javaone 2016 - reactive microservices with java and java ee

Reactive Microservices with Java and Java EE Rodrigo Cândido da Silva @rcandidosilva Israel Boza Rodriguez @IsraKaos

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Reactive Microservices with Java and Java EERodrigo Cândido da Silva @rcandidosilva Israel Boza Rodriguez @IsraKaos

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Agenda• Monolithic vs. Microservices • Reactive Manifesto • Resilience • Message-driven • Demo • Q&A

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Monolithic vs. Microservices

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• Small components • Isolated deployment • Independent technology • Separate infrastructure

"Small independent component with well-defined boundaries that’s doing one thing, but

doing it well"

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Reactive Manifesto

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Resilient• How to support it on microservices?

• Central point of configuration • Service registry and discovery • Routing features • Load balancing • Failover • Monitoring

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Spring BootSpring Cloud

Spring Cloud + Netflix OSS

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Spring Cloud + Netflix OSS“Nice match to build resilient microservices with


Configuration Management Spring Cloud Config + Bus

Service Registration and Discovery Netflix Eureka

Load Balacing Netflix Ribbon

Circuit Breaker Netflix Hystrix + Turbine

Proxy Server Netflix Zuul

Autenthication Spring Cloud Security

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Spring Cloud Config

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Netflix Eureka

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Netflix Ribbon

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Netflix Hystrix• Circuit Breaker Pattern

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Hystrix Dashboard

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Netflix Zuul

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Spring Cloud Security


Client Relying Party

Resource Server

Get an access token

& an ID Token (JWT)

Use an access token

Authorization Server



Authorization Endpoint

Token Endpoint

Important Stuff

Userinfo Endpoint

Registration Endpoint

JWKS Endpoint

JWKS Endpoint

Validate (JWT)

ID Token

/.well-known /webfinger /openid-configura.on

Check Session IFrame

End Session Endpoint

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Message-Driven • How to support it on microservices?

• Asynchronous communication • Non blocking I/O • Distributed • Consistency • Event sourcing • CQRS

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Reactive Programming• Asynchronous communication and data streams


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Reactive Alternatives at Java EE


Message-Driven Beans

Asynchronous Session Beans





JAX-RSAsync on Server

Async on Client


Async Remote Endpoints Concurrency


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Project Reactor• Library for building non-blocking apps • Interacts with Java 8 functional API • Offers two reactive composable API

• Flux[N] and Mono[0|1] • Supports scalable in-memory routing with Bus extensions

• Ported to support microservices

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REST Endpoint@RestControllerpublic class UserRestController {

private static final List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();

static { users.add(new User(1, "Rodrigo", "C", "da Silva")); users.add(new User(2, "Israel", "B", "Rodriguez")); users.add(new User(3, "Bruno", "", "Souza")); users.add(new User(4, "Edson", "", "Yanaga")); }

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/users") public List<User> getUsers() { return users; }

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/user/{id}") public User getUser(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) { return -> g.getId() == id) .collect(Collectors.toList()).get(0); }


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REST Proxy@Componentpublic class UserServiceProxy {

@Autowired UserService service;

@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "defaultUsersObservable") public Observable<List<User>> getUsersObservable() { return new ObservableResult<List<User>>() { @Override public List<User> invoke() { return service.getUsers(); } }; }

public Observable<User> defaultUsersObservable() { return null; }} @FeignClient("USER-SERVICE")

public interface UserService {

@RequestMapping(value = "/users", method = RequestMethod.GET) List<User> getUsers();

@RequestMapping(value = "/user/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) User getUser(@PathVariable("id") Integer id);}

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REST Async Client

@RestControllerpublic class APIController {

@Autowired GroupServiceProxy groupService;

@Autowired UserServiceProxy userService;

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/userGroups") public UserGroup getUserGroups() { Observable<List<Group>> groups = groupService.getGroupsObservable(); Observable<List<User>> users = userService.getUsersObservable();

Observable<UserGroup> userGroupObservable =, users, (g, u) -> new UserGroup(u, g));

return userGroupObservable.toList().toBlocking().single().get(0); }


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Demo• Reactive Microservices •

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Other Alternatives

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References• • • • • • • • •


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Thank you! Obrigado!