jasdeep kaur mba 1st sem

 Assignment on M ANAGEMENT PRACTI CES & ORGANI ZATIONAL BEHAVIOR   Topic: Leadership Qualities of 5 Leaders Submitted to: Submitted by: Lect. Miss Azizinder Sekhon Jasdeep kaur M.B.A-1 st SEM , Sec-E Roll No. 120426183

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Topic: Leadership Qualities of 5 Leaders

Submitted to:  Submitted by: 

Lect. Miss Azizinder Sekhon Jasdeep kaur

M.B.A-1st SEM

, Sec-E

Roll No. 120426183

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George Washington

Leadership Qualities of George Washington 

Without question, George Washington stands in history as one of its greatest leaders. How manyleaders could have pulled off what General George Washington did in the American Revolution?

Under Washington's leadership, the ill-equipped and typically outnumbered Continental Army

endured countless hardships and many disappointments and yet it came out on top! In addition,

Washington helped navigate the infant United States through its most formative years, refusingopportunities for dictatorship, championing civilian authority over the armed forces, presiding

over the Constitutional Convention, and serving as the nation's first President of the United

States. There's never been an American leader quite like George Washington!

Washington's Military Leadership 

Washington's record of military leadership began in the French and Indian War, a conflict he

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helped ignite. While his eagerness, ambition, and lack of experience got him into trouble (such as

at Fort Necessity), other qualities emerged which would foreshadow George Washington's rise to

greatness. These qualities included:

  Toughness - Washington was, in every respect, a rugged frontiersman from an early age.

He endured hardship on the frontier and survived several health challenges, including amajor bout with dysentery. Washington was as hardy and downright "tough" as they

came.  Persistence - A lesser man would've resigned himself to failure and ignominy after the

terrible debacle at Fort Necessity. Not Washington. He politically and painstakingly

maneuvered his way back into the war as a member of General Braddock's staff, which

gave him an opportunity at personal redemption and to showcase the next quality of his


  Incredible bravery - Washington repeatedly exposed himself to danger, at one point even

charging his horse between lines of his own men who were mistakenly firing volleys at

one another! During Braddock's infamous march and defeat, Washington was among the

only mounted officers to emerge unscathed. Four bullet holes in his uniform and twodead horses were ample testimony to his courage and providential protection.

 Organization - Following Braddock's defeat, Washington was posted in western Virginiato protect citizens from Indian attack. Though these years were frustrating for him,Washington had to contend, on a regular basis, with matters of supply, morale, discipline,

and communication. He developed critical experience in organizing and managing troops

under his command.

By the time of the American Revolution, George Washington was widely respected as a

proven soldier, charismatic leader, and accomplished military expert. In spite of his actual

record as a battlefield commander (which included one minor skirmish victory and one

embarrassing loss), Washington was the perfect choice for command of the Continental


In the course of the American Revolution, Washington's qualities of personal bravery,

toughness, and organization shone through, as did his mixed record in actual battlefield

command. He had a tendency to leave his flanks exposed and, at times, tragically failed to

reconnoiter the ground. Nevertheless, he maintained a firm grasp on the overall strategic

situation and ultimately achieved success.

Washington's generalship during the Revolutionary War has been scrutinized by pundits

and scholars, who often regard him as a mediocre tactician. They point out that he lost

more battles than he won. Richard Brookhiser, author of Founding F ather and George

Washington on L eadership , argues (correctly) that war is "not the World Series." Says

Brookhiser: "It's not the best out of seven."

Brookhiser is right. Washington was an extraordinary leader, regardless of his battle

record. Brookhiser is not the only one who has written on Washington's leadership. James

Rees, the executive director of Mount Vernon, published a similar book recently.  George

Washi ngton 's Leadershi p Lessons  is a good primer on leadersip and an excellent

introduction to Washington's greatness as a leader.

