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JAMIE WALKER Creative Portfolio [email protected] IMDb Film Website: www.jdwalker.org

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JAMIE    WALKER  Crea t i v e   P o r t f o l i o  


               j a m i e w a l @ u s c . e d u    I M D b      F i l m   W e b s i t e :   w w w . j d w a l k e r . o r g    


Abou t      

I   a m   a   s p i r i t e d ,   d o w n   t o   e a r t h ,   a n d  p a s s i o n a t e   i n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y  p r o d u c e r / d i r e c t o r   a n d   s c r e e n w r i t e r .  W i t h   m y   c o m b i n e d   t h e a t e r   b a c k g r o u n d ,  I   h a v e   o v e r   1 5   y e a r s   o f   e x p e r i e n c e   i n  t h e   i n d u s t r y .   I   h a v e   s e r v e d   a s   U n i t  P r o d u c t i o n   M a n a g e r   f o r   f i l m   c o m p a n i e s ,  o r g a n i z i n g   l o g i s t i c s ,   c a s t i n g ,   a n d  c o l l a b o r a t i n g   w i t h   c a s t   a n d   c r e w .   I   a m  a   S u n d a n c e   F i l m   F e s t i v a l   P i t c h i n g  C o n t e s t   W i n n e r   f o r   a   b i o p i c   a b o u t  O s c a r   M i c h e a u x   t h a t   I ’ d   l i k e   t o   f u r t h e r   d e v e l o p   a t   U S C .   I   h a v e  w r i t t e n   s c r e e n p l a y s   f o r   t h e   A m e r i c a n   C i v i l   L i b e r t i e s   U n i o n :   A C L U ,  M a k e   i t   H a p p e n   E n t e r t a i n m e n t ,   I n   Y o   F a c e   F i l m   W o r k s ,   a n d   J D  P u b l i s h i n g   G r o u p ,   L L C .   I   h a v e   a l s o   b e e n   o f f e r e d   a   “ f i r s t   l o o k ”  d i s t r i b u t i o n   d e a l   b y   W o l f e   V i d e o   f o r   o n e   o f   m y   s c r e e n p l a y s .   M y  f i l m s   h a v e   s c r e e n e d   a t   T h e   G r a m m y   M u s e u m   i n   L o s   A n g e l e s   a n d   o v e r  1 5   o t h e r   f i l m   f e s t i v a l s   a r o u n d   t h e   U n i t e d   S t a t e s .   I   w a s   a   g i f t e d  c h i l d   w h o   t o o k   H o n o r s   c o u r s e s   a l l   t h r o u g h o u t   e l e m e n t a r y ,   h i g h  s c h o o l ,   a n d   c o l l e g e   a n d   n o t   o n l y   s e r v e d   a s   t h e   C a l i f o r n i a   S t a t e  C h a m p i o n   i n   D r a m a t i c   I n t e r p r e t a t i o n   w h e n   I   w a s   j u n i o r   i n   h i g h  s c h o o l ,   b u t   a l s o   t o u r e d   w i t h   s e v e r a l   p l a y s   a s   a   l e a d i n g   a c t r e s s   a t  S a n   F r a n c i s c o   S t a t e   U n i v e r s i t y ,   w h e r e   I   t o o k   a d v a n c e d   a c t i n g  c l a s s e s   a n d   m a j o r e d   i n   D r a m a .   I   a m   c u r r e n t l y   a   m e m b e r   o f   A F I ,   F i l m  S p e c i f i c ,   T h e   F i l m   C o l l a b o r a t i v e ,   B a d   W e s t -­‐ L A ,   a n d   T h e   B l a c k o u t   f o r  H u m a n   R i g h t s   F i l m   C o l l e c t i v e ,   w h i c h   i s   a   n e t w o r k   o f   y o u n g  i n d e p e n d e n t   B l a c k   f i l m m a k e r s   i n c l u d i n g   R y a n   C o o g l e r   ( U S C   a l u m ) ,  w h o   a r e   u s i n g   f i l m   a s   a   m e d i u m   f o r   s o c i a l   c h a n g e .   T h i s   p o r t f o l i o  r e p r e s e n t s   a   s n a p s h o t   o f   m y   c r e a t i v e   w o r k   a s   a   p r o d u c e r ,   d i r e c t o r ,  w r i t e r ,   a c t r e s s ,   p u b l i s h e r ,   a n d   i n s t r u c t o r .    

 WEB  LINKS    Filmmaker’s  Digital  Film  Portfolio  Online:      Filmmaker’s  Website:  http://www.jdwalker.org    IMDb:  http://www.imdb.me/JDWalker  

S P E C I A L   S K I L L S    • In  Design  • Photoshop    • Illustrator  • Dreamweaver  • HTML    • Avid  • Final  Cut  Pro  X  • Web  2.0  Tools    • MS  Office  Suite    


  E d u c a t i o n    B.A.     -­‐    Drama  (cum  laude),  San  Francisco  State  University               1998    Ph.D.     -­‐    African  American  and  Caribbean  Literature  (distinction),  Howard  University     2005  (received  at  age  27)  Certificate    -­‐    Online  Teaching  and  Management,  Sloan-­‐C  Consortium           2013    M.F.A.      -­‐    TV  &  Film  Production,    University  of  Southern  California           In  progress  




OFFICIAL SITE: www.oscarmicheauxmovie.com

Screenplay: Jamie Walker


IMDb Screenplay: Jamie Walker  


www.thepostwomanmovie.com Screenplay: Jamie Walker  


IMDb Screenplay: Jamie Walker


Black Wall Street Movie Screenplay: Jamie Walker



S e l e c t e d   F i l m   P r o j e c t s   ( A b o v e )          


