'a Richmond herrin', for niaking a bolt to llie king's s i d e , — A n i all to save you, you w h e l p ! "

" Whelp , you. call mo, do y o u ? — W h e l p — h a ! I*m one of John p u l l ' s full grown roasirli_. and can closn your

&QJft-L liao't JtujliyLsUtcr—t isHBattaoHbrgct-SheToveiJieJr Aleida—she worships her yet,

TVIdtlft t^lBtdilTnoalic^r-yeXneier a bride I. l-speak^nol-x«n;lrntei'fice —'t Wero idlolo chide: Do I weep? 't in nut ivi uknru—1 fain-w-oul4-

Virgiuny peepe is wiih an upp&r-cni. d'ye-seerT-^Trlve-ilrat L r a tvliitc-.washed rebel !"

_ A-rchibnld hnd.mannged lo gp,tup.on Iris -) flg^nd--ptrt-lrifflse4f-Trnr^^^ utdeT Tt vvas but forn niinute, iu'We'ver.

The l iquor bad nearly 'dot»e m wp/;b ^OTrhiy l i ? a g j ~ ^ r ^ i l a i i g a bloTv ai7nl?i Ike cirmpinTfon, which the falner m e r e l y xe-tnriied.vviih a pu.sii. Itf; l^ll m lull r e l i s h

full with (bo tear-dropi&f

mingle thy namo with Ita

refrai But the fountain ia

. p»m I And _roy lute, as t

tone, Dremhcj t «aund through my .chamber that's

Mournful and lone ; Oh (Jpd ! how J've loved thee, "torrgue never

• may tell I . 1

Aleida ! Aleida!-farewell 1—fare thO'Wel'i !' n„r~i!ri, J«» |S» 1- .tB ; ! _ ; . .

!&\tsf*ltarit o\i5^ —From thn N . Y.-Snnday-'FmTCK—

«lx hundred riven, under -the c6mmatid o f One,Qol. JolMisoBy-'had- feeeri-captu-reth— one o f i h e .-olditTS of the garrison, John Archibald, made Iws escape next inor-ning tr> u W w o m h r f b u t not Imowii ig i-x-aql.y'hi^ route,' w . n rctakui by scoulijij" patiy of L i e ' s dragoons, men patrulliag lowur.di) U.ickpnsaulr.

Major L e e h,d long m ^ i t a l e d a n at-tack >n Pow !es Hook, ami iho "sticccis of N fiyne at Stony Point only made him

The-Ming pf frwles Hook, if Maiat'lfinriy-tcf^inialv, 1779.

Powlus Elqol(,_Paulu4 1 1 ^ ^ or j p r -sey Cixy ns it is .now c a l l e r v l j : a s ra'tlier a differem looking"place seventy -years a,go from tv hut it iiow presenis , A few straggling h o u s e s , aa old windmil l used for grinding^.wheat .for the use of the British"Tre&pytR NW\v Yorlt,^8om"e" en-trenci imcius , a bioelc house and bar rucks for the garrison, consiiinted the entire raagjuficeP^of-Jers^it^^^

ent sta to Jersey C i t y s t a n d s on a p'eninsuln,

formed on o n a s i d e by the wide indenture

muu"panl(5j and what not, o f renowned Comm'Jiiipas.w, to say'nothing o f Pavonia -and Ahar>iimus. Ia fbimea Ujnes^aiex-"i reme high sides, she w a t e r s formednear-


Infeiiijes i- l f i*

D . ( sir

Stephin Tan Jlraar, Examiner in Chancery

B A l t M I S 3c , W O O D \ V O I t T i f ,


Roirie, Oneida Cou nly,

fjftce o»er Barnard's and Welnuirc's; Store" -JaoriCk^tTcet, ~~ ~

Wheeler Bdfnc*, Oicitr Fl ArWoSdWoflh. ,

HWfflMfcHirieifr EOMlt-

m^htr i » -

'«nd • f l iif tfpwi rfg-iUfcilri|B|/r0W isrrfl, yrffcW* isiblir, te w» tt tovtiVwnf


i f c ^ r i f e : * ^ 0 N B * T ^ _Wlin are hf»«-jH^B^^rfj-a««rjnrriTrjTbTfe tli?" public in (h'e best possible planner and on reaspn;il|le_iemis.

Tlijose who wrjaji lo take .passage in J lie Cars will And it for their conve&ience foslop j»t tilifc. House whrre Itieyc.an hit r.Mp.if In

i ^ ^ a ^ ^ P ^ r ^ n ^ a ^ ^ r ^ s ^ ^ ^ c f f . - S r c . Together w i l k a general and exlehs.lve

^oT%roiTt~ ( ) f £ 5 wcer ie sT J ^rockt i : yj atii Hiicware; Kails-, Strr V^hich" we are ^te !

pared lo se l l at t h e j p r y l o v e s ! pricef •" Rome, Sept. 9 , 1845.

ZJ ,

T a t e l h e Car?, on. iheir arriral at any linns tbtfing-t^c^j^ht^ir-dtrt^ ; ~

• HCjiS ASD BTABt-HTG AiffACHRD-Rqme,Aj )r ir i5 ih 1845. - 4m6

BLEJSTi^B^ - "iMgl

l*.jen»STed his Tailoring Eatai l ishnieat ,

i v h r t S i i " r ^ n i ^ * P ^ , d w a i t u P o B aH

^i«Tfrilsne«v Uriclc Uliok. (up ilnirs) where *hci will coniiriue the Millinery business in the rno'l la*hi-in.tbh style.

