january 24, 2014march 9, 2006 1 a foreign concept: international insurance

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Page 1: January 24, 2014March 9, 2006 1 A Foreign Concept: International Insurance

April 10, 2023 March 9, 2006 1

A Foreign Concept:International Insurance

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2April 10, 2023


Assessing International Exposure International Package Policy Overview Mistakes and Misconceptions Speaking the Foreign Lingo… Questions & Answer Session

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Facts & Figures…. $40.4 = export merchandise shipped 2006 (6th among

the states in this category) 2002 to 2006 merchandise exports for Michigan

increased $6.6 billion (20%). MI recorded the 13th largest growth in exports among the 50 states.

MI exported to 195 foreign destinations in 2006. Largest market(s) = Canada ($23.8B), Mexico ($4.7B), Germany

($1.2B) Other Top Markets: Japan, China, United Kingdom, Venezuela,

Austria, France and South Korea. Of MI’s 30 biggest markets, exports to Iraq grew fastest

over 2002-2006 Surging from 45k to118m or 263,000% Exports: Russia (up 674%). China (up 257%), Venezuela (up


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What is being Exported? Manufactured Goods (97% of all exports)

Transportation Equipment ($21.2B, 52%) Machinery Manufactures ($4.1B) Chemical Manufacturers ($3.2B) Primary Metal Manufactures ($1.9B) Computers and Electronic Equipment ($1.5B)

Fastest Growing Manufactured Exports Transportation Equipment

2002-2006 grew $1.6B

*Information provided by the State Export-Related Employment Project, International Trade Administration, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Origin of Movement State Export Series, and Bureau of the Census. Does not include statistics on products related to non-manufacturing sectors.

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We live in a Global Economy! International Trade now accounts

for 1/3 of the GDP in the USA. Companies that are managed in

the U.S, can be sued in the U.S., no matter where the complaint occurs or where the product is manufactured.

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What can really go wrong? Employee travel

Sickness, Injury, Death Occupational and Non-Occupational Injury/Illness

Car Accident(s)/Violations Injury, Imprisonment, Fines

GL Exposure Bodily Injury, Products Liability, Premises Legal

Damage Kidnapping, Property Damage, Cargo Theft,

Extortion Linguistic and cultural differences; Theft or lost


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Knowledge is Power! Most every U.S. company has some foreign

exposure(s): Trip Travel Importing/Exporting/Licensing/Franchising Foreign operations/Subsidiaries/Joint Ventures Strategic Growth and Acquisition

Don’t assume it’s covered or that it doesn’t exist.

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Assess Your Exposure

Do you have overseas sales?

Do you have employees traveling abroad?

Do you exhibit or participate in Trade Shows overseas?

Do you work on any military bases abroad?

Do you have facilities overseas?

Do you have employees living abroad?

Do you rent or own cars overseas?

Do you export goods outside of the USA?

Do you sponsor trips, tours or study groups abroad?

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If you answeredYES to any of these questions,

then you need International Insurance


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Foreign Commercial General Liability

Foreign Auto Liability Foreign Voluntary

Workers Compensation & Employers Liability

Travel Accident & Sickness

Real & Personal Property Insurance

Kidnap & Ransom, Extortion

Marine Cargo Political Risk Crime

An International Package Program:

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Advantages of a Package Policy

Nine lines of coverage One Underwriter One Premium One Policy One Invoice Ease of Doing Business Can include local coverage

for foreign operations

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Mistake #1: Domestic GL will respond… Product manufactured in U.S. is used in a

finished product in Italy. Finished product causes injury to Italian

child, whose family seeks damages from Italian and U.S. company.

Lawsuit filed in Italian court is not covered under U.S. firm’s GL policy.

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Mistake #2: U.S. Work Comp insurance will cover it… U.S employee is working temporarily in

India and contracts Cholera . The employee is treated overseas and

returns home seeking further treatment. Bills are denied as there is no coverage for

Endemic Disease under the employee’s domestic worker’s compensation plan.

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Endemic Disease

Noun 1. A disease that is constantly present to a

greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location.

Source: WordNet 1.7.1 Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Examples: Hepatitis B, Typhoid, Malaria, Typhus Fever, Lassa Fever, Measles (U.S.)

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Mistake #3: No need to buy additional AD&D and Medical Expense Insurance.

Employee travels to China for work. Employee becomes sick, is treated at a

local hospital and pays bill with personal credit card.

Back home, employee’s medical carrier refuses reimbursement for extra-territorial medical treatment.

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Mistake #4: Don’t need to worry about insurance for foreign employees.

A British citizen is working in Brazil for a U.S-based employer.

The British employee slips and falls on stairs at a restaurant, spraining their ankle and wrist.

Worker is taken to a local hospital, but has no coverage under the British national health plan.

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Mistake #5: Easy to replace stolen or lost documents, money et al. Employee travels to Hong Kong and has

his briefcase stolen at the airport while gathering his luggage.

All his money, identification and credit cards are inside.

He does not understand Cantonese or Mandarin and does not know how to place an international phone call.

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Valuable Program Benefit = Emergency Assistance Services

Provide fast, life-saving help in an emergency

Make international travel less troublesome

Toll free or Collect (24 hr/7 days/365 days)

English speaking assistance Proactive and Reactive resource for

international travel Services; Not insurance!

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Travel Assistance Services: Lost Documents Lost Personal Effects Embassy Information Security Evacuation Language Interpretation Legal Referrals Emergency Messages Emergency Travel Services Weather Currency Rates Bail Bonds Emergency cash

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Medical Assist Services:

Hospital Guarantee/Coordination Immunization Medical Record Storage Medical Transport Repatriation of Mortal Remains Medical Referrals Emergency Medication

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Speaking the Foreign Lingo… Expatriate (Expat)

A US National that is living and working abroad.

Third Country National (TCN) A foreign national working in a foreign country (i.e. an Australian working in France)

Local National (LN) A person who lives and works within their own

country (i.e. a Chinese person working for a US owned or affiliated operation in China)

Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation (FVWC) Provides voluntary, not mandatory, US workers

compensation benefits as well as standard foreign extensions, such as excess repatriation expense and endemic disease coverage; normally 24/7 coverage for trip travel.

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Foreign Lingo continued…

Foreign Auto Always on an excess basis over statutory limits;

clearly not a substitute for local compulsory coverage. DIC/DIL

Difference in Conditions, Difference in Limits; fills the inconsistencies and brings the firm’s insurance program up to a certain uniformity (US Market Standard) of coverages and limits.

Repatriation Returning Home as a result of accidental injury

or illness.

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More Foreign Lingo… Controlled Master Program (CMP)

A coordinated multinational insurance program under which coverage terms and pricing are centrally negotiated.

Admitted Coverage Signifies that the insurance company is authorized (licensed) to

conduct insurance business in the country where the insured has operations.

Non-Admitted Coverage Coverage written or issued by an insurer that is not licensed or

authorized in the country where the risk is located.

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Final Thought:

The landscape of doing business has changed; so too, should your approach towards your business and insurance needs.