   July  2015,  Tribute  to  Sandra  Bland:  Know  Your  Rights  (Episode  1),  digital  video,  3  minutes.    Position:  writer/producer/unit  production  manager.  A  short  documentary  series detailing an individual's rights and responsibilities when dealing with law enforcement. Created  for  the  American  Civil  Liberties  Union  (ACLU)  Mobile  Justice-­‐CA  app,  which  is  called  Know  Your  Rights  –  CA  in  Los  Angeles.    Vimeo  Link:  https://vimeo.com/136264511        Password:  1234      




July  2015,  Racial  Profiling:  Know  Your  Rights  (Episode  2),  digital  video,  3  minutes.    Position:  writer/producer/unit  production  manager.  A  short  documentary  series detailing an individual's rights and responsibilities when dealing with law enforcement. Created  for  the  American  Civil  Liberties  Union  (ACLU)  Mobile  Justice-­‐CA  app,  which  is  called  Know  Your  Rights  –  CA  in  Los  Angeles.    Vimeo  Link:    https://vimeo.com/136900879    Password:  123    July  2015,  Beatnik,  digital  video,  88  minutes.    Position:  unit  production  manager/producer.  A  feature  film  about  a  Black  woman  teacher  who  lands  her  first  job  at  a  continuation  school  in  West  Oakland  and,  after  learning  about  the  struggles  her  teens  are  facing,  stands  up  to  advocate  for  their  fragile  lives.  Created  for  The  Movement  Media  Group  and  In  Yo  Face  Film  Works.    

 May  2015,  Happy  Birthday  Oscar  Grant,  Love  Mom,  digital  video,  10  minutes.    Position:  producer/behind  the  scenes  photographer.  A  short  documentary  featuring  the  mother  of  Oscar  Grant,  an  Oakland  teen  who  was  murdered  by  a  BART  police  officer.  The  introspective  documentary  takes  us  into  the  home  of  Wanda,  Oscar’s  mother,  who  celebrates  her  son’s  birthday  together  with  family  and  friends  years  after  his  passing.  Created  for  Mo  Gorjestani  along  with  Ephraim  Walker  at  Molecule  Film  Works.          January  2015,  Oscar  Micheaux  Biopic,  digital  video,  98  minutes.    Position:  producer/screenwriter.  A  biopic  set  during  the  Harlem  Renaissance  era  about  a  Negro  pioneer  from  the  silent  film  era  who  faces  numerous  obstacles  from  the  censorship  board  and  the  black  press  getting  his  first  feature  film  distributed.  Created  as  a  result  of  my  Sundance  Film  Festival  Pitching  Contest  Win  in  2013  and  for  Make  It  Happen  Entertainment,  who  has  optioned  film.      January  2014,  The  Postwoman,  digital  video,  112  minutes.    Position:  writer/director/producer.  The story of a single Black mother who, after being laid off from her job, gains her independence when she confronts her family about her secret life with another woman. Created for Southern Fried Chicken Film works with a “first look” offer from Wolfe Video.  

 August  2014,  Family  Equality  Services:  Documentary,  digital  video,  10  min.    Position:  producer.  A  short  documentary  advocating  for  the  rights  of  LGBT  partners,  spouses,  and  families  to  have  equal  access  to  reproductive  care.  Created  for  Maya  Scott  Chung  for  Family  Equality  Services.    July  2013,  The  Movement  Media  Group:  Film  Trailers,  digital  video,  9  minutes.    Position:  cinematographer/producer.  Film  two  short  trailers  set  in  Vallejo,  California  for  Ephraim  Walker,  president  of  The  Movement  Media  Group,  about  young  African  American  teens  and  their  experiences  with  racial  profiling.        June  2012,  Year  of  the  Snake,  digital  video,  12  minutes.    Position:  associate  producer/grip.  A  Japanese  love  story  that chronicles one man's descent into the illegal human organ trafficking business in the USA. Created for Nancy Baysinger Productions. January  2010,  The  Postwoman,  digital  video,  9  minutes.    


Position:  writer/director/producer.  A single mom gains her independence when she confronts her family about her secret life with another woman. Created for JD Publishing Group.  


 CIRQUE  DU  SOLIEL                     Santa  Monica,  CA  Production  Assistant                     2014  

• Manage  crowd  control  in  and  out  of  theater,  guiding  traffic  and  answering  questions.    • Manage  cash  registers  in  Food  Services.  Prepare  and  deliver  purchases,  including  restocking  

shelves.    • Maintain  friendly  atmosphere  and  courteous  service.    


TINA  MABRY  PRODUCTIONS                 Los  Angeles,  CA    Production  Assistant                     2012    

• Assist  production  office  for  Future  States,  a  PBS  documentary,  with  call  sheets  and  administrative  tasks,  including  creating  and  distributing  production  forms  such  as  contracts  to  cast  and  crew.    

• Maintain  database  of  cast  and  crew  and  coordinated  transportation  services.    • Lead  and  direct  cast  and  crew  on  set  as  well.  Provide  and  arrange  crafty  services  for  cast  and  crew.    • Organize  the  positioning  and  relocation  of  props  on  set.      


MYNAH  FILM  WORKS                   Oakland,  CA    Production  Assistant  (Dyke  Central  Web  Series)             2013  

• Delivered  production  team  support  by  leading  and  directing  talent.  • Arranged  and  staged  props  on  set.    • Provided  transportation  services  for  team.  • Distributed  call  sheets  and  helped  to  arrange  crafty  services  for  talent  and  crew.    



