jamaica best region 1st newsletter in 2015 - 2016

Jamaican Newsletter No.1/2015/09 Discover what Jamaican LBGs have done recently! The preparation for Regional Meeting Lodz is going wild! Don't miss the opportu- nity to go there!

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Post on 23-Jul-2016




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  • JamaicanNewsletter No.1/2015/09

    Discover what Jamaican LBGs have done recently!

    The preparation for Regional Meeting Lodz is going wild!

    Don't miss the opportu-nity to go there!

  • LBG Ekaterinburg

    July definitely was the hardest and the hottest month in the history of LBG Ekaterinburg. We had two events:

    TRAP 22The theme of TRAP was Lord of the Rings. Participants were hobbits, trainers - Elders, organisers - Dwarves. Participants were divided into four teams: Baggins, Tooks, Brandybucks and Gamgees; and TRAP began.Every day participants woke up early in the morning, spent 12 hours in the University, did their homework at night. Flipharts, markers, books at the floor, on the table, everywhere...Two weeks passed like one day.In the end they had to show all they learned by First Delivery. TRAP is tons of laughing, crying, learning, hardworking and etc. Unfortunately it is impossible to repeat it, but it is possible to save it in our heart forever.We are proud of Hobbits and wish them all the BEST!You can see here how it was:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9y0fV-_PLc

  • LBG Ekaterinburg

    Leisure eventFive days in the city and five days in the river with people all around Europe - the BEST adventure ever.During five days in the city participants discovered Ekaterinburg by City Rally, checked if they are fearless by playing paintball, visiting labyrinth of fear and had fun by crazy parties.But the real adventure started in the river. Five days, shoulder to shoulder, participants rowed, climbing at mountains and enjoyed gorgeous landscapes. Food, cooked on fire; touristic sauna in the forest; evenings with guitar, Russian songs and etc. - it is all part of river trip.Of course it is always hard to say Good bye to new friends. But it is also a chance to meet everybody again somewhere in Europe.

  • LBG Lodz

    SUMMER COURSEAs usual d LGB finished this academic year with a Summer Course. The craziest one you can imagine: Distillation and Fermentation. Feel the Polish BEST Spirit!Our participants had a chance to: find out how bread for supermarkets is prepared, learn how our regional dairy products are made try them out, learn what wine tasting is about, get acquainted with our regional alcohol (including meads,

    vodka and various flavoured vodkas), make vodka in an university lab, drink vodka in an university lab.Not to mention all parties in the BEST Polish spirit ;)

  • LBG Lodz

    Urban gameJune in d LBG started with an urban game. As loads of roadworks are currently carried out in our city and a number of buildings are being put up this situation became the theme of our game. We invited students of our university to join us and we had great fun exploring d as it is at the very moment. No wonder that all our negative feelings on roadworks simply faded away :)


    In June we also celebrated our XVII birthday. It was really great time and wonderful opportunity to meet up all of us together ;)

    Still, we dont loaf around now :) Were getting ready for the October RM!

  • LBG Kaunas

    Hello BEST world, hi fellow Jamaicans,Usually the spring is packed for us including courses, EBEC and other side activities. EBEC went really well as we got this fancy new place of our university for the event and we are very proud of the team from our university.

    Just after a week from EBEC Kaunas we had our motivational weekend. Big thanks to Janis and Kristine from Ryga for being there for us and sharing your knowledge. We have unleashed the beaver within!

    After that our spring course happened following by LGA. Lets say hooray for the new Board of ours!Ohh and somewhere in between that someone filled our office with 1000 balloons!

  • LBG Kaunas

    Summer is a great time for everyone, especially for BESTies. This summer was booming with leisure activities Canoeing, hitchhiking, biking trips. BESTies went to festivals, visiting other mates all across Lithuania.