S h e takes '.bis occa«on to ntarr* her sin-r*&* thanks to i e r fiierids—and -patrons for Hie liberal- palruinngc she has received, and <olicif.4its continuance- Her loss atth'eje-cenj fire h^s been Considerable, considering tipr meansj arid she would consider it a rwir-liculnr favor il ber patrons and friends would pay whMerer may be her due. -42i

N E W F A L L ' G O -D D §

V-HOWIiANH BILL k CO. ' Ane JOMtjieceiwhg, their -Fall- -slock i>\- -

-oud-S-aroong w^jcij may-be fooird~a: gre;sL

i A.

SRE&SGOODS consisting of Cashmpres^MaJiltn n p l a i r n ^

Iy a coMipleio channel-sovr^r ihe n e t k si land, . a n l i i o " Powles Hook almost a n isl­ands Acro*s,ihrs neck the Brit ish troops had d u g a ditch ^ n d thrown up a n e a ;

tretichnient, to k e e p off -any sudden ui--tao'k thai rrrighl b e made by the Ameri­cans, w hose tioopers and scou-la l a y be-twcpn the Pass . i fo and HaLkensack riv­ers—though in fact all that part of Jersey-was a kind o l " debufeable l<nd|" where both par l i es met, " fought and plunderedT

more i o the annoyance of the itihabilanls than io each other, T h i s , it will remem­bered,- was in the days of the revolution.

Gowiboys;slriTnTe-ryarlcl Jer"se.y torjes - a i s o r n a d e i t aru+e \tf a|)rrear obcasioh-atty'on -the scene ; and', betwixt frien'd anfj'fde,lhe people within twenty mjles o f Powies H o o k w e r e in a constant slate

were c a r r i e d off without hesltnii»m," lite


._ ceriLlOllC^JLke^^ab^iirJbet^jjas^emoye'ii-his Sliiit, Leather and -Finding ^Uislablish-menl,"td"L S. Parker & Co's'jbldcfe, on the south side o f Ihe.Krie Canal, irt tbev i l lagt "F Rome, opposite. -Arm^rtfng's J d o c k , hrhe'relie w i l l kexp on hand ^ts usu-sil S n o e s Lw.iUw.nhd FindiwjrV-ftl^ftf •'tfhteli lie~rrrr

p^h2inssb:t|tpietl%t=gnn^ jaria-fiayj in«s- gar­dens- r>h+nile*ed-o^ their growing., vegeta­bles, and a l l the d o m c s i i j portion ol the* iiifin y».rd—such a"s sheep, hogsi ind poul­try— di^ap4>«ared on ll ie . approach o f a foraging party. P a y w a s out of the ques-liunu-"'-^"—^ {4-.1-.—'.'- . . . .• '. . . - • -•—"

sell at a very Srhall advance/from c o s t . *

.Rome, J a n . 6, J948."

AgrifcidtoiiJ ¥areliijuse RentBrodr

— v . „ „ | j rocrEit ) under the; fii'm o f Ec trnrrislocli &. C o . , snd opened ii Stow a t So. S*T>esw street, where they wilt be ready t o iiirnisli

S P ' f i JEL%-UB-: . •4* 1 1 k t o f t o f S h l E D S a D d l A l P l i f c t V l E t V : ^ used e n theJarW, 61" the 'be^Njualilies and at reasonable prices. His "old friends and customers are respectfully requested to send "tlffir ^ j r ^ V - ^ - ^ - ^ ^ - ^ - r -# f8 Itfj

E . C O M S T O C K .

eU RRA^TS^lTRONfl, RAISIN'S Mace and other spice*, at ?

D U D L E Y & PECK'S .

enough to be Heard by lheoihers3?=!!JQejajl d r u n k ! - H e c a n ' t w a k e for -oiie hour, certain " '.?

— H e - l o a d no-dooners^id^his,' tJi^,4ial-fcAa=±Be=s»dj a dozen hold looking-fe l lows, in l l | e b l u ^ coats afljdsdatlot f»c.ing^oil Le le?s_ ira goons, c | m e from the ihiokeron meVrocky f t e r ^ r 1 t | 'ajid^aT-irtea* Tiife[r"°^p1p1uTioii' \v|fn^a)ji|he endearihe'rita of jov ia l com­rades." ' •.-.-•

" Why, Duke,- you are -ge t t ing on fa, rnoiisly,. -?We_tr^clie(l^o-u-.t4ie-'ea-r-l.y-pa-r-i-pf ihe dajr, but somehow we lo^t sight of you just bt;lotv Fort L e e and dared n o i come loo c l o s e , " said o n e , who.appeared to b e the leader of. tlie party.

" The bellow w.»u,!d; stop at 'the "Bid LHS Ferry lory block liDUse'and refill h i s o a n -teen, Sprgeatil ) but lor that we should lia-ve"bcen at P o w i e s flook anlliOiir a AYhere is' tho m a j o r orfjj}_ihe ^cjrps-Does-«eve-r*iltitig look n f h l ?"

. " The afl'air c u l d ' n u l o o k better Dutee All defieods upon y o u . '1 h i s j e l l o w a p pears to be'drunk enough, and the s;un i* only three hours high. Y o u rriu.st hg; iijto the garrison-li^.sundowri m y l u d . '

, c Well, Duke Oiove .wi l l rnajiage that. V n w tell m e n l iule-pf o u r s i i u a p o n . Jl I've got l o g o , I'd like lo die knowing si,R-cess. If they find me out, my I inn*, 1 reckon, would be short \ but I'd ljke_to know- how "t i l ings l ie ." - r - -

' " Very Well," rsaid lheser»ehnt , " s | p p under this tree, dui of evesdrop|ii( ig,tU)ti )oti shall hear, L e e v ^ i i h l l i r e e h u n d r u i l ufihe'corpse, is on fhe m a r c h , through the private mountain road*. T h e suiu«' Sic transit gloria muiuli. nriiTinfr o f men from Siirltng'iS dt .i l > hfa^ ~~— "~——'---

Jl i iekensack, 'counti-y, tyi me d o w n t h e _ _ _ _ i , „ dpTTfieTe/HToTueiti^n foraging, paTfy.— Stirling himself, with a Imdy o f iin-n a t "tliT^nrv? '• br-idgp.-ove-r. -the Ha<,k"^nsnck, flnafdraTuT^teinKTm^Re^ enemy above. 1 f hoy oarYtes oiri-u,i> g-fr

vanoed .wi t l f l j i s troo.p.-i, crtrsseql~t-ho-d"iioh, to-te: awd..v-ih.e--ab.attis,—and-efliered +IK; rfTain Works-

»The resistance' was not strong, owin;;.

w a s talcen,,. and t.wo redoTibis"ciipr.tir<'d with their cannon, besides n e a r l y / t w o h u nd reldrjnen a rj(i^ev.e't^!Wj3i?ri»%sa, prisoners, -.. Major h.ulherlaiid, the com-ihander, wTobse quarters were^ near th<> river,'llirewjiinisell'mdih ii bo.4yjof l'lp'n-sians into a,.red,dlubt, and comoifnEed a l>r4d{-^ftre-u-peir1teer-prpv:pntinxr his firr.-iher.-advance. T h e ships of 'war in ilu:

river also beg.in to fire, and the alarm d r u m s w e r e sotmdinjj in" Mew Yi.rk ; so the commahde'r of ihe American for^ces, being thfn within the British'- Jih'ei-; di­rected a retreat with ihej)iisoner.-<,jvhicr w a s effected-Ay' rapid .'moveinents, SOMI .a-fiei' dayl ight , up to the new bridge OA'PI ihfe'ilticskrn&ack, where'Siiili i i i^sbripa'dr lin-rj a deiachtnent under Col. Bal l , y;ave h im final pioleclton. *

A m o n g llie prisoners was Jasok Arch­ibald ; and in rfplv lo Grove, who.nsi<* d h im what he "iho,ught abuut rebels de. seri.'ng ? " he answered-:^ , ' " - G i v e ns lhe whiskey, , lad. -Here's'

to y o u ! Im-ight frave known 'uvuulcf turn out a d—-ji Y a n k e e trick !"

F o r this exploit,. Major Henry Lee re. eeived fioni Con^rers a gb'ld medal, ttnjd. ) l a riivariuke Grave re'iipived Tiout his commander a handsnino broadsword, and was'prnmoiid lo a corne'tcy. U huninong the residents o f J e r s e y City k t v w n n \ . thing of the rapture of Powies Hook 1—

ain J i m winked "his eatp're'ssTv£w7n(jr/ andr nod at his' fcroTrJeTr «T1[narTadF''sbft two blasted'big things splashing andBgclji; pling in the water aiori<>sjdhi ?"

affltes83roa*n»«es^ ^^^fk^\t0m^im^§sWnf^l^SiWil^rW^

l'ronrnho N e w Yurlt Spirit of the T i m e s .

.. Ait A rkiiiisas Original. - I n a back woods seTlJ'emMi-ifl -Ark-an-^nis-; ItvtifT- ^vn-ra^rrrnrr^-t«IujJti-aU4?-Jit«i4-dUtiugnPtti- as-'J+si—arvd-Nirth—•J-mi 'find-

and in a f o w nioment^, afier va-cio«s at-temptd to raise, turned- e v e r ' -muttering " \ \ help, h a ,'^cjosed bis peepers !"'~6*fl• J .sundry other drunken sentehcesj arid then look to sunning most soundly.

It m a y be as well to state who the.«e two individuals were. On the night of ihe I6 ih of July- , - ihree days before Gen­eral W a y n e l inds tomed and takon £lt>~ noy Puuit i n a m..stbril l iunt a l i a c k , and

die entire g a r r i s o j ^ e o r i ^ H r j g of abnnt tan

tained the consen; o f \Vn-hiu»mii l o tin deriake it. Towards night on the J a y of llto Iciiptiire -af.aVrc4i-il>*Wr-.Vi-iFm*4uk^ Grove, one o f his dragoons, and ihe pris­oner; were reported t o Lee as missing.'' As i h e latter had been put under i.l_ie_

doubt but the two h,ad gQ'tlu.ofT in com pany.