FILM  FESTIVAL  SCREENINGS          Black Hollywood's Sista's are Doin It for Themselves Film Festival (World Premiere) Hollywood, CA Saturday, April 17, 2010 Philadelphia Black Gay Pride Film Festival Philadelphia, PA Friday, April 23, 2010 The Boston LGBT Film Festival Boston, MA Friday, May 14, 2010 The Queer Women of Color Film Festival (Origination) San Francisco, CA Friday, June 11, 2010 Frameline 34 Film Festival San Francisco, CA Weds. June 23, 2010 Oakland "Mo Butta" Pride Film Festival Oakland, CA Friday June 25, 2010 South Carolina Black Pride Film Festival South Carolina June 25, 2010 Chicago "Windy City" Black Pride Film Festival Chicago, IL Thursday, July 1, 2010 Black Women’s Arts Festival Philadelphia, PA Thursday, July 28, 2010 Triangle-Shades of Pride (Raleigh/Chapel Hill/Durham) Film Fest Raleigh, NC Saturday, July 31, 2010 Indiana Black Pride Film Festival Indiana Saturday, August 7, 2010


Michigan Womyn's Music & Film Festival Michigan Saturday, August 7, 2010 The Oakland International Black LGBT Film Festival Oakland, CA Thursday, August 12, 2010 Nashville Black Pride Film Festival Nashville, TN October 2010 Atlanta Black Pride Film Festival Atlanta, GA Friday, September 4 & Sunday September 5 Detroit 4th Annual Women of Color International Film Festival Detroit, MI The Reel Sistas of the African Diaspora Film Festival October 16, 2010 New York Out on Film Festival Atlanta, GA October 2010 The African American Film Festival Portland, Oregon Saturday, November 13, 2010 The Savannah LGBT Film Society Film Fest Savannah, GA Dec. 5, 2010 N.I.A. (Bay Area LGBT) Collective Women’s Gathering Walnut Creek, CA December 2010 Brown Sugah Bash Movie Night Washington, DC June 18, 2011 La Femme Film Festival Screenplay "Finalist" Los Angeles, CA October 11-14, 2012 Hollywood Black Film Festival Screenplay "Semi-Finalist" Los Angeles, CA October 25-28, 2012


New York African Diaspora Film Festival The Schomburg Center New York, New York November 3--December 11, 2012 Black Hollywood Many Short Film Showcase Hollywood, CA Saturday, December 14, 2013 Delta Sigma Theta Black Woman Film Showcase Charlotte, NC Friday, January 17, 2014 San Diego Black Film Festival San Diego, CA Friday, January 31, 2014 Texas Black Film Festival Thursday, February 20, 2014 Charlotte Black Film Festival Charlotte, NC Saturday, March 3, 2014 San Francisco Black Film Festival San Francisco, CA Sunday, June 12, 2014 The Grammy Museum – Blackout Film Festival Los Angeles, CA July 2015



FILM & TELEVISION The Postwoman (Feature) Director/Producer/Cinematographer JD Publishing Group, LLC Becoming Oscar Micheaux (Feature) Director/Producer/Cinematographer JD Publishing Group LLC The Young Oscar Micheaux (Short) Director/Producer/Cinematographer JD Publishing Group, LLC Family Equality (Documentary) Cinematographer Dir. Maya Scott-Chung Crossover P.A. Dir. Tina Mabry Year of the Snake P.A. Dir. Nancy Baysinger Fruitvale Station NYE Shopper/Bart Witness Dir. Ryan Coogler Justice Via Arts: Teaching Students Documentary Director/Screenwriter/Cinematographer Dir. JD Walker The Postwoman (Short Film) Director/Writer/Cinematographer Dir. JD Walker A Fractured Life Restaurant Woman Dir. Adam Bushey Michael Jackson: SP2 (JAPAN TV) Oxford University Member/Fan Duo Creative Nash Bridges (CBS) Supporting/Cassidy’s Friend Dir. Whitney Ransick A Wealth of Wisdom (CSPAN) Panel Participant Dir. Camille Cosby Malcolm X: Soldier of Righteousness Church Goer Dir. Cedric O’ Bannan Flubber (Disney Pictures) Basketball Attendee Dir. Les Mayfield

MUSIC VIDEO Mobb Unit Lead Dir: David Schendel

STAGE The Precious Damsels Lead Dir. Sherri Young; Mills College As You Like It Lead Dir. Sherri Young; Afr-Amer Shakespeare Co. House of Bernarda Alba Magdalena Dir. Mary Coleman Magic Theater; SF, CA Gotta Getta Life Lead Dir. Daniel Chumley; SF Mime Troupe Nobody Knows: James Baldwin Lead Dir. Rhonnie Washington; SF State University Arcadia Lead Student Production; SF State University For Colored Girls Supporting Student Production; San Francisco State University Fences Lead Student Production; San Francisco State University

VOICE OVERS Joe Gorham’s Night Life Poetry Show Featured Poet WHUR 96.3 FM Howard University Radio News Anchor WHBC 830 AM Soul Talk with Jamie Walker Host WHBC 830 AM Jazz Overnight Radio Commercial Lead Talent WPFW 89.3 FM Midday Message with Rene Nash Lead Talent WHUR 96.3 FM

SPECIAL SKILLS Casting Assistant, Production Crew (Locations/Grip/PA), Production Office Assistant, Behind the Scenes Photojournalist and Cinematographer, Marketing and Social Media, Casting Coordinator, Interviewing Subjects, Screenwriting, Script and Story Consultant, Voiceover, Teaching Film, Theater, and Documentary Making, Traveling/Logistics, Author, Conference Presenter, Public Speaker, CA Forensic State Champion (for Dramatic Interp. of August Wilson’s Fences), Athletic, Golfing, Hiking, Yoga, Web-Design, HTML, Adobe CS5, Final Cut Pro, File Maker Pro, Typing 100 WPM. Sundance Film Festival Pitching Contest Winner, Sundance Film Festival Table Read My Screenplay Contest (Honorable Mention), Best Short at PDX African American Film Festival, Screenwriting Award from Gregory Allen Howard, Documentary Honorable Mention Award from Camille O. Cosby and Renee Poussaint.

