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Page 1: January 2014


January 2014

Page 2: January 2014


Page 3: January 2014


W elcome to Inside God’s Best Magazine. It

is my prayer that you will read some-

thing that will INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE,

UPLIFT and PUSH you into your desti-

ny. Remember, you are a chosen people, a royal priest-

hood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you

may declare the praises of Him who called you out of

darkness into his marvelous light.

1 Peter 2:9 NIV

Now let’s go INSIDE!

Page 4: January 2014



Milwaukee’s Own

Chad Roper & Shonn Hinton

By Jodine Basterash


6 Lights Camera Action

7 Train Up A Child

9 Palace Living

13 Making A Joyful Noise

14 Kingdom Reads

20 Man of Valor

Page 5: January 2014


Page 6: January 2014


A chance meeting in Chicago with legendary jazz musician Oscar Brown, Jr. was the catalyst that eventually

inspired Robert Glenn Jones to pursue an acting career. Brown, widely recognized for showcasing the Jack-

son 5, brought the newbie actor Jones in as a stage hand, assistant to the stage director, and understudy for

the musical “The Great Nitty Gritty”. Soon after, the aspiring actor landed a major role as a preacher in the

Zero Gravity Production “How High”. Jones’ dedication, work ethic, and tenacity caught the attention of

film makers and producers looking for strong character actors. Cast as CIA agent Genesis in the Frankie Lati-

na production of “Modus Operandi” served to further advance his motion picture credits working with veter-

an actor Danny


From preacher to CIA agent and on to ex-con turned bar owner, playing the part of Sergio in the Ross Bigley

production of “Petty Cash”, Robert Jones continues to take on challenging roles that provide opportunities to

expand his capacity as a performer on stage and in front of a camera.

Professional appearances include the CineVegas Red Carpet Film Festival, Las

Vegas, Nevada, the American Film Institute, Hollywood, California, and the Mil-

waukee Film Festival.

Robert Jones has worked with producers Janet Beasley, Reign Supreme Enter-

tainment, Ross Bigley, Ron Wyman, Frankie Latina and internationally recog-

nized poet and jazz musician, the late Oscar Brown, Jr.

Robert Glenn Jones is registered with IMDb and represented by Shine Manage-

ment Group.

Page 7: January 2014


“When Is It My Time?” by Daphne Johnson

Perhaps you have been focused on your family and raising children, and are feeling as though there is more that you’ve been designed to do. Take HEART, God sees you. Serving your family should be first priority. Be faithful in doing so, and God will see that he can entrust you for greater service.

Have you ever felt the discomfort of not being “there” yet? As I write this, I can say that I’ve also experienced that subtle discomfort. That feeling of knowing that there’s an assignment that God has for you, there’s a plan and purpose inside of you, but you’re just not there yet. We read about the promis-es and blessings of God, and often ask WHEN IS IT MY TIME? When will I become who God says that I am? Have what he says I can have? Do what he says I can do? According to the word of God, there is a time for everything, a season for everything. I’m re-minded also of the passage in I Samuel 16, where David was anointed King. At the time, he was a

ruddy boy tending sheep, the youngest of his fa-ther’s sons, but there was a pronouncement of WHO he was on his life. Although David was anointed as King as a boy, it was not yet his time to rule. Alt-hough you may feel that you’re not where you should be, it will happen IN GOD’S TIME.

We must understand that:

(1) God has a plan and purpose for our lives. Jeremi-ah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (KJV)

(2) There’s a time and season for everything. Ecclesi-astes 3:1 - To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. (KJV)

(3) Focus on God and being aligned with His plan. Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. (KJV)

Continued on page 8

Page 8: January 2014


Here’s a simple, universal symbol to illustrate. Eve-

ryone knows the meaning of each color and re-

sponds accordingly.

RED – “STOP” – this is a time to be still. You are cultivating your relationship with God, seeking his will for your life through prayer and reading his word. It’s also a time to recognize that he does have a great purpose for your life, but that it is not yet time for you to move in that direction. In the mean-time, however, you are to continue to serve gladly in your role as a parent. If you have small children or children in school, they are your number one priori-ty. Your plate does not need to be filled with meetings, and things that keep you away from them for extended periods of time. Your opportunities to be present in their lives, provide guidance and attend their special events can’t be made up for if missed. Consider your home as your first ministry above all others.

