jarvis collegiate institute - toronto district school … · more information about jarvis...

Jarvis Collegiate Institute ADDRESS: 495 Jarvis St, Toronto, ON M4Y 2G8 PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-0140 EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] WEBSITE: http://schoolweb.tdsb.on.ca/jarvisci GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12 Over 200 Years of Academic Excellence * Development of global competencies and AP Courses in Math, Science, English, and Social Sciences * French Language Program * Vibrant Art, Drama, and Music Programs * Growing English as a Second Language Program * Leadership and Mentorship Programs * Full range of sports teams & intramurals * Equity & student empowerment clubs * "Silver Certified" Eco-School * Participation in academic contests and global citizenship conferences * Travel opportunities to Europe, U.S. and within Canada Nil decet invita Minerva Founded in 1807, Jarvis C.I. is the first public high school in Toronto and has a long tradition of academic excellence and student involvement. Jarvis is committed to providing a rich and varied program encouraging higher order thinking as well as research and communication skills. Over 90% of our graduates attend university, including top schools like U of T, Waterloo, Dalhousie and Queens. Over 53% of graduates are Ontario Scholars and 60% receive scholarships / bursaries. Situated in the 'heart of the city' at Jarvis and Wellesley, our school has a rich mix of students from over 100 countries of origin, integrated into one unified, vibrant community in which diversity is our strength! Advanced Placement and Enrichment at Jarvis! Jarvis is proud to offer the Advanced Placement Program (Gr. 12) and the pre-AP (Gr. 9-11) Program to our motivated students who wish to take university-level courses while still in high school. We offer these courses to give students the opportunity to show mastery and develop post-secondary skills. Students at Jarvis are encouraged to enrol in the enriched courses in Grade 9 through 11, after which they are well prepared to participate in the Grade 12 AP Courses. Students who successfully score on their AP-exams in May, could receive first-year university accreditation for that specific subject.

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Jarvis Collegiate InstituteADDRESS: 495 Jarvis St, Toronto, ON

M4Y 2G8PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-0140EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]: http://schoolweb.tdsb.on.ca/jarvisciGRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

Over 200 Years ofAcademicExcellence*  Development of globalcompetencies and APCourses in Math,Science, English, andSocial Sciences*  French LanguageProgram *  Vibrant Art, Drama,and Music Programs*  Growing English as aSecond LanguageProgram*  Leadership andMentorship Programs*  Full range of sportsteams & intramurals*  Equity & studentempowerment clubs*  "Silver Certified"Eco-School*  Participation inacademic contests andglobal citizenshipconferences*  Travel opportunities toEurope, U.S. and withinCanada

Nil decet invita Minerva 

     Founded in 1807, Jarvis C.I. is the first public high school inToronto and has a long tradition of academic excellence andstudent involvement.  Jarvis is committed to providing a rich andvaried program encouraging higher order thinking as wellas research and communication skills.  Over 90% of ourgraduates attend university, including top schools like U of T,Waterloo, Dalhousie and Queens.  Over 53% of graduates areOntario Scholars and 60% receive scholarships / bursaries.     Situated in the 'heart of the city' at Jarvis and Wellesley, ourschool has a rich mix of students from over 100 countries oforigin, integrated into one unified, vibrant community in which diversity is our strength!

Advanced Placement andEnrichment at Jarvis! Jarvis is proud to offer the AdvancedPlacement Program (Gr. 12) and thepre-AP (Gr. 9-11) Program to ourmotivated students who wish to takeuniversity-level courses while still inhigh school. We offer these courses to give students theopportunity to show mastery and develop post-secondary skills.Students at Jarvis are encouraged to enrol in the enrichedcourses in Grade 9 through 11, after which they are well preparedto participate in the Grade 12 AP Courses. Students whosuccessfully score on their AP-exams in May, could receivefirst-year university accreditation for that specific subject. 

More Information about Jarvis Collegiate Institute

Global Competencies at Jarvis!Global competencies foster deep learning through engagingexperiences that incorporate creativity, inquiry, entrepreneurship,collaboration, leadership, communication, global citizenship,character, critical thinking and problem solving. 