EDUCATION & TRAINING San Francisco State University (B.A.) Theater 1998 John Howard Swain’s Acting for Commercials Workshop 1996




 George  Lucas  Scholarship  Award,  USC  School  of  Cinema             2016  Santa  Clara  University  Innovation  for  Teaching  with  Technology  Award       2013    Sundance  Film  Festival  Pitching  Contest  Winner             2013    Sundance  Film  Festival  Table  Read  My  Screenplay  Contest           2013    National  Visionary  Leadership  Heritage  Fellowship             2003    The  Dr.  Howard  Lonsdale  Screenwriting  Scholarship  Award           2003          The  Sonia  Sanchez  Outstanding  Poetry  Research  Assistant  Award         2001      Lannan  Poetry  Fellowship,  The  Shakespeare  Theater,  Washington,  DC       1999-­‐2003      San  Francisco  State  University  Robert  A.  Corrigan  President’s  Alumni  Award     1998  T.  Nelson  Gilbert  Poetry  Prize  Winner                 1998        The  Tom  Tyrell  Diversity  Award,  San  Francisco  State  University         1998        Outstanding  Undergraduate  Black  Actress  Award,  San  Francisco  State  University     1997        The  Sylvia  Ashe  Award,  San  Francisco  State  University           1997        The  University  Women’s  Association  Award,  San  Francisco  State  University     1996    Franum  Outstanding  African  American  Woman  Award,  San  Francisco  State  University   1995    CA  Forensic  State  Champion  in  Dramatic  Interpretation,  Ventura  Community  College   1993    


 The  Grammy  Museum  –  Blackout  Film  Festival               2015  Frameline  Film  Festival  Volunteer                     2013-­‐2015  Web  Designer  –  Black  Filmmakers  Hall  of  Fame               2014  Qwocmap  Film  Festival  Volunteer                   2010-­‐2014  Experiential  Learning  for  Social  Justice  Community  Organizer             2010-­‐2012    

             Partnered  with  over  63  non-­‐profits  to  develop  short  documentaries  for  their  programs.                  Co-­‐Director  of  Trinity  University  Drama  Club               2008      

Talent  Judge  (Spoken  Word);  Capital  Jazz  Festival,  Washington,  DC         2007                    Talent  Judge  (Poetry  Competition);  Bowie  State  University               2006                    Poetry  Assistant  (Sonia  Sanchez);  Naropa  University               2003                  Events  Coordinator,  Congressional  Black  Caucus,  Washington,  DC             1998        








Click  on  any  link  above.  



Refereed  Journal  Publications  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (2007),  “James  Brown,  The  Godfather  of  Soul,  Dies  at  73,”  Black  Arts  Quarterly.    


             Stanford  University        

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (2004),  “Manifesto  for  My  Soul  (Poem),”  BMa:  The  Sonia  Sanchez  Literary  Review.                  Dilliard  University.    

Magazines  and  Newsletters  

• Ramos,  Jonathan.  "The  San  Francisco  Black  Film  Festival  Honors  Pioneer  Filmmaker,  Oscar  Micheaux,"  San  Francisco  Weekly,  June  2014.    

 • Valrey,  JR.  "Discussing  The  Young  Oscar  Micheaux  with  Filmmaker  Jamie  Walker,"  The  San  Francisco  

Bayview,  (June  2014)      

• Obenson,  Tambay.  "Updates  on  J.D.  Walker's  Oscar  Micheaux  Biopic."  Shadow  and  Act,  August  2013.    

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Only  Love  Can  Heal  Wounds:  Race,  Class,  and  Gender  Oppression  in  Tyler  Perry's    For  Colored  Girls,”  About…Time,  August  2011.  

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Meet  the  First  Lady:  Michelle  Obama,”  About…  Time,  March  2009.,  Jamie  D.    

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “An  Aesthetic  of  Hope:  Barack  Obama  and  the  Presidency,”  About…  Time,  March  2009.  

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  "Yes,  We  Did!  A  Reunion  Like  No  Other"  About...Time    

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Too  Much  Protein?:  Re-­‐Examining  the  Benefits  of  Soy  and  Whey,”  Heart  &  Soul          

magazine  (December/January  2008)    

•  Walker,  Jamie  D.  “African  Americans  Figure  Prominently  in  Presidential  Debate,”  About...Time  35.3    (2007):  34-­‐37.  

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Volunteer  Vacation:  Humanitarian  Service  in  Cancun,  Mexico,”  Heart  &  Soul  

magazine  (Feb/March  2007)    

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Interview  with  Sonia  Sanchez,”  Heart  &  Soul  magazine  (June/July  2006)    

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Broadway’s  The  Color  Purple  Empowers  Many,”  About…Time  33.4  (Spring  2006);  reprinted  in  The  Washington  Informer  and  The  African  American  Literature  Book  Club  Online.    

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Playwright  August  Wilson  Loses  Battle  with  Liver  Cancer,”  About…Time  33.3  (2005):        


• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Thousands  Bid  Farewell  to  Luther  Vandross,”  About…Time  33.2  (2005):  32-­‐25.    

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Ossie  Davis:  Remembering  Him  with  Love,”  About…Time  33.1  (2005):  20-­‐23.    

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Why  I  Write,”  Sable  Literary  Magazine,  5.1  (Fall  2004):  29-­‐36.    

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “The  Healing  Power  of  Poetry:  In  Praise  and  Support  of  Amiri  Baraka,"  Trombones  (Spring  2003):  8.  


 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Making  Music,  Making  Babies:  A  Sneak  Peak  into  the  Lives  of  Parents  Who                              Perform.”  The  Kindred  Papers,  1.1  (2003):  10.    • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Heart’s  Day  Celebration  Honoring  Sonia  Sanchez  Touches  Many,”  Trombones                        (Spring  2002):  2.  

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Sonia  Sanchez:  The  Poet  as  Teacher,”  Trombones  (Fall  2001):  6  



• Walker,  Jamie  D.  Editor,  Sonia  On  My  Mind:  Critical  Perspectives  on  Sonia  Sanchez,  with  a  Foreword  by  Maya  Angelou,  Introduction  by  Joyce  Ann  Joyce,  and  Afterword  by  Beverly  Guy-­‐Sheftall.  Under  Review.  (Forthcoming:  University  of  Michigan  Press)  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.,  Micheaux’s  Women:  A  Critical  Look  at  Oscar  Micheaux’s  Leading  Ladies.  In                                  Development.    

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (2011),  The  Mother  Daughter  Bond:  Re-­‐Examining  Jamaica  Kincaid’s  Annie  John.  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (2006),  Signifyin’  Me:  New  and  Selected  Poems.  Philadelphia:  Xlibris  Corp.  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (2005),  101  Ways  Black  Women  Can  Learn  to  Love  Themselves.  Philadelphia:  Xlibris.  

Chapters  in  Books  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (2007),  “Two  Pieces  (Poems)”  in  Gumbo  for  the  Soul:  The  Recipe  for  Literacy  in  the  Black  Community,  Beverly  Black  Johnson,  editor.  Lincoln,  NE:  iUniverse,  Inc.  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (2005),  “The  Power  of  Preparation,”  in  It  Doesn’t  Take  a  Genius:  Five  Truths  to  Inspire  Genius  in  Every  Student,  Tommie  L.  Lindsey  and  Randall  McCutcheon,  editors.  NY:  McGraw-­‐Hill,  2005.  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (2006),  “When  He  Demands  All  My  Poems  Be  Written  to  Liberate  Black  America,”  in  Check  the  Rhyme:  An  Anthology  of  Female  Poets  &  Emcees,  DuEwa  M.  Frazier,  editor.  New  York:  Lit  Noire  Publishing,  2006.  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (2005),  “It  Wouldn’t  Take  Nothing  for  My  Journey  Now:  Interview  with  Jamie  Walker,”  in  I  Woke  Up  and  Put  My  Crown  On:  The  Project  of  76  Voices,  Rochelle  D.  Hart,  editor.  Baltimore,  MD:  Publish  America,  2005.  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (2005),  “When  I  Got  It,”  in  It  Doesn’t  Take  a  Genius:  Five  Truths  to  Inspire  Genius  in  Every  Student,  Tommie  L.  Lindsey  and  Randall  McCutcheon,  editors.  NY:  McGraw-­‐Hill,  2005.  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (2004),  “Interview  with  Esther  Cooper  Jackson,”  (co-­‐founder  of  Freedomways  magazine),”  in  A  Wealth  of  Wisdom:Legendary  African  American  Elders  Speak,  Camille  O.  Cosby  and  Renee  Poussaint,  editors.  New  York:  Atria  Books.  


• Walker,  Jamie  D.  (Forthcoming),  “A  Poem  for  Dead  Hearts,”  in  Are  All  the  Women  Still  White?:  Rethinking  Race,  Expanding  Feminisms,  ed.  Janell  Hobson.  SUNY  Press.  


Newspapers  and  Web-­‐based  Articles  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  "Liberated  Women:  Recoding  and  Reframing  the  Black  Female  Image  in  the                                  Films  of  Oscar  Micheaux,"  Hawaii  University  Conference  on  Arts  &  Humanities  (Jan.  2013)  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  "Hot  and  Bothered:  How  Black  LGBT  Filmmakers  Defy  the  Odds  While  Resisting    Objectification  and  Marginalization,"  Film  Courage,  July  2011.        

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Duke  Ellington  High  School  Performs  The  Wiz,”  The  Washington  Informer,  14—20  Feb  2008.  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “The  Vagina  Monologues  to  Raise  Money  Against  Domestic  Violence,”  The  Washington  Informer,    24—30  .  Jan.  2008.  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Race  for  the  Cure  March  Proves  Successful,”  The  Washington  Informer,  6  June  2006.  

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Sonia  Sanchez  and  Ten  Grandmothers  Acquitted  of  Defiant  Trespassing,”  African  

American  Literature  Book  Club  Online,  1  December  2006.    • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Thousands  Bid  Farewell  to  Luther  Vandross,”  The  Washington  Informer,  14  July  2005.  

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Broadway’s  ‘The  Color  Purple’  Empowers  Many,”  The  Tennessee  

Tribune  (Forthcoming);  Reprinted  with  permission  in  The  San  Francisco  Bayview,  The  Ebony-­‐Brevard  Times,  and  The  Washington  Informer.    

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Playwright  August  Wilson  Battles  Liver  Cancer,”  The  Afro-­‐American,  1  Sept.  2005.  

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Remembering  Ossie  Davis,  With  Love,”  The  Washington  Informer,  16  Feb.  2005.;  

Reprinted  with  permission  in  The  Tennessee  Tribune  and  About  .  .  .  Time  magazine.    

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Furious  Flower  Conference  Celebrates  African  American  Poetry.”  The  New  York  Amsterdam  News,  7-­‐13  Oct.  2004:  23.  Reprinted  with  permission  on  AALBC.com.    

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “The  Full  Moon  of  Sonia.”  The  Final  Call,  17  Aug.  2004:  7.    