  • LBG Saint Petersburg

    Summer Local General Meeting (sLGM)23.05.15/30.05.15

    sLGM we decided to split into two days (because organize all in one day is impossible). On the first day, there were performances of guys who posted on status of a full-member and small tests for observers who wanted to be a baby-members. As a result, after a hard and long day, we got 2 new full-members and 13 new babies.

    On the second day, VII board presented their annual reports, all of which eventually were adopted without difficulty.

    VIII Board. Their name: G8However, most of the day, evening and night especially was assigned to the speech of guys who posted in the new, VIII management. After two rounds of nominations, speeches and hot rounds of voting our LBG got new awesome team:

    Board: President Ksenia Smirnova Secretary Ksenia Pyatygina Treasurer Alina Ulyanisheva VP4PR Mikhael VyazovVP4CR Guzel NasyrovaVP4HR Ekaterina Danilchenko

    Non-Board:Vivaldi Iuliia PichuginaIT Vladimir Zhdamirov

    They had one month for trainings and sharing sessions with previous Board and on the 1st of July they started their mandate.From 3rd for 5th of July for new board was held Board Training where fresh Boardies set goals for the next year, made the timeline and simply learned to work in a team.

  • LBG Saint Petersburg

    8th Birthday of LBG Saint Petersburg18.07.15

    Although many of us left in the summer for rest, we were able to spend a very nice and fun party in honor of the 8th birthday of our beloved LBG.We drank, danced, and had lot of fun. It was really good night. By the way, our alumni and two guests from Turkey (Utku and Umut) jumped to our holiday too.

    In general, that's all that happened in our LBG for the past three months. Now, we are all enjoying the last weeks of the summer and preparing for the next year of Work Hard, Party Harder. :)

  • SOctober RM!till, we dont loaf around now Were getting ready for the Oc-tober RM!

    LBG Ekaterinburg UrFU

    MeditationDo you know anything about movement "Peace In Peace Out" and "Peace Revolution"? Because LBG Eka UrFU do know! It is different workshops about self-development held by real monk from Thailand. And this spring was the first time when movement PIPO visit Russia and EKA URFU helped to do that! There were several workshops, meditation sessions and discussion groups which helped people from Ekaterinburg (not only students from UrFU) to became better in stress-management, focussing their attention and so on.

    Summer UniversityThe middle of summer is not the reason to relax, that's why LBG Eka UrFU became part of huge project of several universities. In order to develop international youth cooperation in Russia and other countries, Ural Federal University, The Ural State Law University and Ural State University of Economics with the aid of Federal Agency for youth concerns ('Russian Youth') and federal state budgetary institution 'Russian Centre of Assistance for Youth Enterprise' organized the international youth scientific industrial forum 'ADVANCE'. The aim of forum is scientific collaboration and the development of engineering schools. BEST done what we can to better than anyone else - coordinate teamdesign section. Different students from different universities all over Russia with help of BESTies according to their case had to build plane-model which could fly and they was succeed in it!

  • LBG Ekaterinburg UrFU

    What about plans for the next year?Summer for Eka UrFU has started not only with exams in university, but also with election of new Board. In June we have already done all necessary KTs for all positions and made SWOT-analysis of our current work with two last Boards. Since we decide to combine business with pleasure, work has done on the picnic and even huge downpour couldn't disturb us and became kind of team-building for everybody. Now our new XIII The Saints Board have already start its work and we wish them good luck on this thorny but such amazing way!

    XII Birthday of EkaUrFUApril was an especial month for Eka UrFU. 13 Years ago our LBG has started its work and we decided to celebrate our 12th birthday as only Eka UrFU can do this! It was two amazing days in Mafia-style with awesome guests from Valladolid and Moscow. On the first day was alumni-meeting and we organised TEDx about "What could happen with me if not BEST?" and our beloved old-bastards told us how BEST helped them to build their career and private life. On the second day people from Spring RM'15 in Eka joined us and pass unforgettable (or forgettable IYKWIM) room-crawling. Those days helped us to collect all memories and photos during all this years and motivated us to create our history ourselves.

