james hassell


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Post on 06-Jan-2016




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No fear no risk! Human risk behavior is affected by chemosensory anxiety signals Katrin Haegler ,  Rebekka Zernecke ,  Anna Maria Kleemann ,  Jessica Albrecht,  Olga Pollatos , Hartmut Brückmann ,  Martin Wiesmann. James Hassell. Hey, back o da line!. Vomeronasal Organ. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: James Hassell
Page 2: James Hassell

James Hassell

Hey, back o da line!

No fear no risk! Human risk behavior is affected by chemosensory anxiety signalsKatrin Haegler, Rebekka Zernecke, Anna Maria Kleemann, Jessica Albrecht, Olga Pollatos,Hartmut Brückmann, Martin Wiesmann

Page 3: James Hassell
Page 4: James Hassell

Vomeronasal Organ

Page 5: James Hassell

1) Females prefer intact males compared to castrated males in a testosterone dependent manner

2) Male sexual pheromones are nonvolatile or contain critical nonvolatile compounds

3) Male-derived volatiles alone are not innately attractive to females

Page 6: James Hassell

VTA lesions to dopamine neurons shows a correlation to sucrose preference but not male pheromone preference

Systemic injection of a dopamine antagonist did not disrupt preference for soiled bedding but an indirect agonist did.

Meaning if you destroy VTA dopamine neurons your preference for sucrose goes away but your preference for male bedding does not.

Page 7: James Hassell

Possible alternative pathways for the chemosignal rewards to traverse

Page 8: James Hassell


Androstadinone > Neutral SweatSexual Sweat > Neutral SweatPleasantness:Phenyl-Ethyl-Alcohol(PEA) > Sexual & Neutral SweatPhysiologicalIntensity:Androstadinone < PEA Androstadinone < Sexual Sweat < Neutral SweatPleasantness:Androstadinone > Sexual SweatAndrostadinone > Neutral Sweat

Sexual Sweat Neutral Sweat


Orbitofrontal Cortex fMRI

Page 9: James Hassell

Example of what the Haegler’s Risk Game looks like

Page 10: James Hassell

Considered Risky

Card Shown

Card Chosen

Considered Risky

Page 11: James Hassell



Page 12: James Hassell

The subjects in the anxiety condition had significantly higher reported anxiety at every time point compared to the subjects in the exercise condition

Page 13: James Hassell

(0 – 100; 0 easy , 100 difficult)

(0 – 100; 0 positive , 100 negative)(0 – 100; 0 calm , 100 aroused)

It was easy to play

Meh emotionallyNot brain surgery

(0 – 100; 0 not familiar , 100 very ) Have not seen this

No sex differences were observed in the pilot study

Page 14: James Hassell

Normal people range is between 94 and 106 for standard values (SV) for concentration performance

Page 15: James Hassell

Sexually unattractive

Rather calm

Very unpleasant Very unpleasant

Sexually unattractive Sexually unattractive

Rather calm Rather calm

Neither Neither Neither

Significantly more pleasant

Neither Neither Neither

Intense IntenseSignificantly less Intense

Slightly negative Slightly negative Slightly positive

Slightly tired Slightly tired Slightly tired Slightly negative Slightly negative Slightly negative Slightly aroused Slightly aroused Slightly aroused

Slightly alert Slightly alert Slightly alert

Page 16: James Hassell

The people who were exposed to anxiety sweat made significantly more “2 lower” “9 higher” selections than exercise sweat & controls!!!

Page 17: James Hassell

I bet it’s low!!!!!!...No wait…maybe…low!!