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Sonia  Sanchez  Begins  Full  Moon  Tour  at  National  Black  Arts  Festival.”  The  New  York  Amsterdam  News,  5—11  Aug.  2004:  21.  Reprinted  with  permission  in  The  Final  Call.  

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Sisterspace  Fights  Eviction,”  The  Final  Call,  15  June  2004:  7.    

• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Former  Essence  Editor-­‐in-­‐Chief  Opens  Inn  for  Black  Writers,”  The  New  York  Amsterdam  News,  16—22  Aug.  2004.  Reprinted  with  permission  in  The  Tennessee  Tribune,  4—10  April  2004  and      The  African  American  Literature  Book  Club  Online.  



• Walker,  Jamie  D.  “Home-­‐Going  Celebration  for  Daughter  of  Amina  and  Amiri  Baraka  Touches  Many,”  The  San  Francisco  Bayview,  20  Aug.  2003.  Reprinted  with  permission  in  The  Amsterdam  News,  21—27  Aug.  2003:  B1  and  Chickenbones:      An  Online  Literary  Journal.  

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.    "Dorothy  Height  Retires  Expenses  on  Mortgage  at  Birthday  Bash,"  The  Tennessee  

Tribune,  4—10  April  2002:  A1.    Reprinted  with        permission  in  The  Howard  Hilltop  and  The  Black  World  Today.  

 • Walker,  Jamie  D.    “Camille  O.  Cosby  and  Renee  Poussaint  Launch  National  Visionary  Leadership  

Project,”  The  Tennessee  Tribune,  14—20  March  2001:  A1.  Reprinted  with  permission  in  The  Spelman  Spotlight,  The  Howard  Hilltop,  and  The  Black  World  Today.          


Presentations  and  Workshops  • "Liberated  Women:  Recoding  and  Reframing  the  Black  Female  Image  in  the  Cinema  of  Oscar  Micheaux."  

Hawaii  International  Conference  on  the  Arts  and  Humanities  (January  2013).    • "Filmmaking  for  Social  Justice:  Teaching  Students  the  Art  of  the  Documentary,"  UC  Berkeley  Social    

Justice  Symposium  (October  2011).      • Justice  via  Arts:  Documentary  Making  for  Social  Justice  Final  Film  Screenings,"  Santa  Clara  University,  

Organized  and  hosted  panel  of  student  filmmakers  involved  in  social  justice  work  (June  2011).    • "Strategies  for  Success:  Interdisciplinary  Discussion  on  Studying  Diversity  and  Social  Justice  in  Graduate  

Education,"  Panel  Participant  at  the  (De)  constructing  Diversity  in  the  Bay  Area  Conference,  Santa  Clara  University,  April  2011.    

• "Race  and  Resistance:  Strategic  Ways  Women  Faculty  of  Color  Mentor  while  Lifting  as  We  Climb,"        Women  of  Color  Faculty  Luncheon,  Keynote  Speaker,  Santa  Clara  University,  April  2011.    

•  “Women  Professors  in  African  American  Studies,”  Howard  University,  Washington,  DC,  2008                                  (panel  with  Dr.  Denise  King-­‐Miller  and  Dr.  Michele  Simms-­‐Burton)  

•  “A  Wealth  of  Wisdom:  Legendary  African  American  Elders  Speak,”  The  Schomburg  Center,  New  York,  2004  (panel  with  Ruby  Dee,  Ossie  Davis,  Esther  Cooper  Jackson,  David  Driskell,  et  al;  Recorded  on  CSPAN)  

•  “From  the  Black  Arts  Movement  to  Hip  Hop,”  The  Tenderloin  Book  Fair,  San  Francisco,  CA.,  2004              (panel  with  Sonia  Sanchez,  Amiri  Baraka,  Askia  Tourè,  et  al)    

•  “Gwendolyn  Brooks'  In  Montgomery,"  Karibu  Bookstore,  Hyattsville,  MD,  2004      (poetry  presentation      and  panel  reading  with  Tony  Medina  and  Shani  Jamila)  

•  “Featured  Poet:  A  Tribute  to  Sonia  Sanchez,"  Naropa  University,  Boulder,  CO,  2004  

•  “Being  Professionally  Active  While  Teaching,”  Howard  University,  Washington,  DC.,  2002                      (presentation  for  the  annual  “Teaching  Associates  &  Assistants  Workshop”  in  the  Graduate  School)  

• “Keynote  Speaker,”  The  Circle  of  Friends  Book  Club  Extravaganza,  Atlanta,  GA,  2002.                                    (Circle  of  Friends  was  featured  twice  on  The  Oprah  Winfrey  Show)  


• “Developing  Healthy  Self-­‐Esteem  in  Black  Girls,”  The  Teen  Extreme  Summer  Jam,  Washington,  DC,  2002.  

•  “Keynote  Speaker,  19th  Century  Black  Women  Abolitionists”  Calvary  Episcopal  Church,  Washington,        DC,  2002.  (Presentation  of  first  book  for  The  Association  for  the  Study  of  African  American  Life  and  History)  

•  “Panel  Participant:  African  American  Literature”  at  The  Black  Caucus  of  American  Librarians,  2002.  Association  Fifth  National  Conference  of  African-­‐American  Librarians  in  Ft.  Lauderdale,  FL.  (panel  with  Kwame  Alexander,  Tajuana  Butler,  Timmothy  McCann,  and  Victor  McGlothin)  

•  “The  Construction  of  Whiteness”  at  Howard  University  in  Washington,  DC,  2002  (panel  featuring  Toni  Morrison  and  artwork  by  her  son,  Slade  Morrison)  

•  “The  Politics  of  Motivational  and  Non-­‐Fiction  Writing,”  The  Second  Annual  African  American  Literature  Conference,  University  of  Maryland  (College  Park),  2002      


Book  Reviews  

• Rev.  of  Mother  Love:  Reinventing  A  Good  and  Blessed  Future  For  Our  Children  by  Esther  Davis-­‐Thompson.  Mosaic  (Summer  2001).  





