jasper snyder main stage - 2012

Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage – Session 4 A Presenta*on from The Fes*val of NewMR – Main Stage 5 December 2012 Social Media and Digital Ethnography All copyright owned by The Future Place and the presenters of the material For more informa:on about NewMR events visit NewMR.org Jasper Snyder Converseon

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  1. 1. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 APresenta*onfrom TheFes*valofNewMRMainStage 5December2012 Social Media and Digital Ethnography AllcopyrightownedbyTheFuturePlaceandthepresentersofthematerial Formoreinforma:onaboutNewMReventsvisitNewMR.org JasperSnyder Converseon
  2. 2. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Social Media and Digital Ethnography Jasper Snyder, VP, Converseon
  3. 3. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 What does beauty mean to members of Generation Y and how does this manifest itself in both offline grooming behaviors and online discussion about the category? How does gender affect Gen Y beauty and grooming beliefs and practices? What global similarities and national-level differences exist in Gen Y beauty and grooming behaviors? How is social media impacting beauty and grooming beliefs and practices and purchases? Research objectives and questions Converseon 2012
  4. 4. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 What research approach was appropriate to answer the research questions? Brand-Centric vs. Where are people talking about my brand? What does online sentiment look like for my brand? Who is talking about my brand online? How many social media messages mention my brand? What sorts of online communities have emerged around a particular category? What interests, topics, products, etc. do these online communities care about? How do people think and talk about and interact around a particular category? What products and brands is a community promoting through word of mouth? Culture-Centric Converseon 2012
  5. 5. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Social research approaches can be thought of falling along a spectrum, according to the granularity of analysis and specificity of findings. Purely Quantitative, Automated Approach Qualitative, Human Analysis-Driven Approach Conversation Volume Venues Unique Authors Automated Influence Scores Sentiment Estimates How People Talk Trends and Cool-Hunting Controversies and Debates Processes and Events Gender & Cultural Differences Behaviors Converseon 2012
  6. 6. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Methodology & Approach 1. Assemble a list of search keywords to pull in relevant social media content related to beauty and grooming. 2. All relevant records for a two-month period were compiled. 3. For each country, a set of records was tagged by human coders for author gender, voice, topics, and sentiment. 4. A team of research analysts analyzed the tagged data. 5. Analysis was conducted of a series of beauty- and grooming- related YouTube videos and comments for each country. Converseon 2012
  7. 7. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 By sourcing social media for insights, this research program made truly global multi- language, multi-country research cost- and time-effective. Five Countries: China India Mexico United Kingdom United States Three Languages: Chinese English Spanish Converseon 2012
  8. 8. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Venue analysis: Understanding what types of websites people are discussing your category on. Purely Quantitative, Automated Approach Qualitative, Human Analysis-Driven Approach Venue Analysis Converseon 2012
  9. 9. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Venue analysis revealed that while forums were key conversation venues in all countries, blogs were prominent in India, and Twitter was prominent in the US. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% USUKMexicoIndiaChina ShareofSocialMediaContent Forum Twitter Blog Other Venue Types of Messages about B&G, by Country April May Converseon 2012
  10. 10. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Venue analysis provides valuable background knowledge and context for approaching product marketing and engagement. Intelligence about venue distribution can inform advertisement spending: target the venues where people are talking about your product category. This knowledge can also inform your choice of engagement strategy. For instance, in India, where blogs are key beauty and grooming venues, influencer outreach might be a highly effective avenue for marketing. The prominence of forums in all countries suggests banner advertisements as a potentially effective opportunity. Converseon 2012
  11. 11. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Gender Analysis Venue Analysis Gender analysis: understanding which topics men and women are most interested in Purely Quantitative, Automated Approach Qualitative, Human Coding and Analysis Approach Converseon 2012
  12. 12. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Quantitative gender analysis revealed that while women were much more active in social media around the beauty and grooming category overall, men were frequently turning to social media to discuss shaving and oral care. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% ShareofSocialMediaContent Male Female B&G Sub-Categories by Author Gender (Cross Country Averages) April May Converseon 2012
  13. 13. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 High-level gender analysis can inform targeted marketing and advertising strategy. Given that men are turning to social media to discuss shaving and oral care, this suggests an opportunity for connecting with this segment via social media. There is also a negative lesson here: the data suggests that social media marketing for hair and skin care products may be less effective in motivating males. Converseon 2012
  14. 14. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Life Event Analysis Life event analysis: understanding the life events that lead people to discuss beauty and grooming online Purely Quantitative, Automated Approach Qualitative, Human Analysis-Driven Approach Venue Analysis Gender Analysis Converseon 2012
  15. 15. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Life-event analysis reveals that Gen Y-ers in India posted online about beauty and grooming in preparation for vacations and weddings much more than their counterparts in the other countries. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Share of Social Media Content Vacation Work Shopping Going Out Going to Class Wedding School Event Daily Activities Life Events Prompting Users to Post About B&G, by Country April May India China Mexico US UK Converseon 2012
  16. 16. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Life-event analysis can give marketers a better idea of what triggers planned purchases for particular groups and how consumers associate events and products in a given category. Insights into life events can inform the creative content of marketing and advertising campaigns. These insights can also inform the timing of marketing campaigns: for instance, if people talk more about cosmetics around summer vacation, you might plan a campaign in the lead-up. Converseon 2012
  17. 17. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Venue Analysis Gender Analysis Life Event Analysis Ethnographic analysis: uncovering strategic insights by understanding the everyday beliefs and practices of groups and individuals. Purely Quantitative, Automated Approach Qualitative, Human Analysis-Driven Approach Ethnographic Analysis Converseon 2012
  18. 18. Jasper Snyder, Converseon, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage Session 4 Ethnographic analysis showcased the phenomenon of hauls, where young women use YouTube and photo-sharing services to discuss their beauty and grooming purchases with other young women across the globe. In this haul, Jarmaine gives her feedback on a recent cosmetics purchase. This haul received nearly 50,000 views and spurred nearly 1,000 user comments. Viewer comments reveal that Jarmaines followers trust her opinions and personally connect with her: would love to meet you in person. You are so down to earth and you just make my day :)