january 30 – january 31, 2021 · 2021. 1. 29. · january 30 – january 31, 2021. pastor’s...

PARISH STAFF Rev. Rick Lesser, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Richard Leskovar, Weekend Assistant Deacon Alfred Manzella [email protected] Patricia Holm, Pastoral Associate, Administration [email protected] Barbara Ruggirello, Bookkeeper Paul Edmundson, Office Assistant [email protected] Peter Bukowski, Facilities Manager [email protected] Maura Barrett, LMSW, Pastoral Care Associate [email protected] Avery Tunningley, Parish Music Director [email protected] Nelly Brown Bunk, Choir Director [email protected] Konstantin Tsykun, Contemporary Music Director FAITH FORMATION AND YOUTH MINISTRY Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Closed Friday. Patti Staerker, Coordinator, Elementary School Program [email protected] Rose Ann Garry, Co-Coordinator, Middle/High School Program [email protected] Bridget Zigrosser, Co-Coordinator, Middle/High School Program [email protected] Mary Ann Hospodar, Coordinator, Youth Ministry Program [email protected] Colleen Harrigan, Secretary [email protected] PARISH TRUSTEES: Carmel Foltan and Adele Nucci ST. THOMAS SCHOOL: 439-5573 Fax: 478-9773 www.stthomas-school.org [email protected] Ernie Casile, Interim School Principal [email protected] Jennifer Murphy, Associate for Enrollment and Development [email protected] 35 Adams Place, Delmar, New York 12054 Office Phone: (518) 439-4951 • Fax: (518) 439-0108 Office E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Open By Appointment Only Website: www.stthomas-church.org WEEKEND MASS Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m., Sunday Mass: 10:00 a.m. Holy Days As Announced WEEKDAY MASS Mon and Thurs 7:30 a.m.; Tues and Fri 12:15 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION No Eucharistic Adoration currently scheduled RECONCILIATION Tuesday: 11:30 a.m., Saturday: 4:00 p.m. or by appointment BAPTISM Baptism of infants is usually celebrated on the 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month. Contact the Parish Office for arrangements. Preparation sessions for parents presenting infants for Baptism are held monthly. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Contact Paul Edmundson in the Parish Office for information. MATRIMONY Arrangements for marriage should be made at least 6 to 8 months in advance and before scheduling a reception. Contact the Parish Office for information. ANOINTING OF THE SICK by request. CARE OF THE SICK The Pastoral Care Team responds to the needs of homebound or hospitalized parishioners. Please call to make us aware of persons who would like a visit or home Communion. Contact: Maura Barrett. NEW PARISHIONER Please register in the parish by calling the office weekdays to set up an appointment . Please remember our parish in your will. We are: “St. Thomas’ Church of Delmar, N.Y.” Download Our Parish App at Myparishapp.com! PARISH MISSION STATEMENT To proclaim and celebrate the presence of Jesus Christ our Lord in a community of faith, to respond to the Spirit by recog- nizing the gifts of each individual and by encouraging their use in Christian service to others and to spread the Word to others by the witness of our lives in order to encourage growth in our relationships with God and with one another. JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021

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Page 1: JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021 · 2021. 1. 29. · JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021. Pastor’s Corner elementary faith formation (grades 1-5) talization, death, new baby, etc.)

PARISH STAFF Rev. Rick Lesser, Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Richard Leskovar, Weekend Assistant

Deacon Alfred Manzella

[email protected]

Patricia Holm, Pastoral Associate, Administration

[email protected]

Barbara Ruggirello, Bookkeeper

Paul Edmundson, Office Assistant

[email protected]

Peter Bukowski, Facilities Manager

[email protected]

Maura Barrett, LMSW, Pastoral Care Associate

[email protected]

Avery Tunningley, Parish Music Director

[email protected]

Nelly Brown Bunk, Choir Director

[email protected]

Konstantin Tsykun, Contemporary Music Director

FAITH FORMATION AND YOUTH MINISTRY Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Closed Friday.

