jade claws

Jade Claws “Mana for the emperor! Mana for the chapter! Mana for me!” –Jade Claws battlecry In the 36 th millennium a chapter was to be created to guard the Star Cluster known as Opal Gate, an important path between subsectors. The worlds were under threat from secessionists and the White Scars chapter was given the task of creating a chapter. The chapter chose the ocean world of Ikit to create a Fortress Monastery on and create a new young chapter. And thus was deep below the waves of Ikit born the Jade Claws, so named after their first company. Though it was not known at the time their gene seed would not be fully pure but was altered by the new home of the chapter. The Rising Tide The chapter wasted little time in finding recruits and going to war against the secessionist forces. As their own world was uninhabited, at least by humans, they choose their recruits from the other worlds of the Opal Gate. During this first era of the chapter’s history Chapter Master Mako lead the Jade Claws, both the chapter and the company. He fought his battles wielding a pair of mastercrafted Jadereach stone Lightning claws and he fought like a man possessed, he was a fast and bloodthirsty combatant and the first to suffer the Curse of Steel, he found armour increasingly hard to wear and exchanged his power armour first for a lighter version, then for scout armour and finally he fought his battles in naught but a loincloth and his two lightning claws. He died of bloodloss behind enemy lines after sustaining no less than thirty lasgun shots, three heavy bolter hits and one krakgrenade. His madness however marked a start for the beliefs of the Jade Claws Beliefs of the Jade Claws The Jade Claws chapter holds beliefs not normal amongst the people of the Imperium, they believe each being has a life power, mana, which can be brought into another through the act of slaying. This mana is then gathered and makes the new carrier of it even more powerful, they also believe that when killing someone in someone else’s name some of the mana is given to that person, slightly heretically they believe this is why the Emperor is as powerful as he is. The jade from which they are named is also an important part of their beliefs for it is thought that green jade gathered from the Jadereaches of Ikit is a channelling element for mana, for this reason the combat knives commonly carried by marines are exchanged for jade daggers more made for rituals than combat. They also believe that the

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A custom chapter for the Deathwatch game created though use of the Rites of Battle supplement.


  • Jade Claws Mana for the emperor! Mana for the chapter! Mana for me! Jade Claws battlecry In the 36th millennium a chapter was to be created to guard the Star Cluster known as Opal Gate, an important path between subsectors. The worlds were under threat from secessionists and the White Scars chapter was given the task of creating a chapter. The chapter chose the ocean world of Ikit to create a Fortress Monastery on and create a new young chapter. And thus was deep below the waves of Ikit born the Jade Claws, so named after their first company. Though it was not known at the time their gene seed would not be fully pure but was altered by the new home of the chapter. The Rising Tide The chapter wasted little time in finding recruits and going to war against the secessionist forces. As their own world was uninhabited, at least by humans, they choose their recruits from the other worlds of the Opal Gate. During this first era of the chapters history Chapter Master Mako lead the Jade Claws, both the chapter and the company. He fought his battles wielding a pair of mastercrafted Jadereach stone Lightning claws and he fought like a man possessed, he was a fast and bloodthirsty combatant and the first to suffer the Curse of Steel, he found armour increasingly hard to wear and exchanged his power armour first for a lighter version, then for scout armour and finally he fought his battles in naught but a loincloth and his two lightning claws. He died of bloodloss behind enemy lines after sustaining no less than thirty lasgun shots, three heavy bolter hits and one krakgrenade. His madness however marked a start for the beliefs of the Jade Claws Beliefs of the Jade Claws The Jade Claws chapter holds beliefs not normal amongst the people of the Imperium, they believe each being has a life power, mana, which can be brought into another through the act of slaying. This mana is then gathered and makes the new carrier of it even more powerful, they also believe that when killing someone in someone elses name some of the mana is given to that person, slightly heretically they believe this is why the Emperor is as powerful as he is. The jade from which they are named is also an important part of their beliefs for it is thought that green jade gathered from the Jadereaches of Ikit is a channelling element for mana, for this reason the combat knives commonly carried by marines are exchanged for jade daggers more made for rituals than combat. They also believe that the

  • gathered mana growing within them is what interferes with their armour and cause the curse of steel, the gene flaw that makes some Jade Claws forsake their armour. Chapter Organisation The Chapter has a modified structure for its organisation and its companies are slightly altered. The chapter as a whole uses a vehicle light doctrine making use of very little mechanised troops or vehicle support. Dreadnaughts are used but they are seen as great heroes for accepting the burden of becoming a Dreadnaught, for a dreadnaught too can suffer the curse of steel and with a sufficient lifespan it is almost guaranteed, thus does a Dreadnaught live in constant agony. When a Captain becomes a Chapter Master in the Jade Claws he does not leave his company as is customary, instead he continues to control both chapter and company using his best to serve both. The First Company Jade Claws The First Company is known as the Jade Claws and it is after them that the chapter is named. Much like in a Codex chapter veterans are placed here but unlike most chapters terminators are not, in fact there are no terminator armours owned by the Jade Claws chapter. Units of veteran scouts are at time utilized by this company. The Company has two crossed claws as its mark. The Second Company The Sting The Second Company is known as The Sting after the highly toxic rays that live on Ikit, a ray with a readied stinger is also their mark. Much like the rays the company likes fast and deadly strikes, preferably against key targets as to weaken their foes like a deadly poison. The company has an Ikit toxic Ray as its mark. The Third Company Deep Mariners The Third Company is known as Deep Mariners for they dwell in the deeps of the world at the monastery and surrounding lands as a last defence of the chapter house. They do of course venture out to battle for glory but there is always at least half the regiment left. The chapter has a black shoulderpad as its mark representing the darkness of the depths.

  • The Fourth Company The Waiting The Fourth Company is known as The Waiting for they wait the return of a chapter hero. The fourteenth chapter master of the Jade Claws was Nodol Agem, a man massive even for a marine reaching close to four metres in length. He was a stalwart and powerful warrior but a dark fate awaited him. During a warp voyage his ship was lost. His company still wait for his return, forsaking the role of a captain to instead have three councillors who take over matters that would otherwise be under the captains control. Their mark is a shark in profile. The Fifth Company Salt Lords The Fifth Company is known as The Salt Lords and it is their duty to serve alongside the PDF and Imperial Guard stationed in the Opal Gate. The Salt Lords can of course do their own missions as well but more often than not do they fight by the side of the Imperial Guard. The mark of the salt lords is a trident. The Sixth Company Leiomano The Sixth Company is known as Leiomano after their first captain and it is a company favouring the thrill of close combat. The company is mixed with half being made up of tactical squads while the other half is made up of scouts, the scouts of this company are just as trained as tactical marines however for they are marines that have suffered the curse of steel. A barbed spear is the mark of the Leiomano. The Seventh Company The Stalker Barracudas The Seventh Company is known as The Stalker Barracudas after the Ikit stalker Barracuda a 2-3m long fish hunting in large packs by stalking their prey for a few days, lulling it into a false sense of safety, before surrounding it with their great packs and then quickly charge like a dozen blood hungry torpedoes.The Company has copied these tactics and use their scouts, just like the Leiomano half the company is made from scouts, to silently surround their foes armed as all Barracuda scouts with bolt pistols and chainswords. Then as everything is in place the tactical troops are dropped through drop pods into the midst of the foe for swift strikes while the scouts charge from the sides. A Barracuda is the mark of the company, shown in dark blue on the scouts and red on the tactical marines.