  • LBG Riga

    LGASummer brings changes everywhere. LBG Riga has elected a new board Meet T_Agency Madara Kosolapova (president) Rinalds Zukulis (VP4CR) Jolanta Pockaja (VP4HR) Kristaps Vilks (Treasurer)We also elected the main organizer of EBEC Riga - Martins Bembers and CE main organizer Maris Cirsa

    BirthdayWhat is summer without a great party? Traditionally LBG Riga celebrated 22nd birthday at the beginning of June.

    Event on Education (EoE)A year ago our LBG chose to host EoE instead of seasonal courses and in the middle of summer this idea became a reality - students, professors and company representatives from all over the Europe met in Riga to discuss educational matters.

  • LBG Riga

    Camp "Step by Step"Camp for Riga Technical University (RTU) students Step by Step: How to be the BEST of the BEST, organised in corporation with RTU Career center, widens our knowledge about our university structure and helps to gain good contacts in order to make BEST-Riga being more successful. Camp is for the students to improve their soft skills, stretching their comfort zone and making knowledge stronger and wider, to be a better leader! :)

    August marks the end of mandate for The Cultured People. All members of LBG Riga says thanks to this amazing team!

  • LBG Moscow

    Working on CEAs you maybe know, at 13-19th of October Moscow will have the last episode of CE of round Erlangen-Ankara-Moscow! Only 3 weeks are left till event and Coreteam is working all the time with a hope to make it ideal! We found alreay the place where to live, we made a Scedule of all the event and now we try to make FR process. We had 3 working meetings already and I think we'll have 2 or 3 more CT meetings.

    Today our LBG had a recruitment and Coreteam is ready to involve the new generation of observers in this event :)

  • LBG Moscow

    recruitmentUsually on Saturday in Bauman State Technical University is pretty empty and quiet. But not this week! There was "BEST Interested People" by Local BEST Group Moscow and for many students it was a big day of their student lifes because they started their long way in the BEST life.

    After short presentation about BEST by President and VPs, our future BESTies went to the Uni-rally. We split them on teams with team-leaders and gave them tasks which clearly show how works every department in BEST. It was nice to see smiles and interest in the eyes of the participants of BIP.

    During the coffee-break there was circle of tables (like on IE but each table is a department or some big event). On this tables new guys could learn more about our organization. For example, talk with experienced BESTies, ask their questions and find out about courses, EBEC, CE, IPF and, of course, about departments of our LBG in details.As a result LBG Moscow had more than 60 new interested people, thanks to the efforts of ~30 BEST organizers.

  • Summer CourseKeep calm I`m on a boat

    LBG Tallinn


    This years Summer Course was maritime themed. It took place in Tallinn but for the weekends we went to the lovely Prangli island and to the countryside to have a closer interaction with local nature, learn about Estonian culture, cuisine and spend time together. Sea theme resonates closely with our past as Tallinn has been historically a Northern European trade capital and fishing is the main source of income in coastal regions. Participants had the wonderful opportunity to test their knowledge and skill in the Simulator Center and during Sea Rescue. For the last day in Tallinn everybody had fun in the Wakepark. Altogether the course was a great opportunity for all participants to broaden their horizons, learn about maritime technology and gain new friends from all over Europe.

    XII Birthday of EkaUrFUApril was an especial month for Eka UrFU. 13 Years ago our LBG has started its work and we decided to celebrate our 12th birthday as only Eka UrFU can do this! It was two amazing days in Mafia-style with awesome guests from Valladolid and Moscow. On the first day was alumni-meeting and we organised TEDx about "What could happen with me if not BEST?" and our beloved old-bastards told us how BEST helped them to build their career and private life. On the second day people from Spring RM'15 in Eka joined us and pass un-forgettable (or forgettable IYKWIM) room-crawling. Those days helped us to collect all memories and photos during all this years and motivated us to create our history ourselves.