Patti Staerker, Coordinator, Elementary School Program

[email protected]

Rose Ann Garry, Co-Coordinator, Middle/High School Program

[email protected]

Bridget Zigrosser, Co-Coordinator, Middle/High School Program

[email protected]

Mary Ann Hospodar, Coordinator, Youth Ministry Program

[email protected]

Colleen Harrigan, Secretary

[email protected]

PARISH TRUSTEES: Carmel Foltan and Adele Nucci

ST. THOMAS SCHOOL: 439-5573 Fax: 478-9773 www.stthomas-school.org [email protected] Ernie Casile, Interim School Principal [email protected] Jennifer Murphy, Associate for Enrollment and Development [email protected]

35 Adams Place, Delmar, New York 12054

Office Phone: (518) 439-4951 • Fax: (518) 439-0108

Office E-mail: [email protected]

Office Hours: Open By Appointment Only

Website: www.stthomas-church.org

WEEKEND MASS Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m., Sunday Mass: 10:00 a.m.

Holy Days As Announced WEEKDAY MASS

Mon and Thurs 7:30 a.m.; Tues and Fri 12:15 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION

No Eucharistic Adoration currently scheduled

RECONCILIATION Tuesday: 11:30 a.m., Saturday: 4:00 p.m. or by appointment

BAPTISM Baptism of infants is usually celebrated on the 3rd and 4th Sundays of the

month. Contact the Parish Office for arrangements. Preparation sessions for parents presenting infants for Baptism are held monthly. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS

Contact Paul Edmundson in the Parish Office for information. MATRIMONY

Arrangements for marriage should be made at least 6 to 8 months in advance and before scheduling a reception. Contact the Parish Office for information.


CARE OF THE SICK The Pastoral Care Team responds to the needs of homebound or

hospitalized parishioners. Please call to make us aware of persons who would like a visit or home Communion. Contact: Maura Barrett.

NEW PARISHIONER Please register in the parish by calling the office weekdays to set up an

appointment . Please remember our parish in your will. We are: “St. Thomas’ Church of Delmar, N.Y.”

Download Our Parish App at Myparishapp.com!


To proclaim and celebrate the presence of Jesus Christ our Lord in a community of faith, to respond to the Spirit by recog-nizing the gifts of each individual and by encouraging their use in Christian service to others and to spread the Word to others by the witness of our lives in order to encourage growth in our

relationships with God and with one another.

JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021

Page 2: JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021 · 2021. 1. 29. · JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021. Pastor’s Corner elementary faith formation (grades 1-5) talization, death, new baby, etc.)

Pastor’s Corner

elementary faith formation (grades 1-5) (Contact: Patti Staerker)

"What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like."– St. Augus-tine

Meal Ministry ~ Our meal ministry is quite active. As you may already know, we have switched to providing gift cards to local restaurants that deliver, due to COVID19. Please let Maura know if you would like to donate to this ministry or if you know of someone who is going through a significant life event (i.e., illness, hospi-talization, death, new baby, etc.). This is NOT a need-based ministry, but rather a way to provide tangible sup-port to our fellow parishioners.

Call for Valentine Cards ~ Valentine’s Day will be upon us soon, and I would like to make sure our home-bound and long term care residents feel the love of the parish. Cards from young and old appreciated! Please sign with your name “a friend from St. Thomas Church.” Valentines may be left in the Gathering Hall to Maura’s attention until Feb.7. THANK YOU!

Faith Formation & Youth Ministry

elementary faith formation (grades 1-5) (Contact: Patti Staerker)

(Contact: Maura Barrett, LMSW)

Pastoral Care

The preeminence of charity Why, brothers, are we so little concerned to seek one

another’s well-being, so that where we see a greater

need, we might show a greater readiness to help and car-

ry one another’s burdens? For this is what the blessed

apostle Paul urges us to do in the words: Bear one an-

other’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ; and also:

Support each other in charity. For this surely is the law of


Why can I not patiently bear the weaknesses I see in my

brother which, either out of necessity or because of physi-

cal or moral weakness, cannot be corrected? And why

can I not instead generously offer him consolation, as it is

written: Their children shall be carried on their shoulders

and consoled upon their knees? Is it because I lack that

virtue which suffers all things, is patient enough to bear

all, and generous enough to love?

