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  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    Japanese Audio Flashcard Lessons,

    Grammar Guide, 11-2-15

    General NotesVerbsThere are 2 main kinds of verbs in Japanese: uverbs and ru verbs . Both of these verb types haveplain speech forms and masu forms. The masuforms are more polite.The root of a verb is the pre u or pre ru form. Thestem of a verb is the pre masu form. For an ru verb,the root and the stem forms are the same.For e!ample, nomu is a u verb" it means #drin$.%

    Nomimasu is the masu form of nomu . The root ofnomu is nom. The stem of nomu is nomi.Taberu is an ru verb" it means #eat.% Tabemasu isthe masu form of taberu . The root of taberu is tabe.The stem of taberu is also tabe.

    Nomu and taberu are plain speech verbs. Theirmasu forms are nomimasu and tabemasu .U and ru verbs are often used as adjectives. Fore!ample, watashi ga taberu pan & #the bread ' eat.%

    Anata ga nonda biiru & #the beer that you dran$.% Desu (meanin) #it is%* is a copula, or lin$in) verb. 't

    is neither a u verb, nor an ru verb. 'ts plain speechform is da .

    Ad+ectivesThere are 2 main kinds of adjectives in Japanese: i(pronounced #ee%* ad+ectives and na ad+ectives. Iadjectives end in #i% and modify a noun directly. For e!ample, oishii & #delicious.%Oishii pan & #delicious

    bread.%To ma$e the stem of an i ad+ective remove the final#i.% For e!ample, the stem of oishii is oishi .Na adjectives are follo ed b! na hen the! areused to modif! a noun . For e!ample, shizuka &# uiet.% Shizuka na heya & #a uiet room.%-ou may use desu after an i ad+ective. o/ever,!ou ma! not use da after an i adjective. Oishiidesu (meanin), 0it0s delicious0* is 2. ishii da is not2. 3sin) plain speech, you may simply say oishii

    by itself, if you mean 0it0s delicious.0-ou ma! use either desu or da after a na adjective .For e!ample, kono heya wa shizuka desu & konoheya wa shizuka da & #as for this room, it%s uiet.%

    4hapter 1

    5asupooto o misete kudasai. (#5lease sho/ the passport.%*O, sometimes /ritten as wo, is used to sho/ that the

    precedin) term is a direct ob+ect. For e!ample, hon okau &hon o kaimasu & #' /ill buy a boo$% or #' buya boo$% (or boo$s*.

    Misete is the te form of miseru & #sho/.% 6ince thete or de form of a verb sometimes adds the meanin)#in),%misete can sometimes be translated as#sho/in).% Verbs endin) in ru, tsu, $u, su and uhave te forms . Verbs endin) in mu, nu, )u and buhave de forms . Verbs also have past forms . The

    past tense of plain speech verbs ends in ta or da. Fore!ample, the plain speech past form of miseru ismiseta & #sho/ed.% The past tense of masu verbsends in mashita. For e!ample, the past form ofmisemasu is misemashita & 0sho/ed.0

    Kudasai & #please.% Kudasai is often preceded by

    the te or de form of a verb. For e!ample, hon o kattekudasai & #please buy the boo$.% ( Kau & #buy%"katte is the te form of kau. * Kudasai is theimperative form of kudasaru , a humble verbmeanin) #to honorably )ive to me or to someone inmy in )roup.% For e!ample, sensei ga hon okudasaru & #the teacher honorably )ives (or /ill)ive* a boo$ to me% (or to someone in my in )roup*.

    Maikeru Uebbu san desu ne. (#'t%s 7ichael 8ebb, huh.%*

    San is an honorific term used after another person%sname.

    Kankoo desu ka shigoto desu ka.(#'s it si)htseein)9 's it /or$9%*


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215


    Ka is used to indicate a uestion.

    !" Kankoo ja arimasen.

    (#'t isn%t si)htseein).%*

    Ja is the short form of dewa , /hich forms the first part of the phrase dewa arimasen & ja arimasen &#somethin) is not somethin) else.% For e!ample hondewa arimasen &hon ja arimasen & #it isn0t a boo$.%

    Arimasu is the masu form of the plain speech verbaru & #e!ist% (used for inanimate thin)s, includin)

    plants*. Arimasen is the ne"ative form of arimasu .The masu form of u verbs is formed by addin)#imasu % to the root (the pre u form*. For e!ample,nomu = nomimasu & #drin$.%-ou may be surprised to learn that aru is a u verb ,not an ru verb. There are a number of u verbs thatend in ru, includin) aru (#e!ist%*. 8hat these verbshave in common is that you #double the t$ henmakin" the te or ta forms . 'n this case, aru &#e!ist.% Atte = #e!istin).% Atta & #e!isted.%%u verbs al/ays end /ith iru or eru. The masuform of ru verbs is formed by replacin) #ru% /ith#masu.% &ith ru verbs, !ou do not 'double the t$hen makin" the te or ta forms. For e!ample,taberu = tabemasu & #eat.%Tabete & #eatin).%

    Tabeta & #ate.%There are three irre"ular verbs : Suru = shimasu =#do.%Shite & #doin).% Shita & #did.%

    Kuru = kimasu & #come.% Kite & #comin).% Kita &#came.%

    Iku = ikimasu & #)o.% tte & #)oin).% tta & #/ent.%To chan"e a masu verb (/hether u verb, ru verb orirre)ular verb* to a ne"ative form , chan)e the #u% atthe end to #en.% For e!ample, nomimasu & #'drin$%or #' /ill drin$.% Nomimasen & #' don%t drin$% or #' /on%t drin$.%

    #$%& Kore wa nan desu ka. (#As for this, /hat is it9%*

    Kore & #this,%sore & #that,%are & #that over there.%Wa is used to sho/ the topic , as opposed to thesub+ect, of a sentence. Ga is used to sho/ the

    subject . 'n this $ey sentence, the sub+ect is thesilent pronoun #it,% and ga does not appear. Thissentence is an e!ample of sentence pattern () it

    be)ins /ith a noun or pronoun follo/ed by /a(indicatin) a topic* and then )oes on to as$ a

    uestion about, or ma$e a comment on, this topic.For e!ample, kono mise wa ookii desu & #as for thisstore, it0s bi).%

    Nan = nani & #/hat.% Nan is the shorter form of this pronoun. 3se nan , rather than nani , before the verbdesu .

    & !a" nan desu ka.(#8ell, /hat is it9%*

    Ja can also mean #/ell.%

    % ' #ai i desu yo. (#-es. 't%s )ood for sure.%* i is an i adjective meanin) #)ood.%Yo is used for emphasis. 't can be rou)hly translatedas #for sure.%

    ($ $ore desu ka. (#8hich is it9%* Dore & #/hich.%

    ) " #on o misete kudasaimasen ka. (#8on%t you sho/ the boo$ and )ive9%*The te or de form of a verb can add the meanin"#and$ to a verb . For e!ample, tabete ikimasu &;' (or #someone,% since the sub+ect is often notspecified in Japanese sentences* /ill eat and )o.<

    Kudasaimasu is the #masu% form of kudasaru =#honorably )ive to me or someone in my in )roup.%

    Kudasaimasen is the ne)ative form of kudasaimasu . Kudasaimasenka means #/on%t you ... andhonorably )ive9% or #/on%t you do it for me9%

    % * !"+, #ai. %akarimashita.(#-es, ' understood.%*To ma$e the past form of a masu verb, chan)e

  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    #masu% to #mashita.% For e!ample, taberu =tabemasu & #' eat% (or #' /ill eat%*. Tabemashita & #'ate%" the plain speech form is tabeta . Nomu =nomimasu & #' drin$% (or #' /ill drin$%*.

    Nomimashita & #' dran$%" the plain speech form is

    nonda . $a & desu & #it is.% To ma$e the past form of desu ,say deshita . To ma$e the past form of da , say datta .

    -+./ 0 Mooshiwake nain desu ga... (#There%s no e!cuse, but ...%*

    Nai is the plain speech form of arimasen & #note!ist% or #nothin).% Nain is a softened form of nai .'n order to ma$e your speech more friendly, you can#soften$ the /ord nai , as /ell as i adjectives andplain speech verbs , by addin) #n$ or #no$ to them.If !ou soften a ord b! usin" #n,$ !ou must folloit ith the copula #desu$ or #da$ (or by theirne)ative e uivalents #+a arimasen% or #+ai nai%" or by$amoshiremasen & $amoshirenai & #it mi)ht be%*-ou can only soften plain speech verbs, not #masu%verbs.For e!ample, nai & nai desu = nain desu = nai no &#it doesn%t e!ist.% Oishii = oishii desu = oishiindesu = oishii no & #it%s delicious.% kimasu = iku =

    ikun desu = iku no & #' /ill )o.%&hen askin" *uestions, !ou can soften the orddesu b! puttin" no in front of it. For e!ample, naino desu ka & #is there nothin)9% Oishii no desu ka &#is it delicious9%-ou can use no /ith a risin) intonation to su""est a*uestion and soften the sentence at the same time.For e!ample, iku no & #/ill you )o9% Oishii no & #isit delicious9% Nai no & #is there nothin)9%-ou can soften nouns and na adjectives by addin)nan to them. For e!ample, kuruma desu = kurumanan desu & #it%s a car.%Shizuka desu = shizuka nandesu & #it%s uiet.%Ga can mean #but.$ For e!ample, ikimasu ga" sugukaerimasu & #' /ill )o, but ' /ill soon return.%

    12345 "+, Arigatoo gozaimashita.

    (#Than$ you for /hat you did.%*&ozaimashita is the past form of gozaimasu & #toe!ist humbly% (or #honorably,% dependin) on thesituation*.

    (3 ,+"+ Doo itashimashite & #you%re /elcome% or #it%snothin).%

    6" 07389:; <"Sumimasen ga" moo i'hido namae o kaitekudasaimasenka.(#>!cuse me, but one more time, /on%t you /rite thename and honorably )ive9%*

    Moo & #another,% #more,% or #a)ain%"moo can alsomean #already.%

    Do means #times.% 'hido & #one time%"nido & #t/otimes,% etc.


    (/, $onata desu ka.(#8ho is it9%*

    Donata and dare both mean #/ho%" donata is more


    =>?@ABC Abe sangyoo no tsu'hida desu.

    (#'t%s Tsuchida of Abe 'ndustries%*The spea$er is referrin) to himself and thereforedoesn%t say tsu'hida san .

    No is used to sho/ possession or belon)in). Fore!ample, watashi no hon & #my boo$.%

    % D"+ (3E'F+ #ajimemashite. $oozo yoroshiku.(# o/ do you do9 5leased to meet you.%*

    #ajimeru = hajimemasu & to start" ha imemashite is the te form of the verb and is usually translated#ho/ do you do9% 6ince the te form of a verb canadd the meanin) #in),% hajimemashite could also beunderstood to mean #' am startin) ...% $oozo


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    means #)o ahead.%(oroshiku is the ku form (or adverbial form* of the

    polite ad+ective yoroshii & #)ood,% so doozo !oroshiku can be understood as #)o ahead, in a )ood/ay,% or #please be )ood to me.% 't is often translated

    as #pleased to meet you.%

    #GH%I Ko'hira wa" okusan desu ka. (#As for this /ay, is it the honorable /ife9%*

    Ko"hira & #this /ay,% so"hira & #that /ay,% a"hira &#that /ay over there.%Okusan & #someone else%s /ife%" kanai or tsuma &#my /ife.%

    (3E'F+ JK +" $oozo yoroshiku onegai shimasu. (#@o ahead be )ood to me, ' humbly be).%*This is a lon)er, even more polite version of doozo

    !oroshiku (#pleased to meet you% or #please be )oodto me%*. Another common version is !oroshikuonegai shimasu#

    Negau = negaimasu & to be) or pray. Suru = shimasu + to do.To form a humble verb construction , referrin) toactions that you perform, put o in front of the verb

    stem, and follo/ the verb stem /ith suru or shimasu . 6ee Lesson 1. For e!ample, onegai

    shimasu & #' humbly be).% Omise shimasu & #' /illhumbly sho/ it.% ( miseru & misemasu & #sho/%*

    BC LMN%(#O !"Tsu'hida san" ginkoo wa" doko ni arimasu ka.(Tsuchida, as for a ban$, /here does it e!ist9*

    Doko + /here.3se wa rather than ga because the sub+ect is thesilent pronoun #it,% and #ban$% is the topic. Thissentence illustrates sentence pattern ( , describedon pa)e .