YELLOW- “WAIT” – you’ve made progress in the area of maintaining a balance between home and your desire to grow in your purpose. You’re an-ticipating that your time is coming, and recognize that you are still in a season of preparation. It can feel like you’re in a holding pattern until God says to move forward. While you are waiting, stay encour-aged. This is a good time to involve your children in service activities as they become older. This helps to develop a sense of what’s important to your family as a unit, and they will also see your example of commitment to God’s plan and purpose in your own life. This helps to further instill the understanding in them as well, that God has a purpose and plan for each and every one of us. As they grow older, they too will be encouraged to find that path for their own lives.

GREEN – “GO” now it is time to step out in obedience and with boldness. You’ve heard the voice of the Lord now make your move in faith. Ask God to order your steps, and be willing to take a RISK and step into unknown territory. Matthew 14: 28-29 tells us And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And

he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. You are in the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time. You’ve taken the time to establish a firm foundation in your family life, and now the time is right for them and for you. It’s important to know that there is no specific formula for arriving at this place…but when God says GO, then GO! IT’S YOUR TIME.

On November 23, 2013 Bishop Darrell Hines and his wife Pastor Pamela Hines along with over 100 cou-ples from their ministry gathered together to stand up for marriage at the vow renewal ceremony at Christian Faith Fellowship Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Bishop Hines and his wife Pastor

Pamela still believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

l-r Cathy Banks, Pat Turner, Douglas Turner, Mo. Hines

Herring and Poppa Tim Herring

“It’s a day of renewing and reassuring” Pat Turner”

Page 9: January 2014


O ne of the areas of the home most often overlooked is the corridor or hallway. The hallways in your

home are more than mere pathways from one room to another. They serve as a prelude, if you will, to what exists beyond. Corri-dors provide you with the opportunity to bring continuity to your home. From one room to another, even in the most eclectic of in-terior spaces, hallways serve as a canvas for design.. Photo by Shelterness..com

by Lisa Hightire

Continued on page 10

Page 10: January 2014


Think color, texture and functionality. The foyer (pronounced foi-ā), for example, is a wonderful greeting space. Think of how the space can be best designed to make the greeting of guests effort-less and hospitable. The well appointed foyer may be outfitted with a comfortable chair or bench, umbrella stand, coat rack or closet, shoe cubby, shoe slippers and slipper receptacle, a clock, a mir-ror and able to rest personal items. Go beyond the functionality of the furnishings and consider style. The foyer is the first space your guests enter when visiting your home. It sets the tone for what lies ahead. Decorate the foyer with elements expressive of your personal style, making sure it is in good keeping with the rest of your home. A beautiful rug makes a welcoming statement and shows you care about the comfort and convenience of your guests. A full length, framed wall mirror allows your visitors to arrange them-selves comfortably before departing. The more details you add to the foyer, the more conveniences you offer company. It’s the little thoughtful things like tissues, mints, ample hangers, or lint brush, that truly says, “Welcome, we’re glad you came.” Utilize the same quality in the foyer’s furnishings as you have throughout your home to afford your guests added opulence. My family is one of book lovers. We have a home library as well, each bedroom houses bookcases brimming with books. As I am in the process of updating our foyer, books will play a central role in its decor as they reflect one of our familial interests. I am relocating to the family room, two rather large, cheery wood and glass curios filled with art, ancestral photos and various other tchotchke. In their place I am adding a wall table with storage, lamps, large mirror, art, topiaries and of course, books. I want this space to be warm, welcoming, accommodating and luxurious for our guests. Beyond the foyer, your guests may glimpse the staircase. Keep it clean and uncluttered. Are the walls bare? While blank wall space affords the eye a ‘visual rest’, walls embellished with personal photos of family, your travels and works of art are welcomed and stimulate interesting conversa-tions. Corridors throughout the home are as important as the rooms they connect. Keep them clean, clut-ter free and well-appointed with decor reflective of your personal panache. Like the corridors of our homes, the corridor of the mind is a most important space within. What thoughts and images do you allow to traipse through and occupy your mind? Is your thought life governed by the lusts of the flesh or are you being renewed in the spirit of your mind according to Ephesians 4:23? The verse in context reads: “(22) “That ye put off concerning the former conversa-tion the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; (23) And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; (24) And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” Our Heavenly Father engineered the human mind and is well acquainted with its dynamics. He made our minds fearfully and wonderfully indeed! The human mind has unlimited capacity to per-form complex calculations, perceive sound, color, taste, touch and smell, compose elaborate musi-cal scores, decode mysterious symbolism-all coexisting with the ability to appreciate the wonder of a rainbow painted in vivid color across the sky. There are many wars waged, won and lost in the battlefield of the mind. In the corridors of the mind, creativity is spurred, fears imagined and conversations rehearsed. God knows the power He de-signed the human mind to harness. This is why He counsels believers to constantly and consistently be renewed in the spirit of the mind. We renew our minds by reading, studying and meditating the Word of God.