INTERVIEWS    (OUT  OF  THE  BOX  WITH  ROSIE  TRAN):  "Podcast:  "Interview  with  J.D.  Walker"  (April  2014)    (MADAME  NOIRE):  "Q&A  with  Filmmaker  J.D.  Walker"    (SAN  FRANCISCO  BAYVIEW):  Interview  with  Filmmaker  J.D.  Walker    KPFA  (BERKELEY,  CA):  Interview  with  J.D.  Walker  and  Safi      KPOO  (SAN  FRANCISCO,  CA):  Interview  with  J.D.  Walker  and  Brother  Keith    (INTERNATIONAL  MEDIA  TV):  America's  First  Black  Feature  Filmmaker:  Interview  with  J.D.  Walker      (ESTEEM  AWARDS):  An  Interview  with  J.D.  Walker      

FEATURES        (SAN  FRANCISCO  WEEKLY):  SF  Black  Film  Festival  Honors  Pioneer  Filmmaker  Oscar  Micheaux      (SHADOW  AND  ACT):  Updates  on  JD  Walker's  Oscar  Micheaux  Biopic  


 (HUFFINGTON  POST):  "The  Postwoman,  J.D.  Walker  Film,  Brings  Queer  African  American  Woman  to  Center  Stage"    (INDIEWIRE/SHADOW  AND  ACT):  "LGBT  Family  Drama  The  Postwoman  Needs  Kickstarter  Funds"      (FILM  COURAGE):  "How  To  Survive  a  Crowdfunding  Campaign"    (AFTER  ELLEN):  "The  Postwoman  is  Looking  to  Raise  Production  Funds  on  Kickstarter"    (GLAAD):  "GLAAD  News  Media  Blog  Announces  The  Postwoman  Movie's  Kickstarter  Campaign"    (ELIXHER):  "In  the  Spirit  of  Community:  Four  Projects  You  Should  Fund"    THE  POSTWOMAN  MOVIE  SEEKS  COMMUNITY  PARTNERS  FOR  FEATURE  FILM    THE  POSTWOMAN  MOVIE  SEEKS  BOOK  AUTHORS  TO  BE  FEATURED  IN  BOOKSTORE  SCENE    J.D.  PUBLISHING  GROUP  ANNOUNCES  THE  KICKSTARTER  CAMPAIGN  FOR  THE  POSTWOMAN    J.D.  WALKER  WINS  THE  SUNDANCE  FILM  FESTIVAL  PITCHING  CONTEST    THE  POSTWOMAN  EARNS  HONORABLE  MENTION  IN  SUNDANCE'S  TABLE  READ  MY  SCREENPLAY  CONTEST    THE  POSTWOMAN  FEATURE  SCRIPT  EARNS  SEMI-­‐FINALIST  MENTION  AT  HOLLYWOOD  BLACK  FILM  FESTIVAL    THE  POSTWOMAN  FEATURE  SCRIPT  EARNS  FINALIST  MENTION  AT  LA  FEMME  FILM  FESTIVAL  IN  LOS  ANGELES  


   WORK  EXPERIENCE              

Video  Production  and  Web  Design  CTE  Teacher                                                      Claremont,  CA            Baldyview  ROP                                                  2015  

• Given  an  $18,000  grant  to  upgrade  a  film  classroom  and  teach  three  periods  of  Video  Production  and  Web  Design  for  at-­‐risk  students  at  San  Antonio  High  School,  a  continuation  high  school.    

• Describe  all  aspects  of  the  filmmaking  process  including  stages  of  filmmaking,  lighting,  sound,  directing,  and  post-­‐production  techniques.    

• Illustrate  how  to  design  and  code  websites  using  HTML  and  basic  animation  software.    • Organize,  arrange,  and  host  student  screenings.  

         Video  Production,  Journalism  and  Computer  Tech  Teacher         Oakland,  CA            McClymonds  High  School                          2014-­‐2015  

• Given  a  $10,000  grant  to  upgrade  a  film  classroom  and  teach  6  classes  of  Video  Production,  Computer  Tech,  and  Journalism  for  at-­‐risk  students  at  a  small  high  school  in  West  Oakland,  California  for  at-­‐risk  youth  participating  in  a  Restorative  Justice  program.    

• Describe  all  aspects  of  the  filmmaking  process  including  stages  of  filmmaking,  lighting,  sound,  directing,  and  post-­‐production  techniques.    

• Illustrate  how  to  design  and  code  websites  using  HTML  and  basic  animation  software.    • Organize,  arrange,  and  host  student  screenings.    Film  Teacher                       Santa  Clara,  CA    Santa  Clara  University,  Ethnic  Studies  Program                   2009—2015  • Teach  two  courses,  “Documentary  Making  for  Social  Justice”  and  “African  American  Independent  Filmmakers”  online  face-­‐to-­‐face  and  teach  online  digital  classroom  for  matriculating  students.  

• Collaborate  with  guest  lecturers,  speakers,  and  non-­‐profit  organizations  to  screen  or  showcase  student  work.  

• Create  pre-­‐recorded  power  point  presentations  and  instructional  videos.  • Design  and  manage  HTML  and  digital  files.    • Serve  as  quarterly,  part-­‐time  lecturer  teaching  online  film  courses,  including  experiential  learning  and  diversity  core  courses,  for  the  University  Core  Curriculum.    

• Develop  interdisciplinary  curriculum  for  the  Experiential  core,  Women's  and  Gender  Studies  core,  and  English  Department  core  curriculum.    

