jane byun ppp

Amusement Park The one thing I love about summer is going to Amusement parks. One every summer I go to Canobie and Six flags at least once. Last summer I went to Six Flags twice and the year before that I went to Canobie three times. When I went to Six Flags this year, the ride I loved the most was Biazzaro. It was so thrilling and the best ride I’ve ever rode. Six Flags has so much more and better rides then Canobie. But that’s just my opinion. I hope to go again this summer after I get my seasons pass. The scariest ride I rode at Six Flags. Bizzaro in Six The water park section at Six Flags Me and my cousin Kylie Six flag’s new ride Goliath. I didn’t get to get a chance to ride it, but now it’s my new goal

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Post on 22-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Jane byun ppp

Amusement Park The one thing I love about summer is going to Amusement parks. One every summer I go to Canobie and Six flags at least once. Last summer I went to Six Flags twice and the year before that I went to Canobie three times. When I went to Six Flags this year, the ride I loved the most was Biazzaro. It was so thrilling and the best ride I’ve ever rode. Six Flags has so much more and better rides then Canobie. But that’s just my opinion. I hope to go again this summer after I get my seasons pass.

The scariest ride I rode at Six Flags. Bizzaro in Six Flags.

The water park section at Six FlagsMe and my cousin Kylie

Six flag’s new ride Goliath. I didn’t get to get a chance to ride it, but now it’s my new goal

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Bald BabyThe memory I hate the most was

when I was a baby. The reason I hate when I was a baby is because I was bald. Seriously. When I was two my aunt secretly took me to the mall to get my head shaved because she wanted me to have thick hair when I grow up. After I got my haircut and she took me back home. My mom told me that she cried because she thought my aunt took home the wrong baby. Everyone who saw me when I was a baby thought I was a boy because my mom always put a cap or a hat on my head. Until this day I hate looking at my baby pictures because of the memories it brings.

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Crochet Ever since I was 10 I learned how to crochet. My mom works as a tailor so it wasn’t very hard to have her teach me. My mom even bought me my own crocheting needles. The first item made was a scarf. It took me two months, because I gave up over and over again. After my third piece I got the hang of it and could now make hats for babies and socks. I made so many that I had no room to put them, and ended up giving them away to people from my family. Though crocheting isn’t something easy to do, it’s fun and relaxing and it’s my hobby to do on my free time.

Scarf that I completed two weeks ago. It has different designs, switching off from crochet to knitting. It was my first time doing this is so it wasn’t perfect.

My first scarf that I crocheted. I used the colors purple and white. The purple makes it look like birds flying in the sky.

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Dad Anyone who knows me will tell you I’m a daddy’s girl. Probably because I’m an only child, he’ll say the same thing back. My dad in the family takes the role as “the helper”, “the fixer”, “the friend” “the chauffeur” and “the bank”. I realized how important my dad was to me when he fainted two years ago. I cried for days and realized that I have to start treating my dad better. Even when I get in trouble my dad doesn’t get angry for long. Once while I was getting yelled at my dad stopped yelling and even apologized to me, for something I did wrong!” I love my dad because he keeps pushing me to do better and with that I’m a high honors student.”

My dad and I

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Ellie Ramos Everyone has a best friend. But how long have you known each other for? I’ve known mine for 4 years and counting. My best friend is a girl named Ellie Ramos. Ellie and I have known each other for 4 years but we started talking in 5th grade when we were in the same class. Ever since then we would always talk on the phone and go over to each other’s houses and hang out. Every time I’m feeling down she’s been there for me. We have such good memories such as watching horror movies, going to Canobie with each other, and even trying to make Jell-O .If you even asked me a trivia about her I’d get a 100. Her favorite color is mint green, favorite food is lasagna and she has one brother, one sister, and one nephew. 4 years of being friends can really give you a special bond with someone who used to be a complete stranger.

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First Friend In a new town

When I was in Shrewsbury I didn’t really have a best friend because I was pretty young, and my private school didn’t have a lot of people in it. So when I moved to Leominster I would consider Jacee Bennett my first best friend. I knew her since 2nd grade when I was in the same neighborhood as her. Ever since that moment I got to know her more and more each day. I slept over literally everyday, so much that I even entered her house with out contacting and her parents made it seem that it was perfectly normal. To be honest, I even think I slept over her house more times than mine. I think I would be proud to say I still know my first best friend since 2nd grade.

Jacee is the girl I’ve known since 2nd grade. Even though I’m taller than her by 10 inches, she is still my best friend.

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GOALThree years ago when I went to Canada

for my birthday, my family decided to go bungee jumping with some friends. I was 10 at the time and hated heights. My fear of heights made it impossible for me to even go up there, but I had no choice. My legs were trembling, and I had the goose-bumps. When It was my turn to go I cried, and made it so that I didn’t have to go. When I went back down my family called me a chicken, and a baby. So now, this year when I go back to Great Canadian Bungee my goal to go back to and try again.

Great Canadian Bungee located in Wakefield Quebec.

The below the bungee jumping place is a lagoon, which made my fear of jumping just increase.

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Halloween Halloween happens to be my favorite holiday. My favorite thing about it is being able to dress up as anything and getting candy for it. For the past two years I’ve been going with my friend Illy. We go up and down her street then afterwards go back to her house and trade. Even though people say “You’re getting too old for it”. I say otherwise and will always go Trick-Or-Treating with my friends.

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In School Winter Carnival/fundraiser

This year is my first time doing a Winter Carnival/fundraiser. My friend Emma and I are selling bows to raise money for breast cancer. My aunt two years ago had breast cancer and is now a breast cancer survivor, so I felt like I should raise money so other people could get a chance too. Emma and I made pink hair bows and just pink bows that clip on to your shirt, and are planning to raise the most money. I really liked making the bows and am thinking of doing more fundraisers in the future.

These are one of the bows Emma and I are selling. They even come in a variety of colors. Dark pink, light pink, and zebra pink.

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Johnny DeppMy favorite entertainer/actor would have to be

Johnny Depp hands down. Ever since I watched Pirates of the Caribbean, I was hooked. The reason I am such a fan of Johnny Depp is because he can portray every role he gets perfectly. From being Mr.Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to being the Mad Hatter in Alice and Wonderland. When I was 9 I even saw Johnny Depp at a meet and greet in the DCU center. Sadly I was too shy to even go 10 feet near him. Every time I go to the movies I check to see if Johnny Depp is in any one. Boring or not if he’s in it, I’ll watch it. I’m even saving up to get a life sized Johnny Depp poster in my room. So yeah, I’m one of those crazy fans.

Johnny Depp as “The Mad Hatter” in Alice In Wonderland

“Mr. Wonka” in Charlie and the Chocolate factory.

“Jack Sparrow” in Pirates of the Caribbean

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Kylie Young The only young relative I have in my family is my cousin Kylie Young. Kylie is four years old and is a relative from my mom’s side. I’ve changed her, fed her, and put her to sleep more than once. She means so much to me because I’ve been with her since she was born, literally. I get to see her once every two weeks when my family has get-togethers too. When I’m older I want to be like an older sister too her because just like me being an only child could make you feel lonely at times, and I want to make her feel the opposite of that.

Kylie and I when I went to her house.

When I went to a restaurant with her for a get -together

Kylie at six flags when she was 3. I was the one who took this picture.

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Lahaina, HawaiiThis year in the summer, I will be

visiting my mom’s side of the family in Lahaina, Hawaii. I am so nervous because I never met anyone on my mom’s side of the family except my grandma. The only Hawaiian food/fruit I’ve eaten would be breadfruit, my grandma sent over. I’m so excited to see my cousins, aunts, and uncles who I’ve never even seen before. I’ve never been to Lahaina in my life, so I’m curious to see what types of new things are there, that are not here. Lahaina, Hawaii is the city

located in the red.

This beach is called the Kapalua beach. Located near Lahaina. I’m not sure if I’m going here but I really want to.

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I would consider my mom my best friend. I would tell her all my secrets and gossip just like I do with my friends. She does so much for me such as cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, working and giving me advice. She moved to America away from her family to get me a more proper education. It shows she really cares about me and is willing to not see her family for my sake. My mom is not only my role model but my friend.


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NeighborhoodI’ve lived in the same place for 6 years ever since I moved to Leominster. If you went to my apartment in Marcello Avenue, you would probably call it boring. But they don’t know the people and secrets that are there. In my Avenue there is two apartments, and three houses. Living in six years at the same place really makes you know everyone there. There is Ms. Elenor the apartment manager, Yara the little girl across the street who always has candy, even Mr. Kyle who doesn’t talk to lots of people because of appearance. In the back of the two apartments there is a parking lot where in the summer you can add sprinklers and a trampoline. The thing I love the most about my neighborhood is that the people there ,will always be there for you.

My whole neighborhood is behind Gourmet Dounuts. It takes me one minute to walk there and one minute to come back.

My neighborhood is located on Main St. Near Pierce St, and Kingsman Ave.

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Obsessed with Pretty Little Liars

My favorite television show is Pretty Little Liars. I’ve been obsessed with this show since the Pilot. This TV show has been going on for 3 years and I still haven't missed an episode. Every Tuesday when it’s on I call my best friend Jacee during the commercials and rant about what happened. Right now this is the fourth season, and I don’t know what I would do without this show. It would just be boring everyday not having something to anticipate for.

Pretty Little Liars would be one of the shows I could rewatch forever.

I even read all the Pretty little liar’s books, from Aria all the way down to Spencer.

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Phone I got my first phone in third grade. It was called ENV3. In third grade no one had a phone but me, so I felt pretty cool. In my life I had a total of five phones. The second phone was called the alias 2 I got it for my birthday in 5th grade. A year later for my birthday, I got the IPhone 4. that’s the phone I liked the most. In 7th grade I got the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. I thought I liked that phone, but soon regretted it. This year I have the Samsung Galaxy SIII. I had only for a month but I’m super careful of it. I guess I should just call myself “obsessed”.

My first phone My second phone.

IPhone4 Sixth grade.

Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Latest phone.

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QuoteA few years back, while I was going through pictures on the

internet, I found a cute little quote. The quote was “Smile, why? Because you can.” The reason I loved this quote so much is because I felt I could relate to this quote. When my mom and dad were thinking of getting a divorce. I was so upset. I didn’t talk to my mom or dad for a week, and just stopped smiling. The time period this was happening, is when I was in the process of moving, and changing schools. So when I was in the middle of looking at photos and just found this quote I realized, if you smile then it seems like nothing is wrong and you will always be happy. In the end, my parents did not end their relationship and I made really good friends at school.

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Reeled into babysitting The thing I hate the most is babysitting. Especially babysitting my moms friends daughter and my cousin all at the same time. Some people will say, “babysitting is fun!” or “I love babysitting.” But I’m not a baby person. Last month I had to babysit my cousin Kylie (4) ,my mom’s friend’s daughter Erin who is 10, and two boys who are ten and nine. I’m very irresponsible so I don’t know why they chose me in the first place, but I will never like babysitting.

My 4 year old cousin Kylie, who likes to drive me insane with “playtime”

My mom’s friends daughter who is very bossy and hates when I talk to her.

The nine year old Benjamin who may look nice but cries all the time.

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School In my life I’ve been to five schools. My first school was KinderCare in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. I went to KinderCare in my Preschool and Kindergarten life. Then I went to a Catholic school from 1st to 2nd grade called St.Bernadettes. During the summer vacation I moved to Leominster. That’s when I went to Johnny Appleseed. It was awkward for me because we didn’t have to wear uniforms, but I liked it. I’ve been to Johnny Appleseed for 3 years until the 5th grade. Now I’m at Sky View Middle School and this is my final year. After this year I might go to Monty Tech or Leominster High. I can’t wait to go to high school and see what it brings.


Elementary Private SchoolSt.Bernadettes

Elementary SchoolJohnny Appleseed.