Continued on page 11

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What we think, say and do are inescapably connected. Ever notice how what you are thinking can manifest in your physical body? For instance, you conjure up a negative, hurtful thought and find yourself frowning? Have you ever entertained a scaring thought from a movie and feel a shiver down your spine? This is a very clear demonstration of how vividly powerful the mind really is. Now imagine yourself praying, fervently. See yourself fasting and consecrating. Draw a picture of yourself in your mind’s eye witnessing to the loss and winning souls. Choose a passage of scrip-ture to meditate. Say it in your mind over and over and think about the importance of what you’re rehearsing. Imagine where you would be in your spiritual walk if you utilized your mind more for sa-cred pursuits. The enemy knows how important it is for the saint of God to be renewed in the spirit of the mind because of the results such discipline yields-a transformed life. This is the life trans-formed from carnal so spiritual maturity. Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and ac-ceptable, and perfect, will of God.” “How”, do you ask, does one control their thoughts? You take authority over your thought life by following Paul’s counsel in II Corinthians 10:5-“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” When unclean thoughts enter your mind, you simply ‘cast them down’. Banish them! Replace them with appropriate think-ing. You bring thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Christ by assessing them with the living Word of God. In other words, use the Word as a filter for your thoughts. You must control your thought life because ultimately, your thought life does control you. Under no circumstance are you to allow just anything to hang around in the corridors of your mind. Your mind is the pathway for your thoughts to develop into the very substance of the life God intended when He created you. Be renewed. Be transformed.

Photo by Ratedpeople.com

Page 12: January 2014


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Page 14: January 2014


Inside God’s Best had the privilege of being at the release of Big

Girl Pants and the excitement and anticipation was in the air. I had

the chance to sit down and chat with author Nicole Gosia about

her big day.

IGB: Tell us how Big Girl Pants came about?

Nicole: I was talking with an old friend of mine who was going

through something at the time. Actually we both were. I Jokingly, I

said, we need to put on our Big Girl Pants and just deal with

things. She told me I should write a book.

IGB: Is the book based on your personal experiences?

Nicole: There are a few highlights that I believe the reader can

relate to.

BGPs help you embrace who you really are - you know, the star within, while addressing

with courage, those things we have hidden in our closets. Helping you find your perfect pair

of BGPs is Nicole’s specialty and she guides you through your inner closets to purge those

things that no longer fit, helping you emerge in your unique style. Nicole has packed this

book with practical advice that excites your ambition to lead a fulfilling life. With wisdom,

humor and frank expression, Nicole inspires us to take the difficult situations and alter our

attitude toward them to design lives tailor-made for success.

To get your copy of Big Girl Pants go to www.nicolegosia.com

Page 15: January 2014


Contact Keisha at:

[email protected]


Page 16: January 2014


“ I’m grateful with how my life has turned out so far and I know it’s just the beginning.” -Shonn

Page 17: January 2014


M ilwaukee is known for being a great place

on a great lake, its wonderful summer fes-

tivals, and in more recent cases, its high

poverty rate and co-sleeping deaths, but there are

some great things happening in Milwaukee and In-

side God’s Best Magazine had a chance to catch up

with two talented, multi-faceted young men.

Inside God’s Best had a chance to catch up with

Grammy nominated vocal producer, songwriter, en-

gineer, motivational coach & entertainment official –

Chad “C-Note” Roper and guitarist Shonn Hinton

who is also the guitarist for R&B artist and actress

Jill Scott. These two Milwaukeeans have worked

with some of the leading artists in the music busi-

ness. Chad is widely considered to be one of the most

diverse figures in today’s music business. He has

had the opportunity to work with a wide range of art-

ists, musicians, and companies in various capacities,

including Estelle, Anastasia, Fergie, Ciara, Jamie

Foxx, Menudo, Mary J. Blige, Jacob Latimore, Dain-

ty Kane, The Backstreet Boys, John Legend, Nas,

Rihanna and more. Most recently, Chad completed

mixing Tamar Braxton’s Christmas album.

Chad’s wide skill set and expertise has enabled him to work with acts all over the world helping artists take themselves and their music to new levels includ-ing Australia, London, Korea, and Brazil to name a few. He is also the CEO and Chief Branding Officer of Big Sound Musick. Shonn wears many hats, not only does he get to trav-el and play for R&B artist Jill Scott, he also finds time play for his home church, Christian Faith Fel-lowship Church under the leadership of Bishop Dar-rell and Pastor Pamela Hines, in Milwaukee, Wiscon-sin. Shonn’s musical talents go as far back to the age of three years old. He was birthed from a family of musicians including both of his parents. His parents had a quartet group and Shonn would often mimic playing the guitar with a hair pin as if it were a guitar pic or playing along on his toy drum set. His grandfa-ther saw a gift in him and allowed him to play the drums at his church at an early age with his choir. By the age of twelve years old, Shonn was playing the guitar. As Shonn progressed with his passion in mu-sic, he learned not only to play the drums and

guitar, but also the bass and keyboard as well. He looks to add the banjo, pedal steel guitar and mandolin to this list. It’s his desire to eventually work with his favorite country artists, Carrie Under-wood or Rascal Flatts. Shonn also released his own CD this past summer and now can add vocalist to his resume. Let’s go inside and find out more about Chad Roper and Shonn Hinton.

Shonn, can you tell us some of the artists you’ve worked with and how did those opportunities come about? It all started back in 1998 with a gospel group called the Williams Brothers that was on the popular Power 98 Tour at the time. I was fresh out of high school. A group from Arkansas called the Racie Brothers were at my uncle’s church, Greater New Birth, doing a concert. I wasn’t even scheduled to play that night and my name just so happened to come up. The guitarist for the Racie Brothers who was also temporarily filling in with the Williams Brothers, told me they were looking for a permanent guitarist. He gave me as a referral, they asked me and I said ,yes. After that, I played with Kelly Price on 106 & Park, Michelle Williams, 112, Selena Johnson, Avant, Angie Stone, Patti Labelle, Little Wayne, John Legend, Jill Scott and others.

Continued on page 18

Shonn Hinton (l) and Chad Roper (r). Photo by Mindy Mays

Page 18: January 2014


Chad, what type of services does your company Big Sound Musick offer? We basically write and produce music for artists. Production starts a song from beginning to end. The greatest producer in the world is Quincy Jones. When he works with an artist, he will get on the phone, and call the best guitar play-er, the best person who writes melodies, the best lyr-ics, the best piano player, the best drummer, the best engineer, the best mixing engineer, etc. He creates that team, and create a product. So that’s what Big Sound Musick does, we take the same approach for our artists.

Would you recommend a record deal? I recom-mend that you do what you feel is best for you. Some people have certain dreams, some can make a major situation worse for themselves, and some can make the independent work for them. Like the artist Mack-lemore. He made the independent way work perfectly for him. A record company probably can’t give him enough money to make him sign. Then you have situ-ations where independent artists went with a major record deal, and discovered they were better inde-pendent. So it really depends on what you’re looking for. I wouldn’t give recommendations concerning that. I am only concerned about the creative process. I want to help give artists the music or product that can help them open the door to get them to the next level. Shonn, how did the gig with Jill Scott occur? I just finished the Sade tour with John Legend. A good friend of mine named Adam Blackstone tweeted me to call him and told me that Jill needed a guitarist and asked if I were interested. They flew me to Philly and Jill really enjoyed my playing, and the rest is history. Jill is like family. It has been one of the greatest expe-riences I’ve had working with an artist, not to take anything away from others. This opportunity created something deeper than me just playing for her. She’s like family, like an older sister. Our relationship is very down to earth and we talk about everything from my son to my love life. Name some of your favorite guitarists? I like John Smith from Frankie Beverly and Maze, who is also the major songwriter and guitarist for the quartet group, Soul Seekers. He’s taken me under his wings, he’s amazing. Others are Pocket Honore, from Jada Pickett Smiths band Wicked Wisdom, and Eddie Van Halen, and Def Leppard. Continued on page 19