Mathematics and the Sciences at Jarvis! Our students meet the highest of academic standards in the areasof Mathematics and the Sciences, competing annually in nationaland international contests. Our students consistently rank at thetop!  Last year, our Grade 12 Team placed first and second inCanada at the University of Waterloo Euclid Mathematics contest. 

Student Leadership at Jarvis! What makes Jarvis special is our Student Leadership Program! Many of our programs are organized and run by ourown students, such as Student Council,  StudentLeaders and Peer Tutoring. This helps with the transition of ourincoming grade 9 students. Many of these clubs work towardsfund-raising  and creating awareness about social justice issues.

Enrichment Opportunities at Jarvis! Our teachers strive to provide enrichment opportunities for ourstudents outside of the classroom.  We offer educational tours toEurope & the U.S., excursions to the ROM, Toronto Symphony &Opera, CBC, TSX, and the AGO; as well as conferences toTrailblazers in Law, Women's History Conference, and leadershipprograms through Empire & Rotary Club and Junior Achievement.

Additional Features● Full-Year Academic Programming● Student Scholarship & Award Program● Historic Auditorium● Two gymnasiums, Olympic-sized Pool

● Rich Extra-Curricular Programs● Strong Arts, ESL & Co-op Programs● Computer Labs & Portable Mini Labs● Free After-School Tutoring

For a list of all programs that are also offered visit http://www.tdsb.on.ca/Findyour/Schools.aspx?schno=5520&schoolId=1341

Student Life - Where You Belong

Jarvis sets the standards of excellence by offering:*  Over 40 Clubs including clubs in art, business, science;Social Justice, Equity, Stage Crew, Multicultural,Yearbook, School Newspaper, Anime, Peer Leadership,Model UN, IBC (Indigeneous Black Club)  ...just to name afew*  Outstanding teams and sports like soccer, basketball,volleyball, rugby, track & field, tennis, swim team, ultimatefrisbee, badminton, and numerous intra-mural sports *  Opportunities to demonstrate Jarvis spirit and talentthrough Drama Night, Music Night, Coffee House, Art Show,Spirit Week, celebration of all Heritage Months, AthleticBanquet, Talent Show, and Springfest* Opportunities to motivate our students to not only applytheir academic knowledge but to excel in areas of athletics,arts, and citizenship 

What Sets Us Apart

1.  Environmentalism at Jarvis: Jarvis students are globalcitizens with a strong sense of character and socialresponsibility. As a "Silver-Rated" Eco School, we have astrong recycling program, a thriving bike club, and areraising funds for water-bottle filling stations for theschool.  We have also completed our solar-panel roofproject!  2.  Student Citizenship at Jarvis:  Our students believestrongly in helping each other.  Our Student LeadershipProgram trains our student leaders to run Homework Club,'Me to We', Grade 9 Orientation Week, and train students inpeer mediation strategies. Our dedication to inclusivitypromotes tolerance and respect for all.  Our EquityWorkshops train our students on Anti-homophobia,celebration of all Heritage Months, as well as BullyingAwareness. 3.  Diversity is our strength at Jarvis: Our student populationis a mosaic of over 100 countries of origin embracing over80 spoken languages and 20 religions.  The UnitedNations principles of peace, safety and co-operation areevident in every hall, classroom, and lesson.

Parent and Community Engagement

Jarvis School Council is growing to involve our parent community. We meet regularly to discuss matters of interest to student learningand involvement. The Council is always welcoming newparents/guardians to take an active role in their students' education. We communicate with our parents through Curriculum Night, SchoolNewsletters, mass emails, Parent-Teacher conferences, andGrade 8 Information Nights.

Imagine a TDSB where all schools share a common core set of characteristics. They arecommunity-driven and focused on teaching and learning. Students and parents have a wide variety ofopportunities and there are enough students in every school to increase program choices. Imagine there is a clear focus on achieving student success and every student is engaged, has a voice,access to a caring adult and the opportunity to develop their full potential. Here at the TDSB our focus is on student achievement, parent and community engagement and financialstability.

Contact Information

SCHOOL NAME: Jarvis Collegiate InstituteADDRESS: 495 Jarvis St, Toronto, ON

M4Y 2G8TELEPHONE: (416) 393-0140EMAIL: [email protected]

11/15/2017 Grade 8 Open House11/15/2017 AP Program11/15/2017 STEM School