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Washington's Political Leadership

As the war entered its final years, Washington dealt with enormous fatigue in the ranks of

his army. That his troops were underpaid (if at all) and poorly supplied took its toll in

morale, creating dangerous situations of unrest. Washington's charismatic presence, moral

strength, and political maneuvering kept the Continental Army from rebelling against the

weak civilian government and the Revolution degenerating into civil unrest.

After the war, Washington was called upon to head the Constitutional Convention. His

presence was indispensable to the document's ratification. And then as U.S. President,

Washington navigated the nascent country through turbulent waters, positioning it to

become eventually the world's leading superpower.

Washington's Moral Leadership

Washington's greatest leadership quality was probably his high moral character. In spite of

the opportunity to seize dictatorial power during and at the end of the war, Washington

refused. Even when it seemed that seizing full power would be the only way to keep theContinental Army from revolting, Washington forcefully declined and maintained his

support for the official government of the United States. When the peace treaty with

Britain was finally sealed, Washington resigned his commission in December 1783,

formally handing control of the military to the United States Congress. It was one of the

very few times in history that a person with such immense power voluntarily walked away

from it.

Years later, Washington was of course called back to service as President of the United

States. And yet again, Washington voluntarily gave up power by declining to seek a third

term as President. Sadly, the years of service to his country took a toll on his health, and he

died roughly a year and half after retiring to Mount Vernon.

The character of George Washington remains his greatest quality and it was fundamental

to setting the United States on the right path.

Washington's Legacy

It's hard to picture the United States of America existing today, without George

Washington being at the center of its birth. So many things in our founding period could've

gone terribly wrong, but they didn't, because Washington was there to lead the nation in

the right direction. Remove Washington from the picture, and the picture gets very dark

indeed. George Washington was truly the indispensable man.

In your opinion, how great a leader was Washington? And what qualities made him so?

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Kolkata, June 19 (IANS) A day after opting out of the presidential race, former president

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Tuesday lavished praise on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata

Banerjee, extolling her leadership qualities and "honesty" for the cause of the nation.

In a letter to Banerjee, Kalam thanked the Trinamool Congress supremo for proposing his

name for the presidential election 2012 and all her "ceaseless efforts".

"During this short interaction, I saw, in you, a great leadership quality of graceful politics.

Your firmness for a cause, honesty for the cause of the nation, particularly your courage

and determination to sacrifice a golden political throne, is indeed graceful politics," Kalam

wrote in the letter where he addressed Banerjee as "dear and respected".

"This is indeed the need of the country. It is known that history is written only by

courageous leaders," he said.

Kalam also apologised for causing disappointment to Banerjee (by backing out of the race).

Banerjee, in reply, said she was deeply obliged and overwhelmed with the sentiments

expressed in his letter.

"I am deeply touched, obliged and overwhelmed with the sentiments expressed in your

letter dated June 19. We Indians are proud of you for your personality and achievements in

the country and the world," she wrote.

She stated that she gets courage from her struggle for the cause of common people.

"I always maintain courage which stems from my struggle for the cause of the common

people. Kindly give us your blessings as friend, philosopher and guide for this country,"

she wrote.

Both the letters were uploaded on Banerjee's official Facebook account.

Kalam Monday opted out of the presidential election after studying the "totality" of the

situation, dealing a blow to the Bharatiya Janata Party and Banerjee who badly wanted

him to take on Pranab Mukherjee.

His decision spiked what could have been a high-profile battle between him and Finance

Minister Mukherjee, who appears set to occupy the Rashtrapati Bhavan as the United

Progressive Alliance (UPA) nominee.

The two parties had named Kalam, former Lok Sabha speaker SomnathChatterjee and

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as their three preferred candidates for president.

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Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler (German: [ˈadɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ] (  listen); 20 April 1889 –  30 April 1945) was an Austrian-

 born German  politician and the leader of the  Nazi Party (German:  Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP); National Socialist German Workers Party). He was

chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and dictator  of   Nazi Germany (as Führer und

Reichskanzler ) from 1934 to 1945. He was at the centre of the founding of   Nazism, World War

II, and the Holocaust. 