" I cannot orJer a pursuit now," said or bay, extending towards Huboken , and l L e e , whi le o n the march ; " w e shaft a iHne ollinr sido Tio the c lass ic waters.' calch the rascal -before Ihey reach "lite

lower bridge, of the H a c k e n s a c k . " - t T h e orderlysergeati l o f the tr6rip could

only m u t j e r . _ £ X e r y w^li," sir V a s he

riOTJinoar a j e ^ U J b ^ . i a r ^ ^ a t e f : e u .» r^0"'1 <W ^ the world, V t j J a ^ lTnek^nsa7k,V« i=.lr» >!>» pTi<ni.iPr^juafyL- present »»• one "CI ^nmiliJjuLUJiJxuiui^ajul So far , not 'iho l e a s , idea of Hie plan h a - " e o o l | fi8hl; " m l h a d " ? ,

ln a J ' - v 8 , , " » n h w So !

rrnfthVil ihri.niifmy;'] "- VVherr is lite- aTt«ck t o b o nintle 2" " T o n i g h t , or to-morrow m»r»i}nii —

most pri ibablysomo llire© ho.urs - licfort-diiyUttlit. Ad cl'-pend on you ( und. yoj»r sign.il."

';• Well , the s igna l [ underslai ld, ser*-^eant. : I n o n e h : > u r m y ^lpepiIpg c int­rude yonder will be roady u> prow-i'd.-— Toll ititwnoJQr I shnll do my jftvt. I f we gel-al P o w i e s Ho.»k bnlore tl»rk, irp

will ruin tho major's p lans ; so yotist-e 1. Tj|ratt~kr'fp_iiH'"companion a Utile grnngv . Ilerneniber, I shal l "t'o thy pi ln for ili»« good qf Congress, I lie country , and old

*Vfrjimny"ni liaTliciiTurT"' • .

Ou»' of the parly now i b r . w nf th i s hav­ersack, snrne cold mini and biscuit wrr«* produced—which, w iill_jijiltle n.d cidi-r br.iudy the sergeant had ptckrd u p nt a farm house on h i s rpulri, was^. soon ,di*-patched-!r,and as the surt bni»n' In "il'io»

ihe more ambiuou^, nnJ he .Tfjn.iljjfL'jk*^ liti -nhadaws across ihe rock, hai.ils w e n \ h a k e n , and the d.ragnoiiN unJ-tbeir 4-eader ili.-<nppenred ii.) i h e ihiekri i - If* ttrirrrrfmrres after, OroTF slifmk i l ls

red-c-onied coni| iani6ifh?avilv,'v\ ho, rous­ed rro.ni Jits ifjumbers, looked about him J a i ^ r a m i u ^ o L i i ^ ^ his'head a liti le'stupified, bm<©llierw1se perfectly sober..

" O b ! my.old companion, is it Thank you —thank y o t i ! v Y m s r ncnial whiskey i s tl—TI stronjr.



ag.iin.loak: hid bUlion, but he urougattlie" tntiji-r had suddenly goi ipio very sslack discipline,^. M^rmaduke Grove h a d not deserted without^,reason,; as the sequel will s h o w . WeTTixnsT irow bring the rea­der back to the l.wo soldiers-

The-dragoon had seated hirpself upon a log which lay along the edge o f ihe heights, anib drawing from one pocket a pipeand tinder box, and from another a few l e a v e s o f " O l e Virg inny ," he crush­ed them, a n d , filling his pipej struck a fight ami c o m m e n c e d smoking. Mean-iniie the British soldier-lay in deep s leep, b re"ut h i tig hea vi Lyr-pand. jLS-,aiie—sun—fell \-t

QO-bls-s+aJ-wart Frame atid surTbrbwn-ed though stii l . sonrewhal lloria" feaTures jhe Virgiginiarj ihuttered—

" A fine figure .of a man ! I w.onder iwv-4y-j^he^se-4i3ilTn -BTrHr^tr^So^iritrjclr t a l o n - t h e i r l imbs , whi l e we modnrainT

J ^ i i i ^ x e ^ a - , U e > H ^ ^ s ^ f l * s . - -Bei ie^Tt^ H a ! ha!-—a' good-«,ne ! i l e Uii.trks 3Mar-maduke Grove has d'.-seited. - A fine desertion 1 think tbe Brit ishers wil l find t i ! " '

, W h y does the dragoon sucldenly start,, take'his pipe from l i isnioulh-^and listen:

sonl i -VPIiv.