This is indeed the law of Christ, who truly bore our weak-

nesses in his passion and carried our sorrows out of pity,

loving those he carried and carrying those he loved. Who-

ever attacks a brother in need, or plots against him in his

weakness of whatever sort, surely fulfills the devil’s law

and subjects himself to it. Let us then be compassionate

toward one another, loving all our brothers, bearing one

another’s weaknesses, yet ridding ourselves of our sins.

The more any way of life sincerely strives for the love of

God and the love of our neighbor for God’s sake, the

more acceptable it is to God, no matter what be its obser-

vances or external form. For charity is the reason why

anything should be done or left undone, changed or left

unchanged; it is the initial principle and the end to which

all things should be directed. Whatever is honestly done

out of love and in accordance with love can never be

blameworthy. May he then deign to grant us this love, for

without it we cannot please him, and without him we can

do absolutely nothing, God, who lives and reigns for ever.


From a sermon by Blessed Isaac of Stella, abbot

Installation Mass ~ Fr. Mark Reamer (our Episcopal

Vicar) will be at both parishes for the installation of Father

Lesser as the new pastor this weekend. He will be with us

at St Thomas at the 5 p.m. vigil Mass on Saturday and St

Matthew on Sunday at 9.30 a.m.

Thanks from Fr. Rick Dear Friends, On behalf of the Lesser family, I want to say thank you for all the support, prayers, cards, calls, Masses and kindness on the passing of my mom and dad into eternal life. Our family was blessed with wonderful parents, and now we are blessed by your fami-lies...Bidden or not, God is surely present. Fr. Rick The following is the link to the St. Matthew’s website where you can view Ellie Lesser’s funeral litur-gy:https://www.stmatthewsvoorheesville.org/services.html.

Prayer & Worship

Prayer Chain ~ Members respond to urgent prayer intentions. Calls are confidential. Contact Pam Seward at: 518-439-7845 for your intention to be added.

PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER Gus Franze and Ginny Acquario whose services were held at St. Thomas recently. May the Lord welcome them into Eternal Life.

First Communion Preparation ~ Children preparing for their First Communion this Spring have now begun their study for this most amazing Sacrament. Please pray for them and their families as they begin to learn about this precious gift of Thanksgiving we are given and invited to partake in each and every week!!

Faith Formation Materials ~There are still a handful of families who need to pick up the current packet of materials for elementary faith formation instruction at home. Your labeled manila envelope is in a box on the table under the youth ministry bulletin board in the gath-ering space. Please come get it as soon as you possibly can!!!

Page 3: JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021 · 2021. 1. 29. · JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021. Pastor’s Corner elementary faith formation (grades 1-5) talization, death, new baby, etc.)

The Mass and Confession Schedules are located on

Now is the time to get your 2021-2022 ap-

plications in! Spaces are filling up quickly! Pre-

K3, Part-Day and Full-Day Pre-K4 as well as Grades


Whether your child is a three-year-old entering

school for the first time, a middle schooler eager to

prepare for high school or anything in between, it’s

never too early nor too late to start them on the

path that is right for them. If you’d like to know more

about what a Catholic school education could mean for

your child, please contact Jennifer Murphy

at [email protected] or 518-439-5573.

A Dozen Reasons to Choose Catholic Schools – 1.

We offer an education that combines Catholic faith and

teachings with academic excellence. 2. We partner with

parents in the faith formation of their children. 3. We set

high standards for student achievement and help stu-

dents succeed. 4. We provide a balanced academic

curriculum that integrates faith, culture and life. 5. We

use technology effectively to enhance education. 6. We

instill in students the value of service to others. 7. We

teach children respect of self and others. 8. We empha-

size moral development and self-discipline. 9. We pre-

pare students to be productive citizens and future lead-

ers. 10. Nationally, Catholic schools have a 99% high

school graduation rate. 11. We cultivate a faculty and

staff of people who are loving, caring, dedicated and

effective. 12. We provide a safe and welcoming envi-

ronment for all.

Did you know? Every year, St. Thomas the Apostle School puts together a team of middle school students to compete against other area middle schools in the Academic Challenge Bowl Competition. Similar to the high school program MasterMinds, these meets are fast-paced, question-and-answer competitions covering all academic areas. Our 2020-2021 St. Thomas team is currently undefeated!