Chad, you were nominated for a Grammy! What an experience! For which artist was this birthed from? I worked with the producer and song writer on Rihanna’s “Loud” album. Shonn, you recently became a vocalist with your very first CD, “The Love Story.” What gave you the courage to step out and showcase your other musical abilities? I grew up in a musical family so the fruit didn’t fall too far from the tree. I just put the singing aside and focused on being a guitarist. So what really influenced and inspired me to do this CD, was a lady named Jodine Basterash. I was talking to her about doing an event called “Shonn Hinton & Friends.” I let her listen to my music and she said, “Really?! You should do an album” and that was it. I hit the ground running because I had someone behind me who believed in me 100%. The confidence, the inspiration were definitely very influential on bring-ing that side of me out. It is one thing when your par-ents believe in you, but for someone else to hear my music and respond like she did gave me the confi-dence. I appreciate her for that. If I’ve never said thank you, which I’m sure I have, I’ll say it again. Jodine Basterash, thank you for believing in me. Not only did she believe in me, but she also showed it. She put that belief in action. Tell us a little bit about “The Love Story” The Love Story is a brief and intimate detailed look inside a relationship that I was in. You start out with the warm and fuzzies, then resentment settles in and you feel the distance between the two of you. I really wanted to make a statement with this album where they could relate to it. I wanted to pull at the listener’s heart string and many people were pleasantly sur-prised. There was a poet by the named Dan Vaughn who said “it is one thing to be surprised, but another to be pleasantly surprised.

Shonn Hinton photographed by Mindy Mays

Page 19: January 2014


Chad, if you could do it all over again, what would you change? Keeping authentic people around. Everything else I wouldn’t change. I’ve been blessed to be around wonderful people. Those who really count always come back around. My daily devotion the other day talked about when you’re living in all sunshine, you start to slack in your faith believing in who God is. Trials and storms will come to remind you that you need faith at all times. So every situation that I come across, a storm was necessary at the moment to keep me where I am to-day. I don’t regret anything. At the end of the day, each storm is for a reason and every time it happens, something better occurs after it’s over. I don’t take stakes hard, I take them as learning experiences. I look at it as being either it’s a blessing or a lesson. That way it’s never a negative situation and I keep it moving. So what’s next for Chad? What’s in the future? One day at a time. As long as you’re building daily, you’re growing. I’m happy with that progress. Every-body wants to be great at whatever it is that you do but to get to greatness, it takes time. You can’t make a diamond in two-three days. You have to go through a process to get to that top quality, and so do we. It doesn’t matter if you make a hundred million dollars when your 20 or 75 years old. It’s still a million dol-lars. I don’t plan on dying anytime soon. I can wait. (laughing) What are some words of encouragement that you want to leave with other aspiring individuals in your field of work? One thing that is very shor t and simple - dreams never expire. It may not hap-pen today or it may not happen tomorrow. Remember that, and you’ll never quit. Shonn, what other ventures are you working on now? Let me introduce to the wor ld, “My Momma Made It” clothing line my mom and I are starting. She’s an amazing seamstress and clothing designer. We started out with a blue jean jacket with studs on the shoulders, which brought attention. She has made some eye catching pieces from the shirts, to the jacket and there’s a winter coat coming out. I’ve even been cutting and sewing along with her. My goal is to be that guy that does it all. (laughing)

I also have a radio show that is scheduled to air on BlowRadio.com in December, which will be called “Wild Out Wednesday Night Throw Down. It’s a no holds barred radio show that deals with everything from music, to fashion to relationships. If you could do it all over again, what would you change? To be honest, I wouldn’t change anything. I’m grateful with how my life has turned out so far and I know it’s just the beginning. I’m glad every-thing happened the way it was suppose too. The goal is to stay focused and stay prayerful. It’s not a matter of “if” it’s going to happen, but “when.”

Chad Roper photographed by Mindy Mays

“A legacy is not what you leave for people, but what you leave in people.” - Chad

Page 20: January 2014


“D ress for success!” This was what I heard my parents say when I was growing up and trying to find

my way. I didn’t understand it then to the extent I do now. The way we dress dictates how we are

perceived. The way we are perceived is the way we are treated. There are plenty of triggers in our society

that sway how we are addressed. Your height, depth, width, length, skin and hair are enough. Don’t allow

your dress to cause another defense mechanism in you. We are all aware of the attributes we possess that

bring attention negative or positive. First impressions are powerful. Until we speak, snap decisions are made

on whether we should like, trust, engage or avoid. A man’s visual appearance is more powerful than what

he says. Ignore your wardrobe at your own risk.