• Collaborate  with  over  60  local  non-­‐profits  to  host  students  productions.      

Archival  Assistant                                  Oakland,  CA      Black  Filmmakers  Hall  of  Fame  Archives                                  2014  • Digitize  historic  photographs  from  the  Hall  of  Fame’s  archives.    • Archive  press  materials,  catalogues,  written  correspondence.  • Create  HTML,  design,  and  manage  Hall  of  Fame  Archives  website.  • Develop  bios  and  personal  webpages  for  distinguished  list  of  over  100  inductees.      • Promote  Filmmakers  Hall  of  Fame  via  social  media.  

 Academic  Advisor                   Los  Angeles,  CA      Inspire  In-­‐Home  Tutoring,  Inc                                    2014  

• Schedule  and  lead  academic  advising  appointments  for  at-­‐risk  students  at  Culver  City  High.  


• Track  student  programs  while  motivating  students  to  succeed.    • Tutor  students  in  English,  Spanish,  History,  Digital  Photography,  Geometry  and  Algebra.    • Motivate  and  empower  at-­‐risk  teenagers.    • Develop  college  preparatory  guides  and  materials.  • Collaborate  with  Inspire,  Inc.  founder  to  provide  the  best  possible  resources  for  each  student.    

           Marketing  and  Editorial  Assistant               Washington,  DC    

Howard  University  Press                   2002-­‐2009  • Developed  marketing,  graphic  design  strategies  for  the  advertising  team.    • Represented  organization  at  national  conferences,  setting  up  booths,  product  material    • Sold  material  to  interested  buyers,  networked  with  internal  and  external  communication  staff.  • Design  all  book  covers,  press  releases,  and  marketing  related  materials  for  the  Howard  University  Press’s  new  for  On  Demand  Publishing  project,  which  resurrected  over  100  titles  that  were  formerly  out  of  print  into  a  new  database  housed  at  John  Hopkins  University.  

• Edit  and  proofread  University  Press  publications  as  well  as  advertising  material  and  online  content.  • Implement  all  policies  and  activities,  as  scheduled,  by  the  University  Press  Director.  • Schedule,  host,  and  lead  literary  events  and  activities  for  faculty  authors.      • Created  press  releases  and  PSA’s  for  radio  and  news  media.    • Established  the  first  extensive  database  targeted  news  media  and  publications,  including  local  tv  stations  newspapers,  and  places  to  advertise.    and  update  University  website.  

 Archival  Assistant                               2001    Moorland-­‐Spingarn  Research  Center;  Washington,  D.C.          • Assist  Chief  Librarian  by  researching  and  developing  a  distinguished  working  list  of  academic  and  trade  titles  in  African  American  and  Caribbean  Literature  for  the  University  library  collections.  

                   Trade  Book  Buyer                       2000  Howard  University  Bookstore;  Washington,  D.C.            • Manage  trade  section  of  bookstore,  including  cash  registers  and  student  workers.  • Update  and  track  purchases  in  online  database.  • Host  panels  and  coordinate  book  signings  for  authors.    • As  University’s  first  trade  book  buyer,  helped  organization  to  increase  sales  with  outreach  to  local  communities,  faculty,  students,  and  authors.    

                                   Audio  Bookseller                     2000—2001  Talking  Book  World;  Rockville,  MD    • Manage  purchasing  database,  open,  and  close  bookstore  alone.  • Increase  customer  activity  and  sales  by  marketing  specialized  audio  book  packages  to  buyers.  • Archive  bookshelves.  



Bookseller                                                                                                          1999  Vertigo  Bookstore;  Washington,  D.C.  • Manage  store  and  cash  register.    • Greet  and  assist  customers  with  purchases.    • Organize  bookshelves.      

Administrative  Assistant                                     1996—1998  Esteem  Conceptions  Talent  Agency;  Richmond,  CA  •    Schedule  appointments  and  interviews  with  local  actors.    •    Organize  and  lead  auditions.    •    Write,  manage,  and  distribute  company  documents,  programs,  fliers,  and  brochures.    


 National  Visionary  Heritage  Documentary  Film  Fellowship,  Washington,  DC                                    2001  • Selected  out  of  thirty  young  scholars  across  the  United  States  to  participate  in  Camille  Cosby  and  Renee  Poussaint’s  documentary  film  program  designed  to  chronicle  the  work  of  legendary  elders.    Lannan  Poetry  Fellowship,  The  Shakespeare  Library,  Washington,  DC                      1999—2003  • Awarded  by  poet  E.  Ethelbert  Miller.  • Perform  poetry  at  The  Shakespeare  Library  and  participate  in  weekly  seminars  with  renowned  poets.    


The  Film  Collaborative,  Bad  West  LA,  AFI,  Film  Specific,  Modern  Language  Association.    


EDUCATION  UNIVERSITY  OF  SOUTHERN  CALIFORNIA           Los  Angeles,  CA    MFA  in  TV  and  Film  (in  progress)                SLOAN-­‐C  CONSORTIUM               Newbury  Port,  MA  Certificate  in  Online  Management               2013    HOWARD  UNIVERSITY                 Washington,  DC  Ph.D.  in  English                     2005  (received  at  age  27)  

     SAN  FRANCISCO  STATE  UNIVERSITY             San  Francisco,  CA    B.A.  in  Theater  Arts.  Graduated  Cum  Laude.  Member  of  Golden  Key  National  Honor  Society.    

• Program  Management    • Unit  Production  Management  • Script  Reading    

• Adobe  CS5/Avid/FCP/  MSOffice/Peoplesoft    

• Typing  90wpm  • HTML  /  Marketing  /  Social  Media    •  Outreach  and  Retention    • Producing,  Cinematography,  Directing    


• Directed  and  toured  with  many  theatrical  productions