Hitler's Leadership Characteristics

Hitler’s Leadership Characteristics:

  Powerful: People listened to him. Not many people went against him because they were

afraid that something would happen to them or their families.  Demanding: He wanted what he wanted and wasn’t going to change his beliefs for

anything or anyone. He thought that he had all the power in the world and that’s what he

was trying to gain.

  Reliant: He relied on his troops to carry out his plans.

  Controlling: He wanted others to do things for him and made them do what he told themto.

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  Goal Setter: He set goals for himself and the Nazis. Even though some of these were very

far fetched, he did set them and that is a positive characteristic of a leader.

  Judgmental: He believed all who weren’t Aryan were not needed. Not even knowing people he based his thoughts on looks and heritage.

Alexander, the Great: Strength, weakness

and contributions

There were immense qualities for Alexander, the great as a leader. One of the greatest qualities aleader should have is ambition. Alexander wanted to establish a vast empire and his ambition

was fulfilled. He had conquered almost all the major countries of the Middle East and Asia

Minor. He had also overthrown the Persian Empire by defeating the Persian king, Darius III.

He was one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. He was the inspiration of all the laterrulers. His art of warfare were later studied by the later great rulers and generals in history.Alexander's leadership qualities in military and politics were obvious. He became the leader of

 powerful force which conquered all parts of the world including Asia. Alexander was also a great

strategist. His strategy was evident during his Asian conquests. He preferred to fight with a land

army with Persia inorder to compensate for their superior naval fleet.

As a leader, he was open all sorts of hazards and dangers during his campaigns. This was a great

inspiration for his men. He was personally involved in various projects and proved to be aworthy leader. His men had deep faith in the capability of their leader. This unswerving devotion

of his men was the secret behind his success.If he had lived further, the possible outcome would

 be the breakup of his empire and the mutiny of his soldiers. He had neither proper administrativemachinery nor heir to control the whole conquered areas. His soldiers were already tired of long

marches and conquests. This was evident during his invasion of India.

Contributions: The Macedonian king, when he conquered the known parts of the world had

spread the Greek civilization throughout the world. The Greek culture blended with the cultures

of other nations which is known as Hellenism. One common currency and Greek language untiedthe whole territories. Alexander was responsible for the opening up of trade relations between

the east and west. He had established many cities on the way to India and these cities were

established near the trade routes. The establishment of even the Roman Empire was based on the

conquests of Alexander.

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Alexander the GreatEarly life

Lineage and childhood

Aristotle tutoring Alexander, by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris 

Alexander was born on the 6th day of the ancient Greek month of  Hekatombaion, which probably corresponds to 20 July 356 BC, although the exact date is not known,

[4] in Pella, the

capital of the Ancient Greek  Kingdom of Macedon.[5]

 He was the son of the king of Macedon,

Philip II, and his fourth wife, Olympias, the daughter of   Neoptolemus I, king of  Epirus.[6][7][8]


Although Philip had seven or eight wives, Olympias was his principal wife for some time, likely

a result of giving birth to Alexander .[9]


Several legends surround Alexander's birth and childhood.[10]

 According to the ancient Greek

 biographer  Plutarch, Olympias, on the eve of the consummation of her marriage to Philip,dreamed that her womb was struck by a thunder bolt, causing a flame that spread "far and wide"

 before dying away. Some time after the wedding, Philip is said to have seen himself, in a dream,

securing his wife's womb with a seal engraved with a lion's image.[11]

 Plutarch offered a variety

of interpretations of these dreams: that Olympias was pregnant before her marriage, indicated bythe sealing of her womb; or that Alexander's father was Zeus. Ancient commentators were

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Early life

Sonia Gandhi's birthplace, 31, Conrad Maine (Maine Street), Luciana, Italy (the house on the


She was born to Stefano and Paola Maino in Conrad Màini ("Maine quarter/district"),

at Lusiana,[10][11]

 a little village 30 km from Vicenza in Veneto,[12]

 Italy, where families with thefamily name "Màino" have been living for many generations.