    PPQL#AR!AS#3O)T0 !"

    )eto" kono toori no mukoo ni" honya gaarimasu. (#3h, at this street%s far end, there%s a

    boo$store.%* Kono + #this,% sono + #that,% ano + #that over there.% Kono$ sono and ano are al a!s follo ed b! anoun , unli$e the e uivalent kore , sore and are ,/hich also mean, respectively, #this,% #that% and #that

    over there.% For e!ample, kore & #this%"kono hon &#this boo$.%Toori & #street.% Mukoo ni & #at farther a/ay.%Use !a after a product to indicate a store sellin)that product, e.)., hon & #boo$%"honya &#boo$store.%-ou may recall that aru + arimasu (#e!ist%* is usedfor inanimate objects includin) plants.By contrast, iru = imasu (#e!ist%* isused foranimate objects li$e animals and people, notincludin) plants. Iru is an ru verb , since you don%t#double the t% /hen ma$in) its te and ta forms, i.e.,ite & #e!istin)% and ita & #e!isted.%8hen you say that somethin) or someone e!ists in a

    particular place, usin) aru or iru , follo/ the placedescription /ith ni.For e!ample, ma'hi ni honya ga arimasu & #at theto/n, a boo$store e!ists.% Mise ni tanakasan gaimasu & #7r. Tana$a is at the store.%'n the tar)et sentence above, use ga rather than wa after honya because you%re tal$in) about a particular

    boo$store. Also you should )enerally use ga ithboth imasu and arimasu see the document # &a vs. %a* on the /eb site for more information.

    PLUV !" 0L W* !" '

    ie" ookiku arimasen ga" sugu wakarimasu yo.(# o, it isn%t bi), but soon you /ill understand forsure.%*Ookii is an i ad+ective meanin) #bi)%" ookiku is theku form . o make the ne"ative form of an iadjective, remove the final i and add ku thenadd arimasen or nai . For e!ample, oishii =de+i'ious. Oishiku arimasen = oishikunai & #it isn%tdelicious.% 5lease note that you may not say oishii +anai, or oishii +a arimasen. ou must use the kuform hen !ou make i adjectives ne"ative.


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    LNX Y" !a" itte kimasu.(#8ell, ' /ill )o and come.%*

    Iku = ikimasu & #)o.% Itte is the te form of iku. Kuru % kimasu & #come.% Itte kimasu is a standard

    e!pression that you use /hen you leave a place andintend to come bac$. The appropriate response tothis e!pression, from a person /ho intends to stay

    behind, is itterasshai (#see you later%*.

    JZ, +"+,Omatase shimashita.(#'%m sorry to have $ept you /aitin).%*Omatase shimashita is a standard polite phrase used/hen one is late. This is another humble verbconstruction. Mataseru is the causative tense ofmatsu & #/ait.% Mataseru & #ma$e someone /ait.%

    Shimashita is the past tense of shimasu % suru + todo, so this phrase means, #' humbly made you /ait.%

    [\0 " Kanai ga imasen ne. (#The /ife doesn%t e!ist huh,% meanin) #she isn%there.%*

    Imasen = inai = #does not e!ist.% This is thene)ative form of imasu % iru + #e!ist.% 3se ga

    rather than wa because you%re introducin) the /ifeinto the conversation. o/ever, if you had alreadyintroduced her into the conversation, you could saykanai wa imasen .To chan)e a plain speech u verb to a ne)ative form,add anai to the root (the pre u form*. For e!ample,nomu & nomimasu & #' /ill drin$.% Nomanai &nomimasen & #' /on%t drin$.%To chan)e a plain speech ru verb to a ne)ativeform, add nai to the root. For e!ample, taberu =tabemasu & ' /ill eat. Tabenai = tabemasen & '/on%t eat.r! not to confuse these t o sentence patterns :

    Kanai ja arimasen % kanai ja nai %#it isn0t my /ife.% Kanai ga imasen = kanai ga inai & #my /ife doesn%te!ist% (meanin), #she isn%t here%*. 6imilarly, #on jaarimasen = hon ja nai & #it isn%t a boo$.% #on gaarimasen = hon ga nai & #there isn%t a boo$.%

    (# $oko desu ka.(#8here is she9%*

    Doko & /here.

    ] ]^ % _#A`abO " ' ,aabara san wa" asoko no hoosekiya ni imasu yo. (#As for Barbara, she is in that place%s +e/elry store,for sure.%*3se wa because Barbara has already been introducedas a topic into the conversation.

    Koko & here, soko + there" asoko & over there.

    (Ac $ono mise desu ka. (#8hich store is it9%*

    Dono & #/hich.% /ono is al a!s follo ed b! anoun . Dore also & #/hich,% but it%s used ithout anoun . For e!ample, dore desu ka & #/hich is it9%

    $ono mise desu ka & #/hich store is it9%

    _A;AV$ /cSono mae no" kirei na mise desu.(#'t%s that front%s pretty store,% meanin) #the prettystore in front of that.%*

    Mae & #front.%&shiro & #rear.% For e!ample, sonomae no mise & #the store in front of that.% Sonoushiro no mise & #the store behind that.%

    Kirei & #pretty.% Kirei is a na adjective " /hen youuse it to modify a noun, follo it ith na .

    Ad%e0UV Ano hito wa" me ga ookii desu.(#As for that person over there, the eyes are bi).%*

    This sentence illustrates another common Japaneseconstruction, sentence pattern 0. 'n this pattern, atopic is follo ed b! wa , and then a subject isfollo ed b! ga .

    ($0 A f $ore ga maikerusan no pasupooto desu ka.(#8hich is 7ichael%s passport9%*


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    3se ga because you%re as$in) a uestion that /asformed usin) an interro"ative pronoun (dore * asthe subject of the sentence. Interro"ativepronouns include dore + #/hich,% nani & #/hat,% doko & #/here,% dare & #/ho,% ikutsu & #ho/ many,%

    ikura & #ho/ much,% and itsu & #/hen.% Doo (#ho/%* and dooshite (#/hy%* are also interro)ative

    pronouns, but they are never follo/ed by )a.

    #$0 A f Kore ga maikerusan no pasupooto desu.(#This is 7ichael%s passport.%*3se ga because you%re ans/erin) a uestion that/as formed /ith an interro"ative pronoun (dore *as the subject.

    #Ac%g !" Kono mise wa shizuka ja arimasen. (#This store is not uiet.%*o make the ne"ative form of a na adjective , li$e

    shizuka , follo the adjective /ith a arimasen$dewa arimasen$ a nai or dewa nai# Ja is the plainspeech form of dewa . 'n this tar)et sentence, Konomise wa shizuka dewa arimasen" also 2.


    Kyoo wa tsugoo ga ii desu ka. (#As for today, are the circumstances )ood9,%meanin) #is it convenient for you9%*Tsugoo ga ii is an e!pression used to say that a

    person%s circumstances are )ood, meanin) that thereis time available.

    _#AlAmO !"Soko no tsukue no ue ni arimasu. (#'t e!ists on that place%s des$%s top,% meanin) #ontop of that des$.%*&e & #above or top.% Shita & #belo/% or #bottom.%

    _#AlAnO !" Asoko no tsukue no naka ni arimasu .(#'t e!ists in that place over there%s des$%s inside.%*

    Naka & #inside.% Soto & #outside.%

    lAoTsukue no migi. (#The des$%s ri)ht side.% 6ide is understood.*

    Migi & #ri)ht.% 'idari & #left.%

    4hapter =

    LNV"+p3 !aa" ikimashoo. (#8ell, let%s )o.%*The shoo endin" replaces the su endin) on a masuverb li$e ikimasu /hen you /ant to say # let$s dosomethin" % or #I shall do somethin" .% Theshoo endin" is also used to convert the /ord desu to the/ord deshoo & #it probabl! is.%

    ## Hqr " (A H !"

    Koko kara" hoteru made" dono kuraikakarimasu ka.(#From here, as far as the hotel, about ho/ lon) /illit ta$e9%*

    Kakaru & #ta$e% (time* or #cost% (money*. Kurai & #about,% #appro!imately,% #almost,% or#somethin) li$e%" this is often softened to gurai .

    Dono kurai (or dono gurai * means appro imatel! #ho/ many,% #ho/ lon),% #ho/ much,% or #ho/often.% For e!ample, dono kurai kakarimasu ka =dono gurai kakarimasu ka & #about ho/ lon) /ill itta$e9%

    st7 !" 0 "!uv !"

    $ensha mo arimasu ga" amari benri jaarimasen. (#A train also e!ists, but it isn%t very convenient.%*

    Mo & #also%" itreplaces wa and ga /hen used aftera topic or sub+ect.

    Amari & #not very,% in ne)ative constructions" #verymuch% or #e!cessively,% in positive constructions.

    hi%wxy NV"+p3 Kyoo wa" takushii de ikimashoo. (#As for today, let%s )o by ta!i.%*


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    De & #by means of.%

    z0 " Mi'hi ga suite imasu ne .(#The street is bein) uncro/ded, huh.%*

    Suku & be uncro/ded" suite is the te form of thisverb.The te or de form of a verb can carry the meanin)#in",$ especially /hen combined ith iru or imasu .6uch verb combinations can be used /ith bothanimate and inanimate ob+ects. For e!ample, u'hi odete iru = u'hi o dete imasu & #' am leavin) home.%

    nu o dashite iru = inu o dashite imasu & #' am puttin) the do) out.%

    ] ]^ L { 8|ONV"+p3 ,aabarasan" itsuka issho ni ikimashoo .(#Barbara, sometime to)ether let%s )o.%*

    tsu & #/hen,% itsuka & #sometime%"doko & #/here,%dokoka & #some/here,% dare & #/ho,% dareka &#someone%" nani & #/hat,% nanika & #somethin).%

    Issho ni & #to)ether.%

    }~% "!' !"Tenki wa" amari yoku arimasen.(#As for the /eather, it isn%t very )ood.%*

    Ii means #)ood%" it%s an i ad+ective. o make theadverbial ku form of ii , don%t say i$u" instead usethe similar /ord !oi & #)ood,% and convert this to

    !oku .

    •i€ ONV" Maini'hi tookyoo ni ikimasu.(#>very day, ' )o to To$yo.%*

    Maini'hi tookyoo e ikimasu , also 2.ou ma! use either ni or e to mean #to$ e means#to/ard% and refers to the direction of movement,/hile ni means #to% and refers to the destinationitself, but you may consider the /ordsinterchan)eable /hen you /ant to say #to.%

    {7) ‚6" tsumo hon o yomimasu.(#' al/ays read boo$s.%*

    Itsu & #/hen.% Itsumo & #al/ays% in positiveconstructions, #never% in ne)ative constructions.

    Itsudemo & #anytime.%


    Sanji goro" narita kuukoo e ikimasu. (#About =: , ' /ill )o to arita airport.%*Goro means #appro!imately,% but it%s only used /ithtime of day, time of year, etc. By contrast, kurai (or

    gurai , /hich is a softer version of kurai * can be usedafter nouns in )eneral to mean #appro!imately.%

    ƒ„O] ]^ O‰ "Sanji ni" baabarasan ni aimasu. (#At =: , ' /ill meet Barbara.%*our meanin"s for ni (see the inde! for moremeanin)s*: Ni is used before the verb au & #meet,%to indicate hom is met. Ni is also used to mean ata time ( sanji ni & #at =: %*. Ni can be used to meanto a place ( Oosaka ni iku & #' /ill )o to sa$a%*, andit can mean at a place /hen used /ith imasu (iru *,arimasu (aru * and other #inactive% verbs. Fore!ample, Oosaka ni iru & #' am at sa$a.%

    „Š%(A H !" !ikan wa" dono kurai kakarimasu ka.

    (#As for time, about ho/ much does it ta$e9%* Jikan & #time.% Kan means #duration.% For e!ample,i'hijikan & #1 hour duration,% nishuukan & # /ee$sduration,% sannenkan & #= years duration,% etc.

    4hapter ?