Please help St. Thomas the Apostle School to ad-

vance the programs that have served our families

for over 60 years. Please help us grow in our ministry

for Catholic education through our Continuing the Vi-

sion program. Your gift allows us to keep tuition afford-

able for all families. Donations may be made online at

stthomas-school.org/giving/annual/ or mailed to St.

Thomas the Apostle School, Attn: Continuing the Vi-

sion, 42 Adams Place, Delmar, NY 12054.


(Contact: Rose Ann Garry or Bridget Zigrosser)

YOUTH MINISTRY (Contact: Mary Ann Hospodar)

Attention Confirmation Candidates This week we kick off your retreat!! We have created kits with the tools you will need to com-plete your retreat by February 21, 2021. Please

check the Faith Formation page on the St. Thomas web-site and your email for the pick-up details and all the in-structions for your Confirmation Retreat Kits! Any ques-tions, please email the Faith Formation Office.

Thank you all for the amazing out pouring of Love for our Seniors! Together WE created 25 Bags of Love, lots of beautiful Valentine Cards, crafts, heart pillows and yummy choc-

olates and cookies! Thank you for sharing His LOVE!

Food drive on Tuesday Feb. 2, 3-4 p.m. will be hosted by our Pueblo to People Committee and Youth Ministry. We are collecting items for our neighbors served at St. Francis/St. James Food

Pantry: 1 pound bags of rice, cans of RED beans, tuna, soup, cereal and juice. Or for Family Toiletry Bags: shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. “Prayer + Friendship + Solidarity” Gracias!

Virtual Youth Rally and Mass for

Life: If you missed the Rally on

Friday Jan. 29 you can view an

abbreviated version of the Rally

and Mass this Sunday Jan. 31

https://youtu.be/b5mfb6kdqeU “I praise you, because

I am wonderfully made: wonderful are your works!

My very self you know. Probe me, God, know my

heart,” Psalm 139.

Planning for National Catholic Youth Confer-

ence NCYC 2021 “Ablaze/Enciende El Fuego”

Nov. 18-20 in Indianapolis, IN is underway.

The emcees are Brian Greenfield and Sister

Miriam Heidland and together they will dive into the

Book of Acts and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Our di-

ocesan Youth Ministry Coordinator, Dave Stagliano,

would like to get an idea on how many students grades

8-11 and adults may be interested in participating with

our Diocesan Team by Feb. 8. Projected costs are

$700 a person plus food and transportation. If you are

interested or have questions please contact Mary Ann

at [email protected]. Please keep

NFCYM in your prayers as they plan for a safe NCYC


School News

Visit us at www.stthomas-school.org or on Facebook at St. Thomas the Apostle School - Delmar

Page 4: JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021 · 2021. 1. 29. · JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021. Pastor’s Corner elementary faith formation (grades 1-5) talization, death, new baby, etc.)

The St. Thomas Website (stthomas-church.org) and Parish App.


“Advertiser of the Week" ~ This weekend we highlight one of the valued companies advertising in our bulletin:

Albany Braces Please see their ad in the current bulletin.

Be sure to patronize their business!













Tue 2/2 3 PM Weekly Food Dive PL

Sat 2/6 noon Peace Pole Vigil PP

PLACE: CH – Church; GH – Gathering Hall; LC – Lady Chapel; MC – Media Center; PO – Parish Offices, PP - Peace Pole, Café-Cafeteria, LCR1 or LCR2-Large Conference Rooms Rec Dining room, CHP-Chapel SCH-School, PL-Church Parking Lot


Attention Active Older Adults

~ We are going to start up our

senior luncheons again as a take

home lunch. Our first luncheon

will be on Friday, February,

12. Our meal will be chicken stir

fry with rice and vegetables, egg

drop soup, and a spring roll pre-

pared by the Asian Tea House in Delmar. The meal

will be packaged in a bag for you to pick up. If you are

attending the 12:15 Mass, you may pick up your meal

after Mass in the Gathering Hall. If you are not attend-

ing Mass, you may pick up your meal at 1 o'clock in the

Gathering Hall. Each registered attendee must be in

compliance with the St. Thomas covid-19 safety regu-

lations (mask, hand sanitizing, and social distancing) .