Middle School Skyview Middle School

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TURTLESThe only pets I had in my whole life were two turtles. The brown one was Denis and the green one was Marley. Sadly, because I didn’t know if they were a girl or a boy, because they didn’t grow to the age of two. Even though I didn’t know their gender I gave them boy names because of their looks. Unfortunately Denis died at 9 months because he started to become sick, and didn’t eat. At ten months Marley passed away. Odd thing is he was fine. I think he died from trauma from having to see Denis pass away.

The brown turtle “Denis” died at 9 months .

Green turtle “Marley” died at 10 months.

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Harvard UniversityA few weeks ago when I went to Boston, my dad and I

took a tour of Harvard University. Inside it was so big, that it looked like a church, and that was just a room. My dad always told me he would be proud of me if I went to Harvard, but I don’t think I could handle it. Outside the university, there were so many shops like Dunkin Dounuts, Malls, and self laundry. When I’m older I hope to get in to one of the top schools like Harvard, just to impress everyone.

This is one of the campuses at Harvard University. It was so big my head hurt to look at it.

Near Harvard, there is a dunkin dounuts, malls, and restaurants. I’ve been to each shop near Harvard as a tour.

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Very special momentOne of the very special moments I had in my life was when I first went camping. My family and my dad’s friends family went to a camping site in Cape Cod. It was my first time so I was very nervous. I didn’t have my hopes up because I didn’t think camping sites were very clean. But when I got there I was so shocked. There was a pool and house s that you could sleep instead of a camping car. The pool there was so big I was amazed. There was also an ice cream bar, and a playground. I hope to go there again and do more things I couldn’t do before.

This is the camping car my dad, my mom, and I slept in.

After we left the camping site my family went to go to a breakfast restaurant to eat.

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Whale WatchingOne of the most exiting trips I went to is when I went to Rhode Island

to go whale watching. The place I went to Is called Frances Fleet. It wasn’t the first time I went though. I went once when I was 9 and went again last year in the summer. Not only could you see whales, you could also go fishing. Deep sea and just regular. My dad even caught a huge fish at first, but he let it go because my family doesn’t eat fish. When I went there for the tour, I was able to see Finback and Pilot whales.. When I was 9 I got to see a Sei whale, which the tour guide said “was a rare chance” If I had a chance to go back, I totally would..

This whale is called a Pilot whale. I only had the chance to see two of them though.

This whale is called a Sei whale. I only got to see it once when I was 9.

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X-TRA LANGUAGESI am able to speak 3 different languages. English was my first, Korean was my second, and Vietnamese was my third. Right now I’m currently learning Hawaiian with my mom. The reason I learned so many different languages is because my mom is Hawaiian and Vietnamese, while my dad is Korean. So I guess it’s because my parents just spoke it around me too much. Even though I can mess up words from Korean to Vietnamese, or from Hawaiian to English, It’s cool to be able to speak 3 different languages.

My mom is able to speak 4 different languages, Hawaiian, Vietnamese, and Korean. She’s even learning English everyday.

My dad is able to speak 3 languages, English, Vietnamese, and Korean.

I am able to speak Vietnamese, Korean and English.

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Year 2013This year in 2013, I’m going to be graduating middle school and the 8th grade. Not only will I be graduating, but I will soon be an aunt. This year in 2013 I will be going to Hawaii to visit my mom’s side of the family. This year in 2013 I will be going to high school, making a choice between Monty Tech and Leominster High. My most anticipating thing in 2013 will be taking fencing lessons in the summer just to start something new. This is Lahaina

Hawaii. The place I will be going to vacation for this summer to visit my family.

This year I have to make a decision of Monty Tech or Leominster High

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Zodiac SignMy Zodiac sign is a Gemini. Gemini’s have a birthday from May 21- June 21.Mine happens to be on May 25. The odd thing about being a Gemini is that my mom and dad are Gemini's as well. When I look at the horoscopes for Gemini, usually what it says relates to me which I found creepy. I like being a Gemini because there known to be independent and free. I even know some friends who are born as a Gemini. I think they are my best friends because we can relate with each other. Being a Gemini is the best. At least in my case.

This is the Gemini sign

Gemini is known for being the month of twins.