japanese culture

JAPANESE CULTURE Japanese culture has many roots in traditional Chinese culture, however Japanese culture, even historically differed from Chinese culture and due to the separation of the two land masses, plus the enforced periods of isolation from the outside world, further extended the differences between the two cultures.

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JAPANESE CULTUREJapanese culture has many roots in traditional Chinese culture, however Japanese culture, even historically differed from Chinese culture and due to the separation of the two land masses, plus the enforced periods of isolation from the outside world, further extended the differences between the two cultures.

One people, one race?Japanese people appear at first glance to be one of the most socially and ethnically homogenous groups in the world. Until recently, Japanese workers have associated themselves primarily with the company they work for - a businessman will introduce himself as "Nissan no Takahashi-san" (I am Nissan's Mr Takahashi). By extension, we might get the idea that a Japanese person subordinates the self to the objectives of society.In 1994 the first Ainu politician was elected to the Japanese Diet, suggesting that the Japanese are keen to officially recognize distinct ethnic groups in Japan.

Traditional sportsSumoDeeply rooted in Japan's culture, sumo has a history of over 1,500 years.Legend has it that the very survival of the Japanese people balanced on the outcome of a sumo match between the gods, and indeed sumo originated as a form of Shinto ritual. Though it has developed into a professional sport, elements of these rituals are still apparent, from the use of salt to purify the ring, to the shrine-like roof hanging above. KendoThe furious, noisy sport of kendo is perhaps Japan's oldest martial art and blends power, skill and bravery.Kendo could be described loosely as "Japanese fencing", though the "swords" are today crafted from four substantial bamboo slats, usually held together by leather straps. Its origins lie in the Kamakura period (1185-1333) with the samurai, who needed to practice their swordsmanship.

Japanese food: a whole lot more than just sushi!Kobe BeefA delicacy renowned worldwide is produced from cows raised according to strict tradition and provides a wonderful flavor that melts in your mouth. Zaru SobaBuck-wheat noodles served cold with a dipping sauce.


It's fair to say that fish is an integral part of the Japanese diet. Whether it's eaten almost live (odorigui - still dancing!) raw (nama or sashimi), grilled (yaki) or deep fried (tempura).

Manga & animeAs manga (Japanese comics) and anime (Japanese animation) have become integral parts of modern Japanese life and culture, there is no way of escaping their influence wherever you go in the country. Without either of them, Japan would definitely not be the colorful and intriguing country that it is.

MangaManga books are generally printed in black and white cover, a wide variety of genres and subject matter aimed at both sexes and all ages, not just for young boys - to whom comics are generally marketed in the West.

Themes include romance, action adventure, science fiction, comedy, sports and can also venture into darker subject matter for adults such as horror and more risqu material; though the latter tends not to be acknowledged in everyday life and culture.


Once certain manga have proven their worth by popularity, the natural progression is for an animated TV series to be created, however, manga is not the only source of inspiration for anime. For example, Pokmon was a worldwide hit as a video game for Nintendo before it was made into manga and anime series.The obvious differences from manga such as colour, movement and sound bring anime to life, but there is one additional element which is extremely important: the theme song. Artists from the J-pop and J-rock world are all falling over themselves to write the theme songs for the next big anime series as it is almost a guaranteed hit and provides great exposure. On a visual level, his animation style is very unique and cannot be mistaken, especially as his characters tend to have small eyes, going against the usual trend for larger eyes as mentioned earlier. Another distinguishing feature of his work is that most of the protagonists are strong independent girls or women.


For those interested in Japanese history, samurai culture and the role this military class played in shaping Japan is a fascinating one.

Samurai and "the way of the warrior"

Although samurai no longer exist, the influence of these great warriors still manifests itself deeply in Japanese culture and samurai heritage can be seen all over Japan - be it a great castle, a carefully planned garden, or beautifully preserved samurai residences. It is also deeply ingrained in the psyche of the Japanese people. The basis of samurai conduct is bushido, "the way of the warrior". This unique philosophy valued honor, reckless bravery and selflessness, as well as duty to the warrior's master with the purpose of giving up one's life and embracing death. There was no place for fear in the way of the warrior and this conduct of self discipline and respectful, ethical behavior was to become the role model behavior for other classes throughout Japan's history. -

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