  • The Eight Company The Cannibals The eight company, the cannibals are famed for their brutality and bloodlust since the days of Company Captain Nanaue. Captain Nanaue was one of the best warriors the chapter has ever seen and he fought and killed countless rebels, especially famous is the event known as the Deathriver stalking where Nanaue, having lost his company command and two squads to the cannons of the foe placed himself in a river behind enemy lines and started his bloody work, while they were travelling down river Nanaue would cut holes in their boats and as they fell beneath the waves he would viciously slaughter them in a blood frenzy. It is not his savagery alone that marks him out however for he ate his foes and dined on nothing else. His company saw this as a reason for his strength thinking that this must lead more mana into a man than the simple act of killing. Thus did the Eight Company become the Cannibals and they are now the most vicious and bloodthirsty of their chapter, holding great feasts in their own company hall were enemies are consumed over the lava of the volcano they built above. The company has nine squads of assault marines and one group of Bloodbathed, marines that have succumbed to the curse of steel fully and charge into battle with twin chainblades and naught else. The mark of the Cannibals is a pyramid of six skulls. The ninth Company The Fire Marlin The Ninth Company is named after the Fire Marlin, perhaps the deadliest creature on Ikit, the fire marlin reaches up to four metres in length and is fast enough to outrun a thunderhawk gunship, what makes it dangerous is however its deadly chemical outbursts, for in holdings beneath its horn there are two chemical sacks that when released and mixed create a napalm like effect that can set fire to water and which burns with acid those beings kept beneath the waves, when squirted above the waves a stream of fire is instead released. Armour is little help against the flames of the Fire Marlin and the marines are glad it is rare and hunts smaller prey. Just as the fire marlin the ninth company boasts heavy firepower with nine regiments of devastators, armed to a high degree with heavy flamers though all other devastator weapons are in use as well. The company also holds a unit of Flames, marines that have succumbed to the curse of steel fully and enter battle wielding just a pair of hand flamers. The mark of the ninth company is a marlin in front of a red flame. The Tenth Company The Shadesquids The Tenth Company is known as the Shadesquids after the Ikit Shadesquids, nocturnal stalker predators often found circling prey in the

  • shallows as dusk turns into night. The company is a scout company and here the scouts are the common variety, those that have yet to prove themselves as marines. Their mark is a squid. The World of Ikit The world of Ikit is a world with no land, in its entirety it is covered by a world-spanning ocean. While it would be wrong to call it a death world as most of its flora and fauna arent dangerous and a person can go months without encountering danger there is still reasons such a designation can be justified, the world holds many lethal dangers for humans, be they stalker barracuda, toxic rays, mega-squids or the gliding fly-sharks. The world is not a very large one but it is one sprawling with life beneath the waves. Apart from the chapter the world is mostly uninhabited and the chapter instead recruits from other worlds in the Opal Gate. The Shallows The shallows is a large area, much like a small continent, were the water keeps a steady depth of two to five metres, unlike what one could belive the shallows are not the safer part of the world, more dangerous and predatory fish live here than in any other part of the world. It is in this part of the world the final test before acceptance is given, a low flying thunderhawk journeys above the waves with a new recruit dressed in ornamental shoal and bone bracelets and necklaces before unceremoniously and unannounced being pushed out of the aircraft into the sea bellow. Here the person is monitored by underwater servoskulls keeping hidden to see what animal first attacks and is killed by the recruit, many of course never survives this attack and thus prove themselves unworthy. The first attack can happened either almost directly or after hours or even days of waiting, one man it is said had to wait for a whole week before his attack and he was greatly celebrated for surviving. The animal that attacks is then a measure of a characters fate and strength of mana, sharks, the most common attackers, are considered to have weak mana but such is customary for the recruits have not gathered mana actively, to survive the attack of a whole pack of Stalker Barracuda is considered a great feat and such a person is fated for greatness, placed to grow to a full marine under the veteran scouts of the first company. One man in the chapters history has in this manner survived the attack of a Fire Marlin, the current chapter master and captain of the Salt Lords company Makaira.

  • Taiha Hall Taiha Hall is the chapter monastery of the Jade Claws, here each company except the eight dwell. It is placed close to eight hundred metres below the surface and holds the necessities of such a building. No transportation to the location is offered and marines are expected to dive to it alone without the aid of vehicles. Each day for a marine in Taiha hall starts after they wake from their saltwater filled sarcophagi, a flaw in their genes require them to sleep in sarcophagi filled with saltwater to enter the deeper sleep of marines, and go to acquire food, their comrades will have hunted during the night and fish will be served in one of the nine halls, the one of your company. After the food training will commence with battles using sharp spears to hone reflexes and strength. After this the rest of the day is expected to be spent in the sea, training with bolter, as sensors indicate dusk has fallen above those that did not hunt last night set out to do so while their comrades return to sleep, this then starts the next day. The Jadereaches The Jade Reaches is one of the worlds deepest points falling three thousand metres below the waves and home to Jadereach stone, a jadelike stone far harder than any other. Upon becoming a true marine it is customary for a Jade Claw to dive down into the jadereaches and retrive the stone he should use to create his Jade dagger. At all times one venerable dreadnaught stands guarding the reaches in constant pain, the first chapter master, Mako. The Hall of Bones The hall of bones is the company hall of the 8th company. It is a building created over an active volcano where the marines feast on the flesh of their foes and train in lethal combat. No marine other than those of the 8th company is allowed inside and even the chapter master will, unless he is one of the Cannibals, be refused entrance. The Grand Port of Ikit The grand port of Ikit is the one part of the world that stretches above the waves and the one place where people other than marines can be found. It is a port for sea vessels, hovercrafts, aerial crafts and surface to orbit shuttles, here men and women of the Imperium toil to create and repair the few vehicles of the chapter under tech marines watchful stares, here to lies the embassadies from the worlds of the Opal Gate, allowing discussions between the chapter and those they are to protect.