    ‹+Œ 0Sukoshi yasunda hoo ga ii desu ne. (#'t /ould be better to rest a bit, huh.%*(asumu & yasumimasu & #rest"% the polite past tenseis yasumimashita .The plain past tense is yasunda .The idea # it ould be better to do$ such and such ise!pressed by usin) the plain past tense of a verb follo/ed by hoo ga ii . For e!ample, tabeta hoo gaii & #it /ould be better to eat.% To say #it /ould be

    better not to do% somethin), follo/ the ne"ative


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    plain speech form of the verb /ith hoo ga ii , e.).,tabenai hoo gai ii & #it /ould be better not to eat.%

    ŽN An ' "+, #ikooki no naka de yoku nemashita.

    (#'nside the plane, ' slept /ell.%* De is al a!s used ith #active$ verbs li$e hashiru & #run,% to indicate the place /here the action ta$es

    place. 'n Japanese, there are also a number of so-called #inactive$ verbs, li$e neru = #sleep,%that canbe used ith either ni or de , dependin) on theintended meanin). 8hen usin) these verbs, think of the particle de as meanin" #in$ and the particle ni as meanin" #at.$ 'n the sentence above , de is usedto sho/ that ' slept #in% the plane. 't is also 2 tosay koko ni nete kudasai & #please sleep at here.%ther #inactive% verbs that can be used /ith either ni or de, dependin) on /hat you mean, include dekiru & #be able to,% suteru & #thro/ a/ay,% o'hiru & #fall,%tomaru & #stop, intransitive,%tomeru & #stop,transitive,% suwaru & #sit,% andtatsu & #stand.% 'tseems that nokoru & #stay behind% can only be used/ith ni. For e!ample, kaisha ni nokoru & #she /illstay behind at the company.%

    %(# 7' " Maikeru wa dokodemo yoku nemasu.

    (#7ichael sleeps /ell any/here.%* Doko & #/here%" dokodemo & #any/here%" dokoka &#some/here%" dokomo & #every/here% in positiveconstructions, #no/here% in ne)ative constructions.

    ‘Q’“ +, Niku to yasai deshita.(#'t /as meat and ve)etables.%*To & #and%" it can also mean #/ith.% For e!ample,

    -an to gohan ga arimasu & #bread and rice e!ist.% Keikosan to nihon ni ikimasu & #' /ill )o to Japan/ith 2ei$o.%

    %J +0”V Maikerusan wa" osushi ga suki desu ka.(#As for 7ichael, is honorable sushi li$ed9,%meanin) #do you li$e it9% This uestion is addressedto 7ichael.*

    Suki desu & #it is li$ed%" the item bein) li$ed isusually follo/ed by )a. Kirai desu & #it is disli$ed.%

    ;% "!”V !" +,0h%& 7 –"

    Mae wa amari suki ja arimasen deshita ga" imawa nandemo tabemasu.(#As for before, she didn%t li$e it very much, but asfor no/, she eats anythin).%*

    Nanika & #somethin)%" nanimo & #nothin)% inne)ative constructions" minna , mina or subete &#everythin)% in positive constructions. Nandemo &#anythin),%

    _#%— / X, Asoko wa" semakunakatta desu. (#As for overthere, it /as not ti)ht or narro/.%*

    Nai , meanin) #not,% is the plain speech form ofarimasen . o form the past form of nai, drop thefinal i and add $atta & nakatta . $esu may be added,

    but desu is optional. 'n the above sentence, Semakuarimasen deshita" 2. 6ema$unai deshita, not 2.

    ˜ X,Takakatta. (#'t /as e!pensive.%*To form the past plain speech form of an i

    adjective , drop the final i and add $atta" this may befollo/ed by desu , but desu is optional. Ta$aideshita, not 2.

    # /O3š !" +, Konna ni urusaku arimasen deshita. (#'t /asn0t noisy li$e this.%*

    Konna & #li$e this,%sonna & #li$e that,%anna & #li$ethat over there,% donna & #/hat $ind of.% &hen !ouadd ni to an! of these adjectives, the! becomeadverbs, modifyin) a verb or another ad+ective.For e!ample, konna ni oishii & #delicious li$e this.%

    hi%›œONV"+p3 Kyoo wa" eiga ni ikimashoo.(#As for today, let%s )o for the purpose of a movie.%*3se ni after a verb stem, or after an activity, toindicate doin" somethin" for a purpose. For


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    e!ample, tabe ni ikimasu & #' /ill )o for the purposeof eatin).% Tenisu ni ikimasu & #' /ill )o for the

    purpose of tennis.%

    ) ‚ "

    #on o yondemasu.(# e is readin) a boo$.%*'n ordinary speech, te imasu is often shortened totemasu , and de imasu is shortened to demasu. For e!ample, tabete imasu & tabetemasu & #'0m eatin).%

    Nonde imasu = nondemasu & #'0m drin$in).%

    4 A ž ' "NN no nyuusu o yoku mimasu.(#' /atch 4 %s ne/s often.%*oku is the $u form of ii & yoi & #)ood.% 't means#often.% 't also means #/ell.% he ku form of an iadjective is an adverb. For e!ample, yoku benkyooo shimashita & #you studied /ell.%

    4hapter C

    hi%Ÿ H 0¡6, Kyoo wa atatakai kara" biiru ga nomitai desune. (#As for today, since it%s /arm, ' /ant to drin$

    beer, huh.%*3se -tai after a verb stem to add the meanin) #desire.$ ften the resultin) i ad+ective is follo/ed

    by desu. -ou may use either o or "a after tai. Fore!ample, Sushi o tabetai desu = sushi ga tabetaidesu & #' /ant to eat sushi.% Both Japanesesentences are correct. $esu is optional.Garu is used to indicate that another personappears to have certain feelin"s . Add garu to thestem of an i ad+ective, or to a na ad+ective. Fore!ample, if you add garu to the stem of tabetai , you

    can say thin)s li$e sushi o tabetagatte imasu & #heappears to /ant to eat sushi.%

    L¢%P£0 * !aa" watashi wa ebi ga ii wa. (#8ell, as for me, shrimp is )ood.%*Wa is used by /omen for emphasis.

    3se hon to count lon) thin ob+ects: ppon & #1 bottle,% Nihon & # bottles,%Sanbon & #= bottles,%(onhon & #? bottles,%&ohon & #C bottles,% /oppon &#D bottles,%Shi'hihon or Nanahon & #E bottles,%

    #appon or #a'hihon & #G bottles,% Kyuuhon & #H

    bottles,% !uppon or !ippon & %1 bottles.% Nanbon &# o/ many bottles9%

    ƒ) ,iiru o sanbon.(#Beer, = bottles.%*3se o after beer because it%s an ob+ect in thissentence.

    ¤ ¥ d0¦ 0uibun hito ga ooi desu ne.(#>!tremely, people are numerous, huh.%*Ooi is an i ad+ective meanin) #numerous.% -oucannot use ooi by itself to modify a noun. Fore!ample, ooi hito )a $imasu, not 2. 'nstead, sayooku no hito ga kimasu & #a lot of people /illcome.%Ooi can also mean #the ma+ority.% For e!ample,

    gakusei no ooku wa otoko da & #the ma+ority ofstudents are male.%Oozei means #a cro/d of people%" oozei is a noun,

    not an adjective . 't%s 2 to substitute oozei for ooi in the tar)et sentence above.For e!ample, hito ga ooi = hito ga ooi desu = hito

    ga oozei = hito ga oozei desu = hito ga oozei imasu& #there are a lot of people.% i)o )a ooi imasu, not2. Another e!ample: oozei no hito ga kimasu &#a lot of people /ill come.%The opposite of ooi is sukunai (#fe/%*. Fore!ample, kuruma ga sukunai & #there are fe/ cars.%

    #ito ga sukunai & #there are fe/ people.% o/ever,don$t use the ku form of sukunai in the /ay you/ould use the $u form of ooi. 'n other /ords, don%tsay su$una$u no hito. 'nstead say sukunai hito (#fe/ people%*.

    ƒ) ,iiru sanbon kudasai.3#Beer = bottles, please.%*


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    ou don$t need to use the particle o after anobject if !ou follo it ith a number .For e!ample, kitte sanmai kaimashita & #' bou)ht =stamps.% Kitte o sanmai kaimashita" also 2.

    4ountin" objects up to 1 ) hitotsu" 1utatsu" mittsu" yottsu" itsutsu" muttsu" nanatsu" yattsu" kokonotsu"too.

    Names of months) 'higatsu" Nigatsu" Sangatsu"Shigatsu" &ogatsu" /okugatsu" Shi'higatsu"

    #a'higatsu" Kugatsu" !uugatsu" !uui'higatsu" !uunigatsu

    /a!s of the month) Tsuita'hi = 1st, 2utsuka = nd, Mikka = =rd, (okka = ? th, tsuka = Cth, Muika = Dth, Nanoka = Eth, (ooka = Gth, Kokonoka & Hth, Tooka &1 th, !uu i'hi ni'hi & 11th, !uu ni ni'hi & 1 th, !uu

    yokka & 1?th, #atsuka & th, Nijuu yokka & ? th.

    /a!s of the eek) Ni'hiyoobi = 6unday,&etsuyoobi = 7onday, Kayoobi = Tuesday,Suiyoobi = 8ednesday, Mokuyoobi = Thursday,

    Kinyoobi = Friday, $oyoobi = 6aturday. Nan!oobi%#8hat day of the /ee$9%

    Y§Ai¨iO%( /#Q +,

    /aishuu no ni'hiyoobi ni wa donna koto o shitaidesu ka.(#As for on ne!t /ee$%s 6unday, /hat $inds of thin)s/ould you li$e to do9%*

    Koto ga shitai , also 2. Koto & intan)ible thin)s or facts. Mono & tan)iblethin)s, or intan)ible thin)s to /hich the spea$erattaches an emotion.

    ©$, H73 "Tsukareta kara moo nemasu.(#Because ' )ot tired, '0m )oin) to bed already,%meanin) #no/.%*

    Node and kara both mean #because.% Tsukareta karamoo nemasu = tsukareta node moo nemasu & #since' )ot tired, ' /ill )o to bed no/.%

    }~/A ª«ˆNV"+p3 i tenki na node" kooen e ikimashoo. (#6ince it%s )ood /eather, let0s )o to the par$.%*-ou cannot use da or desu before node instead

    you must use na to mean #it is.%ou cannot use da or desu before no or before noni (see p. 1C *" instead you must use na . Fore!ample, taihen da & #it0s terrible.%Taihen na no(usin) no as a softenin) /ord* & #it0s terrible.%

    6" z0¬ ,ASumimasen. Mi'hi ga konde ita node.(#>!cuse me. Because the streets /ere cro/ded.%*

    ote that althou"h !ou can sa! kara desu , !ou cannever sa! node desu . For e!ample, mi'hi ga kondeita kara & #because the streets /ere cro/ded.%

    Mi'hi ga konde ita kara desu & #it%s because thestreets /ere cro/ded.% 7ichi )a $onde ita nodedesu, not 2.

    / Naze desu ka.(#8hy is it9%*

    Naze and dooshite both mean #/hy9% and can beused interchan)eably. Naze desu ka = dooshite desu

    ka & #/hy is it9%

    4hapter D

    PPL6 /®¯ °š d,G +, )e" minna shinsetsu de" akarui hitota'hideshita. (#-eah, all of them /ere $ind and cheerful

    people.%* Minna means #everyone.% Minasan (#honorableeveryone*% and minasama (#very honorableeveryone%* are terms often used to address a )roup.

    Minna de & #all to)ether.% Minna no hito & #all the people.%

    (ta"hi is a suffi! used to ma$e a noun plural. 3ta'hi is optional /hen used /ith hito" since hito can meaneither #person% or #people.% o/ever, ta'hi ismandatory /hen used /ith watashi and anata , i.e.,watashita'hi & #/e%" anatata'hi & you.%


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    ] ]^0±+ A ²+0X š7AH

    ,aabara ga atarashii no o hoshigatte iru monodesu kara.

    (#6ince Barbara ne/ ones seems to be /antin) thin)it is.%* ('n this sentence, 7ichael is commentin) onhis /ife%s shoppin).*To ma$e a noun phrase /ith an i adjective , add no to the ad+ective, e.). # atarashii no % & the ne/ one.To ma$e a noun phrase /ith a na adjective , add no after na , e.). # shizuka na no % & the uiet one.To ma$e a noun phrase /ith a verb , add no to theverb, e.)., # katta no % & the purchased one.The verb hoshii means #desire.% 't is typically

    preceded by ga . For e!ample, biiru ga hoshii &#beer is desired% or #' /ant some beer.%The verb hoshigaru , #appear to desire,% is acombination of hoshii and garu (#appears%*.

    #oshigaru is preceded by o. For e!ample, biiru ohoshigatte imasu & #he appears to be /antin) beer.%

    Mono means #tan)ible thin),% but it also has otheridiomatic meanin)s. ere it means somethin) li$e#because% and su))ests an emotional component to7ichael%s complaint. ,aabara ga atarashii no ohoshigatte iru kara , also 2.

    GpXQJZGhotto oma'hi kudasai.(#5lease honorably /ait a moment.%*To ma$e a veru polite honorific form of a verbre*uest , in order to as$ someone to do somethin) in

    business or official situations, put o before the verbstem and follo/ the verb stem /ith kudasai , assho/n in this sentence. 6ee Lesson 1.The most common e!pression used /hen as$in)someone to /ait is hotto matte kudasai & #please/ait a moment.% A still more polite /ay to as$someone to /ait is shooshoo oma'hi kudasai.

    _$ %# /A% 0Sore de wa" konna no wa ikaga desu ka. (#8ell then, as for this type, ho/ is it9%*

    Sore de wa &sore a & #/ell then, in that case.%

    't%s 2 to use konna mono instead of konna no . Fore!ample, konna mono ikaga desu ka & #as for this$ind of thin), ho/ is it9% Ikaga is a polite /ay tosay #ho/.% Doo also means #ho/.%

    7Q 7³+ $emo totemo tanoshii desu.(#But it%s very pleasant.%*

    Demo (meanin) 0but0* is used only at the be)innin)of a sentence.

    + +Cn %Y" +,Shikashi tanakasan wa kimasen deshita. (# o/ever, as for Tana$a, he didn%t come.%*

    Shikashi (meanin) 0ho/ever0 or 0but0* is used only atthe be)innin) of a sentence. Shikashi is boo$ish.

    ´ °š #irokute akarui desu.(#'t%s spacious and /ell li)hted,% referrin) to aroom.*Te and De . 8hen you are +u!taposin) t/o terms(nouns, ad+ectives or verbs* in one sentence and/ant to insert and bet/een them, use te or de after the first term. 8hen you /ant to insert and after ani adjective, remove the final i and add kute . For

    e!ample, in the above sentence, hiroi (#spacious%* becomes hirokute .

    4ountin" people : #itori & #1 person,% 1utari & # people,% san nin & #= people,% yo nin (or yonnin * & ? people*, gonin & #C people,% etc.

    (3E”V/A µX $oozo suki na no o totte kudasai.(#5lease )o ahead and ta$e the ones you li$e.%*

    Suki is a na ad+ective, e.). suki na hon & #the boo$ 'li$e.%

    PPL_$ ¶· )e" sore de kekkoo desu. (#-eah, that /ill be fine.%*To say #somethin) /ill be all ri)ht,% say de kekkoodesu " de ii desu " or de !oroshii desu# For e!ample,


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    kono resutoran de yoroshii desu & #this restaurant/ill be fine.%Ion%t confuse these phrases /ith the ones used to)ive permission, te mo ii " te mo !oroshii and te mokamaimasen# (see Lesson 1E.* For e!ample, tabete

    mo ii desu & #it%s all ri)ht to eat.%

    ¸!O¹ c0 X,A º 7»X, Kaeri ni 'hiisai mise ga atta node" boku mohaitta.(#At the return, because a small store e!isted, ' alsoentered.%*'n some cases, !ou can form a noun from a verb$sstem form , i.e., the pre masu form. Kaeri (#thereturn%* is the stem form of kaeru = kaerimasu =#return.%

    4hapter E

    NX,#Q0 !"'tta $oto )a arimasu $a.(# ave you ever )one there9%*ne response to this uestion could be ee" itta koto

    ga aru & #yeah, ' have )one.% Koto = intangib+e thing. Itta koto ga aru means #/ent thin) e!ists% + #have ever )one.% Tabeta koto

    ga aru & #ate thin) e!ists% & #have ever eaten.%

    ¬ š 7+$" ' Konde iru kamoshiremasen yo.(#'t mi)ht be cro/ded, for sure.%*

    Kamoshiremasen = kamoshirenai & #there%s achance that.%

    ¼D #ajimete desu.

    (#'t%s startin),% meanin) #this is my first time.%*>!amples of ho to use ha imete : Kono omatsuriwa hajimete desu & #it0s the first time '0ve been tothis festival.% a+imete su$ii o suru hito & su$ii oha+imete suru hito & a person first learnin) to s$i.

    Kore ga hajimete desu and kondo ga hajimete desu , both 2. Kono toki wa 4or ga5" hajimete desu , not

    2. ma wa 4or ga5 hajimete desu , also not 2. 't

    +ust sounds a/$/ard to use toki and ima /ithhajimete . o/ever, kyoo ga hajimete desu is 2.

    N {7! kutsumori desu.

    (#' plan to )o.%* kanai tsumori desu = #' plan not to )o% (a mildstatement*. kutsumori wa arimasen = #There is nointention of )oin)% (a stron) statement*.sumori & #plan to% or #intend to.%

    VXQYš +p3 Kitto kuru deshoo.(#'t%s certain that he /ill come.%*J_H Yš +p3

    Osoraku kuru deshoo.(#'t%s very li$ely that he /ill come.%*

    ,¥ Yš +p3 Tabun kuru deshoo.(#5robably he /ill come.%*

    4hapter G

    _$OR½Ast%L¬ U¾ +p3

    Sore ni tsuukin no densha wa konde taihendeshoo.(#7oreover, since the commuter trains )et cro/ded,they0re probably terrible.%*3se the te or de form to e!press a reason, to mean#because.$ For e!ample, kaze o hiite ikimasendeshita & #because ' cau)ht cold, ' didn0t )o.%

    NVA 0¿( QÀ " ' ki no hoo ga" hidoi to omoimasu yo.(#@oin) is more a/ful ' thin$, for sure.%*

    Iki is a noun meanin) #to )o% or #)oin)% and is thestem form of ikimasu (#)o%*. A)ain, the stem formof a verb can be used to make a noun.

    'oo means #direction% or #side.% 'oo ga is used tosho/ an alternative and is combined /ith ad+ectivesli$e hidoi (#a/ful%* to mean #more than% or #lessthan.% ki no hoo ga hidoi could be translated as #the


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    )oin)%s side is more a/ful.%To is used indicate uotation mar$s" for e!ample,kuru to iimashita & #he said he /ill come.%

    Áq ó ÄV/0H±Ä ‚

    šd7 " yahon de ongaku o kiki nagara" shinbun o yonde iru hito mo imasu ne.(#8hile listenin) to music /ith earphones, there arealso ne/spaper readin) people, ri)ht9%*To e!press the idea of doin" somethin" hile doin"somethin" else , follo/ the stem form (the pre masuform* of the verb /ith nagara . For e!ample, gohano tabe nagara terebi o mimasu & #/hile eatin) rice, '/atch TV.%


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    yori , no hoo ga takai desu & #B is more e!pensivethan A.% A wa , hodo takakunai desu & #A is not ase!pensive as B.% A mo , mo takai desu & #A and Bare both e!pensive.% $ensha to kuruma to" do'hirano hoo ga hayai desu ka & #train v. car, /hich is

    faster9% $ensha wa" kuruma yori" hayai desu & #thecar is faster than the train.% Sushi to tempura to"do'hi ga suki desu ka & #sushi or tempura, /hich doyou li$e better9% Tenpura no hoo ga suki & #' li$etempura better.% Sushi mo tenpura mo suki & #' li$e

    both sushi and tempura.% $o'hira mo suki & #' li$e both.% Tookyoo ya oosaka hodo ookiku arimasen = #not as bi) as To$yo, sa$a, etc.% Ookii desu ga"tookyoo hodo ja arimasen & #it0s bi), but notcompared to To$yo.% ,asu de iku yori" kuruma deiku hoo ga" 'hotto hayai desu & #compared to )oin)

    by bus, )oin) by car is a little faster.% (cannot sayi$u no hoo )a or i$i no hoo )a*

    PL˜ Q%À " ie" takai to wa omoimasen.(# o, ' don0t thin$ they are hi)h.% eferrrin) to

    prices.*Use wa after to in ne"ative sentences , /hen to isused to indicate uotation mar$s.

    ] ]^ %i)AÌÍ%˜ QÀX" ,aabarasan wa nihon no bukka wa takai toomotte imasu.(#As for Barbara, she thin$s Japanese prices arehi)h.%*To state someone else's opinion, say to omotte iru#To state !our o n opinion , say either to omou or toomotte iru# For e!ample, nihon no bukka wa takaito omoimasu = nihon no bukka wa takai to omotteimasu = #' thin$ Japanese prices are hi)h.%

    4hapter H

    ƒÎ š H8Î Ï"+p3San mai aru kara" i'himai agemashoo. (#6ince = e!ist, ' shall )ive you one.%*6an mai )a aru, not 2" !ou don$t need to use ga

    or a after numbers , and here ga sounds /ron). Mai is a counter for flat thin items (stamps,in thiscase*.

    Ðd%hÑÒ QÓX "+, H(3E

    4ÔX !Shujin wa konban osoi to ittemashita kara"doozo goyukkuri.(#6ince my husband /as sayin) ;toni)ht late,< )oahead, ta$e your honorable time.%*&oyukkuri shite kudasai" also 2. Yukkuri &#slo/ly,% #ta$in) time,% #leisurely.%The prefi! go is honorific, similar to o. 8ords ofJapanese ori)in may be preceded by o to sho/respect, e.)., osushi (#honorable sushi%*. 8ords of4hinese ori)in may be preceded by go , e.).,

    goshinpai (#honorable /orry%*.8omen use honorific prefi!es more often than mendo. Ion%t use such prefi!es /hen referrin) to youro/n affairs.

    YÕÖ{O/šQÓX "+, /aigetsu muttsu ni naru to ittemashita.(#They /ere sayin) he /ill become si! ne!t month.%*

    /okusai , also 2, instead of muttsu (both mean #si!years old%*

    Naru = narimasu & to become" usually preceded byni. For a noun , add ni and naru to describe achan"e in state. For e!ample, Otooto wa

    suupaaman ni naritai to omotte imasu & #as for thelittle brother, he thin$s he /ants to become6uperman.% >T0V$ O/!"+,

    #eya ga kirei ni narimashita.(#The room became clean.%*For a na adjective , add ni and naru to describe achan"e in state.

    ×Ø%UV /!" Kodomo wa ookiku narimasu. (#4hildren become bi),% meanin) #they )ro/ up.%*or an i adjective, remove the final i, and then addku and naru , to describe a chan"e in state . For


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    e!ample, samuku narimasu & #it /ill become cold.%

    i)Å0mÙO/X, Hi)ONV,/!"+,

    Nihongo ga joozu ni natta kara" nihon ni ikitaku

    narimashita.(#6ince the Japanese became s$illful, it developedthat ' /ant to )o to Japan.%*The #tai$ form is inflected like an i adjective.

    ÚÛ ÜPšA%U¾ Kanji o oboeru no wa taihen desu.(#To memoriMe $an+i is terrible.%*Noun 6hrases. No and koto turn a previous phraseinto a noun. No is preferred for somethin) directly

    perceived by the senses. Koto is more formal or boo$ish. For e!ample, Samui no wa ii kedo" atsuino wa iya desu & #as for cold, it0s 2, but as forheat, it0s irritatin).% Ashita ga yasumi na no waureshii desu & #that tomorro/ is vacation is

    pleasin).% (-ou cannot say yasumi da no, since youcannot use da before no. 6o you must use na tomean #is,% instead of da . Also you cannot sayyasumi da $oto.*No or #n can also be used to make the pronouns#one$ or #ones.$ For e!ample, anata ga tsukuttan

    desu ka & #are they the ones that you made9% Another e!ample: i'higo o kureta no wa" dare6 & #as for theone /ho )ave us stra/berries, /ho9%

    Ý, Þ0ß A à "+,Tsumetai kaze ga 1uku no o kanjimashita.(#' felt the cold /ind blo/.%*6ince the /ind is directly perceived by the senses,you ma! not substitute koto for no in this sentence.Tsumetai is used for cold ob+ects" samui is used forcold /eather, cold days etc.)uku & #blo/,% #breathe,% or #/histle.% Kan iru &#feel% or #sense.%

    %i)Å á #Q0 V" Maikeru wa nihongo o hanasu koto gadekimasu.(#7ichael can spea$ Japanese.%*

    A plain speech verb follo/ed by koto "a dekirumeans #can do .% For e!ample, -uuru de oyogu koto

    ga dekimasu & #one can s/im in the pool.%

    âãO) ä+mÏ"+,

    Sensei ni hon o sashiagemashita.#' )ave a boo$ to the teacher.%3se sashiageru if you or someone else )ive tosomeone not in your in )roup, sho/in) e!trarespect.

    å × %"V× O) mÏ"+, Keikosan wa makikosan ni hon o agemashita.#2ei$o )ave a boo$ to 7a$i$o.%

    /,O#A) Ï"+p3 Anata ni kono hon o agemashoo.#' shall )ive this boo$ to you.%3se ageru if you or someone else )ive to someone/ho is not in your in )roup, sho/in) normalrespect.æOP b!"+,

    nu ni esa o yarimashita.#' )ave animal food to the do).%

    çO) b!"+,

    Otooto ni hon o yarimashita.#' )ave a boo$ to little brother.%3se !aru if you )ive to a member of your in )roup,or if you or someone else )ive to someone outsideyour in )roup /ho is definitely inferior.

    [\%#A) $"+, Kanai wa kono hon o kuremashita.#The /ife )ave me this boo$.%èé0êO_A) $"+,Tomoda'hi ga musume ni sono hon okuremashita.#A friend )ave that boo$ to my dau)hter.%3se kureru if somethin) is )iven to you or to amember of your in )roup by someone in your in)roup, or by someone outside your in )roup /ho hase ual or inferior status.


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    âã0#A) "+,Sensei ga kono hon o kudasaimashita.#The teacher honorably )ave me this boo$.%3se kudasaru if somethin) is )iven to you or to amember of your in )roup by someone outside your

    in )roup /ho has e ual or )reater a)e or status.

    #A) ëì H7H "+, Kono hon o jiroosan kara moraimashita.#' received this boo$ from Jiroo.%3se morau if you or another person receives froman e ual or inferior. This can be used in almost anysituation.

    íî H#A) , V"+,Sha'hoo kara kono hon o itadakimashita.#' received this boo$ from the president.%3se itadaku if you or a member of your in )roupreceives from an e ual or superior (polite speech*.6ay itadakimasu before eatin) or drin$in), or /henyou accept a )ift of food or drin$. Also, use this/ord to indicate your choice in polite situations,e.)., kore o itadakimasu & #'%ll ta$e this one.%

    ×ØAïãiO& bF3 Kodomo no tanjoobi ni nani o yaroo ka.

    (#8hat shall /e )ive for the child0s birthday9%*To say a plain speech #shall$ or #let$s$ for a u verb, add oo to the root (the pre u form*. For e!ample,nomoo (from nomu * & #' shall drin$% or #let%s drin$.%To say a plain speech # shall$ or #let$s$ for an ruverb , add yoo to the root. For e!ample, tabeyoo(from taberu * & #' shall eat% or #let%s eat.%

    4hapter 1

    Jð 7 0O'ha demo ikaga desu ka. (# onorable tea, at least, ho/ is it9% 7eanin),#/ould you li$e some tea, at least9%*

    Demo means #but.% 't can also mean #at least% or #orsomethin).% For e!ample, toranpu demo shimashooka & #shall /e play cards or somethin)9%

    73 Xñ Jð »$"+p3 Moo ippai o'ha o iremashoo ka.(#Another cup, tea shall ' ma$e9%*

    'ai is a counter used for cups, bo/ls etc" ippai (#1cup%* " nihai (# cups%* " sanbai (#= cups%* etc.

    ransitive and intransitive verb pairs li$e akeru and aku (both meanin) #open%* are common inJapanese. For e!ample, mado o akeru & #' open the/indo/.% Mado ga aku & #the /indo/ opens.%The #e rule$ says that, loo$in) at such verb pairs,transitive verbs tend to end in eru " e.).,akeru47open*5 is transitive, aku is intransitive"shimeru (#close%* is transitive, shimaru (#close%* isintransitive. o/ever, su trumps eru indeterminin) /hich verbs are transitive, e.). kesu (#e!tin)uish%* v. kieru (#)o out%*,dasu (#put out%* v.deru (#)o out% or #e!it%*"nekasu (#put to sleep%* v.neru (#sleep%*.7 ceptions to the e rule include: kiru (#cut,%transitive* v. kireru (#be cut%*"uru (#sell somethin)%*v. ureru (#be sold%*"nuru (#paint% or #)et somethin)/et%* v. nureru (#)et /et%*.The te or de form of intransitive verbs li$e aku (open* is follo ed b! imasu /hen describin) afi!ed condition or an on)oin) action, e.)., mado gaaite imasu & #the /indo/ is open% or #the /indo/ is

    openin).%The te or de form of transitive verbs is follo edb! iru 3imasu* hen describin" an on"oin" action ,e.). mado o akete imasu & #'%m openin) the/indo/.%o/ever, the # transitive aru rule,$ or transitiverule , states that the te or de form of transitiveverbs is usually follo ed b! aru (arimasu *, hendescribin" a fi ed condition , e.)., mado ga aketearimasu & #the /indo/ /as opened by someone.%

    $oa ga shimete arimasu & #the door /as closed bysomeone.%8ome verbs are e ceptions to the transitive aru rule , e.)., hajimete imasu & #it is be)un bysomeone,% nakushite imasu & #it is lost by someone.%(nother e ception to the transitive aru ruleoccurs hen !ou ant to impl! that the s+eakerdid somethin" , e.)., denki o tsukete imasu & #the


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    li)ht is on (because ' turned it on*.% Mado o akete imasu & #the /indo/ is open (because' opened it*.%

    Ga v. 9) In #te aru$ or #de aru$ constructions, the

    direct object of a transitive verb ma! be indicatedb! either o or "a , e.)., doa o shimete aru & doa ga

    shimete aru & #the door is closed by someone.% Bothof these Japanese sentences are correct.

    PLò / ie" kesanai de kudasai.(# o, please don0t turn it off.%*To make a ne"ative re*uest, follo/ the ne)ative

    plain speech form of the verb /ith de kudasai. Fore!ample, tabenai de kudasai & #please don0t eat.%

    ×Ø0Jó× – +" "+, Kodomo ga okashi o tabete shimaimashita.(#The child ate up the s/eets.%*

    Shimau can be added to the te or de form of a verbto su))est that the action is done thorou)hly andcompletely.'n ordinary speech, te shimau is shortened to "hau .'n ordinary speech, de shimau is shortened to au .For e!ample, Oboete shimau = oboe'hau & ;' /ill

    memoriMe it completely.% Oboete shimaimashita =oboe'hatta & #' memoriMed it completely.%O'ha o nonde shimaimasu = o'ha o nonde shimau= 7 ' /ill drin$ the tea completely.% O'ha o nonde

    shimaimashita = o'ha o nonjatta & #' dran$ the teacompletely.% #Aô%±+ HõöO+"+p3

    Kono sakana wa atarashii kara" sashimi ni shimashoo.(#As for this fish, since it%s fresh, let0s ma$e sashimiout of it.%*urnin" somethin" into somethin" else . To e!pressthe idea of turnin) a noun into another noun, such aschan)in) fruit to +uice, or of chan)in) somethin)usin) a na ad+ective, such as ma$in) somethin)clean, add ni suru or ni shimasu to the resultin"noun or na adjective. For e!ample, #eya o kirei ni

    shimasu & #' /ill ma$e the room clean.% ( ote thatni suru also means #' choose.% 6ee Lesson 1 .*

    >T Ÿ +" #eya o atatakaku shimasu.

    (#'0ll ma$e the room /arm.%*To e!press the idea of chan"in" somethin" intosomethin" else usin" an i adjective , such asma$in) somethin) /arm, remove thefinal i and add ku suru or ku shimasu to the iad+ective. For e!ample, Koori o irete juusu otsumetaku shimashoo & #Addin) ice, let0s ma$e the

    +uice cold.%

    4hapter 11

    ±+ ÚÛ ÷øù{< úû š Atarashii kanji o jikkai zutsu kaite renshuu suru.(#8ritin) ne/ $an+i 1 times each, ' practice.%*

    Kai means #times,% similar to # do.% For e!ample,ikkai" nikai" sankai & #1 time,% # times,% #= times.%( !uudo doesn%t sound as )ood as jikkai here. !uukai also 2.* ,utsu & #each.%

    ‰ü0 š Hýþ ÿ + JV"+p3

    Kaigi ga aru kara" shiryoo o kopii shiteokimashoo.(#6ince a meetin) e!ists, let0s copy the literature inadvance.%*Te oku means to do somethin) as advance

    preparation. For e!ample, sooji o shite okimasu & #'/ill clean in advance.%

    stOÉX NV"+p3 $ensha ni notte ikimashoo.(# idin) by train, let%s )o,% meanin) #let0s )o ridin)

    by train.%*The te 3or de: form of a verb can be thou"ht of asaddin" the meanin" #in".$ For e!ample, hon omite tabemasu & #readin) a boo$, ' eat.%

    ÿ %÷„" O Vš Kopii wa juuji made ni dekiru6


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    (#As for the copyin), /ill it be ready by 1 : 9* Kopii ga , also 2.. Made ni is used after a plain non past form of a verbor various time /ords to indicate the time by or

    before /hich an action is completed. For e!ample,

    juuji made ni ikimasu & #' /ill )o by 1 o0cloc$.%Cn% %¤+ J!" 0Tanaka wa seki o hazushite orimasu ga. (#Tana$a is leavin) the seat humbly, but ...,% meanin)#he%s absent%*Seki o hazusu & #leave one0s seat.%Orimasu = oru & humble form of iru = imasu8 oru is used in very polite situations to refer to yourself or members of your in )roup.

    4hapter 1‹+¡6 ,Sukoshi nomisugitan desu ne.(#A little, you dran$ too much, huh9%*The suffi! sugiru means #to e!cess%" this may becombined /ith a verb stem, e.)., nomi plus sugiru &nomisugiru & #drin$ too much.% r it may becombined /ith the stem of an i ad+ective, e.).,ookisugiru & #too bi).%

    Cn %Ö„" OYš%¤ +,0L/ / Y" +,Tanaka san wa rokuji made ni kuru hazu deshita

    ga" nakanaka kimasen deshita.(#Tana$a /as supposed to come by D: , but hedidn0t come readily.%*To sho/ that somethin) ou)ht to, should or issupposed to be , use hazu desu after the plain formof a verb , or after an i adjective . For e!ample,

    Kono mise no koohii wa oishii hazu desu & #Thisshop0s coffee ou)ht to be )ood.%

    Nakanaka means #considerably,% # uite,% #not easily,%#not readily.%

    +, H>T%V$ /%¤Sooji o shita kara heya wa kirei na hazu desu.(#6ince ' cleaned, the rooms ou)ht to be clean.%*To sho/ that somethin) ou)ht to, should or is

    supposed to be , use na hazu desu after a naadjective.

    #$%] ]^ A Â ] A%¤

    Kore wa baabarasan no handobaggu no hazudesu. (#' e!pect this is Barbara0s handba).%*To sho/ that somethin) ou)ht to, should or issupposed to be , use no hazu desu after after anoun.

    Cn %" + š HY/%¤Tanaka san wa mada shigoto o shite iru kara"konai hazu desu.(#6ince Tana$a is still /or$in), ' e!pect him not tocome.%*To sho/ that somethin) is not supposed to be or note!pected to be, follo a ne"ative verbal oradjective ith hazu desu .

    Cn %h N+ š HYš%¤0!"Tanaka san wa ima ryokoo shite iru kara" kuruhazu ga arimasen.(#6ince Tana$a is travelin) no/, it0s impossible thathe /ill come.%*To say that somethin) is impossible , follo hazu /ith ga nai " wa nai " ga arimasen " or wa arimasen .

    ¢%°i‰üO š{7!%atashi wa asu kaigi ni derutsumori desu.(#As for me, tomorro/, ' plan to attend themeetin).%*To state /hat you intend to do, add tsumori to the

    plain speech form of a verb. For e!ample, nihon eikutsumori desu & #' plan to )o to Japan.%

    ‰ü%÷„O Dš#QO+" Kaigi wa juuji ni hajimeru koto ni shimasu.(#As for the meetin), ' decide to be)in at 1 : .%*To sho/ that a person himself decides upon orchooses an action , follo/ a plain speech verb /ith


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    koto ni suru .

    H O+"+p3 Atsui kara" biiru ni shimashoo ka. (#6ince it0s hot, shall ' choose beer9%*

    To sho/ that one decides on a noun , follo thenoun ith ni suru#

    ´ /0HÚÛA š#QO+"

    Kookoku o mi nagara" kanji no benkyoo o surukoto ni shite imasu.(#8hile ' loo$ at advertisements, my routine is to do$an+i%s study.%*o indicate that you have decided upon or set acourse of action for yourself , or that you do someaction routinel!, follo/ a plain speech verb /ithkoto ni shite iru#

    ‰ü%÷„ H Dš#QO/!"+, Kaigi wa juuji kara hajimeru koto ninarimashita.(#As for the meetin), it /as decided that someone/ill start it from 1 : .%*To sho/ that an action is to be decided on (animpersonal decision*, follo/ a plain speech verb

    /ith koto ni naru#

    Y§ O š#QO/X"

    /aishuu yooroppa ni shuppatsu suru koto ninatte imasu.(# e!t /ee$, '0m scheduled to leave for >urope.%*8hen statin) the /ay thin)s are, such as schedules,rules, customs etc., follo/ a plain speech verb /ithkoto ni natte iru# For e!ample, Nihon de wa ie no

    naka de wa kutsu o hakanai koto ni natte imasu As for in Japan, as for inside houses, it0s the customnot to /ear shoes.%

    #aku & #put on% or #/ear% shoes, soc$s or pants.

    „Š0 X,H !ikan ga attara. (#8hen or if there is time.%*

    To e!press the idea #if% or #/hen,% add ra to the past plain speech form of a verb. This is called the -tara. form. For e!ample, atta (#it e!isted%* becomesattara (#if or /hen it e!ists%*. Nonda (#' dran$%*

    becomes nondara (#if or /hen she drin$s%*.

    7+Þ 0 ,H »$ Moshi 1uro ga atsusugitara mizu o iretekudasai. (#6upposin) the bath is too hot, please add/ater.%*To say #supposin),% or #in the event that,% use moshi or moshimo . For e!ample, Moshimo ame ga 1uttaraohanami wa yamemasu & #'f it rains, as for thehonorable flo/er vie/in), it /ill be stopped bysomeone.% Both moshi and moshimo are optionaland can be omitted /ithout any loss of meanin).

    +, $,H Ashita haretara ii desu ne .(#'t /ould be nice if it /ere sunny tomorro/, huh9*Tara ii means #it /ould be nice if...% For e!ample,Tanaka san mo issho ni kitara yokatta desu ne & #'fTana$a also to)ether had come, it /as )ood, huh9%

    7°i%›œ7 , + $emo" ashita wa" eiga mo mitai shi ..

    (#But, as for tomorro/, ' also /ant to see a movie,and so therefore ...%*

    Shi is used after plain speech verbs to mean and oretc. 'f used after enumeratin) facts, it su))ests thatsuch facts +ustify one0s actions, feelin)s or opinions.

    i)A š,DOi)OY"+,

    Nihon no bunka o benkyoo suru tame ni nihonni kimashita.(#'n order to study Japanese culture, ' came toJapan.%*Tame ni means #in order to.% 't is usually used aftera plain speech verb. For e!ample, Shinkansen ninoru tame ni" tookyoo eki ni iku & #'n order to boarda bullet train, ' )o to To$yo 6tation.%

    4hapter 1=1H

  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215


    ƒ§Š (3 * !" 'Sanshuukan de todoku kadooka wakarimasen

    yo.(#' don0t $no/Kunderstand /hether it /ill arrive in =/ee$s, for sure.%*

    Kadooka & #/hether or not.< For e!ample, ikukadooka wakarimasen & ;' don%t $no/ /hether '/ill )o or not.%

    ;uestion ord ith ka : 'f you follo/ a uestion/ord /ith $a, it means some . For e!ample, nanika & somethin), itsuka & sometime, doreka &one ofthem.;uestion ord ith mo : 'f you follo/ a uestion/ord /ith mo, it means all or ever! in positiveconstructions " never, none or no here in ne"ativeconstructions . o/ever, in affirmativesentences,use one of the follo in" < ords insteadof daremo or nanimo ) minna$ mina$ or subete .

    Doremo means #any of them% in positiveconstructions, #none of them% in ne)ativeconstructions.;uestion ord ith demo : 'f you follo/ a uestion/ord /ith demo , it means any. Doredemo means#any of them% or #/hichever one.%

    O7‰ " +, $are ni mo aimasen deshita.(#' didn0t meet anyone"% literally, #' didn%t meet noone%*&hen the particles ni$ e$ to$ kara = made are usedith some interro"ative pronouns (nan" dore"dare" donata" doko" dot'hi N do'hira * follo ed b!mo, the! are placed in the middle of the phrase.For e!ample, $oko e mo ikimasen deshita & #' didn0t)o any/here.% (literally, #' didn%t )o to no/here%*

    $/%asurenai de kudasai.(#5lease don0t for)et.%*o make a ne"ative re*uest, add one of thefollo/in) phrases after a verb stem:

    Nai de kudasaimasen ka & #/on%t you please not doand honorably )ive% (very polite form*

    Nai de kudasai & #please don0t% (polite form* Nai de "hoodai " or nai de ne & #please don%t%(collo uial form*For e!ample, tabenai de kudasaimasenka = tabenaide kudasai = tabenai de 'hoodai = tabenai de ne &

    #please don%t eat.%

    ãAnO»X % å"Shiba1u no naka ni haitte wa ikemasen. (#-ou must not enter inside the )rass.%*o form a ne"ative command and say thatsomeone must not do somethin), use the te form ofthe verb follo ed b! a follo/ed by one of thefollo/in): ikemasen$ ikenai$ dame desu ,komarimasu$ or komaru . For e!ample, tabete waikemasen = tabete wa ikenai = tabete wa dame desu= tabete wa komarimasu & #you must not eat.%

    ãO»XG D 'Shiba1u ni hait'ha dame da yo. (#To enter the )rass is bad for sure.%*

    #ait'ha = haite wa.'n collo uial speech, "ha is a contraction of te waand a is a contraction of de wa# #ashitte wa =hashit'ha (#as for runnin)%*" otte wa = ot'ha (#as for

    bendin) or pic$in)%*" haitte wa = hait'ha (#as for

    enterin)%*" sutete wa= sute'ha (#as for discardin)%*"asonde wa= asonja (#as for playin)%*" shite wa =

    shi'ha (#as for doin)%*.

    46 š/&omi o suteru na.(#Ion%t discard )arba)e.%*For a plain #do not, % used by men or on si)ns,follo/ a plain non past verb /ith na . For e!ample,taberu na & #do not eat.%

    4hapter 1?

    #3AJ +%i)AQ Mukoo no osushi wa nihon no to onaji desu ka.(#'s the honorable sushi on the other side the same asthe Japanese9%*Ona i means #the same.% Onaji is a na ad+ective"

  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    ho/ever, ona i differs from all other na adjectivesin that it is usuall! used ithout na hen itprecedes a noun, e.)., onaji mono & the same thin).Onaji is not an i ad+ective, since you can say onajida = #it%s the same,% /hereas you could never say

    somethin) li$e oishii da . Also, onaji is not inflectedli$e an i ad+ective, e.)., you say onaji ja nai & #itisn%t the same,%not onajiku nai . 6ometimes na isused after ona+i, e.)., you can say onaji na koto =7the same thing ,% andna is also used after onaji /hen you follo/ it /ith noni or node , e.)., onaji nanoni & #in spite of the fact that it%s the same,% andonaji na node & #since it%s the same.%

    /higau means #different.% For e!ample, 'higau zubon o haite imasu & #they are /earin) different pants.% Onaji is only an ad+ective, albeit a veryunusual one, /hereas 'higau is used as both anad+ective and a verb. Onaji kutsu & #the sameshoes.% higau kutsu & #different shoes.% Kutsu gaonaji desu & #the shoes are the same.% Kutsu ga'higau & kutsu ga 'higaimasu & #the shoes aredifferent,% or #the shoes differ.%

    I"hi ni"hi uu & #all day lon).% 'itoban uu & #allni)ht lon).% I"hinen uu & #all year lon).% Natsu

    uu & #all summer lon).%

    Juu ni and /huu ni# These phrases mean 0sometimedurin),0 0anytime durin)0 or 0before the end of.0 Kyoo

    juu ni & #sometime today.% Kotoshi juu ni &#sometime this year.% Konshuu 'huu ni ( juu ni also2* & #sometime this /ee$.% Kongetsu 'huu ni ( juuni also 2* & #sometime this month.% !uugatsu'huu ni (+uu ni, not 2* & #sometime in ctober.%

    Natsuyasumi 'huu ni (+uu ni also 2* & #sometimedurin) summer vacation.%

    8till do & mada O affirmative. For e!ample, madakaisha de shigoto o shite imasu & #he is still /or$in)at the company.%No lon"er do & moo O ne)ative. For e!ample, mootsukaimasen & #' /on0t use it anymore.%

    Ni !oru to + #Accordin) to someone.%

    No hanashi de wa (literally, #as for from someone%sstory or speech%* & #accordin) to /hat someonesays.%

    Soo desu$ No da soo desu$ -n da soo desu +#6omethin) is reportedly true.%

    N desutte$ Desutte + #6omethin) is reportedly true.%3sed by /omen in informal casual conversations.

    N datte$ Tte + #somethin) is reportedly true.% 3sed by men or /omen in informal casual conversations.

    Ga or de plus to itte imashita$ or ga or de plus tteittemashita + #someone /as sayin).%

    Ni plus to kaite arimashita$ or ni plus tte kaitearimashita + #somethin) /as /ritten.%

    Kara plus to kikimashita or kara plus ttekikimashita + #' heard somethin) from someone.%

    Cn ! ~/ATanaka kun byooki na no desu.

    (#-oun) man Tana$a is sic$.%*'n this sentence, no is used as a softenin) /ord. -oumust use an alternative to da 3i.e., na : if !ou folloda ith no (as a softenin) /ord*.

    4hapter 1C

    " ì å0Œ šTaroo dake ga yasunde iru.(# nly Taro is bein) off.%* Taroo dake yasunde iru ,also 2. Taro dake yasumi desu , also 2.

    " ì # !b šTaroo bakari yasunde iru. (# nly Taro is bein) off,% implyin) as usual and thatit0s not fair.*To convey the idea of # onl!$ or # just ,% use eitherdake or bakari after a noun. ,akari implies that t/o


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215


    choices have been compared and could mean #all thetime,% #every time,% #all over,% or #every/here,% andmay e!press the spea$er0s feelin) that the imbalanceis not ri)ht or is unfair. ,akkari is more emphaticthan bakari . The meanin) of bakari follo/in) a te

    verb form is similar to that follo/in) a noun. Fore!ample, terebi o mite bakari iru & #he%s only/atchin) TV.% 't0s 2 to omit wa , ga or o aftereither dake or bakari .

    _$ $ O' /Sore ja" karada ni yoku nai desu ne.(#'n that case, for the body it%s not )ood, huh.%*

    ote that karada ni !oku nai means #it isn%t )oodfor the body.% Karada ni iin a nai has a verydifferent meanin): #isn%t it )ood for the body9%

    % %Y§ NON AO" &' +"

    Kare wa raishuu ryokoo ni iku noni" mada yooio shite imasen.(#As for him, even thou)h ne!t /ee$ he is )oin) ona trip, he still isn0t doin) preparations.%*To say # even thou"h ,% or #in spite of the fact that ,%follo/ a verb (either past or non past* or a plain iadjective (either past or non past* /ith noni .

    ere%s another e!ample, usin) an i ad+ective: Anohito wa" wakai noni" iroiro na koto o shitte imasu &#that person over there, even thou)h youn), is$no/in) various thin)s.%

    ( × % ) 0mÙ/AO "! V"

    #anako san wa" e ga joozu na noni" amarikakimasen.(#As for ana$o, even thou)h she is s$illful at

    pictures or dra/in), she hardly dra/s.%*To say #even thou)h,% or # in spite of the fact that ,%follo/ a na adjective /ith na noni .

    * /AOŸ /!" #aru na noni atatakaku narimasen.(#>ven thou)h it%s sprin), it doesn%t become /arm.%*To say #even thou)h,% or # in spite of the fact that ,%

    follo/ a noun /ith na noni .

    Õ¨i X,AO‰íONV" +,&etsuyoobi datta noni" kaisha ni ikimasendeshita.

    (#>ven thou)h it /as 7onday, he didn%t )o to thecompany.%*+ ~ X,AO +" +,&enki datta noni" shigoto o shimasen deshita. (#>ven thou)h he /as healthy, he didn%t do /or$.%*To say #even thou)h,% or # in spite of the fact that ,%in past constructions , follo/ a noun or a naadjective /ith datta noni .

    , 0 - X šå$(r ONV"+p3

    Ame ga 1utte iru keredo" tenisu ni ikimashoo. (#Althou)h it0s rainin), let0s )o to play tennis.%*/o not use noni ith volitional e pressions li$e#let0s% or #' /ill.%

    •i , 0 - X "š ., A'3 Maini'hi" ame ga 1utte" maru de tsuyu no yoodesu. (#>very day, since it rains, it%s completely li$e therainy season.%*

    8hen modifyin) a noun, to e press the ideas #islike,$ #similar to,$ #same as,$ or to describe the /aysomethin) appears in comparison to some othernoun, use no !oo after the noun.

    •i , 0 - X "š ., , Maini'hi" ame ga 1utte" maru de tsuyu mitaidesu.(#>very day, since it rains, it%s completely li$e therainy season.*

    8hen modifyin) a noun, another a! to e pressthe ideas of #is like,$ #similar to,$ #same as,$ or todescribe the /ay somethin) appears in comparisonto some other noun, is to use mitai after the noun.

    No !oo can be used /ith any style of speech, /hilemitai is more collo uial. 8hen used as ad+ectives,both no !oo and mitai are na adjectives. For

  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    e!ample, Soba wa supagetti no yoo na tabemonodesu & #soba is a food li$e spa)hetti. Soba wa

    supagetti mitai na tabemono desu & #soba is a foodli$e spa)hetti.%

    Ù0 / A'3O 0 Ù0 / 6, O 0Te ga yuki no yoo ni shiroi = te ga yuki mitai ni

    shiroi.(#The hands, li$e sno/, are /hite.%*

    No yoo and mitai are na ad+ectives meanin) #li$e.%&hen !ou add ni to a na adjective, it becomes anadverb, modifyin) a verb or another ad+ective.

    12 V,H / 0 - X "+, Asa okitara yuki ga 1utte imashita.(#7ornin), /hen ' )ot up, it /as sno/in).%*To e!press a conditional hen or henever , follo/the past form of a verb or an i ad+ective /ith ra .This is described as #usin) tara* in these lessons. 'nthis e!ample, okiru & #)et up.%Okita & #' )ot up.%Okitara* & #if ' )et up% or #/hen ' )et up.% ere%sanother e!ample, usin) an i ad+ective: oishii & #it%sdelicious. Oishikatta & #it /as delicious.%Oishikattara & #if it%s delicious% or #/hen it%sdelicious.%

    12 VšQ / 0 - X "+, Asa okiru to yuki ga 1utte imashita.(#7ornin), /hen ' )et up, it /as sno/in).%*Another /ay to e!press a conditional hen orhenever is to follo/ a plain speech non past verb/ith to . This is more boo$ish but is preferred henthe relationship is causal or inevitable , as in )ivin)directions or discussin) natural la/s.

    , 0 3 H 4 Â ONV"+p3 Ame ga yandara haikingu ni ikimashoo.(#8hen the rain stops, let%s )o hi$in).%*ou ma! not follo # to$ ith a re*uest, command,su""estion, or ish. Ame )a yamu to, hai$in)u nii$imashoo, not 2.

    w]ÿ 5 X,H D 'Tabako o suttara dame desu yo.

    (#8hen you smo$e tobacco, it%s bad for sure.%*3se tara /hen you /ant your statement to soundmore personal.

    w]ÿ 5 3Q D '

    Tabako o suu to dame desu yo.(#8hen one smo$es tobacco, it%s bad for sure.%*3se to /hen you /ant to ma$e your statement soundmore "eneral and less direct.

    4hapter 1D

    ¨ib 6 @þO{ < !"(oobi ya jugyooryoo ni tsuite kaite arimasu.(#4oncernin) the days of the /ee$, the tuition, etc.are /ritten.%*

    Ni tsuite & #concernin),% #re)ardin),% #pertainin) to.% If !ou use ni tsuite , !ou omit ga . 'n the sentenceabove, you could say ni tsuite wa , but wa and ni tsuite are similar, so it%s best to omit wa as /ell.

    hi% 7 + #A %QX 7 V"

    Kyoo wa isogashikute kono shigoto wa tottemodekimasen.(#As for today, since '0m busy, this /or$ is

    completely unable to be accomplished.%*Totemo & #very.%Tottemo & #terribly,% #e!tremely,%or #completely% (can also be spelled totemo *.

    íîA 8 Ì 9 X ä+mÏ"+,Sha'hoo no nimotsu o motte sashiagemashita.(#' carried the president0s lu))a)e and )ave.%*Use the te or de form of a verb to e press the ideaof "ivin" or receivin" an action (as opposed to athin)*.

    ere are some other e!amples: Sha'hoo ga hometekudasatta & #the president praised and honorably)ave.% Sha'hoo ni homete itadakimashita & #by the

    president, ' received praise.%

    æ :; O < $ NX bš nu o sanpo ni tsurete itte yaru.(#The do), for the purpose of /al$in), ' /ill ta$e


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    alon) and )ive.%*Tsurete iku & #ta$e a person or animal alon).%

    J = #A) ÈXOtoosan" kono hon o katte.

    (#Father, buy this boo$.%*&hen addressin" one$s parent or older siblin"sdirectl!, it$s appropriate to use otoosan , okaasan$oniisan or oneesan . 3se 'hi'hi , haha" ani and ane only /hen tal$in) about your family /ith outsiders.

    4hapter 1E

    GpXQJK + 73 +Hhotto onegaishite moo ii kashira. (#A little, doin) be))in) is 2, ' /onder.%*

    Kashira and kana mean #' /onder.% Kashira usedmore by /omen" kana more by men.

    A3[\ < $ NX 7 Anoo" kanai o tsurete itte mo ii desu ka. (#6ay, is it 2 if ' ta$e the /ife alon)9%*6ermission) Te mo ii = te mo !oroshii & #it%s 2.%Te mo kamaimasen & #it doesn%t matter.% Fore!ample, tabete mo ii desu ka & #is it 2 if ' eat9%

    #ai" tabete mo ii & #yes, it%s 2 to eat.% (asunde mo

    kamaimasen & #it doesn%t matter if you rest%(meanin), #ta$e time off%*.

    ALGpXQr > AmA ? µX²+ å(

    Ano" 'hotto" teburu no ue no shio o totte hoshiindakedo.(#6ay, for a moment, ' desire you to pass the on thetable salt, but..%*To say that !ou desire someone to do somethin",

    use the te form of the verb plus hoshii .

    #A 8 Ì @ 7H , å( Kono nimotsu o hakonde moraitain desu kedo.(#' /ould li$e you to carry and ' to receive thislu))a)e, but.%*Another /ay to say that !ou ould like someone todo somethin" is to use the te or de form of the verb

    plus moraitai or itadakitai . ere%s another e!ample: ,u'hoo" kono shorui ni sain o shite itadakitain desu ga & #division mana)er, ' /ould li$e for you to si)nto this document and ' humbly receive, but ..%

    A 0 ! ~ šA UV Ã /²+ 0 #aha ga byooki de nete iru node" ookii oto odasanai de hoshiin desu ga.(#6ince 7other is sleepin) due to illness, ' desirethat you do not put out bi) sounds, but.%*8hen you /ant to sa! that !ou ould prefer thatsomeone not do somethin" , use the plain speechne"ative non-past form of the verb, f ollo ed b!de , plus hoshii , moraitai , or itadakitai .

    dA BC %ÓX 7H , / #ito no waruku'hi wa" itte moraitakunai desune.(#As for a person0s slander, ' don0t /ant you to sayand ' receive it, huh.%*(nother a! to ask someone not to do somethin"is to use the te form of the verb , follo/ed byhoshikunai " moraitakunai " or itadakitakunai .

    DE F /

    )npitsu o tsukai suginai de.(#Ion%t use too many pencils.%*

    Sugiru & #too much%" suginai is the ne)ative form.Oosugiru & #too much uantity.% For e!ample,

    satoo ga oosugiru & #there0s too much su)ar.% Kooto ga ooki sugimasu & #the coat is too bi).% #atarakisugi ja nai & #isn%t it too much labor9%( #atarakisugi is a noun derived from hatarakisugiru= 7 labor too much.%*

    € GH DO˜ 'Tookyoo de niban me ni takai biru desu yo.(# f To$yo, it0s the second tallest buildin) for sure.%*

    Ni turns the ord nibanme & #second%into anadverb, modifyin) takai . 'ncidentally, nibanme canalso be combine /ith no and used as an ad+ective,e.)., nibanme no hikidashi & #the second dra/er.%


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    1I 2 V/ Asa hayaku okinasai.(#@et up early in the mornin).%*Okiru & #)et up.%

    Nasai may be added to the stem form of a verb to

    )ive a command to a child or a subordinate. ote:in at least one situation, nasai may be used /ith theopposite meanin), e.)., iikagen ni shinasai" /hichshould mean #do irresponsibly,% actually means#don%t do irresponsibly.% Apparently, this is due tothe fact that the ne)ative form of nasai , nasaruna , isno lon)er in active use in Japanese. o/ever, it isalso 2 to say iikagen ni shinai de kudasai /hichmeans the same thin) as iikagen ni shinasai .

    ote that the te kudasai form is much more politethan the nasai form, e.)., okite kudasai & #please )etup.%

    4 – 7 Keeki o tabete mo ii desu.(#'t%s 2 to eat the ca$e.*o sa! that it$s 9> to do somethin" , follo/ the teor de form of the verb /ith mo ii desu .

    4hapter 1G

    rË 7ÔX ! H$"

    Terebi mo yukkuri miraremasen.(#' can0t leisurely /atch even TV.%*

    Mo means #even$ in this sentence. ( Terebi demo ...means #even thou)h% and doesn%t ma$e sense here.*

    Mo can mean # also .% For e!ample, terebi moarimasu & #there is also a TV.%

    Mo can mean # more than e pected .% For e!ample, Nijikan mo kakarimasu & #'t ta$es full hours.%8ith ne)ative verbs, mo can mean # less thane pected .% For e!ample, !ippun mo kakarimasen &#'t doesn0t even ta$e 1 minutes.% #itotsu moarimasen & #not even one e!ists.%

    _3 P #Soo ieba.(#'f you say, then,% usually meanin) #come to thin$of it.%*

    0eba and eba mean 0if, then.0 To ma$e the eba verb

    tense, add eba to the root of a u verb . 'n this case,the root of iu (#say%* isi" add eba , and you )et ieba .Another e!ample is kakeba (from kaku* & 0if ' /rite,then.0

    J ¼%}~ KL 0 MN OÄVµ$$ #'Saisho wa tenki yohoo ga seikaku nikikitorereba ii desu yo.(#As for the be)innin), if you are able to listenKta$ethe /eather report accurately, then it /ill be )ood,for sure.%*To ma$e the eba verb form, add reba to the root ofan ru verb . ote that toru (#ta$e%* is a u verb, sinceits te form is totte and its ta form is totta . Kikitoru(#listenKta$e%* /hich is derived from kiku and toru , isalso a u verb. o/ever, kikitoreru (#able tolistenKta$e%* is an ru verb, since its te form iskikitorete and its ta form is kikitoreta . The root (preru form* of kikitoreru is kikitore " add reba to that,and you )et the eba form.