  • Newbies motivational weekend

    LBG Tallinn


    Like all the other LBGs, Tallinn also arranges aMW for the new members. This year it took place in a really cool place called Mustje farm to ensure enough new active members for upcoming year, especially as we are organising GA. At peak times we had close to 80 total members of which 37 were brand new members. Our newbies and older folks had various training sessions to help them to get more into BEST and prepare them for upcoming adventures and challenges in BEST world. This year will be awesome especially for newbies, because they have a chance to see up close, how their LBG organises event of such magnitude as will GA Tallinn 2016 be.

    BirthdayWhat is summer without a great party? Tradi-tionally LBG Riga cel-ebrated 22nd birthday at the beginning of June.

  • LBG Gdansk

    Summer CourseTrack Me If You Can!You can tell, just by looking at the picture, that we really got along. Those friendships will last! Everyone a polish cuisine, traditional polish meal "kotlet schabowy" and dumplings.

  • Lets Take a stroll down memory lane Jamaican anthem

    Im Jamaican, Im a little drunken man;Im the BEST kurwa in this world!!

    Tallinn, Moscow, Riga, PetersburgEka, Gdansk and kurwa LodzIn addition we have 2 more groupsKebab-Kaunas and Girls Urfu(oouuu)Chores 2x

    Palmas, beaches, hotness everywhereHot Hot spirit in the air!We have many types of alcoholWhen we drink- we lose control.(oouuu)Chores 2x

    This year was possible to purchase the Codex - Waterproof Cantus song book where in one page you will manage to find a Jamaican anthem. If you happen to be in PM Flanders and people start to ask you - how tho sing this.. Stand up and let the music flow through your vocal chords!

    Here is to remind you the melody and the lyrics because we are going to go crazy with this song in RM!


  • RAs corner

    Several questions have appeared about the name of XI generation of RAs team - ximeRAs. What does it mean? How to pronounce it?

    The origin is the Chimera (/khimera/ Greek: ) according to Greek mythology, was a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature, composed of the parts of more than one animal. Just pronounce the word ximeRA as 'himera'

    Joining the Russian JBTIn early September LBG Moscow organised rJBT where boards met and developed their skills in training sessions. I had the chance to meet all four Russian Local BEST group boards and hang out with organizers. Thank you guys for such an amazing event and hospitality! Despite the language barrier I felt really welcomed. And congratulations on getting to organize an IPF!

  • Regional Adviders Meeting

    RAs corner

    This year the Regional Advisers Meeting happened from 8th till 14th August in Krakow.

    The XI generation of RAs - the ximeRAs - not just gathered in order to get prepared for their mandate, create an action plan and define their goals but to become an awesome team from a group of individuals. After the unforgettable RAM their team is now ready for the upcoming year and the challenges.

    Visiting LBG TallinnIn July your ximeRA Elna with some other LBG Riga besties decided to visit the weekend trip of Summer Courses that were organised by LBG Tallinn. It was amazing to meet so many LBG Tallinn members, have a reunion with some and befriend the others! The weather was fantastic and it was so enjoyable to hang out with amazing people in the lake near by and to see the sunrise in the middle of beautiful woods.

  • Thank you

    The New JAMbassadors of 2015/2016For providing an insight of the events that are going on in their LBGs so that the first edition Newsletter of year 2055/2016 could be written and put together:

    Dima Stefanidi - LBG St. PetersburgAlena Semenova - LBG EkaAnna Nikulshina - LBG Eka UrFUGrayna Kadamus - LBG LodzMartynas Ribaconka - LBG KaunasMaria Klimson - LBG TallinnZane Eihe LBG - RigaYana Gavrileva - LBG Moscow

    The MO of Summer Course 2015 in TallinnAnne Schults - LBG Tallinn

    The MO of rJBT in MoscowLiza Gorshkova - LBG Moscow

    Jamaican hugsYour ximeRAElina Garklava

    And for inviting to your LBG organised events: