jami at tirmidhi يذمترلا عماج...i jami at tirmidhi (يذمترلا عماج) volume iii...


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    JAMI AT TIRMIDHI مذي) (جامع التر


    BOOK # 19


    كتاب األضاحى عن رسول هللا

    صلى هللا عليه وسلم

    Translated and Explained



    Sahih Iman Publication

  • ii

    Copyright © SAHIH IMAN 2020

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    Utmost care has been taken in the presentation of Ahadith, their translations and explanations. However, if any typographical error or otherwise is noticed in both English and Arabic, please

    contact us at ‘[email protected]’. Thanks.

  • iii

    Table of Contents

    1. BOOK 19 – SACRIFICES (1 ....................................... (كتاب األضاحى عن رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم

  • 1 Return to Contents

    بِسم هللا الرحمِن الرحيم

    الحمد هلل رب العالمين، والصالة والسالم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين


    كتاب األضاحى عن رسول هللا

    صلى هللا عليه وسلم

    CHAPTER (1)

    باب َما َجاَء فِي فَْضِل األُْضِحيَِة

    What has been related about ‘the virtues of


    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 001

    ِ ْبُن نَافِعٍ ٍد، َعْن أَبِي اْلُمثَنَّى، َعْن ِهَشاِم ْبِن َحدَّثَنَا أَبُو َعْمٍرو، ُمْسِلُم ْبُن َعْمِرو ْبِن ُمْسِلٍم اْلَحذَّاُء اْلَمدَنِيُّ َحدَّثَنَا َعْبدُ َّللاَّ ائُِغ أَبُو ُمَحمَّ الصَّ

    ِ ِ ِمْن إِْهَراِق " صلى هللا عليه وسلم قَاَل عُْرَوةَ، َعْن أَبِيِه، َعْن َعائَِشةَ، أَنَّ َرُسوَل َّللاَّ َما َعِمَل آدَِميٌّ ِمْن َعَمٍل يَْوَم النَّْحِر أََحبَّ إِلَى َّللاَّ

    ِ . "ْبَل أَْن يَقََع ِمَن األَْرِض فَِطيبُوا بَِها نَْفًسا بَِمَكاٍن قَ الدَِّم إِنََّها لَتَأْتِي يَْوَم اْلِقيَاَمِة بِقُُرونَِها َوأَْشعَاِرهَا َوأَْظالَفَِها َوإِنَّ الدََّم لَيَقَُع ِمَن َّللاَّ

    أَْرقََم ْبِن َوَزْيِد ْبِن ُحَصْيٍن ِعْمَراَن َعْن اْلبَاِب َوفِي ْبِن .قَاَل ِهَشاِم َحِديِث ِمْن نَْعِرفُهُ َغِريٌب الَ َحِديٌث َحَسٌن هَذَا أَبُو ِعيَسى قَاَل

    ِ - .َرَوى َعْنهُ اْبُن أَبِي فُدَْيٍك .َوأَبُو اْلُمثَنَّى اْسُمهُ ُسلَْيَماُن ْبُن يَِزيدَ .اْلَوْجِه عُْرَوةَ إاِلَّ ِمْن هَذَا قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى َويُْرَوى َعْن َرُسوِل َّللاَّ

    . " بِقُُرونَِها " َويُْرَوى . "فِي األُْضِحيَِة ِلَصاِحبَِها بِكُل ِ َشعََرةٍ َحَسنَةٌ "صلى هللا عليه وسلم أَنَّهُ قَاَل

    Ummul Momineen Aishah (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہا) narrated that the Apostle of Allah ( صلى هللا عليه و آله

    said, a human does no action from the actions on the day of Nahr more beloved to Allah (وسلم

    than spilling blood. On the Day of judgement, it will appear with its horns, and hair, and hooves,

    and indeed the blood will be accepted by Allah from where it is received before it even falls

    upon earth, so let your heart delight in it.’

    There are narrations on this topic from 'Imran bin Husain and Zaid bin Arqam. Imam Tirmidhi

    said this Hadith is Hasan Gharib. We do not know of it as a narration of Hisham bin Urwah

    except through this route. Abu Al-Muthanna's (a narrator in the chain) name is Sulaimãn bin

    Yazid, Ibn Abi Fudaik reports from him. Imam Tirmidhi said, it has been reported that the

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    Prophet (آله وسلم said about the Udhiyyah, for the one who slaughters it there is a (صلى هللا عليه و

    good merit for every hair’ and it has been reported that he said, ‘for its horns.’

    CHAPTER (2)

    باب َما َجاَء فِي األُْضِحيَِة بَِكْبَشْيِن

    What has been related about sacrificing two male

    sheep Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 002

    ِ صلى ِن أَْملََحْيِن أَْقَرنَْيِن هللا عليه وسلم بَِكْبَشيْ َحدَّثَنَا قُتَْيبَةُ، َحدَّثَنَا أَبُو َعَوانَةَ، َعْن قَتَادَةَ، َعْن أَنَِس ْبِن َماِلٍك، قَاَل َضحَّى َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    ٍ َوَعائَِشةَ َوأَبِي هَُرْيَرةَ َوأَبِي أَيُّوَب َوَجابٍِر َوأَبِي .ذَبََحُهَما بِيَِدِه َوَسمَّى َوَكبََّر َوَوَضَع ِرْجلَهُ َعلَى ِصفَاِحِهَما قَاَل َوفِي اْلبَاِب َعْن َعِلي

    .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .أَبِي بَْكَرةَ أَْيًضا الدَّْردَاِء َوأَبِي َرافِعٍ َواْبِن عَُمَر وَ

    Anas bin Malik (عنہ تعالی هللا وسلم) narrated that the Apostle of Allah (رضئ آله و عليه هللا (صلى

    slaughtered two horned male sheep which were mostly white. He slaughtered them with his hand

    and mentioned Allah's Name, and he said 'Allahu Akbar', and put his foot on their side.’

    There are narrations on this topic from Ali, Ummul Momineen Aisha, Abu Hurairah, Jabir, Abu

    Ayyub, Abu Ad-Darda, Abu Rafi', Ibn Umar, and Abu Bakrah ( عنہم یرضئ هللا تعال ) as well. Imam

    Tirmidhi said, this Hadith is Hasan Sahih.

    CHAPTER (3)

    باب َما َجاَء فِي األُْضِحيَِة َعِن اْلَمي ِِت

    What has been related about slaughtering on behalf

    of the deceased Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 003

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    َعنْ َشِريٌك، َحدَّثَنَا ، اْلكُوفِيُّ اْلُمَحاِربِيُّ عُبَْيٍد ْبُن دُ ُمَحمَّ ي َحدَّثَنَا يَُضح ِ َكاَن أَنَّهُ ،ٍ َعِلي َعْن َحنٍَش، َعْن اْلَحَكِم، َعِن اْلَحْسنَاِء، أَبِي

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َواآلَخُر َعْن نَْفِسِه، فَِقيَل لَهُ فَقَاَل أََمَرنِي بِِه يَعْ فَالَ -نِي النَّبِيَّ صلى هللا عليه وسلم بَِكْبَشْيِن أََحدُهَُما َعِن النَّبِي

    َص بَْعُض أَْهِل اْلِعْلِم أَْن يَُضحَّى َعِن اْلَمي ِِت .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َغِريٌب الَ نَْعِرفُهُ إاِلَّ ِمْن َحِديِث َشِريٍك .دَعُهُ أَبَدًا أَ َوقَدْ َرخَّ

    ِ ْبُن اْلمُ .َولَْم يََر بَْعُضُهْم أَْن يَُضحَّى َعْنهُ بَاَرِك أََحبُّ إِلَىَّ أَْن يُتََصدََّق َعْنهُ َوالَ يَُضحَّى َعْنهُ َوإِْن َضحَّى فَالَ يَأْكُْل ِمْنَها َوقَاَل َعْبدُ َّللاَّ

    بَِها كُل َِها َويَتََصدَّْق َغْيُر َشِريٍك .َشْيئًا َرَواهُ َوقَدْ ِ ْبُن اْلَمِدينِي دٌ قَاَل َعِليُّ أَبُو اْلَحسْ .قَاَل ُمَحمَّ لَهُ يَْعِرْفهُ قُْلُت فَلَْم قَاَل .نَاِء َما اْسُمهُ

    .ُمْسِلٌم اْسُمهُ اْلَحَسُن

    Hanash narrated that Ali (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) used to slaughter two male sheep, one for the Prophet

    and the other for himself. When this was mentioned to him, he said, ‘the (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) ordered me, so I will never leave it.’

    Imam Tirmidhi said, this Hadith is Gharib as we do not know of it except from the narration of

    Sharik. Some of the people of knowledge have permitted slaughtering on behalf of the deceased,

    and some of them did not think that one could slaughter on their behalf. Abdullah bin Al-

    Mubãrak said, ‘to me it is recommended that one give in charity on their behalf and not slaughter

    on their behalf. And if he were to slaughter, then he does not eat any of it, but gives it all in

    charity.’ Muhammad said, Ali bin Al-Madini said, 'it has been reported by other than Sharik.’ I

    asked him, ‘what is Abul Hasna's name?’ But he did not know it. Muslim said, ‘his name is Al-


    CHAPTER (4)

    باب َما َجاَء َما يُْستََحبُّ ِمَن األََضاِحي

    What has been related about, what is recommended

    to slaughter. Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 004

    سَ أَبِيِه، َعْن أَبِي ٍد، َعْن ْبِن ُمَحمَّ ْبُن ِغيَاٍث، َعْن َجْعفَِر ، َحدَّثَنَا َحْفُص ِ َحدَّثَنَا أَبُو َسِعيٍد األََشجُّ ِ، قَاَل َضحَّى َرُسوُل َّللاَّ ِعيٍد اْلُخدِْري

    سَ فِي َويَْمِشي َسَواٍد فِي يَأْكُُل فَِحيٍل أَْقَرَن بَِكْبٍش وسلم عليه َسَواٍد صلى هللا فِي َويَْنظُُر َحَسٌن .َواٍد َحِديٌث هَذَا ِعيَسى أَبُو قَاَل

    .َصِحيٌح َغِريٌب الَ نَْعِرفُهُ إاِلَّ ِمْن َحِديِث َحْفِص ْبِن ِغيَاٍث

    Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    slaughtered a horned male ram of fine breed, (around) his mouth was black, and his legs were

    black, and (around) his eyes was black.

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih Gharib as we do not know of it except from the

    narration of Hafs bin Ghiyath.

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    CHAPTER (5)

    باب َما اَل يَُجوُز ِمَن األََضاِحي

    What is not allowed for slaughtering?

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 005

    ْحَمِن، َعْن َحدَّثَنَا َعِليُّ ْبُن ُحْجٍر، أَْخبََرنَا َجِريُر ْبُن َحاِزٍم، َعْن ِد ْبِن إِْسَحاَق، َعْن يَِزيدَ ْبِن أَبِي َحبِيٍب، َعْن ُسلَْيَماَن ْبِن َعْبِد الرَّ ُمَحمَّ

    ٌن َعَوُرهَا َوالَ بِاْلَمِريَضِة بَي ِ الَ يَُضحَّى بِاْلعَْرَجاِء بَي ٌِن َظلَعَُها َوالَ بِاْلعَْوَراِء بَي ٌِن " عُبَْيِد ْبِن فَْيُروَز، َعِن اْلبََراِء ْبِن َعاِزٍب، َرفَعَهُ قَاَل

    َمَرُضَها َوالَ بِاْلعَْجفَاِء الَّتِي الَ تُْنِقي

    Al-Bara bin Azib (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated a marfu narration (a Hadith attributed to the Prophet

    and a Sahabi narrates it), saying, ‘a crippled animal whose limp is obvious is not to be ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

    slaughtered as sacrifice, nor an animal with a bad eye whose blindness is obvious, nor a sick

    animal whose sickness is obvious, nor an emaciated animal that has no marrow (in its bones).

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 005

    ْحَمِن، َعْن عُ ْبِن َعْبِد الرَّ ُسلَْيَماَن ُشْعبَةُ، َعْن َزائِدَةَ، أَْخبََرنَا ْبِن َعاِزٍب، َعِن َحدَّثَنَا هَنَّادٌ، َحدَّثَنَا اْبُن أَبِي اْلبََراِء ْبِن فَْيُروَز، َعِن بَْيِد

    بِ نَْحَوهُ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َعِن .َمْعنَاهُ النَّبِي فَْيُروَز ْبِن ِمْن َحِديِث عُبَْيِد إاِلَّ نَْعِرفُهُ َصِحيٌح الَ َحِديٌث َحَسٌن هَذَا أَبُو ِعيَسى قَاَل

    َواْلعََمُل َعلَى هَذَا اْلَحِديِث ِعْندَ أَْهِل اْلِعْلِم .اْلبََراِء

    This is another chain for the above Hadith from the Prophet (آله وسلم with similar (صلى هللا عليه و


    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. However, we do not know of it except through

    the narration of Ubaid bin Fairuz from Al-Bara. This Hadith is acted upon according to people

    of Knowledge.

    CHAPTER (6)

    باب َما يُْكَرهُ ِمَن األََضاِحي

    What is disliked for slaughtering? Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 007

    ،ِ َعْبِد َّللاَّ ْبُن َشِريُك أَْخبََرنَا هَاُروَن، ْبُن يَِزيدُ َحدَّثَنَا ، اْلُحْلَوانِيُّ ٍ َعِلي ْبُن اْلَحَسُن النُّْعَماِن َحدَّثَنَا ْبِن ُشَرْيحِ َعْن إِْسَحاَق، أَبِي َعْن

    ْبِن أَبِي َطاِلٍب، قَالَ ِ ِ، َوهَُو اْلَهْمدَانِيُّ َعْن َعِلي ائِِدي ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم أَْن نَْستَْشِرَف اْلعَْيَن َواألُذَُن َوأَْن الَ الصَّ أََمَرنَا َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    َي بُِمقَابَلٍَة َوالَ ُمدَابََرةٍ َوالَ َشْرقَاَء َوالَ َخْرقَاَء .نَُضح ِ

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    Ali bin Abi Talib (عنہ تعالی هللا وسلم) narrated that the Apostle of Allah (رضئ آله و عليه هللا (صلى

    ordered that we check the eyes and ears, and not to slaughter the Muqabalah (ears severed), nor

    the Mudabarah (sides of the ears are cut off), nor the Sharqa (split ears), nor the Kharqa (holes in


    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 008

    ِ ْبُن ُموَسى، أَْخبََرنَا إِْسَرائِيُل، َعْن أَبِي إِْسَحاَق، عَ ٍ، َحدَّثَنَا عُبَْيدُ َّللاَّ ِ َحدَّثَنَا اْلَحَسُن ْبُن َعِلي ٍ، َعِن النَّبِي ْن ُشَرْيحِ ْبِن النُّْعَماِن، َعْن َعِلي

    َوَزا ِمثْلَهُ أُذُنَِها دَ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َطَرُف قُِطَع َما اْلُمقَابَلَةُ األُذُِن .قَاَل ِمْن َجانِِب قُِطَع َما اْلَمْشقُوقَةُ .َواْلُمدَابََرةُ . َوالشَّْرقَاُء

    ائِِديُّ هَُو كُوفِيٌّ ِمْن أَْصَحاِب قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى َوُشَرْيحُ .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .َواْلَخْرقَاُء اْلَمثْقُوبَةُ ْبُن النُّْعَماِن الصَّ

    ْبُن اْلَحاِرِث اْلِكْنِديُّ َوُشَرْيُح ٍ َوِلَواِلِدِه ُصْحبَةٌ ِمْن أَْصَحاِب َعِلي ْبُن هَانٍِئ كُوفِيٌّ َوُشَرْيُح ٍ ٍ َعِلي أَبُو أَُميَّةَ اْلقَاِضي قَدْ َرَوى َعْن َعِلي

    ٍ فِي َعْصٍر َواِحٍد َوكُلُُّهْم ِمْن .قَْولُهُ أَْن نَْستَْشِرَف أَْى أَْن نَْنظَُر َصِحيًحا .أَْصَحاِب َعِلي

    This is another chain of narrators from Ali (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ), from the Prophet ( صلى هللا عليه و آله

    and it is similar, but he added, ‘the Muqabalah is the one whose ears have been severed, the (وسلم

    Mudabarah is the one with the sides of its ears cut off, and the Sharqa' is one with its ears split,

    and the Khurqa' is the one whose ears have a hole pierced through them.’

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. Shuraih bin An-Nu'man As-Sa'idi is from Kufa

    and he is one of the companions of Ali (عنہ تعالی هللا -Shuraih bin Al-Kindi Al-Kufi Al .(رضئ

    Qadi's Kunyah is Abu Ummayyah, and he reported from Ali ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ). Shuraih bin Hãni

    is from Kufa, and Hani ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ) was a Companion of the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    while all of them are among the companions of Ali ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ), living during the same era.

    And his saying ‘that we check’ means to look and see if they are normal.

    CHAPTER (7)

    أِْن فِي األََضاِحي باب َما َجاَء فِي اْلَجذَِع ِمَن الضَّ

    What has been related about the Jadha (a kind of)

    sheep for slaughtering Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 009

    ْحَمِن، َعْن أَبِي ِكبَاٍش، قَاَل َجلَْبُت َغنًَما ُجذَْعانًا َحدَّثَنَا يُوُسُف ْبُن ِعيَسى، َحدَّثَنَا َوِكيٌع، َحدَّثَنَا عُثَْماُن ْبُن َواقٍِد، َعْن ِكدَاِم ْبِن َعْبِد الرَّ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم يَقُوُل إِلَى اْلَمِدينَِة فََكَسدَْت َعلَىَّ فَلَِقيُت أَبَا هَُرْيَرةَ األُْضِحيَةُ -أَْو نِْعَمِت -نِْعَم " فََسأَْلتُهُ فَقَاَل َسِمْعُت َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    أِْن فَاْنتََهبَهُ النَّاُس . " اْلَجذَعُ ِمَن الضَّ َوأُم ِ بِالٍَل اْبنَِة ِهالَلٍ .قَاَل ْبِن َعاِمٍر قَاَل َوفِي اْلبَاِب َعِن اْبِن َعبَّاٍس َعْن أَبِيَها َوَجابٍِر َوعُْقبَةَ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َوقَدْ ُرِوَي هَذَا َعْن أَبِي .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى َحِديُث أَبِي هَُرْيَرةَ َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َغِريٌب .َوَرُجٍل ِمْن أَْصَحاِب النَّبِي

  • 6 Return to Contents

    ِ ْبِن عَُمَر ْبِن اْلَخطَّاِب َوعُثَْماُن ْبُن َواقِ .قُوفًا هَُرْيَرةَ َموْ ِد ْبِن ِزيَاِد ْبِن َعْبِد َّللاَّ َواْلعََمُل َعلَى هَذَا ِعْندَ أَْهِل اْلِعْلِم ِمْن .ٍد هَُو اْبُن ُمَحمَّ

    أِْن يُْجِزُئ فِي األُْضِحيَِة ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َوَغْيِرِهْم أَنَّ اْلَجذَعَ ِمَن الضَّ .أَْصَحاِب النَّبِي

    Abu Kibash narrated that he brought a Jadha sheep to Madinah (for sale) but it remained with

    me. I saw Abu Huraira (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) and I asked him about it. He said, he heard the Apostle

    of Allah (آله وسلم saying, ‘the best male or female Udhiyah is that from the Jadha (صلى هللا عليه و

    sheep. The people took note of that (and became interested in buying it).

    There are narrations on this topic from Ibn Abbas, Umm Bilal bin Hilal from her father, Jabir,

    Uqbah bin Amir, and a man from the Companions of the Prophet ( عنہم اجمعين یرضئ هللا تعال ). Imam

    Tirmidhi said the Hadith of Abu Huraira (تعالی عنہ is a Hasan Gharib Hadith. This has (رضئ هللا

    been reported from Abu Huraira (تعالی عنہ in Mawquf form. Uthmari bin Waqid is Ibn (رضئ هللا

    Muhammad bin Ziyad bin Abdullah bin Umar bin A]-Khattãb. This is acted upon according to

    the people of knowledge among the Companions of the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and others.

    The Jadha' sheep is acceptable for Udiyyah.

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 010

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم أَْعَطاهُ َحدَّثَنَا قُتَْيبَةُ، َحدَّثَنَا اللَّْيُث، َعْن يَِزيدَ ْبِن أَبِي َحبِيٍب، َعْن أَبِي اْلَخْيِر، َعْن عُْقبَةَ ْبِن َعاِمرٍ ، أَنَّ َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فَقَاَل َغنًَما يَْقِسُمَها َعلَى أَْصَحابِِه َضَحايَا فَبَِقَي َعتُودٌ أَْو َجدٌْى فَ ِ بِِه أَْنَت " ذََكْرُت ذَِلَك ِلَرُسوِل َّللاَّ قَاَل . "َضح

    أِْن يَكُوُن اْبَن ِستَِّة أَْو َسْبعَِة أَْشُهٍر .أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .قَاَل َوِكيٌع اْلَجذَعُ ِمَن الضَّ

    Uqbah bin Amir ( gave (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) narrated that the Apostle of Allah ( تعالی عنہرضئ هللا

    him sheep to distribute among his companions as a sacrifice. There remained a young male kid

    or a young goat, so I mentioned that to the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and he said,

    sacrifice it for yourself. Waki' said, the Jadha among sheep was seven or six months.

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih.

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 011

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسل م َضَحايَا فَبَِقَي َجذََعةٌ فََسأَْلُت النَّبِيَّ َوقَدْ ُرِوَي ِمْن، َغْيِر هَذَا اْلَوْجِه َعْن عُْقبَةَ ْبِن َعاِمٍر، أَنَّهُ قَاَل قََسَم َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    فَ أَْنَت " قَاَل صلى هللا عليه وسلم بَِها ِ ِهَشاٌم . "َضح َحدَّثَنَا قَاالَ دَاُودَ َوأَبُو هَاُروَن ْبُن يَِزيدُ َحدَّثَنَا بَشَّاٍر ْبُن دُ ُمَحمَّ بِذَِلَك َحدَّثَنَا

    ِ ْبِن بَدٍْر َعنْ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم بَِهذَا اْلَحِديِث الدَّْستََوائِيُّ َعْن يَْحيَى ْبِن أَبِي َكثِيٍر َعْن بَْعَجةَ ْبِن َعْبِد َّللاَّ . عُْقبَةَ ْبِن َعاِمٍر َعِن النَّبِي

    Uqbah bin Amir (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) distributed the

    sacrificial animals and I was left with a Jadha', so I asked the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) about

    it and he said, 'sacrifice it for yourself.' This is another chain for the Hadith.

  • 7 Return to Contents

    CHAPTER (8)

    باب َما َجاَء فِي ااِلْشتَِراِك فِي األُْضِحيَِة

    What has been related about sharing in the Udhiya

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 012

    ْبُن ُحَرْيٍث، َحدَّثَنَا اْلفَْضُل ْبُن ُموَسى، َعِن الُْحَسْينِ اٍر اْلُحَسْيُن ْبِن َواقٍِد، َعْن ِعْلبَاَء ْبِن أَْحَمَر، َعْن ِعْكِرَمةَ، َعِن اْبِن َحدَّثَنَا أَبُو َعمَّ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فِي َسفٍَر فََحَضَر األَْضَحى فَاْشتََرْكنَا فِي اْلبَقََرةِ سَ قَاَل .ْبعَةً َوفِي اْلبَِعيِر َعَشَرةً َعبَّاٍس، قَاَل كُنَّا َمَع َرُسوِل َّللاَّ

    وَ ِعيَسى أَيُّوَب أَبُو َوأَبِي ِه َجد ِ َعْن أَبِيِه َعْن ِ السُّلَِمي األَْسَوِد أَبِي َعْن اْلبَاِب َحَسٌن .فِي َحِديٌث َعبَّاٍس اْبِن َحِديُث ِعيَسى أَبُو قَاَل

    .َغِريٌب الَ نَْعِرفُهُ إاِلَّ ِمْن َحِديِث اْلفَْضِل ْبِن ُموَسى

    Ibn Abbas (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that they were with the Apostle of Allah ( صلى هللا عليه و آله

    on a journey when the (Day of) Adha came, so we shared seven for a cow and ten for a (وسلم


    Imam Tirmidhi said there are narrations on this topic from Abu Al-Ashadd Al-Aslami, from his

    father, from his grandfather, and Abu Ayyub ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ). The Hadith of Ibn Abbas ( رضئ

    عنہ یهللا تعال ) is a Hasan Gharib Hadith as we do not know of it except through the narration of Al-

    Fadl bin Musa.

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 013

    بَْيِر، َعْن َجابٍِر، قَاَل نََحْرنَا َمَع َرُسوِل ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم بِاْلُحدَْيبِيَِة اْلبَدَنَةَ َعْن َحدَّثَنَا قُتَْيبَةُ، َحدَّثَنَا َماِلُك ْبُن أَنٍَس، َعْن أَبِي الزُّ َّللاَّ

    ِ صلى هللا .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .َسْبعٍَة َواْلبَقََرةَ َعْن َسْبعٍَة َواْلعََمُل َعلَى هَذَا ِعْندَ أَْهِل اْلِعْلِم ِمْن أَْصَحاِب النَّبِي

    َوَغْيرِ َوإِْسَحاَق عليه وسلم َوأَْحَمدَ ِ َوالشَّافِِعي اْلُمبَاَرِك َواْبِن ِ الثَّْوِري ُسْفيَاَن قَْوُل َوهَُو َعْن .ِهْم اْلبَِعيُر أَْيًضا يُْجِزُئ إِْسَحاُق َوقَاَل

    .َواْحتَجَّ بَِحِديِث اْبِن َعبَّاٍس .َعَشَرةٍ

    Jabir (عنہ تعالی هللا narrated that they performed the Nahr (sacrifice) with the Apostle of (رضئ

    Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) at Al-Hudaibiyyah, a camel for seven (persons) and a cow for seven


    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. This is acted upon according to the people of

    knowledge among the Companions of the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and others. It is the view

    of Sufyan Ath-Thawri, Ibn A1-Mubarak, Ash-Shafi'i, Ahmad, and Is-haq. Is-haq said, ‘a camel is

    acceptable for ten (persons) as well.’ And he used the Hadith of Ibn Abbas ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ) as


  • 8 Return to Contents

    CHAPTER (9)

    ِحيَِّة بِعَْضبَاِء اْلقَْرِن َواألُذُِن باب فِي الضَّ

    Regarding a sacrificial animal with a

    stump horn or ear Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 014

    ،ٍ ٍ، َعْن َعِلي قُْلُت فَإِْن َولَدَْت .قَاَل اْلبَقََرةُ َعْن َسْبعٍَة، َحدَّثَنَا َعِليُّ ْبُن ُحْجٍر، أَْخبََرنَا َشِريٌك، َعْن َسلََمةَ ْبِن كَُهْيٍل، َعْن ُحَجيَّةَ ْبِن َعِدي

    ِ صلى هللا ُت فَ قُلْ .قُْلُت فَاْلعَْرَجاُء قَاَل إِذَا بَلَغَِت اْلَمْنِسَك .عََها قَاَل اذْبَْح َولَدَهَا مَ َمْكُسوَرةُ اْلقَْرِن قَاَل الَ بَأَْس أُِمْرنَا أَْو أََمَرنَا َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى َوقَدْ َرَواهُ ُسْفيَاُن الثَّْوِريُّ َعْن .ِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا حَ .عليه وسلم أَْن نَْستَْشِرَف اْلعَْينَْيِن َواألُذُنَْيِن

    .َسلََمةَ ْبِن كَُهْيٍل

    Hujayyah bin 'Adi narrated that Ali (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) said, ‘a cow is for seven.' I said, ‘and if it

    gives birth?' He said, 'then slaughter its offspring with it.' I said, what if it is lame?' He said,

    'when it has reached the place of ritual.' I said, 'what if it has a broken horn?' He said, there is no

    harm, we were ordered' or the Apostle of Allah (آله وسلم ordered us, to check the (صلى هللا عليه و

    two eyes and the two ears.'

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. Sufyan Ath-Thawri has reported it from

    Salamah bin Kuhail.

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 015

    ٍ ِ، َعْن َعِلي ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم أَْن َحدَّثَنَا هَنَّادٌ، َحدَّثَنَا َعْبدَةُ، َعْن َسِعيٍد، َعْن قَتَادَةَ، َعْن ُجَرى ِ ْبِن كُلَْيٍب النَّْهِدي ، قَاَل نََهى َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    بِأَْعَضِب اْلقَْرِن َواألُذُِن فَذََكْرُت ذَِلكَ .يَُضحَّى بَلََغ الن ِْصَف فََما فَْوَق ذَِلَك قَاَل قَتَادَةُ فَقَاَل اْلعَْضُب َما ْبِن اْلُمَسيَِّب ِلَسِعيِد قَاَل أَبُو .

    .ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح

    Ali (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) prohibited that an

    animal with A’dab (a stump horn) or ear should be slaughtered as a sacrifice.’ Qatadah (one of

    the narrators) said, ‘so I mentioned this to Sa'eed bin Al-Musayyab and he said, 'the Adab is that

    which equals or more than that.'

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih.

  • 9 Return to Contents

    CHAPTER (10)

    باب َما َجاَء أَنَّ الشَّاةَ اْلَواِحدَةَ تُْجِزُئ َعْن أَْهِل اْلبَْيِت

    What has been reported about one sheep will suffice

    for the people in the household Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 016

    عُثَْماَن، َحدَّثَنِي عَُما ْبُن اُك الضَّحَّ َحدَّثَنَا ، اْلَحنَِفيُّ بَْكٍر أَبُو َحدَّثَنَا ُموَسى، ْبُن يَْحيَى ْبَن َحدَّثَنِي َعَطاَء َسِمْعُت قَاَل ،ِ َعْبِد َّللاَّ ْبُن َرةُ

    ي ُل َسأَْلُت أَبَا أَيُّوَب األَْنَصاِريَّ َكْيَف يََساٍر، يَقُو ُجُل يَُضح ِ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فَقَاَل َكاَن الرَّ َكانَِت الضََّحايَا َعلَى َعْهِد َرُسوِل َّللاَّ

    تَبَاهَى النَّاُس فََصاَرْت َكَما تََرى َويُْطِعُموَن َحتَّى فَيَأْكُلُوَن بَْيتِِه .َسٌن َصِحيٌح قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث حَ .بِالشَّاةِ َعْنهُ َوَعْن أَْهِل

    أَنٍَس ْبُن َماِلُك َعْنهُ َرَوى َوقَدْ َمدَنِيٌّ هَُو ِ َعْبِد َّللاَّ ْبُن َوإِْسَحاَق .َوعَُماَرةُ أَْحَمدَ قَْوُل َوهَُو اْلِعْلِم أَْهِل بَْعِض ِعْندَ هَذَا َعلَى َواْلعََمُل

    أَنَّهُ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم ا بَِحِديِث النَّبِي فَقَاَل َواْحتَجَّ بَِكْبٍش تِي " َضحَّى ِ ِمْن أُمَّ ْن لَْم يَُضح اْلِعْلِم الَ . "هَذَا َعمَّ بَْعُض أَْهِل َوقَاَل

    ِ ْبِن اْلُمبَاَرِك َوَغْيِرِه ِمْن أَْهِل اْلِعْلمِ . تُْجِزُئ الشَّاةُ إاِلَّ َعْن نَْفٍس َواِحدَةٍ َوهَُو قَْوُل َعْبِد َّللاَّ

    Ata bin Yasar narrated that he asked Abu Abyub Al-Ansari (عنہ تعالی هللا how the (رضئ

    slaughtering was done during the time of the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم). He said, 'a

    man would sacrifice a sheep for himself and the people in his household. They would eat from it

    and feed others, until the people (later) would boast about it and it became as you see now.

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. Umarah bin Abdullah (one of the narrators) is

    from Madinah. Malik bin Anas reported from him. This is acted upon according to some of the

    people of knowledge. It is the view of Ahmad and Is-haq. They used the Hadith of the Prophet

    as proof, which says that he would offer a horned sheep as a sacrifice and (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    say, ‘this is for whoever did not offer a sacrifice in my Ummah.’ Some of the people of

    knowledge said that one sheep is not accepted for anyone but himself alone. This is the view of

    Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak and others among the people of knowledge.

    CHAPTER (11)

    باب الدَِّليِل َعلَى أَنَّ األُْضِحيَةَ سُنَّةٌ

    The evidence that The Udhiyah (sacrifice) is a

    Sunnah Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 017

    اُج ْبُن أَْرَطاةَ، َعْن َجبَلَةَ ْبِن سَُحْيٍم، أَنَّ َرُجالً، َسأََل اْبَن عَُمَر َعِن األُْضِحيَِة، أََواِجبَةٌ َحدَّثَنَا أَْحَمدُ ْبُن َمنِيعٍ، َحدَّثَنَا هَُشْيٌم، أَْخبََرنَا َحجَّ

    َواْلُمْسِلُمو ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فَقَاَل َضحَّى َرُسوُل َّللاَّ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم .َن ِهَي فَقَاَل أَتَْعِقُل َضحَّى َرُسوُل َّللاَّ فَأََعادَهَا َعلَْيِه

  • 10 Return to Contents

    نََّها ُسنَّةٌ ِمْن َواْلعََمُل َعلَى هَذَا ِعْندَ أَْهِل اْلِعْلِم أَنَّ األُْضِحيَةَ لَْيَسْت بَِواِجبٍَة َولَكِ .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .َواْلُمْسِلُموَن

    ِ َواْبِن اْلُمبَ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم يُْستََحبُّ أَْن يُْعَمَل بَِها َوهَُو قَْوُل ُسْفيَاَن الثَّْوِري .اَرِك ُسنَِن َرُسوِل َّللاَّ

    Jabalah bin Suhaim narrated that a man asked Ibn Umar (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) about the Udhiyah, if

    it was obligatory? He said, ‘the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) performed the Udhiyah

    as did the Muslims.’ He repeated the question. So, he said, ‘do you understand, the Apostle of

    Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) slaughtered as did the Muslims.

    Imam Tirmidhi said, this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. This is acted upon according to the people of

    knowledge, that the Udhiyyah is not obligatory, but it is a Sunnah among the Sunnah of the

    Prophet (وسلم آله و عليه هللا which it is recommended to be performed. This is the view of (صلى

    Sufyan Ath-Thawri and Ibn Al-Mubarak.

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 018

    اجِ ْبِن أَْرَطاةَ، َعْن نَا ِ صلى َحدَّثَنَا أَْحَمدُ ْبُن َمنِيعٍ، َوهَنَّادٌ، قَاالَ َحدَّثَنَا اْبُن أَبِي َزائِدَةَ، َعْن َحجَّ فِعٍ، َعِن اْبِن عَُمَر، قَاَل أَقَاَم َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    ي .يَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن قَاَل أَبُو عِ .هللا عليه وسلم بِاْلَمِدينَِة َعْشَر ِسنِيَن يَُضح ِ

    Ibn Umar (تعالی عنہ آله وسلم) narrated that the Apostle of Allah (رضئ هللا عليه و stayed in (صلى هللا

    Madinah for ten years performing the Udhiyah.

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan.

    CHAPTER (12)

    باب َما َجاَء فِي الذَّْبحِ بَْعدَ الصَّالَةِ

    What is related about slaughtering after the Salah?

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 019

    ِ ، َعِن اْلبََراِء ْبِن َعاِزٍب، قَاَل َخَطبَنَا َرُسوُل َحدَّثَنَا َعِليُّ ْبُن ُحْجٍر، أَْخبََرنَا إِْسَماِعيُل ْبُن إِْبَراِهيَم، َعْن دَاُودَ ْبِن أَبِي ِهْنٍد، َعِن الشَّْعبِي

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم فِي يَْوِم نَْحٍر فَقَاَل ِ هَذَا يَْوٌم اللَّْحُم فِيِه . "َحدُكُْم َحتَّى يَُصل َِي الَ يَذْبََحنَّ أَ "َّللاَّ قَاَل فَقَاَم َخاِلي فَقَاَل يَا َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    ْلُت نُُسِكي ألُْطِعَم أَْهِلي َوأَْهَل دَاِري أَْو ِجيَرانِي ِ ِعْنِدي َعنَاُق لَبٍَن فَقَاَل يَا رَ . "فَأَِعدْ ذَْبًحا آَخَر "قَاَل .َمْكُروهٌ َوإِن ِي َعجَّ ُسوَل َّللاَّ

    قَاَل أَفَأَذْبَُحَها لَْحٍم َشاتَْى ِمْن َخْيٌر بَْعدََك "َوِهَي َجذََعةٌ ألََحٍد تُْجِزُئ َوالَ نَِسيَكتَْيَك َخْيُر َوِهَي َجابٍِر . "نَعَْم َعْن اْلبَاِب َوفِي قَاَل

    أَ ْبِن ِ َوُجْندٍَب َوأَنٍَس َوعَُوْيِمِر َزْيٍد األَْنَصاِري َواْلعََمُل َعلَى هَذَا .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .ْشقََر َواْبِن عَُمَر َوأَبِي

    َص قَْوٌم ِمْن أَْهِل اْلِعْلِم ألَْهِل اْلقَُرى فِي الذَّْبحِ إِذَا َطلََع اْلفَْجُر ِعْندَ أَْكثَِر أَْهِل اْلِعْلِم أَْن الَ يَُضحَّى بِاْلِمْصِر َحتَّى يَُصل َِي اإِلَماُم َوقَدْ َرخَّ

    أِْن قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى َوقَدْ أَْجَمَع أَْهُل اْلِعْلِم أَْن الَ يُْجِزَئ اْلَجذَعُ ِمَن اْلَمْعِز َوقَالُوا إِنََّما يُْجِزُئ الْ .َوهَُو قَْوُل اْبِن اْلُمبَاَرِك .َجذَعُ ِمَن الضَّ

  • 11 Return to Contents

    Al-Bara bin Azib (عنہ تعالی هللا وسلم) narrated that the Apostle of Allah (رضئ آله و عليه هللا (صلى

    delivered a sermon on the Day of Nahr and said, 'none of you should slaughter until he performs

    the Salah. Azib (تعالی عنہ said, my maternal uncle stood and said, ' O Apostle of Allah (رضئ هللا

    آله وسلم) this is the day in which meat is disliked, and I hastened my sacrifice to ,(صلى هللا عليه و

    feed my family and the people of my dwellings or my neighbors.' He said: 'repeat your slaughter

    with another.' He said, 'O Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) I have a she-kid that has better

    meat than my sheep, should I slaughter it?' He said, 'yes, and it is better and it will suffice for

    you, but a Jadha (6 months old sheep) will not be accepted after you.'

    There are narrations on this topic from Jabir, Jundab, Anas, Uwaimir bin Ashqar, Ibn Umar, and

    Abu Zaid Al-Ansãri (). Imam Tirmidhi said, this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. This is acted upon

    according to most of the people of knowledge, in that there is to be no sacrifices in the city until

    the Imam has performed the Salah. There are those among the people of knowledge who made

    an exception of allowance for the inhabitants of a town, that they could slaughter when Fajr

    began. This is the view of Ibn Al-Mubarak. Imam Tirmidhi said the people of knowledge have

    agreed that the Jadha' among goats would not be acceptable, and they said that only the Jadha'

    among sheep would be acceptable.

    CHAPTER (13)

    باب َما َجاَء فِي َكَراِهيَِة أَْكِل األُْضِحيَِة فَْوَق ثاَلَثَِة أَيَّاٍم

    What is related about ‘it is disliked eating from the

    sacrificial meat beyond three days’

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 020

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم قَاَل الَ يَأْكُُل أََحدُكُْم ِمْن لَْحِم أُْضِحيَتِِه فَْوَق " َحدَّثَنَا قُتَْيبَةُ، َحدَّثَنَا اللَّْيُث، َعْن نَافِعٍ، َعِن اْبِن عَُمَر، َعِن النَّبِي

    أَيَّاٍم َما َكاَن النَّْهُى ِمَن َوإِنَّ - . قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى َحِديُث اْبِن عَُمَر َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيحٌ .قَاَل َوفِي اْلبَاِب َعْن َعائَِشةَ َوأَنٍَس . " ثاَلَثَِة

    َص بَْعدَ ذَِلَك ًما ثُمَّ َرخَّ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم ُمتَقَد ِ .النَّبِي

    Ibn Umar (تعالی عنہ ) narrated that the Prophet (رضئ هللا آله وس لمصلى هللا عليه و ) said, ‘none of you

    should eat from the meat of his sacrificial animal beyond three days.’

    There are narrations on this topic from Ummul Momineen Aisha ( تعال هللا عنہا یرضئ ) and Anas

    ( تعال هللا عنہ یرضئ ). Imam Tirmidhi said, the Hadith of Ibn Umar ( تعال هللا عنہ یرضئ ) is a Hasan

    Sahih Hadith. The Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) prohibited that earlier, then he permitted it later.

  • 12 Return to Contents

    CHAPTER (14)

    ْخَصِة فِي أَْكِلَها بَْعدَ ثاَلٍَث باب َما َجاَء فِي الرُّ

    What is related about ‘the permission for eating

    from the sacrificial meat beyond three days’ Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 021

    ٍ اْلَخالَُّل، َوَغْيُر، َواِحٍد، قَالُ ْبُن َغْيالََن، َواْلَحَسُن ْبُن َعِلي ْبُن بَشَّاٍر، َوَمْحُمودُ دُ وا أَْخبََرنَا أَبُو َعاِصٍم النَّبِيُل، َحدَّثَنَا ُسْفيَاُن َحدَّثَنَا ُمَحمَّ

    ، َعْن َعْلقََمةَ ْبِن َمْرثٍَد، َعْن ُسلَْيَماَن ْبِن بُ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم الثَّْوِريُّ كُْنُت نََهْيتُكُْم َعْن لُُحوِم " َرْيدَةَ، َعْن أَبِيِه، قَاَل قَاَل َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    فِي اْلبَاِب َعِن اْبِن َمْسعُوٍد قَاَل وَ . "ُروا األََضاِحي فَْوَق ثاَلٍَث ِليَتَِّسَع ذُو الطَّْوِل َعلَى َمْن الَ َطْوَل لَهُ فَكُلُوا َما بَدَا لَكُْم َوأَْطِعُموا َوادَّخِ

    َواْلعََمُل َعلَى .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى َحِديُث بَُرْيدَةَ َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .َوَعائَِشةَ َونُبَْيَشةَ َوأَبِي َسِعيٍد َوقَتَادَةَ ْبِن النُّْعَماِن َوأَنٍَس َوأُم ِ َسلََمةَ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َوَغْيِرِهْم هَذَا ِعْندَ أَْهِل اْلِعْلِم ِمْن أَ .ْصَحاِب النَّبِي

    Sulaiman bin Buraidah narrated from his father that the Apostle of Allah (آله وسلم (صلى هللا عليه و

    said, ‘I used to prohibit you from eating the meat of sacrifice beyond three days so that those

    who have the ability would give to those who do not have it. Now eat as you like, feed others,

    and save from it.’

    Imam Tirmidhi said, there are narrations on this topic from Ibn Mas'ud, Ummul Momineen

    Aisha, Nubaishah, Abu Sa’eed, Qatadah bin An-Nu'mãn, Arias, and Ummul Momineen Umm

    Salama ( تعال هللا یرضئ He said, the Hadith of Sulaiman bin Buraidah is a Hasan Sahih .(عنہم

    Hadith. This is acted upon according to the people of knowledge among the Companions of the

    Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) and others.

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 022

    ِ صلى هللا عليه َحدَّثَنَا قُتَْيبَةُ، َحدَّثَنَا أَبُو األَْحَوِص، َعْن أَبِي إِْسَحاقَ َربِيعَةَ، قَاَل قُْلُت ألُم ِ اْلُمْؤِمنِيَن أََكاَن َرُسوُل َّللاَّ ، َعْن َعابِِس ْبِن

    ي ِمَن النَّاِس فَأََحبَّ أَْن يُْطعََم َمنْ ي َولَ وسلم يَْنَهى َعْن لُُحوِم األََضاِحي قَالَْت الَ َولَِكْن قَلَّ َمْن َكاَن يَُضح ِ قَدْ كُنَّا نَْرفَُع لَْم يَكُْن يَُضح ِ

    أَيَّاٍم َعَشَرةِ بَْعدَ فَنَأْكُلُهُ َصِحيٌح .اْلكَُراعَ َحِديٌث َحَسٌن هَذَا أَبُو ِعيَسى ِ صلى هللا عليه .قَاَل النَّبِي َزْوُج َعائَِشةُ اْلُمْؤِمنِيَن ِهَي َوأُمُّ

    .ٍه وسلم َوقَدْ ُرِوَي َعْنَها هَذَا اْلَحِديُث ِمْن َغْيِر َوجْ

    Abis bin Rabi'ah narrated that he asked (one of the) mothers of the believers, did the Apostle of

    Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) prohibit from the meat of the sacrifice?' She said: 'no, but only a few

    people could slaughter, so he liked that they feed those who did not slaughter. (Later) we would

    store a leg to eat after ten days.

    Imam Tirmidhi said, this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. The Mother of the Believers is Aisha, the wife

    of the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم). This Hadith was reported from her through more than one


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    CHAPTER (15)

    باب َما َجاَء فِي اْلفََرِع َواْلعَتِيَرةِ

    What is related about the Fara and the Atirah (the

    customs of the time of ignorance before Islam) Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 023

    ، َعِن اْبِن اْلمُ ْهِريِ اِق، أَْخبََرنَا َمْعَمٌر، َعِن الزُّ زَّ ِ َحدَّثَنَا َمْحُمودُ ْبُن َغْيالََن، َحدَّثَنَا َعْبدُ الرَّ َسيَِّب، َعْن أَبِي هَُرْيَرةَ، قَاَل قَاَل َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    ُل النِ َواْلفََرعُ . " الَ فََرعَ َوالَ َعتِيَرةَ " صلى هللا عليه وسلم قَاَل َوفِي اْلبَاِب َعْن نُبَْيَشةَ َوِمْخنَِف ْبِن .تَاجِ َكاَن يُْنتَُج لَُهْم فَيَذْبَُحونَهُ أَوَّ

    َها فِي َرَجٍب يُعَِظ ُموَن َشْهَر َواْلعَتِيَرةُ ذَبِيَحةٌ َكانُوا يَذْبَُحونَ .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .ُسلَْيٍم َوأَبِي اْلعَُشَراِء َعْن أَبِيِه

    ِة َواْلمُ ُل َشْهٍر ِمْن أَْشُهِر اْلُحُرِم َوأَْشُهُر اْلُحُرِم َرَجٌب َوذُو اْلقَْعدَةِ َوذُو اْلِحجَّ اٌل َوذُو اْلقَْعدَةِ َوَعْشٌر َرَجٍب ألَنَّهُ أَوَّ ُم َوأَْشُهُر اْلَحجِ َشوَّ َحرَّ

    ِة َكذَِلَك رُ .ِمْن ِذي اْلِحجَّ ِوَي َعْن بَْعِض أَْصَحاِب النَّبِيِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َوَغْيِرِهْم فِي أَْشُهِر اْلَحجِ

    Abu Hurairah (تعالی عنہ وسلم) narrated that the Apostle of Allah (رضئ هللا آله و عليه ,said (صلى هللا

    there is no ‘Fara' or 'Atirah.’ The Fara' is the first of the offspring that would be born (to a halal

    animal), so they would slaughter it. The 'Atirah was an animal that they would slaughter during

    Rajab to honor the month of Rajab, since it was the first of the sacred months.

    Imam Tirmidhi said, this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. The sacred months are Rajab, Dhul-Qa'dah,

    Dhul-Hijjah, and Al-Muharram. And the months of Hajj are Shawwãl, Dhul-Qa'dah, and the

    (first) ten (days) of DhulHijjah. This is what was reported from some of the Companions of the

    Prophet () and others regarding the months of Hajj. There are narrations on this topic from

    Nushaibah, Mikhnaf bin Sulaim, and Ibn Al-Ushara from his father.

    CHAPTER (16)

    باب َما َجاَء فِي اْلعَِقيقَِة

    What is related about Aqiqah Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 024

    ِ بْ ُن عُثَْماَن ْبِن ُخثَْيٍم، َعْن يُوُسَف ْبِن َماهََك، أَنَُّهْم َحدَّثَنَا أَبُو َسلََمةَ، يَْحيَى ْبُن َخلٍَف اْلبَْصِريُّ َحدَّثَنَا بِْشُر ْبُن اْلُمفَضَِّل، أَْخبََرنَا َعْبدُ َّللاَّ

    ِ صدََخلُوا َعلَى َحْفَصةَ بِنْ ْحَمِن فََسأَلُوهَا َعِن اْلعَِقيقَِة، فَأَْخبََرتُْهْم أَنَّ َعائَِشةَ أَْخبََرتَْها أَنَّ َرُسوَل َّللاَّ لى هللا عليه وسلم أََمَرهُْم ِت َعْبِد الرَّ

    ٍ .َعِن اْلغُالَِم َشاتَاِن ُمَكافِئَتَاِن َوَعِن اْلَجاِريَِة َشاةٌ ِ ْبِن َعْمٍرو قَاَل َوفِي اْلبَاِب َعْن َعِلي َوأُم ِ كُْرٍز َوبَُرْيدَةَ َوَسُمَرةَ َوأَبِي هَُرْيَرةَ َوَعْبِد َّللاَّ

    ْحَمِن ْبِن .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى َحِديُث َعائَِشةَ َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .َوأَنٍَس َوَسْلَماَن ْبِن َعاِمٍر َواْبِن َعبَّاٍس أَبِي َوَحْفَصةُ ِهَي بِْنُت َعْبِد الرَّ

    يِق د ِ .بَْكٍر الص ِ

  • 14 Return to Contents

    Yusuf bin Mahak narrated that they went to Hafsah bint Abdur Rahman (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہا) to ask

    her about the Aqiqah. She informed them that Ummul Momineen Aisha (تعالی عنہا had (رضئ هللا

    informed her that the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) ordered that for a new born boy, two

    sheep and for a girl one sheep was sufficient.

    There are narrations on this topic from Ali, Umm Kurz, Buraidah, Samurah, Abu Hurairah,

    Abdullãh bin Amr, Anas, Salman bin Amir, and Ibn Abbas ( تعال عنہم یرضئ هللا ). Imam Tirmidhi

    said, the Hadith of Ummul Momineen Aisha ( عنہا یرضئ هللا تعال ) is a Hasan Sahih Hadith. Hafsah

    is the daughter of Abdur Rahmän bin Abu Bakr As-Siddiq ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ).

    CHAPTER (17)

    باب األَذَاِن فِي أُذُِن اْلَمْولُوِد

    The Adhan in the ear of the newborn Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 025

    ،ٍ ْحَمِن ْبُن َمْهِدي دُ ْبُن بَشَّاٍر، َحدَّثَنَا يَْحيَى ْبُن َسِعيٍد، َوَعْبدُ الرَّ ِ َحدَّثَنَا ُمَحمَّ ِ، َعْن عُبَْيِد َّللاَّ َرنَا ُسْفيَاُن، َعْن َعاِصِم ْبِن عُبَْيِد َّللاَّ قَاالَ أَْخبَ

    ٍ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم أَذََّن فِي أُذُِن اْلَحَسِن ْبِن َعِلي قَاَل .ِحيَن َولَدَتْهُ فَاِطَمةُ بِالصَّالَةِ ْبِن أَبِي َرافِعٍ، َعْن أَبِيِه، قَاَل َرأَْيُت َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم ِمْن َغْيِر .أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح اْلِعْلِم فِي اْلعَِقيقَِة َعلَى َما ُرِوَي َعِن النَّبِي َواْلعََمُل ِعْندَ أَْهِل

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم أَْيًضا أَنَّهُ َعقَّ َعِن اْلَحَسِن بَِشاةٍ َوقَدْ َوُروِ - .َوْجٍه َعِن اْلغُالَِم َشاتَاِن ُمَكافِئَتَاِن َوَعِن اْلَجاِريَِة َشاةٌ َي َعِن النَّبِي

    .ذَهََب بَْعُض أَْهِل اْلِعْلِم إِلَى هَذَا اْلَحِديِث

    Ubaidullah bin Abi Rafi narrated from his father that the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    said the Adhan in the ear of Al-Hasan bin Ali (تعالی عنہ when he was born to Sayyida (رضئ هللا

    Fatimah (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہا) like the Adhan of Salah.

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. And it is acted upon, regarding the Aqiqah.

    Through other routes, it has been reported from the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) that for a boy

    two sheep and for a girl one sheep is sufficient. And it has also been reported that he had one

    sheep for the Aqiqa for Imam A1-Hasan bin Ali ( تعال هللا عنہ یرضئ ). Some of the people of

    knowledge followed this Hadith.

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 026

    اِق، أَْخبََرنَا ِهَشاُم ْبُن َحسَّاَن، َعْن َحْفَصةَ زَّ ٍ اْلَخالَُّل، َحدَّثَنَا َعْبدُ الرَّ بَاِب، َعْن َسْلَماَن ْبِن َحدَّثَنَا اْلَحَسُن ْبُن َعِلي بِْنِت ِسيِريَن، َعِن الرَّ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم ِ، قَاَل قَاَل َرُسوُل َّللاَّ ب ِي . " َع اْلغُالَِم َعِقيقَةٌ فَأَْهِريقُوا َعْنهُ دًَما َوأَِميطُوا َعْنهُ األَذَى مَ " َعاِمٍر الضَّ

  • 15 Return to Contents

    Salman bin Amir Ad-Dabbi (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that the Apostle of Allah ( صلى هللا عليه و آله

    ’.said, ‘for a boy, there is an 'Aqiqah. So, spill blood for him and remove the harm from him (وسلم

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 027

    ُسلَْيَمانَ ْبِن َعاِصِم َعْن عُيَْينَةَ، اْبُن أَْخبََرنَا اِق، زَّ الرَّ َعْبدُ َحدَّثَنَا ،ٍ َعِلي ْبُن اْلَحَسُن َعِن َحدَّثَنَا ِسيِريَن، بِْنِت َحْفَصةَ َعْن األَْحَوِل،

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم ِمثْلَ بَاِب، َعْن َسْلَماَن ْبِن َعاِمٍر، َعِن النَّبِي .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .هُ الرَّ

    Another chain of the above Hadith with similar content.

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih.

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 028

    ٍ ِ ْبُن أَبِي يَِزيدَ، َعْن ِسبَاعِ َحدَّثَنَا اْلَحَسُن ْبُن َعِلي اِق، َعِن اْبِن ُجَرْيجٍ، أَْخبََرنَا عُبَْيدُ َّللاَّ زَّ ُل، َحدَّثَنَا َعْبدُ الرَّدَ ْبَن اْلَخالَّ ْبِن ثَابٍِت، أَنَّ ُمَحمَّ

    ِ َعِن اْلغُالَِم َشاتَاِن َوَعِن " صلى هللا عليه وسلم َعِن اْلعَِقيقَِة فَقَاَل ثَابِِت ْبِن ِسبَاعٍ، أَْخبََرهُ أَنَّ أُمَّ كُْرٍز أَْخبََرتْهُ أَنََّها، َسأَلَْت َرُسوَل َّللاَّ

    كُْم ذُْكَرانًا كُنَّ أَْم إِنَاثًا .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح . "اْلَجاِريَِة َواِحدَةٌ َوالَ يَُضرُّ

    Umm Kurz (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہا) narrated that she asked the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم)

    about the 'Aqiqah. He said, ‘for the boy is two sheep, and for the girl is one, it will not harm you

    if they (the sheep) are male or female.’

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih

    CHAPTER (18)


    - Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 025

    ِ صلى هللا َحدَّثَنَا َسلََمةُ ْبُن َشبِيٍب، َحدَّثَنَا أَبُو اْلُمِغيَرةِ، َعْن عُفَْيِر ْبِن َمْعدَاَن، َعْن ُسلَْيِم ْبِن َعاِمٍر، عَ ْن أَبِي أَُماَمةَ، قَاَل قَاَل َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    اْلُحلَّةُ " عليه وسلم اْلَكفَِن َوَخْيُر اْلَكْبُش األُْضِحيَِة َغِريٌب . " َخْيُر َحِديٌث هَذَا ِعيَسى أَبُو فِي .قَاَل يَُضعَُّف َمْعدَاَن ْبُن َوعُفَْيُر


    Abu Umamah (تعالی عنہ آله وسلم) narrated that the Apostle of Allah (رضئ هللا و عليه ,said (صلى هللا

    ‘the best of Udhiyah (sacrifice) is a ram, and the best (burial) shroud is the Hullah.

  • 16 Return to Contents

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Gharib as Ufair bin Madan was graded weak in Hadith.

    CHAPTER (19)


    - Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 030

    ِ صلى ْبُن َمنِيعٍ، َحدَّثَنَا َرْوُح ْبُن عُبَادَةَ، َحدَّثَنَا اْبُن َعْوٍن، َحدَّثَنَا أَبُو َرْملَةَ، َعْن ِمْخنَِف ْبِن ُسلَيْ َحدَّثَنَا أَْحَمدُ ٍم، قَاَل كُنَّا ُوقُوفًا َمَع النَّبِي

    أَْهِل بَْيٍت فِي كُل ِ َعاٍم أُْضِحيَةٌ َوَعتِيَرةٌ هَْل تَدُْروَن َما اْلعَتِيَرةُ ِهَي يَا أَيَُّها النَّاُس َعلَى كُل ِ " هللا عليه وسلم بِعََرفَاٍت فََسِمْعتُهُ يَقُوُل

    َجبِيَّةَ ونََها الرَّ . اْبِن َعْوٍن قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َغِريٌب َوالَ نَْعِرُف هَذَا اْلَحِديَث إاِلَّ ِمْن هَذَا اْلَوْجِه ِمْن َحِديثِ . " الَّتِي تَُسمُّ

    Mikhnaf bin Sulaim (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that they were standing with the Prophet ( صلى هللا

    at Arafat when he heard him say, 'O you people, for every household each year is (عليه و آله وسلم

    Udhiyah (sacrifice) and 'Atirah. Do you know what an 'Atirah is? It is that which you call Ar-


    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Gharib as we do not know of this Hadith except through this

    route narrated by Ibn Awn.

    CHAPTER (20)

    باب اْلعَِقيقَِة بَِشاةٍ

    The Aqiqah with one sheep Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 031

    ِد ْبِن إِْسحَ ، َحدَّثَنَا َعْبدُ األَْعلَى ْبُن َعْبِد األَْعلَى، َعْن ُمَحمَّ دُ ْبُن يَْحيَى اْلقَُطِعيُّ ِ ْبِن َحدَّثَنَا ُمَحمَّ ِد ْبِن اَق، َعْن َعْبِد َّللاَّ أَبِي بَْكٍر، َعْن ُمَحمَّ

    ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َعِن اْلَحَسِن بِشَ ْبِن أَبِي َطاِلٍب، قَاَل َعقَّ َرُسوُل َّللاَّ ِ ْبِن اْلُحَسْيِن، َعْن َعِلي ِ " اةٍ َوقَاَل َعِلي يَا فَاِطَمةُ اْحِلِقي

    ةً َشْعِرِه فِضَّ بِِزنَِة "َرأَْسهُ َوتََصدَّقِي بَْعَض ِدْرهٍَم . قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َغِريٌب .قَاَل فََوَزنَتْهُ فََكاَن َوْزنُهُ ِدْرهًَما أَْو

    ِ ْبِن اْلُحَسْيِن لَْم يُدِْرْك َعِليَّ ْبَن أَبِي َطاِلبٍ .َوإِْسنَادُهُ لَْيَس بُِمتَِّصٍل دُ ْبُن َعِلي . َوأَبُو َجْعفٍَر ُمَحمَّ

    Imam Muhammad bin Ali bin Al-Husain (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that Ali bin Abi Talib ( رضئ

    رضئ ) had the 'Aqiqah for Al-Hasan (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) said, ‘the Apostle of Allah (هللا تعالی عنہ

    shave his head and give the (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہا) with one sheep, and said, 'O Fatimah (هللا تعالی عنہ

  • 17 Return to Contents

    weight of his hair in silver as charity.' He said, so I weighed it, and it was the weight of a Dirham

    or a bit of a Dirham.

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Gharib as its chain of narration is not connected. Abu Jafar

    Muhammad bin Ali bin Al-Husain did not see Ali bin Abu Talib ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال )

    CHAPTER (21)


    - Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 032

    دِ اُن، َعِن اْبِن َعْوٍن، َعْن ُمَحمَّ ٍ اْلَخالَُّل، َحدَّثَنَا أَْزهَُر ْبُن َسْعٍد السَّمَّ ْحَمِن ْبِن أَبِي بَْكَرةَ، َحدَّثَنَا اْلَحَسُن ْبُن َعِلي ْبِن ِسيِريَن، َعْن َعْبِد الرَّ

    .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .فَدََعا بَِكْبَشْيِن فَذَبََحُهَما َعْن أَبِيِه، أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َخَطَب ثُمَّ نََزَل

    Abdur Rahman bin Abi Bakrah narrated from his father that the Prophet (آله وسلم (صلى هللا عليه و

    gave a Khutbah, then he descended and called for two rams and slaughtered them.

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih.

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 033

    ْحَمِن، َعْن َعْمِرو ْبِن أَبِي َعْمٍرو، َعِن اْلُمطَِّلِب، َعنْ ِ َحدَّثَنَا قُتَْيبَةُ، َحدَّثَنَا يَْعقُوُب ْبُن َعْبِد الرَّ ِ، قَاَل َشِهدُْت َمَع النَّبِي َجابِِر ْبِن َعْبِد َّللاَّ

    ا قََضى ُخْطبَتَهُ نَ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم بِيَِدِه صلى هللا عليه وسلم األَْضَحى بِاْلُمَصلَّى فَلَمَّ َزَل َعْن ِمْنبَِرِه فَأُتَِي بَِكْبٍش فَذَبََحهُ َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    تِي " َوقَاَل ِ ِمْن أُمَّ ْن لَْم يَُضح ُ أَْكبَُر هَذَا َعن ِي َوَعمَّ ِ َوَّللاَّ َواْلعََمُل َعلَى .ْجِه قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َغِريٌب ِمْن هَذَا اْلوَ . "بِْسِم َّللاَّ

    بِ ذَبََح إِذَا ُجُل الرَّ يَقُوَل أَْن َوَغْيِرِهْم ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم النَّبِي أَْصَحاِب ِمْن اْلِعْلِم أَْهِل ِعْندَ اْبِن هَذَا قَْوُل َوهَُو أَْكبَُر ُ َوَّللاَّ ِ ْسِم َّللاَّ

    ِ .اْلُمبَاَرِك . ْبِن َحْنَطٍب يُقَاُل إِنَّهُ لَْم يَْسَمْع ِمْن َجابٍِر َواْلُمطَِّلُب ْبُن َعْبِد َّللاَّ

    Jabir bin Abdullah (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that he attended the Eid Al-Adha' with the Prophet

    وسلم) آله و عليه هللا at the Musalla. When he finished his Khutbah, he descended from his (صلى

    Minbar and was given a male sheep. The Apostle of Allah (آله وسلم slaughtered it (صلى هللا عليه و

    with his hand and said - ُأَْكبَر ُ ِ َوَّللاَّ ,In the name of Allah and Allah is the greatest], then said ] بِْسِم َّللاَّ

    ‘this from me and whoever could not slaughter from my Ummah.'

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Gharib from this route. However, this is acted upon according

    to the people of knowledge among the Companions of the Prophet (وسلم آله و عليه هللا and (صلى

    others. When a man slaughters, he says - ُأَْكبَر ُ ِ َوَّللاَّ This is the view of Ibn Al-Mubãrak. As .بِْسِم َّللاَّ

    for (one of the narrators) Al-Muttalib bin Abdullah bin Hantab, it is said that he did not hear

    from Jabir ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ).

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    CHAPTER (22)

    باب ِمَن اْلعَِقيقَِة

    About the Aqiqa

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 034

    ِ صلى هللا عليه َحدَّثَنَا َعِليُّ ْبُن ُحْجٍر، أَْخبََرنَا َعِليُّ ْبُن ُمْسِهٍر، َعْن إِْسَماِعيَل ْبِن ُمْسِلٍم، َعِن اْلَحَسِن، َعْن َسمُ َرةَ، قَاَل قَاَل َرُسوُل َّللاَّ

    بَُح َعْنهُ يَْوَم السَّابِعِ " وسلم . "ى َويُْحلَُق َرأُْسهُ َسمَّ َويُ اْلغُالَُم ُمْرتََهٌن بِعَِقيقَتِِه يُذْ

    Samurah (رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ) narrated that the Apostle of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said, ‘the boy is mortgaged by

    his Aqiqah; slaughtering should be done for him on the seventh day of his birth and he should be

    given a name, and his head should be shaved.

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 035

    ٍ اْلَخالَُّل، َحدَّثَنَا يَِزيدُ ْبُن هَاُروَن، أَْخبََرنَا َسِعيدُ ْبُن أَبِي َعُروبَةَ، َعْن قَتَادَةَ، َعِن اْلَحَسِن، َعْن َسُمَرةَ ْبِن ُجْندٍَب، َحدَّثَنَا اْلَحَسُن ْبُن َعِلي

    نَْحَوهُ ِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم َعلَى هَذَا ِعْندَ أَْهِل اْلعِ .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح .َعِن النَّبِي يَْستَِحبُّوَن أَْن َواْلعََمُل ْلِم

    ابِعِ َعَشَر يَْوَم السَّابِعِ فَيَْوَم الرَّ يَتََهيَّأْ يَْوَم السَّابِعِ فَإِْن لَْم َوقَالُوا الَ يُذْبََح َعِن اْلغُالَِم اْلعَِقيقَةُ يَْوَم َحاٍد َوِعْشِريَن يَتََهيَّأْ عُقَّ َعْنهُ فَإِْن لَْم

    الشَّاةِ إاِلَّ َما يُْجِزُئ فِي األُْضِحيَِة يُْجِزُئ فِي اْلعَِقيقَِة ِمنَ .

    Another chain with similar meaning.

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. This is acted upon according to the people of

    knowledge. They consider it recommended that the Aqiqa be done for the boy on the seventh

    day. If it is not possible, then it is done on the fourteenth day. If that is also not possible then it

    can be done on the twenty-first day. They say that no sheep is acceptable for Aqiqa which is not

    acceptable for Udhiyah.

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    CHAPTER (23)

    َي باب تَْرِك أَْخِذ الشَّْعِر ِلَمْن أََرادَ أَْن يَُضح ِ

    Avoiding shaving one’s hair for those who want to

    offer sacrfice Jami at-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Bk 19, Hadith # 036

    ، دُ ْبُن َجْعفٍَر، َعْن ُشْعبَةَ، َعْن َماِلِك ْبِن أَنٍَس، َعْن َعْمٍرو، أَْو عَُمَر ْبِن ُمْسِلٍم َعْن َسعِ َحدَّثَنَا أَْحَمدُ ْبُن اْلَحَكِم اْلبَْصِريُّ يِد ْبِن َحدَّثَنَا ُمَحمَّ

    ِة َوأَرَ " اْلُمَسيَِّب، َعْن أُِم َسلََمةَ، َعِن النَّبِيِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم قَاَل َشْعِرِه َمْن َرأَى ِهالََل ِذي اْلِحجَّ َي فَالَ يَأُْخذَنَّ ِمْن ادَ أَْن يَُضِح

    ْبِن .قَاَل أَبُو ِعيَسى هَذَا َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيٌح . " َوالَ ِمْن أَْظفَاِرِه ْبُن َعْمِرو دُ ْبُن ُمْسِلٍم قَدْ َرَوى َعْنهُ ُمَحمَّ َوالصَِّحيُح هَُو َعْمُرو

    هَذَا اْلَوْجِه دْ ُرِوَي هَذَا اْلَحِديُث َعْن َسِعيِد ْبِن اْلُمَسيَِّب َعْن أُِم َسلََمةَ َعِن النَّبِيِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم ِمْن َغْيِر َوقَ .َعْلقََمةَ َوَغْيُر َواِحٍد

    َوإِلَى هَذَا .نَْحَو هَذَا ْبُن اْلُمَسيَِّب يَقُوُل َسِعيدُ َوبِِه َكاَن اْلِعْلِم بَْعِض أَْهِل َوإِْسَحاُق َوهَُو قَْوُل بَْعُض .اْلَحِديِث ذَهََب أَْحَمدُ َص َوَرخَّ

    َوهَُو قَْوُل الشَّافِِعيِ َواْحتَجَّ بَِحِديِث َعائَِشةَ أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى هللا عليه .أَْهِل اْلِعْلِم فِي ذَِلَك فَقَالُوا الَ بَأَْس أَْن يَأُْخذَ ِمْن َشْعِرِه َوأَْظفَاِرِه

    ا يَْجتَنُِب ِمْنهُ اْلُمْحِرُم وسلم َكانَ .يَْبعَُث بِاْلَهدِْى ِمَن اْلَمِدينَِة فَالَ يَْجتَنُِب َشْيئًا ِممَّ

    Ummul Momineen Umm Salamah ( رضئ هللا تعالی عنہا) narrated that the Prophet ( صلى هللا عليه و آله

    said, ‘whoever sees the crescent of Dhul-Hijjah and wants to slaughter a sacrifice he should (وسلم

    not trim his hair or nails (until he sacrificed on the day of Eid).

    Imam Tirmidhi said this Hadith is Hasan Sahih. What is correct (in the chain) is Amr bin

    Muslim, Muhammad bin Amr bin Alqamah and others narrated from him. This Hadith has been

    reported from Sa'eed bin Al-Musayyab, from Ummul Momineen Umm Salamah ( تعال یرضئ هللا

    آله وسلم) from the Prophet ,(عنہا عليه و through routes other than this and it is similar in ,(صلى هللا

    meaning. This is the saying of some of the people of knowledge, and it is the view of Sa'eed bin

    Al-Musayyab, and Ahmad and Is-haq went with this Hadith. Some of the people of knowledge

    permitted it and said that there is no harm if he removes his hair and his nails. This is the view of

    Ash-Shãfi'i, and he used the Hadith of Ummul Momineen Aisha ( عنہا یرضئ هللا تعال ) as proof that

    the Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) would dispatch from Madinah with the Hadi and he would not

    avoid anything that the Muhrim would avoid.