  • The Opal Gate The Opal Gate is a star cluster of six systems; the first is the system of Ikit where the star is circled by one lone moonless world, Ikit the tropical home of the Jade Claws. This however leaves five other important worlds. Awin The system of Awin is like an opposite of that of Ikit, it holds numerous worlds but none that can support life. Mining stations are however spread across the worlds as are bases for pirates. Yearly sweeps are made by the Jade Claw chapter to find and stop pirate activity and it is common for squads of Jade Claws to travel there more often as well. Dromena The system of Dromena is a system, circled by three gas giants each with a multitude of moons. On one of these moons lies a feral world locked in eternal winter where the hardy people is forced to cut their way through thick ice in order to fish for food and where the search for fire fuel consumes most of the daily work. Apart from acting as a common recruitment world for the Jade Claws there is little of value there. Mere The system of Mere holds two planets of importance, the first is the imperial world Mere II, it is a verdant world that would have been a paradise had it not been for the massive buglife thriving in the oxygen rich atmosphere which is happy to make food of the people. Circling Mere II is the Moon Mere II:I, a forge world ruled by Archibald, a tech-priest magos of nigh-unparalleled skill, he makes masterworks rivalling those of the best priests of mars and he has trained every Jade Claw tech-marine the last four hundred years. Yinx The system of Yinx is the home for Yin-Jukl, a hive world where one lone city rises high above the uninhabited plains. Yin-Jukl is a city of ever toiling masses setting in motion and counting the vast number of exports and imports travelling through the Opal Gate. Watavai The system of Watavai is home to no less then four agri-worlds and produces food to support all worlds of the Opal gate and more. Watavai II is

  • a world of verdant forests of fruit plantations with but one mayor settlement exporting their great produce, Watavi III is drenched in water to create one large permanent rice field with bridges between the settlements. Watavi IV is perfectly made into a pattern of squares growing certain crops to create exactly what is needed and Watavi V is a world where Grox are farmed in great numbers creating an almost prehistoric feel with the massive lizard herds moving over the plains. Heraldry and Livery of the Jade Claws The Chapter holds jade coloured armour with blue edges. Their marking is that of a wave, representing that they all serve beneath the ocean of the same world, each company then carries a second livery to show their own tactics and history. Playing a Jade Claw Space Marine in Deathwatch Starting bonus: +5 Strength, +5 Perception Chapter Demeanour: Mana Belief The Jade Claws believe they gain power from killing their opponents and live with this thought. They perform rituals with their Jadereach stone daggers after killing mighty foes and always show respect for a man who has killed more foes than the marine. Solo mode ability; Power of Mana, when killing a sufficiently powerful enemy (GMs discretion) and performing a short ritual may recharge the use of a codex solo mode ability. Squad Mode Abilities: Attack Pattern: Swift Assault Action: Free Action Cost: 3 Sustained: Yes See White Scars. Defensive Stance: Only in Death Action: Free action Cost: 3 Sustained: Yes While this ability is active, the space marine and any within support range of him ignore the effects of any critical damage that would not kill them until this ability is no longer active. Once the ability ends they suffer the full effects of the critical damage.

  • Jade Claws Chapter Advances Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Swim 100 Skill - Swim +10 100 Skill Swim Swim +20 100 Skill Swim +10 Concealment 100 Skill - Concealment +10 100 Skill Concealment Concealment +20 100 Skill Concealment +10 Exotic Weapon Training (Any) 400 Talent - Exotic Weapon Training (Any) 400 Talent - Rapid Reload 300 Talent - Independent Targeting 300 Talent BS 40

    Jade Claw Pasts 1d10 result Past experiences 1 Awin Guardian: You have fought as a permanent guard over the mines of Awin, hunting pirates with vicious hatred. 2 Warrior of the Sting: You have fought with the second company, learning the value of lightning strikes and the slaying of enemy leaders. 3 Deep Mariner: You defended Taiha hall as a Deep Mariner of the third company, your training and vigilance have been never ending. 4 Waiting: You have fought with the fourth company and have awaited the return of your leader. You have partaken in the broken leadership of your company with pride for you know that your great chapter master shall one day return. 5 Lords Duty: You have fought with the Salt Lords of the fifth company, fighting side by side with guardsmen and perhaps even leading troops into battle. 6 Spear of the Leiomano: You have fought in the sixth company, learning the thrill and effectiveness of close combat and vicious assault. 7 Stalker Barracuda: You have made war using the unique tactics of the seventh company to viciously slaughter your foes. 8 Cannibal: You are set apart from the rest of your chapter for you are one of the Cannibals and you follow your own traditions in the Hall of Bones. You destroy and then devour your foes with a viciousness that would shock even a feral worlder.

  • 9 Devastating Marlin: You were part of the Fire Marlins, destructive devastators of the Jade Claws. You see fire as not only your symbol but a potent power at your command. 10 Opal Gate Patrol: You have served as one of the permanent Opal Gate patrols that watch over the worlds as per the ancient oaths of the chapter. Jade Claw Names

    1d10 result Name 1 Isurus 2 Daviesi 3 Sphyrna 4 Galeocerdo 5 Makaira 6 Mako 7 Agem 8 Nanaue 9 Aumakua 10 Dakuwa Jade Claws Primarchs Curse: The Curse of Steel The Jade Claws suffer the Curse of Steel if they live long enough, a feeling of growing discomfort and even physical pain when wearing armour. Unlike other chapters who are watchful of their Primarchs Curse the Jade Claws see it as inevitable and do not try to prevent it. Level 1 (Black Carapace turned Jade): The Battle brother starts to feel the weight of his armour as a discomfort and wants to replace it. He no longer gains the unique trait of his armour as a bonus as he can no longer appreciate its power. Level 2 (Curse of Metal): The Battle Brother can no longer feel safety in his power armour and feels locked inside it in pain. The battle-brother can not wear armour heavier than Scout Armour. Level 3 (The full Curse of Steel): The Battle brother is driven insane by the feeling of armour on his skin and strips himself of any such trappings. The battle-brother can not wear armour.

  • Jade Claws Chapter Trappings Jade Dagger Replace your combat knife with a Jade Dagger used as much for rituals as for battle. It has the following rules; Name Class Dmg Pen Special Wt Jadereach Stone Dagger Melee 1d10+2 2 Razor Sharp 4 Vial from Ikit It is customary for a marine from the chapter to carry with him a vial with water from Ikit to strengthen his bond to his home world. Choose one of the following; Vial of Saltwater: This vial grants the marine +3 to Swim tests. Vial of Blood: This vial is only ever carried by those from the Cannibals company and adds +3 to hit on attacks made against humans. Vial of Mana: Believing the vial to be filled with mana of a mighty ocean beast the marine feels strengthened and may add +2 to strength skill tests. Jade Claws Psychic Powers

    Mana Steal Cost: 500exp Action: Half Opposed: No Range: 10m x PR Sustained: No Description: The Battle brother channels the life force of his foe into himself. The enemy takes damage damage equal to 1d10+PR bonus ignoring armour, the damage caused is then used to heal the character though such healing can only be used once per day.

  • Jadechannel Mana Cost: 500exp Action: Half Opposed: No Range: - Sustained: Yes Description: The librarian holds up his Jadereach Stone Dagger and channels his power through it to strengthen it greatly. If the character carries a Jadereach Stone Dagger that dagger gains the force quality and one d10 extra damage for the duration of this psychic power. The Sting of Ikit Cost: 1000exp Prerequisites: Wp 40 Action: Half Opposed: No Range: Self or 10m x PR Sustained: No Description: The librarian holds the power of the toxic rays of Ikit within his power ready to unleash it on his foes. If the character is in melee when he uses this power he gains a bonus to damage equal his psy-rating and the Toxic (1) quality to his attacks until the start of his next turn. If not he may instead strike one foe within range as if he was in melee against him for the duration of this turn, gaining the aforementioned bonuses.