For reservations or cancellations, please contact Steve

or Christine Corson at 518-439-3286. Please leave

your name, phone number and email address, if you

have one. Reservations must be placed by Monday,

February 8. We look forward to when we can gather

together as a community.

Souper Bowl ~ To keep the tradition of the Souper

Bowl, this year the Pueblo to People Committee is inviting you to make Fr. Broderick’s Third World Soup from the comfort of your home. Even though we will not gather to sell our delicious soup, which is a fund-raiser for Our Sister Parish in Yucatan, Mexico, we ask that you keep our Sister Parish in your prayers espe-cially now during this global pandemic. We are asking our Sister Parish to pray for us too. Stay well and healthy! The recipe for the Third World Soup will be on the Pueblo to People page on the St. Thomas website.

Peace Pole Vigil ~ "We can come together to pray

for peace, peace in our world, peace in our communi-ties, and peace in our hearts. Please join us to pray for peace on Saturday afternoon, February 6 at 12:00 noon at the Peace Pole for ten minutes. We have pre-pared prayer booklets to share. Thank you."

“In a crisis … you have to choose. And in making your choice, you reveal your

heart.” (Pope Francis)

Up to 13 million metric tons of plastic enter the ocean annually; in the next decade, experts predict there will be one pound of plastic in the ocean for every three pounds of fish.

2020 Contribution Statements ~ If you do not receive your 2020 contribution statement by the end of this week, please contact Pat Holm at the parish office.

(Contact: Pat Holm)


Creation Care Team

(Contact: Marie Myer: [email protected].)

One million plastic bottles are bought every minute around the world. As of 2021, more than a trillion will be sold annually, with less than 1/3 recycled. (Beyond Plastics https://www.beyondplastics.org/learn.) Creation is in crisis. It is time for us to choose and thereby reveal our hearts.

Read the fact sheets at Beyond Plastics, https://www.beyondplastics.org/learn or watch The Story of Plastic available through Amazon Prime, $1.99, or Plastic Wars on PBS.org.

Stop using single-use plastic bottles, straws, uten-sils, bags.

Ask your legislator to support the federal bill Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (S 3263/HR 5845) A prepared letter is available on the Be-yond Plastics website.

Page 5: JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021 · 2021. 1. 29. · JANUARY 30 – JANUARY 31, 2021. Pastor’s Corner elementary faith formation (grades 1-5) talization, death, new baby, etc.)

Weekday Mass Intentions For the Week of February 1-february 5, 2021

Mon. 7:30 am Patrick and Tatiana Lloyd –Living

Bernasconi Family

Tue. 12:15 pm Intentions of the Celebrant

Thu. 7:30 am Intentions of the Celebrant

Fri. 12:15 pm John Palange

The Harrigan’s

Sat. 5:00 pm Virginia Acquario

John Keith

Sun. 10:00 am Roberta K. Cripps

Hogan Family

Thomas J. Dwyer

Robert and Patricia Ricchiuti

Jeffrey T. Wilcox

Friends of the Family

Scripture Readings: Week of January 31, 2021


Westmere Christ the King Church: 456-1644, Sat: 4 pm / Sun:8:30, 10:30 am

Altamont St. Lucy/St. Bernadette Church: 861-8770, Sun: 9:30 am

Voorheesville St. Matthew’s Church: 765-2805, Sat: 5 pm / Sun: 9:30 am

Next Weekend, February 6 – February 7, 2021

Sunday Dt 18:15-20 / 1 Cor 7:32-35 / Mk 1:21-28

Monday Heb 11:32-40 / Mk 5:1-20

Tuesday Mal 3:1-4 / Heb 2: 14-18 / Lk 2:22-40

Wednesday Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/ Mk 6:1-6

Thursday Heb 12: 18-19, 21-24 / Mk 6:7-13

Friday Heb 13:1-8/ Mk 6:14-29

Saturday Heb 13:15-17, 20-21 / Mk 6:30-34

Sunday Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 / 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 /

Mk 1:29-39