I am not suggesting that we become something less than our authentic selves. I am suggesting that we can

minimize the undesired communication, verbal and non-verbal. Dressing for success doesn’t only mean

dress for a job or a corporate position. It also means dressing for the audience you want to associate with. I

feel it necessary to qualify that statement for clarity. The focus of this column is to always leave a positive

impression with whomever you come into eye shot with. Let your appearance exude confidence, humility,

and success even if all those aren’t fully developed in you yet. May I share something with you? The Bible

has plenty to say about what and how we should dress. While mentored; as a child, Samuel ministered be-

fore the Lord in a linen ephod in 1 Samuel 2:18. “And they made coats of fine linen of woven work for Aa-

ron, and his sons,” Exodus 39:27. “And David was clothed with a robe of fine linen, and all the Levites that

bare the ark, and the singers, and Chenaniah the master of the song with singers: David also had upon him an

ephod of linen.” 1 Chronicles 15:27. Scripture over and over again shows us that the garments worn often

identified the person’s position, worth or destiny.

Define your personal style and command the responses you desire and deserve. You don’t have to follow

fashion trends to look stylish. In a society of so many confusing images, be definite in your dress. Tough

and tailored seems to be the flavor of the season in men’s fashion. The emphasis is modern, minimalistic

and clean. Since we are in the winter season, the sweater and the leather jacket speak volumes.

A staple of cooler weather is the sweater. Consider a cozy knit neutral colored piece that works well with

everything from dress slacks to jeans. These come in many styles such as: crew, roll-neck and shawl collars.

The leather jacket. The slim, tailored, button down blazer look is classic. Understand the basics of style and

your needs.

You have to understand why you need professional clothing. Build an understanding of the rules of dressing

well. The importance of a man taking control of his image shows responsibility and is within your power.

With so many circumstances out of our control, we need to command the attributes we can control. Build

your wardrobe a few pieces at a time. While in tune with your clothing needs, be on the lookout for missing

pieces to be added. Set a budget and stick to it. There are many affordable avenues to purchase the items

you need without paying full retail. It’s better to own a few well-made garments than a bunch of cheaply

made, poorly fitting articles.

By W. Douglas Turner

Page 21: January 2014


Page 22: January 2014


Bishop Darrell and Pastor Pamela Hines are the

quintessential couple in faith building ministries

and share a commitment to teach, encourage, in-

spire and uplift the family in their local church and

around he world.

Christian Faith Fellowship Church was founded by

the duo in January 1989 with the commitment to

include a four point plan through what is referred

to as CORE: Community, Outreach, Resource and

Education, coupled with a vision to proclaim the

Word of God , uplift the family and provide minis-

try to the total man. Through dependency upon

the Word of God, the families that make up the

congregation of Christian Faith Fellowship Church

are taught and encouraged to positively affect the


Page 23: January 2014


If you have a need in your life take it to Jesus. If you need healing, a breakthrough, deliverance take it to

Jesus. Most importantly if you need salvation Jesus is just a prayer away. If you don’t know Jesus as your

Lord and Savior simply pray this prayer: Father in the name of Jesus I know that I’m a sinner and I’m lost

without you. I believe in my heart that Jesus died on the cross and on the third day was raised again. So

I accept you today to be the Lord of my life. Satan you no longer have any legal rights to anything about

me. As of this moment I belong to Jesus Christ and I’m off limits to you. In the name of Jesus I pray,


It’s that simple and if you believe in your heart the prayer you just prayed you are now saved! Now go tell

somebody and walk in this new life!

Page 24: January 2014


Dry Cleaning Specials

3727 N. Teutonia Avenue

Milwaukee, WI 53206


Page 25: January 2014


Inside God’s Best Staff:

Lisa Hightire, Staff Writer W. Douglas Turner, Staff Writer

Daphne Johnson, Staff Writer Cassandra Woods, Staff Writer

Jodine Basterash, Contributing Writer Mindy Mays, Staff Photographer

All rights reserved 2014