    O ÂÅ0 V,H89 P4 yÿˆNX,

    Supeingo ga dekitara" i'hido mekishiko e ittemitai desu ne.

    (#'f ' could do 6panish, one time, ' /ould li$e to )oto 7e!ico and see, huh.%*

    Dekiru means 0able to do.0 For e!ample, denwa gadekinakatta & #' could not do a phone call.% 0ensenoyogu koto ga dekimasen deshita & #' /as not ableto s/im at all.% Shitsumon o suru koto ga dekimasendeshita & #' /as not able to as$ a uestion.%

    Q %rË ,!Ëÿ Ä ,!+4+"

    (oru wa terebi o mitari" rekoodo o kiitari shite sugoshimasu.(#As for evenin)s, /atch TV etc., listen to records,etc., ' do and spend.%*Another /ay to say # etcetera$ is to add the suffi!tari to the past plain speech stems of verbs or the

    past stems of i ad+ectives. The past plain speech stemof a verb or the past stem of an i ad+ective is the part


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    remainin) after you remove the final ta. 8hen usin)tari , the last item listed, if you are listin) more thanone item, is follo/ed by suru or desu . ere%s ane!ample of the use of tari /ith only a sin)le verb:koko de" yakyuu o shitari shite wa ikemasen & #at

    here, do baseball etc. you mustn0t do.%

    +,!+/ X,!Shitari shinakattari desu.6ometimes ' do, sometimes ' don0t do.To e!press the idea # sometimes !es, sometimes no ,%combine the past plain speech stem of the same verbin the affirmative and in the ne)ative and follo/each verb /ith tari .

    Ù R

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    action occurs, i.e., to say # hile ,% or #as ,% follo/ anoun plus no, or a plain non past verb /ith aida ni#

    âãAá Ä š3GO V /X Y,

    Sensei no hanashi o kiite iru u'hi ni"nemukunatte kita.(#As ' am listenin) to the teacher0s speech, it becamesleepy and came,% meanin) #' )ot sleepy.%*&"hi ni , like aida ni , can also be used to mean#as,$ i.e., as an action is bein) done.

    GXQ7©$0µ$"hittomo" tsukare ga toremasen.(# ot at all, ' can0t ta$e the fati)ue% out of myself.*Nouns can be made from some verb stems. Fore!ample, tsukare (from tsukareru * & #fati)ue.% Kaeri (from kaeru * & #the return.% #ajime (from hajimeru *& #the be)innin).% Mukae (from mukaeru * & #the)reetin).% #anashiai (from hanashiau * & #theconsultation.% ki (from iku* & #the outbound trip.%

    8d &7 7+/ > WO Xš#Q Y D "

    #itori de nanimokamo shinai de" buka ni shigoto o makaseru koto o susumete imasu.

    (#By oneself, not doin) everythin), and entrust /or$ to subordinates thin) is bein) advised.%*

    Nanimokamo & everythin). Makaseru & to entrust.Althou)h kute follo in" an i adjective root canmean #and$ 3or #since$:, that does not mean that youmay substitute shinakute for shinai de in thissentence. Kute$ hen used ith ne"ative verbs, isused to su""est a reason , i.e., to mean #since,% notto mean #and.% For e!ample, kanji gawakaranakute" komarimasu & #since ' don0tunderstand $an+i, ' )et inconvenienced.% 'n addition,!ou can$t use te to mean #since$ hen !ou'recallin" for action , e.), atsukute" mado o aketekudasai & #since it%s hot, please open the /indo/% isincorrect.

    Nakute can also be used to say that #P is not - butQ.% For e!ample, kare wa gakusei ja nakute" senseidesu & #he%s not a student, but a teacher.%

    To see ho/ to use nai de , see pa)e =G.

    4hapter 1H

    Z [ X /O +X " ,oonasu tte nani ka shittemasu6(#As for the one called bonus, /hat ( uestion* areyou $no/in)9%*Tte can mean 0spea$in) of.0 Tte can substitute forwa as a topic mar$er, but only if the predicatee!presses the spea$er%s emotiveevaluationK+ud)ment. For e!ample, you can say,

    Keikosan tte hen na hito desu & #2ei$o is a stran)e person,0 but you can%t say, 2ei$osan tte sensei desu(meanin), #2ei$o is a teacher0*.

    / .G Õ \ + / A Nanda rei ten ha'hikagetsu bun shika denai noka.(#8hat do you mean, e!cept for .G month uantityonly, it doesn%t come out9%* (ha$$a)etsu, also 2*

    Nanda & #/hat do you mean9,% #do you mean tosay9,% #is this all9,% #it%s nothin) % cf. nante & #/hatsort of,% #such a thin).% cf. nande & #/hy9%(collo uial*

    Shika & 0e!cept for only.0 3se shika /ith a ne)ativeverb. 't can be used /ith or /ithout dake (#only%*,e.)., kore dake shika nain desu ka &kore shika naindesu ka & 0e!cept for only this, is there nothin)90

    " ì % b+0X "+,Taroo kun wa kuyashigatte imashita.(#As for youn) man Taroo, he appeared to bemortified.%*

    Kuyashigaru comes from kuyashii (#mortified%* plus garu and means #appears to be mortified.0

    To say that someone appears to have certainfeelin"s , use an i ad+ective stem, or a na ad+ective,

    plus garu .

    ¤ ¥ ³+_3 +,' 0uibun tanoshi soo deshita yo.(#>!tremely pleasant it seemed for sure.%*( 0uibun tanoshikatta soo desu yo , also 2.*


  • 8/15/2019 Jaf Grammar Long 110215



    (nother a! to sa! that someone seems to havecertain feelin"s , is to use an i adjective stem, or ana adjective, plus soo. The resultin) /ord can beused as a na ad+ective. For e!ample, kuyashisoodesu & 0he appears to be mortified.0 Kuyashisoo na

    hito & 0a person /ho appears to be mortified.0

    ( C ›œO ] X mÏ,HVXQ ^¥ +p3

    #anada san o eiga ni sasotte agetara" kitto yorokobu deshoo.(#'f you invite anada to a movie and )ive, certainlyshe /ill )et deli)hted probably.%*To say that someone probabl! has certain feelin)s,use daroo or deshoo .qÂÿÂQÓ3A%( /Q#F

    #onkon to iu no wa" donna tokoro desu ka.(#As for the one called on) 2on), /hat $ind of

    place is it9%*To as$ about thin)s li$e identity, definition,description or e!planation concernin) unfamiliaritems, in other /ords, to say # as for the one called ,%#/hat is it% or #ho/ is it% or #/hy is it,% etc., use oneof the follo/in) three phrases plus a uestion /ord

    plus desu . The second one is more boo$ish and thethird one is collo uial.

    To iu no wa# To wa# Tte# For e!ample, honkon to iu no wa = honkon to wa =honkon tte & 0as for the one called on) 2on).0

    Þ _ ` / '3O~ {å Kaze o hikanai yoo ni" ki o tsukete kudasai.(#6o as to not catch cold, please be careful.%*'nstead of usin) tame ni , meanin) #for the sa$e of,%or #for the purpose of,% if you +ust /ant to ma$e amilder statement, li$e #such that,% #so as to,% or # insuch a a! as to ,% use !oo ni .For e!ample, $aredemo yomeru yoo ni" ji o kirei nikaite kudasai & #so that any of them can read, please/rite characters cleanly.% %atashi ni mo wakaru yooni" motto yasashiku setsumei shite kudasai & #in sucha /ay that to me also /ill understand, more easilydo e!planation please.%


    As mentioned in Lesson H, to say a plain speech #shall$ or #let$s$ for a u verb, add oo to the root (the

    pre u form*. To say a plain speech # shall$ or #let$s$

    for an ru verb , add yoo to the root.There are = irre"ular verbs. Ikoo & ikimashoo & #'shall )o% or #let%s )o.% Ko!oo & kimashoo & #' shallcome% or #let%s come.% Shioo & shimashoo & #' shalldo% or #let%s do.%

    a ž ¡73Q+ #º+ +" "+,

    !uusu o nomoo to shite" koboshite shimaimashita.(#Tryin) to drin$ +uice, ' spilled it completely.%*To e!press the idea # to tr! to do somethin" ,%implyin) that one failed or that one is not succeedin)very /ell, use the plain let$s form of the verb ,follo/ed by to suru . For e!ample, tabeyoo to shiteimasu & 0'0m tryin) to eat.0

    #$ H åšQ#F/ Kore kara dekakeru tokoro nan desu.(#From no/, '%m on the ver)e of leavin).%*Tokoro can be used after a plain speech non-past

    verb to mean 0on the ver)e.0 For e!ample, hashirutokoro desu & 0he0s on the ver)e of runnin).0

    + šQ#F ,enkyoo o shite iru tokoro desu.(#'%m in the middle of studyin).%*

    Iru tokoro used after the te or de form of a verbmeans 0in the process or in the middle.0 For e!ample,hashitte iru tokoro & 0he0s in the process of runnin).0

    = %hJÞ O»X,Q#F/hi'hi wa" ima" o1uro ni" haitta tokoro nandesu.(#As for my father, no/, into the honorable bath, hehas +ust entered.%*Tokoro after a past plain speech verb means 0has

    +ust finished0 or 0is at the point of havin) +ustfinished.0 For e!ample, hashitta tokoro & 0has +ust


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    finished runnin)0 or 0is at the point of havin) +ustfinished runnin).0

    = %¸X Y, # !hi'hi wa" kaette kita bakari.

    (#As for my father, he returned and came a /hilea)o.%*(nother a! to e press the idea of just havin"done somethin", besides usin) the past tense of averb follo/ed by tokoro , is to use the past tense ofthe verb follo/ed by bakari . The past tensefollo/ed by tokoro implies that the action /as done

    +ust no/, /hile the past tense follo/ed by bakari implies that the action /as done a hile a"o .L b C 0 U

    Aa" Kuroda san ga koronda.(#Ah, 2uroda is fallin) %*Use the past tense of a verb to report hat !ousee as an e clamation. This is called thee clamator! form. For e!ample, kita kita & 0 e%scomin), he%s comin) 0 Utta. #omu ran desu &# e%s hittin) 't%s a home run.%

    As mentioned in Lesson 1G, to e!press thecon+ectural or hypothetical idea, # if, then ,%add eba to the root of a u verb . (dd reba to the root of an

    ru verb. For e!ample, ikeba & #if ' )o, then...% Suiteireba & 0if it0s uncro/ded, then ...0

    ˜å$ #Takakereba .(#'f it%s e!pensive, then ...%*To ma$e the eba form of i adjectives, includin"nai , add kereba to the stem. For e!ample, Tenki ga

    yokereba & 0if the /eather is )ood, then...0(asukunakereba kaimasen & #if it isn%t cheap, then '/on%t buy.%

    V$ $ # Kirei de areba.(#'f it%s clean, then ...%*

    Kirei nara and kirei naraba may be substituted forkirei de areba .To ma$e the eba form of na adjectives, add nara or

    naraba or de areba to the ad+ective.eferrin) to nouns , to say #if it is, then...,% use deareba . ('t doesn%t matter if the noun is animate orinanimate.* To say 0if it isn%t, then...,0 use denakereba .

    c $ #ashire .(# un %*To form the imperative form, used at sportin)events to shout encoura)ement, for a u verb , follo/the verb root /ith e# #ashiru is a u verb becauseyou #double the t% /hen ma$in) hashitte andhashitta .

    d ÏF Nagero .(#Thro/ %*To form the imperative form for an ru verb ,follo/ the root /ith ro . For the < irre"ular verbs , the imperative forms are:

    Ike & #)o % Koi & #come % Shiro & #do it %

    4hapter 1

    NON /H ef z%(3

    /yokoo ni iku nara" hokkaidoo wa doo desu ka.(#'n the case of to )o for travel, as for o$$aido,ho/ is it9%*To e!press the idea #if it is,% or #in case it is,% inaddition to the to, tara and eba forms that you%velearned, there%s a ?th conditional form , often usedto clarify the sub+ect under discussion in order toma$e a comment. The /ord nara functions muchli$e the topic mar$er wa , but implies a )reateremphasis. Naraba may be used instead of nara ,especially in /ritten te!t.(fter a noun or a na