hoftfiong have I bt-en asleep ? Thesui> is getting low, and I suppose we <">ugli« lo h « v e been at P o « l e s by this' time.-^-

ifjdrse tfis drrnterng,' sayTf"" How^ever-

iiieanilioat Hi* was lonkt'd upon, cnnsr qu.eiyJvi.in IILS iu imediaie ai-igliLoj-hxicd as- 3oii»uhjrahli) o l - a Uaveler^ N'^l «--«* prii icipalj^ reinitrltiiblc for his ifnenip a d mirntion for, u-'n+f—j-t»piieit-ftb<i-fttnn%,rf—tr/ his learned brniher's opinions nod ndcicr. NHRvNediViid IisMittly si ihl at h o m e " in­tending t o lhir*j»sT*' -whiin J i m pfrfonn d the par!''I Ihe pro/li^ioiH a.>n u'Jrnml.— Hut one limo wiirn Jim wat about ^!a'i it!g, l io.detrli i i inudto «v.iil_ hiuw^lf ,.f h i -bruttier's ettigri'foca and litimvl<^M> trf

the w'oilJ, lo seu a I ill If Ufa ,him-.t •'. Bf|t>hrand early oni% lino lull niiniThjj, clu'l in ihe hri'iili! nrfcu bhinkiM tM.it, an JI h/itud liiiniiiieiM»ai l'

lwhirh lotni^ihe jpr%s'. cTpiiTfi'ii' u»s" hi" the "ooslTTini' nl' ili,> rtu-ifiUJisof thfir seeii'ic, and itmuufil t>n twra rutv boiii-d steeds, ihev* -inrt' d-flii t in Alis-ii-si|>pi, a ml reached n "mii-ll town <i|. its bunks on die nfternoo.i ol,ilu« foil iwit g day1.^ JIIM .n*wthey arrived liie " ( i e j u JarkSon!' had hnulcd up to ilm miniitlu't-levee, and lay piuTuig amrpii l . iula^ r at io jurking ret ina tiu+es-afid negrors-nvprhfr bow, HIIII lo'ikmg for nil -the World liter nn iftfrrmrl btgfnrrrrp hmi^n^wtrh Ifr li i lehm w a l l k n o r k e d mil. Now was tin lime for J i m io di<pl.iy his knuwled'/r-. «'o tltsmouniin>{ froiil. _hi3-hocso_unil—gi4»i^" \ e d ihe reins lo bold and having cniiiu>n ed him in wail until ho h i d assurrd fitni-' se l fof ' lhe uh-ip*nce of all ilniHri>i, he leis­urely sauniere in lown lowii'rds. Ihe 1ioa! It w a s q pleasant siirht to srr the ihe ai i .pfknowinyiie.-*-! and determinaiion not u> be taken in — with which he noild.^l i>-every oue> he mel , at the sa'rtie t ime wink mg -tvirh irtTngln e y e , and -j^rltinjt f*'"'

peated' his wink. " And was there a' s^mall boat '^olU^iha^beiiiad^ */>4 up,-..

" Yea* said M r . T. x'~-""!'!'»" . / ' - -:-' - ' " N e d , " sa't'd J im, solerrrnly, and con.-cerftratihg-al-1 h i s j o w e r s . ioj.ahe^deter­mined w i n k — « I Jciiowed-jt wto \he t , AM'JIL •_ flsltyoitme'^lT^.P' ' .

•*• ' ' G u G r s G i T T i r s . "

' Ways at the World.s "Fle ' s only a mechanic , n o m a t t o r i f hi

has. broken-his l e g . " „ '

True—but a niecha'tiic h a s s o m e f e e l . inS- - . "' • ",lie's a dirty.Irish boy—don't stop.thd -horses—d.rive_Q,ver h im, if h e df>.es'nt.-^et' o m . o f thejYa^ry''-..,, '$ - - G ; -"" - .-

Huti l ie Irish b^has . •parents , ft*»may bi.^ ' w h o l o v e ' h i m as te'riderly a s y.Qudoyotir ' o w n ch i ldren .

"Push h i m a s i J e - w h a t b a s i n e s a has. a . a i g g e r on-ihe walfef"

^ S t o p — t h a t ' b l a c k m a n £art thinjt and „ f e e l . . His heait may bo a s tender as y o u r ' s . «,, ( _

Turn her nut of doors—-sJie's a mis', .-•. e r a h l e o l d h a g . a - ' '• «-

Dp you know that? P e r h a p s shs-'sl ' h o n e s t l y poor. " •

"l!.»x bis ears—ho's only pa's f innren. t i c e ." . . "• " v

But -he's'no l e s s entitled to, fund-*)!**; '.(»ive her jhe__

kilche'n jjirl. ad^=sh&-3-

oit lv n

Suit she lean Te-IMi y^bud . food a s w a l l a s vnti. '

The worJd—ihe selftsli artrj. im&eUo«»-^ w J i r - w J i e eanJmt-d^rTCFtr^— WVInry^, mi love for our fel low, «-r«n


trr ! ^ s r ° - ^ i ^ ' A l ^ y . - O H ^ f l ^ o ^ y ) i i - t r g ^ lv>rliii)Bte--m) boivels o f h'i:,"r>tpTiift innJfHAl.1

,tl»e sail and dejected-. W e crush thp poor — c h e a t tim" igrfnranl, a nil r idicule" tho-td • . ^rtrrrh ive not Doen iij^ifiiLiLs. dur<*el.vei»

nmgliiu| lo see you.1' ^frfTiTnTrrTiTmiTtfeTc^Tjllirird i n |hp**l

-ivirds iliaii in iill'tho >vi'Miiyj_.sp£e^r«MnifJ

:i law sl)op, and y e u h e etpressinrr is<,ri • Ihf tip-end of a!nio«5i overy orte's r<»ngu.e>,

r.j)lie_an ins tance ; M-.dam has picklesi •>r. «iiii«irigPH t o m u k e , nntl ii 6j3 tn h e r c a r s i i pun ainj .kenlrs , whent.MrM, Sotrhd.milV

r- wnr ^vrrti h e r .NJ^{i»l^--aniM»^a41-dfes«!d—~ o f a i n e a i l v »s if thev had j tut lipen for ^x-TTrnrrrh.s ituprisrujeil

Blow i

luue goes ngain ; I must have a 'ns-Ht ot the dog's hair that hit m e . " l i e "look n hearty drmk . frnm'Vhe canieen^ ' i a d Ihe swo m e n immediate ly .pursued l iteirj' iur-ney. !

It was afierninhlfi i l l when they r e a c h ­ed i h e neck &!_iiinrfi beforp niplliirwiPtl, whibh formed the - penvtisula orj w h i c h Powies Hook lies". • Thedi i ch ' Which had been dn» ncioss fry the soldiers was near. Iy full ol water from the riven, and tht-

-. drawbridge wn-» Ivoistpd that Ted over it. A c a l l frnm the British soldier was soon answered, the drawbridge- lowered , and

I'het wo..p_asseff o v e r . A bou 11 hi rty_^mceji from this w a s a row of ahli'lit^, and' l a front of all was a Dreek f i r d a h l e ordy in

gntreurhmenl looked much more forini-

in a hnndbuj.;— HIP: I HI extrcincly glud i n ' s e o

L'-"-'- =-J— — u'i'-'n.'-i!!ll--r-;-k* -atjlrpyiirigJiL^-l Ti -.^ Fn hrrfTi-ari HIIO wi-dins her a n d , a l l h -r brood n t-h.e- we !fl<e i o have s t il il. H IWJJ we iu'iir a-person s - iy ," d o oj.ll again nnd-seo «IP, ' - ' i t sounds s o much Ir-'te J i h n show lh« gen>ijem in I h e vvav o i ' . VTIUTP i» no such 'tiling.as polita-n ••<•*, T o be whi t the ra.-thi'uMahle world o .II-) polite, \Ve niii i«npcessii i i ly be adtvp-o ;rilp, .Tfm frrjirrjfnlHFcIeTisTio at s incer^ i i f is bliiniiip-«, aru 'La^ncere m a n w i l l • it --vpr.-rravet-he rranr4tiiclr#*.'! . ". .""

Ii t \ o u r vanity that irtaltes |||p vaniljr o: others intolerable.

raised fort-finger ol'liM right liaud.ni inu< h as t o say,'•< It's all v«-ry wpfl, stragrr, but they can't take me i n ; 1 .kftfiw a l t ahrttiR steatculwats I s&mM think! ' ' So Iw went on niiddTnn niid winking, until timillv, nif withoubgreal inward irepi.tation, he plat­ed h i s loot on the boiler drck. , H i r d l \ had be don? so when splash, went t in the escape'"pipes sounded their trrmrn dons phlomi), and ho was enveloped irr a o l - u d of s t eam. J i m Cntild not siand'ifris. but plmrj»:ng into thp stream soon si.onr red and dripping by his lieivililerrd hroili. er. " N e d , " s a y s lie, •' slir's blowpd, aiul I'+n- i Ive o n f y ^ne-def+a+ive- to- itrH- t+rc-ta-rr!

jro lutine.-1'- -' r" ^~

—^heTeWars-rrernerally a • aTrfirriT- wf

British troop* of about five hundred rw.en .stationed a t -Powies Hook during the rev­olution. T h e communicat ion with New-ark.^riinsvVickTB'nTrs Ferry» a'ndoiher .f»Uuic844i4h<!i't' part of J e y j e y r ^ n d e i ^ t H r

his deep" basSj a s a prppjiralofy rehearsal*] seo-you in -the mOt-itfng. • He oniy hoaj-d ior vhis nrghts- 'performance ? Haiik last night o f thai h a n g ' d o g W a y n e ' s , at-agalVi l .Th'echaitednarof-ag-rey.-sfjair -l»?k yponjSiQiiy Pin'riL. _ To-mbrrovv w e rel s e e m s to crfine~but ot tfte nleighbor- go across lo ,\eW Yo'rk ;" Cjiftre'd'beJjHi

necessary d i a l i h e Brhisji co|ijm,ander iji Ne'w~York shou ld preserve P o w i e s Honk at all ha^ard-sr-This w a s the reason why a body of troops' Tvas-trlwaya slTOoTiefJ t h e r e . " ••" '" -; •.••'''• ' '

d,t.was.in -Ihe middle of ihe afternoon \>f i"he,-l8lh o M u ! Vj j 7 7 9 , ' that• ivvo- 'soL ^TeTTcifalsed llie Weehawke/ri Road into the-edg'e of the woods that- ^extend -along­

side ridge of the rocky heights b a c k ol Hobolce i i ,about t h r e e ' m i l e s l r o n l P d w l e s H.6ok-r. Ar they .crossed' the road, one o f the t w o liibked caut ious ly around him, t h e y then struck a t once inlo the Ihickesi po-xiiott pi!: tbveTwoods^--ye|r-8ti4'I-k-eepingf ami atroThBr' along t h e oliaaifj of- heights. _ At length Tiiey-feaclledr a platfdrrrr oi rock c lear of trees a n d bushes,.frorri which they had

attenlivaFy't," Can, he* haten- b i c a U s e a sonorous buTTFng h a s just cuuiiiie nccj

J a c k Archibald was immerfralely c.ar-rind; trelbrg The c o m m aTt fter, M * j S | S u f h e r. Iniid-, and e x a m i n e d fully itwoaJfl ajipear Ibr-iTiore than n n i i o n r e lapsed hefornHif returned]o the blo'ck-house whe ie Grovt* had been left . 'When, h e did' return,, he came up to llie Jailer and s a i d —

11 C l i e c r u p , c o n i r j - J e \ i h e rnn'jeepJwTrT

tnotetecr^tife ~rl TiTnYiniT Ti sp«; * , I QQJtJOL

mome.nt al the* soldi or as if to observe that h i s / s l u m b e r is Undisturbed, -and theri

"foryou; rou rebel' 'i'lit!H-"*w'a» und ki i i^ l _rnon that is, ." *jt was£o inewbat in Uiis style that Jack.Art-hibald "muled o i l Ins

whis i les .a rnerrV noter-J ike-one-of - tht - f l a l > - , : A i fn i l l f o^cTockJtTi'at"aVd^aclv-

thrlrTjs oflfiat scaramouch o?riTieTiirest,'o Virginia mocltitig bird, in e a r l y spring. L o \ another Js^gd-camesJs tc i t , - I^4«4lie-|-

^plaltu.iiVe,ione_'-ofL;that-^ra*lAnc-hol;y^ i.he" VVhip-poor-will ;"'and"Whip-poor-

i i l - P - " W^hip^o&rvvrih^-echdes^Uuol the forest. ' ; "' , ""' -

A few braTTches are parTeo*"byrfjieleafy" s c i f e n that touches an, edge o f the rock.. andlaface is s e e n peering al the dragoon and his companion. . T h e n it passes a-w^y

~%$$, The .Virginian w e r e accorrnnodaikl wjlh a s l e e p i n g p lace in a.rempt,e'pait o f ihj?..ha_i;'rap.f»ri, nprtr. ihe ahnllis . ' _, ...

1,9th Ju ly , 11^9, Maj^r Lee, with" three hundred men , after marching: since dark, reftp-hed' \\\e creek unperceived, and hal-

idlvis detachrtreTitr H e tlien sentTan of-

s p a c e o f a f e w initiates, Pike i.fie-,shifting ;o\ y fews in a diorama*- half ii dozen faces nnd e y e s rfieet the glance of.ih.e Yirg- i t f

fieer and » feJw seleTjt-.nieiifdr.WB-i*d t o ihe dili h to reconnoitre, and note 'jf aiigln

•coul i .beheaTd of the signa-l agreed upon. l ^ u e ^ ^ _ i f r ^ ! n ^ d a - 4 i - i e ^ v - - t T i o m e h t a - a f ^

iixll .fro^,was-heard as if/bqriiihg jrcrni trie -diidln atttlin about I;w6 Wadtes ihe ' so t i i id -wa's'repeaied frorn the aba"l%s;. Jilt .ions

i > A

. ™ - n w i - ( i » i i , " l ' l " l l UlCT HU" 'MIU f V O O 1IICBI IHC EIUHUO ui,. lll.w . • • f e . . . i - _ . - - -..-•,. ^ . _ a full V ie* a / t h e i iay a n d t a r b o r o f N e t t an .~ • T h e - W . g n ' i u o h w a s trio t u a l : . for [ r ^ The officer, sent back o n e o f .his York,

if... s *;

•bie went tip to t h f «ieeping- soldier,


, " Nn—Jim bio wed.!''

IITIIC- Eyt- ofl'onscicricc. That the r\'p of ennsc ience may baaj"^

vf i\'s(quick_nnii l i ^ e l y . l e i constant use'bei sa re lo kerp il oonotatlt-l y open, and there-hv ready und prepared-ro admit and l e t in 'hose heavenly b e ami wh ich are a l w a y s

j[tri>nmlng fnrtb from G o d upon i n i n d s i n - v

( e l to receive them. --And to lh.ta. _njjjr>. pT^slpt a man Ry frtirti e-vefy thin^ whicfii m i v IptJVp riih^r a louiness o r a b i a s u p -d i it; Je.t liim tj'/patj every gross act o f -s in . ; l'>r'oTre-g,rpaT.stah rri iy- a s c e r i a i n l y . a-vl speedily destroy life as forty l#ss>r \v funds . . Lei him carry a j e a l o u s e y e o v r v v e r y grovvihsj habit o( * m ; Set binn * k -jt-p aloof from all commerce and fell.o.il-sSip-wi'h any vicious a n d baseaffeclioitj^ <• esppcia l ly frotn a l l sensual i ty t^Iet h i m It -ep hini*elf untriuelipd with Ihe hel l i sh* ilrihalldwi'd hea-isorf lust and t h e ndisrsomii s treams and e^khalaiions of in^eniperance; l e t him bear imtrael-f'aoo've that sordid and lovy thiag, that utler contrndtotion"to . a44-gre-*tne.s-T -of iiii-rijl==icrrvetr3miiersisT~lTiT^"

The •peTf~oT~

s a y s Ked, ' "she" lnsnT|

blow—le i ' s go h.i>iue! ' DII.I .-pncignin ui iHst-frigJiJeiied nitj; ~|re Th^apppa+ed-, *rrW:

lowed by-hi^brmviip-rv^l-roin tlie-eyes^ of­ihe amused and astonished speei^Msar—1-. S o m e wi-cks u.fier lliejr return,'and af­ter their SPtilpmrnl ha'd-'somewhal «i t" over llie Wonderful story J im h.id 'n'tral ed ihejUj wi ih , a new hvru e n u r e d upoi. q"be sce i ie : One M r.' TboiiQisnEwiiiLUAi.

l i im dis-euslav'e htjonselt from the •peTT ihtt .world, from tba-t-" a-fnnr salera-tlis ha^-bf nd i ; ' ' . last ly , lej: him learn,sd to look a n m the honors, i h P po'm-ip, a i id^irej f m > e^ i _ 'oC'Tlle^vvrrlli', aslo"*tni'dt ihrnujjh ihpm^^—s F.ioJs^iulee_d. are a it lr^l^ r h l o w q ^ u n j i ^ l

wen chopping in -a-wonti Hl.-gaTdorj

onins, uTT rgfTttf .VTT*

Klssinpi lor sohie stj^mnnihs, und wTirTT adventures created a ^ - i o d ili-al -of f.Vcjjt rnehl among bis womle-fing fel.lu-i'V c*iizpn-Every one orowilf'd clown to lintir. i+i^siu-n»n, mid Hiiiofitr Ttn Ti?Mr -J TFTW ar»r-li"¥ti | .brothers. Ned sat iviilTopeh ears » n.• e y e s Wondeu'ng at all he heard, biil-Jrir listened with a cyiiicail s m i l e oil -h-tsfae^. liTte'a nrnffil5iv¥o\vas'i):o^lo4je hffiibu^g^S — a n d occas iona l ly chrm'ed in wii-ha vi'r\ true, Mri-Tliornpson—you nt'edn'i tell 'Ur |hat—'•we've «ef.n_a.U t'hajLJeJbrjej^and (hen he would iviiik^and ^liak h i s fingei atJN'ed.' Af leng' tn M r . T . , iuCideiitalU menTioii^TrTlre~"l)0.rsiitig of a~iiTeuiijUoa-t-TTT

-H4tetU40A< Ji is-y-a rd^__T-Ws-iU*est " S t o p Mr- Thompson," said.' he • w ink ing a t N e d f " R a d she'R' d^-^-^-d fi.ll thing like a bee-inartin - po,Ie s t u c k o j p for -vardr' ' • • : _ ; -,

'^irjif ofieTi to Lee, arid the latter in'stantly. od-

" Yes^'J rejoi'ne'd Mr. Thorrip«on: I

Ji MI again wiiik.ed at N e d . . " Andl\nVl -.-die t w o ^ r e a i b l u c k t h i n g s , f i k c i ^ k a s s e s

ears-i'n her m i d d l ^ T ' •

• ' Y e s , " replied Mr..Tv,J. f.A

., e.- _ » " -V,r ' --r^'

""i^'pr^^T " 3 % ' '-*•' 'vP'U'

M , . ; . » - . ; . . , . • ,-;x

tefis;' U j •|M>

3'- - ' •

iRTng Ventiiring thejr head otil'v t o ia?t v : 7eattve-F in"ilieir c a p s i ' v '"^ElfrRouthT

NiAOAnA. FAr.t.s.r^Fniproyemehts a t a n d nrourtd this I n t e r e s t i n g spot are id" progres" for thp en.^iijrig1 "season. O n thjg^_ jfe^PtrCTtn" Trd'c....y hue tllc_jiiecjj>iuajjr»:" ;>jjfi fi.ni, Ihfffirriihir rnnd i-i rnmnlplerl) nnd 'to -make the"clescent e a s y nd-tl s.nfe, it'*- virions wihdj.ri.g3,.E;.x.tehd-'\io. threp' i

-ftwirih* of a mi l s . It w i l l b e " b o t h n car* n a g e and tl footpntlu T o guard aga in*? acc idents ) on-the o n e s i d e j i t is protected by a s tone railing* 'Prie wfh.dle clist-bff"" t h e road will be $ 5 , 0 0 0 - ... \--, .-[

population of t'ne'Stote of P?ew Yerkj W ^Iwvvir^rb^ire-IarteTceiM^M .

c i t v of N e w York alone)cfjntairjsaboi**

16TQ0Q blacks.- ' ' . . ' ' ' . . ' L J ! """"

Pelef tiionjier, 'nrh^rTSs Bepri o j i iriAl at DeiiHam, Mass7,far m.rrderTng E J w i r # 7 W alsh i n ftoxbury i n J u n e la s t , halt bfeeit acquitted. •',.-.•' "*• ,*•


T h e r e yVere one hqndrdi^rid thtl*ty*fivn^ dest i tute "persons o f b o t h Hexes acStim" i inodated vvitfi lod^.lngf' 8.tn't-Jhe rariou*. fous-es iCW." Y ^ i t ^ ^ « * - i n r t 1 , « m g a i - a f " ^ tbe late severo snowitorniA

>' f-": . j , . . . . . , i r