[13][14][15] She spent her adolescence

in Orbassano,[16]

 a town near  Turin, being raised in a traditional Roman Catholic family and

attending a Catholic school. Her father, a building mason, died in 1983.[17]

 Her mother and two

sisters still live around Orbassano.[18]


In 1964, she went to study English at the Bell Educational Trust's language school in the city

of  Cambridge. She met Rajiv Gandhi, who was enrolled in Trinity College at the University ofCambridgein 1965 at a Greek restaurant (the Varsity Restaurant) while working there as a

waitress to make ends meet.[19][20]

 Sonia and Rajiv Gandhi married in 1968, following which she

moved into the house of her mother-in-law and then Prime Minister,  Indira Gandhi.[21]


The couple had two children, Rahul Gandhi (born 1970) and Priyanka Vadra (born 1972).Despite belonging to the influential  Nehru family, Sonia and Rajiv avoided all involvement in politics. Rajiv worked as an airline pilot while Sonia took care of her family.

[22] When Indira was

ousted from office in 1977 in the aftermath of the Indian Emergency, the Rajiv family moved

abroad for a short time.[citation needed ]

 When Rajiv entered politics in 1982 after the death of hisyounger brother  Sanjay Gandhi in a plane crash on 23 June 1980, Sonia continued to focus onher family and avoided all contact with the public.


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Sonia is a cool thinker. She is against corruption and quick in making decisions especially

against corrupt people irrespective of party affiliations. She proved herself more as a soft leader

whiles her mother-in-law, Indira Gandhi as a hard leader. Probably Sonia is a soft leader as she

runs a coalition government which needs lot of balancing act.

Sonia entered politics reluctantly like her husband late Rajiv Gandhi. She stood like a rock whenher husband was assassinated. She brought her two children through right values and ethics. She

did not get everything on platter in politics. She entered into the Congress party when it was

getting disintegrated that too when the party was in opposition. She took the reins andrejuvenated the Congress party.

Sonia surprised her critics by bringing Congress government back at the Centre through her soft

and effective leadership skills and abilities. She flatly refused to become the Prime Minister ofIndia when everything was easy for her. She surprised her critics and opponents by sacrificing

 power and installing a minority Sikh and a clean personality - Dr. Manmohan Singh.

Sonia is a strong woman with great character who means business. She has become the symbol

of women leadership and a role model for Indian women. The future belongs to the soft leaderslike Sonia Gandhi.

it says something for Sonia Gandhi's tenacity and will power that she has reached the top in a

strange country. A country that does not speak her language, is a world apart from her culture,and has entirely different social values and work ethics.

She has become the longest serving Congress party member (over 10 years). When her husbanddied on that fateful day on 21st may, 1991 leaving her shattered, she had two kids from whom

she could hardly seek solace. It was rather the other way round. That she stood the test of times

and came out with flying colors is no small feat. Here is what we gather about her leadership

qualities from her amazing ability to lead the ruling party:

Stop-Gap to Permanency It has to be conceded that the Congress culture saw in her a stop-gap arrangement ready-made

leader. It came to pass soon that she was here to stay and not about to go away, leaving the field

open for others waiting in the wing. Undoubtedly, there were distracting elements within and

outside the Congress. The opposition cried hoarse about dynastic policy which, had true angstand desperation written all over. In the Congress itself, voices were heard to mutter the

impracticality of having a foreign citizen as the head of the party.

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Rejuvenation of the Party

Overcoming these real obstacles would not have been easy, were it not for the state of despair the

 party was in at the time. The party did not have a central leader to look up to. The morale of the

 party workers was down in the dumps. A much needed rejuvenation was instantly provided by

Sonia Gandhi. Being elected as an MP was easy and she became the opposition leader.

Style of Electioneering

In 2004, the BJP wrongly believed its own slogan of "India shining" to be true and projected

India almost as if it was a prosperous country. Sonia Gandhi, on the other hand, had her feet

firmly on the ground. She electioneered throughout the country extensively, identifying herself

with aam aadmi.

No part in Government When she was offered the post of prime minister on the platter, she weighed the pros and cons

and decided against accepting it, choosing instead to lead the party. The top economist

Manmohan Singh was made the PM. An important laws enacted on her initiative was thenational Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme which provided succor for the poor of the

country. Work for 100 days to the rural poor was guaranteed. Right to Information Act became a

law by her insistence. Any citizen could get any information concerning the activities of the

government by requesting for it.  This Sonia Gandhi, a novice in 1991 is a seasoned politician

 providing a good leadership and hope for her party.

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Strengths and weaknesses of Capt Amarinder singh

Congress party’s best bet for Punjab and scion of Patiala royal  family Capt Amarinder Singhfaces no big challenge from a lesser known leader Surjit Singh Kohli of SAD from his bastion

Patiala (city) constituency. His real challenge is to enable his party win the election with a magic

number of 59 seats. The challenge becomes really tough following the announcement of tickets

with two dozen candidates facing rebels across Punjab.

Life sketch of Capt Amarinder Singh:

Son of Maharaja Yadvindra Singh and Maharani Mohinder Kaur,Capt Amarinder Singh (70)

 belongs to Phulkian dynasty. He got quality education from Lawrence and Doon schools before being commissioned to Army in 1963. He quit the Army in early 1965, but rejoined to participatein country’s war with Pakistan and quit the job after the war was over. A keen flyer, excellent

golfer, rider and shooter Capt Amarinder Singh was married to Parneet Kaur, who is now MP

from Patiala and Union Cabinet Minister. The couple has a son Raninder Singh, who is alsocontesting election from Samana and a daughter Jai Inder Kaur.

Inducted into Congress by his friend Rajiv Gandhi, Capt Amarinder Singh won the Lok Sabha

election in 1980, but resigned in protest against Army attack on Harmandar Sahib. He joined

Akali Dal and remained Minister in the Surjit Singh Barnala government and again resigned

when state government again sent forces into Harmandar Sahib in the name of operation Black

Thunder. He broke away with Akalis and made a splinter group that subsequently merged withthe Congress and Capt was entrusted with the responsibility of President of State Congress unit

from 1999 to 2002 and later as Chief Minister of Punjab from 2002 to 2007 and the Chairman of

Punjab Pradesh Congress Campaign Committee for Lok Sabha election. He is now team head asPPCC chief to face the 2012 election.

Strengths of Capt Amarinder Singh:

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  Straightforward and trustworthy

  Good and firm administrator, believes in team work

  Articulate and well behaving

  Courageous and gutsy to defend his team even if it goes wrong

  Royal by roots and intellectual by aptitude to have penned good books including ‘LestWe Forget’, A Ridge 

  Too Far’ and ‘The Last Sunset –  Rise and Fall of Lahore Durbar’ 

  Knows the art to lead the team from front  Visionary with positive attitude

  Have the track record of sacrificing prominent political posts for religious causes

  Commands huge respect and trust among electorate

  Handsome and crowd puller

  Has got the capacity and capability to browbeat rival Akalis on religious agenda

Weaknesses of Capt Amarinder Singh:

  Inaccessible not only to general public, but, sometimes to his family and party leaders aswell

  Pleasure-seeker & easy going

  Controversial for having remained in relationship with several women including latestone Aroosa Alam Khan fromPakistan

  Less laborious as compared to his rival Parkash Singh Badal

  Enjoy remaining occupied by a coterie of sycophants and those arrange pleasures for him

  Keeps too much trust on his men most of whom often go wrong

  Failed to deliver as per aspirations of people during his stint as CM

  Has got admiration among Sikh separatists some of whom don’t believe in Indian


  Believes in high level corruption –  has the track record of phenomenally improving his

financial condition after becoming CM